98-28467. Mining Specifications for Prime Farmland  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 208 (Wednesday, October 28, 1998)]
    [Pages 57651-57656]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-28467]
    Natural Resources Conservation Service
    Mining Specifications for Prime Farmland
    AGENCY: Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed specifications with request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the 
    Department of Agriculture (USDA) is issuing proposed specifications for 
    soil handling in relation to mining activities on prime farmland, as 
    provided for in the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 
    (SMCRA). SMCRA requires the Secretary of Agriculture to establish 
    specifications for the removal, storage, replacement, and 
    reconstruction of prime farmland soils. The Soil Conservation Service, 
    now called the Natural Resources Conservation Service, first proposed 
    these specifications on February 19, 1988 (53 FR 4989). NRCS has made 
    revisions to the proposed specifications and now seeks additional 
    public comment prior to issuance of final specifications.
    DATES: Comments must be received by November 27, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Mail written comments to Gary Nordstrom, Director, 
    Conservation Operations Division, Natural Resources Conservation 
    Service, P.O. Box 2890, Washington, D.C. 20013. Submit electronic 
    comments to gary.nordstrom@usda.gov
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gary Nordstrom, Director, Conservation 
    Operations Division, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 202-720-
    General Background on Proposed Specifications
        Section 515(b)(7) of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act 
    of 1977 (SMCRA), Public Law 95-87, 30 U.S.C., 1265(b)(7), authorizes 
    the Secretary of Agriculture to establish specifications for soil 
    removal, storage, replacement, and reconstruction for all prime 
    farmlands, as identified in Section 507(b)(16) of the Act, 30 U.S.C. 
    1257(b)(16), to be mined and reclaimed. This authority is delegated to 
    NRCS in 7 CFR 2.61(a)(22).
        NRCS determined that national specifications for soil handling must 
    allow for consideration of the wide diversity of soils, geology, 
    climate, mining equipment, and crops in coal mining areas across the 
    nation. These differences are recognized in the permanent program 
    regulations published by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and 
    Enforcement, U.S. Department of the Interior, specifically in 30 CFR 
    823.4(a), which states that ``NRCS within each State shall establish 
    specifications for prime farmland soil removal, storage, replacement, 
    and reconstruction.''
        Accordingly, NRCS developed the specifications set forth in this 
    proposed notice to ensure that local and site-specific factors are 
    considered. Within the individual States, each NRCS State 
    Conservationist will maintain and make available a local version of 
    these specifications that incorporates the general criteria set forth 
    in these specifications and any modifications made for the respective 
    State. To the fullest extent possible, the basic specifications and the 
    applicable modifications for individual States reflect the latest 
    scientific information and experience regarding reclamation techniques.
        During the development of the proposed specifications, NRCS 
    national office provided certain general guidelines to assist the NRCS 
    State staffs in developing specifications at the local level. These 
    guidelines were set out in the advance notice of the proposed rule 
    published on August 26, 1985 (50 FR 34490). The first version of these 
    proposed specifications was published on February 19, 1988 (53 FR 
    4989). The specifications in this notice reflect comments received as a 
    result of the 1988 publication and includes technical revisions based 
    on research results and improvements in technology which have occurred 
    since the 1988 publication.
        Although NRCS had originally intended to publish these 
    specifications as a codified regulation under 7 CFR part 652, it has 
    been determined that the guidance included within this notice is 
    advisory in nature, not regulatory. Therefore, these specifications 
    will not appear in the Code of Federal Regulations as a rule.
    Discussion of the Proposed Specifications
        The Soil Removal section provides guidance on the identification of 
    prime farmland soils where a published survey is not available and 
    outlines how a soil scientist should proceed with identifying and 
    sampling the soils to be removed for later replacement and 
    reconstruction. This section identifies needed documentation of field 
    conditions, including rooting zones; surface relief; pre-mining 
    drainage conditions (including subsurface); flood frequency; physical, 
    chemical, and morphological soil properties of the soils to be removed; 
    and the equipment and procedures to be used in soil removal. The soil 
    removal specifications address the handling of the various soil 
    horizons encountered on prime farmland and the procedures to be 
    followed if substitute materials are to be used. NRCS recognizes that 
    compaction of prime farmland soils during removal and reconstruction is 
    a significant factor in prime farmland reclamation and, therefore, the 
    specifications include guidance to avoid compaction problems.
        In the Soil Stockpiling section, NRCS recognizes that stockpiling 
    of soil horizons, while not the preferred procedure for reclamation, is 
    often necessary because of weather conditions, limitations or 
    availability of equipment, or the reclamation method utilized. These 
    specifications provide guidance to ensure that if stockpiling is 
    utilized, the soil resources will be protected until reconstruction 
    begins. This section provides criteria for stockpile site selection, 
    protection against contamination and loss, and temporary distribution 
    if long-term stockpiling is required.
        In the Soil Reconstruction section, NRCS incorporates the principle 
    of SMCRA that the reclamation of prime farmland requires the re-
    establishment of the pre-mining productivity of the disturbed soils. 
    The soil reconstruction specifications provide a framework which, if 
    followed and the required conditions are achieved, should maximize the 
    probability that the reconstructed soil will achieve the required 
        Many factors contribute to the pre-mining productivity of prime 
    farmland, including the chemical and physical characteristics of the 
    soil horizons, the soil depth, the soil slope, and the
    [[Page 57652]]
    drainage conditions. Research has shown that when the post-mining soil 
    characteristics are similar to the pre-mining characteristics, pre-
    mining productivity can be achieved.
        These specifications provide for documentation of the 
    characteristics of original soil, as required by sections 507 and 508 
    of SMCRA, 30 U.S.C 1257 and 1258, and provide that the reconstructed 
    soils should achieve, as best as possible, these characteristics. These 
    specifications provide guidance on how to utilize pre-mining 
    information in the development of a reconstruction plan for successful 
    reclamation. This guidance includes provisions regarding rooting 
    depths, chemical and physical characteristics of the soil horizons, and 
    site conditions. These specifications also include erosion control 
    measures to ensure that the reconstructed soils remain in place after 
        NRCS has attached appendices A and B for information and compliance 
    assistance purposes. These appendices do not establish an obligation 
    not otherwise imposed by rules and regulations, nor do they detract 
    from obligations imposed by other rules and regulations. Appendix A 
    contains information describing the procedures for determining the 
    rooting zone of the pre-mined prime farmland soil. Appendix B contains 
    information describing the procedure and quantitative specifications 
    which can be used to evaluate the rooting zone of the reconstructed 
    soil in relation to the pre-mined soil.
    Implementation Issues
        It is important that the implementation and administration of the 
    specifications be understood by everyone with an interest in the 
    successful reclamation of surface mined prime farmlands. Once these 
    specifications are finalized, NRCS will place these specifications in 
    each NRCS State Office. NRCS will send copies to each State Regulatory 
    Authority (RA) and each OSM office so that the specifications can be 
    used in carrying out their responsibilities for prime farmland 
        The applicant for a mining permit on prime farmland will prepare a 
    reclamation plan, as required by sections 507 and 508 of SMCRA, 30 
    U.S.C. 1257 and 1258, based upon the particular prime farmland soils 
    proposed to be mined, the equipment to be used, and the physical 
    characteristics of the site. Because these conditions vary considerably 
    among sites, the mining and reclamation plans will also vary. The RA 
    must rely on its technical staff to assure the proposed reclamation 
    plan will likely yield the required results. The RA technical staff 
    will utilize the NRCS specifications in making their recommendations 
    for approving, disapproving, or revising the proposed reclamation plan. 
    In addition to the plan review by the RA technical staff, the RA will 
    consult with the NRCS State Conservationist on the plan prior to a 
    final decision. The NRCS State Conservationist will review and comment 
    on the proposed reclamation plan and, if the plan does not reflect NRCS 
    specifications, the NRCS State Conservationist will suggest appropriate 
    plan revisions to the RA.
        The RA will make a final decision on the reclamation plan based, in 
    part, on its review of NRCS specifications and consideration of 
    comments received from the NRCS State Conservationist. The decision 
    will be specific to the particular permit under review.
        If a NRCS State Conservationist determines that a revision in the 
    State reconstruction specifications is desirable, then NRCS, in 
    consultation and cooperation with the RA, will utilize a public 
    outreach process to obtain comments on the proposed revision. Under no 
    circumstances will the State reconstruction specifications be less 
    effective than the National specifications. After a public comment 
    process, including publication in the Federal Register and internal 
    review by the NRCS and RA, the NRCS State Conservationist will 
    incorporate the changes into the specifications and distribute them to 
    the NRCS local offices within the State and to the RA. The RA will make 
    the revised specifications available to mine operators and other 
    interested parties.
    Questions and Answers
        NRCS lists below questions related to implementation of NRCS 
    specifications which have arisen during their development along with 
    answers to those questions.
        Question 1: Are the RA's required to incorporate the NRCS 
    specifications into their approved state program through the formal 
    amendment process?
        Answer: The RA will use the specifications in making their 
    determinations on prime farmland reclamation plans, but they are not 
    required to be a part of the approved state program.
        Question 2: What if the RA decides not to incorporate the State 
    Conservationist's recommendations into a reclamation plan?
        Answer: The RA is required, under section 510(d)(1) of SMCRA, 30 
    U.S.C.1260(d)(1), to consult with the State Conservationist and to 
    consider any suggested revisions. It is not mandatory that NRCS 
    recommendations be adopted on the permit application and reclamation 
    plan. Under the OSM regulations, 30 CFR 823.15, success of prime 
    farmland reclamation is based on crop production. NRCS specifications 
    are provided to aid the permittee and RA in reviewing and approving 
    reclamation plans and in achieving productivity standards. The 
    specifications are not performance standards. Section 515(b)(7), 30 
    U.S.C. 1265(b)(7), sets forth the general performance standards for 
    mining and reclamation activities on prime farmland. Under the OSM 
    regulation, the ultimate standard which must be met is the production 
    standard. The specifications were not developed to restrict prime 
    farmland reclamation, but rather to provide a basis upon which a prime 
    farmland reclamation plan can be developed. A reclamation plan that 
    differs from the specification can be approved if, in consultation with 
    NRCS, the RA determines that a plan takes into consideration the 
    particular soil conditions, equipment, and mining reclamation methods 
    applicable to a site and will yield the desired results.
        Question 3: The proposed specifications would require permit 
    applicants to submit information which may not be required under the 
    current RA regulations or in the current permit application form. What 
    will be required of the RA's to address this issue?
        Answer: The proposed specifications allow for a variety of options 
    in the area of needed information. This approach is consistent with the 
    variable site conditions, mining and reclamation equipment, and 
    procedures inherent in mining. Individual State RA's will determine 
    their informational needs using the NRCS specifications. Some RA's, at 
    their discretion, may wish to change permit information requirements.
        Question 4: How will the adoption of the NRCS Soil Reconstruction 
    Specifications change the manner in which prime farmland plans are 
    currently being approved?
        Answer: Adoption of these specifications will formalize the 
    knowledge and expertise that NRCS has brought to prime farmland 
    reclamation for over 20 years. State and Federal RA's and mine 
    operators have always relied upon the NRCS for technical advice 
    relating to prime farmland reconstruction. State RA's have been 
    required to consult with NRCS on every acre of non-exempted prime 
    farmland which has been mined since enactment of SMCRA. Many State RA's 
    with a large amount of prime farmland being mined,
    [[Page 57653]]
    such as Illinois, have included NRCS in their mine plan review prior to 
    the enactment of SMCRA. Because of this long relationship and prior 
    history of consultation, most of what will happen after the adoption of 
    these specifications will not be new. Formalization of the 
    specifications will provide a written framework developed during many 
    years of experience and research, from which RA's and permittee can 
    operate. The specifications will be available to all who have an 
    interest in prime farmland restoration.
        The specifications apply to the removal, stockpiling, replacement, 
    and reconstruction of soil materials during surface coal mining and 
    reclamation operations on prime farmland, as defined and regulated by 
    the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA), 30 
    U.S.C. 1201 et seq.
        These specifications are to be used in conjunction with the 
    permanent program performance standards of the Office of Surface Mining 
    Regulation and Enforcement, Department of the Interior, which are set 
    forth in 30 CFR 785.17, 816.22, and part 823. These specifications 
    apply to prime farmlands as defined by the Secretary of Agriculture in 
    7 CFR part 657 and historically used for cropland.
        The following definitions apply to all documents issued in 
    accordance with these specifications, unless specified otherwise:
        Prime farmland means that land which is defined by the Secretary of 
    Agriculture in 7 CFR part 657 and which has been historically used for 
        Reclamation Plan means the part of a permit application that 
    details the actions a mine operator will take to restore the area to be 
    mined to an approved post-mining land use.
        Rooting zone means the part of the soil that can be penetrated by 
    plant roots. The rooting zone of a soil can be obtained from a 
    published NRCS soil survey or determined in the field by a soil 
    scientist in accordance with procedures.
        Soil characteristics mean properties of the soil which can be 
    described or measured by field or laboratory observations, such as 
    color, temperature, water content, structure, pH, and exchangeable 
        Soil morphology means: a. The physical constitution of a soil 
    profile as exhibited by the kinds, thickness, and arrangement of the 
    horizons in the profile, and by the texture, structure, consistence, 
    and porosity of each horizon; or
        b. The visible characteristics of the soil or any of its parts.
        State regulatory authority means the agency in each State which has 
    the primary responsibility at the state level for administering the 
    initial or permanent state regulatory program.
        Soil scientist means a technical specialist with the academic 
    credentials or work experience which enables the specialist to use 
    established procedures to collect the required information about soils.
        Soil survey means field and other investigations which result in a 
    map showing the geographic distribution of different kinds of soils and 
    an accompanying report that describes, classifies, and interprets such 
    soils for use, and which meets the standards of the National 
    Cooperative Soil Survey and the procedures of the USDA as incorporated 
    by reference in 30 CFR 785.17(c)(1).
    Soil removal
    Specifications for Designating Prime Farmland Soils for Removal
        a. A soil scientist should locate and mark, on the ground and on 
    the plan map, the boundaries of prime farmland soils that will be 
    removed during mining. Prime farmland soils on the proposed mining site 
    will be identified from a published NRCS soil survey. If a soil survey 
    is not available or does not provide the physical, chemical, and 
    morphological soil properties described in 30 CFR 785.17(c)(ii), a soil 
    scientist should sample and document those properties for the 
    identified prime farmland soils using the following procedures:
        i. Soil laboratory analysis for testing any sample will use the 
    procedures described in Soil Survey Investigations Report No. 42.
        ii. Identify the rooting zone of the undisturbed prime farmland 
    soils in the reclamation plan.
        iii. Identify the original topography of prime farmland soils to be 
    mined in the reclamation plan.
        iv. Identify the pre-mining surface and internal drainage 
    conditions, flooding frequency, and surface or subsurface drainage 
    systems of the prime farmland in the reclamation plan.
        v. Identify the equipment that will be used for soil removal in the 
    reclamation plan.
    Specifications for Soil Removal.
        a. Soil removal should be accomplished with adherence to the 
    following principles;
        i. Minimize pre-mining compaction and destruction of the soil 
    structure by using equipment that will have the least impact on the 
    natural soil.
        ii. Route soil removal equipment and adjust removal depth with each 
    cycle of that equipment to minimize the compaction and destruction of 
    soil structure in the natural soil.
        iii. Remove the topsoil layer (A, AP, AE, AB, E horizons and, where 
    appropriate, dark noncalcareous Bw and Bt horizons) and, if there is 
    not a currently or recently mined area to replace the topsoil, place it 
    in a designated stockpile. If the natural topsoil layer is less than 6-
    inches thick, remove the top 6 inches of soil and treat it as topsoil. 
    The topsoil of prime farmlands may be mixed only if the resulting 
    topsoil will have greater potential productivity, as determined using 
    the characteristics set forth in Appendix B, than the prime farmland 
    topsoil alone. In no case will prime farmland topsoil be mixed with 
    topsoil containing rocks larger than 2mm.
        iv. Remove the B horizon and/or C horizon, or an RA approved 
    substitute rooting media and, if there is not a currently or a recently 
    mined area to concurrently place the rooting media, place it in a 
    designated stockpile.
        v. Soil removal should occur only in water state classes that are 
    slightly dry or dryer, as defined in the Soil Survey Manual, United 
    States Department of Agriculture, Handbook No. 18, October 1993.
        b. Substitution of selected overburden materials for any portion of 
    a prime farmland soil is subject to the regulations in 30 CFR 785.17, 
    816.22, and part 823. Substitution of any material for naturally 
    occurring prime farmland soils should be approved by the RA, in 
    consultation with the NRCS, only when the substitute material will have 
    a clearly demonstrated productivity potential equivalent to or higher 
    than the reconstructed original soil material. This will be based on 
    characteristics outlined in Appendix B.
    Soil Stockpiling
    Specifications For Stockpiling
        Stockpiling is permitted only if the soil removal and 
    reconstruction operations cannot be carried out concurrently.
        a. Stockpiled materials should:
        i. Be placed on a stable site within the permit area;
        ii. Be protected from contaminants and unnecessary compaction that 
    would interfere with revegetation;
        iii. Be protected from wind and water erosion through prompt 
    [[Page 57654]]
    and maintenance of an effective, quick growing vegetative cover or 
    through other measures approved by the regulatory authority; and
        (iv) Not be moved until required for redistribution.
        b. Where long-term surface disturbances will result from 
    facilities, such as support facilities and preparation plants, and 
    where stockpiling of soils would be detrimental to the quality or 
    quantity of those soils, the RA may approve the temporary distribution 
    of the removed soil materials to an approved site within the permit 
    area to enhance the current use of that site until needed for later 
    reclamation, provided that diminish the capability of host site and the 
    soil material will be retained in a condition more suitable for 
    redistribution than if stockpiled.
        c. Sites subject to flooding or slippage are to be avoided for 
    stockpiling of soil. The soil survey map for the proposed stockpiling 
    site, as well as a field investigation, should be used to determine if 
    a proposed soil stockpile location will be subject to flooding or 
        d. Ponding of water should be avoided on all stockpiles.
        e. All woody vegetation and any other materials on the stockpile 
    site that may degrade the quality of stored material or interfere with 
    placement or removal of stockpiled soils should be removed.
        f. The topsoil should be stockpiled separately from the subsoil or 
    approved substitute material.
        g. If possible, topsoil and subsoil stockpiles should not be 
    located on prime farmland soils. If prime farmland must be used as a 
    stockpile site, actions should be taken to avoid and mitigate any 
    adverse effects such as compaction.
    Soil Replacement and Reconstruction
        Specifications for soil replacement and reconstruction are as 
        a. The minimum depth of soil and substitute soil material to be 
    reconstructed should be 48 inches; or (1) a lesser depth equal to the 
    depth of a sub-surface horizon in the natural soil that inhibits or 
    prevents root penetration; or (2) a greater depth if determined by the 
    RA, in consultation with the NRCS, to be necessary to restore the 
    original soil productive capacity.
        b. The rooting zone of the pre-mining soils will be used as a basis 
    for determining the replacement soil depth. Appendix A provides 
    guidance for establishing the pre-mining rooting zone depth. The depth 
    and quality of the rooting zone of the reconstructed prime farmland 
    soils should be equal to or greater than the pre-mined soil rooting 
    zone. The depth and quality of the replaced subsoil should be verified, 
    using characteristics in Appendix B, before replacement of the topsoil.
        c. Topsoil, or the approved substitute material, must be returned 
    to the mined area to a thickness not less than that of the pre-mined 
    topsoil or to a minimum of 6 inches if the topsoil before mining was 
    less than 6 inches thick.
        d. The reconstructed soil should have a hydraulic conductivity, 
    texture, porosity, consistency, penetration resistance, and other 
    physical properties which approximates the pre-mined soil or are more 
    favorable for plant growth as outlined in Appendix B.
        e. The reaction (pH) and other chemical properties of the major 
    horizon of the reconstructed soil must be within the ranges of the pre-
    mined soil or be more favorable for plant growth. (Appendix B provides 
    additional guidance on desirable physical and chemical properties for 
    the reconstructed soils).
        f. Final grading of the reconstructed soil should provide for 
    adequate surface drainage and for slope gradients within the range of 
    the pre-mined prime farmland mapping units. In semi-arid and arid 
    regions, surface drainage patterns and slope gradients must be 
    reestablished to ensure that reconstructed prime farmland soils receive 
    approximately the same amount of surface water run-on from adjacent 
    areas as they did in their pre-mined condition.
        g. Soon after topsoil replacement, the soil should be tilled at 
    sufficient depth to encourage root and water penetration into the 
    subsoil to reduce runoff and erosion.
        h. Erosion control measures contained in the approved reclamation 
    plan should be implemented immediately after replacement of the 
    topsoil. These erosion control measures should meet, at a minimum, the 
    specifications found in Section IV of the local NRCS Field Office 
    Technical Guide for seeding, mulching, and other appropriate erosion 
    control methods.
        All field observation and testing should be performed by a soil 
    scientist or persons under the direction of a soil scientist.
    Appendix A: Criteria for Determining Pre-Mining Rooting Zone
        Soil horizons are considered as preventing root penetration if 
    their physical or chemical properties or water holding capacity cause 
    them to prevent penetration by roots of plants common to the area. Soil 
    features, e.g. tillage pan, formed during mechanical disturbance are 
    not to be considered as root inhibiting for purposes of determining 
    pre-mining rooting zone.
        Most prime farmland soils have a favorable rooting depth of at 
    least 48 inches and, for such soils, proper soil reconstruction to this 
    depth will help in the restoration of productivity. However, there may 
    be some prime farmland soils for which reconstruction to a greater 
    depth is needed. Where bedrock or approved root inhibiting horizons are 
    at a depth of less than 48 inches, reconstruction is thus required to a 
    lesser depth. Fragipans or other root inhibiting layers, in order to 
    qualify for exclusion from reconstruction, must contribute little or 
    nothing to the productive capacity of the soil. This contribution must 
    be less than 0.06 inches per inch of available water capacity to 
    qualify for such exclusion.
        The rooting zone of the prime farmland soils before mining will be 
    determined and documented in the reclamation plan. The rooting zone can 
    be obtained from published soil surveys or field determination.
        If a soil survey or field determination (observation of rooting 
    depth in an excavation) is not used to determine the rooting zone, the 
    following guidelines will be used to determine depth (below 20 inches) 
    to a root inhibiting soil layer for each of the following factors.
        Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR): This is a measure of the amount of 
    sodium (Na+) relative to calcium (Ca+) and 
    magnesium (Mg+) in the water extract from saturated soil 
    paste. SAR is calculated from the following equation:
        Soils having the SAR values listed below will have increased 
    dispersion of organic matter and clay particles, reduced permeability 
    and aeration, and a degradation of soil structure.
    SAR Values
    A value of greater than 30 is a root inhibiting soil layer
        Electrical Conductivity: This is a measure of the concentration of 
    water soluble salts in a soil (from an extract of saturated soil paste) 
    and is used to indicate saline soils. High concentrations of neutral 
    salts interfere with the absorption of water by plants because the 
    osmotic pressure in the soil solution is higher than that in the plant 
    cells. Salts in a soil layer can interfere with the exchange capacity 
    of nutrient ions, thereby resulting in nutritional deficiencies in 
    plants. Soils having the following value will be root inhibiting:
    [[Page 57655]]
    A value of greater than 8 mmho/cm.
        Aluminum Saturation: Excess aluminum restricts plant root 
    penetration and proliferation in acid subsoils by decreasing water 
    uptake in plants. Aluminum toxicities damage roots to the extent that 
    they cannot absorb adequate water. High concentrations of aluminum are 
    linked to adverse interaction with other elements, e.g., iron and 
    calcium. The relationship of aluminum and calcium is the most important 
    factor affecting calcium uptake by plants. Aluminum toxicity is linked 
    to phosphorus deficiency, and conversely, aluminum tolerance is related 
    to the efficient use of phosphorus. A value of equal to or more than 55 
    percent aluminum saturation for cotton, peanuts, soybeans, and other 
    similar crops and equal to or more than 60 percent aluminum saturation 
    for corn, wheat, sorghum, and other similar crops is a root inhibiting 
    soil layer using the following equation--
        Root Inhibiting Structures: Separations between structural units 
    that allow roots to enter have an average spacing of more than 4 inches 
    on the horizontal dimension before being considered root inhibiting 
    structure. Any of the following soil conditions will be considered a 
    root inhibiting soil layer:
        Strong subangular blocky larger than 4 inches or, moderate 
    subangular blocky larger than 4 inches or,
        Strong angular blocky larger than 4 inches or, moderate angular 
    blocky larger than 4 inches or,
        Prismatic larger than 4 inches or, columnar larger than 4 inches.
        Separations between structural units that allow roots to enter will 
    have an average spacing of more than 4 inches on the horizontal 
    dimensions before being considered a root inhibiting structure. The 
    consistency is always firm or firmer. The kind and size of structure 
    and consistency are always evaluated under moderately moist or very 
    moist conditions.
        Moist Bulk Density: Bulk density is an indicator of the soil's 
    ability for root development, both vertically and horizontally. A soil 
    having moist bulk density equal to or more than values shown in table 1 
    is considered having a soil root inhibiting layer:
      Table 1.--Root-Limiting Bulk Densities for Each Family Texture Class
                        Family texture class                         bulk
                                                                  density g/
    Sandy......................................................         1.85
    Coarse loamy...............................................         1.80
    Fine loamy.................................................         1.78
    Coarse silty...............................................         1.79
    Fine silty.................................................         1.65
        35-45% clay............................................         1.58
        >45% clay..............................................         1.47
        Soil Strength: Soil strength measurements with the deep-profile 
    penetrometer appear to be a viable parameter for assessing rooting 
    depth to root inhibiting soil layer when chemical and plant nutritional 
    variables are not crop yield-limiting factors. A review of the 
    literature for field measurements of soil strength over a period of 
    about 15 years has concluded that more field measurements are needed 
    before useful limits of soil strength can be established.
    Appendix B: Desirable Characteristics for Physical and Chemical 
    Properties of Reconstructed Soils
        The reconstructed soils should have the following characteristics. 
    These characteristics will help ensure the success of meeting the 
    performance standards. Terms used in this Appendix are explained in 
    Appendix A.
        All rooting media must meet the following chemical and physical 
    properties to have the minimal favorable environment for root growth:
        Sodium Adsorption Ratio 
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TN28OC98.019
    SAR: A value of less than 4.
        Electrical Conductivity:
    A value of less than 4 mmho/cm.
        Aluminum Saturation: Aluminum saturation value of less than 20 
    percent for cotton, peanuts, soybeans, and other similar crops and less 
    than 35 percent aluminum saturation for corn, wheat sorghum, and other 
    similar crops using the following equation--
        Root Permissive Structure: The reconstructed soil must have a root 
    permissive structure after the soil material has been subject to the 
    passage of at least 1.5 pore volumes of water in excess of the 
    retention at 15 bar bringing all parts through the depth of 
    consideration at least one time to very moist or wet. The pore volume 
    is obtained by multiplying the depth zones by the water holding 
    capacity volume fractions to follow: stratified by family particle-size 
    class excluding the effect of those larger than two mm:
                       Family particle size a                      fraction
    Sandy......................................................         0.10
    Coarse-loamy...............................................         0.18
    Fine-loamy.................................................         0.20
    Coarse-silty...............................................         0.25
    Fine-Silty.................................................         0.23
    Clayey.....................................................        0.15
    a Family particle size classes defined in Soil Taxonomy Agriculture
      Handbook 436.
        Alternative volume fractions may be substituted if documented. The 
    volume of water for the family particle-size class is multiplied by the 
    thickness of the zone and the amounts of zones are added through to 48 
    inches. Under rain fed conditions, the water addition is taken as the 
    aggregate of successive monthly positive differences between 
    precipitation and the evapotranspiration as computed by an acceptable 
    method. Figure 1 is a method for determination of soluble salts and 
    percent sodium from extract for identifying dispersive soils. 
    Irrigation should be considered when precipitation is insufficient to 
    subject the reclaimed soil to the passage of at least one pore volume 
    of water while all parts of the soil are very moist or wet. The water 
    added must not change the soil solution chemistry from indicative of 
    dispersion (zone A in figure 1) to non-dispersive (zone B).
        Figure 1. The field of percent sodium and total dissolved solids, 
    both for the saturation extract, divided into a non-dispersive part 
    (zone A), a dispersive part (zone B), and a transitional part (zone C). 
    From Flanagan, C.P. and G.G.S. Holmgren. 1977. Field methods for 
    determination of soluble salts and percent sodium from extract for 
    identifying dispersive soils. Am. Soc. Test Mat. STP 623. Reference 
    Address: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr 
    Harbor Drive, West Conshohcken, PA 19428-2959
    [[Page 57656]]
        Moist Bulk density is an indicator of the soil's ability for root 
    development, both vertically and horizontally. Table 2 has values for 
    bulk densities for use during reclamation of mined soils by family soil 
    texture classes for nonlimiting to rooting, critical to rooting, and 
    root-limiting. As a general rule, reclaimed soils do not have 
    continuity of pores or interpedal voids: therefore, values in table 2 
    are important consideration during the reconstruction and reclamation 
    of mined soils.
             Table 2.--Nonlimiting, Critical, and Root-Limiting Bulk Densities for Each Family Texture Class
                          Family texture class                          Nonlimiting    Critical bulk   limiting bulk
                                                                       bulk density    density g/cm3      density
    Sandy...........................................................            1.60            1.69            1.85
    Coarse loamy....................................................            1.50            1.63            1.80
    Fine loamy......................................................            1.46            1.67            1.78
    Coarse silty....................................................            1.43            1.67            1.79
    Fine silty......................................................            1.34            1.54            1.65
        35-45% clay.................................................            1.40            1.49            1.58
        >45% clay...................................................            1.30            1.39            1.47
        Caution--Because of the diversity of soil texture, rock fragments, 
    climate, mining equipment, and other variables during reclamation, 
    moist bulk density values are only a guide. In spite of overall high 
    bulk density, there are cases where good root deployment and targeted 
    crop yields have been achieved, mainly because the pattern of pore 
    spaces was favorable. On the other hand, there are cases in which the 
    overall bulk density is not high and good root deployment was expected, 
    but a very thin highly compacted layer that could not be detected in a 
    standard test method prohibited the entry of plant roots.
        Soil Strength: Soil strength is highly correlated to crop yields on 
    reclaimed and reconstructed mined soils. The response is curvilinear 
    with crop yield decreasing as soil strength increases. There appears to 
    be a lower and upper thresholds to the effect of soil strength on crop 
        The mechanical impedence is at a minimum at or near 10 PSI. 
    Therefore, the rooting volume does not change dramatically below the 
    level of 100 PSI. Soil strength with 150 PSI range begins to impact 
    rooting, and in the range of 280 PSI is root-limiting. Even though a 
    reconstructed mined soil has nonlimiting soil strength for rooting, a 
    significant difference in crop yield may occur compared to the soils on 
    the permit area prior to mining. It must be understood that the quality 
    of subsoil material, which is replaced during reconstruction and 
    reclamation as well as reclamation practices, will become a dominate 
    influence to any further increase in yield for soils having non-
    limiting soil strength. The PSI values are determined by inserting into 
    the soil profile a 3/4 inch rod with a 300 right circular cone point 
    welded to the end of the rod.
        Signed at Washington, D.C. on October 15, 1998.
    Pearlie S. Reed,
    Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Service.
    [FR Doc. 98-28467 Filed 10-27-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-16-P

Document Information

Natural Resources Conservation Service
Entry Type:
Notice of proposed specifications with request for comments.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by November 27, 1998.
57651-57656 (6 pages)
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