96-27472. Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsylvania; Disapproval of the Reasonable-Further-Progress Plan for the 1996-1999 Period for the Philadelphia Area  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 208 (Friday, October 25, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 55253-55259]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-27472]
    40 CFR Part 52
    [PA 088-4033; FRL-5640-3]
    Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; 
    Pennsylvania; Disapproval of the Reasonable-Further-Progress Plan for 
    the 1996-1999 Period for the Philadelphia Area
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: EPA is proposing to disapprove the State Implementation Plan 
    (SIP) revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (for the 
    Philadelphia ozone nonattainment area) to meet the rate-of-progress 
    (ROP) requirements under the Clean Air Act (the Act). Under these 
    requirements, states must demonstrate a 3% reduction of volatile 
    organic compounds (VOCs) per year for a three year period between 1996 
    and 1999. EPA is proposing disapproval because the ROP plan submitted 
    by Pennsylvania for the Philadelphia area projects emissions reductions 
    only for control strategies to the 2005 time frame, rather than for the 
    1999 and 2002 interim milestone years, per the ROP requirements of the 
    Act. Several of these measures have not been fully adopted or have been 
    stayed or replaced by the Commonwealth. Additionally, the Commonwealth 
    has not calculated emissions target level to be achieved in 1999 (or 
    for 2002) to ensure attainment of reasonable-further-progress toward 
    attainment by the statutory deadline. Finally, the 1990 emissions 
    inventory estimates provided in the Commonwealth's plan for ROP for the 
    period from 1996-1999 vary substantially from the inventory submitted 
    as the Commonwealth's official 1990 base year inventory. That VOC base 
    year inventory was formally revised in September of 1996. This 
    inventory superseded all previous 1990 base year inventories submitted 
    by the Commonwealth for Philadelphia--including the one contained in 
    the ROP plan for the period from 1996 to 1999. This rulemaking action 
    is being taken under section 110 of the Clean Air Act.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before November 25, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to David L. Arnold, Chief, Ozone and 
    Mobile Sources Section, Mailcode 3AT21, U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, Region III, 841 Chestnut Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 
    19107. Copies of the documents relevant to this action are available 
    for public inspection during normal business hours at the Air, 
    Radiation, and Toxics Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 
    Region III, 841 Chestnut Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107. 
    Persons interested in examining these documents should schedule an 
    appointment with the contact person (listed below) at least 24 hours 
    before the visiting day. Copies of the documents relevant to this 
    action are also available at the Pennsylvania Department of 
    Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Quality, P.O. Box 8468, 400 
    Market Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brian K. Rehn, Ozone and Mobile 
    Sources Section (3AT21), USEPA--Region III, 841 Chestnut Building, 
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107, or by telephone at: (215) 566-2176. 
    Questions may also be sent via e-mail, to: Rehn.Brian@epamail.epa.gov 
    (Please note that only written comments can be accepted for inclusion 
    in the docket.)
    Introduction--Clean Air Act Requirements
    Reasonable-Further-Progress Requirements
        Section 182(c)(2) of the Clean Air Act (the Act), as amended by 
    Congress in 1990, requires each state having one or more ozone 
    nonattainment areas classified as serious or worse to develop a plan 
    (for each subject area) that provides for actual VOC reductions of at 
    least 3 percent per year averaged over each consecutive 3-year period, 
    beginning six years after enactment of the Act, until such time as 
    these areas have attained the National Ambient Air Quality Standard 
    (NAAQS) for ozone. These plans are referred to hereafter as post-1996 
    rate-of-progress plans (or post-96 ROP plans). The first of these ROP 
    plans, for the 3-year period from 1996-1999, was due to be submitted to 
    EPA as a SIP revision by November 15, 1994.
        The Act also mandates a 15 percent VOC emission reduction, net of 
    growth, between 1990 and 1996. That SIP
    [[Page 55254]]
    revision was due to EPA by November 15, 1993. The plan for these 
    reductions occurring between 1990-1996 is hereafter referred to as the 
    ``15% percent rate-of-progress plan.''
        The Clean Air Act limits the creditability of certain control 
    measures toward the reasonable-further-progress requirement. 
    Specifically, states cannot take credit for reductions achieved by 
    Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program (FMVCP) measures (e.g., new car 
    emissions standards) promulgated prior to 1990, or for reductions 
    stemming from regulations promulgated prior to 1990 to lower the 
    volatility (i.e., Reid Vapor Pressure) of gasoline. Furthermore, the 
    Act does not allow credit toward reasonable-further-progress 
    requirements for post-1990 corrections to existing motor vehicle 
    inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs or corrections to reasonably 
    available control technology (RACT) rules, since these programs were 
    required to be in place prior to 1990.
        Additionally, section 172(c)(9) of the Clean Air Act requires 
    ``contingency measures'' to be included in the plan revision. These 
    measures are required to be implemented immediately if reasonable-
    further-progress has not been achieved, or if the NAAQS standard is met 
    by the deadline set forth in the Clean Air Act.
    Attainment Demonstration Requirement
        The attainment dates prescribed by the Act for areas classified as 
    ``ozone nonattainment areas'' are as follows: November 15, 1999, for 
    serious ozone nonattainment areas; November 15, 2005, for severe ozone 
    nonattainment areas; November 15, 2007, for severe areas with 1986-1988 
    design values greater than 0.190 ppm; or November 15, 2010, for extreme 
    ozone nonattainment areas.
        The Act also requires that states required to submit post-1996 ROP 
    plan SIPs for certain areas, due by November 15, 1994 for serious or 
    worse ozone nonattainment areas, must also simultaneously submit for 
    those areas an ``attainment demonstration'' to provide for achievement 
    of the ozone NAAQS by the statutory deadline. This demonstration is to 
    be based on photochemical grid modeling, such as the Urban Airshed 
    Model (UAM), or an equivalent analytical method. However, in a March 2, 
    1995, memorandum from Mary Nichols, Assistant Administrator for EPA's 
    Office of Air and Radiation, EPA set forth guidance for an alternative 
    approach to satisfy the attainment demonstration requirements under 
    section 182(c)(2)(A) of the Act. Under this alternative, states were 
    provided the option to utilize a two-phased approach in order to 
    satisfy the attainment demonstration requirements of the Act.
        In Pennsylvania, three nonattainment areas were required to submit 
    15% plans in 1993 under the Act. These include the Philadelphia severe 
    nonattainment area, the Pittsburgh moderate nonattainment area, and the 
    Reading moderate nonattainment area. Since Philadelphia is the only 
    Pennsylvania nonattainment having a classification of serious or worse, 
    it is the only area with an attainment deadline beyond 1996. Therefore, 
    the Philadelphia area must continue to demonstrate reasonable-further-
    progress toward attainment until its 2005 attainment deadline--unless 
    the Commonwealth can demonstrate attainment of the standard with fewer 
    reductions sooner than the statutory deadline.
        The Philadelphia metropolitan area includes counties in New Jersey, 
    Delaware, and Maryland, as well as Pennsylvania, all of which must 
    demonstrate reasonable-further-progress. However, Pennsylvania is only 
    responsible for achieving RFP within its portion of that metropolitan 
    area. The Commonwealth did not enter an agreement with the other states 
    which comprise the metropolitan Philadelphia area to do a multi-state 
    ROP plan, and submitted only a plan to reduce Pennsylvania's 
    contribution by 15 percent.
        On November 15, 1994, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental 
    Resources submitted a post-1996 ROP plan for the Pennsylvania portion 
    of the Philadelphia ozone nonattainment area, which included an 
    attainment demonstration for that area. The post-1996 ROP plan 
    submitted by Pennsylvania is actually an attempt to demonstrate 
    reasonable-further-progress for Philadelphia from 1990 to 2005--the 
    area's prescribed attainment date under the Act. This plan depicts a 
    42% reduction (3% per year) from the 1990 baseline, net of emissions 
    growth during that period. In a letter dated May 31, 1995, from James 
    Seif, Secretary of Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental 
    Resources, Pennsylvania expressed its intent to follow a phased 
    approach to meeting the attainment demonstration requirements of the 
    Clean Air Act, as set forth in a March 2, 1995, EPA guidance 
        EPA is today taking action only upon Pennsylvania's post-1996 ROP 
    plan submittal. However, EPA is not taking action upon the attainment 
    demonstration portion of that plan. Based on Pennsylvania's commitment 
    to pursue the phased attainment demonstration approach, EPA will act 
    upon the attainment demonstration at a later date.
        In a separate submittal from its post-1996 ROP plan for 
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania submitted a plan to achieve a 15% reduction 
    in VOCs for the period from 1990 to 1996 for the Philadelphia area. 
    Pennsylvania amended this plan in January of 1995. EPA proposed 
    disapproval of that January 1995 plan in the July 10, 1996, edition of 
    the Federal Register (61 FR 36320). Pennsylvania submitted an amended 
    15% plan for Philadelphia on September 18, 1996, which included both a 
    revised 1990 base year emission inventory and a revised contingency 
    measure plan for the Philadelphia area, as well. EPA will act upon this 
    September 1996, 15% plan SIP submittal separately from today's 
    rulemaking action.
        However, Pennsylvania has not revised its post-1996 ROP plan since 
    it was originally submitted, in November of 1994. EPA has reviewed this 
    post-1996 ROP plan submittal and has identified several serious 
    deficiencies that prohibit approval of this SIP under section 110 of 
    the Clean Air Act. A detailed discussion of these deficiencies is 
    included below, in the `Analysis' portion of this rulemaking action. 
    Due to these deficiencies, the post-1996 ROP plan will not achieve the 
    total reductions required by the rate-of-progress requirements of the 
    Act. EPA's review of this plan did not examine the individual control 
    measures applied toward rate-of-progress in the post-1996 ROP plan. 
    Many of these measures have been formally submitted as separate control 
    measure SIP revisions, or are national rules adopted by the federal 
        Today's action focuses only the approvability of measures toward 
    the reasonable-further-progress requirement of the Act, and does not 
    address whether the control measures or inventories included in the 
    post-1996 plan comply with other specific underlying requirements of 
    the Act pertaining to those elements of the plan. A summary of the 
    EPA's findings follows.
    Analysis of the SIP Revision
    Base Year Emission Inventory
        The baseline from which states determine the required reductions 
    for rate-of-progress planning is the 1990 base year emission inventory. 
    The inventory is broken down into several
    [[Page 55255]]
    emissions source sectors: stationary, area, on-road mobile, and off-
    road mobile sources. Pennsylvania submitted a formal SIP revision 
    containing their official 1990 base year emission inventory on November 
    12, 1992. Pennsylvania formally revised this base year inventory on 
    September 12, 1996, to reflect recent, more accurate estimates of 
    actual 1990 emissions. EPA has not yet taken rulemaking action on the 
    base year inventory submittal. The post-1996 ROP plan submitted in 
    November of 1994 projects both emissions reductions and emissions 
    growth which are predicated upon an inventory which has since been 
    revised. The inventory that forms the basis of Pennsylvania's present 
    post-1996 ROP plan is no longer valid, and EPA cannot approve emissions 
    reduction ``target levels'' derived from this outdated inventory. EPA 
    intends to conduct separate rulemaking action on Pennsylvania's 
    official 1990 base year inventory SIP submittal at a later date.
    Growth in Emissions Between 1996 and 1999
        EPA has interpreted the Clean Air Act to require that states must 
    provide for sufficient control measures in their reasonable-further-
    progress plans to offset any emissions growth projected to occur after 
    1996. Therefore, to meet the ROP requirement, a state must provide for 
    sufficient emissions reductions to offset projected growth in 
    emissions, in addition to a 3 percent annual average reduction of VOC 
    emissions. Thus, an estimate of emissions growth from 1996 to 1999 is 
    necessary for demonstrating reasonable-further-progress by 1999. Growth 
    is calculated by multiplying the 1990 base year inventory by acceptable 
    forecasting indicators. Growth must be determined separately for each 
    source, or by source category, since sources typically grow at 
    different rates. EPA's inventory preparation guidance recommends the 
    following indicators, in order of preference: product output, value 
    added, earnings, and employment. Population can also serve as a 
    surrogate indicator.
        Pennsylvania's post-1996 plan projects total growth of 61 tons per 
    day (tpd) for the period between 1990 and 2005. This includes all 
    sectors, i.e., point, area, on-road motor vehicle, and non-road vehicle 
    source categories. Growth for point and area sources is based upon 
    estimates from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Pennsylvania 
    linearly extrapolated from several BEA reports representing past and 
    future years to obtain its 2005 estimates for stationary, area, and 
    non-road mobile source sectors' growth. Highway mobile source growth 
    was determined through projections using the MOBILE computer model and 
    local projections for vehicle miles of travel increases in 
        No interim growth estimates have been included in Pennsylvania's 
    plan, therefore, growth for the period from 1996 to 1999 cannot be 
    determined. Pennsylvania must estimate interim growth levels to 
    determine the level of emissions reduction control strategies needed to 
    demonstrate reasonable-further-progress by 1999.
    Calculation of Target Level Emissions
        A ``target level'' of emissions represents the maximum level of 
    emissions allowed in each post-1996 milestone year which will still 
    provide the 3 percent per year rate-of-progress requirement mandated by 
    the Act. EPA's guidance document entitled Guidance on the Post-1996 
    Rate-of-Progress Plan and the Attainment Demonstration, dated January 
    1995 (EPA 452-93-015), outlines the approach states must take to 
    calculate the 1999 target level needed to satisfy the Act's post-1996 
    plan requirement.
        The Commonwealth has not calculated a 1999 target level in its 
    plan. Instead, the Commonwealth calculated a target level for ROP by 
    2005. Without an emissions target level for the 1999 milestone year, it 
    is impossible to determine if the Commonwealth has achieved reasonable-
    further-progress for the 1996-1999 period. Therefore, EPA must 
    disapprove the Commonwealth's ROP plan for failure to demonstrate a 3 
    percent per year (on average) reduction from 1996 to 1999, as required 
    under section 182(c)(2)(B) of the Act.
    Control Strategies in the Philadelphia Post-1996 ROP Plan
        Federal and state adopted VOC control measures may be credited 
    toward the ROP plan requirements of the Act (with the exception of 
    measures promulgated prior to 1990 which were specifically discussed 
    earlier). Per section 182(c)(2)(C) of the Act and EPA guidance, states 
    also may substitute NOX control strategies (with certain 
    limitations) in the ROP plan, provided that these NOX reductions 
    will provide at least as much progress toward meeting the NAAQS as VOC 
    controls would. In order to claim NOX reductions, states must 
    include a summary NOX emissions inventory and NOX growth 
    projections as part of their ROP SIP. The Commonwealth has not provided 
    this NOX inventory and growth information in its post-1996 SIP 
        The Commonwealth has substituted NOX reductions in its post-
    1996 plan, but has not calculated 1999 milestone target levels for the 
    pollutant NOX. Therefore, EPA must disapprove the Commonwealth's 
    post-1996 ROP plan for failure to satisfy the requirements of section 
    182(c)(2)(C) of the Act and to applicable EPA guidance.
        The specific measures adopted (either through state or federal 
    rules) for the Philadelphia area are addressed, in detail, in the 
    Commonwealth's post-1996 plan. A list of control measures for which 
    Pennsylvania has claimed credit in its Philadelphia post-1996 ROP plan 
    for Philadelphia follows, along with a brief description of each.
    Description of Control Strategies in the Post-1996 Plan
    Stage II Vapor Recovery
        This state-adopted regulation requires the installation and 
    operation of vapor recovery equipment on gasoline dispensing pumps to 
    reduce vehicle refueling emissions. The state regulation for this 
    program is codified in 25 PA Code Sec. 129.75. EPA approved the 
    Commonwealth's Stage II program on June 13, 1994 (59 FR 112).
    Automobile Refinishing
        EPA is in the process of adopting a national rule to control VOC 
    emissions from solvent evaporation through reformulation of coatings 
    used in auto body refinishing processes. These coatings are typically 
    used by small businesses, or by vehicle owners. VOC emissions emanate 
    from the evaporation of solvents used in the coating process. 
    Pennsylvania's post-1996 plan claims reductions from EPA's national 
    rule. Use of emissions reductions from EPA's expected national rule is 
    creditable toward reasonable-further-progress.
    Reformulated Gasoline
        Section 211(k) of the Clean Air Act requires that, beginning 
    January 1, 1995, only reformulated gasoline be sold or dispensed in 
    ozone nonattainment areas classified as severe, or worse. This gasoline 
    is reformulated to reduce combustion by-products and to produce fewer 
    evaporative emissions. As a severe area, Philadelphia benefits from the 
    emission reductions from this program. This measure is creditable 
    toward ROP planning.
    Transportation, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs) Rule
        TSDFs are private facilities that manage dilute wastewater, 
    organic/inorganic sludges, and organic/inorganic solids. Waste disposal 
    can be done by various means including:
    [[Page 55256]]
    incineration, treatment, or underground injection or landfilling. EPA 
    promulgated a national rule on June 21, 1990 for the control of TSDF 
    emissions. This measure is creditable toward ROP planning.
    Industrial Rule Effectiveness (RE) Improvements
        Rule effectiveness is a means of enhancing rule compliance or 
    implementation by industrial sources, and is expressed as a percentage 
    of total available reductions from a control measure. The default 
    assumption level for rule effectiveness is 80%. Pennsylvania claims RE 
    improvements from the 80% default level to a level of 90% in their ROP 
    plan SIP revision for Philadelphia, based upon improvements to RACT 
    regulations for specific facilities in the 5-county Philadelphia area. 
    The applicable RACT rules pertain to surface coating operations (PA 
    Code Sec. 129.52) and offset printing operations (PA Code Sec. 129.67).
        Pennsylvania followed EPA policy to quantify emissions reductions 
    from specific RE improvements for two categories, in the absence of 
    quantifiable compliance or emissions data. The RE measures Pennsylvania 
    claims toward the ROP plan include facility improvements, as well as 
    improved state oversight. Facility measures include: Improved operator 
    training, better operation and maintenance of process equipment, 
    improved source monitoring/reporting. State oversight improvements 
    include: more inspector training, stringent compliance inspections of 
    all RE improvement facilities. RE improvements are creditable toward 
    the ROP plan requirement of the Clean Air Act.
    Permanent VOC/NOX Source/Process Shutdowns
        Several industrial VOC sources that were operational in 1990 (i.e., 
    included in the base year inventory) have since shut down either 
    processes or entire facilities. Pennsylvania has adopted a banking rule 
    (25 Pa Code Sec. 127.208), which requires that sources wishing to bank 
    emission reduction credits, or ERCs, must do so within one year of 
    initiation of the shutdown. If not, the Commonwealth can claim credit 
    for the reductions as permanent and enforceable emissions reductions.
        Pennsylvania's ROP plan claims partial credit for shutdowns for 
    which the source ``banked'' emissions reductions, and the Commonwealth 
    claimed the entire shutdown credit for sources that did not bank their 
    emissions within the one year deadline set forth in Pennsylvania's 
    banking rule. The ROP plan reflects shutdowns from twenty VOC sources 
    in the Philadelphia nonattainment area. These credits are ineligible 
    for use as future ERCs, or to offset emissions from new sources under 
    the Commonwealth's new source review regulation. Use of permanent, 
    enforceable shutdowns for ROP planning is acceptable, provided the 
    reductions are not ``double-counted'' in the plan (e.g., industrial 
    growth estimates do not account for the shutdowns).
    Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings (AIM) Rule
        Emission reductions have been projected for AIM coatings due to the 
    expected promulgation by the EPA of a national reformulation rule. 
    These coatings include a host of field-applied surface coatings used 
    for household, commercial, and industrial applications--including for 
    example, paints, highway coatings, and architectural finishes.
    Tier I Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program
        EPA promulgated a national rule establishing ``new car'' standards 
    for 1994 and newer model year light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks 
    on June 5, 1991 (56 FR 25724). Since the standards were adopted after 
    the Clean Air Act was amended in 1990, the resulting emission 
    reductions are creditable toward ROP plans. Due to the three-year 
    phase-in period for this program, and the associated benefits stemming 
    from fleet turnover, the reductions were not significant prior to 1996. 
    FMVCP programs promulgated as a result of the Clean Air Act as amended 
    in 1990 are creditable for ROP planning purposes.
    Off-Road Use of Reformulated Gasoline
        The use of reformulated gasoline will also result in reduced 
    emissions (for both exhaust and evaporative emissions) from off-road 
    engines such as outboard motors for boats and lawn mower engines. This 
    measure is creditable toward the ROP requirements of the Act.
    IM240 Enhanced Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program
        The I/M program described in the Commonwealth's ROP plan is a 
    contractor-operated, centralized, IM240 inspection program. This 
    program was conditionally approved by EPA in August of 1994. However, 
    since that time, Pennsylvania suspended operation of this program, 
    terminated the test inspector contract, and began the rule adoption 
    process for a decentralized program as a replacement for the 
    centralized program. Pennsylvania submitted a new I/M program SIP to 
    EPA, under authority provided by the National Highway Systems 
    Designation Act of 1995, on March 22, 1996, which EPA proposed to 
    conditionally approve on October 3, 1996. Pennsylvania has not revised 
    the ROP plan for Philadelphia to reflect the significant changes to the 
    I/M program since the time the ROP plan was submitted to EPA. I/M 
    program emissions reductions are creditable toward ROP planning.
    VOC/NOX Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Rules
        The Act requires states to adopt regulatory programs to control 
    major sources of VOCs and NOX located in ozone nonattainment 
    areas--with the definition of ``major'' becoming increasingly stringent 
    based upon the nonattainment area classification. RACT is a generic 
    term referring to the variety of controls available to reduce emissions 
    from a source or class of sources. EPA has issued guidelines (i.e., 
    CTGs) for RACT for more than 30 VOC source categories, with plans to 
    issue at least 15 more. Additionally, EPA has issued Alternative 
    Control Techniques (ACTs) for specific classes of NOX sources.
        Pennsylvania has adopted a ``case-by-case'' regulatory approach to 
    RACT, which applies to the Philadelphia area. Individual sources are 
    reviewed independently to determine the level of RACT that source must 
    enact. RACT improvements required by the Clean Air Act of 1990 are 
    creditable toward ROP plans.
    Employee Trip Reduction (ETR) Program
        This program requires employers having 100 or more employees in a 
    subject nonattainment area to develop and submit trip reduction plans 
    and to reduce their employees trips, as measured by average passenger 
    occupancy (APO) levels. A regulation implementing this Clean Air Act 
    requirement was adopted by Pennsylvania, but was stayed by the Governor 
    before it became effective. Congress eventually amended the Clean Air 
    Act to change the nature of the ETR requirement to allow for its 
    voluntary implementation. Mandatory ETR programs are creditable toward 
    ROP planning.
    Consumer Products National Rule
        EPA is in the process of adopting regulations to control VOC 
    emissions from consumer products, through manufacturer reformulation of 
    these types of products. These products include household, personal, 
    and automotive related-products which
    [[Page 55257]]
    contain VOCs. Pennsylvania has claimed credit toward the ROP plan for 
    implementation of this national rule. The consumer products national 
    rule is creditable toward ROP planning.
    Traffic Line Painting Reformulation
        This measure would require conversion from VOC to water based 
    traffic line paints by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 
    (PennDOT). This measure would take the form of a consent decree with 
    PennDOT requiring continued use of these water-based coatings. 
    Pennsylvania has taken credit for this measure in its post-1996 plan. 
    Only through a mandatory enforcement mechanism (e.g., a binding consent 
    decree) would this measure be creditable toward ROP planning.
    Highway Vehicle Control NOX Reductions
        This measure includes total NOX reductions associated with 
    several mobile source programs. Several programs which would achieve 
    NOX reductions, in addition to any other benefits, include the 
    enhanced I/M program, the Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program 
    (FMVCP), and Phase II of the reformulated gasoline program. 
    Pennsylvania has apparently taken credit for all NOX reductions 
    stemming from mobile source measures in place, which provide reductions 
    in the Philadelphia area. However, it is unclear which specific 
    measures are included in the Commonwealth's estimates.
    Ozone Transport Region Industrial/Utility Boiler Controls
        The Ozone Transport Commission adopted a memorandum of 
    understanding (MOU) for a control strategy to address industrial 
    NOX emissions, primarily those generated by electric utilities. 
    The MOU recommends reductions (from 1990 levels) from 250 million Btu 
    and larger fossil fuel fired indirect transfer units of NOX. 
    Additionally, 15 megawatt electric generating units would be capped at 
    1990 emissions levels. The reductions would take place through two 
    phases, beginning in 1999. Pennsylvania has claimed these NOX 
    reductions in its post-1996 ROP.
    Analysis of Control Measures:
     Emission Control Measures for the Philadelphia Ozone Nonattainment Area
                                 Post-1996 Plan                             
    VOC Control Strategies:                                                 
      IM240 Program                                                         
      Federal Reformulated Gasoline                                         
      Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program (Tier I vehicle standards)      
      Employer Trip Reduction Program                                       
      Stage II Vapor Recovery at Gasoline Stations                          
      VOC/NOX RACT                                                          
      Select Industrial Rule Effectiveness Improvements (80%90%)   
      Federal Architectural Industrial and Maintenance Coatings Rule        
      Industrial Facility/Process Shutdowns                                 
      Federal Consumer Products Rule                                        
      Federal Autobody Refinishing Rule                                     
      Traffic Line Paint Reformulation                                      
      Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility RCRA National Rule          
    NOX Control Strategies:                                                 
      Total Highway Vehicle-related Reductions                              
      Industrial Facility/Process Shutdowns                                 
      Industrial/Utility Boiler NOX Controls                                
        The Commonwealth's plan projects emissions reductions from each of 
    the above control strategies for the year 2005 and, therefore 
    reductions were estimated by the Commonwealth for the evaluation year 
    2005. However, for the post-1996 plan, the Commonwealth is required to 
    project reductions expected in 1999 for any claimed control strategy, 
    in order to demonstrate that the area will meet its 1999 target level, 
    and therefore demonstrate reasonable-further-progress for the 1999 
    milestone date specified by the Act.
        Without a 1999 milestone target level and a projection for 1999 
    emissions reductions associated with the control strategies claimed 
    within the post-1996 ROP plan, it is impossible to determine if 
    reasonable progress has been achieved for the period from 1996 to 1999.
        Several of the control strategies contained in the post-1996 plan 
    are not creditable toward ROP under the Act, since the state has not 
    adopted rules for those programs, or the programs have been stayed and 
    are not presently being implemented as stated by the post-1996 plan. 
    One example is the enhanced IM240 program described in the 
    Commonwealth's SIP, which has been subsequently replaced with a test-
    and-repair ASM enhanced I/M program. Another example, the ETR which was 
    stayed, and is no longer being implemented as a mandatory control 
    measure, as described in the post-1996 ROP plan.
        Since EPA cannot determine if the measures contained in the 
    Philadelphia post-1996 plan are sufficient to demonstrate reasonable-
    further-progress from 1996 to 1999 or from 1999 to 2002, EPA is not 
    evaluating the creditability of specific measures or the levels of 
    emissions reductions claimed by the Commonwealth for specific measures 
    in the plan, at this time.
    Contingency Measures
        Per sections 172(c)(9) and 182(c)(9) of the Act, states must 
    include contingency measures in their rate-of-progress plan submittals 
    for ozone nonattainment areas classified as moderate or above. 
    Contingency measures are measures which are to be immediately 
    implemented if reasonable-further-progress is not achieved in a timely 
    manner, or if the areas do not attain the NAAQS standard by the 
    applicable date mandated by the Act. EPA's interpretation of this Clean 
    Air Act requirement is set forth in The General Preamble to Title I (57 
    FR 13498), which requires that the contingency measures should, at a 
    minimum, ensure that emissions reductions continue to be made if 
    reasonable progress (or attainment) is not achieved in a timely manner. 
    Contingency measures must be fully adopted rules or measures but do not 
    need to be implemented until they are triggered by a failure to either 
    meet a milestone or attain the NAAQS.
        States must show that their contingency measures can be implemented 
    with minimal further action on their part, and with no additional 
    rulemaking action (e.g., public hearings, legislative review, etc.).
    Analysis of the Commonwealth's Contingency Measures
        The Commonwealth's post-1996 plan does not specify any contingency 
    measures to be applied if reasonable-further-progress is not achieved 
    by the 1999 milestone date. Pennsylvania's post-1996 plan indicates the 
    state will have more control measures in place than is needed to 
    demonstrate reasonable-further-progress by 2005, and that the 
    ``surplus'' of emissions reductions generated by these control measures 
    eliminates the necessity for contingency measures, since this surplus 
    could be used toward any shortfall.
        EPA disagrees with this rationale. The contingency measures must be 
    available in 1999 if reasonable progress is not achieved by that 
    milestone date, not 2005 as the Commonwealth's plan provides for. If 
    EPA determines there is an emissions reduction shortfall in 1999, 
    measures which have already been enacted by the Commonwealth or the 
    federal government would not serve to alleviate the shortfall. Only 
    through implementation of additional measures (i.e., contingency 
    measures), or through
    [[Page 55258]]
    early implementation of measures slated for the future, could 
    additional emissions reductions occur.
        Therefore, the Commonwealth's plan is not approvable at this time, 
    due to a lack of sufficient continency measures to offset sufficient 
    ozone precursor emissions in the year after a shortfall, or failure to 
    achieve ROP, has been identified.
        However, the Commonwealth has submitted a contingency measure plan 
    as part of its September 1996 15% plan submittal. EPA will act upon 
    that submittal, including the contingency measures contained within, in 
    a separate rulemaking from today's action.
    Proposed Rulemaking Action
        EPA has evaluated this submittal for consistency with the Clean Air 
    Act, applicable EPA regulations, and EPA policy. Pennsylvania's post-
    1996 rate-of-progress plan for the Philadelphia nonattainment area will 
    not achieve sufficient reductions to meet the rate-or-progress 
    requirements of section 182(c)(2)(B) of the Act. Pennsylvania has not 
    projected emissions growth for the period from 1996-1999, nor has the 
    Commonwealth calculated an interim ``target level'' of emissions for 
    1999, by which to measure its rate-of-progress in attaining the ozone 
    NAAQS. Instead, the Commonwealth's plan evaluates emissions reductions 
    for the period from 1990 to 2005--ignoring any interim evaluation 
    milestones. Several of the measures listed in the plan (to occur by 
    2005) have been halted or stricken from the Commonwealth's regulations, 
    and are therefore invalid toward meeting the ROP requirement for the 
    1999 milestone year.
        Additionally, the baseline 1990 emissions inventory contained in 
    the Commonwealth's post-1996 plan has been superseded by a revised 
    formal base year inventory which was submitted in September of 1996 as 
    part of the Commonwealth's 15% RFP plan. The inventory from which many 
    of the control measure emissions reductions for the Commonwealth's 
    post-1996 plan (which contains projected emissions reductions from 1990 
    to 2005) were determined is therefore invalid. The post-1996 ROP plan 
    control measure reductions must be recalculated based upon the 
    Commonwealth's revised base year inventory.
        Finally, the Commonwealth's plan does not contain contingency 
    measures. Under sections 172(c)(9) and 182(c)(9) of the Act, the 
    Commonwealth is required to adopt such backstop measures in the event 
    an emissions shortfall occurs in the 1999 milestone year.
        In light of the above deficiencies, EPA is proposing to disapprove 
    this SIP revision, which was submitted November 12, 1994, under 
    sections 110(k)(3) and 301(a) of the Act. The submittal does not 
    satisfy the requirements of section 182(c)(2)(B) of the Act regarding 
    the post-1996 rate-of-progress plan, nor the requirement of section 
    172(c)(9) of the Clean Air Act regarding contingency measures.
        EPA is soliciting public comments on the issues discussed in this 
    document, or on other matters relevant to the demonstration of 
    reasonable-further-progress toward attainment of the ozone NAAQS for 
    the period from 1996 to 1999. These comments will be considered before 
    taking final action. Interested parties may participate in the Federal 
    rulemaking procedure by submitting written comments to the EPA Regional 
    office listed in the ADDRESSES section of this document.
        The Agency has reviewed this request for revision of the federally-
    approved State implementation plan for conformance with the provisions 
    of the 1990 Clean Air Act, as enacted on November 15, 1990. The Agency 
    has determined that this action does not conform with the statute and 
    therefore must be disapproved.
        Nothing in this action should be construed as permitting or 
    allowing or establishing a precedent for any future request for 
    revision to any state implementation plan. Each request for revision to 
    the state implementation plan shall be considered separately in light 
    of specific technical, economic, and environmental factors and in 
    relation to relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
    Administrative Requirements
    Executive Order 12866
        This action has been classified as a Table 3 action for signature 
    by the Regional Administrator under the procedures published in the 
    Federal Register on January 19, 1989 (54 FR 2214-2225), as revised by a 
    July 10, 1995 memorandum from Mary Nichols, Assistant Administrator for 
    Air and Radiation. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has 
    exempted this regulatory action from E.O. 12866 review.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 600 et seq., EPA 
    must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the impact of 
    any proposed or final rule on small entities. 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604. 
    Alternatively, EPA may certify that the rule will not have a 
    significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Small 
    entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises, 
    and government entities with jurisdiction over populations of less than 
        EPA's disapproval of the state request under Section 110 and 
    subchapter I, part D of the CAA does not affect any existing 
    requirements applicable to small entities. Any preexisting federal 
    requirements remain in place after this disapproval. Federal 
    disapproval of the state submittal does not affect its state-
    enforceability. Moreover, EPA's disapproval of the submittal does not 
    impose any new Federal requirements. Therefore, EPA certifies that this 
    disapproval action does not have a significant impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities because it does not remove existing 
    requirements and impose any new Federal requirements.
    Unfunded Mandates
        Under Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
    (``Unfunded Mandates Act''), signed into law on March 22, 1995, EPA 
    must prepare a budgetary impact statement to accompany any proposed or 
    final rule that includes a Federal mandate that may result in estimated 
    costs to State, local, or tribal governments in the aggregate; or to 
    private sector, of $100 million or more. Under Section 205, EPA must 
    select the most cost-effective and least burdensome alternative that 
    achieves the objectives of the rule and is consistent with statutory 
    requirements. Section 203 requires EPA to establish a plan for 
    informing and advising any small governments that may be significantly 
    or uniquely impacted by the rule.
        EPA has determined that the approval action proposed/promulgated 
    does not include a Federal mandate that may result in estimated costs 
    of $100 million or more to either State, local, or tribal governments 
    in the aggregate, or to the private sector. This Federal action 
    approves preexisting requirements under State or local law, and imposes 
    no new Federal requirements. Accordingly, no additional costs to State, 
    local, or tribal governments, or to the private sector, result from 
    this action.
        The Administrator's decision to approve or disapprove the 
    Commonwealth's post-1996 rate-of-progress plan SIP revision will be 
    based on whether it meets the requirements of section 110(a)(2)(a)-(K) 
    and part D of the Clean Air Act, as amended, and EPA regulations in 40 
    CFR Part 51.
    [[Page 55259]]
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hydrocarbons, 
    Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Nitrogen 
    dioxide, Ozone, Particulate matter, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
        Dated: October 15, 1996.
    William T. Wisniewski,
    Acting Regional Administrator, Region III.
    [FR Doc. 96-27472 Filed 10-24-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before November 25, 1996.
55253-55259 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PA 088-4033, FRL-5640-3
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 52