98-29088. Grants to Indian Tribal Organizations for Supportive and Nutritional Services for Older Indians  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 210 (Friday, October 30, 1998)]
    [Pages 58392-58396]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-29088]
    Office of the Secretary
    [Program Announcement 13655.911]
    Grants to Indian Tribal Organizations for Supportive and 
    Nutritional Services for Older Indians
    AGENCY: Administration on Aging (AoA), OS, HHS.
    ACTION: Announcement of availability of funds and opportunity to apply 
    under the Older Americans Act, Title VI, Grants for Native Americans, 
    Part A-Indian Program.
    SUMMARY: The Administration on Aging will accept applications for 
    funding in fiscal year (FY) 1999 under the Older Americans Act, title 
    VI, Grants for Native Americans, part A-Indian Program, from all 
    current title VI, part A grantees, current grantees who wish to leave a 
    consortium and apply as a new grantee, and eligible federally 
    recognized Indian tribal organizations that are not now participating 
    in title VI and would like to apply as a new grantee. Successful 
    applications from new grantees will be funded if funds permit.
    DATE: Applications must be received or postmarked on or before January 
    28, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: See Appendix A.
    M. Yvonne Jackson, Ph.D., Office for American Indian, Alaskan Native, 
    and Native Hawaiian Programs, Administration on Aging, Department of 
    Health and Human Services, Wilbur J. Cohen Federal Building, Room 4743, 
    330 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20201, telephone (202) 619-
    1. Background and Program Purpose
        The Administration on Aging (AoA) is responsible for administering 
    title VI, part A of the Older Americans Act, which provides for grants 
    to Indian tribal organizations representing federally recognized Tribes 
    for the provision of nutritional and supportive services to Indian 
        The 1978 Amendments to the Older Americans Act created title VI, 
    Grants for Indian Tribal Organizations. The purpose of this title is to 
    promote the delivery of supportive and nutritional services for Indian 
    elders that are comparable to services provided under title III of the 
    Older Americans Act. (Title III of the Older Americans Act, entitled 
    ``Grants for State and Community Programs on Aging'' is the nationwide 
    program of supportive and nutritional services which serves persons 
    over age 60 of all ethnic groups.)
        In the Older Americans Act Amendments of 1987, the name of title VI 
    was changed to Grants for Native Americans, and part B--Native Hawaiian 
    Programs--was added.
        Nutritional services and information and assistance services are 
    required by the Act. Nutritional services include congregate meals and 
    home-delivered meals. Supportive services include information and 
    assistance, transportation, chore services, and other supportive 
    services which contribute to the welfare of older Native Americans.
    2. Eligibility of an Indian Tribal Organization or Indian Tribe to 
    Receive a Grant
        To be eligible to receive a grant, a tribal organization or Indian 
    tribe must meet the application requirements contained in sections 
    612(a) and 612(b) of the Act, which are: ``(1) the tribal organization 
    represents at least 50 individuals who are 60 years of age or older; 
    and (2) the tribal organization demonstrates the ability to deliver 
    supportive services, including nutritional services.'' For purposes of 
    title VI, part A, the terms ``Indian tribe'' and ``tribal 
    organization'' have the same meaning as in section 4 of the Indian 
    Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b).
        This announcement concerns all federally recognized Indian tribal 
    organizations, those currently participating in title VI, part A 
    individually or as members of a consortium and those that are not 
    currently participating in title VI, part A.
    3. Available Funds
        Distribution of funds among tribal organizations is subject to the 
    availability of appropriations to carry out title VI, part A. As stated 
    in section 614A(b) of the Act, the amount of the grant made under this 
    part to a tribal organization for FY 1992 and for each subsequent 
    fiscal year shall be not less than the amount of the grant made under 
    this part to the tribal organization for FY 1991 as stated under 
    section 614A(a) of the Act. If the funds appropriated to carry out this 
    part in a fiscal year subsequent to FY 1991 exceed the funds 
    appropriated to carry out this part in FY 1991, then the amount of the 
    grant (if any) made under this part to a tribal organization for the 
    subsequent fiscal year shall be: (1) Increased by such amount as the 
    Assistant Secretary considers to be appropriate, in addition to the 
    amount of any increase required by subsection (a), so that the grant 
    equals or more closely approaches the amount of the grant made under 
    this part to the tribal organization for FY 1980; or (2) an amount the 
    Assistant Secretary considers to be sufficient if the tribal 
    organization did not receive a grant under this part for either FY 1980 
    or FY 1991.
        Applications from current grantees who are a part of a consortium 
    and wish to leave the consortium will be treated as new grant 
    applications. Successful new grant applications for both current 
    grantees who are leaving a consortium and tribal organizations who are 
    not current grantees will be funded pending availability of additional 
        Information on typical grant levels in FY 1998 is given below as a 
    guide to possible funding levels for Tribes representing the following 
    documented numbers of Indian elders over age 60:
                                                                  Amounts of
     Population range (number of older Indians age 60 years and   awards in
           over, represented by the tribal organization)           FY 1998
    50 to 100..................................................       57,180
    101 to 200.................................................       64,880
    201 to 300.................................................       73,670
    301 to 400.................................................       83,020
    401 to 500.................................................       91,810
    501 to 1500................................................      106,350
    1501+......................................................      139,640
    4. Application Process
        Applicants should submit applications, describing their proposed 
    plans for nutritional and supportive services for older Indians for 
    project period April 1, 1999-March 31, 2002, as described in section 5 
    below, ``Content of the Application.''
        A three year project period was chosen in order to reduce the 
    paperwork burden on the grantees. It is the intent of this agency to 
    conduct on site monitoring at least once during the three year project 
    [[Page 58393]]
        The Program Performance and Financial Status reports, due on a 
    semi-annual basis, will be reviewed for compliance with the program 
    regulations. Failure to submit the required reports during the project 
    period may result in loss of future funds and possibly termination of 
    the grant within the project period.
        Thirty days prior to the end of each budget period within the three 
    year project period grantees shall notify AoA as to their desire to 
    continue as a grantee. Failure to submit this documentation within the 
    required timeframe may result in loss of grant funding. At the 
    beginning of each budget period within the three year project period 
    grantees will be notified of the funding level for the subsequent year.
        One original application, signed by the principal official of the 
    Tribe, and two copies of the complete application, including all 
    attachments, must be submitted to the Administration on Aging, Grants 
    Management Division, Margaret Tolson, Director, 330 Independence 
    Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20201. Incomplete applications and 
    applications postmarked after the closing date will not be considered 
    for funding.
    5. Content of the Application
        The application must meet the criteria in sections 614(a) and (b) 
    of the Act, and title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 
    Sec. 1326.19. The application may be presented in any format selected 
    by the tribal organization. Contact the AoA Regional Office in your 
    geographic area if you have questions concerning the content of the 
    application. The application must include the following information:
    A. Objectives and Need for Assistance
        This section must include objectives, expressed in measurable 
    terms, which are related to the current supportive and nutrition 
    service needs of the elders to be represented by the Tribal 
    Organization. This section must also include a discussion of how the 
    needs were evaluated.
    B. Results or Benefits Expected
        The application should describe the results or benefits expected 
    from each service proposed.
    C. Approach
    (1) Description and Method of Delivery of Each Service
        (a) Nutrition. Nutrition services are required. There should be a 
    description of the methods, facilities, and staff to be used in 
    preparing, serving, and delivering meals, and the estimated number of 
    persons to be served. The nutrition services provided, either directly 
    or by way of a grant or contract, must be substantially in compliance 
    with the provisions of part C, title III, which include:
        1. Provide at least one hot or other appropriate meal a day, 5 or 
    more days a week in a congregate setting, any additional meals which 
    the recipient of a grant may elect to provide. A ``meal'', as used in 
    section 307(a)(13), 308(b)(7), 311(a)(4), 331(1), 336, 338(a)(1), 339, 
    and 339A of the Act and Sec. 1321.17, Sec. 1321.59 and Sec. 1321.64, is 
    a planned event in a day at which a variety of prepared foods are 
    provided to an individual. These meals shall comply with the U.S. 
    Dietary Guidelines for Americans published by the Secretary of the 
    Department of Agriculture. Additionally, the meals must provide the 
    nutrients specified in the current, daily Recommended Dietary 
    Allowances, as established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the 
    National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences as 
    specified in Section 339(2) unless the meal is a special meal provided 
    to meet the health, religious, or ethnic considerations of eligible 
    individuals. Snacks, partial meals, and second helpings are not 
    considered meals.
        2. Provide at least one home delivered hot, cold, frozen, dried, 
    canned, or supplemental food (with a satisfactory storage life) meal 
    per day, 5 or more days a week, and any additional meals which the 
    recipient of a grant may elect to provide. The above definition of a 
    meal also applies here. Thus, neither individual grocery items nor food 
    vouchers may be used in lieu of home delivered meals.
        If no title VI, part A funds are to be used for nutrition services, 
    the application must state how such services are provided in other 
    ways, and how they are financed.
        (b) Information and Assistance. Information and assistance services 
    are required. They must be available for older Indians living in the 
    title VI, part A service area and there should be a description of what 
    information and assistance services will be provided and how they will 
    be provided. The estimated number of individuals to be served should be 
    stated. If no title VI, part A funds are to be used for information and 
    assistance services, the application must state how such services are 
    provided in other ways, and how they are financed.
        (c) Other Supportive Services. The application must describe any 
    other supportive services to be provided wholly or partly by title VI, 
    part A funds. The description should include what supportive services 
    will be provided and how they will be provided. The approximate number 
    of persons to be served by each service should be stated.
        Legal assistance and ombudsman services may be provided, but are 
    not required. However, if provided, they should be reported as 
    ``Supportive Services.''
        If a tribal organization elects to provide legal services, it must 
    substantially comply with the requirements in title 45 of the Code of 
    Federal Regulations Sec. 1321.71, and all legal assistance providers 
    must comply fully with the requirements in Sec. 1321.71(d) through 
    Sec. 1321.71(k).
        Transportation of persons to nutrition sites or other places is to 
    be considered as a ``Supportive Service.''
        (d) Coordination with title III. The application should provide a 
    description of how title VI and title III resources and services are to 
    be coordinated within the title VI service area, including information 
    and assistance service.
    (2) Evaluation Criteria
        The application must discuss the criteria to be used to evaluate 
    the results and successes of the program, based on the objectives and 
    results or benefits expected indicated in Item A and B above. It will 
    also explain the methodology that will be used to determine if the 
    needs identified and discussed are being met and if the results and 
    benefits identified in Item B above are being achieved.
    D. Geographic Location
        The application must include an appropriate narrative description 
    of the geographical area to be served and an assurance that procedures 
    will be adopted to ensure against duplicate services being provided to 
    the same recipients. A map of the designated service area may be 
    included in the application.
    E. Additional Information
    (1) Older Indians in the Title VI, Part A Service Area
        The law requires that a tribal organization must represent at least 
    50 persons aged 60 years or over in order to be eligible for title VI 
    funding. Therefore, the number of persons aged 60 or over living in the 
    proposed title VI service area must be stated in the application. The 
    tribal organization may use Bureau of Statistics population figures, or 
    may develop its own
    [[Page 58394]]
    population statistics, but they must be approved by the Bureau of 
    Indian Affairs in order to establish eligibility, as required in 
    section 614(b) of the Older American Act, as amended. The amount of the 
    grant is based on the number of Indians or Alaskan Natives aged 60 
    years or over in the proposed service area. Thus, the application 
    should include only the number of Indians and Alaskan Natives aged 60 
    years or over in the proposed service area and not the total population 
    census of all tribal members, age 60 and above, unless all the tribal 
    members live in the proposed service area. If there is overlap between 
    two or more title VI, part A applicants, as stated under ``Geographic 
    Location'', the eligible elders can only be counted once and included 
    in one application. The applicants are responsible for determining how 
    the eligible elders will be counted. The same elder may not be counted 
    by more than one applicant. This must be stated clearly in the 
    application and signed by the principal official of the tribal 
        As a separate matter, the regulations allow a Tribe to define, 
    based on its own criteria, who the Tribe will consider to be an ``older 
    Indian'' for purposes of eligibility to receive title VI services. If a 
    Tribe selects a different definition of ``older Indian'' for service 
    delivery, the application must state the age selected, and the number 
    of Indians under age 60 eligible to be served. All Tribes in a 
    consortium must use the same age for ``older Indian.''
    (2) Resolution
        The tribal organization representing a federally recognized Tribe 
    must submit an original copy of the Tribal council resolution 
    authorizing participation in title VI, part A for the grant period 
    April 1, 1999 to March 30, 2002. If the tribal organization represents 
    a consortium of more than one Tribe, a resolution is required from each 
    participating Tribe, specifically authorizing representation by the 
    tribal organization for the purpose of title VI, part A of the Older 
    Americans Act for the grant period April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2002.
    (3) Program Assurances
        Title VI, part A Program Assurances must be included in the 
    application. The title VI, part A Program Assurances are those 
    provisions identified in section 614(a) of the Older Americans Act, and 
    in title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations Sec. 1326.19(d), issued 
    August 31, 1988 (see appendix B). The tribal organization must state 
    that it agrees to abide by all the provisions for the entire project 
    period, April 1, 1999-March 31, 2002.
        Copies of the title III and title VI current law and regulations, 
    and of part 92, may be obtained from the Regional Administrator for the 
    Administration on Aging. (See appendix A)
    (4) Certification Forms
        Certifications are required of the applicant regarding (a) 
    lobbying; (b) debarment, suspension, and other responsibility matters; 
    and (c) drug-free workplace requirements. Please note that a duly 
    authorized representative of the applicant organization must attest to 
    the applicant's compliance with these certifications.
    (5) Identifying Information
        Applications must identify both the principal official of the 
    tribal organization, and the proposed title VI program director: Name, 
    Title, Address including Zip Code, Telephone Number, and, if available, 
    the FAX Number and E-mail address. The tribal organization's EIN 
    (Employer Identification Number) must also be included.
        If the applicant tribal organization is a consortium, the applicant 
    must list the federally recognized tribes which are included. The 
    tribal resolution from each tribe in the consortium must be included in 
    the application.
    (6) Closing Date for Application
        To be eligible for consideration, applications must be received or 
    postmarked on or before January 28, 1999. (Applicants are cautioned to 
    request a legibly dated U.S. Postal Service postmark, or to obtain a 
    legibly dated receipt from a commercial carrier or the U.S. Postal 
    Service. Private metered postmarks are not acceptable as proof of 
    timely mailing.)
    (7) Action on Applications
        Awards will be made by the Assistant Secretary for Aging. Funding 
    decisions will be announced as soon as possible.
        (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program #93.655 Grants 
    to Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiians. This Program Announcement is 
    not subject to E.O. 12372.)
        Dated: October 23, 1998.
    Jeanette C. Takamura,
    Assistant Secretary for Aging.
    Appendix A
    Regional Offices
    Region I (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)
    Bob O'Connell, Bi-Regional Administrator, John F. Kennedy Building, 
    Room 2075, Boston, Massachusetts 02203, (617) 565-1158, FAX (617) 
    Region II (DC, DE, MD, NY, NJ, PA, PR, VA, VI, WV)
    Bob O'Connell, Bi-Regional Administrator, 26 Federal Plaza, Room 38-
    102, New York, New York 10278, (212) 264-2976, FAX (212) 264-0114
    Region IV (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
    John Diaz, Bi-Regional Administrator, 101 Marietta Tower, Suite 
    1702, Atlanta, GA 30323, (404) 331-5900, FAX (404) 331-2017
    Region V (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
    Larry Brewster, Bi-Regional Administrator, 105 West Adams Street, 
    10th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60603, (312) 353-3141, FAX (312) 886-
    Region VI (AR, LA, OK, NM, TX)
    John Diaz, Bi-Regional Administrator, 1301 Young Street, Room 736, 
    Dallas, Texas 75201, (214) 767-2971, FAX (214) 767-2951
    Region VII (IA, KS, MO, NE)
    Larry Brewster, Bi-Regional Administrator, 1150 Grand Avenue, suite 
    600, Kansas City, MIssouri 64106, (816) 374-6015, FAX (816) 374-6020
    Region VIII (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)
    Percy Devine, III, Bi-Regional Administrator, 1961 Stout Street, 
    Room 908, Federal Office Building, Denver, Colorado 80294-3538, 
    (303) 844-2951, FAX (303) 844-2943
    Region IX (AS, AZ, CA, CNMI, GU, HI, NV, TTPI)
    Percy Devine, III, Bi-Regional Administrator, 50 United Nations 
    Plaza, Room 455, San Francisco, California 94102, (415) 437-8780, 
    FAX (415) 437-8782
    Region X (AK, ID, OR, WA)
    Chisato Kawabori, Regional Administrator, Blanchard Plaza, MS-RX-33; 
    Room 1202, 2201 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98121-1828, (206) 
    615-2298, FAX (206) 615-2305
    Appendix B
        Older Americans Act--Section 614(a)--No grant may be made under 
    this part unless the eligible tribal organization submits an 
    application to the Assistant Secretary which meets such criteria as 
    the Assistant Secretary may by regulation prescribe. Each such 
    application shall--
        (1) Provide that the eligible tribal organization will evaluate 
    the need for supportive and nutrition services among older Indians 
    to be represented by the tribal organizations;
        (2) Provide for the use of such methods of administration as are 
    necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the program 
    to be assisted;
        (3) Provide that the tribal organization will make such reports 
    in such form and containing such information, as the Assistant 
    Secretary may reasonably require, and comply with such requirements 
    as the Assistant Secretary may impose to assure the correctness of 
    such reports;
    [[Page 58395]]
        (4) Provide for periodic evaluation of activities and projects 
    carried out under the application;
        (5) Establish objectives consistent with the purposes of this 
    part toward which activities under the application will be directed, 
    identify obstacles to the attainment of such objectives, and 
    indicate the manner in which the tribal organization proposes to 
    overcome such obstacles;
        (6) Provide for establishing and maintaining information and 
    assistance services to assure that older Indians to be served by the 
    assistance made available under this part will have reasonably 
    convenient access to such services;
        (7) Provide a preference for Indians aged 60 and older for full 
    or part-time staff positions whenever feasible;
        (8) Provide assistance that either directly or by way of grant 
    or contract with appropriate entities nutrition services will be 
    delivered to older Indians represented by the tribal organization 
    substantially in compliance with the provisions of part C of title 
    III, except that in any case in which the need for nutritional 
    services for older Indians represented by the tribal organization is 
    already met from other sources, the tribal organization may use the 
    funds otherwise required to be expended under this clause for 
    supportive services;
        (9) Contain assurance that the provision of sections 
    307(a)(14)(A) (i) and (iii), 307(a)(14)(B), and 307(a)(14)(C) will 
    be complied with whenever the application contains provisions for 
    the acquisition, alteration, or renovation of facilities to serve as 
    multipurpose senior centers;
        (10) Provide that any legal or ombudsman services made available 
    to older Indians represented by the tribal organization will be 
    substantially in compliance with the provisions of title III 
    relating to the furnishing of similar services; and
        (11) Provide satisfactory assurance that fiscal control and fund 
    accounting procedures will be adopted as may be necessary to assure 
    proper disbursement of, and accounting for, Federal funds paid under 
    this part to the tribal organization, including any funds paid by 
    the tribal organization to a recipient of a grant or contract.
        45 CFR 1326.19 * * * The application shall provide for: (d) 
    Assurances as prescribed by the Assistant Secretary that:
        (1) A tribal organization represents at least 50 individuals who 
    have attained 60 years of age or older;
        (2) A tribal organization shall comply with all applicable State 
    and local license and safety requirements for the provision of those 
        (3) If a substantial number of the older Indians residing in the 
    service area are of limited English-speaking ability, the tribal 
    organization shall utilize the services of workers who are fluent in 
    the language spoken by a predominant number of older Indians;
        (4) Procedures to ensure that all services under this part are 
    provided without use of any means tests;
        (5) A tribal organization shall comply with all requirements set 
    forth in Sec. 1326.7 through Sec. 1326.17; and
        (6) The services provided under this part will be coordinated, 
    where applicable, with services provided under title III of the Act.
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Service
    Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements Grantees Other 
    Than Individuals
        By signing and/or submitting this application or grant 
    agreement, the grantee is providing the certification set out below.
        This certification is required by regulations implementing the 
    Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, 45 CFR Part 76, Subpart F. The 
    regulations, published in the May 25, 1990 Federal Register, require 
    certification by grantees that they will maintain a drug-free 
    workplace. The certification set out below is a material 
    representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the 
    Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) determines to award 
    the grant. If it is later determined that the grantee knowingly 
    rendered a false certification, or otherwise violates the 
    requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act, HHS, in addition to any 
    other remedies available to the Federal Government, may take action 
    authorized under the Drug-Free Workplace Act. False certification or 
    violation of the certification shall be grounds for suspension of 
    payments, suspension or termination of grants, or government-wide 
    suspension or debarment.
        Workplaces under grants, for grantees other than individuals, 
    need not be identified on the certification. If known, they may be 
    identified in the grant application. If the grantee does not 
    identify the workplaces at the time of application, or upon award, 
    if there is no application, the grantee must keep the identity of 
    the workplace(s) on file in its office and make the information 
    available for federal inspection. Failure to identify all known 
    workplaces constitutes a violation of the grantee's drug-free 
    workplace requirements.
        Workplace identifications must include the actual address of 
    buildings (or parts of buildings) or other sites where work under 
    the grant takes place. Categorical descriptions may be used (e.g., 
    all vehicles of a mass transit authority or state highway department 
    while in operation, state employees in each local unemployment 
    office, performers in concert halls or radio studios).
        If the workplace identified to HHS changes during the 
    performance of the grant, the grantee shall inform the agency of the 
    change(s), if it previously identified the workplaces in question 
    (see above).
        Definitions of terms in the Nonprocurement Suspension and 
    Debarment common rule and Drug-Free Workplace common rule apply to 
    this certification. Grantees' attention is called, in particular, to 
    the following definitions from these rules:
        ``Controlled substance'' means a controlled substance in 
    Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 
    812) and as further defined by regulation (21 CFR 1308.11 through 
        ``Conviction'' means a finding of guilt (including a plea of 
    nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial 
    body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the 
    federal or state criminal drug statutes.
        ``Criminal drug statute'' means a federal or non-federal 
    criminal statute involving the manufacture, distribution, 
    dispensing, use, or possession of any controlled substance.
        ``Employee'' means the employee of a grantee directly engaged in 
    the performance of work under a grant, including (i) all ``in direct 
    charge'' employees; (ii) all ``direct charge'' employees unless 
    their impact or involvement is insignificant to the performance of 
    the grant; and, (iii) temporary personnel and consultants who are 
    directly engaged in the performance of work under the grant and who 
    are on the grantee's payroll. This definition does not include 
    workers not on the payroll of the grantee (e.g., volunteers, even if 
    used to meet a matching requirement; consultants or independent 
    contractors not on the grantee's payroll or employees of 
    subrecipients or subcontractors in covered workplaces).
        The grantee certifies that it will or will continue to provide a 
    drug-free workplace by:
        (a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful 
    manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a 
    controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and 
    specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for 
    violation of such prohibition;
        (b) Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to 
    inform employees about:
        (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The 
    grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (3) Any 
    available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance 
    programs, and, (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees 
    for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace;
        (c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in 
    the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement 
    required by paragraph (a);
        (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by 
    paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, 
    the employee will:
        (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and, (2) Notify the 
    employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a 
    criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five 
    calendar days after such conviction;
        (e) Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days 
    after receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2) from an employee or 
    otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of 
    convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, 
    of every grant officer or other designee on whose grant activity the 
    convicted employee was working unless the federal agency has 
    designated a central point for the receipt of such notices. Notice 
    shall include the identification number(s) of each affected grant;
        (f) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days 
    of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any 
    employee who is so convicted:
        (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an 
    employee, up to and
    [[Page 58396]]
    including termination, consistent with the requirements of the 
    Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or, (2) Requiring such 
    employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or 
    rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, 
    state, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate 
        (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-
    free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), 
    (d), (e) and (f). The grantee may insert in the space provided below 
    the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the 
    specific grant (use attachments, if needed):
    Place of Performance (Street Address, City, County, State, Zip Code)
        Check ____ if there are workplaces on file that are not 
    identified here. Sections 76.630(c) and (d)(2) and 76.635(a)(1) and 
    (b) provide that a Federal agency may designate a central receipt 
    point for state-wide and state agency-wide certifications, and for 
    notification of criminal drug convictions. For the Department of 
    Health and Human Services, the central receipt point is: Grants 
    Management Division; 330 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 4256-Cohen; 
    Washington, D.C. 20201
    DGMO Form #2 Revised May 1990
    Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility 
    Matters--Primary Covered Transactions
        By signing and submitting this proposal, the applicant, defined 
    as the primary participant in accordance with 45 CFR Part 76, 
    certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that its 
    principals involved:
        (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for 
    debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered 
    transactions by any federal department or agency;
        (b) Have not within a 3-year period preceding this proposal been 
    convicted of or had a civil judgement rendered against the principal 
    for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with 
    obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, 
    state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; 
    violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of 
    embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction 
    of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
        (c) Are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or 
    civilly charged by a government entity (federal, state or local) 
    with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 
    (1)(b) of this certification; and
        (d) Have not within a 3-year period preceding this application/
    proposal had one or more public transactions (federal, state, or 
    local) terminated for cause or default.
        The inability of a person to provide the certification required 
    above will not necessarily result in denial of participation for 
    this covered transaction. If necessary, the prospective participant 
    shall submit an explanation of why it cannot provide the 
    certification. The certification or explanation will be considered 
    in connection with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 
    determination whether to enter into this transaction. However, 
    failure of the prospective primary participant to furnish a 
    certification or an explanation shall disqualify such person from 
    participation in this transaction.
        The prospective primary participant agrees that by submitting 
    this proposal, it will include the clause entitled ``Certification 
    Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary 
    Exclusion--Lower Tier Covered Transactions'', provided below, 
    without modification in all lower tier covered transactions and in 
    all solicitations for lower tier covered actions.
    Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and 
    Voluntary Exclusions--Lower Tier Covered Transactions (To be supplied 
    to Lower Tier Participants)
        By signing and submitting this lower tier proposal, the 
    prospective lower tier participant, as defined in 45 CFR Part 76, 
    certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its 
        (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for 
    debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from 
    participation in this transaction by any federal department or 
        (b) Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to 
    certify to any of the above, such prospective participant shall 
    attach an explanation of this proposal.
        The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by 
    submitting this proposal that it will include this clause entitled 
    ``Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and 
    Voluntary Exclusions--Lower Tier Covered Transactions'' without 
    modification in all lower tier covered transactions and in all 
    solicitations for lower tier covered transactions.
    Certification Regarding Lobbying
    Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans, And Cooperative 
        The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge 
    and belief, that:
        (1) No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be 
    paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for 
    influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any 
    agency, a member of congress, an officer or employee of congress, or 
    an employee of a member of congress in connection with the awarding 
    of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making 
    of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, 
    and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification 
    of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
        (2) If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been 
    paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to 
    influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of 
    congress, an officer of employee of congress, or an employee of a 
    member of congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, 
    loan or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and 
    submit Standard Form-LLL, ``Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,'' in 
    accordance with its instructions.
        (3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this 
    certification be included in the award documents for all subawards 
    at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under 
    grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all 
    subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
        This certification is a material representation of fact upon 
    which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered 
    into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making 
    or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, 
    U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification 
    shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less that $10,000 and not 
    more than $100,000 for each such failure.
    Authorized Signature      Title      Date
        Note: If Disclosure Forms are required, please contact: Margaret 
    A. Tolson, Director; Grants Management Division, 330 Independence 
    Avenue, SW, Room 4256-Cohen; Washington, DC 20201-0001.
    [FR Doc. 98-29088 Filed 10-29-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4130-01-M

Document Information

Health and Human Services Department
Entry Type:
Announcement of availability of funds and opportunity to apply under the Older Americans Act, Title VI, Grants for Native Americans, Part A-Indian Program.
Document Number:
Applications must be received or postmarked on or before January 28, 1999.
58392-58396 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Program Announcement 13655.911
PDF File: