[Federal Register Volume 59, Number 206 (Wednesday, October 26, 1994)]
[Unknown Section]
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From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 94-26507]
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[Federal Register: October 26, 1994]
Coast Guard
[CGD 94-064]
National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP)
AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
ACTION: Notice of PREP Area Exercise Schedule for 1995, 1996 and 1997.
SUMMARY: The Coast Guard, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
the Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), and the
Minerals Management Service (MMS), in concert with the states, the oil
industry and concerned citizens, held a workshop on May 19, 1994, to
discuss the proposed Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP)
Area exercise schedule and the scheduling process. This notice
publishes the final revision of the Area exercise schedule for 1995,
1996, and 1997, and solicits industry members to lead Area exercises
for 1995.
DATES: Industry members interested in leading the Industry-led Area
Exercises should submit their requests directly to the USCG or EPA On-
Scene Coordinator (OSC) as soon as possible, but no later than 6 months
prior to the proposed exercise date to ensure adequate planning time.
Industry members should indicate the date and location of the exercise
which they are interested in leading. Once the OSC has chosen an
industry plan holder for an exercise, the OSC will contact the National
Scheduling Coordinating Committee (NSCC) at the address listed below.
ADDRESSES: Commandant (G-MEP-4), Room 2100, U.S. Coast Guard
Headquarters, 2100 Second Street, SW; Washington, DC 20593-0001. ATTN:
Ms. Karen Sahatjian.
Ms. Karen Sahatjian, Office of Marine Safety, Security and
Environmental Protection, Marine Environmental Protection Division, (G-
MEP-4), (202) 267-0746.
Background Information
The Coast Guard, EPA, RSPA, and MMS developed the National
Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) to provide guidelines
for compliance with the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 pollution response
exercise requirements (33 U.S.C. 1321 (j)). One section of the PREP
focuses on Area exercises, which are designed to evaluate the entire
response mechanism in a given Area to ensure adequate pollution
response preparedness. The goal of the PREP is to conduct 20 Area
exercises per year, with the intent of exercising most Areas of the
country over a three year period. In the March 25, 1994, edition of the
Federal Register (59 FR 14254), the Coast Guard announced the May 19,
1994, workshop to discuss the scheduling process, and proposed an
exercise schedule for 1995, 1996, and 1997. This notice sets forth the
scheduling process and the finalized exercise schedule for 1995, 1996,
and 1997.
Scheduling Process
The Area exercise scheduling process is as follows:
1. The National Scheduling Coordinating Committee (NSCC), comprised
of representatives of the Coast Guard, EPA, RSPA, and MMS, meets in
January of each year to develop a proposed Area exercise schedule for
the upcoming three year period. (For example, when the NSCC meets in
1995, the three years considered will be 1996, 1997 and 1998.) The
information in the proposed schedule includes: the exercise Area, the
exercise quarter, whether the exercise is industry-led or government-
led, and the type of industry that will lead the exercise (vessel,
marine transportation-related (mtr) facility, non-marine
transportation-related facility, offshore facility or pipeline). Once
developed, the proposed schedule is published in the Federal Register
in February of each year.
2. The NSCC solicits input on the proposed schedule for each three
year period. The NSCC also requests industry plan holders to lead the
Area exercise or participate in the government-led Area exercises.
3. Once comments are received by the NSCC, they are considered and
acted upon, as appropriate. Where there is conflict, every effort is
made to resolve it while maintaining the integrity of the scheduling
Selection of Industry Participants for Area Exercises
The selection process for industry participants for the Area
exercises is as follows:
1. Industry response plan holders interested in leading the Area
exercises or supporting the government-led Area exercises should submit
their requests directly to the USCG or EPA On-Scene Coordinator. These
requests should be submitted as soon as possible after the proposed
schedule is published, but no later than 6 months prior to the proposed
exercise date. Once the OSC has chosen an industry plan holder for an
exercise, the OSC will contact the NSCC in writing to the address
listed under ADDRESSES above.
2. In Areas where no plan holders have come forth and expressed an
interest in leading or participating in the Area exercises, OSCs will
recommend industry plan holders for exercise participation to the NSCC.
Some issues that will be considered when selecting industry
participants include the number of times a specific industry has
conducted exercises in the past, the operating history of industries in
the Area and the perceived need for a particular industry plan holder
to be exercised. The OSCs will consult with the selected industry plan
holders prior to submitting their names for exercise participation.
3. In Areas scheduled for exercises involving pipelines or offshore
facilities, the OSCs will coordinate with the respective regulatory
agency (RSPA or MMS) to select plan holders to lead or participate in
these exercises.
Scheduling Workshop
A PREP scheduling workshop was conducted by the NSCC on May 19,
1994. Similar workshops will continue to be held annually in May. The
workshops will continue to focus primarily on the upcoming year's Area
exercise schedule, but also will address issues relating to the
following two years of the triennial schedule. National level industry
representation is strongly encouraged at these workshops, as this is an
opportunity for industry plan holders to comment on the schedule and
address issues which may affect them and their operations. Input from
the workshops will continue to be used for finalizing the upcoming
year's schedule and proposing the schedule for the following two years.
Final Schedule
The following is the final PREP Schedule for Calendar Years 1995,
1996, and 1997. All of the comments received were incorporated, as
appropriate. Where no industry plan holders have come forward to either
participate or lead an exercise, the OSCs will solicit and recommend
plan holders. Companies that wish to participate should contact the
USCG or EPA OSC, who will then forward the name to the NSCC at the
address listed under ADDRESSES. The Coast Guard will continue to
publish a final schedule in the Federal Register annually in the fall.
PREP Schedule--Government Led Area Exercises
Area Agency Date/Qtr* Participant
1995 Schedule
Southern Coastal NC CG.............. 2/16-17
Area (MSO Wilmington).
San Francisco Bay & CG.............. 4/13-14
Delta Region Area (MSO
San Francisco OSC).
Portland, OR Area (MSO CG.............. 6/8-9
Portland, OR OSC).
EPA Region V Area (EPA EPA............. 8/3-4
Tampa, FL Area (MSO CG.............. 9/28-29
Tampa OSC).
South Texas Coastal CG.............. 12/7-8
Zone Area (MSO Corpus
Christi OSC).
1996 Schedule
Charleston, SC Area CG.............. 3/26-28
(MSO Charleston OSC).
Puget Sound Area (MSO CG.............. 1
Puget Sound OSC).
EPA Region VIII Area EPA............. 2
South Florida Area (MSO CG.............. 5/1-3
Miami OSC).
Philadelphia Coastal CG.............. 3 Christiana.
Area (MSO Philadelphia
Sault Ste. Marie, MI CG.............. 4
Area (COTP Sault Ste.
Marie OSC).
1997 Schedule
Providence, RI Area CG.............. 1
(MSO Providence OSC).
Jacksonville Area (MSO CG.............. 1
Jacksonville OSC).
Southeast Alaska Area CG.............. 2
(MSO Juneau OSC).
Detroit Area (MSO CG W/RSPA....... 3
Detroit OSC).
EPA Oceania Region (EPA EPA............. 3
New Orleans Area (MSO CG W/MMS........ 4 Kirby Corp.
New Orleans OSC).
*QUARTERS: 1 (January-March); 2 (April-June); 3 (July-September); 4
Prep Schedule Industry Led Area Exercises
Area Industry Date/QTR Lead
1995 Schedule
Guam Area (MSO Guam v............... 1 ................
Cleveland, OH Area (MSO f (mtr)......... 1 ................
Cleveland OSC).
Maryland Coastal Area v............... 1 ................
(MSO Baltimore OSC).
Savannah Area (MSO v............... 2/15-17 PDV Marina.
Savannah OSC).
EPA Region III Area p............... 2 ................
Long Island Sound, NY v............... 2 Tosco Corp.
Area (COTP Long Island
Sound OSC).
EPA Region I Area (EPA f (non-mtr)..... 2 ................
EPA Region II Area (EPA f (non-mtr)..... 2 ................
San Diego, CA Area (MSO f (mtr)......... 3 Navy.
San Diego OSC).
SW Louisiana/SE Texas v............... 3 Mobil.
Area (MSO Port Arthur
EPA Region X Area (EPA f (non-mtr)..... 4 ................
EPA Region VII Area p............... 4 ................
(MSO Los Angeles OSC).
Los Angeles/Long Beach v............... 4 ................
Area (MSO Los Angeles
Morgan City Area (MSO v............... 4 Shell.
Morgan City OSC).
1996 Schedule
Prince William Sound f (mtr)......... 1 ................
Area (MSO Valdez OSC).
Virginia Coastal Area v............... 1 ................
(MSO Hampton Roads
Grand Haven, MI Area v............... 2 ................
(COTP Grand Haven OSC).
North Coast Area (MSO v............... 2 ................
San Francisco OSC).
Buffalo, NY Area (MSO f (mtr)......... 2 ................
Buffalo OSC).
Western Lake Erie Area f (mtr)......... 2 ................
(MSO Toledo OSC).
EPA Region VI Area (EPA p............... 2 ................
Western Alaska Area p............... 3 ................
(MSO Anchorage OSC).
EPA Region IX Area (EPA f (non-mtr)..... 3 ................
Maine & New Hampshire v............... 3 ................
Area (MSO Portland
Boston Area (MSO Boston v............... 3 ................
Santa Barbara/Ventura v............... 4 ................
Area (MSO Los Angeles/
Long Beach OSC).
Palau Area (MSO Guam v............... 4 ................
EPA Region II Area f (non-mtr)..... 4 ................
(Caribbean) (EPA (SC).
1997 Schedule
Northeast North v............... 1 ................
Carolina Coastal Area
(MSO Hampton Roads
Comonwealth of N. v............... 1 Mobil Corp.
Marianaas Islands Area
(MSO Guam OSC).
Caribbean Area (MSO San f (mtr)......... 5/12-16 ................
Juan OSC.
Florida Panhandle Area v............... 2 Kirby Corp.
(MSO Mobile OSC).
Eastern Wisconsin Area f (mtr)......... 2 ................
(MSO Milwaukee OSC).
Chicago Area (MSO f (mtr)......... 2 ................
Chicago OSC).
Central Coast Area (MSO v............... 2 ................
San Francisco OSC).
EPA Alaska Region (EPA f (non-mtr)..... 3 ................
Houston/Galveston Area v............... 3 Aramco Services
(MSO Houston OSC). Co.
New York, NY Area (COTP v............... 3 OMI Corp.
New York OSC).
Hawaii/American Samoa v............... 4 ................
Area (MSO Honolulu
EPA Region IV Area (EPA p............... 4 ................
Duluth--Superior Area v............... 3 ................
(MSO Duluth OSC).
Orange County Area (MSO f (mtr)......... 4 ................
*QUARTERS: 1 (January-March); 2 (April-June); 3 (July-September); 4
**INDUSTRY: v = vessel; f (mtr) = marine transportation-related
facility; f (non-mtr) = non-marine transportation-related facility; p
= pipeline.
Dated: October 20, 1994
Joseph J. Angelo,
Acting Chief, Office of Marine Safety, Security and Environmental
[FR Doc. 94-26507 Filed 10-25-94; 8:45 am]