98-26783. Notice of Filing of Pesticide Tolerance Petitions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 194 (Wednesday, October 7, 1998)]
    [Pages 53902-53911]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-26783]
    [PF-831; FRL-6026-3]
    Notice of Filing of Pesticide Tolerance Petitions
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces the initial filing of pesticide 
    petitions proposing the establishment of regulations for residues of 
    certain pesticide chemicals in or on various food commodities.
    DATES: Comments, identified by the docket control number PF-831, must 
    be received on or before November 6, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: By mail submit written comments to: Public Information and 
    Records Integrity Branch, Information Resources and Services Divison 
    (7502C), Office of Pesticides Programs, Environmental Protection 
    Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. In person bring comments 
    to: Rm. 119, Crystal Mall (CM) #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, 
    Arlington, VA.
    [[Page 53903]]
        Comments and data may also be submitted electronically by following 
    the instructions under ``SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION.'' No Confidential 
    Business Information (CBI) should be submitted through e-mail.
        Information submitted as a comment concerning this document may be 
    claimed confidential by marking any part or all of that information as 
    CBI. CBI should not be submitted through e-mail. Information marked as 
    CBI will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set 
    forth in 40 CFR part 2. A copy of the comment that does not contain CBI 
    must be submitted for inclusion in the public record. Information not 
    marked confidential may be disclosed publicly by EPA without prior 
    notice. All written comments will be available for public inspection in 
    Rm. 119 at the address given above, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday 
    through Friday, excluding legal holidays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The product manager listed in the 
    table below:
                                       Office location/
            Product Manager            telephone number          Address
    Leonard Cole..................  Rm. 209, CM #2, 703-    1921 Jefferson
                                     305-5412; e-mail:       Davis Hwy,
                                     [email protected]   Arlington, VA
    Mark Dow......................  Rm. 214, CM #2, 703-    Do.
                                     305-5533; e-mail:
    James Tompkins................  Rm. 239, CM #2, 703     Do.
                                     305-5697; e-mail:
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: EPA has received pesticide petitions as 
    follows proposing the establishment of regulations for residues of 
    certain pesticide chemicals in or on various raw food commodities under 
    section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Comestic Act (FFDCA), 21 
    U.S.C. 346a. EPA has determined that these petitions contain data or 
    information regarding the elements set forth in section 408(d)(2); 
    however, EPA has not fully evaluated the sufficiency of the submitted 
    data at this time or whether the data supports grantinig of the 
    petition. Additional data may be needed before EPA rules on the 
        The official record for this notice, as well as the public version, 
    has been established for this notice of filing under document control 
    number PF-831 (including comments and data submitted electronically as 
    described below). A public version of this record, including printed, 
    paper versions of electronic comments, which does not include any 
    information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection from 8:30 a.m. 
    to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The 
    official record is located at the address in ``ADDRESSES''.
        Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
        Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption. Comment and data 
    will also be accepted on disks in Wordperfect 5.1/6.1 file format or 
    ASCII file format. All comments and data in electronic form must be 
    identified by the document control number (PF-831) and appropriate 
    petition number. Electronic comments on this notice may be filed online 
    at many Federal Depository Libraries.
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 346a.
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Agricultural commodities, Food additives, 
    Feed additives, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        Dated: September 29, 1998.
    James Jones,
    Director, Registration Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.
    Summaries of Petitions
        Below summaries of the pesticide petitions are printed. The 
    summaries of the petitions were prepared by the petitioners. The 
    petition summary announces the availability of a description of the 
    analytical methods available to EPA for the detection and measurement 
    of the pesticide chemical residues or an explanation of why no such 
    method is needed.
    1. FMC Corporation
    PP 8F5014
        EPA has received a pesticide petition (PP 8F5014) from FMC 
    Corporation, 1735 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 proposing 
    pursuant to section 408(d) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 
    21 U.S.C. 346a(d), to amend 40 CFR part 180 by establishing a tolerance 
    for residues of Bifenthrin: (2-methyl [1,1'-biphenyl]-3-yl)methyl 3-(2-
    chloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-1-propenyl)-2,2 dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate 
    in or on the raw agricultural commodity corn, grain (sweet) at 0.05 and 
    corn, forage at 3.0 parts per million (ppm). EPA has determined that 
    the petition contains data or information regarding the elements set 
    forth in section 408(d)(2) of the FFDCA; however, EPA has not fully 
    evaluated the sufficiency of the submitted data at this time or whether 
    the data supports granting of the petition. Additional data may be 
    needed before EPA rules on the petition.
    A. Residue Chemistry
        1. Plant metabolism. The metabolism of bifenthrin in plants is 
    adequately understood. Studies have been conducted to delineate the 
    metabolism of radiolabelled bifenthrin in various crops all showing 
    similar results. The residue of concern is the parent compound only.
        2. Analytical method. There is a practical method for detecting and 
    measuring levels of bifenthrin in or on food with a limit of detection 
    that allows monitoring of food with residues at or above the levels set 
    in these tolerances (Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection 
    (GC/ECD) analytical method P-2132M, PP 0E3921, MRID 41658601).
        3. Magnitude of residues. Field residue trials meeting EPA study 
    requirements have been conducted at the maximum label rate for the crop 
    sweet corn. Results from these trials demonstrate that the proposed 
    bifenthrin tolerances on corn, sweet (k+cwhr) at 0.05 ppm and on corn, 
    forage at 3.0 ppm will not be exceeded when the product is applied 
    following the proposed use directions.
    B. Toxicological Profile
        1. Acute toxicity. For the purposes of assessing acute dietary 
    risk, FMC has used the maternal No-Observed-Adverse-Effects-Level 
    (NOAEL) of 1.0 milligram/kilogram/day (mg/kg/day) from the oral 
    developmental toxicity study in rats. The maternal Lowest Effect Level 
    (LEL) of this study of 2.0 mg/kg/day was based on tremors from day 7-17 
    of dosing. This acute dietary endpoint is used to determine acute 
    dietary risks to all population subgroups.
        2. Genotoxicty. The following genotoxicity tests were all negative:
    [[Page 53904]]
     gene mutation in Salmonella (Ames); chromosomal aberrations in Chinese 
    hamster ovary and rat bone marrow cells; Hypoxanthine guanine 
    phophoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) locus mutation in mouse lymphoma 
    cells; and unscheduled DNA synthesis in rat hepatocytes.
        3. Reproductive and developmental toxicity. i. In the rat 
    reproduction study, parental toxicity occurred as decreased body weight 
    at 5.0 mg/kg/day with a NOAEL of 3.0 mg/kg/day. There were no 
    developmental (pup) or reproductive effects up to 5.0 mg/kg/day 
    (highest dose tested).
        ii. Post-natal sensitivity. Based on the absence of pup toxicity up 
    to dose levels which produced toxicity in the parental animals, there 
    is no evidence of special post-natal sensitivity to infants and 
    children in the rat reproduction study.
        4. Subchronic toxicity. Short- and intermediate-term toxicity. The 
    maternal NOAEL of 1.0 mg/kg/day from the oral developmental toxicity 
    study in rats is also used for short- and intermediate-term Margins of 
    Exposure (MOE) calculations (as well as acute, discussed in (1) above). 
    The maternal LEL of this study of 2.0 mg/kg/day was based on tremors 
    from day 7-17 of dosing.
        5. Chronic toxicity. i. The Referenced Dose (RfD) has been 
    established at 0.015 mg/kg/day. This RfD is based on a 1-year oral 
    feeding study in dogs with a NOAEL of 1.5 mg/kg/day, based on 
    intermittent tremors observed at the Lowest Observed Effects Level 
    (LOEL) of 3.0 mg/kg/day; an uncertainty factor of 100 is used.
        ii. Bifenthrin is classified as a Group C chemical (possible human 
    carcinogen) based upon urinary bladder tumors in mice; assignment of a 
    Q* has not been recommended.
        6. Animal metabolism. The metabolism of bifenthrin in animals is 
    adequately understood. Metabolism studies in rats with single doses 
    demonstrated that about 90% of the parent compound and its hydroxylated 
    metabolites are excreted.
        7. Metabolite toxicology. The Agency has previously determined that 
    the metabolites of bifenthrin are not of toxicological concern and need 
    not be included in the tolerance expression.
        8. Endocrine disruption. No special studies investigating potential 
    estrogenic or other endocrine effects of bifenthrin have been 
    conducted. However, no evidence of such effects were reported in the 
    standard battery of required toxicology studies which have been 
    completed and found acceptable. Based on these studies, there is no 
    evidence to suggest that bifenthrin has an adverse effect on the 
    endocrine system.
    C. Aggregate Exposure
        1. Dietary exposure. -- Food. Tolerances have been established for 
    the residues of bifenthrin, in or on a variety of raw agricultural 
    commodities. Tolerances, in support of registrations, currently exist 
    for residues of bifenthrin on hops; strawberries; corn (field, seed, 
    and pop) grain, forage, and fodder; cottonseed; and from the associated 
    meat, milk and meat by-products from livestock commodities of cattle, 
    goats, hogs, horses, sheep, and poultry. Additionally, time-limited 
    tolerances associated with emergency exemptions were established for 
    broccoli, cauliflower, raspberries, cucurbits and canola. A pending 
    tolerance for artichokes also exists. For the purposes of assessing the 
    potential dietary exposure for these existing and pending tolerances as 
    well as the existing time-limited tolerances under FIFRA section 18 
    emergency exemptions, FMC has utilized available information on 
    anticipated residues, monitoring data and percent crop treated as 
        i. Acute exposure and risk. Acute dietary exposure risk assessments 
    are performed for a food-use pesticide if a toxicological study has 
    indicated the possibility of an effect of concern occurring as a result 
    of a 1 day or single exposure. For the purposes of assessing acute 
    dietary risk for bifenthrin, the maternal NOAEL of 1.0 mg/kg/day from 
    the oral developmental toxicity study in rats was used. The maternal 
    LEL of this study of 2.0 mg/kg/day was based on tremors from day 7-17 
    of dosing. This acute dietary endpoint was used to determine acute 
    dietary risks to all population subgroups. Available information on 
    anticipated residues, monitoring data and percent crop treated was 
    incorporated into a Tier 3 analysis, using Monte Carlo modeling for 
    commodities that may be consumed in a single serving. These assessments 
    show that the MOE are significantly greater than the EPA standard of 
    100 for all subpopulations. The 95th percentile of exposure for the 
    overall U. S. population was estimated to be 0.001105 mg/kg/day (MOE of 
    905); 99th percentile 0.002064 mg/kg/day (MOE of 484); and 99.9th 
    percentile 0.003955 mg/kg/day (MOE of 253). The 95th percentile of 
    exposure for all infants < 1="" year="" old="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 0.002234="" mg/="" kg/day="" (moe="" of="" 448);="" 99th="" percentile="" 0.004459="" mg/kg/day="" (moe="" of="" 224);="" and="" 99.9th="" percentile="" 0.006945="" mg/kg/day="" (moe="" of="" 144).="" the="" 95th="" percentile="" of="" exposure="" for="" nursing="" infants="">< 1="" year="" old="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 0.00061="" mg/kg/day="" (moe="" of="" 1,639);="" 99th="" percentile="" 0.001376="" mg/kg/="" day="" (moe="" of="" 727);="" and="" 99.9th="" percentile="" 0.002009="" mg/kg/day="" (moe="" of="" 498).="" the="" 95th="" percentile="" of="" exposure="" for="" non-nursing="" infants="">< one="" year="" old="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 0.002804="" mg/kg/day="" (moe="" of="" 357);="" 99th="" percentile="" 0.004831="" mg/kg/day="" (moe="" of="" 207);="" and="" 99.9th="" percentile="" 0.007236="" mg/kg/day="" (moe="" of="" 138).="" the="" 95th="" percentile="" of="" exposure="" for="" children="" 1="" to="" 6="" years="" old="" (the="" most="" highly="" exposed="" population="" subgroup)="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 0.002377="" mg/kg/day="" (moe="" of="" 421);="" 99th="" percentile="" 0.003483="" mg/kg/day="" (moe="" of="" 287);="" and="" 99.9th="" percentile="" 0.00628="" mg/kg/="" day="" (moe="" of="" 159).="" therefore,="" fmc="" concludes="" that="" the="" acute="" dietary="" risk="" of="" bifenthrin,="" as="" estimated="" by="" the="" dietary="" risk="" assessment,="" does="" not="" appear="" to="" be="" of="" concern.="" ii.="" chronic="" exposure="" and="" risk.="" the="" acceptable="" rfd="" is="" based="" on="" a="" noael="" of="" 1.5="" mg/kg/day="" from="" the="" chronic="" dog="" study="" and="" an="" uncertainty="" factor="" of="" 100="" is="" 0.015="" mg/kg/day.="" the="" endpoint="" effect="" of="" concern="" were="" tremors="" in="" both="" sexes="" of="" dogs="" at="" the="" lel="" of="" 3.0="" mg/kg/day.="" a="" chronic="" dietary="" exposure/risk="" assessment="" has="" been="" performed="" for="" bifenthrin="" using="" the="" above="" rfd.="" available="" information="" on="" anticipated="" residues,="" monitoring="" data="" and="" percent="" crop="" treated="" was="" incorporated="" into="" the="" analysis="" to="" estimate="" the="" anticipated="" residue="" contribution="" (arc).="" the="" arc="" is="" generally="" considered="" a="" more="" realistic="" estimate="" than="" an="" estimate="" based="" on="" tolerance="" level="" residues.="" the="" arc="" are="" estimated="" to="" be="" 0.000384="" mg/kg="" body="" weight="" (bwt)/day="" and="" utilize="" 2.6%="" of="" the="" rfd="" for="" the="" overall="" u.="" s.="" population.="" the="" arc="" for="" non-nursing="" infants=""><1 year)="" and="" children="" 1-6="" years="" old="" (subgroups="" most="" highly="" exposed)="" are="" estimated="" to="" be="" 0.000837="" mg/kg="" bwt/day="" and="" 0.001265="" mg/kg="" bwt/day="" and="" utilizes="" 5.6%="" and="" 8.4%="" of="" the="" rfd,="" respectively.="" generally="" speaking,="" the="" epa="" has="" no="" cause="" for="" concern="" if="" the="" total="" dietary="" exposure="" from="" residues="" for="" uses="" for="" which="" there="" are="" published="" and="" proposed="" tolerances="" is="" less="" than="" 100%="" of="" the="" rfd.="" therefore,="" fmc="" concludes="" that="" the="" chronic="" dietary="" risk="" of="" bifenthrin,="" as="" estimated="" by="" the="" dietary="" risk="" assessment,="" does="" not="" appear="" to="" be="" of="" concern.="" 2.="" drinking="" water.="" laboratory="" and="" field="" data="" have="" demonstrated="" that="" bifenthrin="" is="" immobile="" in="" soil="" and="" will="" not="" leach="" into="" groundwater.="" other="" data="" show="" that="" bifenthrin="" is="" virtually="" insoluble="" in="" water="" and="" extremely="" lipophilic.="" as="" a="" result,="" fmc="" concludes="" that="" residues="" reaching="" surface="" waters="" from="" field="" runoff="" will="" quickly="" adsorb="" to="" sediment="" particles="" and="" be="" partitioned="" [[page="" 53905]]="" from="" the="" water="" column.="" further,="" a="" screening="" evaluation="" of="" leaching="" potential="" of="" a="" typical="" pyrethroid="" was="" conducted="" using="" epa's="" pesticide="" root="" zone="" model="" (przm3).="" based="" on="" this="" screening="" assessment,="" the="" potential="" concentrations="" of="" a="" pyrethroid="" in="" groundwater="" at="" depths="" of="" 1="" and="" 2="" meters="" are="" essentially="" zero=""><0.001 parts="" per="" billion="" (ppb)).="" surface="" water="" concentrations="" for="" pyrethroids="" were="" estimated="" using="" przm3="" and="" exposure="" analysis="" modeling="" system="" (exams)="" using="" standard="" epa="" cotton="" runoff="" and="" mississippi="" pond="" scenarios.="" the="" maximum="" concentration="" predicted="" in="" the="" simulated="" pond="" was="" 0.052="" ppb.="" concentrations="" in="" actual="" drinking="" water="" would="" be="" much="" lower="" than="" the="" levels="" predicted="" in="" the="" hypothetical,="" small,="" stagnant="" farm="" pond="" model="" since="" drinking="" water="" derived="" from="" surface="" water="" would="" normally="" be="" treated="" before="" consumption.="" based="" on="" these="" analyses,="" the="" contribution="" of="" water="" to="" the="" dietary="" risk="" estimate="" is="" negligible.="" therefore,="" fmc="" concludes="" that="" together="" these="" data="" indicate="" that="" residues="" are="" not="" expected="" to="" occur="" in="" drinking="" water.="" 3.="" non-dietary="" exposure.="" analyses="" were="" conducted="" which="" included="" an="" evaluation="" of="" potential="" non-dietary="" (residential)="" applicator,="" post-="" application="" and="" chronic="" dietary="" aggregate="" exposures="" associated="" with="" bifenthrin="" products="" used="" for="" residential="" flea="" infestation="" control="" and="" agricultural/commercial="" applications.="" the="" aggregate="" analysis="" conservatively="" assumes="" that="" a="" person="" is="" concurrently="" exposed="" to="" the="" same="" active="" ingredient="" via="" the="" use="" of="" consumer="" or="" professional="" flea="" infestation="" control="" products="" and="" to="" chronic="" level="" residues="" in="" the="" diet.="" in="" the="" case="" of="" potential="" non-dietary="" health="" risks,="" conservative="" point="" estimates="" of="" non-dietary="" exposures,="" expressed="" as="" total="" systemic="" absorbed="" dose="" (summed="" across="" inhalation="" and="" incidental="" ingestion="" routes)="" for="" each="" relevant="" product="" use="" category="" (i.e.,="" lawn="" care)="" and="" receptor="" subpopulation="" (i.e.,="" adults,="" children="" 1="" -="" 6="" years="" and="" infants="">< 1="" year)="" are="" compared="" to="" the="" systemic="" absorbed="" dose="" noael="" for="" bifenthrin="" to="" provide="" estimates="" of="" the="" moes.="" based="" on="" the="" toxicity="" endpoints="" selected="" by="" epa="" for="" bifenthrin,="" inhalation="" and="" incidental="" oral="" ingestion="" absorbed="" doses="" were="" combined="" and="" compared="" to="" the="" relevant="" systemic="" noael="" for="" estimating="" moes.="" in="" the="" case="" of="" potential="" aggregate="" health="" risks,="" the="" above="" mentioned="" conservative="" point="" estimates="" of="" inhalation="" and="" incidental="" ingestion="" non-dietary="" exposure="" (expressed="" as="" systemic="" absorbed="" dose)="" are="" combined="" with="" estimates="" (arithmetic="" mean="" values)="" of="" chronic="" average="" dietary="" (oral)="" absorbed="" doses.="" these="" aggregate="" absorbed="" dose="" estimates="" are="" also="" provided="" for="" adults,="" children="" 1="" -="" 6="" years="" and="" infants="">< 1="" year.="" the="" combined="" or="" aggregated="" absorbed="" dose="" estimates="" (summed="" across="" non-dietary="" and="" chronic="" dietary)="" are="" then="" compared="" with="" the="" systemic="" absorbed="" dose="" noael="" to="" provide="" estimates="" of="" aggregate="" moes.="" the="" non-dietary="" and="" aggregate="" (non-dietary="" +="" chronic="" dietary)="" moes="" for="" bifenthrin="" indicate="" a="" substantial="" degree="" of="" safety.="" the="" total="" non-="" dietary="" (inhalation="" +="" incidental="" ingestion)="" moes="" for="" post-application="" exposure="" for="" the="" lawn="" care="" product="" evaluated="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="">51,000 for adults, 1,900 for children 1-6 years old and 1,800 for 
    infants < 1="" year.="" the="" aggregate="" moe="" (inhalation="" +="" incidental="" oral="" +="" chronic="" dietary,="" summed="" across="" all="" product="" use="" categories)="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 2,479="" for="" adults,="" 559="" for="" children="" 1-6="" years="" old="" and="" 712="" for="" infants=""><1 year).="" it="" can="" be="" concluded="" that="" the="" potential="" non-="" dietary="" and="" aggregate="" (non-dietary="" +="" chronic="" dietary)="" exposures="" for="" bifenthrin="" are="" associated="" with="" substantial="" margins="" of="" safety.="" d.="" cumulative="" effects="" in="" consideration="" of="" potential="" cumulative="" effects="" of="" bifenthrin="" and="" other="" substances="" that="" may="" have="" a="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity,="" to="" our="" knowledge="" there="" are="" currently="" no="" available="" data="" or="" other="" reliable="" information="" indicating="" that="" any="" toxic="" effects="" produced="" by="" bifenthrin="" would="" be="" cumulative="" with="" those="" of="" other="" chemical="" compounds;="" thus="" only="" the="" potential="" risks="" of="" bifenthrin="" have="" been="" considered="" in="" this="" assessment="" of="" its="" aggregate="" exposure.="" fmc="" intends="" to="" submit="" information="" for="" the="" epa="" to="" consider="" concerning="" potential="" cumulative="" effects="" of="" bifenthrin="" consistent="" with="" the="" schedule="" established="" by="" epa="" published="" in="" the="" federal="" register="" of="" august="" 4,="" 1997="" (62="" fr="" 42020)="" (frl="" 5734-6)="" and="" other="" epa="" publications="" pursuant="" to="" the="" food="" quality="" protection="" act="" (fqpa).="" e.="" safety="" determination="" 1.="" u.s.="" population.="" based="" on="" a="" complete="" and="" reliable="" toxicology="" database,="" the="" acceptable="" rfd="" is="" 0.015="" mg/kg/day,="" based="" on="" a="" noael="" of="" 1.5="" mg/kg/day="" from="" the="" chronic="" dog="" study="" and="" an="" uncertainty="" factor="" of="" 100.="" available="" information="" on="" anticipated="" residues,="" monitoring="" data="" and="" percent="" crop="" treated="" was="" incorporated="" into="" an="" analysis="" to="" estimate="" the="" anticipated="" residue="" contribution="" (arc)="" for="" 26="" population="" subgroups.="" the="" arc="" is="" generally="" considered="" a="" more="" realistic="" estimate="" than="" an="" estimate="" based="" on="" tolerance="" level="" residues.="" the="" arc="" are="" estimated="" to="" be="" 0.000384="" mg/kg="" bwt/day="" and="" utilize="" 2.6%="" of="" the="" rfd="" for="" the="" overall="" u.="" s.="" population.="" the="" arc="" for="" non-nursing="" infants=""><1 year)="" and="" children="" 1-6="" years="" old="" (subgroups="" most="" highly="" exposed)="" are="" estimated="" to="" be="" 0.000837="" mg/kg="" bwt/day="" and="" 0.001265="" mg/kg="" bwt/day="" and="" utilizes="" 5.6%="" and="" 8.4%="" of="" the="" rfd,="" respectively.="" generally="" speaking,="" the="" epa="" has="" no="" cause="" for="" concern="" if="" the="" total="" dietary="" exposure="" from="" residues="" for="" uses="" for="" which="" there="" are="" published="" and="" proposed="" tolerances="" is="" less="" than="" 100%="" of="" the="" rfd.="" therefore,="" fmc="" concludes="" that="" the="" chronic="" dietary="" risk="" of="" bifenthrin,="" as="" estimated="" by="" the="" aggregate="" risk="" assessment,="" does="" not="" appear="" to="" be="" of="" concern.="" for="" the="" overall="" u.s.="" population,="" the="" calculated="" moe="" at="" the="" 95th="" percentile="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 905;="" 484="" at="" the="" 99th="" percentile;="" and="" 253="" at="" the="" 99.9th="" percentile.="" for="" all="" infants="">< one="" year="" old,="" the="" calculated="" moe="" at="" the="" 95th="" percentile="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 448;="" 224="" at="" the="" 99th="" percentile;="" and="" 144="" at="" the="" 99.9th="" percentile.="" for="" nursing="" infants="">< 1="" year="" old,="" the="" calculated="" moe="" at="" the="" 95th="" percentile="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 1,639;="" 727="" at="" the="" 99th="" percentile;="" and="" 498="" at="" the="" 99.9th="" percentile.="" for="" non-nursing="" infants="">< 1="" year="" old,="" the="" calculated="" moe="" at="" the="" 95th="" percentile="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 357;="" 207="" at="" the="" 99th="" percentile;="" and="" 138="" at="" the="" 99.9th="" percentile.="" for="" the="" most="" highly="" exposed="" population="" subgroup,="" children="" 1="" -="" 6="" years="" old,="" the="" calculated="" moe="" at="" the="" 95th="" percentile="" was="" estimated="" to="" be="" 421;="" 287="" at="" the="" 99th="" percentile;="" and="" 159="" at="" the="" 99.9th="" percentile.="" therefore,="" fmc="" concludes="" that="" there="" is="" reasonable="" certainty="" that="" no="" harm="" will="" result="" from="" acute="" exposure="" to="" bifenthrin.="" 2.="" infants="" and="" children.="" --i.="" general.="" in="" assessing="" the="" potential="" for="" additional="" sensitivity="" of="" infants="" and="" children="" to="" residues="" of="" bifenthrin,="" fmc="" considered="" data="" from="" developmental="" toxicity="" studies="" in="" the="" rat="" and="" rabbit,="" and="" a="" 2-generation="" reproductive="" study="" in="" the="" rat.="" the="" developmental="" toxicity="" studies="" are="" designed="" to="" evaluate="" adverse="" effects="" on="" the="" developing="" organism="" resulting="" from="" pesticide="" exposure="" during="" prenatal="" development="" to="" one="" or="" both="" parents.="" reproduction="" studies="" provide="" information="" relating="" to="" effects="" from="" exposure="" to="" the="" pesticide="" on="" the="" reproductive="" capability="" of="" mating="" animals="" and="" data="" on="" systemic="" toxicity.="" ffdca="" section="" 408="" provides="" that="" epa="" may="" apply="" an="" additional="" margin="" of="" safety="" for="" infants="" and="" children="" in="" the="" case="" of="" threshold="" effects="" to="" account="" for="" pre-="" and="" post-natal="" toxicity="" and="" the="" completeness="" of="" the="" database.="" [[page="" 53906]]="" ii.="" developmental="" toxicity="" studies.="" in="" the="" rabbit="" developmental="" study,="" there="" were="" no="" developmental="" effects="" observed="" in="" the="" fetuses="" exposed="" to="" bifenthrin.="" the="" maternal="" noael="" was="" 2.67="" mg/kg/day="" based="" on="" head="" and="" forelimb="" twitching="" at="" the="" loel="" of="" 4="" mg/kg/day.="" in="" the="" rat="" developmental="" study,="" the="" maternal="" noael="" was="" 1="" mg/kg/day,="" based="" on="" tremors="" at="" the="" loel="" of="" 2="" mg/kg/day.="" the="" developmental="" (pup)="" noael="" was="" also="" 1="" mg/kg/day,="" based="" upon="" increased="" incidence="" of="" hydroureter="" at="" the="" loel="" 2="" mg/kg/day.="" there="" were="" 5/23="" (22%)="" litters="" affected="" (5/141="" fetuses="" since="" each="" litter="" only="" had="" one="" affected="" fetus)="" in="" the="" 2="" mg/kg/day="" group,="" compared="" with="" zero="" in="" the="" control,="" 1,="" and="" 0.5="" mg/kg/day="" groups.="" according="" to="" recent="" historical="" data="" (1992-1994)="" for="" this="" strain="" of="" rat,="" incidence="" of="" distended="" ureter="" averaged="" 11%="" with="" a="" maximum="" incidence="" of="" 90%.="" iii.="" reproductive="" toxicity="" study.="" in="" the="" rat="" reproduction="" study,="" parental="" toxicity="" occurred="" as="" decreased="" body="" weight="" at="" 5.0="" mg/kg/day="" with="" a="" noael="" of="" 3.0="" mg/kg/day.="" there="" were="" no="" developmental="" (pup)="" or="" reproductive="" effects="" up="" to="" 5.0="" mg/kg/day="" (highest="" dose="" tested).="" iv.="" pre-="" and="" post-natal="" sensitivity.="" --a.="" pre-natal.="" since="" there="" was="" not="" a="" dose-related="" finding="" of="" hydroureter="" in="" the="" rat="" developmental="" study="" and="" in="" the="" presence="" of="" similar="" incidences="" in="" the="" recent="" historical="" control="" data,="" the="" marginal="" finding="" of="" hydroureter="" in="" rat="" fetuses="" at="" 2="" mg/kg/day="" (in="" the="" presence="" of="" maternal="" toxicity)="" is="" not="" considered="" a="" significant="" developmental="" finding.="" nor="" does="" it="" provide="" sufficient="" evidence="" of="" a="" special="" dietary="" risk="" (either="" acute="" or="" chronic)="" for="" infants="" and="" children="" which="" would="" require="" an="" additional="" safety="" factor.="" b.="" post-natal.="" based="" on="" the="" absence="" of="" pup="" toxicity="" up="" to="" dose="" levels="" which="" produced="" toxicity="" in="" the="" parental="" animals,="" there="" is="" no="" evidence="" of="" special="" post-natal="" sensitivity="" to="" infants="" and="" children="" in="" the="" rat="" reproduction="" study.="" v.="" conclusion.="" based="" on="" the="" above,="" fmc="" concludes="" that="" reliable="" data="" support="" use="" of="" the="" standard="" 100-fold="" uncertainty="" factor,="" and="" that="" an="" additional="" uncertainty="" factor="" is="" not="" needed="" to="" protect="" the="" safety="" of="" infants="" and="" children.="" as="" stated="" above,="" aggregate="" exposure="" assessments="" utilized="" significantly="" less="" than="" 1%="" of="" the="" rfd="" for="" either="" the="" entire="" u.="" s.="" population="" or="" any="" of="" the="" 26="" population="" subgroups="" including="" infants="" and="" children.="" therefore,="" it="" may="" be="" concluded="" that="" there="" is="" reasonable="" certainty="" that="" no="" harm="" will="" result="" to="" infants="" and="" children="" from="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" bifenthrin="" residues.="" f.="" international="" tolerances="" there="" are="" no="" codex,="" canadian,="" or="" mexican="" residue="" limits="" for="" residues="" of="" bifenthrin="" in="" or="" on="" corn,="" sweet.="" (mark="" dow)="" 2.="" norvartis="" crop="" protection="" pp="" 8f4984="" epa="" has="" received="" a="" pesticide="" petition="" (pp="" 8f4984)="" from="" norvartis="" crop="" protection,="" p.o.="" box="" 18300="" proposing="" pursuant="" to="" section="" 408(d)="" of="" the="" federal="" food,="" drug,="" and="" cosmetic="" act,="" 21="" u.s.c.="" 346a(d),="" to="" amend="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 180="" by="" establishing="" a="" tolerance="" for="" residues="" of="" prymetrozine="" in="" or="" on="" the="" raw="" agricultural="" commodity="" cotton="" at="" 0.4="" parts="" per="" million="" (ppm),="" and="" on="" cotton="" gin="" by-products="" at="" 3.0="" ppm.="" epa="" has="" determined="" that="" the="" petition="" contains="" data="" or="" information="" regarding="" the="" elements="" set="" forth="" in="" section="" 408(d)(2)="" of="" the="" ffdca;="" however,="" epa="" has="" not="" fully="" evaluated="" the="" sufficiency="" of="" the="" submitted="" data="" at="" this="" time="" or="" whether="" the="" data="" supports="" granting="" of="" the="" petition.="" additional="" data="" may="" be="" needed="" before="" epa="" rules="" on="" the="" petition.="" a.="" residue="" chemistry="" 1.="" plant="" metabolism.="" the="" metabolism="" of="" cga-215944="" in="" plants="" is="" understood="" for="" the="" purposes="" of="" the="" proposed="" tolerance.="" studies="" in="" rice,="" tomatoes,="" cotton="" and="" potatoes="" gave="" similar="" results.="" identified="" metabolic="" pathways="" have="" demonstrated="" that="" pymetrozine="" is="" the="" residue="" of="" concern="" for="" tolerance="" setting="" purposes.="" 2.="" analytical="" method--i.="" crops.="" novartis="" has="" submitted="" two="" analytical="" methods="" for="" the="" determination="" of="" pymetrozine="" and="" its="" major="" crop="" metabolite,="" in="" crop="" substrates.="" for="" both="" methods,="" the="" limit="" of="" detection="" (lod)="" is="" 1.0="" nanogram="" (ng)="" and="" the="" limit="" of="" quantitation="" (loq)="" of="" 0.02="" ppm.="" samples="" are="" extracted="" using="" acetonitrile:="" 0.05m="" sodium="" borate="" and="" an="" aliquot="" is="" taken="" for="" each="" method.="" the="" aliquots="" were="" cleaned="" up="" with="" solid-phase="" and/or="" liquid-liquid="" partitions="" and="" analyzed="" by="" high="" preformance="" liquid="" chromatography="" (hplc)="" with="" column-="" switching="" and="" ultra="" violet="" (uv)="" detection.="" both="" methods="" have="" undergone="" independent="" laboratory="" validation.="" the="" pymetrozine="" analytical="" method="" is="" proposed="" as="" the="" tolerance="" enforcement="" method.="" ii.="" livestock.="" novartis="" has="" submitted="" an="" analytical="" methods="" for="" the="" determination="" of="" pymetrozine="" in="" eggs,="" milk="" and="" poultry,="" dairy="" and="" goat="" tissues.="" the="" lod="" for="" the="" analytical="" method="" is="" 1.0="" ng="" and="" the="" loq="" is="" 0.01="" ppm.="" samples="" are="" extracted="" using="" acetonitrile:water,="" cleaned="" up="" with="" solid-phase="" and="" liquid-liquid="" partitions,="" and="" analyzed="" for="" pymetrozine="" by="" hplc="" with="" column="" switching="" and="" uv="" detection.="" novartis="" has="" also="" submitted="" an="" analytical="" method="" for="" the="" determination="" of="" the="" major="" livestock="" metabolite="" of="" pymetrozine="" in="" dairy="" and="" goat="" tissues="" and="" milk.="" this="" method="" also="" accounts="" for="" a="" phosphate="" conjugate,="" which="" is="" a="" significant="" metabolite="" found="" only="" in="" milk.="" the="" lod="" for="" the="" metabolite="" method="" is="" 1.5="" ng="" and="" the="" is="" loq="" of="" 0.01="" ppm.="" samples="" are="" extracted="" using="" methanol:water.="" milk="" samples="" are="" heated="" to="" hydrolyze="" the="" phosphate="" conjugate,="" and="" all="" samples="" are="" cleaned="" up="" with="" solid-phase="" partitions="" and="" analyzed="" by="" hplc="" with="" uv="" detection.="" the="" parent="" analytical="" method="" has="" successfully="" undergone="" independent="" laboratory="" validation.="" 3.="" magnitude="" of="" residues="" --i.="" cotton.="" the="" maximum="" residues="" of="" pymetrozine="" detected="" in="" samples="" of="" undelinted="" cottonseed="" from="" cotton="" supporting="" the="" maximum="" proposed="" application="" rate="" of="" 3="" x="" 0.086="" lbs.="" active="" ingredient/acre="" (ai/a)="0.258" lbs.="" ai/a="" (residue="" program="" performed="" at="" 1="" x="" 0.099="" lbs.="" ai/a="" +="" 2="" x="" 0.132="" lbs.="" ai/a="0.363" lbs.="" ai/="" a)="" harvested="" with="" a="" 21-day="" pre-harvest="" interval="" (phi)="" were="" 0.32="" ppm.="" the="" maximum="" residues="" of="" the="" major="" metabolite="" gs-23199="" detected="" in="" samples="" of="" undelinted="" cottonseed="" resulting="" from="" cotton="" treated="" as="" described="" above="" and="" harvested="" with="" a="" 21-day="" phi="" were="" 0.04="" ppm.="" the="" maximum="" residues="" of="" pymetrozine="" detected="" in="" samples="" of="" cotton="" gin="" trash="" from="" cotton="" supporting="" the="" maximum="" proposed="" application="" rate="" of="" 3="" x="" 0.086="" lbs.="" ai/a="0.258" lbs.="" ai/a="" (residue="" program="" performed="" at="" 1="" x="" 0.099="" lbs.="" ai/a="" +="" 2="" x="" 0.132="" lbs.="" ai/a="0.363" lbs.="" ai/a)="" harvested="" with="" a="" 21-day="" phi="" were="" 2.4="" ppm.="" the="" maximum="" residues="" of="" gs-23199="" detected="" in="" samples="" of="" cotton="" gin="" trash="" resulting="" from="" cotton="" treated="" as="" described="" above="" and="" harvested="" with="" a="" 21-day="" phi="" were="" 0.31="" ppm.="" the="" maximum="" residues="" of="" pymetrozine="" detected="" in="" samples="" of="" cottonseed="" hulls="" from="" cotton="" supporting="" the="" maximum="" proposed="" application="" rate="" of="" 3="" x="" 0.086="" lbs.="" ai/a="0.258" lbs.="" ai/a="" (residue="" program="" performed="" at="" 1="" x="" 0.099="" lbs.="" ai/a="" +="" 2="" x="" 0.132="" lbs.="" ai/a="0.363" lbs.="" ai/a)="" harvested="" with="" a="" 21-day="" phi="" were="" 0.08="" ppm.="" no="" residues="" of="" gs-23199="" were="" detected="" in="" samples="" of="" cottonseed="" hulls.="" no="" detectable="" residues="" of="" either="" pymetrozine="" or="" gs-23199="" were="" found="" in="" samples="" of="" cottonseed="" meal="" or="" refined="" oil="" from="" cotton="" supporting="" the="" maximum="" proposed="" application="" rate="" of="" [[page="" 53907]]="" 3="" x="" 0.086="" lbs.="" ai/a="0.258" lbs.="" ai/a="" (residue="" program="" performed="" at="" 1="" x="" 0.099="" lbs.="" ai/a="" +="" 2="" x="" 0.132="" lbs.="" ai/a="0.363" lbs.="" ai/a)="" harvested="" with="" a="" 21-day="" phi.="" ii.="" livestock.="" a="" 3-level="" dairy="" feeding="" study="" was="" conducted="" using="" pymetrozine="" as="" the="" test="" substance.="" holstein="" dairy="" cows="" were="" dosed="" daily="" with="" pymetrozine="" at="" levels="" equivalent="" to="" 0="" (control),="" 1.0="" ppm,="" 3.0="" ppm="" and="" 10="" ppm.="" these="" rates="" represent="" 1.6,="" 5="" and="" 16="" times="" the="" maximum="" contribution="" to="" the="" diet="" that="" could="" be="" expected="" from="" cotton.="" this="" study="" was="" designed="" to="" provide="" data="" concerning="" the="" level="" of="" residues="" of="" pymetrozine,="" and="" cga-313124,="" in="" milk="" and="" tissues="" which="" could="" occur="" as="" a="" result="" of="" feeding="" crops="" treated="" with="" pymetrozine="" to="" dairy="" cows.="" the="" results="" are="" used="" to="" estimate="" the="" transfer="" of="" residues="" from="" the="" diet="" to="" the="" tissues="" and="" milk="" of="" livestock.="" no="" detectable="" residues="" of="" pymetrozine="" or="" cga-313124="" were="" observed="" in="" samples="" of="" liver,="" kidney,="" perirenal="" fat,="" omental="" fat,="" round="" muscle,="" or="" tenderloin="" muscle="" from="" cows="" dosed="" with="" 10="" ppm="" (16="" x="" )="" pymetrozine.="" no="" detectable="" residues="" of="" pymetrozine="" were="" observed="" in="" samples="" of="" milk="" from="" cows="" dosed="" with="" 10="" ppm="" (16="" x="" ),="" 3="" ppm="" (5="" x="" ),="" or="" 1="" ppm="" 1.6="" x="" )="" pymetrozine="" at="" any="" sampling="" interval.="" detectable="" residues="" of="" cga-313124="" occurred="" only="" in="" milk="" samples="" from="" 80="" x="" dosed="" cows="" at="" a="" maximum="" level="" of="" 0.05="" ppm.these="" results="" indicate="" that="" there="" is="" no="" need="" to="" establish="" a="" meat="" and="" milk="" tolerance.="" b.="" toxicological="" profile="" 1.="" acute="" toxicity.="" pymetrozine="" has="" low="" acute="" toxicity.="" the="" oral="">50 in rats is >5,820 milligram/kilograms (mg/kg) for males 
    and females, combined. The rat dermal LD50 is > 2,000 mg/kg 
    and the rat inhalation LC50 is > 1.8 mg/liter (L) air. 
    Pymetrozine is not a skin sensitizer in guinea pigs and does not 
    produce dermal irritation in rabbits. It produces minimal eye 
    irritation in rabbits. End-use water-dispersible granule formulations 
    of pymetrozine have similar low acute toxicity profiles.
        2. Genotoxicty. Pymetrozine has low acute toxicity. The oral 
    LD50 in rats is > 5,820 mg/kg for males and females, 
    combined. The rat dermal LD50 is > 2,000 mg/kg and the rat 
    inhalation LC50 is > 1.8 mg/L air. Pymetrozine is not a skin 
    sensitizer in guinea pigs and does not produce dermal irritation in 
    rabbits. It produces minimal eye irritation in rabbits. End-use water-
    dispersible granule formulations of pymetrozine have similar low acute 
    toxicity profiles.
        3. Reproductive and developmental toxicity. In a teratology study 
    in rats, pymetrozine caused decreased body weights (bwts) and food 
    consumption in females given 100 and 300 mg/kg/day during gestation. 
    This maternal toxicity was accompanied by fetal skeletal anomalies and 
    variations consistent with delayed ossification. The no-observed-
    adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) for maternal and fetal effects in rats was 
    30 mg/kg/day. A teratology in rabbits showed that pymetrozine caused 
    maternal death and reduced body weight gain and food consumption at 125 
    mg/kg/day highest dose tested (HDT). Maternal toxicity was accompanied 
    by embryo- and feto-toxicity (abortion in one female and total 
    resorptions in two females). Body weight and food consumption 
    decreases, early resorptions and postimplantation losses were also 
    observed in maternal rabbits given 75 mg/kg/day. There was an increased 
    incidence of fetal skeletal anomalies and variations at these 
    maternally toxic doses. The NOAEL for maternal and fetal effects in 
    rabbits was 10 mg/kg/day. Pymetrozine is not teratogenic in rats or 
    rabbits. In a 2-generation reproduction study in rats, parental body 
    weight and food consumption were decreased, liver and spleen weights 
    were reduced and histopathological changes in liver, spleen and 
    pituitary were observed at 2,000 ppm HDT. Liver hypertrophy was 
    observed in parental males at 200 ppm (approximately 10-40 mg/kg/day). 
    Reproductive parameters were not affected by treatment with 
    pymetrozine. The NOAEL for reproductive toxicity is 2,000 ppm 
    (approximately 110-440 mg/kg/day). Offspring bwts were slightly reduced 
    at 2,000 and 200 ppm and eye opening was slightly delayed in pups at 
    2,000 ppm. Effects on offspring were secondary to parental toxicity. 
    The NOAEL for toxicity to adults and pups is 20 ppm (approximately 1-4 
        4. Subchronic toxicity. Pymetrozine was evaluated in 13-week 
    subchronic toxicity studies in rats, dogs and mice. Liver, kidneys, 
    thymus and spleen were identified as target organs. The NOAEL was 500 
    ppm (33 mg/kg/day) in rats and 100 ppm (3 mg/kg/day) in dogs. In mice, 
    increased liver weights and microscopical changes in the liver were 
    observed at all doses tested. The NOAEL in mice was <1,000 ppm="" (198="" mg/="" kg/day).="" no="" dermal="" irritation="" or="" systemic="" toxicity="" occurred="" in="" a="" 28-day="" repeated="" dose="" dermal="" toxicity="" study="" with="" pymetrozine="" in="" rats="" given="" 1,000="" mg/kg/day.="" minimum="" direct="" dermal="" absorption="" (1.1%)="" of="" pymetrozine="" was="" detected="" in="" rats="" over="" a="" 21="" hour="" period="" of="" dermal="" exposure.="" maximum="" radioactivity="" left="" on="" or="" in="" the="" skin="" at="" the="" application="" site="" and="" considered="" for="" potential="" absorption="" was="" 11.9%.="" 5.="" chronic="" toxicity.="" based="" on="" chronic="" toxicity="" studies="" in="" the="" dog="" and="" rat,="" a="" reference="" dose="" (rfd)="" of="" 0.0057="" mg/kg/day="" is="" proposed="" for="" pymetrozine.="" this="" rfd="" is="" based="" on="" a="" noael="" of="" 0.57="" mg/kg/day="" established="" in="" the="" chronic="" dog="" study="" and="" an="" uncertainty="" factor="" of="" 100="" to="" account="" for="" interspecies="" extrapolation="" and="" interspecies="" variability.="" minor="" changes="" in="" blood="" chemistry="" parameters,="" including="" higher="" plasma="" cholesterol="" and="" phospholipid="" levels,="" were="" observed="" in="" the="" dog="" at="" the="" lowest-observed-effect="" level="" (loel)="" of="" 5.3="" mg/kg/day.="" the="" noael="" established="" in="" the="" rat="" chronic="" toxicity="" study="" was="" 3.7="" mg/kg/day,="" based="" on="" reduced="" bwt="" gain="" and="" food="" consumption,="" hematology="" and="" blood="" chemistry="" changes,="" liver="" pathology="" and="" biliary="" cysts.z.="" 6.="" animal="" metabolism.="" the="" metabolism="" of="" pymetrozine="" (cga-215944)="" in="" the="" rat="" is="" well="" understood.="" metabolism="" involves="" oxidation="" of="" the="" 5-="" methylene="" group="" of="" the="" triazine="" ring="" yielding="" 4,5-dihydro-5-hydroxy-6-="" methyl-4-[(3-pyridinylmethylene)amino]-1,2,4-triazin-3(2h)-one="" (cga-="" 359009).="" oxidation="" of="" the="" methyl="" substituent="" of="" the="" triazine="" ring="" led="" to="" 4,5-dihydro-6-(hydroxymethyl)-4-[(3-pyridinylmethylene)amino]-1,2,4-="" triazin-3(2h)-one="" (cga-313124)="" which="" was="" further="" oxidized="" to="" the="" corresponding="" carboxylic="" acid,="" 4,5-dihydro-6-carboxy-4-[(3-="" pyridinylmethylene)amino]-1,2,4-triazin-3(2h)-one.="" hydrolysis="" of="" the="" enamino="" bridge="" yielded="" 4-amino-6-methyl-1,2,4-triazin-3,5(2h,4h)-dione="" (cga-294849).="" this="" was="" further="" degraded="" to="" 6-methyl-1,2,4-triazin-="" 3,5(2h,4h)-dione="" (metabolite).="" hydrolysis="" of="" the="" enamino="" bridge="" of="" cga-="" 215944="" produced="" cga-215525="" which="" undergoes="" either="" acylation="" (cga-="" 259168)="" or="" deamination="" yielding="" 4,5-dihydro-6-methyl-1,2,4-triazin-="" 3(2h)-one="" (cga-249257).="" hydrolysis="" of="" the="" enamino="" bridge="" also="" formed="" 3-="" pyridinecarboxaldehyde="" (cga-300407),="" nicotinic="" acid="" (cga-180777),="" nicotinamide="" (cga-180778),="" 3-pyridinemethanol="" (cga-128632)="" and="" 1,6-="" dihydro-1-methyl-6-oxo-3-pyridinecarboxamide.="" identified="" metabolic="" pathways="" in="" animals="" and="" plants="" are="" similar.="" 7.="" metabolite="" toxicology.="" the="" residue="" of="" concern="" for="" tolerance="" setting="" purposes="" is="" the="" parent="" compound.="" metabolites="" of="" pymetrozine="" are="" considered="" to="" be="" of="" equal="" or="" lesser="" toxicity="" than="" the="" parent.="" 8.="" endocrine="" disruption.="" pymetrozine="" does="" not="" belong="" to="" a="" class="" of="" chemicals="" known="" or="" suspected="" of="" having="" adverse="" [[page="" 53908]]="" effects="" on="" the="" endocrine="" system.="" there="" is="" no="" evidence="" that="" pymetrozine="" has="" any="" effect="" on="" endocrine="" function="" in="" developmental="" and="" reproduction="" studies.="" furthermore,="" histological="" investigation="" of="" endocrine="" organs="" in="" chronic="" dog,="" rat="" and="" mouse="" studies="" did="" not="" indicate="" that="" the="" endocrine="" system="" is="" targeted="" by="" pymetrozine.="" c.="" aggregate="" exposure="" 1.="" dietary="" exposure--="" food/water.="" dietary="" exposure="" to="" pymetrozine="" was="" estimated="" based="" on="" tolerance="" level="" residues="" on="" fruiting="" vegetables,="" tuberous="" and="" corm="" vegetables,="" cucurbits,="" cotton,="" hops="" (import/="" domestic),="" associated="" dairy="" products="" and="" drinking="" water.="" maximum="" expected="" exposure="" to="" the="" u.s.="" population="" (48="" states,="" all="" seasons)="" was="" calculated="" to="" be="" 6.66%="" of="" the="" rfd="" described="" as="" 0.0057="" mg/kg/bwt/day.="" maximum="" expected="" exposure="" to="" the="" most="" sensitive="" population="" subgroup,="" non-nursing="" infants="" was="" calculated="" to="" be="" 14.4%="" of="" the="" rfd.="" the="" above="" values="" were="" determined="" by="" using="" tolerance="" level="" values="" for="" each="" appropriate="" crop="" with="" an="" assumption="" of="" 100%="" market="" share="" (most="" conservative="" scenario).="" in="" addition,="" the="" drinking="" water="" component="" was="" evaluated="" using="" the="" generic="" expected="" environmental="" concentration="" (geneec)="" surface="" water="" model="" (worst="" case="" scenario)="" and="" the="" resulting="" calculated="" value="" was="" then="" incorporated="" into="" the="" crop="" and="" animal="" aspect="" of="" the="" diet="" and="" is="" included="" in="" the="" above="" values.="" there="" is="" a="" reasonable="" certainty="" that="" no="" harm="" will="" result="" from="" exposure="" to="" dietary="" residues="" (including="" drinking="" water)="" of="" pymetrozine.="" there="" are="" no="" proposed="" residential="" uses="" of="" pymetrozine,="" therefore="" the="" potential="" for="" non-="" occupational="" exposure="" to="" the="" general="" population="" is="" not="" significant.="" 2.="" non-dietary="" exposure.="" there="" are="" no="" other="" uses="" currently="" registered="" for="" pymetrozine.="" the="" proposed="" uses="" involve="" application="" of="" pymetrozine="" to="" crops="" grown="" in="" an="" agricultural="" environment.="" there="" are="" no="" proposed="" uses="" which="" would="" be="" expected="" to="" result="" in="" residential="" exposure="" of="" pymetrozine.="" therefore,="" there="" is="" no="" potential="" for="" non-occupational="" exposure="" to="" the="" general="" population.="" d.="" cumulative="" effects="" the="" potential="" for="" cumulative="" effects="" of="" pymetrozine="" and="" other="" substances="" that="" have="" a="" common="" mechanism="" of="" toxicity="" has="" also="" been="" considered.="" pymetrozine="" belongs="" to="" a="" new="" chemical="" class="" known="" as="" pyridine="" azomethines.="" it="" exhibits="" a="" unique="" mode="" of="" action="" which="" can="" be="" characterized="" as="" nervous="" system="" inhibition="" of="" feeding="" behavior.="" it="" does="" not="" have="" a="" general="" toxic="" or="" paralyzing="" effect="" on="" insects,="" but="" selectively="" interferes="" with="" normal="" feeding="" activities="" by="" affecting="" nervous="" system="" regulation="" of="" fluid="" intake.="" there="" is="" no="" reliable="" information="" to="" indicate="" that="" toxic="" effects="" produced="" by="" pymetrozine="" would="" be="" cumulative="" with="" those="" of="" any="" other="" chemical="" including="" another="" pesticide.="" therefore,="" novartis="" believes="" it="" is="" appropriate="" to="" consider="" only="" the="" potential="" risks="" of="" pymetrozine="" in="" an="" aggregate="" risk="" assessment.="" e.="" safety="" determination="" 1.="" u.s.="" population.="" using="" the="" conservative="" exposure="" assumptions="" and="" the="" proposed="" rfd="" described="" above,="" the="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" pymetrozine="" will="" utilize="" 6.66%="" of="" the="" rfd="" for="" the="" u.s.="" population.="" epa="" generally="" has="" no="" concern="" for="" exposures="" below="" 100%="" of="" the="" rfd="" because="" the="" rfd="" represents="" the="" level="" at="" or="" below="" which="" daily="" aggregate="" exposure="" over="" a="" lifetime="" will="" not="" pose="" appreciable="" risks="" to="" human="" health.="" therefore,="" novartis="" concludes="" that="" there="" is="" a="" reasonable="" certainty="" that="" no="" harm="" will="" result="" from="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" pymetrozine="" residues.="" 2.="" infants="" and="" children.="" in="" assessing="" the="" potential="" for="" additional="" sensitivity="" of="" infants="" and="" children="" to="" residues="" of="" pymetrozine,="" data="" from="" developmental="" toxicity="" studies="" in="" the="" rat="" and="" rabbit="" and="" a="" 2-="" generation="" reproduction="" study="" in="" the="" rat="" have="" been="" considered.="" in="" a="" teratology="" study="" in="" rats,="" developmental="" toxicity="" anomalies="" and="" variations="" associated="" was="" observed="" only="" at="" maternally="" toxic="" doses.="" similarly,="" in="" a="" rabbit="" teratology="" study,="" was="" observed="" only="" at="" maternally="" toxic="" doses.="" the="" noaels="" in="" the="" rat="" and="" rabbit="" teratology="" studies="" were="" 30="" and="" 10="" mg/kg/day,="" respectively.="" in="" the="" 2-generation="" reproduction="" study,="" there="" were="" no="" effects="" on="" reproductive="" parameters.="" offspring="" bwts="" were="" slightly="" reduced="" and="" eye="" opening="" was="" slightly="" delayed="" at="" dose="" levels="" producing="" parental="" toxicity.="" the="" noael="" for="" parental="" and="" offspring="" toxicity="" was="" 20="" ppm="" (approximately="" 1-4="" mg/kg/="" day).="" ffdca="" section="" 408="" provides="" that="" epa="" may="" apply="" an="" additional="" safety="" factor="" for="" infants="" and="" children="" in="" the="" case="" of="" threshold="" effects="" to="" account="" for="" pre-="" and="" post-natal="" toxicity="" and="" the="" completeness="" of="" the="" database.="" based="" on="" the="" current="" toxicological="" requirements,="" the="" database="" relative="" to="" pre-="" and="" post-natal="" effects="" for="" children="" is="" complete.="" further,="" for="" pymetrozine,="" the="" noael="" of="" 0.57="" from="" the="" chronic="" feeding="" study="" in="" dogs,="" which="" was="" used="" to="" calculate="" the="" rfd="" (0.0057="" mg/kg/day),="" is="" already="" lower="" than="" the="" developmental="" noaels="" (30="" and="" 10="" mg/kg/day)="" from="" the="" teratogenicity="" studies="" in="" rats="" and="" rabbits="" by="" a="" factor="" of="" more="" than="" 10="" fold.="" in="" the="" pymetrozine="" rat="" reproduction="" study,="" the="" mild="" nature="" of="" the="" effects="" observed="" (decreased="" bwt)="" at="" the="" systemic="" loel="" (10-40="" mg/kg/day)="" and="" the="" fact="" that="" the="" effects="" were="" observed="" at="" a="" dose="" that="" is="" more="" than="" 10="" times="" greater="" than="" the="" noael="" in="" the="" chronic="" dog="" study="" (0.57="" mg/kg/day)="" suggest="" that="" there="" is="" no="" additional="" sensitivity="" for="" infants="" and="" children.="" therefore,="" it="" is="" concluded="" that="" an="" additional="" uncertainty="" factor="" is="" not="" warranted="" to="" protect="" the="" health="" of="" infants="" and="" children="" and="" that="" an="" rfd="" of="" 0.0057="" mg/kg/day="" based="" on="" the="" chronic="" dog="" study="" is="" appropriate="" for="" assessing="" aggregate="" risk="" to="" infants="" and="" children="" from="" pymetrozine.="" using="" the="" exposure="" assumptions="" (residues="" at="" proposed="" tolerance="" levels="" on="" all="" crops="" and="" a="" 100%="" market="" share),="" the="" percent="" of="" the="" rfd="" that="" will="" be="" utilized="" by="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" residues="" of="" pymetrozine="" is="" 3.83%="" for="" nursing="" infants="" less="" than="" 1="" year="" old,="" 14.4%="" for="" non-="" nursing="" infants="" and="" 10.17%="" for="" children="" 1-6="" years="" old.="" therefore,="" based="" on="" the="" completeness="" and="" reliability="" of="" the="" toxicity="" database,="" novartis="" concludes="" that="" there="" is="" a="" reasonable="" certainty="" that="" no="" harm="" will="" result="" to="" infants="" and="" children="" from="" aggregate="" exposure="" to="" pymetrozine="" residues.="" f.="" international="" tolerances="" there="" are="" no="" codex="" maximum="" levels="" established="" for="" residues="" of="" pymetrozine.="" (leonard="" cole)="" 3.="" zeneca="" ag.="" products="" pp="" 5f1625/5h5088="" epa="" has="" received="" pesticide="" petitions="" pp="" 5f1625="" and="" 5h5088="" from="" zeneca="" ag="" products,="" 1800="" concord="" pike,="" p.o.="" box="" 15458,="" wilmington,="" delaware="" 19850-5458,="" proposing="" pursuant="" to="" section="" 408(d)="" of="" the="" federal="" food,="" drug,="" and="" cosmetic="" act,="" (ffdca)="" 21="" u.s.c.="" 346a(d),="" to="" amend="" 40="" cfr="" part="" 180="" by="" establishing="" a="" tolerance="" for="" residues="" of="" the="" herbicide="" paraquat="" (1,1-dimethyl-4,4'-bypyridinium)="" derived="" from="" the="" corn="" harvest-aid="" application="" of="" the="" dichloride="" salt="" (calculated="" as="" the="" cation)="" in="" or="" on="" the="" raw="" agricultural="" commodities="" corn,="" pop,="" grain="" at="" 0.05="" part="" per="" million="" (ppm);="" corn,="" field,="" grain="" at="" 0.05="" ppm;="" corn,="" field,="" forage="" at="" 3.0="" ppm;="" corn,="" pop,="" forage="" at="" 3.0="" ppm;="" corn,="" field,="" stover="" at="" 10.0="" ppm;="" corn,="" pop,="" stover="" at="" 10="" ppm;="" and="" corn,="" flour="" at="" 0.1="" ppm.="" an="" adequate="" analytical="" method="" (spectrophotometric="" method)="" has="" been="" accepted="" and="" published="" in="" the="" pesticide="" analytical="" manual="" (pam="" vol.="" ii)="" for="" the="" enforcement="" of="" tolerances="" in="" plant="" [[page="" 53909]]="" commodities.="" epa="" has="" determined="" that="" the="" petition="" contains="" data="" or="" information="" regarding="" the="" elements="" set="" forth="" in="" section="" 408(d)(2)="" of="" the="" ffdca;="" however,="" epa="" has="" not="" fully="" evaluated="" the="" sufficiency="" of="" the="" submitted="" data="" at="" this="" time="" or="" whether="" the="" data="" supports="" granting="" of="" the="" petition.="" additional="" data="" may="" be="" needed="" before="" epa="" rules="" on="" the="" petition.="" a.="" residue="" chemistry="" 1.="" plant="" metabolism.="" the="" qualitative="" nature="" of="" the="" residue="" in="" plants="" is="" adequately="" understood="" based="" on="" studies="" depicting="" the="" metabolism="" of="" paraquat="" in="" carrots="" and="" lettuce="" following="" pre-emergence="" treatments="" and="" in="" potatoes="" and="" soybeans="" following="" desiccant="" treatment.="" the="" residue="" of="" concern="" in="" plants="" is="" the="" parent,="" paraquat;="" the="" current="" tolerance="" expression="" for="" plant="" commodities,="" as="" defined="" in="" 40="" cfr="" 180.205(a)="" and="" (b).="" 2.="" analytical="" method.="" an="" adequate="" analytical="" method="" (spectrometric="" method)="" has="" been="" accepted="" and="" published="" in="" the="" the="" pesticide="" analytical="" manual="" (pam="" vol.="" ii)="" for="" the="" enforcement="" of="" tolerances="" in="" plant="" commodities.="" 3.="" magnitude="" of="" residues.="" paraquat="" residues="" on="" corn="" forage="" ranged="" from=""><0.025 to="" 3="" ppm="" and="" on="" corn="" fodder="" ranged="" from="" 0.025="" to="" 6="" ppm="" following="" preemergence="" and="" post-directed="" applications="" as="" described="" for="" mrid="" 41151523="" and="" 41151506.="" residue="" data="" submitted="" in="" tolerance="" petition="" pp="" 5f1625="" (mrid="" 00114426)="" for="" corn="" harvest-aid="" use="" of="" paraquat="" indicate="" that="" corn="" grain="" residues="" would="" not="" exceed="" the="" established="" tolerance="" of="" 0.05="" ppm="" when="" applied="" broadcast="" postemergence="" at="" 0.5="" lbs="" ai/a="" with="" a="" 7-day="" pre-harvest="" interval.="" residue="" data="" submitted="" in="" tolerance="" petition="" pp="" 5f1625="" (mrid="" 00114426)="" for="" corn="" harvest-aid="" use="" of="" paraquat="" indicate="" that="" corn="" fodder="" (stover)="" residues="" range="" from="" 1.3="" to="" 10.0="" ppm="" when="" applied="" broadcast="" postemergence="" at="" 0.5="" lbs="" ai/a="" with="" a="" 7-day="" pre-harvest="" interval.="" these="" data="" support="" a="" corn="" forage="" tolerance="" of="" 3="" ppm="" and="" a="" corn="" stover="" tolerance="" of="" 10="" ppm.="" b.="" toxicological="" profile="" 1.="" acute="" toxicity.="" acute="" toxicity="" studies="" conducted="" with="" the="" 45.6%="" paraquat="" dichloride="" technical="" concentrate="" give="" the="" following="" results:="" oral="">50 in the rat of 344 mg/kg (males) and 283 mg/kg 
    (females) (Category II); dermal LD50 in the rat of 
     2,000 mg/kg for males and females (Category III); the 
    primary eye irritation study showed corneal involvement with clearing 
    within 17 days (Category II); and dermal irritation of slight erythema 
    and edema at 72 hours (Category IV). Paraquat is not a dermal 
    sensitizer. Acute inhalation studies conducted to EPA guideline with 
    aerosolized sprays result in LD50 of 0.6 to 1.4 g 
    paraquat cation/Liter (L) (Category I). However, since paraquat 
    dichloride has no measurable vapor pressure; and hydraulic spray 
    droplets are too large to be respirable, inhalation exposure is not a 
    concern in practice.
        2. Genotoxicity. Paraquat dichloride was not mutagenic in the Ames 
    test using Salmonella typhinurium strains TA1535, TA1538, TA98, and 
    TA100; the chromosomal aberrations in the bone marrow test system; or 
    in the dominant lethal mutagenicity study with CD-1 mice. Additionally, 
    paraquat dichloride was negative for unscheduled DNA synthesis in rat 
    hepatocytes in in vitro and in vivo. Paraquat was weakly positive in 
    the mouse lymphoma cell assay only in the presence of metabolic 
    activation. Paraquat dichloride was weakly positive in mammalian cells 
    (lymphocytes) and positive in the sister chromatid exchange (SCE) assay 
    in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts. Paraquat is non-mutagenic.
        3. Reproductive and developmental toxicity. A 3-generation 
    reproduction study in rats fed diets containing 0, 25, 75, and 150 ppm 
    which correspond to 0, 1.25, 3.75 or 7.5 mg of paraquat cation/kg/day, 
    respectively. Paraquat, at all levels tested, had no effect on body 
    weight gain, food consumption and utilization, fertility and length of 
    gestation of the F0 F1 and F2 parents. 
    The NOAEL and LOEL for systemic toxicity are 25 ppm (1.25 mg/kg/day) 
    and 75 ppm (3.75 mg/kg/day), respectively, expressed as paraquat 
    cation. The NOAEL for reproductive toxicity is 150 ppm (7.5 
    mg/kg/day; HDT) expressed as paraquat cation, as there were no 
    reproductive effects observed.
        Two developmental toxicity studies were conducted in rats given 
    gavage doses of 0, 1, 5, and 10 mg/kg/day and 0, 1, 3, and 8 mg/kg/day, 
    respectively, expressed as paraquat cation. In the first study, the 
    NOAEL for maternal toxicity was 1 mg/kg/day based on clinincal signs of 
    toxicity and decreased body weight gain at 5 mg/kg/day (the LOEL). The 
    NOAEL for developmental toxicity was set at 5 mg/kg/day based on 
    delayed ossification of the forelimb and hindlimb digits. In the 
    second, study, the maternal and developmental NOAEL is 8 mg/kg/day 
    (HDT) as there were no effects observed at any dose level even though 
    the animals were examined more carefully in the manus and pes 
    assessment. Based on both studies the overall NOAEL for maternal and 
    developmental toxicity is at least 3 mg/kg/day.
        Two developmental toxicity studies were conducted in mice given 
    gavage doses of 0, 1, 5, and 10 mg/kg/day and 0, 7.5, 15, or 25 mg/kg/
    day paraquat ion, respectively. Both the maternal and developmental 
    NOAEL's are at 15 mg/kg/day in the second study. The maternal LOEL of 
    25 mg paraquat cation/kg/day is based on death, decreases in body 
    weight and body weight gain, and other clinical signs. The 
    developmental LOEL is 25 mg/kg/day. In the first study there was a 
    statistically significant effect on ``partial ossification'' of the 4th 
    sternebra at 10 mg/kg/day (HDT). However, it is not believed the 
    ossification pattern of the 4th sternebra was affected by paraquat as 
    evidenced by the lack of increase in ``4th sternebra - not ossified.''
        Additionally there were no statistically significant skeletal 
    abnormalities seen in the second study. The developmental/maternal 
    NOAEL should be based on the second study and is 15 mg/kg/day. Paraquat 
    dichloride is not a developmental toxin.
        4. Subchronic toxicity. A 90 day feeding study in dogs fed doses of 
    0, 7, 20, 60 or 120 ppm with a NOAEL of 20 ppm based on long effects 
    such as alveolitis and alveolar collapse seen at the LOEL of 60 ppm.
        A 21 day dermal toxicity study in rabbits exposed dermally to doses 
    of 0, 1.5, 3.4, 7.8 or 17.9 mg/kg/day with a NOAEL of 1.15 mg/kg/day 
    and a LOEL of 2.6 mg/kg/day based on dermal irritation.
        A 21 day inhalation toxicity study in rats were exposed to 
    respirable aerosols of paraquat at doses of 0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 
    g/L with a NOAEL of 0.01 g/L and a LOEL of 0.10 
    g/L based on histopathological changes to the epithelium of 
    the larynx and nasal discharge.
        5. Chronic toxicity. In a 12-month feeding study in dogs fed dose 
    levels of 0, 15, 30, or 50 ppm, expressed as paraquat cation. These 
    levels corresponded to 0, 0.45, 0.93 or 1.51 mg of paraquat cation/kg/
    day, respectively, in male dogs or 0, 0.48, 1.00 or 1.58 mg of paraquat 
    cation/kg/day, respectively for female dogs. There was a dose-related 
    increase in the severity and extent of chronic pneumonitis in the mid-
    dose and high-dose male and female dogs. This effect was also noted in 
    the low-dose male group, but was minimal when compared with the male 
    controls. The systemic NOAEL is 15 ppm (0.45 mg/kg/day for males and 
    0.48 mg/kg/day for females, expressed as paraquat cation). The systemic 
    LOEL is 30 ppm (0.93 mg/kg/day for males and
    [[Page 53910]]
    1.00 mg/kg/day for females, expressed as paraquat cation).
        In a 2-year chronic feeding/carcinogenicity study, rats were fed 
    doses of paraquat dichloride at 0, 25, 75, or 150 ppm which 
    corresponded to 0, 1.25, 3.75, or 7.5 mg of paraquat cation/kg/day. 
    Paraquat enhanced the development of ocular lesions in all of the 
    treated groups. The predominant lesions detected opthalmoscopically 
    were lenticular opacities and cataracts. At test week 103, dose-related 
    statistically significant (P<0.001) increases="" in="" the="" incidence="" of="" ocular="" lesions="" were="" observed="" only="" in="" the="" mid-dose="" and="" high-dose="" male="" and="" female="" groups.="" based="" on="" these="" findings,="" the="" noael="" (approximate)="" and="" the="" loel="" for="" systemic="" toxicity,="" for="" both="" sexes,="" are="" 25="" ppm="" (1.25="" mg/kg/="" day)="" and="" 75="" ppm="" (3.75="" mg/kg/day),="" respectively.="" in="" another="" 2-year="" chronic="" feeding/carcinogenicity="" study,="" rats="" were="" dosed="" at="" 0,="" 6,="" 30,="" 100="" or="" 300="" ppm,="" expressed="" as="" paraquat="" dichloride="" (nominal="" concentrations),="" equivalent="" to="" 0,="" 0.25,="" 1.26,="" 4.15,="" or="" 12.25="" mg/kg/day,="" respectively="" (males)="" and="" 0,="" 0.30,="" 1.5,="" 5.12="" or="" 15.29="" mg/kg/="" day="" respectively="" (females),="" expressed="" as="" paraquat="" dichloride.="" the="" incidence="" of="" ocular="" changes="" were="" low="" and="" not="" caused="" by="" paraquat="" in="" this="" study.="" the="" systemic="" noael="" is="" 100="" ppm="" of="" paraquat="" dichloride="" (4.15="" and="" 5.12="" mg/kg/day,="" for="" males="" and="" females,="" respectively);="" or="" 3.0="" mg/kg/day="" (males)="" and="" 3.7="" mg/kg/day="" (females),="" expressed="" as="" paraquat="" cation.="" the="" systemic="" loel="" is="" 300="" ppm="" of="" paraquat="" dichloride="" (12.25="" and="" 15.29="" mg/kg/="" day,="" for="" males="" and="" females,="" respectively);="" or="" 9.0="" mg/kg/day="" (males)="" and="" 11.2="" mg/kg/day="" (females),="" expressed="" as="" paraquat="" cation.="" a="" chronic="" feeding/carcinogenicity="" study="" in="" rats="" fed="" dose="" levels="" of="" 0,="" 25,="" 75="" or="" 150="" ppm,="" expressed="" as="" paraquat="" cation="" (nominal="" concentrations).="" these="" doses="" corresponded="" to="" 0,="" 1.25,="" 3.75,="" or="" 7.5="" mg="" paraquat="" cation/kg/day,="" respectively.="" there="" was="" uncertain="" evidence="" of="" carcinogenicity="" (squamous="" cell="" carcinomas="" in="" the="" head="" region;="" ears,="" nasal="" cavity,="" oral="" cavity="" and="" skin)="" in="" males="" at="" 7.5="" mg/kg/day="" (hdt)="" with="" a="" systemic="" noael="" of="" 1.25="" mg/kg/day.="" upon="" submission="" of="" additional="" data="" to="" epa,="" the="" incidence="" of="" pulmonary="" adenomas="" and="" carcinomas="" was="" well="" within="" historical="" ranges="" and="" it="" was="" determined="" that="" paraquat="" was="" not="" carcinogenic="" in="" the="" lungs="" and="" the="" head="" region="" of="" the="" rat.="" in="" another="" chronic="" feeding/carcinogenicity="" study,="" rats="" were="" fed="" dose="" levels="" of="" 0,="" 6,="" 30,="" 100="" or="" 300="" ppm,="" expressed="" as="" paraquat="" dichloride.="" there="" were="" no="" carcinogenic="" findings="" in="" this="" study="" at="" the="" highest="" dose="" tested.="" in="" a="" two="" year="" chronic="" feeding/oncogenicity="" study,="" spf="" swiss="" derived="" mice="" were="" fed="" paraquat="" dichloride="" at="" dose="" levels="" of="" 0,="" 12.5,="" 37.5,="" or="" 100/125="" ppm,="" expressed="" as="" paraquat="" cation.="" these="" rates="" correspond="" to="" 0,="" 1.87,="" 5.62,="" and="" 15="" mg/kg/day="" as="" cation.="" because="" no="" toxic="" signs="" appeared="" after="" 35="" weeks="" of="" dosing,="" the="" 100="" ppm="" level="" was="" increased="" to="" 125="" ppm="" at="" week="" 36.="" there="" were="" no="" carcinogenic="" effects="" observed="" in="" this="" study.="" the="" systemic="" noael="" for="" both="" sexes="" is="" 12.5="" ppm="" (1.87="" mg/kg/day)="" and="" the="" systemic="" loel="" is="" 37.5="" ppm="" (5.6="" mg/kg/day),="" each="" expressed="" as="" paraquat="" cation="" based="" on="" renal="" tubular="" degeneration="" in="" males="" and="" weight="" loss="" and="" decreased="" food="" intake="" in="" females.="" paraquat="" is="" classified="" category="" e="" for="" carcinogenicity="" (no="" evidence="" of="" carcinogenicity="" in="" animal="" studies).="" 6.="" animal="" metabolism.="" the="" qualitative="" nature="" of="" the="" residue="" in="" animals="" is="" adequately="" understood="" based="" on="" the="" combined="" studies="" conducted="" with="" ruminants="" (goats="" and="" cows),="" swine,="" and="" poultry.="" the="" residue="" of="" concern="" in="" eggs,="" milk,="" and="" poultry="" and="" livestock="" tissues="" is="" the="" parent,="" paraquat.="" 7.="" metabolite="" toxicology.="" the="" nature="" of="" residues="" in="" plants="" and="" animals="" is="" adequately="" understood.="" the="" residue="" of="" concern="" in="" eggs,="" milk,="" poultry,="" livestock,="" and="" in="" crops="" is="" the="" parent="" paraquat.="" there="" are="" no="" metabolites.="" 8.="" endocrine="" disruption.="" epa="" is="" required="" to="" develop="" a="" screening="" program="" to="" determine="" whether="" certain="" substances="" (including="" all="" pesticides="" and="" inerts)="" ``may="" have="" an="" effect="" produced="" by="" a="" naturally="" occurring="" estrogen,="" or="" such="" other="" endocrine="" effect="" .''="" the="" agency="" is="" currently="" working="" with="" interested="" stakeholders,="" including="" other="" government="" agencies,="" public="" interest="" groups,="" industry="" and="" research="" scientist="" in="" developing="" a="" screening="" and="" testing="" program="" and="" a="" priority="" setting="" scheme="" to="" implement="" this="" program.="" congress="" has="" allowed="" 3="" years="" from="" passage="" of="" fqpa="" (august="" 3,="" 1999)="" to="" implement="" this="" program.="" at="" that="" time,="" epa="" may="" require="" further="" testing="" of="" this="" active="" ingredient="" and="" end="" use="" products="" for="" endocrine="" disrupter="" effects.="" c.="" aggregate="" exposure="" in="" examining="" aggregate="" exposure,="" fqpa="" directs="" epa="" to="" take="" into="" account="" available="" information="" concerning="" exposures="" from="" the="" pesticide="" residue="" in="" food="" and="" all="" other="" exposures="" for="" which="" there="" is="" reliable="" information.="" these="" other="" sources="" of="" exposure="" including="" drinking="" water,="" and="" non-occupational="" exposures,="" e.g.,="" to="" pesticides="" used="" in="" and="" around="" the="" home.="" for="" estimating="" acute="" and="" chronic="" risks="" the="" agency="" considers="" aggregate="" exposures="" from="" the="" diet="" and="" from="" drinking="" water.="" exposures="" from="" uses="" in="" and="" around="" the="" home="" that="" may="" be="" short="" term,="" intermediate="" or="" other="" duration="" may="" also="" be="" aggregated="" as="" appropriate="" for="" specific="" chemicals.="" 1.="" dietary="" exposure.="" the="" residue="" chemistry="" data="" base="" for="" paraquat="" is="" substantially="" complete,="" and="" the="" nature="" of="" the="" residues="" in="" plants="" and="" animals="" is="" adequately="" understood.="" the="" residue="" of="" concern="" is="" the="" parent,="" paraquat;="" the="" current="" tolerance="" expression="" for="" plants="" and="" animal="" commodities,="" as="" defined="" in="" 40="" cfr="" 180.205(a)="" and="" (b),="" is="" adequate.="" the="" reference="" dose="" (rfd)="" for="" chronic="" dietary="" assessments="" is="" 0.0045="" mg/kg/="" day,="" based="" on="" a="" noael="" of="" 0.45="" mg/kg/day="" from="" a="" 1="" year="" dog="" study="" and="" the="" addition="" of="" a="" standard="" uncertainty="" factor="" of="" 100.="" 2.="" food.="" --i.="" chronic="" dietary="" assessment.="" a="" chronic="" dietary="" exposure="" analysis="" was="" performed="" using="" current="" and="" reassessed="" tolerance="" level="" residues,="" contributions="" from="" the="" proposed="" use="" as="" a="" corn="" harvest="" aid,="" and="" 100%="" crop="" treated="" information="" to="" estimate="" the="" theoretical="" maximum="" residue="" contribution="" (tmrc)="" for="" the="" general="" population="" and="" 22="" subgroups.="" the="" resulting="" tmrc="" for="" the="" general="" u.s.="" population="" from="" all="" established="" uses="" is="" 0.001669="" mg/kg/day="" (37%="" of="" the="" rfd).="" for="" children="" ages="" 1-6,="" the="" most="" highly="" exposed="" subgroup,="" the="" resulting="" tmrc="" is="" 0.003679="" mg/kg/day="" (82%="" of="" the="" rfd).="" a="" refined="" chronic="" dietary="" assessment="" using="" percent="" crop="" treated="" data="" provided="" a="" more="" accurate="" estimate="" of="" exposure,="" called="" the="" anticipated="" residue="" contribution="" (arc).="" the="" resulting="" arc="" for="" the="" general="" population="" is="" 0.00037="" mg/kg/="" day="" (8.0%="" of="" the="" rfd),="" and="" 0.001="" mg/kg/day="" (22%="" of="" the="" rfd)="" for="" children="" ages="" one="" to="" six.="" ii.="" acute="" dietary="" assessment.="" epa="" has="" determined="" that="" current="" data="" on="" paraquat="" shows="" no="" acutedietary="" endpoint="" of="" concern.="" therefore,="" an="" acute="" dietary="" risk="" assessment="" is="" not="" required="" for="" paraquat.="" 3.="" drinking="" water.="" paraquat="" is="" not="" expected="" to="" be="" a="" contaminant="" of="" groundwater.="" paraquat="" dichloride="" binds="" strongly="" to="" soil="" clay="" particles="" and="" it="" did="" not="" leach="" from="" the="" surface="" in="" terrestrial="" field="" dissipation="" studies.="" there="" were,="" however,="" detections="" of="" paraquat="" in="" drinking="" water="" wells="" from="" 2="" states="" cited="" in="" the="" pesticides="" in="" ground="" water="" database="" (1991).="" these="" detections="" are="" not="" considered="" to="" be="" representative="" of="" normal="" paraquat="" use.="" therefore,="" paraquat="" is="" not="" expected="" to="" be="" a="" groundwater="" contaminant="" or="" concern="" based="" on="" normal="" use="" patterns.="" due="" to="" its="" persistent="" nature,="" paraquat="" could="" potentially="" be="" found="" in="" surface="" [[page="" 53911]]="" water="" systems="" associated="" with="" soil="" particles="" carried="" by="" erosion,="" however,="" paraquat="" is="" immobile="" in="" most="" soils,="" and="" at="" very="" high="" application="" rates="" (50-1,000x),="" there="" was="" no="" desorption="" of="" paraquat="" from="" soils.="" therefore,="" based="" on="" paraquat's="" normal="" use="" patterns="" and="" unique="" environmental="" fate="" characteristics,="" exposures="" to="" paraquat="" in="" drinking="" water="" are="" not="" expected="" to="" be="" obtained="" from="" surface="" water="" sources.="" 4.="" non-dietary="" exposure.="" paraquat="" dichloride="" has="" no="" residential="" or="" other="" non-occupational="" uses="" that="" might="" result="" in="" non-occupational,="" non-="" dietary="" exposure="" for="" the="" general="" population.="" paraquat="" products="" are="" restricted="" use,="" for="" use="" by="" certified="" applicators="" only,="" which="" means="" the="" general="" public="" cannot="" buy="" or="" use="" paraquat="" products.="" d.="" cumulative="" effects="" in="" assessing="" the="" potential="" risk="" from="" cumulative="" effects="" of="" paraquat="" and="" other="" chemical="" substances,="" the="" agency="" has="" considered="" structural="" similarities="" that="" exist="" between="" paraquat="" and="" other="" bipyridylium="" compounds="" such="" as="" diquat="" dibromide.="" examination="" of="" the="" toxicology="" databases="" of="" paraquat="" and="" diquat="" dibromide,="" indicates="" that="" the="" two="" compounds="" have="" clearly="" different="" target="" organs.="" based="" on="" available="" data,="" the="" agency="" does="" not="" believe="" that="" the="" toxic="" effects="" produced="" by="" paraquat="" would="" be="" cumulative="" with="" those="" of="" diquat="" dibromide.="" e.="" safety="" determination="" 1.="" u.s.="" population.="" based="" on="" the="" information="" provided="" in="" this="" notice,="" epa="" has="" determined="" that="" for="" the="" aggregate="" exposure="" assessment="" the="" only="" exposure="" route="" of="" concern="" for="" paraquat="" is="" chronic="" dietary.="" the="" toxicology="" database="" for="" paraquat="" is="" considered="" by="" epa="" to="" be="" complete="" and="" reliable.="" using="" the="" conservative="" assumptions="" presented="" earlier,="" epa="" has="" established="" an="" rfd="" of="" 0.0045="" mg/kg/day.="" this="" was="" based="" on="" the="" noael="" for="" the="" 1-year="" dog="" study="" of="" 0.45="" mg/kg/day="" and="" employed="" a="" 100-fold="" uncertainty="" factor.="" results="" of="" this="" aggregate="" exposure="" assessment,="" which="" includes="" epa's="" reassessment="" of="" tolerances="" for="" existing="" crops="" and="" the="" addition="" of="" corn="" harvest="" aid,="" utilize="" a="" maximum="" of="" 22%="" of="" the="" rfd.="" generally,="" exposures="" below="" 100%="" of="" the="" rfd="" are="" of="" no="" concern="" because="" it="" represents="" the="" level="" at="" or="" below="" which="" daily="" aggregate="" dietary="" exposure="" over="" a="" lifetime="" will="" not="" pose="" appreciable="" risk="" to="" human="" health.="" thus,="" there="" is="" reasonable="" certainty="" that="" no="" harm="" will="" result="" from="" aggregate="" exposures="" to="" paraquat="" residues.="" 2.="" infants="" and="" children.="" epa="" has="" determined="" that="" the="" established="" tolerances="" for="" paraquat,="" with="" amendments="" and="" changes="" as="" specified="" in="" this="" notice,="" meet="" the="" safety="" standards="" under="" the="" fqpa="" amendments="" to="" section="" 408(b)(2)(c)="" for="" infants="" and="" children.="" the="" safety="" determination="" for="" infants="" and="" children="" considers="" the="" factors="" noted="" above="" for="" the="" general="" population,="" but="" also="" takes="" into="" account="" the="" possibility="" of="" increased="" dietary="" exposure="" due="" to="" specific="" consumption="" patterns="" of="" infants="" and="" children,="" as="" well="" as="" the="" possibility="" of="" increased="" susceptibility="" to="" the="" toxic="" effects="" of="" paraquat="" residues="" in="" this="" population="" subgroup.="" in="" determining="" whether="" or="" not="" infants="" and="" children="" are="" particularly="" susceptible="" to="" toxic="" effects="" from="" paraquat="" residues,="" epa="" considered="" the="" completeness="" of="" the="" database="" for="" developmental="" and="" reproductive="" effects,="" the="" nature="" and="" severity="" of="" the="" effects="" observed,="" and="" other="" information.="" based="" on="" the="" current="" data="" requirements,="" paraquat="" has="" a="" complete="" database="" for="" developmental="" and="" reproductive="" toxicity.="" in="" the="" developmental="" studies="" effects="" were="" seen="" (delayed="" ossification="" in="" the="" forelimb="" and="" hindlimb="" digits)="" in="" the="" fetuses="" only="" at="" the="" same="" or="" higher="" dose="" levels="" than="" effects="" in="" the="" mother.="" in="" the="" reproduction="" study,="" no="" effects="" on="" reproductive="" performance="" were="" seen.="" also="" because="" the="" noaels="" from="" the="" developmental="" and="" reproduction="" studies="" were="" equal="" to="" or="" greater="" than="" the="" noael="" used="" for="" establishing="" the="" reference="" dose,="" epa="" concludes="" that="" it="" is="" unlikely="" that="" there="" is="" additional="" risk="" concern="" for="" immature="" or="" developing="" organisms.="" finally,="" the="" agency="" has="" no="" epidemiological="" information="" suggesting="" special="" sensitivity="" of="" infants="" and="" children="" to="" paraquat.="" therefore,="" the="" agency="" finds="" that="" the="" uncertainty="" factor="" (100x)="" routinely="" used="" in="" rfd="" calculations="" is="" adequately="" protective="" of="" infants="" and="" children,="" and="" an="" additional="" uncertainty="" factor="" is="" not="" warranted="" for="" paraquat.="" zeneca="" estimates="" that="" paraquat="" residues="" in="" the="" diet="" of="" non-nursing="" infants="" (less="" than="" 1="" year)="" account="" for="" 18%="" of="" the="" rfd="" and="" 22%="" of="" the="" rfd="" for="" children="" aged="" 1-6="" years.="" further,="" residues="" in="" drinking="" water="" are="" not="" expected.="" therefore,="" the="" zeneca="" has="" determined="" that="" there="" is="" reasonable="" certainty="" that="" dietary="" exposure="" to="" paraquat="" will="" not="" cause="" harm="" to="" infants="" and="" children.="" f.="" international="" tolerances="" codex="" maximum="" residue="" levels="" (mrl)="" are="" established="" for="" residues="" of="" paraquat="" for="" corn="" grain="" at="" 0.1="" ppm.="" the="" proposed="" tolerances="" for="" corn="" grain="" at="" 0.05="" ppm="" differ="" from="" the="" codex="" mrl's="" based="" on="" field="" residue="" data="" generated="" in="" the="" united="" states="" for="" this="" use="" (pesticide="" petitions="" 5f1625="" and="" 5h5088="" for="" corn="" grain.="" differences="" in="" use="" patterns="" and="" pre-="" harvest="" intervals="" may="" account="" for="" the="" differences="" between="" the="" codex="" mrls="" and="" the="" tolerance="" values="" generated="" from="" the="" pesticide="" residue="" trials="" in="" the="" united="" states.="" (jim="" tompkins)="" [fr="" doc.="" 98-26783="" filed="" 10-6-98;="" 8:45="" am]="" billing="" code="" 6560-50-f="">

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Comments, identified by the docket control number PF-831, must be received on or before November 6, 1998.
53902-53911 (10 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PF-831, FRL-6026-3
PDF File: