96-25650. Benzidine-Based Chemical Substances; Significant New Uses of Certain Chemical Substances  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 195 (Monday, October 7, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 52287-52297]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-25650]
    40 CFR Parts 9 and 721
    [OPPTS-50617A; FRL 5396-6]
    RIN 2070-AA58
    Benzidine-Based Chemical Substances; Significant New Uses of 
    Certain Chemical Substances
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: EPA is promulgating a significant new use rule (SNUR) under 
    section 5(a) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) which requires 
    persons to notify EPA at least 90 days before commencing the 
    manufacture, import, or processing of certain benzidine-based chemical 
    substances for any significant new use as described in this rule. EPA 
    believes that this action is necessary because benzidine-based chemical 
    substances may be hazardous to human health and that the uses governed 
    by this rule may result in significant exposure to workers handling 
    those substances. The required notice provides EPA with the opportunity 
    to evaluate any intended new uses and associated activities before the 
    benzidine-based chemical substances can be introduced into the 
    marketplace for a significant new use, and an opportunity to protect 
    against potentially adverse exposure before it occurs.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule becomes effective on November 20, 1996. 
    Persons who begin commercial manufacture, importation, or processing of 
    listed benzidine-based chemical substances for any significant new use 
    listed in this rule between August 30, 1995, and November 20, 1996 must 
    comply with the requirements of this final SNUR. See Unit VII of this 
    preamble for more information. In accordance with 40 CFR 23.5, this 
    rule shall be promulgated for purposes of judicial review at 1 p.m. 
    eastern time on October 21, 1996.
    Environmental Assistance Division (7408), Office of Pollution 
    Prevention and Toxic Substances, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M 
    St., SW., Rm. E-545, Washington, DC 20460, Telephone: (202) 554-1404, 
    TDD: (202) 554-0551; e-mail: TSCA-Hotline@epamail.epa.gov.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This SNUR requires persons to notify EPA at
    [[Page 52288]]
    least 90 days before commencing the manufacture, import, or processing 
    of the benzidine-based chemical substances listed in this rule for any 
    significant new use as described in Sec. 721.1660(a)(2). The SNUR does 
    not apply to uses of benzidine-based substances in existence when this 
    SNUR was proposed which include uses as: A reagent to test for hydrogen 
    peroxide in milk; a reagent to test for hydrogen sulfate, hydrogen 
    cyanide, and nicotine; a stain in microscopy; a reagent for detecting 
    blood; an analytical standard; and also for Colour Index (C.I.) Direct 
    Red 28 (Congo Red, CAS No. 573-58-0) as an indicator dye. The required 
    notification will provide EPA with information needed to evaluate the 
    new use and associated activities, and an opportunity to protect 
    against potentially adverse exposure to the chemical substance before 
    it can occur. This rule was proposed on August 30, 1995 (60 FR 45119) 
        Regulated entities. Entities potentially regulated by this action 
    are those which manufacture, import, or process the benzidine-based 
    chemical substances listed in the rule for any use other than those 
    listed in Sec. 721.1660(a)(2). Regulated categories and entities 
                                                    Examples of regulated   
                     Category                             entities          
    Industry                                    Manufacturers, importers,   
                                                 and processors of cyclic   
                                                 organic crudes and         
                                                 intermediates, and organic 
    Industry                                    Entities which plan to use  
                                                 the listed dyes in         
                                                 conjunction with apparel   
                                                 and other finished products
                                                 made from fabrics, leather,
                                                 and similar materials.     
    Industry                                    Entities which plan to use  
                                                 the listed dyes in         
                                                 conjunction with paper and 
                                                 allied products.           
    Industry                                    Manufacturers, importers,   
                                                 and processors of printing 
    This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this 
    action. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now aware 
    could potentially be regulated by this action. Other types of entities 
    not listed in the table could also be regulated. To determine whether 
    your business is regulated by this action, carefully examine the 
    applicability criteria set forth in Sec. 721.1660 of this rule. For 
    questions regarding the applicability of this action to a particular 
    entity, see ``FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT'' at the beginning of 
    this document.
    I. Authority
        Section 5(a)(2) of TSCA (15 U.S.C. 2604(a)(2)) authorizes EPA to 
    determine that a use of a chemical substance is a ``significant new 
    use.'' The Agency must make this determination by rule after 
    considering all relevant factors, including those listed in section 
    5(a)(2). Section 5(a)(2) factors generally relate to the extent that a 
    use changes the volume of a chemical substance's production or the 
    type, form, magnitude, or duration of exposure to it. Once EPA 
    determines by rule that a use of a chemical substance is a significant 
    new use, section 5(a)(1)(B) of TSCA requires persons to submit a 
    significant new use notice (SNUN) to EPA at least 90 days before 
    manufacturing, importing, or processing the chemical substance for that 
    use (15 U.S.C. 2604(a)(1)(B)).
        Persons subject to this SNUR must comply with the same notice 
    requirements and EPA regulatory procedures as submitters of 
    premanufacture notices (PMNs) under section 5(a)(1)(A) of TSCA (15 
    U.S.C. 2604(a)(1)(A)). In particular, these requirements include the 
    information submission requirements of TSCA sections 5(b) and (d)(1), 
    the exemptions authorized by TSCA section 5 (h)(1), (2), (3), and (5), 
    and the regulations at 40 CFR part 720. If during its review, EPA 
    identifies concerns, regulatory action may be taken under TSCA section 
    5(e), 5(f), 6, or 7 to control the activities for which it has received 
    a SNUN (15 U.S.C. 2604 (e), (f), 2605, 2606). If EPA does not take 
    action, section 5(g) of TSCA requires EPA to explain in the Federal 
    Register its reasons for not taking action (15 U.S.C. 2604(g)).
        Persons who intend to export a chemical substance identified in a 
    proposed or final SNUR are subject to the export notification 
    provisions of TSCA section 12(b) (15 U.S.C. 2611(b)). The regulations 
    that interpret section 12(b) appear at 40 CFR part 707. Persons who 
    intend to import a chemical substance identified in a final SNUR are 
    subject to the TSCA section 13 (15 U.S.C. 2612) import certification 
    requirements, and to the regulations codified at 19 CFR 12.118 through 
    12.127 and 12.128. Such persons must certify that they are in 
    compliance with TSCA requirements. The EPA rule in support of import 
    certification appears at 40 CFR part 707.
    II. Applicability of General Provisions
        General regulatory provisions applicable to SNURs are codified at 
    40 CFR part 721, subpart A. In the Federal Register of August 17, 1988 
    (53 FR 31252), EPA promulgated a ``User Fee Rule'' (40 CFR part 700) 
    under the authority of TSCA section 26(b) (15 U.S.C. 2625(b)). 
    Provisions requiring persons submitting SNUNs to submit certain fees to 
    EPA are discussed in detail in the Federal Register document. 
    Interested persons should refer to 40 CFR parts 700 and 721 and the 
    August 17, 1988 Federal Register document for further information.
    III. Introduction
    A. Summary
        The chemical substances that are the subjects of this SNUR are 
    certain benzidine-based chemical substance as listed in table 1 of 
    Sec. 721.1660.
        EPA has determined that there is no ongoing manufacture, import, or 
    processing, of the listed benzidine-based chemical substances, except 
    for the ongoing uses of such substances in small amounts for a few, 
    limited purposes (identified in Sec. 721.1660(a)(2) of this rule). 
    Because the listed benzidine-based chemical substances are currently 
    only used for these limited purposes, EPA is concerned that any new use 
    beyond the current ongoing limited uses would increase production 
    volume resulting in increased potential for exposure to workers which 
    would be significant because of their potential carcinogenicity. 
    Therefore, under TSCA section 5(a)(2), EPA is designating any use of 
    the listed benzidine-based chemical substances as a significant new 
    use, other than the following ongoing uses of such chemical substances: 
    As a reagent to test for hydrogen peroxide in milk; a reagent to test 
    for hydrogen sulfate, hydrogen cyanide, and nicotine; a stain in 
    microscopy; a reagent for detecting blood; an analytical standard; and 
    also for C. I. Direct Red 28 as an indicator dye.
        Except for the ongoing uses listed above, this rule requires 
    persons who intend to manufacture, import, or process the benzidine-
    based chemical substances listed in table 1 of Sec. 721.1660 of this 
    rule to notify EPA through the submission of a SNUN, at least 90 days 
    before commencing the manufacture, importation, or processing of any of 
    these substances for the significant new uses designated in this SNUR. 
    The required notice provides EPA with the opportunity to evaluate the 
    intended use, and, if necessary, to prohibit or limit that use before 
    it occurs.
    [[Page 52289]]
    B. Final Rule--Changes From the Proposed Rule
        The Agency reviewed all comments received on the proposed rule. 
    After consideration of issues raised by the commenters, the Agency has 
    taken the following actions:
        1. Some inconsistencies in naming and inaccuracies in CAS numbers 
    in table 1 of 40 CFR 721.1660 have been corrected.
        2. Chemical substances not listed on the TSCA Inventory are no 
    longer covered by this rule.
        3. The use of C.I. Direct Red 28 (CAS No. 573-58-0) as an indicator 
    dye and the use of benzidine-based chemical substances as an analytical 
    standard were added to the list of uses not designated as significant 
    new uses under this SNUR.
    IV. Background Information on Benzidine-Based Chemical Substances
        Based upon toxicity information on benzidine and benzidine-based 
    dyes, the Agency is concerned that all the benzidine-based chemical 
    substances listed in this rule may be carcinogens.
        The molecule benzidine can only be isolated for commerce or use in 
    the form of a salt. In recognition of this fact, whenever the term 
    ``benzidine'' is used in this section of the preamble, it refers to the 
    molecule benzidine, CAS No. 92-87-5, as well as to all benzidine salts.
        Benzidine is an aromatic amine that has been used as a feedstock 
    for production of man-made dyes since the late 1800's. Dyestuffs were 
    among the first products of the developing chemical industry, and 
    aromatic amines were the first synthetic chemicals found to cause 
    cancer in humans. This was first reported in the last century, when 
    some workers manufacturing dyes developed bladder cancer. Benzidine was 
    subsequently found to be a potent carcinogen in humans and animals.
        Several epidemiologic studies of occupationally exposed workers 
    have demonstrated that benzidine exposure is associated with a high 
    risk of developing bladder cancer (Ref. 1). Benzidine is classified by 
    EPA as Group A, a human carcinogen (IRIS, 1996). Benzidine is also 
    classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as 
    a Group 1 carcinogen, which are chemicals known to cause cancer in 
    humans and animals (Ref. 2).
        Originally, only benzidine was considered to be carcinogenic. 
    However, studies found that dyes derived from benzidine release free 
    benzidine via metabolic routes (Ref. 3). The dyes were predicted to be 
    carcinogens based on these findings. Animal bioassays performed by the 
    National Cancer Institute (NCI) in 1978 confirmed that administration 
    of three different benzidine-based dyes each led to cancer. (Ref. 4)
        EPA's hazard analysis (Ref. 5) is based on studies of tested 
    representative benzidine-based dyes, as well as benzidine, from which 
    they are synthesized, and to which they break down or metabolize. The 
    overwhelming health concern for benzidine and benzidine-based dyes is 
    for bladder cancer generally believed to be caused through any route of 
    exposure. As of June 1974, the Occupational Safety and Health 
    Administration (OSHA) requires that manufacture of benzidine be 
    contained within a closed system (29 CFR 1910.1010 Benzidine). In 
    addition, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 
    (ACGIH) has classified benzidine as a ``confirmed human carcinogen'' 
    with no Threshold Limit Value (TLV) assigned, and has recommended that 
    ``all exposure to benzidine should be kept to an absolute minimum'' 
    (Ref. 6).
        Twelve benzidine-based dyes have been demonstrated to metabolize to 
    benzidine in one or more of four species (Ref. 7). National Toxicology 
    Program (NTP) cancer bioassays by the oral route in rodents using 
    Direct Black 38 (CAS No. 1937-37-7), Direct Blue 6 (CAS No. 2602-46-2), 
    and Direct Brown 95 (CAS No. 16071-86-6), showed statistically 
    significantly elevated tumor incidence of the liver following oral 
    administration. The time to tumor formation was 5 to 13 weeks. No 
    tumors were found in the controls (Ref. 4). In response to these and 
    other data, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 
    (NIOSH) and NCI have jointly recommended that these three dyes be 
    handled in the workplace as if they were human carcinogens, and have 
    suggested guidelines for minimizing employee exposure (Ref. 8).
        Bioavailability studies in Rhesus monkeys, rats, and dogs revealed 
    levels of benzidine in the urine, after the administration of the 
    above-mentioned dyes, equivalent to the levels found after 
    administration of a comparable volume of straight benzidine (Refs. 3 
    and 7). For this reason, IARC has classified these benzidine-based dyes 
    as Group 2A chemicals, which are carcinogenic to animals and probably 
    carcinogenic to humans (Refs. 1, 8, and 9). Given the consistent 
    results from testing these dyes, as well as known mechanistic 
    similarities among benzidine-based dyes, the entire class of benzidine-
    based dyes are expected to have a similar degree of toxicity. In 
    addition, NIOSH has recommended that all benzidine-based dyes be 
    recognized as potential human carcinogens, based upon the evaluation of 
    information on the carcinogenicity and metabolism of these dyes (Ref. 
        There are exposure issues for both the parent amines and the 
    finished dyes. Most available exposure data are for groups of dyes, 
    rather than for individual dyes. Inhalation, skin absorption, and 
    ingestion are possible routes of exposure in a variety of settings 
    where benzidine-based dyes are either manufactured or used. Benzidine 
    and monoacetyl benzidine, a metabolite, have been found in the urine of 
    workers making or using benzidine-based dyes in the paper, textile, 
    leather, and dye manufacturing industries (Ref. 10). The amount of 
    benzidine found in the urine was more than could be accounted for by 
    only benzidine impurities in the dyes.
        Exposure estimates for dyes were developed based on the result of a 
    monitoring study conducted collaboratively by EPA and industry (Ref. 
    11). Using this information, and based on models from EPA and industry, 
    exposure estimates have been calculated for those workers who weigh 
    powder dyes in manufacturing establishments. From these estimates, EPA 
    predicts the highest exposure would occur for workers who would 
    manufacture benzidine-based dyes or who would weigh such dyes, and is 
    also concerned about potential exposures to workers who would operate 
    dyeing machinery (Ref. 11).
    V. Rationale and Objectives for the Rule
        To determine what would constitute a significant new use of 
    benzidine-based chemical substances, EPA considered relevant 
    information regarding the toxicity of the substances, likely exposure 
    and releases associated with potential uses, and the four factors 
    listed in TSCA section 5(a)(2). The Agency has concerns for bladder 
    cancer in workers which is generally believed to be caused through any 
    route of exposure to benzidine-based chemical substances (Ref. 5). EPA 
    classified benzidine as Group A, a human carcinogen (IRIS, 1996). 
    Benzidine has an IARC classification as a Group 1 carcinogen, which are 
    chemicals known to cause cancer in humans and animals. IARC has also 
    classified several benzidine-based dyes as Group 2A chemicals, which 
    are carcinogenic to animals and probably carcinogenic to humans. The 
    benzidine-based dyes that have not been tested are also suspected 
    carcinogens (e.g., Ref. 10).
        EPA has determined that there is no ongoing manufacture, import, or
    [[Page 52290]]
    processing, of the listed benzidine-based chemical substances, except 
    for use in small amounts as a reagent to test for hydrogen peroxide in 
    milk; a reagent to test for hydrogen sulfate, hydrogen cyanide, and 
    nicotine; a stain in microscopy; a reagent for detecting blood; an 
    analytical standard; and also for C.I. Direct Red 28 as an indicator 
    dye. EPA believes that the use of the subject benzidine-based 
    substances for the uses designated at Sec. 721.1660 would result in 
    increases in production as well as the type, form, magnitude, or 
    duration of exposure to these known or suspected carcinogens. 
    Therefore, EPA is designating the uses at Sec. 721.1660 as significant 
    new uses (Ref. 12).
        Based on these considerations, EPA wishes to achieve the following 
    objectives with regard to the significant new uses that are designated 
    in this rule. Specifically, EPA wants to ensure that it:
        1. Receives notice of any company's intent to manufacture, import, 
    or process the benzidine-based chemical substances for the significant 
    new uses designated in this rule before that activity begins.
        2. Has an opportunity to review and evaluate data submitted in a 
    SNUN before the notice submitter begins manufacturing, importing, or 
    processing the listed benzidine-based chemical substances for the 
    significant new uses designated in this rule.
        3. Can regulate prospective manufacturers, importers, or processors 
    of the listed benzidine-based chemical substances before any 
    significant new use occurs, provided that the degree of potential 
    health risk is sufficient to warrant such regulation.
        For the preceding reasons, EPA is designating any use of the 
    benzidine-based chemical substances listed in Sec. 721.1660, except for 
    those uses listed in Sec. 721.1660(a)(2), as significant new uses.
    VI. Alternatives
        Before promulgating this SNUR, EPA considered alternative 
    regulatory actions for the listed benzidine-based chemical substances. 
    It determined that the benzidine-based chemical substances listed in 
    this rule are currently not subject to Federal notification 
    requirements nor are they currently subject to any other Federal rules 
    that regulate risks to human health or the environment to a sufficient 
    extent to justify using those regulations as an alternative to this 
    SNUR. EPA also considered the following alternative actions.
        1. Promulgate a TSCA section 8(a) reporting rule for these chemical 
    substances. Under such a rule, EPA could require any person to report 
    information to the Agency when they intend to manufacture, import, or 
    process the listed benzidine-based chemical substances, for a 
    significant new use as listed in this rule (15 U.S.C. 2607). However, 
    in the case of these particular chemical substances, the use of section 
    8(a) rather than SNUR authority would not provide the opportunity for 
    EPA to review human and environmental risks associated with new uses of 
    a chemical substance and, if necessary, take immediate follow-up 
    regulatory action under TSCA section 5(e) or section 5(f) to prohibit 
    or limit the activity before it begins. In view of the level of health 
    concerns for the listed benzidine-based chemical substances, the Agency 
    believes that a section 8(a) rule for those chemical substances would 
    not meet EPA's regulatory objectives.
        2. Regulate the listed benzidine-based chemical substances under 
    section 6 of TSCA. EPA may regulate under section 6 if there is a 
    reasonable basis to conclude that the manufacture, importation, 
    processing, distribution in commerce, use, or disposal of a chemical 
    substance or mixture ``presents or will present'' an unreasonable risk 
    of injury to human health or the environment. A finding of unreasonable 
    risk indicates a determination that the reduction of health or 
    environmental risk resulting from a potential regulation outweighs the 
    regulatory burden to society.
        In the case of this rule, EPA decided that a SNUR was more 
    appropriate than a section 6 rule because the Agency has not determined 
    that the ongoing uses raise sufficient concerns to justify a section 6 
    regulation. At the same time, EPA's concerns are for potential future 
    uses, and the notification which is required by this SNUR will be 
    sufficient to allow the Agency to make the decisions necessary to 
    protect against such uses.
    VII. Applicability to Uses Occurring Before Effective Date of this 
    Final Rule
        EPA believes that the intent of section 5(a)(1)(B) is best served 
    by designating a use as a significant new use as of the proposal date 
    of this SNUR rather than as of the effective date of this final rule. 
    If uses begun during the proposal period of a SNUR were considered 
    ongoing, rather than new, as of the effective date, it would be 
    difficult for EPA to establish SNUR notice requirements, because any 
    person could defeat the SNUR by initiating the proposed significant new 
    use before the rule became final, arguing that the use is no longer 
        Persons who began commercial manufacture, importation, or 
    processing of the listed benzidine-based chemical substances for any 
    significant new use listed in this rule between issuance of the 
    proposed rule and the effective date of this SNUR must cease that 
    activity before the effective date of this rule. To resume their 
    activities, these persons would have to comply with all applicable SNUR 
    notice requirements and wait until the notice review period, including 
    all extensions, expires. If, however, persons who began commercial 
    manufacture, importation, or processing of the chemical substances 
    between the issuance of the proposed rule and the effective date of 
    this SNUR meet the conditions of advance compliance as codified at 
    Sec. 721.45(h), those persons will be considered to have met the 
    requirements of this final SNUR for those activities.
    VIII. Response to Comments Received on Proposed Rule
         The Agency received comments on the proposed rule from two 
    businesses and two trade associations. The Agency reviewed and 
    considered all significant comments received. These comments and EPA's 
    responses follow:
        Comment. Some of the dyes listed in the proposed rule are assigned 
    incorrect CAS numbers and nomenclature.
        Response. EPA reviewed the list of dyes in the proposed rule. 
    Inconsistencies in naming substances were identified and corrected in 
    table 1 in Sec. 721.1660 of this final rule. Inaccurate CAS numbers 
    were also identified and corrected in table 1 of this final rule for 
    C.I. Direct Blue 2 (CAS No. 2429-73-4), C.I. Direct Brown 6 (CAS No. 
    2893-80-3), and C.I. Direct Brown 74 (CAS No. 8014-91-3). Additionally, 
    chemical names were added to table 1 of this rule to futher identify 
    substances subject to SNUR reporting. These corrections were minor in 
    nature and did not change the types of benzidine-based dyes subject to 
    this final SNUR.
        Comment. A majority of the chemical substances listed in the 
    proposed rule are not found on the TSCA Inventory. A SNUR for 
    substances that are not on the TSCA Inventory is unnecessary because 
    the ``PMN would serve the same purpose''.
        Response. EPA conducted a review of the TSCA Inventory. This review 
    revealed that 24 out of 149 benzidine-based chemical substances in the 
    proposed SNUR were on the TSCA Inventory and the remaining substances 
    were not. EPA has removed the substances that are not on the TSCA 
    Inventory from the final list of
    [[Page 52291]]
    substances requiring notification of a significant new use. Those 
    substances continue to be subject to the reporting requirements under 
    TSCA section 5(a)(1) (15 U.S.C. 2604(a)(1)). Section 5(a)(1) requires a 
    person who manufactures a chemical substance that is not on the 
    Inventory, and not otherwise excluded or exempted from the requirements 
    of section 5, to file a premanufacture notification (PMN) with EPA. 
    When EPA proposed the SNUR it based the proposal on certain objectives 
    that it announced in the preamble to the proposed rule (60 FR 45121, 
    August 30, 1995). EPA has concluded that these same objectives can be 
    met through the submission of a PMN for benzidine-based chemical 
    substances that are not on the Inventory and requiring a SNUN in 
    addition is not necessary.
        Comment. C.I. Direct Red 28, a benzidine derivative, is used as a 
    mineral acid indicator but was not identified in the proposed rule as 
    an ongoing use. Also, certain uses of benzidine as an analytical 
    laboratory standard, as with EPA Reference Method 8270, are also 
    ongoing. These uses are similar to other ongoing uses identified in the 
    proposed rule.
        Response. EPA added the use of C.I. Direct Red 28 (CAS No. 573-58-
    0) as an indicator dye and the use of benzidine and benzidine-based 
    chemical substances as an analytical standard to the list of ongoing 
    uses based on information from commenters and EPA's Office of Solid 
    Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) (Benzidine SNUR Memo, 50617A). No 
    additional ongoing uses of benzidine-based chemical substances were 
    identified. Ongoing uses, as identified in Sec. 721.1660(a)(2) of this 
    final rule, are not subject to SNUR reporting. EPA decided to add these 
    two uses because they are similar to other ongoing uses that were 
    originally proposed. Like some of the proposed ongoing uses, the 
    additional uses rely on benzidine-based substances to test for the 
    presence of chemical substances. EPA received no objections to the 
    inclusion of the original uses in this SNUR and has concluded that 
    additional notice is not necessary to add these similar uses.
        Comment. There are other benzidine-based dyes on the TSCA Inventory 
    which were not listed in the proposed rule.
        Response. EPA's intent is to require notification prior to the 
    manufacture, import, or processing of all benzidine-based chemical 
    substances on the TSCA Inventory for all non-ongoing uses. EPA 
    conducted a thorough search of the TSCA Inventory which revealed that 
    there are additional benzidine-based chemical substances on the TSCA 
    Inventory that were not included in the proposed SNUR. EPA will propose 
    a SNUR for these additional benzidine-based chemical substances in the 
    near future.
        Comment. EPA should exempt all laboratory uses of very small 
    amounts of benzidine-based chemical substances from the SNUR where 
    prudent laboratory practices are employed. Another comment suggested 
    that the SNUR should not apply to laboratory uses of benzidine-based 
    chemical substances.
        Response. EPA agrees with the first comment and under existing EPA 
    regulations, a person who manufacturers, imports, or processes a listed 
    substance for a significant new use is not subject to SNUR notification 
    requirements if the person is utilizing small quantities for research 
    and development and meets the other safeguards as specified in 40 CFR 
    721.47. In addition, this SNUR will not cover identified laboratory 
    uses which are ongoing (listed in Sec. 721.1660(a)(2) of this rule). 
    However, EPA does not agree with the second comment that all laboratory 
    uses in general should be excluded. The purpose of the SNUR is to 
    insure that EPA has an opportunity to review human and environmental 
    risks associated with significant new uses of a chemical substance and, 
    if necessary, take further action to protect against those risks. If 
    EPA exempts all laboratory uses without any of the safeguards specified 
    in 40 CFR 721.47, as suggested by the commenter, then persons may 
    engage in those uses without further EPA review of these additional 
    human and environmental exposures. The comment did not provide adequate 
    information to allow EPA to determine the extent or possible 
    consequences of these exposures. Given the potentially hazardous nature 
    of benzidine-based chemical substances, EPA believes it is not 
    appropriate to exempt all laboratory uses from the SNUR. Anyone who 
    wishes to engage in such a new use in the future, however, may submit a 
    significant new use notice and initiate the process for determining 
    whether those uses pose an unreasonable risk.
        Comment. The use of benzidine as a laboratory standard or an 
    indicator dye does not constitute manufacturing, importing, or 
    processing for a commercial purpose, i.e., for distribution in 
    commerce. The analytical procedures, of which the benzidine is part, 
    either consume the benzidine or produce by-products which are properly 
    disposed. No benzidine is manufactured or processed in the course of 
    these uses, nor is it for the purpose of distribution in commerce.
        Response. EPA generally agrees with the commenter that a SNUR only 
    regulates manufacturing and processing activities that are undertaken 
    for commercial purposes; however, a laboratory could be engaging in 
    regulated activities when it uses a listed benzidine-based chemical 
    substance. TSCA provides that SNURs apply only to persons who 
    ``manufacture or process'' subject substances (15 U.S.C. 
    2604(a)(1)(B)). TSCA also defines the term ``manufacture'' to include 
    importation of as well as production (15 U.S.C. 2602(7)). TSCA further 
    provides that SNURs only regulate manufacturing, importation, and 
    processing activities if those activities are for ``commercial 
    purposes'' (15 U.S.C. 5(I)). EPA interprets these provisions broadly to 
    encompass a wide range of activities. TSCA and the SNUR regulations 
    define manufacturing to include any activities associated with the 
    production or importation of substances with the purpose of obtaining 
    an immediate or eventual commercial advantage for the manufacturer or 
    importer (40 CFR 720.3(r), defining ``manufacture or import for 
    commercial purposes''). Processing for commercial purposes is also 
    defined to encompass a wide range of activities (40 CFR 721.3, defining 
    ``process for commercial purposes''). Based upon these regulations, a 
    laboratory could be engaged in regulated activity when it uses a listed 
    benzidine-based substance. Determining whether a laboratory is engaged 
    in a regulated activity is very fact specific and requires an 
    assessment of a variety of the circumstances surrounding the 
    laboratory's activities. The commenter has not provided enough 
    information for EPA to determine whether the activities it describes 
    would be subject to the SNUR. Rather than speculate on hypothetical 
    situations, EPA advises a laboratory that intends to engage in 
    activities involving a significant new use of a listed benzidine-based 
    chemical substance to contact EPA as specified in 40 CFR 721.11 to 
    determine in advance whether it is subject to the SNUR. Additionally, 
    as stated in the previous response to comment, under existing EPA 
    regulations, a person who manufactures, imports, or processes a listed 
    substance for a significant new use is not subject to SNUR notification 
    requirements if the person is utilizing small quantities of research 
    and development and meets the other
    [[Page 52292]]
    safeguards as specified in 40 CFR 721.47.
        Comment. The SNUR will give an unfair advantage to foreign 
    producers of benzidine-based chemical substances, and to those who 
    import textiles dyed with such chemicals into the US.
        Response. While EPA does not presently have a sufficient basis to 
    support a regulatory action related to the import of articles 
    manufactured with benzidine-based chemical substances, we have taken 
    steps to address concerns with benzidine-based chemical substances on 
    an international level. EPA has helped the Organization for Economic 
    Cooperation and Development (OECD) organize an information 
    clearinghouse so the OECD member countries can share information 
    regarding the issues, concerns, and risk management activities 
    surrounding benzidine-based chemical substances. EPA has also provided 
    information to India through the U.S. Department of State. EPA plans to 
    inform the OECD, United Nations (UN) International Program on Chemical 
    Safety (IPCS) and the International Register of Potentially Toxic 
    Chemicals (IRPTC) of the issuance of this SNUR so that this action 
    might encourage other countries to examine the risks associated with 
    the manufacture and use of benzidine-based chemical substances in their 
        Comment. The SNUR is a ``complete product ban'', put into effect 
    without ``sufficient analysis of the alternatives and input from the 
    interested public''.
        Response. EPA disagrees. A SNUR requires only that manufacturers, 
    importers, and processors of the listed substances notify EPA at least 
    90 days before beginning any activity that EPA has designated as a 
    ``significant new use.'' The advance notification required by the SNUR 
    allows EPA to evaluate the proposed new use in more detail. If that 
    evaluation reveals a concern, EPA can take action to prevent or limit 
    unreasonable risk from the new use of the substance. Conversely if EPA 
    decides not to take any further action, the activity may proceed.
        EPA also disagrees with the comment that it failed to analyze 
    alternatives or public input. The commenter failed to explain why it 
    believed that there were other viable alternatives to a SNUR. Unit VI 
    of this preamble includes EPA's analysis of alternative regulatory 
    actions and other provisions of TSCA. EPA also discussed plans to issue 
    a SNUR at several public meetings, and at a meeting with industry 
    representatives held during in April, 1995 (Meeting Minutes on 
    Benzidine-Based and Benzidine Congener-Based Dyes, 50617A). 
    Additionally, the public submitted comments when this SNUR was proposed 
    and EPA is responding to them in this preamble.
        Comment. EPA has not addressed the issue of the ``actual risk posed 
    by these chemicals in their current limited use''.
        Response. Because this SNUR is not intended to subject ongoing uses 
    of benzidine-based chemical substances to SNUR reporting requirements, 
    EPA did not specifically assess risk posed by ongoing uses of 
    benzidine-based chemical substances. Such an assessment would fall 
    outside the scope of this rule and therefore, is unnecessary to support 
    this rule.
        Comment. The rule as proposed would not regulate significant new 
    uses of an existing product, but rather would regulate ``old, 
    established products and applications which are not currently used'' in 
    the U.S.
        Response. The statutory language of TSCA section 5, the legislative 
    history, and underlying policy support EPA's conclusion that it has the 
    authority to classify the resumption of manufacturing or processing of 
    chemical substances as a ``significant new use.'' The term ``new'' 
    generally encompasses uses that are occurring for the first time as 
    well as uses that were discontinued and then occur again. See, e.g., 
    Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary, 1988.
        The factors that TSCA requires the Administrator to consider before 
    determining that a use is ``significant'' and ``new'' apply equally to 
    first time and resumed uses. Section 5(a)(2) states that the 
    Administrator's ``significant new use'' determination shall be made 
    after considering all relevant factors including ``projected volume,'' 
    increases in ``magnitude and duration of exposure,'' and the reasonably 
    anticipated manner and methods of manufacturing, processing, 
    distribution, and disposal. Both first time and resumed use may result 
    in an increase in production volume and exposure to a chemical 
    substance. Both types of uses also can lead to increased risks 
    associated with manufacture, processing, distribution, and disposal.
        Moreover, the legislative history of section 5 suggests that 
    Congress intended that increased volume of manufacturing or processing 
    would be subject to the requirements of that section. This adds further 
    support to the conclusion that a resumption of manufacture, which 
    necessarily entails an increase in production volume, may be classified 
    as manufacture for a significant ``new'' use. See, e.g., H.R. Rep. No. 
    94-1679, 94th Cong., 2nd Sess. 66 (1976), Legislative History of the 
    Toxic Substances Control Act 679; Senate Consideration of Conference 
    Report on S. 3149, Sept. 28, 1976, Legislative History of the Toxic 
    Substances Control Act at 723.
        Comment. Thirty days is not a fair and reasonable comment period 
    for such complex regulations, with extensive dockets.
        Response. EPA disagrees that 30 days is not a fair and reasonable 
    comment period. EPA allows a reasonable amount of time for comments 
    based upon the complexity of the proposed rule and the record. Due to 
    the relatively routine nature of SNURs and the limited nature of the 
    material in the docket for this particular rule, the Agency believes 
    that a 30-day comment period is reasonable in this case. EPA received 
    no requests from the public for an extension of the comment period.
        Comment. The Agency is not justified in setting retroactive dates 
    as the effective dates for determining new uses.
        Response. EPA disagrees and believes it is reasonable to make the 
    effective date of the Agency's ``significant new use'' determination 
    the proposal date of the rule rather than the date of the final rule. 
    If EPA adopted the date of the final rule as the effective date, then a 
    person could defeat the final rule simply by engaging in the proposed 
    significant new use before the rule took effect. Further, the 
    notification requirements for use of any listed benzidine-based 
    chemical substance only take effect when the rule becomes final. This 
    rule operates prospectively, not retroactively as the comment suggests.
        Comment. EPA may be premature in ``extending its concern to the 
    listed dye products'' due to SNUN requirements for test data, protocol 
    consultation, and human exposure and environmental release data.
        Response. EPA disagrees that issuing a SNUR is premature. Congress 
    designed SNURs to allow EPA to obtain data about new uses of chemical 
    substances that may pose significant concerns. This action is based on 
    Agency concerns for all benzidine-based substances listed in the rule. 
    Agency concerns for all these benzidine-based substances are based on 
    existing carcinogenicity and exposure data of benzidine and benzidine-
    based substances.
        As stated in Unit IX of the proposed rule (60 FR 45119, August 30, 
    1995), TSCA section 5 does not require persons to develop any 
    particular test data before submitting a SNUN. Persons are required 
    only to submit test data in their possession or control and to describe 
    any other data known to or reasonably ascertainable by them (15 U.S.C.
    [[Page 52293]]
    2604(d); 40 CFR 721.25). Further, while EPA does require the submission 
    of test data in a submitter's possession, EPA does not require the 
    development of test data when a SNUN is submitted. Rather, EPA suggests 
    to potential SNUR submitters the kind of data that would permit a 
    reasoned evaluation of potential risks posed by listed benzidine-based 
    chemical substances for an intended use. The characterization of 
    potential health and environmental effects will help the Agency 
    determine if regulation of the listed SNUR substance for the intended 
    use is warranted.
        Comment. According to the July 1995 American Association of Textile 
    Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) Buyer's Guide, 15 companies were listed 
    as distributing benzidine dyes.
        Response. Of the 15 companies identified in the 1995 AATCC Buyer's 
    Guide as selling benzidine-based chemical substances identified in this 
    SNUR, EPA had previously contacted nine that were listed in the 1994 
    AATCC Buyer's Guide prior to publication of the proposed SNUR (Phone 
    Contacts with Benzidine Dye Manufacturers and Distributors, 50617). 
    Representatives of those nine companies confirmed that they were not 
    manufacturing, importing, or distributing benzidine-based chemical 
    substances identified in this SNUR. EPA representatives attempted to 
    contact the additional six companies newly listed in the 1995 Buyer's 
    Guide (Buyer's Guide, 50617A). Five companies indicated to EPA that 
    they were not manufacturing, importing, or distributing benzidine-based 
    chemical substances. EPA representatives were unable to contact the 
    remaining company although repeated attempts were made using the 
    information contained in the 1995 AATCC Buyer's Guide. Thus, based on 
    the information currently available, EPA does not believe that the 
    benzidine-based chemical substances identified in this SNUR are in 
    commerce at this time.
    IX. Test Data and Other Information
        EPA recognizes that under TSCA section 5, persons are not required 
    to develop any particular test data before submitting a significant new 
    use notice. Rather, persons are required only to submit test data in 
    their possession or control and to describe any other data known to, or 
    reasonably ascertainable by, them (15 U.S.C. 2604(d); 40 CFR 721.25).
        However, in view of the potential health risks that may be posed by 
    a significant new use of the listed benzidine-based chemical 
    substances, EPA suggests potential SNUR notice submitters include data 
    that would permit a reasoned evaluation of risks posed by these 
    chemical substances when utilized for an intended use. EPA currently 
    believes that the results of the following tests could help adequately 
    characterize possible health and environmental effects of the chemical 
    substances: Cancer bioassays, metabolism testing, and tests for 
    environmental fate and ecotoxicity. However, these studies may not be 
    the only means of identifying potential risks. SNUR notices submitted 
    without accompanying test data may increase the likelihood that EPA 
    would take action under TSCA section 5(e).
        EPA encourages persons to consult with the Agency before submitting 
    a SNUN for benzidine-based chemical substances. As part of this 
    optional prenotice consultation, EPA will discuss the test data it 
    believes necessary to evaluate a significant new use of the chemical 
    substances and advise in the selection of a protocol for testing the 
    chemical substances. Test data should be developed according to TSCA 
    Good Laboratory Practice Standards at 40 CFR part 792. Failure to do so 
    may lead EPA to find such data to be insufficient to reasonably 
    evaluate the health or environmental effects of the chemical 
        EPA urges SNUN submitters to provide detailed information on human 
    exposure or environmental release that may result from the significant 
    new use of the listed benzidine-based chemical substances. In addition, 
    EPA encourages persons to submit information on potential benefits of 
    the chemical substances and information on risks posed by the chemical 
    substances compared to risks posed by potential substitutes.
    X. Economic Analysis
        EPA has evaluated the potential costs of establishing SNUR 
    reporting requirements for the benzidine-based chemical substances 
    listed in this rule (Ref. 12). While there is no precise way to 
    calculate the total annual cost of compliance with this rule, EPA 
    estimates that the reporting cost for submitting a SNUN ranges from 
    $7,198 to $8,170, including a $2,500 user fee. EPA believes that there 
    will be few, if any, SNUNs submitted. Furthermore, while the expense of 
    a notice and the uncertainty of possible EPA regulation may discourage 
    certain innovations, that impact would be limited because such factors 
    are unlikely to discourage an innovation that has high potential value. 
    The Agency's economic analysis is available in the public record for 
    this rule (OPPTS-50617A).
    XI. Rulemaking Record
        EPA has established a record for this rulemaking (docket control 
    number OPPTS-50617A). The record includes basic information considered 
    by the Agency in developing this rule and the references listed in Unit 
    XII of this preamble.
        A public version of this record, without any Confidential Business 
    Information is available for reviewing and copying from 12 noon to 4 
    p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, in the TSCA 
    Nonconfidential Information Center (NCIC), located in Rm. NE-B607, 401 
    M St., SW., Washington, DC.
    XII. References.
        (1) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). IARC 
    Monographs 1982, 29, 295-310, 311-330, 321-330).
        (2) IARC Monographs, Supplement 7:123-125 (1987).
        (3) Rinde, E. and Troll, W. ``Metabolic Reduction of Benzidine Azo 
    Dyes to Benzidine in the Rhesus Monkey.'' Journal of the National 
    Cancer Institute 55:181-182 (1975).
        (4) National Cancer Institute (NCI). ``13-week subchronic toxicity 
    studies of Direct Blue 6, Direct Black 38 and Direct Brown 95 dyes.'' 
    NCI Carcinogenesis. Technical Report Series Number 108. 127p (1978).
        (5) USEPA. Chemical Screening and Risk Assessment Division. 
    Benzidine/Benzidine Congener Dyes Support Document, Ocotber 24, 1994.
        (6) ACGIH. American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists, 
    Inc. ``Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological 
    Exposure Indices. 6th ed.'' 121-122p (1991).
        (7) Lynn, R.K. et al. ``Metabolism of bisazobiphenyl dyes derived 
    from benzidine, 3,3'-methylbenzidine and 3,3'-dimethoxybenzidine to 
    carconogenic aromatic amines in the dog and rat.'' Toxicology and 
    Applied Pharmacology 56:248-258 (1980).
        (8) NIOSH/NCI, Current Intelligence Bulletin, 24(1,5):7-9 (1978).
        (9) IARC Monographs, Supplement 7:125-126 (1987).
        (10) NIOSH, Special Occupational Hazard Review for Benzidine-Based 
    Dyes (1980).
        (11) USEPA. 1990a (April). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 
    Textile Dye Weighing Monitoring Study. EPA 560/5-90-009 and Supplement 
        (12) USEPA. Regulatory Impact Branch, USEPA/OPPT/EETD, June 1, 
    1993. ``Production, Uses, and Imports of
    [[Page 52294]]
    Benzidine Based Chemicals.'' Prepared by Meridian Research, Inc.
        (13) USEPA. Regulatory Impacts Branch, Economics, Exposure, and 
    Technology Division. ``Economic Analysis to Support the Proposed SNUR 
    for Benzidine and Benzidine-based Dyes''. May 12, 1995.
    XIII. Regulatory Assessment Requirements
    A. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993), it has 
    been determined that this rule is not ``significant'' and is therefore 
    not subject to OMB review.
    B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5 U.S.C. 601-612), EPA 
    certifies that this rule will not have a significant impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. This certification can be found 
    in the docket for this rule (OPPTS-50617A). EPA has analyzed the impact 
    of the rule on small entities based upon the criteria in the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act. Unit XIII.C. of this preamble and the Economic 
    Analysis (Ref. 13) to support this SNUR (docket number OPPTS-50617A) 
    describe the burden and costs of compliance of this rule as well as the 
    potential impacts on small entities.
        This SNUR applies to any small or large business that may wish to 
    engage in the significant new use described in the rule. It appears 
    that no small or large businesses are currently engaged in activity 
    that is the subject of this rule. Although there may be some small 
    businesses that may decide to conduct such activities in the future, it 
    is not possible at this time to determine for certain how many, if any, 
    there may be. Based upon past experiences, EPA expects to receive few, 
    if any SNUNs from either small or large businesses in response to this 
    SNUR. To date, the Agency has received less than 10 SNUNs in response 
    to the many SNURs promulgated by EPA in the past.
        There are no existing Federal rules that may duplicate, overlap, or 
    conflict with this rule. Finally there are no significant alternatives 
    to this rule that minimize economic impacts on small businesses and 
    accomplish the statutory objective of insuring that EPA has an 
    opportunity to review and evaluate the risks associated with a new use 
    to determine whether further regulatory activity is necessary.
        Information relating to this determination may be provided to the 
    Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration upon 
    request, and is included in the docket for this rulemaking. Any 
    comments regarding the economic impacts that this regulatory action may 
    impose on small entities should be submitted to the Agency at the 
    address listed above.
    C. Unfunded Mandate Reform Act
        This rule is not subject to the requirements of the Unfunded 
    Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub. L. 104-4) because this rule 
    does not contain regulatory requirements that might significantly or 
    uniquely affect small governments and does not contain a Federal 
    mandate that may result in expenditures of $100 million or more for 
    State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or the private 
    sector in any one year. Since no current ongoing manufacture, import, 
    or processing of the listed benzidine-based chemical substance have 
    been identified except for uses of such substances as a reagent to test 
    for hydrogen peroxide in milk; a reagent to test for hydrogen sulfate, 
    hydrogen cyanide, and nicotine; a stain in microscopy; a reagent for 
    detecting blood; an analytical standard; or the use of C.I. Direct Red 
    28 as an indicator dye, this rule will not affect state, local, tribal 
    governments, or the private sector. EPA expects to receive few, if any, 
    SNUNs in response to this SNUR.
    D. Executive Order 12898
        Pursuant to Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994), 
    entitled Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority 
    Populations and Low-Income Populations, the Agency has considered 
    environmental justice related issues with regard to the potential 
    impacts of this action on the environmental and health conditions in 
    low-income and minority communities and does not expect any negative 
    impacts since no current ongoing manufacture, import, or processing of 
    the listed benzidine-based chemical substances were identified except 
    for uses of such substances as a reagent to test for hydrogen peroxide 
    in milk; a reagent to test for hydrogen sulfate, hydrogen cyanide, and 
    nicotine; a stain in microscopy; a reagent for detecting blood; an 
    analytical standard; or the use of C.I. Direct Red 28 as an indicator 
    dye. Additionally, EPA expects to receive few, if any, SNUNs in 
    response to this SNUR.
    E. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
        Under section 801(a)(1)(A) of the Administrative Procedure Act 
    (APA) (5 U.S.C. 801) EPA submitted a report containing this rule and 
    other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
    Representatives and the Comptroller General of the General Accounting 
    Office prior to publication of this rule in the Federal Register. This 
    rule is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2) of the APA 
    as amended.
    F. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The information collection requirements contained in this rule have 
    already been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
    seq.). This activity falls under OMB control number 2070-0038 (EPA ICR 
    No. 1188), which covers the submission of SNUNs related to existing 
    chemicals. Specifically, persons subject to this SNUR must submit a 
    SNUN to EPA at least 90 days before manufacturing, importing, or 
    processing a chemical substance for any significant new use (15 U.S.C. 
    2604(a)(1)(B)). The SNUN allows EPA to review and evaluate the intended 
    use and prohibit or limit that use if the degree of potential health 
    risk is sufficient to warrant such regulation. Persons subject to this 
    SNUR would comply with the same notice requirements and EPA regulatory 
    procedures as submitters of PMNs under section 5(a)(1)(A) of TSCA (15 
        Additionally, persons who intend to export a chemical substance 
    identified in the final SNUR are subject to TSCA section 12(b) (U.S.C. 
    2611(b) and 40 CFR part 707). Persons who intend to import a chemical 
    substance identified in the final SNUR are subject to the TSCA section 
    13 (15 U.S.C. 2612) import certification requirements and to the 
    regulations codified at 19 CFR 12.118 through 12.127 and 12.128. The 
    EPA policy in support of import certification appears at 40 CFR part 
    707. OMB has already approved these activities under OMB Control No. 
    2070-0030 (EPA#795). EPA must withhold from disclosure trade secret or 
    confidential financial or commercial information submitted under TSCA.
        In submitting a SNUN, the public reporting burden for this 
    collection of information is estimated to vary from 94 to 113 hours per 
    response, with an average of 103 hours per response, including time for 
    reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and 
    maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the 
    collection of information. These hours are included and accounted for 
    in the above-referenced existing ICR.
        Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources 
    expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
    provide information to or for a
    [[Page 52295]]
    Federal agency. This includes the time needed to review instructions; 
    develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the 
    purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information, 
    processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and providing 
    information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously 
    applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to 
    respond to a collection of information; search data sources; complete 
    and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise 
    disclose the information.
        An Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
    to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
    currently valid OMB control number. EPA is also amending the table of 
    currently approved information collection requests (ICR) control 
    numbers issued by OMB for various regulations, which appears at 40 CFR 
    part 9. This amendment updates the table to accurately display OMB 
    approval of the information requirements contained in this final rule. 
    The display of the OMB control number in this notice and its subsequent 
    codification in the Code of Federal Regulations satisfies the 
    requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) 
    and OMB's implementing regulations at 5 CFR part 1320. The ICR was 
    previously subject to public notice and comment prior to OMB approval. 
    As a result, EPA finds that there is ``good cause'' under section 
    553(b)(B) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B)) to 
    amend this table without additional notice and comment. Due to the 
    technical nature of the table, further notice and comment would be 
        Send comments on the burden estimates and any suggested methods for 
    minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated 
    collection techniques to Chief, Information Policy Branch (2131), U.S. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460; 
    and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of 
    Management and Budget, 725 17th St., NW., Washington, DC 20503, marked 
    ``Attention: Desk Officer for EPA.'' The ICR number must be included in 
    any correspondence.
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 9
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    40 CFR Part 721
        Environmental Protection, Chemicals, Hazardous materials, 
    Recordkeeping and reporting requirements, Significant new uses.
        Dated: September 26, 1996.
    Charles M. Auer,
    Director, Chemical Control Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and 
        Therefore, 40 CFR parts 9 and 721 are amended to read as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 9 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 135 et seq., 136-136y; 15 U.S.C. 2001, 2003, 
    2005, 2006, 2601-2671; 21 U.S.C. 331j, 346a, 348; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 33 
    U.S.C. 1251 et seq., 1311, 1313d, 1314, 1321, 1326, 1330, 1344, 1345 
    (d) and (e), 1361; E.O. 11735, 38 FR 21243, 3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp. 
    p. 973; 42 U.S.C. 241, 242b, 243, 246, 300f, 300g, 300g-1, 300g-2, 
    300g-3, 300g-4, 300g-5, 300g-6, 300j-1, 300j-2, 300j-3, 300j-4, 
    300j-9, 1857 et seq., 6901-6992k, 7401-7671q, 7542, 9601-9657, 
    11023, 11048.
        2. Section 9.1 is amended by adding the following new entry to the 
    table in numerical sequence to read as follows:
    Sec.  9.1   OMB approvals under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
    * * * * *
                       40 CFR citation                      OMB control no. 
                  *        *        *        *        *                     
    721.1660.............................................          2070-0038
                  *        *        *        *        *                     
        3. The authority citation for part 721 continues to read as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2604, 2607 and 2625(e).
        4. By adding new Sec. 721.1660 to subpart E to read as follows:
    Sec. 721.1660   Benzidine-based chemical substances.
        (a) Chemical substances and significant new uses subject to 
    reporting. (1) The benzidine-based chemical substances listed in table 
    1 of this section are subject to reporting under this section for the 
    significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
        (2) The significant new uses are any use other than as a reagent to 
    test for hydrogen peroxide in milk; a reagent to test for hydrogen 
    sulfate, hydrogen cyanide, and nicotine; a stain in microscopy; a 
    reagent for detecting blood; an analytical standard; and also for 
    Colour Index (C.I.) Direct Red 28 (Congo Red, CAS No. 573-58-0) as an 
    indicator dye.
        (b) List of substances. The following table 1 lists the benzidine-
    based chemical substances covered by this section.
                                      Table 1.--Benzidine-Based Chemical Substances                                 
                   CAS number                        C.I. name             C.I. number           Chemical Name      
    92-87-5                                  Benzidine                         N/A         [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-    
    531-85-1                                 Benzidine  2HCL           N/A         [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-    
                                                                                            diamine, dihydrochloride
    573-58-0                                 C.I. Direct Red 28               22120        1-Naphthalenesulfonic    
                                                                                            acid, 3,3'-[[1,1'-      
                                                                                            ,           disodium    
    1937-37-7                                C.I. Direct Black 38             30235        2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic
                                                                                            acid, 4-amino-3-[[4'-   
                                                                                            [(2,     4-             
                                                                                            (phenylazo)-, disodium  
    2302-97-8                                C.I. Direct Red 44               22500        1-Naphthalenesulfonic    
                                                                                            acid, 8,8'-[[1,1'-      
                                                                                            biphenyl]     -4,4'-    
                                                                                            hydroxy-, disodium salt 
    2429-73-4                                C.I. Direct Blue 2               22590        2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic
                                                                                            acid, 5-amino-3-[[4'-   
                                                                                            naphthalenyl)azo]  [1,1'-
                                                                                            trisodium salt          
    [[Page 52296]]
    2429-79-0                                C.I. Direct Orange 8             22130        Benzoic acid, 5-[[4'-[(1-
                                                                                             hydroxy-, disodium salt
    2429-81-4                                C.I. Direct Brown 31             35660        Benzoic acid, 5-[[4'-    
                                                                                            tetrasodium salt        
    2429-82-5                                C.I. Direct Brown 2              22311        Benzoic acid, 5-[[4'-[(7-
                                                                                            hydroxy-, disodium salt 
    2429-83-6                                C.I. Direct Black 4              30245        2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic
                                                                                            acid, 4-amino-3-[[4'-   
                                                                                                 disodium salt      
    2429-84-7                                C.I. Direct Red 1                22310        Benzoic acid, 5-[[4'-[(2-
                                                                                            hydroxy-, disodium salt 
    2586-58-5                                C.I. Direct Brown 1:2            30110        Benzoic acid, 5-[[4'-    
                                                                                            disodium salt           
    2602-46-2                                C.I. Direct Blue 6               22610        2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic
                                                                                            acid, 3,3'-[[1,1'-      
                                                                                            4-    hydroxy-,         
                                                                                            tetrasodium salt        
    2893-80-3                                C.I. Direct Brown 6              30140        Benzoic acid, 5-[[4'-    
                                                                                            disodium salt           
    3530-19-6                                C.I. Direct Red 37               22240        1,3-Naphthalenedisulfonic
                                                                                            acid, 8-[[4'-[(4-ethoxy 
                                                                                            hydroxy-, disodium salt 
    3567-65-5                                C.I. Acid Red 85                 22245        1,3-Naphthalenedisulfonic
                                                                                            acid, 7-hydroxy-8-      
                                                                                            y]phenyl]  azo][1,1'-   
                                                                                            disodium salt           
    3626-28-6                                C.I. Direct Green 1              30280        2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic
                                                                                            acid, 4-amino-5-        
                                                                                            (phenylazo)-, disodium  
    3811-71-0                                C.I. Direct Brown 1              30045        Benzoic acid, 5-[[4'-    
                                                                                            disodium salt           
    4335-09-5                                C.I. Direct Green 6              30295        2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic
                                                                                            acid, 4-amino-5-        
                                                                                            disodium salt           
    6358-80-1                                C.I. Acid Black 94               30336        2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic
                                                                                            acid, 4-amino-5-        
                                                                                            methylphenyl)  amino]phe
                                                                                            trisodium salt          
    6360-29-8                                C.I. Direct Brown 27             31725        Benzoic acid, 5-[[4'-[[4-
                                                                                            naphthalenyl]azo]    [1,
                                                                                            trisodium salt          
    6360-54-9                                C.I. Direct Brown 154            30120        Benzoic acid, 5-[[4'-    
                                                                                            , disodium salt         
    8014-91-3                                C.I. Direct Brown 74             36300        Benzoic acid, 3,3'-[(3,7-
                                                                                            hexasodium salt         
    16071-86-6                               C.I. Direct Brown 95             30145        Cuprate(2-), [5-[[4'-    
                                                                                            hydroxy-   5-           
    [[Page 52297]]
    [FR Doc. 96-25650 Filed 10-4-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule becomes effective on November 20, 1996. Persons who begin commercial manufacture, importation, or processing of listed benzidine-based chemical substances for any significant new use listed in this rule between August 30, 1995, and November 20, 1996 must comply with the requirements of this final SNUR. See Unit VII of this preamble for more information. In accordance with 40 CFR 23.5, this rule shall be promulgated for purposes of judicial review at 1 p.m. eastern time on October 21, ...
52287-52297 (11 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPPTS-50617A, FRL 5396-6
2070-AA58: Follow-Up Rules on Existing Chemicals
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
40 CFR 721.45(h)
40 CFR 9.1
40 CFR 721.1660