[Federal Register Volume 63, Number 205 (Friday, October 23, 1998)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 56824-56830]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 98-28489]
40 CFR Part 52
[ARK-6-1-7364; FRL-6176-9]
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans;
Arkansas; Revised Format for Materials Being Incorporated by Reference
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule; administrative change.
SUMMARY: The EPA is revising the format of 40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) part 52, Subpart E for materials submitted by
Arkansas that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into the State
Implementation Plans (SIPs). The regulations affected by this format
change have all been previously submitted by the respective State
agency and approved by EPA. This format revision will primarily affect
the ``Identification of plan'' sections of 40 CFR 52.170, as well as
the format of the SIP materials that will be available for public
inspection at the EPA Region 6 office, the Air and Radiation Docket and
Information Center located in Waterside Mall, Washington, DC., and the
Office of the Federal Register. The sections of 40 CFR 52.170
pertaining to provisions promulgated by EPA or State-submitted
materials not subject to IBR review and 40 CFR 52.171 through 52.183
remain unchanged. The EPA has determined that good cause exists for
issuing this rule without public comment.
EFFECTIVE DATE: This action is effective October 23, 1998.
ADDRESSES: The SIP materials which are incorporated by reference into
40 CFR part 52 are available for inspection at the following locations:
Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 700,
Dallas, Texas 75202-2733;
Office of Air and Radiation, Docket and Information Center (Air
Docket), EPA, 401 M Street, SW, Room M1500, Washington, DC 20460; and
Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite
700, Washington, DC.
Section (6PD-L) at the above Region 6 address or at (214) 665-7354.
Each State is required by section 110(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act
(ACT), to
[[Page 56825]]
have a SIP that contains the control measures and strategies which will
be used to attain and maintain the national ambient air quality
standards. The SIP is extensive, containing such elements as emission
inventories, monitoring network, attainment demonstrations, and
enforcement mechanisms. The control measures and strategies must be
formally adopted by each State after the public has had an opportunity
to comment on them. They are then submitted to EPA as SIP revisions on
which EPA must formally act.
Once these control measures are approved by EPA pursuant to 110(k)
of the Act, after notice and comment, they are incorporated into the
SIP and are identified in part 52 (Approval and Promulgation of
Implementation Plans), 40 CFR. The actual State regulations which are
approved by EPA are not reproduced in their entirety in 40 CFR part 52,
but are ``incorporated by reference,'' which means that the citation of
a given State regulation with a specific effective date has been
approved by EPA. This format allows both EPA and the public to know
which measures are contained in a given SIP and ensures that the State
is enforcing the regulations. It also allows EPA to take enforcement
action or the public to bring citizen suits, should a State not enforce
its SIP-approved regulations.
The SIP is an active or changing document which can be revised by
the State, as necessary, to address the unique air pollution problems
in the State as long as changes are not contrary to Federal law.
Therefore, EPA, from time to time, must take action to incorporate into
the SIP, revisions of the State program which may contain new and/or
revised regulations. Regulations approved into the SIP are then
incorporated by reference into part 52. As a result of consultations
between EPA and the Office of Federal Register, EPA revised the
procedures on May 22, 1997 (62 FR 27968), for incorporating by
reference federally-approved SIPs and began the process of developing,
pursuant to 110(h)(1) of the Act: 1), a revised SIP document for each
State that would be incorporated by reference under the provisions of 1
CFR part 51; 2) a revised mechanism for announcing EPA approval of
revisions to an applicable SIP and updating both the IBR document and
the CFR; and 3) a revised format of the ``Identification of plan''
sections for each applicable subpart to reflect these revised IBR
procedures. The description of the revised SIP document, IBR procedures
and ``Identification of plan'' format are discussed in further detail
in the May 22, 1997, Federal Register document.
Content of Revised IBR Document
The new SIP compilations contain the federally-approved portion of
State regulations and source specific permits submitted by each State
agency. These regulations and source-specific permits have all been
approved by EPA through previous rulemaking actions in the Federal
Register. The SIP compilations are stored in 3-ring binders and will be
updated on an annual basis.
If no significant changes are made for any State to the SIP during
the year, an update will not be made during that year. If significant
changes occur during the year, an update could be done on a more
frequent basis, as applicable. Typically, only the revised sections of
the compilation will be updated. Complete resubmittals of a State SIP
compilation will be done on an as-needed basis.
Each compilation contains two parts. Part 1 contains the
regulations and Part 2 contains the source-specific permits that have
been approved as part of the SIP. Each part has a table of contents
identifying each regulation or each source specific permit. The table
of contents in the compilation corresponds to the table of contents
published in 40 CFR part 52 for these States. The regional EPA offices
have the primary responsibility for ensuring accuracy and updating the
compilations. The Region 6 EPA Office developed and will maintain the
compilations for Arkansas. A copy of the full text of the State's
current compilation will also be maintained at the Office of Federal
Register and EPA's Air Docket and Information Center.
The EPA is beginning the phasing in of SIP compilations for
individual States, and expects to complete the conversion of the
revised ``Identification of plan'' format and IBR documentation for all
states by May 1999. This revised format is consistent with the SIP
compilation requirements of section 110(h)(1) of the Act.
Revised Format of the ``Identification of Plan'' Sections in Each
In order to better serve the public, EPA is revising the
organization of the ``Identification of plan'' section of 40 CFR
section 52.170. The EPA is including additional information which will
more clearly identify the provisions that constitute the enforceable
elements of the SIP.
The revised ``Identification of plan'' section will contain five
subsections: (a) Purpose and scope, (b) Incorporation by reference, (c)
EPA approved regulations, (d) EPA approved source-specific permits, and
(e) EPA approved nonregulatory provisions, such as transportation
control measures, statutory provisions, control strategies, monitoring
networks, etc.
Enforceability and Legal Effect
This change to the procedures for incorporation by reference
announced today will not alter in any way the enforceability or legal
effect of approved SIP materials, including both those approved in the
past or to be approved in the future. As of the effective date of the
final rule approving a SIP revision, all provisions identified in the
Federal Register document announcing the SIP approval will be federally
enforceable, both by EPA under section 113 of the Act and by citizens
under section 304 of the Act, where applicable. All revisions to the
applicable SIP are federally enforceable as of the effective date of
EPA approval even if they have not yet been incorporated by reference.
To facilitate enforcement of previously approved SIP provisions and
provide a smooth transition to the new SIP processing system, EPA is
retaining the original ``Identification of Plan'' section, previously
appearing in the CFR as the first or second section of part 52 for each
State subpart.
Notice of Administrative Change
Today's action constitutes a ``housekeeping'' exercise to ensure
that federally approved State plans are accurately reflected in 40 CFR
part 52. State SIP revisions are controlled by EPA Regulations at 40
CFR part 51. When EPA receives a formal SIP revision request, the
Agency must publish the proposed revision in the Federal Register and
provide for public comment before approval.
The EPA has determined that today's rule falls under the ``Good
Cause'' exemption in section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative
Procedures Act (APA) which, upon finding good cause, authorizes
agencies to dispense with public participation and section 553(d)(3)
which allows an agency to make a rule effective immediately (thereby
avoiding the 30-day delayed effective date otherwise provided for in
the APA). Today's rule simply codifies provisions which are already in
effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved State programs.
Under section 553 of the APA, an agency may find good cause where
procedures are ``impractical, unnecessary, or contrary to the public
interest.'' Public comment is unnecessary since the codification only
reflects existing law. Immediate revision to the CFR benefits the
public by removing outdated citations.
[[Page 56826]]
Administrative Requirements
A. Executive Order (E.O.) 12866
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted this
regulatory action from E.O. 12866, entitled ``Regulatory Planning and
B. Executive Order 12875
Under E.O. 12875, EPA may not issue a regulation that is not
required by statute and that creates a mandate upon a state, local, or
tribal government, unless the Federal government provides the funds
necessary to pay the direct compliance costs incurred by those
governments. If the mandate is unfunded, EPA must provide to the Office
of Management and Budget a description of the extent of EPA's prior
consultation with representatives of affected state, local, and tribal
governments, the nature of their concerns, copies of written
communications from the governments, and a statement supporting the
need to issue the regulation. In addition, E.O. 12875 requires EPA to
develop an effective process permitting elected officials and other
representatives of state, local, and tribal governments ``to provide
meaningful and timely input in the development of regulatory proposals
containing significant unfunded mandates.'' Today's rule does not
create a mandate on state, local, or tribal governments. The rule does
not impose any enforceable duties on these entities. Accordingly, the
requirements of section 1(a) of E.O. 12875 do not apply to this rule.
C. Executive Order 13045
Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety
Risks (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), applies to any rule that: (1) is
determined to be ``economically significant'' as defined under
Executive Order 12866, and (2) concerns an environmental health or
safety risks that EPA has reason to believe may have a disproportionate
effect on children. If the regulatory action meets both criteria, the
Agency must evaluate the environmental health or safety effects of the
planned rule on children, and explain why the planned regulation is
preferable to other potentially effective and reasonably feasible
alternatives considered by the Agency.
This rule is not subject to E.O. 13045 because it does not involve
decisions intended to mitigate environmental health or safety risks.
D. Executive Order 13084
Under E.O. 13084, EPA may not issue a regulation that is not
required by statute, that significantly affects or uniquely affects the
communities of Indian tribal governments, and that imposes substantial
direct compliance costs on those communities, unless the Federal
government provides the funds necessary to pay the direct compliance
costs incurred by the tribal governments. If the mandate is unfunded,
EPA must provide to the Office of Management and Budget, in separately
identified section of the preamble to the rule, a description of the
extent of EPA's prior consultation with representatives of affected
tribal governments, a summary of the nature of their concerns, and a
statement supporting the need to issue the regulation. In addition,
E.O. 13084 requires EPA to develop an effective process permitting
elected officials and other representatives of Indian tribal
governments ``to provide meaningful and timely input in the development
of regulatory policies on matters that significantly or uniquely affect
their communities.'' Today's rule does not significantly or uniquely
affect the communities of Indian tribal governments. This action does
not involve or impose any requirements that affect Indian tribes.
Accordingly, the requirements of section 3(b) of E.O. 13084 do not
apply to this rule.
E. Regulatory Flexibility Act
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 600 et seq., EPA
must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the impact of
any proposed or final rule on small entities, 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604.
Alternatively, EPA may certify that the rule will not have a
significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Small
entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises,
and government entities with jurisdiction over populations of less than
The regulations affected by this format change to 40 CFR part 52
have all been previously submitted by the respective State agency and
approved by EPA. Therefore, the Regional Administrator certifies that
there is no significant impact on any small entities affected.
F. Unfunded Mandates
Under section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995,
signed into law on March 22, 1995, EPA must prepare a budgetary impact
statement to accompany any proposed or final rule that includes a
Federal mandate that may result in estimated costs to State, local, or
tribal governments in the aggregate; or to private sector, of $100
million or more. Under section 205, EPA must select the most cost-
effective and least burdensome alternative that achieves the objectives
of the rule and is consistent with statutory requirements. Section 203
requires EPA to establish a plan for informing and advising any small
governments that may be significantly or uniquely impacted by the rule.
The EPA has determined that the approval action promulgated does
not include a Federal mandate that may result in estimated costs of
$100 million or more to either State, local, or tribal governments in
the aggregate, or to the private sector. This Federal action approves
preexisting requirements under State or local law, and imposes no new
requirements. Accordingly, no additional costs to State, local, or
tribal governments, or to the private sector, result from this action.
G. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General
The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally
provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating
the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule,
to each House of Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United
States. The EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other
required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of
Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior
to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. A major rule cannot
take effect until 60 days after its published in the Federal Register.
This rule is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
H. Judicial Review
The EPA has determined that the provisions of section 307(b)(1) of
the Clean Air Act pertaining to petitions for judicial review are not
applicable to this action. Prior EPA rulemaking actions approving each
individual component of Arkansas SIP compilations had previously
afforded interested parties the opportunity to file a petition for
judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals for the
appropriate circuit within 60 days of such rulemaking action. Thus, EPA
sees no need in this action to provide an additional opportunity for
judicial review.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide,
Hydrocarbons, Incorporation by
[[Page 56827]]
reference, Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone,
Particulate matter, Reporting and record-keeping requirements, Sulfur
Dated: September 30, 1998.
Jerry Clifford,
Deputy Regional Administrator, Region 6.
Part 52 of chapter I, title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, is
amended as follows:
1. The authority for citation for part 52 continues to read as
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
Subpart E--Arkansas
2. In subpart E Sec. 52.170 is redesignated as Sec. 52.200 and the
heading and paragraph (a) are revised to read as follows:
Sec. 52.200 Original Identification of plan section.
(a) This section identifies the original ``Arkansas Plan for
Implementation for Air Pollution Control'' and all revisions submitted
by Arkansas that were federally approved prior to July 1, 1998.
* * * * *
3. A new Sec. 52.170 is added to read as follows:
Sec. 52.170 Identification of plan.
(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State
Implementation Plan (SIP) for Arkansas under section 110 of the Clean
Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient
air quality standards.
(b) Incorporation by reference.
(1) Material listed in paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of this section
with an EPA approval date prior to July 1 1998, was approved for
incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is
incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of
any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register.
Entries in paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of this section with EPA
approval dates after July 1, 1998, will be incorporated by reference in
the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 6 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by
EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) are an
exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations
which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of
July 1, 1998.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be
inspected at the Region 6 EPA Office at 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 700,
Dallas, Texas, 75202-2733; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and
Information Center, Air Docket (6102), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC
20460; or at the Office of Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street,
NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC.
(c) EPA approved regulations.
EPA Approved Regulations in the Arkansas SIP
State citation Title/subject effective EPA approval date Comments
Regulations of the Arkansas Plan of Implementation for Air Pollution Control
Section 1........................ Title............... 06/30/75 10/05/76, 41 FR Ref 52.200(c)(04).
Section 2........................ Purpose............. 06/30/75 10/05/76, 41 FR Ref 52.200(c)(04).
Section 3........................ Definitions......... 03/25/88 05/01/89, 54 FR Ref 52.200(C)(27).
Section 4........................ Permits............. 03/25/88 05/01/89, 54 FR Ref 52.200(c)(27).
Section 5........................ Emission Limitations 05/22/87 02/23/89, 54 FR Ref 52.200(c)(26)
Applicable to New 07764. Dispersion
or Modified techniques for
Equipment. Federal stack
Section 6........................ Upset Conditions, 07/11/79 08/27/81, 46 FR Ref 52.200(c)(11).
Revised Emission 43145.
Section 7........................ Sampling and 07/11/79 08/27/81, 46 FR Ref 52.200(c)(11).
Monitoring 43145.
Section 8........................ Compliance Schedules 06/29/81 01/12/82, 47 FR Ref 52.200(c)(16).
and Emission 01291 and.
Applicable to
Existing Equipment.
09/11/81 01/14/82, 47 FR Ref 52.200(c)(14).
02113. Variance for a
specific facility.
Section 8.1...................... Designated ........... .................... Section 8.1 is NOT
Facilities. in the SIP, but is
part of the
Federally approved
Arkansas 111(d)
Plan. See 40 CFR
Part 62, Subpart E,
for status of
Arkansas 111(d)
Section 9........................ Severability........ 06/30/75 10/05/76, 41 FR Ref 52.200(c)(04).
Section 10....................... Effective date (June 06/30/75 10/05/76, 41 FR Ref 52.200(c)(04).
30, 1975). 43904.
Arkansas Regulation No. 9: Permit Fees
Section 1........................ Purpose............. 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 2........................ Short Title......... 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 3........................ Definitions......... 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 4........................ Applicability....... 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 5........................ Maximum Fees........ 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 6........................ Retroactivity....... 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 7........................ Permit Fee Payment.. 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 8........................ Refunds............. 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
[[Page 56828]]
Section 9........................ Solid Waste Fee..... ........... .................... NOT IN SIP.
Section 10....................... Fee Schedule........ 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 11....................... Review of Fees...... 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 12....................... Severability........ 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 13....................... Appeals............. 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Section 14....................... Effective Date...... 12/16/85 11/26/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Prevention of Significant Deterioration Supplement to the Arkansas Plan of Implementation for Air Pollution
Section 1........................ Title............... 06/19/90 05/02/91, 56 FR Ref 52.200(c)(28).
20137. See 40 CFR 52.181
for status of
Arkansas PSD
regulations in
Arkansas SIP.
Section 2........................ Purpose............. 06/19/90 05/02/91, 56 FR Ref 52.200(c)(28).
Section 3........................ Definitions......... 06/19/90 05/02/91, 56 FR Ref 52.200(c)(28).
Section 4........................ Adoption of 06/19/90 05/02/91, 56 FR Ref 52.200(c)(28).
Regulations. 20137.
Section 5........................ Severability........ 06/19/90 05/02/91, 56 FR Ref 52.200(c)(28).
Section 6........................ Effective Date...... 06/19/90 05/02/91, 56 FR Ref 52.200(c)(28).
Regulations for the Control of Volatile Organic Compounds
Section 1........................ Title............... 04/04/79 01/29/80, 45 FR Ref 52.200(c)(7).
Section 2........................ Purpose............. 04/04/79 01/29/80, 45 FR Ref 52.200(c)(7).
Section 3........................ Definitions......... 04/23/81 10/13/81, 46 FR Ref 52.200(c)(13).
Section 4........................ General Provisions.. 04/23/81 10/13/81, 46 FR Ref 52.200(c)(13).
Section 5........................ Provisions for 12/19/79 02/08/83, 48 FR Ref 52.200(c)(21).
Specific Processes. 05722.
Section 6........................ Severability........ 04/04/79 01/29/80, 45 FR Ref 52.200(c)(7).
(d) EPA-approved State Source-specific requirements.
EPA-Approved Arkansas Source-Specific Requirements
approval/ EPA
Name of source Permit No. effective approval Comments
date date
(e) EPA approved nonregulatory provisions and quasi-regulatory
EPA Approved Statutes in the Arkansas SIP
State citation Title/subject effective EPA approval date Comments
Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Control Act--Part I
82-1901.......................... Title of Act........ 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a)&(b).
82-1902.......................... Definitions......... 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a)&(b).
82-1903.......................... Pollution Control 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a)&(b).
Commission. 10850.
82-1904.......................... Powers and Duties of 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Commission. 10850.
82-1905.......................... Persons Operating 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Disposal System-- 10850.
Information and
Examinations and
82-1906.......................... Hearing Before 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Commission or 10850.
82-1907.......................... Co-operation with 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Agency of Another 10850.
State or United
[[Page 56829]]
82-1908.......................... Actions Declared 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Public Nuisance-- 10850.
Permit to
Construct, Make
Changes in or
Operate Disposal
of Plans.
82-1909.......................... Violation of Act a 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Misdemeanor--Pollut 10850.
ion a Nuisance--
Arkansas Environmental Permit Fees Act (Act 817 of 1983)
82-1916 thru 82-1921............. Permit Fees Act..... 12/16/85 11/12/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(24).
Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Control Act--Part II
82-1931.......................... Air Pollution--State 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Policy. 10850.
82-1932.......................... Purpose of Act...... 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
82-1933.......................... Definitions......... 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
82-1934.......................... Exemptions.......... 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
82-1935.......................... Powers of Commission 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
82-1936.......................... Factors in Exercise 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
of Commission 10850.
82-1937.......................... Industrial Secrets 11/25/85 08/04/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(23).
Confidential--Revea 27804.
ling a Misdemeanor.
82-1938.......................... Unlawful Acts....... 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
82-1939.......................... Variance From 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Regulations. 10850.
82-1940.......................... Application of Water 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Pollution 10850.
82-1941.......................... Political 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Subdivision 10850.
Forbidden to
Legislate on Air
82-1942.......................... Radiation Control 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Law not Amended or 10850.
authority to
Commission Over
82-1943.......................... Private Rights 01/28/72 05/31/72, 37 FR Ref 52.200(a) & (b).
Unchanged. 10850.
Small Business Assistance Program Act (Act 251 of 1993)
Act 251.......................... SBAP Act............ 02/26/93 03/08/95 60 FR 12691 Ref 52.200(c)(31).
EPA Approved Control Measures in the Arkansas SIP
Applicable submittal/
Control measures geographic or effective EPA approval date Comments
nonattainment area date
Air Quality Surveillance Network. Statewide........... 02/15/77 04/11/79, 44 FR Ref 52.200(c)(6).
Lead SIP......................... Statewide........... 12/10/79 04/16/82, 47 FR Ref 52.200(c)(17).
Air Quality Surveillance Data Statewide........... 04/24/80 08/06/81, 46 FR Ref 52.200(c)(20).
Reporting. 40006.
Protection of Visibility in Statewide........... 06/12/85 02/10/86, 51 FR Ref 52.200(c)(22).
Mandatory Class I Federal Areas. 04912.
Part II of the Visibility Statewide........... 10/09/87 07/21/88, 53 FR Ref 52.200(c)(25)
Protection Plan. 27517.
Stack Height Negative Declaration Statewide........... 09/12/86 04/10/89, 54 FR Ref 52.200(c)(26).
Small Business Stationary Source Statewide........... 11/06/92 03/08/95, 60 FR Ref 52.200(c)(31).
Technical and Environmental 12691.
Compliance Assistance Program.
[[Page 56830]]
[FR Doc. 98-28489 Filed 10-22-98; 8:45 am]