96-25519. Peanuts Marketed in the United States; Changes in Handling and Disposition Requirements  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 194 (Friday, October 4, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 51811-51835]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-25519]
    [[Page 51811]]
    Agricultural Marketing Service
    7 CFR Parts 997, 998, and 999
    [Docket Nos. FV96-997-1 PR; FV96-998-4 PR and FV96-999-3 PR]
    Peanuts Marketed in the United States; Changes in Handling and 
    Disposition Requirements
    AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: This proposal invites comments on relaxing, for 1996 and 
    subsequent crop peanuts, several provisions regulating the handling and 
    disposition of domestically and foreign produced peanuts marketed in 
    the United States. The rule would eliminate several requirements 
    covering the disposition of inedible peanuts. At the same time, it 
    would provide safeguard measures including amendments to the aflatoxin 
    provisions to prevent inedible peanuts from entering human consumption 
    outlets. The proposal would increase opportunities for reconditioning 
    failing peanuts and reduce inspection and handling costs to handlers 
    and importers. The changes were recommended by the Peanut 
    Administrative Committee (Committee), the administrative agency which 
    oversees the quality assurance program under Peanut Marketing Agreement 
    No. 146 (7 CFR Part 998, Agreement). By law, the same or similar 
    regulations issued under the Agreement also must be issued under Part 
    997 regulating non-signatory peanut handlers, and Part 999.600 
    regulating peanut importers. This proposal includes changes recommended 
    by the Department to help ensure effective safeguard measures. The 
    recommended changes should enable the industry to be more competitive 
    in the changing international peanut market.
    DATES: Comments must be received by October 24, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit written comments 
    concerning this proposal. Comments must be sent in triplicate to the 
    Docket Clerk, Fruit and Vegetable Division, AMS, USDA, room 2523-S, 
    P.O. Box 96456, Washington, DC 20090-6456; FAX: (202) 720-5698. All 
    comments should reference the docket numbers, the date, and page number 
    of this issue of the Federal Register and will be made available for 
    public inspection in the Office of the Docket Clerk during regular 
    business hours.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jim Wendland, Marketing Specialist, 
    Marketing Order Administration Branch, Fruit and Vegetable Division, 
    AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 96456, room 2523-S, Washington, D.C. 20090-6456; 
    telephone: (202) 720-2170, or fax: (202) 720-5698; or William G. 
    Pimental, Marketing Specialist, Southeast Marketing Field Office, Fruit 
    and Vegetable Division, AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 2276, Winter Haven, Florida 
    33883-2276; telephone: (941) 299-4770, or fax: (941) 299-5169. Small 
    businesses may request information on compliance with this proposed 
    regulation by contacting: Jay Guerber, Marketing Order Administration 
    Branch, Fruit and Vegetable Division, AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 96456, room 
    2523-S, Washington, D.C., 20090-6456; telephone: (202) 720-2491, fax: 
    (202) 720-5698.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This proposal is issued under Peanut 
    Marketing Agreement No. 146 (7 CFR Part 998); the non-signatory handler 
    peanut regulation (7 CFR Part 997); and the peanut import regulation 
    published in the June 19, 1996, issue of the Federal Register (61 FR 
    31306, 7 CFR Part 999.600). These programs regulate the quality of 
    domestically produced peanuts handled by Agreement signers and non-
    signers as well as imported peanuts. The first two Parts are effective 
    under the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 
    U.S.C. 601-674), hereinafter referred to as the ``Act.'' Part 999 is 
    effective under section 108B(f)(2) of the Agricultural Act of 1949, as 
    amended (7 U.S.C. 1445c-3).
        The U.S. Department of Agriculture (Department) is issuing this 
    rule in conformance with Executive Order 12866.
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12988, 
    Civil Justice Reform. This rule is not intended to have retroactive 
    effect. This rule will not preempt any State or local laws, 
    regulations, or policies, unless they present an irreconcilable 
    conflict with this rule. There are no administrative procedures which 
    must be exhausted prior to any judicial challenge to the provisions of 
    this rule.
        Pursuant to the requirements set forth in the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (RFA), the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has 
    considered the economic impact of this action on small entities.
        The purpose of the RFA is to fit regulatory actions to the scale of 
    business subject to such actions in order that small businesses will 
    not be unduly or disproportionately burdened.
        About 80 signatory or non-signatory peanut handlers are subject to 
    regulation under the two domestic programs. There are about 47,000 
    peanut producers in the 16-state production area. Small agricultural 
    service firms, which include handlers and importers, have been defined 
    by the Small Business Administration (13 CFR 121.601) as those having 
    annual receipts of less than $5,000,000, and small agricultural 
    producers have been defined as those having annual receipts of less 
    than $500,000. Approximately 25 percent of the signatory handlers, 
    virtually all of the non-signers, and most of the producers may be 
    classified as small entities. The import requirements have not been in 
    place long enough to determine the exact number of peanut importers or 
    the percentage which qualify as small businesses. However, it can be 
    assumed that some importers are small entities. Interested persons are 
    invited to submit information on the regulatory impact of this proposed 
    rule on small businesses.
        The changes to handling requirements proposed in this rule would 
    enable handlers to more efficiently manage and process their peanut 
    inventories and make better use of their inedible peanuts, without 
    jeopardizing safeguard requirements in the current regulations. The 
    relaxed requirements should reduce handling costs and, thus, increase 
    returns to handlers. The rule would also ensure that all lots of 
    peanuts intended for human consumption are chemically tested and 
    negative to aflatoxin, and that foreign produced peanuts awaiting the 
    start of the new quota period are properly stored. These changes should 
    benefit peanut handlers and peanut importers by ensuring that all 
    peanuts in domestic U.S. human consumption markets are wholesome.
        Domestic peanut production in 1995 was 1.76 million tons, with a 
    farm value of slightly over $1 billion.
        The objective of the two domestic programs and the import 
    regulation is to ensure that only high quality and wholesome peanuts 
    enter human consumption markets in the United States. About 70 percent 
    of domestic handlers, handling approximately 95 percent of the crop, 
    have signed the Agreement. The remaining 30 percent are non-signatory 
    handlers handling the remaining 5 percent of domestic production. The 
    1995 duty-free import quota was equal to approximately 2 percent of 
    1995 domestic production.
        Under the three regulations, farmers stock peanuts with visible 
    Aspergillus flavus mold (the principal source of aflatoxin) are 
    required to be diverted to inedible uses. Each lot of milled peanuts 
    must be sampled and the samples chemically analyzed for aflatoxin 
    content. Costs to administer the
    [[Page 51812]]
    Agreement and to reimburse the Department for oversight of the non-
    signatory program are paid by an assessment levied on handlers in the 
    respective programs.
        The Committee, which is composed of producers and handlers of 
    peanuts, meets at least annually to review the Agreement's rules and 
    regulations, which are effective on a continuous basis from one year to 
    the next. Committee meetings are open to the public, and interested 
    persons may express their views at these meetings. The Department 
    assesses Committee recommendations as well as information from other 
    sources, prior to making any recommended changes to the regulations 
    under the Agreement.
        Public Law 101-220 amended section 608b of the Act in 1989 to 
    require that all peanuts handled by persons who have not entered into 
    the agreement (non-signers) be subject to the same quality and 
    inspection requirements to the same extent and manner as are required 
    under the Agreement. The non-signatory handler regulations have been 
    amended several times thereafter and are published in 7 CFR part 997.
        Similarly, recent amendments to the Agricultural Act of 1949 
    require that all foreign produced peanuts in the domestic market fully 
    comply with all quality standards under the Agreement. Section 
    999.600--Specialty Crops; Import Regulations was added to 7 CFR part 
    999 on June 19, 1996 (61 FR 31306), to establish minimum quality, 
    identification, certification and safeguard requirements for foreign-
    produced farmers' stock, shelled and cleaned-inshell peanuts presented 
    for importation into the United States.
        Thus, the Committee's recommended changes to the Agreement's 
    regulations, as proposed in this rule, also are proposed for the peanut 
    non-signer and import regulations. This proposed rule identifies the 
    corresponding changes to the non-signer and import regulations for each 
    proposed change to Agreement requirements.
        According to the Committee, the domestic peanut industry is 
    undergoing a period of great change. The Committee bases its view, in 
    part, on findings in a recent study entitled ``United States Peanut 
    Industry Revitalization Project'' developed by the National Peanut 
    Council and the Department's Agricultural Research Service (May, 1996). 
    According to the study, the U.S. peanut industry has been in a period 
    of dramatic economic decline since 1991 because of: (1) Decreasing 
    consumption of peanuts and peanut products; (2) accompanying decreases 
    in U.S. peanut production and increases in production costs; and (3) 
    increasing imports of peanuts and peanut products.
        The study shows that peanut consumption has declined. Between 1991 
    and 1994, per capita peanut consumption steadily declined a total of 11 
    percent. Peanuts used in primary products declined 12 percent, and 
    peanuts used in peanut butter (the largest product usage) declined 20 
        Among other things, the study shows that harvested acreage of 
    peanuts in the U.S. has declined 25 percent between 1991 and 1995. 
    Production has fluctuated downward, with 1995 production 30 percent 
    below that of 1991. Farm value of peanut production has dropped 29 
    percent (from $1.4 billion to slightly over $1 billion) in the same 
        The study points to recent increases in the duty-free import quota 
    for raw peanuts. The volume of imported peanuts has, indeed, increased 
    due to recent significant relaxations of the duty-free quota enacted 
    through the legislation to implement the North American Free Trade 
    Agreement (NAFTA) and the Uruguay Round Agreements under the General 
    Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Prior to 1994, the volume of 
    imported peanuts was limited, in most cases, to 1.71 million pounds 
    annually. However, the Schedule of the United States annexed to NAFTA, 
    implemented on January 1, 1994, provided duty-free entry for up to 
    approximately 7.43 million pounds of qualifying peanuts from Mexico. 
    For 1996, the duty-free access for Mexican peanuts increased to 
    approximately 7.88 million pounds. In calendar year 2008, access for 
    Mexican peanuts will be unlimited. In addition, the United States 
    Schedule to the Uruguay Round Agreements under GATT increased the 
    peanut import quota to 74.5 million pounds in 1995, with additional 
    annual increases of approximately 10 million pounds to reach a ceiling 
    of 125 million pounds by the year 2000 for all imported peanuts.
        The study shows that imports of peanut butter from 1991 to 1996 
    increased 116 percent. More significantly, the study reports that 
    imported peanut butter's share of U.S. peanut butter consumption 
    increased 12 fold between 1988 and 1993.
        The study also makes projections for the near future. Farmer 
    production costs and revenue are projected to be equal by the year 
    2000, as are handler costs and revenue. Total imports of shelled 
    peanuts and paste are expected to increase 50 percent by the year 2000 
    and the U.S. position in the world market is expected to drop 7 percent 
    between 1995 and 1996.
        In addition, the modifications in the Federal government's peanut 
    quota and price support program under the Federal Agriculture 
    Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 will result in the domestic industry 
    undergoing changes over the next few years. The study shows that the 
    quota poundage was reduced over 20 percent between 1991 and 1995, and 
    the support price dropped from $670 per ton in 1995 to $610 in 1996. 
    Further decreases in the support price are scheduled over the next few 
        The Committee agrees that all of these factors combined show that 
    the domestic peanut industry is in decline and that the outlook is not 
    expected to change without some positive intervention by the industry.
        In mid-1994, peanut industry members began to discuss needed 
    changes in the handling of peanuts. In mid-1994, the Committee 
    appointed a subcommittee to evaluate the present program and to 
    recommend changes. The Agreement's handling regulations were evaluated 
    with the intent of streamlining procedures and making them consistent 
    with current industry economies and technological developments.
        Different recommendations were developed for streamlining both 
    incoming and outgoing handling procedures. The proposed changes focus 
    on handlers' freedom to prepare and dispose of peanut lots according to 
    economic incentives of the marketplace. For instance, current 
    restrictions that prevent certain lots failing quality requirements 
    from being blanched or remilled would be removed so that more peanuts 
    could be reconditioned to meet human consumption requirements. Also, 
    provisions throughout the regulations under the Agreement require that 
    certain lots be kept separate and apart from other, similar peanut 
    lots. For the most part, these provisions tend to limit handlers' 
    flexibility to move and recondition peanuts. Such provisions also may 
    work against optimum utilization of equipment and facilities, and 
    prevent a handler from making the most economic use of their peanut 
    inventories. Peanut processing machinery has been improved through 
    technological advances to the point that virtually any lot of peanuts, 
    regardless of original (incoming) quality, can now be shelled, remilled 
    and/or blanched (processed) to meet outgoing quality requirements of 
    the Agreement and the non-signer program. In the final analysis, it was 
    the opinion of the subcommittee that handlers should have
    [[Page 51813]]
    the option of deciding whether it is more economically advantageous to 
    recondition a lot or send it to an inedible peanut outlet.
        Subcommittee members also recommended that many of the requirements 
    controlling disposition of inedible peanuts be removed because those 
    requirements should be placed on buyers rather than handlers. The 
    subcommittee contended that peanuts either pass or fail quality and 
    aflatoxin requirements, and the requirements limiting disposition based 
    on aflatoxin content (restricted and unrestricted dispositions) should 
    be removed.
        The subcommittee contended further that these changes, primarily 
    relaxations, could be made without limiting the effectiveness of the 
    Agreement's quality assurance program. As long as all peanut lots 
    intended for human consumption continue to be sampled and tested 
    against current outgoing requirements, the industry's high quality 
    standards would be maintained.
        These recommendations represent a fundamental change in the 
    Agreement's handling regulations. The full Committee met three times 
    from March to May, 1996, to review all of the recommendations. At a May 
    23, 1996, meeting the Committee recommended the following changes to 
    the Agreement's incoming and outgoing regulations for 1996 and 
    subsequent crop peanuts. After review of the recommendations, the 
    Department concurs that the recommended changes would help the industry 
    and be in the public interest. This proposed rule would not increase 
    reporting and recordkeeping burdens under the Paperwork Reduction Act 
    and, thus, would not change the current impact of those burdens on 
    small businesses. Moreover, costs imposed for required testing would 
    not be applied disproportionately to small businesses. Therefore, the 
    AMS has determined that this proposed rule would not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1988 (44 U.S.C. 
    Chapter 35), information collection requirements that are contained in 
    this proposal have been previously approved by the Office of Management 
    and Budget (OMB) and have been assigned OMB Nos. 0581-0067 (for 
    signatory handlers), 0581-0163 (for non-signers), and 0581-0176 (for 
        This proposed rule would not increase the reporting and 
    recordkeeping burden on handlers and importers regulated under the 
    three programs, and may even result in an overall reduction in 
    reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Following explanation of each recommended change to the Agreement's 
    regulation, the corresponding proposed changes to the non-signatory 
    regulation and to the import regulation are discussed.
    Incoming Regulations
    Loose Shelled Kernels
        The Committee recommended amending Sec. 998.100  Incoming quality 
    regulation by removing paragraph (d) Loose shelled kernels which 
    regulates the acquisition of loose shelled kernels (LSKs) and other 
    defective kernels. The Committee believes that the regulations should 
    focus more on outgoing quality and less on the shelling and milling 
    processes necessary to meet the outgoing, human consumption 
    requirements. New, high technology milling and blanching equipment 
    enables handlers to recondition failing peanut lots that could not have 
    been reconditioned when the regulations were promulgated. Therefore, it 
    is no longer necessary to impose restrictions that hinder efficiency of 
    handling operations and result in the loss of potentially good quality 
    peanuts. Thus, paragraph (d)(1) restrictions on acquiring farmers stock 
    with more than 14.49 percent LSKs and 5 percent fall-through from 
    specified screen sizes would be removed.
        For the non-signer regulation, paragraph (d) Loose shelled kernels 
    in Sec. 997.20, corresponds to paragraph (d) of the Agreement's 
    Sec. 998.100. Paragraph (d) of the non-signer regulation would be 
    removed for the reasons cited above and to be consistent with 
    corresponding changes to the Agreement.
        For the import regulation, paragraph (b)(1)(iv) Loose shelled 
    kernels of Sec. 999.600 also would be removed for the reasons cited 
        The Committee recommended removing paragraph (d)(2) which requires 
    that handlers submit to the Committee diagrams of their handling 
    facilities and procedures. This provision is no longer considered 
    necessary for the Committee's oversight of the signatory handlers. 
    Therefore, it would also be removed.
        The non-signer regulation and the import regulation do not have 
    paragraphs corresponding to paragraph (d)(2) of Sec. 998.100.
    Seed Peanuts
        The Committee recommended removing the requirement in Sec. 998.100, 
    paragraph (e) Seed peanuts, that requires handlers who receive or 
    acquire seed residuals to hold and mill such peanuts separate and apart 
    from other edible quality peanuts. The Committee concluded that as long 
    as the peanuts sent to human consumption outlets must ultimately meet 
    outgoing requirements, including certification as negative to 
    aflatoxin, it is not necessary to hold them separate and apart from 
    other lots also destined for edible consumption. Therefore, 
    Sec. 998.100(e) would be amended to remove such requirement.
        For the non-signer regulation, paragraph (e) Seed peanuts in 
    Sec. 997.20 contains different wording but the same meaning and intent 
    as the Agreement's seed provisions. Changes to the Agreement's 
    paragraph (e) concerning holding and milling seed peanuts separate and 
    apart from other peanuts would be made to Sec. 997.20 paragraph (e) of 
    the non-signer regulation for the reasons cited above and to be 
    consistent with corresponding changes to the Agreement.
        For the import regulation, paragraph (b)(2) Seed peanuts in 
    Sec. 999.600, also would be changed accordingly. Further, paragraph 
    (b)(2) provides that Segregation 2 and 3 peanuts may be shelled for 
    seed purposes, but must be dyed or chemically treated to indicate the 
    peanuts are unfit for human or animal consumption. This requirement is 
    the same as that in paragraphs (i)(1) and (2) of Sec. 998.200--which 
    are recommended to be removed (discussed below). Corresponding changes 
    would be made to paragraph (b)(2) of Sec. 999.600. Finally, the 
    Department proposes removing the second sentence of the import 
    regulation paragraph (b)(2) on reporting disposition to the Secretary. 
    This information is adequately covered in the last two sentences of the 
    same paragraph.
        In paragraph (f) of Sec. 998.100, the Committee recommended removal 
    of the current prohibition on exporting inedible quality peanuts to 
    Canada or Mexico and removal of references to ``fragmented'' peanuts. 
    Committee members expressed the point that other countries ship 
    inedible peanuts and unfragmented peanuts to Canada and Mexico, as well 
    as to other international markets. The Committee believes that domestic 
    handlers should not deny themselves access to the same international 
    markets, thereby optimizing their returns.
        Further, the Committee believes that it would be better to remove 
    the term ``fragmented'' from paragraph (f) and allow the term 
    ``peanuts'' to refer to peanuts in any form, including
    [[Page 51814]]
    fragmented kernels, which may be acquired by handlers and disposed of 
    to crushing or exported. The Department concurs with this 
    recommendation. The term ``shelled'' is also removed from paragraph (f) 
    where appropriate for the same reason.
        For the non-signer regulation, the prohibition on exports to Canada 
    and Mexico and the requirement of fragmentation would be removed to 
    make paragraph (f) of Sec. 997.20 consistent with the proposed changes 
    to the regulations under the Agreement.
        In Sec. 999.600 of the import regulation, paragraph (b)(3) does not 
    restrict exports and so no corresponding change is made.
        Finally in Sec. 998.100, the Committee recommended removal of 
    paragraph (j) which covers disposition of shelled peanuts for use as 
    animal feed. This paragraph would be removed, since it contains 
    restrictions which are not necessary to safeguard the quality of 
    peanuts for human consumption. Appropriate safeguard measures are 
    provided in proposed replacement provisions discussed below.
        The corresponding paragraph in Sec. 997.20 of the non-signer 
    regulation, is paragraph (h)--which also would be removed for the 
    reason cited. Paragraph (i) of the non-signer regulations would be 
    retained because that paragraph applies to producer/handlers handling 
    peanuts of their own production. This paragraph provides that such 
    farm-stored peanuts must meet the requirements of the non-signer 
    regulation. Paragraph (i) of the non-signer incoming regulation would 
    be retained and redesignated as paragraph (g) in Sec. 997.20.
        The import regulation does not have a paragraph corresponding 
    specifically to the Agreement's paragraph (j) on animal feed. The topic 
    is addressed in paragraph (e) of the outgoing regulations, the removal 
    of which is discussed below.
    Outgoing Regulations
        Paragraph (a) of Sec. 998.200  Outgoing quality regulation provides 
    that peanut lots meeting the Indemnifiable Grade requirements in Table 
    2 do not have to be tested and certified as negative to aflatoxin. The 
    Committee recommended modification of this requirement to provide that 
    all lots (including Indemnifiable Grade lots) intended for human 
    consumption be chemically tested and certified ``negative'' as to 
    aflatoxin content. This change would make the Agreement regulations 
    consistent with current industry practice. Most, if not all, buyers 
    require that all peanuts for human consumption be certified negative as 
    to aflatoxin. This proposed amendment would, therefore, have a twofold 
    purpose. It would codify a practice which is common in the industry, 
    and would ensure that the regulations effectuate the objectives of the 
        Under the current outgoing regulation, peanut lots meeting the 
    grade requirements of Table 1, Other Edible Quality, must be certified 
    negative to aflatoxin prior to shipment to the buyer. This requirement 
    would not be changed. Under current industry practice, Indemnifiable 
    Grade peanut lots may be chemically tested and certified while the lot 
    is in transit to the buyer. This practice could be continued under the 
    proposed procedures and the actual transfer of lot ownership would not 
    normally occur until certification has been received by the handler. A 
    shorter turn-around time for chemical analysis is now possible with 
    current testing practices and equipment, overnight and express mail 
    services, and fax transmissions.
        The Committee recommended that the regulatory language affecting 
    this change should be added to the regulatory text of paragraph (a) 
    after Table 2. However, the Department proposes revising paragraph (a) 
    between Table 1 and Table 2. The proposed, revised text of paragraph 
    (a) more clearly specifies the intent of the Committee's 
    recommendation, and removes current text that some consider misleading 
    of the industry's common practices. Additional conforming changes would 
    be made to the paragraph.
        Paragraphs (a)(1) (i) and (ii) in Sec. 997.30 of the non-signer 
    regulation and paragraphs (c)(1) (i) and (ii) in Sec. 999.600 of the 
    import regulation correspond to paragraph (a) in Sec. 998.200 of the 
    signer regulation. Both sets of paragraphs would be revised for the 
    reasons cited above and to correspond with the proposed changes to the 
    Agreement's outgoing regulation.
        The Committee recommended changing the title of paragraph (c) 
    Pretesting shelled peanuts of Sec. 998.200. The new title is proposed 
    to be Sampling and testing shelled peanuts to include the sampling 
    process which comprises a significant part of the current paragraph. As 
    a conforming change, the beginning of the first sentence of revised 
    paragraph (c) would be changed to add the words ``Prior to shipment,* * 
    *.'' Also, the first paragraph is proposed to be numbered (c)(1) 
    because a paragraph (c)(2) is cited in the Code of Federal Regulations. 
    Paragraph (c) is otherwise unchanged.
        A conforming change would be made to the title of corresponding 
    paragraph (c) of the non-signer regulation. No conforming change is 
    necessary in the import regulation. A conforming change also would be 
    made to non-signer paragraph (c)(2) which currently specifies that 
    handlers shall cause samples to be ground by the inspection service 
    prior to shipment. The revised paragraph would provide that the non-
    signer handler shall cause the sample to be ground for testing.
        Paragraph (c)(4) of Sec. 998.200 specifies the maximum allowable 
    aflatoxin content for edible peanut lots as 15 parts per billion (ppb). 
    Such lots are certified as ``negative'' to aflatoxin. Paragraph (c)(4) 
    also specifies a ``negative'' content for inedible peanut lots as 25 
    ppb or less. Under the current regulation, failing lots with aflatoxin 
    content in excess of 15 ppb but 25 ppb or less are considered 
    ``unrestricted,'' which means the peanuts can be used in certain non-
    human consumption peanut outlets such as animal feed, wildlife feed, 
    etc. ``Unrestricted'' use may provide more of a financial return for 
    handlers while not posing a food safety threat to consumers. Peanut 
    lots with aflatoxin content of more than 25 ppb are certified as 
    ``restricted'' and can only be crushed for oil or exported. Aflatoxin 
    certificates from USDA and private laboratories specify unrestricted 
    lots as ``negative'' and usually do not include the numerical count of 
    the lot's aflatoxin content. Currently, restricted lot certificates 
    must cite the numerical aflatoxin count of the failing lot.
        The Committee's recommendations to revise paragraph (h) and remove 
    paragraphs (j) and (l) of Sec. 998.200 would remove, among other 
    things, procedures relevant to ``unrestricted'' and ``restricted'' lots 
    of peanuts. Restrictions on the disposition of failing peanut lots 
    would be relaxed under the proposed rule. Failing lots of peanuts 
    composed on LSKs, fall through and pickouts from initial shelling 
    operations would be limited to crushing or export unless certified as 
    to aflatoxin content. If so certified, the lots could go to other non-
    edible uses. Other failing lots and residuals from blanching and 
    remilling also could be sold to any buyer provided that the lot is 
    positive lot identified (PLI), certified as to aflatoxin content, and 
    in specified containers. Therefore, there is no reason to retain the 
    phrase in paragraph (c)(4) of Sec. 998.200 that specifies 25 ppb or 
    less as ``negative'' to aflatoxin for inedible peanuts. Such a 
    requirement would only cause confusion under the proposed regulations.
    [[Page 51815]]
        Further, the proposed replacement paragraphs ((f), (g), and (h) of 
    Sec. 998.200) would require that failing lots be ``certified as to 
    aflatoxin content''--which means a numerical count rather than a 
    general term covering a ppb spread from 16 to 26 ppb under current 
    practice. For these reasons, the Department proposes removing reference 
    to 25 ppb or less as ``negative'' for inedible peanuts. For peanut lots 
    testing more than 15 ppb, the aflatoxin certificate would be required 
    to show the lot's numerical aflatoxin count.
        Currently, peanut lots meeting human consumption requirements may 
    be certified as ``negative'' to aflatoxin--meaning that the chemical 
    analysis shows the peanuts have 15 ppb or less aflatoxin content. The 
    chemical analysis certificates for such lots usually are certified as 
    ``negative as to aflatoxin for edible peanuts'' (or similar language). 
    The certificates do not have to specify the numerical aflatoxin count 
    of the lot.
        If this proposed rule becomes effective, USDA and private aflatoxin 
    laboratories would specify the numerical aflatoxin content on 
    certificates issued on inedible peanut lots testing more than 15 ppb. 
    Aflatoxin certificates on lots which fail grade requirements but are 
    tested at 15 ppb or less, would be certified as ``negative to 
    aflatoxin'' for inedible peanuts. Non-signer and imported peanut lots 
    meeting edible requirements would also be required to be certified as 
    negative to aflatoxin.
        In the non-signer regulations, a corresponding change would be made 
    to paragraph (a)(2) of Sec. 997.30. In the import regulation, paragraph 
    (f)(3) establishes the restricted category of inedible peanuts as more 
    than 25 ppb aflatoxin content. That paragraph would be removed for the 
    reasons cited above and to correspond with other recommendations of the 
        Paragraph (d) Identification of Sec. 998.200 is proposed to be 
    amended by adding a clause in the first sentence establishing the 
    maximum lot size as 200,000 pounds. The maximum limit specification 
    occurs elsewhere in the Agreement's regulatory language and is proposed 
    to be added here for consistency and clarity. The phrase would be 
    removed elsewhere in the Agreement regulations, but would apply to all 
    sampling situations.
        In the non-signer regulation, section Sec. 997.50 applies to 
    identification, among other topics. While the maximum lot size is 
    specified elsewhere in the regulations, the same sentence added to 
    paragraph (d) of Sec. 998.200 is added to Sec. 997.50  Inspection, 
    chemical analysis, certification and identification.
        In the import regulation, paragraph (d)(3)(ii) in Sec. 999.600 
    already specifies the 200,000 pound maximum lot size for farmers stock, 
    shelled, and cleaned-inshell peanuts for sampling purposes.
        Paragraph (f) Interplant transfer of Sec. 998.200 was revised last 
    year and currently provides that peanut lots may be transferred to any 
    handler or storage without PLI and certification, and that, upon 
    disposition for human consumption such transferred peanuts must meet 
    edible requirements. This paragraph is consistent with the Committee's 
    intention to remove provisions which restrict movement and increase 
    costs of handling peanuts. As long as any lot of peanuts intended for 
    human consumption are required to be sampled and meet outgoing quality 
    requirements and are PLI, any additional requirements on the transfer 
    of peanuts between a handler's plants, that do not affect outgoing 
    quality, are irrelevant. Further, handlers would be required to keep 
    records of all such transfers.
        In the non-signer regulation, paragraph (f) covers the transfer of 
    non-signer peanuts between plants. This paragraph would be removed (as 
    discussed below).
        The import regulation does not have corresponding requirements on 
    the transfer of imported peanuts between plants, and, therefore, no 
    conforming change is necessary for that program.
    Disposition of Failing Quality, Inedible Peanuts
        Finally, the Committee recommended streamlining Sec. 998.200 by 
    removing 16 paragraphs covering disposition requirements and procedures 
    concerning inedible (failing quality) peanuts used for research 
    projects, wildlife feed, rodent bait, chemically treated seed, 
    fragmented export, meal from crushing, and animal feed. The paragraphs 
    proposed to be removed from Sec. 998.200 are:
        (1) Paragraph (g)(1): defining LSKs, fall through, and pickouts and 
    inedible quality peanuts;
        (2) paragraph (g)(2): keeping such peanuts separate and apart from 
    other peanuts;
        (3) paragraph (g)(3): disposing of such peanuts to research 
    projects, wildlife feed, rodent bait, chemical treatment for seed, and 
    export to countries other than Canada and Mexico, designations of 
    restricted and unrestricted failing lots, and limiting disposition of 
    meal from crushing;
        (4) paragraph (g)(4) specifying further requirements on the 
    transfer of inedible peanuts;
        (5) paragraph (h)(1) specifying further requirements on identifying 
    and reporting the transfer of inedible peanuts;
        (6) paragraph (h)(3) specifying further requirements regarding the 
    disposition of failing quality Segregation 1 peanuts to specified 
        (7) paragraph (i)(1) specifying disposition of seed peanuts and 
    seed residuals;
        (8) paragraph (i)(2) specifying the chemical treatment of seed 
        (9) paragraph (j)(1) specifying requirements on commingling and 
    disposition of Segregation 2 and 3 peanuts;
        (10) paragraph (j)(2) specifying further requirements on 
    commingling and disposition of Segregation 2 and 3 peanuts;
        (11) paragraph (k)(1) regulating the exportation of Segregation 1 
        (12) paragraph (k)(2) specifying further requirements on the 
    disposition of Segregation 1 peanuts to inedible outlets;
        (13) paragraph (l)(1) regarding the unrestricted disposition of 
    shelled peanuts;
        (14) paragraph (l)(2) regarding the restricted disposition of 
    shelled peanuts;
        (15) paragraph (m)(1) specifying requirements for the disposition 
    of shelled peanuts for domestic animal feed; and (16) paragraph (m)(2) 
    specifying coloring or dyeing and other requirements for disposition as 
    domestic animal feed.
        The proposed changes include removal of paragraphs (j) and (k) from 
    Sec. 998.200. These paragraphs address disposition requirements for 
    farmers stock peanuts. The Committee believes that these two paragraphs 
    would no longer be needed because current paragraph (f) Oilstock of 
    Sec. 998.100 Incoming quality regulations provides that handlers may 
    acquire Segregation 2 and 3 peanuts for crushing or export and that the 
    Area Association supervise such dispositions. Handlers may not acquire 
    Segregation 2 or 3 peanuts for purposes other than crushing or export. 
    Handlers may also acquire for crushing or export peanuts originating 
    from Segregation 1 farmers stock which are milled and fail human 
    consumption quality and are PLI.
        Paragraph (j)(3) of the outgoing regulation provides handlers with 
    exemption from assessments for acquisitions of Segregation 2 and 3 
    peanuts used for crushing or export. The Committee intends that the 
    assessment exemption for such peanuts should remain in effect, but did 
    not specifically discuss retention of the paragraph.
    [[Page 51816]]
    Paragraph (j)(3) was added to the regulatory language last year (60 FR 
    36208, July 14, 1995) to make clear the provisions of Secs. 998.31 and 
    .48 of the Agreement. Because paragraph (j)(3) is relatively new in the 
    regulatory text, and because a corresponding provision in the non-
    signer regulation is required, the Department proposes that the 
    exemption for Segregation 2 and 3 peanuts acquired for oilstock or 
    export remain in the regulation. The exemption paragraph would be 
    redesignated as paragraph (i) in Sec. 998.100 of the incoming 
    regulation, and revised to remove the references to the removed 
    paragraphs (j)(1) and (j)(2) in Sec. 998.200.
        A relaxation also is recommended by the Committee in the current 
    blanching (h)(2) and remilling (h)(4) paragraphs. These provisions 
    prohibit the blanching or remilling of peanut lots which exceed certain 
    defect levels--10 percent total unshelled peanuts and damaged kernels, 
    or 10 percent foreign material, and, for remilling, 10 percent fall 
    through. The restrictions on the amount of damage and foreign material 
    in out-of-grade lots would be removed so that handlers would have more 
    opportunity to recondition failing lots. This would increase handler 
    flexibility, reduce inspection and handling costs, and enable more 
    peanuts to be reconditioned and shipped for human consumption. The 
    Committee recommended that the restriction on 10 percent fall-through 
    for remilling peanuts remain in effect. The non-signer and import 
    regulations do not contain the same limitations on blanching and 
    remilling of defective lots, so the corresponding paragraphs 
    (Sec. 997.40(a) and Sec. 999.600(f), respectively) in those regulations 
    do not need to reflect this proposed change.
        The Committee indicated that the present regulations are too 
    restrictive and limit handlers' ability to recondition potentially 
    edible peanuts. Further, as long as peanuts are required to meet the 
    outgoing requirements, including negative aflatoxin certification, it 
    should not matter from which categories the peanuts originated. The 
    Committee recommended removal of many of the restrictions as proposed 
    in this rule and the addition of appropriate safeguards, as discussed 
    below. The Committee believes these safeguard requirements would help 
    ensure that inedible peanuts do not end up in human consumption 
        The provisions covering peanut disposition would be replaced by two 
    new paragraphs and revisions would be made in two existing paragraphs. 
    New paragraphs (f) (1), (2) and (3) of the outgoing regulation would 
    modify Sec. 998.32 of the Agreement and specify disposition 
    requirements for edible and non-edible peanut lots. New paragraph (g) 
    would provide for disposition of inedible milled peanuts (``sheller 
    oilstock residuals''). Proposed paragraph (h)(1) would cover the 
    blanching of inedible peanuts (revised from current paragraph (h)(2)). 
    Proposed paragraph (h)(2) would cover the remilling of inedible peanuts 
    (revised from current paragraph (h)(4)).
        The Committee believes that safeguard measures in the current 
    regulations should be maintained in the proposed changes because peanut 
    lots sent to human consumption outlets would still need to meet the 
    quality requirements of paragraph (a) and be certified negative to 
    aflatoxin. Peanuts which cannot be reconditioned (or which a handler 
    chooses not to recondition) to meet outgoing quality requirements would 
    continue to be required to be PLI, red tagged, and maintained in 
    appropriate containers. If disposed of to inedible peanut outlets other 
    than crushing or export, failing peanuts would be required to be 
    certified as to aflatoxin content and that certification would 
    accompany the lot to the inedible peanut outlet. Paragraph (f)(2) also 
    would require that the shipping papers state that the peanuts are not 
    to be used for human consumption. All inedible dispositions would be 
    reported to the Committee.
        In proposed paragraph (f)(3), failing quality peanuts not sent to 
    such inedible outlets must be either crushed or exported as prescribed 
    in new paragraph (g) or blanched or remilled pursuant to new paragraphs 
    (h)(1) and (2), respectively. Segregation 2 and 3 farmers stock peanuts 
    would be allowed to be milled for seed. This is a standard procedure 
    for obtaining seed peanuts.
        New paragraph (g) of Sec. 998.200 would provide that peanuts and 
    portions of peanuts which result from milling operations are identified 
    as ``sheller oilstock residuals.'' Such peanuts may include loose 
    shelled kernels, fall through, and pick-outs as defined in that 
    paragraph and whole lots of failing peanuts that a handler may choose 
    to crush or export. Under the proposed paragraph (g), sheller oilstock 
    residuals which are certified as to aflatoxin content could be disposed 
    of ``domestically,'' which means that the peanuts could be sent to an 
    inedible peanut outlet pursuant to proposed paragraph (f)(2) or crushed 
    for oil. To be sent to an inedible outlet, sheller oilstock residuals 
    would have to be certified as to aflatoxin content. Such peanuts also 
    could be exported. Seller oilstock residuals not certified as aflatoxin 
    content could only be crushed or exported as specified in proposed 
    paragraph (g). Further, the shipping papers accompanying such lots 
    would specify that disposition limitation. All movement of sheller 
    oilstock residuals would be reported to the Committee--which is 
    consistent with current reporting requirements. However, the Department 
    proposed to establish the following additional safeguard requirement to 
    help ensure that inedible peanut lots are not disposed of to 
    inappropriate inedible peanut outlets.
        The Committee's recommended changes in this proposed rule would 
    remove nearly all restrictions on handlers selling peanuts to inedible 
    peanut outlets. To help ensure that peanut lots with excessively high 
    aflatoxin content are not used in inedible outlets where aflatoxin 
    contamination could be transferred to human consumption products, the 
    Department proposes requiring that no peanut lot disposed to an 
    inedible outlet, other than for crushing or export, could exceed 300 
    ppb aflatoxin content. The 300 ppb content ceiling is the maximum 
    aflatoxin content recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 
    for peanuts used in animal (livestock) feed. To make this change, an 
    additional paragraph (2) specifying the restriction would be added to 
    the proposed sheller oilstock residual paragraph (g). Proposed 
    paragraph (g) would be designated as (g)(1). The same provision would 
    be added to the non-signer (Sec. 997.40(c)(2)) and import regulations 
    (Sec. 999.600(e)(2)(ii)).
        Thus, the affect of this proposed rule is to raise from 25 to 300 
    ppb aflatoxin content limit for failing peanut lots which can be 
    disposed to inedible outlets. Under the proposed changes to the 
    handling regulations, handlers would be allowed to recondition failing 
    peanut lots, and would have more incentive to do so. Handlers would 
    have the option of crushing a lot for oil or reconditioning the lot. 
    Lots above 300 ppb aflatoxin content which are not economically 
    beneficial to recondition would have to be crushed or exported. With 
    current technologies, reconditioning should be possible for most all 
    failing peanut lots. Whole and residual lots exceeding 300 ppb 
    aflatoxin content could be commingled until sufficient volume is 
    accumulated for crushing disposition.
        According to the FDA, residuals from the reconditioning of lots 
    exceeding 300 ppb and the meal from crushed lots exceeding 300 ppb 
    should not be used as animal feed.
    [[Page 51817]]
        To increase peanut handlers and importers awareness of wholesome 
    peanut uses, the Department includes in this preamble discussion a 
    summary of FDA's recommended maximum aflatoxin content for domestic 
    animal feed. This information is summarized from FDA's Compliance 
    Policy Guides (Sec. 683.100) revised March 28, 1994. In that guide, FDA 
    states that ``Action levels for aflatoxin in animal feed now apply also 
    to peanut products (peanuts, peanut meal, peanut hulls, peanut skins 
    and ground peanut hay).'' With regard to animal feeds, the FDA guide 
    provides as follows:
    --Peanut products intended for finishing (i.e., feedlot) beef cattle: 
    Action level 300 ppb.
    --Peanut products intended for finishing swine of 100 pounds or 
    greater: Action level 200 ppb.
    --Peanut products intended for breeding beef cattle, breeding swine, or 
    mature poultry: Action level 100 ppb.
    --Peanut products and feed ingredients intended for immature animals: 
    Action level 20 ppb.
    --Peanut products and other feed ingredients intended for dairy 
    animals, for animal species or uses not specified above, or when the 
    intended use is not known: Action level 20 ppb.
        In the current regulations under the Agreement, inedible peanut 
    lots certified at 26 or more ppb cannot be sent to certain inedible 
    peanut outlets where the peanuts would not be subject to heating in the 
    preparation for inedible use or for uses which would allow the 
    aflatoxin to be passed to another food product entering human 
    consumption channels. This is a food safety measure which helps prevent 
    aflatoxin-contaminated peanut lots from being used in certain inedible 
    outlets--such as dairy cattle feed where the aflatoxin could be passed 
    to human consumption in the milk.
        This proposed rule would change the certification protocols for 
    inedible peanut lots. Currently, peanut lots which meet both grade 
    quality (paragraph (a)) and aflatoxin requirements (15 ppb or less) are 
    certified as ``negative as to aflatoxin for edible quality peanuts''--
    or similar language.
        Further, lots failing grade requirements but which are certified as 
    25 or less ppb are currently certified as ``negative to aflatoxin for 
    inedible peanuts.'' Under the proposal, peanut lots meeting both grade 
    and aflatoxin requirements would continue to be certified as negative 
    to aflatoxin for edible peanuts and the aflatoxin count would not be 
    shown on the aflatoxin certificate.
        For peanut lots which fail grade requirements but which meet 
    aflatoxin requirements, the proposed rule would provide that the 
    aflatoxin certificate show the aflatoxin count of the lot and state 
    that the peanuts are inedible grade quality. The Department believes 
    this would assist handlers in marketing inedible quality peanuts. For 
    example, a lot which is inedible grade quality but tests as 5 ppb would 
    be certified as ``inedible quality peanuts with 5 ppb aflatoxin 
    content''--or similar language.
        Finally, the proposed rule would provide that the aflatoxin 
    certificate of any peanut lot which exceeds 15 ppb aflatoxin content, 
    regardless of grade certification, would show the numerical count of 
    aflatoxin content and state that the lot is inedible because of 
    excessive aflatoxin content--or similar language. The certification 
    protocols would be implemented by the USDA and PAC-approved 
    laboratories and would be applied to signer, non-signer, and imported 
        The Department also proposes changes to paragraph (h). In the 
    proposed text for the revised blanching and remilling paragraphs, the 
    phrase ``which originated from Segregation 1 peanuts'' was not 
    included. No explanation was provided in the Committee meeting or 
    meeting minutes as to the benefit of removing this important safeguard 
    provision. The phrase, at the very least, serves as a reminder that 
    only Segregation 1 peanuts may be shelled and sent to edible 
    consumption outlets. Thus, the Department proposes re-inserting the 
    phrase ``which originated from Segregation 1 peanuts'' in the blanching 
    (h)(1) and remilling (h)(2) paragraphs proposed by the Committee.
        Also, the Committee recommended that the titles of the revised 
    blanching (h)(1) and remilling (h)(2) paragraphs include reference to 
    Committee approved blanchers and remillers, respectively. However, the 
    Department proposes removing the reference in the titles because the 
    reference is not necessary.
        In non-signer Sec. 997.30  Outgoing regulation, paragraphs (f) 
    Transfer between plants and (g) Residuals from seed peanuts correspond 
    to the same topics covered in the Agreement's outgoing regulation, and 
    would be removed, accordingly. The subject matter in the two paragraphs 
    would be replaced with a revised Sec. 997.40  Reconditioning and 
    disposition of peanuts failing quality requirements. Current 
    Sec. 997.40 covers certain outgoing requirements corresponding to those 
    in the Agreement's Sec. 998.200. Paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of 
    Sec. 997.40 covers remilling and blanching of inedible shelled peanuts. 
    These two paragraphs would be revised, and the order reversed, to 
    conform with the Committee's recommended revised blanching and 
    remilling paragraphs (h)(1) and (2). However, the paragraphs are not 
    identical to the Agreement provisions because non-signers are not 
    required to receive Department approval prior to moving a failing 
    shelled lot to a blancher or remiller. Also, the non-signer regulations 
    do not limit remilling and blanching to Committee approved remillers, 
    blanchers or exporters. Therefore, those requirements are not included 
    in the proposed revised non-signer blanching and remilling paragraphs.
        The provisions of current non-signer paragraph (a)(3) of 
    Sec. 997.40 covering the ownership of peanuts moved for custom 
    blanching or remilling, and the certification and reporting of such 
    peanuts, are included in the revised Sec. 997.40 blanching and 
    remilling paragraphs (d)(1) and (2), and would be deleted in this 
    proposed rule. Likewise, the contents of current paragraph (a)(4) on 
    the bagging, red tagging and disposition of blanched and remilled 
    peanuts are included in the revised Sec. 997.40(d)(1) and (2). This 
    would make the non-signer blanching and remilling paragraphs conform 
    with the Agreement's revised blanching and remilling paragraphs.
        Four paragraphs in Sec. 997.40(b) Disposition of shelled peanuts 
    failing quality requirements for human consumption cover the various 
    disposition procedures and outlets for failing quality, inedible 
    peanuts. These requirements would remain the same as, but organized and 
    worded differently from, the Agreement's Sec. 998.200 requirements in 
    paragraphs (g) through (m)--most of which would be removed and replaced 
    as described above. The provisions removed from paragraph (b) of 
    Sec. 997.40 are:
        (1) Paragraph (b)(1) regulating the disposition of shelled peanuts 
    to unrestricted crushing, fragmenting or dyeing, export, animal feed, 
    wildlife feed, and rodent bait;
        (2) paragraph (b)(2) specifying further requirements for 
    disposition to animal feed (coloring or dyeing, PLI, valid aflatoxin 
    certification, and reporting);
        (3) paragraph (b)(3) regulating the disposition of shelled peanuts 
    to restricted crushing, and export;
        (4) paragraph (b)(4) regulating the disposition of Segregation 2 
    and 3 farmers stock peanuts to restricted and
    [[Page 51818]]
    unrestricted meal, crushing and export; and
        (5) paragraph (b)(5) specifying reporting requirements for LSKs, 
    fall through, and pickouts.
        These paragraphs would be removed for the same reasons and to 
    correspond with the proposed changes to the Agreement's outgoing 
        Paragraph (b)(6) of Sec. 997.40 would be retained because it 
    exempts from assessments, Segregation 2 and 3 farmers stock peanuts 
    acquired by non-signatory handlers for crushing or export. The 
    corresponding paragraph in the Agreement is retained and redesignated 
    in this proposed rulemaking. Therefore, such Segregation 2 and 3 
    peanuts acquired by non-signatory handlers also would continue to be 
    exempt from assessments. Paragraph (b)(6) would be revised and 
    redesignated as paragraph (b) under Sec. 997.51  Assessments and the 
    existing text in Sec. 997.51 would be redesignated as paragraph (1).
        There is no authority to assess imported peanuts.
        Several changes would be made to the import regulation regarding 
    disposition of inedible peanuts. Paragraph (c)(3) of Sec. 997.40 would 
    be moved and replace current paragraph (e). To make the same changes to 
    the import regulation, the provisions in paragraphs (e) and (f) would 
    be revised and placed under new paragraph (e), and paragraphs (g) and 
    (h) would be redesignated as (f) and (g), respectively.
        New paragraph (e)(1) of Sec. 999.600 provides an overview for 
    reconditioning imported lots. New paragraph (e)(2) covers failing lots 
    disposed of to inedible uses such as animal feed, wildlife feed, seed 
    peanuts and meal, which are currently regulated under paragraphs (e) 
    and (f). Dispositions to these inedible outlets would be required to be 
    positive lot identified with red tags, bagged, and the bill of lading 
    would state that the peanuts could not be used for human consumption. 
    This proposal would remove all references to ``restricted'' and 
    ``unrestricted'' failing peanuts and the limitations on the disposition 
    of restricted and unrestricted lots.
        Proposed new paragraph (e)(3) of the import regulation would cover 
    disposition of failing quality peanuts (``sheller oilstock residuals'') 
    to crushing or export. Peanuts covered under the new (e)(3) would be 
    primarily loose shelled kernels, fall through and pickouts from milling 
    operations, but may also include any other failing lot that an importer 
    chooses to crush or export. Identification, certification and labeling 
    requirements are the same as those in corresponding paragraphs proposed 
    for the Agreement.
        New paragraph (e)(4) would specify reporting requirements for 
    inedible lots pursuant to the reporting requirements in the safeguard 
        Finally, a paragraph would be added at the end of the regulations 
    under the Agreement text which would specify that certain records would 
    be required to be maintained pursuant to Sec. 998.43 of the Agreement. 
    These records would pertain to peanuts which are not certified for 
    human consumption. In addition to maintaining certain records, the 
    Agreement provides that all records would be made available to 
    Committee staff and to representatives of the Secretary, as is 
    necessary to document compliance with Agreement regulations. The 
    additional provision does not represent an increase in the number of 
    forms handlers and importers would have to complete, report, or 
    maintain under the program.
        No corresponding changes are necessary in the non-signer and import 
    regulations. However, in Sec. 997.52  Reports of acquisition and 
    shipments and elsewhere in the non-signer regulation, references 
    regarding specific Fruit and Vegetable Division form numbers are 
    proposed to be replaced with a more generic statement ``forms provided 
    by the Division.'' This would enable the Department to revise and 
    reduce the number of forms without additional rulemaking expense.
        The unchanged portions of the incoming and outgoing regulations 
    currently in effect for 1995 and subsequent crop peanuts would remain 
    in effect for 1996 and subsequent crop peanuts.
    Additional Change to Sec. 999.600 Import Regulation
    Early Entry and Bonded Storage Pending New Quota
        Experience shows that some importers continue to ship peanuts to 
    the U.S. even after the duty-free quota is filled for one year. The 
    peanuts are sampled and inspected when off-loaded at the port and then 
    sent inland to Customs Service bonded warehouses where the peanuts are 
    stored until the opening of the next yearly quota--which could be as 
    long as 11 months. New crop peanuts from Argentina, for instance, may 
    be harvested as early as May or June but may arrive in the U.S. too 
    late to be included in that year's quota. Such peanuts could be placed 
    in bonded storage awaiting the next quota year beginning the following 
        The Department has determined that the grade and aflatoxin 
    certificates issued on such peanuts upon arrival in May, June, or 
    later, of one quota year should continue to be valid until the 
    following quota year. This is consistent with the Agreement which does 
    not place any time limits on the applicability of grade and aflatoxin 
    inspection certificates.
        However, paragraph (e) Reinspection of Sec. 998.200 provides that 
    if the Committee has reason to believe that peanuts may have been 
    damaged or deteriorated while in storage, it may reject the then 
    effective inspection certificate and require a reinspection. The 
    Department exercises similar oversight of imported peanuts to ensure 
    that only wholesome peanuts enter human consumption channels. Because 
    of the possibility of deterioration while in storage, the Department 
    needs to know which peanut shipments are held in bonded storage for an 
    extended period of time, so that the wholesomeness of such peanuts 
    could be verified when removed from storage. Therefore, the Department 
    proposes that an additional safeguard measure, new paragraph (f)(6) be 
    added to the import regulation.
        The proposal would require that importers report to AMS peanut 
    shipments which are sampled, inspected, and held in bonded storage in 
    excess of a stated period of time. Such time would be set at one month 
    in this proposal. AMS seeks comments as to whether or not one month is 
    appropriate. The report would be filed pursuant to paragraphs (f)(2) 
    and (3) of this section at the time of inspection and entry into a 
    bonded warehouse for storage. The report would include copies of 
    Customs Service documentation of the lot, the grade and aflatoxin 
    certificates, and location of the storage warehouse.
        To avoid deterioration, peanuts should be stored in clean, dry, 
    odor free, warehouses and under sanitation and cold storage conditions 
    consistent with industry standards. While the Agreement does not 
    require cold storage conditions, the following points should be used as 
    a cold storage guide:
    --Temperatures should range from 34 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit with a 
    relative humidity of 55 to 70 percent.
    --Daily or weekly recording charts of temperature and humidity should 
    be maintained.
    --Interior air circulation should be adequate to maintain uniform 
    --Pans under refrigeration equipment should prevent condensation from 
    dripping onto the peanuts.
    --Peanuts should be gradually removed from cold storage over 2 to 3 
    [[Page 51819]]
        This and other information on sanitation, facilities, management 
    practices, and dry storage is taken from Good Management Practices for 
    Shelled Goods Cold Storage and Shelled Goods Dry Storage distributed by 
    the National Peanut Council. Copies are available for a nominal price 
    to non-members by calling (703)-838-9500.
        Imported peanut lots certified as meeting human consumption 
    requirements and subsequently stored under such conditions and in 
    appropriate warehouses, may be entered for consumption when the next 
    quota year begins--without further reporting to AMS. Upon filing for 
    entry, the importer shall certify in writing to the Customs Service 
    that the peanuts covered by the entry documentation have been stored 
    consistent with industry standards for the entire length of the storage 
        Paragraph (b)(4) of the import regulation provides authority for 
    the Secretary to require a reinspection of an imported peanut lot. If 
    the documentation provided to AMS, or if any evidence subsequently 
    received by AMS, indicates that appropriate storage standards have not 
    been met or maintained and the peanuts may have been damaged or 
    deteriorated, the Secretary could demand reinspection of the lot prior 
    to the importer's filing for consumption entry of the lot.
        Paragraph (b)(4) of Sec. 999.600 is currently placed in the import 
    rule's Incoming quality regulation. However, reinspections are more 
    likely to be needed when shelled peanuts are placed under bonded 
    storage several months prior to the beginning of the next quota year, 
    as discussed above. Therefore, the Department proposes to redesignate 
    it as paragraph (f)(5) Reinspection in the import regulation. As a 
    safeguard provision, the paragraph will apply to farmers stock, 
    shelled, and inshell imported peanuts. The intent and requirements of 
    the paragraph remain unchanged.
        Some paragraphs of the three peanut regulations would not be 
    changed in this proposal. However, for a better understanding of the 
    proposed changes, the three regulations are published in their entirety 
    as proposed, including paragraphs which are not changed.
        If adopted, the proposed changes to the signer and non-signer 
    programs should be in effect as soon as possible to cover as much of 
    the crop year as possible. Thus, a 20-day (rather than 30-day) comment 
    period is provided to allow interested persons to respond to this 
    proposal. All written comments timely received will be considered 
    before a final determination is made in this matter.
        Because this proposed rule will not be implemented before the 
    beginning of the 1996 domestic crop year, comments are also requested 
    on whether final implementation of this proposal after the beginning of 
    the crop year would have an unequal effect on one or more of the three 
    production areas or unequally affect small or large handlers.
    List of Subjects
    7 CFR Part 997
        Food grades and standards, Peanuts, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    7 CFR Part 998
        Marketing agreements, Peanuts, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    7 CFR Part 999
        Dates, Filberts, Food grades and standards, Imports, Nuts, Peanuts, 
    Prunes, Raisins, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Walnuts.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 7 CFR parts 997, 998 and 
    999 are proposed to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 997 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 601-674.
        2. Under the center heading ``Quality Regulations,'' Secs. 997.20, 
    997.30, 997.40 and 997.50 are revised to read as follows:
    Quality Regulations
    Sec. 997.20  Incoming regulation.
        (a) No handler shall receive or acquire peanuts intended for human 
    consumption, either from a producer or other person, unless such 
    peanuts are inspected pursuant to Sec. 997.50 and are determined to be 
    Segregation 1 peanuts at time of receipt from the producer or, if 
    received from another person, had not been mixed with peanuts of a 
    lower quality than Segregation 1 and meet the following additional 
    requirements specified in this section: Provided, That a handler may--
        (1) Acquire shelled peanuts from the Commodity Credit Corporation 
    (CCC) or cleaned inshell or shelled peanuts from other handlers, a 
    handler as defined in 7 CFR 998.8, or from buyers who have purchased 
    such peanuts from handlers or from the CCC, if the lot has been 
    certified as meeting the requirements of Sec. 997.30(a) and the 
    identity is maintained; and/or
        (2) Perform services for an area association pursuant to a peanut 
    receiving and warehouse contract.
        (b) Moisture and foreign material. (1) Moisture. Except as provided 
    under paragraph (d) of Sec. 997.20, no handler shall receive or acquire 
    peanuts containing more than 10.49 percent moisture: Provided, That 
    peanuts of a higher moisture content may be received and dried to not 
    more than 10.49 percent moisture prior to storing or milling. For 
    farmers stock peanuts, moisture determinations shall be rounded to the 
    nearest whole number. Moisture determinations on shelled peanuts shall 
    be carried to the hundredths place.
        (2) Foreign material. No handler shall receive or acquire farmers 
    stock peanuts containing more than 10.49 percent foreign material, 
    except that peanuts having a higher foreign material content may be 
    received or acquired if they are held separately until milled, or moved 
    over a sand-screen before storage, or shipped directly to a plant for 
    prompt shelling. The term sand-screen means any type of farmers stock 
    cleaner which, when in use, removes sand and dirt.
        (c) Damage. For the purpose of determining damage, other than 
    concealed damage, on farmers stock peanuts, all percentage 
    determinations shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
        (d) Seed peanuts. Peanuts which are not Segregation 1 peanuts and 
    therefore cannot be acquired for human consumption may be acquired, 
    shelled and delivered for seed purposes. Peanuts intended for seed use, 
    produced under the auspices of a State agency which regulates or 
    controls the production of seed peanuts, which do not meet Segregation 
    1 requirements shall be stored and shelled separate from peanuts 
    intended for human consumption. However, Segregation 2 seed peanuts, 
    produced under the auspices of the State agency, which contain up to 
    3.00 percent damaged kernels and are free from visible Aspergillus 
    flavus may be stored and shelled with Segregation 1 peanuts which are 
    also produced under the auspices of the State agency. A handler whose 
    operations include custom seed shelling may receive, custom shell, and 
    deliver for seed purposes farmers stock peanuts, and such peanuts shall 
    be exempt from the requirements of this section and, therefore, shall 
    not be required to be inspected and certified as meeting these 
    requirements, and the
    [[Page 51820]]
    handler shall report to the Division the weight of each lot of farmers 
    stock peanuts received on such basis on a form provided by the 
    Department. However, handlers who acquire seed peanut residuals from 
    their custom shelling of uninspected (farmers stock) seed peanuts or 
    from another person may mill such residuals with other receipts or 
    acquisitions of the handler, and such peanuts which meet the 
    requirements specified in Sec. 997.30(a) may be disposed of by sale to 
    human consumption outlets.
        (e) Oilstock. Handlers may acquire for disposition to domestic 
    crushing or export farmers stock peanuts of a lower quality than 
    Segregation 1 or grades or sizes of shelled peanuts or cleaned inshell 
    peanuts which fail to meet the requirements for human consumption. 
    Handlers may act as accumulators and acquire, for other handlers; a 
    handler as defined in 7 CFR 998.8 or from other persons, Segregation 2 
    or 3 farmers stock peanuts. Handlers may also acquire shelled peanuts 
    originating from Segregation 2 or 3 farmers stock or the entire mill 
    production of peanuts from Segregation 1 farmers stock or lots of 
    shelled peanuts originating from Segregation 1 peanuts and which have 
    been positive lot identified as specified in Sec. 997.30(d), which 
    failed to meet the requirements for human consumption pursuant to 
    Sec. 997.30(a): Provided, That all such acquisitions are held separate 
    from Segregation 1 peanuts acquired for milling or from edible grades 
    of shelled or milled peanuts. Handlers may commingle the Segregation 2 
    and 3 peanuts or keep them separate and apart. Handlers who acquire 
    farmers stock peanuts of a lower quality than Segregation 1 or cleaned 
    inshell peanuts which fail to meet the requirements for human 
    consumption shall report such acquisitions to the Division as 
    prescribed on a form prescribed by the Division. Handlers who acquire 
    grades or sizes of shelled peanuts which fail to meet the requirements 
    for human consumption for disposition to domestic crushing and 
    subsequent export to countries shall report such disposition on a form 
    provided by the Division.
        (f) Shelled peanuts. Handlers may acquire shelled peanuts (which 
    originated from ``Segregation 1 peanuts'') from other handlers or a 
    handler as defined in 7 CFR 998.8, for remilling and subsequent 
    disposition to human consumption outlets. Further disposition of such 
    peanuts shall be regulated by Sec. 997.40.
        (g) No producer may handle, process, prepare for sale, or otherwise 
    alter peanuts of his own production from the condition of farmers 
    stock, for disposition in human consumption outlets unless such peanuts 
    are first inspected and certified pursuant to Sec. 997.50 and meet the 
    applicable requirements of this section.
    Sec. 997.30  Outgoing Regulation.
        (a) Shelled peanuts. (1)(i) No handler shall ship or otherwise 
    dispose of shelled peanuts for human consumption unless such peanuts 
    are positive lot identified, certified ``negative'' as to aflatoxin and 
    certified as meeting the requirements in Table 1:
                                               Table 1.--Minimum Grade Requirements--Peanuts for Human Consumption                                          
                                                                   [Whole Kernels and Splits]                                                               
                                                                       Maximum limitations                                                                  
                                                                  Excluding lots of ``splits''                                                              
                                                      Unshelled                  Fall through                                                               
                                         Unshelled     peanuts   --------------------------------------------                                               
                                        peanuts and    damaged                                                                        Foreign               
          Type and grade category         damaged    kernels and                                                      Total          materials     Moisture 
                                          kernels       minor        Sound split and     Sound whole kernels                         (percent)    (percent) 
                                         (percent)     defects       broken kernels                                                                         
    Runner............................         1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch   3.00%; \16/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
    Virginia (except No. 2)...........         1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch;  3.00%; \15/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         inch; slot screen.                                                 
    Spanish and Valencia..............         1.50         2.50  3.00%; \16/64\ inch;  3.00%; \15/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
    No. 2 Virginia....................         1.50         3.00  6.00%; \17/64\ inch;  6.00%; \15/64\ x 1    6.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         inch; slot screen.                                                 
                                                                       Lots of ``splits''                                                                   
    Runner (not more than 4% sound             1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch;  3.00%; \14/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     whole kernels).                                               round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
    Virginia (not less than 90%                1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch;  3.00%; \14/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     splits).                                                      round screen.         inch; slot screen.                                                 
    Spanish and Valencia (not more             1.50         2.50  3.00%; \16/64\ inch;  3.00%; \13/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     than 4% sound whole kernels).                                 round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
        (ii) Prior to disposition to human consumption outlets, peanuts 
    must be positive lot identified, be certified ``negative'' as to 
    aflatoxin, and be certified as meeting the following superior quality 
    requirements in Table 2:
    [[Page 51821]]
                                             Table 2.--Superior Quality Requirements--Peanuts for Human Consumption                                         
                                                                   [Whole Kernels and Splits]                                                               
                                                                       Maximum limitations                                                                  
                                         Unshelled     peanuts,                                                                                             
                                        peanuts and    damaged       Sound split and                                                  Foreign               
          Type and grade category         damaged    kernels and     broken kernels      Sound whole kernels          Total          materials     Moisture 
                                          kernels       minor           (percent)             (percent)                              (percent)    (percent) 
                                         (percent)     defects                                                                                              
    Runner U.S. No. 1 and better......         1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \16/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
    Virginia U.S. No. 1 and better....         1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \15/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
    Spanish and Valencia U.S. No. 1            1.25         2.00  3.00%; \16/64\ inch,  2.00%; \15/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     and better.                                                   round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
    Runner U.S. Splits (not more than          1.25         2.00  2.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \14/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     4% sound, whole kernels).                                     round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
    Virginia U.S. Splits (not less             1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \14/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     than 90% splits and not more than                             round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
     3.00% sound whole kernels and                                                                                                                          
     portions passing through \20/64\                                                                                                                       
     inch round screen).                                                                                                                                    
    Spanish and Valencia U.S. Splits           1.25         2.00  2.00%; \16/64\ inch,  3.00%; \13/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     (not more than 4% sound, whole                                round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
     kernels).                                                                           screen.                                                            
    Runner with splits (not more than          1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \16/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     15% sound splits).                                            round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
    Virginia with splits (not more             1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \15/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     than 15% sound splits).                                       round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
    Spanish and Valencia with splits           1.25         2.00  3.00%; \16/64\ inch,  2.00%; \15/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     (not more than 15% sound splits).                             round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
        (2) The term ``fall through'', as used herein, shall mean sound 
    split and broken kernels and whole kernels which pass through specified 
    screens. Prior to shipment, appropriate samples for pretesting shall be 
    drawn in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section from each lot of 
    Superior Quality peanuts. For the current crop year, ``negative'' 
    aflatoxin content means 15 parts per billion (ppb) or less for peanuts 
    which have been certified as meeting edible quality grade requirements.
        (b) Cleaned inshell peanuts. No handler shall ship, sell, or 
    otherwise dispose of cleaned inshell peanuts for human consumption:
        (1) With more than 1.00 percent kernels with mold present unless a 
    sample of such peanuts, drawn by an inspector of the Federal or 
    Federal-State Inspection Service, was analyzed chemically by a U.S. 
    Department of Agriculture laboratory (hereinafter referred to as ``USDA 
    laboratory'') or a laboratory listed in paragraph (c) of this section 
    and found to be wholesome relative to aflatoxin;
        (2) With more than 2.00 percent peanuts with damaged kernels;
        (3) With more than 10.00 percent moisture; or
        (4) With more than 0.50 percent foreign material.
        (c) Sampling and testing shelled peanuts. (1) Each handler shall 
    cause appropriate samples of each lot of edible quality shelled peanuts 
    to be drawn by an inspector of the Federal or Federal-State Inspection 
    Service. The gross amount of peanuts drawn shall be large enough to 
    provide for a grade analysis, for a grading check-sample, and for three 
    48-pound samples for aflatoxin assay. The three 48-pound samples shall 
    be designated by the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service as 
    ``Sample #1N'', ``Sample #2N'', and ``Sample #3N'' and each sample 
    shall be placed in a suitable container and ``positive lot identified'' 
    by means acceptable to the Inspection Service. Sample #1N may be 
    prepared for immediate testing or Sample #1N, Sample #2N, and Sample 
    #3N may be returned to the handler for testing at a later date.
        (2) The handler shall cause Sample #1 to be ground by the Federal 
    or Federal-State Inspection Service, a USDA laboratory or a laboratory 
    listed herein, in a ``subsampling mill'' approved by the Division. The 
    resultant ground subsample from Sample #1N shall be of a size specified 
    by the Division and shall be designated as ``Subsample 1--ABN'' and at 
    the handler's or buyer's option, a second subsample may also be 
    extracted from Sample #1N. It shall be designated as ``Subsample 1--
    CDN''. Subsample 1--CDN may be sent as requested by the handler or 
    buyer, for aflatoxin assay, to a USDA laboratory or other laboratory 
    that can provide analyses results on such samples in 36 hours. The cost 
    of sampling and testing Subsample 1--CDN shall be for the account of 
    the requester. Subsample 1--ABN shall be analyzed only in a USDA
    [[Page 51822]]
    laboratory or a laboratory listed herein. Both Subsamples 1--ABN and 
    1--CDN shall be accompanied by a notice of sampling signed by the 
    inspector containing, at least, identifying information as to the 
    handler (shipper), the buyer (receiver), if known, and the positive lot 
    identification of the shelled peanuts. A copy of such notice covering 
    each lot shall be sent to the Division.
        (3) The samples designated as Sample #2N and Sample #3N shall be 
    held as aflatoxin check-samples by the Inspection Service or the 
    handler and shall not be included in the shipment to the buyer until 
    the analyses results from Sample #1N are known.
        (4) Upon call from the laboratory, handler shall cause Sample #2N 
    to be ground by the Inspection Service in a ``subsampling mill.'' The 
    resultant ground subsample from Sample #2N shall be of a size specified 
    by the Division and it shall be designated as ``Subsample #2--ABN.'' 
    Upon call from the laboratory, the handler shall cause Sample #3N to be 
    ground by the Inspection Service in a ``subsampling mill.'' The 
    resultant ground subsample from Sample #3N shall be of a size specified 
    by the Division and shall be designated as ``Subsample #3--ABN''. 
    ``Subsamples 2--ABN and 3--ABN'' shall be analyzed only in a USDA 
    laboratory or a laboratory listed herein and each shall be accompanied 
    by a notice of sampling. A copy of each such notice shall be sent to 
    the Division. The results of each assay shall be reported by the 
    laboratory to the handler and to the Division. All costs involved in 
    the sampling and testing of peanuts required by this regulation shall 
    be for the account of the applicant.
        (5) Information on making arrangements for the required inspection 
    and certification can be obtained by contacting the Fresh Products 
    Branch, Fruit and Vegetable Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, 
    USDA, P.O. Box 96456, room 2049-S, Washington, DC, 20090-6456, 
    telephone (202) 690-0604 or facsimile (202) 720-0393.
        (i) Laboratories at the following locations are approved to perform 
    the chemical analyses required pursuant to this part. The sampling plan 
    and procedures may be obtained from the Science Division.
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, P.O. Box 279, 301 West Pearl 
    St., Aulander, NC 27805, Tel: (919) 345-1661 Ext. 156, Fax: (919) 345-
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, 1211 Schley Ave., Albany, GA 
    31707, Tel: (912) 430-8490 / 8491, Fax: (912) 430-8534
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, P.O. Box 488, Ashburn, GA 
    31714, Tel: (912) 567-3703
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, 610 North Main St., Blakely, 
    GA 31723, Tel: (912) 723-4570, Fax: (912) 723-3294
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, 1557 Reeves St., Dothan, AL 
    36303, Tel: (334) 794-5070, Fax: (334) 671-7984
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, 107 South Fourth St., 
    Madill, OK 73446, Tel: (405) 795-5615, Fax: (405) 795-3645
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, P.O. Box 272, 715 N. Main 
    Street, Dawson, GA 31742, Tel: (912) 995-7257, Fax: (912) 995-3268
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, P.O. Box 1130, 308 Culloden 
    St., Suffolk, VA 23434, Tel: (804) 925-2286, Fax: (804) 925-2285
    ABC Research, 3437 SW 24th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32607-4502, Tel: 
    (904) 372-0436, Fax: (904) 378-6483
    J. Leek Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 50395, 1200 Wyandotte (31705), 
    Albany, GA 31703-0395, Tel: (912) 889-8293, Fax: (912) 888-1166
    J. Leek Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 368, 675 East Pine, Colquitt, GA 
    31737, Tel: (912) 758-3722, Fax: (912) 758-2538
    J. Leek Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 6, 502 West Navarro St., DeLeon, TX 
    76444, Tel: (817) 893-3653, Fax: (817) 893-3640
    Pert Laboratories, P.O. Box 267, Peanut Drive, Edenton, NC 27932, Tel: 
    (919) 482-4456, Fax: (919) 482-5370
    Pert Laboratory South, P.O. Box 149, Hwy 82 East, Seabrook Drive, 
    Sylvester, GA 31791, Tel: (912) 776-7676, Fax: (912) 776-1137
    Professional Service Industries, Inc., 3 Burwood Lane, San Antonio, TX 
    78216, Tel: (210) 349-5242, Fax: (210) 342-9401
    Southern Cotton Oil Company, 600 E. Nelson Street, P.O. Box 180, 
    Quanah, TX 79252, Tel: (817) 663-5323, Fax: (817) 663-5091
    Quanta Lab, 9330 Corporate Drive, Suite 703, Selma, TX 78154-1257, Tel: 
    (210) 651-5799, Fax: (210) 651-9271
        (ii) Handlers should contact the nearest laboratory from the list 
    in paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section to arrange to have samples 
    chemically analyzed for aflatoxin content, or for further information 
    concerning the chemical analyses required pursuant to this part 
    handlers may contact: The Science and Technology Division, Agricultural 
    Marketing Service, USDA, P.O. Box 96456, room 3507-S, Washington, D.C., 
    20090-6456, telephone (202) 720-5231, facsimile (202) 720-6496.
        (d) Identification. Each lot of shelled or cleaned inshell peanuts, 
    in lot sizes not exceeding 200,000 pounds, shall be identified by 
    positive lot identification procedures prior to being shipped or 
    otherwise disposed of. For the purpose of this regulation, ``positive 
    lot identification'' of a lot of shelled or inshell peanuts is a means 
    of relating the inspection certificate to the lot which has been 
    inspected so that there can be no doubt that the peanuts are the same 
    ones described on the inspection certificate. The crop year that is 
    shown on the positive lot identification tags, or other means of 
    positive lot identification shall accurately describe the crop year in 
    which the peanuts in the lot were produced. Such procedure on bagged 
    peanuts shall consist of attaching a lot numbered tag bearing the 
    official stamp of the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service to 
    each filled bag in the lot. The tag shall be sewed (machine sewed if 
    shelled peanuts) into the closure of the bag except that in plastic 
    bags the tag shall be inserted prior to sealing so that the official 
    stamp is visible. Any peanuts moved in bulk or bulk bins shall have 
    their lot identity maintained by sealing the conveyance and if in other 
    containers by other means acceptable to the Federal or Federal-State 
    Inspection Service. All lots of shelled or cleaned inshell peanuts 
    shall be handled, stored, and shipped under positive lot identification 
    procedures, except those lots which have been reconstituted and/or 
    commingled at the request of the receiver. All such reconstituted and/
    or commingled lots will no longer be considered positive lot identified 
    and, therefore, no longer be eligible for appeal inspection. Handler 
    shall keep and maintain records of the quantities involved in each 
    reconstituting and/or commingling procedure, whether in single or 
    multiple lots, and such records shall be available to the Division on 
        (e) Reinspection. Whenever the Division has reason to believe that 
    peanuts may have been damaged or deteriorated while in storage, the 
    Division may reject the then effective inspection certificate and may 
    require the owner of the peanuts to have a reinspection to establish 
    whether or not such peanuts may be disposed of for human consumption.
    Sec. 997.40  Reconditioning and disposition of peanuts failing quality 
        (a) Lots of peanuts which have not been certified as meeting the 
    requirements for disposition to human
    [[Page 51823]]
    consumption outlets, may be disposed of for non-human consumption uses 
    which are not regulated or limited by the provisions specified in this 
    section: Provided, That each such lot is positive lot identified, using 
    red tags, and certified as to aflatoxin content (actual numerical 
    count). However, on the shipping papers covering the disposition of 
    each such lot of inedible quality peanuts, the handler shall cause the 
    following statement to be shown: ``The peanuts covered by this bill of 
    lading (or invoice, etc.) are not to be used for human consumption.''
        (b) Except for inedible quality peanuts disposed of under the 
    provisions of paragraph (f)(2) of this section and peanuts derived from 
    the milling for seed of Segregation 2 and 3 farmers stock peanuts, 
    peanuts which have not been certified as meeting the standards set 
    forth in paragraphs (a) or (b) of Sec. 997.30 shall be disposed of as 
    prescribed hereinafter in this section.
        (c) Sheller Oil Stock Residuals--For Crushing or Export. Peanuts, 
    or portions of peanuts which are separated from edible quality peanuts 
    by screening or sorting or other means during the milling process, may 
    be segregated into categories or they may be commingled as sheller oil 
    stock residuals. Such sheller oil stock residuals shall be identified 
    pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section, but using a red tag, and 
    such peanuts may be disposed of domestically or to the export market, 
    in bulk or bags or other suitable containers. The movement of such 
    peanuts shall be reported to the Division by the shipping handler and 
    the crusher, as requested by the Division.
        (1) If the peanuts have not been tested and certified as to 
    aflatoxin content, as prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section, the 
    handler shall cause the following statement to be shown on the shipping 
    papers: ``The peanuts covered by this bill of lading (or invoice, etc.) 
    are limited to crushing only and may contain aflatoxin.''
        (2) If the peanuts are certified as 301 ppb or more aflatoxin 
    content, disposition shall be limited to crushing or export.
        (d) Blanching peanuts failing quality requirements. Handlers may 
    blanch or cause to have blanched positive lot identified shelled 
    peanuts, which originated from Segregation 1 peanuts, that fail to meet 
    the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section because of excessive 
    damage, minor defects, moisture, or foreign material or are positive as 
    to aflatoxin. Lots of peanuts which are moved under these provisions 
    must be accompanied by a valid grade inspection certificate and the 
    title shall be retained by the handler until the peanuts are blanched 
    and certified by an inspector of the Federal or Federal-State 
    Inspection Service as meeting the requirements for disposal into human 
    consumption outlets. To be eligible for disposal into human consumption 
    outlets, such peanuts after blanching, must meet specifications for 
    unshelled peanuts, damaged kernels, minor defects, moisture, and 
    foreign material as listed in paragraph (a) of this section and be 
    accompanied by a negative aflatoxin certificate. The residual peanuts, 
    excluding skins and hearts, resulting from blanching under these 
    provisions, shall be bagged and red tagged and disposition shall be 
    that such peanuts are returned to the handler for further disposition; 
    or, in the alternative, such residuals shall be positive lot identified 
    by the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service, and shall be 
    disposed of, by the blancher to crushers who agree to comply with the 
    terms of paragraph (c) of this section.
        (e) Remilling peanuts failing quality requirements. Handlers may 
    remiller or cause to have remilled shelled peanuts, which originated 
    from Segregation 1 peanuts, that fail to meet the requirements for 
    disposition to human consumption outlets heretofore specified in 
    paragraph (a) of this section: Provided, That such lots of peanuts 
    contain not in excess of 10 percent fall through. Lots of peanuts moved 
    under these provisions must be accompanied by a valid grade inspection 
    certificate and must be positive lot identified and the title of such 
    peanuts shall be retained by the handler until the peanuts have been 
    remilled and certified by the Federal or Federal-State Inspection-
    Service as meeting the requirements for disposition to human 
    consumption outlets specified in paragraph (a) of this section, and be 
    accompanied by a negative aflatoxin certificate. Remilling under these 
    provisions may include composite remilling of more than one such lot of 
    peanuts owned by the same handler. However, such peanuts owned by one 
    handler shall be held and remilled separate and apart from all other 
    peanuts. The residual peanuts resulting from remilling under these 
    provisions, shall be bagged and red tagged and disposition shall be 
    that such peanuts are returned to the handler for further disposition; 
    or, in the alternative, such residuals shall be positive lot identified 
    by the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service, and shall be 
    disposed of, by the remiller, to crushers who agree to comply with the 
    terms of paragraph (c) of this section.
    Sec. 997.50  Inspection, chemical analysis, certification and 
        Each handler shall, at the handler's own expense, prior to or upon 
    receiving and before shipping or disposing of peanuts, cause an 
    inspection to be made of any such peanuts not covered by a valid 
    inspection certificate, to determine whether such peanuts meet the 
    applicable grade requirements effective pursuant to this part, and 
    shall comply with such identification requirements prescribed by this 
    part or which the Secretary may prescribe. Each handler shall also 
    cause appropriate samples to be drawn and chemically analyzed by a USDA 
    laboratory, or laboratory listed in Sec. 997.30, for wholesomeness as 
    provided in Sec. 997.30 of this part. Such handler shall obtain grade 
    and aflatoxin certificates stating that such peanuts meet the 
    aforementioned applicable requirements and all such certificates shall 
    be available for examination or use by the Division. Acceptable 
    certificates shall be those issued by Federal or Federal-State 
    inspectors authorized or licensed by the Secretary and USDA 
    laboratories or those listed in Sec. 997.30 of this part.
        Each handler shall furnish, or cause the inspection service or the 
    laboratory to furnish, to the Division, a copy of the inspection 
    certificate and a copy of the results of the chemical analyses issued 
    to the handler on each lot of shelled peanuts or cleaned inshell 
        3. Under the center heading ``Assessments,'' section 997.51 is 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 997.51  Assessments.
        (a) Each first handler shall pay to the Secretary, with respect to 
    Segregation 1 peanuts received or acquired by the handler, including 
    the handler's own production, an administrative assessment as approved 
    by the Secretary. The rate of assessment shall be the same as the 
    administrative assessment approved by the Secretary and applied to 
    signatory handlers under the Peanut Marketing Agreement No. 146. Such 
    administrative assessment shall be applied during the crop year 
    beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of the following year. Each 
    handler's pro rata share shall be the rate of assessment fixed by the 
    Secretary per net ton of farmers stock peanuts received or acquired, 
    other than those peanuts described in Sec. 997.20(a) (1) and (2). 
    During the crop year, the Secretary may increase the rate of assessment 
    if such an increase is established under the Agreement.
        (b) Segregation 2 and Segregation 3 farmers stock peanuts disposed 
    [[Page 51824]]
    crushing or exported are exempt from assessments under this section.
        4. Under the center heading ``Reports, Books and Records,'' 
    Secs. 997.52, 997.53 and 997.54 are revised to read as follows:
    Reports, Books and Records
    Sec. 997.52  Reports of acquisitions and shipments.
        Each handler shall report acquisitions of Segregation 1 farmers 
    stock peanuts on a form provided by the Division and file such other 
    reports of acquisitions and shipments of peanuts, as prescribed in this 
    part. Upon the request of the Division, each handler shall furnish such 
    other reports and information as necessary to enable the Division to 
    carry out the provisions of this part. All reports and records 
    furnished or submitted by handlers to the Division which include data 
    or information constituting a trade secret or disclosing the trade 
    position, financial condition, or business operations of the particular 
    handler shall not be disclosed unless such disclosure is determined 
    necessary by the Secretary to enforce the provisions of this part.
    Sec. 997.53  Verification of reports.
        For the purpose of checking and verifying reports filed by handlers 
    or the operation of handlers under the provisions of this part, the 
    Secretary, through its duly authorized agents, shall have access to any 
    premises where peanuts may be held by any handler and at any time 
    during reasonable business hours and shall be permitted to inspect any 
    peanuts so held by such handler and any and all records of such handler 
    with respect to the acquisition, movement, holding, processing or 
    disposition of all peanuts which may be held or which may have been 
    disposed of by the handler. Each handler shall maintain such records of 
    peanuts received, held, and disposed of by the handler, that will 
    substantiate any required reports and will show performance under this 
    part. Such records shall be retained for at least two years beyond the 
    crop year of their applicability.
    Sec. 997.54  Agents.
        The Secretary may, by a designation in writing, name any person, 
    including any officer or employee of the United States Government, or 
    name any service, division or branch in the United States Department of 
    Agriculture, to act as his agent or representative in connection with 
    any of the provisions of this part.
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 998 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 601-674.
        2. Under the center heading ``Implementing Regulations,'' 
    Secs. 998.100 and 998.200 are revised to read as follows:
    Implementing Regulations
    Sec. 998.100  Incoming quality regulation for 1996 and subsequent crop 
        The following modify Sec. 998.5 of the peanut marketing agreement 
    and modify or are in addition to the restrictions of section 31 on 
    handler receipts or acquisitions of peanuts:
        (a) Modification of Sec. 998.5, paragraphs (b), (c), and (d). 
    Paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of Sec. 998.5 of the peanut marketing 
    agreement are modified for the purposes of this section as to farmers 
    stock peanuts to read respectively as follows:
        (1) Segregation 1. Segregation 1 peanuts means farmers stock 
    peanuts with not more than 2 percent damaged kernels nor more than 1.00 
    percent concealed damage caused by rancidity, mold, or decay and which 
    are free from visible Aspergillus flavus.
        (2) Segregation 2. Segregation 2 peanuts means farmers stock 
    peanuts with more than 2 percent damaged kernels or more than 1.00 
    percent concealed damage caused by rancidity, mold, or decay and which 
    are free from visible Aspergillus flavus.
        (3) Segregation 3. Segregation 3 peanuts means farmers stock 
    peanuts with visible Aspergillus flavus.
        (b) Moisture and foreign material.
        (1) Moisture. Except as provided under paragraph (d) of 
    Sec. 998.100, no handler shall receive or acquire peanuts containing 
    more than 10.49 percent moisture: Provided, That peanuts of a higher 
    moisture content may be received and dried to not more than 10.49 
    percent moisture prior to storing or milling. On farmer's stock, such 
    moisture determinations shall be rounded to the nearest whole number; 
    on shelled peanuts, the determinations shall be carried to the 
    hundredths place and shall not be rounded to the nearest whole number.
        (2) Foreign material. No handler shall receive or acquire farmers 
    stock peanuts containing more than 10.49 percent foreign material, 
    except that peanuts having a higher foreign material content may be 
    received or acquired if they are held separately until milled, or moved 
    over a sand-screen before storage, or shipped directly to a plant for 
    prompt shelling. The term ``sand-screen'' means any type of farmers 
    stock cleaner which, when in use, removes sand and dirt.
        (c) Damage. For the purpose of determining damage, other than 
    concealed damage, on farmers stock peanuts, all percentage 
    determinations shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
        (d) Seed peanuts. A handler may acquire and deliver for seed 
    purposes farmers stock peanuts which meet the requirements of 
    Segregation 1 peanuts. If the seed peanuts are produced under the 
    auspices of a State agency which regulates or controls the production 
    of seed peanuts, they may contain up to 3 percent damaged kernels and 
    have visible Aspergillus flavus, and, in addition, the following 
    moisture content, as applicable:
        (1) Seed peanuts produced in the Southeastern and Virginia-Carolina 
    areas, may contain up to 10.49 percent moisture except Virginia type 
    peanuts which are not stacked at harvest time may contain up to 11.49 
    percent moisture; and
        (2) Seed peanuts produced in the Southwestern area may contain up 
    to 10.49 percent moisture. However, seed peanuts produced under the 
    auspices of the State agency, which contain up to 3 percent damaged 
    kernels and are free from visible Aspergillus flavus, shall be stored 
    and shelled from other peanuts; and any residuals not used for seed 
    shall not be used or disposed of for human consumption unless it is 
    determined to be wholesome by chemical assay for aflatoxin. Seed 
    peanuts produced under the auspices of the State agency which contain 
    up to 3 percent damaged kernels and are free from visible Aspergillus 
    flavus, may be stored and shelled with Segregation 1 seed peanuts which 
    are also produced under the auspices of the State agency. A handler 
    whose operations include custom shelling may receive, custom shell, and 
    deliver for seed purposes farmers stock peanuts, and such peanuts shall 
    be exempt from the Incoming Quality Regulation requirements, and, 
    therefore, shall not be required to be inspected and certified as 
    meeting the Incoming Quality Regulation requirements, and the handler 
    shall report to the Committee, as requested, the weight of each lot of 
    farmers stock peanuts received on such basis on a form furnished by the 
    Committee. Handlers who acquire seed peanut residuals from their custom 
    shelling of uninspected (farmers stock) seed peanuts or from another 
    producer or sheller may mill such residuals with
    [[Page 51825]]
    other receipts or acquisitions of the handler, and such residuals which 
    meet the Outgoing Quality Regulation requirements, may be disposed of 
    by sale to human consumption outlets.
        (e) Oilstock. Handlers may acquire for disposition to domestic 
    crushing or export farmers stock peanuts of a lower quality than 
    Segregation 1 or grades or sizes of shelled peanuts or cleaned inshell 
    peanuts which fail to meet the requirements for human consumption. The 
    provision of Sec. 998.31 of the marketing agreement restricting 
    acquisitions of such peanuts to handlers who are crushers is hereby 
    modified pursuant to Sec. 998.34, to authorize all handlers to act as 
    accumulators and acquire, from other handlers or non-handlers, 
    Segregation 2 or 3 farmers stock peanuts. Handlers may also acquire for 
    crushing or export from other handlers peanuts originating from 
    Segregation 2 or 3 farmers stock or the entire mill production of 
    shelled peanuts from Segregation 1 farmers stock or lots of peanuts 
    originating from Segregation 1 peanuts and which have been positive lot 
    identified as specified in paragraph (d) of Sec. 998.200, Outgoing 
    quality regulation, which failed to meet the requirements for human 
    consumption pursuant to paragraph (a) of Sec. 998.200, Outgoing quality 
    regulation: Provided, That all such acquisitions are held separate from 
    Segregation 1 peanuts acquired for milling or from edible grades of 
    shelled or milled peanuts. Handlers may commingle the Segregation 2 and 
    3 peanuts or keep them separate and apart. Handlers who acquire farmers 
    stock peanuts of a lower quality than Segregation 1 or grades or sizes 
    of shelled peanuts or cleaned inshell peanuts which fail to meet the 
    requirements for human consumption shall report such acquisitions as 
    prescribed by the Committee. To be eligible to receive or acquire 
    Segregation 2 or 3 farmers stock peanuts and shelled peanuts 
    originating therefrom, a handler shall pay to the Area Association a 
    fee for the purpose of covering cost of supervision of the disposition 
    of such peanuts.
        (f) Segregation 2 and 3 control. To assure the removal from edible 
    outlets of any lot of peanuts determined by Federal or Federal-State 
    Inspection Service to be Segregation 2 or Segregation 3, each handler 
    shall inform each employee, country buyer, commission buyer, or like 
    person through whom the handler receives peanuts of the need to receive 
    and withhold all lots of Segregation 2 and Segregation 3 peanuts from 
    milling for edible use. If any lot of Segregation 2 or Segregation 3 
    farmers stock peanuts is not withheld but returned to the producer, the 
    handler shall cause the Inspection Service to forward immediately a 
    copy of the inspection certificate on the lot to the designated office 
    of the handler and a copy to the Committee which shall be used only for 
    information purposes.
        (g) Farmers stock storage and handling facilities. Handlers shall 
    report to the Committee, on a form furnished by the Committee, all 
    storage facilities or contract storage facilities which they will use 
    to store acquisitions of current crop Segregation 1 farmers stock 
    peanuts, and all such storage facilities must be reported prior to 
    storing of any such handler acquisitions. Handlers shall also report to 
    the Committee the locations at which they will receive or acquire 
    current crop farmers stock peanuts. All such storage facilities shall 
    have reasonable and safe access to allow for inspection of the facility 
    and its contents. All such storage facilities must be of sound 
    construction, in good repair, and built and equipped so as to provide 
    suitable storage and sufficient safeguards to prevent moisture 
    condensation and provide adequate protection for farmers stock peanuts. 
    All breaks or openings in the walls, floors, or roofs of the facilities 
    shall have been repaired so as to keep out moisture. Elevator pits and 
    wells must be kept dry and free of moisture at all times. Insect 
    control procedures must be carried out in such a manner as to prevent 
    undesirable moisture in the storage facilities. Any conditions in 
    warehouses, elevators, pits, transportation equipment, including trucks 
    and hopper cars, and other farmers stock handling equipment conducive 
    to the growth or spread of Aspergillus flavus mold shall be corrected 
    to the satisfaction of the Committee. The Committee may make periodic 
    inspections of farmers stock storage and handling facilities and 
    farmers stock peanuts stored in such facilities to determine if 
    handlers are adhering to these requirements.
        (h) Shelled peanuts. Handlers may acquire shelled peanuts, which 
    originated from ``Segregation 1 peanuts,'' from other handlers, for 
    remilling and subsequent disposition to human consumption outlets.
        (i) Segregation 2 and Segregation 3 farmers stock peanuts held 
    separate and apart or commingled, and disposed of to crushing or export 
    are exempt from assessments under this section.
    Sec. 998.200  Outgoing quality regulation for 1996 and subsequent crop 
        The following modify or in addition to the peanut marketing 
    agreement restrictions of Sec. 998.32 on handler disposition of 
        (a) Shelled peanuts. (1) No handler shall ship or otherwise dispose 
    of shelled peanuts for human consumption unless such peanuts are 
    positive lot identified, certified ``negative'' as to aflatoxin, and 
    certified as meeting the requirements in the following ``Other Edible 
    Quality * * *'' grades:
                                       Table 1.--``Other Edible Quality'' (Indemnifiable) Grades--Whole Kernels and Splits                                  
                                                                  Excluding lots of ``splits''                                                              
                                                      Unshelled                             Fall through                                                    
                                         Unshelled     peanuts,  ------------------------------------------------------------------                         
                                        peanuts and    damaged                                                                        Foreign               
         Type and grade  category         damaged    kernels and                                                                     materials     Moisture 
                                          kernels       minor        Sound split and     Sound whole kernels          Total          (percent)    (percent) 
                                         (percent)     defects       broken kernels                                                                         
    Runner............................         1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch   3.00%; \16/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
    Virginia (except No. 2)...........         1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch;  3.00%; \15/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         inch; slot screen.                                                 
    [[Page 51826]]
    Spanish and Valencia..............         1.50         2.50  3.00%; \16/64\ inch;  3.00%; \15/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
    No. 2 Virginia....................         1.50         3.00  6.00%; \17/64\ inch;  6.00%; \15/64\ x 1    6.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         inch; slot screen.                                                 
                                                                       Lots of ``splits''                                                                   
    Runner (not more than 4% sound             1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch;  3.00%; \14/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     whole kernels).                                               round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
    Virginia (not less than 90%                1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch;  3.00%; \14/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     splits).                                                      round screen.         inch; slot screen.                                                 
    Spanish and Valencia (not more             1.50         2.50  3.00%; \16/64\ inch;  3.00%; \13/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     than 4% sound whole kernels).                                 round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
        (2) Prior to disposition to human consumption outlets, peanuts must 
    be positive lot identified, be certified ``negative'' as to aflatoxin, 
    and be certified as meeting the requirements in the following 
    ``Indemnifiable Grades'' grades:
                                                                 Table 2.--Indemnifiable Grades                                                             
                                                                       Maximum limitations                                                                  
                                                      Unshelled                             Fall through                                                    
                                         Unshelled     peanuts,  ------------------------------------------------------------------                         
                                        peanuts and    damaged                                                                        Foreign               
          Type and grade category         damaged    kernels and     Sound split and                                                 materials     Moisture 
                                          kernels       minor        broken kernels      Sound whole kernels          Total          (percent)    (percent) 
                                         (percent)     defects          (percent)             (percent)                                                     
    Runner U.S. No.1 and better.......         1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \16/64\x\3/4\  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
    Virginia U.S. No.1 and better.....         1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \15/64\x1      4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
    Spanish and Valencia U.S. No. 1            1.25         2.00  3.00%; \16/64\ inch,  2.00%; \15/64\x\3/4\  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     and better.                                                   round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
    Runner U.S. Splits (not more than          1.25         2.00  2.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \14/64\x\3/4\  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     4% sound, whole kernels).                                     round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
    Virginia U.S. Splits (not less             1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \14/64\x1      4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     than 90% splits and not more than                             round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
     3.00% sound whole kernels and                                                                                                                          
     portions passing through \20/64\                                                                                                                       
     inch round screen).                                                                                                                                    
    Spanish and Valencia U.S. Splits           1.25         2.00  2.00%; \16/64\ inch,  3.00%; \13/64\x\3/4\  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     (not more than 4% sound, whole                                round screen.         4.00%; inch, slot                                                  
     kernels).                                                                           screen.                                                            
    Runner with splits (not more than          1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \16/64\x\3/4\  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     15% sound splits).                                            round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
    Virginia with splits (not more             1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \15/64\x1      4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     than 15% sound splits).                                       round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
    [[Page 51827]]
    Spanish and Valencia with splits           1.25         2.00  3.00%; \16/64\ inch,  2.00%; \15/64\x\3/4\  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     (not more than 15% sound splits).                             round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
        (3) The term ``fall through'', as used herein, shall mean sound 
    split and broken kernels and whole kernels which pass through specified 
        (b) Cleaned inshell peanuts. No handler shall ship or otherwise 
    dispose of cleaned inshell peanuts for human consumption:
        (1) With more than 1.00 percent kernels with mold present unless a 
    sample of such peanuts, drawn by an inspector of the Federal or 
    Federal-State Inspection Service, was analyzed chemically by 
    laboratories approved by the Committee or by a U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture laboratory (hereinafter referred to as ``USDA laboratory'') 
    and found to be wholesome relative to aflatoxin;
        (2) with more than 2.00 percent peanuts with damaged kernels;
        (3) with more than 10.00 percent moisture; or
        (4) with more than 0.50 percent foreign material. The lot size of 
    such peanuts in bags or bulk shall not exceed 200,000 pounds.
        (c) Sampling and testing shelled peanuts. (1) Prior to shipment, 
    each handler shall cause appropriate samples of each lot of edible 
    quality shelled peanuts to be drawn by an inspector of the Federal or 
    Federal-State Inspection Service. The gross amount of peanuts drawn 
    shall be large enough to provide for a grade analysis, for a grading 
    check-sample, and for three 48-pound samples for aflatoxin assay. The 
    three 48-pound samples shall be designated by the Federal or Federal-
    State Inspection Service as ``Sample #1,'' ``Sample #2,'' and ``Sample 
    #3'' and each sample shall be placed in a suitable container and 
    ``positive lot identified'' by means acceptable to the Inspection 
    Service and the Committee. Sample #1 may be prepared for immediate 
    testing or Sample #1, Sample #2, and Sample #3 may be returned to the 
    handler for testing at a later date. However, before shipment of the 
    lot to the buyer (receiver), the handler shall cause Sample #1 to be 
    ground by the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service or a USDA or 
    designated laboratory in a ``subsampling mill'' approved by the 
    Committee. The resultant ground subsample from Sample #1 shall be of a 
    size specified by the Committee and be designated as ``Subsample 1-AB'' 
    and at the handler's or buyer's option, a second subsample may also be 
    extracted from Sample #1. It shall be designated as ``Subsample 1-CD.'' 
    Subsample 1-CD may be sent as requested by the handler or buyer, for 
    aflatoxin assay, to a laboratory listed on the most recent Committee 
    list of approved laboratories that can provide analyses results on such 
    samples in 36 hours. Subsample 1-AB shall be analyzed only in USDA or 
    designated laboratories. Both Subsamples 1-AB and 1-CD shall be 
    accompanied by a notice of sampling signed by the inspector containing, 
    at least, identifying information as to the handler (shipper), the 
    buyer (receiver), if known, and the positive lot identification of the 
    shelled peanuts. A copy of such notice covering each lot shall be sent 
    to the Committee office.
        (2) The samples designated as Sample #2 and Sample #3 shall be held 
    as aflatoxin check-samples by the Inspection Service or the handler and 
    shall not be included in the shipment to the buyer until the analyses 
    results from Sample #1 are known. Upon call from the USDA or designated 
    laboratory or the Committee, the handler shall cause Sample #2 to be 
    ground by the Inspection Service in a ``subsampling mill.'' The 
    resultant ground subsample from Sample #2 shall be of the size 
    specified by the Committee and it shall be designated as ``Subsample 2-
    AB.'' Upon call from the USDA or designated laboratory or the 
    Committee, the handler shall cause Sample #3 to be ground by the 
    Inspection Service in a ``subsampling mill.'' The resultant ground 
    subsample from Sample #3 shall be of the size specified by the 
    Committee and it shall be designated as ``Subsample 3-AB.'' Subsamples 
    2-AB and 3-AB shall be analyzed only in USDA or designated laboratories 
    and each shall be accompanied by a notice of sampling. A copy of each 
    such notice shall be sent to the Committee office and the cost of 
    delivery of Subsamples 2-AB and 3-AB to the laboratory and the cost of 
    assay on them shall be at the Committee's expense.
        (3) All costs involved in sampling and testing Subsample 1-CD shall 
    be for the account of the buyer of the lot and at the buyer's expense. 
    However, if the handler elects to pay any portion of these cost the 
    handler shall charge the buyer accordingly. Aflatoxin sampling and 
    testing cost for the AB subsamples shall be included as a separate item 
    in the handler's invoice to the buyer at the rate of $0.0027 per pound 
    or $0.27 per hundredweight of the peanuts covered by the invoice. When 
    any of the samples or subsamples have been lost, misplaced, or spoiled 
    and replacement samples are needed, the entire cost of drawing the 
    replacement samples shall be for the account of the handler. The 
    results of each assay shall be reported to the buyer listed on the 
    notice of sampling and, if the handler desires, to the handler. If a 
    buyer is not listed on the notice of sampling, the results of the assay 
    shall be reported to the handler, who shall promptly cause notice to be 
    given to the buyer of the contents thereof, and such handler shall not 
    be required to furnish additional samples for assay.
        (4) For the current crop year, ``negative'' aflatoxin content means 
    15 parts per billion (ppb) or less for peanuts which have been 
    certified as meeting edible quality grade requirements as determined by 
    the Committee's sampling plan applicable to the respective grade 
        (d) Identification. Each lot of shelled or cleaned inshell peanuts, 
    in lot sizes not exceeding 200,000 pounds, shall be identified by 
    positive lot identification procedures prior to being shipped or 
    otherwise disposed of. For the purpose of this regulation, ``positive 
    [[Page 51828]]
    identification'' of a lot of shelled or inshell peanuts is a means of 
    relating the inspection certificate to the lot which has been inspected 
    so that there can be no doubt that the peanuts are the same ones 
    described on the inspection certificate. The crop year that is shown on 
    the positive lot identification tags, or other means of positive lot 
    identification shall accurately describe the crop year in which the 
    peanuts in the lot were produced. Such procedure on bagged peanuts 
    shall consist of attaching a lot numbered tag bearing the official 
    stamp of the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service to each filled 
    bag in the lot. The tag shall be sewed (machine sewed if shelled 
    peanuts) into the closure of the bag except that in plastic bags the 
    tag shall be inserted prior to sealing so that the official stamp is 
    visible. Any peanuts moved in bulk or bulk bins shall have their lot 
    identity maintained by sealing the conveyance and if in other 
    containers by other means acceptable to the Federal or Federal-State 
    Inspection Service and to the Committee. All lots of shelled or cleaned 
    inshell peanuts shall be handled, stored, and shipped under positive 
    lot identification procedures, except that lots which have been 
    reconstituted and/or commingled at the request of the receiver. All 
    such reconstituted and/or commingled lots will no longer be eligible 
    for indemnification or for appeal inspection. Handlers shall keep and 
    maintain records of the quantities involved in each reconstituting and/
    or commingling procedure, whether in single or multiple lots, and such 
    records shall be available to the Committee on request.
        (e) Reinspection. Whenever the Committee has reason to believe that 
    peanuts may have been damaged or deteriorated while in storage, the 
    Committee may reject the then effective inspection certificate and may 
    require the owner of the peanuts to have a reinspection to establish 
    whether or not such peanuts may be disposed of for human consumption.
        (f) Further modification of Sec. 998.32.
        (1) The provisions of Sec. 998.32(a) restricting the disposition of 
    peanuts which fail to meet the requirements specified heretofore in 
    this section to the Commodity Credit Corporation or in such manner as 
    may be prescribed by the Committee with the approval of the Secretary, 
    is hereby modified to specify that only peanuts which have been 
    certified as meeting the requirements specified in paragraphs (a) or 
    (b) of this section, which have been sampled pursuant to paragraph (c) 
    of this section, and which have been identified pursuant to paragraph 
    (d) of this section are eligible for disposition to human consumption 
        (2) Lots of peanuts which have not been certified as meeting the 
    requirements for disposition to human consumption outlets, may be 
    disposed for non-human consumption uses which are not regulated or 
    limited by the provisions specified hereinafter in this section: 
    Provided, That each such lot is positive lot identified, using red 
    tags, and certified as to aflatoxin content (actual numerical count). 
    However, on the shipping papers covering the disposition of each such 
    lot of inedible quality peanuts, the handler shall cause the following 
    statement to be shown: ``The peanuts covered by this bill of lading (or 
    invoice, etc.) are not to be used for human consumption.''
        (3) Except for inedible quality peanuts disposed of under the 
    provisions of paragraph (f)(2) of this section and peanuts derived from 
    the milling for seed of Segregation 2 and 3 farmers stock peanuts, 
    peanuts which have not been certified as meeting the standards set 
    forth in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section shall be disposed of as 
    prescribed hereinafter in this section.
        (g) Sheller oil stock residuals--for crushing or export. Peanuts 
    and portions of peanuts which are separated from edible quality peanuts 
    by screening or sorting or other means during the milling process, may 
    be segregated into categories or commingled as sheller oil stock 
    residuals. Such sheller oil stock residuals shall be identified 
    pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section, but using a red tag, and 
    such peanuts may be disposed of domestically or to the export market in 
    bulk or bags or other suitable containers. Disposition to crushing may 
    be to handlers who are crushers or to domestic crushers who are not 
    handlers under the Agreement only on the condition that they agree to 
    comply with the terms of this paragraph and all other applicable 
    requirements of the Agreement. The movement of such peanuts shall be 
    reported to the Committee by the shipping handler and the crusher, as 
    requested by the Committee.
        (1) If the peanuts have not been tested and certified as to 
    aflatoxin content, as prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section, the 
    handler shall cause the following statement to be shown on the shipping 
    papers: ``The peanuts covered by this bill of lading (or invoice, etc.) 
    are limited to crushing only and may contain aflatoxin.''
        (2) If the peanuts are certified as 301 ppb or more aflatoxin 
    content, disposition shall be limited to crushing or export.
        (h) Blanching and remilling peanuts failing quality requirements. 
    (1) Handlers may blanch or cause to have blanched positive lot 
    identified shelled peanuts, which originated from Segregation 1 
    peanuts, that fail to meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this 
    section because of excessive damage, minor defects, moisture, or 
    foreign material or are positive as to aflatoxin. Prior to movement of 
    such peanuts to a blancher, handlers shall report to the Committee, on 
    a form furnished by the Committee, and receive authorization from the 
    Committee for movement and blanching of each such lot. Lots of peanuts 
    which are moved under these provisions must be accompanied by a valid 
    grade inspection certificate and the title shall be retained by the 
    handler until the peanuts are blanched and certified by an inspector of 
    the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service as meeting the 
    requirements for disposal into human consumption outlets. To be 
    eligible for disposal into human consumption outlets, such peanuts 
    after blanching, must meet specifications for unshelled peanuts, 
    damaged kernels, minor defects, moisture, and foreign material as 
    listed in paragraph (a) of this section and be accompanied by an 
    aflatoxin certificate determined to be negative by the Committee. The 
    residual peanuts, excluding skins and hearts, resulting from blanching 
    under these provisions, shall be bagged and red tagged and disposition 
    shall be that such peanuts are returned to the handler for further 
    disposition; or, in the alternative, such residuals shall be positive 
    lot identified by the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service, and 
    shall be disposed of, by the blancher, to handlers who are crushers, or 
    to domestic crushers who are not handlers under the Agreement only on 
    the condition that they agree to comply with the terms of paragraph (g) 
    of this section and all other applicable requirements of the Agreement. 
    Blanching under the provisions of this paragraph shall be performed 
    only by those firms who agree to procedures acceptable to the Committee 
    and who are approved by the Committee to do such blanching.
        (2) Handlers may contract with Committee approved remillers for 
    remilling shelled peanuts, which originated from Segregation 1 peanuts, 
    that fail to meet the requirements for disposition to human consumption 
    outlets heretofore specified in paragraph (a) of this section: 
    Provided, That such lots of peanuts contain not in excess of 10 percent 
    fall through. Prior to
    [[Page 51829]]
    movement of such peanuts under these provisions to a Committee approved 
    remiller, handlers shall report to the Committee, on a form furnished 
    by the Committee, and receive authorization from the Committee for 
    movement and remilling of each such lot. Lots of peanuts moved under 
    these provisions must be accompanied by a valid grade inspection 
    certificate and must be positive lot identified and the title of such 
    peanuts shall be retained by the handler until the peanuts have been 
    remilled and certified by the Federal or Federal-State Inspection-
    Service as meeting the requirements for disposition to human 
    consumption outlets specified in paragraph (a) of this section, and be 
    accompanied by an aflatoxin certificate determined to be negative by 
    the Committee. Remilling under these provisions may include composite 
    remilling of more than one such lot of peanuts owned by the same 
    handler. However, such peanuts owned by one handler shall be held and 
    remilled separate and apart from all other peanuts. The residual 
    peanuts resulting from remilling under these provisions, shall be 
    bagged and red tagged and disposition shall be that such peanuts are 
    returned to the handler for further disposition; or, in the 
    alternative, such residuals shall be positive lot identified by the 
    Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service, and shall be disposed of, 
    by the remiller, to handlers who are crushers, or to domestic crushers 
    who are not handlers under the Agreement only on the condition that 
    they agree to comply with the terms of paragraph (g) of this section 
    and all other applicable requirements of the Agreement. Remilling under 
    the provisions of this paragraph shall be performed only by those firms 
    who agree to procedures acceptable to the Committee and who are 
    approved by the Committee to do such remilling.
        (i) Documentation of compliance. Each handler shall keep and 
    maintain records of all receipts and acquisitions and all milling, 
    remilling, blanching, use and disposition of peanuts which have not 
    been certified as meeting the requirements for disposition to human 
    consumption, pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, as will 
    document and substantiate compliance and performance under this 
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 999 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 601-674; and 7 U.S.C. 1445c-3.
        2. Section 999.600 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 999.600  Regulation governing imports of peanuts.
        (a) Definitions. (1) Peanuts means the seeds of the legume Arachis 
    hypogaea and includes both inshell and shelled peanuts produced in 
    countries other than the United States, other than those marketed in 
    green form for consumption as boiled peanuts.
        (2) Farmers stock peanuts means picked and threshed raw peanuts 
    which have not been shelled, crushed, cleaned or otherwise changed 
    (except for removal of foreign material, loose shelled kernels, and 
    excess moisture) from the form in which customarily marketed by 
        (3) Inshell peanuts means peanuts, the kernels or edible portions 
    of which are contained in the shell.
        (4) Incoming inspection means the sampling and inspection of 
    farmers stock peanuts to determine Segregation quality.
        (5) Segregation 1 peanuts, unless otherwise specified, means 
    farmers stock peanuts with not more than 2.00 percent damaged kernels 
    nor more than 1.00 percent concealed damage caused by rancidity, mold, 
    or decay and which are free from visible Aspergillus flavus mold.
        (6) Segregation 2 peanuts, unless otherwise specified, means 
    farmers stock peanuts with more than 2.00 percent damaged kernels or 
    more than 1.00 percent concealed damage caused by rancidity, mold, or 
    decay and which are free from visible Aspergillus flavus mold.
        (7) Segregation 3 peanuts, unless otherwise specified, means 
    farmers stock peanuts with visible Aspergillus flavus mold.
        (8) Shelled peanuts means the kernels of peanuts after the shells 
    are removed.
        (9) Outgoing inspection means the sampling and inspection of 
    either: shelled peanuts which have been cleaned, sorted, sized and 
    otherwise prepared for human consumption markets; or inshell peanuts 
    which have been cleaned, sorted and otherwise prepared for inshell 
    human consumption markets.
        (10) Negative aflatoxin content means 15 parts-per-billion (ppb) or 
    less for peanuts which have been certified as meeting edible quality 
    grade requirements, and 25 ppb or less for inedible quality peanuts.
        (11) Person means an individual, partnership, corporation, 
    association, or any other business unit.
        (12) Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture of the United 
    States or any officer or employee of the United States Department of 
    Agriculture (Department or USDA) who is, or who may hereafter be, 
    authorized to act on behalf of the Secretary.
        (13) Inspection service means the Federal or Federal-State 
    Inspection Service, Fruit and Vegetable Division, Agricultural 
    Marketing Service, USDA.
        (14) USDA laboratory means laboratories of the Science and 
    Technology Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA, that 
    chemically analyze peanuts for aflatoxin content.
        (15) PAC approved laboratories means laboratories approved by the 
    Peanut Administrative Committee, pursuant to Peanut Marketing Agreement 
    No. 146 (7 CFR Part 998), that chemically analyze peanuts for aflatoxin 
        (16) Conditionally released means released from Customs Service 
    custody for further handling (sampling, inspection, chemical analysis, 
    or storage) before final release.
        (17) Importation means the arrival of a peanut shipment at a port-
    of-entry with the intent to enter the peanuts into channels of commerce 
    of the United States.
        (b) Incoming regulation: (1) Farmers stock peanuts presented for 
    consumption must undergo incoming inspection. Only Segregation 1 
    peanuts may be used for human consumption. All foreign produced farmers 
    stock peanuts for human consumption must be sampled and inspected at a 
    buying point or other handling facility capable of performing incoming 
    sampling and inspection. Sampling and inspection shall be conducted by 
    the inspection service. Only Segregation 1 peanuts certified as meeting 
    the following requirements may be used in human consumption markets:
        (i) Moisture. Except as provided under paragraph (b)(2) Seed 
    peanuts, of this section, peanuts may not contain more than 10.49 
    percent moisture: Provided, That peanuts of a higher moisture content 
    may be received and dried to not more than 10.49 percent moisture prior 
    to storage or milling.
        (ii) Foreign material. Peanuts may not contain more than 10.49 
    percent foreign material, except that peanuts having a higher foreign 
    material content may be held separately until milled, or moved over a 
    sand-screen before storage, or shipped directly to a plant for prompt 
    shelling. The term ``sand-screen'' means any type of farmers stock 
    cleaner which, when in use, removes sand and dirt.
        (iii) Damage. For the purpose of determining damage, other than 
    concealed damage, on farmers stock peanuts, all percentage 
    [[Page 51830]]
    shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
        (2) Seed peanuts. Farmers stock peanuts determined to be 
    Segregation 1 quality, and shelled peanuts certified negative to 
    aflatoxin (15 ppb or less), may be imported for seed purposes. 
    Residuals from the shelling of Segregation 1 seed peanuts may be milled 
    with other imported peanuts of the importer, and such residuals meeting 
    quality requirements specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section may 
    be disposed to human consumption channels. Any portion not meeting such 
    quality requirements shall be disposed to inedible peanut channels 
    pursuant to paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section. All disposition of 
    seed peanuts and residuals from seed peanuts, whether commingled or 
    kept separate and apart, shall be reported to the Secretary pursuant to 
    paragraphs (f)(2) and (f)(3) of this section. The receiving seed outlet 
    must retain records of the transaction, pursuant to paragraph (g)(7) of 
    this section.
        (3) Oilstock and exportation. Farmers stock peanuts of lower 
    quality than Segregation 1 (Segregation 2 and 3 peanuts) shall be used 
    only in inedible outlets. Segregation 2 and 3 peanuts may be commingled 
    but shall be kept separate and apart from edible quality peanut lots. 
    Commingled Segregation 2 and 3 peanuts and Segregation 3 peanuts shall 
    be disposed only to oilstock or exported. Shelled peanuts and cleaned-
    inshell peanuts which fail to meet the requirements for human 
    consumption in paragraphs (c)(1) or (c)(2), respectively, of 
    Sec. 997.600, may be crushed for oil or exported.
        (c) Outgoing regulation. No person shall import peanuts for human 
    consumption into the United States unless such peanuts are lot 
    identified and certified by the inspection service as meeting one of 
    the following requirements:
        (1) Shelled peanuts. (i) No importer shall ship or otherwise 
    dispose of shelled peanuts to human consumption markets unless such 
    peanuts are lot identified, certified as ``negative'' to aflatoxin, and 
    meet the requirements specified in Table 1.
                                               Table 1.--Minimum Grade Requirements--Peanuts for Human Consumption                                          
                                                                   [Whole Kernels and Splits]                                                               
                                                                       Maximum limitations                                                                  
                                                                  Excluding lots of ``splits''                                                              
                                                      Unshelled                             Fall through                                                    
                                         Unshelled     peanuts   ------------------------------------------------------------------                         
                                        peanuts and    damaged                                                                        Foreign               
          Type and grade category         damaged    kernels and                                                                     materials     Moisture 
                                          kernels       minor        Sound split and     Sound whole kernels          Total          (percent)    (percent) 
                                         (percent)     defects       broken kernels                                                                         
    Runner............................         1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch   3.00%; \16/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
    Virginia (except No. 2)...........         1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch;  3.00%; \15/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         inch; slot screen.                                                 
    Spanish and Valencia..............         1.50         2.50  3.00%; \16/64\ inch;  3.00%; \15/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
    No. 2 Virginia....................         1.50         3.00  6.00%; \17/64\ inch;  6.00%; \15/64\ x 1    6.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         inch; slot screen.                                                 
                                                                       Lots of ``splits''                                                                   
    Runner (not more than 4% sound             1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch;  3.00%; \14/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     whole kernels).                                               round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
    Virginia (not less than 90%                1.50         2.50  3.00%; \17/64\ inch;  3.00%; \14/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     splits).                                                      round screen.         inch; slot screen.                                                 
    Spanish and Valencia (not more             1.50         2.50  3.00%; \16/64\ inch;  3.00%; \13/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     than 4% sound whole kernels).                                 round screen.         4\ inch; slot                                                      
        (ii) Shelled peanuts which are lot identified, certified as 
    ``negative'' to aflatoxin pursuant to paragraph (d)(4)(v) of this 
    section, and meet requirements specified in the Table 2, may be shipped 
    to human consumption markets prior to the importer receiving such 
    aflatoxin certification.
    [[Page 51831]]
                                             Table 2.--Superior Quality Requirements--Peanuts for Human Consumption                                         
                                                                   [Whole Kernels and Splits]                                                               
                                                                       Maximum limitations                                                                  
                                                      Unshelled                             Fall through                                                    
                                         Unshelled     peanuts   ------------------------------------------------------------------                         
                                        peanuts and    damaged                                                                        Foreign               
          Type and grade category         damaged    kernels and     Sound split and                                                  material     Moisture 
                                          kernels       minor        broken kernels      Sound whole kernels          Total          (percent)    (percent) 
                                         (percent)     defects          (percent)             (percent)                                                     
    Runner U.S. No.1 and better.......         1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \16/64\ x \3/  4%; both screens....          .10        9.00.
                                                                   round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
    Virginia U.S. No.1 and better.....         1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \15/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
                                                                   round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
    Spanish and Valencia U.S. No.1 and         1.25         2.00  3.00%; \16/64\ inch,  2.00%; \15/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     better.                                                       round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
    Runner U.S. Splits (not more than          1.25         2.00  2.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \14/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.           20         9.00
     4% sound, whole kernels).                                     round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
    Virginia U.S. Splits (not less             1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \14/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     than 90% splits and not more than                             round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
     3.00% sound whole kernels and                                                                                                                          
     portions passing through \20/64\                                                                                                                       
     inch round screen).                                                                                                                                    
    Spanish and Valencia U.S. Splits           1.25         2.00  2.00%; \16/64\ inch,  3.00%; \13/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .20         9.00
     (not more than 4% sound, whole                                round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
     kernels).                                                                           screen.                                                            
    Runner with splits (not more than          1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \16/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     15% sound splits).                                            round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
    Virginia with splits (not more             1.25         2.00  3.00%; \17/64\ inch,  3.00%; \15/64\ x 1    4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     than 15% sound splits).                                       round screen.         inch, slot screen.                                                 
    Spanish and Valencia with splits           1.25         2.00  3.00%; \16/64\ inch,  2.00%; \15/64\ x \3/  4.00%; both screens.          .10         9.00
     (not more than 15% sound splits).                             round screen.         4\ inch, slot                                                      
        (iii) The term ``fall through'', as used herein, shall mean sound 
    split and broken kernels and whole kernels which pass through specified 
    screens. Prior to shipment, appropriate samples for pretesting shall be 
    drawn in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section from each lot of 
    Superior Quality peanuts.
        (2) Cleaned-inshell peanuts. Peanuts declared as cleaned-inshell 
    peanuts may be presented for sampling and outgoing inspection in bags 
    at the port-of-entry. Alternatively, peanuts may be conditionally 
    released as cleaned-inshell peanuts but shall not subsequently undergo 
    any cleaning, sorting, sizing or drying process prior to presentation 
    for outgoing inspection as cleaned-inshell peanuts. Cleaned-inshell 
    peanuts which fail outgoing inspection may be reconditioned or 
    redelivered to the port-of-entry, at the option of the importer. 
    Cleaned-inshell peanuts determined to be unprepared farmers stock 
    peanuts must be inspected against incoming quality requirements and 
    determined to be Segregation 1 peanuts prior to outgoing inspection for 
    cleaned-inshell peanuts. Cleaned-inshell peanuts intended for human 
    consumption may not contain more than:
        (i) 1.00 percent kernels with mold present, unless a sample of such 
    peanuts is drawn by the inspection service and analyzed chemically by a 
    USDA or PAC approved laboratory and certified ``negative'' as to 
        (ii) 2.00 percent peanuts with damaged kernels;
        (iii) 10.00 percent moisture (carried to the hundredths place); and
        (iv) 0.50 percent foreign material.
        (d) Sampling and inspection. (1) All sampling and inspection, 
    quality certification, chemical analysis, and lot identification, 
    required under this section, shall be done by the inspection service, a 
    USDA laboratory, or a PAC-approved laboratory, as applicable, in 
    accordance with the procedures specified herein. The importer shall 
    make arrangements with the inspection service for sampling, inspection, 
    lot identification and certification of all peanuts accumulated by the 
    importer. The importer also shall make arrangements for the appropriate 
    disposition of peanuts failing edible quality requirements of this 
    section. All costs of sampling, inspection, certification, 
    identification, and disposition incurred in meeting the requirements of 
    this section shall be paid by the importer. Whenever peanuts are 
    offered for inspection, the importer shall furnish any labor and pay 
    any costs incurred in moving and opening containers as may be necessary 
    for proper sampling and inspection.
        (2) For farmers stock inspection, the importer shall cause the 
    inspection service to perform an incoming inspection and to issue an 
    CFSA-1007, ``Inspection Certificate and Sales Memorandum'' form 
    designating the lot as Segregation 1, 2, or 3 quality peanuts. For 
    shelled and cleaned-inshell peanuts,
    [[Page 51832]]
    the importer shall cause the inspection service to perform an outgoing 
    inspection and issue an FV-184-9A, ``Milled Peanut Inspection 
    Certificate'' reporting quality and size of the shelled or cleaned-
    inshell peanuts, whether the lot meets or fails to meet quality 
    requirements for human consumption of this section, and that the lot 
    originated in a country other than the United States. The importer 
    shall provide to the Secretary copies of all CFSA 1007 and FV-184-9A 
    applicable to each peanut lot conditionally released to the importer. 
    Such reports shall be submitted as provided in paragraphs (f)(2) and 
    (f)(3) of this section.
        (3) Procedures for sampling and testing peanuts. Sampling and 
    testing of peanuts for incoming and outgoing inspections of peanuts 
    presented for consumption into the United States will be conducted as 
        (i) Application for sampling. The importer shall request inspection 
    and certification services from one of the following inspection service 
    offices convenient to the location where the peanuts are presented for 
    incoming and/or outgoing inspection. To avoid possible delays, the 
    importer should make arrangements with the inspection service in 
    advance of the inspection date. A copy of the Customs Service entry 
    document specific to the peanuts to be inspected shall be presented to 
    the inspection official prior to sampling of the lot.
        (A) The following offices provide incoming farmers stock 
    Dothan, AL, tel: (334) 792-5185,
    Graceville, FL, tel: (904) 263-3204,
    Winter Haven, FL, tel: (813) 291-5820, ext 260,
    Albany, GA, tel: (912) 432-7505,
    Williamston, NC, tel: (919) 792-1672,
    Columbia, SC, tel: (803) 253-4597,
    Suffolk, VA, tel: (804) 925-2286,
    Portales, NM, tel: (505) 356-8393,
    Oklahoma City, OK, tel: (405) 521-3864,
    Gorman, TX, tel: (817) 734-3006,
    Yuma, AZ, tel: (602) 344-3869.
        (B) The following offices, in addition to the offices listed in 
    paragraph (d)(3)(i)(A) of this section, provide outgoing sampling and/
    or inspection services, and certify shelled and cleaned-inshell peanuts 
    as meeting or failing the quality requirements of this section:
    Eastern U.S.
    Mobile, AL, tel: (205) 690-6154,
    Jacksonville, FL, tel: (904) 359-6430,
    Miami, FL, tel: (305) 592-1375,
    Tampa, FL, tel: (813) 272-2470,
    Presque Isle, ME, tel: (207) 764-2100,
    Baltimore/Washington, tel: (301) 344-1860,
    Boston, MA, tel: (617) 389-2480,
    Newark, NJ, tel: (201) 645-2670,
    New York, NY, tel: (212) 718-7665,
    Buffalo, NY, tel: (716) 824-1585,
    Philadelphia, PA, tel: (215) 336-0845,
    Norfolk, VA, tel: (804) 441-6218,
    Central U.S.
    New Orleans, LA, tel: (504) 589-6741,
    Detroit, MI, tel: (313) 226-6059,
    St. Paul, MN, tel: (612) 296-8557,
    Las Cruces, NM, tel: (505) 646-4929,
    Alamo, TX, tel: (210) 787-4091,
    El Paso, TX, tel: (915) 540-7723,
    Houston, TX, tel: (713) 923-2557,
    Western U.S.
    Nogales, AZ, tel: (602) 281-0783,
    Los Angeles, CA, tel: (213) 894-2489,
    San Francisco, CA, tel: (415) 876-9313,
    Honolulu, HI, tel: (808) 973-9566,
    Salem, OR, tel: (503) 986-4620,
    Seattle, WA, tel: (206) 859-9801.
        (C) Questions regarding inspection services or requests for further 
    assistance may be obtained from: Fresh Products Branch, P.O. Box 96456, 
    room 2049-S, Fruit and Vegetable Division, AMS, USDA, Washington, D.C. 
    20090-6456, telephone (202) 690-0604, fax (202) 720-0393.
        (ii) Sampling. Sampling of bulk farmers stock lots shall be 
    performed at a facility that utilizes a pneumatic sampler or approved 
    automatic sampling device. The size of farmers stock lots, shelled 
    lots, and cleaned-inshell lots, in bulk or bags, shall not exceed 
    200,000 pounds. For farmers stock, shelled and cleaned-inshell lots not 
    completely accessible for sampling, the applicant shall be required to 
    have lots made accessible for sampling pursuant to inspection service 
    requirements. The importer shall cause appropriate samples of each lot 
    of edible quality shelled peanuts to be drawn by the inspection 
    service. The amount of such peanuts drawn shall be large enough to 
    provide for a grade and size analysis, for a grading check-sample, and 
    for three 48-pound samples for aflatoxin assay. Because there is no 
    acceptable method of drawing official samples from bulk conveyances of 
    shelled peanuts, the importer shall arrange to have bulk conveyances of 
    shelled peanuts sampled during the unloading process. A bulk lot 
    sampled in this manner must be positive lot identified by the 
    inspection service and held in a sealed bin until the associated 
    inspection and aflatoxin test results have been reported.
        (4) Aflatoxin assay. (i) The importer shall cause appropriate 
    samples of each lot of shelled peanuts intended for edible consumption 
    to be drawn by the inspection service. The three 48-pound samples shall 
    be designated by the inspection service as ``Sample 1IMP,'' ``Sample 
    2IMP,'' and ``Sample 3IMP'' and each sample shall be placed in a 
    suitable container and lot identified by the inspection service. Sample 
    1IMP may be prepared for immediate testing or Samples 1IMP, 2IMP and 
    3IMP may be returned to the importer for testing at a later date, under 
    lot identification procedures.
        (ii) The importer shall cause Sample 1IMP to be ground by the 
    inspection service or a USDA or PAC-approved laboratory in a 
    subsampling mill. The resultant ground subsample shall be of a size 
    specified by the inspection service and shall be designated as 
    ``Subsample 1-ABIMP.'' At the importer's option, a second subsample may 
    also be extracted from Sample 1IMP and designated ``Subsample 1-CDIMP'' 
    which may be sent for aflatoxin assay to a USDA or PAC-approved 
    laboratory. Both subsamples shall be accompanied by a notice of 
    sampling signed by the inspector containing identifying information as 
    to the importer, the lot identification of the shelled peanut lot, and 
    other information deemed necessary by the inspection service. 
    Subsamples 1-ABIMP and 1-CDIMP shall be analyzed only in a USDA or PAC-
    approved laboratory. The methods prescribed by the Instruction Manual 
    for Aflatoxin Testing, SD Instruction-1, August 1994, shall be used to 
    assay the aflatoxin level. The cost of testing and notification of 
    Subsamples 1-ABIMP and 1-CDIMP shall be borne by the importer.
        (iii) The samples designated as Sample 2IMP and Sample 3IMP shall 
    be held as aflatoxin check-samples by the inspection service or the 
    importer until the analyses results from Sample 1IMP are known. Upon 
    call from the USDA or PAC-approved laboratory, the importer shall cause 
    Sample 2IMP to be ground by the inspection service in a subsampling 
    mill. The resultant ground subsample from Sample 2IMP shall be 
    designated as ``Subsample 2-ABIMP.'' Upon further call from the 
    laboratory, the importer shall cause Sample 3IMP to be ground by the 
    inspection service in a subsampling mill. The resultant ground 
    subsample shall be designated as ``Subsample 3-ABIMP.'' The importer 
    shall cause Subsamples 2-ABIMP and 3-ABIMP to be sent to and analyzed 
    only in a USDA or PAC-approved laboratory. Each subsample shall be 
    accompanied by a notice of sampling. The results of each assay shall be 
    reported by the laboratory to the importer. All costs involved in the 
    sampling, shipment and assay analysis
    [[Page 51833]]
    of subsamples required by this section shall be borne by the importer.
        (iv)(A) Importers should contact one of the following USDA or PAC-
    approved laboratories to arrange for chemical analysis.
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, P.O. Box 279, 301 West Pearl 
    St., Aulander, NC 27805, Tel: (919) 345-1661 Ext. 156, Fax: (919) 345-
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, 1211 Schley Ave., Albany, GA 
    31707, Tel: (912) 430-8490 / 8491, Fax: (912) 430-8534
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, P.O. Box 488, Ashburn, GA 
    31714, Tel: (912) 567-3703
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, 610 North Main St., Blakely, 
    GA 31723, Tel: (912) 723-4570, Fax: (912) 723-3294
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, 1557 Reeves St., Dothan, AL 
    36303, Tel: (334) 794-5070, Fax: (334) 671-7984
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, 107 South Fourth St., 
    Madill, OK 73446, Tel: (405) 795-5615, Fax: (405) 795-3645
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, P.O. Box 272, 715 N. Main 
    Street, Dawson, GA 31742, Tel: (912) 995-7257, Fax: (912) 995-3268
    Science and Technology Division, AMS/USDA, P.O. Box 1130, 308 Culloden 
    St., Suffolk, VA 23434, Tel: (804) 925-2286, Fax: (804) 925-2285
    ABC Research, 3437 SW 24th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32607-4502, Tel: 
    (904) 372-0436, Fax: (904) 378-6483
    J. Leek Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 50395, 1200 Wyandotte (31705), 
    Albany, GA 31703-0395, Tel: (912) 889-8293, Fax: (912) 888-1166
    J. Leek Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 368, 675 East Pine, Colquitt, GA 
    31737, Tel: (912) 758-3722, Fax: (912) 758-2538
    J. Leek Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 6, 502 West Navarro St., DeLeon, TX 
    76444, Tel: (817) 893-3653, Fax: (817) 893-3640
    Pert Laboratories, P.O. Box 267, Peanut Drive, Edenton, NC 27932, Tel: 
    (919) 482-4456, Fax: (919) 482-5370
    Pert Laboratory South, P.O. Box 149, Hwy 82 East, Seabrook Drive, 
    Sylvester, GA 31791, Tel: (912) 776-7676, Fax: (912) 776-1137
    Professional Service Industries, Inc., 3 Burwood Lane, San Antonio, TX 
    78216, Tel: (210) 349-5242, Fax: (210) 342-9401
    Southern Cotton Oil Company, 600 E. Nelson Street, P.O. Box 180, 
    Quanah, TX 79252, Tel: (817) 663-5323, Fax: (817) 663-5091
    Quanta Lab, 9330 Corporate Drive, Suite 703, Selma, TX 78154-1257, Tel: 
    (210) 651-5799, Fax: (210) 651-9271
        (B) Further information concerning the chemical analyses required 
    pursuant to this section may be obtained from: Science and Technology 
    Division, USDA/AMS, P.O. Box 96456, room 3507-S, Washington, DC 20090-
    6456, telephone (202) 720-5231, or facsimile (202) 720-6496.
        (v) Reporting aflatoxin assays. A separate aflatoxin assay 
    certificate, Form CSSD-3 ``Certificate of Analysis for Official 
    Samples'' or equivalent PAC approved laboratory form, shall be issued 
    by the laboratory performing the analysis for each lot. The assay 
    certificate shall identify the importer, the volume of the peanut lot 
    assayed, date of the assay, and numerical test result of the assay. The 
    results of the assay shall be reported as follows.
        (A) For the current peanut quota year, ``negative'' aflatoxin 
    content means 15 parts per billion (ppb) or less aflatoxin content for 
    peanuts which have been certified as meeting edible quality grade 
    requirements. Such lots shall be certified as ``Meets U.S. import 
    requirements for edible peanuts under Sec. 999.600 with regard to 
        (B) Lots containing more than 15 ppb aflatoxin content shall be 
    certified as ``Fails to meet U.S. import requirements for edible 
    peanuts under Sec. 999.600 with regard to aflatoxin.'' The certificate 
    of any inedible peanut lot also shall specify the aflatoxin count in 
    ppb. The importer shall file USDA Form CSSD-3, or equivalent form, with 
    the Secretary, regardless of the test result.
        (5) Appeal inspection. In the event an importer questions the 
    results of a quality and size inspection, an appeal inspection may be 
    requested by the importer and performed by the inspection service. A 
    second sample will be drawn from each container and shall be double the 
    size of the original sample. The results of the appeal sample shall be 
    final and the fee for sampling, grading and aflatoxin analysis shall be 
    charged to the importer.
        (e) Disposition of peanuts failing edible quality requirements. 
    Peanuts shelled, sized and sorted in another country prior to arrival 
    in the U.S. and shelled peanuts which originated from imported 
    Segregation 1 peanuts that fail quality requirements of Table 1 
    (excessive damage, minor defects, moisture, or foreign material) or are 
    positive to aflatoxin may be reconditioned by remilling and/or 
    blanching. After such reconditioning, peanuts meeting the quality 
    requirements of Table 1 and which are negative to aflatoxin (15 ppb or 
    less) may be disposed for edible peanut use. Residual peanut lots 
    resulting from milling or reconditioning of such lots shall be disposed 
    of as prescribed below:
        (1) Failing peanut lots may be disposed for non-human consumption 
    uses (such as livestock feed, wild animal feed, rodent bait, seed, 
    etc.) which are not otherwise regulated by this section; Provided, that 
    each such lot is lot identified and certified as to aflatoxin content 
    (actual numerical count). On the shipping papers covering the 
    disposition of each such lot, the importer shall cause the following 
    statement to be shown: ``The peanuts covered by this bill of lading (or 
    invoice) are not to be used for human consumption.''
        (2) Peanuts, and portions of peanuts which are separated from 
    edible quality peanuts by screening or sorting or other means during 
    the milling process (``sheller oilstock residuals''), may be sent to 
    inedible peanut markets pursuant to paragraph (e)(1) of this section, 
    crushed or exported. Such peanut may be commingled with other milled 
    residuals. Such peanuts shall be positive lot identified, red tagged in 
    bulk or bags or other suitable containers.
        (i) If such peanuts have not been certified as to aflatoxin 
    content, as prescribed in paragraph (d) of this section, disposition is 
    limited to crushing and the importer shall cause the following 
    statement to be shown on the shipping papers: ``The peanuts covered by 
    this bill of lading (or invoice, etc.) are limited to crushing only and 
    may contain aflatoxin.''
        (ii) If the peanuts are certified as 301 ppb or more aflatoxin 
    content, disposition shall be limited to crushing or export.
        (3) Shelled peanuts which originated from Segregation 1 peanuts 
    that fail quality requirements of Table 1, peanuts derived from the 
    milling for seed of Segregation 2 and 3 farmers stock peanuts, and 
    peanuts which are positive to aflatoxin may be remilled or blanched. 
    Residuals of remilled and/or blanched peanuts which continue to fail 
    quality requirements of Table 1 shall be disposed of pursuant to 
    paragraphs (e)(1) or (2) of this section.
        (4) All certifications, lot identifications, and movement to 
    inedible dispositions, sufficient to account for all peanuts in each 
    consumption entry, shall be reported to the Secretary by the importer 
    pursuant to paragraphs (f)(2) and (f)(3) of this section.
        (f) Safeguard procedures. (1) Prior to arrival of a foreign 
    produced peanut lot
    [[Page 51834]]
    at a port-of-entry, the importer, or customs broker acting on behalf of 
    the importer, shall mail or send by facsimile transmission (fax) a copy 
    of the Customs Service entry documentation for the peanut lot or lots 
    to the inspection service office that will perform sampling of the 
    peanut shipment. More than one lot may be entered on one entry 
    document. The documentation shall include identifying lot(s) or 
    container number(s) and volume of the peanuts in each lot being 
    entered, and the location (including city and street address), date and 
    time for inspection sampling. The inspection office shall sign, stamp, 
    and return the entry document to the importer. The importer shall 
    present the stamped document to the Customs Service at the port-of-
    entry and send a copy of the document to the Secretary. The importer 
    also shall cause a copy of the entry document to accompany the peanut 
    lot and be presented to the inspection service at the inland 
    destination of the lot.
        (2) The importer shall file with the Secretary copies of the entry 
    document and grade, aflatoxin, and lot identification certifications 
    sufficient to account for all peanuts in each lot listed on the entry 
    document filed by the importer. Positive lot identification of residual 
    lots, transfer certificates, and other documentation showing inedible 
    disposition or export, such as bills of lading and sales receipts, 
    export declarations, or certificates of burying, which report the 
    weight of peanuts being disposed and the name, address and telephone 
    number of the inedible peanut receiver, must be sent to the Marketing 
    Order Administration Branch, Attn: Report of Imported Peanuts. 
    Facsimile transmissions and overnight mail may be used to ensure timely 
    receipt of inspection certificates and other documentation. Fax reports 
    should be sent to (202) 720-5698. Overnight and express mail deliveries 
    should be addressed to USDA, AMS, Marketing Order Administration 
    Branch, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Room: 2525-S, Washington, 
    D.C., 20250, Attn: Report of Imported Peanuts. Regular mail should be 
    sent to AMS, USDA, P.O. Box 96456, room 2526-S, Washington, DC 20090-
    6456, Attn: Report of Imported Peanuts. Telephone inquiries should be 
    made to (202) 720-6862.
        (3) Certificates and other documentation for each peanut lot must 
    be filed within 23 days of the date of filing for consumption entry, 
    or, if a redelivery notice is issued on the peanut lot, subsequently 
    filed prior to conclusion of the redelivery period which will be 60 
    days, unless otherwise specified by the Customs Service.
        (4) The Secretary shall ask the Customs Service to issue a 
    redelivery demand for foreign produced peanut lots failing to meet 
    requirements of this section. Extensions in a redelivery period granted 
    by the Customs Service will be correspondingly extended by the 
    Secretary, upon request of the importer. Importers unable to account 
    for the disposition of all peanuts covered in a redelivery order, or 
    redeliver such peanuts, shall be liable for liquidated damages. Failure 
    to fully comply with quality and handling requirements or failure to 
    notify the Secretary of disposition of all foreign produced peanuts, as 
    required under this section, may result in a compliance investigation 
    by the Secretary. Falsification of reports submitted to the Secretary 
    is a violation of Federal law punishable by fine or imprisonment, or 
        (5) Reinspection. Whenever the Secretary has reason to believe that 
    peanuts may have been damaged or deteriorated while in storage, the 
    Secretary may reject the then effective inspection certificate and may 
    require the importer to have the peanuts reinspected to establish 
    whether or not such peanuts may be disposed of for human consumption.
        (6) Early arrival and storage. Peanut lots sampled and inspected 
    upon arrival in the United States, but placed in storage for more than 
    one month prior to beginning of the quota year for which the peanuts 
    will be entered, must be reported to AMS at the time of inspection. The 
    importer shall file copies of the Customs Service documentation, copies 
    of the lot's grade and aflatoxin certificates, and the city, street 
    address and any identifying number of the storage warehouse. Such 
    peanuts should be stored in clean, dry warehouses and under cold 
    storage conditions consistent with industry standards. Pursuant to 
    paragraph (f)(5) of this section, the Secretary may require 
    reinspection of the lot at the time the lot is declared for entry with 
    the Customs Service.
        (g) Additional requirements. (1) Nothing contained in this section 
    shall preclude any importer from milling or reconditioning, prior to 
    importation, any shipment of peanuts for the purpose of making such lot 
    eligible for importation into the United States. However, all peanuts 
    presented for entry for human consumption use must be certified as 
    meeting the quality requirements specified in paragraph (c) of this 
        (2) Conditionally released peanut lots of like quality and 
    belonging to the same importer may be commingled. Defects in an 
    inspected lot may not be blended out by commingling with other lots of 
    higher quality. Commingling also must be consistent with applicable 
    Customs Service regulations. Commingled lots must be reported and 
    disposed of pursuant to paragraphs (f)(2) and (f)(3) of this section.
        (3) Inspection by the Federal or Federal-State Inspection Service 
    shall be available and performed in accordance with the rules and 
    regulations governing certification of fresh fruits, vegetables and 
    other products (7 CFR part 51). The importer shall make each 
    conditionally released lot available and accessible for inspection as 
    provided herein. Because inspectors may not be stationed in the 
    immediate vicinity of some ports-of-entry, importers must make 
    arrangements for sampling, inspection, and certification through one of 
    the offices and laboratories listed in paragraphs (d)(3) and (d)(4) of 
    this section, respectively.
        (4) Imported peanut lots sampled and inspected at the port-of-
    entry, or at other locations, shall meet the quality requirements of 
    this section in effect on the date of inspection.
        (5) A foreign-produced peanut lot entered for consumption or for 
    warehouse may be transferred or sold to another person: Provided, That 
    the original importer shall be the importer of record unless the new 
    owner applies for bond and files Customs Service documents pursuant to 
    19 CFR Secs. 141.113 and 141.20; and Provided further, That such 
    peanuts must be certified and reported to the Secretary pursuant to 
    paragraphs (f)(2) and (f)(3) of this section.
        (6) The cost of transportation, sampling, inspection, 
    certification, chemical analysis, and identification, as well as 
    remilling and blanching, and further inspection of remilled and 
    blanched lots, and disposition of failing peanuts, shall be borne by 
    the importer. Whenever peanuts are presented for inspection, the 
    importer shall furnish any labor and pay any costs incurred in moving, 
    opening containers, and shipment of samples as may be necessary for 
    proper sampling and inspection. The inspection service shall bill the 
    importer for fees covering quality and size inspections; time for 
    sampling; packaging and delivering aflatoxin samples to laboratories; 
    certifications of lot identification and lot transfer to other 
    locations, and other inspection certifications as may be necessary to 
    verify edible quality or inedible disposition, as specified herein. The 
    USDA and PAC-approved laboratories shall bill the importer
    [[Page 51835]]
    separately for fees for aflatoxin assay. The importer also shall pay 
    all required Customs Service costs as required by that agency.
        (7) Each person subject to this section shall maintain true and 
    complete records of activities and transactions specified in these 
    regulations. Such records and documentation accumulated during entry 
    shall be retained for not less than two years after the calendar year 
    of acquisition, except that Customs Service documents shall be retained 
    as required by that agency. The Secretary, through duly authorized 
    representatives, shall have access to any such person's premises during 
    regular business hours and shall be permitted, at any such time, to 
    inspect such records and any peanuts held by such person.
        (8) The provisions of this section do not supersede any 
    restrictions or prohibitions on peanuts under the Federal Plant 
    Quarantine Act of 1912, the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, any 
    other applicable laws, or regulations of other Federal agencies, 
    including import regulations and procedures of the Customs Service.
        Dated: October 1, 1996.
    Sharon Bomer Lauritsen,
    Acting Director, Fruit and Vegetable Division.
    [FR Doc. 96-25519 Filed 10-3-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-02-P

Document Information

Agricultural Marketing Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be received by October 24, 1996.
51811-51835 (25 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket Nos. FV96-997-1 PR, FV96-998-4 PR and FV96-999-3 PR
PDF File:
CFR: (13)
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