99-25651. Clarification of Exporters' and Forwarding Agents' Responsibilities; Authorizing an Agent To Prepare and File a Shipper's Export Declaration on Behalf of a Principal Party in Interest  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 191 (Monday, October 4, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 53861-53866]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-25651]
    Bureau of the Census
    15 CFR Part 30
    [Docket No. 980716180-9171-02]
    RIN 0607-AA20
    Clarification of Exporters' and Forwarding Agents' 
    Responsibilities; Authorizing an Agent To Prepare and File a Shipper's 
    Export Declaration on Behalf of a Principal Party in Interest
    AGENCY: Bureau of the Census, Commerce.
    ACTION: Supplementary notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) proposes amending the 
    Foreign Trade Statistics Regulations (FTSR), 15 CFR part 30, to clarify 
    the responsibilities of exporters and forwarding agents in completing 
    the Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) and to clarify provisions for 
    authorizing forwarding agents to prepare and file an SED or file the 
    export information electronically using the Automated Export System 
    (AES) on behalf of a principal party in interest.
    DATES: Written comments must be submitted on or before December 3, 
    ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments on this proposed rulemaking to 
    the Director, U.S. Census Bureau, Room 2049, Federal Building 3, 
    Washington, D.C. 20233.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information 
    should be directed to C. Harvey Monk, Jr., Chief, Foreign Trade 
    Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Room 2104, Federal Building 3, 
    Washington, D.C. 20233-6700, by telephone on (301) 457-2255 or by fax 
    on (301) 457-2645.
        The Census Bureau is responsible for collecting, compiling, and 
    publishing trade statistics for the United States. These data are used 
    by various Federal Government agencies and the private sector for 
    planning and policy development. In order to accomplish its mission, 
    the Census Bureau must receive accurate statistical information from 
    the trade community. The Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) and the 
    Automated Export System (AES) record are the primary vehicles used for 
    collecting such trade data, and the information contained therein is 
    used by the Census Bureau for statistical purposes only and is 
    confidential under the provisions of Title 13, United States Code 
    (U.S.C.), Section 301(g). The Census Bureau's primary objective in this 
    proposed rule is to ensure the accuracy of its trade statistics and to 
    clarify reporting responsibilities for all parties involved in export 
        As such the Census Bureau proposes amending the FTSR to clarify 
    responsibilities of exporters and forwarding agents in completing the 
    SED and to clarify who should be listed in the ``Exporter'' box on the 
    SED and in the exporter field on the AES record. This proposed rule 
    defines new terms, including ``U.S. principal party in interest'' and 
    ``routed export transaction,'' and clarifies existing ones (notably the 
    definition of ``exporter'') for purposes of completing the SED. The 
    proposed rule will also clarify provisions authorizing an agent to 
    prepare and file an SED or its AES electronic equivalent on behalf of a 
    principal party in interest.
        The Census Bureau published a notice of proposed rulemaking on this 
    subject in the Federal Register on August 6, 1998 (63 FR 41979). As a 
    result of comments received on that proposed rulemaking and subsequent 
    discussions with the Bureau of Export Administration (BXA), the Census 
    Bureau has decided to issue a supplementary notice of proposed 
    rulemaking to address the issues raised during the comment period and 
    to further clarify provisions contained in that notice of proposed 
    rulemaking. The BXA is also revising appropriate sections of the Export 
    Administration Regulations (EAR) in a document published elsewhere in 
    this issue of the Federal Register. The EAR will conform to the 
    provisions of the FTSR in reference to clarifying the responsibilities 
    of exporters and forwarding agents in completing the SED, and BXA will 
    also propose changes to the EAR to simplify export clearance.
        The Census Bureau received sixty-nine (69) comments on the notice 
    of proposed rulemaking published in the Federal Register on August 6, 
    1998 (63 FR 41979). Of the comments received, fifty-nine (59) were 
    opposed to some provisions of the proposed rule and ten supported the 
    proposed rulemaking. Of the fifty-nine comments opposed to the proposed 
    rule, twenty-four (24) had interpreted the rule to require that the 
    ``manufacturer'' always be listed as the exporter of record on the SED 
    in all export transactions. This was a misinterpretation of the 
    proposed rule, and the revised proposed rulemaking will clearly 
    stipulate that only the ``U.S. seller or principal party in interest'' 
    be listed as the exporter on the SED. Only when the manufacturer is the 
    actual ``seller of the merchandise for export'' should it be listed as 
    exporter on the SED or AES electronic record.
        The other major reason for opposition to the proposed rule 
    concerned identifying the U.S. seller or principal as the ``exporter of 
    record'' in EX WORKS (EXW) transactions. EXW is a ``term of sale'' 
    whereby the foreign buyer takes possession of the merchandise in the 
    United States, and the foreign buyer takes responsibility for 
    facilitating the export of the merchandise out of the United States, 
    including export documentation responsibility. The major concern the 
    U.S. sellers presented, when required to be listed as the ``exporter of 
    record'' in these transactions, is that the U.S. seller does not have 
    effective control over the merchandise once it is turned over to the 
    foreign buyer's agent. The U.S. seller does not want to be held liable 
    for any export control violations that may occur in such a transaction.
        The proposed Census Bureau export regulations do not intend to 
    interfere with the terms of sale between the
    [[Page 53862]]
    foreign buyer and the U.S. seller in the export transaction. However, 
    in order to collect accurate trade statistics, it is critical to have 
    the actual ``U.S. seller or principal party in interest'' listed as 
    exporter on the SED or the AES electronic record. BXA's proposed rule 
    addresses the liability concerns of exporters in such transactions.
        The ten comments in support of the proposed rule indicated approval 
    for the clarification of duties and responsibilities of exporters and 
    forwarding agents and the clarification of the power of attorney 
    provisions contained in the proposed rule. Those comments supported the 
    clarification of the definition of exporter and felt it gave them more 
    control over the export transaction even in the EXW transaction. The 
    Census Bureau responded to all comments and informed the commentors 
    that a supplementary notice of proposed rulemaking would be issued to 
    address their concerns.
    Response to Comments and Proposed Action
        In response to the comments received from the trade community on 
    the notice of proposed rulemaking published in the Federal Register on 
    August 6, 1998 (63 FR 41979), the Census Bureau proposes amending 15 
    CFR Part 30 to: (a) define the term ``exporter,'' for purposes of the 
    FTSR and completing the SED or AES record, as the U.S. principal party 
    in interest in the export transaction; (b) clarify the reporting 
    responsibilities of the U.S. principal party in interest and forwarding 
    agent in completing the SED or AES record; (c) clarify provisions for 
    authorizing an agent to prepare and file an SED or file the information 
    electronically using the AES; and (d) clarify the documentation and 
    compliance responsibilities of parties involved in the export 
    transaction. For purposes of this rule all references to preparing and 
    filing the paper SED also pertain to preparing and filing the AES 
    electronic record.
        This proposed rule will clarify the responsibilities of the U.S. 
    principal party in interest and the forwarding agent in preparing the 
    SED or AES record. For export shipments the Census Bureau recognizes 
    ``routed export transactions'' as a subset of ``export transactions.'' 
    A routed export transaction is where the foreign principal party in 
    interest authorizes a U.S. forwarding or other agent to facilitate 
    export of items from the United States.
        For purposes of completing the SED or AES record, the Exporter is 
    the U.S. principal party in interest in the transaction. The U.S. 
    principal party in interest is the person in the United States that 
    receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, of the export 
    transaction. Generally, that person would be the U.S. seller, 
    manufacturer, order party, or foreign entity, if in the United States 
    when signing the SED. In most cases, the forwarding agent is not a 
    principal party in interest. The Exporter box on the SED will be 
    revised to read ``Exporter (U.S. Principal Party in Interest).''
        However, the EAR defines the exporter as the person in the United 
    States who has the authority of a principal party in interest to 
    determine and control the sending of items out of the United States 
    (see EAR 15 CFR Part 772). This definition permits the forwarding agent 
    to apply for a license and act as exporter in some transactions.
        The person who signs the SED must be in the United States at the 
    time of signing. If a U.S. manufacturer sells merchandise directly to a 
    foreign buyer for export, the U.S. manufacturer must be listed as the 
    U.S. principal party in interest on the SED. If a U.S. manufacturer 
    sells merchandise, as a domestic sale, to a U.S. buyer (wholesaler/
    distributor) and that U.S. buyer sells the merchandise to a foreign 
    principal for export, the U.S. seller (wholesaler/distributor) must be 
    listed as the U.S. principal party in interest on the SED. If a U.S. 
    order party, as defined in Sec. 30.4(a)(1) of this rule, arranges for 
    the sale and export of merchandise to a foreign principal directly, the 
    U.S. order party must be listed as the U.S. principal party in interest 
    on the SED.
        For purposes of completing the SED or AES record, the forwarding 
    agent is the person in the United States who is authorized by the U.S. 
    principal party in interest or, in a routed transaction, the foreign 
    principal, to prepare and file the SED or its AES electronic 
    equivalent. In routed export transactions, the forwarding agent and the 
    exporter may be the same for compliance purposes under the EAR, but the 
    forwarding agent is rarely the ``exporter'' in box 1a of the SED or in 
    the ``exporter'' field of the AES record. For example, only when a 
    forwarding agent acts as an ``order party'' can they be listed as 
    ``exporter'' in box 1a on the SED or in the ``exporter'' field of the 
    AES record.
        The U.S. principal party in interest can prepare and file the SED 
    or AES record, or it can authorize a forwarding agent to prepare and 
    file the SED or AES record on its behalf. If the U.S. principal party 
    in interest authorizes a forwarding agent to complete the SED or AES 
    record on its behalf, the U.S. principal party in interest is 
    responsible for: (A) Providing the forwarding agent with the 
    information necessary to complete the SED or AES record; (B) Providing 
    the forwarding agent with authorization to complete the SED or AES 
    record, in the form of a power of attorney or written authorization, or 
    signing the authorization box printed on the paper SED (box 23 on Form 
    7525-V or box 29 on Form 7525-V-ALT); and (C) Maintaining the 
    documentation to support the information provided to the forwarding 
    agent for completing the SED or AES record.
        The forwarding agent, if authorized by a principal party in 
    interest, is responsible for: (A) Preparing the SED or AES record, 
    based on instructions received from the U.S. principal party in 
    interest or other parties in the transaction; (B) Providing the U.S. 
    principal party in interest with a copy of the export information filed 
    in the form of a completed SED, an electronic facsimile, or in any 
    other manner prescribed by the exporter; and (C) Maintaining the 
    documentation to support the information reported on the SED or AES 
        In a routed export transaction, where a foreign principal 
    designates a U.S. forwarding agent to act on its behalf to prepare and 
    file the SED or AES record, the U.S. principal party in interest must 
    provide the forwarding agent with the following information to assist 
    them in preparing the SED or AES record: (1) Name and address of the 
    exporter (U.S. principal party in interest); (2) Exporter's (U.S. 
    principal party in interest) Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Employer 
    Identification Number (EIN); (3) point of origin (State or Foreign 
    Trade Zone (FTZ)); (4) schedule B description of commodities; (5) 
    domestic (D), foreign (F), or Foreign Military Sale (FMS) (M) code; (6) 
    Schedule B Number; (7) quantity; (8) Upon request by the foreign 
    principal or its agent, the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) 
    or with sufficient technical information to determine classification; 
    (9) Any information that it knows will affect the determination of 
    license authority.
        (Note: For Items 8 and 9, where the foreign principal party in 
    interest has assumed responsibility for determining and obtaining 
    license authority, the EAR sets forth the information sharing 
    requirements that apply at 15 CFR 758.2(d)).
        In a routed export transaction, the forwarding agent is responsible 
    for preparing the SED or AES record based on instructions received from 
    the U.S. principal party in interest and other parties involved in the 
    transaction. In addition to reporting the information
    [[Page 53863]]
    provided by the U.S. principal party in interest on the SED or AES 
    record, the forwarding agent must provide the following export 
    information on the SED or AES record: (1) Date of exportation; (2) bill 
    of lading/airway bill number; (3) ultimate consignee; (4) intermediate 
    consignee; (5) forwarding agent name and address; (6) country of 
    ultimate destination; (7) loading pier; (8) method of transportation; 
    (9) exporting carrier; (10) port of export; (11) port of unloading; 
    (12) containerized; (13) weight; (14) value; (15) ECCN; (16) License 
        (Note: For items 15 and 16 where the foreign principal party in 
    interest has assumed responsibility for determining and obtaining 
    license authority, the EAR sets forth the information sharing 
    requirements that apply at 15 Sec. 758.2(d));
        (17) signing the certification statement on the paper SED (box 24 
    on Form 7525-V and box 36 on Form 7525-V-ALT). In a routed export 
    transaction, the U.S. principal party in interest must be listed as 
    exporter (U.S. principal party in interest) on the SED or on the AES 
        In a routed export transaction, the forwarding agent is responsible 
    for: (A) Obtaining a power of attorney or written authorization from 
    the foreign principal to act on its behalf; (B) Upon request, providing 
    the U.S. principal party in interest with appropriate documentation 
    verifying that the information provided by the U.S. principal party in 
    interest was accurately reported on the SED or AES record; and (C) 
    Maintaining the documentation to support the information reported on 
    the SED or AES record.
        The FTSR places primary responsibility for compliance of the SED 
    and AES requirements on the U.S. principal party in interest in an 
    export transaction and on the forwarding agent in a routed export 
    transaction. However, the FTSR also considers all parties involved in 
    the transaction responsible for the truth, accuracy, and completeness 
    of the information reported on the SED. The parties to the transaction 
    must provide the forwarding agent with the information necessary to 
    correctly prepare the paper SED or to file the data electronically 
    using the AES. As always, documentation must be maintained by all 
    parties involved in the transaction to support the information reported 
    on the SED or the AES record.
        All parties that participate in transactions subject to the FTSR 
    are responsible for compliance with the FTSR. In all cases where a 
    violation of the FTSR occurs, the documentation of all parties involved 
    in the transaction must be made available to the proper enforcement 
    officials to determine the liability and responsibility for the export 
    violation pursuant to FTSR Sec. 30.11. Acting through a forwarding or 
    other agent or delegating or redelegating authority does not in and of 
    itself relieve anyone of their compliance responsibility.
        This notice further clarifies provisions for using a power of 
    attorney or written authorization when a principal party in interest 
    authorizes a forwarding agent to prepare and file the SED on its behalf 
    and when the SED information is filed electronically, using the AES. 
    Suggested formats for a power of attorney and a written authorization 
    for executing a SED are available upon request from the U.S. Census 
    Bureau, Foreign Trade Division (FTD).
        This amendment will further specify in Sec. 30.4(f) the requirement 
    that the SED be prepared in English. This provision is already included 
    in the Census Bureau's instructions for completing the SED and this 
    amendment will simply include that requirement in the Code of Federal 
    Regulations (CFR).
        In addition, this amendment clarifies the provision in 
    Sec. 30.7(d)(2) that a foreign principal, if operating in the U.S. at 
    the time of export, must be listed as exporter (U.S. principal party in 
    interest) on the SED, but does not need to report an IRS EIN or a 
    Social Security Number (SSN) on the SED. Using an EIN or SSN that is 
    not your own is prohibited. However, if no EIN or SSN is available, the 
    Dunn and Bradstreet (DUNS) number, border crossing number, passport 
    number, or any number assigned by U.S. Customs is required to be 
        The revisions contained in this supplementary notice of proposed 
    rulemaking are consistent with the provisions of the BXA's proposed 
    revisions to the EAR regarding the export control responsibilities of 
    exporters and forwarding agents. The Department of the Treasury concurs 
    with the provisions contained in this proposed rule.
    Program Requirements
        In order to comply with the requests from the trade community to 
    update the provisions of the FTSR and to clarify the items discussed 
    above, the Census Bureau proposes amending appropriate sections of the 
        The Census Bureau proposes revising Section 30.4 to: (A) Define the 
    term ``exporter,'' for purposes of the FTSR and completing the SED or 
    AES electronic record, as the U.S. principal party in interest in the 
    export transaction; (B) Clarify the reporting responsibilities of the 
    U.S. principal party in interest and forwarding agent in completing the 
    SED or AES record; (C) Clarify provisions for obtaining authorization 
    for preparing and filing the SED or the AES electronic record; and (D) 
    Clarify the documentation and compliance responsibilities of parties 
    involved in the export transaction.
        The Census Bureau proposes redesignating Section 30.4(b) to Section 
    30.4(f) and include the provision that the SED be prepared in English 
    to be consistent with the current instructions for preparing the SED.
        The Census Bureau proposes redesignating Section 30.4(C) to Section 
    30.4 (g) with minor wording revisions.
        The Census Bureau proposes amending Section 30.7(d)(1), ``Name of 
    exporter and exporter's Employer Identification Number,'' to clarify 
    the designation of ``exporter'' named on the SED by reference to 
    Sec. 30.4.
        The Census Bureau proposes amending Section 30.7(d)(2), ``Exporters 
    Employer Identification Number,'' to clarify the requirement that a 
    foreign principal, if in the United States when signing the SED, must 
    be listed as ``exporter'' on the SED or AES record. However, if no EIN 
    or SSN is available, the DUNS number, border crossing number, passport 
    number, or any number assigned by U.S. Customs is required to be 
        The Census Bureau further proposes amending section 30.7(e), 
    ``Agent of exporter (forwarding agent),'' to specify the 
    responsibilities of the forwarding agent in preparing the SED by 
    reference to Sec. 30.4.
    Rulemaking Requirements
        This proposed rule is exempt from all requirements of Section 553 
    of the Administrative Procedure Act because it deals with a foreign 
    affairs function (5 U.S.C. (A) (1)). However, this rule is being 
    published as a proposed rule with an opportunity for public comment 
    because of the importance of the issues raised by this rulemaking.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Because a notice of proposed rulemaking is not required by 5 U.S.C. 
    553 or any other law, a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis is not required 
    and has not been prepared (5 U.S.C. 603(a)).
    Executive Orders
        This proposed rule has been determined to be significant for 
    purposes of Executive Order 12866. This proposed rule does not contain 
    policies with Federalism implications
    [[Page 53864]]
    sufficient to warrant preparation of a Federalism assessment under 
    Executive Order 12612.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, no person is required 
    to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to, a penalty for failure 
    to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements 
    of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) unless that collection of 
    information displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) control number.
        This proposed rule covers collections of information subject to the 
    provisions of the PRA, which are cleared by the OMB under OMB Control 
    Number 0607-0152.
        This proposed rule will not impact the current reporting-hour 
    burden requirements as approved under OMB Control Number 0607-0152 
    under provisions of the PRA, Public Law 104-13.
    List of Subjects in 15 CFR Part 30
        Economic statistics, Foreign trade, Exports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, it is proposed that part 
    30 be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 15 CFR Part 30 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 13 U.S.C. 301-307; Reorganization Plan 
    No. 5 of 1950 (3 CFR 1949-1953 Comp., 1004); Department of Commerce 
    Organization Order No. 35-2A. August 4, 1975, 40 CFR 42765.
    Subpart A--General Requirements--Exporter
        2. In part 30, footnotes 4, 5, 6 and 9 are proposed to be 
    redesignated as footnotes 5, 6, 7 and 8, respectively, and Sec. 30.4 is 
    proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 30.4  Preparation and signature of Shipper's Export Declarations.
        (a) General requirements (SED). For purposes of this section, all 
    references to preparing and filing the paper SED also pertain to 
    preparing and filing the AES electronic record. The Shipper's Export 
    Declaration (SED) or the AES electronic equivalent must be prepared and 
    signed by a principal party in interest or by a forwarding agent 
    authorized by a principal party in interest. The person who signs the 
    SED must be in the United States at the time of signing. That person, 
    whether the U.S. principal party in interest or agent, is responsible 
    for the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the SED or AES electronic 
    equivalent, except insofar as that person can demonstrate that he or 
    she reasonably relied on information furnished by others. The Census 
    Bureau recognizes ``routed export transactions'' as a subset of export 
    transactions. A routed export transaction is where the foreign 
    principal party in interest authorizes a U.S. forwarding or other agent 
    to facilitate export of items from the United States. See paragraph (c) 
    of this section for responsibilities of parties in a routed export 
        (1) Exporter (U.S. principal party in interest). For purposes of 
    completing the SED, in all export transactions, the exporter required 
    to be listed in box 1a of the SED or in the ``Exporter'' field of the 
    AES record is the U.S. principal party in interest. The U.S. principal 
    party in interest is the person in the United States that receives the 
    primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, of the transaction. Generally 
    that person is the U.S. seller, manufacturer, order party 4, 
    or foreign entity, if in the U.S. when signing the SED. In most cases, 
    the forwarding or other agent is not a principal party in interest. 
    Note: The Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR parts 730 
    through 799) defines the ``exporter'' as the person in the United 
    States who has the authority of a principal party in interest to 
    determine and control the sending of items out of the United States 
    (see 15 CFR part 772 of the EAR).
        \4\ The Order Party is that person in the United States who 
    conducted the direct negotiations or correspondence with the foreign 
    principal or ultimate consignee and who, as a result of these 
    negotiations, received the order from the foreign principal or 
    ultimate consignee.
        (i) If a U.S. manufacturer directly sells merchandise for export to 
    a foreign principal, the U.S. manufacturer must be listed as the 
    exporter (U.S. principal party in interest) on the SED.
        (ii) If a U.S. manufacturer sells merchandise, as a domestic sale, 
    to a U.S. buyer (wholesaler/distributor) and that U.S. buyer sells the 
    merchandise for export to a foreign principal, the U.S. seller 
    (wholesaler/distributor) must be listed as the exporter (U.S. principal 
    party in interest) on the SED.
        (iii) If a U.S. order party directly arranges for the sale and 
    export of merchandise to a foreign buyer, the U.S. order party must be 
    listed as the exporter (U.S. principal party in interest) on the SED or 
    AES record.
        (2) Forwarding agent. The forwarding agent is the person in the 
    United States who is authorized by the U.S. principal party in interest 
    or, in the case of a routed transaction, the foreign principal party in 
    interest to prepare and file the SED or its AES electronic equivalent, 
    and/or perform the services required to facilitate the export of items 
    from the United States. In routed export transactions, the forwarding 
    agent and the exporter may be the same for compliance purposes under 
    the EAR, but the forwarding agent is rarely the ``exporter'' in box 1a 
    of the SED or in the ``exporter'' field of the AES record.
        (3) Principal parties in interest. Those persons in a transaction 
    that receive the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, of the 
    transaction. Generally, the principals in a transaction are the seller 
    and the buyer. In most cases a forwarding or other agent is not a 
    principal party in interest.
        (b) U.S. principal party in interest and forwarding agent 
    responsibilities in preparing the SED (except in routed export 
    transactions).--(1) Designating the forwarding agent. The U.S. 
    principal party in interest can prepare and file the SED or AES record, 
    or it can authorize a forwarding agent to prepare and file the SED or 
    AES record on its behalf. If the U.S. principal party in interest 
    designates a forwarding agent to act on its behalf in completing the 
    SED or AES record it must be in the form of a power of attorney or 
    written authorization, or by signing the authorization box printed on 
    the paper SED (box 23 on Form 7525-V and box 29 on Form 7525-V-ALT).
        (2) U.S. principal party in interest responsibilities in preparing 
    the SED. (i) If the U.S. principal party in interest prepares the SED 
    or AES record themselves they are responsible for the accuracy of all 
    the export information reported on the SED or AES record, for signing 
    the paper SED, filing the paper SED with U.S. Customs, or transmitting 
    the AES record to Customs.
        (ii) If the U.S. principal party in interest authorizes a 
    forwarding agent to complete the SED or AES record on its behalf the 
    U.S. principal party in interest is responsible for:
        (A) Providing the forwarding agent with the export information 
    necessary to complete the SED or AES record;
        (B) Providing the forwarding agent with a power of attorney or 
    written authorizatIon to complete the SED or AES record, or sign the 
    authorization box printed on the paper SED (box 23 on Form 7525-V and 
    box 29 on Form 7525-V-ALT); and
        (C) Maintaining the documentation to support the information 
    provided to the forwarding agent for completion of the SED or AES 
    record, as specified in Sec. 30.11.
    [[Page 53865]]
        (3) Forwarding agent responsibilities in preparing the SED. The 
    forwarding agent, when authorized by a U.S. principal party in interest 
    to prepare and sign the SED or prepare and file the AES record, is 
    responsible for:
        (i) Accurately preparing the SED or AES record based on information 
    received from the U.S. principal party in interest;
        (ii) Obtaining a power of attorney or written authorization to 
    complete the SED or AES record, or obtaining a paper SED with a signed 
        (iii) Maintaining the documentation to support the information 
    reported on the SED or AES record, as specified in Sec. 30.11; and
        (iv) Providing the U.S. principal party in interest with a copy of 
    the export information filed in the form of a completed SED, an 
    electronic facsimile, or in any other manner prescribed by the 
        (c) U.S. principal party in interest and forwarding agent 
    responsibilities in preparing the SED in ``routed export 
        (1) Designating the forwarding agent. In a routed export 
    transaction, the forwarding agent must obtain a power of attorney or 
    written authorization from the foreign principal party in interest to 
    act on their behalf. If the foreign principal party in interest 
    designates a U.S. forwarding agent to complete the SED or AES record, 
    the U.S. principal party in interest must provide certain export 
    information to such agent (see paragraph (c)(2) of this section). If 
    the U.S. principal party in interest authorizes its own forwarding 
    agent to complete the SED or AES record, it must follow the procedures 
    specified in paragraph (b) of this section.
        (2) U.S. principal party in interest responsibilities in a ``routed 
    export transaction.'' In a routed export transaction where the foreign 
    principal party in interest designates a U.S. forwarding agent to 
    prepare and file the SED or AES record, the U.S. principal party in 
    interest must provide such forwarding agent with the following 
    information to assist in preparing the SED or AES record:
        (i) Name and address of the exporter (U.S. principal party in 
        (ii) Exporter EIN (IRS) Number.;
        (iii) Point of origin (State or FTZ);
        (iv) Schedule B description of commodities;
        (v) Domestic (D), foreign (F), or FMS (M) code;
        (vi) Schedule B Number;
        (vii) Quantity;
        (viii) Upon request from the foreign principal party in interest or 
    its agent, the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) or with 
    sufficient technical information to determine classification; and
        (ix) Any information that it knows will affect the determination of 
    license authority.
        Note to paragraph (c)(2): For Items (c)(2)(viii) and (ix), where 
    the foreign principal party in interest has assumed responsibility 
    for determining and obtaining license authority, the EAR sets forth 
    the information sharing requirements that apply, at 15 CFR 758.2(d).
        (3) Forwarding agent responsibilities in a ``routed export 
    transaction.'' In a routed export transaction, the forwarding agent who 
    is responsible for preparing the SED or AES record must provide the 
    following export information on the SED or AES record:
        (i) Date of exportation;
        (ii) Bill of lading/airway bill number;
        (iii) Ultimate consignee;
        (iv) Intermediate consignee;
        (v) Forwarding agent name and address;
        (vi) Country of ultimate destination;
        (vii) Loading pier;
        (viii) Method of transportation;
        (ix) Exporting carrier;
        (x) Port of export;
        (xi) Port of unloading;
        (xii) Containerized;
        (xiii) Weight;
        (xiv) Value;
        (xv) ECCN;
        (xvi) License authority; and
        (xvii) Signing the certification box on the paper SED (box 24 on 
    Form 7525-V and box 36 on Form 7525-V-ALT). In a routed export 
    transaction the U.S. principal party in interest must be listed as 
    exporter (U.S. principal party in interest) on the SED or on the AES 
        Note to paragraph (c)(3): For Items (c)(3)(xv) and (xvi), where 
    the foreign prinicipal party in interest has assumed responsibility 
    for determining and obtaining license authority, the EAR sets forth 
    the information sharing requirements that apply, at 15 CFR 758.2(a).
        (d) Information on the Shipper's Export Declaration (SED). The data 
    provided on the SED or AES electronic record shall be complete, 
    correct, and based on personal knowledge of the facts stated or on 
    information furnished by the parties involved in the export 
    transaction. All parties involved in export transactions, including 
    U.S. forwarding agents, should be aware that invoices and other 
    commercial documents may not necessarily contain all the information 
    needed to prepare the SED or AES record. The parties must ensure that 
    all the information needed for completing the SED or AES record, 
    including correct export licensing information, is provided to the 
    forwarding agent for the purpose of correctly preparing the SED or AES 
        (e) Authorizing a forwarding agent. In a power of attorney or other 
    written authorization, authority is conferred upon an agent to perform 
    certain specified acts or kinds of acts on behalf of a principal (see 
    15 CFR 758.1(i) of the EAR). In cases where a forwarding agent is 
    filing the export information on the SED or electronically using the 
    AES, the forwarding agent must obtain a power of attorney or written 
    authorization from a principal party in interest to file the 
    information on their behalf. A power of attorney or written 
    authorization should specify the responsibilities of the parties with 
    particularity, and should state that the forwarding agent has authority 
    to act on behalf of a principal party in interest as its true and 
    lawful agent for purposes of the export transaction and in accordance 
    with the laws and regulations of the United States.
        (f) The SED shall be prepared in English and shall be typewritten 
    or prepared in ink or other permanent medium (except indelible pencil). 
    The use of duplicating processes, as well as the overprinting of 
    selected items of information, is acceptable.
        (g) All copies of the SEDs must contain all of the information 
    called for in the signature space as to name of firm, address, name of 
    signer, and capacity of signer. The original SED must be signed in ink, 
    but signature on other copies is not required. The use of signature 
    stamps is acceptable. A signed legible carbon or other copy of the 
    export declaration is acceptable as an ``original'' of the SED.
        3. Section 30.7 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraphs 
    (d) and (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 30.7  Information required on Shipper's Export Declarations.
    * * * * *
        (d) Name of exporter (U.S. principal party in interest) and 
    exporter's Employer Identification Number (EIN). The name and address 
    (number, street, city, state, zip code) of the exporter (U.S. principal 
    party in interest) and the exporter's (U.S. principal party in 
    interest) EIN shall be entered where requested on the SED or AES 
    electronic record. The EIN shall be the exporter's (U.S. principal 
    party in interest) own and not another's EIN.
        (1) Name of exporter (U.S. principal party in interest). The 
    exporter (U.S. principal party in interest) named on the SED and in the 
    exporter field on the AES record must be the U.S. principal
    [[Page 53866]]
    party in interest in the transaction. The exporter (U.S. principal 
    party in interest) is the person in the United States that receives the 
    primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, of the export transaction. 
    Generally that person is the U.S. seller, manufacturer, order party, or 
    foreign entity, if in the United States when signing the SED. In all 
    export transactions, the U.S. principal party in interest must be 
    listed in the ``Exporter (U.S. principal party in interest)'' block on 
    the paper SED or in the ``exporter field'' in the AES record. (See 
    Sec. 30.4 for details on the specific reporting responsibilities of 
    exporters (U.S. principal party in interest)).
        (2) Exporter's (U.S. principal party in interest) Employer 
    Identification Number (EIN). An exporter (U.S. principal party in 
    interest) shall report its own IRS EIN on the SED or AES record. If, 
    and only if, no Internal Revenue Service EIN has been assigned to the 
    exporter (U.S. principal party in interest), the exporter's (U.S. 
    principal party in interest) own Social Security Number (SSN), preceded 
    by the symbol ``SS'' must be reported. In situations when a foreign 
    principal party in interest who does not possess an EIN or SSN operates 
    from within the U.S. to facilitate its own export, no EIN or SSN 
    reporting requirement applies. Using another's EIN or SSN is 
    prohibited. However, if no EIN or SSN is available, the DUNS (Dunn and 
    Bradstreet) number, border crossing number, passport number, or any 
    number assigned by U.S. Customs is required to be reported on the SED 
    or the AES record.
        (e) Forwarding agent. The name and address of the duly authorized 
    forwarding agent (if any) of a principal party in interest or the 
    foreign principal party in interest shall be recorded where requested 
    on the SED or AES record. (See Sec. 30.4 for details on the specific 
    reporting responsibilities of forwarding agents).
    * * * * *
        Dated: September 21, 1999.
    Kenneth Prewitt,
    Director, Census Bureau.
    [FR Doc. 99-25651 Filed 10-1-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-07-P

Document Information

Census Bureau
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Supplementary notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Written comments must be submitted on or before December 3, 1999.
53861-53866 (6 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 980716180-9171-02
0607-AA20: Changes to the Foreign Trade Statistical Regulations (FTSR) To Clarify the Definition of Exporter
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
15 CFR 30.7(d)(2)
15 CFR 30.4