94-26429. Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A., et al.; Notice of Application  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 205 (Tuesday, October 25, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-26429]
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    [Federal Register: October 25, 1994]
    [Rel. No. IC-20640; 812-9218]
    Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A., et al.; Notice of Application
    October 19, 1994.
    AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission (``SEC'').
    ACTION: Notice of Application for an Order under the Investment Company 
    Act of 1940 (the ``Act'').
    APPLICANTS: Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A. (``Bank''); Norwest Funds; 
    Forum Financial Services, Inc. (``Forum''); Core Trust (Delaware) 
    (``Core Trust''); and Schroder Capital Management International, Inc. 
    RELEVANT ACT SECTIONS: Order requested under sections 6(c) and 17(b) of 
    the Act that would grant an exemption from sections 12(d)(1), 17(a)(1), 
    and 17(a)(2) of the Act, and under section 17(d) of the Act and rule 
    17d-1 thereunder to permit certain transactions.
    SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: Applicants request an order to permit certain 
    series of the Norwest Funds to invest portions of their assets in 
    certain portfolios of Core Trust.
    FILING DATE: The application was filed on September 8, 1994. Applicants 
    have agreed to file an amendment, the substance of which is 
    incorporated herein, during the notice period.
    HEARING OR NOTIFICATION OF HEARING: An order granting the application 
    will be issued unless the SEC orders a hearing. Interested persons may 
    request a hearing by writing to the SEC's Secretary and serving 
    applicants with a copy of the request, personally or by mail. Hearing 
    requests should be received by the SEC by 5:30 p.m. on November 9, 
    1994, and should be accompanied by proof of service on applicants, in 
    the form of an affidavit, or, for lawyers, a certificate of service. 
    Hearing requests should state the nature of the writer's interest, the 
    reason for the request, and the issues contested. Persons may request 
    notification of a hearing by writing to the SEC's Secretary.
    ADDRESSES: Secretary, SEC, 450 5th Street NW., Washington, DC 20549. 
    Applicants, c/o Forum Financial Group, Two Portland Square, Portland, 
    Maine 04101, Attention: Max Berueffy.
    James M. Curtis, Senior Counsel, at (202) 942-0563 or Robert A. 
    Robertson, Branch Chief, at (202) 942-0564 (Division of Investment 
    Management, Office of Investment Company Regulation).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following is a summary of the 
    application. The complete application may be obtained for a fee at the 
    SEC's Public Reference Branch.
    Applicants' Representations
        1. The Bank is the sponsor of a number of collective investment 
    funds (``CIFs'') that serve as investment vehicles for qualified and 
    non-qualified employee benefit plans for which the Bank serves as 
    trustee, investment manager, or custodian. The Bank intends to convert 
    fourteen of the CIFs into corresponding new series of the Norwest 
    Funds, an open-end series investment company.\1\ The new series, 
    together with the new Advantage Class of an existing money market fund, 
    will be known as the Advantage Funds. The Bank will serve as investment 
    adviser to the Advantage Funds, and Schroder will serve as subadviser 
    to those portions of the Advantage Funds that invest in international 
    securities. The Advantage Funds will be offered without a sales load or 
    redemption fee and will not bear distribution expenses pursuant to a 
    plan adopted under rule 12b-1 under the Act, although applicants may 
    revise these arrangements in the future.
        \1\On June 8, 1994, the Division of Investment Management, 
    pursuant to delegated authority, issued an order pursuant to section 
    17(b) of the Act and rule 17d-1 thereunder, permitting certain 
    transactions necessary to complete the proposed conversion. See 
    Norwest Corporation, Investment Company Act Release Nos. 20294 (May 
    13, 1994) (notice) and 20342 (June 8, 1994) (order).
        2. Core Trust is an open-end series investment company. Although 
    Core Trust will register under the Act, it does not intend to make a 
    public offering of its securities and does not intend to register its 
    shares under the Securities Act of 1933. Core Trust includes a 
    portfolio that intends to invest in securities issued by small 
    companies (``Small Company Portfolio''), a portfolio that intends to 
    invest in securities of foreign issuers (``International Portfolio''), 
    and a portfolio that will be designed to replicate the performance of 
    the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Index (``Index Portfolio'') (such 
    three series are the ``Portfolios''). The Bank is the investment 
    adviser to the Small Company and S&P 500 Index Portfolios of Core 
    Trust, and Schroder is the investment adviser to the International 
    Portfolio. The Portfolios will be offered only to certain Advantage 
    Funds and eligible Future Funds (as hereinafter defined) relying on an 
    order issued pursuant to the application. Shares of these Portfolios 
    will be offered without a sales load or redemption fee, and Core Trust 
    will not bear distribution expenses pursuant to a plan adopted under 
    rule 12b-1 under the Act.
        3. Forum provides management, administrative, and distribution 
    related services to Norwest Funds and will provide similar services to 
    the Advantage Funds and Core Trust.
        4. The fifteen Advantage Funds will consist of seven equity funds 
    (Diversified Equity Fund, Growth Equity Fund, Large Company Growth 
    Fund, Small Company Growth Fund, Income Equity Fund, Index Fund, and 
    International Fund); three balanced funds (Conservative Balanced Fund, 
    Moderate Balanced Fund, and Growth Balanced Fund), and five fixed 
    income funds (Intermediate U.S. Government Fund, Managed Fixed Income 
    Fund, Stable Income Fund, Short Maturity Investment Fund, and Ready 
    Cash Investment Fund).
        5. Five of the Advantage Funds--Diversified Equity Fund, Growth 
    Equity Fund, Conservative Balanced Fund, Moderate Balanced Fund, and 
    Growth Balanced Fund (the ``Blended Funds'')--will continue their 
    predecessor CIFs' practice of allocating specified percentages of their 
    assets among several different investment styles. The Diversified 
    Equity Fund and the Growth Equity Fund (the ``Blended Equity Funds'') 
    seek to achieve long term capital appreciation by investing in equity 
    securities. Consistent with their investment objectives, the Blended 
    Equity Funds allocate a fixed percentage of their assets to several 
    investment styles. Each Blended Equity Fund allocates a significant 
    portion of its assets to investments in large, high quality domestic 
    companies that, in the view of its adviser, have superior growth 
    potential as well as, in the case of the Diversified Equity fund, 
    equities that may provide above average dividend income. In addition, 
    each Blended Equity Fund allocates a portion of its assets to 
    investment in equity securities of small companies and a portion to 
    investment in non-U.S. issuers. The Diversified Equity Fund also 
    invests in a group of securities representing 96% or more of the 
    capitalization-weighted market value of the stocks in the S&P 500 
    Index. The Conservative Balanced Fund, the Moderate Balanced Fund, and 
    the Growth Balanced Fund (collectively, ``Blended Balanced Funds'') 
    invest in a balanced portfolio of fixed income and equity securities. 
    Like the Blended Equity Funds, the Blended Balanced Funds allocate 
    portions of their assets among different investment styles.
        6. To an extent consistent with its investment objectives, each 
    Blended Fund will invest directly in equity securities and, in the case 
    of the Blended Balanced Funds, fixed income securities. Applicants 
    believe that investors in the Blended Funds can obtain substantial 
    benefits, however, if the Blended Funds pool the assets they allocate 
    for investment in the securities of small companies, non-U.S. issuers, 
    and companies listed in the S&P 500 Index. Accordingly, applicants 
    propose that the Blended Funds invest those portions of their 
    portfolios in the Small Company, International, and Index Portfolios of 
    Core Trust. Although at present only the Blended Funds intend to rely 
    on the order, applicants also propose that any other series of Norwest 
    Funds for which the Bank or any company controlling, controlled by, or 
    under common control with the Bank acts as adviser, or any open-end 
    investment company for which the Bank or any company controlling, 
    controlled by, or under common control with the Bank acts as adviser in 
    the future (collectively the ``Future Funds''), be permitted to invest 
    in the Small Company, International, and Index Portfolios of Core Trust 
    in the same manner as the Blended Funds.
        7. Each existing CIF will convert into a corresponding series of 
    the Advantage Funds by transferring the securities and cash in its 
    portfolio to the corresponding Advantage Fund in exchange for shares of 
    the Advantage Fund. Each CIF will then distribute shares of the 
    Advantage Funds to each employee benefit plan pro rata according to its 
    interest in the terminating CIF. When the Portfolios commence 
    operations, each Blended Fund will contribute the small company, 
    international, and S&P 500 Index securities in its portfolio to the 
    corresponding Portfolio in exchange for shares of that Portfolio.
        8. All portfolio securities contributed in-kind will be appropriate 
    investments for the Portfolios. Such in-kind transactions will comply 
    with the provisions of paragraphs (a) through (f) of rule 17a-7, except 
    that the consideration for the securities contributed to Core Trust 
    will be Core Trust shares rather than cash. After the initial 
    contribution of securities, the Portfolios will buy and sell portfolio 
    securities at the discretion of their respective portfolio managers.
        9. Each Blended Fund will treat its investment in each Portfolio of 
    Core Trust as subject to the requirements of Guide 3 of the Guidelines 
    for the Preparation and Filing of Form N-1A so that the level of 
    disclosure in the prospectus will be governed by the level of its 
    investment in the portfolio of Core Trust. Thus, a Blended Fund that 
    maintains an investment in a Portfolio in an amount of less than 5% of 
    its net assets will include a brief description of the Portfolio, 
    whereas a Blended Fund that invests 5% or more of its net assets in a 
    Portfolio will include a more detailed description of the Portfolio and 
    its objectives, risks, and manner of operation. In addition, each 
    Blended Fund will list the securities held by the Portfolios in which 
    it invests and the amount and value of its pro rata interest in each 
    such security in its reports to shareholders under section 30(d) of the 
    Act and rule 30d-1 thereunder to the same extent as if the Blended Fund 
    held the securities directly.
        10. The Blended Funds may invest directly in some securities also 
    held by the three Portfolios. Applicants believe that it is unlikely 
    that any Blended Fund will incur unnecessary brokerage costs because it 
    sells a security at the same time a Portfolio buys the same security, 
    or vice versa. First, the actual overlap between the various portfolios 
    is very small. Moreover, all portfolios of the Blended Funds and the 
    Portfolios are expected to have very low turnover ratios, making the 
    possibility of opposing buy/sell orders even less likely. In addition, 
    the Blended Funds and the Index and Small Company Portfolios will all 
    be managed by the Bank, which will monitor for offsetting buy/sell 
    orders. Although the Bank and Schroder do not share portfolio 
    information in advance, applicants believe that because Norwest and 
    Schroder employ substantially different criteria for their investment 
    decisions, they would rarely engage in transactions in the same 
    security on the same day. Indeed, the historical experience of the CIFs 
    indicates the possibility is remote that two portfolios managers might 
    enter buy and sell orders for the same security at the same time. A 
    review of the portfolios of the component CIFs from January 1, 1994 to 
    May 31, 1994 reveals only one occasion on which one portfolio sold a 
    security on the same day another purchased the same security. The 
    brokerage costs associated with this transaction were $142.00.
    Applicants' Legal Analysis
        1. Section 12(d)(1)(A) of the Act provides that no registered 
    investment company may acquire securities of another investment company 
    representing more than 3% of the acquired company's outstanding voting 
    stock, more than 5% of the acquiring company's total assets, or, 
    together with the securities of other investment companies, more than 
    10% of the acquiring company's total assets. Section 12(d)(1)(B) 
    provides that no registered open-end investment company may sell its 
    securities to another investment company if the sale will cause the 
    acquiring company to own more than 3% of the acquired company's voting 
    stock, or if the sale will cause more than 10% of the acquired 
    company's voting stock to be owned by investment companies. Section 
    6(c) provides that the SEC may exempt persons or transactions from any 
    or all sections of the Act when necessary or appropriate in the public 
    interest and consistent with the protection of investors and the 
    purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of the Act.
        2. Applicants request an exemption under section 6(c) of the Act 
    from section 12(d)(1) to the extent necessary to permit the Blended 
    Funds' proposed investments in the Portfolios. Applicants believe that 
    the proposed investment structure will not be subject to any of the 
    abuses that section 12(d)(1) was intended to prevent. There is no risk 
    that management of the Blended Funds will exercise inappropriate 
    control over the management of Core Trust because (a) the Bank will be 
    the investment adviser for all Blended Funds, as well as any Blended 
    Funds, that may invest in the Small Company, International, or Index 
    Portfolios of Core Trust; and (b) the Blended Funds and Future Funds 
    will be the only investors in the Portfolios.
        3. If large-scale redemptions by public shareholders require a 
    major change in the level of investment by a Blended Fund in the 
    Portfolios such that the Portfolios might be required to liquidate 
    securities in their portfolios in such a manner that the shareholders 
    in other non-redeeming Blended Funds would be prejudiced, the 
    Portfolios may make the redemptions in-kind by distributing securities 
    in its portfolios, rather than cash, to the redeeming Blended Fund. 
    Such in-kind transactions would comply with the provisions of 
    paragraphs (a) through (f) of rule 17a-7, except that the consideration 
    for the portfolio securities would be shares in the Portfolio rather 
    than cash.
        4. Applicants believe that the Blended Funds' investment in Core 
    Trust will not result in significant duplication of the costs of 
    distribution, portfolio management, fund administration, or operations. 
    Core Trust shares will not be subject to any sales load or rule 12b-1 
    fees. The Bank will waive its advisory fee for serving as investment 
    adviser to the Small Company and Index Portfolios of Core Trust and 
    will reimburse the International Portfolio of Core Trust an amount 
    equal to the advisory fees the Portfolio pays to Schroder, and Forum 
    will not receive any fees for administering that portion of any Blended 
    Fund that invests in Core Trust. Although there will be some 
    duplication of custodial, transfer agency, and other expenses, 
    applicants believe that the layering of these expenses will be minimal, 
    and that the efficiencies that the Blended Funds should achieve in 
    portfolio management and fund operations will result in net cost 
        5. To a limited extent, the Blended Funds may invest directly in 
    some securities also held by the Portfolios.
        Applicants believe it is unlikely that any Blended Fund will incur 
    unnecessary brokerage costs because it sells a security at the same 
    time a Portfolio buys the same security, or vice versa. The actual 
    overlay between the various portfolios is very small. Moreover, all 
    portfolios of the Blended Funds and Core Trust are expected to have 
    very low turnover ratios, making the possibility of opposing buy/sell 
    orders even less likely. In addition, the Blended Funds and the Index 
    and Small Company Portfolios of Core Trust will all be managed by the 
    Bank, which will monitor for offsetting buy/sell orders.
        6. Applicants also request an exemption under sections 6(c) and 
    17(b) of the Act from section 17(a) of the Act, which prohibits certain 
    purchases and sales of securities between investment companies and 
    their affiliated persons. Because the Blended Funds may individually 
    own more than 5% of individual Portfolios and also may be deemed to be 
    under common control with Core Trust, the Blended Funds and Core Trust 
    may be deemed to be affiliated persons of one another. Purchases by the 
    Blended Funds of shares of Core Trust or sales by Core Trust of their 
    shares to the Blended Funds could be deemed to be principal 
    transactions by affiliated persons under section 17(a). Similarly, the 
    initial in-kind contributions by the Blended Funds of certain of their 
    portfolio securities to the Portfolios in exchange for shares of the 
    Portfolios and any possible subsequent redemptions in-kind by the 
    Portfolios could likewise be deemed to be principal transactions by 
    affiliated persons under section 17(a).
        7. Under section 17(b), the SEC shall issue an order exempting a 
    proposed transaction from section 17(a) if (a) the terms of the 
    proposed transaction, including the consideration paid or received, are 
    reasonable and fair and do not involve overreaching on the part of any 
    persons concerned; (b) the proposed transaction is consistent with the 
    policies of each registered investment company concerned; and (c) the 
    proposed transaction is consistent with the general purposes of the 
    Act. Section 17(b) applies only to individual proposed transactions. 
    However, the SEC frequently has used its authority under section 6(c) 
    to exempt series of transactions that otherwise met the standards of 
    section 17(b).
        8. Applicants believe that the terms of the proposed transactions 
    are fair and reasonable and do not involve overreaching. The 
    consideration paid and received for the sale and redemption of shares 
    of the Portfolios will be based on the net asset value of those 
    Portfolios. Similarly, the consideration paid and received for the 
    Blended Funds' contribution of portfolio securities to Core Trust or 
    for any subsequent in-kind redemptions will be based on the fair market 
    value of those securities. The proposed transactions are also 
    consistent with the policies of each fund. The investment of assets of 
    the Blended Funds in shares of Core Trust and the issuance of shares of 
    Core Trust will be effected in accordance with each Blended Funds' 
    investment restrictions and will be consistent with its policies as set 
    forth in each Blended Funds' registration statement. Applicants also 
    believe that the proposed transactions are consistent with the general 
    purposes of the Act.
        9. Section 17(d) of the Act prohibits any affiliated person of a 
    registered investment company, or any affiliated person of such person, 
    acting as principal, from effecting any transaction in which such 
    investment company is a joint, or joint and several, participant with 
    such person in contravention of SEC rules and regulations. Rule 17d-1 
    promulgated under the Act provides that no joint transaction may be 
    consummated without prior SEC approval. To the extent the proposed 
    arrangement is considered a joint enterprise or joint arrangement, 
    applicants believe that it is consistent with the provisions, policies, 
    and purposes of the Act because the purpose of the proposed arrangement 
    is to provide an efficient vehicle for the Blended Funds to invest in 
    international, small company, and S&P 500 Index securities. In 
    addition, the Blended Funds and Core Trust will not participate in this 
    arrangement on a basis that is different or less advantageous than the 
    participants that are not investment companies.
    Applicants' Conditions
        Applicants agree that any order granting the exemptions they 
    request may be conditioned on the following:
        1. The Bank will waive its advisory fee for serving as investment 
    adviser to the Small Company and Index Portfolios of Core Trust and 
    will reimburse the International Portfolio of Core Trust the amount of 
    the advisory fee the Portfolio pays to Schroder.
        2. Forum will waive the amount of any fee that it would otherwise 
    be entitled to receive from each Blended Fund for that portion of the 
    assets of the Blended Fund invested in the Portfolios.
        3. Shares of Core Trust will not be subject to a sales load or 
    redemption fee, and Core Trust will not assess any distribution fee 
    under a plan adopted in accordance with rule 12b-1.
        4. Investment in shares of Core Trust will be in accordance with 
    each Blended Fund's respective investment restrictions and will be 
    consistent with its policies as recited in its registration statement.
        5. The board of trustees of each Blended Fund will review reports 
    at least annually identifying all instances in which one Portfolio 
    enters a buy order for a particular security at approximately the same 
    time another Portfolio enters a sell order for that security. When it 
    reviews the reports, the board will consider whether the duplication of 
    brokerage costs resulting from such transactions has become 
    significant. If the duplication of brokerage costs has become 
    significant, the board will promptly adopt procedures designed to limit 
    such duplication.
        6. Each Blended Balanced Fund will limit any redemptions resulting 
    from a reallocation in its equity and fixed income positions to no more 
    than 1 percent of a Portfolio's total outstanding securities during any 
    period of less than thirty days.
        7. Each Blended Fund will continue to invest in portfolios of Core 
    Trust only if the board of trustees of each Blended Fund determines, at 
    least annually, that investment in portfolios of Core Trust is in the 
    best interest of the shareholders of such Blended Fund.
        8. Each Blended Fund will, as part of its reports to shareholders 
    under section 30(d) of the Act and rule 30d-1 thereunder, list the 
    securities held by the portfolios of Core Trust in which the Blended 
    Fund has invested and the amount and value of such Blended Fund's pro 
    rata interest in each security to the same extent as if such securities 
    or interests therein were held directly by such Blended Fund.
        For the SEC, by the Division of Investment Management, under 
    delegated authority.
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 94-26429 Filed 10-24-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of Application for an Order under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the ``Act'').
Document Number:
The application was filed on September 8, 1994. Applicants have agreed to file an amendment, the substance of which is incorporated herein, during the notice period.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: October 25, 1994, Rel. No. IC-20640, 812-9218