95-24528. Anchorage Grounds; Delaware River, Marcus Hook Range Channel, Marcus Hook Anchorage (Anchorage 7), Mantua Creek Anchorage (Anchorage 9), and Deepwater Point Anchorage (Anchorage 6). Safety Zone; Delaware River, Marcus Hook Range Channel  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 193 (Thursday, October 5, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 52103-52105]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-24528]
    Coast Guard
    33 CFR Parts 110 and 165
    [CGD 05-95-066]
    Anchorage Grounds; Delaware River, Marcus Hook Range Channel, 
    Marcus Hook Anchorage (Anchorage 7), Mantua Creek Anchorage (Anchorage 
    9), and Deepwater Point Anchorage (Anchorage 6). Safety Zone; Delaware 
    River, Marcus Hook Range Channel
    AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary safety zone around 
    dredging operations in the Marcus Hook Range channel adjacent to 
    anchorage 7. To facilitate the rerouting of ship traffic through the 
    area, the Coast Guard is suspending a regulation that allows ships to 
    anchor for up to 48 hours in the Marcus Hook Anchorage (Anchorage 7), 
    Mantua Creek Anchorage (Anchorage 9 ), and Deepwater Point Anchorage 
    (Anchorage 6), and instituting temporary regulations governing these 
    anchorages. The safety zone is needed to protect vessels, the port 
    community and the environment from the hazards associated with dredging 
    operations in the Marcus Hook Range channel and to minimize temporary 
    port congestion during dredging operations. Entry into this zone is 
    prohibited unless authorized by the Captain of the Port, Philadelphia, 
    EFFECTIVE DATES: This rule is effective from 12:01 p.m., on September 
    20, 1995 until 6 a.m., on October 31, 1995.
    LTJG S.J. Kelly, Project Officer c/o U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the 
    Port, 1 Washington Ave., Philadelphia, PA. 19147-4395, Phone: (215) 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553, a Notice of 
    Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) was not published for this regulation and 
    good cause exists for making it effective in less than 30 days after 
    Federal Register publication. The Coast Guard was informed by U.S. Army 
    Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District on August 30, 1995 that 
    [[Page 52104]]
    operations would commence on September 15, 1995. Publishing a NPRM and 
    delaying its effective date would be contrary to the public interest, 
    since immediate action is needed to protect the environment and 
    mariners against potential hazards associated with the dredging 
    operations in the Marcus Hook Range channel.
    Drafting Information
        The drafters of this regulation are LTJG S.J. Kelly, project 
    officer for the Captain of the Port, Philadelphia, and LCDR J.C. Good, 
    project attorney, Fifth Coast Guard District.
    Discussion of the Regulation
        Upon request from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Coast Guard 
    is establishing a safety zone around dredging operations in the Marcus 
    Hook Range channel. Ship traffic through the Marcus Hook Range channel 
    will be diverted through anchorage 7 to reduce the hazards associated 
    with dredging of the channel. Anchorage restrictions in the Mantua 
    Creek and Deepwater Point Anchorages are being imposed to accommodate 
    those vessels that will be prevented from anchoring in Marcus Hook 
    Regulatory Evaluation
        This rule is not a significant regulatory action under section 3(f) 
    of Executive Order 12866 and does not require an assessment of 
    potential costs and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of that order. It 
    has been exempted from review by the Office of Management and Budget 
    under that order. It is not significant under the regulatory policies 
    and procedures of the Department of Transportation (DOT) (44 FR 11040; 
    February 26, 1979). The Coast Guard expects the economic impact of this 
    proposal to be so minimal that a full Regulatory Evaluation under 
    paragraph 10e of the regulatory policies and procedures of DOT is 
    unnecessary. The Captain of the Port, Philadelphia will direct 
    anchoring of vessels so as not to significantly impede traffic flow in 
    the vicinity of the dredging operations.
        The Coast Guard considered the environmental impact of this 
    proposal and concluded that under section 2.B.2.e. of Commandant 
    Instruction M16475.1B (as revised by 59 FR 38654; July 29, 1994), this 
    rule is categorically excluded from further environmental 
    documentation. A Categorical Exclusion Determination statement has been 
    prepared and placed in the rulemaking docket.
    Collection of Information
        This proposal contains no collection of information requirements 
    under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
    Federalism Assessment
        This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and 
    criteria contained in Executive Order 12612 and, it has been determined 
    that it does not have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the 
    preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
    List of Subjects
    33 CFR Part 110
        Anchorage grounds.
    33 CFR Part 165
        Harbors, Marine Safety, Navigation (water), Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Security measures, Waterways.
    Temporary Regulation
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Coast Guard amends 33 CFR 
    110 and 33 CFR 165 as follows:
    PART 110--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for Part 110 continues to read as 
        Authority: 33 U.S.C. 471, 2030, 2035, and 2071; 49 CFR 1.46 and 
    33 CFR 1.05-1(g). Section 110.1a and each section listed in 110.1a 
    is also issued under 33 U.S.C. 1223 and 1231.
        2. In Sec. 110.157, paragraph (b)(2), is suspended and a new 
    paragraph (d) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 110.157  Delaware Bay and River.
     * * * * *
        (d)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no vessel 
    shall occupy any anchorage for a longer period than 48 hours without a 
    permit from the Captain of the Port. Vessels expecting to be at anchor 
    for more than 48 hours shall obtain a permit from the Captain of the 
    Port for that purpose. No vessel in such condition that it is likely to 
    sink or otherwise become a menace or obstruction to navigation or 
    anchorage of other vessels shall occupy an anchorage except in an 
    emergency, and then only for such period as may be permitted by the 
    Captain of the Port.
        (2) Vessels anchoring in anchorage area 7 off Marcus Hook, as 
    described in paragraph (a)(8) of this section, shall obtain permission 
    from the Captain of the Port, Philadelphia, PA, at least 24 hours in 
    advance. Permission to anchor will be granted on a ``first-come, first-
    served'' basis. Only one vessel, at any time, will be permitted to 
    anchor in the anchorage. Vessels will not be permitted to occupy the 
    anchorage for more than 12 hours.
        (3) The following regulations apply to anchorage 6 off Deepwater 
    Point and anchorage 9 near the entrance to Mantua Creek, as described 
    in Sec. 110.157 (a)(7) and (a)(10), respectively, of this part:
        (i) Vessels 700 feet or greater in length requesting anchorage 
    shall obtain permission from the Captain of the Port, Philadelphia, PA 
    at least 24 hours in advance.
        (ii) Vessels 700-750 feet in length shall have one (1) tug 
    alongside at all times while at anchor.
        (iii) Vessels greater than 750 feet in length shall have two (2) 
    tugs alongside at all times while at anchor.
        (iv) Tugs required for vessels at anchor must be of sufficient 
    horsepower to assist with necessary maneuvers to remain clear of the 
    navigation channel.
    PART 165--[AMENDED]
        3. The authority citation for Part 165 continues to read as 
        Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1231; 50 U.S.C. 191; 33 CFR 1.05-1(g), 
    6.04-1, 6.04-6, and 160.5; 49 CFR 1.46.
        4. A new Sec. 165.T05-066 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 165.T05-066  Safety Zone: Delaware River, Marcus Hook Range 
        (a) Location: The following area is a moving safety zone: All 
    waters within a 150 yard radius of dredging operations in or near the 
    Marcus Hook Range channel in the vicinity of anchorage 7.
        (b) Effective Dates: This rule is effective from 12:01 p.m., on 
    September 20, 1994 until 6 a.m., on October 31, 1995, unless terminated 
    sooner by the Captain of the Port, Philadelphia or his designated 
        (c) Regulations: The following regulations shall apply within the 
    safety zone.
        (1) Entry into this zone is prohibited unless authorized by the 
    Captain of the Port, Philadelphia, PA.
        (2) Vessels transiting the Marcus Hook Range channel shall divert 
    from the main ship channel through Anchorage 7, remain at least 150 
    yards from the dredging operations, and operate at a minimum safe speed 
    necessary to maintain steerageway and reduce wake.
        (3) The operator of any vessel in the safety zone shall proceed as 
    directed by the designated representative of the Captain of the Port, 
    Philadelphia, PA.
        (4) The senior boarding officer enforcing the safety zone may be 
    contacted on VHF channels 13 & 16. The Captain of the Port, 
    Philadelphia and the Command Duty Officer at the 
    [[Page 52105]]
    Marine Safety Office, Philadelphia, may be contacted at telephone 
    number (215) 271-4940.
        (d) Definitions: The following definitions apply to this section: 
    Designated representative of the Captain of the Port means any Coast 
    Guard commissioned, warrant, or petty officer who has been authorized 
    by the Captain of the Port, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to act on his 
        Dated: September 20, 1995.
    W.J. Ecker,
    Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander, Fifth Coast Guard District.
    [FR Doc. 95-24528 Filed 10-4-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-14-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Coast Guard
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective from 12:01 p.m., on September 20, 1995 until 6 a.m., on October 31, 1995.
52103-52105 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
CGD 05-95-066
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
33 CFR 165.T05-066