99-28208. Discretionary Grant Programs Application Notice Establishing Closing Date for Transmittal of Certain Fiscal Year 2000 Applications  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 208 (Thursday, October 28, 1999)]
    [Pages 58119-58122]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-28208]
    [Public Notice 3144]
    Discretionary Grant Programs Application Notice Establishing 
    Closing Date for Transmittal of Certain Fiscal Year 2000 Applications
    AGENCY: The Department of State invites applications from national 
    organizations with interest and expertise in conducting research and 
    training to serve as intermediaries administering national competitive 
    programs concerning the countries of Central and East Europe, Russia, 
    and Eurasia. The grants will be awarded through an open, national 
    competition among applicant organizations.
        Authority for this Program for Research and Training on Eastern 
    Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union is 
    contained in the Soviet-Eastern European Research and Training Act of 
    1983 (22 U.S.C. 4501-4508, as amended).
    [[Page 58120]]
    SUMMARY: The purpose of this application notice is to inform potential 
    applicant organizations of fiscal and programmatic information and 
    closing dates for transmittal of applications for awards in Fiscal Year 
    2000 under a program administered by the Department of State. The 
    program seeks to build and sustain expertise among Americans willing to 
    make a career commitment to the study of Central and East Europe, 
    Russia, and Eurasia.
    Organization of notice:  This notice contains three parts. Part I lists 
    the closing date covered by this notice. Part II consists of a 
    statement of purpose and priorities of the program. Part III provides 
    the fiscal data for the program.
    Part I
    Closing Date for Transmittal of Applications
        An application for an award must be mailed or hand-delivered by 
    January 28, 2000.
    Applications Delivered by Mail
        An application sent by mail must be addressed to W. Kendall Myers, 
    Executive Director, Advisory Committee for Studies of Eastern Europe 
    and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, INR/RES, Room 
    6841, U.S. Department of State, 2201 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 
        An applicant must show proof of mailing consisting of one of the 
        (1) A legibly dated U.S. Postal Service postmark.
        (2) A legible mail receipt with the date of mailing stamped by the 
    U.S. Postal Service.
        (3) A dated shipping label, invoice, or receipt from a commercial 
        (4) Any other proof of mailing acceptable to the Department of 
        If any application is sent through the U.S. Postal Service, the 
    Department of State does not accept either of the following as proof of 
    mailing: (1) A private metered postmark, or (2) a mail receipt that is 
    not dated by the U.S. Postal Service.
        An applicant should note that the U.S. Postal Service does not 
    uniformly provide a dated postmark. Before relying on this method, an 
    applicant should check with the local post office.
        An applicant is encouraged to use registered or at least first 
    class mail. Late applications will not be considered and will be 
    returned to the applicant.
    Applications Delivered by Hand
        An application that is hand delivered must be taken to W. Kendall 
    Myers, Executive Director, Advisory Committee for Studies of Eastern 
    Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, INR/RES, 
    Room 6841, 2201 C Street, NW, Washington, DC. Please phone first at 
    (202) 736-4572 to gain access to the building.
        The Advisory Committee staff will accept hand-delivered 
    applications between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. EST daily, except Saturdays, 
    Sundays, and Federal holidays.
        An application that is hand delivered will not be accepted after 4 
    p.m. on the closing date.
    Part II
    Program Information
        In the Soviet-Eastern European Research and Training Act of 1983, 
    the Congress declared that independently verified factual knowledge 
    about the countries of that area is ``of utmost importance for the 
    national security of the United States, for the furtherance of our 
    national interests in the conduct of foreign relations, and for the 
    prudent management of our domestic affairs.'' Congress also declared 
    that the development and maintenance of such knowledge and expertise 
    ``depends upon the national capability for advanced research by highly 
    trained and experienced specialists, available for service in and out 
    of Government.'' The program provides financial support for advanced 
    research, training and other related functions on the countries of the 
    region. By strengthening and sustaining in the United States a cadre of 
    experts on Central and East Europe, Russia, and Eurasia, the program 
    contributes to the overall objectives of the FREEDOM Support and SEED 
        The full purpose of the Act and the eligibility requirements are 
    set forth in Public Law 98-164, 97 Stat. 1047-50, as amended. The 
    countries include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and 
    Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Former 
    Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, 
    Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia 
    (including Kosovo and Montenegro), Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, 
    Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
        The Act establishes an Advisory Committee to recommend grant 
    policies and recipients. The Secretary of State, after consultation 
    with the Advisory Committee, approves policies and makes the final 
    determination on awards.
        Applications for funding under the Act are invited from U.S. 
    organizations prepared to conduct competitive programs on Central and 
    East Europe, Russia, and Eurasia and related fields. Applying 
    organizations or institutions should have the capability to conduct 
    competitive award programs that are national in scope. Programs of this 
    nature are those that make awards based upon an open, nationwide 
    competition, incorporating peer group review mechanisms. Individual 
    end-users of these funds--those to whom the applicant organizations or 
    institutions propose to make awards--must be at the graduate or post-
    doctoral level, and must have demonstrated a likely career commitment 
    to the study of Central and East Europe, Russia, and/or Eurasia.
        Applications sought in this competition among organizations or 
    institutions are those that would contribute to the development of a 
    stable, long-term, national program of unclassified, advanced research 
    and training on the countries of Central and East Europe, Russia, and/
    or Eurasia by proposing:
        (1) National programs which award contracts or grants to American 
    institutions of higher education or not-for-profit corporations in 
    support of post-doctoral or equivalent level research projects, such 
    contracts or grants to contain shared-cost provisions;
        (2) National programs which offer graduate, post-doctoral and 
    teaching fellowships for advanced training on the countries of Central 
    and East Europe, Russia, and Eurasia, and in related studies, including 
    training in the languages of the region, with such training to be 
    conducted on a shared-cost basis, at American institutions of higher 
        (3) National programs which provide fellowships and other support 
    for American specialists enabling them to conduct advanced research on 
    the countries of Central and East Europe, Russia, and Eurasia, and in 
    related studies; and those which facilitate research collaboration 
    between Government and private specialists in these areas;
        (4) National programs which provide advanced training and research 
    on a reciprocal basis in the countries of Central and East Europe, 
    Russia, and Eurasia by facilitating access for American specialists to 
    research facilities and resources in those countries;
        (5) National programs which facilitate the public dissemination of 
    research methods, data and findings; and those which propose to 
    strengthen the national capability for advanced research or training on 
    the countries of Central and East Europe, Russia, and Eurasia in ways 
    not specified above.
    [[Page 58121]]
        Note: The Advisory Committee will not consider applications from 
    individuals to further their own training or research, or from 
    institutions or organizations whose proposals are not for 
    competitive award programs that are national in scope as defined 
    above. Support for specific activities will be guided by the 
    following policies and priorities:
         Support for Transitions. The Advisory Committee strongly 
    encourages support for activities which, while building expertise among 
    US specialists on the region, also (1) promote fundamental goals of US 
    assistance programs such as helping establish market economies and 
    promoting democratic governance and civil societies, and (2) provide 
    knowledge related to current US policy interests in the region, broadly 
    defined. This includes, but is not limited to, such topics as ethnic 
    conflict, post-Soviet economics, and political participation. The 
    Advisory Committee gives priority to programs on Central Asia, the 
    Caucasus, and the Balkans, where gaps in knowledge exist, and 
    encourages research on Russia's regions and other areas outside capital 
    cities. Historical or cultural research that promotes understanding of 
    current events in the region also is encouraged if an explicit 
    connection can be made to contemporary political and/or economic 
         Publications. Funds awarded in this competition should not 
    be used to subsidize journals, newsletters and other periodical 
    publications except in special circumstances, in which cases the funds 
    should be supplied through peer-review organizations with national 
    competitive programs.
         Conferences. Proposals for conferences, like those for 
    research projects and training programs, should be assessed according 
    to their relative contribution to the advancement of knowledge and to 
    the professional development of cadres in the fields. Therefore, 
    requests for conference funding should be directed to one or more of 
    the national peer-review organizations receiving program funds, with 
    proposed conferences being evaluated competitively against research, 
    fellowship or other proposals for achieving the purposes of the grant.
         Library Activities. Funds may be used for certain library 
    activities that clearly strengthen research and training on the 
    countries of Central and East Europe, Russia, and Eurasia and benefit 
    the fields as a whole. Such programs must make awards based upon open, 
    nationwide competition, incorporating peer group review mechanisms. 
    Funds may not be used for activities such as modernization, 
    acquisition, or preservation. Modest, cost-effective proposals to 
    facilitate research, by eliminating serious cataloging backlogs or 
    otherwise improving access to research materials, will be considered.
         Language Support. The Advisory Committee encourages 
    attention to the non-Russian languages of Eurasia and the less commonly 
    taught languages of the Central and East Europe. Support provided for 
    Russian language instruction/study normally will be only for advanced 
    level. Applicants proposing to offer language instruction are 
    encouraged to apply to a national program as described above that has 
    appropriate peer group review mechanisms.
         Support for Non-Americans. The purpose of the program is 
    to build and sustain U.S. expertise on the countries of Central and 
    East Europe, Russia, and Eurasia. Therefore, the Advisory Committee has 
    determined that highest priority for support always should go to 
    American specialists (i.e., U.S. citizens or permanent residents). 
    Support for such activities as long-term research fellowships, i.e., 
    nine months or longer, should be restricted solely to American 
    scholars. Support for short-term activities also should be restricted 
    to Americans, except in special instances where the participation of a 
    non-American scholar has clear and demonstrable benefits to the 
    American scholarly community. In such special instances, the applicant 
    must justify the expenditure. Despite this restriction on support for 
    non-Americans, collaborative projects are encouraged--where the non-
    American component is funded from other sources--and priority is given 
    to institutions whose programs contain such an international component.
        In making its recommendations, the Committee will seek to encourage 
    a coherent, long-term, and stable effort directed toward developing and 
    maintaining a national capability on the countries of Central and East 
    Europe, Russia, and Eurasia. Program proposals can be for the conduct 
    of any of the functions enumerated, but in making its recommendations, 
    the Committee will be concerned to develop a balanced national effort 
    that will ensure attention to all the countries of the area. 
    Legislation requires and this announcement indicates under Program 
    Information of this section that in certain cases grantee organizations 
    must include shared-cost provisions in their arrangements with end-
    users. Cost-sharing is encouraged, whenever feasible, in all programs.
    Part III
    Available Funds
        Awards are contingent upon the availability of funds. Funding may 
    be available at a level up to $4.8 million. The precise level of 
    funding will not be known until legislative action is complete. In 
    Fiscal Year 1999, the Congress appropriated to the program $4.8 million 
    from the FREEDOM Support and Support for East European Democracies 
    (SEED) Acts, which funded grants to 9 national organizations, with $3.3 
    million for activities on Russia and Eurasia and $1.5 million for those 
    on Central and East Europe, including the Baltic states. The number of 
    awards varies each year, depending on the level of funding and the 
    quality of the applications submitted.
        The Department legally cannot commit funds that may be appropriated 
    in subsequent fiscal years. Thus multi-year projects cannot receive 
    assured funding unless such funding is supplied out of a single year's 
    appropriation. Grant agreements may permit the expenditure from a 
    particular year's grant to be made up to three years after the grant's 
    effective date.
        Applications must be prepared and submitted in 20 copies in 12 
    pitch in the following format: one-page, single-spaced Executive 
    Summary; Budget presentation; narrative description of proposed 
    programs not to exceed 20 double-spaced pages; one-page, single-spaced 
    vitae of key professional staff; and required certifications. 
    Applicants may append other information they consider essential, 
    although bulky submissions are discouraged and run the risk of not 
    being reviewed fully.
        Because funds will be appropriated separately for Central and East 
    Europe (including the Baltic states) and New Independent States 
    programs, proposals must indicate how the requested funds will be 
    distributed by region, country (to the extent possible), and activity. 
    Subsequently, grant recipients must report expenditures by region, 
    country, and activity.
        Applicants should familiarize themselves with Department of State 
    grant regulations contained in 22 CFR part 145, ``Grants and 
    Cooperative Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, 
    Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations,'' OMB Circular 
    A-110, ``Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education * 
    * * Uniform Administrative Requirements,'' and OMB Circular A-133, 
    ``Audits of
    [[Page 58122]]
    Institutions of Higher Learning and Other Non-Profit Institutions'' and 
    indicate or provide the following information:
        (1) Whether the organization falls under OMB Circular No. A-21, 
    ``Cost Principles for Educational Institutions,'' or OMB Circular No. 
    A-122, ``Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations;''
        (2) A detailed program budget indicating direct expenses with 
    clearly identified administrative costs by program element and by 
    region (NIS or Central and East Europe), indirect costs, and the total 
    amount requested. The budget also should reflect administrative costs 
    as a percentage of the total requested funding. NB: Indirect costs are 
    limited to 10 percent of total direct program costs. Applicants 
    requesting funds to supplement a program having other sources of 
    support should submit a current budget for the total program and an 
    estimated future budget for it showing how specific lines in the budget 
    would be affected by the allocation of requested grant funds. Other 
    funding sources and amounts, when known, should be identified.
        (3) The applicant's cost-sharing proposal, if applicable, 
    containing appropriate details and cross references to the requested 
        (4) The organization's most recent audit report (the most recent 
    U.S. Government audit report, if available) and the name, address, and 
    point of contact of the audit agency. N.B.: The threshold for grants 
    that trigger an audit requirement has been raised from $25,000 to 
        (5) An indication of the applicant's priorities if funding is being 
    requested for more than one program or activity.
        All payments will be made to grant recipients through the 
    Department of State.
    Narrative Statement
        The Applicant must describe fully the proposed programs, including 
    detailed information about plans for advertising programs, peer review 
    and selection procedures and identification of anticipated selection 
    committee participants, estimates of the types and amounts of 
    anticipated awards, and benefits of these programs for the Central and 
    East European, Russian, and Eurasian fields.
        Applicants who have received previous grants from this State 
    Department program should provide detailed information on the awards 
    made, including, where applicable, names/affiliations of recipients, 
    and amounts and types of awards. Applicant's should specify both past 
    and anticipated applicant to award ratios. A summary of an 
    organization's past grants under this State Department program also 
    should be included.
        Proposals from national organizations involving language 
    instruction programs should provide, for those programs supported in 
    the past year, information on the criteria for evaluation, including 
    levels of instruction, degrees of intensiveness, facilities, methods 
    for measuring language proficiency (including pre- and post-testing), 
    instructors' qualifications, and budget information showing estimated 
    costs per student.
        Applicants must include a description of affirmative action 
    policies and practices and certifications of compliance with the 
    provisions of: (1) The Drug-Free Workplace Act (Public Law 100-690), in 
    accordance with Appendix C of 22 CFR part 137, Subpart F; and (2) 
    Section 319 of the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies 
    Appropriations Act (Public Law 101-121), in accordance with Appendix A 
    of 22 CFR part 138, New Restrictions on Lobbying Activities.
    Technical Review
        The Advisory Committee for Studies of Eastern Europe and the 
    Independent States of the Former Soviet Union will evaluate 
    applications on the basis of the following criteria:
        (1) Responsiveness to the substantive provisions set forth above in 
    Program Part II, Information (45 points);
        (2) The professional qualifications of the applicant's key 
    personnel and selection committees, and their experience conducting 
    national competitive award programs of the type the applicant proposes 
    on the countries of Central and East Europe, Russia, and Eurasia (35 
    points); and
        (3) Budget presentation and cost effectiveness (20 points).
    Further Information
        For further information, contact W. Kendall Myers, Executive 
    Director, Advisory Committee for Studies of Eastern Europe and the 
    Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, INR/RES, Room 6841, U.S. 
    Department of State, 2201 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20520-6510. 
    Telephone: (202) 736-4572 or 736-4386, fax: (202) 736-4851 or (202) 
        Dated: October 21, 1999.
    W. Kendall Myers,
    Executive Director, Advisory Committee for Studies of Eastern Europe 
    and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union.
    [FR Doc. 99-28208 Filed 10-27-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4710-32-P

Document Information

State Department
Entry Type:
Document Number:
58119-58122 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Public Notice 3144
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