99-28115. Certain Rates Regarding Recovery From Tortiously Liable Third Persons  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 210 (Monday, November 1, 1999)]
    [Pages 58862-58870]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-28115]
    Cost of Hospital and Medical Care Treatment Furnished by The United 
    Certain Rates Regarding Recovery From Tortiously Liable Third 
        By virtue of the authority vested in the President by Section 2(a) 
    of Pub. L. 87-693 (76 Stat. 593; 42 U.S.C. 2652), and delegated to the 
    Director of the Office of Management and Budget by Executive Order No. 
    11541 of July 1, 1970 (35 FR 10737), the three sets of rates outlined 
    below are hereby established. These rates are for use in connection 
    with the recovery, from tortiously liable third persons, of the cost of 
    hospital and medical care and treatment furnished by the United States 
    (Part 43, Chapter I, Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations) through 
    three separate Federal agencies. The rates have been established in 
    accordance with the requirements of OMB Circular A-25, requiring 
    reimbursement of the full cost of all services provided. The rates are 
    established as follows:
    1. Department of Defense
        The FY 2000 Department of Defense (DoD) reimbursement rates for 
    inpatient, outpatient, and other services are provided in accordance 
    with Section 1095 of title 10, United States Code. Due to size, the 
    sections containing the Drug Reimbursement Rates (Section III.E) and 
    the rates for Ancillary Services Requested by Outside Providers 
    (Section III.F) are not included in this package. The Office of the 
    Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) will provide these 
    rates upon request. The medical and dental service rates in this 
    package (including the rates for ancillary services, prescription drugs 
    or other procedures requested by outside providers) are effective 
    October 1, 1999. Pharmacy rates are updated on an as-needed basis.
    2. Health and Human Services
        The development of FY 2000 tortiously liable rates for Indian 
    Health Service health facilities incorporate a refinement in the method 
    used in the development of the FY 1999 rates. This year the Department 
    has elected to use Medicare cost reports to develop the FY 2000 
    tortiously liable rates.
        The obligations for the Indian Health Service hospitals 
    participating in the cost report project were identified and combined 
    with applicable obligations for area offices costs and headquarters 
    costs. The hospital obligations were summarized for each major cost 
    center providing medical services and distributed between inpatient and 
    outpatient. Total inpatient costs and outpatient costs were then 
    divided by the relevant workload statistic (inpatient day, outpatient 
    visit) to produce the inpatient and outpatient rates. In calculation of 
    the rates, the Department's unfunded retirement liability cost and 
    capital and equipment depreciation costs were incorporated to conform 
    to requirements set forth in OMB Circular A-25.
        In addition, the obligations for each cost center include 
    obligations from certain other accounts, such as Medicare and Medicaid 
    collections and Contract Health fund, that were used to support direct 
    program operations. Obligations were excluded for certain cost centers 
    that primarily support workloads outside of the directly operated 
    hospitals or clinics (public health nursing, public health nutrition, 
    health education).
        These obligations are not a part of the traditional cost of 
    hospital operations and do not contribute directly to the inpatient and 
    outpatient visit workload. Overall, these rates reflect a more accurate 
    indication of the cost of care in the Department's hospital facilities.
        Separate rates per inpatient day and outpatient visit were computed 
    [[Page 58863]]
    Alaska and the rest of the United States. This gives proper weight to 
    the higher cost of operating medical facilities in Alaska.
    3. Department of Veterans Affairs
        Actual direct and indirect costs are compiled by type of care for 
    the previous year, and facility overhead costs are added. Adjustments 
    are made using the budgeted percentage changes for the current year and 
    the budget year to compute the base rate for the budget year. The 
    budget year base rate is then adjusted by estimated costs for 
    depreciation of buildings and equipment, central office overhead, 
    Government employee retirement benefits, and return on fixed assets 
    (interest on capital for land, buildings, and equipment (net book 
    value)), to compute the budget year tortiously liable reimbursement 
    rates. Also shown for the tortiously liable inpatient per diem rates 
    are breakdowns into three cost components: Physician; Ancillary; and 
    Nursing, Room and Board. As with the total per diem rates, these 
    breakdowns are calculated from actual data by type of care.
        The tortiously liable rates shown will be used to seek recovery for 
    VA medical care or services provided or furnished to persons in the 
    following situations: tort feasor, humanitarian emergency, VA employee, 
    family member, ineligible person, and allied beneficiary.
        The interagency rates shown will be used when VA medical care or 
    service is furnished to a beneficiary of another Federal agency, and 
    that care or service is not covered by an applicable local sharing 
    agreement. Government employee retirement benefits and return on fixed 
    assets are not included in the interagency rates, but in all other 
    respects the interagency rates are the same as the tortiously liable 
    rates. When the medical care or service is obtained at the expense of 
    the Department of Veterans Affairs from a non-VA source, the charge for 
    such care or service will be the actual amount paid by the VA for that 
    care or service.
        Inpatient charges will be at the per diem rates shown for the type 
    of bed section or discrete treatment unit providing the care. 
    Prescription Filled charge in lieu of the Outpatient Visit rate will be 
    charged when the patient receives no service other than the Pharmacy 
    outpatient service. This charge applies whether the patient receives 
    the prescription in person or by mail.
    1. Department of Defense
        For the Department of Defense, effective October 1, 1999 and 
    Medical and Dental Services
    Fiscal Year 2000--Inpatient, Outpatient and Other Rates and Charges
    I. Inpatient Rates \1\ \2\
                                                                       International    Interagency
                                                                         military        and other
                            Per inpatient day                          education and  Federal agency   Other (full/
                                                                         training        sponsored     third party)
                                                                          (IMET)         patients
    A. Burn Center..................................................       $3,080.00       $5,529.00       $5,840.00
    B. Surgical Care Services (Cosmetic Surgery)....................        1,411.00        2,533.00        2,675.00
    C. All Other Inpatient Services (Based on Diagnosis Related
     Groups (DRG) \3\)
    1. FY 2000 Direct Care Inpatient Reimbursement Rates
                                                                                                       Other (full/
                        Adjusted standard amount                           IMET         Interagency    third party)
    Large Urban.....................................................       $2,921.00       $5,498.00       $5,775.00
    Other Urban/Rural...............................................        3,236.00        6,532.00        6,883.00
    Overseas........................................................        3,606.00        8,520.00        8,941.00
    2. Overview
        The FY 2000 inpatient rates are based on the cost per DRG, which is 
    the inpatient full reimbursement rate per hospital discharge weighted 
    to reflect the intensity of the principal diagnosis, secondary 
    diagnoses, procedures, patient age, etc. involved. The average cost per 
    Relative Weighted Product (RWP) for large urban, other urban/rural, and 
    overseas facilities will be published annually as an inpatient adjusted 
    standardized amount (ASA) (see paragraph I.C.1. above). The ASA will be 
    applied to the RWP for each inpatient case, determined from the DRG 
    weights, outlier thresholds, and payment rules published annually for 
    hospital reimbursement rates under the Civilian Health and Medical 
    Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) pursuant to 32 CFR 
    199.14(a)(1), including adjustments for length of stay (LOS) outliers. 
    The published ASAs will be adjusted for area wage differences and 
    indirect medical education (IME) for the discharging hospital. An 
    example of how to apply DoD costs to a DRG standardized weight to 
    arrive at DoD costs is contained in paragraph I.C.3., below.
    3. Example of Adjusted Standardized Amounts for Inpatient Stays
        Figure 1 shows examples for a nonteaching hospital in a Large Urban 
        a. The cost to be recovered is DoD's cost for medical services 
    provided in the non-teaching hospital located in a large urban area. 
    Billings will be at the third party rate.
        b. DRG 020: Nervous System Infection Except Viral Meningitis. The 
    RWP for an inlier case is the CHAMPUS weight of 2.3446. (DRG statistics 
    shown are from FY 1998).
        c. The DoD adjusted standardized amount to be charged is $5,775 
    (i.e., the third party rate as shown in the table).
        d. DoD cost to be recovered at a non-teaching hospital with area 
    wage index of 1.0 is the RWP factor (2.3446) in 3.b., above, multiplied 
    by the amount ($5,775) in 3.c., above.
    [[Page 58864]]
        e. Cost to be recovered is $13,540
                                         Figure 1.--Third Party Billing Examples
                                                               Arithmetic     Geometric    Short stay     Long stay
         DRG No.           DRG description       DRG weight     mean LOS      mean LOS      threshold     threshold
    020..............  Nervous System                2.3446           8.1           5.7             1            29
                        Infection Except Viral
                                                                Area wage        IME
                 Hospital                     Location         rate index    adjustment     Group ASA    Applied ASA
    Non-teaching Hospital.............  Large Urban.........          1.0           1.0        $5,775        $5,775
                                                                      Relative weighted product              TPC
          Patient            Length of stay      Days above  -------------------------------------------------------
                                                  threshold     Inlier *     Outlier * *      Total     Amount * * *
    #1.................  7 days...............            0        2.3446           000        2.3446       $13,540
    #2.................  21 days..............            0        2.3446           000        2.3446       $13,540
    #3.................  35 days..............            6        2.3446        0.8144        3.1590       $18,243
    * DRG Weight
    ** Outlier calculation = 33 percent of per diem weight  x  number of outlier days = .33 (DRG Weight/Geometric
      Mean LOS)  x  (Patient LOS--Long Stay Threshold)
    = .33 (2.3446/5.7)  x  (35-29)
    = .33 (.41133)  x  6 (take out to five decimal places)
    = .13574  x  6 (take out to five decimal places)
    = .8144 (take out to four decimal places)
    *** Applied ASA  x  Total RWP
    II. Outpatient Rates 1 2 Per Visit
                                                                       International    Interagency
                                                                         military        and other
             MEPRS code 4                   Clinical service           education and  Federal agency   Other (full/
                                                                         training        sponsored     third party)
                                                                          (IMET)         patients
                                                    A. Medical Care
    BAA...........................  Internal Medicine...............         $104.00         $194.00         $204.00
    BAB...........................  Allergy.........................           53.00           99.00          105.00
    BAC...........................  Cardiology......................           87.00          163.00          172.00
    BAE...........................  Diabetic........................           61.00          114.00          121.00
    BAF...........................  Endocrinology (Metabolism)......          102.00          190.00          201.00
    BAG...........................  Gastroenterology................          146.00          272.00          287.00
    BAH...........................  Hematology......................          179.00          334.00          352.00
    BAI...........................  Hypertension....................          106.00          198.00          208.00
    BAJ...........................  Nephrology......................          208.00          387.00          409.00
    BAK...........................  Neurology.......................          121.00          225.00          238.00
    BAL...........................  Outpatient Nutrition............           42.00           79.00           83.00
    BAM...........................  Oncology........................          134.00          250.00          264.00
    BAN...........................  Pulmonary Disease...............          153.00          285.00          301.00
    BAO...........................  Rheumatology....................          101.00          188.00          199.00
    BAP...........................  Dermatology.....................           78.00          146.00          154.00
    BAQ...........................  Infectious Disease..............          178.00          332.00          350.00
    BAR...........................  Physical Medicine...............           83.00          155.00          163.00
    BAS...........................  Radiation Therapy...............          128.00          238.00          251.00
    BAT...........................  Bone Marrow Transplant..........          115.00          214.00          226.00
    BAU...........................  Genetic.........................          367.00          683.00          721.00
                                                    B. Surgical Care
    BBA...........................  General Surgery.................          148.00          276.00          291.00
    BBB...........................  Cardiovascular and Thoracic               320.00          595.00          628.00
    BBC...........................  Neurosurgery....................          173.00          323.00          341.00
    BBD...........................  Ophthalmology...................           90.00          168.00          177.00
    BBE...........................  Organ Transplant................          399.00          742.00          783.00
    BBF...........................  Otolaryngology..................          106.00          197.00          207.00
    BBG...........................  Plastic Surgery.................          131.00          244.00          258.00
    BBH...........................  Proctology......................           84.00          157.00          165.00
    [[Page 58865]]
    BBI...........................  Urology.........................          112.00          209.00          221.00
    BBJ...........................  Pediatric Surgery...............          167.00          311.00          328.00
    BBK...........................  Peripheral Vascular.............           78.00          146.00          154.00
      ............................  Surgery.........................
    BBL...........................  Pain Management.................           97.00          180.00          190.00
                                     C. Obstetrical and Gynecological (OB-GYN) Care
    BCA...........................  Family Planning.................           57.00          106.00          112.00
    BCB...........................  Gynecology......................           89.00          165.00          175.00
    BCC...........................  Obstetrics......................           74.00          138.00          146.00
    BCD...........................  Breast Cancer Clinic............          184.00          342.00          361.00
                                                   D. Pediatric Care
    BDA...........................  Pediatric.......................           62.00          115.00          121.00
    BDB...........................  Adolescent......................           65.00          122.00          129.00
    BDC...........................  Well Baby.......................           42.00           79.00           83.00
                                                  E. Orthopaedic Care
    BEA...........................  Orthopaedic.....................           93.00          174.00          183.00
    BEB...........................  Cast............................           59.00          110.00          117.00
    BEC...........................  Hand Surgery....................           69.00          129.00          136.00
    BEE...........................  Orthotic Laboratory.............           67.00          125.00          132.00
    BEF...........................  Podiatry........................           56.00          105.00          111.00
    BEZ...........................  Chiropractic....................           25.00           47.00           50.00
                                        F. Psychiatric and/or Mental Health Care
    BFA...........................  Psychiatry......................          124.00          230.00          243.00
    BFB...........................  Psychology......................           93.00          174.00          184.00
    BFC...........................  Child Guidance..................           57.00          105.00          111.00
    BFD...........................  Mental Health...................          104.00          194.00          204.00
    BFE...........................  Social Work.....................          102.00          190.00          200.00
    BFF...........................  Substance Abuse.................           99.00          184.00          195.00
                                        G. Family Practice/Primary Medical Care
    BGA...........................  Family Practice.................           74.00          138.00          146.00
    BHA...........................  Primary Care....................           77.00          143.00          151.00
    BHB...........................  Medical Examination.............           80.00          148.00          156.00
    BHC...........................  Optometry.......................           50.00           93.00           98.00
    BHD...........................  Audiology.......................           35.00           65.00           69.00
    BHE...........................  Speech Pathology................          101.00          188.00          199.00
    BHF...........................  Community Health................           66.00          123.00          130.00
    BHG...........................  Occupational Health.............           73.00          136.00          143.00
    BHH...........................  TRICARE Outpatient..............           56.00          104.00          109.00
    BHI...........................  Immediate Care..................          107.00          200.00          211.00
                                               H. Emergency Medical Care
    BIA...........................  Emergency Medical...............          126.00          234.00          247.00
                                                 I. Flight Medical Care
    BJA...........................  Flight Medicine.................           88.00          164.00          173.00
                                               J. Underseas Medical Care
    BKA...........................  Underseas Medicine..............           43.00           79.00           84.00
                                               K. Rehabilitative Services
    BLA...........................  Physical Therapy................           41.00           77.00           81.00
    BLB...........................  Occupational Therapy............           61.00          114.00          120.00
    [[Page 58866]]
    III. Ambulatory Procedure Visit (APV) 6 Per Visit
                                                                       International    Interagency
                                                                         military        and other
             MEPRS code 4                   Clinical service           education and  Federal agency   Other (full/
                                                                         training        sponsored     third party)
                                                                          (IMET)         patients
                                    Medical Care
    BB............................  Surgical Care...................          937.00        1,740.00        1,836.00
    BD............................  Pediatric Care..................          233.00          430.00          454.00
    BE............................  Orthopaedic Care................        1,179.00        2,192.00        2,313.00
                                    All other B clinics not included          430.00          797.00          841.00
                                     above (BA, BC, BF, BG, BH, BI,
                                     BJ, BK and BL).
    IV. Other Rates and Charges 1 2 Per Visit
                                                                       International    Interagency
                                                                         military        and other
             MEPRS code 4                   Clinical service           education and  Federal agency   Other (full/
                                                                         training        sponsored     third party)
                                                                          (IMET)         patients
    FBI...........................  A. Immunization.................          $16.00          $30.00          $32.00
    DGC...........................  B. Hyperbaric Chamber 5.........          153.00          285.00          301.00
                                    C. Family Member Rate (formerly            10.85
                                     Military Dependents Rate).
                                    D. Reimbursement Rates For Drugs
                                     Requested By Outside Providers
        The FY 2000 drug reimbursement rates for drugs are for 
    prescriptions requested by outside providers and obtained at a Military 
    Treatment Facility. The rates are established based on the cost of the 
    particular drugs provided based on the DoD-wide average per National 
    Drug Code (NDC) number. Final rule 32 CFR Part 220, which has still not 
    been published when this package was prepared, eliminates the high cost 
    ancillary services' dollar threshold and the associated term ``high 
    cost ancillary service.'' The phrase ``high cost ancillary service'' 
    will be replaced with the phrase ``ancillary services requested by an 
    outside provider'' on publication of final rule 32 CFR Part 220. The 
    list of drug reimbursement rates is too large to include here. These 
    rates are available on request from OASD (Health Affairs)--see Tab O 
    for the point of contact.
    E. Reimbursement Rates for Ancillary Services Requested By Outside 
    Providers 8
        Final rule 32 CFR Part 220, which has still not been published when 
    this package was prepared, eliminates the high cost ancillary services' 
    dollar threshold and the associated term ``high cost ancillary 
    service.'' The phrase ``high cost ancillary service'' will be replaced 
    with the phrase ``ancillary services requested by an outside provider'' 
    on publication of final rule 32 CFR Part 220. The list of FY 2000 rates 
    for ancillary services requested by outside providers and obtained at a 
    Military Treatment Facility is too large to include here. These rates 
    are available on request from OASD (Health Affairs)--see Tab O for the 
    point of contact.
    F. Elective Cosmetic Surgery Procedures and Rates
       Cosmetic surgery procedure      Classification    Current Procedural     FY 2000 charge 10       Amount of
                                      Diseases (ICD-9)    Terminology (CPT)                               charge
    Mammaplasty--augmentation......  85.50, 85.32,       19325, 19324,       Inpatient Surgical      (a) (b)
                                      85.31.              19318.              Care Per Diem Or APV.
    Mastopexy......................  85.60.............  19316.............  Inpatient Surgical      (a b c)
                                                                              Care Per Diem Or APV
                                                                              or applicable
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Facial.........................  86.82.............  15824.............  Inpatient Surgical      (a b)
                                                                              Care Per Diem Or APV.
    Rhytidectomy...................  86.22.............    ................    ....................
    Blepharoplasty.................  08.70, 08.44......  15820, 15821,       Inpatient Surgical      (a b c)
                                                          15822, 15823.       Care Per Diem Or APV
                                                                              or applicable
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Mentoplasty....................  76.68.............  21208.............  Inpatient.............  (a)
    (Augmentation/Reduction).......  76.67.............  21209.............  Surgical Care Per Diem  (b c)
                                                                              Or APV or applicable
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Abdominoplasty.................  86.83.............    ................  Inpatient Surgical      (a)
                                                                              Care Per Diem.
    Lipectomy Suction per region 11  86.83.............  15876, 15877,       Inpatient Surgical      (a b c)
                                                          15878, 15879.       Care Per Diem Or APV
                                                                              or applicable
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Rhinoplasty....................  21.87, 21.86......  30400, 30410......  Inpatient Surgical      (a b c)
                                                                              Care Per Diem Or APV
                                                                              or applicable
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Scar Revisions beyond CHAMPUS..  86.84.............  1578__............  Inpatient Surgical      (a b c)
                                                                              Care Per Diem Or APV
                                                                              or applicable
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Mandibular or Maxillary          76.41.............  ..................  Inpatient Surgical      (a)
     Repositioning.                                                           Care Per Diem.
    Dermabrasion...................  ..................  15780.............  APV or applicable       (b c)
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Hair Restoration...............  ..................  15775.............  APV or applicable       (b c)
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Removing Tattoos...............  ..................  15780.............  APV or applicable       (b c)
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Chemical Peel..................  ..................  15790.............  APV or applicable       (b c)
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Arm/Thigh Dermolipectomy.......  86.83.............  15836/15832.......  Inpatient Surgical      (a b)
                                                                              Care Per Diem Or APV.
    [[Page 58867]]
    Refractive surgery.............  ..................  ..................  APV or applicable       (b c)
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Radial Keratotomy..............  ..................  65771
    Other Procedure (if applies to   ..................  66999
     laser or other refractive
    Otoplasty......................  ..................  69300.............  APV or applicable       (a b c)
                                                                              Outpatient Clinic
    Brow Lift......................  86.3..............  15839.............  Inpatient Surgical      (a b)
                                                                              Care Per Diem Or APV.
    G. Dental Rate \12\ Per Procedure
                                                                       International   Interagency &
                                                                         military      other Federal
            MEPRS code \4\                  Clinical service           education and      agency       Other (full/
                                                                         training        sponsored     third party)
                                                                          (IMET)         patients
    Dental Services                   ..............................          $45.00         $109.00         $115.00
                                    ADA code and DoD established
    H. Ambulance Rate 13 Per Visit
                                                                       International   Interagency &
                                                                         military      other Federal
            MEPRS code \4\                  Clinical service           education and      agency       Other (full/
                                                                         training        sponsored     third party)
                                                                          (IMET)         patients
    FEA...........................  Ambulance.......................          $62.00         $116.00         $122.00
    I. Ancillary Services Requested by an Outside Provider \8\ Per 
                                                                       International   Interagency &
                                                                         military      other Federal
            MEPRS code \4\                  Clinical service           education and      agency       Other (full/
                                                                         training        sponsored     third party)
                                                                          (IMET)         patients
                                    Laboratory procedures requested           $13.00          $20.00          $21.00
                                     by an outside provider CPT '99
                                     Weight Multiplier.
                                    Radiology procedures requested            $57.00          $86.00          $90.00
                                     by an outside provider CPT '99
                                     Weight Multiplier.
    J. AirEvac Rate \14\ Per Visit
                                                                       International   Interagency &
                                                                         military      other Federal
            MEPRS code \4\                  Clinical service           education and      agency       Other (full/
                                                                         training        sponsored     third party)
                                                                          (IMET)         patients
                                    AirEvac Services--Ambulatory....         $195.00         $364.00         $384.00
                                    AirEvac Services--Litter........         $567.00       $1,056.00       $1,114.00
    K. Observation Rate \15\ Per hour
                                                                       International   Interagency &
                                                                         military      other Federal
            MEPRS code \4\                  Clinical service           education and      agency       Other (full/
                                                                         training        sponsored     third party)
                                                                          (IMET)         patients
                                    Observation Services--Hour......          $17.00          $31.00          $32.00
    Notes on Cosmetic Surgery Charges
        a Per diem charges for inpatient surgical care 
    services are listed in Section I.B. (See notes 9 through 11, below, 
    for further details on reimbursable rates.)
        b Charges for ambulatory procedure visits (formerly 
    same day surgery) are listed in Section III.C. (See notes 9 through 
    11, below, for further details on reimbursable rates.) The 
    ambulatory procedure visit (APV) rate is used if the elective 
    cosmetic surgery is performed in an ambulatory procedure unit (APU).
        c Charges for outpatient clinic visits are listed in 
    Sections II.A-K. The outpatient clinic rate is not used for services 
    provided in an APU. The APV rate should be used in these cases.
    Notes on Reimbursable Rates
        \1\ Percentages can be applied when preparing bills for both 
    inpatient and outpatient services. Pursuant to the provisions of 10 
    U.S.C. 1095, the inpatient Diagnosis Related Groups and inpatient 
    per diem percentages are 98 percent hospital and 2 percent 
    professional charges. The outpatient per visit percentages are 89 
    percent outpatient services and 11 percent professional charges.
    [[Page 58868]]
        \2\ DoD civilian employees located in overseas areas shall be 
    rendered a bill when services are performed.
        \3\ The cost per Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) is based on the 
    inpatient full reimbursement rate per hospital discharge, weighted 
    to reflect the intensity of the principal and secondary diagnoses, 
    surgical procedures, and patient demographics involved. The adjusted 
    standardized amounts (ASA) per Relative Weighted Product (RWP) for 
    use in the direct care system is comparable to procedures used by 
    the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and the Civilian 
    Health and Medical Program for the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS). 
    These expenses include all direct care expenses associated with 
    direct patient care. The average cost per RWP for large urban, other 
    urban/rural, and overseas will be published annually as an adjusted 
    standardized amount (ASA) and will include the cost of inpatient 
    professional services. The DRG rates will apply to reimbursement 
    from all sources, not just third party payers.
        \4\ The Medical Expense and Performance Reporting System (MEPRS) 
    code is a three digit code which defines the summary account and the 
    sub account within a functional category in the DoD medical system. 
    MEPRS codes are used to ensure that consistent expense and operating 
    performance data is reported in the DoD military medical system. An 
    example of the MEPRS hierarchical arrangement follows:
        Outpatient Care (Functional Category)--B
        Medical Care (Summary Account)--BA
        Internal Medicine (Subaccount)--BAA
        \5\ Hyperbaric service charges shall be based on hours of 
    service in 15-minute increments. The rates listed in Section III.B. 
    are for 60 minutes or 1 hour of service. Providers shall calculate 
    the charges based on the number of hours (and/or fractions of an 
    hour) of service. Fractions of an hour shall be rounded to the next 
    15-minute increment (e.g., 31 minutes shall be charged as 45 
        \6\ Ambulatory procedure visit is defined in DOD Instruction 
    6025.8, ``Ambulatory Procedure Visit (APV),'' dated September 23, 
    1996, as immediate (day of procedure) pre-procedure and immediate 
    post-procedure care requiring an unusual degree of intensity and 
    provided in an ambulatory procedure unit (APU). An APU is a location 
    or organization within an MTF (or freestanding outpatient clinic) 
    that is specially equipped, staffed and designated for the purpose 
    of providing the intensive level of care associated with APVs. Care 
    is required in the facility for less than 24 hours. All expenses and 
    workload are assigned to the MTF-established APU associated with the 
    referring clinic. The BB, BD and BE APV rates are only to be used by 
    clinics that are subaccounts under these summary accounts (see (\4\) 
    for an explanation of MEPRS hierarchical arrangement). The All Other 
    APV rate is to be used only by those clinics that are not a 
    subaccount under BB, BD or BE.
        \7\ Prescription services requested by outside providers (e.g., 
    physicians or dentists) that are relevant to the Third Party 
    Collection Program. Third party payers (such as insurance companies) 
    shall be billed for prescription services when beneficiaries who 
    have medical insurance obtain medications from a Military Treatment 
    Facility (MTF) that are prescribed by providers external to the MTF. 
    Eligible beneficiaries (family members or retirees with medical 
    insurance) are not personally liable for this cost and shall not be 
    billed by the MTF. Medical Services Account (MSA) patients, who are 
    not beneficiaries as defined in 10 U.S.C. 1074 and 1076, are charged 
    at the ``Other'' rate if they are seen by an outside provider and 
    only come to the MTF for prescription services. The standard cost of 
    medications ordered by an outside provider that includes the cost of 
    the drugs plus a dispensing fee per prescription. The prescription 
    cost is calculated by multiplying the number of units (e.g., tablets 
    or capsules) by the unit cost and adding a $6.00 dispensing fee per 
    prescription. Final rule 32 CFR Part 220, which has still not been 
    published when this package was prepared, eliminates the high cost 
    ancillary services' dollar threshold and the associated term ``high 
    cost ancillary service.'' The phrase ``high cost ancillary service'' 
    will be replaced with the phrase ``ancillary services requested by 
    an outside provider'' on publication of final rule 32 CFR Part 220. 
    The elimination of the threshold also eliminates the need to bundle 
    costs whereby a patient is billed if the total cost of ancillary 
    services in a day (defined as 0001 hours to 2400 hours) exceeded 
    $25.00. The elimination of the threshold is effective as per date 
    stated in final rule 32 CFR Part 220.
        \8\ Charges for ancillary services requested by an outside 
    provider (physicians, dentists, etc.) are relevant to the Third 
    Party Collection Program. Third party payers (such as insurance 
    companies) shall be billed for ancillary services when beneficiaries 
    who have medical insurance obtain services from the MTF which are 
    prescribed by providers external to the MTF. Laboratory and 
    Radiology procedure costs are calculated by multiplying the DoD 
    established weight for the Physicians' Current Procedural 
    Terminology (CPT '99) code by either the laboratory or radiology 
    multiplier (Section III.J). Eligible beneficiaries (family members 
    or retirees with medical insurance) are not personally liable for 
    this cost and shall not be billed by the MTF. MSA patients, who are 
    not beneficiaries as defined by 10 U.S.C. 1074 and 1076, are charged 
    at the ``Other'' rate if they are seen by an outside provider and 
    only come to the MTF for ancillary services.
        Final rule 32 CFR Part 220, which has still not been published 
    when this package was prepared, eliminates the high cost ancillary 
    services' dollar threshold and the associated term ``high cost 
    ancillary service.'' The phrase ``high cost ancillary service'' will 
    be replaced with the phrase ``ancillary services requested by an 
    outside provider'' on publication of final rule 32 CFR Part 220. The 
    elimination of the threshold also eliminates the need to bundle 
    costs whereby a patient is billed if the total cost of ancillary 
    services in a day (defined as 0001 hours to 2400 hours) exceeded 
    $25.00. The elimination of the threshold is effective as per date 
    stated in final rule 32 CFR Part 220.
        \9\ The attending physician is to complete the CPT '99 code to 
    indicate the appropriate procedure followed during cosmetic surgery. 
    The appropriate rate will be applied depending on the treatment 
    modality of the patient: ambulatory procedure visit, outpatient 
    clinic visit or inpatient surgical care services.
        \10\ Family members of active duty personnel, retirees and their 
    family members, and survivors shall be charged elective cosmetic 
    surgery rates. Elective cosmetic surgery procedure information is 
    contained in Section III.G. The patient shall be charged the rate as 
    specified in the FY 2000 reimbursable rates for an episode of care. 
    The charges for elective cosmetic surgery are at the full 
    reimbursement rate (designated as the ``Other'' rate) for inpatient 
    per diem surgical care services in Section I.B., ambulatory 
    procedure visits as contained in Section III.C, or the appropriate 
    outpatient clinic rate in Sections II.A-K. The patient is 
    responsible for the cost of the implant(s) and the prescribed 
    cosmetic surgery rate. (Note: The implants and procedures used for 
    the augmentation mammaplasty are in compliance with Federal Drug 
    Administration guidelines.)
        \11\ Each regional lipectomy shall carry a separate charge. 
    Regions include head and neck, abdomen, flanks, and hips.
        \12\ Dental service rates are based on a dental rate multiplier 
    times the American Dental Association (ADA) code and the DoD 
    established weight for that code.
        \13\ Ambulance charges shall be based on hours of service in 15 
    minute increments. The rates listed in Section III.I are for 60 
    minutes or 1 hour of service. Providers shall calculate the charges 
    based on the number of hours (and/or fractions of an hour) that the 
    ambulance is logged out on a patient run. Fractions of an hour shall 
    be rounded to the next 15 minute increment (e.g., 31 minutes shall 
    be charged as 45 minutes).
        \14\ Air in-flight medical care reimbursement charges are 
    determined by the status of the patient (ambulatory or litter) and 
    are per patient. The appropriate charges are billed only by the Air 
    Force Global Patient Movement Requirement Center (GPMRC). These 
    charges are only for the cost of providing medical care. Flight 
    charges are billed by GPMRC separately using the commercial rate 
    effective the date of travel plus $1.
    [[Page 58869]]
        \15\ Observation Services are billed at the hourly charge. Begin 
    counting when the patient is placed in the observation bed and round 
    up to the nearest hour. If a patient status changes to inpatient, 
    the charges for observation services are added to the DRG assigned 
    to the case and not billed separately. If a patient is released from 
    Observation status and is sent to an APV, the charges for 
    Observation services are not billed separately but are added to the 
    APV rate to recover all expenses.
    2. Department of Health and Human Services
        For the Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health 
    Service, effective October 1, 1999 and thereafter:
                           Hospital Care Inpatient Day
    General Medical Care...............  Alaska....................   $1,925
                                         Rest of the United States.   1,313
                          Outpatient Medical Treatment
    Outpatient Visit...................  Alaska....................      308
                                         Rest of the United States.      211
    3. Department of Veterans Affairs
        Effective October 1, 1999, and thereafter:
                                                Tortiously      Interagency
                                               liable rates        rates
                     Hospital Care, Rates Per Inpatient Day
    General Medicine:
        Total...............................           $1610           $1476
            Physician.......................             193
            Ancillary.......................             420
            Nursing, Room, and Board........             997
        Total...............................            1927            1757
            Physician.......................             282
            Ancillary.......................             509
            Nursing, Room, and Board........            1136
    Rehabilitation Medicine:
        Total...............................            1065             974
            Physician.......................             121
            Ancillary.......................             325
            Nursing, Room, and Board........             619
    Blind Rehabilitation:
        Total...............................            1009             928
            Physician.......................              81
            Ancillary.......................             501
            Nursing, Room, and Board........             427
    Spinal Cord Injury:
        Total...............................             970             885
            Physician.......................             120
            Ancillary.......................             244
            Nursing, Room, and Board........             606
        Total...............................            3023            2788
            Physician.......................             333
            Ancillary.......................             917
            Nursing, Room, and Board........            1773
    General Psychiatry:
        Total...............................             640             577
            Physician.......................              60
            Ancillary.......................             101
            Nursing, Room, and Board........             479
    Substance Abuse (Alcohol and Drug
        Total...............................             339             308
            Physician.......................              32
            Ancillary.......................              78
            Nursing, Room, and Board........             229
    Intermediate Medicine:
        Total...............................             491             446
            Physician.......................              24
            Ancillary.......................              72
            Nursing, Room, and Board........             395
                        Nursing Home Care, Rates Per Day
    Nursing Home Care:
        Total...............................             339             307
            Physician.......................              11
            Ancillary.......................              46
            Nursing, Room, and Board........             282
    [[Page 58870]]
                    Outpatient Medical and Dental Treatment
    Outpatient Visit (other than Emergency               254             236
    Emergency Dental Outpatient Visit.......             157             140
    Prescription Filled.....................              36              35
        For the period beginning October 1, 1999, the rates prescribed 
    herein superseded those established by the Director of the Office of 
    Management and Budget October 16, 1998 (61 FR 56360).
    Jacob J. Lew,
    Director, Office of Management and Budget.
    [FR Doc. 99-28115 Filed 10-29-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3110-01-P

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