Table III-1—Summary of Costs and Benefits Over the 10-Year Period
[2023 Dollars]
Impact Undiscounted * PV 7% PV 3% PV 2% ** Annualized 7%, 3%, 2% Data Analysis and Metrics $62,392 $43,821 $53,221 $56,044 $6,239 Consultation and Documentation 676,529 475,166 577,093 607,698 67,653 Waiver Renewal Effectiveness and Conditions Compliance 40,109 28,171 34,214 36,028 4,011 Total Costs 779,030 547,158 664,528 699,770 77,903 FRA Cost Minimal overall change from baseline. Potentially more time to review additional waiver information may be offset by expected better-organized information explicitly addressing NPRM requirements. Qualitative Benefit In general, addressing incomplete information and facilitating affected stakeholder input expected to better meet statutory standards of “in the public interest” and “consistent with railroad safety.” * PV = Present Value. ** Because the schedule of costs by year are the same, the annualized values are the same. Figures in tables may not sum due to rounding.