2024-24580. Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to the Port of Alaska Modernization Program Phase 2B: Cargo Terminals Replacement Project in Anchorage, Alaska
Table 1—Pile Installation and Removal Methods, Estimated Amounts, and Estimated Durations for Years 1-5
Activity type Pile size and type Total estimated number of piles Estimated number of piles in the water 1 Average vibratory duration per pile (minutes) Average impact duration per pile (minutes) Estimated impact strikes per pile Total duration of removal or installation in water (hours) Average production rate, piles per day (range) Estimated number of days over 5 years Temporary pile installation 24- or 36-in (61- or 91-cm) Steel pipe 565 450 30 225 hours 2-4 144. Temporary pile removal 24- or 36-in (61- or 91-cm) Steel pipe 161 46 45 35 hours 2-4 15. Permanent pile installation 72-in (182-cm) Steel pipe 310 275 10 86 5,743 440 hours 0.5-3 159. Total 1,036 771 700 hours 337 days. Note: cm = centimeter(s); 1—Piles installed above the mean lower low water line are considered “in the dry” ( i.e., not in-water). It is anticipated that the permanent and temporary piles in the three bents nearest the shore for all five trestles would be installed in the dry at low tide levels. An additional bent would be installed in the dry for the northernmost trestle of T1 and for the three trestles of T2. These piles are not considered to have the potential for impact to marine mammals and are thus excluded from the following analyses.