97-28921. Recombinant DNA Research: Actions Under the Guidelines  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 211 (Friday, October 31, 1997)]
    [Pages 59032-59046]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-28921]
    [[Page 59031]]
    Part II
    Department of Health and Human Services
    National Institutes of Health
    Recombinant DNA Research: Actions Under the Guidelines; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 211 / Friday, October 31, 1997 / 
    [[Page 59032]]
    National Institutes of Health
    Recombinant DNA Research: Actions Under the Guidelines
    AGENCY: Notice of Actions Under the NIH Guidelines for Research 
    Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (NIH Guidelines) (59 FR 34496, 
    amended 59 FR 40170, 60 FR 20726, 61 FR 1482, 61 FR 10004, 62 FR 4782).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Additional information can be obtained 
    from Debra Knorr, Acting Director, Office of Recombinant DNA Activities 
    (ORDA), Office of Science Policy, National Institutes of Health, MSC 
    7010, 6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-
    7010, Phone 301-496-9838, FAX 301-496-9839. ORDA's web site is located 
    at http://www.nih.gov/od/orda for further information about the office.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Today's actions are being promulgated under 
    the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules. 
    These Proposed Actions were published for comment in the Federal 
    Register of July 8, 1996 (61 FR 7108), and August 20, 1997 (62 FR 
    44387). The Proposed Actions were reviewed and recommended for approval 
    by the NIH Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) at its meetings on 
    December 9, 1996, March 6-7, 1997, and September 12, 1997.
    I. Background Information and Decisions on Actions Under the NIH 
    I-A. Amendment to the Overall Procedures for Human Gene Transfer 
    I-A-1. Notice of Intent--July 1996
        On July 8, 1996, the NIH Director published a Notice of Intent to 
    Propose Amendments to the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving 
    Recombinant DNA Molecules Regarding Enhanced Oversight of Recombinant 
    DNA Activities (61 FR 35774). This Notice of Intent proposed 
    modifications in the NIH oversight of human gene transfer research. 
    Specifically, it was proposed that RAC would be terminated and that all 
    approval responsibilities for recombinant DNA experiments involving 
    human gene transfer would be relinquished to the Food and Drug 
    Administration (FDA), which retains statutory authority for such 
    approval. Under this revised structure, a newly created ORDA Advisory 
    Committee (OAC) would preserve continued public accountability for 
    recombinant DNA research. To ensure quality and efficiency of public 
    discussion of the scientific merit and the ethical issues relevant to 
    gene therapy clinical trials, it was proposed that the NIH Director 
    implement a regular series of Gene Therapy Policy Conferences (GTPCs). 
    Finally, the proposal assured the continuation of the publicly 
    available comprehensive NIH database of clinical trials with human gene 
    transfer, including reporting of adverse events.
        In response to the Notice of Intent, NIH received 71 written 
    comments (90 signatures) reflecting a broad spectrum of public opinion 
    on the proposed changes. Comments were received from a variety of 
    stakeholders, including individuals representing academia, industry, 
    patient advocacy organizations, consumer advocacy organizations, 
    professional scientific societies, ethicists, other Federal agencies, 
    NIH-funded investigators, past and present RAC members, and private 
    citizens. Careful consideration was given to each of the written 
    comments that was submitted.
    I-B. Proposed Actions--November 1996
        On November 22, 1996, the NIH Director published the Notice of 
    Proposed Actions Under the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving 
    Recombinant DNA Molecules (61 FR 59725). These Proposed Actions were 
    prepared in response to public opinion and in keeping with the NIH 
    Director's intent to increase the usefulness and productivity of public 
    discussion of human gene transfer research.
        In the Proposed Actions, the NIH Director proposed to: (1) Retain 
    RAC, while modifying its roles and responsibilities relevant to human 
    gene therapy research, (2) continue RAC discussion of novel human gene 
    transfer experiments, without RAC approval of individual human gene 
    transfer experiments; (3) regularly convene GTPCs; and (4) maintain 
    public access to human gene transfer clinical trial information. The 
    following summarizes the roles and responsibilities of the NIH 
    Director, RAC, ORDA, and local institutions under the Notice of 
    Proposed Actions.
    I-B-1. Proposed Roles and Responsibilities in Accordance With the NIH 
    I-B-1-a. NIH Director
        The roles and responsibilities of the NIH Director in accordance 
    with the NIH Guidelines remain unchanged except for the following: (1) 
    Approval of human gene transfer experiments by the NIH Director will be 
    relinquished to FDA which already holds statutory authority for such 
    approval under 21 CFR, Chapter I, Subchapter D. (2) GTPCs will be 
    established and regularly convened by the NIH Director.
    I-B-1-b. Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC)
        The roles and responsibilities of RAC related to human gene 
    transfer research remain the same except for the following: (1) RAC 
    will identify novel human gene transfer experiments deserving of public 
    discussion by the full RAC and will transmit its comments/
    recommendations on specific human gene transfer experiments or 
    categories of human gene transfer experiments to the NIH Director, the 
    principal Investigator, the sponsoring institution, and other 
    Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) components, as 
    appropriate. (2) Novel scientific, safety, social, and ethical issues 
    relevant to specific human applications of gene transfer will be 
    identified by RAC, which will recommend to the NIH Director appropriate 
    modifications to the Points to Consider in the Design and Submission of 
    Protocols for the Transfer of Recombinant DNA Molecules into One or 
    More Human Subjects (Points to Consider) that will provide guidance in 
    the design and submission of human gene transfer clinical trials. (3) 
    RAC will publicly review human gene transfer clinical trial data 
    submitted to NIH/ORDA in accordance with the annual data reporting 
    requirements contained in Appendix M-VII-B of the NIH Guidelines. (4) 
    Broad scientific,safety, social, and ethical issues relevant to human 
    gene transfer research will be identified by RAC and submitted to the 
    NIH Director as recommendations for consideration as potential GTPC 
    I-B-1-c. Gene Therapy Policy Conferences (GTPCs)
        In order to enhance the depth and value of public discussion 
    relevant to scientific, safety, social, and ethical implications of 
    gene therapy research, the NIH Director will convene GTPCs at regular 
    intervals. As appropriate, the NIH Director may convene a GTPC in 
    conjunction with a regularly scheduled RAC meeting. GTPCs will be 
    administered by NIH/ORDA. Conference participation will not involve a 
    standing committee membership but rather will offer the unique 
    advantage of assembling numerous participants who possess significant 
    scientific, safety, social, and ethical expertise and/or interest that 
    is directly applicable to a specific gene therapy research issue. At
    [[Page 59033]]
    least one member of RAC will serve as Co-chair of each GTPC and report 
    the findings of each GTPC to RAC at its next scheduled meeting. The RAC 
    representative for each GTPC will be chosen based on the participant's 
    area of expertise relative to the specific gene therapy research issue 
    to be discussed. GTPCs will have representation from other Federal 
    agencies, including FDA and the Office for Protection from Research 
    Risks (OPRR). GTPCs will focus on broad overarching policy and 
    scientific issues related to gene therapy research. Proposals for GTPC 
    topics may be submitted by members of RAC, representatives of academia, 
    industry, patient and consumer advocacy organizations, other Federal 
    agencies, professional scientific societies, and the general public. 
    GTPC topics will not be limited to discussion of human applications of 
    gene therapy research, i.e., they may include basic research on the use 
    of novel gene delivery vehicles or novel applications of human gene 
    transfer. GTPC findings will be transmitted to the NIH Director and 
    will be made publicly available. The NIH Director anticipates that this 
    public policy forum will serve as a model for interagency communication 
    and collaboration, concentrated expert discussion of novel scientific 
    issues and their potential societal implications, and enhanced 
    opportunity for public discussion of the potential impact of such 
    applications on human health and the environment.
    I-B-1-d. The Office of Recombinant DNA Activities (ORDA)
        ORDA is an organizational unit of the NIH Office of Science Policy 
    within the Office of the Director. The roles and responsibilities of 
    NIH/ORDA remain unchanged except for the following: (1) Serving as the 
    focal point for public access to summary information pertaining to 
    human gene transfer experiments. (2) Transmitting to the NIH Director 
    comments/recommendations arising from public RAC discussion of a novel 
    human gene transfer experiment. RAC recommendations shall be forwarded 
    to the Principal Investigator(s), the sponsoring institution, and other 
    DHHS components, as appropriate. (3) Collaborating with Principal 
    Investigators, IBCs, Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), and other DHHS 
    components, to ensure human gene transfer experiment registration 
    compliance. (4) Administering GTPCs as deemed appropriate by the NIH 
    Director. (5) Publishing announcements of GTPCs and tentative agendas 
    in the Federal Register at least 15 days in advance.
    I-B-1-e. Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs)
        The roles and responsibilities of IBCs related to human gene 
    transfer experiments remain unchanged, except when the institution 
    participates in or sponsors recombinant DNA research involving human 
    subjects, the institution must ensure that: (a) The IBC has adequate 
    expertise and training (using ad hoc consultants as deemed necessary), 
    and (b) all aspects of Appendix M, Points to Consider, have been 
    appropriately addressed by the Principal Investigator prior to 
    submission to NIH/ORDA.
    I-C. Proposed Actions--December 1996 RAC Meeting
        On November 22, 1996, the NIH Director published a Notice of 
    Proposed Actions Under the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving 
    Recombinant DNA Molecules (61 FR 59725). The Notice of Proposed Actions 
    was prepared in response to public opinion and in keeping with the NIH 
    Director's intent to increase the usefulness and productivity of public 
    discussion of human gene transfer research. As a result of its December 
    9, 1996, deliberations of the Proposed Actions under the NIH 
    Guidelines, RAC proposed the following modifications to the November 
    22, 1996, Notice of Intent:
    I-C-1. Triggering Mechanism for RAC Discussion
        A motion was made that: (1) The capacity for Principal 
    Investigators and institutional representatives to request RAC 
    discussion of an individual human gene transfer protocol should be 
    deleted. (2) The NIH Director or an appropriate FDA representative may 
    request RAC review of an individual protocol. (3) Rather than a 
    majority vote, RAC recommendations for full review of an individual 
    protocol should be changed to a minimum of three members. (4) The 
    decision regarding necessity for RAC discussion should be made within 
    15 working days. The motion passed by a vote of 16 in favor, 0 opposed, 
    and no abstentions.
    I-C-2. Reporting Requirements
        A motion was made to request that FDA report back to the RAC on how 
    RAC recommendations on an individual protocol were implemented. RAC 
    should require investigator to provide additional information if FDA is 
    unable to provide the necessary information. The motion failed by a 
    vote of 3 in favor, 7 opposed, and 4 abstentions.
        Another motion was made to require investigators to submit a 
    written report to the RAC that includes the following information: (1) 
    How the investigator(s) responded to RAC's recommendations on the 
    protocol (if applicable), and (2) any modifications to the protocol as 
    required by FDA. The motion passed by a vote of 12 in favor, 1 opposed, 
    and 1 abstention.
    I-C-3. Relationship of RAC and GTPCs
        A motion was made that the RAC, with the NIH Director's approval, 
    should have the primary responsibility for: (1) planning GTPC agendas, 
    and (2) summarizing GTPC recommendations in the form of a report back 
    to the NIH Director. The close GTP/RAC relationship should not preclude 
    other parties from suggesting GTPC topics and GTPCs should be convened 
    in consultation with FDA and OPRR. The motion passed by a vote of 13 in 
    favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstentions.
    I-C-4. Proposed Actions--Structural Changes
        A motion was made to accept the overall structural changes put 
    forward in the Proposed Actions as published in the November 22, 1996, 
    Federal Register (61 FR 59725). However, RAC recommended that 
    promulgation of the final actions should be postponed to the March 6-7, 
    1997, RAC meeting, in order to more fully address these unresolved 
    issues. The structural changes endorsed by RAC were as follows: (1) 
    Retain RAC, while modifying its roles and responsibilities relevant to 
    human gene therapy research, (2) continue RAC discussion of novel human 
    gene transfer experiments without RAC approval of individual human gene 
    transfer experiments; (3) regularly convene GTPCs; and (4) maintain 
    public access to human gene transfer clinical trial information. RAC 
    members noted that several minor modification still remained 
    unresolved, particularly with regard to the format for future 
    discussion of gene therapy protocols and defining the role of RAC 
    relative to GTPCs. The motion passed by a vote of 12 in favor, 0 
    opposed, and 2 abstentions.
    I-D. Proposed Action--March 1997
        On February 14, 1997, the NIH Director published a revised Notice 
    of Proposed Actions Under the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving 
    Recombinant DNA Molecules (62 FR 7108). The Notice of Proposed Actions 
    was in response to public opinion and in keeping with the NIH 
    Director's intent to increase the usefulness and productivity of public 
    discussing of
    [[Page 59034]]
    human gene transfer research. During its March 6-7, 1997, meeting, RAC 
    recommended the following changes to the February 14, 1997, Proposed 
    Actions under the NIH Guidelines.
    I-D-1. Relationship of RAC and GTPCs
        A motion was made to include the following modifications will 
    regard to the role of RAC relative to GTPCs: (1) One member of RAC will 
    co-chair each GTPC. (2) GTPCs will be held in conjunction with RAC 
    meetings when appropriate (preferably on the first day). (3) All RAC 
    members will be invited to attend GTPCs. The motion passed by a vote of 
    8 in favor, 0 opposed, and no abstentions.
    I-D-2. IBC Approval Requirements
        A motion was made to modify IBC approval requirements for human 
    gene transfer protocols under Section III-C-a of the NIH Guidelines. 
    Specifically, RAC proposed that IBC approval must be obtained from each 
    institution at which recombinant DNS material will be administered to 
    human subjects (as opposed to each institution involved in the 
    production of vectors for human application and each institution at 
    which there is ex vivo transduction of recombinant DNA material into 
    target cells for human application). The motion passed by a vote of 6 
    in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstentions.
    I-D-3. NIH Human Gene Therapy Database
        A motion was made to identify the objectives of the human gene 
    transfer database. As a result of RAC's deliberation on this issue, the 
    following five objectives were identified: (1) Maintain and 
    institutional memory, (2) provide administrative details of protocol 
    registration, (3) provide annual status reports of protocols, (4) 
    facilitate risk assessment of individual applications of human gene 
    transfer, and (5) enhance public awareness of relevant scientific, 
    safety, social, and ethical issues. The motion passed by a vote of 7 in 
    favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstention.
    I-E. Requirement for Submission of Appendix M to FDA
        In a letter dated November 20, 1996, Dr. Andra Miller, Cytokine and 
    Gene Therapy Branch, Center of Biologics Evaluation and Research, FDA, 
    requested that the NIH Guidelines should be amended regarding 
    procedures for simultaneous submission of Appendix M material to RAC 
    and FDA. In her November 20, 1996, letter, Dr. Miller states:
    ``(1) Remove the requirement for submission of Appendix M to FDA. 
    FDA does not accept Appendix M in place of an IND submission. FDA is 
    not proposed to be and need not be included in the decisionmaking 
    process to identify protocols to undergo full RAC review. Therefore, 
    there is no reason for sponsors to submit Appendix M materials to 
        ``(2) Explore the feasibility of a unified format for submission 
    of protocols to RAC and FDA. This would relieve the sponsor of the 
    burden of preparing duplicative submission to satisfy each agency.
        ``(3) Establish a mechanism for FDA staff to bring general 
    issues of novelty and concern to RAC for discussion. This will 
    provide a mechanism for public input toward the resolution of issues 
    we all must consider and provide direction for policy development 
    and growth in the field of gene therapy.''
        On January 27, 1997, NIH and FDA staff met to consider amendments 
    to the NIH Guidelines that incorporate the recommendations of both NIH 
    and FDA with regard to simultaneous submission of human gene transfer 
        During its December 9, 1996, and March 6-7, 1997, meetings, RAC 
    discussed the proposed changes to the NIH Guidelines submitted by Dr. 
    Miller. The consensus of RAC was that the requirement for submission of 
    responses to Appendix M to FDA should be removed since FDA does not 
    accept responses to Appendix M in place of an Investigational New Drug 
    (IND) application. However, RAC stated that all human gene transfer 
    protocols should include discussion of issues raised in Appendix M-II 
    through M-V of the NIH Guidelines in the clinical protocols. The 
    proposed action was published in the Federal Register of August 20, 
    1997, for public comment. No comment was received from the public with 
    regard to the proposed action.
        During the September 12, 1997, RAC meeting, RAC approved the 
    amendments to the NIH Guidelines to eliminate the requirement for 
    submission of responses to Appendix M of the NIH Guidelines to FDA. The 
    motion passed by a vote of 12 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions.
    I-F. Environmental Assessment--October 1997
        As a prerequisite to amending the NIH Guidelines for the purpose of 
    relinquishing the requirement for NIH Director approval of individual 
    human gene transfer experiments, NIH prepared an Environmental 
    Assessment for the Proposed Actions in accordance with requirements of 
    the National Environmental Protection Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. This 
    Environmental Assessment that was completed in October 1997 included a 
    finding of no significant impact on the environment. Copies of the 
    Environmental Assessment are available from the Office of Recombinant 
    DNA Activities, National Institutes of Health, MSC 7010, 6000 Executive 
    Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland, 20892-7010, (301) 496-9838.
        These actions under the NIH Guidelines are detailed in Section II--
    Summary of Actions. I accept these recommendations, and the NIH 
    Guidelines will be amended accordingly.
    II. Summary of Actions
        NIH will take the following action under the NIH Guidelines for 
    Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules:
        Note: Editorial changes and updating of references have been 
    incorporated to clarify the document.
    II-A. Amendments to Section I, Scope of the NIH Guidelines
        Section I is amended to read:
    ``Section I-A. Purpose''
        [This section remains unchanged.]
        ``Section I-A-1. Any recombinant DNA experiment, which according to 
    the NIH Guidelines requires approval by NIH, must be submitted to NIH 
    or to another Federal agency that has jurisdiction for review and 
    approval. Once approvals, or other applicable clearances, have been 
    obtained from a Federal agency other than NIH (whether the experiment 
    is referred to that agency by NIH or sent directly there by the 
    submitter), the experiment may proceed without the necessity for NIH 
    review or approval. (See exception in Section I-A-1-a regarding 
    requirement for human gene transfer protocol registration.)
        ``Section I-A-1-a. Experiments involving the deliberate transfer of 
    recombinant DNA or DNA or RNA derived from recombinant DNA into human 
    subjects (human gene transfer) cannot be initiated without simultaneous 
    submission to both NIH/ORDA and FDA of such information on the proposed 
    experiment as is prescribed by those agencies. Submission of human gene 
    transfer protocols to NIH shall be in the format described in Appendix 
    M-I, Submission Requirements--Human Gene Transfer Experiments, of the 
    NIH Guidelines. Submission to NIH shall be for registration purposes 
    and will ensure continued public access to relevant human gene transfer 
    information conducted in compliance with the NIH
    [[Page 59035]]
    Guidelines. Investigational New Drug (IND) applications shall be 
    submitted to FDA in the format described in 21 CFR, chapter I, 
    subchapter D, part 312, subpart B, section 23, IND Content and Format.
        ``If a determination is made that an experiment will undergo full 
    RAC discussion, NIH/ORDA will immediately notify the Principal 
    Investigator. RAC members may forward requests for additional 
    information relevant to a specific protocol through NIH/ORDA to the 
    Principal Investigator. In making a determination whether an experiment 
    is novel and deserving of full RAC discussion, reviewers will examine 
    the scientific rational, scientific content (relative to other 
    proposals reviewed by RAC), whether the preliminary in vitro and in 
    vivo safety data were obtained in appropriate models and are 
    sufficient, and whether questions related to relevant social and 
    ethical issues have been resolved. RAC's recommendation(s) on a 
    specific human gene transfer experiment will be forwarded to the NIH 
    Director, the Principal Investigator, the sponsoring institution, and 
    other DHHS components, as appropriate.
    ``Section I-B. Definition of Recombinant DNA Molecules''
        [This section remains unchanged.]
    ``Section I-C. General Applicability
        ``Section I-C-1. The NIH Guidelines are applicable to:
        Section I-C-1-a. All recombinant DNA research within the United 
    States (U.S.) or its territories that is within the category of 
    research described in either Section I-C-1-a-(1) or Section I-C-1-a-
        ``Section I-C-1-a-(1). Research that is conducted at or sponsored 
    by an institution that receives any support for recombinant DNA 
    research from NIH, including research performed directly by NIH. An 
    individual who receives support for research involving recombinant DNA 
    must be associated with or sponsored by an institution that assumes the 
    responsibilities assigned in the NIH Guidelines.
        ``Section I-C-1-a-(2). Research that involves testing in humans of 
    materials containing recombinant DNA developed with NIH funds, if the 
    institution that developed those materials sponsors or participates in 
    those projects. Participation includes research collaboration or 
    contractual agreements, not mere provision of research materials.
        ``Section I-C-1-b. All recombinant DNA research performed abroad 
    that is within the category of research described in either Section I-
    C-1-b-(1) or Section I-C-1-b-(2).
        ``Section I-C-1-b-(1). Research supported by NIH funds.
        ``Section I-C-1-b-(2). Research that involves testing in humans of 
    materials containing recombinant DNA developed with NIH funds, if the 
    institution that developed those materials sponsors or participates in 
    those projects. Participation includes research collaboration or 
    contractual agreements, not mere provisions of research materials.
        ``Section I-C-1-b-(3). If the host country has established rules 
    for the conduct of recombinant DNA research, then the research must be 
    in compliance with those rules. If the host country does not have such 
    rules, the proposed research must be reviewed and approved by an NIH-
    approved Institutional Biosafety Committee or equivalent review body 
    and accepted in writing by an appropriate national governmental 
    authority of the host country. The safety practices that are employed 
    abroad must be reasonably consistent with the NIH Guidelines.
    ``Section I-D. Compliance with the NIH Guidelines
        ``As a condition for NIH funding of recombinant DNA research, 
    institutions shall ensure that such research conducted at or sponsored 
    by the institution, irrespective of the source of funding, shall comply 
    with the NIH Guidelines.
        ``Information concerning noncompliance with the NIH Guidelines may 
    be brought forward by any person. It should be delivered to both NIH/
    ORDA and the relevant institution. The institution, generally through 
    the Institutional Biosafety Committee, shall take appropriate action. 
    The institution shall forward a complete report of the incident 
    recommending any further action to the Office of Recombinant DNA 
    Activities, National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 6000 Executive 
    Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7010, (301) 496-9838.
        ``In cases where NIH proposes to suspend, limit, or terminate 
    financial assistance because of noncompliance with the NIH Guidelines, 
    applicable DHHS and Public Health Service procedures shall govern.
        ``The policies on compliance are as follows:
        ``Section I-D-1. All NIH-funded projects involving recombinant DNA 
    techniques must comply with the NIH Guidelines. Non-compliance may 
    result in: (i) Suspension, limitation, or termination of financial 
    assistance for the noncompliant NIH-funded research project and of NIH 
    funds for other recombinant DNA research at the institution, or (ii) a 
    requirement for prior NIH approval of any or all recombinant DNA 
    projects at the institution.
        ``Section I-D-2. All non-NIH funded projects involving recombinant 
    DNA techniques conducted at or sponsored by an institution that 
    receives NIH funds for projects involving such techniques must comply 
    with the NIH Guidelines. Noncompliance may result in: (i) Suspension, 
    limitation, or termination of NIH funds for recombinant DNA research at 
    the institution, or (ii) a requirement for prior NIH approval of any or 
    all recombinant DNA projects at the institution.''
    [Previously numbered Section I-D, General Definitions, will be 
    renumbered to Section I-E.]
    II-B. Amendments to Section II, Safety Considerations
        The second paragraph of Section II-A-3 is amended to read:
    ``Section II-A-3. Comprehensive Risk Assessment
    ``* * * A final assessment of risk based on these considerations is 
    then used to set the appropriate containment conditions for the 
    experiment (see Section II-B, Containment). The containment level 
    required may be equivalent to the Risk Group classification of the 
    agent or it may be raised or lowered as a result of the above 
    considerations. The Institutional Biosafety Committee must approve the 
    risk assessment and the biosafety containment level for recombinant DNA 
    experiments described in Sections III-A, Experiments that Require 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee Approval, RAC Review, and NIH 
    Director Approval Before Initiation; III-B, Experiments that Require 
    NIH/ORDA and Institutional Biosafety Committee Approval Before 
    Initiation; III-C, Experiments that Require Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee and Institutional Review Board Approvals and NIH/ORDA 
    Registration Before Initiation; and III-D, Experiments that Require 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee Approval Before Initiation * * *''
    II-C. Amendments to Section III, Experiments Covered by the NIH 
        Section III is amended to read:
        ``This section describes six categories of experiments involving 
    [[Page 59036]]
    DNA: (i) Those that require Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) 
    approval, RAC review, and NIH Director approval before initiation (see 
    Section III-A), (ii) those that require NIH/ORDA and Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee approval before initiation (see Section II-B), 
    (iii) those that require Institutional Biosafety Committee and 
    Institutional Review Board approvals and NIH/ORDA registration before 
    initiation (see Section III-C), (iv) those that require Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee approval before initiation (see Section III-D), (v) 
    those that require Institutional Biosafety Committee notification 
    simultaneous with initiation (see Section III-E), and (vi) those that 
    are exempt from the NIH Guidelines (see Section III-F).
        ``Note: If an experiment falls into Sections III-A, III-B, or 
    III-C and one of the other sections, the rules pertaining to 
    Sections II-A, II-B, or III-C shall be followed. If an experiment 
    falls into Section III-F and into either Sections III-D or III-E as 
    well, the experiment is considered exempt from the NIH Guidelines.
        ``Any change in containment level, which is different from those 
    specified in the NIH Guidelines, may not be initiated without the 
    express approval of NIH/ORDA (see Section IV-C-1-b-(2) and its 
    subsections, Minor Actions).
    ``Section III-A, Experiments that Require Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee Approval, RAC Review, and NIH Director Approval Before 
        (See Section IV-C-1-b-(1), Major Actions).
    ``Section III-A-1. Major Actions under the NIH Guidelines
        ``Experiments considered as Major Actions under the NIH Guidelines 
    cannot be initiated without submission of relevant information on the 
    proposed experiment to the Office of Recombinant DNA Activities, 
    National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 
    302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7010, (301) 496-9838, the publication of 
    the proposal in the Federal Register for 15 days of comment, review by 
    RAC, and specific approval by NIH. The containment conditions or 
    stipulation requirements for such experiments will be recommended by 
    RAC and set by NIH at the time of approval. Such experiments require 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee approval before initiation. Specific 
    experiments already approved are included in Appendix D, Major Actions 
    Taken under the NIH Guidelines, which may be obtained from the Office 
    of Recombinant DNA Activities, National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 
    6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7010 
    (301) 496-9838.
        ``Section III-A-1-a. The deliberate transfer of a drug resistance 
    trait to microorganisms that are not known to acquire the trait 
    naturally (see Section V-B, Footnotes and References of Sections I-IV), 
    if such acquisition could compromise the use of the drug to control 
    disease agents in humans, veterinary medicine, or agriculture, will be 
    reviewed by RAC.
    ``Section III-B. Experiments That Require NIH/ORDA and Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee Approval Before Initiation
        ``Experiments in this category cannot be initiated without 
    submission of relevant information on the proposed experiment to NIH/
    ORDA. The containment conditions for such experiments will be 
    determined by NIH/ORDA in consultation with ad hoc experts. Such 
    experiments require Institutional Biosafety Committee approval before 
    initiation (see Section IV-B-2-b-(1), Institutional Biosafety 
    ``Section III-B-1. Experiments Involving the Cloning of Toxin Molecules 
    with LD50 of Less Than 100 Nanograms per Kilogram Body 
        ``Deliberate formation of recombinant DNA containing genes for the 
    biosynthesis of toxin molecules lethal for vertebrates at an 
    LD50 of less than 100 nanograms per kilogram body weight 
    (e.g., microbial toxins such as the botulinum toxins, tetanus toxin, 
    diphteria toxin, and Shigella dysenteriae neurotoxin). Specific 
    approval has been given for the cloning in Escherichia coli K-12 of DNA 
    containing genes coding for the biosynthesis of toxic molecules which 
    are lethal to vertebrates at 100 nanograms to 100 micrograms per 
    kilogram body weight. Specific experiments already approved under this 
    section may be obtained from the Office of Recombinant DNA Activities, 
    National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 
    302, Bethesda, Maryland 10892-7010, (301) 496-9838.
    ``Section III-C. Experiments That Require Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee and Institutional Review Board Approvals and NIH/ORDA 
    Registration Before Initiation
    ``Section III-C-1. Experiments Involving the Deliberate Transfer of 
    Recombinant DNA or DNA or RNA Derived From Recombinant DNA Into One or 
    More Human Subjects
        ``Research proposals involving the deliberate transfer of 
    recombinant DNA, or DNA or RNA derived from recombinant DNA, into human 
    subjects (human gene transfer) will be considered through a review 
    process involving both NIH/ORDA and RAC. Investigators shall submit 
    relevant information on the proposed human gene transfer experiments to 
    NIH/ORDA. Submission of human gene transfer protocols to NIH will be in 
    the format described in Appendix M-I, Submission Requirements--Human 
    Gene Transfer Experiments. Submission to NIH/ORDA shall be for 
    registration purposes and will ensure continued public access to 
    relevant human gene transfer information in compliance with the NIH 
    Guidelines. Investigational New Drug (IND) applications should be 
    submitted to FDA in the format described in 21 CFR, chapter I, 
    subchapter D, part 312, subpart B, section 23, IND content and Format.
        ``Institutional Biosafety Committee approval must be obtained from 
    each institution at which recombinant DNA material will be administered 
    to human subjects (as opposed to each institution invovled in the 
    production of vectors for human application and each institution at 
    which there is ex vivo transduction of recombinant DNA material into 
    target cells for human application).
        ``RAC prefers that submission to NIH/ORDA in accordance with 
    Appendix M-I, Submission Requirements--Human Gene Transfer Experiments, 
    contain no proprietary data or trade secrets, enabling all aspects of 
    the review to be open to the public. Following receipt by NIH/ORDA, 
    relevant information shall be entered into the NIH human gene transfer 
    database for registration purposes. Summary information pertaining to 
    the human gene transfer protocol will be forwarded to RAC members. NIH/
    ORDA summary information shall include comparisons to previously 
    registered protocols. Specific items of similarity to previous 
    experiments include (but are not limited to): (i) Gene delivery 
    vehicle, (ii) functional gene, (iii) marker gene, (iv) packaging cell 
    (if applicable), (v) disease application, (vi) route of administration, 
    and (vii) patient selection criteria.
    [[Page 59037]]
        ``RAC members shall notify NIH/ORDA within 15 working days if the 
    protocol has been determined to represent novel characteristics 
    requiring further public discussion.
        ``Full RAC review of an individual human gene transfer experiment 
    can be initiated by the NIH Director or recommended to the NIH Director 
    by: (i) Three or more RAC members, or (ii) other Federal agencies. An 
    individual human gene transfer experiment that is recommended for full 
    RAC review should represent novel characteristics deserving of public 
    discussion. RAC recommendations on a specific human gene transfer 
    experiment shall be forwarded to the NIH Director, the Principal 
    Investigator, the sponsoring institution, and other DHHS components, as 
        ``Note: For specific directives concerning the use of retroviral 
    vectors for gene delivery, consult Appendix B-V-1, Murine Retroviral 
    [Previously numbered Section III-C, Experiments that Require 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee Approval Before Initiation, will be 
    renumbered to Section III-D. References in this section will be changed 
    due to renumbering.]
    [Previously numbered Section III-D, Experiments that Require 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee Notice Simultaneous with Initiation, 
    will be renumbered to Section III-E. References in this section will be 
    changed due to renumbering.]
    [Previously numbered Section III-E, Exempt Experiments, will be 
    renumbered to Section III-F. References in this section will be changed 
    due to renumbering.]
    II-D. Amendments to Section IV, Roles and Responsibilities
        Section IV is amended to read:
    ``Section IV-A. Policy
        ``The safe conduct of experiments involving recombinant DNA depends 
    on the individual conducting such activities. The NIH Guidelines cannot 
    anticipate every possible situation. Motivation and good judgment are 
    the key essentials to protection of health and the environment. The NIH 
    Guidelines are intended to assist the institution, Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee, Biological Safety Officer, and the Principal 
    Investigator in determining safeguards that should be implemented. The 
    NIH Guidelines will never be complete or final since all conceivable 
    experiments involving recombinant DNA cannot be foreseen. Therefore, it 
    is the responsibility of the institution and those associated with it 
    to adhere to the intent of the NIH Guidelines as well as to their 
    specifics. Each institution (and the Institutional Biosafety Committee 
    acting on its behalf) is responsible for ensuring that all recombinant 
    DNA research conducted at or sponsored by that institution is conducted 
    in compliance with the NIH Guidelines. General recognition of 
    institutional authority and responsibility properly establishes 
    accountability for safe conduct of the research at the local level. The 
    following roles and responsibilities constitute an administrative 
    framework in which safety is an essential and integral part of research 
    involving recombinant DNA molecules. Further clarifications and 
    interpretations of roles and responsibilities will be issued by NIH as 
    ``Section IV-B. Responsibilities of the Institution
    ``Section IV-B-1. General Information
        ``Each institution conducting or sponsoring recombinant DNA 
    research which is covered by the NIH Guidelines is responsible for 
    ensuring that the research is conducted in full conformity with the 
    provisions of the NIH Guidelines. In order to fulfill this 
    responsibility, the institution shall:
        ``Section IV-B-1-a. Establish and implement policies that provide 
    for the safe conduct of recombinant DNA research and that ensure 
    compliance with the NIH Guidelines. As part of its general 
    responsibilities for implementing the NIH Guidelines, the institution 
    may establish additional procedures, as deemed necessary, to govern the 
    institution and its components in the discharge of its responsibilities 
    under the NIH Guidelines. Such procedures may include: (i) Statements 
    formulated by the institution for the general implementation of the NIH 
    Guidelines, and (ii) any additional precautionary steps the institution 
    deems appropriate.
        ``Section IV-B-1-b. Establish an Institutional Biosafety Committee 
    that meets the requirements set forth in Section IV-B-2-a and carries 
    out the functions detailed in Section IV-B-2-b.
        ``Section IV-B-1-c. Appoint a Biological Safety Officer (who is 
    also a member of the Institutional Biosafety Committee) if the 
    institution: (i) Conducts recombinant DNA research at Biosafety Level 
    (BL) 3 or BL4, or (ii) engages in large scale (greater than 10 liters) 
    research. The Biological Safety Officer carries out the duties 
    specified in Section IV-B-3.
        ``Section IV-B-1-d. Appoint at least one individual with expertise 
    in plant, plant pathogen, or plant pest containment principles (who is 
    a member of the Institutional Biosafety Committee) if the institution 
    conducts recombinant DNA research that requires Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee approval in accordance with Appendix P, Physical and 
    Biological Containment for Recombinant DNA Research Involving Plants.
        ``Section IV-B-1-e. Appoint at least one individual with expertise 
    in animal containment principles (who is a member of the Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee) if the institution conducts recombinant DNA 
    research that requires Institutional Biosafety Committee approval in 
    accordance with Appendix Q, Physical and Biological Containment for 
    Recombinant DNA Research Involving Animals.
        ``Section IV-B-1-f. Ensure that when the institution participates 
    in or sponsors recombinant DNA research involving human subjects: (i) 
    The Institutional Biosafety Committee has adequate expertise and 
    training (using ad hoc consultants as deemed necessary), and (ii) all 
    aspects of Appendix M, Points to Consider in the Design and Submission 
    of Protocols for the Transfer of Recombinant DNA Molecules into One or 
    More Human Subject (Points to Consider), have been appropriately 
    addressed by the Principal Investigator prior to submission to NIH/
    ORDA. Institutional Biosafety Committee approval must be obtained from 
    each institution at which recombinant DNA material will be administered 
    to human subjects (as opposed to each institution involved in the 
    production of vectors for human application and each institution at 
    which there is ex vivo transduction of recombinant DNA material into 
    target cells for human application).
        ``Section IV-B-1-g. Assist and ensure compliance with the NIH 
    Guidelines by Principal Investigators conducting research at the 
    institution as specified in Section IV-B-4.
        ``Section IV-B-1-h. Ensure appropriate training for the 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee Chair and members, Biological Safety 
    Officer and other containment experts (when applicable), Principal 
    Investigators, and laboratory staff regarding laboratory safety and 
    implementation of the NIH Guidelines. The Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee Chair is responsible for ensuring that Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee members are appropriately trained. The Principal 
    Investigator is
    [[Page 59038]]
    responsible for ensuring that laboratory staff are appropriately 
    trained. The institution is responsible for ensuring that the Principal 
    Investigator has sufficient training; however, this responsibility may 
    be delegated to the Institutional Biosafety Committee.
        ``Section IV-B-1-i. Determine the necessity for health surveillance 
    of personnel involved in connection with individual recombinant DNA 
    projects; and if appropriate, conduct a health surveillance program for 
    such projects. The institution shall establish and maintain a health 
    surveillance program for personnel engaged in large scale research or 
    production activities involving viable organisms containing recombinant 
    DNA molecules which require BL3 containment at the laboratory scale. 
    The institution shall establish and maintain a health surveillance 
    program for personnel engaged in animal research involving viable 
    recombinant DNA-containing microorganisms that require BL3 or greater 
    containment in the laboratory. The Laboratory Safety Monograph 
    discusses various components of such a program (e.g., records of agents 
    handled, active investigation of relevant illnesses, and the 
    maintenance of serial serum samples for monitoring serologic changes 
    that may result from the employees' work experience). Certain medical 
    conditions may place a laboratory worker at increased risk in any 
    endeavor where infectious agents are handled. Examples cited in the 
    Laboratory Safety Monograph include gastrointestinal disorders and 
    treatment with steroids, immunosuppressive drugs, or antibiotics. 
    Workers with such disorders or treatment should be evaluated to 
    determine whether they should be engaged in research with potentially 
    hazardous organisms during their treatment or illness. Copies of the 
    Laboratory Safety Monograph are available from the Office of 
    Recombinant DNA Activities, National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 
    6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7010, 
    (301) 496-9838.
        ``Section IV-B-1-j. Report any significant problems, violations of 
    the NIH Guidelines, or any significant research-related accidents and 
    illnesses to NIH/ORDA within thirty days, unless the institution 
    determines that a report has already been filed by the Principal 
    Investigator or Institutional Biosafety Committee. Reports shall be 
    sent to the Office of Recombinant DNA Activities, National Institutes 
    of Health/MSC 7010, 6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, 
    Maryland 20892-7010, (301) 496-9838.
    ``Section IV-B-2. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
        ``The institution shall establish an Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee whose responsibilities need not be restricted to recombinant 
    DNA. The Institutional Biosafety Committee shall meet the following 
    ``Section IV-B-2-a. Membership and Procedures
        ``Section IV-B-2-a-(1). The Institutional Biosafety Committee must 
    be comprised of no fewer than five members so selected that they 
    collectively have experience and expertise in recombinant DNA 
    technology and the capability to assess the safety of recombinant DNA 
    research and to identify any potential risk to public health or the 
    environment. At least two members shall not be affiliated with the 
    institution (apart from their membership on the Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee) and who represent the interest of the surrounding community 
    with respect to health and protection of the environment (e.g., 
    officials of state or local public health or environmental protection 
    agencies, members of other local governmental bodies, or persons active 
    in medical occupational health, or environmental concerns in the 
    community). The Institutional Biosafety Committee shall include at 
    least one individual with expertise in plant, plant pathogen, or plant 
    pest containment principles when experiments utilizing Appendix P, 
    Physical and Biological Containment for Recombinant DNA Research 
    Involving Plants, require prior approval by the Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee. The Institutional Biosafety Committee shall include at least 
    one scientist with expertise in animal containment principles when 
    experiments utilizing Appendix Q, Physical and Biological Containment 
    for Recombinant DNA Research Involving Animals, require Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee prior approval. When the institution conducts 
    recombinant DNA research at BL3, BL4, or Large Scale (greater than 10 
    liters), a Biological Safety Officer is mandatory and shall be a member 
    of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (see Section IV-B-3, 
    Biological Safety Officer). When the institution participates in or 
    sponsors recombinant DNA research involving human subjects, the 
    institution must ensure that: (i) The Institutional Biosafety Committee 
    has adequate expertise and training (using ad hoc consultants and 
    deemed necessary) and (ii) all aspects of Appendix M, Points to 
    Consider in the Design and Submission of Protocols for the Transfer of 
    Recombinant DNA Molecules into One or More Human Subjects (Points to 
    Consider), have been appropriately addressed by the Principal 
    Investigator prior to submission to NIH/ORDA. Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee approval must be obtained from each institution at which 
    recombinant DNA material will be administered to human subjects (as 
    opposed to each institution involved in the production of vectors for 
    human application and each institution at which there is ex vivo 
    transduction of recombinant DNA material into target cells from human 
        ``Note: Individuals, corporations, and institutions not 
    otherwise covered by the NIH Guidelines, are encouraged to adhere to 
    the standards and procedures set forth in Sections I through IV (see 
    Section IV-E, Voluntary Compliance. The policy and procedures for 
    establishing an Institutional Biosafety Committee under Voluntary 
    Compliance, are specified in Section IV-D-2, Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee Approval).
        ``Section IV-B-2-a-(2). In order to ensure the competence necessary 
    to review and approve recombinant DNA activities, it is recommended 
    that the Institutional Biosafety Committee: (i) Include persons with 
    expertise in recombinant DNA technology, biological safety, and 
    physical containment; (ii) include or have available as consultants 
    persons knowledgeable in institutional commitments and policies, 
    applicable law, standards of professional conduct and practice, 
    community attitudes, and the environment, and (iii) include at least 
    one member representing the laboratory technical staff.
        ``Section IV-B-2-a-(3). The institution shall file an annual report 
    with NIH/ORDA which includes: (i) A roster of all Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee members clearly indicating the Chair, contact 
    person, Biological Safety Officer (if applicable), plan expert (if 
    applicable), animal expert (if applicable), human gene therapy 
    expertise or ad hoc consultant (if applicable); and (ii) biographical 
    sketches of all Institutional Biosafety Committee members (including 
    community members).
        ``Section IV-B-2-a-(4). No member of an Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee may be involved (except to provide information requested by 
    the Institutional Biosafety Committee) in the review or approval of a 
    project in which he/she has been or expects to be engaged or has a 
    direct financial interest.
        ``Section IV-B-2-a-(5). The institution, that is ultimately
    [[Page 59039]]
    responsible for the effectiveness of the Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee, may establish procedures that the Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee shall follow in its initial and continuing review and 
    approval of applications, proposals, and activities.
        ``Section IV-B-2-a-(6). When possible and consistent with 
    protection of privacy and proprietary interests, the institution is 
    encouraged to open its Institutional Biosafety Committee meetings to 
    the public.
        ``Section IV-B-a-(7). Upon request, the institution shall make 
    available to the public all Institutional Biosafety Committee meeting 
    minutes and any documents submitted to or received from funding 
    agencies which the latter are required to make available to the public. 
    If public comments are made on Institutional Biosafety Committee 
    actions, the institution shall forward both the public comments and the 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee's response to the Office of 
    Recombinant DNA Activities, National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 
    6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7010, 
    (301) 496-9838.
    ``Section IV-B-2-b. Functions
        ``On behalf of the institution, the Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee is responsible for:
        ``Section IV-B-2-b-(1). Reviewing recombinant DNA research 
    conducted at or sponsored by the institution for compliance with the 
    NIH Guidelines as specified in Section III, Experiments Covered by the 
    NIH Guidelines, and approving those research projects that are found to 
    conform with the NIH Guidelines. This review shall include: (i) 
    Independent assessment of the containment levels required by the NIH 
    Guidelines for the proposed research; (ii) assessment of the 
    facilities, procedures, practices, and training and expertise of 
    personnel involved in recombinant DNA research; and (iii) ensuring 
    compliance with all surveillance, data reporting, and adverse event 
    reporting requirements required by the NIH Guidelines.
        ``Section IV-B-2-b-(2). Notifying the Principal Investigator of the 
    results of the Institutional Biosafety Committee's review and approval.
        ``Section IV-B-2-b-(3). Lowering containment levels for certain 
    experiments as specified in Section III-C-2-a, Experiments in which DNA 
    from Human or Animal Pathogens (Risk Group 2, Risk Group 3, Risk Group 
    4, or Restricted Agents is Cloned into Nonpathogenic Prokaryotic or 
    Lower Eurkaryotic Host-Vector Systems.
        ``Section IV-B-2-b-(4). Setting containment levels as specified in 
    Sections III-C-4-b, Experiments Involving Whole Animals, and III-C-5, 
    Experiments Involving Whole Plants.
        ``Section IV-B-2-b-(5). Periodically reviewing recombinant DNA 
    research conducted at the institution to ensure compliance with the NIH 
        ``Section IV-B-2-b-(6). Adopting emergency plans covering 
    accidental spills and personnel contamination resulting from 
    recombinant DNA research.
        ``Note: The Laboratory Safety Monograph describes basic elements 
    for developing specific procedures dealing with major spills of 
    potentially hazardous materials in the laboratory, including 
    information and references about decontamination and emergency 
    plans. The NIH and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
    are available to provide consultation and direct assistance, if 
    necessary, as posted in the Laboratory Safety Monograph. The 
    institution shall cooperate with the state and local public health 
    departments by reporting any significant research-related illness or 
    accident that may be hazardous to the public health.
        ``Section IV-B-2-b-(7). Reporting any significant problems with or 
    violations of the NIH Guidelines and any significant research-related 
    accidents or illnesses to the appropriate institutional official and 
    NIH/ORDA within 30 days, unless the Institutional Biosafety Committee 
    determines that a report has already been filed by the Principal 
    Investigator. Reports to NIH/ORDA shall be sent to the Office of 
    Recombinant DNA Activities, National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 
    6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7010, 
    (301) 496-9838.
        ``Section IV-B-2-b-(8). The Institutional Biosafety Committee may 
    not authorize initiation of experiments which are not explicitly 
    covered by the NIH Guidelines until NIH (with the advice of the RAC 
    when required) establishes the containment requirement.
        ``Section IV-B-2-b-(9). Performing such other functions as may be 
    delegated to the Institutional Biosafety Committee under Section IV-B-
    2, Institutional Biosafety Committee.
    ``Section IV-B-3. Biological Safety Officer (BSO)
        ``Section IV-B-3-a. The institution shall appoint a Biological 
    Safety Officer if it engages in large scale research or production 
    activities involving viable organisms containing recombinant DNA 
        ``Section IV-B-3-b. The institution shall appoint a Biological 
    Safety Officer if it engages in recombinant DNA research at BL3 or BL4. 
    The Biological Safety Officer shall be a member of the Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee.
        ``Section IV-B-3-c. The Biological Safety Officer's duties include, 
    but are not limited to:
        ``Section IV-B-3-c-(1). Periodic inspections to ensure that 
    laboratory standards are rigorously followed;
        ``Section IV-B-3-c-(2). Reporting to the Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee and the institution any significant problems, violations of 
    the NIH Guidelines, and any significant research-related accidents or 
    illnesses of which the Biological Safety Officer becomes aware unless 
    the Biological Safety Officer determines that a report has already been 
    filed by the Principal Investigator;
        ``Section IV-B-3-c-(3). Developing emergency plans for handling 
    accidental spills and personnel contamination and investigating 
    laboratory accidents involving recombinant DNA research;
        ``Section IV-B-3-c-(4). Providing advice on laboratory security;
        ``Section IV-B-3-c-(5). Providing technical advice to Principal 
    Investigators and the Institutional Biosafety Committee on research 
    safety procedures.
        ``Note: See the Laboratory Safety Monograph for additional 
    information on the duties of the Biological Safety Officer.
    ``Section IV-B-4. Plant, Plant Pathogen, or Plant Pest Containment 
        ``When the institution conducts recombinant DNA research that 
    requires Institutional Biosafety Committee approval in accordance with 
    Appendix P, Physical and Biological Containment for Recombinant DNA 
    Research Involving Plants, the institution shall appoint at least one 
    individual with expertise in plant, plant pathogen, or plant pest 
    containment principles (who is a member of the Institutional Biosafety 
    ``Section IV-B-5. Animal Containment Expert
        ``When the institution conducts recombinant DNA research that 
    requires Institutional Biosafety Committee approval in accordance with 
    Appendix Q, Physical and Biological Containment for Recombinant DNA 
    Research Involving Animals, the institution shall appoint at least one 
    individual with expertise in animal containment principles (who is a 
    member of the Institutional Biosafety Committee).
    ``Section IV-B-6. Human Gene Therapy Expertise
        ``When the institution participates in or sponsors recombinant DNA 
    [[Page 59040]]
    involving human subjects, the institution must ensure that: (i) The 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee has adequate expertise and training 
    (using ad hoc consultants as deemed necessary) and (ii) all aspects of 
    Appendix M, Points to Consider in the Design and Submission of 
    Protocols for the Transfer of Recombinant DNA Molecules into One or 
    More Human Subjects (Points to Consider), have been appropriately 
    addressed by the Principal Investigator prior to submission to NIH/
    ``Section IV-B-7. Principal Investigator (PI)
        ``On behalf of the institution, the Principal Investigator is 
    responsible for full compliance with the NIH Guidelines in the conduct 
    of recombinant DNA research.
    ``Section IV-B-7-a. General Responsibilities
        ``As part of this general responsibility, the Principal 
    Investigator shall:
        ``Section IV-B-7-a-(1). Initiate or modify no recombinant DNA 
    research which requires Institutional Biosafety Committee approval 
    prior to initiation (see Sections III-A, III-B, III-C, and III-D, 
    Experiments Covered by the NIH Guidelines) until that research or the 
    proposed modification thereof has been approved by the Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee and has met all other requirements of the NIH 
        ``Section IV-B-7-a-(2). Determine whether experiments are covered 
    by Section III-D, Experiments that Require Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee Notice Simultaneous with Initiation, and ensure that the 
    appropriate procedures are followed;
        ``Section IV-B-7-a-(3). Report any significant problems, violations 
    of the NIH Guidelines, or any significant research-related accidents 
    and illnesses to the Biological Safety Officer (where applicable), 
    Greenhouse/Animal Facility Director (where applicable), Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee, NIH/ORDA, and other appropriate authorities (if 
    applicable) within 30 days. Reports to NIH/ORDA shall be sent to the 
    Office of Recombinant DNA Activities, National Institutes of Health/MSC 
    7010, 6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-
    7010, (301) 496-9838;
        ``Section IV-B-7-a-(4). Report any new information bearing on the 
    NIH Guidelines to the Institutional Biosafety Committee and to NIH/ORDA 
    (reports to NIH/ORDA shall be sent to the Office of Recombinant DNA 
    Activities, National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 6000 Executive 
    Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7010, (301) 496-9838);
        ``Section IV-B-7-a-(5). Be adequately trained in good 
    microbiological techniques;
        ``Section IV-B-7-a-(6). Adhere to Institutional Biosafety Committee 
    approved emergency plans for handling accidental spills and personnel 
    contamination; and
        ``Section IV-B-7-a-(7). Comply with shipping requirements for 
    recombinant DNA molecules (see Appendix H, Shipment, for shipping 
    requirements and the Laboratory Safety Monograph for technical 
    ``Section IV-B-7-b. Submissions by the Principal Investigator to 
        ``The Principal Investigator shall:
        ``Section IV-B-7-b-(1). Submit information to NIH/ORDA for 
    certification of new host-vector systems;
        ``Section IV-B-7-b-(2). Petition NIH/ORDA, with notice to the 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee, for proposed exemptions to the NIH 
        ``Section IV-B-7-b-(3). Petition NIH/ORDA, with concurrence of the 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee, for approval to conduct experiments 
    specified in Sections III-A-1, Major Actions Under the NIH Guidelines, 
    and III-B, Experiments that Require NIH/ORDA and Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee Approval Before Initiation;
        ``Section IV-B-7-b-(4). Petition NIH/ORDA for determination of 
    containment for experiments requiring case-by-case review; and
        ``Section IV-B-7-b-(5). Petition NIH/ORDA for determination of 
    containment for experiments not covered by the NIH Guidelines.
        ``Section IV-B-7-b-(6). Ensure that all aspects of Appendix M, 
    Points to Consider in the Design and Submission of Protocols for the 
    Transfer of Recombinant DNA Molecules into One or More Human Subjects, 
    have been appropriately addressed prior to submission of human gene 
    therapy experiments to NIH/ORDA.
    ``Section IV-B-7-c. Submissions by the Principal Investigator to the 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee
        ``The Principal Investigator shall:
        ``Section IV-B-7-c-(1). Make an initial determination of the 
    required levels of physical and biological containment in accordance 
    with the NIH Guidelines;
        ``Section IV-B-7-c-(2). Select appropriate microbiological 
    practices and laboratory techniques to be used for the research;
        ``Section IV-B-7-c-(3). Submit the initial research protocol and 
    any subsequent changes (e.g., changes in the source of DNA or host-
    vector system), if covered under Sections III-A, III-B, III-C, or III-D 
    (Experiments Covered by the NIH Guidelines), to the Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee for review and approval or disapproval; and
        ``Section IV-B-7-c-(4). Remain in communication with the 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee throughout the conduct of the 
    ``Section IV-B-7-d. Responsibilities of the Principal Investigator 
    Prior To Initiating Research
        ``The Principal Investigator shall:
        ``Section IV-B-7-d-(1). Make available to all laboratory staff the 
    protocols that describe the potential biohazards and the precautions to 
    be taken;
        ``Section IV-B-7-d-(2). Instruct and train laboratory staff in: (i) 
    The practices and techniques required to ensure safety, and (ii) the 
    procedures for dealing with accidents; and
        ``Section IV-B-7-d-(3). Inform the laboratory staff of the reasons 
    and provisions for any precautionary medical practices advised or 
    requested (e.g., vaccinations or serum collection).
    ``Section IV-B-7-e. Responsibilities of the Principal Investigator 
    During the Conduct of the Research
        ``The Principal Investigator shall:
        ``Section IV-B-7-e-(1). Supervise the safety performance of the 
    laboratory staff to ensure that the required safety practices and 
    techniques are employed;
        ``Section IV-B-7-e-(2). Investigate and report any significant 
    problems pertaining to the operation and implementation of containment 
    practices and procedures in writing to the Biological Safety Officer 
    (where applicable), Greenhouse/Animal Facility Director (where 
    applicable), Institutional Biosafety Committee, NIH/ORDA, and other 
    appropriate authorities (if applicable) (reports to NIH/ORDA shall be 
    sent to the Office of Recombinant DNA Activities, National Institutes 
    of Health/MSC 7010, 6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, 
    Maryland 20892-7010, (301) 496-9838);
        ``Section IV-B-7-e-(3). Correct work errors and conditions that may 
    result in the release of recombinant DNA materials; and
        ``Section IV-B-7-e-(4). Ensure the integrity of the physical 
    containment (e.g., biological safety cabinets) and the biological 
    containment (e.g., purity and genotypic and phenotypic 
        ``Section IV-B-7-e-(5). Comply with reporting requirements for 
    human gene
    [[Page 59041]]
    transfer experiments conducted in compliance with the NIH Guidelines 
    (see Appendix M-VII, Reporting Requirements--Human Gene Transfer 
    ``Section IV-C. Responsibilities of the National Institutes of 
    Health (NIH)
    ``Section IV-C-1. NIH Director
        ``The NIH Director is responsible for: (i) Establishing the NIH 
    Guidelines, (ii) overseeing their implementation, and (iii) their final 
    interpretation. The NIH Director has responsibilities under the NIH 
    Guidelines that involve ORDA and RAC. ORDA's responsibilities under the 
    NIH Guidelines are administrative. Advice from RAC is primarily 
    scientific, technical, and ethical. In certain circumstances, there is 
    specific opportunity for public comment with published response prior 
    to final action.
    ``Section IV-C-1-a. General Responsibilities
        ``The NIH Director is responsible for:
        ``Section IV-C-1-a-(1). Promulgating requirements as necessary to 
    implement the NIH Guidelines;
        ``Section IV-C-1-a-(2). Establishing and maintaining RAC to carry 
    out the responsibilities set forth in Section IV-C-2, Recombinant DNA 
    Advisory Committee (RAC membership is specified in its charter and in 
    Section IV-C-2);
        ``Section IV-C-1-a-(3). Establishing and maintaining NIH/ORDA to 
    carry out the responsibilities defined in Section IV-C-3, Office of 
    Recombinant DNA Activities;
        ``Section IV-C-1-a-(4). Conducting and supporting training programs 
    in laboratory safety for Institutional Biosafety Committee members, 
    Biological Safety Officers and other institutional experts (if 
    applicable), Principal Investigators, and laboratory staff.
        ``Section IV-C-1-a-(5). Establishing and convening Gene Therapy 
    Policy Conferences as described in Appendix L, Gene Therapy Policy 
    ``Section IV-C-1-b. Specific Responsibilities
        ``In carrying out the responsibilities set forth in this section, 
    the NIH Director, or a designee shall weigh each proposed action 
    through appropriate analysis and consultation to determine whether it 
    complies with the NIH Guidelines and presents no significant risk to 
    health or the environment.
    ``Section IV-C-1-b-(1). Major Actions
        ``To execute Major Actions, the NIH Director shall seek the advice 
    of RAC and provide an opportunity for public and Federal agency 
    comment. Specifically, the Notice of Meeting and Proposed Actions shall 
    be published in the Federal Register at least 15 days before the RAC 
    meeting. The NIH Director's decision/recommendation (at his/her 
    discretion) may be published in the Federal Register for 15 days of 
    comment before final action is taken. The NIH Director's final 
    decision/recommendation, along with responses to public comments, shall 
    be published in the Federal Register. The RAC and Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee Chairs shall be notified of the following 
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(1)-(a). Changing containment levels for types 
    of experiments that are specified in the NIH Guidelines when a Major 
    Action is involved;
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(1)-(b). Assigning containment levels for types 
    of experiments that are not explicitly considered in the NIH Guidelines 
    when a Major Action is involved;
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(1)-(c). Promulgating and amending a list of 
    classes of recombinant DNA molecules to be exempt from the NIH 
    Guidelines because they consist entirely of DNA segments from species 
    that exchange DNA by known physiological processes or otherwise do not 
    present a significant risk to health or the environment;
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(1)-(d). Permitting experiments specified by 
    Section III-A, Experiments that Require Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee Approval, RAC Review, and NIH Director Approval Before 
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(1)-(e). Certifying new host-vector systems with 
    the exception of minor modifications of already certified systems (the 
    standards and procedures for certification are described in Appendix I-
    II, Certification of Host-Vector Systems). Minor modifications 
    constitute (e.g., those of minimal or no consequence to the properties 
    relevant to containment); and
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(1)-(f). Adopting other changes in the NIH 
    ``Section IV-C-1-b-(2). Minor Actions
        ``NIH/ORDA shall carry out certain functions as delegated to it by 
    the NIH Director (see Section IV-C-3, Office of Recombinant DNA 
    Activities). Minor Actions (as determined by NIH/ORDA in consultation 
    with the RAC Chair and one or more RAC members, as necessary) will be 
    transmitted to RAC and Institutional Biosafety Committee Chairs:
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(2)-(a). Changing containment levels for 
    experiments that are specified in Section III, Experiments Covered by 
    the NIH Guidelines (except when a Major Action is involved);
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(2)-(b). Assigning containment levels for 
    experiments not explicitly considered in the NIH Guidelines;
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(2)-(c). Revising the Classification of 
    Etiologic Agents for the purpose of these NIH Guidelines (see Section 
    V-A, Footnotes and References of Sections I-IV).
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(2)-(d). Interpreting the NIH Guidelines for 
    experiments to which the NIH Guidelines do not specifically assign 
    containment levels;
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(2)-(e). Setting containment under Sections III-
    C-1-d, Experiments Using Risk Group 2, Risk Group 3, Risk Group 4, or 
    Restricted Agents as Host-Vector Systems, and III-C-2-b, Experiments in 
    which DNA from Risk Group 2, Risk Group 3, Risk Group 4, or Restricted 
    Agents is Cloned into Nonpathogenic Prokaryotic or Lower Eukaryotic 
    Host-Vector Systems;
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(2)-(f). Approving minor modifications of 
    already certified host-vector systems (the standards and procedures for 
    such modifications are described in Appendix I-II, Certification of 
    Host-Vector Systems);
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(2)-(g). Decertifying already certified host-
    vector systems;
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(2)-(h). Adding new entries to the list of 
    molecules toxic for vertebrates (see Appendix F, Containment Conditions 
    for Cloning of Genes Coding for the Biosynthesis of Molecules Toxic for 
    Vertebrates); and
        ``Section IV-C-1-b-(2)-(i). Determining appropriate containment 
    conditions for experiments according to case precedents developed under 
    Section IV-C-1-b-(2)-(c).
    ``Section IV-C-2. Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC)
        ``RAC is responsible for carrying out specified functions cited 
    below as well as others assigned under its charter or by the DHHS 
    Secretary and the NIH Director. RAC consists of 15 voting members 
    including the Chair, appointed by the DHHS Secretary or his/her 
    designee, at least 8 of whom are selected from authorities 
    knowledgeable in the fields of molecular genetics, molecular biology, 
    recombinant DNA research, or other scientific fields. At least 4 
    members of RAC shall be persons knowledgeable in applicable law, 
    standards of professional conduct and practice, public attitudes, the 
    environment, public health, occupational health, or related fields. 
    Representatives from Federal agencies shall serve as non-voting 
    [[Page 59042]]
    Nominations for RAC members may be submitted to the Office of 
    Recombinant DNA Activities, National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 
    6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7010, 
    (301) 496-9838.
        ``All meetings of RAC shall be announced in the Federal Register, 
    including tentative agenda items, 15 days before the meeting. Final 
    agendas, if modified, shall be available at least 72 hours before the 
    meeting. No item defined as a Major Action under Section IV-C-1-b-(1) 
    may be added to an agenda following Federal Register publication.
        ``RAC shall be responsible for:
        ``Section IV-C-2-a. Advising the NIH Director on the following 
    actions: (1) Adopting changes in the NIH Guidelines. (2) Assigning 
    containment levels, changing containment levels, and approving 
    experiments considered as Major Actions under the NIH Guidelines, i.e., 
    the deliberate transfer of a drug resistance trait to microorganisms 
    that are not known to acquire the trait naturally, if such acquisition 
    could compromise the use of the drug to control disease agents in 
    humans, veterinary medicine, or agriculture. (3) Promulgating and 
    amending lists of classes of recombinant DNA molecules to be exempt 
    from the NIH Guidelines because they consist entirely of DNA segments 
    from species that exchange DNA by known physiological processes or 
    otherwise do not present a significant risk to health or the 
    environment. (4) Certifying new host-vector systems.
        ``Section IV-C-2-b. Identifying novel human gene transfer 
    experiments deserving of public discussion by the full RAC;
        ``Section IV-C-2-c. Transmitting to the NIH Director specific 
    comments/recommendations about: (i) A specific human gene transfer 
    experiment, or (ii) a category of human gene transfer experiments;
        ``Section IV-C-2-d. Publicly reviewing human gene transfer clinical 
    trial data and relevant information evaluated and summarized by NIH/
    ORDA in accordance with the annual data reporting requirements;
        ``Section IV-C-2-e. Identifying broad scientific, safety, social, 
    and ethical issues relevant to gene therapy research as potential Gene 
    Therapy Policy Conference topics;
        ``Section IV-C-2-f. Identifying novel social and ethical issues 
    relevant to specific human applications of gene transfer and 
    recommending appropriate modifications to the Points to Consider that 
    will provide guidance in the preparation of relevant Informed Consent 
    documents; and
        ``Section IV-C-2-g. Identifying novel scientific and safety issues 
    relevant to specific human applications of gene transfer and 
    recommending appropriate modifications to the Points to Consider that 
    will provide guidance in the design and submission of human gene 
    transfer clinical trials.
    ``Section IV-C-3. Office of Recombinant DNA Activities (ORDA)
        ``ORDA shall serve as a focal point for information on recombinant 
    DNA activities and provide advice to all within and outside NIH 
    including institutions, Biological Safety Officers, Principal 
    Investigators, Federal agencies, state and local governments, and 
    institutions in the private sector. ORDA shall carry out such other 
    functions as may be delegated to it by the NIH Director. ORDA's 
    responsibilities include (but are not limited to) the following:
        ``Section IV-C-3-a. Serving as the focal point for public access to 
    summary information pertaining to human gene transfer experiments;
        ``Section IV-C-3-b. Serving as the focal point for data management 
    of human gene transfer experiments;
        ``Section IV-C-3-c. Administering the annual data reporting 
    requirements (and subsequent review) for human gene transfer 
    experiments (see Appendix M-VII, Reporting Requirements--Human Gene 
    Transfer Protocols);
        ``Section IV-C-3-d. Transmitting comments/recommendations arising 
    from public RAC discussion of a novel human gene transfer experiment to 
    the NIH Director. RAC recommendations shall be forwarded to the 
    Principal Investigator, the sponsoring institution, and other DHHS 
    components, as appropriate.
        ``Section IV-C-3-e. Collaborating with Principal Investigators, 
    Institutional Biosafety Committees, Institutional Review Boards, and 
    other DHHS components (including FDA and Office for Protection from 
    Research Risks), to ensure human gene transfer experiment registration 
    compliance in accordance with Appendix M-I, Submission Requirements, 
    Human Gene Transfer Experiments of the NIH Guidelines.
        ``Section IV-C-3-f. Administering Gene Therapy Policy Conferences 
    as deemed appropriate by the NIH Director (see Appendix L, Gene Therapy 
    Policy Conference).
        ``Section IV-C-3-g. Reviewing and approving experiments in 
    conjunction with ad hoc experts involving the cloning of genes encoding 
    for toxin molecules that are lethal for vertebrates at an 
    LD50 of less than or equal to 100 nanagrams per kilogram 
    body weight in organisms other than Escherichia coli K-12 (see Section 
    III-B-1, Experiments Involving the Cloning of Toxin Molecules with 
    LD50 of Less than 100 Nanograms Per Kilogram Body Weight, 
    Appendix F, Containment Conditions for Cloning of Genes Coding for the 
    Biosynthesis of Molecules Toxic for Verebrates);
        ``Section IV-C-3-h. Serving as the executive secretary of RAC;
        ``Section IV-C-3-i. Publishing in the Federal Register:
        ``Section IV-C-3-i-(1). Announcements of RAC meetings and tentative 
    agendas at least 15 days in advance (Note: If the agenda for a RAC 
    meeting is modified, ORDA shall make the revised agenda available to 
    anyone upon request in advance of the meeting);
        ``Section IV-C-3-i-(2). Announcements of Gene Therapy Policy 
    Conferences and tentative agendas at least 15 days in advance;
        ``Section IV-C-3-i-(3). Proposed Major Actions (see Section IV-C-1-
    b-(1), Major Actions) at least 15 days prior to the RAC meeting; and
        ``Section IV-C-3-j. Reviewing and approving the membership of an 
    institution's Institutional Biosafety Committee, and where it finds the 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee meets the requirements set forth in 
    Section IV-B-2, Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), giving its 
    approval to the Institutional Biosafety Committee membership.
    ``Section IV-C-4. Other NIH Components
        ``Other NIH components shall be responsible for certifying maximum 
    containment (BL4) facilities, inspecting them periodically, and 
    inspecting other recombinant DNA facilities as deemed necessary.
    ``Section IV-D. Voluntary Compliance
    ``Section IV-D-1. Basic Policy--Voluntary Compliance
        ``Individuals, corporations, and institutions not otherwise covered 
    by the NIH Guidelines are encouraged to follow the standards and 
    procedures set forth in Sections I through IV. In order to simplify 
    discussion, references hereafter to `institutions' are intended to 
    encompass corporations and individuals who have no organizational 
    affiliation. For purposes of complying with the NIH Guidelines, and 
    individual intending to carry out research involving recombinant DNA is 
    encouraged to
    [[Page 59043]]
    affiliate with an institution that has an Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee approved under the NIH Guidelines.
        ``Since commercial organizations have special concerns, such as 
    protection of proprietary data, some modifications and explanations of 
    the procedures are provided in Section IV-D-2 through IV-D-5-b, 
    Voluntary Compliance, in order to address these concerns.
    ``Section IV-D-2. Institutional Biosafety Committee Approval--Voluntary 
        ``It should be emphasized that employment of an Institutional 
    Biosafety Committee member solely for purposes of membership on the 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee does not itself make the member an 
    institutionally affiliated member. Except for the unaffiliated members, 
    a member of an Institutional Biosafety Committee for an institution not 
    otherwise covered by the NIH Guidelines may participate in the review 
    and approval of a project in which the member has a direct financial 
    interest so long as the member has not been, and does not expect to be, 
    engaged in the project. Section IV-B-2-a-(4), Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee, is modified to that extent for purposes of these 
    ``Section IV-D-3. Certification of Host-Vector Systems--Voluntary 
        ``A host-vector system may be proposed for certification by the NIH 
    Director in accordance with the procedures set forth in Appendix I-II, 
    Certification of Host-Vector Systems. In order to ensure protection for 
    proprietary data, any public notice regarding a host-vector system 
    which is designated by the institution as proprietary under Section IV-
    D, Voluntary Compliance, will be issued only after consultation with 
    the institution as to the content of the notice.
    ``Section IV-D-4. Requests for Exemptions and Approvals--Voluntary 
        ``Requests for exemptions or other approvals as required by the NIH 
    Guidelines should be submitted based on the procedures set forth in 
    Sections I through IV. In order to ensure protection for proprietary 
    data, any public notice regarding a request for an exemption or other 
    approval which is designated by the institution as proprietary under 
    Section IV-D-5-a, Voluntary Compliance, will be issued only after 
    consultation with the institution as to the content of the notice.
    ``Section IV-D-5. Protection of Proprietary Data--Voluntary 
    ``Section IV-D-a. General
        ``In general, the Freedom of Information Act requires Federal 
    agencies to make their records available to the public upon request. 
    However, this requirement does not apply to, among other things, `trade 
    secrets and commercial or financial information that is obtained from a 
    person and that is privileged or confidential.' Under 18 U.S.C. 1905, 
    it is a criminal offense for an officer or employee of the U.S. or any 
    Federal department or agency to publish, divulge, disclose, or make 
    known `in any manner or to any extent not authorized by law any 
    information coming to him in the course of his employment or official 
    duties or by reason of any examination or investigation made by, or 
    return, report or record made to or filed with, such department or 
    agency or officer or employee thereof, which information concerns or 
    relates to the trade secrets, (or) processes * * * of any person, firm, 
    partnership, corporation, or association.' This provision applies to 
    all employees of the Federal Government, including special Government 
    employees. Members of RAC are `special Government employees.'
        ``In submitting to NIH for purposes of voluntary compliance with 
    the NIH Guidelines, an institution may designate those items of 
    information which the institution believes constitute trade secrets, 
    privileged, confidential, commercial, or financial information. If NIH 
    receives a request under the Freedom of Information Act for information 
    so designated, NIH will promptly contact the institution to secure its 
    views as to whether the information (or some portion) should be 
    released. If NIH decides to release this information (or some portion) 
    in response to a Freedom of Information request or otherwise, the 
    institution will be advised and the actual release will be delayed in 
    accordance with 45 Code of Federal Regulations, Sec. 5.65 (d) and (e).
    ``Section IV-D-5-b. Pre-submission Review
        ``Any institution not otherwise covered by the NIH Guidelines, 
    which is considering submission of data or information voluntarily to 
    NIH, may request pre-submission review of the records involved to 
    determine if NIH will make all or part of the records available upon 
    request under the Freedom of Information Act.
        ``A request for pre-submission review should be submitted to NIH/
    ORDA along with the records involved to the Office of Recombinant DNA 
    Activities, National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 6000 Executive 
    Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7010, (301) 496-9838. 
    These records shall be clearly marked as being the property of the 
    institution on loan to NIH solely for the purpose of making a 
    determination under the Freedom on Information Act. NIH/ORDA will seek 
    a determination from the responsible official under DHHS regulations 
    (45 CFR part 5) as to whether the records involved, (or some portion) 
    will be made available to members of the public under the Freedom of 
    Information Act. Pending such a determination, the records will be kept 
    separate from NIH/ORDA files, will be considered records of the 
    institution and not NIH/ORDA, and will not be received as part of NIH/
    ORDA files. No copies will be made of such records.
        ``NIH/ORDA will inform the institution of the DHHS Freedom of 
    Information Officer's determination and follow the institution's 
    instructions as to whether some or all of the records involved are to 
    be returned to the institution or to become a part of NIH/ORDA files. 
    If the institution instructs NIH/ORDA to return the records, no copies 
    or summaries of the records will be made or retained by DHHS, NIH, or 
    ORDA. The DHHS Freedom of Information Officer's determination will 
    represent that official's judgment at the time of the determination as 
    to whether the records involved (or some portion) would be exempt from 
    disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act if at the time of the 
    determination the records were in NIH/ORDA files and a request was 
    received for such files under the Freedom of Information Act.''
    II-E. Amendments to Appendix A, Exemptions Under Section III-E-5--Sub-
    lists of Natural Exchanges
        Appendix A, first paragraph, is amended to reflect renumbering of a 
    previous section.
    II-F. Amendments to Appendix C, Exemptions Under Section III-E-6
        Appendix C is amended to reflect renumbering of a previous section.
    II-G. Amendments to Appendix I, Biological Containment
        After the first paragraph in Section I-II-A, Responsibility, the 
    following Note is added:
        ``Note. A host-vector system may be proposed for certification 
    by the NIH Director in accordance with the procedures set forth in 
    Appendix I-II, Certification of Host-Vector Systems. In order to 
    ensure protection for
    [[Page 59044]]
    proprietary data, any public notice regarding a host-vector system 
    which is designated by the institution as proprietary under Section 
    IV-D, Voluntary Compliance, will be issued only after consultation 
    with the institution as as to the content of the notice (see Section 
    IV-D-3, Certification of Host-Vector Systems-Voluntary 
    II-H. Addition of Appendix L, Gene Therapy Policy Conferences, to the 
    NIH Guidelines
        Appendix L is to read:
    ``Appendix L. Gene Therapy Policy Conferences (GTPCs)
        ``In order to enhance the depth and value of public discussion 
    relevant to scientific, safety, social, and ethical implications of 
    gene therapy research, the NIH Director will convene GTPCs at regular 
    intervals. As appropriate, the NIH Director may convene a GTPC in 
    conjunction with a RAC meeting. GTPCs will be administered by NIH/ORDA. 
    Conference participation will not involve a standing committee 
    membership but rather will offer the unique advantage of assembling 
    numerous participants who possess significant scientific, ethical, and 
    legal expertise and/or interest that is directly applicable to a 
    specific gene therapy research issue. At least one member of RAC will 
    serve as Co-chair of each GTPC and report the findings of each GTPC to 
    RAC at its next scheduled meeting. The RAC representative for each GTPC 
    will be chosen based on the participant's area of expertise relative to 
    the specific gene therapy research issue to be discussed. All RAC 
    members will be invited to attend GTPCs. GTPCs will have representation 
    from other Federal agencies, including FDA and OPRR. GTPCs will focus 
    on broad overarching policy and scientific issues related to gene 
    therapy research. Proposals for GTPC topics may be submitted by members 
    of RAC, representatives of academia, industry, patient and consumer 
    advocacy organizations, other Federal agencies, professional scientific 
    societies, and the general public. GTPC topics will not be limited to 
    discussion of human applications of gene therapy research, i.e., they 
    may include basic research on the use of novel gene delivery vehicles, 
    or novel applications of human gene transfer. The RAC, with the 
    Director's approval, will have the primary responsibility for planning 
    GTPC agendas. GTPC findings will be transmitted to the NIH Director and 
    will be made publicly available. The NIH Director anticipates that this 
    public policy forum will serve as a model for interagency communication 
    and collaboration, concentrated expert discussion of novel scientific 
    issues and their potential societal implications, and enhanced 
    opportunity for public discussion of specific issues and potential 
    impact of such applications on human health and the environment.''
    II-I. Amendments to Appendix M, Points To Consider in the Design and 
    Submission of Protocols for the Transfer of Recombinant DNA Molecules 
    Into One or More Human Subjects
        Appendix M is amended to read:
    ``Appendix M. Points To Consider in the Design and Submission of 
    Protocols for the Transfer of Recombinant DNA Molecules Into One or 
    More Human Subjects (Points to Consider)
        ``Appendix M applies to research conducted at or sponsored by an 
    institution that receives any support for recombinant DNA research from 
    NIH. Researchers not covered by the NIH Guidelines are encouraged to 
    use Appendix M (see Section I-C, General Applicability).
        ``The acceptability of human somatic cell gene therapy has been 
    addressed in several public documents as well as in numerous academic 
    studies. In November 1982, the President's Commission for the Study of 
    Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research 
    published a report, Splicing Life, which resulted from a two-year 
    process of public deliberation and hearings. Upon release of that 
    report, a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee held three days of 
    public hearings with witnesses from a wide range of fields from the 
    biomedical and social sciences to theology, philosophy, and law. In 
    December 1984, the Office of Technology Assessment released a 
    background paper, Human Gene Therapy, which concluded that civic, 
    religious, scientific, and medical groups have all accepted, in 
    principle, the appropriateness of gene therapy of somatic cells in 
    humans for specific genetic diseases. Somatic cell gene therapy is seen 
    as an extension of present methods of therapy that might be preferable 
    to other technologies. In light of this public support, RAC is prepared 
    to consider proposals for somatic cell gene transfer.
        ``RAC will not at present entertain proposals for germ line 
    alterations but will consider proposals involving somatic cell gene 
    transfer. The purpose of somatic cell gene therapy is to treat an 
    individual patient, e.g., by inserting a properly functioning gene into 
    the subject's somatic cells. Germ line alteration involves a specific 
    attempt to introduce genetic changes into the germ (reproductive) cells 
    of an individual, with the aim of changing the set of genes passed on 
    to the individual's offspring.
        ``Research proposals involving the deliberate transfer of 
    recombinant DNA, or DNA or RNA derived from recombinant DNA, into human 
    subjects (human gene transfer) will be considered through a review 
    process involving both NIH/ORDA and RAC. Investigators shall submit 
    their relevant information on the proposed human gene transfer 
    experiments to NIH/ORDA. Submission of human gene transfer protocols to 
    NIH will be in the format described in Appendix M-I, Submission 
    Requirements--Human Gene Transfer Experiments. Submission to NIH shall 
    be for registration purposes and will ensure continue public access to 
    relevant human gene transfer information conducted in compliance with 
    the NIH Guidelines. Investigational New Drug (IND) applications should 
    be submitted to FDA in the format described in 21 CFR, Chapter I, 
    Subchapter D, Part 312, Subpart B, Section 23, IND Content and Format.
        ``Institutional Biosafety Committee approval must be obtained from 
    each institution at which recombinant DNA material will be administered 
    to human subjects (as opposed to each institution involved in the 
    production of vectors for human application and each institution at 
    which there is ex vivo transduction of recombinant DNA material into 
    target cells for human application).
        ``Factors that may contribute to public discussion of a human gene 
    transfer experiment by RAC include: (i) New vectors/new gene delivery 
    systems, (ii) new diseases, (iii) unique applications of gene transfer, 
    and (iv) other issues considered to require further public discussion. 
    Among the experiments that may be considered exempt from RAC discussion 
    are those determined not to represent possible risk to human health or 
    the environment. Full RAC review of an individual human gene transfer 
    experiment can be initiated by the NIH Director or recommended to the 
    NIH Director by: (i) Three or more RAC members, or (ii) other Federal 
    agencies. An individual human gene transfer experiment that is 
    recommended for full RAC review should represent novel characteristics 
    deserving of public discussion. If the Director, NIH, determines that 
    an experiment will undergo full RAC discussions, NIH/ORDA will 
    immediately notify the Principal Investigator. RAC members may forward 
    individual requests for additional information relevant to a specific 
    protocol through NIH/ORDA to the Principal Investigator. In making a
    [[Page 59045]]
    determination whether an experiment is novel, and thus deserving of 
    full RAC discussion, reviewers will examine the scientific rationale, 
    scientific context (relative to other proposals reviewed by RAC), 
    whether the preliminary in vitro and in vivo safety data were obtained 
    in appropriate models and are sufficient, and whether questions related 
    to relevant social and ethical issues have been resolved. RAC 
    recommendations on a specific human gene transfer experiment shall be 
    forwarded to the NIH Director, the Principal Investigator, the 
    sponsoring institution, and other DHHS components, as appropriate. 
    Relevant documentation will be included in the material for the RAC 
    meeting at which the experiment is scheduled to be discussed. RAC 
    meetings will be open to the public except where trade secrets and 
    proprietary information are reviewed (see Section IV-D-5, Protection of 
    Proprietary Data). RAC prefers that information provided in response to 
    Appendix M contain no proprietary data or trade secrets, enabling all 
    aspects of the review to be open to the public.
        ``Note: Any application submitted to NIH/ORDA shall not be 
    designated as `confidential' in its entirety. In the event that a 
    sponsor determines that specific responses to one or more of the 
    items described in Appendix M should be considered as proprietary or 
    trade secret, each item should be clearly identified as such. The 
    cover letter (attached to the submitted material) shall: (1) Clearly 
    indicate that select portions of the application contain information 
    considered as proprietary or trade secret, (2) a brief explanation 
    as to the reason that each of these items is determined proprietary 
    or trade secret.
        ``Public discussion of human gene transfer experiments (and access 
    to relevant information) shall serve to inform the public about the 
    technical aspects of the proposals, meaning and significance of the 
    research, and significant safety, social, and ethical implications of 
    the research. RAC discussion is intended to ensure safe and ethical 
    conduct of gene therapy experiments and facilitate public understanding 
    of this novel area of biomedical research.
        In its evaluation of human gene transfer proposals, RAC will 
    consider whether the design of such experiments offers adequate 
    assurance that their consequences will not go beyond their purpose, 
    which is the same as the traditional purpose of clinical investigation, 
    namely, to protect the health and well being of human subjects being 
    treated while at the same time gathering generalizable knowledge. Two 
    possible undesirable consequences of the transfer of recombinant DNA 
    would be unintentional: (i) Vertical transmission of genetic changes 
    from an individual to his/her offspring, or (ii) horizontal 
    transmission of viral infection to other persons with whom the 
    individual comes in contact. Accordingly, Appendices M-I through M-V 
    request information that will enable RAC and NIH/ORDA to assess the 
    possibility that the proposed experiment(s) will inadvertently affect 
    reproductive cells or lead to infection of other people (e.g., medical 
    personnel or relatives).
        ``Appendix M will be considered for revisions as experience in 
    evaluating proposals accumulates and as new scientific developments 
    occur. This review will be carried out periodically as needed.
    ``Appendix M-I. Submission Requirements--Human Gene Transfer 
        ``Investigators must submit the following material to the Office of 
    Recombinant DNA Activities, National Institutes of Health/MSC 7010, 
    6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7010, 
    (301) 496-9838 (see exemption in Appendix M-VIII-A, Footnotes of 
    Appendix M). Proposals shall be submitted to NIH/ORDA in the following 
    order: (1) Scientific abstract; (2) non-technical abstract; (3) 
    Institutional Biosafety Committee and Institutional Review Board 
    approvals and their deliberations pertaining to your protocol 
    (Institutional Biosafety Committee approval must be obtained from each 
    institution at which recombinant DNA material will be administered to 
    human subjects (as opposed to each institution involved in the 
    production of vectors for human application and each institution at 
    which there is ex vivo transduction of recombinant DNA material into 
    target cells for human application)); (4) Responses to Appendix M-II 
    through M-V, Description of the Proposal, Informed Consent, Privacy and 
    Confidentiality, and Special Issues (the pertinent responses can be 
    provided in the protocol or as an appendix to the protocol); (5) 
    clinical protocol (as approved by the local Institutional Biosafety 
    Committee and Institutional Review Board); (6) Informed Consent 
    document--approved by the Institutional Review Board (see Appendix M-
    III, Informed Consent); (7) appendices (including tables, figures, and 
    manuscripts); and (8) curricula vitae--2 pages for each key 
    professional person in biographical sketch format. Investigational New 
    Drug (IND) applications shall be submitted to FDA in the format 
    described in 21 CFR, chapter I, subchapter D, part 312, subpart B, 
    section 23, IND Content and Format. Submissions to FDA should be sent 
    to the Division of Congressional and Public Affairs, Document Control 
    Center, HFM-99, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, 1401 
    Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852-1448.
    ``Appendix M-II. Description of the Proposal''
    [This section remains unchanged]
    ``Appendix M-III. Informed Consent''
    [This section remains unchanged]
    ``Appendix M-IV. Privacy and Confidentiality''
    [This section remains unchanged]
    ``Appendix M-V. Special Issues''
    [This section remains unchanged]
    ``Appendix M-VI. RAC Review--Human Gene Transfer Experiments
        ``In order to maintain public access to information regarding human 
    gene transfer protocols, NIH/ORDA will maintain the documentation 
    described in Appendices M-I through M-V (including protocols that are 
    not reviewed by RAC). RAC prefers that information provided in response 
    to Appendix M, Points to Consider, contain no proprietary data or trade 
    secrets, enabling all aspects of the discussion to be open to the 
    ``Appendix M-VI-A. RAC Members' Written Comments
        ``Following receipt by NIH/ORDA, summary information on each human 
    gene transfer protocol will be forwarded to RAC members. Each RAC 
    member shall notify NIH/ORDA within 15 working days regarding the 
    necessity for full RAC discussion. Full RAC review of an individual 
    human gene transfer experiment can be initiated by the NIH Director or 
    recommended to the NIH Director by: (i) Three or more RAC members, or 
    (ii) other Federal agencies. An individual human gene transfer 
    experiment that is recommended for full RAC review should represent 
    novel characteristics deserving of public discussion. If the Director, 
    NIH, determines that an experiment will undergo full RAC discussion, 
    NIH/ORDA will immediately notify the Principal Investigator. RAC 
    members may forward individual requests for additional information 
    relevant to a specific protocol through NIH/ORDA to the Principal 
    Investigator. In making a determination whether an experiment is novel, 
    and thus deserving of full RAC
    [[Page 59046]]
    discussion, reviewers shall examine the scientific rationale, 
    scientific context (relative to other proposals reviewed by RAC), 
    whether the preliminary in vitro and in vitro safety data were obtained 
    in appropriate models and are sufficient, and whether questions related 
    to relevant social and ethical issues have been resolved. RAC 
    recommendations on a specific human gene transfer experiment shall be 
    forwarded to the NIH Director, the Principal Investigator, the 
    sponsoring insititution, and other DHHS components, as appropriate.
    ``Appendix M-VII. Reporting Requirements--Human Gene Transfer Protocols
    ``Appendix M-VII-A. Investigational New Drug Application Reporting
        ``Upon receipt of notification of permission to proceed with an 
    Investigational New Drug application for a human gene transfer 
    protocol, the Principal Investigator(s) shall submit a written report 
    that includes the following information: (1) How the investigator(s) 
    responded to RAC's recommendations on the protocol (if applicable), and 
    (2) any modifications to the protocol as required by FDA.
    ``Appendix M-VII-B. Annual Data Reporting and Gene Therapy Database
        ``Investigators shall comply with annual data reporting 
    requirements. Annual Data Report forms will be forwarded by NIH/ORDA to 
    investigators. Data submitted in these reports will be evaluated by RAC 
    and NIH/ORDA, and reviewed at a future RAC meeting. Information 
    obtained through annual data reporting will be included in a human gene 
    transfer database that will be administered by NIH/ORDA. The purpose of 
    this human gene transfer database is to: (1) Maintain an institutional 
    memory, (2) provide administrative details of protocol registration, 
    (3) provide annual status reports of protocols, (4) facilitate risk 
    assessment of individual applications of human gene transfer, and (5) 
    enhance public awareness of relevant scientific, safety, social, and 
    ethical issues.
    ``Appendix M-VII-C. Adverse Event Reporting
        ``Investigators who have received approval for FDA to initiate a 
    human gene transfer protocol must report any serious adverse event 
    immediately to the local Institutional Review Board, Institutional 
    Boisafety Committee, Office for Protection from Research Risks (if 
    applicable), NIH/ORDA, and FDA, followed by the submission of a written 
    report filed with each group. Reports submitted to NIH/ORDA shall be 
    sent to the Office of Recombinant DNA Activities, National Institutes 
    of Health/MSC 7010, 6000 Executive Boulevard, Suite 302, Bethesda, 
    Maryland 20892-7010, (301) 496-9838.
    ``Appendix VIII. Footnotes of Appendix M
        ``Appendix VIII-A. Human studies in which induction or enhancement 
    of an immune response to a vector-encoded microbialimmunogen is the 
    major goal, such an immune response has been demonstrated in model 
    systems, and the persistence of the vector-encoded immunogen is not 
    expected, are exempt from Appendix M-I, Submission Requirements, and 
    Appendix M-VII, Reporting Requirements--Human Gene Transfer 
        OMB's ``Mandatory Information Requirements for Federal Assistance 
    Program Announcements'' (45 FR 39592) requires a statement concerning 
    the official government programs contained in the Catalog of Federal 
    Domestic Assistance. Normally NIH lists in its announcements the number 
    and title of affected individual programs for the guidance of the 
    public. Because the guidance in this notice covers virtually every NIH 
    and Federal research program in which recombinant DNA molecule 
    techniques could be used, it has been determined not to be cost 
    effective or in the public interst to attempt to list these programs. 
    Such a list would likely require several additional pages. In addition, 
    NIH could not be certain that every Federal program would be included 
    as many Federal agencies, as well as private organizations, both 
    national and international, have elected to follow the NIH Guidelines. 
    In lieu of the individual program listing, NIH invites readers to 
    direct questions to the information address above about whether 
    individual programs listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic 
    Assistance are affected.
        Effective Date: October 22, 1997.
    Harold Varmus,
    Director, National Institutes of Health.
    [FR Doc. 97-28921 Filed 10-30-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4140-01-M