98-27261. Legal and Policy Interpretation of the Jurisdiction Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency Over the Use of Certain Antimicrobial Substances  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 196 (Friday, October 9, 1998)]
    [Pages 54532-54544]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-27261]
    [[Page 54531]]
    Part III
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Food and Drug Administration
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Legal and Policy Interpretation of the Jurisdiction Under the Federal 
    Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of the Food and Drug Administration and 
    the Environmental Protection Agency Over the Use of Certain 
    Antimicrobial Substances; Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 196 / Friday, October 9, 1998 / 
    [[Page 54532]]
    Food and Drug Administration
    [OPP-300624; FRL-5773-8]
    Legal and Policy Interpretation of the Jurisdiction Under the 
    Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of the Food and Drug 
    Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency Over the Use of 
    Certain Antimicrobial Substances
    AGENCIES: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Food and Drug 
    Administration (FDA).
    ACTION: Notice of policy interpretation.
    SUMMARY: The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 became law on August 
    3, 1996. FQPA amended both the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and 
    Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 
    (FFDCA). Among other things, FQPA changed the regulatory authority of 
    both EPA and FDA with respect to the FFDCA's regulation of pesticide 
    residues in or on food. This notice: (1) Sets forth legal and policy 
    interpretations of the FFDCA as they relate to the jurisdiction of EPA 
    and FDA over antimicrobial substances used in or on food, including 
    food-contact articles; (2) discusses interpretations of certain terms 
    in FIFRA and the implementing regulations relevant to the authority of 
    the two agencies; (3) provides a description of how EPA and FDA propose 
    to clarify the post-FQPA regulatory authority over certain 
    antimicrobial substances; and (4) discusses how EPA and FDA plan to 
    handle the review of petitions for antimicrobial substances that will 
    remain under EPA's jurisdiction and for those that EPA proposes to 
    return to FDA's regulatory authority through EPA rulemaking.
    DATES: The policy set out in this notice is effective immediately. Both 
    FDA and EPA will accept comments on this notice for 90 days from 
    October 9, 1998.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to both FDA and EPA dockets at the 
    addresses listed below. Submit written comments identified by the 
    appropriate docket number (for FDA 98N-0867 and for EPA OPP-300624) to:
        FDA at: Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305), Food and Drug 
    Administration, Rm. 1-23, 12420 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, MD 20857.
        EPA at: Public Information and Records Integrity Branch, 
    Information Resources and Services Division (7502C), Office of 
    Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., 
    Washington, DC 20460. In person, deliver comments to: Rm. 119, CM #2, 
    1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA.
        Comments and data may also be submitted electronically to EPA: docket@epamail.epa.gov. Follow the instructions under Unit VII. of this 
    document. No Confidential Business Information (CBI) should be 
    submitted through e-mail.
        Information submitted as a comment concerning this document may be 
    claimed confidential by marking any part or all of that information as 
    CBI. Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance 
    with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. A copy of the comment that 
    does not contain CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public 
    record. Information not marked confidential will be included in the 
    public docket by EPA without prior notice. The public docket is 
    available for public inspection in Rm. 119 at the Virginia address 
    given above, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding 
    legal holidays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Regarding EPA issues: William L. 
    Jordan, Antimicrobials Division (7510W), Office of Pesticide Programs, 
    Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460, 
    Telephone: (703) 308-6411.
        Regarding FDA issues: Mark A. Hepp, Office of Pre-Market Approval 
    Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS-215), Food and Drug 
    Administration, 200 C St., SW., Washington, DC 20204-0002, Telephone: 
    (202) 418-3098.
    Electronic Availability:
        Electronic copies of this document and PR Notice 97P-1 are 
    available from the EPA home page at the Federal Register-Environmental 
    Documents entry for this document under ``Laws and Regulations'' 
    Fax on Demand
        Using a faxphone call 202-401-0527 and select item 6108 for a copy 
    of the PR Notice and select item 6113 for a copy of this Federal 
    Register notice.
        EPA and FDA are issuing this joint notice to clarify, subsequent to 
    the enactment of the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA), the 
    jurisdiction over antimicrobials that are used in or on food, including 
    those used in or on edible food, and those used in the manufacture of, 
    or in or on, food-contact articles. In addition, the agencies are 
    setting forth a proposed allocation of jurisdiction for these 
    antimicrobials. Implementation of some of these decisions would require 
    EPA rulemaking. Such rulemaking, if finalized as proposed, would 
    reestablish FDA's regulatory authority over certain antimicrobial 
    substances. Therefore, the agencies are presenting an interim plan to 
    coordinate the review of petitions for the antimicrobial substances 
    that would be affected by any proposed EPA rulemaking.
        This joint notice is subject to FDA's good guidance practices 
    (GGPs) Level 1 guidance (62 FR 8961, February 27, 1997). FDA will not 
    solicit public input prior to implementation because the guidance 
    presents a less burdensome policy that is consistent with the public 
    health. This guidance does not create or confer any rights for or on 
    any person and does not operate to bind FDA, EPA, or the public.
    I. Legal Background
        As described more fully below, EPA regulates the sale, 
    distribution, and use of ``pesticides'' under FIFRA, 7 U.S.C. 136 et 
    seq. Historically, EPA and FDA have shared regulatory authority under 
    the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), 21 U.S.C. 321 et seq. 
    over the residues of such ``pesticides'' in or on food. The FQPA of 
    1996 amended FFDCA in ways that alter EPA's and FDA's jurisdiction over 
    certain pesticides with antimicrobial uses.
    A. EPA Jurisdiction and Authorities Under FIFRA
        In general, FIFRA gives EPA authority to regulate the sale, 
    distribution, and use of a ``pesticide.'' A ``pesticide'' is defined as 
    any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, 
    destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest, . . .'' (FIFRA section 
    2(u)). The term ``pest'' includes ``(1) any insect, rodent, nematode, 
    fungus, weed, or (2) any . . . virus, bacteria, or other microorganism 
    which the Administrator declares to be a pest'' (FIFRA section 2(t)). 
    As a result of these broad definitions, EPA regulates, as FIFRA 
    pesticides, a wide variety of chemical substances marketed for a 
    diverse array of uses. For example, EPA regulates, as pesticides, 
    substances used to control weeds and fungi on crops, and microorganisms 
    that may be present on permanent or semi-permanent surfaces, such as 
    counter tops and food processing equipment that may come in contact 
    with food.
    [[Page 54533]]
        It should be noted that FIFRA defines ``fungus'' as ``any non-
    chlorophyll-bearing thallophyte . . . as for example . . . mildew, 
    mold, yeast, and bacteria . . .,'' but the definition specifically 
    excludes those organisms when ``on or in processed food, beverages, or 
    pharmaceuticals'' (FIFRA section 2(k)). Further, EPA has broadened this 
    statutory exclusion in its FIFRA regulations at 40 CFR 152.5(d). 
    Specifically, under this rule, an organism is not considered a ``pest'' 
    if it is a ``fungus, bacterium, virus, or other microorganisms [sic] . 
    . . on or in processed food or processed animal feed, beverages, drugs, 
    . . . or cosmetics . . . .'' In applying this exclusion, EPA has 
    historically interpreted the words ``processed food'' and ``processed 
    animal feed'' as they are commonly understood--food that has undergone 
    processing and is intended to be consumed immediately or after some 
    further processing or preparation. Because the commonly understood 
    meaning of these terms applies to edible food articles, EPA has not 
    considered food-contact items (such as paperboard and ceramic ware) to 
    be ``processed food'' within the meaning of that term in FIFRA and 
    EPA's implementing regulations.1 Thus, EPA has regarded any 
    antimicrobial substance used in or on paper, paperboard, or other food-
    contact items as a ``pesticide'' under FIFRA.
        1The discussion in the paragraph above, however, does not 
    purport to interpret the FFDCA definition, but rather to address the 
    meaning of the terms ``processed food'' and ``processed animal 
    feed'' used in FIFRA and EPA's implementing regulations.
        With minor exceptions, no pesticide product may be sold or 
    distributed unless EPA has licensed or ``registered'' the product 
    (FIFRA section 12(a)(1)(A)). EPA registers products on the basis of 
    data showing that the pesticide, when used in accordance with the terms 
    and conditions of registration and in accordance with widespread and 
    commonly recognized practice, will perform its intended function 
    without causing ``unreasonable adverse effects on the environment'' 
    (FIFRA section 3(c)(5)). Through registration, EPA regulates the 
    composition, packaging, and labeling of pesticides. The labeling of a 
    pesticide product includes information prescribing how a product may be 
    used and generally contains directions specifying the sites on which 
    the product may be used, the amount that may be applied, the frequency 
    of application, and appropriate precautions necessary to reduce risks. 
    It is unlawful to use a registered pesticide in a manner inconsistent 
    with its labeling (FIFRA section 12(a)(2)(G)).
    B. EPA and FDA Jurisdiction and Authorities Under FFDCA Prior to FQPA
        The FFDCA prohibits the introduction or delivery for introduction 
    into interstate commerce of any food that is ``adulterated'' (FFDCA 
    section 301(a)). Food is deemed adulterated, among other reasons, ``if 
    it is a raw agricultural commodity and it bears or contains a pesticide 
    chemical which is unsafe within the meaning of section 408(a); or if it 
    is, or it bears or contains, any food additive which is unsafe within 
    the meaning of section 409'' (FFDCA section 402(a)(2)(B), (C) (emphasis 
    added)). As discussed more fully below, prior to the enactment of FQPA, 
    some FIFRA ``pesticides''--primarily agricultural chemicals--were 
    ``pesticide chemicals'' under FFDCA; other FIFRA ``pesticides''--
    including antimicrobials--were ``food additives'' under FFDCA. Thus, 
    pre-FQPA, both EPA and FDA had responsibilities under FFDCA for the 
    regulation of residues in food resulting from use of substances 
    considered ``pesticides'' under FIFRA. Each agency's pre-FQPA authority 
    is described directly below. Section C in this unit explains the 
    changes in each agency's authority brought about by FQPA.
        1. EPA jurisdiction and authorities. Under Reorganization Plan 3 of 
    1970, which created the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA assumed 
    the authority in FFDCA to set tolerances, and exemptions from the 
    requirement of a tolerance, for ``pesticide chemicals'' (5 U.S.C. App. 
    I, 84 Stat. 2086). At that time, the FFDCA defined a ``pesticide 
    chemical,'' as ``any substance which . . . is a `pesticide' within the 
    meaning of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 
    U.S.C. 136(u)) as now in force or as hereafter amended, and which is 
    used in the production, storage, or transportation of raw agricultural 
    commodities'' (FFDCA section 201(q), 21 U.S.C. 321(q) (1994) (amended 
    1996)). Thus, in addition to registering pesticides under FIFRA, EPA 
    regulated the presence of the residues in food of FIFRA ``pesticides'' 
    resulting from their use in or on raw agricultural commodities.
        It is important to note that the definition of ``pesticide 
    chemical'' in FFDCA was narrower than FIFRA's definition of 
    ``pesticide,'' and therefore EPA had jurisdiction over residues in or 
    on food for only some FIFRA pesticides. As a practical matter, EPA's 
    authority under FFDCA extended only to pesticides used in agricultural 
    production--e.g., weed killers, fungicides, growth regulators, and 
    insecticides applied to growing crops and stored raw agricultural 
        In general, a ``pesticide chemical'' in or on a raw agricultural 
    commodity was considered ``unsafe'' unless there was a tolerance or an 
    exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for the pesticide 
    chemical and the residue of the pesticide chemical conformed to the 
    terms of the tolerance or exemption. See FFDCA section 408(a)(1), 21 
    U.S.C. 346a(a)(1) (1994) (amended 1996). A tolerance sets out the 
    maximum amount of a residue that may legally remain on a particular 
    food. For example, EPA established a tolerance of 0.05 parts per 
    million (ppm) of the weed killer alachlor in peanuts. See 40 CFR 
    180.249. Any residue of alachlor over that amount would cause the 
    peanuts to be adulterated. An exemption from the requirement of a 
    tolerance represents a determination by EPA that any amount of residue 
    of a specific pesticide chemical expected to be present in or on a raw 
    agricultural commodity as a result of its use would be safe. For 
    pesticides subject to a tolerance exemption, there is no numerical 
    limit on the amount of permitted residue.
        In its administration of FIFRA and FFDCA, EPA has adopted policies 
    to ensure the coordinated application of both statutes. Specifically, 
    EPA will not register a pesticide under FIFRA if its use is expected to 
    result in residues in food unless such use complies fully with the 
    FFDCA. See 40 CFR 152.112(g) and 152.113(a)(3).
        2. FDA jurisdiction and authorities. FDA was (and remains) 
    responsible for the regulation of ``food additives'' that are not 
    ``pesticide chemicals.'' Prior to the FQPA, the definition of ``food 
    additive'' included residues in food of certain FIFRA ``pesticides'' 
    that were not FFDCA ``pesticide chemicals.'' The term ``food additive'' 
    was defined as: ``any substance the intended use of which results or 
    may reasonably be expected to result, directly or indirectly, in its 
    becoming a component or otherwise affecting the characteristics of any 
    food . . . if such substance is not generally recognized as safe . . . 
    '' (FFDCA section 201(s) (1990) (amended 1996)). The definition of 
    ``food additive'' specifically excluded a ``pesticide chemical in or on 
    a raw agricultural commodity'' (FFDCA section 201(s)(1)(1990) (amended 
    1996)). Under this definition, the term ``food additive'' did not 
    include pesticide chemicals in or on a raw agricultural commodity but 
    did include pesticide chemicals in foods that were not raw agricultural 
    commodities. EPA
    [[Page 54534]]
    was responsible for the establishment of tolerances or food additive 
    regulations under section 409 for pesticide chemical residues in food. 
    FDA was responsible for the establishment of ``food additive 
    regulations'' for all food additives except those that were also 
    pesticide chemicals. FDA did set food additive regulations for food 
    additives that were FIFRA pesticides, but not FFDCA pesticide 
        As a practical matter, FIFRA pesticides that were regulated by FDA 
    as food additives prior to FQPA were for antimicrobial uses. These FDA-
    regulated substances included products used as sanitizers and 
    disinfectants for permanent or semi-permanent food-contact surfaces; as 
    materials preservatives in products like adhesives, coatings, and latex 
    solutions that could be used to manufacture food packaging materials or 
    which could otherwise come into contact with food; and as slimicides 
    added during the process of making paper and paperboard used to package 
    food. In sum, for each of these categories, EPA registered 
    antimicrobial substances as a pesticide under FIFRA for the food uses, 
    only after FDA had made a determination that the use of the products 
    were safe under section 409 of FFDCA.
        Finally, FDA was (and remains) responsible for enforcement of all 
    FFDCA pesticide tolerances and of food additive regulations. FDA can 
    request seizure of a food or other enforcement action when a pesticide 
    residue on food does not conform to an established tolerance or food 
    additive regulation, or when there is no tolerance, exemption from the 
    requirement of a tolerance, or food additive regulation in place.
    C. Changes in EPA and FDA Authority Under FFDCA Resulting From FQPA
        While FQPA made a number of changes to both FIFRA and FFDCA, this 
    notice focuses only on changes that alter the regulatory 
    responsibilities of EPA and FDA for establishing FFDCA section 408 
    tolerances, exemptions from the requirement for a tolerance, and food 
    additive regulations with respect to antimicrobials. Specifically, this 
    section discusses: FQPA definitions of ``pesticide chemical,'' 
    ``pesticide chemical residue,'' and ``food additive''; the authority in 
    FFDCA section 201(q)(3) to except substances from the definition of 
    ``pesticide chemical''; the transition provisions in FFDCA section 
    408(j); and the new statutory standard in FFDCA section 408 for the 
    establishment of a tolerance and an exemption from the requirement for 
    a tolerance.
        1. Definitions of ``pesticide chemical,'' ``pesticide chemical 
    residue,'' and ``food additive.'' FQPA redefined ``pesticide chemical'' 
    in FFDCA to mean: ``any substance that is a pesticide within the 
    meaning of FIFRA, including all active and inert ingredients of such 
    pesticide'' (FFDCA section 201(q)(1)). Notably, this new definition 
    eliminates the restriction in the pre-FQPA definition of ``pesticide 
    chemical'' that the pesticide be used in the production, storage, or 
    transportation of a raw agricultural commodity.
        FQPA also amended the definition of ``food additive'' (FFDCA 
    section 201(s)). The FQPA amendments did not affect the primary 
    definition of ``food additive.'' As before, the term food additive is 
    defined broadly and includes ``any substance the intended use of which 
    results or may reasonably be expected to result, directly or 
    indirectly, in its becoming a component or otherwise affecting the 
    characteristics of any food. . . '' (FFDCA section 201(s)). However, 
    the FQPA amendments did revise the food additive definition's 
    exclusions. Specifically, the term ``food additive'' now excludes ``a 
    pesticide chemical residue in or on a raw agricultural commodity or 
    processed food'' (FFDCA section 201(s)(1)). As a result of these two 
    changes, antimicrobial pesticides formerly regulated by FDA as ``food 
    additives'' under section 409 of FFDCA, are now considered ``pesticide 
    chemicals'' and regulated by EPA under section 408 of FFDCA .
        FQPA also added a definition of ``pesticide chemical residue'' 
    (FFDCA section 201(q)(2)). This term means any residue in or on food of 
    a pesticide chemical or any other substance that results primarily from 
    the metabolism or degradation of a pesticide chemical. This definition 
    makes explicit the long-standing EPA interpretation that the term 
    ``pesticide chemical'' includes the chemical compounds formed through 
    the breakdown or metabolism of pesticidally active and inert 
    ingredients in a pesticide formulation.
        2. Exception authority. FQPA added a clause to the subsection 
    defining ``pesticide chemical'' and ``pesticide chemical residue'' that 
    gives EPA the authority, in certain circumstances, to ``except'' or 
    exclude otherwise covered substances from these definitions (FFDCA 
    section 201(q)(3)). Specifically, EPA may exclude a substance from the 
    definition of a ``pesticide chemical'' or a ``pesticide chemical 
    residue'' if EPA makes two findings: (1) The presence of the substance 
    in a raw agricultural commodity or processed food is due primarily to 
    natural causes or to human activities not involving the use of the 
    substance for a pesticidal purpose in the production, storage, 
    processing, or transportation of a raw agricultural commodity or 
    processed food; and (2) after consultation with the Secretary of Health 
    and Human Services, the substance is more appropriately regulated under 
    provisions of the FFDCA other than section 402(a)(2)(B) and 408.
        3. Transition provision. FQPA added a provision to the FFDCA to 
    assure an orderly transition to the new regulatory system. All 
    previously issued regulations under FFDCA section 406, 408, and 409, 
    which authorized the presence in food of any substance that is a 
    pesticide chemical residue, remain in effect unless modified or revoked 
    (FFDCA section 408(j)). Thus, existing food additive regulations issued 
    by FDA for antimicrobial substances that are pesticides remain valid, 
    and food is not adulterated by residues of such substances that conform 
    to the applicable food additive regulations.
        4. Statutory standard for section 408 tolerances and exemptions. 
    FQPA amended section 408 of FFDCA to establish a new standard for 
    making decisions to establish tolerances or exemptions from the 
    requirement of a tolerance for pesticide chemical residues. In order to 
    establish or leave in effect either a tolerance or an exemption, EPA 
    must conclude that the pesticide chemical residue in food would be 
    ``safe'' (FFDCA section 408(b)(2)(A)(i), (c)(2)(A)(i)). ``Safe'' is 
    further defined to mean ``a reasonable certainty that no harm will 
    result from aggregate exposure to the pesticide chemical residue, 
    including all anticipated dietary exposures and all other exposures for 
    which there is reliable information'' (FFDCA section 408(b)(2)(A)(ii), 
    (c)(2)(A)(ii)). The amendments also direct EPA to consider a variety of 
    factors in making decisions under the new standard. These factors 
    include: the potential for greater sensitivity or exposure for infants 
    and children to the pesticide chemical residue; and the cumulative 
    effects of the pesticide chemical residue and other substances that 
    have a common mechanism of toxicity. See FFDCA section 408(b)(2)(C) and 
        5. Summary. The FQPA amendments have expanded the definition of 
    ``pesticide chemical'' in FFDCA to correspond in scope to the 
    definition of ``pesticide'' in FIFRA. As a result, so long as a 
    substance is a ``pesticide'' under FIFRA, EPA now has jurisdiction to 
    regulate the substance under both FIFRA and FFDCA. EPA also has the 
    authority to ``except'' substances from
    [[Page 54535]]
    the definitions of ``pesticide chemical'' or ``pesticide chemical 
    residue.'' Such an exception would transfer the regulatory 
    responsibility for such substances to FDA, without yielding regulatory 
    authority under FIFRA over the use of the pesticide. Notwithstanding 
    these changes, all previously issued approvals that allow residues of 
    pesticides in food remain valid under the transition provisions. All 
    pesticides that are EPA's regulatory responsibility under FFDCA are 
    subject to the new safety standard of FFDCA section 408.
    II. Background
        In addition to considering the changes to the legal framework 
    resulting from FQPA, EPA and FDA evaluated whether the jurisdictional 
    change brought about by FQPA for certain antimicrobial substances 
    resulted in the most efficient regulatory outcome. The agencies took 
    several factors into account in the deliberations and tentatively 
    concluded that an alternative jurisdictional approach for certain 
    antimicrobial substances would be more appropriate. Principally, the 
    two agencies have concluded that the jurisdiction under FFDCA for 
    antimicrobial substances should be allocated in a way that promotes 
    protection of public health, and uses limited public resources 
    efficiently. The factors that the agencies considered are discussed 
    more fully in sections A and B of this unit.
    A. Promotion of Public Health
        In recent years, the scientific community has identified the 
    contamination of food by pathogenic microbes as both a serious and 
    growing problem affecting the overall safety of the food supply. The 
    Federal government, working through multiple agencies such as FDA, EPA, 
    and the Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service, 
    is using its resources and regulatory authorities to address this 
    problem in a concerted fashion. Some of the more significant 
    initiatives are FDA's Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point 
    (HACCP) program for the seafood industry, USDA's HACCP program for the 
    meat and poultry industry, and the possible expansion by FDA of HACCP 
    to other segments of the food industry. HACCP starts with the 
    preparation of a hazard analysis for each food processing facility and 
    then a plan designed to prevent hazards from occurring in the 
    production of food through a range of available control techniques and 
    to respond to deviations from the prevention plan.
        FDA is especially concerned with a growing problem of pathogens in 
    fruits, vegetables, and unpasteurized juices. FDA's concern extends to 
    both domestic and imported foods. This includes contamination of foods 
    with Escherichia coli 0157:H7, which caused a serious human illness 
    outbreak involving unpasteurized apple juice in the fall of 1996, 
    problems associated with Listeria monocytogenes in cut vegetables, and 
    others. As noted, FDA considers HACCP to be a state of the art approach 
    to dealing with these problems. For HACCP to be effective, however, 
    regulatory agencies must be sure that industry HACCP plans include 
    controls that will ensure that the public is adequately protected from 
    pathogens in foods. In order to accomplish this, FDA expects that it 
    will, over time, establish a number of performance standards to assure 
    the effective control of pathogens in foods.
        FDA and EPA must ensure a coordinated approach if these concerns 
    with microbial contamination are to be effectively addressed. For 
    example, one technique for reducing microbial contamination of foods is 
    the appropriate use of antimicrobial chemicals. Therefore, in 
    evaluating jurisdictional alternatives, the two agencies have 
    tentatively decided to recognize and give considerable weight to the 
    benefits that would result from FDA having broad regulatory authority 
    over the use of antimicrobial chemicals in food processing facilities. 
    This coordinated approach will allow FDA to move forward in proposing, 
    for instance, that juices sold for human consumption be subject to a 
    process that reduces, controls, or eliminates pathogens, and therefore, 
    will be equivalent to pasteurization in its effect. An equivalent 
    process may include the use of antimicrobials. Antimicrobials must not 
    only kill pathogens; assurance is needed that after antimicrobials are 
    applied, the food meets the performance standard that FDA has 
    determined is necessary to protect the public health. Furthermore, the 
    food must meet the performance standard in a real world production 
        The use of antimicrobials in food production may be a complex 
    undertaking. For example, the use of an antimicrobial that might not be 
    capable of meeting the performance standard by itself at one processing 
    step can be combined with other pathogen reduction efforts at other 
    processing steps. It is important that together, these controls achieve 
    the desired public health objective. The total process, including the 
    antimicrobial use, can be considered in determining whether the process 
    is adequate to protect the public from pathogens.
        FDA and EPA, after considering these situations and FDA's role and 
    experience in dealing with pathogens in foods, have tentatively 
    concluded that FDA should have broad regulatory authority over the use 
    of antimicrobial substances in food processing facilities. Presently, 
    FDA has regulatory authority over such substances when used in or on 
    processed edible foods. However, the intended use of antimicrobial 
    substances on certain food-contact articles and on raw agricultural 
    commodities is within EPA's regulatory purview. Therefore, the proposed 
    allocation of jurisdiction, described in Unit III. of this notice, 
    would expand FDA's regulatory authority to include antimicrobial 
    substances used on certain food-contact articles and on raw 
    agricultural commodities in food processing facilities.
    B. Efficient Use of Public Resources
        Congress' amendment to the definition of ``pesticide chemical 
    residue'' in FFDCA, which now includes such residues on processed food 
    in addition to those residues on raw agricultural commodities, may be 
    viewed as streamlining the regulatory system by consolidating 
    responsibilities for regulating ``pesticides'' with antimicrobial 
    activity in EPA. One consequence of FQPA is to allow EPA to coordinate 
    the parallel decision-making process of registration under FIFRA and 
    tolerance setting under FFDCA for antimicrobial substances that are 
    ``pesticides'' under FIFRA. This is consistent with other FQPA 
    amendments that direct EPA to streamline its registration process for 
    non-food use antimicrobial pesticides. See FIFRA section 3(h).
        The FQPA amendments did not affect the current regulatory framework 
    in FIFRA which exempts, by statute, certain microbes in or on processed 
    food from the definition of ``pest.'' Nor did these amendments affect 
    the Administrator's authority to declare by regulation that certain 
    microbes are not ``pests.'' Thus, antimicrobials directed against 
    microbes that are in or on processed edible food remain subject to 
    FDA's regulatory authority as food additives post-FQPA.
        However, this new regulatory scheme created by FQPA differs 
    significantly from the previous regulatory scheme in place for over 25 
    years for certain indirect food additives. Antimicrobial substances 
    applied to or incorporated in food-contact articles but not used 
    directly in or on edible processed food were regulated by FDA as food 
    [[Page 54536]]
    because of their potential migration to food. FDA and EPA have 
    extensive regulatory experience with this pre-FQPA jurisdictional 
    scheme and have developed considerable understanding and experience 
    with the policies and procedures of the respective agencies.
        To the extent that the regulated community has expressed its views, 
    it expressed a preference for retaining, to the greatest extent 
    possible, the pre-FQPA regulatory scheme regarding antimicrobials in or 
    on food-contact articles. Such an approach, it argued, could involve 
    fewer delays because ongoing reviews would continue at FDA where such 
    reviews have historically been performed. Moreover, by retaining the 
    pre-FQPA scheme, products regulated by FDA would not be subject to the 
    requirement in FFDCA section 408 to pay a fee.
        Implementing the new statutory scheme, therefore, would involve 
    adjustments for both the regulated industry and the Federal agencies. 
    During the transition, decision-making would likely experience 
    considerable delays. Moreover, during the transition both agencies 
    would face additional, new work associated with any transfer of 
    responsibilities. To the extent that the agencies use rulemaking to 
    restore the pre-FQPA allocation of jurisdiction, these problems are 
        In conclusion, EPA and FDA weighed all of these considerations in 
    formulating the approach set forth in Unit III. of this notice 
    regarding the allocation of regulatory responsibility for antimicrobial 
    substances used in food-contact articles and food packaging materials. 
    The agencies reached decisions that they believe reflect the most 
    appropriate balance of the competing considerations based upon 
    currently available information. This proposed allocation of 
    responsibilities is described more fully in Unit III. below.
    III. Allocation of Regulatory Responsibilities Under FFDCA in Light 
    of FQPA Amendments
    A. Summary
        EPA and FDA propose to divide the universe of antimicrobial 
    substances regulated under the FFDCA, and potentially affected by the 
    FQPA amendments, into the following categories. Some of these 
    categories are the consequence of statutory provisions; others would be 
    established through rulemaking. Sections B. through F. of this unit 
    discuss each of the following categories in detail. Section G. of this 
    unit provides a table summarizing the categories.
        1. Antimicrobial substances directed against microbes in or on 
    edible food, animal drinking water, and process water that contacts 
    edible food (see section B. of this unit).
        a. EPA: antimicrobials used in or on raw agricultural commodities, 
    or in process water contacting such commodities, in the field, or in a 
    facility where only one or more of the following activities occurs: 
    washing, waxing, fumigating, and packing of raw agricultural 
    commodities, or during transportation of such commodities between the 
    field and such facility; antimicrobials used in or on raw agricultural 
    commodities for consumer use; antimicrobials that are not drugs used in 
    animal drinking water.
        b. FDA: antimicrobials used in or on processed food or processed 
    animal feed; antimicrobials used in or on raw agricultural commodities 
    or in process water contacting such commodities (other than those 
    described in section III.A.1.a. of this unit), in a facility where such 
    commodities are prepared, packed, or held (hereinafter ``food 
    processing facility'' (refer to section B. of this unit for a 
    description of such facilities));
        2. Antimicrobial substances directed against microbes on permanent 
    or semi-permanent food-contact surfaces (see section C. of this unit). 
    [Note: impregnated antimicrobials are addresssed in paragraphs 4. and 
    5. below.]
        a. EPA: sole jurisdiction.
        b. FDA: no jurisdiction.
        3. Antimicrobial substances used in the production of food 
    packaging materials and in or on such finished materials including 
    plastic, paper, and paperboard (see section D. of this unit).
        a. EPA: no jurisdiction.
        b. FDA: sole jurisdiction.
        4. Antimicrobial substances used in production of food-contact 
    articles, other than food packaging, for which there is no ongoing 
    intended antimicrobial effect in the finished article (see section E. 
    of this unit).
        a. EPA: no jurisdiction.
        b. FDA: sole jurisdiction.
        5. Antimicrobial substances incorporated into food-contact 
    articles, other than food packaging, that have an intended 
    antimicrobial effect on the finished article itself, including the 
    article's surface (see section F. of this unit).
        a. EPA: jurisdiction over active pesticidal ingredients.
        b. FDA: jurisdiction over inert ingredients in such pesticides.
    B. Antimicrobial Substances Directed Against Microbes in or on Edible 
    Food, Animal Drinking Water, and Process Water that Contacts Edible 
        The FQPA amendments did not change FDA's and EPA's jurisdiction 
    over antimicrobials used to control microbes on raw agricultural 
    commodities and processed food (within the meaning of the term 
    ``processed food'' in 40 CFR 152.5). Antimicrobial substances directed 
    against microbes in water in which raw agricultural commodities are 
    washed, or directed against microbes in or on raw agricultural 
    commodities, whether the antimicrobials are added to the commodities 
    directly, or indirectly through the addition of the antimicrobial to 
    water in which the commodities are washed, are subject to EPA's 
    regulatory authority as ``pesticides'' under FIFRA and ``pesticide 
    chemicals'' under FFDCA. This category includes antimicrobial 
    substances used in the washing of fresh fruits and vegetables. EPA also 
    regulates antimicrobial substances added to drinking water of cattle, 
    poultry, and other food animals.
        Antimicrobial substances directed against microbes in or on 
    processed food are not subject to EPA's regulatory authority either 
    under FIFRA or FFDCA. This is a result of a jurisdictional division 
    that existed both before and after the FQPA amendments. The definition 
    of ``pest'' in EPA's implementing regulation at 40 CFR 152.5(d) 
    specifically excludes ``microorganisms . . . on or in processed food . 
    . . .'' See Unit II.A. of this notice. Therefore, antimicrobial 
    substances directed against microorganisms on or in processed food are 
    not ``pesticides'' under FIFRA. Since these substances are not 
    pesticides under FIFRA, they are not ``pesticide chemicals'' under 
    FFDCA. This category includes substances such as those listed in 21 CFR 
    172.165, 173.315, and 173.320. EPA has had, and will have, no role in 
    the regulation of substances for these uses; they do not require 
    registration under FIFRA nor tolerances under FFDCA section 408.
        Many existing and proposed applications involve the addition, 
    inside a food processing facility, of antimicrobial substances to 
    process water that contacts fruits, vegtables, or other foods. 
    According to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FDA and EPA 
    on the jurisdiction over substances in drinking water (44 FR 42775, 
    July 20, 1979), FDA has responsibility under FFDCA section 409 for 
    water, and substances in water (including antimicrobials) used in food
    [[Page 54537]]
    and for food processing.2 (44 FR 42775, July 20, 1979). 
    Under this MOU, EPA has, in the past, refrained from regulating such 
    antimicrobial substances under FIFRA, FFDCA, the Safe Drinking Water 
    Act, 42 U.S.C. 300f et seq., and the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 
    U.S.C. 2601 et seq. More recently, however, EPA has exercised its 
    authority over antimicrobials added to process water inside a food 
    processing facility, if that water contacts a raw agricultural 
    commodity, whether or not such raw agricultural commodity is later 
    subjected to processing.
        2Under the MOU, EPA has regulatory responsibility for substances 
    added to a public drinking water system before the water enters a 
    food processing establishment.
        FQPA did not alter the regulatory framework in FIFRA that 
    determines whether antimicrobial substances used in or on raw 
    agricultural commodities or processed food are classified as FIFRA 
    ``pesticides.'' Despite this fact, a more efficient allocation of 
    jurisdiction over antimicrobials that are used in or on both raw 
    agricultural commodities and processed food appears warranted, given 
    FDA's interest in regulatory authority over such substances in food 
    processing facilities.
        As discussed above, under the current regulatory scheme, whether 
    EPA or FDA has jurisdiction over an antimicrobial used on edible food 
    depends on whether the antimicrobial substance is applied to a raw 
    agricultural commodity or processed food. Yet it is sometimes difficult 
    to determine whether certain activities constitute ``processing'' or 
    are merely post-harvest treatment activities. EPA made such a 
    distinction for dried commodities (61 FR 2386, January 25, 1996) and 
    found that, in the legislative history of FFDCA section 408, there was 
    ambiguity in whether certain types of drying were considered 
    ``processing.'' Moreover, raw agricultural commodities that are treated 
    with antimicrobials inside a food processing establishment or facility 
    may be culled, with some of these commodities undergoing further 
    processing and others leaving the facility without any further 
    processing. This practice makes it difficult to determine which 
    specific commodities will remain ``raw agricultural commodities'' and 
    which will be processed.
        The agencies believe that it makes little sense to have the same 
    antimicrobial substance require both a section 408 tolerance and a 
    section 409 food additive regulation when the food, whether raw or 
    processed, is undergoing the same activity, e.g., washing. Therefore, 
    EPA intends to propose an amendment to 40 CFR 152.5 to exclude from the 
    definition of ``pest'' microbes that are in or on raw agricultural 
    commodities or in process water used on such commodities in a food 
    processing facility. Thus, antimicrobials that are both used inside a 
    food processing facility and applied either directly to edible food, 
    whether raw agricultural commodities or processed food, or to process 
    water that contacts such edible food would not be FIFRA ``pesticides'' 
    nor FFDCA ``pesticide chemicals,'' but instead would be subject to 
    regulation as FFDCA ``food additives'' under FFDCA section 409.
        1. Facilities. The proposed change in the allocation of 
    jurisdiction over antimicrobials used in or on raw agricultural 
    commodities, described in section III.A.1.b. of this unit, is limited 
    to those commodities in ``food processing facilities.'' The term ``food 
    processing facility'' would include those locations where food is 
    prepared, packed, or held, except for in the field where raw 
    agricultural commodities are subject to certain post-harvest 
    treatments. Thus, the term includes slaughtering or manufacturing 
    facilities for meat, poultry, seafood, and produce; retail facilities 
    such as restaurants, grocery stores, institutions, and food vending 
    operations; and mobile food facilities such as trains, planes, and 
    vessels. FDA's jurisdiction over antimicrobials that are used on 
    ``processed'' food in such locations remains unchanged by FQPA; such 
    antimicrobials remain subject to regulation as food additives under 
    section 409 of FFDCA.
        EPA and FDA realize that certain food processing facilities are 
    part of a farming operation where antimicrobial use on raw agricultural 
    commodities would not constitute uses described in section III.A.1.a. 
    of this unit. For example, egg sanitizing may occur ``on the farm'' as 
    part of an operation with the same types of food handling activities as 
    those that occur in other food processing facilities. Antimicrobials 
    used in such an operation would be subject to food additive approval by 
        2. Ethylene and propylene oxides. As a result of the agreement 
    between FDA and EPA, the allocation of regulatory jurisdiction under 
    FFDCA over antimicrobial substances used on edible food would, for the 
    most part, correspond to the allocation that existed prior to enactment 
    of FQPA. As discussed, the major change would affect antimicrobial 
    substances used on raw agricultural commodities inside food processing 
    facilities. There is, however, an additional set of antimicrobial uses-
    -ethylene oxide and propylene oxide use on whole and ground spices--for 
    which the proposed allocation would represent a difference from the 
    current regulatory scheme. All uses of ethylene oxide on spices have 
    been regulated by EPA under FFDCA section 408. Since these uses of 
    ethylene oxide take place inside food processing facilities, the 
    proposed allocation would give FDA exclusive jurisdiction over these 
    uses under FFDCA section 409. This situation is further complicated by 
    the fact that these active ingredients also have insecticidal 
    properties that could only be regulated by EPA under both FIFRA and 
    FFDCA. EPA and FDA are considering, in light of the long history of 
    regulation of this chemical and these specific uses by EPA under FFDCA 
    section 408, whether to address the uses differently from the general 
    approach described above. At a minimum, EPA's proposed rule will seek 
    public comment on the implications for different regulatory schemes for 
    these uses under FFDCA.
        In summary, FDA and EPA agree that because it is difficult to 
    ascertain whether certain food will remain a raw agricultural commodity 
    or become a processed food when entering food processing facilities, it 
    would be more efficient to allocate regulatory responsibility for 
    antimicrobials that are used on raw agricultural commodities in such 
    facilities to FDA. Moreover, it would be consistent with the promotion 
    of public health and FDA's interest in the application of HACCP 
    principles to food production. Thus, antimicrobials that are used 
    inside a food processing facility, including those used in process 
    water contacting edible food, regardless of whether the food is 
    ``processed,'' would not be FIFRA ``pesticides'' nor FFDCA ``pesticide 
    chemicals,'' but instead would be ``food additives'' under FFDCA 
    section 409.
        Antimicrobials that are directed against microbes in or on raw 
    agricultural commodities, as described in section III.A.1.a. of this 
    unit, would remain FIFRA ``pesticides'' and FFDCA ``pesticide 
    chemicals'' and thus require pesticide registration under FIFRA and a 
    tolerance or exemption from the requirement of a tolerance under FFDCA. 
    Antimicrobials that are used by the consumer in or on raw agricultural 
    commodities in the household would remain FIFRA ``pesticides'' and thus 
    would also require FIFRA registration. Moreover, such antimicrobials 
    would be FFDCA ``pesticide chemicals,'' but would not require a 
    tolerance or an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance where 
    such food is not ``held for sale'' within the meaning of FFDCA. 
    Nonetheless, EPA will continue to
    [[Page 54538]]
    conduct the same safety evaluation of dietary exposure to 
    antimicrobials used in consumer households as it does for tolerances 
    issued under FFDCA section 408.
        3. Labeling of products used in retail facilities. Historically, 
    FDA has had limited involvement in the regulation and enforcement 
    activities affecting retail establishments, including restaurants and 
    grocery stores. FDA has directed its efforts toward providing technical 
    assistance to state and local governmental agencies that, as a 
    practical matter, have primary responsibility for regulating the retail 
    segment of the food industry. Providing a model food code has been the 
    central mechanism through which FDA, as a lead Federal food control 
    agency, has promoted uniform implementation of national food regulatory 
    policy among the several thousand Federal, state, tribal, and local 
    agencies that carry out the primary oversight of this industry 
        Although the food code provides referenced information about the 
    approved use of antimicrobials in or on food, EPA and FDA believe that 
    directions for use should be included on the labeling of such 
    substances. The labeling would ensure that a person using such a 
    product in the retail setting will have adequate directions for use 
    readily available. Therefore, as part of its exercise of regulatory 
    authority over the use of those antimicrobial substances, FDA is 
    planning to propose to require that a manufacturer provide adequate 
    directions for use to ensure compliance with the applicable food 
    additive regulation. These directions would include the conditions of 
    safe use required under FFDCA section 409(c)(1). The conditions of safe 
    use require adequate directions to achieve the intended technical 
        Consistent with its authority under FFDCA section 409(c)(3)(B), FDA 
    believes that a product that is intended to achieve an antimicrobial 
    effect may require a label with adequate directions to achieve such 
    effect so that the use of the product would not promote deception of 
    the consumer. Specifically, section 409(c)(3)(B) prohibits FDA from 
    approving a food additive if the proposed use would result in the 
    misbranding of food within the meaning of FFDCA section 403(a)(1). 
    Under section 403(a)(1) of FFDCA, a food is misbranded if its labeling 
    is false or misleading in any particular.
        Section 201(n) of the FFDCA provides context to what is meant by 
    ``misleading'' in FFDCA section 403(a)(1). Under FFDCA section 201(n), 
    when determining whether a product is misbranded, FDA is to take into 
    account not only the representations made about the product, but also 
    the extent to which the labeling fails to reveal facts material in 
    light of such representations made or suggested in the labeling or 
    material with respect to consequences which may result from the use of 
    the article to which the labeling relates under the conditions of use 
    prescribed in the labeling or under such conditions of use as are 
    customary or usual. See 21 CFR 1.21. FDA believes that directions to 
    achieve an antimicrobial's intended technical effect may be a material 
    fact with respect to the consequences which may result from the use of 
    the antimicrobial. For example, an antimicrobial that is intended to 
    kill pathogenic microbes and fails to provide directions to achieve 
    such effect may result in adverse consequences to the consumer from 
    ultimate consumption if the antimicrobial is not used appropriately. 
    Therefore, if such labeling is required for the antimicrobial's 
    approval for use as a food additive, the absence of such labeling would 
    constitute misbranding under FFDCA section 403(a)(1). In general, FDA 
    believes that the concept of ``material fact'' is one that should be 
    applied on a case-by-case basis.
    C. Antimicrobial Substances Used to Sanitize or Disinfect Permanent or 
    Semi-Permanent Food-Contact Surfaces
        Products intended for the uses in this category have the same 
    regulatory status under FIFRA, both before and after FQPA. Because they 
    are directed against pests, i.e., against microbes that are not 
    excluded by FIFRA or implementing regulations from the definition of 
    ``pest,'' antimicrobial substances used to sanitize or disinfect 
    environmental surfaces are ``pesticides'' under FIFRA. This category 
    includes antimicrobial substances that are used in or on equipment in 
    food production facilities such as farm bulk tanks and milking 
    machines; in manufacturing facilities such as meat saws/grinders, 
    shellfish skimmers, and in-plant product conveyance systems; in retail 
    food facilities such as slicers, cutting surfaces, dishwashing 
    machines, and kitchen utensils and tableware; and in mobile facilities 
    such as bulk tankers used for liquid eggs or dairy products. Such 
    products must be registered by EPA under FIFRA prior to marketing.
        The use of these products is also widely specified and referenced 
    in FDA's model codes pertaining to the milk, retail food, and shellfish 
    industries. These products are considered to be ``public health 
    pesticides'' under FQPA and, therefore, EPA will coordinate with FDA as 
    part of the PHS in determining the safe and necessary use of these 
        As explained in Unit I.A. of this notice, EPA does not regard food-
    contact surfaces as ``processed food'' within the meaning of FIFRA 
    section 2(k) and the regulations at 40 CFR 152.5(d). EPA and FDA have 
    tentatively agreed to treat substances used to disinfect reusable food 
    packaging materials, e.g. beverage containers, differently from 
    antimicrobial pesticides used to disinfect or sanitize environmental 
    surfaces (refer to discussion in section D. of this unit).
        Before the FQPA amendments, products used to sanitize or disinfect 
    permanent or semi-permanent food-contact surfaces were not considered 
    ``pesticide chemicals'' under FFDCA because they were not used in the 
    production, storage, or transportation of raw agricultural commodities. 
    Therefore, these products were regulated as ``food additives'' by FDA 
    under FFDCA section 409. Food additive regulations for this category of 
    products appear in 21 CFR 178.1010.
        Under FQPA, products in this category are ``pesticide 
    chemicals''because they are FIFRA pesticides, and thus, no longer 
    within the scope of the term ``food additive.'' Consequently, they are 
    regulated under FFDCA section 408 by EPA. Because of the transition 
    provisions in FQPA, previously issued food additive regulations remain 
    in effect for substances in this category.
        FDA and EPA have agreed to propose that EPA should retain 
    jurisdiction over these products, rather than promulgate rules that 
    would restore the pre-FQPA regulatory scheme. Many of the products in 
    this category have non-food uses at other sites, especially sites 
    involving potential exposure to children or other potentially sensitive 
    groups in the general population. As a policy matter, EPA has decided 
    it will conduct a more extensive risk assessment of such non-food uses 
    to take into account the aggregate exposure of sensitive population 
    subgroups. See EPA PR Notice 97-1 and FFDCA section 408(b). As part of 
    its assessment of aggregate exposure, EPA would also evaluate the 
    potential dietary exposure to the antimicrobial substance. Because EPA 
    will be routinely evaluating the non-food uses of these products, the 
    two agencies believe it would be more efficient for EPA to regulate the 
    food uses of these products along with the non-food uses.
    [[Page 54539]]
    D. Antimicrobial Substances Used in the Production of Food Packaging 
    Materials and in or on Such Finished Materials
        Under FIFRA, antimicrobial substances used in the production of 
    food packaging materials, or used in or on such materials, are 
    considered ``pesticides.'' This category of products includes 
    slimicides used in the manufacture of food-contact paper and 
    paperboard, and preservatives added to aqueous suspensions for 
    adhesives or coatings. Also included are antimicrobials incorporated 
    into polymers or finished paper and paperboard coatings to kill 
    microbes in the final food packaging or in the food that contacts such 
    packaging and sanitizers applied to food containers such as aseptic 
    packaging. As discussed in Unit I.A. of this notice, none of these food 
    packaging materials is considered a ``processed food'' under FIFRA 
        The FQPA amendments altered the regulatory authority over some of 
    these products under FFDCA. Prior to FQPA, these antimicrobial 
    substances were regulated under FFDCA section 201(s) as food additives, 
    GRAS substances, or prior sanctioned substances. Even though many of 
    these substances were FIFRA ``pesticides,'' they were not used in the 
    production, storage, or transportation of raw agricultural commodities. 
    Consequently, FDA exercised authority over these chemicals in food 
    under FFDCA. FDA food additive regulations for some of these chemicals 
    appear in, for example, 21 CFR 175.105, 176.170, 176.300, and 178.1005. 
    After FQPA, many of these products in this category are considered 
    ``pesticide chemicals'' under FFDCA, because they are ``pesticides'' 
    under FIFRA. Because of the exclusion of a ``pesticide chemical'' from 
    the definition of ``food additive,'' these substances are no longer 
    ``food additives'' and are not within FDA's regulatory responsibility. 
    Thus, EPA is now responsible for the establishment of tolerances or 
    exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance for their residues in 
    food under FFDCA section 408.
        EPA and FDA have determined that antimicrobial substances in this 
    category should be subject to regulation as food additives. This 
    category includes two types of products: (1) Antimicrobial substances 
    that are impregnated into food packaging that have an ongoing intended 
    antimicrobial effect on the food or in or on the packaging itself, and 
    (2) antimicrobial substances used in the production of food packaging 
    that have no ongoing intended antimicrobial effect beyond the material 
    production process.
        For the first category, EPA plans to propose that FDA have 
    regulatory authority over those antimicrobials impregnated in food 
    packaging that are used against microbes on raw agricultural 
    commodities and those used against microbes in or on the packaging 
    itself. Antimicrobials used to kill microbes on processed food are not 
    pesticides; therefore, FDA retains authority over food packaging 
    impregnated with an antimicrobial that is intended to kill microbes on 
    the packaged, processed food.
        The second category includes antimicrobial substances used in the 
    production of food packaging that have no ongoing intended 
    antimicrobial effect in the finished materials. They are ``pesticides'' 
    under FIFRA and therefore ``pesticide chemicals'' under FFDCA, post-
    FQPA. EPA intends to propose a regulatory scheme that gives FDA 
    responsibility for this latter category of products for two reasons. 
    First, antimicrobial substances in this category that kill microbes in 
    materials used in the production of food packaging are part of the 
    formulation of such materials. These substances include adjuvants and 
    other components of the food packaging materials that are regulated as 
    food additives by FDA. Government resources would be better used if 
    these antimicrobial substances were regulated as food additives in 
    conjunction with the adjuvants and other packaging components in which 
    they are used. This approach is also more efficient for the regulated 
    community for the same reason. The regulated community has expressed a 
    strong preference for continuation of FDA regulation of these products 
    under FFDCA. For both categories, the control of microbes in or on food 
    packaging, as for example in the production of aseptically packaged 
    food, is a very important aspect of an effective food safety program, 
    such as HACCP. The two agencies believe that FDA will be better able to 
    protect the public health by administering these regulatory programs--
    HACCP and use of antimicrobial substances in or on food packaging--than 
    if jurisdiction were divided between EPA and FDA.
        EPA intends to propose to amend the definition of ``pest'' in 40 
    CFR 152.5(d) to exclude microbes in or on food packaging or in 
    materials used in the production of such packaging. As a result of such 
    an amendment, antimicrobial substances directed against such microbes 
    would not be ``pesticides'' under FIFRA, and thus, would not be 
    ``pesticide chemicals'' under FFDCA. Instead, such products would be 
    ``food additives'' subject solely to FDA's regulatory authority.
    E. Antimicrobial Substances Incorporated into Food-Contact Articles, 
    Other Than Food Packaging, with No Pesticidal Effect in the Finished 
        Antimicrobial substances incorporated into food-contact articles, 
    other than food packaging, have historically been and are still 
    considered by EPA as ``pesticides'' under FIFRA. This category includes 
    a wide variety of registered pesticide products such as: preservatives 
    used in latex solutions, adhesives and coatings intended for use in 
    food-contact articles, and antimicrobial substances used in the 
    manufacture of conveyer belts, cutting boards, plastic tubing, and 
    other articles that come in contact with food during its storage, 
    transportation, processing, or preparation. These antimicrobial 
    substances may or may not have an ongoing antimicrobial effect in the 
    finished food-contact article. Only those that have no intended ongoing 
    antimicrobial effect in the finished article are discussed in this 
    unit. Those with an ongoing pesticidal effect are considered in section 
    F. of this unit.
        Similar to products described in section D. of this unit, the 
    regulatory status under FFDCA of antimicrobial substances incorporated 
    into food-contact articles, other than food packaging, with no intended 
    ongoing antimicrobial effect in the finished articles was changed by 
    FQPA. Prior to FQPA, these products were regulated as ``food 
    additives'' by FDA. Food additive regulations for these products appear 
    in 21 CFR 175.300 and 177.2600, for example. After FQPA, these products 
    are ``pesticide chemicals'' under FFDCA, and thus, within the 
    regulatory authority of EPA.
        Again, just as for antimicrobials used on or in food packaging 
    materials, EPA and FDA have agreed that the regulatory responsibility 
    for these antimicrobial substances should be similar to that existing 
    before the FQPA amendments. EPA will propose to amend the definition of 
    ``pest'' in 40 CFR 152.5(d) to exclude microbes in materials used in 
    the production of food-contact articles, other than food packaging 
    (which was previously discussed in section D. of this unit). The result 
    of such a rulemaking would be that products for uses in this category 
    would no longer be ``pesticides'' under FIFRA and would be subject to 
    regulation as ``food additives'' under FFDCA section 409, instead of as 
    ``pesticide chemicals'' under section 408 of FFDCA.
    [[Page 54540]]
        The reasons for this proposed action are similar to those described 
    above for antimicrobial substances used in or on food packaging 
    materials with no intended ongoing antimicrobial effect in the finished 
    packaging. Again, these substances are part of the formulations of 
    materials used to produce food-contact articles. Regulation of these 
    substances as food additives along with the other adjuvants and 
    components would result in a more efficient use of government 
    resources. Further, these antimicrobial substances have no intended 
    ongoing antimicrobial effect in the finished food-contact article. 
    Therefore, no claims for antimicrobial activity (i.e., pesticidal 
    effect), which would be under the jurisdiction of EPA, are made for the 
    finished food-contact article.
    F. Antimicrobial Substances Incorporated into Permanent or Semi-
    Permanent Food-Contact Articles, Other Than Food Packaging, With an 
    Ongoing Antimicrobial Effect
        This category covers antimicrobial substances incorporated into 
    permanent or semi-permanent food-contact articles such as conveyer 
    belts, cutting boards, and plastic tubing for the purpose of having a 
    pesticidal effect during the continuing life of the product, either on 
    the food-contact materials themselves (self-protection) or on food that 
    contacts the treated article. Antimicrobial substances intended to 
    control or mitigate ``pests'' are ``pesticides'' under FIFRA. Therefore 
    products in this category are subject to EPA regulation under FIFRA to 
    the extent that the target microorganisms are ``pests.'' It should be 
    noted that, if the presence of the antimicrobial substance in the food-
    contact article is intended only to control microbes in or on 
    ``processed food,'' such a substance would not be considered a 
    ``pesticide'' under FIFRA because microbes in or on processed food are 
    not ``pests.''
        At present, there are no products registered as pesticides by EPA 
    that are intended to be incorporated in permanent or semi-permanent 
    food-contact articles for a pesticidal purpose on the food that 
    contacts such articles. Several companies, however, have been marketing 
    unregistered products with such claims. For example, several companies 
    make plastic cutting boards impregnated with an antimicrobial substance 
    and have marketed these products with claims that the presence of the 
    pesticidal substance can kill or control specific pathogenic bacteria 
    or germs that cause food borne illnesses. Similar products could 
    include antimicrobial countertops, housewares, conveyer belts, gloves, 
    shelving, and sponges. Although no company has actually applied for 
    registration of such product, several have approached EPA concerning 
    their interest in marketing such products.
        Prior to FQPA, products in this category would have been both 
    ``pesticides'' and ``food additives,'' but with the FQPA amendments, 
    these products are ``pesticide chemicals'' subject only to EPA 
    regulation. FDA and EPA have tentatively decided to leave the 
    allocation of responsibility largely as it exists after the FQPA 
    amendments. Under this scheme, EPA will exercise FIFRA jurisdiction 
    over the products, as well as FFDCA jurisdiction over the pesticide 
    active ingredients, but FDA will regulate the inert ingredients in 
    these products. If a company seeks to market an antimicrobial food-
    contact product, e.g. an antibacterial cutting board, EPA would be 
    responsible for registration of the product under FIFRA.
        The primary reason for EPA retaining responsibility for these 
    products, as contrasted with its approach to the category described in 
    section E. of this unit, is EPA's concern about claims made for the 
    antimicrobial efficacy of these products. EPA believes that in 
    determining whether to register such products, it would be critical not 
    only to evaluate potential dietary and other risks, but also to ensure 
    that, when public health claims are made, the products actually perform 
    as claimed. EPA has considerable experience evaluating antimicrobial 
    efficacy and making decisions about the labeling of pesticide products 
    with differing levels of efficacy. Therefore from both an efficiency 
    and public health protection perspective, EPA appears to be the more 
    appropriate agency to exercise regulatory responsibility for these 
        EPA would also propose to establish a tolerance or an exemption 
    from the requirement of a tolerance for the active ingredient in the 
    product, under FFDCA. EPA would further need to determine under FFDCA 
    that the inert ingredients were allowed to be present in food because, 
    as explained before, EPA will not register a pesticide unless all 
    ingredients in the product have the necessary approvals. Ordinarily, 
    because the inert ingredients are part of a pesticide product, they 
    would be regarded as ``pesticide chemicals'' and EPA would establish a 
    tolerance or exemption from the requirement for a tolerance for such 
    ingredients. As a practical matter, however, EPA expects that these 
    antimicrobial products would be manufactured by adding antimicrobial 
    active ingredient chemicals to products already in compliance with the 
    applicable food additive regulations. Therefore, all of the inert 
    ingredients in such products would likely already be regulated or 
    permitted by FDA under the FFDCA. EPA and FDA have tentatively decided 
    that EPA would ``except'' such products from the definition of 
    ``pesticide chemical'' on a case-by-case basis, making the inert 
    substances ``food additives'' and subject to section 409 of FFDCA. Such 
    exceptions would be issued under the authority of FFDCA section 
    201(q)(3). See Unit I.C. of this notice.
    G. Summary of Jurisdictional Changes
        The following table summarizes the status of FDA and EPA 
    jurisdiction for antimicrobial substances under FFDCA both before and 
    after FQPA. This table also summarizes the jurisdictional allocation 
    that EPA intends to propose through rulemaking.
    [[Page 54541]]
                                     Table 1.--EPA and FDA Jurisdiction Under FFDCA
                                                                                                After Planned EPA
               Product Category                  Before FQPA               After FQPA               Rulemaking
    1. Antimicrobial substances directed   EPA & FDA                EPA & FDA                EPA--antimicrobials
     against microbes in or on edible                                                         that are not drugs
     food, antimicrobials that are not                                                        used in animal
     drugs used in animal drinking water,                                                     drinking water and
     and antimicrobials used in process                                                       antimicrobials in or
     water that contacts edible food                                                          on raw agricultural
     (Unit III.B.)                                                                            commodities or process
                                                                                              water contacting such
                                                                                              commodities in the
                                                                                              field, or in a
                                                                                              facility where only
                                                                                              one or more of the
                                                                                              following activities
                                                                                              occurs: washing,
                                                                                              waxing, fumigating,
                                                                                              and packing of raw
                                                                                              commodities, or during
                                                                                              transportation of such
                                                                                              commodities between
                                                                                              the field and such
                                                                                              facility; and
                                                                                              antimicrobials used in
                                                                                              or on raw agricultural
                                                                                              commodities for
                                                                                              consumer use. FDA--in
                                                                                              or on processed food
                                                                                              or processed animal
                                                                                              feed; in or on raw
                                                                                              commodities or process
                                                                                              water contacting such
                                                                                              commodities in a food
                                                                                              processing facility as
                                                                                              described in Unit
    2. Antimicrobial substances directed   FDA                      EPA                      EPA
     against microbes on permanent or
     semi-permanent food-contact surfaces
     (Unit III.C.)
    3. Antimicrobial substances used in    FDA                      EPA                      FDA
     the production of food packaging
     materials and in or on such finished
     materials, including plastic, paper,
     and paperboard (Unit III.D.)
    4. Antimicrobial substances used in    FDA                      EPA                      FDA
     production of food-contact articles,
     other than food packaging, for which
     there is no ongoing intended
     antimicrobial effect in the finished
     article (Unit III.E.)
    5. Antimicrobial substances            FDA                      EPA                      EPA (active
     incorporated into food-contact                                                           ingredients) and FDA
     articles, other than food packaging,                                                     (inert ingredients)
     that have an intended antimicrobial
     effect on the finished article
     itself, including the article's
     surface (Unit III.F.)
    IV. Processed Food
        This section provides guidance on a term that is important in 
    defining the categories, and the resulting jurisdiction of FDA and EPA. 
    Specifically it addresses what qualifies as a ``processed food'' under 
        Although FQPA and the agencies' subsequent policy agreement on 
    their proposed approach to regulation of antimicrobials largely 
    eliminated the importance of the distinction between raw and processed 
    food for purposes of FFDCA tolerance setting, this distinction still 
    affects the jurisdiction of EPA and FDA under both FIFRA and FFDCA over 
    antimicrobial substances. Three of the proposed categories (Unit 
    III.B., D., and F. of this notice) are based, in part, on whether the 
    antimicrobial substance is directed against microbes on an article that 
    is a ``processed food'' within the meaning of FIFRA. As explained 
    below, FDA and EPA have developed guidance to help in the 
    interpretation of this FIFRA term.
        EPA has tentatively decided that the following post-harvest 
    activities do not constitute processing, and that food subjected to 
    these activities would not be considered processed food: washing, 
    coloring, waxing, hydro-cooling, refrigeration, shelling of nuts, 
    ginning of cotton, and the removal of leaves, stems, and husks. EPA has 
    tentatively concluded that the following activities constitute 
    processing and that any food subjected to these activities becomes a 
    ``processed food'': canning, freezing, cooking, pasteurization or 
    homogenization, irradiation, milling, grinding, chopping, slicing, 
    cutting, or peeling.
        In determining which operations would be considered processing, EPA 
    considered how such actions or operations are categorized, either 
    explicitly or implicitly in FFDCA or its legislative history. For 
    example, FFDCA defines a ``raw agricultural commodity'' as ``any food 
    in its raw or natural state, including all fruits that are washed, 
    colored, or otherwise treated in their unpeeled natural form prior to 
    marketing'' (FFDCA 201(r)). This definition explicitly categorizes 
    washing and coloring as non-processing operations and implicitly 
    categorizes peeling as processing.
        Similarly, the statute expressly lists several operations as 
    qualifying as processing--canning, cooking, freezing, dehydration, or 
    milling (FFDCA 201(gg)); see FFDCA section 402(a)(2)(C) (1990). From 
    these examples EPA extracted the following guiding principle: 
    processing operations are ones that alter the general state of the 
    commodity, while non-processing operations, like harvesting, are 
    designed only to isolate or separate the commodity from foreign objects 
    or other parts of the plant. If EPA were writing on a clean slate, it 
    perhaps would classify coloring differently. However, given the lack of 
    intrusiveness involved in the coloring of certain commodities (e.g., 
    oranges), EPA believes that categorizing coloring for such commodities 
    as not processing is consistent with the guiding principle outlined 
        EPA has issued a policy statement under the FFDCA interpreting the 
    [[Page 54542]]
    ``raw agricultural commodity'' and by inference ``processed food'' for 
    foods that have been subjected to drying (61 FR 2386, January 25, 1996) 
    (FRL-4992-4). Briefly, this policy states that a ``raw agricultural 
    commodity'' becomes a ``processed food'' when it is dried, unless the 
    purpose of the drying is to facilitate transportation or storage of the 
    commodity prior to processing. As a practical matter, this policy means 
    that some vegetables and fruits, such as grapes, become processed food 
    when the commodity is dried. On the other hand, hay, nuts, rice, beans, 
    corn, other grasses, legumes, and grains remain raw agricultural 
    commodities even though they may have undergone some drying. EPA 
    believes the distinction set forth in this prior FFDCA interpretation 
    is reasonable and intends to follow it in implementing the term 
    ``processed food'' under FIFRA.
        The term ``food processing facility,'' described in Unit III.B. of 
    this notice, would include those facilities where food is subject to 
    activities that constitute ``processing'' unless such activities fall 
    within the exceptions for post-harvest treatments described earlier in 
    this section. Included within the meaning of the term ``food processing 
    facility,'' are those facilities where meat and poultry are slaughtered 
    or otherwise processed subject to the Federal Meat Inspection Act, 21 
    U.S.C. 601 et seq., and Poultry Products Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. 451 
    et. seq. Also included within that term are facilities where 
    antimicrobials are used in egg washing or processing subject to the Egg 
    Products Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. 1301 et seq. Finally, the term also 
    includes fish processing operations, commercial fishing vessels, and 
    retail food establishments.
        Processing activities include most food handling activities, 
    including those that are done to a carcass post-slaughter. Such 
    activities include skinning, eviscerating, and quartering. Because such 
    post-slaughter activities constitute ``processing,'' the meat that is 
    subject to such activities is ``processed food'' within the meaning of 
    that term in 40 CFR 152.5(d). Therefore, the regulatory status of 
    antimicrobials that are used on meat after slaughter is unchanged by 
    FQPA and they are subject to regulation by FDA as food additives. 
    Similarly, seafood that is harvested is ``processed.'' Activities done 
    post-harvest to seafood include, among other things, handling, storing, 
    preparing, heading, eviscerating, shucking, or holding (21 CFR 
    123.3(k)(1)). Antimicrobials that are used in or on seafood, post-
    harvest, would also be subject to regulation by FDA as food additives. 
    In summary, FDA's regulatory authority over the antimicrobial 
    substances used on meat, poultry, and seafood is unchanged by FQPA 
    because such uses constitute those that are on ``processed food,'' not 
    raw agricultural commodities.
    V. Implementation of Legal and Policy Interpretations of FFDCA 
        This unit of the notice discusses how EPA and FDA propose to 
    implement the legal and policy interpretations. Unit V.A. discusses the 
    rulemaking being planned by EPA to implement the jurisdictional 
    allocations discussed in Unit III. of this notice. Unit V.B. describes 
    how EPA will handle both new and pending petitions and Threshold of 
    Regulation (TOR) requests (see 21 CFR 170.39), that are for 
    antimicrobial pesticides that the agencies have determined are now 
    under EPA authority. (A petition or TOR request is considered ``new'' 
    if it is submitted after publication of this notice.) Finally, Unit 
    V.C. of this notice explains the regulatory status of products that are 
    currently registered as pesticides and bear labeling directions for use 
    against microorganisms that would no longer be ``pests'' under EPA's 
    intended rulemaking.
    A. Schedule for EPA Rulemaking to Implement Legal and Policy 
        EPA and FDA have agreed that EPA will undertake rulemaking to 
    redefine ``pest.'' If these regulations are promulgated in final as 
    they are proposed, the result would be to exclude from FIFRA regulation 
    as ``pesticides'' any antimicrobial substance: (1) Used in or on raw 
    agricultural commodities in a food processing facility and in process 
    water contacting such commodities; (2) used in the production of food 
    packaging materials and in or on such finished materials; and (3) used 
    in materials that are incorporated into food-contact articles, other 
    than food packaging, that have no continuing antimicrobial effect in 
    the finished article. The exception for processed food and processed 
    animal feed in 40 CFR 152.5 remains intact. The practical effect of 
    this change would provide FDA with regulatory authority over 
    antimicrobials used in or on ``edible'' food (including both processed 
    food and raw agricultural commodities) in a food processing facility. 
    EPA plans to include this redefinition in the proposed rules being 
    issued under FIFRA section 3(h) and 25(a) in response to FQPA mandate 
    to promulgate new regulations to streamline its registration of 
    antimicrobial pesticides. The proposed rules should be issued in 1998, 
    and a final rule redefining ``pest'' should be published in the first 
    half of 1999.
    B. Antimicrobial Substances Regulated Completely by EPA
        As discussed above, EPA has several categories of antimicrobial 
    substances within its regulatory authority. Pursuant to the proposed 
    allocation of jurisdiction, EPA intends to retain regulatory authority 
    for antimicrobials that are: (1) Directed against microbes in or on raw 
    agricultural commodities or process water contacting such commodities 
    as described in Unit III.A.1.a. of this notice; (2) used to sanitize or 
    disinfect food-contact surfaces, not including food packaging (Unit 
    III.C. of this notice); and (3) incorporated into food-contact 
    articles, except food packaging, with continuing pesticidal activity, 
    except where the target microorganisms are in or on processed food 
    (Unit III.F. of this notice). EPA registers such antimicrobials under 
    FIFRA and establishes tolerances or exemptions from the requirement of 
    a tolerance for the antimicrobials and their ingredients. In addition, 
    EPA has current regulatory authority over the three categories of 
    antimicrobials described in Unit V.A. of this notice, for which it 
    intends to initiate rulemaking to propose that FDA have regulatory 
    authority over as food additives under FFDCA section 409. This portion 
    of the notice focuses on how new and pending petitions will be handled 
    by EPA, both for those antimicrobial substances over which EPA plans to 
    retain regulatory authority and for those that EPA plans to propose to 
    allocate regulatory authority to FDA through rulemaking.
        EPA staff are available to meet with petitioners to discuss the 
    status of pending petitions and procedures for submitting a new 
    petition. If a petitioner or any other person considering submitting a 
    petition is interested in meeting with EPA, the petitioner should 
    contact the appropriate Branch Chief in EPA's Antimicrobials Division 
    to schedule a meeting. Information about how to contact EPA appears in 
    Unit VI. of this notice.
        1. New petitions. Any petition to establish a tolerance or an 
    exemption from the requirement of a tolerance filed after publication 
    of this notice for products now regulated by EPA should be submitted to 
    EPA in the format described in 40 CFR 180.7. In addition, the petition 
    must contain an ``FQPA Addendum.'' EPA has issued detailed guidance in 
    PR Notice 97-1 providing direction on the format and types of 
    information that EPA expects to be
    [[Page 54543]]
    included in the petition to address the factors required by FFDCA to be 
    considered as part of the safety standard of FFDCA section 408. 
    Petitioners should address these factors as they relate to the specific 
    chemical and use pattern that are the subject of their petition. Copies 
    of PR Notice 97-1 are available from the EPA contacts listed in Unit 
    VI. of this notice.
        In addition, each petitioner must submit a draft Notice of Filing 
    which EPA may use as the basis for preparing a Federal Register Notice 
    announcing receipt of the petition. The petitioner must include in the 
    draft notice or provide separately a summary of the petition and the 
    information, data, and arguments submitted in support of the petition. 
    Generally, the summary should be no longer than five pages. This 
    summary will be included in the Notice of Filing EPA is required to 
    publish (FFDCA section 408(d)(3)). EPA Branch Chiefs have examples of 
    such summaries which they will provide on request. Petitions for 
    actions on antimicrobial substances that may ultimately be under FDA's 
    jurisdiction, if the EPA rulemaking is finalized as it is intended to 
    be proposed, will be under a Notice of Filing stating that the final 
    action may be taken under FFDCA section 408 or section 409. The 
    petition must also be accompanied by the tolerance fee required under 
    FFDCA section 408(m) and 40 CFR 180.33.
        Once EPA receives a complete, new petition, the Agency will issue a 
    Notice of Receipt in the Federal Register (FFDCA section 408(d)(3)). 
    The Notice will include the summary of petition and data, information, 
    and arguments supporting the petition (FFDCA section 
    408(d)(2)(A)(i)(I)). EPA will review the petition and take final action 
    as quickly as its resources and other, statutorily mandated, priorities 
        2. Pending petitions. EPA is working with FDA to complete work, as 
    expeditiously as possible, on a group of pending petitions. Prior to 
    enactment of FQPA, FDA received but was unable to complete action on a 
    number of petitions and TOR requests. FDA continued to work on these 
    actions and made progress in these reviews. In addition, since FQPA 
    became law, FDA has received additional petitions and TOR requests. FDA 
    has taken no action with regard to any petition submitted after 
    enactment of FQPA for an antimicrobial substance for which FDA 
    questioned its jurisdiction as a result of FQPA.
        EPA places a high priority on completing the review of these 
    pending actions. Therefore, EPA is working with FDA to transfer the 
    petitions and associated FDA evaluations to EPA, so that EPA can 
    complete the review of these petitions as quickly as possible.
        The transfer of the petitions and associated evaluations to EPA 
    must conform to the restrictions on transfer of CBI from FDA. 
    Petitioners should request FDA to transfer petitions and FDA 
    evaluations to EPA. Such requests should be directed to the FDA 
    consumer safety officer (CSO) named in the filing notice of the 
    petition or current CSO, if changed since the filing notice. FDA will 
    not transfer any petition or FDA evaluations to EPA until FDA has a 
    signed consent form from the petitioner to transfer such records. FDA 
    will provide the consent form to the petitioner after receiving the 
    petitioner's request for a transfer of records to EPA.
        Once FDA has transferred a petition and associated files to EPA, 
    EPA will review the petition. However, companies will need to take some 
    additional steps to allow EPA to complete its review of the petition. 
    First, each petitioner must prepare a short summary of its petition and 
    the data, information, and argument submitted in support of the 
    petition. Second, each petitioner must address the specific factors EPA 
    is required by FFDCA to consider as part of its determination of 
    whether the safety standard in FFDCA section 408 is met. Both of these 
    points were discussed in detail under the ``New Petitions,'' section in 
    this unit.
        EPA recognizes that the uncertainty about the jurisdiction of FDA 
    and EPA under FFDCA over antimicrobial agents has caused delays in 
    issuing final decisions on some of the pending petitions. EPA is taking 
    several steps to lessen the impact of such delay. First, EPA will not 
    require the submission of a new petition for any chemical which is the 
    subject of a petition pending with FDA. Instead, EPA will accept the 
    petition as it was submitted to FDA and will process it without further 
    delay. Second, for pending petitions, EPA will waive the required 
    tolerance fee required under FFDCA section 408(m). EPA has the 
    authority to waive or reduce the tolerance fee when waiving the payment 
    of the fee would be ``equitable and not contrary to the purposes of 
    this subsection'' (FFDCA section 408(m)(1)). In this instance, EPA 
    believes that it would be equitable to waive the required fee because 
    it partially offsets any financial burdens resulting from the delay in 
    taking final action on pending petitions. Finally, as noted earlier, 
    completion of review of these petitions holds a very high priority at 
    C. EPA-Registered Products Which Would Cease to Be ``Pesticides'' Under 
    FIFRA Pursuant to the Proposed Rulemaking
        As discussed in Unit III. of this notice, EPA and FDA have agreed 
    that EPA will propose a rule amending the definition of ``pest'' in 40 
    CFR 152.5(d). If that rule becomes final, certain antimicrobial 
    substances would no longer be ``pesticides'' and would no longer be 
    subject to regulation under FIFRA. On the effective date of such a 
    final rule, EPA would discontinue registration of any products, 
    previously registered by EPA as pesticides, and bearing labeling for 
    use only against microorganisms that would not be pests.
        Former registrants of such products should note that the Federal 
    decision regarding what is a pesticide may not be definitive for the 
    purposes of state regulatory schemes. Former registrants are encouraged 
    to contact state officials to determine how such an EPA rulemaking 
    would affect a product's regulatory status under state law.
        EPA would continue to require registration for antimicrobial 
    substances that continue to be ``pesticides'' under FIFRA, even though 
    certain uses for such substances would be ``food additive'' uses under 
    FFDCA. Consistent with current EPA practice, when the use of an 
    antimicrobial substance is both a food additive and a pesticide use as, 
    for example, a slimicide used in the production of food and non-food-
    contact paper, EPA would review labeling for the pesticidal use and FDA 
    would review the non-pesticidal, i.e., food additive, use. Such a 
    substance may be categorically excluded from the need for an 
    environmental assessment under FDA's regulations implementing the 
    National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) based on the fact that the 
    food additive use is substantially identical to the pesticide use (62 
    FR 40570, 40596; July 29, 1997 (citing to the categorical exclusion in 
    21 CFR 25.32(q))). After FDA approves a food additive that is also 
    regulated as a FIFRA ``pesticide,'' a petitioner would need to formally 
    request EPA to amend its pesticide registration label for the 
    antimicrobial to include the ``non-pesticidal'' use.
    VI. Agency Contacts
        In the event of questions about the process, EPA and FDA staff are 
    available to meet with petitioners to discuss the status of pending 
    petitions and procedures for submitting a new petition. If a petitioner 
    or any other person considering submitting a petition is interested in 
    meeting with either agency, he or she should contact the
    [[Page 54544]]
    appropriate Branch Chief in EPA's Antimicrobials Division to schedule a 
    meeting or the appropriate team leader in FDA's Indirect Additives 
        The EPA Branch Chiefs can be reached at:
    Dennis Edwards, Chief, Regulatory Management Branch I, Antimicrobials 
    Division (7510W), Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460, Telephone: 
    (703) 308-8087, Fax: (703) 308-8481, e-mail: 
    Connie Welch, Chief, Regulatory Management Branch II, Antimicrobials 
    Division (7510W), Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460, Telephone: 
    (703) 308-8218, Fax: (703) 308-6466, e-mail: 
        FDA can be contacted at:
    Sandra L. Varner or Andrew J. Zajac, Office of Pre-market Approval 
    Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS-215), Food and Drug 
    Administration, 200 C St., SW., Washington, DC 20204-0002, Telephone: 
    (202) 418-3075 (S. Varner) (202), 418-3095 (A. Zajac).
    Mark A. Hepp, Office of Pre-Market Approval Center for Food Safety and 
    Applied Nutrition (HFS-215), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C St., 
    SW., Washington, DC 20204-0002, Telephone: (202) 418-3098.
    VII. EPA Public Record and Electronic Submissions
        The EPA official record for this notice, as well as the public 
    version, has been established for this document under docket control 
    number ``OPP-300624'' (including comments and data submitted 
    electronically as described below). A public version of this record, 
    including printed, paper versions of electronic comments, which does 
    not include any information claimed as CBI, is available for inspection 
    from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal 
    holidays. The official record is located at the Virginia address in 
    ``ADDRESSES'' at the beginning of this document.
        Electronic comments can be sent directly to EPA at:
        Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the 
    use of special characters and any form of encryption. Comment and data 
    will also be accepted on disks in Wordperfect 5.1/6.1 or ASCII file 
    format. All comments and data in electronic form must be identified by 
    the docket control number ``OPP-300624.'' Electronic comments on this 
    notice may be filed online at many Federal Depository Libraries.
    List of Subjects
        Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration, 
    Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: September 30, 1998.
    Lynn R. Goldman,
    Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic 
    Substances, Environmental Protection Agency.
        Dated: August 21, 1998.
    Sharon Smith Holston,
    Acting Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration.
    [FR Doc. 98-27261 Filed 10-8-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of policy interpretation.
Document Number:
The policy set out in this notice is effective immediately. Both FDA and EPA will accept comments on this notice for 90 days from October 9, 1998.
54532-54544 (13 pages)
Docket Numbers:
98N-0867, OPP-300624, FRL-5773-8
PDF File: