97-25745. Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Test Procedure for Kitchen Ranges, Cooktops, Ovens, and Microwave Ovens  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 192 (Friday, October 3, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 51976-51991]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-25745]
    [[Page 51975]]
    Part II
    Department of Energy
    Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    10 CFR Part 430
    Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Test Procedure for 
    Kitchen Ranges, Cooktops, Ovens, and Microwave Ovens; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 192 / Friday, October 3, 1997 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 51976]]
    Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
    10 CFR Part 430
    [Docket No. EE-RM-94-230]
    RIN 1904-AA-52
    Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products: Test Procedure 
    for Kitchen Ranges, Cooktops, Ovens, and Microwave Ovens
    AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of 
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) is amending 
    its test procedure for kitchen ranges, cooktops, ovens, and microwave 
    ovens. Generally, this rulemaking incorporates portions of the 
    International Electrotechnical Commission Standard 705 and Amendment 2 
    thereto, and updates the annual useful cooking energy for kitchen 
    ranges, cooktops, ovens, and microwave ovens.
    EFFECTIVE DATES: This rule is effective November 3, 1997. The 
    incorporation by reference of portions of International 
    Electrotechnical Commission Standard 705 (referred to as IEC 705) and 
    Amendment 2 thereto (referred to as Amendment 2) as referenced below is 
    approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of November 3, 
    ADDRESSES: The Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) is 
    incorporating by reference the following industry consensus test 
    standard upon publication of this final rule.
        1. IEC 705, ``Methods for Measuring the Performance of Microwave 
    Ovens for Household and Similar Purposes,'' Section 4, Methods of 
    Measurement, Paragraph 13 ``Electrical Power Input Measurement,'' and 
    Paragraph 14 ``Efficiency'' (1988).
        2. IEC 705, Amendment 2, ``Methods for Measuring the Performance of 
    Microwave Ovens for Household and Similar Purposes,'' Section 4, 
    Methods of Measurement, Paragraph 12 ``Microwave Power Output 
    Measurement'' (1993).
        Documents incorporated by reference may be viewed at the Department 
    of Energy Freedom of Information Reading Room, U.S. Department of 
    Energy, Forrestal Building, Room 1E-190, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-3142, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. 
    and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Copies 
    of the International Electrotechnical Commission publications can be 
    obtained from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd 
    Street, New York, New York 10036, (212) 642-4936.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Terry Logee, U.S. Department of 
    Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Mail Station 
    EE-43, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, 
    D.C. 20585-0121, (202) 586-1689, FAX (202) 586-4617, 
        Francine Pinto, Esq., U.S. Department of Energy, Office of General 
    Counsel, Mail Station GC-72, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence 
    Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20585-0103, (202) 586-7432, 
    I. Introduction
        A. Background
    II. Discussion
        A. Cooking Appliances Generally
        B. Cooktops, Ranges, and Ovens
        C. Microwave Ovens
    III. Determination Concerning the Impact of the Amended Test 
    Procedure on Standards
    IV. Procedural Requirements
        A. Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
        B. Review Under Executive Order 12866, ``Regulatory Planning and 
        C. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
        D. ``Takings'' Assessment Review
        E. Federalism Review
        F. Review Under Section 32 of the Federal Energy Administration 
    Act of 1974
        G. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980
        H. Review Under Executive Order 12988, ``Civil Justice Reform''
        I. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
        J. Congressional Notification
    I. Introduction
    A. Background
        Part B of Title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as 
    amended (EPCA or the Act), establishes the Energy Conservation Program 
    for Consumer Products Other Than Automobiles (Program).1 The 
    products currently subject to this Program (often called hereafter 
    ``covered products'') include kitchen ranges, cooktops, ovens, and 
    microwave ovens, which are the subject of today's notice.
        \1\ Part B of Title III of EPCA, as amended, is referred to in 
    this final rule as ``EPCA'' or the ``Act.'' Part B of Title III has 
    been redesignated as Part A for purposes of codification. It is 
    codified at 42 U.S.C.
        Under the Act, the Program consists essentially of three parts: 
    testing, labeling, and Federal energy conservation standards. The 
    Department, in consultation with the National Institute of Standards 
    and Technology (formerly the National Bureau of Standards), is required 
    to amend or establish new test procedures as appropriate for each of 
    the covered products. Section 323 of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6293. The purpose 
    of test procedures is to produce test results which measure energy 
    efficiency, energy use, water use (in the case of showerheads, faucets, 
    water closets and urinals), or estimated annual operating cost of a 
    covered product during a representative average use cycle or period of 
    use. The test procedure must not be unduly burdensome to conduct. 
    Section 323 (b)(3) of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6293 (b)(3).
        DOE is required to determine to what extent, if any, an amended 
    test procedure would alter the measured energy efficiency, measured 
    energy use, or measured water use of any covered product as determined 
    under the existing test procedure. Section 323(e)(1) of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 
        One hundred and eighty days after a test procedure for a product is 
    prescribed or established, no manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or 
    private labeler may make representations with respect to energy use, 
    efficiency, or the cost of energy consumed by products covered by this 
    rule, except as reflected in tests conducted according to the new or 
    amended DOE test procedure and such representations fairly disclose the 
    results of such tests. Section 323(c)(2) of EPCA, 42 U.S.C. 6293(c)(2). 
    Thus, beginning on April 1, 1998, representations with respect to the 
    products covered by this rule must be consistent with this amended test 
        On May 10, 1978, the Department published the current test 
    procedure for conventional ranges, cooking tops, ovens, and microwave/
    conventional ranges, 43 FR 20120. These procedures are codified at 10 
    CFR Part 430, Subpart B, Appendix I. On March 23, 1995, (60 FR 15330), 
    DOE published a proposed rule to amend the current test procedure.
        On July 23, 1997, DOE made available to the public copies of a 
    version of this final rule issued on July 17, 1997. That version was 
    not published in the Federal Register. Today, DOE publishes this final 
    rule as a substitute for the version issued on July 17, 1997. Today's 
    final rule contains clarifying, non-substantive changes from the 
    version distributed in July.
    [[Page 51977]]
    II. Discussion
    A. Cooking Appliances Generally
    1. Combined Component Efficiency
        DOE proposed to sum the efficiencies of components to calculate the 
    efficiency of combined components (range, microwave/oven or microwave/
    range). Two commenters stated that the calculation of energy efficiency 
    for all combined components was incorrect in the proposed test 
    procedure. (AHAM, No. 3 at 3; No. 33 Attachment 2 at 2; July 12, 1995 
    transcript at 46; Whirlpool, No. 28 at 2.) 2
        \2\ Written comments will be referenced by their assigned 
        DOE has corrected the proposed section 4.3, ``Combined 
    Components,'' by removing the requirement to add efficiencies for 
    combined components. The Final Rule provides no method for calculating 
    the efficiencies for combined components because appropriate usage 
    factors could not be determined.
    2. Surface Temperature Probe Tolerance
        DOE proposed that the tolerance for the surface temperature probe, 
    Section, ``Temperature Indicator System for Measuring Surface 
    Temperatures,'' should be changed to 0.45 deg.F. Several 
    commenters, stated that the surface temperature probe tolerance of 
    0.45 deg.F for surface temperature measurement is overly 
    strict and that the tolerance should be 1 deg.F as stated 
    in the existing test procedure. (Weizeorick, No.3 at 2; July 12, 1995 
    Transcript at 45; Whirlpool, No. 28 at 2; and AHAM, No. 33 Attachment 2 
    at 2.) DOE agrees with these comments and will continue to use a 
    tolerance of 1 deg.F for the surface temperature probe.
    3. Comments Regarding Energy Conservation Standards for Cooking 
        Several commenters included statements on issues concerning 
    standards for cooking products in their written comments. (Whirlpool, 
    No. 28 at 2-3; Weizeorick, No. 3 at 6; Donovan et al., No. 47 at 1-2; 
    AHAM, No. 33 at 2, Attachment 3A and Attachment 3C at 6 and 10; Sharp 
    Electronics, No. 40 at 13.) However, this rulemaking is strictly 
    limited to promulgating test procedures for cooktops, ranges, ovens and 
    microwave ovens. Therefore, these comments are outside the scope of 
    this proceeding and will be addressed in the rulemaking entitled; 
    ``Final Rule Regarding Energy Conservation Standards for Kitchen 
    Ranges, Ovens, and Microwave Ovens,'' Docket No. EE-RM-93-201.
    B. Cooktops, Ranges and Ovens
    1. Annual Useful Cooking Energy
        In the proposed rule, DOE proposed to modify the annual useful 
    cooking energy from the existing test procedure for each product class 
    to reflect the change in cooking trends in the United States as 
    follows: electric ovens from 47.09 kWh/yr (169.5 MJ/yr) to 35.5 kWh/yr 
    (105.5 MJ/yr), gas ovens from 160.7 kBtu/yr (169.547 kJ/yr) to 124.2 
    kBtu/yr (131,038 kJ/yr), electric cooktops from 277.7 kWh/yr (1000 MJ/
    yr) to 209.4 kWh/yr (752.4 MJ/yr), gas cooktops from 947.5 kBtu/yr 
    (999,600 kJ/yr) to 732.5 kBtu/yr (772,800 kJ/yr).
        Several commenters contended that the proposed rule overstated the 
    annual energy use of cooktops, ovens, and ranges. (AHAM, July 12, 1995 
    transcript at 38, 42-44, 47-48; Weizeorick, No. 3 at 1-3, 5; American 
    Gas Association, No. 25 at 4-5; Whirlpool No. 28 at 1-2; Battelle, No. 
    46 at 2-6.) AHAM and Whirlpool commented that the annual energy 
    consumption of electric cooktops should be lowered from 209.4 kWh/yr to 
    157.0 kWh/yr based on a Northern Illinois Gas Study. (AHAM, No. 33 at 2 
    and Whirlpool, No. 28 at 1.)
        In response to these comments, the Lawrence Berkeley National 
    Laboratory (LBNL) analyzed an extensive collection of studies including 
    those identified by commenters to obtain today's revised values of 
    annual useful cooking energy. The studies analyzed include: Gas 
    Research Institute Report: ``Topical Report, Metered Ranges, Cooktops, 
    and Ovens in the Northern Illinois Gas Residential Load Study Data 
    Base,'' GRI-93/0204, July 1993; ``Electric Oven and Cooktop Data 
    Analysis,'' prepared for the Association of Home Appliance 
    Manufacturers by Arthur D. Little, Reference 47066, July 15, 1994; 
    Electric Power Research Institute (CU-6952), ``Residential Energy Usage 
    Comparison Project: An Overview,'' October 1990; Lawrence Berkeley 
    National Laboratory (LBL-33717), ``Baseline Data for the Residential 
    Sector and Development of a Residential Forecasting Database,'' May 
    1994; Electric Power Research Institute (CU-7392), ``Residential Energy 
    Usage Comparison: Findings,'' August 1991; and Electric Power Research 
    Institute (CU-6487), ``Residential End-Use Energy Consumption: A Survey 
    of Conditional Demand and Estimates,'' October 1989. Copies of these 
    studies are available for inspection in DOE's Freedom of Information 
    Reading Room.
        Based on the data from the above-referenced studies, DOE calculated 
    a weighted average of the annual useful cooking energy for all cooking 
    products. For estimates of annual useful cooking energy for 
    conventional electric cooktops and ovens, and also for gas cooktops and 
    ovens, only the latest metered data were included. Data used in the 
    analysis shows the trend in cooking usage has been downward and shows 
    indications that there are regional differences and year-to-year 
    fluctuations in cooking usage. No regional effects were included in 
    this analysis.
        Accordingly, DOE has lowered the annual useful cooking energy of 
    each product class in this final rule to make it representative of 
    current United States cooking patterns. These quantities are being 
    lowered to 29.3 kWh/yr for electric ovens, 88.8 kBtu/yr for gas ovens, 
    173.1 kWh/yr for electric cooktops and 527.6 kBtu/yr for gas cooktops.
    2. Elimination of Continuous Flow Calorimeter
        In the proposed rule, the Department eliminated the requirement to 
    use a standard continuous flow calorimeter for gas cooking products 
    because of the limited availability of this instrument. This change was 
    favorably received by all commenters. (Weizeorick, No. 3 at 2 and 
    Whirlpool, No. 28 at 2.)
        In the final test procedure, DOE allows the manufacturer to choose 
    the instrument to be substituted for the standard continuous flow 
    calorimeter. Additionally, DOE requires in section 2.9.4, ``Heating 
    Value,'' that the heating value of natural or propane gas shall be 
    measured with an instrument and associated indicator readout device of 
    a maximum error no greater than .5 percent of the measured 
    value and a resolution of .2 percent or less of the full 
    scale reading of the indicator instrument.
    3. Convection Mode Testing
        In the proposed test procedure, DOE added sections 3.2.1, 
    ``Conventional oven test energy consumption'' and subsection 3.3.5 of 
    section 3.3, ``Recorded Values,'' to include convection mode testing. 
    AHAM, Weizeorick and Whirlpool supported these changes in the final 
    test procedures. (Weizeorick, No. 3 at 4; Whirlpool, No. 33 Attachment 
    2 at 3; July 12, 1995 transcript at 47; Whirlpool, No. 28 at p.2). In 
    the final test procedure, DOE adopted the changes as originally 
    4. Electric Clock
        DOE proposed that during testing, the electrical clock which uses 
    energy continuously be disconnected, except for microwave ovens. 
    Weizeorick states that it is impossible to disconnect an
    [[Page 51978]]
    electric clock for ranges that have circuits which control the oven and 
    cooktop unit temperatures in conjunction with a clock. (Weizeorick, No. 
    3 at 4, AHAM, No. 33 Attachment 2 at 2; July 12, 1995 transcript at 46-
        DOE agrees that several ranges employ circuits which control the 
    oven and cooktop unit temperatures in conjunction with a clock that 
    cannot be disconnected. Therefore, several sections of the final test 
    procedure have been modified to address this issue. Section, 
    ``Clock Power.'' is modified to state that the power rating or the 
    measurement of a continuously operating clock that is an integral part 
    of the timing or temperature control circuit which cannot be 
    disconnected during the test may be multiplied by the applicable test 
    period to obtain test energy consumption in watt-hours (kJ). This 
    procedure is used to calculate annual clock energy consumption for 
    electric clocks that cannot be disconnected. Language has also been 
    added to the following sections to subtract the energy consumed by the 
    clock during testing when the clock cannot be disconnected: Section 
    2.1, ``Installation''; section 3.2.1, ``Conventional oven test energy 
    consumption''; section, ``Conventional oven average test energy 
    consumption''; section, ``Energy consumption of self-cleaning 
    operation'; section, ``Clock power''; and section 3.2.2, 
    ``Conventional surface unit test energy consumption.''
    5. Number of Self-Cleaning Oven Cycles Per Year
        In the existing and proposed test procedure, section, 
    ``Annual primary energy consumption'' and section, ``Annual 
    secondary energy consumption for self-cleaning operation of gas 
    ovens,'' DOE uses 11 self-cleaning cycles per year for electric ovens 
    and 7 for gas ovens.
        Two commenters stated that DOE's number of self-cleaning cycles of 
    11 and 7 for gas and electric ovens respectively were too high and it 
    should be 4 for both electric and gas ovens as reflected in internal 
    marketing data. (Weizeorick, No. 3 at 2-3; AHAM, No. 33, Attachment 2 
    at 2, July 12, 1995 transcript at 45-46; Whirlpool, No. 28 at 2.) In 
    response to several comments, DOE has reduced the number of self-
    cleaning oven cycles per year for gas and electric ovens. DOE agrees 
    with the figures used by the Gas Research Institute in a 1994 Gas 
    Research Institute Topical Report (GRI-94/0195) and has changed the 
    number of self-cleaning cycles per year to 4 for gas and electric 
    6. Change of Symbol Representing Number of Hours Per Year--
        In the existing and proposed test procedure, DOE uses the symbol 
    ``HK'' to represent the number of hours in a year. 
    Weizeorick commented that the symbol ``HK'' in section, ``Annual clock energy consumption'' should be changed to ``A'' 
    because the symbol ``H'' is traditionally used to represent heating 
    values. (Weizeorick, No. 3 at 4.) DOE agrees and is substituting the 
    character ``A'' for ``HK'' in sections, ``Annual 
    clock energy consumption'' and, ``Annual energy consumption of 
    any continuously burning gas pilots.''
    7. Editorial Error in Section 3.1.1, ``Conventional Oven''
        DOE has corrected an editorial error in section 3.1.1, paragraph 2. 
    The following language has been changed: ``If the oven * * *, (180.6 
    deg.C) air temperature'' to ``If the oven * * *, (180.6  deg.C) higher 
    than the room ambient air temperature.''
    C. Microwave Ovens
    1. Annual Useful Cooking Energy
        In its Proposed Rule, DOE proposed to modify the annual useful 
    cooking energy from the existing test procedure for microwave ovens to 
    reflect the change in cooking trends in the United States. Use of 
    microwave ovens was proposed to be increased from 34.2 kWh/yr (123 MJ/
    yr) to 77.3 kWh/yr (278.3 MJ/yr).
        Several commenters contended that the proposal overstated the 
    annual energy consumption of microwave ovens. (AHAM, No. 33 Attachment 
    2 at 3; Whirlpool, No. 28 at 2-3). Joy Weis Daniel, representing both 
    AHAM and Sharp Electronics Company, stated that DOE should use 100 kWh/
    yr for annual energy consumption of microwave ovens based on an average 
    of several metered studies. Their recommendation was based on metered 
    studies which included: the Sierra Pacific EIP Study 1988, Southern 
    California Edison 1990, Southern California Edison 1991, Utility 
    Estimates Study 1991, and three studies reported in baseline data 1994. 
    (Daniel, No. 4 at 6; AHAM, No. 33, Attachment 3B; Sharp, No. 40 at 7-9 
    and Exhibit C.)
        In response to these comments, LBNL analyzed the microwave oven 
    studies including those identified by commenters. The studies analyzed 
    include: American Electric Power (AEP)/Residential Energy Consumption 
    Survey (RECS), AEP Report ``Utility Estimates of Household Appliance 
    Electricity Consumption,'' March 16, 1992, reported in RECS ``Household 
    Energy Consumption and Expenditures 1990,'' DOE/EIA-0321(90), February 
    1993; Southern California Edison, ``Residential Appliance End-Use 
    Survey'' for 1990 and 1991; and the 1988 Sierra Pacific EIP Study 
    included in the Electric Power Research Institute (CU-6487), 
    ``Residential End-Use Energy Consumption: A Survey of Conditional 
    Demand and Estimates,'' October 1989. Copies of these studies are 
    available for inspection in DOE's Freedom of Information Reading Room.
        Based on the data from the above-referenced studies, DOE calculated 
    a weighted average of the annual useful cooking energy for microwave 
    ovens. For the estimate of annual useful cooking energy, both 
    conditional demand analyses (CDA) and metered study data were included 
    due to the limited data available. Since the metered studies are only 
    from California, the Department believes it is necessary to include the 
    CDA studies to get broader national representation including New York, 
    Florida, Maryland and Texas. This analysis shows that annual useful 
    cooking energy for microwave ovens is 79.8 kWh/yr. Today's final test 
    procedure reflects this revised value.
    2. Microwave Clock Energy
        In the proposed rule, DOE included the clock energy in the 
    calculation of annual energy consumption for microwave ovens. It 
    accomplished this by incorporating paragraph 12 of IEC 705 Amendment 2-
    1993, ``Microwave Power Output Measurement.'' No comments were 
    received. The final rule remains unchanged from the proposed rule.
    3. Amend the DOE Test Procedure To Reference Portions of IEC 705 and 
    Amendment 2
        In the proposed rule, a definition of IEC 705 was added in section 
    1.5 and several sections of the test procedure were amended to 
    reference portions of IEC 705 or Amendment 2 as follows: (1) Section 
    2.1.3, ``Microwave Ovens''; (2) section 2.5, ``Ambient Room Air 
    Temperature''; (3) new section 2.8, ``Microwave Oven Test Load''; (4) 
    section, ``Room Temperature Indicating System''; (5) section, ``Test Load Temperature''; (6) section 2.9.5, ``Scale''; (7) 
    new section, ``Microwave Oven Test Energy or Power Output''; 
    (8) section 3.2.3, ``Microwave Oven Test Energy Consumption and Power 
    Input''; (9) section 4.4.2, ``Microwave Oven Test Power Output''; and 
    (10) section 4.4.4, ``Microwave Oven Cooking Efficiency.'' The final 
    rule reflects these changes. No
    [[Page 51979]]
    comments were received on these proposed changes.
    4. Editorial Error in Section 4.4.1
        In the proposed test procedure, the equation in section 4.4.1, 
    ``Microwave oven test energy'', yields an answer that is incorrect by a 
    factor of 1000. DOE corrected this problem in the final test procedure 
    by changing the conversion factor ``HE'' from 
    ``HE=(3.412 Btu/Wh) 3.6 kJ/Wh to ``HE=(3,412 Btu/
    kWh) 3,600 kJ/kWh.''
    5. Usage of Watt Meter and Watt-Hour Meter
        DOE proposed the continued use of a watt-hour meter during 
    microwave oven operation to measure energy consumption, also known as 
    energy input, while performing the test procedure. DOE stated that the 
    watt-hour meter is more accurate than a watt meter. The watt-hour meter 
    measures all transient energy,\3\ whereas the watt meter does not.
        \3\ Transient energy is the energy consumed to warm up the 
    magnetron and any fluctuations during microwave use.
        Several commenters disagreed with DOE's decision to use a watt-hour 
    meter to determine the energy consumption of microwave ovens. AHAM took 
    the position that a watt meter is sufficient to measure energy 
    consumption. It contended that the power measured by the watt meter 
    multiplied by the duration of the test, which is measured by the stop 
    watch or timer, will yield an accurate measurement of energy 
    consumption. (AHAM, No. 33, Attachment 3A and Attachment 3C; July 12, 
    1995 transcript at 62.) Sharp Electronics Corporation argued that DOE's 
    claim that the watt-hour meter is more accurate is not supported by 
    data. (Sharp, No. 40 at 5; July 12, 1995 transcript at 60.)
        None of the commenters provided any data to demonstrate that the 
    energy consumption calculation based on measurements from a watt meter 
    and timer are comparable in accuracy to those derived directly from a 
    watt-hour meter. Since a watt meter, as is used in IEC 705 to measure 
    power, measures instantaneous power, an accurate energy calculation 
    based on watts measured by a watt meter can only be made by summing 
    instantaneous power measurements over small time increments, thus 
    capturing the energy transients and mimicking a watt-hour meter. While 
    it is possible to calculate energy consumption from measurements of 
    power and time, the IEC test procedure itself does not contain a 
    requirement to determine energy consumption nor does it provide a 
    procedure for making that calculation. The Department believes the more 
    appropriate, more accurate, and less burdensome way to measure energy 
    consumption is by using a watt-hour meter rather than measuring power 
    using a watt meter and a calculation procedure to determine energy 
    consumption. Moreover, the watt-hour meter is typically used to measure 
    electricity use in homes and commercial buildings.
    6. Application of the ``Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade'' 
    Requiring Incorporation of IEC Standard 705
        Sharp Electronics Corporation contends that DOE is legally 
    obligated to incorporate IEC 705 and Amendment 2. Sharp relies upon 
    Article 2.4 in the ``Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade,'' 
    (Agreement) a part of the ``World Trade Organization Agreement,'' to 
    make its argument. Article 2.4 provides that where technical 
    regulations are required and relevant international standards exist or 
    their completion is imminent, member nations shall use such standards 
    as a basis for their technical regulations, with certain exceptions. 
    Sharp claims that IEC 705 constitutes an international technical 
    standard applicable to measuring energy efficiency of microwave ovens. 
    (Sharp, No. 40 at 4-6 and Exhibit B.)
        Article 2.4 does not apply to the promulgation of a test procedure. 
    The definition of ``technical regulation'' within the Agreement refers 
    to mandatory product standards. Because a test procedure does not 
    establish product standards, but rather provides the basis for 
    evaluating whether a product meets a standard, a test procedure is not 
    a technical regulation within the definition set forth in the 
    Agreement. Therefore, this test procedure is not subject to the 
    application of Article 2.4.
        That DOE's rule incorporates the relevant parts of IEC 705 and 
    Amendment 2 and uses that international test procedure as a basis for 
    its test procedure makes it consistent with Article 5.4 of the 
    ``Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade,'' the controlling provision 
    on test procedures. Article 5.4 provides that members use the 
    ``relevant parts'' of guides or recommendations issued by international 
    standardizing bodies ``as a basis for their conformity assessment 
    procedures'' (defined by the agreement to include test procedures).
        The U.S. World Trade Organization (WTO), Technical Barriers to 
    Trade (TBT) enquiry point (National Institute of Standards and 
    Technology) notified the WTO Secretariat of DOE's proposed rule 
    pursuant to Article 2.9.2 of the TBT agreement entitled, ``Notify 
    Members Through the Secretariat of the Products to be Covered by the 
    Proposed Technical Regulation.'' No comments were received by the U.S. 
    TBT enquiry point.
    7. Using IEC 705 Updates To Automatically Amend DOE's Final Test 
        DOE proposed to incorporate paragraphs 13 and 14 of the 1988 
    version of IEC 705 and paragraph 12 of IEC 705, Amendment 2, 1993. 
    Whirlpool commented that DOE should automatically accept changes to the 
    IEC standard as they occur. Whirlpool stated that ``DOE references to 
    the IEC 705 should be referred to as `the latest reference' '' in order 
    to avoid time consuming notice and comment rulemaking each time 
    ``minor'' changes to the IEC test procedure occur. (Whirlpool, No. 28 
    at 3.) DOE does not accept Whirlpool's suggestion because adopting the 
    language ``latest reference'' is overly broad and would sweep into the 
    test procedure major as well as ``minor'' changes to the IEC test 
    procedure. Therefore, in this final rule, DOE references the specific 
    version and amendment of the IEC 705 as stated above.
    8. Incorporation by Reference of Portions of IEC 705 and Amendment 2
        DOE proposed to incorporate by reference paragraphs 13 and 14 of 
    IEC 705 and paragraph 12 of Amendment 2. Two commenters supported DOE's 
    proposal to incorporate by reference portions of IEC 705 and Amendment 
    2. (AHAM, No. 33 at 2; Whirlpool, No. 28 at 2.) Several commenters, 
    however, took the position that DOE should incorporate IEC 705 in its 
    entirety. (AHAM, No. 33, Attachment 3A and Attachment 3C; Sharp, No. 40 
    at 3.) DOE did not incorporate IEC 705 in its entirety because it 
    contains other test methods such as heating, cooking and defrosting 
    performance that are not relevant to energy consumption for microwave 
        In today's final test procedure , DOE is adopting those portions of 
    IEC 705 and Amendment 2 that are pertinent to its test procedure for 
    microwave ovens. This incorporation by reference is found at Section 
    430.22, ``Reference Sources.''
        The Department is also amending section 430.22, Reference Sources, 
    by adding paragraph (b)(5), ASHRAE standards. These standards were 
    previously incorporated by reference in a final rule on Furnace Test 
    [[Page 51980]]
    published May 12, 1997 (62 FR 26140). In a Final Rule published May 29, 
    1997 (62 FR 29222), section 430.22 was amended and the furnace 
    standards previously incorporated by reference were removed. Therefore, 
    this rulemaking is correcting section 430.22 to include the standards 
    previously removed.
    III. Determination Concerning the Impact of the Amended Test Procedure 
    on Standards
        Section 323(e)(1) of EPCA requires that the Department determine to 
    what extent an amended test procedure would alter the measured energy 
    efficiency or measured energy use of kitchen ranges, ovens, cooktops or 
    microwave ovens as compared with the existing test procedure. The 
    Department has determined that the changes in annual useful cooking 
    energy will decrease calculated annual energy use for electric ovens 
    and cooktops by about 62 percent and for gas ovens and cooktops by 
    about 55 percent. The change in annual useful cooking energy for 
    microwave ovens will result in a 233 percent increase in their 
    calculated annual energy use. Because there are currently no energy 
    efficiency or energy consumption standards, no modification to 
    standards is required under Section 323(e)(2) of EPCA.
    IV. Procedural Requirements
    A. Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
        In this rule, the Department will finalize amendments to test 
    procedures that may be used to implement future energy conservation 
    standards for kitchen ranges, cooktops, ovens, and microwave ovens. The 
    Department has determined that this rule falls into a class of actions 
    that are categorically excluded from review under the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq. The rule is 
    covered by Categorical Exclusion A5, for rulemakings that interpret or 
    amend an existing rule without changing the environmental effect, as 
    set forth in the Department's NEPA regulations at Appendix A to Subpart 
    D, 10 CFR part 1021. This final rule will not affect the quality or 
    distribution of energy usage and, therefore, will not result in any 
    environmental impacts. Accordingly, neither an environmental impact 
    statement or an environmental assessment is required.
    B. Review Under Executive Order 12866, ``Regulatory Planning and 
        Today's final rule is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under 
    Executive Order 12866, ``Regulatory Planning and Review.'' 58 FR 51735 
    (October 4, 1993). Accordingly, today's action was not subject to 
    review under the Executive Order by the Office of Information and 
    Regulatory Affairs.
    C. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-612, requires that an 
    agency prepare an initial regulatory flexibility analysis for any rule, 
    for which a general notice of proposed rulemaking is required, that 
    would have a significant economic effect on small entities unless the 
    agency certifies that the rule, if promulgated, will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    5 U.S.C. 605. In the notice of proposed rulemaking, DOE determined that 
    the test procedures would not have a significant economic impact, but 
    rather would provide common testing methods. Therefore, DOE certified 
    that the proposed rule would not if promulgated have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities and that 
    preparation of a regulatory flexibility analysis was not warranted. DOE 
    did not receive any comments on the certification.
    D. ``Takings'' Assessment Review
        DOE has determined pursuant to Executive Order 12630, 
    ``Governmental Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected 
    Property Rights,'' 53 FR 8859 (March 18, 1988), that this regulation, 
    if adopted, would not result in any takings which might require 
    compensation under the Fifth Amendment to the United States 
    E. Federalism Review
        Executive Order 12612, ``Federalism,'' 52 FR 41685 (October 30, 
    1987), requires that regulations, rules, legislation, and any other 
    policy actions be reviewed for any substantial direct effects on 
    States, on the relationship between the Federal Government and the 
    States, or in the distribution of power and responsibilities among 
    various levels of Government. If there are substantial direct effects, 
    then the Executive Order requires preparation of a Federalism 
    assessment to be used in all decisions involved in promulgating and 
    implementing a policy action.
        The final rule published today would not regulate the States. 
    Accordingly, DOE has determined that preparation of a Federalism 
    assessment is unnecessary.
    F. Review Under Section 32 of the Federal Energy Administration 
    Authorization Act of 1974
        The test procedure amended today incorporates the International 
    Electrotechnical Commission Publication 705, ``Methods for Measuring 
    the Performance of Microwave Ovens for Household and Similar 
    Purposes,'' Paragraph 13 ``Electrical Power Input Measurement,'' and 
    Paragraph 14 ``Efficiency,'' and Amendment 2-1993, Section 4, Paragraph 
    12 ``Microwave Power Output Measurement,'' to determine the output 
    power and efficiency for microwave ovens.
        Pursuant to Section 301 of the Department of Energy Organization 
    Act (Pub. L. 95-91), DOE is required to comply with Section 32 of the 
    Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, 15 U.S.C. 788. The 
    Department of Energy is required by Section 32 to notify the public 
    regarding the proposed use of commercial standards in a rulemaking and 
    allow interested persons to make known their views regarding the 
    appropriateness of the use of any particular commercial standard in a 
    notice of proposed rulemaking.
        DOE included an invitation for public comment in the notice of 
    proposed rulemaking. Commenters supported the inclusion of IEC 705 and 
    Amendment 2-1993 in the test procedure and no adverse comments were 
    received (see Section II.C.8).
        In addition, section 32(c) precludes the Department from 
    incorporating any commercial standard into a rule unless it has 
    consulted with the Attorney General and the Chairman of the Federal 
    Trade Commission (FTC) as to the impact of such standard on 
    competition, and neither individual recommends against its 
    incorporation or use. Pursuant to section 32(c), the Department advised 
    these individuals of its intention to incorporate portions of the 
    above-referenced standards into this final rule. Neither recommended 
    against such incorporation.
    G. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980
        No new information or record keeping requirements are imposed by 
    this rulemaking. Accordingly, no OMB clearance is required under the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
    H. Review Under Executive Order 12988, ``Civil Justice Reform''
        With respect to the review of existing regulations and the 
    promulgation of new regulations, section 3(a) of
    [[Page 51981]]
    Executive Order 12988, ``Civil Justice Reform,'' 61 FR 4729 (February 
    7, 1996), imposes on executive agencies the following requirements: (1) 
    Eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity; (2) write regulations to 
    minimize litigation; and (3) provide a clear legal standard for 
    affected conduct rather than a general standard and promote 
    simplification and burden reduction. With regard to the review required 
    by section 3(a), section 3(b) of the Executive Order specifically 
    requires that Executive agencies make every reasonable effort to ensure 
    that the regulation: (1) Clearly specifies the preemptive effect, if 
    any; (2) clearly specifies any effect on existing Federal law or 
    regulation; (3) provides a clear legal standard for affected conduct 
    while promoting simplification and reducing burdens; (4) specifies the 
    retroactive effect, if any; (5) adequately defines key terms; and (6) 
    addresses other important issues affecting clarity and general 
    draftsmanship under any guidelines issued by the Attorney General. 
    Section 3(c) of the Executive Order requires Executive agencies to 
    review regulations in light of applicable standards in sections 3(a) 
    and 3(b) to determine whether they are met or it is unreasonable to 
    meet one or more of them. DOE reviewed today's rule under the standards 
    of section 3 of the Executive Order and determined that, to the extent 
    permitted by law, it meets the requirements of those standards.
    I. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (the Act), 2 
    U.S.C. 1531 et seq., requires each Federal agency, to the extent 
    permitted by law, to prepare a written assessment of the effects of any 
    Federal mandate in a final agency rule that may result in the 
    expenditure by State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, 
    or by the private sector, of $100 million or more (adjusted annually 
    for inflation) in one year.
        The Department has determined that this final rule does not include 
    any requirements that would result in the expenditure of money by 
    State, local, and tribal governments. It also would not result in costs 
    to the private sector of $100 million or more in any one year. 
    Therefore, the requirements of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
    do not apply to this rulemaking.
    J. Congressional Notification
        Consistent with Subtitle E of the Small Business Regulatory 
    Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, 5 U.S.C. 801-808, DOE will submit to 
    Congress a report regarding the issuance of today's final rule prior to 
    the effective date set forth at the outset of this notice. The report 
    will note the Office of Management and Budget's determination that this 
    rule does not constitute a ``major rule'' under that Act. 5 U.S.C. 801, 
    List of Subjects in 10 CFR Part 430
        Administrative practice and procedure, Energy conservation, 
    Household appliances, Incorporation by reference.
        Issued in Washington, DC, on September 22, 1997.
    Joseph J. Romm,
    Acting Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, Part 430 of Chapter II 
    of Title 10, of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 430 continues to read as 
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291-6309.
        2. Section 430.22 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1) and 
    adding paragraph (b)(4) and (b)(5) as follows:
    Sec. 430.22  Reference Sources.
        (a) Materials incorporated by reference.--(1) General. The 
    following standards which are not otherwise set forth in Part 430 are 
    incorporated by reference and made a part of Part 430. The standards 
    listed in this section have been approved for incorporation by 
    reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 
    U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. The specified versions of the 
    standards are incorporated, and any subsequent amendment to a standard 
    by the standard-setting organization will not affect the DOE test 
    procedures unless and until those test procedures are amended by DOE.
        (2) * * *
        (b)(1) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (4) International Electrotechnical Commission. Copies of the 
    International Electrotechnical Commission Publications can be obtained 
    from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 
    New York, New York 10036, (212) 642-4936.
        1. IEC 705, ``Methods for Measuring the Performance of Microwave 
    Ovens for Household and Similar Purposes,'' Section 4, Methods of 
    Measurement, Paragraph 13 ``Electrical Power Input Measurement,'' and 
    Paragraph 14 ``Efficiency'' (1988).
        2. IEC 705, Amendment 2, ``Methods for Measuring the Performance of 
    Microwave Ovens for Household and Similar Purposes,'' Section 4, 
    Methods of Measurement, Paragraph 12 ``Microwave Power Output 
    Measurement'' (1993).
        (5) American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning 
    Engineers, Inc., Publication Sales, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 
    30329, (1-800-5-ASHRAE).
        1. American National Standards Institute/American Society of 
    Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Standard 103-
    1993, ``Methods of Testing for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of 
    Residential Central Furnaces and Boilers,'' (with Errata of October 24, 
    1996) except for sections 3.0,,,,,,,, 9.7.1, 10.0, 11.2.12, 11.3.12, 11.4.12, 
    11.5.12 and appendices B and C.
        2. American National Standards Institute Standard Z21.56-1994, 
    ``Gas-Fired Pool Heaters,'' section 2.9.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 430.23  [Amended]
        3. Section 430.23, Test procedures for measures of energy 
    consumption, is amended as follows:
        A. In Sec. 430.23(i)(1)(iii) (second sentence) ``4.3.1, 4.2.2,, or, 4.4.3, and'' is revised to read ``4.3, 
    4.2.2, 4.1.2, and 4.4.3.''
        B. In Sec. 430.23(i)(2) (first sentence) ``, 4.1.3 and 
    4.4.2'' is revised to read ``4.2.1, 4.1.3, and 4.4.4.''
        C. Sec. 430.23 (i)(3) is removed and reserved.
        D. In Sec. 430.23(i)(4) (first sentence) ``4.3.3, 4.2.3, 4.1.4, 
    4.4.4 and 4.5.3'' is revised to read ``4.3, 4.2.3, 4.1.4, 4.4.5.''
        E. In Secs. 430.23 (i)(8) and 430.23 (i)(9) remove the phrase ``and 
    * * * * *
        4. Appendix I to Subpart B of Part 430 is revised to read as 
    Appendix I to Subpart B of Part 430--Uniform Test Method for Measuring 
    the Energy Consumption of Conventional Ranges, Conventional Cooking 
    Tops, Conventional Ovens, and Microwave Ovens
    1. Definitions
        1.1  Built-in means the product is supported by surrounding 
    cabinetry, walls, or other similar structures.
        1.2  Drop-in means the product is supported by horizontal surface 
        1.3  Forced convection means a mode of conventional oven operation 
    [[Page 51982]]
    which a fan is used to circulate the heated air within the oven 
    compartment during cooking.
        1.4  Freestanding means the product is not supported by surrounding 
    cabinetry, walls, or other similar structures.
        1.5  IEC 705 refers to the test standard published by the 
    International Electrotechnical Commission, entitled ``Method for 
    Measuring the Performance of Microwave Ovens for Household and Similar 
    Purposes,'' Publication 705-1988 and Amendment 2--1993. (See 10 CFR 
        1.6  Normal nonoperating temperature means the temperature of all 
    areas of an appliance to be tested are within 5 deg.F (2.8 deg.C) of 
    the temperature that the identical areas of the same basic model of the 
    appliance would attain if it remained in the test room for 24 hours 
    while not operating with all oven doors closed and with any gas pilot 
    lights on and adjusted in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
        1.7  Primary energy consumption means either the electrical energy 
    consumption of a conventional electric oven or the gas energy 
    consumption of a conventional gas oven.
        1.8  Secondary energy consumption means any electrical energy 
    consumption, other than clock energy consumption, of a conventional gas 
        1.9  Standard cubic foot (L) of gas means that quantity of gas that 
    occupies 1 cubic foot (L) when saturated with water vapor at a 
    temperature of 60 deg.F (15.6 deg.C) and a pressure of 30 inches of 
    mercury (101.6 kPa) (density of mercury equals 13.595 grams per cubic 
        1.10  Thermocouple means a device consisting of two dissimilar 
    metals which are joined together and, with their associated wires, are 
    used to measure temperature by means of electromotive force.
        1.11  Symbol Usage. The following identity relationships are 
    provided to help clarify the symbology used throughout this procedure.
    A--Number of Hours in a Year
    B--Number of Hours Pilot Light Contributes to Cooking
    C--Specific Heat
    E--Energy Consumed
    Eff--Cooking Efficiency
    H--Heating Value of Gas
    K--Conversion for Watt-hours to Kilowatt hours
    Ke--3.412 Btu/Wh, Conversion for Watt-hours to Btu's
    n--Number of Units
    O--Annual Useful Cooking Energy Output
    Q--Gas Flow Rate
    R--Energy Factor, Ratio of useful Cooking Energy Output to Total Energy 
    S--Number of Self Cleaning Operations per Year
    V--Volume of Gas Consumed
    W--Weight of Test Block
    2. Test Conditions
        2.1  Installation. A free standing kitchen range shall be installed 
    with the back directly against, or as near as possible to, a vertical 
    wall which extends at least 1 foot above and on either side of the 
    appliance. There shall be no side walls. A drop-in, built-in or wall-
    mounted appliance shall be installed in an enclosure in accordance with 
    the manufacturer's instructions. These appliances are to be completely 
    assembled with all handles, knobs, guards and the like mounted in 
    place. Any electric resistance heaters, gas burners, baking racks, and 
    baffles shall be in place in accordance with the manufacturer's 
    instructions; however, broiler pans are to be removed from the oven's 
    baking compartment. Disconnect any electrical clock which uses energy 
    continuously, except for those that are an integral part of the timing 
    or temperature controlling circuit of the oven, cooktop, or microwave 
    oven. Do not disconnect or modify the circuit to any other electrical 
    devices or features.
        2.1.1  Conventional electric ranges, ovens, and cooking tops. These 
    products shall be connected to an electrical supply circuit with 
    voltage as specified in Section 2.2.1 with a watt-hour meter installed 
    in the circuit. The watt-hour meter shall be as described in Section
        2.1.2  Conventional gas ranges, ovens, and cooking tops. These 
    products shall be connected to a gas supply line with a gas meter 
    installed between the supply line and the appliance being tested, 
    according to manufacturer's specifications. The gas meter shall be as 
    described in Section 2.9.2. Conventional gas ranges, ovens and cooking 
    tops with electrical ignition devices or other electrical components 
    shall be connected to an electrical supply circuit of nameplate voltage 
    with a watt-hour meter installed in the circuit. The watt-hour meter 
    shall be as described in Section
        2.1.3  Microwave ovens. Install the microwave oven in accordance 
    with the manufacturer's instructions and connect to an electrical 
    supply circuit with voltage as specified in Section 2.2.1. A watt-hour 
    meter and watt meter shall be installed in the circuit and shall be as 
    described in Section and If trial runs are needed to 
    set the ``on'' time for the test, the test measurements are to be 
    separated according to Section 4, Paragraph 12.6 of IEC 705 Amendment 
    2. (See 10 CFR 430.22)
        2.2  Energy supply.
        2.2.1  Electrical supply. Maintain the electrical supply to the 
    conventional range, conventional cooking top, and conventional oven 
    being tested at 240/120 volts except that basic models rated only at 
    208/120 volts shall be tested at that rating. Maintain the voltage 
    within 2 percent of the above specified voltages. For the microwave 
    oven testing, however, maintain the electrical supply to a microwave 
    oven at 120 volts 1 volt and at 60 hertz.
        2.2.2  Gas supply.  Gas burner adjustments. Conventional gas ranges, ovens, 
    and cooking tops shall be tested with all of the gas burners adjusted 
    in accordance with the installation or operation instructions provided 
    by the manufacturer. In every case, the burner must be adjusted with 
    sufficient air flow to prevent a yellow flame or a flame with yellow 
    tips.  Natural gas. For testing convertible cooking appliances or 
    appliances which are designed to operate using only natural gas, 
    maintain the natural gas pressure immediately ahead of all controls of 
    the unit under test at 7 to 10 inches of water column (1743.6 to 2490.8 
    Pa). The regulator outlet pressure shall equal the manufacturer's 
    recommendation. The natural gas supplied should have a heating value of 
    approximately 1,025 Btu's per standard cubic foot (38.2 kJ/L). The 
    actual gross heating value, Hn, in Btu's per standard cubic 
    foot (kJ/L), for the natural gas to be used in the test shall be 
    obtained either from measurements made by the manufacturer conducting 
    the test using equipment that meets the requirements described in 
    Section 2.9.4 or by the use of bottled natural gas whose gross heating 
    value is certified to be at least as accurate a value that meets the 
    requirements in Section 2.9.4.  Propane. For testing convertible cooking appliances with 
    propane or for testing appliances which are designed to operate using 
    only LP-gas, maintain the propane pressure immediately ahead of all 
    controls of the unit under test at 11 to 13 inches of water column 
    (2740 to 3238 Pa). The regulator outlet pressure shall equal the 
    manufacturer's recommendation. The propane supplied should have a 
    heating value of approximately 2,500 Btu's per standard cubic foot 
    (93.2 kJ/L). The
    [[Page 51983]]
    actual gross heating value, Hp, in Btu's per standard cubic 
    foot (kJ/L), for the propane to be used in the test shall be obtained 
    either from measurements made by the manufacturer conducting the test 
    using equipment that meets the requirements described in Section 2.9.4 
    or by the use of bottled propane whose gross heating value is certified 
    to be at least as accurate a value that meets the requirements 
    described in Section 2.9.4.  Test gas. A basic model of a convertible cooking appliance 
    shall be tested with natural gas, but may also be tested with propane. 
    Any basic model of a conventional range, conventional cooking top, or 
    conventional oven which is designed to operate using only natural gas 
    as the energy source must be tested with natural gas. Any basic model 
    of a conventional range, conventional cooking top, or conventional oven 
    which is designed to operate using only LP gas as the gas energy source 
    must be tested with propane gas.
        2.3  Air circulation. Maintain air circulation in the room 
    sufficient to secure a reasonably uniform temperature distribution, but 
    do not cause a direct draft on the unit under test.
        2.4  Setting the conventional oven thermostat.
        2.4.1  Conventional electric oven. Install a thermocouple 
    approximately in the center of the usable baking space. Provide a 
    temperature indicator system for measuring the oven's temperature with 
    an accuracy as indicated in Section If the oven thermostat 
    does not cycle on and off, adjust or determine the conventional 
    electric oven thermostat setting to provide an average internal 
    temperature which is 325 deg.5 deg.F (180.6 deg. 
    2.8 deg.C) higher than the room ambient air temperature. If 
    the oven thermostat operates by cycling on and off, adjust or determine 
    the conventional electric oven thermostat setting to provide an average 
    internal temperature which is 325 deg.5 deg.F 
    (180.6 deg.2.8 deg.C) higher than the room ambient air 
    temperature. This shall be done by measuring the maximum and minimum 
    temperatures in any three consecutive cut-off/cut-on actions of the 
    electric resistance heaters, excluding the initial cut-off/cut-on 
    action, by the thermostat after the temperature rise of 
    325 deg.5 deg.F (180.6 deg. 2.8 deg.C) has been 
    attained by the conventional electric oven. Remove the thermocouple 
    after the thermostat has been set.
        2.4.2  Conventional gas oven. Install five parallel-connected 
    weighted thermocouples, one located at the center of the conventional 
    gas oven's usable baking space and the other four equally spaced 
    between the center and the corners of the conventional gas oven on the 
    diagonals of a horizontal plane through the center of the conventional 
    gas oven. Each weighted thermocouple shall be constructed of a copper 
    disc that is 1-inch (25.4 mm) in diameter and \1/8\-inch (3.2 mm) 
    thick. The two thermocouple wires shall be located in two holes in the 
    disc spaced \1/2\-inch (12.7 mm) apart, with each hole being located 
    \1/4\-inch (6.4 mm) from the center of the disc. Both thermocouple 
    wires shall be silver-soldered to the copper disc. Provide a 
    temperature indicator system for measuring the oven's temperature with 
    an accuracy as indicated in Section If the oven thermostat 
    does not cycle on or off, adjust or determine the conventional gas oven 
    thermostat setting to provide an average internal temperature which is 
    325 deg.5 deg.F (180.6 deg.2.8 deg.C) higher 
    than the room ambient air temperature. If the oven thermostat operates 
    by cycling on and off, adjust or determine the conventional gas oven 
    thermostat setting to provide an average internal temperature which is 
    325 deg.5 deg.F (180.62.8 deg.C) higher than 
    the room ambient air temperature. This shall be done by measuring the 
    maximum and minimum temperatures in any three consecutive cut-off/cut-
    on actions of the gas burners, excluding the initial cut-off/cut-on 
    action, by the thermostat after the temperature rise of 
    325 deg.5 deg.F (180.6 deg.2.8 deg.C) has been 
    attained by the conventional gas oven. Remove the thermocouples after 
    the thermostat has been set.
        2.5  Ambient room air temperature. During the test, maintain an 
    ambient room air temperature, TR, of 
    77 deg.9 deg.F (25 deg.5 deg.C) for 
    conventional ovens and cooking tops, or as indicated in Section 4, 
    Paragraph 12.4 of IEC 705 Amendment 2 for microwave ovens, as measured 
    at least 5 feet (1.5 m) and not more than 8 feet (2.4 m) from the 
    nearest surface of the unit under test and approximately 3 feet (0.9 m) 
    above the floor. The temperature shall be measured with a thermometer 
    or temperature indicating system with an accuracy as specified in 
        2.6   Normal nonoperating temperature. All areas of the appliance 
    to be tested shall attain the normal nonoperating temperature, as 
    defined in Section 1.6, before any testing begins. The equipment for 
    measuring the applicable normal nonoperating temperature shall be as 
    described in Sections,,,, and, 
    as applicable.
        2.7  Test blocks for conventional oven and cooking top. The test 
    blocks shall be made of aluminum alloy No. 6061, with a specific heat 
    of 0.23 Btu/lb-  deg.F (0.96 kJ/[kg  deg.C]) and with any 
    temper that will give a czoefficient of thermal conductivity of 1073.3 
    to 1189.1 Btu-in/h-ft2-  deg.F (154.8 to 171.5 W/[m 
    deg.C]). Each block shall have a hole at its top. The hole shall be 
    0.08 inch (2.03 mm) in diameter and 0.80 inch (20.3 mm) deep. The 
    manufacturer conducting the test may provide other means which will 
    ensure that the thermocouple junction is installed at this same 
    position and depth.
        The bottom of each block shall be flat to within 0.002 inch (0.051 
    mm) TIR (total indicator reading). Determine the actual weight of each 
    test block with a scale with an accuracy as indicated in Section 2.9.5.
        2.7.1  Conventional oven test block. The test block for the 
    conventional oven, W1, shall be 6.250.05 inches 
    (158.81.3 mm) in diameter, approximately 2.8 inches (71 mm) 
    high and shall weigh 8.50.1 lbs (3.860.05 kg). 
    The block shall be finished with an anodic black coating which has a 
    minimum thickness of 0.001 inch (0.025 mm) or with a finish having the 
    equivalent absorptivity.
        2.7.2  Small test block for conventional cooking top. The small 
    test block, W2, shall be 6.250.05 inches 
    (158.81.3 mm) in diameter, approximately 2.8 inches (71 mm) 
    high and shall weigh 8.50.1 lbs (3.860.05 kg).
        2.7.3  Large test block for conventional cooking top. The large 
    test block for the conventional cooking top, W3, shall be 
    90.05 inches (228.61.3 mm) in diameter, 
    approximately 3.0 inches (76 mm) high and shall weigh 190.1 
    lbs (8.620.05 kg).
        2.7.4  Thermocouple installation. Install the thermocouple such 
    that the thermocouple junction (where the thermocouple contacts the 
    test block) is at the bottom of the hole provided in the test block and 
    that the thermocouple junction makes good thermal contact with the 
    aluminum block. If the test blocks are to be water cooled between tests 
    the thermocouple hole should be sealed, or other steps taken, to insure 
    that the thermocouple hole is completely dry at the start of the next 
    test. Provide a temperature indicator system for measuring the test 
    block temperature with an accuracy as indicated in Section
        2.7.5  Initial test block temperature. Maintain the initial 
    temperature of the test blocks, TI, within 
    4 deg.F (2.2 deg.C) of the ambient room air 
    temperature as specified in Section 2.5. If the test block has been 
    cooled (or heated) to bring it to room temperature, allow the block to 
    stabilize for at least 2 minutes after removal from the cooling (or 
    [[Page 51984]]
    source, before measuring its initial temperature.
        2.8  Microwave oven test load.
        2.8.1  Test container. The test container shall be as specified in 
    Section 4, Paragraph 12.2 of IEC 705 Amendment 2.
        2.8.2  Test water load. The test water load shall be as specified 
    in Section 4, Paragraph 12.1 of IEC 705 Amendment 2.  Test water load and test container temperature. Before the 
    start of the test, the oven and the test container shall be at ambient 
    temperature as specified in Section 4, Paragraph 12.4 of IEC 705 
    Amendment 2. The test water load shall be contained in a chiller (not 
    the test container) and maintained at 18 deg.  1.8 deg.F 
    (10 deg.  1 deg.C) below the ambient room temperature.
        2.9  Instrumentation. Perform all test measurements using the 
    following instruments, as appropriate:
        2.9.1  Electrical Measurements.  Watt-hour meter. The watt-hour meter for measuring the 
    electrical energy consumption of conventional ovens and cooking tops 
    shall have a resolution of 1 watt-hour (3.6 kJ) or less and a maximum 
    error no greater than 1.5 percent of the measured value for any demand 
    greater than 100 watts. The watt-hour meter for measuring the energy 
    consumption of microwave ovens shall have a resolution of 0.1 watt-hour 
    (0.36 kJ) or less and a maximum error no greater than 1.5 percent of 
    the measured value.  Watt meter. The watt meter used to measure the 
    conventional oven, conventional range, range clock power or the power 
    input of the microwave oven shall have a resolution of 0.2 watt (0.2 J/
    s) or less and a maximum error no greater than 5 percent of the 
    measured value.
        2.9.2  Gas Measurements.  Positive displacement meters. The gas meter to be used for 
    measuring the gas consumed by the gas burners of the oven or cooking 
    top shall have a resolution of 0.01 cubic foot (0.28 L) or less and a 
    maximum error no greater than 1 percent of the measured value for any 
    demand greater than 2.2 cubic feet per hour (62.3 L/h). If a positive 
    displacement gas meter is used for measuring the gas consumed by the 
    pilot lights, it shall have a resolution of at least 0.01 cubic foot 
    (0.28 L) or less and have a maximum error no greater than 2 percent of 
    the measured value.  Flow meter. If a gas flow meter is used for measuring the 
    gas consumed by the pilot lights, it shall be calibrated to have a 
    maximum error no greater than 1.5 percent of the measured value and a 
    resolution of 1 percent or less of the measured value.
        2.9.3  Temperature measurement equipment.  Room temperature indicating system. The room temperature 
    indicating system shall be as specified in Section 4, Paragraph 12.3 of 
    IEC 705 Amendment 2 for microwave ovens and Section for ranges, 
    ovens and cooktops.  Temperature indicator system for measuring conventional 
    oven temperature. The equipment for measuring the conventional oven 
    temperature shall have an error no greater than 4 deg.F 
    (2.2 deg.C) over the range of 65 deg. to 500 deg.F 
    (18 deg.C to 260 deg.C).  Temperature indicator system for measuring test block 
    temperature. The system shall have an error no greater than 
    2 deg.F (1.1 deg.C) when measuring specific 
    temperatures over the range of 65 deg. to 330 deg.F (18.3 deg.C to 
    165.6 deg.C). It shall also have an error no greater than 
    2 deg.F (1.1 deg.C) when measuring any 
    temperature difference up to 240 deg.F (133.3  deg.C) within the above 
    range.  Test load temperatures. The thermometer or other 
    temperature measuring instrument used to measure the test water load 
    temperature shall be as specified in Section 4, Paragraph 12.3 of IEC 
    705 Amendment 2. Use only one thermometer or other temperature 
    measuring device throughout the entire test procedure.  Temperature indicator system for measuring surface 
    temperatures. The temperature of any surface of an appliance shall be 
    measured by means of a thermocouple in firm contact with the surface. 
    The temperature indicating system shall have an error no greater than 
    1 deg.F (0.6 deg.C) over the range 65 deg. to 
    90 deg.F (18 deg.C to 32 deg.C).
        2.9.4  Heating Value. The heating value of the natural gas or 
    propane shall be measured with an instrument and associated readout 
    device that has a maximum error no greater than 0.5% of the 
    measured value and a resolution of 0.2% or less of the full 
    scale reading of the indicator instrument. The heating value of natural 
    gas or propane must be corrected for local temperature and pressure 
        2.9.5  Scale. The scale used for weighing the test blocks shall 
    have a maximum error no greater than 1 ounce (28.4 g). The scale used 
    for weighing the microwave oven test water load shall be as specified 
    in Section 4, paragraph 12.3 of IEC 705 Amendment 2.
    3. Test Methods and Measurements
        3.1  Test methods.
        3.1.1  Conventional oven. Perform a test by establishing the 
    testing conditions set forth in Section 2, ``TEST CONDITIONS,'' of this 
    Appendix, and adjust any pilot lights of a conventional gas oven in 
    accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and turn off the gas 
    flow to the conventional cooking top, if so equipped. Before beginning 
    the test, the conventional oven shall be at its normal nonoperating 
    temperature as defined in Section 1.6 and described in Section 2.6. Set 
    the conventional oven test block W1 approximately in the 
    center of the usable baking space. If there is a selector switch for 
    selecting the mode of operation of the oven, set it for normal baking. 
    If an oven permits baking by either forced convection by using a fan, 
    or without forced convection, the oven is to be tested in each of those 
    two modes. The oven shall remain on for at least one complete 
    thermostat ``cut-off/cut-on'' of the electrical resistance heaters or 
    gas burners after the test block temperature has increased 234 deg.F 
    (130 deg.C) above its initial temperature.  Self-cleaning operation of a conventional oven. Establish 
    the test conditions set forth in Section 2, ``TEST CONDITIONS,'' of 
    this Appendix. Adjust any pilot lights of a conventional gas oven in 
    accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and turn off the gas 
    flow to the conventional cooking top. The temperature of the 
    conventional oven shall be its normal nonoperating temperature as 
    defined in Section 1.6 and described in Section 2.6. Then set the 
    conventional oven's self-cleaning process in accordance with the 
    manufacturer's instructions. If the self-cleaning process is 
    adjustable, use the average time recommended by the manufacturer for a 
    moderately soiled oven.  Continuously burning pilot lights of a conventional gas 
    oven. Establish the test conditions set forth in Section 2, ``TEST 
    CONDITIONS,'' of this Appendix. Adjust any pilot lights of a 
    conventional gas oven in accordance with the manufacturer's 
    instructions and turn off the gas flow to the conventional cooking top. 
    If a positive displacement gas meter is used the, test duration shall 
    be sufficient to measure a gas consumption which is at least 200 times 
    the resolution of the gas meter.
        3.1.2  Conventional cooking top. Establish the test conditions set 
    forth in Section 2, ``TEST CONDITIONS,'' of this Appendix. Adjust any 
    pilot lights of a conventional gas cooking top in accordance with the 
    manufacturer's instructions and turn off the gas flow to the 
    conventional oven(s), if so equipped. The temperature of the
    [[Page 51985]]
    conventional cooking top shall be its normal nonoperating temperature 
    as defined in Section 1.6 and described in Section 2.6. Set the test 
    block in the center of the surface unit under test. The small test 
    block, W2, shall be used on electric surface units of 7 
    inches (178 mm) or less in diameter. The large test block, 
    W3, shall be used on electric surface units over 7 inches 
    (177.8 mm) in diameter and on all gas surface units. Turn on the 
    surface unit under test and set its energy input rate to the maximum 
    setting. When the test block reaches 144  deg.F (80  deg.C) above its 
    initial test block temperature, immediately reduce the energy input 
    rate to 255 percent of the maximum energy input rate. After 
    150.1 minutes at the reduced energy setting, turn off the 
    surface unit under test.  Continuously burning pilot lights of a conventional gas 
    cooking top. Establish the test conditions set forth in Section 2, 
    ``TEST CONDITIONS,'' of this Appendix. Adjust any pilot lights of a 
    conventional gas cooking top in accordance with the manufacturer's 
    instructions and turn off the gas flow to the conventional oven(s). If 
    a positive displacement gas meter is used, the test duration shall be 
    sufficient to measure a gas consumption which is at least 200 times the 
    resolution of the gas meter.
        3.1.3  Microwave oven.  Microwave oven test energy or power output. Establish the 
    testing conditions set forth in Section 2, ``TEST CONDITIONS,'' of this 
    Appendix. Follow the test procedure as specified in Section 4, 
    Paragraph 12.4 of IEC 705 Amendment 2.
        3.2  Test measurements.
        3.2.1  Conventional oven test energy consumption. If the oven 
    thermostat controls the oven temperature without cycling on and off, 
    measure the energy consumed, EO, when the temperature of the 
    block reaches TO (TO is 234  deg.F (130  deg.C) 
    above the initial block temperature, TI). If the oven 
    thermostat operates by cycling on and off, make the following series of 
    measurements: Measure the block temperature, TA, and the 
    energy consumed, EA, or volume of gas consumed, 
    VA, at the end of the last ``ON'' period of the conventional 
    oven before the block reaches TO. Measure the block 
    temperature, TB, and the energy consumed, EB, or 
    volume of gas consumed, VB, at the beginning of the next 
    ``ON'' period. Measure the block temperature, TC, and the 
    energy consumed, EC, or volume of gas consumed, 
    VC, at the end of that ``ON'' period. Measure the block 
    temperature, TD, and the energy consumed, ED, or 
    volume of gas consumed, VD, at the beginning of the 
    following ``ON'' period. Energy measurements for EO, 
    EA, EB, EC and ED, should 
    be expressed in watt-hours (kJ) for conventional electric ovens and 
    volume measurements for VA, VB, VC and 
    VD should be expressed in standard cubic feet (L) of gas for 
    conventional gas ovens. For a gas oven, measure in watt-hours (kJ) any 
    electrical energy, EIO, consumed by an ignition device or 
    other electrical components required for the operation of a 
    conventional gas oven while heating the test block to TO. 
    The energy consumed by a continuously operating clock that is an 
    integral part of the timing or temperature control circuit and cannot 
    be disconnected during the test may be subtracted from the oven test 
    energy to obtain the test energy consumption, EO or 
    EIO.  Conventional oven average test energy consumption. If the 
    conventional oven permits baking by either forced convection or without 
    forced convection and the oven thermostat does not cycle on and off, 
    measure the energy consumed with the forced convection mode, 
    (EO)1, and without the forced convection mode, 
    (EO)2, when the temperature of the block reaches 
    TO (TO is 234  deg.F (130  deg.C) above the 
    initial block temperature, TI). If the conventional oven 
    permits baking by either forced convection or without forced convection 
    and the oven thermostat operates by cycling on and off, make the 
    following series of measurements with and without the forced convection 
    mode: Measure the block temperature, TA, and the energy 
    consumed, EA, or volume of gas consumed, VA, at 
    the end of the last ``ON'' period of the conventional oven before the 
    block reaches TO. Measure the block temperature, 
    TB, and the energy consumed, EB, or volume of gas 
    consumed, VB, at the beginning of the next ``ON'' period. 
    Measure the block temperature, TC, and the energy consumed, 
    EC, or volume of gas consumed, VC, at the end of 
    that ``ON'' period. Measure the block temperature, TD, and 
    the energy consumed, ED, or volume of gas consumed, 
    VD, at the beginning of the following ``ON'' period. Energy 
    measurements for EO, EA, EB, 
    EC and ED should be expressed in watt-hours (kJ) 
    for conventional electric ovens and volume measurements for 
    VA, VB, VC and VD should be 
    expressed in standard cubic feet (L) of gas for conventional gas ovens. 
    For a gas oven that can be operated with or without forced convection, 
    measure in watt-hours (kJ) any electrical energy consumed by an 
    ignition device or other electrical components required for the 
    operation of a conventional gas oven while heating the test block to 
    TO using the forced convection mode, 
    (EIO)1, and without using the forced convection 
    mode, (EIO)2. The energy consumed by a 
    continuously operating clock that is an integral part of the timing or 
    temperature control circuit and cannot be disconnected during the test 
    may be subtracted from the oven test energy to obtain the test energy 
    consumption, (EO)1 and 
    (EO)2 or (EIO)1 and 
    (EIO)2.  Energy consumption of self-cleaning operation. Measure the 
    energy consumption, ES, in watt-hours (kJ) of electricity or 
    the volume of gas consumption, VS, in standard cubic feet 
    (L) during the self-cleaning test set forth in Section For a 
    gas oven, also measure in watt-hours (kJ) any electrical energy, 
    EIS, consumed by ignition devices or other electrical 
    components required during the self-cleaning test. The energy consumed 
    by a continuously operating clock that is an integral part of the 
    timing or temperature control circuit and cannot be disconnected during 
    the test may be subtracted from the self-cleaning test energy to obtain 
    the energy consumption, ES or EIS  Gas consumption of continuously burning pilot lights. 
    Measure the gas consumption of the pilot lights, VOP, in 
    standard cubic feet (L) of gas and the test duration, tOP, 
    in hours for the test set forth in Section If a gas flow rate 
    meter is used, measure the flow rate, QOP, in standard cubic 
    feet per hour (L/h).  Clock power. If the conventional oven or conventional 
    range includes an electric clock which is on continuously, and the 
    power rating in watts (J/s) of this feature is not known, measure the 
    clock power, PCL, in watts (J/s.) The power rating or 
    measurement of continuously operating clocks, that are an integral part 
    of the timing or temperature control circuits and cannot be 
    disconnected during testing, shall be multiplied by the applicable test 
    period to calculate the clock energy consumption, in watt-hours (kJ), 
    during a test. The energy consumed by the clock during the test may 
    then be subtracted from the test energy to obtain the specified test 
    energy consumption value.
        3.2.2  Conventional surface unit test energy consumption. For the 
    surface unit under test, measure the energy consumption, 
    ECT, in watt-hours (kJ) of electricity or the volume of gas 
    consumption, VCT, in standard cubic feet (L) of gas and the 
    test block temperature, TCT, at the end of the 15 minute 
    (reduced input setting) test interval for the test specified in Section 
    3.1.2 and the total time, tCT, in hours, that the unit is 
    under test. Measure any
    [[Page 51986]]
    electrical energy, EIC, consumed by an ignition device of a 
    gas heating element in watt-hours (kJ). The energy consumed by a 
    continuously operating clock that is an integral part of the timing or 
    temperature control circuit and cannot be disconnected during the test 
    may be subtracted from the cooktop test energy to obtain the test 
    energy consumption, ECT or EIC.  Gas consumption of continuously burning pilot lights. If 
    the conventional gas cooking top under test has one or more 
    continuously burning pilot lights, measure the gas consumed during the 
    test by the pilot lights, VCP, in standard cubic feet (L) of 
    gas, and the test duration, tCP, in hours as specified in 
    Section If a gas flow rate meter is used, measure the flow 
    rate, QCP, in standard cubic feet per hour (L/h).
        3.2.3  Microwave oven test energy consumption and power input. 
    Measurements are to be made as specified in Section 4, Paragraphs 12.4 
    and 13 of IEC 705 and Amendment 2. Measure the electrical input energy, 
    EM, in watt-hours (kJ) consumed by the microwave oven during 
    the test. Repeat the tests three times unless the power output value 
    resulting from the second measurement is within 1.5% of the value 
    obtained from the first measurement as stated in Section 4, Paragraphs 
    12.6 of IEC 705 Amendment 2. (See 10 CFR 430.22.)
        3.3  Recorded values.
        3.3.1  Record the test room temperature, TR, at the 
    start and end of each range, oven or cooktop test, as determined in 
    Section 2.5.
        3.3.2  Record measured test block weights W1, 
    W2, and W3 in pounds (kg).
        3.3.3  Record the initial temperature, T1, of the test 
    block under test.
        3.3.4  For a conventional oven with a thermostat which operates by 
    cycling on and off, record the conventional oven test measurements 
    TA, EA, TB, EB, 
    TC, EC, TD, and ED for 
    conventional electric ovens or TA, VA, 
    TB, VB, TC, VC, 
    TD, and VD for conventional gas ovens. If the 
    thermostat controls the oven temperature without cycling on and off, 
    record EO. For a gas oven which also uses electrical energy 
    for the ignition or operation of the oven, also record EIO.
        3.3.5  For a conventional oven that can be operated with or without 
    forced convection and the oven thermostat controls the oven temperature 
    without cycling on and off, measure the energy consumed with the forced 
    convection mode, (EO)1, and without the forced 
    convection mode, (EO)2. If the conventional oven 
    operates with or without forced convection and the thermostat controls 
    the oven temperature by cycling on and off, record the conventional 
    oven test measurements TA, EA, TB, 
    EB, TC, EC, TD, and 
    ED for conventional electric ovens or TA, 
    VA, TB, VB, TC, 
    VC, TD, and VD for conventional gas 
    ovens. For a gas oven that can be operated with or without forced 
    convection, measure any electrical energy consumed by an ignition 
    device or other electrical components used during the forced convection 
    mode, (EIO)1, and without using the forced 
    convection mode, (EIO)2.
        3.3.6  Record the measured energy consumption, ES, or 
    gas consumption, VS, and for a gas oven, any electrical 
    energy, EIS, for the test of the self-cleaning operation of 
    a conventional oven.
        3.3.7  Record the gas flow rate, QOP; or the gas 
    consumption, VOP, and the elapsed time, tOP, that 
    any continuously burning pilot lights of a conventional oven are under 
        3.3.8  Record the clock power measurement or rating, 
    PCL, in watts (J/s), except for microwave oven tests.
        3.3.9  For the surface unit under test, record the electric energy 
    consumption, ECT, or the gas volume consumption, 
    VCT, the final test block temperature, TCT, the 
    total test time, tCT. For a gas cooking top which uses 
    electrical energy for ignition of the burners, also record 
        3.3.10  Record the gas flow rate, QCP; or the gas 
    consumption, VCP, and the elapsed time, tCP, that 
    any continuously burning pilot lights of a conventional gas cooking top 
    are under test.
        3.3.11  Record the heating value, Hn, as determined in 
    Section for the natural gas supply.
        3.3.12  Record the heating value, Hp, as determined in 
    Section for the propane supply.
        3.3.13  Record the electrical input energy and power input, 
    EM and PM, for the microwave oven test; the 
    initial and final temperature, T1 and T2, of the 
    test water load; the mass of the test container before filling with the 
    test water load and the mass of the test water load, MC and 
    MW respectively; and the measured room temperature, 
    T0; as determined in Section 3.2.3.
    4. Calculation of Derived Results From Test Measurements
        4.1  Conventional oven.
        4.1.1  Test energy consumption. For a conventional oven with a 
    thermostat which operates by cycling on and off, calculate the test 
    energy consumption, EO, expressed in watt-hours ( kJ) for 
    electric ovens and in Btu's (kJ) for gas ovens, and defined as:
    for electric ovens, and,
    [[Page 51987]]
    For gas ovens
        H = either Hn or Hp, the heating value of the 
    gas used in the test as specified in Section and Section, expressed in Btu's per standard cubic foot (kJ/L).
    TO = 234 deg.F (130 deg.C) plus the initial test block 
    TA = block temperature in  deg.F ( deg.C) at the end of the 
    last ``ON'' period of the conventional oven before the test block 
    reaches TO.
    TB = block temperature in  deg.F ( deg.C) at the beginning 
    of the ``ON'' period following the measurement of TA.
    TC = block temperature in  deg.F ( deg.C) at the end of the 
    ``ON'' period which starts with TB.
    TD = block temperature in  deg.F ( deg.C) at the beginning 
    of the ``ON'' period which follows the measurement of TC.
    EA = electric energy consumed in Wh (kJ) at the end of the 
    last ``ON'' period before the test block reaches TO.
    EB = electric energy consumed in Wh (kJ) at the beginning of 
    the ``ON'' period following the measurement of TA.
    EC = electric energy consumed in Wh (kJ) at the end of the 
    ``ON'' period which starts with TB.
    ED = electric energy consumed in Wh (kJ) at the beginning of 
    the ``ON'' period which follows the measurement of TC.
    VA = volume of gas consumed in standard cubic feet (L) at 
    the end of the last ``ON'' period before the test block reaches 
    VB = volume of gas consumed in standard cubic feet (L) at 
    the beginning of the ``ON'' period following the measurement of 
    VC = volume of gas consumed in standard cubic feet (L) at 
    the end of the ``ON'' period which starts with TB.
    VD = volume of gas consumed in standard cubic feet (L) at 
    the beginning of the ``ON'' period which follows the measurement of 
        The energy consumed by a continuously operating clock that cannot 
    be disconnected during the test may be subtracted from the oven test 
    energy to obtain the oven test energy consumption, EO.  Average test energy consumption. If the conventional oven 
    can be operated with or without forced convection, determine the 
    average test energy consumption, EO and EIO, in 
    watt-hours (kJ) for electric ovens and Btu's (kJ) for gas ovens using 
    the following equations:
    (EO)1=test energy consumption using the forced 
    convection mode in watt-hours (kJ) for electric ovens and in Btu's (kJ) 
    for gas ovens as measured in Section
    (EO)2=test energy consumption without using the 
    forced convection mode in watt-hours (kJ) for electric ovens and in 
    Btu's (kJ) for gas ovens as measured in Section
    (EIO)1=electrical energy consumption in watt-
    hours (kJ) of a gas oven in forced convection mode as measured in 
    Section (EIO)2=electrical energy 
    consumption in watt-hours (kJ) of a gas oven without using the forced 
    convection mode as measured in Section
        The energy consumed by a continuously operating clock that cannot 
    be disconnected during the test may be subtracted from the oven test 
    energy to obtain the average test energy consumption EO and 
        4.1.2  Conventional oven annual energy consumption.  Annual cooking energy consumption.  Annual primary energy consumption. Calculate the annual 
    primary energy consumption for cooking, ECO, expressed in 
    kilowatt-hours (kJ) per year for electric ovens and in Btu's (kJ) per 
    year for gas ovens, and defined as: 
    E O=test energy consumption as measured in Section 3.2.1 or 
    as calculated in Section 4.1.1 or Section
    K e=3.412 Btu/Wh (3.6 kJ/Wh,) conversion factor of watt-
    hours to Btu's.
    O O=29.3 kWh (105,480 kJ) per year, annual useful cooking 
    energy output of conventional electric oven.
    W 1=measured weight of test block in pounds (kg).
    C p=0.23 Btu/lb- deg.F (0.96 kJ/kg bullet deg.C), 
    specific heat of test block.
    T S=234 deg.F (130 deg.C), temperature rise of test block. 
    EO=test energy consumption as measured in Section 3.2.1. or 
    as calculated in Section 4.1.1 or Section
    OO=88.8 kBtu (93,684 kJ) per year, annual useful cooking 
    energy output of conventional gas oven.
    W1, Cp and TS are the same as defined 
     Annual secondary energy consumption for cooking of gas 
    ovens. Calculate the annual secondary energy consumption for cooking, 
    ESO, expressed in kilowatt-hours (kJ) per year and defined 
    EIO=electrical test energy consumption as measured in 
    Section 3.2.1 or as calculated in Section
    OO=29.3 kWh (105,480 kJ) per year, annual useful cooking 
    energy output.
    Ke, W1, Cp, and TS are as 
    defined in Section
     Annual energy consumption of any continuously burning 
    pilot lights. Calculate the annual energy consumption of any 
    continuously burning pilot lights, EPO, expressed in Btu's 
    (kJ) per year and defined as:
            EPO=QOP x H x (A-B),
    QOP=pilot gas flow rate in standard cubic feet per hour (L/
    h), as measured in Section
    VOP=standard cubic feet (L) of gas consumed by any 
    continuously burning pilot lights, as measured in Section
    tOP=elapsed test time in hours for any continuously burning 
    pilot lights tested, as measured in Section
    H=Hn or Hp, the heating value of the gas used in 
    the test as specified in
    [[Page 51988]]
    Section and Section in Btu's per standard cubic foot 
    A=8,760, number of hours in a year.
    B=300, number of hours per year any continuously burning pilot lights 
    contribute to the heating of an oven for cooking food.
     Annual conventional oven self-cleaning energy.  Annual primary energy consumption. Calculate the annual 
    primary energy consumption for conventional oven self-cleaning 
    operations, ESC, expressed in kilowatt-hours (kJ) per year 
    for electric ovens and in Btu's (kJ) for gas ovens, and defined as:
    ESC=ES x Se x K, for electric ovens,
    ES=energy consumption in watt-hours, as measured in Section
    Se=4, average number of times a self-cleaning operation of a 
    conventional electric oven is used per year.
    K=0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor for watt-hours to kilowatt-hours.
    ESC=VS x H x Sg, for gas ovens,
    VS=gas consumption in standard cubic feet (L), as measured 
    in Section
    H=Hn or Hp, the heating value of the gas used in 
    the test as specified in Section and Section in Btu's 
    per standard cubic foot (kJ/L).
    Sg=4, average number of times a self-cleaning operation of a 
    conventional gas oven is used per year.
        The energy consumed by a continuously operating clock that cannot 
    be disconnected during the self-cleaning test procedure may be 
    subtracted from the test energy to obtain the test energy consumption, 
    ESC.  Annual secondary energy consumption for self-cleaning 
    operation of gas ovens. Calculate the annual secondary energy 
    consumption for self-cleaning operations of a gas oven, ESS, 
    expressed in kilowatt-hours (kJ) per year and defined as:
    ESS=EIS x Sg x K,
    EIS=electrical energy consumed during the self-cleaning 
    operation of a conventional gas oven, as measured in Section
    Sg=4, average number of times a self-cleaning operation of a 
    conventional gas oven is used per year.
    K=0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor for watt-hours to kilowatt-hours.  Annual clock energy consumption. Calculate the annual 
    energy consumption of any constantly operating electric clock, 
    ECL, expressed in kilowatt-hours (kJ) per year and defined 
    ECL = PCL  x  A  x  K,
    PCL=power rating of clock which is on continuously, in 
    watts, as measured in Section
    A=8,760, number of hours in a year.
    K=0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor for watt-hours to kilowatt-hours.
     Total annual energy consumption of a single conventional 
    oven.  Conventional electric oven energy consumption. Calculate 
    the total annual energy consumption of a conventional electric oven, 
    EAO, expressed in kilowatt-hours (kJ) per year and defined 
    ECO=annual primary cooking energy consumption as determined 
    in Section
    ESC=annual primary self-cleaning energy consumption as 
    determined in Section
    ECL=annual clock energy consumption as determined in Section
     Conventional gas oven energy consumption. Calculate the 
    total annual gas energy consumption of a conventional gas oven, 
    EAOG, expressed in Btu's (kJ) per year and defined as:
    ECO=annual primary cooking energy consumption as determined 
    in Section
    EPO=annual pilot light energy consumption as determined in 
    ESC=annual primary self-cleaning energy consumption as 
    determined in Section
        If the conventional gas oven uses electrical energy, calculate the 
    total annual electrical energy consumption, EAOE, expressed 
    in kilowatt-hours (kJ) per year and defined as:
    ESO=annual secondary cooking energy consumption as 
    determined in Section
    ESS=annual secondary self-cleaning energy consumption as 
    determined in Section
    ECL=annual clock energy consumption as determined in Section
     Total annual energy consumption of multiple conventional 
    ovens. If the cooking appliance includes more than one conventional 
    oven, calculate the total annual energy consumption of the conventional 
    ovens using the following equations:  Conventional electric oven energy consumption. Calculate 
    the total annual energy consumption, ETO, in kilowatt-hours (kJ) per 
    year and defined as:
    ETO = EACO + EASC + ECL,
    is the average annual primary energy consumption for cooking,
    and where:
    n = number of conventional ovens in the basic model.
    ECO = annual primary energy consumption for cooking as 
    determined in Section
    average annual self-cleaning energy consumption,
    n = number of self-cleaning conventional ovens in the basic model.
    ESC = annual primary self-cleaning energy consumption as 
    determined according to Section
    ECL = clock energy consumption as determined according to 
    Section  Conventional gas oven energy consumption. Calculate the 
    total annual gas energy consumption, ETOG, in Btu's (kJ) per 
    year and defined as:
    EACO = average annual primary energy consumption for cooking 
    in Btu's (kJ) per year and is calculated as:
    n = number of conventional ovens in the basic model.
    ECO = annual primary energy consumption for cooking as 
    determined in Section
    EASC = average annual self-cleaning energy consumption in 
    Btu's (kJ) per year and is calculated as:
    [[Page 51989]]
    n = number of self-cleaning conventional ovens in the basic model.
    ESC = annual primary self-cleaning energy consumption as 
    determined according to Section
    total energy consumption of any pilot lights,
    EPO = annual energy consumption of any continuously burning 
    pilot lights determined according to Section
    n = number of pilot lights in the basic model.
        If the oven also uses electrical energy, calculate the total annual 
    electrical energy consumption, ETOE, in kilowatt-hours (kJ) 
    per year and defined as:
    is the average annual secondary energy consumption for cooking,
    n=number of conventional ovens in the basic model.
    ESO=annual secondary energy consumption for cooking of gas 
    ovens as determined in Section
    is the average annual secondary self-cleaning energy consumption,
    n=number of self-cleaning ovens in the basic model.
    ESS=annual secondary self-cleaning energy consumption of gas 
    ovens as determined in Section
    ECL=annual clock energy consumption as determined in Section
        4.1.3  Conventional oven cooking efficiency.  Single conventional oven. Calculate the conventional oven 
    cooking efficiency, EffAO, using the following equations:
        For electric ovens:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR03OC97.015
        For gas ovens:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR03OC97.016
    W1=measured weight of test block in pounds (kg).
    Cp=0.23 Btu/lb- deg.F (0.96 kJ/kg  deg.C), specific 
    heat of test block.
    TS=234 deg.F (130 deg.C), temperature rise of test block.
    EO=test energy consumption as measured in Section 3.2.1 or 
    calculated in Section 4.1.1 or Section
    Ke=3.412 Btu/Wh (3.6 kJ/Wh), conversion factor for watt-
    hours to Btu's.
    EIO=electrical test energy consumption according to Section 
    3.2.1 or as calculated in Section
     Multiple conventional ovens. If the cooking appliance 
    includes more than one conventional oven, calculate the cooking 
    efficiency for all of the conventional ovens in the appliance, 
    EffTO, using the following equation:
    n=number of conventional ovens in the cooking appliance.
    EffAO=cooking efficiency of each oven determined according 
    to Section
        4.1.4  Conventional oven energy factor. Calculate the energy 
    factor, or the ratio of useful cooking energy output to the total 
    energy input, RO, using the following equations:
        For electric ovens,
    OO=29.3 kWh (105,480 kJ) per year, annual useful cooking 
    energy output.
    EAO=total annual energy consumption for electric ovens as 
    determined in Section
        For gas ovens:
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR03OC97.019
    OO=88.8 kBtu (93,684 kJ) per year, annual useful cooking 
    energy output.
    EAOG=total annual gas energy consumption for conventional 
    gas ovens as determined in Section
    EAOE=total annual electrical energy consumption for 
    conventional gas ovens as determined in Section
    Ke=3,412 Btu/kWh (3,600 kJ/kWh), conversion factor for 
    kilowatt-hours to Btu's.
        4.2  Conventional cooking top
        4.2.1  Conventional cooking top cooking efficiency  Electric surface unit cooking efficiency. Calculate the 
    cooking efficiency, EffSU, of the electric surface unit 
    under test, defined as:
    W=measured weight of test block, W2 or W3, 
    expressed in pounds (kg).
    Cp=0.23 Btu/lb- deg.F (0.96 kJ/kg  deg.C), specific 
    heat of test block.
    TSU=temperature rise of the test block: final test block 
    temperature, TCT, as determined in Section 3.2.2, minus the 
    initial test block temperature, TI, expressed in  deg.F 
    ( deg.C) as determined in Section 2.7.5.
    Ke=3.412 Btu/Wh (3.6 kJ/Wh), conversion factor of watt-hours 
    to Btu's.
    ECT=measured energy consumption, as determined according to 
    Section 3.2.2, expressed in watt-hours (kJ).
        The energy consumed by a continuously operating clock that cannot 
    be disconnected during the cooktop test may be subtracted from the 
    energy consumption, ECT, as determined in Section 3.2.2.  Gas surface unit cooking efficiency. Calculate the cooking 
    efficiency, EffSU, of the gas surface unit under test, 
    defined as:
    W3=measured weight of test block as measured in Section 
    3.3.2, expressed in pounds (kg).
    Cp and TSU are the same as defined in Section
    E=[VCT - VCP x H] + 
    (EIC x Ke),
    VCT=total gas consumption in standard cubic feet (L) for the 
    gas surface unit test as measured in Section 3.2.2.
    EIC=electrical energy consumed in watt-hours (kJ) by an 
    ignition device of a gas surface unit as measured in Section 3.2.2.
    [[Page 51990]]
    Ke=3.412 Btu/Wh (3.6 kJ/Wh), conversion factor of watt-hours 
    to Btu's.
    H=either Hn or Hp, the heating value of the gas 
    used in the test as specified in Section and Section, 
    expressed in Btu's per standard cubic foot (kJ/L) of gas.
    VCP=QCP x tCT, pilot consumption, in 
    standard cubic feet (L), during unit test,
    tCT=the elapsed test time as defined in Section 3.2.2.
    (pilot flow in standard cubic feet per hour)
    VCP=any pilot lights gas consumption defined in Section
    tCP=elapsed time of the cooking top pilot lights test as 
    defined in Section
     Conventional cooking top cooking efficiency. Calculate the 
    conventional cooking top cooking efficiency, EffCT, using 
    the following equation:
    n=number of surface units in the cooking top.
    EffSU=the efficiency of each of the surface units, as 
    determined according to Section or Section
        4.2.2  Conventional cooking top annual energy consumption.  Conventional electric cooking top energy consumption. 
    Calculate the annual energy consumption of an electric cooking top, 
    ECA, in kilowatt-hours (kJ) per year, defined as:
    OCT=173.1 kWh (623,160 kJ) per year, annual useful cooking 
    energy output.
    EffCT=conventional cooking top cooking efficiency as defined 
    in Section
     Conventional gas cooking top  Annual cooking energy consumption. Calculate the annual 
    energy consumption for cooking, ECC, in Btu's (kJ) per year 
    for a gas cooking top, defined as:
    OCT=527.6 kBtu (556,618 kJ) per year, annual useful cooking 
    energy output.
    EffCT=the gas cooking top efficiency as defined in Section  Annual energy consumption of any continuously burning gas 
    pilots. Calculate the annual energy consumption of any continuously 
    burning gas pilot lights of the cooking top, EPC, in Btu's 
    (kJ) per year, defined as:
    EPC=QCP x A x H,
    QCP=pilot light gas flow rate as measured in Section
    A=8,760 hours, the total number of hours in a year.
    H=either Hn or Hp, the heating value of the gas 
    used in the test as specified in Section and Section, 
    expressed in Btu's per standard cubic foot (kJ/L) of gas.
     Total annual energy consumption of a conventional gas 
    cooking top. Calculate the total annual energy consumption of a 
    conventional gas cooking top, ECA, in Btu's (kJ) per year, 
    defined as:
    ECA=ECC + EPC,
    ECC=energy consumption for cooking as determined in Section
    EPC=annual energy consumption of the pilot lights as 
    determined in Section
        4.2.3  Conventional cooking top energy factor. Calculate the energy 
    factor or ratio of useful cooking energy output for cooking to the 
    total energy input, RCT, as follows:
        For an electric cooking top, the energy factor is the same as the 
    cooking efficiency as determined according to Section
        For gas cooking tops,
        [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR03OC97.026
    OCT=527.6 kBtu (556,618 kJ) per year, annual useful cooking 
    energy output of cooking top.
    ECA=total annual energy consumption of cooking top 
    determined according to Section
        4.3  Combined components. The annual energy consumption of a 
    kitchen range, e.g. a cooktop and oven combined, shall be the sum of 
    the annual energy consumption of each of its components. The annual 
    energy consumption for other combinations of ovens, cooktops and 
    microwaves will also be treated as the sum of the annual energy 
    consumption of each of its components. The energy factor of a combined 
    component is the sum of the annual useful cooking energy output of each 
    component divided by the sum of the total annual energy consumption of 
    each component.
        4.4  Microwave oven.
        4.4.1  Microwave oven test energy output. Calculate the microwave 
    oven test energy output, ET, in watt-hour's (kJ). The 
    calculation is repeated two or three times as required in section 
    3.2.3. The average of the ET's is used for a calculation in 
    section 4.4.3. For calculations specified in units of energy [watt-
    hours (kJ)], use the equation below:
    MW=the measured mass of the test water load, in pounds (g).
    MC=the measured mass of the test container before filling 
    with test water load, in pounds (g).
    T1=the initial test water load temperature, in  deg.F 
    ( deg.C).
    T2=the final test water load temperature, in  deg.F 
    ( deg.C).
    T0=the measured ambient room temperature, in  deg.F 
    ( deg.C).
    CC=0.210 Btu/lb- deg.F (0.88 kJ/kgy deg.C), 
    specific heat of test container.
    Cp=1.0 Btu/lb- deg.F (4.187 kJ/kgy deg.C), 
    specific heat of water.
    Ke=3,412 Btu/kWh (3,600 kJ/kWh) conversion factor of 
    kilowatt-hours to Btu's.
        4.4.2  Microwave oven test power output. Calculate the microwave 
    oven test power output, PT, in watts (J/s) as specified in 
    Section four, paragraph 12.5 of IEC 705 Amendment 2 See Section 430.22. 
    The calculation is repeated for each test as required in section 3.2.3. 
    The average of the two or three PT's is used for 
    calculations in section 4.4.4. (See 10 CFR 430.22)
        4.4.3  Microwave oven annual energy consumption. Calculate the 
    microwave oven annual energy consumption, Emo, in KWh's per 
    year, defined as:
    EM=the energy consumption as defined in Section 3.2.3.
    OM=79.8 kWh (287,280 kJ) per year, the microwave oven annual 
    useful cooking energy output.
    [[Page 51991]]
    ET=the test energy as calculated in Section 4.4.1.
    4.4.4  Microwave oven cooking efficiency. Calculate the microwave oven 
    cooking efficiency, EffMO, as specified in Section four, 
    paragraph 14 of IEC 705.
    4.4.5  Microwave oven energy factor. Calculate the energy factor or the 
    ratio of the useful cooking energy output to total energy input on a 
    yearly basis, RMO, defined as:
    OM=79.8 kWh (287,280 kJ) per year, annual useful cooking 
    energy output.
    EMO=annual total energy consumption as determined in Section 
    [FR Doc. 97-25745 Filed 10-2-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective November 3, 1997. The incorporation by reference of portions of International Electrotechnical Commission Standard 705 (referred to as IEC 705) and Amendment 2 thereto (referred to as Amendment 2) as referenced below is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of November 3, 1997.
51976-51991 (16 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. EE-RM-94-230
1904-AA52: Test Procedures for Kitchen Ranges, Ovens and Microwaves
RIN Links:
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CFR: (2)
10 CFR 430.22
10 CFR 430.23