99-29451. Pesticides; Policy Issues Related to the Food Quality Protection Act  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 217 (Wednesday, November 10, 1999)]
    [Pages 61346-61348]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-29451]
    [OPP-00577A; FRL-6389-7]
    Pesticides; Policy Issues Related to the Food Quality Protection 
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Notice of availability.
    SUMMARY: EPA is announcing the availability of the revised version of 
    the pesticide science policy document entitled ``Estimating the 
    Drinking Water Component of a Dietary Exposure Assessment.'' This 
    notice is the fourteenth in a series concerning science policy 
    documents related to the Food Quality Protection Act and developed 
    through the Tolerance Reassessment Advisory Committee.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Nelson Thurman or Sid Abel, 
    Environmental Protection Agency (7506C), 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 
    20460; telephone numbers: (703) 308-0465 or (703) 305-7346; fax: (703) 
    305-6309; e-mail: thurman.nelson@epa.gov and abel.sidney@epa.gov.
    I. General Information
    A. Does this Action Apply to Me?
        You may be potentially affected by this action if you manufacture 
    or formulate pesticides. Potentially affected categories and entities 
    may include, but are not limited to:
                                                              Examples of
                Category                     NAICS            potentially
                                                           affected entities
    Pesticide producers               32532               Pesticide
        This listing is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides 
    a guide for readers regarding entities likely to be affected by this 
    action. Other types of entities not listed could also be affected. The 
    North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes have been 
    provided to assist you and others in determining whether or not this 
    action affects certain entities. If you have any questions regarding 
    the applicability of this action to a particular entity, consult the 
    person listed under ``FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT.''
    B. How Can I Get Additional Information, Including Copies of this 
    Document or Other Related Documents?
        1. Electronically. You may obtain electronic copies of this 
    document, the science policy documents, and certain other related 
    documents that might be available electronically, from the Office of 
    Pesticide Programs' Home Page at http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/. On the 
    Office of Pesticide Programs' Home Page select ``FQPA'' and then look 
    up the entry for this document under ``Science Policies.'' You can also 
    go directly to the listings at the EPA Home Page at http://
    www.epa.gov/. On the Home Page select ``Laws and Regulations'' and then 
    look up the entry to this document under ``Federal Register -- 
    Environmental Documents.'' You can go directly to the Federal Register 
    listings http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/.
        2. Fax on demand. You may request to receive a faxed copy of the 
    revised science policy paper, as well as supporting information, by 
    using a faxphone to call (202) 401-0527. Select item 6044 for the paper 
    entitled ``Estimating the Drinking Water Component of a Dietary 
    Exposure Assessment.'' You may also follow the automated menu.
        3. In person. The Agency has established an official record for 
    this action under docket control number OPP-00577A. In addition, the 
    documents referenced in the framework notice, which published in the 
    Federal Register on October 29, 1998 (63 FR 58038) (FRL-6041-5) have 
    also been inserted in the docket under docket control number OPP-00557. 
    The official record consists of the documents specifically referenced 
    in this action, any public comments received during an applicable 
    comment period, and other information related to this action, including 
    any information claimed as Confidential Business Information (CBI). 
    This official record includes the documents that are physically located 
    in the docket, as well as the documents that are referenced in those 
    documents. The public version of the official record does not include 
    any information claimed as CBI. The public version of the official 
    record, which includes printed, paper versions of any electronic 
    comments submitted during an applicable comment period is available for 
    inspection in the Public Information and Records Integrity Branch 
    (PIRIB), Rm. 119, Crystal Mall #2, 1921 Jefferson Davis Highway, 
    Arlington, VA, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
    excluding legal holidays. The PIRIB telephone number is (703) 305-5805.
    II. Background for the Tolerance Reassessment Advisory Committee 
        On August 3, 1996, the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 (FQPA) 
    was signed into law. Effective upon signature, the FQPA significantly 
    amended the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 
    and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). Among other 
    changes, FQPA established a stringent health-based standard (``a 
    reasonable certainty of no harm'') for pesticide residues in foods to 
    assure protection from unacceptable pesticide exposure; provided 
    heightened health protections for infants and children from pesticide 
    risks; required expedited review of new, safer pesticides; created 
    incentives for the development and maintenance of effective crop 
    protection tools for farmers; required reassessment of existing 
    tolerances over a 10-year period; and required periodic re-evaluation 
    of pesticide registrations and tolerances to ensure that scientific 
    [[Page 61347]]
    supporting pesticide registrations will remain up-to-date in the 
        Subsequently, the Agency established the Food Safety Advisory 
    Committee (FSAC) as a subcommittee of the National Advisory Council for 
    Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) to assist in soliciting 
    input from stakeholders and to provide input to EPA on some of the 
    broad policy choices facing the Agency and on strategic direction for 
    the Office of Pesticide Programs. The Agency has used the interim 
    approaches developed through discussions with FSAC to make regulatory 
    decisions that met FQPA's standard, but that could be revisited if 
    additional information became available or as the science evolved. As 
    EPA's approach to implementing the scientific provisions of FQPA has 
    evolved, the Agency has sought independent review and public 
    participation, often through presentation of many of the science policy 
    issues to the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP), a group of 
    independent, outside experts who provide peer review and scientific 
    advice to OPP.
        In addition, as directed by Vice President Albert Gore, EPA has 
    been working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and another 
    subcommittee of NACEPT, the TRAC, chaired by the EPA Deputy 
    Administrator and the USDA Deputy Secretary, to address FQPA issues and 
    implementation. TRAC comprises more than 50 representatives of affected 
    user, producer, consumer, public health, environmental, states and 
    other interested groups. The TRAC has met six times as a full committee 
    from May 27, 1998 through April 29, 1999.
        The Agency has been working with the TRAC to ensure that its 
    science policies, risk assessments of individual pesticides, and 
    process for decision making are transparent and open to public 
    participation. An important product of these consultations with TRAC is 
    the development of a framework for addressing key science policy 
    issues. The Agency decided that the FQPA implementation process and 
    related policies would benefit from initiating notice and comment on 
    the major science policy issues.
        The TRAC identified nine science policy issue areas it believes 
    were key to implementation of FQPA and tolerance reassessment. The 
    framework calls for EPA to provide one or more documents for comment on 
    each of the nine issues by announcing their availability in the Federal 
    Register. In accordance with the framework described in a separate 
    notice published in the Federal Register of October 29, 1998 (63 FR 
    58038), EPA is announcing through the Federal Register the availability 
    of a series of draft documents concerning nine science policy issues 
    identified by the TRAC related to the implementation of FQPA. After 
    receiving and reviewing comments from the public and others, EPA is 
    also issuing revised science policy documents which reflect changes 
    made in response to comments. In addition to comments received in 
    response to these Federal Register notices, EPA will consider comments 
    received during the TRAC meetings. Each of these issues is evolving and 
    in a different stage of refinement. Accordingly, as the issues are 
    further refined by EPA in consultation with USDA and others, they may 
    also be presented to the SAP.
    III. Summary of Revised Science Policy Guidance Document
        This Federal Register notice announces the availability of a 
    revised version of the Office of Pesticide Programs' (OPP) science 
    policy guidance document that has been re-titled ``Estimating the 
    Drinking Water Component of a Dietary Exposure Assessment.'' This 
    science policy paper describes changes in OPP's approach to estimating 
    pesticide concentrations in drinking water as part of its assessment of 
    dietary exposures to pesticides. This document was developed from the 
    science policy paper entitled ``Science Policy 5: Estimating the 
    Drinking Water Component of a Dietary Exposure Assessment (12/22/98 
    Draft),'' that was released for public comment on January 4, 1999 (64 
    FR 162) (FRL-6054-8). The Agency received comments from various 
    organizations. Each of the commentors offered recommendations for 
    improving the science policy. All comments were extensively evaluated 
    and considered by the Agency. This revised version embodies many 
    recommendations of the commentors, as well as recommendations from a 
    May 1999 FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel which evaluated the proposed 
    approach for incorporating a ``crop area adjustment factor'' along with 
    a drinking water reservoir scenario in the Agency's surface water 
    screening models. The public comments, as well as a detailed summary of 
    the Agency's response to the comments are also available in the docket 
    for this notice.
        For some time the Agency has been using screening models to 
    estimate pesticide concentrations in ground water and surface water to 
    identify those food-use pesticides that are not expected to contribute 
    enough exposure via drinking water to result in unacceptable levels of 
    aggregate risk. The Agency uses monitoring data, where available and 
    reliable, to refine its assessments in those cases where the use of the 
    screening models does not result in ``clearing'' (i.e., indicate a low 
    risk) the pesticide from a drinking water perspective. This paper's 
    description of the models and approaches EPA generally intends to 
    follow is not meant to restrict interested parties from commenting on 
    the appropriateness of these models and approaches, either generally or 
    in regard to a specific application, or from proposing new or different 
    models or approaches.
        In response to public comments, OPP made a number of significant 
    changes to its drinking water assessment approaches, primarily to 
    refine existing screening methods for identifying pesticides which may 
    be present in drinking water at levels of concern. These refinements 
    will enable OPP to more accurately determine whether a pesticide has 
    the potential to result in significant risks to the public and 
    sensitive populations such as infants and children. Specifically, in 
    1999, OPP will change its screening level drinking water assessment by 
    replacing the ``farm field pond'' scenario in its surface water 
    screening models with a ``drinking water reservoir'' scenario and will 
    begin incorporating into the model a factor to account for the area 
    surrounding the reservoir that is cropped. To start, percent cropped 
    area factors will be used for corn, soybeans, cotton, and wheat. 
    Additional factors for other major crops will be added in late 1999 and 
    early 2000. These changes will improve EPA's initial screening 
    assessment by making it more accurate. The Agency is also evaluating 
    several watershed-scale surface water models for use in future drinking 
    water assessments.
        EPA will also continue to use SCI-GROW (Screening Concentration In 
    GROund Water) as an initial screening model for ground water sources of 
    drinking water. An evaluation of models and procedures for a second-
    tier assessment of pesticide exposure in ground water is beginning. In 
    the meantime, the Agency will rely on ground water monitoring studies 
    to estimate concentrations in ground water for those pesticides which 
    do not pass through the SCI-GROW screen.
        The Agency believes its risk assessments would be strengthened by 
    additional monitoring data and is working on a number of levels to fill 
    in the gaps in monitoring data and acquire more high quality data on 
    pesticide concentrations in drinking water sources. Efforts range from 
    requesting monitoring and runoff studies on
    [[Page 61348]]
    individual pesticides to working with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 
    to obtain more regional- and national-scale monitoring data on multiple 
    pesticides to exploring design considerations for a national survey of 
    pesticides in drinking water with various government agencies and 
    industry groups and associations.
        Also as a result of the comments, OPP has identified two issues 
    regarding drinking water that will be addressed in separate science 
    policy papers within the next 6 months. EPA plans to issue papers on 
    the following issues: (1) approaches for utilizing available data and 
    models to develop quantitative estimates of pesticide concentrations in 
    drinking water and estimates of people exposed for pesticides which 
    pose a particularly high potential for contaminating drinking water; 
    and (2) the effectiveness of water treatment in reducing pesticide 
    levels in drinking water and an approach for addressing treatment 
    issues in the assessment process.
    IV. Issues Raised in Comments
        EPA published a draft version of the document described in Unit 
    III. on January 4, 1999 (64 FR 162) and comments were filed under 
    docket control number OPP-00577. The public comment period ended on 
    February 26, 1999. The Agency received comments from eight different 
    organizations. All comments were considered by the Agency in revising 
    the document.
        Many of the comments were similar in content, and pertained to 
    general issues concerning the proposed policy or specific sections 
    within the draft document. The comments addressed a broad range of 
    issues and, in many instances, provided no general consensus. These 
    differences in opinion highlight the difficulties the Agency faces in 
    improving its existing science-based policy for estimating pesticide 
    concentrations in drinking water. The Agency grouped the comments 
    according to the nature of the comment and the issue or section of the 
    document which they addressed. For the substantive comments that 
    follow, contrasting opinions are presented, along with EPA's response. 
    The full text of the Agency's comments and response to the comments 
    document is available as described in Unit I.B.1.
    V. Policies Not Rules
        The policy document discussed in this notice is intended to provide 
    guidance to EPA personnel and decision-makers, and to the public. As a 
    guidance document and not a rule, the policy in this guidance is not 
    binding on either EPA or any outside parties. Although this guidance 
    provides a starting point for EPA risk assessments, EPA will depart 
    from its policy where the facts or circumstances warrant. In such 
    cases, EPA will explain why a different course was taken. Similarly, 
    outside parties remain free to assert that a policy is not appropriate 
    for a specific pesticide or that the circumstances surrounding a 
    specific risk assessment demonstrate that a policy should be abandoned.
    List of Subjects
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Agricultural commodities, Pesticides and pests.
        Dated: November 2, 1999.
    Susan H. Wayland,
    Deputy Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic 
    [FR Doc. 99-29451 Filed 11-9-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-F

Document Information

Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Notice of availability.
Document Number:
61346-61348 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
OPP-00577A, FRL-6389-7
PDF File: