95-24502. Record of Decision for the Homeporting of Seawolf Class Submarines on the East Coast of the United States  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 191 (Tuesday, October 3, 1995)]
    [Pages 51782-51785]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-24502]
    Department of the Navy
    Record of Decision for the Homeporting of Seawolf Class 
    Submarines on the East Coast of the United States
        Pursuant to section 102(2) of the National Environmental Policy Act 
    (NEPA) of 1969 and the Council on Environmental Quality regulations 
    implementing NEPA procedures (40 CFR 1500-1508), the Department of the 
    Navy announces its decision to homeport the SEAWOLF class submarine at 
    the Naval Submarine Base (SUBASE) New London, Groton, CT and to 
    implement required dredging of the Thames River to provide safe access.
        Up to three SEAWOLF class submarines will be homeported at the 
    SUBASE replacing three existing homeported submarines resulting in no 
    net increase in submarine or personnel loading at the SUBASE. Dredging 
    will deepen the access channel from 35 ft to 39 ft below mean low water 
    (MLW) in the Thames River from the Gold Star (I-95 Highway) Bridge to 
    pier 17 at the SUBASE. Dredging will also occur from the channel to 
    piers 8 and 10, which are designated as the SEAWOLF home port piers, 
    and for access to pier 17 (located up-river from piers 8 and 10) to 
    provide for submarine maintenance. Up to three berths at piers 8 and 10 
    will be deepened to 42 feet below MLW. The entire existing width of the 
    navigation channel will be dredged from the I-95 bridge to the south 
    end of the SUBASE. This area has been determined to contain marine 
    sediments which are suitable for unconfined open water disposal. 
    Dredging of the section of the river where sediments contain elevated 
    levels of contaminates will be minimized by limiting the width of the 
    channel to allow only a one way passage of the SEAWOLF class submarine 
    for this short stretch. This 300 foot width will reduce significantly 
    the volume of contaminated sediment being removed. Disposal of a total 
    of 1.1 million cubic yards (CY) of dredged sediment will be at the New 
    London Disposal Site (NLDS) in Long Island Sound.
        In 1991, the Navy issued a draft environmental impact statement 
    addressing a proposal to dredge the Thames River to allow access for 
    [[Page 51783]]
    lead SEAWOLF submarine (SSN 21) to conduct preacceptance trial 
    operations from piers 32 and 33 at the SUBASE. At that time, no 
    proposal was made concerning a home port for SEAWOLF Class submarines.
        In 1994, President Clinton announced SUBASE New London as the 
    preferred home port for SEAWOLF submarines. This preferred homeporting 
    announcement modified the initial proposed action such that the NEPA 
    process had to be re-initiated. A notice of intent was published in the 
    Federal Register in June 1994, indicating the Navy would prepare a DEIS 
    analyzing the impacts of homeporting SEAWOLF Class submarines at one of 
    three alternative locations: SUBASE New London, Naval Submarine Base 
    Kings Bay, GA, and Naval Station Norfolk, VA. Scoping meetings were 
    held in August 1994 at each alternative home port location.
        In February 1995, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for 
    SEAWOLF Homeporting was distributed to federal, state, and local 
    agencies and elected officials, special interest groups, and interested 
    individuals. Public hearings were held in each alternative home port 
    location in March 1995. Oral and written public comments and Navy 
    responses to those comments were incorporated into a Final 
    Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) which was distributed to the 
    public for a review period that ended on 25 September 1995.
        The primary consequence of implementing the proposed homeporting 
    action is the effect of the removal of approximately 1.1 million CY of 
    sediment from the Thames River and disposal of that material at the 
    NLDS. Some of the sediment (350,000 CY) within the material to be 
    dredged is moderately contaminated with metals and polyaromatic 
    hydrocarbons (PAHs). These sediments require covering with non-
    contaminated sediment.
        Sediments within the project area were tested to determine 
    suitability for open water disposal. Metals, PAHs, polychlorinated 
    biphenyls (PCBs), and pesticides were tested. Test results indicate 
    that there are varying amounts of metals and PAHs in the sediments. No 
    PCBs or pesticides were detected in any of the sediment samples.
        Bioaccumulation studies revealed that channel sediments from pier 
    17 south to the south end of the SUBASE caused statistically 
    significant bioaccumulation of several PAH compounds, zinc, and lead. 
    None of the sediments tested, however, were significantly toxic to 
    sensitive organisms. These sediments are, therefore, suitable for open 
    water disposal provided that adequate capping with clean sediment is 
        Channel sediments from the I-95 bridge to the south end of SUBASE 
    did not exhibit any bioaccumulation or toxicity. Therefore, these 
    sediments are suitable for unconfined open water disposal and will be 
    used as capping material for the contaminated sediments of this 
    project. There is more than enough clean sediment to cover the 350,000 
    CY of contaminated sediment to guarantee the 50 centimeter cap required 
    by the Army Corps of Engineers and the CT Department of Environmental 
        Impacts to water quality, air quality, benthic organisms, and 
    aquatic habitat will briefly occur during dredging and disposal 
    activities. These impacts, however, are not considered significant 
    within the context of the project location and with implementation of 
    specific mitigation measures described herein.
        Shore facilities and infrastructure impacts associated with SEAWOLF 
    homeporting at the SUBASE will be minimal because the three SEAWOLF 
    submarines will replace existing fast attack submarines as the older 
    submarines are decommissioned. It is projected that by 1999 there will 
    be 17 submarines homeported at the SUBASE, including 2 of the 3 SEAWOLF 
    class submarines, compared to 24 submarines currently homeported there. 
    Consequently, no change or addition in submarine support services, 
    ordnance storage, supply facilities, magnetic signature measurement 
    facilities, or intermediate maintenance facilities will be required at 
    the SUBASE to support SEAWOLF homeporting. The declining submarine 
    loading will allow SEAWOLF personnel and their dependents to occupy 
    existing bachelor and family housing. Personnel support services are 
    adequate to support the SEAWOLF crews. Training facilities already 
    exist at SUBASE. Selection of another home port location would require 
    replication of these facilities. Utility consumption is expected to 
    decline corresponding to a reduction in the total number of submarines 
    homeported at the SUBASE.
        Considering all factors, the preferred and selected alternative is 
    homeporting at SUBASE New London. In the narrower context of 
    environmental factors only, the alternative that would incur marginally 
    fewer impacts would be that of homeporting at Naval Station Norfolk 
    where minimal dredging would be required and where dredged material 
    disposal occurs at Craney Island. That alternative was not selected 
    because it would cost substantially more and does not provide for the 
    operational readiness, training, and synergy of compatible functions 
    provided at SUBASE New London. This conclusion is also supported by the 
    Navy's ability to mitigate impacts at New London to below the level of 
    Comments Received on the FEIS
        Ten comment letters were received following publication of the 
    FEIS. Several of these letters simply indicated the writer's 
    preferences. Others presented substantive comments dealing with 
    mitigation measures, storm effects on the NLDS, and potential 
    alternatives for either homeporting the SEAWOLF or for the disposal of 
    the dredged sediment that the commenters believed had not been 
    adequately addressed in the FEIS.
        Studies of major storm events have been conducted at the NLDS. A 
    comparison of bottom topography from 1985 to 1992, a period that 
    included two hurricanes, demonstrated that little, if any, change in 
    topography occurred at the NLDS.
        Four alternatives for homeporting or disposal of dredged material 
    were addressed in comment letters: (1) Use of the Naval Undersea 
    Warfare Center (NUWC) New London for SEAWOLF homeporting; (2) in-
    channel ``borrow pit'' disposal of dredged sediment; (3) ``washing'' of 
    dredged material to remove contaminates; and (4) sediment dewatering to 
    reduce the overall volume of dredged material requiring disposal. All 
    of these suggested alternatives were specifically addressed in the EIS, 
    with the exception of in-channel borrow pit disposal. The latter is a 
    variation of capping, a process that was thoroughly addressed in the 
    EIS. While addressed in the EIS, none of these suggested alternatives 
    were considered reasonable alternatives and therefore were not 
    discussed in great detail. The comment letters did not identify any 
    substantive environmental information concerning the proposed action or 
    suggested alternatives that had not already been considered during the 
    EIS process. Consequently, as discussed below, it was determined that 
    none of the suggested alternatives warranted additional discussion in 
    the EIS.
        The NUWC alternative was discounted as a practicable long-term 
    SEAWOLF home port because of incompatible existing functions and land 
    use and because the facility has been considered for closure as part of 
    the Base Closure and Realignment Act process. In fact, after careful 
    analysis the Department of Defense recommended closure of the NUWC 
    facility at New London except for existing piers. Although 
    Congressional direction for 
    [[Page 51784]]
    closure will not be final until 28 September 1995, there is no 
    scheduled Congressional action that would reject the BRAC-95 Commission 
    recommendations and such an action is extraordinarily remote. The Navy 
    will retain the pier where the SEAWOLF submarine could be berthed. The 
    necessary shore facilities including ordnance loading capability, 
    public works, administration, security and personnel support, are not 
    available on site nor will sufficient land be retained to construct 
    them. None of the existing submarine maintenance facilities would be 
    accessible unless the Thames River channel was dredged as proposed in 
    the preferred alternative. Consequently, construction of new submarine 
    maintenance facilities would also be required. Special legislation 
    would be required to reopen the closed NUWC facility and to develop 
    facilities and infrastructure to support homeporting. Locating the 
    SEAWOLF home port at the NUWC facility would, therefore, require the 
    Navy to maintain duplicate submarine support facilities within three 
    miles of each other.
        This duplication is not only inefficient but would result in 
    increased environmental impacts. Duplicate facilities would increase 
    air emissions, water discharges, and require another temporary storage 
    facility for hazardous waste. The cost of providing these duplicate 
    support facilities at NUWC and maintaining those facilities over the 30 
    year life of the SEAWOLF submarine would clearly be excessive. As 
    described in the EIS, the use of NUWC as a home port is not a 
    reasonable alternative.
        The in-channel borrow pit alternative would require removing 
    contaminated sediments from the Thames River channel and placement in a 
    ``borrow pit'' dug in another section of the River. While this 
    technique would eliminate the disposal of contaminated sediment at the 
    NLDS, it would result in dredging of substantially more sediments and 
    at a higher disposal cost. The dredging associated with the SEAWOLF 
    project is designed to increase the depth of the Thames River channel 
    and the areas adjacent to the piers. The channel would be dredged to a 
    depth of 39 feet below MLW. A ``borrow pit'' of sufficient size and 
    depth would have to be dug to accept the 350,000 CY of contaminated 
    sediments plus the necessary cap and still allow a minimum depth of 39 
    feet below MLW. There are no existing borrow pits or depressions in the 
    Thames River that could be used.
        Based upon the Army Corps of Engineers Boston Harbor dredging, it 
    is estimated that use of a borrow pit would increase the amount of 
    dredging by 1 million cubic yards. While the borrow pit is being dug, 
    the sediments that are removed must be stockpiled on land or on barges 
    in the Thames River. As an average barge can hold approximately 4,000 
    CY of sediment, there is not enough space to accommodate the large 
    number of barges that would be needed to hold contaminated sediments 
    and the sediments removed from the borrow pit; nor is there an adequate 
    land site nearby to use for stockpiling. Once a borrow pit is placed in 
    the Thames River, it would preclude any future deepening of the channel 
    for any use--federal, state, or private. This additional dredging 
    requirement, commitment of a sizeable in-channel area to initial 
    (versus maintenance) dredging, and the logistical problems associated 
    with completing the entire dredging requirement within the four month 
    dredging season, makes this approach impracticable. Additional impacts 
    to water quality in the river would result from more disturbance of 
    sediment. Cumulative impacts to fish and benthos would be magnified 
    because dredging would occur from October-January in the multiple years 
    necessary for project completion. Cost of this approach would be 
    excessive. Assuming similar conditions to the Boston Harbor In-channel 
    option, the increased volumes, handling, and open water disposal to 
    create cells, import clean sand and place contaminated sediment, would 
    escalate the total cost for the SEAWOLF dredging project from 
    approximately $4 million to approximately $23 million. Finally, given 
    that there is a permitted in-water disposal site available for this 
    project, it is not likely that the required permits could be obtained 
    from the CT Department of Environmental Protection to allow this 
    project to proceed this year, if at all.
        Soil washing utilizes a cleansing process to remove contaminants 
    from dredge material. The comment letter asserts that the ``cleaned'' 
    sediments could be placed in an upland facility or an open water site 
    without the need for capping. While this technique eliminates the 
    disposal of contaminated sediment at the NLDS, it involves the disposal 
    of contaminants at upland sites. The contaminants would be concentrated 
    as a result of the washing process, would be subject to regulation 
    under RCRA, and may not be suitable for land disposal. Mechanical soil 
    washing is a recognized process, but it has not been effective in 
    removing petroleum-based contaminants such as polyaromatic 
    hydrocarbons, especially those in fine sediments. Mechanical washing, 
    enhanced by use of chemical agents, is a relatively new process. This 
    enhanced soil washing technique has never been attempted on a project 
    the size of the SEAWOLF project. Consequently, technical and timing 
    difficulties must be anticipated which could make completing the 
    required dredging within the four month dredging season impracticable. 
    Chemically enhanced soil washing has been used only on smaller projects 
    at a cost of $35-$45 per cubic yard, excluding the cost for 
    transportation of treated sediment and landfill fees. As discussed in 
    the EIS, costs associated with a project could approach $100 per cubic 
        Sediment dewatering involves placing sediments in a barge or at an 
    upland site and allowing water to run off, thereby reducing the overall 
    volume of sediment. The EIS investigated this process and concluded 
    that the volume of the sediments to be dredged precludes the use of 
    barges for sediment dewatering. Time requirements to develop and permit 
    a suitable near shore upland site to be used for sediment dewatering 
    were estimated to take as long as three years. CT requires a minimum of 
    18 months of monitoring at a land site before any materials can be 
    deposited there. The dredging process is also more time-consuming and 
    could not be completed during the limited dredge window for the Thames 
    River, making this alternative impracticable for the SEAWOLF project. 
    Sediments are double or triple handled as the sediment is moved from 
    dredge bucket, to barge, to truck, and finally to the land disposal 
    site. All of these factors make the costs associated with dewatering 
    significantly greater than disposal at the NLDS.
        The Navy will employ the following mitigation measures to ensure 
    minimization of environmental impacts associated with dredging and 
    disposal operations: (1) Use of an enclosed clamshell dredge bucket to 
    minimize spillage of dredge sediment from dredging operations, (2) 
    adherence to the ``no barge overflow'' requirement, (3) capping of the 
    contaminated dredged sediment with clean sediment in accordance with 
    the Army Corps of Engineers permit requirements [The amount of capping 
    material available in the project exceeds that necessary to ensure a 50 
    cm cap and should result in a thicker cap in most locations.], (4) 
    observance of the seasonal restrictions on dredging in the Thames 
    River, (5) implementing an intensive series of 
    [[Page 51785]]
    hydrographic monitoring of the disposal site during and after disposal 
    operations to ensure proper placement of sediments, (6) use of sediment 
    profile (underwater) photography of the disposal mound to ensure proper 
    placement of sediments, (7) use of precision navigation equipment and a 
    taut wire buoy at the disposal site to accurately locate the barge 
    discharge point at the disposal site, and (8) presence of a barge 
    inspector, certified by the Army Corps of Engineers, on each and every 
    barge that takes dredged materials to the disposal site.
        With the above mitigation measures, the Navy believes impacts to 
    the Thames River and Long Island Sound marine environments will be 
    minimized to the maximum extent practicable.
        In addition to the specific mitigation measures set out above, the 
    Navy will: (1) Encourage the Army Corps of Engineers to select a 
    discharge point where a depression in the bottom already exists; (2) 
    encourage the Army Corps of Engineers to dispose of clean dredged 
    materials from future area projects at the NLDS; (3) pursue development 
    of a post-disposal monitoring program in cooperation with the EPA and 
    the Army Corps of Engineers; and (4) offer interested environmental 
    groups the opportunity to cooperatively provide an independent observer 
    on barges carrying dredged material for disposal.
        In accordance with the Clean Air Act and General Conformity Rule 
    requirements, an air quality review has been conducted for the proposed 
    dredging. It has been determined that this action is in compliance with 
    40 CFR Part 63 (Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions to 
    State or Federal Implementation Plans) and satisfies the requirements 
    of Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act (42 USC 7506). Accordingly, the 
    proposed action in the Thames River conforms to the state 
    implementation plan's purpose of eliminating or reducing the severity 
    and number of violations of the federal ambient air quality standards 
    and achieving expeditious attainment of those standards.
        Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) 
    requires authorization from the Army Corps of Engineers for the 
    discharge of dredged material into ``waters of the United States''. 
    Section 404 regulations prohibit the use of any disposal site in open 
    water when its use would result in adverse effects on water quality, 
    shellfish beds, fisheries and wildlife, or recreational areas. The Navy 
    has determined that the proposed dredging would not have significant 
    impacts and has applied for a section 404 permit for this project.
        Section 401 of the FWPCA requires that any party proposing to 
    engage in an activity which may affect water quality must obtain state 
    water quality certification. Certification will not be granted unless 
    it has been determined that the proposed activity will not violate 
    state water quality standards. The Navy has received the requisite 
    Section 401 permit from the CT Department of Environmental Protection 
    for SEAWOLF homeporting. The NLDS is partially located in the State of 
    New York, but, under EPA regulations, a water quality certificate is 
    only required from the state having jurisdiction over the location 
    where the dredged materials will be discharged. Disposal of dredged 
    material will take place wholly within waters of the state of 
    Connecticut and there will be no direct discharge of dredged material 
    into New York waters, therefore a New York Water Quality Certificate is 
    not required for this project.
        In accordance with the Coastal Zone Management Act, the Navy has 
    requested and received concurrence with its determination of coastal 
    zone consistency for the SEAWOLF homeporting project from the CT 
    Department of Environmental Protection. Although the NLDS lies 
    partially within the waters of the State of New York, the Navy has 
    determined that the proposed action will not affect the coastal 
    resources of the State of New York, and included a negative 
    determination to that effect in the EIS.
        Pursuant to Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice, 
    potential environmental and economic impacts on minority and low-income 
    persons and communities were assessed. Any impacts caused by the 
    SEAWOLF homeporting, particularly the dredging and disposal of dredged 
    material, will be experienced equally by all groups within the overall 
    regional population. Because no long-term negative environmental 
    impacts are expected from the proposed action, no particular minority 
    or low income segment of the population would be disproportionately 
    affected. There is not anticipated to be any likelihood for minority or 
    low income individuals to be subjected to adverse environmental or 
    health risks.
        In accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act, the Navy 
    concluded that it is unlikely that there are any submerged ship wrecks 
    in the area to be affected by the dredging or disposal operations. The 
    State Historic Preservation Officer has concurred with this finding.
        Questions regarding the Final Environmental Impact Statement 
    prepared for this action may be directed to Mr. Robert Ostermueller, 
    Head, Environmental Planning, Northern Division Naval Facilities 
    Engineering Command, 10 Industrial Highway, Lester PA 19113, telephone 
    (610) 595-0759; fax (610) 595-0778.
        Dated: September 27, 1995.
    Duncan Holaday,
    Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations and Facilities).
    [FR Doc. 95-24502 Filed 10-2-95; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Navy Department
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Document Number:
51782-51785 (4 pages)
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