94-26439. Federal Acquisition Regulation; Multiple Award Schedule Ordering Procedures; Final Rule DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 205 (Tuesday, October 25, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-26439]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: October 25, 1994]
    Part III
    Department of Defense
    General Services Administration
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    48 CFR Parts 6, 8, 13, and 38
    Federal Acquisition Regulation; Multiple Award Schedule Ordering 
    Procedures; Final Rule
    48 CFR Parts 6, 8, 13, and 38
    [FAC 90-21; FAR Case 93-613]
    Federal Acquisition Regulation; Multiple Award Schedule Ordering 
    AGENCIES: Department of Defense (DOD), General Services Administration 
    (GSA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense 
    Acquisition Regulations Council have agreed on a final rule to amend 
    the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) concerning Federal Supply 
    Schedules and Federal Supply Schedule contracting. These changes are a 
    result of GSA's efforts to streamline and revise the Multiple Award 
    Schedule Program's ordering procedures to be guiding principles. This 
    regulatory action was not subject to Office of Management and Budget 
    review under Executive Order 12866, dated September 30, 1993.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: October 25, 1994.
    Ms. Linda Klein at (202) 501-3775 in reference to this FAR case. For 
    general information, contact the FAR Secretariat, Room 4037, GS 
    Building, Washington, DC 20405 (202) 501-4755. Please cite FAC 90-21, 
    FAR case 93-613.
    A. Background
        The efforts to streamline and revise Multiple Award Schedule 
    ordering procedures in order to make them more susceptible to guiding 
    principles will save the Government time, money, and improve the 
    accessibility of commercial items to customers. With these changes, GSA 
    will be able to foster a Government that works better and costs less.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The final rule does not constitute a significant FAR revision 
    within the meaning of FAR 1.501 and Public Law 98-577, and publication 
    for public comments is not required. Therefore, the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act does not apply. However, comments from small entities 
    concerning the affected subpart will be considered in accordance with 5 
    U.S.C. 610. Such comments must be submitted separately and cite 5 
    U.S.C. 601, et seq. (FAC 90-21, FAR case 93-613), in correspondence.
    C. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply because the changes to 
    the FAR do not impose recordkeeping or information collection 
    requirements, or collections of information from offerors, contractors, 
    or members of the public which require the approval of the Office of 
    Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.
    List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 6, 8, 13, and 38
        Government procurement.
        Dated: October 20, 1994.
    Albert A. Vicchiolla,
    Director, Office of Federal Acquisition Policy.
    Federal Acquisition Circular
        Unless otherwise specified, all Federal Acquisition Regulation 
    (FAR) and other directive material contained in FAC 90-21 are effective 
    October 25, 1994.
        Dated: October 19, 1994.
    Eleanor R. Spector,
    Director, Defense Procurement, DOD.
    Ida M. Ustad,
    Associate Administrator, Office of Acquisition Policy, GSA.
        Dated: October 12, 1994.
    Thomas S. Luedtke,
    Deputy Associate Administrator for Procurement, National Aeronautics 
    and Space Administration.
        Therefore, 48 CFR Parts 6, 8, 13, and 38 are amended as set forth 
        1. The authority citation for 48 CFR Parts 6, 8, 13, and 38 
    continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 40 U.S.C. 486(c): 10 U.S.C. chapter 137; and 42 
    U.S.C. 2473(c).
        2. Section 6.102 is amended by revising paragraph (d)(3) to read as 
    6.102  Use of competitive procedures.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (3) Use of multiple award schedules issued under the procedures 
    established by the Administrator of General Services consistent with 
    the requirement of 41 U.S.C. 259(b)(3)(A) for the multiple award 
    schedule program of the General Services Administration is a 
    competitive procedure.
        3. Section 8.001 is amended by revising the introductory text of 
    paragraph (a); by revising paragraphs (a)(1)(iv); and (a)(2)(i) to read 
    as follows:
    8.001  Priorities for use of Government supply sources.
        (a) Except as required by 8.002, or as otherwise provided by law, 
    agencies shall satisfy requirements for supplies and services from or 
    through the sources and publications listed below in descending order 
    of priority--
        (1) * * *
        (iv) Procurement lists of supplies available from the Committee for 
    Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (see subpart 
    * * * * *
        (2) Services. (i) Procurement lists of services available from the 
    Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled 
    (see subpart 8.7);
    * * * * *
    Subpart 8.4--Federal Supply Schedules
        4. In Subpart 8.4, the heading is revised as set forth above.
        5. Section 8.401 is amended by removing the last two sentences in 
    paragraph (a); and by revising the last sentence in paragraph (b) to 
    read as follows:
    8.401  General.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * * The ``Federal Supply Schedule Program Guide,'' includes a 
    listing of Federal Supply Schedules and information on the use of 
    8.402  [Amended]
        6. Section 8.402 is amended by removing paragraph (a) and the 
    designation of paragraph (b).
    8.403 through 8.403-4  [Removed and reserved]
        7. Sections 8.403 through 8.403-4 are removed and 8.403 is 
        8. Section 8.404 is revised to read as follows:
    8.404  Using schedules.
        (a) General. When agency requirements are to be satisfied through 
    the use of Federal Supply Schedules as set forth in this subpart 8.4, 
    the policies and procedures of FAR part 13 do not apply. When placing 
    orders under a Federal Supply Schedule, ordering activities need not 
    seek further competition, synopsize the requirement, or make a separate 
    determination of fair and reasonable pricing.
        (b) Optional use. (1) Ordering activities can place orders of 
    $2,500 or less with any Federal Supply Schedule contractor. GSA has 
    already determined the prices of items under these contracts to be fair 
    and reasonable.
        (2) To reasonably ensure that a selection represents the best value 
    and meets the agency's needs at the lowest overall cost, before placing 
    an order of more than $2,500, an ordering activity should--
        (i) Consider reasonably available information about products 
    offered under Multiple Award Schedule contracts; this standard is met 
    if the ordering activity does the following:
        (A) Considers products and prices contained in any GSA MAS 
    automated information system; or
        (B) If automated information is not available, reviews at least 
    three (3) price lists.
        (ii) In selecting the best value item at the lowest overall cost 
    (the price of the item plus administrative costs), the ordering 
    activity may consider such factors as--
        (A) Special features of one item not provided by comparable items 
    which are required in effective program performance;
        (B) Trade-in considerations;
        (C) Probable life of the item selected as compared with that of a 
    comparable item;
        (D) Warranty conditions; and
        (E) Maintenance availability.
        (iii) Give preference to the items of small business concerns when 
    two or more items at the same delivered price will meet an ordering 
    activity's needs.
        (3) MAS contractors will not be required to pass on to all schedule 
    users a price reduction extended only to an individual agency for a 
    specific order. There may be circumstances where an ordering activity 
    finds it advantageous to request a price reduction, such as where the 
    ordering activity finds that a schedule product is available elsewhere 
    at a lower price, or where the quantity of an individual order clearly 
    indicates the potential for obtaining a reduced price.
        (4) Ordering activities should document orders of $2,500 or less by 
    identifying the contractor the item was purchased from, the item 
    purchased, and the amount paid. For orders over $2,500, MAS ordering 
    files should be documented in accordance with internal agency 
    practices. Agencies are encouraged to keep documentation to a minimum.
        (c) Mandatory use. (1) This paragraph (c) applies only to orders 
    against schedule contracts with mandatory users.
        (2) In the case of mandatory schedules, ordering offices shall not:
        (i) Solicit bids, proposals, quotations, or otherwise test the 
    market solely for the purpose of seeking alternative sources to Federal 
    Supply Schedules; or
        (ii) Request formal or informal quotations from Federal Supply 
    Schedule contractors for the purpose of price comparisons.
        (3) Schedules identify executive agencies required to use them as 
    mandatory sources of supply. The single-award schedule shall be used as 
    a primary source and the multiple-award schedule as a secondary source. 
    Mandatory use of schedules is not a requirement if--
        (i) The schedule contractor is unable to satisfy the ordering 
    office's urgent delivery requirement;
        (ii) The order is below the minimum order thresholds;
        (iii) The order is above the maximum order limitation;
        (iv) The consignee is located outside the area of geographic 
    coverage stated in the schedule; or
        (v) A lower price for an identical item (i.e., same make and model) 
    is available from another source.
        (4) Absence of follow-on award. Ordering offices, after any 
    consultation required by the schedule, are not required to forego or 
    postpone their legitimate needs pending the award or renewal of any 
    schedule contract.
    8.404-1 and 8.404-2  [Removed and reserved]
        9. Sections 8.404-1 and 8.404-2 are removed and reserved.
    8.405  Ordering office responsibilities.
        10. The text of section 8.405 is removed, leaving a heading only.
    8.405-1  [Reserved]
        11. Section 8.405-1 is removed and reserved.
    8.405-4  [Amended]
        12. Section 8.405-4 is amended in the beginning of the introductory 
    paragraph by removing ``When'' and inserting ``If''.
        13. Section 8.405-5 is amended by revising the second sentence in 
    paragraph (a)(3) to read as follows:
    8.405-5  Termination for default.
        (a) * * *
        (3) * * * Copies of all repurchase orders, except the copy 
    furnished to the contractor or any other commercial concern, shall 
    include the notation ``Repurchase against the account of ____________ 
    [insert contractor's name] under Delivery Order ____________ [insert 
    number] under Contract ____________ [insert number]''.
    * * * * *
    8.406 through 8.408  [Removed]
        14. Sections 8.406 through 8.408 are removed.
    13.105  [Amended]
        15. Section 13.105 is amended in paragraph (c) by removing the 
    words ``mandatory multiple-award''.
    13.203-1  [Amended]
        16. Section 13.203-1 is amended in paragraph (f) by removing the 
    parenthetical ``(see subpart 8.4)''.
        17. Section 38.000 is revised to read as follows:
    38.000  Scope of part.
        This part prescribes policies and procedures for contracting for 
    supplies and services under the Federal Supply Schedule program, which 
    is directed and managed by the General Services Administration (see 
    subpart 8.4, Federal Supply Schedules, for additional information). See 
    part 39 for automatic data processing and telecommunications equipment 
    and services coverage. The Department of Defense uses a similar system 
    of schedule contracting for military items that are also not a part of 
    the Federal Supply Schedule program.
        18. Section 38.101 is amended by revising the second sentence of 
    paragraph (a); removing the last two sentences in paragraph (b); 
    removing paragraph (d) and redesignating paragraph (e) as (d). The 
    revised text reads as follows:
    38.101  General.
        (a) * * * Indefinite delivery contracts (including requirements 
    contracts) are awarded, using competitive procedures, to commercial 
    firms to provide supplies and services at stated prices for given 
    periods of time, for delivery within the 48 continguous states, 
    Washington, DC, and possible Alaska, Hawaii, and overseas deliveries. * 
    * *
    * * * * *
    38.102 through 38.102-4  [Removed]
        19. Sections 38.102 through 38.102-4 are removed.
        20. Section 38.201 is amended by revising paragraph (a) 
    introductory text and paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    38.201  Coordination requirements.
        (a) Subject to interagency agreements, contracting officers having 
    responsibility for awarding Federal Supply Schedule contracts shall 
    coordinate and obtain approval of the General Services Administration's 
    Federal Supply Service (FSS) before--
    * * * * *
        (b) Requests should be forwarded to the General Services 
    Administration, Federal Supply Service, Office of Commodity Management 
    (FC), Washington, DC 20406.
    38.202 through 38.205  [Removed]
        21. Sections 38.202 through 38.205 are removed.
    [FR Doc. 94-26439 Filed 10-24-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6820-34-M

Document Information

Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
October 25, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: October 25, 1994
CFR: (4)
48 CFR 6
48 CFR 8
48 CFR 13
48 CFR 38