2024-24582. Provisions Pertaining to Preventing Access to U.S. Sensitive Personal Data and Government-Related Data by Countries of Concern or Covered Persons
Table VII-1—Selected Data Broker Revenue and Employee Figures
Data broker Total revenue U.S. revenue Foreign revenue Employees Acxiom (2018) a $917.4 million $834.6 million $82.8 million 3,380 LexisNexis (2021) b $974.3 million n/a c n/a c 10,200 Oracle America (2023) d $50 billion $31 billion $19 billion g 164,000 Equifax (2023) e $5.3 billion $4.1 billion $1.2 billion 14,900 Experian (2022) f $6.6 billion $4.4 billion $2.2 billion 22,000 a Acxiom LLC 2018 Annual Report, AnnualReports.com (2018), https://www.annualreports.com/HostedData/AnnualReports/PDF/NASDAQ_ACXM_2018.pdf [ https://perma.cc/6BVA-DQS5]. b Latka, How LexisNexis Hit $974.3M Revenue with a 10.2K Person Team in 2021, SaaS Database, https://getlatka.com/companies/lexisnexis [ https://perma.cc/M4DM-HAC9]. c LexisNexis is owned by RELX and is folded into their annual report and therefore the annual report does not provide specific domestic and foreign revenue numbers just for LexisNexis. ( print page 86175) d Oracle, Oracle Announces Fiscal 2023 Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Full Year Financial Results (June 12, 2023), https://investor.oracle.com/investor-news/news-details/2023/Oracle-Announces-Fiscal-2023-Fourth-Quarter-and-Fiscal-Full-Year-Financial-Results/default.aspx [ https://perma.cc/DL8Y-H2VM]. The U.S. Revenue entry of $31 billion is for “the America's.” The Foreign Revenue entry of $19 billion is for “Europe/Middle East/Africa” and “Asia/Pacific.” Oracle, Culture and Inclusion Empowers Diversity, https://www.oracle.com/careers/culture-inclusion/best-practices/ [ https://perma.cc/3M2B-GQ7F]. e Equifax Inc., 2023 Annual Report (2024), https://investor.equifax.com/sec-filings/annual-reports##document-3666-0001308179-24-000246-2 [ https://perma.cc/WU9A-NHZ2]. f Experian, Annual Report 2023 (2023), https://www.experianplc.com/content/dam/marketing/global/plc/en/assets/documents/reports/2023/annual-report/experian_annual_report_2023_web.pdf [ https://perma.cc/7QRT-GN3T]. g Oracle Corp., Annual Report (Form 10-K) (June 20, 2023), https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1341439/000095017023028914/orcl-20230531.htm [ https://perma.cc/4ADX-R6EJ].