97-26500. Review of Existing Coordinated Long-Range Operating Criteria for Colorado River Reservoirs (Operating Criteria)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 194 (Tuesday, October 7, 1997)]
    [Pages 52354-52359]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-26500]
    [[Page 52354]]
    Bureau of Reclamation
    Review of Existing Coordinated Long-Range Operating Criteria for 
    Colorado River Reservoirs (Operating Criteria)
    AGENCY: Bureau of Reclamation, Interior.
    ACTION: Reissue of Notice of Proposed Decision Regarding the Operating 
    SUMMARY: The purpose of this action is to provide public notice that 
    the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) proposes no change to the 
    existing Operating Criteria as a result of the current review process. 
    The current review has been conducted as an open public process, 
    including formal consultation with the seven Colorado River Basin 
    States (Basin States). The results of the review indicate that 
    modification of the Operating Criteria is not justified at the present 
        The original Federal Register notice was published on August 27, 
    1997 (62 FR 45440). Due to requests from interested parties and 
    agencies, the comment period has been extended by the Bureau of 
    DATES: All written comments relevant to this proposed decision must be 
    received by close of business, October 17, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Interested parties should send comments or questions to 
    Bruce Moore, Bureau of Reclamation, 125 South State Street, Room 6107, 
    Salt Lake City, Utah 84138-1102, telephone (801) 524-3702, or Jayne 
    Harkins, Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 61470, Boulder City, Nevada 
    89005, telephone (702) 293-8190.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The public review process began with a 
    Federal Register notice published on August 20, 1996 (61 FR 43073), 
    announcing the review of the Operating Criteria and inviting comments 
    during the 60 days following the notice. On October 31, 1996, another 
    Federal Register notice (61 FR 56246) was published announcing two 
    public consultation meetings and extending the comment period an 
    additional 30 days. On November 4, 1996, a Fact Sheet containing 
    information about the Operating Criteria review and an invitation to 
    the public consultation meetings was sent to known and anticipated 
    interested parties and agencies, and governor-designated 
    representatives of the Basin States, inviting their participation.
        Comments from the two Federal Register notices were received from 
    18 respondents. The comments were reviewed by the Bureau of Reclamation 
    for identification and analysis of the issues. Public consultation 
    meetings were held on November 18, 1996, and December 2, 1996, to 
    discuss the identified issues and answer questions from all interested 
    parties. A set of all comment letters received was provided to any 
    interested party requesting a copy. After the public consultation 
    meetings, the analyses of the issues were revised to reflect any 
    information resulting from the two meetings. That information was then 
    sent to all interested parties and participants in a March 1997 
    newsletter entitled the River Review.
        In response to requests, another public consultation meeting and an 
    additional 45-day comment period were announced in the Federal Register 
    on March 28, 1997 (62 FR 14942). On April 4, 1997, a letter from the 
    Reclamation Team Leader containing the preliminary results of 
    Reclamation's analysis on each major issue area and an invitation to 
    attend the next public consultation meeting was sent to all 18 
    respondents, governor-designated representatives of the Basin States, 
    and any others who had attended meetings or expressed an interest in 
    the review of the Operating Criteria. On April 22, 1997, a final public 
    consultation meeting was conducted to discuss the preliminary analyses.
        As required by Pub. L. 90-537, formal consultation with the 
    representatives of the seven Basin States, and other parties and 
    agencies as the Secretary may deem appropriate, was conducted in the 
    context of public consultation meetings on three separate occasions: 
    November 18, 1996; December 2, 1996; and April 22, 1997.
        Following analysis of comments received as a result of this notice, 
    any proposed federal action will be evaluated by Reclamation to 
    determine the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 
    compliance. After that process has been completed, the final 
    Secretarial decision will be published in the Federal Register.
        The Operating Criteria, promulgated pursuant to Section 602 of 
    Public Law 90-537 (43 U.S.C. 1552), were published in the Federal 
    Register on June 10, 1970. The Operating Criteria provide for the 
    coordinated long-range operation of the reservoirs constructed and 
    operated under the authority of the Colorado River Storage Project Act, 
    the Boulder Canyon Project Act, and the Boulder Canyon Project 
    Adjustment Act for the purposes of complying with and carrying out the 
    provisions of the Colorado River Compact, the Upper Colorado River 
    Basin Compact, and the Mexican Water Treaty.
        Previous reviews of the Operating Criteria were initiated in 1975, 
    1980, 1985, and 1990. They resulted in no changes to the Operating 
    Criteria. Prior to 1990, reviews were conducted primarily through 
    meetings with and correspondence among representatives of the seven 
    Basin States and Reclamation. Because the long-range operation of the 
    Colorado River reservoirs is important to many agencies and 
    individuals, in 1990, through an active public involvement process, 
    Reclamation expanded the review of the Operating Criteria to include 
    all interested stakeholders. A team consisting of Reclamation staff 
    from Denver, Colorado; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Boulder City, Nevada, 
    was organized to conduct the 1990 review. For the 1995 review, 
    Reclamation staff from Salt Lake City, Utah, and Boulder City, Nevada, 
    followed the same public process.
        The scope of the review has been consistent with the statutory 
    purposes of the Operating Criteria which are ``to comply with and carry 
    out the provisions of the Colorado River Compact, the Upper Colorado 
    River Basin Compact, and the Mexican Water Treaty.'' Long-range 
    operations generally refer to the planning of reservoir operations over 
    several decades, as opposed to the Annual Operating Plan (AOP) which 
    details specific reservoir operations for the next operating year.
    Synopsis of Review Results
        Many of the issues raised during the review are more properly dealt 
    with during the development of the AOP. These include annual surplus 
    determinations in the Lower Basin; the probability of spills from Lake 
    Powell, including the release of beach/habitat building flows from Glen 
    Canyon Dam; storage equalization between Lakes Powell and Mead; and 
    factors for determining 602(a) storage.
        The Operating Criteria were purposely designed to be flexible so 
    that during the development of the AOP, variations in hydrologic 
    conditions and changing demands for water use, including environmental 
    demands and possible mitigation measures, could be accommodated. The 
    process for developing the AOP is open to the public and all interested 
        Reclamation regularly applies the NEPA process to activities 
    constituting a major federal action significantly affecting the quality 
    of the human environment. The appropriate level of
    [[Page 52355]]
    NEPA compliance for the review of the Operating Criteria will be 
    determined by Reclamation. At this time, Reclamation recommends 
    preparation of a NEPA categorical exclusion document for this review.
        With respect to other environmental issues, Reclamation is in 
    various stages of consultation with the Fish and Wildlife Service under 
    Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act on most Colorado River mainstem 
    facilities. When a Section 7 consultation results in the Service 
    providing Reclamation with specific recommendations such as specific 
    flow recommendations to remove or prevent jeopardy to listed species or 
    their critical habitat, they are incorporated into Reclamation's 
    operations, and if appropriate, included in the AOP.
        Reclamation has programmed and expended funds for fish and wildlife 
    mitigation and enhancement for impacts associated with previous 
    activities where appropriate. Reclamation will continue to use this 
    approach. Any changes associated with the long-range Operating Criteria 
    will also be evaluated to determine if there are any mitigation 
    requirements or enhancement opportunities.
        Regarding the issue of water marketing and banking, Reclamation has 
    initiated a rule making process focused on water banking in groundwater 
    aquifers or off-mainstem storage reservoirs in the Lower Basin. This 
    administrative rule is considered a responsibility of the Secretary of 
    the Interior and focuses only on the three Lower Basin states. 
    Reclamation believes that water marketing and banking would not require 
    a change to the current Operating Criteria, as this issue lends itself 
    to the AOP process.
        Throughout the course of the review of the Operating Criteria, 
    Reclamation has encouraged public participation and developed a 
    thorough administrative record. Based on the results of the review and 
    the analysis of public comments, it is proposed that the Operating 
    Criteria not be modified at this time.
    Analysis of Issues
    Issue #1: Application of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA)
        The APA was signed into law in 1946 by President Truman. The 
    purposes of the Act are: (1) to require agencies to keep the public 
    informed on organization, procedures and rules, (2) to provide for 
    public participation in the rule making process, (3) to prescribe 
    uniform standards of conduct for rule making and adjudicatory 
    proceedings, and (4) to restate the law of judicial review. The law 
    primarily deals with rule making. The definition in the law of a rule 
    in part is as follows: ``* * * the whole or part of an agency statement 
    of general or particular applicability and future effect designed to 
    implement, interpret, or prescribe law or policy or describing the 
    organization, procedure, or practice requirements of an agency. * * *'' 
    Rule making has two parts, formal and informal.
    Analysis and Response
        The Coordinated Long-Range Operating Criteria is a document 
    generated from a requirement in the 1968 Colorado River Basin Project 
    Act. It describes how the Secretary of the Interior will meet some of 
    the commitments under the Act. The review of the Coordinated Long-Range 
    Operating Criteria is not a rulemaking exercise and is therefore not 
    subject to the rulemaking provisions of the APA.
        Nevertheless, the Bureau of Reclamation is encouraging full public 
    participation in this process and has developed a thorough 
    administrative record of this review.
    Issue #2
        Surplus declarations are referenced in the 1964 Supreme Court 
    decree (Arizona v. California) and are a part of the 1970 Criteria for 
    Coordinated Long-Range Operation of Colorado River Reservoirs. The 
    decree apportions surpluses (50 percent to California, 46 percent to 
    Arizona, and 4 percent to Nevada), while the Operating Criteria define 
    surpluses as existing when there is sufficient storage in Lake Mead to 
    supply greater than 7.5 million acre-feet (MAF) for Lower Basin 
    consumptive uses. Guidelines for determining when surplus conditions 
    exist have never been formally adopted.
        In the past, Reclamation has performed computer modeling studies of 
    alternative surplus guidelines to determine the effects of various 
    levels of surplus use. Because the shortage risks of surplus use 
    (Arizona) fall on other than the benefactor (California), impacts and 
    differences in risks of future shortages and reservoir drawdown have 
    been keenly debated. All modeling strategies have as their foundation 
    the principle of reducing system spills by allowing greater use in the 
    Lower Basin, thus drawing down the reservoirs and thereby avoiding 
    flood control releases. This greater drawdown then allows the high 
    flows of flood years to be captured by the reservoir system. While the 
    amount of system spills is thus reduced, the degree of drawdown affects 
    the risk of shortages to users during possible future drought 
    conditions. Resolving the balance between risk of shortages and spills 
    is the heart of the surplus issue.
        Until 1996, Lower Basin consumptive uses were less than their 
    allocation of 7.5 MAF, and California uses were met through unused 
    apportionments of Arizona and Nevada rather than surplus declarations. 
    However, with the implementation of the Arizona groundwater banking 
    program, total Lower Basin use now exceeds 7.5 MAF and water above this 
    amount can only be delivered through surplus declarations.
        The 1996 Annual Operating Plan (AOP) committed to meet all 
    reasonable beneficial consumptive uses, and later in the year when the 
    annual Lower Basin use was greater than 7.5 MAF, a surplus was 
    declared. The 1997 AOP contains an explicit determination of surplus, 
    based on the current hydrologic situation and a lack of impacts from 
    this single decision. As a result of 1997 system flood control 
    operations and hydrologic conditions, the 1998 AOP will almost 
    certainly contain an explicit surplus determination.
        However, these determinations have relied solely on an annual 
    examination of reservoir conditions in the Colorado River Basin rather 
    than specific, long-term strategies which examine the potential for 
    problems in the future. Drought periods in the basin can extend for 
    many years and with the large volume of reservoir storage, many years 
    could be required before negative impacts of surplus determinations are 
    observed. Much of the current debate is focused on the risk of certain 
    things happening in the future.
    Analysis and Response
        The comments received addressed three key topics relating to 
    surplus determinations: (1) the establishment of guidelines, (2) the 
    forum for establishing these guidelines, and (3) how surpluses will 
    affect the probability of spills from Lake Powell.
        Establishment of Guidelines.--The comments all agreed that surplus 
    and shortage guidelines should be established, but varied in how firm 
    or detailed these guidelines should be. The most flexible approach 
    would be the annual determination of surplus/normal/shortage conditions 
    through the AOP process, deciding on the condition of the reservoir 
    system on a year-by-year basis. The most rigid approach would be the 
    revision of the Operating Criteria to include specific guidelines which 
    [[Page 52356]]
    would be applied each year to produce a determination.
        Flexible guidelines have the advantage of being easily modified as 
    consumptive use demands and hydrologic conditions change throughout the 
    basin. For some parties, near-term surpluses could be more liberal than 
    when Upper Basin uses increase and the likelihood of surplus deliveries 
    are reduced. Flexible guidelines could be adopted without the more 
    formal process of incorporating guidelines into the Operating Criteria.
        Modifying the Operating Criteria to include surplus guidelines 
    offers the advantage of clearly specifying under what conditions 
    surpluses would be declared. All interests would then understand 
    exactly what impacts could be expected under ranges of hydrologic 
    conditions. Contingency plans could be implemented to mitigate adverse 
    impacts and agreements could be formed to help meet consumptive use 
    demands during non-surplus periods.
        Forum for Establishing Guidelines.--Most commentors felt that the 
    AOP would be the most appropriate mechanism for preparing surplus/
    shortage guidelines. The less formal nature of the AOP meetings was 
    viewed as positive for attempting to resolve this difficult issue. 
    However, the issue has been addressed for the last five years in the 
    AOP meetings, and no definite guidelines have been produced.
        Probability of Spills from Lake Powell.--The release of beach/
    habitat building flows from Glen Canyon Dam was a contentious topic 
    during the completion of the Glen Canyon Dam Environmental Impact 
    Statement. The 1968 Colorado River Basin Project Act directed the 
    Secretary of the Interior to avoid anticipated spills while the 1992 
    Grand Canyon Protection Act directed the Secretary to operate the dam 
    to improve the environmental conditions in the Grand Canyon. In 1995, 
    an agreement was reached between interested parties which attempts to 
    meet the intents of both the 1968 and 1992 Acts by providing these high 
    flows during high reservoir storage conditions when required for dam 
    safety purposes.
        Surplus determinations which explicitly drop the level of Lake Mead 
    and through equalization drop the level of Lake Powell would likely 
    reduce the probability of these powerplant bypasses. Commentors 
    responded with concern for this possibility recommending that if 
    surpluses were declared, measures should be taken to keep the 
    probability of bypasses the same as at the present. The impacts of high 
    spring flows are currently believed to be very important and this 
    potential effect should be addressed as surplus guidelines are 
        The Bureau of Reclamation believes that surplus/shortage criteria 
    should (1) be specific guidelines that can be used to predict 
    measurable effects in the future, (2) be developed through the AOP 
    process, and (3) include a discussion of the potential effects on Lake 
    Powell spills along with possible mitigation measures.
    Issue #3
        Section 602(a)(3) of the 1968 Colorado River Basin Project Act 
    discusses the quantification of a reservoir storage volume in the Upper 
    Basin. This storage is intended to supplement the unregulated flow of 
    the Colorado River at Lees Ferry during drought periods as part of the 
    1922 Colorado River Compact deliveries to the Lower Basin. The intent 
    of this provision is to avoid impairment of Upper Basin consumptive 
        The 1968 Act contains several provisions which can be viewed as 
    accomplishing the intent of the Article III (e) provision of the 
    Colorado River Compact, that of the Upper Basin not withholding water 
    that the Lower Basin requires for consumptive use demands. Through a 
    combination of avoiding spills, equalizing storage between Lakes Powell 
    and Mead, and the 602(a) storage volume, Upper Basin water was to be 
    transferred to Lake Mead for use in the Lower Basin. When Upper Basin 
    storage falls below this 602(a) storage level, storage equalization 
    provisions of the 1968 Act are disregarded.
        By statute, the 602(a) storage volume was to be quantified taking 
    into account historic stream flows, the most critical period of record, 
    and probabilities of water supply. Since the purpose of this storage is 
    to help provide Lower Basin deliveries, it is quantified as the 
    difference between depleted flow at Lees Ferry and the Lower Basin 
    delivery requirements over some period of drought. Upper Basin 
    depletion levels significantly affect the storage calculation. Using 
    the most critical period of natural flow, the 602(a) volume is 
    currently estimated to be about 10 million acre-feet, which includes 
    preservation of the 5.2 million acre-feet minimum power pool in Lake 
    Powell. In the future, when Upper Basin consumptive uses increase, it 
    has been assumed that Lake Powell could be completely drained to 
    provide Lower Basin deliveries.
        Controversy exists regarding the probability attached to the 
    depleted flow assumptions with respect to both the rarity of the 
    critical flow period and the projected depletion increases in the Upper 
    Basin. These are the principle reasons that 602(a) storage has never 
    been formally determined and agreed to by the Basin States. However, in 
    the computer modeling of long-range operations of the reservoir system, 
    some estimate or procedure must be used to model this portion of the 
    applicable statutes. Currently, the Bureau of Reclamation uses the 
    observed critical 12-year period (1953-1964) as the basis for the 
    storage calculation. Reflecting the lack of a formal determination, 
    each year's Annual Operating Plan has contained language stating that 
    current reservoir storage in Upper Basin reservoirs exceeds the storage 
    required under Section 602 under any reasonable range of assumptions 
    which may be applied. The current Upper Basin depletion level is the 
    prime reason that this statement is true.
    Analysis and Response
        The relationship between the 602(a) volume and surplus/shortage 
    criteria has been raised in previous Annual Operating Plan discussions. 
    Some parties have argued that both less or more severe drought periods 
    should be used in the modeling, thus changing the Upper Basin risk of 
        Formally specifying or changing the risks associated with the 
    602(a) storage level will likely require a legal opinion on the issue 
    of avoiding impairment of Upper Basin consumptive uses. Since these 
    uses presently do not significantly restrict Lower Basin surpluses and 
    require much less than full Lake Powell storage to meet Lower Basin 
    deliveries, this issue perhaps is not ripe for resolution. Reclamation 
    recommends delaying implementing guidelines or changing the current 
    602(a) modeling assumptions until current assumptions or practices 
    create unacceptable impacts.
    Issue #4a
        The Bureau of Reclamation should conduct an environmental analysis 
    under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of any changes to 
    the Operating Criteria.
        Letters of comment to the Operating Criteria review expressed 
    concern over the long-term effects of the Operating Criteria on 
    downstream resources as it relates to cumulative effects and spill 
    frequency. Several letters indicated that the current Operating 
    Criteria do not give equal consideration to environmental and 
    recreational resources, and instead focus only on
    [[Page 52357]]
    traditional water and power uses. To incorporate consideration of all 
    resources and impacts of the Operating Criteria, the commentors 
    recommended that the Operating Criteria be evaluated through 
    application of NEPA.
    Analysis and Response
        Reclamation regularly applies the NEPA process to activities 
    constituting a federal action, and agrees that compliance with NEPA 
    would be required for any proposed changes to the long-range Operating 
    Criteria that are discretionary Federal Actions (Chapter 3.1 of the 
    NEPA Handbook). The appropriate level of NEPA compliance will be 
    determined by Reclamation for this review of the Operating Criteria.
        NEPA regulations require that each agency promulgate agency-
    specific guidelines to supplement the Council on Environmental 
    Quality's general regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508). These 
    classifications list those actions that: (1) have a significant impact 
    on the environment (requiring preparation of an environmental impact 
    statement); (2) those which are categorically excluded from the EIS 
    process (for which a categorical exclusion (CE) is prepared); and (3) 
    those which fall in between (1) and (2) and will usually require the 
    preparation of an environmental assessment (EA). As a result of the 
    analysis contained in an EA, either an EIS or a Finding of No 
    Significant Impact (FONSI) is prepared by the agency.
        The key issue in whether NEPA documentation is needed regarding 
    this 5-year review is whether there is a Federal action or Federal 
    discretion associated with this review. If no Federal action is being 
    proposed or taken by Reclamation, no NEPA documentation would be 
    required. While no changes are being proposed as the result of this 
    review, Reclamation is making a decision in proposing no change. 
    Because of this, Reclamation concludes that preparation of a NEPA 
    compliance document is appropriate. Reclamation recommends that a 
    Categorical Exclusion be prepared pursuant to Departmental Instructions 
    516 DM 2, appendix 1.7, which provides that a CE may be prepared for 
    routine and continuing government business, including such things as 
    supervision, administration, operations, maintenance and replacement 
    activities having limited context and intensity; e.g. limited size and 
    magnitude or short-term effects.
    Issue #4b
        The Operating Criteria should recognize the need to preserve and 
    recover endangered species dependent upon the quantity, quality, and 
    pattern of release.
        Construction and operation of water storage and delivery facilities 
    on the Colorado River and its tributaries are recognized as factors 
    contributing to the decline of certain fish and wildlife species which 
    have been listed as threatened or endangered by the Fish and Wildlife 
    Service (Service). Storing water during the spring runoff decreases the 
    natural spring flow, and releasing water later in the year for 
    consumptive use raises the base flow. These types of changes in the 
    hydrograph have removed spawning cues, effected water temperature, 
    clarity, the food base, and fluvial geomorphology. Physical alteration 
    from riverine to extensive reservoir environments has occurred causing 
    further change to habitat for these species and resulted in the 
    establishment of exotic species of fish, wildlife, and plants that 
    directly compete with listed species and their habitat. The control of 
    natural flood cycles and development of the floodplain for agriculture 
    and other purposes has significantly changed or eliminated original 
    habitats in and along extensive parts of the lower Colorado River. The 
    success of efforts to recover endangered species are often thought to 
    be dependant on restoring the natural hydrograph to the degree 
    possible. Commentors are concerned that if provisions for releases 
    designed to recover endangered species are not incorporated into the 
    Operating Criteria, changes to operations will not be implemented.
    Analysis and Response
        Reclamation is in various stages of consultation with the Service 
    under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act on most mainstem 
    facilities. Conservation plans and recovery programs are also a large 
    part of Reclamation activities in operation of the Colorado River. 
    Operation of these facilities for endangered species would remain 
    consistent with the original intended purpose of the project in 
    accordance with the implementing regulations of the Endangered Species 
    Act. When a Section 7 consultation results in the Service providing 
    Reclamation with specific flow recommendations or other alternatives to 
    remove or prevent jeopardy to listed species or their critical habitat, 
    they are incorporated into Reclamation's operations, and if 
    appropriate, are included in the Annual Operating Plan of the 
    particular facility which was the subject of the consultation. 
    Operations remain consistent with the ``Law of the River,'' water 
    service contracts, and other legal obligations. Examples of facilities 
    where consultation has been completed are Flaming Gorge Dam on the 
    Green River in Utah, Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River in Arizona, 
    and several features of the Colorado River Front Work and Levee System 
    Program on the last 270 miles of the Colorado River in the United 
        Reclamation and the Service recently completed formal Section 7 
    consultation on lower Colorado River operations and maintenance (Lake 
    Mead to the Southerly International Boundary with Mexico), and are 
    engaged in ongoing consultation for Navajo Reservoir operations on the 
    San Juan River in Colorado, and Aspinall Unit operations on the 
    Gunnison River in Colorado. The Department of the Interior signed a 
    Memorandum of Agreement in August 1995 that was further described in a 
    Memorandum of Clarification and most recently a joint Participation 
    Agreement to develop a long-term (50 year) Lower Colorado River Multi-
    Species Conservation Program (MSCP) from Lees Ferry to the Southerly 
    International Boundary with Mexico. The overall objective of the MSCP 
    is to develop a plan which would conserve and protect more than 100 
    listed and sensitive species within the Colorado River and its one 
    hundred-year flood plain, and to the greatest extent consistent with 
    law, accommodate current and future water and power operations.
        Reclamation continues to undertake and pursue efforts for 
    conservation and recovery of fish and wildlife and associated critical 
    habitat under specific project authorities such as Section 8 of the 
    Colorado River Storage Project Act and the Grand Canyon Protection Act. 
    In addition, Reclamation has significant ongoing conservation and 
    recovery efforts under the authority of Section 7(a)(1) of the 
    Endangered Species Act. For example, the Lake Mohave Native Fish 
    Rearing Program in the Lower Colorado River Basin continues to collect 
    and rear wild larval razorback and bonytail chubs for release back into 
    Lake Mohave to maintain the primary adult population and genetic pool 
    for these species. Voluntary refinements to river operations have also 
    been implemented when possible to benefit endangered species (i.e., 
    management of reservoir levels in Mohave for endangered fish). The 
    Upper Colorado River Recovery Implementation
    [[Page 52358]]
    Program, with an annual budget exceeding $7 million, and the San Juan 
    River Basin Recovery Implementation Program are other examples.
        Reclamation will continue to plan and implement initiatives for 
    protection of endangered species and associated critical habitat on a 
    project-specific basis as described, with the goal of integrating these 
    actions to the greatest degree possible to address ecosystem level 
    needs. Where appropriate, initiatives such as the Glen Canyon Adaptive 
    Management Program and the MSCP will be considered and incorporated 
    into future Annual Operating Plans and Section 7 consultations, as 
    Issue #4c
        Funding for mitigation of negative impacts to fish and wildlife 
    resources should be provided.
        Modification of river flows due to the operation of projects 
    authorized by the Colorado River Storage Project Act has impacted fish, 
    wildlife, and their habitats through reduction or elimination of 
    overbank flooding, channelization, water depletions, and changes in 
    water quality. These projects produce revenue primarily through power 
    production. Commentors are concerned that sufficient funds be made 
    available for mitigation activities.
    Analysis and Response
        Reclamation, like all federal agencies, must have both 
    authorization and appropriations to undertake actions and incur debt. 
    In the Upper Colorado River Basin, Section 8 of the Colorado River 
    Storage Project Act authorizes and directs the Secretary of the 
    Interior to investigate, plan, construct, operate, and maintain 
    facilities to improve conditions for and mitigate losses of fish and 
    wildlife. Funds authorized by this section of the Act are 
    nonreimbursable and nonreturnable, and therefore must be appropriated 
    by Congress. Section 5(a) specifies that the Basin Fund will not be 
    applied to Section 8 (fish and wildlife mitigation). The Grand Canyon 
    Protection Act states that power revenues may be used for activities 
    designed to conserve the environment downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, 
    but does not exclude the use of other funding mechanisms.
        Mitigation and enhancement activities are typically identified and 
    proposed on a project-by-project basis through project planning and 
    environmental compliance. Reclamation has programmed and expended funds 
    for fish and wildlife mitigation and enhancement for impacts associated 
    with previous activities where appropriate. Most often these activities 
    are identified in Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Reports and 
    National Environmental Policy Act documents. Reclamation will continue 
    to use this approach. Since no changes are being proposed, there is no 
    specific mitigation or enhancement necessary for this action. 
    Reclamation will continue to comply with NEPA and other appropriate 
    environmental laws in identifying, planning, and carrying out 
    mitigation and enhancement activities.
    Issue #5
        Is there a need to change the Operating Criteria.
        The Operating Criteria are to accomplish the objectives of Section 
    602(a) of the Colorado River Basin Project Act. Modification of the 
    Operating Criteria can be done by the Secretary of the Interior '' * * 
    * as a result of actual operating experiences or unforeseen 
    circumstances * * * to better achieve the purposes specified in 
    [Section 602(a) of the Colorado River Basin Project Act].''
        Commentors stated that they believe ``* * * there are no conditions 
    resulting from actual operating experiences or unforeseen 
    circumstances, since the last review, that justify the need to modify 
    the existing Criteria,'' and that the reservoirs have been operating 
    satisfactorily under the present Operating Criteria. These comments 
    support not changing the criteria at this time.
        Others stated that we are entering a new era and that the Operating 
    Criteria should be changed to reflect different circumstances and 
    concerns. The Lower Basin States have reached their annual 
    apportionment of 7.5 million acre-feet for consumptive use. 
    Environmental and recreational issues have increased in value in the 
    eyes of the public. There were also those who stated that the Operating 
    Criteria need to be changed to include specific guidelines that allow 
    the Secretary of the Interior to make surplus, shortage, and normal 
    determinations. These comments all support a need for change.
    Analysis and Response
        The Operating Criteria provide guidelines for the operation of 
    Upper Basin Reservoirs and Lake Mead. Specific operational needs are 
    not detailed in the Operating Criteria. The specific needs have, in the 
    past, been addressed in the Annual Operating Plan development process.
        The Operating Criteria may be modified from time to time as a 
    result of actual operating experiences or unforeseen circumstances. 
    With the issues of surplus and flood control in our current operations 
    and possibly emerging over the next several years, the operational 
    experiences needed to determine if changes to the Operating Criteria 
    are necessary will be acquired. Under the present Operating Criteria, 
    surpluses have been declared for use in the United States as well as in 
        With the above in mind, the evaluation of operational experiences 
    over the next several years will determine whether or not to change the 
    Operating Criteria. But in the interim, the recommendation is not to 
    change the Operating Criteria.
    Issue #6
        Water marketing and banking.
        Several years ago the Bureau of Reclamation advanced draft 
    regulations for administering Colorado River water entitlements in the 
    Lower Basin States of Arizona, California, and Nevada. The draft 
    regulations contained provisions for water banking and water marketing 
    in the Lower Basin. Because there was not consensus with the states 
    regarding the draft regulations, they have been held in abeyance while 
    the three states attempt to reach some agreement on numerous issues, 
    including water marketing and banking. This negotiation process among 
    the states is continuing. Many people believe that some form of water 
    banking and marketing will be essential to meeting future water needs 
    in the Lower Colorado River Basin.
    Analysis and Response
        Reclamation has initiated a rule making process focused on water 
    banking in groundwater aquifers or off-mainstem storage reservoirs in 
    the Lower Basin. This administrative rule is considered a 
    responsibility of the Secretary of the Interior under the Boulder 
    Canyon Project Act, and focuses only on the three Lower Basin States. 
    Reclamation continues to work with the states and to encourage them to 
    cooperatively develop a proposal for water marketing and banking in the 
    Lower Basin.
        Reclamation believes that the limited water marketing and banking 
    currently under consideration would not require a change to the current 
    Operating Criteria.
    Proposed Decision
        The Department has considered issues arising from the review of the 
    [[Page 52359]]
    Criteria. After a careful review of the issues, solicitation of 
    involved party's responses to Reclamation's analysis, and consultation 
    with the Governor's representatives of the seven Basin States, the 
    Department proposes no modifications to the Operating Criteria at this 
        Dated: October 1, 1997.
    Stephen V. Magnussen,
    Acting Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation.
    [FR Doc. 97-26500 Filed 10-6-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-94-P

Document Information

Reclamation Bureau
Entry Type:
Reissue of Notice of Proposed Decision Regarding the Operating Criteria
Document Number:
All written comments relevant to this proposed decision must be received by close of business, October 17, 1997.
52354-52359 (6 pages)
PDF File: