96-28293. National American Indian Heritage Month, 1996  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 213 (Friday, November 1, 1996)]
    [Presidential Documents]
    [Pages 56397-56398]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-28293]
                            Presidential Documents 
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 213 / Friday, November 1, 1996 / 
    Presidential Documents
    Title 3--
    The President
    [[Page 56397]]
                    Proclamation 6949 of October 29, 1996
    National American Indian Heritage Month, 1996
                    By the President of the United States of America
                    A Proclamation
                    Throughout our history, American Indian and Alaska 
                    Native peoples have been an integral part of the 
                    American character. Against the odds, America's first 
                    peoples have endured, and they remain a vital cultural, 
                    political, social, and moral presence. Tribal America 
                    has brought to this great country certain values and 
                    ideas that have become ingrained in the American 
                    spirit: the knowledge that humans can thrive and 
                    prosper without destroying the natural environment; the 
                    understanding that people from very different 
                    backgrounds, cultures, religions, and traditions can 
                    come together to build a great country; and the 
                    awareness that diversity can be a source of strength 
                    rather than division.
                    As we celebrate American Indian Heritage Month this 
                    year, we take note of the injustices that have been 
                    suffered by American Indian people. Even today, few 
                    enjoy the full bounty of America's prosperity. But even 
                    as we look to the past, we must also look to the 
                    future. Along with other Americans, American Indians 
                    and Alaska Natives will face new challenges in the 
                    coming century. We can ill afford to leave any of our 
                    people behind. Tribal America must figure as 
                    prominently in our future as it has in our past.
                    Let us rededicate ourselves to the principle that all 
                    Americans have the tools to make the most of their God-
                    given potential. For Indian tribes and tribal members, 
                    this means that the authority of tribal governments 
                    must be accorded the respect and support to which they 
                    are entitled under the law. It means that American 
                    Indian children and youth must be provided a solid 
                    education and the opportunity to go on to college. It 
                    means that more must be done to stimulate tribal 
                    economies, create jobs, and increase economic 
                    Our bridge to the 21st century will rest upon the 
                    foundation we build today. We must teach our children 
                    about our past--both the good and the bad--so that they 
                    may learn from our successes and mistakes. We must 
                    provide our children with the knowledge and skills to 
                    permit them to surpass our own achievements and create 
                    a stronger, more united American community. We must 
                    provide them greater opportunity. It was the Iroquois 
                    who taught that in every deliberation we should 
                    consider the impact of our decisions on the next 7 
                    In recognition of the important contributions of 
                    American Indian and Alaska Native peoples to our 
                    country and in light of the special legal relationship 
                    between the tribes and the Government of the United 
                    States, and obligations pursuant thereto, we celebrate 
                    National American Indian Heritage Month.
                    NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the 
                    United States of America, by virtue of the authority 
                    vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United 
                    States, do hereby proclaim November 1996 as National 
                    American Indian Heritage Month. I urge all Americans, 
                    as well as their elected representatives at the 
                    Federal, State, local, and tribal levels, to observe 
                    this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and 
    [[Page 56398]]
                    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 
                    twenty-ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord 
                    nineteen hundred and ninety-six, and of the 
                    Independence of the United States of America the two 
                    hundred and twenty-first.
                        (Presidential Sig.)
    [FR Doc. 96-28293
    Filed 10-31-96; 8:45 am]
    Billing code 3195-01-P

Document Information

Executive Office of the President
Entry Type:
Presidential Document
Document Type:
Document Number:
56397-56398 (2 pages)
of 1996-10-29
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