94-24519. AMCAP Fund, Inc., et al.; Notice of Application  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 191 (Tuesday, October 4, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-24519]
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    [Federal Register: October 4, 1994]
    [Investment Company Act Rel. No. 20589; 812-9002]
    AMCAP Fund, Inc., et al.; Notice of Application
    September 28, 1994.
    AGENCY: Securities and Exchange Commission (``SEC'').
    ACTION: Notice of Application for Exemption under the Investment 
    Company Act of 1940 (``Act'').
    APPLICANTS: AMCAP Fund, Inc.; American Balanced Fund, Inc.; The 
    American Funds Income Series; The American Funds Tax-Exempt Series I; 
    The American Funds Tax-Exempt Series II, American High-Income Municipal 
    Bond Fund, Inc.; American High-Income Trust; American Mutual Fund, 
    Inc.; American Variable Insurance Series; The Bond Fund of America, 
    Inc.; Capital Income Builder, Inc.; Capital World Bond Fund, Inc.; 
    Capital World Growth and Income Fund, Inc.; The Cash Management Trust 
    of America; EuroPacific Growth Fund; Fundamental Investors, Inc.; The 
    Growth Fund of America, Inc.; The Income Fund of America, Inc.; 
    Intermediate Bond Fund of America; The Investment Company of America; 
    Limited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of America; The New Economy Fund; New 
    Perspective Fund, Inc.; SMALLCAP World Fund, Inc.; The Tax-Exempt Bond 
    Fund of America, Inc.; The Tax-Exempt Money Fund of America; The U.S. 
    Treasury Money Fund of America; Washington Mutual Investors Fund, Inc. 
    (collectively, the ``Funds''); and Capital Research and Management 
    Company (``CRMC'').
    RELEVANT ACT SECTIONS: Exemption requested under section 6(c) from 
    sections 13(a)(2), 13(a)(3), 18(f)(1), 22(f), and 22(g) of the Act, and 
    rule 2a-7 thereunder; under sections 6(c) and 17(b) from section 
    17(a)(1); and under section 17(d) of the Act and rule 17d-1 thereunder.
    SUMMARY OF APPLICATION: Applicants seek a conditional order permitting 
    them to offer a deferred compensation plan to certain directors and 
    members of their advisory boards, under which the directors and 
    advisory board members may elect to have their deferred compensation 
    adjusted at a rate equal to the rate of return of shares of one or more 
    investment companies of the American Funds Group.
    FILING DATE: The application was filed on May 16, 1994, and amended on 
    July 22, 1994. Applicants have agreed to file an additional amendment 
    during the notice period. This notice reflects the changes to be made 
    by such additional amendment.
    HEARING OR NOTIFICATION OF HEARING: An order granting the application 
    will be issued unless the SEC orders a hearing. Interested persons may 
    request a hearing by writing to the SEC's Secretary and serving 
    applicants with a copy of the request, personally or by mail. Hearing 
    requests should be received by the SEC by 5:30 p.m. on October 24, 
    1994, and should be accompanied by proof of service on applicants, in 
    the form of an affidavit or, for lawyers, a certificate of service. 
    Hearing requests should state the nature of the writer's interest, the 
    reason for the request, and the issues contested. Persons who wish to 
    be notified of a hearing may request such notification by writing to 
    the SEC's Secretary.
    ADDRESSES: Secretary, SEC, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 
    20549. Applicants, 333 South Hope Street, 52nd Floor, Los Angeles, 
    California 90071.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Courtney S. Thornton, Senior Attorney, 
    at (202) 942-0583, or Barry D. Miller, Senior Special Counsel, at (202) 
    942-0564 (Division of Investment Management, Office of Investment 
    Company Regulation).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following is a summary of the 
    application. The complete application may be obtained for a fee from 
    the SEC's Public Reference Branch.
    Applicants' Representations
        1. Each of the Funds is an open-end, diversified management 
    investment company registered under the Act. With the exception of The 
    Investment Company of America, which is a Delaware corporation, each of 
    the Funds is either a Massachusetts business trust or a Maryland 
        2. Each Fund is governed by a board of directors/trustees, a 
    majority of whom are not ``interested persons'' of the Funds within the 
    meaning of section 2(a)(19) of the Act. CRMC, a subsidiary of The 
    Capital Group, Inc., serves as investment adviser to each of the Funds. 
    In addition, certain of the Funds employ advisory boards, as defined in 
    section 2(a)(1) of the Act, whose members (``Advisors'') consult from 
    time to time with CRMC and Fund directors, primarily with respect to 
    such Fund's investments or management. No director or Advisor employed 
    by CRMC or its affiliated companies (other than the Funds) or by 
    Washington Management Corporation (``WMC'') (the business manager for 
    three of the Funds) or its affiliates receives any remuneration from 
    the Funds.
        3. Applicants request an exemptive order to permit the Funds to 
    offer certain deferred compensation plans (``Plans'') to their 
    directors who are not employees of either CRMC or its affiliates or WMC 
    or its affiliates (the ``Non-Employee Directors'')\1\ and their 
    Advisors (collectively, the ``Participants'').\2\ Applicants request 
    that the exemption requested, other than the exemption from section 
    13(a)(3), which is requested only for certain of the Funds that are 
    named as applicants, also apply to any open-end management investment 
    company that is advised by CRMC in the future.
        \1\Most of the Non-Employee Directors are not ``interested 
    persons'' of the Funds as defined in section 2(a)(19) of the Act. 
    However, one Non-Employee Director may be deemed an interested 
    person due to membership on the board of directors of the parent 
    company of a registered broker-dealer.
        \2\The Plans are substantially similar to deferred compensation 
    plans which previously were offered by certain of the Funds (the 
    ``Pre-Existing Plans'') for which no-action relief was requested and 
    granted by the Commission. See American Balanced Fund, Inc. (pub. 
    avail. Feb. 13, 1984). All of the Pre-Existing Plans now have been 
        4. The purpose of the Plans is to permit Participants to defer 
    receipt of all or a percentage of the fees otherwise payable to them by 
    such Fund. Fees deferred under a Plan, and any earnings thereon, are 
    not subject to federal or state income taxation until actually received 
    by the Participants or their beneficiaries.
        5. Each of the Plans became effective upon adoption by the board of 
    directors of the relevant Fund, prior to the filing of the application 
    for an exemptive order. An order is required for the Plans because the 
    Funds wish to use returns on investment companies in The American Funds 
    Group (which encompasses all of the Funds named as applicants, with the 
    exception of the American Variable Insurance Series) to determine the 
    amount of earnings and gains or losses allocated in respect of a 
    Participant's deferred compensation account (``Deferred Payment 
    Account''); this feature may not be implemented without SEC approval. 
    Pending receipt of SEC approval, each Plan provides that compensation 
    deferred by a Participant under a Plan will be credited to the 
    Participant's Deferred Payment Account in the form of cash, and 
    credited with earnings in an amount equal to the yield on 90-day U.S. 
    Treasury Bills. Any conversion of previously credited cash amounts will 
    be effected at the net asset value of the relevant Fund(s) as of the 
    date of any order granting exemptive relief or an appropriate date 
        6. Compensation deferred under a Plan is credited to a Deferred 
    Payment Account established in the name of each Participant on the 
    books of the relevant Fund on the date on which it would otherwise have 
    been credited to a Participant. Participants may select one or more 
    Funds in The American Funds Group, in which their deferred compensation 
    will be deemed to be invested in the form of fictional shares 
    (``Phantom Shares'') of the Fund(s) selected by a Participant for 
    purposes of crediting earnings and determining payments. Participants 
    will receive periodic statements, at least annually, showing the 
    balance credited to their respective Deferred Payment Accounts. A 
    Participant's benefits under a Plan are not transferable or assignable, 
    except in the event of death. If a Participant dies at any time before 
    all amounts in his or her Deferred Payment Account have been paid, such 
    remaining amounts will be paid in a lump sum as soon as practicable to 
    the Participant's designated beneficiaries.
        7. Except in the case of Funds that are money market funds, a Fund 
    sponsoring a Plan will be under no obligation to a Participant to 
    purchase, hold, or dispose of any underlying shares of any Fund in 
    order to exactly match its obligations to credit or charge 
    Participants' Deferred Payment Accounts with the earnings and gains or 
    losses attributable to any Phantom Shares. Nevertheless, if underlying 
    shares of any Funds are purchased by a Fund for matching purposes, any 
    and all such shares will continue to be a part of the general assets 
    and property of such Fund. Amounts credited to a Participant's Deferred 
    Payment Account are not evidenced by any note or other security, or 
    funded or secured in any way. In addition, no assets of a Fund will be 
    segregated for the account of any participant; Participants' will be 
    general unsecured creditors of the relevant Fund for payments due under 
    any Plan. The obligations under a Plan will be reflected as a liability 
    on the books of the relevant Fund.
        8. Participants in any Plan may elect to transfer to such Plan any 
    amounts deferred by the Participant under any Pre-Existing Plan offered 
    by the relevant Fund. Amounts transferred from Pre-Existing Plans will 
    continue to earn a rate equal to the yield on 90-day U.S. Treasury 
    Bills (as provided under the Pre-Existing Plans). Conversion to Phantom 
    Shares of amounts transferred to the Plans from accounts under the Pre-
    Existing Plans will be effected at the net asset value of the relevant 
    Fund(s) as of the date of any other granting exemptive relief or an 
    appropriate date thereafter.
    Applicants' Legal Analysis
        1. Section 18(f)(1) generally prohibits a registered open-end 
    investment company from issuing senior securities. Section 13(a)(2) 
    permits an investment company to borrow funds or issue senior 
    securities only as described in the recitals of policy contained in its 
    registration statement, unless authorized by its shareholders. 
    Applicants assert that the Plan contain none of the characteristics of 
    senior securities that led Congress to enact the restrictions on the 
    issuance of such securities. The Funds would not be borrowing for 
    securities speculation. All liabilities created by a accruals under a 
    Plan will be offset by assets of its corresponding Fund, which would 
    not otherwise exist if Participants' compensation were paid on a 
    current basis. Applicants also believe that, given the common existence 
    of deferred compensation plans today, the Plans will not confuse 
    shareholders, complicate the valuation of a Fund's shares, convey a 
    false sense of safety, or be inconsistent with the theory of mutually 
    of risk.
        2. Section 13(a)(3) prohibits an investment company from deviating 
    from the fundamental investment policies set forth in its registration 
    statement without authorization by the vote of a majority of its 
    outstanding voting securities. Applicants request an exemption from 
    this section to enable the Funds named in the application to purchase 
    shares of investment companies in The American Funds Group as 
    underlying securities for their Participants' Deferred Payment Account 
    without shareholder approval. Most of the Funds have fundamental 
    investment policies that prohibit them from purchasing the securities 
    of other investment companies.\3\ This policy would prevent the Funds 
    from purchasing shares of any other Funds in The American Funds Group 
    without shareholder approval. Each Fund will disclose the existence of 
    the Plans in its prospectus and, if applicable, the exception to its 
    fundamental policies for which relief is requested herein in its 
    statement of additional information. Applicants content that the value 
    of the underlying securities will be de minimis in relation to the 
    total net assets of each Fund. Furthermore, the value of the underlying 
    securities held by a particular Fund in respect of a Participant's 
    Deferred Payment Account would at all times equal the value of the 
    Fund's obligations to pay deferred fees in respect of the corresponding 
    Phantom Shares credited to such account. Consequently, changes in the 
    value of such underlying securities would not affect the value of 
    shareholders' investments. Thus, permitting the Funds to invest in 
    underlying securities without obtaining the shareholder approval 
    required by section 13(a)(3) would result in no harm to shareholders.
        \3\An exemption from section 13(a)(3) is not necessary for the 
    EuroPacific Growth Fund, the SMALLCAP World Fund, Inc., or the 
    Capital World Growth and Income Fund, Inc., whose fundamental 
    policies permit them to invest up to 5% of their assets in shares of 
    other open-end investment companies. Applicants do not expect the 
    Plans to cause these limits to be exceeded.
        3. Section 17(a)(1) generally prohibits an affiliated person of a 
    registered investment company, or any affiliated person of such person, 
    from selling any security to such investment company. This section was 
    designed to prevent sponsors of investment companies from using 
    investment company assets as capital for enterprises with which they 
    were associated or to acquire controlling interests in such 
    enterprises. The sale of securities issued by a Fund pursuant to a Plan 
    would not involve Congress' concerns in enacting this section, but 
    would merely facilitate the matching of a Fund's liability for a 
    Participant's deferred fees with the underlying securities that would 
    determine the amount of such Fund's liability.
        4. Section 22(f) prohibits a registered open-end investment company 
    from restricting the transferability or negotiability of any security 
    of which it is the issuer unless the restriction is disclosed in its 
    registration statement, and does not contravene rules and regulations 
    prescribed by the SEC. The section was designed to bar only those 
    restrictions on transferability or negotiability that were either not 
    disclosed to the holder of the security or were expressly prohibited by 
    SEC rules and regulations. Applicants assert that neither of these 
    circumstances would apply to the restriction on transferability of a 
    Participant's benefits under a Plan; such restrictions are clearly set 
    forth in the Plans and do not adversely affect the interests of the 
    Participants or of any Fund shareholder.
        5. Section 22(g) prohibits a registered open-end investment company 
    from issuing any of its securities for services or for property other 
    than cash or securities. The provision was intended to prevent the 
    dilutive effect on the equity and voting power of the equity of an 
    open-end company that could result from the issuance of securities for 
    consideration not readily value. Applicants believe that the Plans do 
    not have this effect, particularly in view of current disclosure 
    requirements applicable to directors' compensation. Moreover, a Fund's 
    obligation to make payments under a Plan would not be ``issued'' for 
    services or for property other than cash or securities. Although any 
    Participant's fees which become payable to the Participant would be for 
    services rendered to the relevant Fund, any such fees would become 
    payable independently of the Plans.
        6. Rule 2a-7 provides that the current price per share of any money 
    market fund may be computed by use of the amortized cost method or the 
    penny rounding method, provided the fund meets certain conditions. 
    These conditions include requirements that the fund (a) limit its 
    investments to securities that have a remaining maturity of 397 days or 
    less and meet certain credit quality standards, and (b) does not 
    maintain a dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity that exceeds 90 
    days. Applicants request an exemption from rule 2a-7 for each Fund that 
    is a money market fund solely to the extent necessary to permit each 
    such Fund to invest in underlying securities (and to exclude underlying 
    securities in calculating its dollar-weighted average maturity) so that 
    an exact match with the investments chosen by the participants from 
    such Funds can be achieved. Such an exemption would ensure that the 
    deferred fees will not affect net asset value. The amounts involved 
    will in all cases be de minimis in relation to the total net assets of 
    each fund, and will have no effect on the per share net asset value of 
    the Fund (since any increase or decrease in the value of the underlying 
    securities will be precisely offset by a simultaneous increase or 
    decrease in the value of the Fund's liability for deferred fees).
        7. Section 6(c) provides that the SEC may, by order upon 
    application, conditionally or unconditionally exempt any person, 
    security or transaction from any provisions of the Act, if, and to the 
    extent that, such exemption is necessary or appropriate in the public 
    interest and consistent with the protection of investors and the 
    purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of the Act. 
    Section 17(b) provides that any person may file with the SEC an 
    application for an order exempting a proposed transaction of the 
    applicant from one or more provisions of section 17(a), provided that 
    the terms of the proposed transaction are reasonable and fair, the 
    transaction is consistent with the policy of each registered investment 
    company concerned, and is consistent with the general purposes of the 
    Act. Applicants believe that the requested exemption meets the 
    standards of sections 6(c) and 17(b).\4\
        \4\Applicants represent that, except for the investment policies 
    of certain Funds which prohibit such Funds from purchasing the 
    shares of another investment company, the Funds meet all of the 
    standards for relief under section 17(b). The Funds' qualification 
    for relief under section 17(b)(2) therefore is premised on the 
    assumption that the relief requested from section 13(a)(3) is 
        8. Section 17(d) and rule 17d-1 thereunder are designed to limit or 
    prevent a registered investment company's joint or joint and several 
    participation with an affiliated person in a transaction on a basis 
    different from or less advantageous than that of the affiliated person. 
    Applicants note that, while the Plans do possess profit-sharing 
    characteristics, they do not have the effect of placing any Fund on a 
    basis different from or less advantageous than that of any Participant. 
    The effect of a Plan is merely to defer the payment of fees that the 
    corresponding Fund otherwise would be obligated to pay on a current 
    basis as services are performed by the Participants, enabling the fees 
    to remain as part of the Fund's general assets and property.
    Applicants' Conditions
        Applicants agree that any order of the SEC granting the requested 
    relief shall be subject to the following conditions:
        1. If a Fund purchases shares issued by an affiliated Fund, the 
    Fund will vote such shares in proportion to the votes of all other 
    holders of shares of the affiliated Fund.
        2. Any Fund that is a money market fund that values its assets by 
    the amortized cost or penny-rounding methods will buy and hold shares 
    in the Funds selected by a Participant that determine the performance 
    of Deferred Payment Accounts to achieve an exact match between the 
    liability of any such Fund to pay deferred fees and the assets that 
    offset that liability.
        For the SEC, by the Division of Investment Management, under 
    delegated authority.
    Margaret H. McFarland,
    Deputy Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 94-24519 Filed 10-3-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8010-01-M

Document Information

Securities and Exchange Commission
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of Application for Exemption under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (``Act'').
Document Number:
The application was filed on May 16, 1994, and amended on July 22, 1994. Applicants have agreed to file an additional amendment during the notice period. This notice reflects the changes to be made by such additional amendment.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: October 4, 1994, Investment Company Act Rel. No. 20589, 812-9002