97-28622. Actions on Exemption Applications  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 209 (Wednesday, October 29, 1997)]
    [Pages 56223-56235]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-28622]
    [[Page 56223]]
    Research and Special Programs Administration
    Actions on Exemption Applications
    AGENCY: Research and Special Programs Administration, DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of actions on exemption applications.
    SUMMARY: In accordance with the procedures governing the application 
    for, and the processing of, exemptions from the Department of 
    Transportation's Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR Part 107, 
    Subpart B), notice is hereby given of the actions on exemption 
    applications in January-June 1997. The modes of transportation involved 
    are identified by a number in the ``Nature of Application'' portion of 
    the table below as follows: 1--Motor vehicle, 2--Rail freight, 3--Cargo 
    vessel, 4--Cargo aircraft only, 5--Passenger-carrying aircraft. 
    Application numbers prefixed by the letters EE represent applications 
    for Emergency Exemptions. It should be noted that some of the sections 
    cited were those in effect at the time certain exemptions were issued.
        Issued in Washington, DC, on October 14, 1997.
    J. Suzanne Hedgepeth,
    Director, Office of Hazardous Materials, Exemptions and Approvals.
     Application No.     Exemption No.          Applicant             affected          Nature of exemption thereof 
                                                 MODIFICATION EXEMPTIONS                                            
    3216-M            DOT-E 3216          E.I. DuPont de        49 CFR 173.314(C0...  Authorizes the use of DOT     
                                           Nemours & Co.,                              Specification 110A300W tank  
                                           Wilmington, DE.                             car tank for transportation  
                                                                                       of certain compressed gases. 
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 3.)                
    6971-M            DOT-E 6971          Chem Service, Inc.,   49 CFR Parts 100-199  Authorizes the transport of   
                                           West Chester, PA.                           small quantities of reagent  
                                                                                       chemicals in inside glass    
                                                                                       bottles packed in metal boxes
                                                                                       overpacked in a strong wooden
                                                                                       or fiberboard box. (Modes 1, 
                                                                                       2, 3, 4, 5.)                 
    7280-M            DOT-E 7280          U.S. Department of    49 CFR 176.905(c),    Authorizes fuel tanks to be \3/
                                           Defense, Falls        176.905(d).           4\ full instead of \1/4\ full
                                           Church, VA.                                 and vehicles to be           
                                                                                       transported with battery     
                                                                                       cables connected if the holds
                                                                                       or compartments of a vessel  
                                                                                       in which vehicles are loaded 
                                                                                       are mechanically ventilated. 
                                                                                       (Modes 3, 4.)                
    7657-M            DOT-E 7657          Welker Engineering    49 CFR 173.119,       Authorizes the manufacture,   
                                           Co., Sugar Land, TX.  173.302(a)(1),        marking and sale of non--DOT 
                                                                 173.304(a)(1),        specification cylinders, for 
                                                                 173.304(b)(1),        transportation of certain    
                                                                 175.3, 178.42.        compressed gases. (Modes 1,  
                                                                                       2, 3, 4.)                    
    8451-M            DOT-E 8451          U.S. Department of    49 CFR 173.3,         Authorizes the transport of   
                                           Energy, Washington,   173.52, 173.54,       not more than 25 grams of    
                                           DC.                   173.60, 174.3,        high explosives and          
                                                                 175.3, 177.801.       pyrotechnic materials in a   
                                                                                       special shipping container.  
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 2, 4.)             
    9830-M            DOT-E 9830          Worthing Cylinder     49 CFR 173.302(a),    Authorizes manufacture,       
                                           Corp., Columbus, OH.  173.304(a),           marking and sale of non-DOT  
                                                                 173.304(d), 175.3,    specification stainless steel
                                                                 178.51-10(a),         cylinders to transport those 
                                                                 178.51-11, 178.51-    materials authorized in DOT  
                                                                 19, 178.51-20,        Specification 4BA cylinders. 
                                                                 178.51-5.             (Modes 1, 2, 4.)             
    9909-M            DOT-E 9909          Taylor-Wharton,       49 CFR 173.301(h),    Authorizes the manufacture,   
                                           Harrisburg, PA.       173.302, 173.304,     marking and sale of non-DOT  
                                                                 173.34(a)(1),         specification steel cylinder 
                                                                 175.3, 178.37.        complying in part with DOT-  
                                                                                       3AA specification for        
                                                                                       transportation of certain    
                                                                                       flammable and nonflammable   
                                                                                       gases. (Modes 1, 2, 3, 4.)   
    9998-M            DOT-E 9998          Accumulators, Inc.,   49 CFR                Authorizes the shipment of    
                                           Houston, TX.          173.302(a)(1),        nitrogen in hydraulic        
                                                                 175.3..               accumulators. (Modes 1, 2, 3,
    10131-M           DOT-E 10131         FOMO Products Inc.,   49 CFR                Authorizes the transport of   
                                           Norton, OH.           173.1200(a)(8),       certain hazardous materials  
                                                                 173.305(c),           in a container conforming    
                                                                 173.306(a)(3),        with the DOT Specification 2Q
                                                                 178.33a.              except for size, marking and 
                                                                                       test. (Modes 1, 2, 3.)       
    10147-M           DOT-E 10147         EFI Corp., Fremont,   49 CFR                Authorizes the manufacture,   
                                           CA.                   173.302(a)(1),        marking and sale of non-DOT  
                                                                 173.304(a)(1),        Specification, fiber         
                                                                 175.3.                reinforced plastic, full     
                                                                                       composite cylinders for      
                                                                                       shipment of certain Division 
                                                                                       2.1 and Division 2.2 gases.  
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 2, 3, 4.)          
    10517-M           DOT-E 10517         Nalco Chemical Co.,   49 CFR                Authorizes the retesting of   
                                           Naperville, IL.       173.32(e)(1)(ii).     DOT Specification 57 portable
                                                                                       tanks fabricated of stainless
                                                                                       steel at five year intervals.
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 2, 3.)             
    10741-M           DOT-E 10741         Northern Natural Gas  49 CFR 178.36-2 thru  Authorizes the use of a non-  
                                           Co., West Des         178.36-18.            DOT specification cylinder   
                                           Moines, IO.                                 comparable to a 3AX cylinder 
                                                                                       for use transporting         
                                                                                       compressed natural gas. (Mode
    [[Page 56224]]
    10803-M           DOT-E 10803         Westinghouse          49 CFR 172.203(a),    Authorizes the use of motor   
                                           Electric              177.834(1)(2)(i).     vehicles, equipped with      
                                           Corporation,                                specific diesel-operated     
                                           Pittsburgh, PA.                             heating equipment, engaged in
                                                                                       the transportation of certain
                                                                                       Class 3 liquids or gases.    
                                                                                       (Mode 1.)                    
    10929-M           DOT-E 10929         Conrail,              49 CFR 174.67(i) and  Authorizes tank cars,         
                                           Philadelphia, PA.     (j).                  containing various classes of
                                                                                       hazardous materials to remain
                                                                                       standing with unloading      
                                                                                       connection attached when no  
                                                                                       product is being transferred,
                                                                                       provided that minimal level  
                                                                                       of monitoring is maintained. 
                                                                                       (Mode 2.)                    
    10962-M           DOT-E 10962         International         49 CFR 172, Subpart   Authorizes the transportation 
                                           Compliance Center     E & F, Part 177,      of materials which require   
                                           Ltd., Niagara         Subpart C.            the DANGEROUS WHEN WET label 
                                           Falls, NY.                                  in motor vehicles which are  
                                                                                       not placarded DANGEROUS WHEN 
                                                                                       WET, subject to the          
                                                                                       limitation and special       
                                                                                       requirements. (Mode 1.)      
    11005-M           DOT-E 11005         Pressure Technology,  49 CFR 173.302(a),    Authorizes the manufacture,   
                                           Inc., Hanover, MD.    173.304(a) (d),       marking and sale of non-DOT  
                                                                 175.3.                specification fiber          
                                                                                       reinforced plastic (FRP) full
                                                                                       composite (FC) aluminum      
                                                                                       cylinders for the            
                                                                                       transportation of certain    
                                                                                       compressed gases. (Modes 1,  
                                                                                       2, 3, 4, 5.)                 
    11005-M           DOT-E 101005        Pressure Technology,  49 CFR 173.302(a),    Authorizes the manufacture,   
                                           Inc., Hanover, MD.    173.304(a) (d),       marking and sale of non-DOT  
                                                                 175. 3.               specification fiber          
                                                                                       reinforced plastic (FRP) full
                                                                                       composite (FC) aluminum      
                                                                                       cylinders for the            
                                                                                       transportation of certain    
                                                                                       compressed gases. (Modes 1,  
                                                                                       2, 3, 4, 5.)                 
    11171-M           DOT-E 11171         Dart Container Corp.  49 CFR 173.35(b)....  To authorize the transport of 
                                           of PA, Leola, PA.                           reused flexible bulk bags,   
                                                                                       comparable to those presently
                                                                                       authorized, for use in       
                                                                                       transporting polystyrene     
                                                                                       beads, expandable, Class 9.  
                                                                                       (Mode 1.)                    
    11180-M           DOT-E 11180         HMT Associates,       49 CFR 173.24(c),     Authorizes the transportation 
                                           Washington, DC.       Part 172, Subparts    of metal tubing which contain
                                                                 D, E and F, Part      hazardous materials assigned 
                                                                 173, Subparts E and   to Division 4.3, Packaging   
                                                                 F, Part 178.          Group III, or Division 6.1,  
                                                                                       Packaging Group III,         
                                                                                       respectively, and excepts    
                                                                                       them from the packaging,     
                                                                                       marking, labeling, and       
                                                                                       placarding requirements of   
                                                                                       Hazardous Materials          
                                                                                       Regulations. (Modes 1, 2, 3.)
    11186-M           DOT-E 11186         Cryenco, Inc.,        49 CFR 173.318......  Authorizes the manufacture,   
                                           Denver, CO.                                 mark and sell of a cryogenic 
                                                                                       portable tank of SA-240 316L 
                                                                                       construction, comparable to  
                                                                                       MC-338, equipped with safety 
                                                                                       relief valve with 250 psig   
                                                                                       for use in transporting      
                                                                                       hazardous materials classed  
                                                                                       in Division 2.1 and 2.2.     
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 2, 3.)             
    11267-M           DOT-E 11267         TPOPAZ International  49 CFR 173.240,       Authorizes the transportation 
                                           Program,              173.241, 173.242,     of a Topaz II unit which     
                                           Albuquerque, NM.      173.244.              contains Division 4.3 and 4.1
                                                                                       solid substances together in 
                                                                                       a specially designed metal   
                                                                                       container. (Mode 1.)         
    11298-M           DOT-E 11298         Reilly Industries,    49 CFR 174.67(i) and  Authorizes tank cars,         
                                           Inc., Indianapolis    (j).                  containing certain hazardous 
                                           IN.                                         materials, to remain standing
                                                                                       with unloading connections   
                                                                                       attached when no product is  
                                                                                       being transferred, provided  
                                                                                       that a minimal level of      
                                                                                       monitoring is maintained.    
                                                                                       (Mode 2.)                    
    11321-M           DOT-E 11321         E.I. du Pont de       49 CFR 172.101        To authorize the              
                                           Nemours & Company,    column 7 Special      transportation of uninsulated
                                           Inc., Wilmington,     Provision B14 and     DOT specification cargo tanks
                                           DE.                   T38.                  and portable tanks containing
                                                                                       titanium tetroachloride which
                                                                                       is poisonous by inhalation.  
                                                                                       (Mode 1.)                    
    11458-M           DOT-E 11458         Creative Products     49 CFR 172.203(a),    To authorize the              
                                           Inc. of Rossville,    173.150(b),           transportation in commerce of
                                           Rossville, IL.        173.152(b),           consumer commodities eligible
                                                                 173.154(b),           for reclassification as ORM-D
                                                                 173.155(b),           in pallet-sized display packs
                                                                 173.306(a) & (h),     that exceed the gross weight 
                                                                 Part 107, Subpart     limit for limited quantity   
                                                                 B, Appendix B, Part   packages. (Mode 1.)          
                                                                 107, Subpart B,                                    
                                                                 Appendix B.                                        
    [[Page 56225]]
    11490-M           DOT-E 11490         Lockheed Martin       49 CFR 173.31(a)(4),  Authorizes the one-time       
                                           Corp., Princeton,     179.300-15.           transportation of            
                                           NJ.                                         methylhydrazined, Class 8    
                                                                                       material in DOT Specification
                                                                                       110A500W multi-unit tank car 
                                                                                       tanks which are not fitted   
                                                                                       with a pressure relief device
                                                                                       and Class 8 in DOT-          
                                                                                       specification 110A500W multi-
                                                                                       unit tank cars not equipped  
                                                                                       with pressure relief devices.
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 3.)                
    11504-M           DOT-E 11504         Livonia Avon &        49 CFR 172.203(a),    Authorizes the transportation 
                                           Lakeville Railroad    172.302-(c),          of certain Class 8 and       
                                           Corp., Cohocton, NY.  174.85(d), Part       Division 2.2 materials       
                                                                 107, Appendix B,      separated, in train, from an 
                                                                 Subpart B.            occupied locomotive by a     
                                                                                       locomotive with batteries    
                                                                                       disconnected and in tow.     
                                                                                       (Mode 2.)                    
    11506-M           DOT-E 11506         OEA, Inc., Denver,    49 CFR 173.301(h),    Authorizes the manufacture,   
                                           CO.                   173.306(d)(3)(i),     marking and sale of non-DOT  
                                                                 178.65-11(a),         specification cylinders      
                                                                 178.65-3(a), 178.65-  (pressure vessels) for use as
                                                                 9(b).                 components of automobile     
                                                                                       vehicle safety systems. The  
                                                                                       pressure vessel may be       
                                                                                       charged with non-toxic, non- 
                                                                                       liquefied gases, or mixtures 
                                                                                       thereof. Modes 1, 2, 3, 4.)  
    11650-M           DOT-E 11650         Morton International  49 CFR 178.65-9.....  Authorizes the emergency      
                                           Inc., Ogden, UT.                            transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       non-DOT specification non-   
                                                                                       refillable cylinders charged 
                                                                                       with pyrotechnic initiating  
                                                                                       device classed as igniters,  
                                                                                       Division 1.4G. (Modes 1, 2,  
                                                                                       3, 4.)                       
    11666-M           DOT-E 11666         The Carbide/Graphite  49 CFR 173.240(b)...  To authorize the              
                                           Group, Inc.,                                transportation of graphite   
                                           Pittsburgh, PA.                             products classified as       
                                                                                       Miscellaneous Hazardous Class
                                                                                       9 material in bulk packaging 
                                                                                       strapped to wooden pallets on
                                                                                       an open flat truck bed. (Mode
    11791-M           DOT-E 11791         The Coleman Co.,      49 CFR 178.33(a)....  To authorize the              
                                           Inc., Wichita, KS.                          transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       a Division 2.1 material in a 
                                                                                       DOT Specification 2Q         
                                                                                       nonrefillable inner container
                                                                                       which exceeds the authorizing
                                                                                       maximum charging pressure.   
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 2, 3, 4.)          
    11804-M           DOT-E 11804         Advertising           49 CFR 173.156,       Authorizes an emergency       
                                           Unlimited, Inc.,      173.184.              exemption for the            
                                           Red Wing, MN.                               transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       a safety kit containing two  
                                                                                       highway fusees, one tire     
                                                                                       inflator, and one fire       
                                                                                       extinguisher as a consumer   
                                                                                       commodity, ORM-D. (Modes 1,  
    11827-M           DOT-E 11827         Nippon Riku-un        49 CFR 173.32b(b)(1)  To authorize an emergency     
                                           Sangyo Co., Ltd.,                           exemption to waive a 5-year  
                                           Tokyo, JP.                                  internal inspection of       
                                                                                       polytetrafluorethylene lined 
                                                                                       IM portable tanks for use in 
                                                                                       transporting various classes 
                                                                                       of hazardous materials.      
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 3.)                
    11854-M           DOT-E 11854         Zarn, Reidsville, NC  49 CFR 172.101 Col.   To authorize the emergency    
                                                                 8(c), 173.197, 178.   manufacture, mark and sell of
                                                                                       non-DOT specification        
                                                                                       packaging for use in         
                                                                                       transporting regulated       
                                                                                       medical waste classed in     
                                                                                       Division 6.2 material. (Mode 
    11856-M           DOT-E 11856         Olin Corp., Norwalk,  49 CFR                To authorize the emergency    
                                           CT.                   173.304(a)(2),        transportation in commerce of
                                                                 173.34(d), 175.3.     a satellite system containing
                                                                                       Division 2.3 and Class 8     
                                                                                       materials. (Modes 1, 4.)     
    11868-M           DOT-E 11868         United States         49 CFR 173.420......  To authorize the emergency    
                                           Enrichment                                  transportation in commerce of
                                           Corporation,                                uranium hexafluoride         
                                           Bethesda, MD.                               cylinders with valves and    
                                                                                       plugs that contain different 
                                                                                       alloys. (Modes 1, 2.)        
    10996-N           DOT-E 10996         AeroTech, Inc. &      49 CFR 173 Subpart C  To authorize the              
                                           Industrial Solid                            transportation of limited    
                                           Propulsion, Inc.,                           quantities of composite      
                                           Las Vegas, NV.                              propellant rocket motors as  
                                                                                       Class 1.4 in specially       
                                                                                       designed packaging. (Modes 1,
    11344-N           DOT-E 11344         Dupont Co.,           49 CFR 174.67 (i)     To authorize tank cars,       
                                           Wilmington, DE.       and (j).              containing Class 8 material, 
                                                                                       to remain standing with      
                                                                                       unloading connections        
                                                                                       attached when no product is  
                                                                                       being transferred, provided  
                                                                                       that a minimal level of      
                                                                                       monitoring, as specified is  
                                                                                       maintained. (Mode 2.)        
    [[Page 56226]]
    11375-N           DOT-E 11375         Oceaneering Space     49 CFR 178.57.......  To authorize the manufacture, 
                                           Systems, Houston,                           marking and sale of a        
                                           TX.                                         breathing and cooling system 
                                                                                       consisting of a non-         
                                                                                       specification cylinder,      
                                                                                       comparable to a DOT          
                                                                                       Specification 4L cylinder    
                                                                                       containing a Division 2.2    
                                                                                       material. (Modes 1, 2, 3, 4, 
    11396-N           DOT-E 11396         Laidlaw               49 CFR 173.306(a)(3)  To authorize the              
                                           Environmental                               transportation in commerce of
                                           Services, LaPorte,                          certain flammable, non-      
                                           TX.                                         flammable gases, Division 2.1
                                                                                       and 2.2 in aerosol containers
                                                                                       overpacked in strong outside 
                                                                                       packages with no weight      
                                                                                       limitations. (Mode 1.)       
    11458-N           DOT-E 11458         Briston-Meyers        49 CFR 172.203(a),    To authorize the              
                                           Squibb Co., et al.,   173.150(b),           transportation in commerce of
                                           Cranbury, NJ.         173.152(b),           consumer commodities eligible
                                                                 173.154(b),           for reclassification as ORM-D
                                                                 173.155(b), 173.306   in pallet-sized display packs
                                                                 (a) & (h), Part       that exceed the gross weight 
                                                                 107, Subpart B,       limit for limited quantities 
                                                                 Appendix B, Part      packages. (Mode 1.)          
                                                                 107, Subpart B,                                    
                                                                 Appendix B.                                        
    11526-N           DOT-E 11526         BOC Gases, Murray     49 CFR 172.302(c),    To authorize the use of       
                                           Hill, NJ.             173.34(e).            ultrasonic inspection method 
                                                                                       in lieu of hydrostatic       
                                                                                       testing of 3A and 3AA        
                                                                                       cylinders. (Modes 1, 2, 3.)  
    11572-N           DOT-E 11572         North American        49 CFR 173.196......  To authorize the              
                                           Biologicals, Inc.,                          transportation of infectious 
                                           Miami, FL.                                  substances in specially      
                                                                                       designed packaging. (Mode 1.)
    11598-N           DOT-E 11598         Metalcraft, Inc.,     49 CFR 173.34(d),     To authorize the manufacture, 
                                           Baltimore, MD.        175.3.                mark and sale of fire        
                                                                                       extinguishers equipped with  
                                                                                       non-specified pressure relief
                                                                                       devices for use in           
                                                                                       transporting Division 2.2    
                                                                                       material. (Modes 1, 4, 5.)   
    11622-N           DOT-E               Monsanto Co., St.     49 CFR 173.35(b)....  To authorize the              
                                           Louis, MO.                                  transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       reused flexible intermediate 
                                                                                       bulk containers (IBC) used to
                                                                                       ship up to 1200 lbs. per     
                                                                                       container of Class 9 granular
                                                                                       solids. (Mode 1.)            
    11626-N           DOT-E 11626         DeVilbiss Health      49 CFR 178.57-8(b)..  To authorize the              
                                           Care, Inc., Ft.                             transportation of non-DOT    
                                           Pierce, FL.                                 specification vacuum         
                                                                                       insulated cylinders similar  
                                                                                       to 4L for use in transporting
                                                                                       oxygen for ambulatory        
                                                                                       patients. (Modes 1, 2, 3, 4, 
    11627-N           DOT-E 11627         Cabot Corporation,    49 CFR 173.227(a)...  To authorize the              
                                           Revere, PA.                                 transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       toxic liquid, corrosive      
                                                                                       inorganic, n.o.s., PIH, Zone 
                                                                                       B material for shipment in   
                                                                                       composite packaging. (Mode   
    11631-N           DOT-E 11631         Health Care           49 CFR 106, 107, 171- To authorize the              
                                           Incinerators,         180, 171.8, 172.101   transportation of specially  
                                           Fargo, ND.            Col. 8(c), 173.197.   designed containers for use  
                                                                                       in transporting medical waste
                                                                                       in bulk. (Mode 1.)           
    11663-N           DOT-E 11663         Pfizer, Inc.,         49 CFR                To authorize rail cars to     
                                           Groton, CT.           173.304(a)(2),        remain connected during      
                                                                 174.67(i) & (j).      unloading process without the
                                                                                       physical presence of an      
                                                                                       unloader. (Mode 2.)          
    11667-N           DOT-E 11667         Weldship Corp.,       49 CFR 173.34(e)....  To authorize an alternative   
                                           Bethlehem, PA.                              retesting method of DOT-3AAX,
                                                                                       3T, 107A, 3A and 3AA         
                                                                                       compressed gas cylinders.    
                                                                                       (Mode 1).                    
    11670-N           DOT-E 11670         Oilphase Sampling     49 CFR 178.36(3A)...  To authorize the              
                                           Services Limited,                           transportation in commerce of
                                           Dye, Aberdeen,                              pressurised oil well         
                                           Scotland.                                   formation samples from the   
                                                                                       well site to the analysis    
                                                                                       laboratory in specially      
                                                                                       designed non-DOT             
                                                                                       specification packaging.     
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 2, 3, 4).          
    11677-N           DOT-E 11677         Chaparral, Inc.,      49 CFR 171.11,        To authorize the              
                                           Lubbock, TX.          172,101, 172.204(c)   transportation in commerce of
                                                                 (3), 173.27,          Division 1 explosives        
                                                                 175.30(a) (1),        presently forbidden or in    
                                                                 175.320(b), Part      quantities greater than those
                                                                 107 Appendix B.       authorized for shipment by   
                                                                                       air. (Mode 4).               
    11697-N           DOT-E 11697         Department of         49 CFR 176.116......  To authorize an alternative   
                                           Defense, Falls                              stowage method for MSC       
                                           Church, VA.                                 chartered LASH type vessels  
                                                                                       to carry Division 1          
                                                                                       explosives in LASH barges    
                                                                                       within 10 feet of machinery  
                                                                                       spaces under certain         
                                                                                       conditions. (Mode 3).        
    11711-N           DOT-E 11711         N.C. Department of    49 CFR 171, 172,      To authorize the              
                                           Agriculture,          173, 177.             transportation in commerce of
                                           Raleigh, NC.                                pesticide wastes as          
                                                                                       essentially non-regulated for
                                                                                       residence involved in a      
                                                                                       pesticide collection program.
                                                                                       (Mode 1).                    
    [[Page 56227]]
    11736-N           DOT-E 11736         Mapico Inc., St.      49 CFR 171.14(a)      To authorize the              
                                           Louis, MO.            (iii).                transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       black iron oxide, Division   
                                                                                       4.2, in FIBCs not to exceed  
                                                                                       2,500, lined paper bags      
                                                                                       meeting UN5M2, repulpable    
                                                                                       paper bags, and unlined paper
                                                                                       bags not to exceed 55 lbs.   
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 2, 3).             
    11737-N           DOT-E 11737         Rensselaer            49 CFR 173.244......  To authorize the              
                                           Polytechnic                                 transportation in commerce of
                                           Institute, Troy, NY.                        Division 4.3 material in     
                                                                                       portable tank similar to the 
                                                                                       DOT 51 tank. (Mode 2).       
    11746-N           DOT-E 11746         FMC Corp.,            49 CFR 174.67(j)....  To authorize rail cars to     
                                           Philadelphia, PA.                           remain connected during      
                                                                                       unloading of Division 2.3    
                                                                                       material without the physical
                                                                                       presence of an unloader.     
                                                                                       (Mode 2).                    
    11747-N           DOT-E 11747         Monsanto Co., St.     49 CFR 173.31.......  To authorize an alternative   
                                           Louis, MO.                                  testing method for tank car  
                                                                                       structural re-certification. 
                                                                                       (Mode 2).                    
    11749-N           DOT-E 11749         Union Tank Car Co.,   49 CFR 180.509......  To authorize an alternative   
                                           East Chicago, IN.                           testing method for           
                                                                                       specification tank cars for  
                                                                                       use in transporting various  
                                                                                       hazardous materials as       
                                                                                       presently authorized. (Mode  
    11766-N           DOT-E 11766         E.I. Dupont de        49 CFR 173.32b(b)...  To authorize an alternative   
                                           Nemours & Co.,                              testing interval for IMO Type
                                           Inc., Wilmington,                           1 ISO portable tanks used    
                                           DE.                                         exclusively for hydrogen     
                                                                                       peroxide service. (Modes 1,  
                                                                                       2, 3.)                       
    11771-N           DOT-E 11771         Conoco Inc.,          49 CFR 173.31,        To authorize an alternative   
                                           Billings, MT.         174.67.               inspection criteria of rail  
                                                                                       cars used in transporting    
                                                                                       Class 2 and 3 material. (Mode
    11777-N           DOT-E 11777         Morton                49 CFR 173.301(h),    To authorize the              
                                           International,        173.302,              transportation in commerce of
                                           Automotive Safety     173.306(d)(3).        certain cartridges, power    
                                           Products, Ogden, UT.                        devices classed as Division  
                                                                                       1.4S and airbag inflators or 
                                                                                       airbag modules classed as    
                                                                                       Division 4.1 or Class 9      
                                                                                       exempt from the marking and  
                                                                                       labelling requirements.      
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 4.)                
    11778-N           DOT-E 11778         National Aeronautics  49 CFR 173.304(a)(2)  To authorize the              
                                           & Space                                     transportation in commerce of
                                           Administration                              the Faint Object             
                                           (NASA), Washington,                         Spectrograph, which contains 
                                           DC.                                         compressed and liquified     
                                                                                       gases in non-DOT             
                                                                                       specification containers.    
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 4.)                
    11779-N           DOT-E 11779         Columbia              49 CFR 173.302,       To authorize the              
                                           Helicopters, Inc.,    173.24(c).            transportation in commerce of
                                           Portland, OR.                               gasoline, Class 3, in UL     
                                                                                       approved non-bulk            
                                                                                       polyethylene containers in   
                                                                                       support of log-cutting       
                                                                                       operation. (Mode 1.)         
    11781-N           DOT-E 11781         USA Jet Airlines,     49 CFR 171,11,        To authorize the              
                                           Belleville, MI.       172.101,              transportation in commerce of
                                                                 172.204(c)(3),        Class 1 explosives that are  
                                                                 173.27,               not permitted for shipment by
                                                                 175.30(a)(1),         air or in quantities greater 
                                                                 175.320(b).           than those prescribed. (Mode 
    11789-N           DOT-E 11789         Mallard Creek         49 CFR 174.67(i) &    To authorize rail cars to     
                                           Polymers, Inc.,       (j).                  remain attached to connectors
                                           Charlotte, NC.                              during the entire unloading  
                                                                                       process without the physical 
                                                                                       presence of an unloader.     
                                                                                       (Mode 2.)                    
    11790-N           DOT-E 11790         U.S. Enrichment       49 CFR 172.302(c)...  To authorize the              
                                           Corp., Bethesda, MD.                        transportation of uranium    
                                                                                       hexafluoride in non-DOT 5A   
                                                                                       specification cylinders      
                                                                                       without required markings.   
                                                                                       (Mode 1.)                    
    11791-N           DOT-E 11791         The Coleman Co.,      49 CFR 178.33(a)....  To authorize the manufacture, 
                                           Inc., Wichita, KS.                          mark and sale of non-DOT-    
                                                                                       Specification 2Q, inner non- 
                                                                                       refillable metal receptacles 
                                                                                       with alternative testing     
                                                                                       criteria and wall thickness  
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 2, 3, 4.)          
    11793-N           DOT-E 11793         Bilstein Corp. of     49 CFR 172.200-204,   To authorize the manufacture, 
                                           America, San Diego,   172.300,              mark and sale of gas-charged 
                                           CA.                   173.306(f)(2)(iii),   shock absorbers, cartridges, 
                                                                 173.306(f)(3)(i),     and struts containing        
                                                                 174.24, 177.817.      compressed gas, for          
                                                                                       transportation in commerce as
                                                                                       accumulators shipped without 
                                                                                       required labels, markings,   
                                                                                       shipping papers and testing  
                                                                                       requirements. (Modes 1, 2, 3,
                                                                                       4, 5.)                       
    11794-N           DOT-E 11794         Countrymark           49 CFR 174.67(i) &    To authorize rail cars to     
                                           Cooperative, Mt.      (j).                  remain connected during      
                                           Vernon, IN.                                 unloading of certain         
                                                                                       hazardous materials without  
                                                                                       the physical presence of an  
                                                                                       unloader. (Mode 2.)          
    [[Page 56228]]
    11795-N           DOT-E 11795         Wellman Inc.,         49 CFR 174.67(i) &    To authorize rail cars to     
                                           Florence, SC.         (j).                  remain connected during      
                                                                                       unloading of Class 9 material
                                                                                       without the physical presence
                                                                                       of an unloader. (Mode 2.)    
    11799-N           DOT-E 11799         Cryonix, Inc.,        49 CFR 173.196......  To authorize the              
                                           Rockville, MD.                              transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       alternative secondary        
                                                                                       packaging consisting of heat 
                                                                                       sealed, plastic sleeve,      
                                                                                       packed in small quantities   
                                                                                       with absorbent material to be
                                                                                       transported inside commerical
                                                                                       freezer, for use in          
                                                                                       transporting Infectious      
                                                                                       substances, Division 6.2.    
                                                                                       (Mode 1.)                    
    11801-N           DOT-E 11801         Wacker Silicones      49 CFR 172.301,       To authorize the              
                                           Corp., Adrian, MI.    172.400,              transportation in commerce of
                                                                 173.212(c), 173.213.  non-authorized packagings    
                                                                                       that are not properly marked 
                                                                                       or labeled for use in        
                                                                                       transporting Toxic Solid,    
                                                                                       Inorganic, n.o.s., Division  
                                                                                       6.1. (Mode 1.)               
    11803-N           DOT-E 11803         Process Engineering,  49 CFR 173.319,        To authorize the             
                                           Plaistow, NH.         179.400.              transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       various classes of non-      
                                                                                       flammable cryogenic liquids  
                                                                                       in DOT-113A60W tank cars.    
                                                                                       (Mode 2.)                    
    11804-N           DOT-E 11804         Advertising           49 CFR 173.156,       To authorize an emergency     
                                           Unlimited, Inc.,      173.184.              exemption for the            
                                           Red Wing, MN.                               transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       a safety kit containing two  
                                                                                       highway fuses, one tire      
                                                                                       inflator, and one fire       
                                                                                       extinguisher as a consumer   
                                                                                       commodity, ORM-D. (Modes 1,  
    11807-N           DOT-E 11807         Kirby Chemical Co.,   49 CFR 172.407(c)...  To authorize the              
                                           Longview, TX.                               transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       a current supply of labels in
                                                                                       size smaller than the 3.9    
                                                                                       inch minimum required for use
                                                                                       in transporting various Class
                                                                                       8 material. (Mode 1.)        
    11818-N           DOT-E 11818         National Aeronautics  49 CFR 173.34(d)....  To authorize the              
                                           & Space                                     transportation in commerce of
                                           Administration,                             certain non-DOT specification
                                           Washington, DC.                             containers containing certain
                                                                                       Division 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3    
                                                                                       liquidified and compressed   
                                                                                       gases not equipped with      
                                                                                       pressure relief devices to be
                                                                                       used in connection with      
                                                                                       flight project spacecraft    
                                                                                       containing heat pipes. (Modes
                                                                                       1, 3, 4.)                    
    11820-N           DOT-E 11820         Grief Bros. Corp.,    49 CFR 173.23(g),     To authorize the              
                                           Springfield, NJ.      173.8(b)(4)(1).       transportation and reuse or  
                                                                                       reconditioning of drums with 
                                                                                       ends thinner than 1.1 mm for 
                                                                                       use in transporting various  
                                                                                       hazardous materials. (Modes  
                                                                                       1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)              
    11832-N           DOT-E 11832         Air Liquide Corp.,    49 CFR 172.203,       To authorize the manufacture, 
                                           Houston, TX.          173.318, 173.320.     mark and sale of a non-DOT   
                                                                                       specification portable tank  
                                                                                       for use in the transportation
                                                                                       of helium, refrigerated      
                                                                                       liquid, Division 2.2. (Mode  
    11840-N           DOT-E 11840         TRW Vehicle Safety    49 CFR 172 Subparts   To authorize the              
                                           Systems, Inc.,        D&E, 173.51(a),       transportation in commerce of
                                           Queen Creek, AZ.      173.62(c).            passenger air bag inflator   
                                                                                       classed in Division 1.4 and  
                                                                                       Division 4.1, to be          
                                                                                       transported without required 
                                                                                       marking and labeling in      
                                                                                       reusable plastic trays banded
                                                                                       or strapped to pallets. (Mode
    11842-N           DOT-E 11842         Maine State Ferry     49 CFR 176.89(a)(6).  To authorize the              
                                           Service, Augusta,                           transportation in commerce of
                                           MA.                                         tank trucks carrying fuel    
                                                                                       oil, Class 3 to be           
                                                                                       transported in ferry service 
                                                                                       without an operator staying  
                                                                                       with the vehicle. (Mode 3.)  
    11844-N           DOT-E 11844         Evergreen             49 CFR 172.101, Col.  To authorize the              
                                           International         9B, 172.204(a) and    transportation in commerce of
                                           Airlines, Inc.,       (c), 173.27,          explosives, Division 1, that 
                                           McMinnville, OR.      173.54(j),            are forbidden or exceed the  
                                                                 175.30(a)(1) App. B   quantity limitation for      
                                                                 to subpart B of       transportation by air. (Mode 
                                                                 part 107.             4.)                          
    11847-N           DOT-E 11847         Energy &              49 CFR 173.188(a)(2)  To authorize the              
                                           Environmental Tech.                         transportation in commerce of
                                           Co., Southfield, MI.                        Division 4.2 material        
                                                                                       contained in hermetically    
                                                                                       sealed warheads overpacked in
                                                                                       55 gallon 1A2 drums instead  
                                                                                       of 30 gallon steel drums.    
                                                                                       (Mode 1.)                    
    [[Page 56229]]
    11849-N           DOT-E 11849         Boeing North          49 CFR 173.302, 306,  To authorize the              
                                           American, Inc.,       173.304, 173.314,     transportation in commerce of
                                           Downey, CA.           173.315, 173.421,     a P91-ARGOS satellite,       
                                                                 173.62.               containing eight experiments 
                                                                                       containing several hazardous 
                                                                                       materials, which will be     
                                                                                       attached to a transport dolly
                                                                                       with an aluminum cover       
                                                                                       enclosure. (Mode 1.)         
    11861-N           DOT-E 11861         Polymet Alloys, Inc.  49 CFR 172.302(c),    To authorize the emergency    
                                           Saginaw, AL.          173.24a(b)(2).        transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       UN1A2 drums, containing a    
                                                                                       Division 4.3 material, which 
                                                                                       are overloaded by 20%. (Modes
                                                                                       1, 2.)                       
    11864-N           DOT-E 11864         Boliden Intertrade,   49 CFR                To authorize the              
                                           Inc., Atlanta, GA.    173.31(D)(1)(vi).     transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       tank cars containing the     
                                                                                       residue of a Class 9 material
                                                                                       when the inspection required 
                                                                                       by 173.31(d)(1)(vi) does not 
                                                                                       include removing the rupture 
                                                                                       disk. (Mode 2.)              
    11876-N           DOT-E 11876         Portland General      49 CFR 173.427(b)...  To authorize the              
                                           Electric Co.,                               transportation in commerce of
                                           Rainer, OR.                                 reactor coolant pumps to be  
                                                                                       transported as DOT 7A Type A 
                                                                                       package. (Mode 1.)           
                                                  EMERGENCY EXEMPTIONS                                              
    EE 6293-P         DOT-E 6293          PRIMEX Technologies,  49 CFR 173.248,       To become a party to exemption
                                           Inc., St. Marks, FL.  173.51(f).            6293. (Mode 1.)              
    EE 7616-P         DOT-E 7616          Sault Ste. Marie      49 CFR 172.203(a),    To become a party to exemption
                                           Bridge Company        172.204(a),           7616. (Mode 2.)              
                                           (SSAM), Stevens       172.204(d),                                        
                                           Point, WI.            174.24(a),                                         
                                                                 174.3, Part 107,                                   
                                                                 Appendix B, Subpart                                
    EE 10798-P        DOT-E 10798         Arco Chemical         49 CFR 174.67(i) and  To become a party to exemption
                                           Company, Newtown      (j).                  10798. (Mode 2.)             
                                           Square, PA.                                                              
    EE 11588-P        DOT-E 11588         Mid America           49 CFR 173.134,       To become a party to exemption
                                           Environmental Waste   173.196, 173.197.     11588. (Mode 1.)             
                                           Protection Svc,                                                          
                                           Inc., Boonville, IN.                                                     
    EE 11730-M        DOT-E 11730         USMX, Inc.,           ....................  To authorize an emergency     
                                           Lakewood, CO.                               exemption from the quantity  
                                                                                       limitations applicable to    
                                                                                       packages carried by cargo    
                                                                                       aircraft for Class 5.1, 6.1  
                                                                                       and 8 hazardous materials for
                                                                                       air transportation in cargo  
                                                                                       only aircraft. (Mode 4.)     
    EE 11785-M        DOT-E 11785         Chilton Products,     49 CFR                To authorize the emergency    
                                           Chilton, WI.          178.65(1)(2)(iii)(b   manufacture, marking and sale
                                                                 ).                    of DOT Specification 39      
                                                                                       cylinders with a marking     
                                                                                       deviation to be used for the 
                                                                                       transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       Division 2.1 and 2.2         
                                                                                       materials authorized for DOT-
                                                                                       Specification 39 cylinders.  
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 2, 3, 4.)          
    EE 11819-N        DOT-E 11819         Van Waters & Rogers,  49 CFR 172.101......  To authorize the one-time     
                                           Anchorage, AK.                              emergency transportation of  
                                                                                       cylinders of hydrogen        
                                                                                       peroxide by cargo aircraft in
                                                                                       quantities greater than those
                                                                                       presently authorized. (Mode  
    EE 11827-N        DOT-E 11827         Nippon Riku-un        49 CFR 173.32b(b)(1)  To authorize an emergency     
                                           Sangyo Co., Ltd.,                           exemption to waive a 5-year  
                                           Tokyo 102, JA.                              internal inspection of       
                                                                                       polytetrafluorethylene lined 
                                                                                       IM portable tanks for use in 
                                                                                       transporting various classes 
                                                                                       of hazardous materials.      
                                                                                       (Modes 1, 3.)                
    EE 11828-N        DOT-E 11828         Vulcan Chemicals,     49 CFR 173.315......  To authorize the              
                                           Birmingham, AL.                             transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       a chlorine one ton container 
                                                                                       that developed a leak around 
                                                                                       the fusible plugs which has  
                                                                                       been sealed using a B-kit.   
                                                                                       (Mode 0)                     
    EE 11829-N        DOT-E 11829         TRW Vehicle Safety    49 CFR 172.102(a) SP  To authorize the manufacture, 
                                           Systems, Inc.,        B 28, 172.102(a) SP   mark and sale of non-DOT     
                                           Queen Creek, AZ.      B28, IMDG Code;       specification collapsible,   
                                                                 Amendment 28-96,      non-reusable woven           
                                                                 Section 26,           polypropylene bulk bags for  
                                                                 Special, IMDG Code,   use in transporting sodium   
                                                                 Amendment 28-96,      azide, Division 6.1. (Modes  
                                                                 Section 26,           1, 3.)                       
                                                                 Requirements 3, 4 &                                
    EE 11831-N        DOT-E 11831         National Starch and   49 CFR 123, 123.....  To authorize the emergency    
                                           Chemical Co.,                               transportation of DOT-57     
                                           Bridgewater, NJ.                            portable tanks that contain  
                                                                                       flammable liquids, Class 3,  
                                                                                       that were filled after the   
                                                                                       prescribed retest date. (Mode
    [[Page 56230]]
    EE 11836-N        DOT-E 11836         HCI USA Distribution  49 CFR 173.203,       To authorize the emergency    
                                           Companies, Inc.,      173.24.               transportation of            
                                           Greensboro, NC.                             polyethylene drums for use in
                                                                                       transportation non-bulk      
                                                                                       quantities of ammonia        
                                                                                       solutions, Class 8. (Mode 1.)
    EE 11838-N        DOT-E 11838         Van Waters & Rogers,  49 CFR 173.314......  To authorize the              
                                           Inc., Beaumont, TX.                         transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       chlorine in a DOT            
                                                                                       specification 106A500X       
                                                                                       cylinder which developed a   
                                                                                       leak during storage. A       
                                                                                       Chlorine Institute Emergency 
                                                                                       Kit B was applied to the     
                                                                                       cylinder to contain the leak 
                                                                                       until it may be transported  
                                                                                       to an appropriate facility to
                                                                                       be evacuated and repaired on 
                                                                                       destroyed. (Mode 1.)         
    EE 11845-N        DOT-E 11845         Bayer Corp., Kansas   49 CFR 173.234(c)...  To authorize the emergency    
                                           City, MO.                                   bulk transportation in       
                                                                                       commerce of organophosphorus 
                                                                                       pesticides, flammable toxic, 
                                                                                       Division 6.1 im IM-101       
                                                                                       portable tanks. (Modes 1, 2.)
    EE 11846-N        DOT-E 11846         ShipMate, Inc.,       49 CFR 176.83(d)....  To authorize the transport of 
                                           Redondo Beach, CA.                          various gases not subject to 
                                                                                       the segregation requirements 
                                                                                       in 173.83(d). (Mode 3.)      
    EE 11853-N        DOT-E 11853         Reckitt Colman,       49 CFR 107, Subpart   To authorize the              
                                           Inc., Montvale, NJ.   B, Appendix B,        transportation in commerce of
                                                                 172.203(a),           consumer commodities eligible
                                                                 173.306(a)(3)(ii),    for reclassification as ORM-D
                                                                 178.33.               in aerosol containers        
                                                                                       overfilled with propellant   
                                                                                       packaged in DOT 2P metal     
                                                                                       containers with internal     
                                                                                       pressures that exceed the    
                                                                                       limitations. (Mode 1.)       
    EE 11856-N        DOT-E 11856         Olin Corp., Norwalk,  49 CFR                To authorize the emergency    
                                           CT.                   173.304(a)(2),        transportation in commerce of
                                                                 173.34(d), 175.3.     a satellite system which     
                                                                                       contain a thermal transport  
                                                                                       system containing anhydrous  
                                                                                       ammonia. (Modes 1, 4.)       
    EE 11868-N        DOT-E 11868         United States         49 CFR 173.420......  To authorize the emergency    
                                           Enrichment Corp.,                           transportation in commerce of
                                           Bethesda, MD.                               uranium hexafluoride         
                                                                                       cylinders with valves and    
                                                                                       plugs that contain different 
                                                                                       alloys (Modes 1, 2.)         
    EE 11874-N        DOT-E 11874         Indiana Dept. of      49 CFR Parts 171      To authorize the emergency    
                                           Environment.          through 180.          transportation of hazardous  
                                                                                       materials in flood affected  
                                                                                       areas. (Modes 1, 2, 3.)      
    EE 11875-N        DOT-E 11875         Northwestern          49 CFR 171 through    To authorize the emergency    
                                           Airlines.             180.                  transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       hazardous materials in flood 
                                                                                       affected areas as necessary  
                                                                                       for delivery to staging      
                                                                                       areas. (Mode 4.)             
    EE 11878-N        DOT-E 11878         Hickson Corporation,  49 CFR 172.322(a)(2)  To authorize the              
                                           Conley, GA.                                 transportation in commerce of
                                                                                       arsenic trioxide in 55-gallon
                                                                                       drums without required       
                                                                                       markings. (Mode 1.)          
    EE 11887-N        DOT-E 11887         Reilly Industries,    49 CFR 179.3........  To authorize the emergency    
                                           Inc., Indianapolis,                         transportation in commerce of
                                           IN.                                         rail cars that have non-     
                                                                                       approved modification made to
                                                                                       the external heater coils to 
                                                                                       be used in transporting Class
                                                                                       3 material. (Mode 2.)        
    EE 11888-N        DOT-E 11888         Day & Zimmermann,     49 CFR 172.101,       Request for an emergency      
                                           Parsons, KS.          172.101.              exemption in order to        
                                                                                       transport an explosive 1.1A  
                                                                                       in a solution of ethanol and 
                                                                                       water. (Mode 1.)             
    EE 11889-N        DOT-E 11889         Airgas, Inc., and     49 CFR 173.3,         Request for an emergency      
                                           Airgas Management,    173.304.              exemption on behalf of Airgas
                                           Inc., Radnor, PA.                           entities to transport        
                                                                                       cylinders of refrigerant gas 
                                                                                       containing tetrafluoroethane.
                                                                                       The cylinders appear to meet 
                                                                                       the requirements of the DOT  
                                                                                       spec. 39, except for the     
                                                                                       markings which incorrectly   
                                                                                       identify the cylinder        
                                                                                       contents as                  
                                                                                       (Mode 1.)                    
    EE 11890-N        DOT-E 11890         BetzDearborn,         49 CFR                Request for an emergency      
                                           Trevose, PA.          173.243(d)(2)(i)1.    exemption to transport a     
                                                                                       material that was recently   
                                                                                       determined to be a class 8,  
                                                                                       pgI materials in composite   
                                                                                       IBCs. (Mode 1.)              
    EE 11904-N        DOT-E 11904         Vulcan Chemicals,     49 CFR                Request for an emergency      
                                           Birmingham, AL.       173.24(b),173.31(b)   exemption for the one-time   
                                                                 (1), 179-300-12(b),   transportation of chlorine in
                                                                 179.300-13.           a DOT specification tank car 
                                                                                       tank which developed a leak  
                                                                                       near the valve. (Mode 1.)    
    [[Page 56231]]
    EE 11906-N        DOT-E 11906         Phone-Poulenc Ag      49 CFR 178.503(a)...  Request for an emergency      
                                           Co., Research                               exemption to make ongoing    
                                           Triangle Park, NC.                          shipments both domestically  
                                                                                       and internationally of       
                                                                                       carbamate pesticide, solid in
                                                                                       incorrectly marked UN 4G     
                                                                                       boxes. (Mode 1, 3.)          
                                                  Withdrawal Exemptions                                             
                                                                                              Nature of exemption   
        Application No.                Applicant                Regulation(s) affected              thereof         
    3095-X                  Dow Chemical Company, Midland,  49 173.119(a), (b),            Authorizes the use of a  
                             MI.                             173.245(a), 173.249(a),        privately owned and     
                                                             173.263(a), 173.264,           operated steel non-DOT  
                                                             173.283, 173.289, 178.342-5,   specification cargo tank
                                                             178.343-5.                     motor vehicle designed  
                                                                                            and constructed in full 
                                                                                            conformance with DOT    
                                                                                            Specification MC-300, MC-
                                                                                            306, MC-307 or MC-311,  
                                                                                            MC-312 for shipment of  
                                                                                            corrosive and flammable 
                                                                                            liquids. (Modes 1, 3.)  
    3126-X                  Alliant Techsystems, Inc., New  49 CFR 173.62, 177.821,        Authorizes the transport 
                             Brighton, MN.                   177.822(b), 177.835(k).        of Division 1.1         
                                                                                            explosives in DOT       
                                                                                            Specification 5 metal   
                                                                                            drums, or in DOT        
                                                                                            Specification 42B       
                                                                                            aluminum drums. (Mode   
    3600-X                  U.S. Department of Defense,     49 CFR 172.101, 192.300,       Authorizes the shipment  
                             Falls Church, VA.               173.87.                        of Lance rocket engines 
                                                                                            in specific             
                                                                                            configurations which    
                                                                                            contain Division 1.3 or 
                                                                                            1.4 explosives. (Modes  
                                                                                            1, 2.)                  
    6369-X                  E.I. du Pont de nemours &       49 CFR 173.346(a)(10),         Authorizes the use of DOT
                             Company, Inc., Wilmington, DE.  173.347(a)(2),                 Specification 105A400W, 
                                                             173.352(a)(4), 173.374(a).     112A400W, 114A400W,     
                                                                                            120A300W, and proposed  
                                                                                            120A400W tank car tanks 
                                                                                            for shipment of certain 
                                                                                            Class B poisonous       
                                                                                            liquids. (Mode 2.)      
    6929-P                  Lockheed Martin Energy          49 CFR 172.101, 173.54(1),     To become a party to     
                             Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN.   173.62(c).                     exemption 6929. (Modes  
                                                                                            1, 3.)                  
    6929-P                  Lockheed Martin Energy          49 CFR 172.101, 173.54(1),     To become a party to     
                             Research Corporation, Oak       173.62(c).                     exemption 6929. (Modes  
                             Ridge, TN.                                                     1, 3.)                  
    7536-X                  U.S. Department of Defense      49 CFR 146.29-41.............  Authorizes an increase to
                             Falls, Church, VA.                                             the maximum allowable   
                                                                                            draft weights for five  
                                                                                            and ten ton rated booms 
                                                                                            for shipment of military
                                                                                            explosives. (Mode 3.)   
    7909-X                  The Dow Chemical Company,       49 CFR 172.203, 172.400,       Authorizes the transport 
                             Midland, MI.                    172.402(a)(2), 172.504(a),     of limited quantities of
                                                             175.30, 175.33.                Division 6.1 liquids and
                                                                                            solids in non-DOT       
                                                                                            specification plastic,  
                                                                                            metal or plastic-coated 
                                                                                            glass containers. (Modes
                                                                                            1, 2, 4.)               
    8432-X                  U.S. Department of Defense,     49 CFR 172.101, 173.202,       Authorizes the transport 
                             Falls Church, VA.               175.3.                         of plastic bottles      
                                                                                            containing an aqueous   
                                                                                            solution of sodium      
                                                                                            perchlorate and plastic 
                                                                                            bottles containing      
                                                                                            aluminum powder together
                                                                                            in the same outside     
                                                                                            packaging. (Modes 1, 2, 
                                                                                            3, 4.)                  
    8645-X                  Austin Powder Company,          49 CFR 173.154(a)(18)........  Authorizes the shipment  
                             Cleveland, OH.                                                 of a viscous oxidizing  
                                                                                            material in DOT         
                                                                                            Specification MC-307/311
                                                                                            insulated tank motor    
                                                                                            vehicles at ambient     
                                                                                            temperature. (Mode 1.)  
    8986-X                  Cook Slurry Company, Salt lake  49 CFR 173.114a(h)(3)........  Authorizes the transport 
                             City, UT.                                                      of slurry blasting agent
                                                                                            in non-DOT specification
                                                                                            stainless steel cargo   
                                                                                            tanks. (Mode 1.)        
    9108-X                  Austin Powder Company,          49 CFR 173.62................  Authorizes the           
                             Cleveland, OH.                                                 transportation of PETN  
                                                                                            wet with 25% water in 4 
                                                                                            mil polyethylene bags   
                                                                                            placed in DOT           
                                                                                            Specification 12H65     
                                                                                            fiberboard boxes. (Modes
                                                                                            1, 3.)                  
    [[Page 56232]]
    9377-X                  Austin Powder Company,          49 CFR 173.65(a)(5)..........  Authorizes the transport 
                             Cleveland, OH.                                                 of Division 1.1         
                                                                                            explosives containing   
                                                                                            more than 5 percent     
                                                                                            moisture in packagings  
                                                                                            without inner plastic   
                                                                                            bags or other linings.  
                                                                                            (Modes 1, 2, 3.)        
    9579-X                  Intermountain Ireco, Inc.,      49 CFR 173.154(a)(18)........  Authorizes the use of a  
                             Gillette, WY.                                                  non-DOT specification   
                                                                                            motor vehicle for bulk  
                                                                                            shipment of Division 5.1
                                                                                            materials. (Mode 1.)    
    9677-X                  Allied Universal Corporation,   49 CFR 173.263(a)(15)........  Authorizes the shipment  
                             Miami, FL.                                                     of hydrochloric acid in 
                                                                                            non-DOT specification   
                                                                                            bottles of one-gallon   
                                                                                            capacity, overpacked no 
                                                                                            more than 60 to a       
                                                                                            heavy-wall cart, molded 
                                                                                            of high density         
                                                                                            polyethylene. (Mode 1.) 
    9723-X                  Environmental Options, Inc.,    49 CFR 177.848...............  Authorizes the shipment  
                             Rocky Mount, VA.                                               of ``lab-packs''        
                                                                                            containing cyanides and 
                                                                                            cyanide mixture with    
                                                                                            ``lab-packs'' containing
                                                                                            acids and corrosive     
                                                                                            liquids in the same     
                                                                                            transport vehicle.      
                                                                                            (Modes 1, 2.)           
    9876-X                  Amrex Chemical Co., Inc.,       49 CFR 173.304(a)(2),          Authorizes the           
                             Binghamton, NY.                 173.34(d).                     manufacture, marking,   
                                                                                            and sale of DOT         
                                                                                            Specification 39        
                                                                                            cylinders equipped with 
                                                                                            a pressure relief device
                                                                                            system other than       
                                                                                            prescribed. (Modes 1,   
    9956-X                  Dolphin Commercial Chemical,    49 CFR 173.277(a)(9),          Authorizes the shipment  
                             Inc. d/b/a DCC, Inc. DeSoto,    178.340, 178.343.              of hypochlorite solution
                             TX.                                                            in an unlined non-DOT   
                                                                                            specification cargo tank
                                                                                            constructed of titanium.
                                                                                            (Mode 1.)               
    10032-X                 MCM, Management Control &       49 CFR 173.315, 178.245......  Authorizes the shipment  
                             Maintenance, S.A., Geneva,                                     of Division 2.1 Division
                             Switzerland.                                                   2.2 gases in non-DOT    
                                                                                            specification IMO Type 5
                                                                                            steel portable tanks.   
                                                                                            (Modes 1, 2, 3.)        
    10032-X                 Eurotainer SA, Paris, France..  49 CFR 173.315, 178.245......  Authorizes the shipment  
                                                                                            of Division 2.1 Division
                                                                                            2.2 gases in non-DOT    
                                                                                            specification IMO Type 5
                                                                                            steel portable tanks.   
                                                                                            (Modes 1, 2, 3.)        
    10295-X                 Witco Corporation, Dublin, OH.  49 CFR 173.134...............  Authorizes the use of a  
                                                                                            DOT Specification 17C   
                                                                                            metal drum with inside  
                                                                                            non-DOT specification   
                                                                                            metal containers. (Modes
                                                                                            1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)         
    10441-X                 Clean Harbors Environmental     49 CFR 173.12(b)(6),           Authorizes the           
                             Services, Inc., Braintree, MA.  177.848(b).                    transportation by       
                                                                                            highway of lab pack     
                                                                                            quantities of cyanides  
                                                                                            on the same motor       
                                                                                            vehicle with non-lab    
                                                                                            packed acidic materials 
                                                                                            not to exceed 55 gallons
                                                                                            per container. (Mode    
    10486-X                 Aeropres Corporation,           49 CFR 173.302, 173.304,       Authorizes the           
                             Shreveport, LA.                 173.305, 173.315.              transportation of       
                                                                                            mixtures of Division 2.1
                                                                                            and Division 2.2 gases  
                                                                                            in DOT Specification MC 
                                                                                            330 and MC 331 cargo    
                                                                                            tanks. (Mode 1.)        
    10949-X                 Clean Harbors Environmental     49 CFR 177.848(d)............  Authorizes the           
                             Services, Inc., Braintree, MA.                                 transportation of lab   
                                                                                            pack quantities of      
                                                                                            cyanides on the same    
                                                                                            motor vehicle with non- 
                                                                                            lab packed acidic       
                                                                                            materials not to exceed 
                                                                                            55 gallons per          
                                                                                            packaging. (Mode 2.).   
    11199-X                 Dexsil Corporation, Hamden, CT  49 CFR 173.4.................  Authorizes the           
                                                                                            transportation of very  
                                                                                            small quantities of a   
                                                                                            Division 4.3 material,  
                                                                                            sodium metal            
                                                                                            dispersions--UN1391, in 
                                                                                            specially designed      
                                                                                            packagings to be shipped
                                                                                            under the provision of  
                                                                                            173.4. (Modes 1, 2, 3,  
                                                                                            4, 5.)                  
    [[Page 56233]]
    11346-X                 Halliburton Energy Services,    49 CFR 173.61, 173.62(c),      Authorizes transportation
                             Duncan, OK.                     176.166(b), 177.835(g).        of certain Division 1.1D
                                                                                            and 1.4D charge jet     
                                                                                            perforating guns with   
                                                                                            Division 1.1B or 1.4B   
                                                                                            electric detonators     
                                                                                            affixed. (Modes 1, 3.). 
    11346-X                 Hitwell Surveys, Inc.,          49 CFR 173.61, 173.62(c),      Authorizes transportation
                             Parkersburg, WV.                176.166(b), 177.835(g).        of certain Division 1.1D
                                                                                            and 1.4D charge jet     
                                                                                            perforating guns with   
                                                                                            Division 1.1B or 1.4B   
                                                                                            electric detonators     
                                                                                            affixed. (Modes 1, 3.)  
    11346-X                 Titan Wireline Services, Inc.,  49 CFR 173.61, 173.62(c),      Authorizes transportation
                             Elderton, PA.                   176.166(b), 177.835(g).        of certain Division 1.1D
                                                                                            and 1.4D charge jet     
                                                                                            perforating guns with   
                                                                                            Division 1.1B or 1.4B   
                                                                                            electric detonators     
                                                                                            affixed. (Modes 1, 3.)  
    11346-X                 GOEX International, Inc.,       49 CFR 173.61, 173.62(c),      Authorizes transportation
                             Cleburne, TX.                   176.166(b), 177.835(g).        of certain Division 1.1D
                                                                                            and 1.4D charge jet     
                                                                                            perforating guns with   
                                                                                            Division 1.1B or 1.4B   
                                                                                            electric detonators     
                                                                                            affixed. (Modes 1, 3.)  
    11346-X                 Owen Oil Tools, Inc., Fort      49 CFR 173.61, 173.62(c),      Authorizes transportation
                             Worth, TX.                      176.166(b), 177.835(g).        of certain Division 1.1D
                                                                                            and 1.4D charge jet     
                                                                                            perforating guns with   
                                                                                            Division 1.1B or 1.4B   
                                                                                            electric detonators     
                                                                                            affixed. (Modes 1, 3.)  
    11444-N                 BASF Corp., Mount Olive, NJ...  49 CFR 173.243...............  To authorize the         
                                                                                            emergency transportation
                                                                                            of a Corrive, Poisonous 
                                                                                            NOS in an IMO type 1    
                                                                                            tank that is current not
                                                                                            permitted under 173.243.
                                                                                            (Modes 1, 3.)           
    11482-N                 Trojan Corp., Spanish Fork, UT  49 CFR 173.240...............  To authorize the         
                                                                                            emergency transportation
                                                                                            of explosive, hazardous 
                                                                                            waste, in specially     
                                                                                            designed packaging.     
                                                                                            (Mode 1.)               
    11527-N                 Technical Service Co., Long     49 CFR 173.201, 173.202,       To authorize the         
                             Beach, CA.                      173.203, 178.253.              transportation of Class 
                                                                                            3 and 8 material in 60  
                                                                                            gallon capacity non-DOT 
                                                                                            specification portable  
                                                                                            tanks manifolded        
                                                                                            together within a frame,
                                                                                            having top and bottom   
                                                                                            opening designed and    
                                                                                            constructed to DOT      
                                                                                            specification 57 except 
                                                                                            for marking and         
                                                                                            capacity. (Mode 1.)     
    11586-N                 Chem Coast Inc., La Porte, TX.  49 CFR 172, 173, Parts 107...  To authorize limited     
                                                                                            quantities of various   
                                                                                            hazardous materials     
                                                                                            (test kits) contained in
                                                                                            specially designed      
                                                                                            packagings to be exempt 
                                                                                            from shipping paper,    
                                                                                            marking and labeling    
                                                                                            requirements. (Mode 1.) 
    11658-M                 Arbel Fauvet Rail, Douai, FR..  49 CFR 178.245-1(b)..........  To authorize the         
                                                                                            emergency transportation
                                                                                            in commerce of certain  
                                                                                            Division 2.1 and 2.2    
                                                                                            gases in non-DOT        
                                                                                            specification IMO Type 5
                                                                                            portable tanks which are
                                                                                            comparable to DOT       
                                                                                            specification 51 except 
                                                                                            the tank has bottom     
                                                                                            outlets. (Modes 1, 2,   
    11664-N                 Breed Technologies, Inc.,       49 CFR 173.166(e)............  To authorize the         
                             Lakeland, FL.                                                  transportation in       
                                                                                            commerce of airbag      
                                                                                            modules, Class 9, in    
                                                                                            fiberboard intermediate 
                                                                                            bulk containers. (Modes 
                                                                                            1, 2, 3, 5.)            
    11758-N                 E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.,   49 CFR 178.345-10(e).........  To authorize the         
                             Inc., Wilmington, DE.                                          transportation of       
                                                                                            Division 6.1 material in
                                                                                            MC-312 cargo tanks      
                                                                                            equipped with 1.5 inch  
                                                                                            Crosby JQ relief valves.
                                                                                            (Mode 1.)               
    [[Page 56234]]
    11796-N                 Morton International, Inc.,     49 CFR 173.301(h), 173.302,    To authorize the         
                             Ogden, UT.                      173.306(d)(3).                 transportation in       
                                                                                            commerce of a non-DOT   
                                                                                            specification cylinder  
                                                                                            which exceeds the       
                                                                                            quantity limitation     
                                                                                            exceptions for          
                                                                                            compressed gases at a   
                                                                                            volume of 7.50 in. to be
                                                                                            used as a component of a
                                                                                            hybrid air bag system.  
                                                                                            (Modes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)  
    11835-N                 Chase Packaging, Inc., Newport  49 CFR 172.203(a),             To authorize the         
                             News, VA.                       172.301(c),                    emergency transportation
                                                             178.503(a)(5)(ii).             of DOT UN5H3 water-     
                                                                                            resistant woven plastic 
                                                                                            bags which have been    
                                                                                            improperly marked for   
                                                                                            shipment of sodium      
                                                                                            hydroxide, solid, Class 
                                                                                            8. (Mode 1.)            
    11857-N                 Kowa American, New York, NY...  49 CFR Note 15...............  To authorize the         
                                                                                            transportation in       
                                                                                            commerce of toxic       
                                                                                            liquids, flammable,     
                                                                                            organic, n.o.s.,        
                                                                                            Division 6.1 material in
                                                                                            ISO tanks in a          
                                                                                            configuration not       
                                                                                            presently authorized.   
                                                                                            (Modes 1, 3.)           
    11877-N                 Monsanto Company, St. Louis,    49 CFR 172.302(a)(2),          To authorize the         
                             MO.                             172.400(a)(2), 172.504(a).     transportation in       
                                                                                            commerce of Class 9     
                                                                                            hazardous materials in  
                                                                                            flexible intermediate   
                                                                                            bulk containers without 
                                                                                            required markings or    
                                                                                            labeling. (Modes 1, 2.) 
    11898-N                 Thiokol Aerospace and           49 CFR 172.101...............  Request for an emergency 
                             Industrial Technologies,                                       exemption that          
                             Brigham City, UT.                                              authorizes the          
                                                                                            transportation by rail  
                                                                                            (2 flatcars) containing 
                                                                                            a division 1.3c         
                                                                                            material. (Mode 2.)     
    3941-X.................................  Request by GenCorp Aerojet     
                                              Sacramento, CA to authorize   
                                              the transport of ammonium     
                                              perchlorate in non-DOT        
                                              specification aluminum        
                                              portable tanks denied June 13,
    8518-X.................................  Request by Denver Truck Sales  
                                              Denver, CO to authorize the   
                                              manufacture, marking and sale 
                                              of non-DOT specification cargo
                                              tanks complying with DOT      
                                              Specification MC-307/312      
                                              except for bottom outlet valve
                                              variations, for transportation
                                              of flammable or corrosive     
                                              waste liquids or semisolids   
                                              denied June 13, 1997.         
    10958-X................................  Request by International Paper 
                                              Natchez, MS to authorize      
                                              Chlorine-filled tank cars to  
                                              remain attached during        
                                              unloading without the physical
                                              presence of unloader denied   
                                              June 13, 1997.                
    11171-X................................  Request by Dart Container      
                                              Corporation Leola, PA to      
                                              authorize the transport of    
                                              reused flexible bulk bags,    
                                              comparable to those presently 
                                              authorized, for use in        
                                              transporting polystyrene      
                                              beads, expandable, Class 9    
                                              denied January 28, 1997.      
    11249-P................................  Request by Ashland Chemical    
                                              Company Columbus, OH to       
                                              authorize rail cars to be     
                                              connected during unloading of 
                                              various Class 3, 8 and 9      
                                              material without the phycical 
                                              presence of an unloader denied
                                              May 29, 1997.                 
    11275-M................................  Request by Dorbyl Engineering  
                                              Container Division (DHE)      
                                              Denver, CO to authorize the   
                                              manufacture, marking and sale 
                                              of three designs of non-DOT   
                                              specification portable tanks, 
                                              mounted in ISO frames, to be  
                                              used for the transportation of
                                              certain Division 2.1 and 2.2  
                                              gases denied June 2, 1997.    
    11322-N................................  Request by Hydra Rig, Inc. Ft. 
                                              Worth, TX to authorize the    
                                              manufacture, marking and sale 
                                              of non-DOT specification      
                                              portable tanks, equipped with 
                                              safety relief valves and      
                                              rupture discs, made of type   
                                              304 stainless steel for use in
                                              transporting nitrogen,        
                                              refrigerated liquid, Division 
                                              2.2 denied March 28, 1997.    
    11373-M................................  Request by Environmental       
                                              Transport Systems Jamestown,  
                                              ND to authorize the           
                                              transportation of a Division  
                                              4.1 (self-heating) material on
                                              the same transport vehicle    
                                              with Class 8 (corrosive)      
                                              liquids when the materials are
                                              separated denied February 7,  
    11491-N................................  Request by P.M. Industrial Gas 
                                              Ltd. Georgetown to authorize  
                                              the manufacture, mark and sale
                                              of a refrigerated cargo tank  
                                              mounted to a ISO flat rack    
                                              unit for use in transporting  
                                              liquefied carbon dioxide,     
                                              Division 2 denied February 28,
    11599-N................................  Request by Haviland Products   
                                              Co. Grand Rapids, MI to       
                                              authorize the transportation  
                                              in commerce of non-bulk nitric
                                              acid, other than red fuming,  
                                              less than 70%, in 15 gallon   
                                              and 55 gallon, reusable 1H1   
                                              plastic drums denied March 13,
    11609-N................................  Request by Rubbermaid          
                                              Commercial Products Inc.      
                                              Winchester, VA to authorize   
                                              the manufacture, mark and sale
                                              of specially designed trucks  
                                              for use in transporting       
                                              regulated medical waste denied
                                              March 13, 1997.               
    11645-N................................  Request by Chemical Products   
                                              Corp. Cartersville, GA to     
                                              authorize the transportation  
                                              in commerce of various Class 8
                                              material in non-DOT           
                                              specification multi-ply paper 
                                              bags in 50 pounds or 100      
                                              pounds lots until current     
                                              inventories are depleted      
                                              denied March 13, 1997.        
    11649-N................................  Request by VTG USA, Inc. West  
                                              Chester, PA to authorize the  
                                              manufacture, mark and sale of 
                                              non-DOT specification         
                                              containers equipped with man  
                                              hole openings located in the  
                                              rear side of the tank and the 
                                              loading/discharge valve       
                                              openings grouped on the right 
                                              hand side of the tanks for use
                                              in transporting freon denied  
                                              February 28, 1997.            
    [[Page 56235]]
    11679-N................................  Request by Dorbyl Engineering  
                                              Container Division (DHE)      
                                              Republic of South Africa to   
                                              authorize the manufacture,    
                                              mark and sale of non-DOT      
                                              specification portable tanks, 
                                              mounted in ISO frames, to be  
                                              used for the transportation in
                                              commerce of Division 2.1, 2.2 
                                              and 2.3 material denied June  
                                              2, 1997.                      
    11700-N................................  Request by Cryodyne            
                                              Technologies, Inc. Madison, CT
                                              to authorize the              
                                              transportation in commerce of 
                                              non-flammable, non-toxic      
                                              compressed gases, Division    
                                              2.2, in foreign made cylinders
                                              from the port area to a       
                                              compressed gas company where  
                                              the materials are repackaged  
                                              into DOT authorized compressed
                                              gas cylinders for shipment to 
                                              domestic users of the material
                                              denied February 19, 1997.     
    11717-N................................  Request by Matheson Gas        
                                              Products, Secaucus, NJ to     
                                              authorize the transportation  
                                              in commerce of non-flammable, 
                                              non-toxic compressed gasses in
                                              foreign made cylinders from   
                                              the port of entry to a        
                                              compressed gas company where  
                                              the materials will be repacked
                                              into DOT authorized compressed
                                              gas cylinders for shipment to 
                                              domestic users of the material
                                              denied March 13, 1997.        
    11741-N................................  Request by Park Metallurgical  
                                              Corp., Detroit, MI to         
                                              authorize the emergency       
                                              transportation in commerce of 
                                              sodium cyanide mixture dry in 
                                              reused metal drums, UN1A2/X125/
                                              S not permanently marked to   
                                              the minimum thickness criteria
                                              denied February 28, 1997.     
    11805-N................................  Request by Persons represented 
                                              by the NPGA, Washington, DC to
                                              authorize the transportation  
                                              in commerce of certain DOT    
                                              Specification MC-330 and MC-  
                                              331 cargo tanks, containing   
                                              Propane, which do not meet the
                                              self-closing stop valve and   
                                              excess flow valve requirements
                                              and to continue construction, 
                                              certification, inspection and 
                                              testing denied January 13,    
    11806-N................................  Request by Mississippi Tank    
                                              Co., Hattiesburg, MS to       
                                              authorize the transportation  
                                              in commerce of certain DOT    
                                              Specification MC-330 and MC-  
                                              331 cargo tanks, containing   
                                              compressed gases, which do not
                                              meet the self-closing stop    
                                              valve and excess flow valve   
                                              requirements and to continue  
                                              construction, certification,  
                                              inspection and testing denied 
                                              January 13, 1997.             
    [FR Doc. 97-28622 Filed 10-28-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4909-60-M

Document Information

Research and Special Programs Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of actions on exemption applications.
Document Number:
56223-56235 (13 pages)
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