97-28231. Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Rule To List the Topeka Shiner as Endangered  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 206 (Friday, October 24, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 55381-55388]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-28231]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 17
    RIN 1018-AE42
    Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Rule To 
    List the Topeka Shiner as Endangered
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) proposes to list 
    the Topeka shiner (Notropis topeka) as an endangered species under the 
    authority of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act), as amended (16 
    U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The Topeka shiner is a small fish presently known 
    from small tributary streams in the Kansas and Neosho river basins in 
    Kansas; the Missouri, Grand, Lamine, Chariton, and Des Moines river 
    basins in Missouri; the North Raccoon River basin in Iowa; the James 
    and Vermillion river watersheds in South Dakota; and, the Rock River 
    watershed in Minnesota. The Topeka shiner is threatened by habitat 
    destruction, degradation, modification, and fragmentation resulting 
    from siltation, reduced water quality, tributary impoundment, stream 
    channelization, and stream dewatering. The species is also impacted by 
    introduced predaceous fishes. This proposal, if made final, will 
    implement Federal protection provided by the Act for Notropis topeka. A 
    determination of critical habitat is neither beneficial nor prudent.
    DATES: Comments from all interested parties must be received by 
    December 23, 1997. Public hearing requests must be received by December 
    8, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments and materials concerning this proposal should be 
    sent to: Field Supervisor, Ecological Services Field Office, 315 
    Houston Street, Suite E, Manhattan, Kansas 66502. Comments and 
    materials received will be available for public inspection, by 
    [[Page 55382]]
    during normal business hours at the above address.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William H. Gill, Field Supervisor, or 
    Vernon M. Tabor, Fish and Wildlife Biologist, at the above address 
        The Topeka shiner was first described by C.H. Gilbert in 1884, 
    using specimens captured from Shunganunga Creek, Shawnee County, Kansas 
    (Gilbert 1884). The Topeka shiner is a small, stout minnow, not 
    exceeding 75 millimeters (mm) (3 inches (in)) in total length. The head 
    is short with a small, moderately oblique mouth. The eye diameter is 
    equal to or slightly longer than the snout. The dorsal fin is large, 
    with the height more than one half the predorsal length of the fish, 
    originating over the leading edge of the pectoral fins. Dorsal and 
    pelvic fins each contain 8 rays. The anal and pectoral fins contain 7 
    and 13 rays respectively, and there are 32 to 37 lateral line scales. 
    Dorsally the body is olivaceous (olive-green), with a distinct dark 
    stripe preceding the dorsal fin. A dusky stripe is exhibited along the 
    entire longitudinal length of the lateral line. The scales above this 
    line are darkly outlined with pigment, appearing cross-hatched. Below 
    the lateral line the body lacks pigment, appearing silvery-white. A 
    distinct chevron-like spot exists at the base of the caudal fin (Cross 
    1967; Pflieger 1975; Service 1993).
        The Topeka shiner is characteristic of small, low order 
    (headwater), prairie streams with high water quality and cool 
    temperatures. These streams generally exhibit perennial flow, however, 
    some approach intermittency during summer. At times when surface flow 
    ceases, pool levels and cool water temperatures are maintained by 
    percolation through the streambed, spring flow and/or groundwater 
    seepage. The predominant substrate types within these streams are clean 
    gravel, cobble and sand. However, bedrock and clay hardpan overlain by 
    a thin layer of silt are not uncommon (Minckley and Cross 1959). Topeka 
    shiners most often occur in pool and run areas of streams, seldom being 
    found in riffles. They are pelagic (living in open water) in nature, 
    occurring in mid-water and surface areas, and are primarily considered 
    a schooling fish. Occasionally, individuals of this species have been 
    found in larger streams, downstream of known populations, presumably as 
    migrants (Cross 1967; Pflieger 1975; Tabor in litt. 1992a).
        Data regarding the food habits and reproduction of Topeka shiners 
    are limited and detailed reports have not been published. However, 
    Pflieger (Missouri Department of Conservation, in litt. 1992) reports 
    the species as a nektonic (swimming independently of currents) 
    insectivore. In a graduate research report, Kerns (University of 
    Kansas, in litt. 1983) states that the species is primarily a diurnal 
    or daytime feeder on insects, with chironomids (midges), other 
    dipterans (true flies), and ephemeropterans (mayflies), making up the 
    bulk of the diet. However, the microcrustaceans cladocera and copapoda 
    (zooplanktons) also contribute significantly to the species' diet. The 
    Topeka shiner is reported to spawn in pool habitats, over green sunfish 
    (Lepomis cyanellus) and orangespotted sunfish (Lepomis humilis) nests, 
    from late May through July in Missouri and Kansas (Pflieger 1975; Kerns 
    in litt. 1983). Males of the species are reported to establish small 
    territories near these nests. Pflieger (in litt. 1992) states that the 
    Topeka shiner is an obligate spawner on silt-free sunfish nests, while 
    Cross (University of Kansas, pers. comm. 1992) states that it is 
    unlikely that the species is solely reproductively dependent on 
    sunfish, and suggests that the species also utilizes other silt-free 
    substrates as spawning sites. Data concerning exact spawning behavior, 
    larval stages, and subsequent development is lacking. Maximum known 
    longevity for the Topeka shiner is three years, however, only a very 
    small percent of each year class attains the third summer. Young-of-
    the-year attain total lengths of 20 mm to 40 mm (.78 to 1.6 in) age 1 
    fish 35 mm to 55 mm (1.4 to 2.2 in), and age 2 fish 47 mm to 65 mm (1.8 
    to 2.5 in) (Cross and Collins 1975; Pflieger 1975).
        Historically, the Topeka shiner was widespread and abundant 
    throughout low order tributary streams of the central prairie regions 
    of the United States. The Topeka shiner's historic range includes 
    portions of Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and South 
    Dakota. Stream basins within the range historically occupied by Topeka 
    shiners include the Des Moines, Raccoon, Boone, Missouri, Big Sioux, 
    Cedar, Shell Rock, Rock, and Iowa basins in Iowa; the Arkansas, Kansas, 
    Big Blue, Saline, Solomon, Republican, Smoky Hill, Wakarusa, 
    Cottonwood, and Blue basins in Kansas; the Des Moines, Cedar, and Rock 
    basins in Minnesota; the Missouri, Grand, Lamine, Chariton, Des Moines, 
    Loutre, Middle, Hundred and Two, and Blue basins in Missouri; the Big 
    Blue, Elkhorn, Missouri, and lower Loup basins in Nebraska; the Big 
    Sioux, Vermillion, and James basins in South Dakota. The number of 
    known occurrences of Topeka shiners has been reduced by approximately 
    80 percent, with approximately 50 percent of this decline occurring 
    within the last 25 years. The species now primarily exists as isolated 
    and fragmented populations.
        Recent fish surveys were conducted across the Topeka shiner's 
    range. In Missouri, 42 of the 72 sites historically supporting Topeka 
    shiners were resurveyed in 1992. The species was collected at 8 of the 
    42 surveyed locales (Pflieger, in litt. 1992). In 1995, the remaining 
    30 historical sites not surveyed in 1992 and an additional 64 locales, 
    thought to have potential to support the species, were sampled. Topeka 
    shiners were found at 6 of the 30 remaining historical locations and at 
    6 of the 64 additional sites sampled. In total, recent sampling in 
    Missouri identified Topeka shiners at 14 of 72 (19 percent) historic 
    localities, and at 20 of 136 (15 percent) total sites sampled (Gelwicks 
    and Bruenderman 1996). Gelwicks and Bruenderman (1996) also note that 
    the species has apparently experienced substantial declines in 
    abundance in the remaining extant populations in Missouri, with the 
    exception of Moniteau Creek.
        In Iowa, 24 locales within 4 drainages were sampled in 1994 at or 
    near sites from which the species was reported extant during surveys 
    conducted between 1975 and 1985. The Topeka shiner was captured at 3 of 
    24 sites, with these 3 captures occurring in the North Raccoon River 
    basin (Tabor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in litt. 1994). Menzel 
    (in litt. 1996) reports 6 collections of the species in 1994 and 1995, 
    also from the same drainage.
        In Kansas, 128 sites at or near historic collection localities for 
    the Topeka shiner were sampled in 1991 and 1992, The species was 
    collected at 22 of 128 (17 percent) sites sampled (Tabor, in litt. 
    1992a; Tabor, in litt. 1992b). Extensive stream surveys completed in 
    1995 and 1996 identified 10 new localities for Topeka shiners and 
    reconfirmed the species in a historic locale where it was believed 
    extirpated (Mammoliti, in litt. 1996).
        In South Dakota, the species was recently captured in low numbers 
    from one stream in the James River basin and four streams in the 
    Vermillion River basin. (Braaten, South Dakota State University, in 
    litt. 1991; Schumacher, South Dakota State University, in litt. 1991).
        In Minnesota, 14 streams in the area likely to be occupied by 
    Topeka shiners
    [[Page 55383]]
    were surveyed over the past 10 years. The species was collected from 5 
    of 9 (56 percent) streams with historic occurrences, and was not found 
    in the 5 streams with no historic occurrences. These locales are all in 
    the Rock River drainage (Baker, in litt. 1996).
        In Nebraska, the species was assumed extirpated from all historic 
    locales. However, in 1989 the species was discovered in the upper Loup 
    River drainage, outside its former known range, where two specimens 
    were collected (Michl and Peters 1993). In 1996, a single specimen was 
    collected from a stream in the Elkhorn River basin, within the species' 
    historic range (Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, in litt. 1997). In 
    Nebraska, this was the first collection of a Topeka shiner within the 
    known historic range since 1940. It is presently considered extant at 
    these two localities (Cunningham, University of Nebraska--Omaha, pers. 
    comm. 1996).
        The Topeka shiner began to decline throughout the central and 
    western portions of the Kansas River basin in the early 1900's. Cross 
    and Moss (1987) report the species present at sites in the Smoky Hill 
    and Solomon River watersheds in 1887, but by the next documented fish 
    surveys in 1935, the Topeka shiner was absent. The Topeka shiner was 
    extirpated from the Wakarusa River watershed during the 1970's (Cross, 
    University of Kansas, pers. comm. 1995). The species disappeared from 
    the Big Blue River watershed (Kansas River basin) in Nebraska after 
    1940 (Clausen, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, in litt. 1992). The 
    last record of the Topeka shiner from the Arkansas River basin, 
    excluding the Neosho River watershed, was 1891 near Wichita, Kansas 
    (Cross and Moss 1987). In Iowa, the species was extirpated from all 
    Missouri River tributaries except the Rock River watershed prior to 
    1945. It was also eliminated from the Cedar and Shell Rock River 
    watersheds prior to 1945. Since 1945, the Topeka shiner has 
    subsequently been extirpated from the Boone, Iowa, and Des Moines 
    drainages, with the exception of the North Raccoon River watershed 
    (Harlan and Speaker 1951; Harlan and Speaker 1987; Menzel, Iowa State 
    University, in litt. 1980; Dowell, University of Northern Iowa, in 
    litt. 1980; Tabor in litt. 1994). In Missouri, since 1940 the species 
    has been apparently extirpated from many of the tributaries to the 
    Missouri River where it formerly occurred, including Perche Creek, 
    Petite Saline Creek, Tavern Creek, Auxvasse Creek, Middle River, Moreau 
    River, Splice Creek, Slate Creek, Crooked River, Fishing River, Shoal 
    Creek, Hundred and Two River, and Blue River watersheds.
    Previous Federal Action
        The Topeka shiner first received listing consideration when the 
    species was included in the Animal Candidate Review for Listing as 
    Endangered or Threatened Species, as a category 2 candidate species, 
    published in the Federal Register (56 FR 58816) on November 21, 1991. 
    In 1991, the Service's Kansas Field Office began a status review of the 
    Topeka shiner, including information gathered from stream sampling and 
    requests from knowledgeable individuals and agencies. Included were 
    State fish and wildlife conservation agencies, State health and 
    pollution control agencies, colleges and universities, and other 
    Service offices. The Service subsequently prepared a status report on 
    this species dated February 16, 1993 (Service 1993). In the November 
    15, 1994, Animal Candidate Review for Listing as Endangered or 
    Threatened Species, published in the Federal Register (59 FR 58999), 
    the Topeka shiner was reclassified as a category 1 candidate species. 
    Category 1 candidates comprised taxa for which the Service had 
    substantial information on biological vulnerability and threats to 
    support proposals to list the taxa as endangered or threatened. The 
    Service has since discontinued the category designations for candidates 
    and has established a new policy on the definition of candidate species 
    (formerly category 1 candidates). In the February 28, 1996, Review of 
    Plant and Animal Taxa That Are Candidates for Listing as Endangered or 
    Threatened Species, published in the Federal Register (61 FR 7596), the 
    Topeka shiner was reclassified as a candidate species. Candidate 
    species are those species for which the Service has on file sufficient 
    information on biological vulnerability and threats to support issuance 
    of a proposed rule to list as endangered or threatened species.
    Summary of Factors Affecting the Species
        Section 4(a)(1) of the Act and regulations (50 CFR part 424) 
    promulgated to implement the listing provisions of the Act set forth 
    the procedures for adding species to the Federal ``List of Endangered 
    and Threatened Wildlife and Plants.'' A species may be determined to be 
    an endangered or threatened species due to one or more of the five 
    factors described in Section 4(a)(1). These factors and their 
    application to the Topeka shiner (Notropis topeka) throughout the 
    species range are as follows:
        A. The present or threatened destruction, modification, or 
    curtailment of its habitat or range. Once abundant and widely 
    distributed throughout the central Great Plains and western tallgrass 
    prairie regions, the Topeka shiner now inhabits less than 10 percent of 
    its original geographic range. The action most likely impacting the 
    species to the greatest degree in the past is sedimentation and 
    eutrophication resulting from intensive agricultural development. Most 
    populations of Topeka shiners occurring west of the Flint Hills region 
    of Kansas are believed to have been extirpated prior to 1935 (Cross and 
    Moss 1987). Minckley and Cross (1959) report that watersheds with high 
    levels of cultivation, and subsequent siltation, and domestic pollution 
    are unsuitable for the species. These streams often cease to flow and 
    become warm and muddy during the summer months. Cross (1970) indicates 
    that some of the areas where depletion of the species has occurred also 
    coincide with areas having poor aquifers. Pflieger (1975) reports that 
    increased siltation as a result of intensive cultivation may have 
    reduced the amount of Topeka shiner habitat in Missouri. Pflieger (in 
    litt. 1991) also reports that a known population of the species in 
    Boone County, Missouri was extirpated between 1970 and 1976, presumably 
    due to increased turbidity and nutrient enrichment resulting from 
    urbanization and highway construction. Feedlot operations on or near 
    streams are also known to impact prairie fishes due to organic input 
    resulting in eutrophication (Cross and Braasch 1968).
        The species was historically known from open pools of small prairie 
    streams with cool, clear water. Many streams of this nature reportedly 
    existed throughout the geographic range of the Topeka shiner ``prior to 
    the plowing of the prairie sod'' (Cross 1967). These conditions 
    continue to exist in many of the streams in the Flint Hills region of 
    Kansas, primarily due to shallow, rocky soils with numerous limestone 
    exposures which prevent cultivation. This is in contrast to the 
    perturbation of the natural fish faunas and their associated habitats 
    in prairie areas more suitable to intensive rowcrop agriculture, which 
    is characteristic of the vast majority of the natural range of the 
    species (Menzel et al. 1984). Menzel et al. (1984) also notes 
    accelerated rates of soil erosion and instream deposition of fluvium 
    (deposits caused by the action of flowing water) throughout many former 
    prairie streams in Iowa,
    [[Page 55384]]
    encompassed by the former range of the species. Today, outside the 
    Flint Hills region of Kansas, only a few, small isolated areas not 
    severely impacted, or impacted to an extent within the tolerance of the 
    species, continue to exist.
        Mainstem reservoir development, tributary impoundment, and 
    channelization have also impacted the species in some areas. 
    Populations located within small tributary streams upstream from both 
    mainstem and tributary impoundments attempt to utilize these water 
    bodies as refuges from drying streams during periods of drought. During 
    this time, the populations are subject to predation by larger predatory 
    fish inhabiting the impounded water bodies. In unaltered systems, fish 
    move downstream during drought to find suitable habitat. Deacon (1961) 
    reports fishes characteristic of the small and mid-sized tributaries of 
    the Neosho and Marais des Cygnes rivers' watersheds occurred in the 
    mainstems following several years of protracted drought in the mid-
    1950's. Tributary dams also serve to block migration of fishes upstream 
    following drought, effectively prohibiting recolonization of upstream 
        Several recently extant populations have been extirpated from 
    tributaries to Tuttle Creek and Clinton reservoirs, both mainstem 
    impoundments in the Kansas River basin of eastern Kansas. The species 
    continues to exist in two tributaries to Tuttle Creek Reservoir; 
    however, during sampling on one of these streams in 1994 only a single 
    Topeka shiner was captured. All populations within the Wakarusa River 
    watershed (Clinton Reservoir) are believed extirpated. Clinton 
    Reservoir's completion coincided with large scale development of 
    tributary impoundments throughout the Wakarusa's upper basin which may 
    have compounded impacts to the species. Layher (1993) reports the 
    extirpation of Topeka shiners from a stream following construction of a 
    single tributary impoundment in Chase County, Kansas. Layher reported 
    that the species had disappeared both upstream and downstream of the 
    dam site, and noted significant habitat changes below the impoundment. 
    Pflieger (in litt. 1992) reports that an abundant population of the 
    species in Missouri was extirpated following construction of an 
    impoundment. This population, located downstream from the dam site, was 
    not present when revisited several years after construction. The 
    habitat had changed from clear rocky pools, to pools filled with 
    gravel, layered over by silt and choked with filamentous algae. 
    Pflieger further reports that ``the SCS (Soil Conservation Service) 
    reservoir has profoundly altered the hydrology and biota of this stream 
    by eliminating the scouring floods that formerly created pool habitat 
    and maintained the rocky, silt-free substrate.'' During 1994 sampling 
    efforts in southeast Iowa, a stream with recent records of the species 
    was found to have been impacted by the construction of multiple 
    impoundments throughout its upper reaches and tributaries. No Topeka 
    shiners were captured (Tabor in litt. 1994). Impoundment of prairie 
    streams has also resulted in the documented extirpation of other 
    prairie stream minnow species (Winston et al. 1991).
        In Kansas, substantial tributary impoundment is occurring 
    throughout the Flint Hills region, threatening Topeka shiners in these 
    locales. As of 1993, 46 tributary impoundments had been completed in or 
    near habitat for the Topeka shiner in the Cottonwood River basin, with 
    an additional 115 planned for construction (Service in litt. 1993). 
    Presently in the Mill Creek watershed, the largest remaining complex of 
    habitat for the species, 16 dams have been completed, with an 
    additional 48 planned (Hund, Mill Creek Watershed District, pers. comm. 
    1997; State Conservation Commission of Kansas, in litt. 1992). Dam 
    construction is also a threat to the species throughout the rest of the 
    species' range, but to a lower degree due to less immediate and 
    intensive development.
        Stream channelization has also occurred throughout much of the 
    Topeka shiner's range. Channelization negatively impacts many aquatic 
    species, including the Topeka shiner, by eliminating and degrading 
    instream habitat types, altering the natural hydrography (physical 
    characteristics of surface waters), and by changing water quality 
    (Simpson et al. 1982). Intensive channelization of low order streams 
    throughout the species' Iowa and Minnesota range is suspect in the 
    species' drastic decline in these areas. Menzel (in litt. 1980) reports 
    the extirpation of Topeka shiners from previous collection sites 
    following stream channelization projects in Iowa. During 1994 status 
    surveys across this portion of the range, most streams were found to 
    have been severely altered from natural conditions (Tabor in litt. 
    1994). Changes included elimination of pool habitats, instream debris, 
    and woody riparian vegetation. Water velocities were consistently high 
    throughout the channel and deep silt was the dominant substrate. It is 
    suspected that the Topeka shiner is an obligate spawner on sunfish 
    (Lepomis spp.) nests (Pflieger in litt. 1992) or other silt-free 
    substrates, but no sunfish were captured, nor suitable sunfish spawning 
    habitat observed in these channelized streams. At Iowa sites where 
    Topeka shiners were captured, streams were not intensively channelized 
    and many natural conditions persisted.
        Intensive land-use practices, dewatering of streams, and continuing 
    tributary impoundment and channelization represent the greatest 
    existing threats to the Topeka shiner. Grazing of riparian zones and 
    the removal of riparian vegetation to increase tillable acreage greatly 
    diminish a watershed's ability to filter sediments, organic wastes and 
    other impurities from the stream system (Manci 1989). Irrigation draw-
    down of groundwater levels affect surface and subsurface flows which 
    can impact the species. At present, both Federal and State planning for 
    development of watershed impoundments and channelization continue in 
    areas with populations of Topeka shiners. Several impoundments are 
    planned for construction on streams with abundant numbers of the 
    species. Portions of these stream reaches will be inundated by the 
    permanent pools of the reservoirs, imperiling the species' future 
    existence in these localities. Prior to the planning of the 
    impoundments, these populations of Topeka shiners were considered to be 
    the most stable range-wide, due to their occurrence in watersheds 
    dominated by high quality prairie with generally very good grazing 
    management and land stewardship.
        B. Overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or 
    educational purposes. Some collecting of Topeka shiners by individuals 
    for use as bait fish and display in home aquaria does occur. However, 
    overutilization is not thought to currently contribute to the decline 
    of the Topeka shiner.
        C. Disease or predation. There have been no studies conducted on 
    the impacts of disease or predation upon the Topeka shiner; therefore, 
    the significance of such threats to the species is presently unknown. 
    Disease is not likely to be a significant threat except under certain 
    habitat conditions, such as crowding during periods of reduced flows, 
    or episodes of poor water quality, such as low dissolved oxygen or 
    elevated nutrient levels. During these events, stress reduces 
    resistance to pathogens and disease outbreaks may occur. Parasites, 
    bacteria, and viral agents are generally the most common causes of 
    mortality. Lesions caused by
    [[Page 55385]]
    injuries, bacterial infections, and parasites often become the sites of 
    secondary fungal infections. However, Topeka shiners captured from a 
    Missouri stream in 1996 were discovered to be afflicted with scoliosis, 
    a condition of deformity affecting the vertebrae. Scoliosis can result 
    from contact with environmental contaminants, or severely reduced 
    genetic variability resulting from geographic isolation. No causal 
    factor for this occurrence has been identified.
        The green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) is the most common predator 
    typical of Topeka shiner habitat throughout its range. The spotted bass 
    (Micropterus punctulatus) and largemouth bass (M. salmoides) are also 
    naturally occurring predators of the Topeka shiner in portions of its 
    range but to a much lower degree due to minimal habitat overlap. These 
    bass species typically occur in only the downstream extremes of Topeka 
    shiner habitat. The construction of impoundments on streams with Topeka 
    shiners and the subsequent introduction of piscivorous (fish eating) 
    fish species not typically found in headwater habitats, such as 
    largemouth bass, crappie (Pomoxis spp.), white bass (Morone chrysops), 
    northern pike (Esox lucius), and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), 
    may affect the species during drought or periods of low flows when 
    Topeka shiners seek refuge in the impoundments or permanent stream 
    pools now occupied by these introduced fishes. The most common fishes 
    captured in streams directly upstream and downstream of tributary 
    impoundments in Kansas are largemouth bass, crappie, and bluegill 
    (Lepomis macrochirus), and these species are often captured to the 
    exclusion of cyprinids, including Topeka shiner (Mammoliti, Kansas 
    Department of Wildlife and Parks, pers. comm., 1997). Tabor (in litt. 
    1994) captured only largemouth bass from a stream segmented by numerous 
    dams in Iowa. A cooperative report completed by the Soil Conservation 
    Service and Kansas Department of Health and Environment (1981) on the 
    effects of watershed impoundments on Kansas streams states that 
    predacious game fishes increased in abundance, and several minnow 
    species, including the Topeka shiner, decreased in abundance upstream 
    and downstream from dam sites following impoundment. While the extent 
    of predation is undocumented, known populations have apparently been 
    extirpated in the time period immediately following impoundment of 
    several low order streams (Layher 1993; Pflieger, in litt. 1992; Tabor, 
    in litt. 1992b). Topeka shiners were also reportedly extirpated from a 
    small impoundment previously lacking largemouth bass, following 
    stocking of largemouth bass (Prophet et al. 1981). Extirpation of the 
    Topeka shiner from small, direct tributary streams to large mainstem 
    impoundments has also been documented. These extirpations presumably 
    occurred in part due to predation by introduced piscivorous fishes 
    during drought and low flow periods when Topeka shiners seek refuge in 
    permanent water downstream from their typical headwater habitats 
    (Service 1993).
        D. The inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms. In Kansas, the 
    Topeka shiner is listed as ``species in need of conservation,'' under 
    the Kansas Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act of 1975. 
    This status prohibits the direct taking of specimens but does not 
    protect habitat or give opportunity to review actions or projects which 
    may affect the species in Kansas. Under Missouri law, the species is 
    listed as endangered. This status prohibits direct taking of specimens 
    and provides a limited review process to suggest remediation for 
    actions potentially impacting the species' habitat. Minnesota, 
    Nebraska, and South Dakota consider it a species of concern, with no 
    legal protection. In Iowa, the species has no legal status.
        At present, only Missouri provides statutory protection for both 
    the species and its habitat. No significant protections exist for the 
    Topeka shiner and its habitat in the other states encompassing its 
    range. Listing under the Act would provide significant protection 
    against taking of the species, ensure coordinated review of Federal 
    actions which may affect its habitat, and encourage proactive 
    management throughout its range.
        E. Other natural and manmade factors affecting its continued 
    existence. In the species' Missouri range, possible interspecific 
    competition between the Topeka shiner and the introduced blackstripe 
    topminnow (Fundulus notatus) has been suggested (Pflieger, in litt. 
    1992). The absence of the Topeka shiner from suitable habitat, with 
    blackstripe topminnow present, has also been observed in Kansas 
    (Mammoliti, pers. comm. 1997). Both species are nektonic insectivores 
    utilizing similar pool habitat. At present, the extent of possible 
    competition between these species is undocumented. In degraded or 
    suboptimal habitat conditions where Topeka shiners persist, competition 
    by species more tolerant to these conditions, such as red shiner 
    (Cyprinella lutrensis), may negatively affect the species.
        The Service has carefully assessed the best scientific and 
    commercial information available regarding the past, present, and 
    future threats faced by this species in determining to propose this 
    rule. Based on this evaluation, the preferred action is to list the 
    Topeka shiner as endangered. Endangered status, which means that the 
    species is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant 
    portion of its range, is appropriate for the Topeka shiner because of 
    its significantly reduced range, including the apparent extirpation of 
    the species throughout most of its historic range. Threatened status 
    does not appear appropriate considering the extent of the species' 
    population decline and the vulnerability of the remaining populations.
    Critical Habitat
        Critical habitat is defined in section 3 of the Act as: (i) the 
    specific areas within the geographic area occupied by a species, at the 
    time it is listed in accordance with the Act, on which are found those 
    physical or biological features (I) essential to the conservation of 
    the species and (II) that may require special management considerations 
    or protection and; (ii) specific areas outside the geographic areas 
    occupied by a species at the time it is listed, upon a determination 
    that such areas are essential for the conservation of the species. 
    ``Conservation'' means the use of all methods and procedures needed to 
    bring the species to the point at which listing under the Act is no 
    longer necessary.
        Section 4(a)(3) of the Act, as amended, and implementing 
    regulations (50 CFR 424.12) require that, to the maximum extent prudent 
    and determinable, the Secretary designate critical habitat at the time 
    the species is determined to be endangered or threatened. The Service 
    finds that designation of critical habitat is not prudent for the 
    Topeka shiner at this time. The Service's regulations (50 CFR 
    424.12(a)(1)) state that a designation of critical habitat is not 
    prudent when one or both of the following situations exist--(1) The 
    species is threatened by taking or other human activity, and 
    identification of critical habitat can be expected to increase the 
    degree of threat to the species, or (2) such designation of critical 
    habitat would not be beneficial to the species.
        Section 7 of the Act requires that Federal agencies refrain from 
    contributing to the destruction or adverse modification of critical 
    habitat in any action authorized, funded or
    [[Page 55386]]
    carried out by such agency (agency action). This requirement is in 
    addition to the section 7 prohibition against jeopardizing the 
    continued existence of a listed species, and it is the only mandatory 
    legal consequence of a critical habitat designation. Implementing 
    regulations (50 CFR part 402) define ``jeopardize the continuing 
    existence of'' and ``destruction or adverse modification of'' in very 
    similar terms. To jeopardize the continuing existence of a species 
    means to engage in an action ``that reasonably would be expected to 
    reduce appreciably the likelihood of both the survival and recovery of 
    a listed species.'' Destruction or adverse modification of habitat 
    means an ``alteration that appreciably diminishes the value of critical 
    habitat for both the survival and recovery of a listed species.'' 
    Common to both definitions is an appreciable detrimental effect to both 
    the survival and the recovery of a listed species. In the case of 
    adverse modification of critical habitat, the survival and recovery of 
    the species has been significantly diminished by reducing the value to 
    the species' designated critical habitat. Thus, actions satisfying the 
    standard for adverse modification also jeopardize the continued 
    existence of the species concerned.
        Many activities that pose threats to the continued existence of the 
    Topeka shiner are funded, permitted, or carried out by Federal agencies 
    (e.g., channelization, impoundment, dredge and fill, and other stream 
    and wetland modification projects). Programs that result in these 
    activities in Topeka shiner habitat are most often regulated by the 
    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 
    Natural Resources Conservation Service, under a variety of authorities, 
    and are thus subject to section 7 consultation under the Act. In areas 
    where suitable habitat exists within the historical range of the Topeka 
    shiner, but the species is not present, the section 7 process would 
    still allow for the jeopardy threshold to be reached. Considerations in 
    such cases would include, but not be restricted to, proximity to extant 
    populations and areas essential for the recovery of the species. As 
    explained above, designation of critical habitat would not provide any 
    additional protection to the species beyond those already provided by 
    listing the species.
        Other State or private actions resulting in ``take'' of Topeka 
    shiners would be prohibited by section 9 of the Act, and remediation of 
    those potential threats would not be significantly advanced by 
    designation of critical habitat.
        Recovery activities to assist landowners in maintaining or 
    improving the habitat quality of their streams or otherwise addressing 
    known threats to Topeka shiners would not benefit from a designation of 
    critical habitat. However, such conservation and recovery actions could 
    be significantly impaired by public apprehension or misunderstanding of 
    a critical habitat designation.
        Intentional taking of the Topeka shiner is not known to be a 
    problem. The Topeka shiner is found in very specialized, easily 
    accessible and identifiable habitat characterized by small volumes of 
    flow. It is possible that a local population could be intentionally 
    eliminated. Publication of maps providing its precise locations and 
    descriptions of critical habitat, as required for the designation of 
    critical habitat, would reasonably be expected to increase the degree 
    of threat to the species, increase the difficulties of enforcement, and 
    could further contribute to the decline of the Topeka shiner.
        In light of the above, the Service concludes that designation of 
    critical habitat would not be beneficial to the species and could 
    increase the degree of threat to the species from taking. Therefore, 
    designation of critical habitat for the Topeka shiner is neither 
    beneficial nor prudent.
    Available Conservation Measures
        Conservation measures provided to species listed as endangered or 
    threatened under the Act include recognition, recovery actions, 
    requirements for Federal protection, and prohibitions against certain 
    practices. Recognition through listing results in public awareness and 
    conservation actions by Federal, State, and local agencies, private 
    organizations, and individuals. The Act provides for possible land 
    acquisition and cooperation with the States and requires that recovery 
    actions be carried out for all listed species. The protection required 
    of Federal agencies and the prohibitions against taking and harm are 
    discussed, in part, below.
        Section 7(a) of the Act requires Federal agencies to evaluate their 
    actions with respect to any species that is proposed or listed as 
    endangered or threatened and with respect to its critical habitat, if 
    any is being designated. Regulations implementing this interagency 
    cooperation provision of the Act are codified at 50 CFR part 402. 
    Section 7(a)(4) requires Federal agencies to confer with the Service on 
    any action that is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a 
    species proposed for listing or result in destruction or adverse 
    modification of proposed critical habitat. If a species is listed 
    subsequently, section 7(a)(2) requires Federal agencies to ensure that 
    activities they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to 
    jeopardize the continued existence of the species or destroy or 
    adversely modify its critical habitat. If a Federal action may affect a 
    listed species or its critical habitat, the responsible Federal agency 
    must enter into formal consultation with the Service.
        A number of Federal agencies have jurisdiction and responsibilities 
    potentially affecting the Topeka shiner, and section 7 consultation may 
    be required in a number of instances. Federal involvement is expected 
    to include the Corps of Engineers throughout the species' range in the 
    administration of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency will consider the Topeka shiner in the 
    registration of pesticides, adoption of water quality criteria, and 
    other pollution control programs. The U.S. Department of 
    Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, will consider the 
    effects of bridge and road construction at locations where known 
    habitat may be impacted. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural 
    Resources Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency, will need to 
    consider the effects of structures and channelization projects 
    installed under the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, (16 
    U.S.C. 1001-1009, Chapter 18; Pub.L. 83-566, August 4, 1954, c 656, 
    Sec. 1, 68 Stat. 666; as amended), ``Farm Bill'' programs, and other 
    activities which may impact water quality, quantity, or timing of 
    flows. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will consider potential 
    impacts to the Topeka shiner and its habitat resulting from gas 
    pipeline construction over streams and from hydroelectric development.
        Private actions, that are not federally funded or permitted, 
    undertaken within or near habitat occupied by Topeka shiners, would not 
    be subject to the regulations as stated above in section 7 of the Act. 
    Some examples of private actions not subject to section 7 consultation 
    include, but are not limited to: farming and ranching practices, 
    construction of private stock watering ponds on normally dry channels, 
    and fuelwood harvest. However, private actions that result in ``take'' 
    of Topeka shiners, as discussed below, would be prohibited by section 9 
    of the Act.
        The Act and its implementing regulations set forth a series of 
    [[Page 55387]]
    prohibitions and exceptions that apply to all endangered wildlife. The 
    prohibitions, codified at 50 CFR 17.21, in part, make it illegal for 
    any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to take 
    (includes harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, or 
    collect; or to attempt any of these), import or export, ship in 
    interstate commerce in the course of commercial activity, or sell or 
    offer for sale in interstate or foreign commerce any listed species. It 
    also is illegal to possess, sell, deliver, carry, transport, or ship 
    any species that has been taken illegally. Certain exceptions apply to 
    agents of the Service and State conservation agencies.
        Permits may be issued to carry out otherwise prohibited activities 
    involving endangered wildlife species under certain circumstances. 
    Regulations governing permits are at 50 CFR 17.22 and 17.23. Such 
    permits are available for scientific purposes, to enhance the 
    propagation or survival of the species, and/or for incidental take in 
    connection with otherwise lawful activities.
        Requests for copies of the regulations regarding listed wildlife 
    and inquiries about prohibitions and permits may be addressed to the 
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 25486, Denver Federal Center, 
    Denver, Colorado 80225 (303/236-8189) or fax (303/236-0027).
        It is the policy of the Service to identify, to the extent known at 
    the time a species is listed, specified activities that will and will 
    not be considered likely to result in violation of section 9 of the 
    Act. The intent of this policy is to increase public awareness of the 
    effect of the listing on ongoing and likely activities within a 
    species' range. The Service believes the actions listed below would not 
    result in a violation of section 9.
        (1) Grazing within watersheds at levels consistent with the long 
    term management of the range or prairie ecosystem, thus precluding 
    water quality and stream habitat degradation, except where the Service 
    has determined that such activity would negatively impact the species;
        (2) Cropping within stream corridors where stable riparian 
    vegetation buffers exist, with the buffers serving as filtering 
    mechanisms for non-point source runoff, decreasing sediment, nutrient, 
    and pesticide input into streams, except where the Service has 
    determined that such activity would negatively impact the species;
        (3) Construction of small stock watering ponds in upland areas on 
    normally dry drainage; and
        (4) Prescribed burns at levels consistent with the long-term 
    management of the range or prairie ecosystem, except where the Service 
    has determined that such activity would negatively impact the species.
        The Service believes that the actions listed below may result in a 
    violation of section 9; however, possible violations are not limited to 
    these actions alone:
        (1) Unauthorized collecting or handling of the species;
        (2) Destruction or alteration of the species' habitat (i.e., 
    actions that change water quality, quantity, and/or timing of flows; 
    dredging or other physical modifications that impact instream habitat;
        (3) The introduction of nonnative species;
        (4) Use of fertilizers or pesticides inconsistent with approved 
    labeling and application procedures; and
        (5) Contamination of soil, streams, or groundwater by spills, 
    discharges, or dumping of chemicals, silt, or other pollutants.
        Questions regarding whether a specified activity will constitute a 
    violation of section 9 should be directed to the Field Supervisor of 
    the Service's Manhattan, Kansas Field office (see ADDRESSES section).
    Public Comments Solicited
        The Service intends that any final action resulting from this 
    proposal will be as accurate and as effective as possible. Therefore, 
    comments or suggestions from the public, other concerned governmental 
    agencies, the scientific community, industry, or any other interested 
    party concerning this proposed rule are hereby solicited. Comments 
    particularly are sought concerning:
        (1) Biological, commercial trade, or other relevant data concerning 
    any threat (or lack thereof) to this species;
        (2) The location of any additional populations of this species and 
    the reasons why any habitat should or should not be determined to be 
    critical habitat as provided by section 4 of the Act;
        (3) Additional information concerning the range, distribution, and 
    population size of this species; and
        (4) Current or planned activities in the subject area and their 
    possible impacts on the species.
        Final promulgation of the regulation(s) on this species will take 
    into consideration the comments and any additional information received 
    by the Service, and such communications may lead to a final regulation 
    that differs from this proposal.
        The Endangered Species Act provides for one or more public hearings 
    on this proposal, if requested. Requests must be received within 45 
    days of the date of the publication of the proposal in the Federal 
    Register. Such requests must be made in writing and addressed to Field 
    Supervisor, Manhattan, Kansas (see ADDRESSES section).
    National Environmental Policy Act
        The Fish and Wildlife Service has determined that Environmental 
    Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements, as defined under the 
    authority of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, need not be 
    prepared in connection with regulations adopted pursuant to section 
    4(a) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. A notice 
    outlining the Service's reasons for this determination was published in 
    the Federal Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR 49244).
    Required Determination
        The Service has examined the regulation under the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 and found it to contain no information collection 
    References Cited
        A complete list of all references cited herein, as well as others, 
    is available upon request from the Manhattan, Kansas Field Office (See 
    ADDRESSES section).
        The primary author of this proposed rule is Vernon M. Tabor, U.S. 
    Fish and Wildlife Service (see ADDRESSES section).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, and Transportation.
    Proposed Regulation Promulgation
        Accordingly, the Service hereby proposes to amend part 17, 
    subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 
    as set forth below:
    PART 17--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361-1407; 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544; 16 U.S.C. 
    4201-4245; Pub. L. 99-625, 100 Stat. 3500; unless otherwise noted.
        2. Section 17.11(h) is amended by adding the following, in 
    alphabetical order under ``FISHES,'' to the List of Endangered and 
    Threatened Wildlife:
    [[Page 55388]]
    Sec. 17.11  Endangered and threatened wildlife.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
                            Species                                                    Vertebrate                                                           
    --------------------------------------------------------                        population where                                  Critical     Special  
                                                                Historic range       endangered or         Status      When listed    habitat       rules   
               Common name                Scientific name                              threatened                                                           
                    *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *               
                    *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *               
    Shiner, Topeka...................  Notropis Topeka.....  U.S.A. (KS, IA, MN,  Entire.............  E               ...........           NA           NA
                                                              MO, E, SD).                                                                                   
                    *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *                   *               
        Dated: October 2, 1997
    Jamie Rappaport Clark,
    Director, Fish and Wildlife Service.
    [FR Doc. 97-28231 Filed 10-23-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments from all interested parties must be received by December 23, 1997. Public hearing requests must be received by December 8, 1997.
55381-55388 (8 pages)
1018-AE42: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; List Topeka Shiner as Endangered
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CFR: (2)
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50 CFR 17.11