98-28813. Portland General Electric Co.; Issuance of Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Regarding the Proposed Exemptions From Requirements of 10 CFR Part 71  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 208 (Wednesday, October 28, 1998)]
    [Pages 57713-57715]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-28813]
    [Docket No.: 71-9271]
    Portland General Electric Co.; Issuance of Environmental 
    Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Regarding the Proposed 
    Exemptions From Requirements of 10 CFR Part 71
        Portland General Electric Company (PGE or applicant) has applied 
    for a package approval from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
    (NRC) for the one-time shipment of the Trojan Reactor Vessel Package 
    (TRVP), with internals intact, from the Trojan Nuclear Plant site at 
    Rainier, Oregon, to the US Ecology radioactive waste disposal facility 
    near Richland, Washington. As part of its application, PGE has 
    requested exemptions, pursuant to 10 CFR 71.8, from requirements 10 CFR 
    71.71(c)(7) and 10 CFR 71.73(c)(1). This Environmental Assessment (EA) 
    was prepared to assess the potential environmental impacts of granting 
    these exemptions as well as an exemption from 10 CFR 71.73(b) to the 
    extent it is needed to grant an exemption from 10 CFR 71.73(c)(1).
    Identification of Proposed Action
        By letter dated March 31, 1997, PGE requested, in part, approval 
    for the one-time shipment of the TRVP by means of two specific 
    exemptions, under 10 CFR 71.8, from the requirements of 10 CFR 
    71.71(c)(7) and 71.73(c)(1), in the 10 CFR part 71 regulations 
    governing the packaging and transportation of licensed materials.
        The TRVP is the Trojan reactor vessel prepared for transport as a 
    shipping package. The reactor vessel is a large, thick-walled, steel 
    structure measuring approximately 13 m (42 feet, 6 inches) in length 
    and 5.2 m (17 feet, 1 inch) in outside diameter. The reactor vessel 
    void space, with internals installed and intact, will be filled with 
    low-density cellular concrete, to prevent movement of radioactive 
    material within the reactor vessel. The vessel will be sealed and 
    shielded as necessary to meet the dose limit requirements of 10 CFR 
    71.47 and 10 CFR 71.51. Impact limiters will be installed to minimize 
    reactor vessel stresses associated with the analyzed TRVP drops. The 
    impact limiters are each approximately 1.5 m (4 feet, 10 inches) in 
    width and 7.6 m (28 feet) in outside diameter. The maximum gross weight 
    of the TRVP is conservatively 925 metric tons (2.04 million pounds).
        The TRVP will be shipped approximately 482 km (300 miles) as a one-
    time, exclusive use, radioactive material transportation package for 
    the purpose of disposal at the US Ecology low-level radioactive waste 
    facility on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation near Richland, Washington. 
    During the shipment, the TRVP is expected to be outside the Trojan 
    Nuclear Plant site and US Ecology facility boundaries less than 72 
        Section 71.71(c)(7) requires an evaluation of the package design 
    under normal conditions of transport and must include a determination 
    of the effect, on that design, of a free drop of the specimen through a 
    distance of 0.3 m (1 foot) [for a package weighing more than 15000 kg 
    (33,100 pounds)] ``* * * onto a flat, essentially unyielding, 
    horizontal surface in a position for which maximum damage is 
        Before shipment, the TRVP will be prepared as a shipping package 
    and will be loaded and tied down onto a specially designed transporter. 
    The loaded transporter will be moved onto
    [[Page 57714]]
    a specially selected barge and secured using an engineered tie-down 
    system. The barge will be grounded during this evolution. The TRVP 
    loaded transporter will be barged up the Columbia River to the Port of 
    Benton where a heavy-haul mover will connect to the transporter and 
    move it off the barge and overland to the disposal facility. The TRVP 
    will be off-loaded at the disposal facility.
        The TRVP will be rotated to a horizontal position (i.e., the 
    centerline longitudinal axis of the package will be horizontal) during 
    preparation in the Trojan Nuclear Plant industrial area. During 
    transport, the TRVP will remain oriented in the horizontal position. 
    Because of the unique size and mass of the package and the method of 
    support of the package, no other orientation is reasonable during TRVP 
    transport. Once loaded onto the transporter, the TRVP will not be 
    removed from the transporter at any time during transport.
        Based on the above conditions and the special handling and 
    operational controls to be exercised, PGE requested exemption from the 
    requirement to consider the 0.3 m (1 foot) drop (in any orientation) as 
    a normal condition of transport. PGE has, however, designed and 
    analyzed the TRVP with impact limiters to withstand the effects of a 
    0.3 m (1 foot) horizontal orientation drop.
        Section 71.73(c)(1) concerns tests for hypothetical accident 
    conditions and requires: ``A free drop of the specimen through a 
    distance of 9 m (30 feet) onto a flat, essentially unyielding, 
    horizontal surface, striking the surface in a position for which 
    maximum damage is expected.'' Based on the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) 
    specified transportation route, method of shipment, and special 
    controls [including 18.5 km/h (10 knots) and 8 km/h (5 mi/h) speed 
    limits for river and road, respectively], the PGE contends the 9 m (30-
    foot) drop should not be considered a hypothetical accident condition 
    for the TRVP shipment. PGE determined that the maximum postulated 
    distance that the TRVP could drop during a hypothetical transport 
    accident is 3.3 m (11 feet), based on the transportation system, route, 
    and operational controls. This drop height and horizontal orientation 
    were used as a design basis for the TRVP. Because the TRVP shipment is 
    conditioned on a minimum initial TRVP temperature of 50  deg.F, and on 
    a forecasted minimum daily low temperature during transport of 40 
    deg.F, the 11-foot drop and puncture were evaluated at 45  deg.F, 
    rather than the -20  deg.F which otherwise would be required by 10 CFR 
        PGE designed the TRVP and analyzed its performance under accident 
    conditions that are not as rigorous as those specified in 10 CFR 
    71.73(c)(1), and therefore requested exemption from that requirement. 
    To assure comparable shipment safety, PGE has committed to the use of 
    stringent operational and administrative controls. The purpose of these 
    controls is to ensure that the probability of the TRVP encountering 
    accident conditions beyond those for which it has been analyzed is low.
    Need for the Proposed Action
        The Trojan Nuclear Plant was shut down in November 1992. On January 
    27, 1993, PGE notified the NRC of its decision to permanently cease 
    power operations and subsequently defueled the reactor, storing the 
    spent fuel in the Trojan spent fuel pool. Currently, PGE has a 
    possession-only license under 10 CFR part 50, and on January 25, 1995, 
    applied to terminate its license by submitting a decommissioning plan. 
    PGE proposed to decommission the facility using a dismantlement or 
    DECON approach as defined in the ``Final Generic Environmental Impact 
    Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities,'' NUREG-0586, dated 
    August 1988.
        In accordance with the NRC-approved decommissioning plan, PGE's 
    plans for decommissioning the Trojan Nuclear Plant include 
    decontamination and dismantlement of contaminated structures, systems, 
    and components. The removal of the Trojan reactor vessel and the 
    internals is an evolution that is discussed in the decommissioning 
    plan, and is necessary for completion of decommissioning and release of 
    the site for unrestricted use.
        Certain normal- and accident-condition test requirements of 10 CFR 
    71 [i.e., 10 CFR 71.71(c)(7) and 71.73(c)(1)] are impractical for the 
    proposed shipment of the TRVP. They would significantly increase the 
    size and cost of impact limiters attached to the reactor vessel. Larger 
    impact limiters would raise the center of gravity of the TRVP in its 
    transport configuration, resulting in a larger actual drop height that 
    could occur during the shipment. Larger impact limiters could also make 
    the shipment by barge physically impossible because a slightly taller 
    package would not fit under the minimum overhead clearance point for 
    the shipment route. Furthermore, installation of larger impact limiters 
    would result in an increase in occupational dose to the workers 
    performing the installation, which is not in keeping with the as low as 
    reasonably achievable (ALARA) concept. Thus, exemptions from the 
    requirements of 10 CFR 71.71(c)(7), and 71.73(c)(1) and the related 
    exemption from 71.73(b), are needed to approve use of the TRVP for 
    Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action
        NRC has considered the impacts of radioactive material 
    transportation in general in its ``Final Environmental Statement on the 
    Transportation of Radioactive Material by Air and Other Modes,'' 
    (NUREG-0170, December 1977). The one-time, short-duration shipment of 
    the TRVP will be made along a well-defined, favorable transportation 
    route to the U.S. Ecology licensed radioactive waste disposal facility. 
    The staff has established, by evaluation of the revised SAR and 
    transportation Probabilistic Safety Study (PSS) and by personal 
    interviews with the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Department of 
    Transportation (DOT), that the operational and administrative controls 
    provide reasonable assurance that the TRVP will not encounter accident 
    conditions during the shipment beyond those for which it has been 
    analyzed. Therefore, any stress to the TRVP from normal or credible 
    accidents is not expected to have impacts that would lead to 
    radiological releases.
        The PSS shows that the most likely of the accident scenarios is a 
    TRVP barge collision, with the TRVP lost overboard (probability of 
    10-\6\ for the shipment). PGE has developed a recovery plan for this 
    scenario that indicates that the TRVP would be recovered in about 30 
    days. Since the probability of accidents that could damage the package 
    and lead to potential health impacts is less than 10-\6\, these 
    accidents were not evaluated by the staff. The staff concluded that the 
    TRVP shipment will not significantly affect the public health and 
    safety, or adversely impact the environment.
    Alternative to the Proposed Action
        The alternative to the proposed action is to not grant the 
    exemptions from 10 CFR part 71, which would then require other 
    approaches to disposition of the Trojan reactor vessel and evaluation 
    of its environmental impacts. Three other disposition scenarios were 
    considered for the disposal of the reactor vessel and internals from 
    the Trojan Nuclear Plant:
    A. No Action
        Storage of the reactor vessel on site. On-site storage of the 
    reactor vessel with its internals intact is not considered to be a 
    viable alternative. Federal regulations (10 CFR 50.82(a)) provide for 
    decommissioning within 60 years, unless a longer period is approved by
    [[Page 57715]]
    the Commission, in accordance with the regulations. Storing the vessel 
    on-site for 50 years before removal is similar to the SAFSTOR 
    decommissioning alternative, which was addressed in NUREG-0586, ``Final 
    Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear 
    Facilities.'' On-site storage for 50 years is not consistent with the 
    DECON decommissioning alternative that was selected by PGE and approved 
    by NRC. The DECON decommissioning alternative has also been accepted 
    and approved by the State of Oregon for the decommissioning of the 
    Trojan Nuclear Plant. On-site storage of the reactor vessel would 
    result in retaining the part 50 license and necessary staff to maintain 
    radiological controls and other part 50 required programs. Other 
    results include, but are not limited to, performance of required 
    periodic surveys, increased exposure to workers, and increased cost. 
    Although radioactive decay would reduce shielding requirements, the 
    reactor vessel would still have to be disposed of using one of the 
    alternatives described below. Since insignificant gain would be 
    realized, this scenario was not evaluated further.
    B. Modified Reactor Vessel and Internals Removal (Modified TRVP)
        Disposal of the reactor vessel in one piece with only the non-
    greater than Class C (non-GTCC) internals left inside. The TRVP, with 
    all internals included, is classified as Class C waste. Certain 
    internals, if removed from the TRVP, would likely be classified as GTCC 
    waste. The GTCC internals would have to be segmented underwater, placed 
    into containers, and stored in the spent fuel pool or the independent 
    spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) at the Trojan Site. The vessel 
    and remaining internals would be shipped via barge in a single package 
    similar to the TRVP alternative. Depending on the package shipped, NRC 
    and/or DOT exemptions might still be required. The GTCC internals would 
    be shipped at an unknown date in the future when a suitable repository 
    becomes available to accept the waste.
    C. Separate Disposal
        Separate disposal of the reactor vessel and internals. The reactor 
    vessel internals would be segmented underwater. The non-GTCC internals 
    would be placed in shielded casks and shipped to the US Ecology 
    disposal facility via truck. The GTCC internals would be stored in the 
    spent fuel pool or the ISFSI at the Trojan site. The reactor vessel 
    would be disposed of separately from the internals and either shipped 
    whole, via barge, or segmented and shipped, via truck, to the disposal 
    facility. Depending on the package shipped, NRC and/or DOT exemptions 
    might still be required. The GTCC internals would be shipped at an 
    unknown date in the future when a suitable repository becomes available 
    to accept the waste.
        Radiation exposures for the proposed action and the other 
    disposition options were analyzed for on-site personnel, transportation 
    personnel, general public, and disposal facility workers. The number of 
    radioactive waste shipments for each scenario was based on the amount 
    and configuration of the waste produced. Dose estimates do not include 
    doses resulting from on-site storage and future shipment of GTCC waste 
    to a waste repository (date and site unknown).
        The proposed TRVP action has one radioactive waste shipment and a 
    total exposure of 0.674 person-Sv (67.4 person-rem) [0.671 person-Sv 
    (67.1 person-rem) of occupational exposure to on-site personnel]. 
    Alternative A is inconsistent with the NRC-approved decommissioning 
    plan for the site, and the impacts do not differ significantly from the 
    proposed action. Alternative B would entail three radioactive waste 
    shipments and a total exposure of 0.881 person-Sv (88.1 person-rem) 
    [0.878 person-Sv (87.8 person-rem) of occupational exposure to on-site 
    personnel]. Alternative C would involve 47 radioactive waste shipments 
    and a total exposure of 1.389 to 1.399 person-Sv (138.9 to 139.9 
    person-rem) (1.332 person-Sv (133.2 person-rem) of occupational 
    exposure to on-site personnel).
    Agencies and Persons Contacted
        Officials from the DOT Office of Hazardous Materials Technology, 
    and the U.S. Coast Guard, Marine Safety Office/Group Portland, were 
    contacted regarding impacts of the proposed action and had no concerns.
    Finding of No Significant Impact
        The environmental impacts of the proposed action have been reviewed 
    in accordance with the requirements of part 51. Based on the foregoing 
    EA, the Commission finds that the proposed action of: (1) Granting an 
    exemption from 10 CFR 71.71(c)(7), so that PGE need not evaluate a free 
    drop of 0.3 m (1 foot) under normal conditions of transport; and (2) 
    granting an exemption from 10 CFR 71.73(c)(1) and 71.73(b), so that PGE 
    need not evaluate a free drop of 9 m (30 feet) under hypothetical 
    accident conditions, will not significantly impact the quality of the 
    human environment. Accordingly, the Commission has determined not to 
    prepare an environmental impact statement for the proposed exemption.
        This application was docketed under part 71, Docket 71-9271. For 
    further details about this action, see Dockets 50-344 and 72-017, which 
    are available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document 
    Room, 2120 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20555, and the Local Public 
    Document Room at Portland State University Library, Science Library, 
    951 Southwest Hall Street, Portland, Oregon 97201.
        Dated at Rockville, MD, this 22nd day of October 1998.
        For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    M. Wayne Hodges,
    Acting Director, Spent Fuel Project Office, Office of Nuclear Material 
    Safety and Safeguards.
    [FR Doc. 98-28813 Filed 10-27-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
57713-57715 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No.: 71-9271
PDF File: