98-28862. Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Golden Crab Fishery of the South Atlantic Region; Gear and Vessel Management Measures  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 208 (Wednesday, October 28, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 57589-57590]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-28862]
    [[Page 57589]]
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    15 CFR Part 902
    50 CFR Part 622
    [Docket No. 980608151-8255-02; I.D. 122497B]
    RIN 0648-AK43
    Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; 
    Golden Crab Fishery of the South Atlantic Region; Gear and Vessel 
    Management Measures
    AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and 
    Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: NMFS issues this final rule to implement a regulatory 
    amendment prepared by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council 
    (Council) in accordance with framework procedures for adjusting 
    management measures of the Fishery Management Plan for the Golden Crab 
    Fishery of the South Atlantic Region (FMP). For the golden crab fishery 
    in the South Atlantic exclusive economic zone (EEZ), the regulatory 
    amendment revises the vessel size limitations applicable when a vessel 
    permit is transferred to another vessel and extends through December 
    31, 2000, the authorization to use wire cable for a mainline attached 
    to a golden crab trap. In addition, NMFS is removing from the 
    regulations the eligibility criteria and procedures for obtaining 
    initial commercial vessel permits in the South Atlantic golden crab 
    fishery. Such criteria and procedures are no longer applicable. NMFS is 
    also revising the list of control numbers applicable to Title 50 of the 
    Code of Federal Regulations to reflect removal of the eligibility 
    criteria and procedures for obtaining initial commercial vessel permits 
    for this fishery. The intended effects of this rule are to allow for 
    additional evaluation of cable used as mainlines for traps, to provide 
    greater flexibility for fishermen to fish with vessels of different 
    lengths without adversely affecting the FMP's cap on fishing effort, 
    and to simplify the regulations.
    DATES: This rule is effective October 28, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peter Eldridge, 727-570-5305.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The golden crab fishery in the EEZ of the 
    South Atlantic is managed under the FMP. The FMP was prepared by the 
    Council and is implemented under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens 
    Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) by 
    regulations at 50 CFR part 622.
        The Council proposed adjusted management measures (a regulatory 
    amendment) for the South Atlantic golden crab fishery. The Council 
    submitted this regulatory amendment to NMFS for its review, approval, 
    and implementation. These measures were developed and submitted to NMFS 
    under the FMP's framework procedure for adjustments in gear regulations 
    and permit requirements. Additional background for these measures and 
    for measures proposed by NMFS to simplify the regulations was published 
    in the preamble to the proposed rule (63 FR 34842, June 26, 1998) and 
    is not repeated here.
    Comments and Responses
        Two comments on the proposed rule were received from the Council.
        Comment: The Council requested that wire cable be allowed to be 
    used for a main line in the golden crab fishery through December 31, 
    2000, rather than through January 31, 1999, as proposed. The Council 
    concluded that this additional time was needed to collect sufficient 
    data to evaluate properly the use of wire cable in the fishery. In its 
    comment, the Council noted that the opportunity for public comment on 
    this issue was provided at the June 1998 Council meeting; however, no 
    public comment was received.
        Response: NMFS concurs and has modified Sec. 622.40(d)(2)(ii) of 
    this final rule accordingly.
        Comment: The Council noted that Sec. 622.40(d)(2)(ii) of the 
    proposed rule included the outdated phrase, ``except that wire cable is 
    allowed for a buoy line through January 31, 1998.'' The Council 
    recommended deletion of that phrase.
        Response: NMFS concurs and has modified Sec. 622.40(d)(2)(ii) of 
    this final rule accordingly.
    Changes From the Proposed Rule
        In response to public comment noted above, in 
    Sec. 622.40(d)(2)(ii), the phrase, ``for a buoy line through January 
    31, 1998, and'' has been removed, and ``January 31, 1999'' has been 
    revised to read ``December 31, 2000.''
        NMFS also is making a technical amendment, which was not included 
    in the proposed rule. In 15 CFR 902.1(b), in the listing of sections in 
    title 50 of the CFR where information collection requirements are 
    located, the entry ``622.17'' and the entry for the corresponding OMB 
    control number,     ``-0205,'' are removed. These removals correspond 
    with the removal from the regulations of the eligibility criteria and 
    procedures for obtaining initial commercial vessel permits in this 
        Under NOAA Administrative Order 205-11, 7.01, dated December 17, 
    1990, the Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere has delegated to 
    the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries (AA), NOAA, the authority to 
    sign material for publication in the Federal Register.
        This final rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
        The Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and Regulation of the 
    Department of Commerce, based on the Council's regulatory impact review 
    (RIR) that assesses the economic impacts of the management measures in 
    this rule on fishery participants, certified to the Chief Counsel for 
    Advocacy of the Small Business Administration that this rule would not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. No comments were received regarding this certification. As a 
    result, a regulatory flexibility analysis was not prepared.
        This final rule relieves a restriction regarding use of wire cable 
    for main line and a restriction related to vessel transfer. Both of 
    these provisions provide greater flexibility to fishery participants in 
    terms of their prosecution of the fishery. Accordingly, the AA finds 
    that these reasons constitute good cause, under 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), to 
    waive the 30-day delay in the effectiveness of this rule.
    List of Subjects
    15 CFR Part 902
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    50 CFR Part 622
        Fisheries, Fishing, Puerto Rico, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Virgin Islands.
        Dated: October 22, 1998.
    Gary C. Matlock,
    Acting Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 15 CFR part 902 and 50 CFR 
    part 622 are amended as follows:
    [[Page 57590]]
    15 CFR Chapter IX
        1. The authority citation for part 902 continues to read as 
        Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    Sec. 902.1  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 902.1, paragraph (b) table, under 50 CFR, in the left 
    column, the entry ``622.17'' is removed and the corresponding entry in 
    the right column, ``-0205'', is also removed.
    50 CFR Chapter VI
        3. The authority citation for part 622 continues to read as 
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
        4. In Sec. 622.4, paragraph (a)(2)(x) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 622.4  Permits and fees.
        (a) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (x) For a person aboard a vessel to fish for golden crab in the 
    South Atlantic EEZ, possess golden crab in or from the South Atlantic 
    EEZ, off-load golden crab from the South Atlantic EEZ, or sell golden 
    crab in or from the South Atlantic EEZ, a commercial vessel permit for 
    golden crab must be issued to the vessel and must be on board. It is a 
    rebuttable presumption that a golden crab on board a vessel in the 
    South Atlantic or off-loaded from a vessel in a port adjoining the 
    South Atlantic was harvested from the South Atlantic EEZ. See 
    Sec. 622.17 for limitations on the use, transfer, and renewal of a 
    commercial vessel permit for golden crab.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 622.5  [Amended]
        5. In Sec. 622.5, in paragraph (a)(1)(v), the reference to 
    ``Sec. 622.17(a)'' is removed and ``Sec. 622.4(a)(2)(x)'' is added in 
    its place.
    Sec. 622.6  [Amended]
        6. In Sec. 622.6, in paragraph (a)(1)(i) introductory text, the 
    phrase ``or Sec. 622.17'' is removed.
    Sec. 622.7  [Amended]
        7. In Sec. 622.7, in paragraph (a), the phrase ``or Sec. 622.17'' 
    is removed, in paragraph (b), the phrase ``or in Sec. 622.17,'' is 
    removed, in paragraph (c), the phrase ``or Sec. 622.17(g)'' is removed, 
    and in paragraph (z), the reference to ``Sec. 622.17(h)'' is removed 
    and ``Sec. 622.17(b)'' is added in its place.
    Sec. 622.8  [Amended]
        8. In Sec. 622.8, in paragraph (a), the reference to 
    ``Sec. 622.17(a)'' is removed and ``Sec. 622.4(a)(2)(x)'' is added in 
    its place.
        9. Section 622.17 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 622.17  South Atlantic golden crab controlled access.
        (a) General. In accordance with the procedures specified in the 
    Fishery Management Plan for the Golden Crab Fishery of the South 
    Atlantic Region, initial vessel permits have been issued for the 
    fishery. No additional permits may be issued.
        (b) Fishing zones. (1) The South Atlantic EEZ is divided into three 
    fishing zones for golden crab. A permitted vessel may fish for golden 
    crab only in the zone shown on its permit. A vessel may possess golden 
    crab only in that zone, except that other zones may be transited if the 
    vessel notifies NMFS, Office of Enforcement, Southeast Region, St. 
    Petersburg, FL, by telephone (813-570-5344) in advance and does not 
    fish in an unpermitted zone. The designated fishing zones are as 
        (i) Northern zone--the South Atlantic EEZ north of 28 deg. N. lat.
        (ii) Middle zone--the South Atlantic EEZ from 25 deg. N. lat. to 
    28 deg. N. lat.
        (iii) Southern zone--the South Atlantic EEZ south of 25 deg. N. 
        (2) An owner of a permitted vessel may request that NMFS change the 
    zone specified on a permit from the middle or southern zone to the 
    northern zone. A request for such change and the existing permit must 
    be submitted from an owner of a permitted vessel to the RD.
        (c) Transfer. (1) An owner of a vessel with a valid golden crab 
    permit may request that NMFS transfer the permit to another vessel by 
    returning the existing permit(s) to the RD with an application for a 
    permit for the replacement vessel.
        (2) To obtain a commercial vessel permit via transfer, the owner of 
    the replacement vessel must submit to the RD a valid permit for a 
    vessel with a documented length overall, or permits for vessels with 
    documented aggregate lengths overall, of at least 90 percent of the 
    documented length overall of the replacement vessel.
        (3) In addition to the provisions of paragraph (c)(2) of this 
    section, the owner of a permitted vessel who has requested that NMFS 
    transfer that permit to a smaller vessel (i.e., downsized) may 
    subsequently request NMFS transfer that permit to a vessel of a length 
    calculated from the length of the permitted vessel immediately prior to 
        (d) Renewal. In addition to the procedures and requirements of 
    Sec. 622.4(h) for commercial vessel permit renewals, for a golden crab 
    permit to be renewed, the SRD must have received reports for the 
    permitted vessel, as required by Sec. 622.5(a)(1)(v), documenting that 
    at least 5,000 lb (2,268 kg) of golden crab were landed from the South 
    Atlantic EEZ by the permitted vessel during at least one of the two 12-
    month periods immediately prior to the expiration date of the vessel 
    Sec. 622.31  [Amended]
        10. In Sec. 622.31, in paragraph (a) the phrase ``or 622.17'' is 
    Sec. 622.35  [Amended]
        11. In Sec. 622.35, in paragraph (f), the reference to 
    ``Sec. 622.17(h)'' is removed and ``Sec. 622.17(b)'' is added in its 
        12. In Sec. 622.40, in paragraph (c)(3)(ii), the reference to 
    ``Sec. 622.17(h)'' is removed and ``Sec. 622.17(b)'' is added in its 
    place, and paragraph (d)(2)(ii) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 622.40  Limitations on traps and pots.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (ii) Rope is the only material allowed to be used for a buoy line 
    or mainline attached to a golden crab trap, except that wire cable is 
    allowed for a mainline through December 31, 2000.
    Sec. 622.45  [Amended]
        13. In Sec. 622.45, in paragraph (f)(2), the reference to 
    ``Sec. 622.17(a)'' is removed and ``Sec. 622.4(a)(2)(x)'' is added in 
    its place.
    [FR Doc. 98-28862 Filed 10-27-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-22-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective October 28, 1998.
57589-57590 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 980608151-8255-02, I.D. 122497B
0648-AK43: Regulatory Amendment to Fishery Management Plan for Golden Crab Fishery of Southern Atlantic States
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (13)
50 CFR 622.40(d)(2)(ii)
50 CFR 622.4(h)
15 CFR 902.1
50 CFR 622.4
50 CFR 622.5
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