94-24506. Availability of Model State Training and Certification Programs for High Capacity Fossil Fuel-Fired Plant Operators  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 191 (Tuesday, October 4, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-24506]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: October 4, 1994]
    [IL-64-2-5807; FRL-5084-9]
    Availability of Model State Training and Certification Programs 
    for High Capacity Fossil Fuel-Fired Plant Operators
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of availability of the model State programs for the 
    training and certification of operators of high capacity fossil fuel-
    fired plants as required under section 129 of the Clean Air Act (Act).
    SUMMARY: This action announces the availability of training materials 
    which constitute the model State training program for operators of high 
    capacity fossil fuel-fired plants, and the model State certification 
    program for these operators, as required under section 129 of the Act.
    ADDRESSES: The final student handbook (specify ``High Capacity Fossil 
    Fuel-Fired Plant Operator Training Program--Student Handbook,'' EPA-
    453/B-94-056) may be obtained from the U.S. EPA Air Pollution Training 
    Institute (MD-17), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, 
    telephone number (919) 541-2498, FAX number (919) 541-5598.
        For qualified instructors interested in conducting the training 
    course, single copies of the instructor's guide (specify ``High 
    Capacity Fossil Fuel-Fired Plant Operator Training Program--
    Instructor's Guide,'' EPA-453/B-94-057) can be requested by contacting 
    the U.S. EPA Air Pollution Training Institute (MD-17), Research 
    Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, telephone number (919) 541-2498, 
    FAX number (919) 541-5598 at the above address.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information concerning specific 
    aspects of this notice, contact Mr. James Eddinger, Industrial Studies 
    Branch, Emission Standards Division (MD-13), U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, 
    telephone number (919) 541-5426.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following outline is provided to aid in 
    locating information in this notice.
    I. Background
    II. Comments and Responses
    III. Model State Training Program
    IV. Model State Certification Program
    V. Authority
    I. Background
        Section 129(d) of the Act requires the EPA to develop and promote a 
    model State program for the training and certification of solid waste 
    incineration unit operators and high-capacity fossil fuel-fired plant 
    operators. In August 1993, the EPA submitted to all State air pollution 
    control agencies the model State training programs that the EPA 
    developed for operators of municipal waste combustors (MWC's) and 
    medical waste incinerators (MWI's) pursuant to this requirement. To 
    ensure the availability of at least one appropriate national 
    certification program for these solid waste incineration units, the EPA 
    requested the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) to 
    develop and manage a nationwide certification program for MWC and MWI 
    operators. As a result, the ASME developed an ASME certification 
    program for each of these solid waste incineration industry categories.
        The model State training programs for MWC's and MWI's were 
    developed by the EPA to provide a level of understanding that is 
    adequate to successfully complete the requirements of the ASME program 
    or an equivalent State-approved program for certification of operators 
    of such facilities. The emission standards (40 CFR 60.50a) promulgated 
    under section 129 for MWC's require certification of the operator by 
    the ASME or an equivalent State-approved certification program.
        In October 1992, the EPA initiated development of a training 
    program for operators of high capacity fossil fuel-fired plants. The 
    EPA considers the term high-capacity fossil fuel-fired plants to mean 
    boilers (i.e., devices that combust fossil fuel to produce steam or hot 
    water) greater than 10 million BTU's per hour heat input. The group of 
    high capacity fossil fuel-fired plants (boilers) covered in this 
    training course includes the size range from small industrial, 
    commercial, and institutional steam generating units (greater than 10 
    million BTU's per hour heat input) to large utility boilers.
        On October 6, 1993 (58 FR 52106), EPA announced the availability of 
    a draft student handbook, prepared as part of a training course for 
    operators of high capacity fossil fuel-fired plants, and EPA's 
    intention to develop a model State certification program for these 
    operators; and invited public comments on both the contents of the 
    student handbook and the EPA's intention to develop the model State 
    certification program.
    II. Comments and Responses
        Thirty-eight comment letters were received in response to the 
    notice of availability of the draft student handbook and EPA's 
    intention to develop model State training and certification programs: 
    twenty-three from utility companies, seven from industrial boiler 
    facilities, six from trade or technical associations, and two from 
    government agencies. The comments pertained to either specific items or 
    statements in the draft student handbook, the need for the model State 
    training and certification programs, or the coverage of these programs. 
    The comments specific to the draft student handbook have been 
    incorporated into the revised student handbook. The more significant 
    issues raised by commenters relating to the overall model training and 
    certification programs along with clarification of the EPA's intention 
    for these model State programs are discussed below:
    1. Draft Student Handbook
        A general comment on the draft student handbook was that it covers 
    a wide range of facilities (i.e., fuel types, sizes and applications) 
    and that even though the handbook is a relatively comprehensive 
    treatment of basic combustion theory, technology and emission control, 
    the level of understanding of each of these areas required by a plant 
    operator will vary with the size, type and fuel requirements of a 
    facility. The commenters suggested that a modular handbook be developed 
    so training programs could reflect the specific equipment and fuel used 
    at a facility. They further commented that emphasis on the specific 
    areas of training to reflect the organizational structure of the 
    facility should be allowed.
        In response, the training course developed by the EPA is modular in 
    design. It is divided into 30 learning sessions. Each session covers a 
    specific area of knowledge, such as, pulverized coal-fired boilers, 
    NOX control technology, continuous emissions monitoring, etc * * 
    *. The training course was designed in this manner so that it may 
    fulfill requirements leading to boiler operator certification. The 
    information presented in the training materials covers areas which may 
    be addressed in a potential certification examination. Depending on the 
    different classes/levels of certification available, the appropriate 
    training sessions for that particular level of certification could be 
    selected from the training materials to address the topics covered in 
    that particular certification examination.
    2. Requirement for Operator Training and Certification
        Based on the comments received, there appears to be a general 
    misunderstanding that, in the October 6, 1993 Federal Register notice, 
    the EPA was proposing to require the training and certification of 
    operators of high capacity fossil fuel-fired plants. Some commenters 
    stated that the October 6 Federal Register notice failed to clearly 
    state that the draft training program being presented in the form of 
    the draft student handbook was not being required for boiler operators 
    under EPA regulations.
        For clarification purposes, section 129 (d) of the Act requires 
    that the EPA develop a model State training and certification program 
    for both operators of solid waste incineration units and high capacity 
    fossil fuel-fired plant operators but mandates training only for 
    operators of solid waste incineration units. This notice announces the 
    availability of the model State programs for the training and 
    certification of operators, as required by section 129 of the Act. This 
    notice is not a rulemaking action to require anyone to implement any 
    training program. The individual States may make determinations whether 
    or not to require operator training and certification and may also 
    decide whether the EPA's model training program or another training 
    program is appropriate.
    3. Need for Training and Certification Programs
        Both utility and industrial facility commenters questioned the need 
    for training and certification requirements since their operators 
    already undergo extensive site specific training programs that cover 
    all of the topics listed as chapters in the draft student handbook. The 
    utility industry commented that because of the high skill levels 
    required for safe, efficient and reliable operation, extensive and 
    comprehensive internal training programs have been implemented. Both 
    groups commented that their training programs should be allowed to 
    satisfy the obligation for training and that the EPA should allow any 
    company to conduct a training course/program in lieu of the EPA or 
    equivalent State program, provided it meets the fundamental EPA 
    requirements. Also, the utility industry commented that utility 
    facilities are subject to the Title V Operating Permit program under 40 
    CFR Part 70 and the Continuous Emission Monitoring rules under 40 CFR 
    Part 75 and therefore the utility industry believes that compliance 
    with these regulations encompasses all the objectives outlined by the 
    EPA for training and certifying operators of high capacity fossil fuel-
    fired plants. They recommended that EPA include in its final model 
    State program a provision for allowing compliance with the above 
    regulations to be considered equivalent to meeting the requirements of 
    an operator training and certification program and allowing the 
    substitution of existing utility or industrial boiler training programs 
    for the EPA model training program to avoid unnecessary duplication of 
        In response and as stated above, under section 129 of the Act, the 
    EPA is mandated only to develop model State training and certification 
    programs for operators of high capacity fossil fuel-fired plants. These 
    model programs will be made available to the States for their use. The 
    EPA agrees that a mechanism should be included in any State rules 
    regarding training and certification to allow facilities to 
    satisfactorily demonstrate the equivalency of their program. With 
    regard to certification, this is similar to the provision included in 
    the EPA regulations for MWC units where EPA allows certification by 
    ASME or an equivalent State-approved certification program.
    4. Applicability
        Many comments dealt with the coverage of the training and 
    certification programs. These comments included:
        a. They questioned the EPA's interpretation of high capacity fossil 
    fuel-fired plants as inclusive of boilers with relatively small 
    capacity (i.e., as low as 10 million Btu per hour heat input). These 
    commenters suggested that the EPA target training for operators of 
    boilers with 100 million Btu per hour heat input or greater. They 
    commented that many of the boilers in the 10 to 100 million Btu per 
    hour range operate automatically with little attention, without air 
    pollution control equipment and do not incorporate operator adjustment 
    features that could adversely affect air pollution, and are mostly 
    fueled by gas or light oil. Adjustments to these boilers are made on an 
    annual or twice per year basis by qualified outside contractors that 
    specialize in boiler controls and adjustments. The commenters further 
    indicated that the narrow range of adjustments that an operator could 
    make on a gas-fired boiler less than 100 million Btu per hour has a 
    minor influence on emissions and that NOX emissions are determined 
    primarily by design factors such as configuration of the combustion 
    chamber and the burner design. Neither of these are under control of 
    the operator.
        b. A provision should be included in the final model State program 
    to allow for acceptance of alternative training and certification 
    programs for facilities with low capacity factors. The EPA should 
    include an exemption for training for those units with annual capacity 
    factors less than 15%. The required definition of high capacity fossil 
    fuel-fired plants would not be altered if such an exemption were 
    provided for these units.
        c. Many commenters believe that the training and certification 
    requirement was intended to apply only to units subject to Subparts Da, 
    Db, and Dc.
    * * * * *
        In response to the above, the range of boiler sizes selected by the 
    EPA for inclusion in the model State training program was based on the 
    range of boiler sizes covered by the various existing EPA emission 
    regulations for steam generating units. These emission regulations 
    cover the size range from 10 million Btu per hour heat input and 
        Potential air pollution problems can result from poor operation and 
    maintenance of a boiler and associated air pollution control system 
    when operators do not understand the combustion and air pollution 
    control processes and are inadequately trained. The EPA feels that the 
    training of boiler operators, regardless of the size or capacity 
    factor, would result in improved operation, be relatively inexpensive 
    and would reduce emissions.
        The reference made to Subparts Da, Db, and Dc in the October 6, 
    1993 Federal Register notice was intended only to give the reader an 
    indication of the types and sizes of the boilers that were selected for 
    discussion in the training course. Subparts Da, Db, and Dc list 
    definitions for various aspects covered in the training materials, such 
    as, fossil fuel, electric utility steam generating unit, heat input, 
    fluidized bed combustion, etc. The reference to Subparts Da, Db, and Dc 
    was not to suggest that the training course was only intended for 
    operators of boilers subject to these subparts. The training course was 
    designed to be appropriate for operators of any boiler with a capacity 
    above 10 million Btu per hour heat input.
    III. Model State Training Program
        The training program developed for boiler operators is intended to 
    provide the operator with a basic understanding of the principles of 
    fuel combustion and air pollution control and to identify good 
    operating practices. The program is intended to supplement rather than 
    substitute for site-specific ``hands-on'' training of the operator. The 
    objectives of the training program are: to instruct operators in the 
    basic principles of proper operation and maintenance of boilers and air 
    pollution control systems; to help assure that the boiler is 
    continuously operated in a manner which complies with State and Federal 
    regulations; to enhance the operators appreciation for their role in 
    minimizing air pollution; and to increase the operators awareness of 
    regulatory requirements.
        The training materials consist of a student handbook which is not 
    only intended for use during the course but also may be used as a 
    reference by the operators after completion of the course, and an 
    instructor guide which provides the basic materials for use by the 
    instructor of the training course. The instructor's guide includes the 
    course description and agenda, course goals, lesson plans, copies of an 
    initial test and a final course examination, and audio-visual aids.
        Activities for developing this training course performed since 
    mailout of the draft student handbook include revision of the student 
    handbook based on comments received from the mailout, development of 
    the instructor's guide, a trial run of the course, revision of the 
    training materials based on comments received from the trial run, and 
    publication of the final student handbook.
        The trial run of the training materials was conducted in April 
    1994. The trial run presented the course materials and obtained 
    comments from participants concerning areas that could be changed to 
    improve the course materials. Among the twenty-eight attendees were 
    operators, training specialists, and supervisors of utility and 
    industrial facilities. Also in attendance were representatives from 
    boiler insurance, inspection, and licensing organizations. Comments 
    received from the trial course were incorporated into the final student 
    handbook, as appropriate. The chapters which required the most 
    significant revisions were those pertaining to the water and steam 
    circuits, package boilers, and safety. Also, the materials presented in 
    the chapters on combustion principles and air pollution fundamentals 
    were simplified without compromising the material content. The 
    instructor's guide was then modified to reflect changes to the student 
        The operator training materials include testing materials that 
    indicate a student's satisfactory completion of the training course. 
    The EPA will provide the final student and instructor manuals to the 
    States so they can use them to implement an operator training program 
    for high capacity fossil fuel-fired plant operators.
    IV. Model State Certification Program
        In the development of any operator certification program, several 
    key factors must be addressed. Among these factors is which personnel 
    should be required to be certified. The EPA believes certification 
    should not be limited to only the operator with hands-on control of the 
    boiler. These operators may lack the authority to request the 
    assistance of a repairman when equipment needs maintenance or service. 
    Also these operators may not be authorized to take corrective action in 
    the event of equipment malfunction. Such authority may rest with the 
    operator's supervisor. This may be a shift supervisor, chief engineer, 
    plant manager, etc. It is the operator's supervisor who is usually 
    responsible for making critical decisions regarding operation and 
    maintenance of the equipment. Because decisions made by the operator's 
    supervisor are key to proper operation of the boiler, the operator's 
    supervisor must have a broader level of understanding than the 
    operator. Thus, there is a need for separate levels of certification 
    for operators and operator supervisors.
        In addition, the level of knowledge needed by an operator or 
    operator supervisor is dictated by the complexity of the equipment 
    operated. For example, the knowledge required to operate a coal-fired 
    boiler with an air pollution control system is greater than that 
    required to operate a gas-fired boiler without an air pollution control 
    system. It may not be reasonable to require an operator of a boiler 
    without an air pollution control system to demonstrate knowledge of 
    such equipment. Therefore, several classes of boiler operator 
    certification should probably be developed for each operator 
    certification level.
        Furthermore, since, as the commenters have indicated, many boilers 
    may operate with little or no operator attention, any certification 
    program should consider including those individuals who perform the 
    boiler tuning and maintenance.
        Another key area concerns the qualifications that an applicant 
    should possess for certification. An acceptable level of skill and 
    operating ability should be demonstrated on a boiler system which is 
    equivalent to (or higher than) the class of boiler for which 
    certification is being sought. This ``hands-on'' ability could be 
    demonstrated by an on-site examination by a qualified/certified 
    examiner or demonstration of ability before other certified operators 
    who verify the applicant's ability. Also a consideration is the prior 
    experience needed before applying for certification. The certification 
    program should require some prior experience under the direct 
    supervision of a certified operator/operator supervisor who verifies 
    the proficiency of the applicant. Finally, an applicant should be 
    required to successfully pass a written examination covering the areas 
    of knowledge deemed necessary for the particular class/level of 
    certification being sought. The written examination could be 
    administered by the State or some authorized certification 
        The EPA's intention, announced in the October 6, 1993 Federal 
    Register notice, for developing a model State certification program for 
    high capacity fossil fuel-fired plants is to outline the scope and 
    components that a State agency should include in a certification 
    program. Components that should be considered for inclusion in any 
    State developed or approved certification program are:
    1. Coverage of the Certification Program.
        Determination of the type and size of boilers for which operator 
    certification is appropriate. Boilers for which environmental 
    regulations apply are candidates for inclusion in any certification 
    2. Level of Operators To Be Certified
        The duties and responsibilities of the positions of the operator 
    and operator supervisor should be established for the purpose of 
    identifying facility personnel to whom certification applies at fossil 
    fuel-fired plants. Certification for all persons who have control over 
    the process and can affect process emissions should be included. This 
    may include operators, supervisors, maintenance personnel, and outside 
    contractor personnel.
        An operator is generally in direct control of the operation of a 
    boiler system and is responsible for the startup, operation, and 
    shutdown of equipment. Typical responsibilities may include the 
        a. Operating equipment in accordance with established practices and 
        b. Operating equipment consistent with applicable federal, state, 
    and local government requirements;
        c. Identifying and initiating responses to upsets and emergency 
        d. Identifying and communicating the need for equipment repairs and 
        e. Communicating with management when system operation is in 
    noncompliance with applicable regulations;
        f. Operating in a safe manner;
        g. Recording operational data as required.
        An operator supervisor generally has direct responsibility for the 
    operation of a boiler system and is responsible for overall on-site 
    supervision, technical direction, management, and performance of the 
    facility. Typical responsibilities may include the following:
        a. Supervising, training, monitoring, and evaluating operators;
        b. Assuring operation in accordance with established practices and 
        c. Assuring equipment is operated in accordance with applicable 
    federal, state, and local government requirements;
        d. Directing action to correct equipment upsets or emergency 
        e. Assuring operating and maintenance records are maintained and 
    reports are prepared as required;
        f. Assuring noncompliance incidents and corrective action items are 
    reported to management or regulatory agencies;
        g. Assuring a safe workplace.
        The operator supervisor may also directly perform the duties and 
    responsibilities of the operator.
    3. Classes of Certification
        This includes establishment of various classes for which operator 
    certification is appropriate. The level of knowledge needed to properly 
    operate and minimize emissions varies considerably depending on the 
    type of facilities. Therefore, the level of knowledge will vary 
    depending on job duties and responsibilities. Different classes of 
    certification within each level developed under (2) should be 
        A boiler system may have any combination of fuel type, boiler type 
    and air pollution control system, and an operator should be certified 
    in the class designation equivalent to or more comprehensive than the 
    type of equipment operated.
        Example operator class designations are:
    Class A - certified to operate a coal-fired boiler with air pollution 
    control systems
    Class B - certified to operate a coal-fired boiler without air 
    pollution control systems
    Class C - certified to operate a gas or oil-fired boiler with air 
    pollution control systems
    Class D - certified to operate a gas or oil-fired boiler without air 
    pollution control systems
    4. Qualifications
        The following are the recommended qualifications that should be met 
    by an operator/operator supervisor to complete certification:
        a. Minimum age requirement;
        b. Training;
        c. Minimum level of experience under the direct supervision of a 
    certified operator or operator supervisor who must verify the 
    proficiency of the applicant in all aspects of the job;
        d. Pass a written examination, as discussed in item 5 below, 
    administrated by the State or a State-approved certification 
        The acceptable demonstration of skills and ability should be 
    performed on a boiler system equivalent to, or higher than, the class 
    of boiler equipment for which certification is being sought.
        During the initial implementation of a certification program when 
    there are not certified operators or operator supervisors available to 
    certify the applicant's proficiency, the applicant's employer could be 
    allowed to verify that the applicant has been continuously employed as 
    either an operator or operator supervisor for a minimum period of time 
    and that the applicant's job performance has been satisfactory. 
    Further, the employer should verify that the hands-on experience was as 
    an operator or operator supervisor for a boiler system equivalent to, 
    or higher than, the class of boiler equipment for which certification 
    is being sought.
    5. Training Requirements
        The training requirements should be established for boiler 
    operators to provide the operator with a basic understanding of the 
    principles of fuel combustion and air pollution control and to identify 
    good operating practices. The training requirements should included 
    both classroom and site-specific ``hands-on'' training of the operator. 
    The objectives of the training program are: to instruct operators in 
    the basic principles of proper operation and maintenance of boilers and 
    air pollution control systems; to help assure that the boiler is 
    continuously operated in a manner which complies with State and Federal 
    regulations; to enhance the operators appreciation for their role in 
    minimizing air pollution; and to increase the operators awareness of 
    regulatory requirements.
    6. Pass Written Examination
        The final key element should be a requirement that the applicant 
    demonstrate sufficient knowledge in specified areas by passing a 
    written examination administered by the State or an approved 
    certification organization. This element should also require a 
    provision for a ``bank'' of questions to implement the written 
    examination to assure that tests given at different times are not 
        The examination should be structured as a closed book, multiple 
    choice, and written examination. The examinations for operators should 
    differ from those for operator supervisor consistent with the 
    differences in duties. The examination could be modular in design and 
    given in parts. Candidates successfully passing the appropriate parts 
    can be deemed to have completed the written testing requirements for a 
    particular certification class.
        To successfully pass a test part, a candidate should correctly 
    answer a minimum of 70 percent of the questions in that part.
        Questions should be related to:
    a. Water and Steam Circuit
    b. Fuel, Air and Gas Circuit
    c. Basic Combustion Principles
    d. Air Pollution Fundamentals
    e. Boiler equipment characteristics
    f. Normal Boiler Operation
    g. Automatic Control Systems
    h. Instrumentation
    i. Preventative Maintenance
    j. Safety
    k. Air Pollutants of Concern
    l. Environmental Regulations
    m. Continuous Emissions Monitoring
    n. Particulate Control
    o. NOX Control
    p. SOX Control
    q. Water Pollution and Control
    r. Solids Waste and Control
    7. Issuance of Certification
        Each candidate who passes the written examination and whose 
    proficiency has been verified should be issued a certificate valid for 
    a specific time period (e.g., five years). Each certificate should 
    contain the following minimum information:
    a. Type of certification;
    b. Certified individual's full name;
    c. Photograph of certified individual;
    d. Effective date and expiration date.
    e. Signature of a duly authorized designee.
    8. Provision for Recertification
        Certification should be granted for a limited period of time. The 
    procedure for recertification could be simply verification of 
    satisfactory employment with the appropriate type of equipment for that 
    certification level/classes since the time the previous certification 
    was granted or it could entail additional refresher courses, ``hands-
    on'' demonstration, or passing of a written examination.
    9. Revocation of Certification
        There should be a procedure included in the certification program 
    to revoke a certification for falsifying or providing inaccurate 
    information in the certification process.
        The components listed above as the model State certification 
    program are modelled after the certification standards developed by the 
    ASME for MWC and MWI operators. These ASME certification standards were 
    developed by a committee balanced by interest classification (e.g., 
    regulatory, operators, manufacturers, etc.) and underwent public review 
    and comment. The EPA was a member of the ASME committee for the 
    development of the MWI certification standard.
        In August 1992, to ensure the availability of at least one 
    appropriate national certification program, the EPA requested the ASME 
    to develop and manage a nationwide certification program for boiler 
    operators. As a result, the ASME Board of Safety Codes & Standards and 
    the Council on Codes & Standards approved the formation of a committee 
    in June 1994 to develop such a program. The ASME certification program 
    is anticipated to be completed in late 1996.
        As discussed above, the EPA will provide the final student handbook 
    and instructor guide, developed by the EPA, to the States so they may 
    implement operator training or certification programs prior to 
    finalization of the ASME certification program. In addition, some 
    States may already require that boiler operators obtain state boiler 
    operator engineer licenses. If these licensing agencies demonstrate 
    equivalency, a State air pollution control agency could accept this 
    licensing as certification under this program. Licensing organizations, 
    such as the National Institute for the Uniform Licensing of Power 
    Engineers Incorporated, have commented that there are other licensing 
    organizations that may be able to provide certification programs in a 
    shorter timeframe than the ASME since they already have a licensing 
    program developed for boiler operators along with a possible database 
    of appropriate questions. They also indicated a willingness to modify 
    their programs to meet whatever criteria a State sets for a 
    certification program.
        As stated in the October 6, 1993 Federal Register, the training 
    materials developed by the EPA will be revised as necessary when the 
    ASME certification program is sufficiently developed to ensure that the 
    training course is coordinated with the certification requirements.
        The ASME has previously developed certification programs for 
    operators of MWC's and MWI's. In terms of the boiler operator 
    certification, the EPA's intention is to continue to work with the ASME 
    by serving on the various development committees and by providing 
    technical assistance to develop a certification program. The ASME 
    certification program is anticipated to be completed no earlier than 
    late 1996.
    V. Authority
        This notice of availability of model State programs for the 
    training and certification of operators of high capacity fossil fuel-
    fired plants is issued under the authority of section 129 of the Clean 
    Air Act, as amended.
        Dated: September 27, 1994.
    Richard D. Wilson,
    Acting Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation.
    [FR Doc. 94-24506 Filed 10-3-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of availability of the model State programs for the training and certification of operators of high capacity fossil fuel- fired plants as required under section 129 of the Clean Air Act (Act).
Document Number:
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: October 4, 1994, IL-64-2-5807, FRL-5084-9