2010-27338. Habitat Conservation Plan for Pacific Gas & Electric Company's Operation, Maintenance, and Minor New Construction Activities in the North Coast, Central Coast, Sacramento Valley, Sierra, and Mojave Regions, CA  

  • Start Preamble


    Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.


    Revised notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement and notice of public scoping meeting.


    We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), intend to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regarding an expected application from Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) for a permit authorizing incidental take Start Printed Page 66782of Federally listed species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA).We are revising our previous notice of intent (NOI) of November 2008 in order to gather information necessary to prepare a joint EIS/environmental impact report (EIR) on the habitat conservation plan (HCP) for PG&E's operation, maintenance, and minor new construction activities in the North Coast, Central Coast, Sacramento Valley, and Sierra regions.


    Please send written comments on or before November 29, 2010. A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Sacramento, CA.


    The public meeting will be held at the South Notamas Community Center—Conference Room, 2921 Truxel Road, Sacramento, CA. Submit information, written comments, or questions related to the preparation of the EIS/EIR and NEPA process by U.S. mail to Mike Thomas, Branch Chief, Conservation Planning, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office, 2800 Cottage Way, W-2605, Sacramento, CA 95825; or by facsimile to (916) 414-6713.

    Start Further Info


    Mike Thomas, Branch Chief, Conservation Planning; or Eric Tattersall, Deputy Assistant Field Supervisor/Division Chief, Conservation Planning and Recovery, at the address above or at (916) 414-6600 (telephone).

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    We intend to prepare an EIS under NEPA regarding an expected application from PG&E for a permit authorizing incidental take of Federally listed species under the ESA. We are revising our previously published NOI (November 25, 2008; 73 FR 71668) to gather information necessary to prepare, in coordination with the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and PG&E, a joint EIS/EIR on the HCP for PG&E's operation, maintenance, and minor new construction activities in the North Coast, Central Coast, Sacramento Valley, and Sierra regions. This revised notice describes the two main changes to the proposed action, which are the addition of the Mojave Region (Figure 1) to the study area and a change in proposed covered species list (Table 1).

    We are providing this notice to: (1) Describe revisions to the proposed action; (2) update other Federal and State agencies, affected Tribes, and the public of the revised scope of the environmental review for this EIS/EIR; (3) announce the initiation of a new public scoping period; and (4) obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues and alternatives to be included in the EIS/EIR.

    The following table (Table 1) shows the changes by status and number of proposed covered species for which PG&E is anticipating requesting a permit:

    Table 1—Changes in Proposed Covered Species

    Species categoryNumbers of species
    November 2008Revised
    Federally listed as threatened or endangered7585
    Unlisted species that may become listed during permit term3491
    Total numbers of species109180

    Background Information

    The 2008 NOI specified that the plan area encompassed approximately 550,000 acres, including the right of way surrounding PG&E's gas and electric transmission and distribution facilities, lands owned by PG&E and/or subject to PG&E easements for these facilities, private access routes associated with PG&E's activities, future minor new construction areas, and mitigation areas for impacts resulting from PG&E's covered activities. The plan area included the network of PG&E facilities in 36 counties, including 18 counties within the Sacramento Valley Region, 20 counties within the Sierra Region (of which 12 overlap with the Sacramento Valley), 6 counties within the Central Coast Region, and 4 counties within the North Coast Region (of which 1 overlaps with the Sacramento Valley). PG&E originally intended to request a permit for 109 species under the HCP: 75 Federally listed and 34 unlisted species (covered species). We anticipated that PG&E would request a permit duration of 50 years. We held a public scoping meeting and Web conference in Sacramento, California, on December 4, 2008. We received public and agency comments through December 26, 2008.

    Revisions to Project/Proposed Action

    PG&E proposes to add approximately 23,000 acres to the plan area with the inclusion of the Mojave Region, which would increase the total plan area to approximately 573,000 acres in 36 counties. Within the 23,000 acres of the Mohave Region, PG&E proposes to implement operations and maintenance activities along an existing gas transmission line, which stretches from central Kern County to eastern San Bernardino County. A map of the new region to be added is attached (see Figure 1). Activities that may be covered under the HCP in the Mojave Region include a variety of tasks associated with the operation and maintenance of PG&E's gas transmission system, as mandated for public safety by the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Energy Commission, and the California Department of Transportation. More specifically, these activities would be restricted to: Gas pipeline protection, recoating, repair, and replacement, and vegetation management to maintain clearances around facilities. Preliminary analysis conducted by PG&E to date suggests that up to 5 acres of permanent impacts and 555 acres of temporary impacts are likely to occur as a result of proposed covered activities in the Mojave Region over a 50-year timeframe.

    Because some species were inadvertently omitted from the original NOI and the present addition of the Mojave Region to the proposed action, PG&E added 71 species to the proposed covered species list since the 2008 NOI. The proposed covered species list has increased from a total of 109 species to 180 species. The 180 species PG&E currently proposes to address in the HCP include 57 animal species and 123 plant species (Table 2). Additional changes to the proposed covered species list may occur during the development of the HCP.

    TABLE 2—Revised Proposed Covered Species List

    Scientific nameCommon nameFederal Status
    BranchinectaconservatioConservancy fairy shrimpE
    BranchinectalongiantennaLonghorn fairy shrimpE
    BranchinectalynchiVernal pool fairy shrimpT
    Start Printed Page 66783
    BranchinectamesovallensisMidvalley fairy shrimp
    DesmoceruscalifornicusdimorphusValley elderberry longhorn beetleT
    EuphilotesenoptessmithiSmith's blue butterflyE
    EuproserpinuseuterpeKern primrose sphinx mothT
    HelminthoglyptawalkerianaMorro shoulderbandE
    LepiduruspackardiVernal pool tadpole shrimpE
    LycaeidesargyrognomonlotisLotis blue butterflyE
    PacifastacusfortisShasta crayfishE
    PolyphyllabarbataMount Hermon (=barbate) june beetleE
    SpeyeriazerenebehrensiiBehren's silverspot butterflyE
    TrimerotropisinfantilisZayante band-winged grasshopperE
    AmbystomacalifornienseCalifornia tiger salamander—Central Distinct Population SegmentT
    AmbystomacalifornienseCalifornia tiger salamander—Santa Barbara County Distinct Population SegmentE
    AmbystomamacrodactylumcroceumSanta Cruz long-toed salamanderE
    AnaxyruscalifornicusArroyo toadE
    BatrachosepsstebbinsiTehachapi slender salamander
    BufocanorusYosemite toadC
    HydromantesshastaeShasta salamander
    RanaboyliiFoothill yellow-legged frog
    RanadraytoniiCalifornia red-legged frogT
    RanamuscosaSouthern mountain (=Sierra Madre) yellow-legged frogE
    RanasierraeSierra Nevada yellow-legged frogC
    RhyacotritonvariegatusSouthern torrent salamander
    ScaphiopushammondiWestern spadefoot toad
    Emys(=Clemmys)marmorataWestern pond turtle
    GambeliasilaBlunt-nosed leopard lizardE
    GopherusagassiziiDesert tortoiseT
    ThamnophisgigasGiant garter snakeT
    ThamnophissirtalistetrataeniaSan Francisco garter snakeE
    Agelaius tricolorTricolored blackbird
    Aquila chrysaetosGolden eagle
    AthenecuniculariaWestern burrowing owl
    BrachyramphusmarmoratusMarbled murreletT
    ButeoswainsoniSwainson's hawk
    CoccyzusamericanusoccidentalisWestern yellow-billed cuckooC
    EmpidonaxtrailliiWillow flycatcher
    EmpidonaxtrailliiextimusSouthwestern willow flycatcher (CA)E
    Falco peregrinusanatumAmerican peregrine falcon
    GruscanadensistabidaGreater sandhill crane
    HaliaeetusleucocephalusBald eagle
    LaterallusjamaicensiscoturniculusBlack rail (CA)
    PrognesubisPurple martin
    StrixnebulosaGreat gray owl
    StrixoccidentaliscaurinaNorthern spotted owlT
    Vireo belliipusillusLeast Bell's vireoE
    Ammospermophilus nelsonNelson's antelope squirrel
    AplodontiarufanigerPoint Arena mountain beaverE
    DipodomysingensGiant kangaroo ratE
    DipodomysnitratoidesnitratoidesTipton kangaroo ratE
    MartesamericanahumboldtensisHumboldt marten
    MartespennantiFisher—west coast Distinct Population SegmentC
    VulpesmacrotismuticaSan Joaquin kit foxE
    VulpesvulpesnecatorSierra Nevada red fox
    XerospermophilusmohavensisMohave ground squirrel
    Abroniaumbellata ssp. brevifloraPink sand-verbena
    AncistrocarphuskeiliiSanta Ynezgroundstar
    ArabisconstanceiConstance's rock cress
    Arctostaphyloshookeri ssp. hearstiorumHearst's manzanita
    ArctostaphylosmorroensisMorro manzanitaT
    ArctostaphylosmyrtifoliaIone manzanitaT
    ArctostaphylospurissimaLa Purisimamanzanita
    Arctostaphylosstanfordiana ssp. raicheiRaiche's manzanita
    Arctostaphylostomentosa ssp. daciticolaDacitemanzanita
    ArctostaphyloswellsiiWells' manzanita
    Start Printed Page 66784
    AstragalusagnicidusHumboldt milk-vetch
    AstragalusalbensCushenbury milk-vetchE
    Astragalustener var. ferrisiaeFerris' milk-vetch
    AtriplexparishiiParish's brittlescale
    California macrophyllaRound-leaved filaree
    CalycadeniavillosaDwarf calycadenia
    CalystegiastebbinsiiStebbins' morning-gloryE
    CamissoniabenitensisSan Benito evening-primroseT
    CaulanthuscalifornicusCalifornia jewel-flowerE
    CeanothusconfususRincon Ridge ceanothus
    CeanothusmaritimusMaritime ceanothus
    CeanothusroderickiiPine Hill ceanothusE
    ChamaesycehooveriHoover's spurgeT
    Chlorogalumpurpureum var. purpureumPurple amoleT
    ChorizanthehowelliiHowell's spineflowerE
    Chorizanthepungens var. hartwegianaBen Lomond spineflowerE
    Chorizanthepungens var. pungensMonterey spineflowerT
    Chorizantherobusta var. robustaRobust spineflowerE
    Cirsiumfontinale var. obispoenseSan Luis Obispo fountain thistleE
    CirsiumrhothophilumSurf thistle
    Clarkia amoena ssp. whitneyiWhitney's farewell-to-spring
    Clarkia borealis ssp. aridaShasta clarkia
    Clarkia mosquiniiMosquin's clarkia
    Clarkia speciosa ssp. immaculataPismo clarkiaE
    Cordylanthusmollis ssp. hispidusHispid bird's-beak
    CordylanthuspalmatusPalmate-bracted bird's-beakE
    Cordylanthusrigidus ssp. littoralisSeaside bird's-beak
    Cryptanthaclevelandii var. dissitaSerpentine cryptantha
    CupressusabramsianaSanta Cruz cypressE
    Cupressusgoveniana ssp. govenianaGowen cypressT
    DeinandrahallianaHall's tarplant
    DithyreamaritimaBeach spectaclepod
    Dudleyablochmaniae ssp. blochmaniaeBlochman's dudleya
    EriastrumtracyiTracy's eriastrum
    EricameriafasciculataEastwood's goldenbush
    Erigeron parishiiParish's daisyT
    EriodictyoncapitatumLompoc yerba santaE
    Eriogonumapricum var. apricumIone buckwheatE
    Eriogonumnudum var. decurrensBen Lomond buckwheat
    Eryngiumaristulatum var. hooveriHoover's button-celery
    EryngiumconstanceiLoch Lomond button-celeryE
    EryngiumracemosumDelta button-celery
    Erysimummenziesii ssp. eurekenseHumboldt Bay wallflowerE
    Erysimummenziesii ssp. menziesiiMenzies' wallflowerE
    ErysimumteretifoliumSanta Cruz wallflowerE
    EschscholziarhombipetalaDiamond-petaled California poppy
    FremontodendrondecumbensPine Hill flannelbushE
    FritillariaroderickiiRoderick's fritillary
    Galiumcalifornicum ssp. sierraeEl Dorado bedstrawE
    Giliatenuiflora ssp. arenariaSand giliaE
    GratiolaheterosepalaBoggs Lake hedge-hyssop
    Guggolz' harmoniaHarmoniaguggolziorum
    HolocarphamacradeniaSanta Cruz tarplantT
    Horkeliacuneata ssp. puberulaMesa horkelia
    Horkeliacuneata ssp. sericeaKellogg's horkelia
    Juncusleiospermus var. leiospermusRed Bluff dwarf rush
    LastheniaburkeiBurke's goldfieldsE
    LastheniaconjugensContra Costa goldfieldsE
    Lastheniaglabrata ssp. coulteriCoulter's goldfields
    LayiacarnosaBeach layiaE
    LayiadiscoideaRayless layia
    LayiaheterotrichaPale-yellow layia
    LilaeopsismasoniiMason's lilaeopsis
    LiliummaritimumCoast lily
    LiliumoccidentaleWestern lilyE
    LimnanthesbakeriBaker's meadowfoam
    Limnanthesfloccosa ssp. californicaButte County meadowfoamE
    LomatiumstebbinsiiStebbins' lomatium
    Start Printed Page 66785
    Lotus rubriflorusRed-flowered lotus
    Lupinus milo-bakeriMilo Baker's lupine
    LupinusnipomensisNipomo Mesa lupineE
    LupinustidestromiiTidestrom's lupineE
    MadiaradiataShowy madia
    MalacothamnusabbottiiAbbott's bush mallow
    Monardelladouglasii ssp. venosaVeiny monardella
    MonolopiacongdoniiSan Joaquin woollythreadsE
    Navarretialeucocephala ssp. bakeriBaker's navarretia
    Navarretialeucocephala ssp. paucifloraFew-flowered navarretiaE
    Navarretialeucocephala ssp. plieanthaMany-flowered navarretiaE
    Navarretiamyersii ssp. deminutaSmall pincushion navarretia
    Navarretiamyersii ssp. myersiiPincushion navarretia
    NavarretiaprostrataProstrate navarretia
    Oenotheradeltoidesssp. howelliiAntioch Dunes evening-primroseE
    OenotherawolfiiWolf's evening-primrose
    OrcuttiapilosaHairy orcutt grassE
    OrcuttiatenuisSlender orcutt grassT
    OrcuttiaviscidaSacramento orcutt grassE
    PackeralayneaeLayne's ragwortT
    Paronychia ahartiiAhart's paronychia
    PentachaetabellidifloraWhite-rayed pentachaetaE
    PinusradiataMonterey pine
    PiperiayadoniiYadon's rein orchidE
    PleuropogonhooverianusNorth Coast semaphore grass
    PolygonumhickmaniiScotts Valley polygonumE
    PseudobahiabahiifoliaHartweg's golden sunburstE
    PuccinelliahowelliiHowell's alkali grass
    RhynchosporacalifornicaCalifornia beaked-rush
    SaniculamaritimaAdobe sanicle
    SedellaleiocarpaLake County stonecropE
    Sidalceahickmanii ssp. anomalaCuesta Pass checkerbloom
    StyloclinemasoniiMason's neststraw
    SuaedacalifornicaCalifornia seabliteE
    Thlaspicalifornicum (=Noccaeafendleri ssp. californicum)Kneeland Prairie pennycressE
    TrifoliumbuckwestiorumSanta Cruz clover
    TrifoliumpolyodonPacific Grove clover
    TrifoliumtrichocalyxMonterey cloverE
    TropidocarpumcapparideumCaper-fruited tropidocarpum
    TuctoriagreeneiGreene's tuctoriaE
    Verbena californicaCalifornia vervainT
    E = Federally listed as Endangered.
    T = Federally listed as Threatened.
    C = Federal candidate species.
    — = no Federal listing status.


    Please direct any comments to the Service contact listed in the ADDRESSES section, and any questions to the Service contacts listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section. All comments and materials we receive, including names and addresses, will become part of the administrative record and may be released to the public. Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment—including your personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.

    Reasonable Accommodation

    Persons needing reasonable accommodations in order to attend and participate in the public meeting should contact Mike Thomas at 916-414-6600 as soon as possible. In order to allow sufficient time to process requests, please call no later than 1 week before the public meeting. Information regarding this proposed action is available in alternative formats upon request. Persons needing reasonable accommodations in order to view the proposed action should contact Mike Thomas at (916) 414-6600 as soon as possible.

    Start Authority

    Authority: This notice is provided under Section 10(a) of the Act and Service regulations for implementing NEPA (40 CFR 1506.6).

    End Authority Start Signature

    Dated: October 22, 2010.

    Alexander Pitts,

    Deputy Regional Director, Pacific Southwest Region, Sacramento, California.

    End Signature Start Printed Page 66786

    End Supplemental Information

    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

    [FR Doc. 2010-27338 Filed 10-28-10; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4310-55-C

Document Information

Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Revised notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement and notice of public scoping meeting.
Document Number:
Please send written comments on or before November 29, 2010. A public meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Sacramento, CA.
66781-66786 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FWS-R8-ES-2010-N186, 1112-0000-81420-F2
PDF File: