95-26952. Clean Air Act Approval and Promulgation of New Source Review Implementation Plan for Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 210 (Tuesday, October 31, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 55355-55358]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-26952]
    40 CFR Part 52
    [CA 79-3-7211; AD-FRL-5322-1]
    Clean Air Act Approval and Promulgation of New Source Review 
    Implementation Plan for Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The EPA proposes to approve with a contingency, and disapprove 
    in the alternative, Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District 
    (MDAQMD) rules 1301, 1302, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1310, 1311, 
    and 1312 (submitted rules) as a revision to the California State 
    Implementation Plan (SIP). The State of California has submitted these 
    rules for the purpose of meeting the new source review (NSR) 
    requirements of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1990 (CAA or the Act) 
    for areas that have not attained the national ambient air quality 
    standards (NAAQS). The submitted rules contain a number of deficiencies 
    that prevent EPA from approving them as revisions to the SIP. However, 
    MDAQMD has agreed to correct these deficiencies, and has sent draft 
    rules (Initial Draft 3, 10/11/95--hereafter: ``proposed revisions'') to 
    EPA which contain acceptable language. This proposed approval is 
    therefore contingent upon MDAQMD adopting and submitting to EPA revised 
    rules which correct the deficiencies identified in this document before 
    EPA promulgates a final rulemaking on the submitted rules. Should 
    MDAQMD fail to adopt and submit its proposed revisions, then this 
    document will serve as a proposed disapproval of the submitted rules. 
    If the District adopts and submits rules which differ substantially 
    from those contained in its proposed revisions, then EPA will publish 
    an additional notice of proposed rulemaking for public review and 
    DATES: Comments on this proposed action must be received in writing by 
    November 30, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: To submit comments or receive additional information, please 
    contact: Steve Ringer, Environmental Engineer, Air & Toxics Division 
    (A-5-1), EPA Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105. 
    Copies of MDAQMD's submittal and other information are available for 
    inspection during normal business hours at the following locations: (1) 
    EPA Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA; (2) Mojave Desert 
    AQMD, 15428 Civic Drive, Suite 200, Victorville, CA 92932; (3) Air 
    Resources Board, 2020 ``L'' Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Ringer at (415) 744-1260.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The air quality planning requirements for 
    nonattainment NSR are set out in Part D of Title I of the Act. EPA has 
    issued a ``General Preamble'' describing EPA's preliminary views on how 
    EPA intends to review SIPs and SIP revisions submitted under part D, 
    including those State submittals containing nonattainment NSR SIP 
    requirements (see 57 FR 13498 (April 16, 1992) and 57 FR 18070 (April 
    28, 1992)). Because EPA is describing its interpretations here only in 
    broad terms, the reader should refer to the General Preamble for a more 
    detailed discussion. EPA is currently developing proposed regulations 
    to implement the changes under the 1990 Amendments in the NSR 
    provisions in Parts C and D of Title I of the Act. EPA expects to 
    propose these regulations sometime during 1995 or 1996. Upon 
    promulgation of these regulations, EPA will review those NSR SIP 
    submittals on which it has taken final action to determine whether 
    additional SIP revisions are necessary.
    Procedural Background
        The Act requires States to observe certain procedural requirements 
    in developing implementation plans and plan revisions for submission to 
    EPA. Section 110(a)(2) and section 110(l) of the Act provide that each 
    implementation plan or revision to an implementation plan submitted by 
    a State must be adopted after reasonable notice and public hearing. 
    Section 172(c)(7) of the Act provides that plan provisions for 
    nonattainment areas shall 
    [[Page 55356]]
    meet the applicable provisions of Section 110(a)(2).
        The MDAQMD Governing Board held a public hearing on September 22, 
    1993 to entertain public comment on the NSR implementation plan. The 
    plan was adopted by the State and submitted to EPA on March 29, 1994 as 
    a proposed revision to the SIP.
        The SIP revision was not reviewed by EPA within six months to 
    determine completeness, and was therefore deemed complete by default. 
    The submittal has since been reviewed and found to be complete but 
    lacking certain requirements that would make it fully approvable. 
    However, as noted above, MDAQMD has agreed to make the required changes 
    and has submitted draft versions of its rules which address the 
    deficiencies described below. Therefore, contingent on the submittal of 
    a fully approvable SIP in the form of approved rules consistent with 
    the revised rules, EPA proposes to approve the MDAQMD's nonattainment 
    NSR SIP submittal. If the District fails to correct the deficiencies in 
    the submitted rules, then EPA's final action will be a disapproval. If 
    the District adopts and submits rules which differ substantially from 
    those contained in its proposed revisions, then EPA will publish an 
    additional notice of proposed rulemaking for public review and comment.
    Summary of Rule Contents
        MDAQMD submitted to EPA for adoption into the applicable NSR SIP 
    Rules 1301, 1302, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1310, 1311, and 1312. 
    These submitted rules constitute MDAQMD's new source permitting 
    regulations. Rule 1301 outlines the general requirements for 
    preconstruction review of permit applications. Rule 1302 defines terms 
    relating to new sources and modifications to existing sources of air 
    pollution, and their regulation. Rule 1304 allows an exemption from NSR 
    for a change of ownership. Rule 1305 describes the procedures for 
    submittal and review of permit modifications. Rule 1306 outlines 
    calculation methods for emissions increases and decreases, and for 
    offset requirements. Rule 1307 contains a description of which new and 
    modified sources require offsets. Rule 1308 outlines which sources are 
    eligible to create offsets. Rule 1310 describes District requirements 
    for completeness determinations, final action and public notice on a 
    permit submittal. Rule 1311 outlines the requirements for electrical 
    energy generating facilities. Rule 1312 contains an alternative siting 
    analysis requirement for major new sources and modifications. The 
    submitted rules are intended to replace the existing rules 1301 through 
    1313, which were adopted into the San Bernardino SIP by EPA on June 9, 
    1982. MDAQMD has adopted these new regulations in part to meet the 1990 
    CAA Amendments and the November 15, 1992 deadline for submittal. A 
    summary of the changes between the current SIP and the submitted rules 
    is contained in the Technical Support Document (TSD) for this action.
        MDAQMD is currently designated as attainment or unclassifiable for 
    CO, NO2, Pb, and SO2, and moderate nonattainment for 
    PM10. In addition, part of the MDAQMD is designated severe 
    nonattainment for ozone [40 CFR 81.305]. The CAA requirements for 
    nonattainment NSR permitting are found at sections 172 and 173. With 
    certain exceptions, described below, MDAQMD's submittal satisfies these 
    requirements. For a detailed description of how the submitted rules and 
    MDAQMD's proposed revisions meet the CAA requirements, refer to EPA's 
    Rule Deficiencies Requiring Correction
        Below is a list of the deficiencies which must be corrected for EPA 
    to approve MDAQMD's NSR rules into the SIP.
    Rule 1302
    Actual Emissions
        The definition of ``Actual Emissions'' in the submitted rules 
    should require that emissions calculations reflect actual production 
    rates, the actual amount of fuel burned, actual amounts of material 
    processed, and the actual hours of operation over the two years prior 
    to such a determination. Emission factors should be established by 
    source testing or obtained from a reliable source of emission factor 
    data such as EPA's AP-42.
    Major Modification
        The submitted rules do not contain this definition. Although the 
    submitted definition of ``Modification'' contains much of the language 
    from the definition of a major modification in 40 CFR 51.165(a)(1)(v), 
    the District must define a ``Major Modification'' as any modification 
    that results in a significant net emissions increase.
        The definition of ``Modification'' in the submitted rules differs 
    from the published definition in 40 CFR 52.21(2)(i). The CFR defines a 
    modification as a ``physical change in or change in the method of 
    operation.'' The submitted rules, however, define this as ``any 
    equipment or process which undergoes a physical revision.'' The rules 
    should be changed to clarify that the term ``Modification'' refers to 
    the change, rather than to the equipment itself.
    Volatile Organic Compound
        The definition of ``Reactive Organic Compound'' in the submitted 
    rules contains a list of substances exempt from regulation as ROC's 
    which is inconsistent with the exemption list in 40 CFR 51.100(s). This 
    discrepancy should be corrected to avoid granting ROC emission 
    reduction credits, as well as requiring ROC offsets, for non-ozone-
    precursor emissions. The definition in 40 CFR 51.100(s) should be 
    adopted verbatim into this section.
    Additional Definitions:
        In addition to the changes indicated above, it is necessary to add 
    the following terms to this section: Begin Actual Construction, 
    Commence Construction, Construction, Enforceable (or Federally 
    Enforceable), Net Emissions Increase, Secondary Emissions, and 
    Significant. These definitions should follow the language found at 40 
    CFR 51.165.
    Rule 1306
    Calculating Emissions Changes
        This section uses a source's pre-modification potential to emit 
    (PTE), rather than its pre-modification actual emissions, as the 
    baseline for calculating the offset requirement for major modifications 
    in nonattainment areas. This method is not acceptable unless the source 
    has already offset its entire pre-modification PTE. The District must 
    amend the rule to calculate the offset requirement in this case as the 
    source's new PTE minus the source's pre-modification actual emissions.
    Rule 1307
    Determination of Offset Requirements (Non-major Facility)
        Section (B)(2)(a) overlooks the case in which a non-major facility 
    undergoes a modification which is in itself major. In this case, the 
    entire modification must be offset, and not, as the rule states, only 
    the portion of the facility's PTE which exceeds the major source 
    Obtaining Offsets
        The submitted rules contain no provision, pursuant to section 173 
    of the Act, which requires that offsets be federally enforceable prior 
    to the issuance of an authority to construct 
    [[Page 55357]]
    permit, and in effect by the time operation commences. Such provisions 
    must be added.
    Rule 1308
    Mobile Source Emission Reductions
        EPA has not developed mobile source emission reduction crediting 
    guidance. The rules should therefore include a case by case approval by 
    Mobile Source Emission Reductions
        Section (A)(3)(b) allows emissions reduction credits to be 
    generated by the ``substitution and use of high occupancy vehicles for 
    low occupancy vehicles.'' Due to the extreme difficulty in quantifying 
    these types of emissions reductions, and in making them permanently 
    enforceable, EPA cannot approve this as a means of generating offsets. 
    This provision should be removed from the District's rules.
    Emission Reduction Credits From Vehicle Scrappage
        In order for EPA to determine if the offsets to be generated from a 
    vehicle scrappage program will be federally approvable, the details of 
    the program must be submitted with this rule. Section (A)(3)(c), which 
    states that these are a potential source of offsets, should either 
    include these details, or reference another section or rule which 
    contains the details of the program.
    Interpollutant Offsets
        The use of interpollutant trading to satisfy nonattainment offset 
    requirements is generally allowable only under very specific 
    conditions. On April 13, 1995, the Director of EPA Region 9's Air and 
    Toxics Division sent a letter to MDAQMD outlining an acceptable method 
    for the use of interpollutant trading. MDAQMD should either incorporate 
    this method into its NSR rules, or require case-by-case advance 
    approval by EPA.
    Source Eligibility
        Energy conservation projects could be an acceptable source of 
    offsets, but a definition should be included to clarify what is meant 
    by these. Section (A)(4) should also include a statement that these 
    projects are subject to the same standards as other sources of offsets 
    (i.e., the reductions must be real, enforceable, quantifiable, surplus, 
    and permanent).
    Intra-basin and Inter-district Offsets
        Section (D) should include the CAA section 173(c)(1) requirements 
    that sources locating in a nonattainment area may only obtain offsets 
    from other nonattainment areas which (A) have equal or higher 
    nonattainment classification, and (B) contribute to a violation of the 
    NAAQS in the nonattainment area in which the source is located.
    Additional Requirements
        Surplus Requirement: The submitted rules contain insufficient 
    provisions to ensure that all emission reduction credits (ERC's) used 
    to satisfy the nonattainment offset requirements will be surplus. These 
    provisions must be added to MDAQMD's NSR rules.
        Prior Shutdowns: The submitted rules do not prohibit the use of 
    ``prior shutdown'' credits as required in 40 CFR 51.165(a)(1)(xxv). 
    This provision applies either when the District attainment plan has 
    been disapproved, or when this plan is not yet due, but a due date 
    during the creation of this plan is missed. In these cases, sources 
    which seek ERC's due to a shutdown must do so at the time operation of 
    the source ceases. This provision must be added to the District's 
        Class I Area Visibility Protection: The submitted rules lack the 
    Class I Area visibility protection provisions of 40 CFR 51.307(b)(2) 
    for any new major source or major modification, proposing to locate in 
    a non-attainment area, that may have an impact on visibility in any 
    mandatory Class I Federal Area. This requirement must be added to the 
    District's rules.
        Applicability: The submitted rules contain no provisions which 
    require NSR for a source or modification which becomes major due to a 
    relaxation in a federally-enforceable limit. As described in 40 CFR 
    51.165(a)(5)(ii), such sources and modifications are subject to NSR 
    ``as though construction had not yet commenced.'' This requirement must 
    be added to the District's rules.
    Proposed Action
        EPA is proposing to approve with contingencies, and to disapprove 
    in the alternative, the SIP revisions submitted by MDAQMD on March 29, 
    1994. Full approval as a final action on this SIP revision is 
    contingent upon MDAQMD making the required changes to the submitted 
    rules as listed above.
        If the specified changes to the submitted rules are not made before 
    EPA's final action on this SIP revision, then EPA's final action will 
    be a disapproval. If finalized, this disapproval would constitute a 
    disapproval under section 179(a)(2) of the Act (see 57 FR 13566-13567). 
    As provided under section 179(a), MDAQMD would have up to 18 months 
    after a final SIP disapproval to correct the deficiencies that are the 
    subject of the disapproval before EPA is required to impose sanctions. 
    If the MDAQMD does not correct its SIP deficiencies within 18 months, 
    then section 179(a)(4) requires the immediate application of sanctions. 
    According to section 179(b), sanctions can take the form of a loss of 
    highway funds or a two to one emissions offset ratio. Once the 
    Administrator applies one of the section 179(b) sanctions, the State 
    will then have an additional six months to correct any deficiencies. 
    Section 179(a)(4) requires that both highway and offsets sanctions must 
    be applied if any deficiencies are still not corrected after the 
    additional six month period.
        EPA is requesting comments on all aspects of this proposed 
    rulemaking action. Comments received by the date indicated above will 
    be considered in EPA's final action.
    Administrative Review
        Nothing in this action should be construed as permitting, allowing, 
    or establishing a precedent for any future request for a revision to 
    any SIP. Each request for revision to a SIP shall be considered 
    separately in light of specific technical, economic, and environmental 
    factors and in relation to relevant statutory and regulatory 
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 600 et seq., EPA 
    must prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis assessing the impact of 
    any proposed or final rule on small entities. 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604. 
    Alternatively, EPA may certify that the rule will not have a 
    significant impact on a substantial number of small entities. Small 
    entities include small businesses, small not-for-profit enterprises, 
    and government entities with jurisdiction over populations of less than 
        SIP approvals under section 110 and subchapter I, part D of the Act 
    do not create any new requirements, but simply approve requirements 
    that the State is already imposing. Therefore, because the Federal SIP-
    approval does not impose any new requirements, I certify that it does 
    not have a significant impact on any small entities affected. Moreover, 
    due to the nature of the Federal-State relationship under the Act, 
    preparation of a regulatory flexibility analysis would constitute 
    Federal inquiry into the economic reasonableness of State action. The 
    Act forbids EPA to base its actions concerning SIPs on such grounds. 
    Union Electric Co. v. U.S. E.P.A., 427 U.S. 246, 256-66 (S.Ct 1976); 42 
    U.S.C. 7410(a)(2). The Office of Management and Budget has exempted 
    this rule from the requirements of section 6 of Executive Order 12866. 
    [[Page 55358]]
    Unfunded Mandates
        Under Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, EPA 
    must prepare a budgetary impact statement to accompany any proposed or 
    final rule that includes a federal mandate that may result in estimated 
    costs to state, local, or tribal governments in the aggregate; or to 
    the private sector, of $100 million or more. EPA has determined that 
    the approval proposed in this document does not include such a federal 
    mandate, as this proposed federal action would approve pre-existing 
    requirements under state or local law, and would impose no new federal 
    requirements. Accordingly, no additional costs to state, local, or 
    tribal governments, or to the private sector, will result from this 
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Hydrocarbons, 
    Intergovernmental relations, nitrogen dioxide, Particulate matter, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sulfur dioxide, Volatile 
    organic compounds.
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
        Dated: October 17, 1995.
    Felicia Marcus,
    Regional Administrator.
    [FR Doc. 95-26952 Filed 10-31-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments on this proposed action must be received in writing by November 30, 1995.
55355-55358 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CA 79-3-7211, AD-FRL-5322-1
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 52