98-27271. Child Health Day, 1998  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 195 (Thursday, October 8, 1998)]
    [Presidential Documents]
    [Pages 54027-54028]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-27271]
                            Presidential Documents 
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 195 / Thursday, October 8, 1998 / 
    Presidential Documents
    Title 3--
    The President
    [[Page 54027]]
                    Proclamation 7132 of October 5, 1998
    Child Health Day, 1998
                    By the President of the United States of America
                    A Proclamation
                    As caring parents and citizens, we must do all we can 
                    to ensure that our children, our Nation's greatest 
                    resource, lead safe and healthy lives. Today, thanks to 
                    scientific breakthroughs and increased public 
                    awareness, we have the ability to prevent many of the 
                    childhood illnesses and disorders of the past. We have 
                    raised immunization rates to an all-time high, ensured 
                    that prescription drugs will be adequately tested for 
                    children, conducted research to help protect children 
                    from environmental health risks, and established 
                    protections so that mothers can stay in hospitals with 
                    their newborns until they and their doctors decide they 
                    are ready to leave. Although we can be heartened by 
                    these important achievements, we must do more if we are 
                    to overcome the many health challenges our children 
                    still face.
                    Recent studies show that children without health 
                    insurance are more likely to be sick as newborns, less 
                    likely to be immunized, and less likely to receive 
                    treatment for recurring illnesses. One of the great 
                    accomplishments of my Administration has been the 
                    creation of the Children's Health Insurance Program 
                    (CHIP), which I called for in my 1997 State of the 
                    Union and signed into law just a year ago. CHIP 
                    provides $24 billion to help States offer affordable 
                    health insurance to children in eligible working 
                    families--the single largest investment in children's 
                    health since the passage of Medicaid in 1965. CHIP will 
                    provide health care coverage, including prescription 
                    drugs, and vision, hearing, and mental health services, 
                    to as many as 5 million uninsured children; and in its 
                    first year, nearly four out of five States already are 
                    participating in CHIP. We are also working hard to 
                    identify and enroll in Medicaid the more than 4 million 
                    children who are currently eligible to receive health 
                    care through that program but are not enrolled. The 
                    challenge before us now is to realize the promise of 
                    CHIP and Medicaid by reaching out to families to inform 
                    them of their options for health care coverage.
                    Due to recent breakthroughs in medical knowledge, we 
                    know that the decisions we make even before our 
                    children are born can have a significant impact on 
                    their future health. That is why we are committed to 
                    fighting, among other afflictions, the tragic 
                    consequences of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. In this 
                    country, thousands of infants are born each year 
                    suffering from the physical and mental effects of this 
                    disorder. Because its effects are devastating, causing 
                    permanent damage, the simplest and best measure that 
                    expectant mothers can take for the safety of their 
                    babies is to abstain from drinking alcohol throughout 
                    their pregnancies.
                    As part of my Administration's ongoing efforts to 
                    protect our children from the effects of alcohol and 
                    other substance abuse, Secretary of Health and Human 
                    Services Donna Shalala recently announced a new 
                    campaign, ``Your Time--Their Future,'' to recruit 
                    adults to help children and adolescents develop healthy 
                    and useful skills and interests. Research shows that 
                    the guidance and example of caring adults can play an 
                    important part in helping young people resist the 
                    attraction of alcohol and other harmful or illegal 
    [[Page 54028]]
                    To acknowledge the importance of our children's health, 
                    the Congress, by joint resolution approved May 18, 
                    1928, as amended (36 U.S.C. 143), has called for the 
                    designation of the first Monday in October as ``Child 
                    Health Day'' and has requested the President to issue a 
                    proclamation in observance of this day.
                    NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the 
                    United States of America, do hereby proclaim Monday, 
                    October 5, 1998, as Child Health Day. I call upon 
                    families, schools, communities, and governments to 
                    dedicate themselves to protecting the health and well-
                    being of all our children.
                    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 
                    fifth day of October, in the year of our Lord nineteen 
                    hundred and ninety-eight, and of the Independence of 
                    the United States of America the two hundred and 
                        (Presidential Sig.)
    [FR Doc. 98-27271
    Filed 10-7-98; 8:45 am]
    Billing code 3195-01-P

Document Information

Executive Office of the President
Entry Type:
Presidential Document
Document Type:
Document Number:
54027-54028 (2 pages)
of 1998-10-05
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