94-26150. Miscellaneous Technical Amendments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 205 (Tuesday, October 25, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-26150]
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    [Federal Register: October 25, 1994]
    Office of Thrift Supervision
    12 CFR Parts 500, 506, 508, 545, 552, 558, 563, 564, 574, 590
    [No. 94-166]
    Miscellaneous Technical Amendments
    AGENCY: Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) is adopting several 
    technical corrections and clarifications to its regulations on home 
    loans and other real estate loans, hearings, operating subsidiaries, 
    appraisals, interest rate risk management procedures, and its 
    incorporation and standard conversion regulations. The OTS is also 
    amending its insider transactions rule and removing or revising 
    obsolete or superseded provisions concerning investment limitations, 
    stock ownership, conservatorships, and remote service units. Finally, 
    the agency is adding a waiver provision affecting regulations that are 
    not statutorily mandated.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Elissa Schwartz, Senior Paralegal, 
    (202) 906-7908, or Deborah Dakin, Assistant Chief Counsel, (202) 906-
    6445, Regulations and Legislation Division, Chief Counsel's Office, 
    Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G Street, NW., Washington DC 20552.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On April 21, 1994, the Office of Thrift 
    Supervision (OTS) proposed several technical corrections to revise, 
    clarify, or remove obsolete or ambiguous regulations.\1\
        \1\59 FR 18979 (April 21, 1994).
        The agency received three comments in response to the proposal. Two 
    comments were submitted by trade associations and one comment was 
    submitted by a private law firm. All of the commenters supported the 
    I. Amendments Described in April 21 Proposal
        Today, the OTS is adopting the amendments in the proposal, as 
    described below.
    Stock Loans
        Section 205 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 
    Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA)\2\ amended section 7(j)(9) of the 
    Federal Deposit Insurance Act and modified the reporting criteria and 
    procedures of that section, thereby superseding existing section 
    574.5(b) of OTS's regulations. Rather than amend section 574.5(b) to 
    conform to amended section 7(j)(9), the OTS has chosen to rescind the 
    regulation because the statute is self-implementing and OTS finds it 
    unnecessary merely to repeat the statutory language.
        \2\Pub. L. 102-242, 105 Stat. 2236 (1991).
        Through its final rule on regulatory review,\3\ the OTS lowered the 
    number of directors required for a Federal savings association from 
    seven to five, consistent with the required number of national bank 
    directors. An additional reference in section 552.3, which was 
    overlooked in the earlier rulemaking, is now being changed to conform 
    with the new requirement.
        \3\58 FR 4308 (Jan. 14, 1993).
    Operating Subsidiaries
        The OTS is adding a clarifying technical amendment restructuring 
    section 545.81(d). This replacement language more clearly sets forth 
    the requirements that apply when a federal savings association that 
    owned a service corporation on November 30, 1992, wishes to have that 
    service corporation deemed an operating subsidiary.
    Insider Transactions
        Pursuant to and in accordance with section 4(a) of the Home Owners' 
    Loan Act and section 106(b)(2)(H)(i) of the Bank Holding Company 
    Amendments Act of 1970,4 as revised by section 306(j) of the 
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 
    (FDICIA),5 the OTS is amending its regulation pertaining to 
    insider transactions by incorporating by means of cross-reference 
    subpart B of the Federal Reserve Board's Regulation O, 12 CFR Part 215, 
    subpart B, as now or hereafter in effect.
        \4\12 U.S.C. 1972(2)(H)(i).
        \5\Pub. L. 102-242, 105 Stat. 2359.
        Section 563.96, which restricts the amount savings associations may 
    invest in savings accounts and debt securities hedged with forward 
    commitments according to a complex formula set forth in the rule, is 
    being removed in light of the Federal Reserve Board's (FRB) final rule 
    on interbank liabilities.6 The FRB's final rule limits such 
    investments to 25% of capital. Since the FRB rule applies to savings 
    associations, section 563.96 is deleted as unnecessary.
        \6\57 FR 60086 (Dec. 18, 1992).
    Loan Documentation
        The OTS is amending its interim final loan documentation regulation 
    to broaden eligibility to any institution that was assigned a CAMEL 
    rating of 3 in its most recent report of examination and that has 
    obtained written permission from its Regional Director to employ the 
    Remote Service Units
        Section 545.141(d), which addresses privacy of account data 
    concerning an RSU account, is deleted because the OTS believes that 
    Regulation E of the Federal Reserve Board, 12 CFR Part 205, which 
    governs electronic funds transfers by all financial institutions, 
    including savings associations, provides adequate protection for 
    consumers' interests in this area. Second, the OTS is revising section 
    545.141(e) to reflect earlier revisions to 12 CFR Part 568, ``Minimum 
    Security Devices.''
    Waivers and Miscellaneous Changes
        The agency is adding a provision expressly setting forth its 
    existing authority to waive any non-statutorily required regulation for 
    good cause. This authority is separate and apart from, and is not meant 
    to limit, the agency's statutorily based authority (e.g., under the 
    Depository Institutions Disaster Relief Act of 1992) to waive certain 
    regulations and its inherent authority to decide whether or not to take 
    enforcement actions against violations of its regulations. See Heckler 
    v. Chaney, 470 U.S. 821 (1985).
        Sections 545.33, 545.35 and 563.93 are being revised to correct 
    internal references.
    II. Technical Amendment to Service Corporation Rules
        One of the commenters suggested an additional amendment that OTS 
    believes has merit. As required by section 18(m) of the Federal Deposit 
    Insurance Act,\7\ the OTS's service corporation regulation, 12 CFR 
    545.74, requires a Federal savings association to give the OTS and the 
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 30 days prior notice 
    before either establishing a new service corporation or engaging in a 
    new activity through an existing service corporation.\8\ That same 
    statutory provision exempts Federal savings banks chartered before 
    October 15, 1982. An earlier regulatory amendment inadvertently removed 
    the reference to this exemption.\9\ The OTS is taking this opportunity 
    to reinstate the regulatory exemption as it was adopted in April, 
        \7\12 U.S.C. 1828(m).
        \8\12 CFR 545.74(b)(2).
        \9\Operating Subsidiaries and Service Corporations Final Rule, 
    57 FR 48949 (October 29, 1992).
        \10\Applications Restructuring Final Rule, 57 FR 14340 (April 
    20, 1992).
    III. Additional Technical Amendments
        In addition to the amendments set forth in the proposal, several 
    technical revisions are being made to other OTS regulations. The agency 
    finds good cause pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553 to adopt these amendments 
    without public notice and comment because of their purely technical and 
    clarifying nature. First, erroneous cross-references and obsolete 
    titles have been removed from the service corporation regulations. 
    Further erroneous cross-references have been corrected in (1) the 
    hearing rules at section 508.13, (2) section 564.4 of the appraisal 
    rule, and (3) the interest rate risk management procedures at section 
    563.176. Third, the agency's regulations setting forth procedures to be 
    followed in taking possession of a savings association that has been 
    placed into conservatorship or receivership have been modified. Fourth, 
    the authority citation for part 590 is being corrected. Lastly, a 
    codification correction is being made to the standard conversion 
    regulations, in addition to the proposed amendment to those 
    IV. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Pursuant to section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. 
    L. 96-354, 5 U.S.C. 601), it is certified that this technical 
    regulation will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
    number of small savings associations, small service corporations or 
    other small entities. It merely revises or removes existing 
    inconsistencies or obsolete regulations.
    V. Executive Order 12866
        The Acting Director has determined that this document is not a 
    ``significant regulatory action'' for purposes of Executive Order 
    VI. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The recordkeeping requirement contained in this final rule has been 
    submitted to and approved by the Office of Management and Budget in 
    accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 
    U.S.C. 3504(h)) under Control No. 1550-0083. The recordkeeping 
    requirement contained in this rule is found at 12 CFR 563.170(c). The 
    likely recordkeepers will be well- or adequately-capitalized savings 
    associations who received a CAMEL rating of 1, 2 or 3 in their most 
    recent examinations.
        Comments concerning the collection of information under this final 
    rule should be directed to the Office of Management and Budget, 
    Paperwork Reduction Project (1550-0083), Washington, DC 20503, with 
    copies to the Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G Street, NW., 
    Washington, DC 20552.
    List of Subjects
    12 CFR Part 500
        Organization and functions (Government agencies), Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    12 CFR Part 506
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    12 CFR Part 508
        Administrative practice and procedure, Crime, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 545
        Accounting, Consumer protection, Credit, Electronic funds 
    transfers, Investments, Manufactured homes, Mortgages, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Parts 552
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, 
    12 CFR Part 558
        Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 563
        Accounting, Advertising, Crime, Currency, Investments, Mortgages, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, 
    Securities, Surety bonds.
    12 CFR Part 564
        Appraisals, Mortgages, Real estate appraisal, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 574
        Administrative practice and procedure, Holding companies, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, Securities.
    12 CFR Part 590
        Banks, banking, Loan programs--housing and community development, 
    Manufactured homes, Mortgages, Savings associations.
        Accordingly, the Office of Thrift Supervision hereby amends 
    subchapters A, C and D, chapter V, title 12 of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for part 500 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464.
        2. Section 500.30 is amended by adding a sixth sentence at the end 
    of paragraph (a) to read as follows:
    Sec. 500.30  General statement concerning procedures and forms.
        (a) * * * The Director may, for good cause and to the extent 
    permitted by statute, waive the applicability of any provision of this 
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for part 506 continues to read as 
        Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
        4. Section 506.1 is amended by adding in numerical order one new 
    entry to the table in paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 506.1  OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act.
    * * * * *
        (b) Display. 
                                                                 Current OMB
       12 CFR part or section where identified and described     control No.
    563.170(c).................................................    1550-0083
        5. The authority citation for part 508 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1464, 1818.
    Sec. 508.13   [Amended]
        6. Section 508.13 is amended by removing the phrase ``Sec. 509.39 
    of this subchapter'' in paragraph (b), and by adding in lieu thereof 
    the phrase ``Sec. 509.38 of this subchapter''.
        7. The authority citation for part 545 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1828.
    Sec. 545.33   [Amended]
        8. Section 545.33 is amended by removing the phrase ``this 
    paragraph (e)'' in the first sentence of the introductory text to 
    paragraph (c), adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``this paragraph 
    Sec. 545.35   [Amended]
        9. Section 545.35 is amended by removing the phrase ``this 
    paragraph (d)'' in the second sentence of paragraph (b), adding in lieu 
    thereof the phrase ``this paragraph (b)''.
    Sec. 545.74   [Amended]
        10. Section 545.74 is amended by removing the phrase ``The 
    association'' in paragraph (b)(2) and by adding in lieu thereof the 
    phrase ``Except as provided in 12 U.S.C. 1828(m)(5), every Federal 
    savings association''; by removing the phrase ``section 302(d)'' in 
    paragraph (c)(5)(v) and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``section 
    301(d)''; and by removing the phrase ``District Director'' in paragraph 
    (d)(1)(iv) and by adding in lieu thereof the word ``Office''.
        11. Section 545.81 is amended by revising the heading of paragraph 
    (d), by revising paragraphs (d)(1) introductory text and (d)(2), and by 
    adding paragraph (d) introductory text to read as follows:
    Sec. 545.81   Operating subsidiaries.
    * * * * *
        (d) Converting service corporations to operating subsidiaries. A 
    service corporation that on November 30, 1992 was owned by a Federal 
    savings association and engaged in activities permissible for a Federal 
    savings association to undertake directly; is owned by that Federal 
    savings association; engages solely in activities that a Federal 
    savings association may undertake directly; and meets the control 
    criteria set forth in this section, may be deemed to be an operating 
    subsidiary provided that:
        (1) If the Federal savings association is eligible for ``expedited 
    treatment'' under Sec. 516.3 of this chapter, the Federal savings 
    association creates and maintains appropriate internal records. The 
    record shall consist of a certification by the Board of Directors of 
    the association containing:
    * * * * *
        (2) If the Federal savings association is not eligible for 
    ``expedited treatment'' under Sec. 516.3 of this chapter, the Federal 
    savings association follows the application procedures set forth in 
    paragraph (c)(2) of this section and receives the OTS's prior written 
    approval. The corporation will be deemed to be an operating subsidiary 
    on the date of the OTS's written approval.
    * * * * *
        12. Section 545.141 is amended by removing and reserving paragraph 
    (d); and by revising paragraph (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 545.141   Remote Service Units (RSUs).
    * * * * *
        (e) Security. A Federal savings association shall protect 
    electronic data against fraudulent alterations or disclosure. All RSUs 
    shall meet the minimum security devices requirements of part 568 of 
    this chapter.
    * * * * *
        13. The authority citation for part 552 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a.
    Sec. 552.3   [Amended]
        14. Section 552.3 is amended by removing the paragraph designation 
    for paragraph (a) and by removing the phrase ``fewer than seven'' in 
    section 7 of the federal stock charter form, adding in lieu thereof the 
    phrase ``fewer than five''.
        15. The authority citation for part 558 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a.
        16. Section 558.1 is amended by removing the word ``and'' found 
    between the words ``association'' and ``in'' in paragraph (a); and by 
    revising paragraph (b)(6) to read as follows:
    Sec. 558.1   Procedure upon taking possession.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (6) Post a notice on the door of the principal and other offices of 
    the savings association in the form prescribed by the Director of the 
    * * * * *
        17. Section 558.2 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 558.2   Notice of appointment.
        If the Director of the OTS appoints a conservator or receiver under 
    this part, notice of the appointment shall be filed immediately for 
    publication in the Federal Register.
        18. The authority citation for part 563 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 375b, 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1468, 
    1817, 1828, 3806; 42 U.S.C. 4106.
        19. Section 563.43 is amended by revising the introductory text, by 
    removing the word ``and'' at the end of paragraph (c), by removing the 
    period at the end of paragraph (d) and adding in lieu thereof ``; and'' 
    and by adding a new paragraph (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 563.43  Loans by savings associations to their executive officers, 
    directors and principal shareholders.
        Pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1463(a) and 1468, a savings association, its 
    subsidiaries and its insiders (as defined) shall be subject to the 
    restrictions contained in 12 CFR Part 215, subparts A and B of the 
    Federal Reserve Board's Regulation O, with the exception of 12 CFR 
    215.13, in the same manner and to the same extent as if the association 
    were a bank and a member bank of the Federal Reserve System, except 
    * * * * *
        (e) References to the Reserve Bank or the Comptroller shall be 
    deemed to include the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision.
    Sec. 563.93   [Amended]
        20. Section 563.93 is amended by removing the phrase ``paragraph 
    (b)(13) of this section'' in paragraph (f)(1) and adding in lieu 
    thereof the phrase ``paragraph (b)(11) of this section''.
    Sec. 563.96   [Removed]
        21. Section 563.96 is removed.
        22. Section 563.170 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(10)(i)(B) 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 563.170   Examinations and audits; appraisals; establishment and 
    maintenance of records.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (10) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (B) Eligible savings association means any savings association that 
    is well- or adequately capitalized, as defined in 12 CFR Part 565 and 
    was either:
        (1) Assigned a CAMEL rating of 1 or 2 in its most recent report of 
    examination; or
        (2) assigned a CAMEL rating of 3 in its most recent report of 
    examination and has obtained written permission from the Regional 
    Director to employ this exemption.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 563.176  [Amended]
        23. Section 563.176 is amended by removing paragraph (e).
        24. The authority citation for part 564 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1828.
    Sec. 564.8  [Amended]
        25. Section 564.8 is amended by removing the phrase 
    ``Sec. 564.4(a)(2) through (a)(14)'' in the introductory text of 
    paragraph (d), and by adding in lieu thereof the phrase ``Sec. 564.4(b) 
    through (d)''.
        26. The authority citation for part 574 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1467a, 1817.
    Sec. 574.5  [Amended]
        27. Section 574.5 is amended by removing the phrase ``and other 
    reports'' from the section heading; by removing paragraph (b); by 
    removing the phrase ``reports and'' from paragraph (c); and by 
    redesignating paragraph (c) as new paragraph (b).
        28. The authority citation for part 590 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1735f-7a.
        Dated: September 9, 1994.
        By the Office of Thrift Supervision.
    Jonathan L. Fiechter,
    Acting Director.
    [FR Doc. 94-26150 Filed 10-24-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6720-01-P

Document Information

Thrift Supervision Office
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
January 1, 1995.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: October 25, 1994, No. 94-166
CFR: (18)
12 CFR 500.30
12 CFR 506.1
12 CFR 508.13
12 CFR 545.33
12 CFR 545.35
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