96-27768. General Administrative Regulations; Ineligibility for Programs Under the Federal Crop Insurance Act  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 212 (Thursday, October 31, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 56151-56155]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-27768]
    Proposed Rules
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
    the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
    notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
    the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 212 / Thursday, October 31, 1996 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 56151]]
    Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
    7 CFR Part 400
    RIN 0563-AB01
    General Administrative Regulations; Ineligibility for Programs 
    Under the Federal Crop Insurance Act
    AGENCY: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of Agriculture.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The regulations contained in this subpart are issued pursuant 
    to the Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) 
    To prescribe the procedures for determining eligibility for program 
    participation in any program administered under the Federal Crop 
    Insurance Act, as amended, and administering and maintaining an 
    ineligible tracking system. In addition, this rule sets out the 
    criteria for reinstatement of program eligibility.
    DATES: Written comments, data, and opinions on this proposed rule will 
    be accepted until close of business December 30, 1996 and will be 
    considered when the rule is to be made final. The comment period for 
    information collections under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
    continues through December 30, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments, data, and opinions on this proposed rule 
    should be sent to the Chief, Product Development Branch, Federal Crop 
    Insurance Corporation (FCIC), United States Department of Agriculture 
    (USDA), 9435 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO 64131, telephone (816) 926-
    7730. Written comments will be available for public inspection and 
    copying in room 0324, South Building, USDA, 14th and Independence 
    Avenue, SW., Washington, DC, 8:15 a.m.-4:45 p.m., Monday through 
    Friday, except holidays.
    For further information, contact Bill Smith, Supervisory Program 
    Analyst, Research and Development Division, Product Development Branch, 
    FCIC, at the Kansas City, MO address listed above, telephone (816) 926-
    7743. For a copy of the Cost-Benefit Analysis to the General 
    Administrative Regulations; Ineligibility for Programs Under the 
    Federal Crop Insurance Act, contact Bonnie Hart, USDA, FSA, Advisory 
    and Corporate Operations Staff, Regulatory Review Group, P.O. Box 2415, 
    STOP 0572, USDA, Washington, DC 20013-2415, 8:15 a.m.-4:45 p.m., est, 
    Monday through Friday, except holidays, telephone (202) 690-2857.
    Executive Order 12866 and Departmental Regulation 1512-1
        This action has been reviewed under USDA procedures established by 
    Executive Order 12866 and Departmental Regulation No. 1512-1. This 
    action constitutes a review as to the need, currency, clarity, and 
    effectiveness of these regulations under those procedures. The sunset 
    review date established for these regulations is February 1, 2001.
        This rule has been determined to be significant for the purposes of 
    Executive Order 12866, and, therefore, has been reviewed by the Office 
    of Management and Budget (OMB).
    Cost-Benefit Analysis
        A Cost-Benefit Analysis has been completed and is available to 
    interested persons at the address listed above. In summary, the 
    analysis finds that the expected benefits of this action outweigh the 
    cost to society. By allowing the efficient tracking of ineligible 
    individuals, the Federal government will be able to collect about $6 
    million annually in debts owed by crop insurance policyholders. The 
    burden on policyholders and crop insurance companies for reporting 
    information to establish the tracking system is estimated to be $5.1 
    million. However, most policyholders have already reported their Social 
    Security Number for tracking purposes and will not need to report 
    again. Thus, the reporting burden in future years should be 
    considerably less. Federal costs for maintaining the tracking system 
    are estimated to be about $660,000 for the first year and somewhat less 
    in future years.
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
        The information collection requirements contained in these 
    regulations have been submitted to OMB for their approval under section 
    3507(j) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This proposed rule will 
    amend the information collection requirements under OMB number 0563-
    0047, through September 30, 1996.
        The title of this information collection is ``General 
    Administrative Regulation; Subpart Q, Collection and Storage of Social 
    Security Numbers (SSN) and Employer Identification Numbers (EIN), and 
    Subpart U, Ineligibility for Programs Under the Federal Crop Insurance 
    Act.'' The information collected is used to correctly identify the 
    participant, and any other person with an interest in the 
    policyholder's operation in excess of 10%, as a policyholder within the 
    systems maintained by FCIC, and to compile the names of debtors, 
    persons in violation of the controlled substance provisions of the Food 
    Security Act of 1985, persons who have committed fraud, 
    misrepresentation, or adopted a scheme or device.
        The information requested is necessary to protect the integrity of 
    the program by ensuring that those producer's who have abused the 
    program are not eligible for further program benefits, or for program 
    participation in any program administered under the Federal Crop 
    Insurance Act, as amended, and administering and maintaining an 
    ineligible tracking system.
        Estimate of Burden: Public reporting burden for this collection of 
    information is estimated to be 25 minutes per response.
        Respondents: Policyholders and those with a substantial beneficial 
    interest in the policyholder or any person having any interest in the 
    policyholder and receiving separate benefits under another USDA program 
    as a direct result of such interest.
        Estimated Number of Respondents: 2,032,800.
        Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 1 per year.
        Estimated Total Burden Hours: 508,200.
        The comment period for information collections under the Paperwork
    [[Page 56152]]
    Reduction Act of 1995 continues on the following: (a) whether the 
    proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper 
    performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the 
    information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the 
    agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of 
    information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of 
    the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of 
    the collection of information on respondents, including through the use 
    of automated collection techniques or other forms of information 
    gathering technology.
        Comments regarding paperwork reduction should be submitted to the 
    Desk Officer of Agriculture, Office of Information and Regulatory 
    Affairs, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Washington, D.C., 20503 
    and to Bonnie Hart, Advisory and Corporate Operations Staff, Regulatory 
    Review Group, Farm Service Agency, P.O. Box 2415, Ag Box 0572, United 
    States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20013-2415. Copies 
    of the information collection may be obtained from Bonnie Hart at the 
    above address, telephone (202) 690-2857.
        The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is required to make a 
    decision concerning the collection(s) of information contained in these 
    proposed regulations between 30 and 60 days after submission to OMB. 
    Therefore, a comment to OMB is best assured of having its full effect 
    if OMB receives it within 30 days of publication. This does not affect 
    the deadline for the public to comment on the proposed regulation.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandate Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Public 
    Law 104-4, establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
    effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
    governments and the private sector. Under section 202 of the UMRA, FCIC 
    generally must prepare a written statement, including a cost-benefit 
    analysis, for proposed and final rules with Federal mandates that may 
    result in expenditures to State, local, or tribal governments, in the 
    aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 million or more in any 1 
    year. When such a statement is needed for a rule, section 205 of the 
    UMRA generally requires FCIC to identify and consider a reasonable 
    number of regulatory alternatives and adopt the least costly, more 
    cost-effective or least burdensome alternative that achieves the 
    objectives of the rule.
        This rule contains no Federal mandate (under the regulatory 
    provisions of Title II of the UMRA) for State, local, and tribal 
    governments or the private sector. Thus, this rule is not subject to 
    the requirements of sections 202 and 205 of the UMRA.
    Executive Order 12612
        It has been determined under section 6(a) of Executive Order 12612, 
    Federalism, that this rule does not have sufficient Federalism 
    implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment. The 
    policies and procedures contained in this rule will not have a 
    substantial direct effect on States or their political subdivisions, or 
    on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various 
    levels of Government.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        This regulation will not have a significant impact on a substantial 
    number of small entities. The amount of work required of insurance 
    companies should not increase because the information used to determine 
    eligibility is already maintained at their office. The amount of work 
    required of insurance companies may actually be reduced because 
    verification with FCIC of a producer's compliance with the controlled 
    substance regulations, currently done manually, will be automated. 
    Therefore, this action is determined to be exempt from the provisions 
    of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605) and no Regulatory 
    Flexibility Analysis was prepared.
    Federal Assistance Program
        This program is listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic 
    Assistance under No. 10.450.
    Executive Order 12372
        This program is not subject to the provisions of Executive Order 
    12372 which require intergovernmental consultation with State and local 
    officials. See the Notice related to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V, 
    published at 48 FR 29115, June 24, 1983.
    Executive Order 12778
        The Office of General Counsel has determined that these regulations 
    meet the applicable standards provided in sections 2(a) and 2(b)(2) of 
    Executive Order 12778. The provisions of this rule will preempt State 
    and local laws to the extent such State and local laws are inconsistent 
    herewith. The administrative appeal provisions published at 7 CFR part 
    11 must be exhausted before action for judicial review may be brought.
    Environmental Evaluation
        This action is not expected to have any significant impact on the 
    quality of the human environment, health, and safety. Therefore, 
    neither an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact 
    Statement is needed.
        It is the intention of FCIC to compile a list of those persons who 
    have been found ineligible for participation in catastrophic risk 
    protection coverage, limited coverage, and additional coverage because 
    of various violations committed under the Federal Crop Insurance Act, 
    as amended, and the Food Security Act of 1985, as amended. Violations 
    which may cause a person's ineligibility include a delinquent debt from 
    non-payment of premium or overstatement of indemnity, a material scheme 
    or device, fraud, conviction of certain controlled substance 
    infractions, or other causes.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 400
        Administrative practice and procedure, Claims, Crop insurance, 
    Fraud, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Crop Insurance 
    Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) the Federal Crop Insurance 
    Corporation proposes to add a new subpart U to 7 CFR part 400, 
    effective for the 1997 (1998 for Texas and Arizona/California Citrus) 
    and succeeding crop years, to read as follows:
    Subpart U--Ineligibility for Programs Under the Federal Crop Insurance 
    400.675  Purpose.
    400.676  OMB control numbers.
    400.677  Definitions.
    400.678  Applicability.
    400.679  Criteria for ineligibility.
    400.680  Determinations of ineligibility.
    400.681  Effect of ineligibility.
    400.682  Criteria for reinstatement of eligibility.
    400.683  Administration and maintenance.
    Subpart U--Ineligibility for Programs Under the Federal Crop 
    Insurance Act
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1506(1) and 1506(p).
    Sec. 400.675  Purpose.
        This subpart prescribes conditions under which a person may be 
    determined to be ineligible to participate in any program administered 
    by FCIC under the Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended. This
    [[Page 56153]]
    subpart also establishes the criteria for reinstatement of eligibility.
    Sec. 400.676  OMB control numbers.
        The collecting of information requirements in this subpart has been 
    approved by the Office of Management and Budget and assigned OMB 
    control number 0563-0047.
    Sec. 400.677  Definitions.
        Act.--The Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1501 et 
        Actively engaged in farming.--Means a person who, in return for a 
    share of profits and losses, makes a significant contribution to the 
    production of an insurable crop in the form of capital, equipment, 
    land, personal labor, or personal management.
        Applicant.--A person who has submitted an application for crop 
    insurance coverage under the Act.
        Authorized person.--Any current or past officer, employee, elected 
    official, general agent, agent, contractor, or loss adjuster of FCIC, 
    the insurance provider, or any other government agency whose duties 
    require access to the Ineligible Tracking System to administer the Act.
        Controlled substance.--Any prohibited drug-producing plants 
    including, but not limited to, cacti of the genus (lophophora), coca 
    bushes (erythroxylum coca), marijuana (cannabis satiua), opium poppies 
    (papauer somniferum), and other drug-producing plants, the planting and 
    harvesting of which is prohibited by Federal or state law.
        Debt.--An amount of money which has been determined by an 
    appropriate agency official to be owed, by any person, to FCIC or an 
    insurance provider under any program administered under the ACT. The 
    debt may have arisen from overpayment, premium non-payment, interest, 
    penalties, or other causes.
        Debtor.--A person who owes a debt and that debt is delinquent.
        Delinquent debt.--Any debt owed to FCIC or the insurance provider, 
    under any program administered under the authority of the Act, that has 
    not been paid by the termination date specified in the applicable 
    contract of insurance, or other due date for payment contained in any 
    other agreement or notification of indebtedness, or any overdue debt 
    owed to FCIC or the insurance provider which is the subject of a 
    scheduled installment payment agreement which the debtor has failed to 
    satisfy under the terms of such agreement. Such debt may include any 
    accrued interest, penalty, and administrative charges for which demand 
    for repayment has been made, or unpaid premium including any accrued 
    interest, penalty and administrative charges (Sec. 400.116). A 
    delinquent debt does not include debts discharged in bankruptcy and 
    other debts which are legally barred from collection.
        EIN.--An Employer Identification Number as required under section 
    6109 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 6109).
        FCIC.--The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, a wholly owned 
    corporation within the United States Department of Agriculture.
        FSA.--The Farm Service Agency or successor agency, USDA.
        Ineligible person.--A person who is denied participation in any 
    program administered by FCIC under the Act.
        Insurance provider.--A private insurance company approved by FCIC, 
    or FSA providing crop insurance coverage to producers participating in 
    any Federal crop insurance program administered under the Act.
        Person.--An individual, partnership, association, corporation, 
    estate, trust, or other legal entity, and wherever applicable, a State, 
    political subdivision, or an agency of a State.
        Policyholder.--An applicant whose properly completed application 
    for insurance under the crop insurance program has been accepted by 
    FCIC or an insurance provider.
        Reinsurance agreement.--An agreement between two parties by which 
    an insurer cedes to a reinsurer certain liabilities arising from the 
    insurer's sale of insurance policies.
        Reinsured company.--A private insurance company having a Standard 
    Reinsurance Agreement, or other reinsurance agreement, with FCIC, whose 
    crop insurance policies are approved and reinsured by FCIC.
        Scheduled installment payment agreement.--An agreement between a 
    person and FCIC or the insurance provider to satisfy financial 
    obligations of the person under conditions which modify the terms of 
    the original debt.
        Settlement.--An agreement between a person and FCIC or the 
    insurance provider to resolve a dispute arising from a debt or other 
    administrative determination.
        SSN.--An individual's Social Security Number as required under 
    section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
        Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA).--The primary reinsurance 
    agreement between the reinsured company and FCIC.
        Substantial beneficial interest.--Any person having an interest of 
    at least ten percent (10%) or more in the applicant or policyholder.
        System of records.--Records established and maintained by FCIC and 
    FSA containing SSN or EIN data, name, address, city and State, 
    applicable policy numbers, and other information related to Federal 
    crop programs as required by FCIC, from which information is retrieved 
    by a personal identifier including the SSN, EIN, name, or other unique 
    identifier of a person.
    Sec. 400.678  Applicability.
        This subpart applies to any program administered by FCIC under the 
    Act, including:
        (a) The Catastrophic Risk Protection Program; and
        (b) The Limited and Additional Coverage Program as authorized under 
    sections 508(c) and 508(h) of the Act.
    Sec. 400.679  Criteria for ineligibility.
        A person may be determined to be ineligible to participate in any 
    program administered by FCIC under the authority of the Act, if the 
    person meets one or more of the following criteria:
        (a) Has a delinquent debt on a crop insurance policy, issued or 
    reinsured by FCIC, or any delinquent debt due FCIC. Any person with a 
    delinquent debt owed to FCIC or to the insurance provider shall be 
    ineligible to participate in any program administered under the 
    authority of the Act. Delinquent debts are limited to those that arise 
    from crop insurance programs administered by FCIC under the Act. The 
    existence and delinquency of the debt must be verifiable.
        (b) Has violated the Controlled Substance (7 CFR part 796) 
    provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985, as amended. Any person who 
    violates the Controlled Substance provisions of the Food Security Act 
    of 1985, as amended, shall be ineligible to participate in all programs 
    administered under the Act.
        (c) Has committed fraud, misrepresentation, or adopted a scheme or 
    device to obtain any benefits under the Act. Any person who is found in 
    a criminal or civil proceeding, or a formal or informal administrative 
    proceeding to have willfully and intentionally provided any false or 
    inaccurate information to FCIC or the insurance provider, which the 
    person knew or should have known was false or inaccurate, or adopted a 
    material scheme or device in their participation in programs 
    administered under the authority of the Act, shall be ineligible to 
    participate in all programs administered under the Act. Ineligibility 
    determinations resulting from judicial or administrative proceedings 
    will not be stayed pending review.
    [[Page 56154]]
    Sec. 400.680  Determinations of ineligibility.
        If an insurance provider or any other authorized person has 
    evidence that any person meets any of the criteria set forth in this 
    subpart, they must submit the evidence to FCIC. After verification that 
    the person has met one or more of the criteria, a Notice of 
    Ineligibility will be issued and mailed to the person at the person's 
    last known address. The Notice of Ineligibility will state the criteria 
    upon which the determination of ineligibility has been based, a brief 
    statement of the facts to support the determination, the time period of 
    ineligibility, and the person's right for review of the ineligibility 
    determination. Any person receiving such a Notice of Ineligibility may 
    seek reconsideration of the determination of ineligibility from the 
    provider of insurance, or appeal to the USDA National Appeals Division 
    (NAD), pursuant to 7 CFR part 11, within thirty (30) days from the date 
    the Notice of Ineligibility is received by the person.
    Sec. 400.681  Effect of ineligibility.
        (a) Once the person has been determined to be ineligible:
        (1) All policies in which the person has a 100 percent share of all 
    crops covered by the policy will be void effective for the crop year 
    for which the person was determined to be ineligible;
        (2) If the ineligible person is a general partnership, all partners 
    will be individually ineligible and any policy in which a partner has a 
    100 percent interest will be void effective for the crop year for which 
    the partnership was determined to be ineligible. The partnership and 
    all partners will be removed from any policy in which they have a 
    substantial beneficial interest, and the policyholder share under the 
    policies will be reduced commensurate with the ineligible person's 
        (3) If the applicant or policyholder is a corporation, partnership, 
    or other business entity, and an ineligible person has a substantial 
    beneficial interest in the applicant or policyholder, the application 
    may be accepted or existing policies remain in effect, although the 
    ineligible person will be removed from the policies and the 
    policyholder share under the policies will be reduced commensurate with 
    the ineligible person's share;
        (4) If the applicant or policyholder is a corporation, partnership, 
    or other business entity that was created to conceal the interest of a 
    person in the farming operation or to evade the ineligibility 
    determination of a person with a substantial beneficial interest in the 
    applicant or policyholder, the corporation, partnership or other 
    business entity will be disregarded, the individual shareholders or 
    partners will be personally responsible, and any shareholder or partner 
    that is ineligible will be removed from the policy and the policyholder 
    share under the policies will be reduced commensurate with the 
    ineligible person's share;
        (5) Any indemnities or payments made on a voided policy or on the 
    portion of the policy reduced because of ineligibility will be declared 
    overpayments and must be repaid; and
        (6) If the policy is voided, all premiums may be refunded or if an 
    ineligible person is removed from a policy, the portion of the premium 
    commensurate with the ineligible person's share may be refunded, unless 
    FCIC determines the person has willfully and intentionally provided 
    false or inaccurate information to FCIC or an insurance provider.
        (b) The spouse and minor children of an individual are considered 
    to be the same as the individual for purposes of this subpart except 
        (1) The spouse who was actively engaged in farming in a separate 
    farming operation prior to their marriage will be a separate person 
    with respect to that separate farming operation so long as that 
    operation remains separate and distinct from any farming operation 
    conducted by the other spouse;
        (2) A minor child who is actively engaged in farming in a separate 
    farming operation will be a separate person with respect to that 
    separate farming operation if:
        (i) The parent or other entity in which the parent has a 
    substantial beneficial interest does not have any interest in the 
    minor's separate farming operation or in any production from such 
        (ii) The minor has established and maintains a separate household 
    from the parent;
        (iii) The minor personally carries out the farming activities with 
    respect to the minor's farming operation; and
        (iv) The minor establishes separate accounting and record keeping 
    for the minor's farming operation.
        (c) An individual shall be considered to be a minor until the age 
    of 18 is reached. Court proceedings conferring majority on an 
    individual under 18 years of age will not change such individual's 
    status as a minor.
        (d) Any person determined to be ineligible will be denied 
    subsequent participation in any program administered under the Act 
    until eligibility is reinstated pursuant to this subpart.
        (e) Any person who has been determined ineligible for:
        (1) Controlled substance violations will be denied benefits for the 
    crop year of the conviction and the four succeeding crop years;
        (2) Adopting a material scheme or devise will be denied benefits 
    for one crop year; and
        (3) Fraud or misrepresentation may be disqualified from receiving 
    benefits under the Catastrophic Risk protection plan for up to two crop 
    years and for any plan of insurance providing coverage greater than the 
    catastrophic coverage, may be disqualified from receiving benefits for 
    up to ten crop years.
    Sec. 400.682  Criteria for reinstatement of eligibility.
        A person who has been determined ineligible may have eligibility 
    reinstated as follows:
        (a) A delinquent debt owed on a crop insurance policy insured or 
    reinsured by FCIC or any delinquent debt due FCIC. Eligibility may be 
    reinstated after payment of the debt, or acceptance by FCIC or the 
    insurance provider of a scheduled installment payment agreement. 
    Eligibility will be reinstated as of the date the debt is paid or the 
    date the agreement is accepted.
        (b) Violations of the Controlled Substance provisions of the Food 
    Security Act of 1985, as amended. Eligibility will be reinstated in 
    accordance with Sec. 400.681.
        (c) Commission of a fraud, misrepresentation, and adoption of a 
    material scheme or device to obtain benefits under any program 
    administered under the Act. Eligibility may be restored when the period 
    of disqualification has expired and payment of all penalties and 
    overpayments have been completed.
        (d) Timing of reinstatement of eligibility. If the date of 
    reinstatement of eligibility occurs after the applicable sales closing 
    date for the crop year, the person may not participate in any program 
    administered under the Act until the following crop year.
        (e) After eligibility has been reinstated, the person must complete 
    a new application for crop insurance coverage on or before the 
    applicable sales closing date.
    Sec. 400.683  Administration and maintenance.
        (a) Ineligible producer data will be maintained in a system of 
    records in accordance with the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a.
        (1) The Ineligible Tracking System is a record of all persons who 
    have been determined to be ineligible for participation in any program 
    [[Page 56155]]
    to this subpart. This system contains identifying information of the 
    ineligible person including, but not limited to, name, address, 
    telephone number, SSN or EIN, reason for ineligibility, and time period 
    for ineligibility.
        (2) Information in the Ineligible Tracking System may be used by 
    Federal agencies, FCIC employees, contractors, and private companies 
    and their personnel who require such information in the performance of 
    their duties in connection with any program administered under the Act. 
    The information may be furnished to other users including, but not 
    limited to, FCIC contracted agencies; credit reporting agencies and 
    collection agencies; in response to judicial orders in the course of 
    litigation; and other users as may be appropriate or required by law or 
    regulation. The individual information will be made available in the 
    form of various reports and notices produced from the Ineligible 
    Tracking System, based on valid requests.
        (3) Supporting documentation regarding the determination of 
    ineligibility and reinstatement of eligibility will be maintained by 
    FCIC and FSA, or its contractors, private companies, and Federal and 
    State agencies. This documentation will be maintained consistent with 
    the electronic information contained within the Ineligible Tracking 
        (b) Information may be entered into the Ineligible Tracking System 
    by FCIC or FSA personnel.
        (c) All persons applying for or renewing crop insurance contracts 
    issued or reinsured by FCIC will be subject to validation of their 
    eligibility status against the Ineligible Tracking System. Applications 
    or benefits approved and accepted are considered approved or accepted 
    subject to review of eligibility status in accordance with this 
        Signed in Washington, D.C., October 22, 1996.
    Kenneth D. Ackerman,
    Manager, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
    [FR Doc. 96-27768 Filed 10-30-96; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments, data, and opinions on this proposed rule will be accepted until close of business December 30, 1996 and will be considered when the rule is to be made final. The comment period for information collections under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 continues through December 30, 1996.
56151-56155 (5 pages)
0563-AB01: General Administrative Regulations; Subpart U; Ineligible File - Crop Insurance Ineligibility
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