2015-28498. Air Plan Approval; Ohio; Revised Format for Materials Being Incorporated by Reference  

  • Start Preamble


    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


    Final rule; administrative change.


    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is revising the format for materials that are incorporated by reference (IBR) into the Ohio State Implementation Plan (SIP). The regulations and other materials affected by this format change have all been previously submitted by Ohio and approved by EPA.


    This final rule is effective on November 10, 2015.


    EPA has established a docket for this action under Docket ID No. EPA-R05-OAR-2015-0637. SIP materials which are incorporated by reference into 40 CFR part 52 are available for inspection at the following locations: Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604 and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/​federal-register/​cfr/​ibr-locations.html.

    Start Further Info


    Matt Rau, Environmental Engineer, Control Strategies Section, Air Programs Branch (AR-18J), Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604, (312) 886-6524, rau.matthew@epa.gov.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    Throughout this document whenever “we”, “us”, or “our” is used, we mean EPA. This supplementary information section is arranged as follows:

    Table of Contents

    I. Background

    A. Description of a SIP

    B. How EPA Enforces SIPs

    C. How the State and EPA Update the SIP

    D. How EPA Compiles the SIP

    E. How EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation

    F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP Compilation

    G. The Format of the New Identification of Plan Section

    H. When a SIP Revision Becomes Federally Enforceable

    I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision Approvals

    II. What is EPA doing in this action?

    II. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    I. Background

    This format revision will primarily affect the “Identification of plan” section, as well as the format of the SIP materials that will be available for public inspection at NARA and the EPA Region 5 Office. EPA is also adding a table in the “Identification of plan” section which summarizes the approval actions that EPA has taken on the nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory portions of the Ohio SIP.

    A. Description of a SIP

    Each state has a SIP containing the control measures and strategies to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) along with other Clean Air Act (CAA) requirements. The SIP is extensive, containing such elements as air pollution control regulations, emission inventories, monitoring networks, attainment demonstrations, and enforcement mechanisms.Start Printed Page 69605

    B. How EPA Enforces SIPs

    Each state must formally adopt the control measures and strategies in the SIP after the public has had an opportunity to comment on them. The states then submit them to EPA as requested SIP revisions on which EPA must formally act.

    EPA evaluates submitted SIPs to determine if they meet CAA requirements. If and when these control measures and strategies are approved by EPA, after notice and comment rulemaking, they are incorporated into the Federally approved SIP and identified in part 52 (Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans), title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR part 52). The actual state regulations approved by EPA are not reproduced in their entirety in 40 CFR part 52, but are “incorporated by reference”, which means that EPA has approved a given state regulation with a specific effective date. This format allows the public to know which measures are contained in a given SIP and to help determine whether the state is enforcing the regulations. It also assists EPA and the public to take enforcement action should a state not enforce its SIP-approved regulations.

    C. How the State and EPA Update the SIP

    The SIP is a dynamic document that the state can revise as necessary to address the unique air pollution problems in the state. Therefore, EPA must periodically take action on SIP revisions containing new and/or revised regulations in order to make them part of the SIP. On May 22, 1997 (62 FR 27968), EPA revised the procedures for incorporating by reference Federally approved SIPs.

    EPA has been developing the following: (1) A revised SIP document for each state that would be incorporated by reference under the provisions of title 1 CFR part 51; (2) a revised mechanism for announcing EPA approval of revisions to an applicable SIP and updating both the IBR document and the CFR; and (3) a revised format of the “Identification of plan” sections for each applicable subpart to reflect these revised IBR procedures

    D. How EPA Compiles the SIP

    The Federally approved regulations, source-specific permits, and nonregulatory provisions (entirely or portions of) submitted by each state agency and approved by EPA have been organized into a “SIP compilation”. The SIP compilation contains the updated regulations, source-specific permits, and nonregulatory provisions approved by EPA through previous rulemaking actions in the Federal Register.

    E. How EPA Organizes the SIP Compilation

    Each SIP compilation contains three parts. Part one contains regulations, part two contains source-specific requirements, and part three contains nonregulatory provisions that have been EPA approved. Each part consists of a table of identifying information for each SIP-approved regulation, each SIP-approved permit, and each nonregulatory SIP provision. In this action, EPA is publishing the tables summarizing the applicable SIP requirements for Ohio. The state effective dates in the tables indicate the date of the most recent revision to a particular approved regulation. The EPA Regional Offices have the primary responsibility for updating the compilations and ensuring their accuracy.

    F. Where You Can Find a Copy of the SIP Compilation

    EPA's Region 5 Office developed and will maintain the compilation for Ohio. A copy of the full text of Ohio's regulatory and source-specific compilations will also be maintained at NARA.

    G. The Format of the New Identification of Plan Section

    In order to better serve the public, EPA revised the organization of the “Identification of plan” section and included additional information to clarify the enforceable elements of the SIP.

    The revised Ohio Identification of plan section contains five subsections:

    1. Purpose and scope

    2. Incorporation by reference

    3. EPA-approved regulations

    4. EPA-approved source-specific requirements

    5. EPA-approved nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory provisions

    H. When a SIP Revision Becomes Federally Enforceable

    All revisions to the applicable SIP become Federally enforceable as of the effective date of the revisions to paragraphs (c), (d), or (e) of the applicable Identification of plan section found in each subpart of 40 CFR part 52.

    I. The Historical Record of SIP Revision Approvals

    To facilitate enforcement of previously approved SIP provisions and provide a smooth transition to the new SIP processing system, EPA retains the original Identification of plan section, previously appearing in the CFR as the first or second section of part 52 for each state subpart. After an initial two-year period, EPA will review its experience with the new system and enforceability of previously approved SIP measures and will decide whether or not to retain the Identification of plan appendices for some further period.

    Although EPA is retaining the original Identification of Plan section, other sections of part 52 are duplicative of the new Identification of Plan section. EPA is therefore removing §§ 52.1881(b) “Regulations for the control of sulfur dioxide in the State of Ohio”, 52.1890 “Removed control measures”, 52.1891 “Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements”, and 52.1919 “Identification of plan-conditional approval” as part of the general “housekeeping” discussed below.

    II. What is EPA doing in this action?

    This action constitutes a “housekeeping” exercise to ensure that all revisions to the state programs that have occurred are accurately reflected in 40 CFR part 52. State SIP revisions are controlled by EPA regulations at 40 CFR part 51.

    EPA has determined that this action falls under the “good cause” exemption in section 553(b)(3)(B) of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) which, upon finding “good cause,” authorizes agencies to dispense with public participation and section 553(d)(3) allows an agency to make a rule effective immediately (thereby avoiding the 30-day delayed effective date otherwise provided for in the APA). This action simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved state programs.

    Under Section 553 of the APA, an agency may find good cause where procedures are “impractical, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest” since the codification only reflects existing law. Likewise, there is no purpose served by delaying the effective date of this action. Immediate notice in the CFR benefits the public by removing outdated citations.

    In this rule, EPA is finalizing regulatory text that includes incorporation by reference. In accordance with requirements of 1 CFR 51.5, EPA is finalizing the incorporation by reference of the Ohio Regulations described in the amendments to 40 CFR part 52 set forth below. EPA has made, and will continue to make, these documents generally available electronically through Start Printed Page 69606 www.regulations.gov and/or in hard copy at the appropriate EPA office (see the ADDRESSES section of this preamble for more information).

    III. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews

    A. General Requirements

    Under Executive Orders 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821, January 21, 2011), this action is not a “significant regulatory action” and is therefore not subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget. This rule is not subject to Executive Order 13211, “Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use” (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001) because it is not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866. Because the agency has made a “good cause” finding that this action is not subject to notice-and-comment requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act or any other statute as indicated in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section above, it is not subject to the regulatory flexibility provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), or to sections 202 and 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub. L. 104-4). In addition, this action does not significantly or uniquely affect small governments or impose a significant intergovernmental mandate, as described in sections 203 and 204 of UMRA. This rule also does not have a substantial direct effect on one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal government and Indian tribes, as specified by Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), nor will it have substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government, as specified in Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999). This rule also is not subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), because it is not economically significant. This rule does not involve technical standards; thus the requirements of section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) do not apply. The rule also does not involve special consideration of environmental justice related issues as required by Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994). In issuing this rule, EPA has taken the necessary steps to eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity, minimize potential litigation, and provide a clear legal standard for affected conduct, as required by section 3 of Executive Order 12988 (61 FR 4729, February 7, 1996). EPA has complied with Executive Order 12630 (53 FR 8859, March 15, 1998) by examining the takings implications of the rule in accordance with the “Attorney General's Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Risk and Avoidance of Unanticipated Takings” issued under the executive order. This rule does not impose an information collection burden under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). EPA's compliance with these statutes and Executive Orders for the underlying rules is discussed in previous actions taken on the State's rules.

    B. Submission to Congress and the Comptroller General

    The Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), as added by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United States. Section 808 allows the issuing agency to make a rule effective sooner than otherwise provided by the CRA if the agency makes a good cause finding that notice and public procedure is impracticable, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest. This action simply codifies provisions which are already in effect as a matter of law in Federal and approved State programs. 5 U.S.C. 808(2). As stated previously, EPA has made such a good cause finding, including the reasons therefore, and established an effective date of November 10, 2015. EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of the rule in the Federal Register. The changes in format to the “Identification of plan” section for Ohio are not a “major rule” as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).

    C. Petitions for Judicial Review

    EPA has also determined that the provisions of section 307(b)(1) of the CAA pertaining to petitions for judicial review are not applicable to this action. Prior EPA rulemaking actions for each individual component of the Ohio SIP compilations had previously afforded interested parties the opportunity to file a petition for judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals for the appropriate circuit within 60 days of such rulemaking action. Thus, EPA sees no need in this action to reopen the 60-day period for filing such petitions for judicial review for these “Identification of plan” reorganization actions for Ohio.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52

    • Environmental protection
    • Air pollution control
    • Carbon monoxide
    • Incorporation by reference
    • Intergovernmental relations
    • Lead
    • Nitrogen dioxide
    • Ozone
    • Particulate matter
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
    • Sulfur oxides
    • Volatile organic compounds
    End List of Subjects Start Signature

    Dated: August 28, 2015.

    Susan Hedman,

    Regional Administrator, Region 5.

    End Signature

    Part 52 of chapter I, title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, is amended as follows:

    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The authority for citation for part 52 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.

    End Authority

    Subpart KK—Ohio

    [Redesignated as § 52.1894]
    Start Amendment Part

    2. Section 52.1870 is redesignated as § 52.1894 and a new § 52.1870 is added to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    Identification of plan.

    (a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Ohio under Section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq., and 40 CFR part 51 to meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

    (b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to September 1, 2015, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date after September 1, 2015, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

    (2) EPA Region 5 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially Start Printed Page 69607promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the SIP as of September 1, 2015.

    (3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, Air Programs Branch, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604 or the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/​federal-register/​cfr/​ibr-locations.html.

    (c) EPA approved regulations.

    EPA-Approved Ohio Regulations

    Ohio citationTitle/SubjectOhio effective dateEPA Approval dateNotes
    Chapter 3745-14 Nitrogen Oxides—Reasonably Available Control Technology
    3745-14-01Definitions and General Provisions10/18/201011/14/2013, 78 FR 68367
    3745-14-02The NOX Authorized Account Representative7/18/20028/5/2003, 68 FR 46089
    3745-14-03The NOX Budget Permit5/25/20046/27/2005, 70 FR 36845
    3745-14-04Compliance Certification7/18/20028/5/2003, 68 FR 46089
    3745-14-05NOX Allowance Allocations7/17/20062/13/2008, 73 FR 8197
    3745-14-06The NOX Allowance Tracking System10/18/201011/14/2013, 78 FR 68367
    3745-14-07NOX Allowance Transfers7/18/20028/5/2003, 68 FR 46089
    3745-14-08Monitoring and Reporting7/18/20028/5/2003, 68 FR 46089
    3745-14-09NOX Budget Opt-in Units7/18/20028/5/2003, 68 FR 46089
    3745-14-10Alternative Compliance Plans7/18/20028/5/2003, 68 FR 46089
    3745-14-11Portland Cement Kilns7/18/20028/5/2003, 68 FR 46089
    3745-14-12Stationary Internal Combustion Engines5/7/20052/4/2008, 73 FR 6427
    Chapter 3745-15 General Provisions on Air Pollution Control
    3745-15-01Definitions1/22/20095/10/2010, 75 FR 25770
    3745-15-02Purpose1/25/198010/1/1982, 47 FR 43375
    3745-15-03Submission of Emission Information6/30/20082/20/2013, 78 FR 11748Only (A).
    3745-15-04Measurement of Emissions of Air Contaminants1/25/198010/1/1982, 47 FR 43375
    3745-15-05De Minimis Air Contaminant Source Exemption1/22/20095/10/2010, 75 FR 25770
    3745-15-06Malfunction of Equipment; Scheduled Maintenance; Reporting1/25/198010/1/1982, 47 FR 43375
    3745-15-07Air Pollution Nuisances Prohibited5/17/19828/13/1984, 49 FR 32182
    3745-15-08Circumvention1/25/198010/1/1982, 47 FR 43375
    3745-15-09Severability1/25/198010/1/1982, 47 FR 43375
    Chapter 3745-16 Stack Height Requirements
    3745-16-01Definitions3/5/19868/25/1988, 53 FR 32392
    3745-16-02Good Engineering Practice Stack Height Requirements3/5/19868/25/1988, 53 FR 32392
    Chapter 3745-17 Particulate Matter Standards
    3745-17-01Definitions2/1/200810/26/2010, 75 FR 65567
    3745-17-02Ambient Air Quality Standards2/1/200810/26/2010, 75 FR 65567
    3745-17-03Measurement Methods and Procedures4/18/20094/3/2013, 78 FR 19990
    3745-17-04Compliance Time Schedules2/1/200812/27/2008, 75 FR 65567
    3745-17-07Control of Visible Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources2/1/200810/26/2010, 75 FR 65567Includes Ohio EPA Engineering Guide 13, revised 6/27/1980, and Engineering Guide 15, revised 7/15/1980.
    3745-17-08Restriction of Emission of Fugitive Dust2/1/200810/26/2010, 75 FR 65567
    3745-17-09Restrictions on Particulate Emissions and Odors from Incinerators2/1/200810/26/2010, 75 FR 65567
    3745-17-10Restrictions on Particulate Emissions from Fuel Burning Equipment2/1/200810/26/2010, 75 FR 65567
    Start Printed Page 69608
    3745-17-11Restrictions on Particulate Emissions from Industrial Processes12/13/20113/29/2013, 78 FR 19128
    3745-17-12Additional Restrictions on Particulate Emissions from Specific Air Contaminant Sources in Cuyahoga County2/1/200810/26/2010, 75 FR 65567
    3745-17-13Additional Restrictions on Particulate Emissions from Specific Air Contaminant Sources in Jefferson County2/1/200810/26/2010, 75 FR 65567
    3745-17-14Contingency Plan Requirements for Cuyahoga and Jefferson Counties4/18/200910/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
    Chapter 3745-18 Sulfur Dioxide Regulations
    3745-18-01Definitions and Incorporation by Reference4/3/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-02Ambient Air Quality Standards; Sulfur Dioxide1/23/20063/21/2008, 73 FR 15083
    3745-18-03Attainment Dates and Compliance Time Schedules2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-04Measurement Methods and Procedures2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299except (D)(2), (D)(3), (D)(5), (D)(6), (D)(9), (E)(2), (E)(3), and (E)(4).
    3745-18-05Ambient and Meteorological Monitoring Requirements2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-06General Emission Limit Provisions2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-07Adams County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-08Allen County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-09Ashland County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-10Ashtabula County Emissions Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-11Athens County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-12Auglaize County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-13Belmont County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-14Brown County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-15Butler County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-16Carroll County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-17Champaign County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-18Clark County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-19Clermont County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-20Clinton County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-21Columbiana County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-22Coshocton County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-23Crawford County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-24Cuyahoga County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-25Darke County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-26Defiance County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-27Delaware County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-28Erie County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-29Fairfield County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-30Fayette County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-31Franklin County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-32Fulton County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    Start Printed Page 69609
    3745-18-33Gallia County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-34Geauga County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-35Greene County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-36Guernsey County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-37Hamilton County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-38Hancock County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-39Hardin County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-40Harrison County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-41Henry County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-42Highland County Emission Limit2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-43Hocking County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-44Holmes County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-45Huron County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-46Jackson County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-47Jefferson County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-48Knox County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-49Lake County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-50Lawrence County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-51Licking County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-52Logan County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-53Lorain County Emission Limits1/23/200611/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-54Lucas County Emission Limits4/3/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-55Madison County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-56Mahoning County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-57Marion County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-58Medina County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-59Meigs County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-60Mercer County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-61Miami County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-62Monroe County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-63Montgomery County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-64Morgan County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-65Morrow County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-66Muskingum County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-67Noble County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-68Ottawa County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-69Paulding County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-70Perry County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-71Pickaway County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-72Pike County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-73Portage County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-74Preble County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-75Putnam County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-76Richland County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-77Ross County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-78Sandusky County Emission Limits1/23/200611/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-79Scioto County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    Start Printed Page 69610
    3745-18-80Seneca County Emission Limits1/23/200611/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-81Shelby County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-82Stark County Emission Limits4/3/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-83Summit County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-84Trumbull County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-85Tuscarawas County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-86Union County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-87Van Wert County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-88Vinton County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-89Warren County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-90Washington County Emission Limits1/23/200611/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-91Wayne County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-92Williams County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-93Wood County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    3745-18-94Wyandot County Emission Limits2/17/201111/19/2013, 78 FR 69299
    Chapter 3745-19 Open Burning Standards
    3745-19-01Definitions7/7/20063/21/2008, 73 FR 15081
    3745-19-02Relations to Other Prohibitions7/7/20063/21/2008, 73 FR 15081
    3745-19-03Open Burning in Restricted Areas7/7/20063/21/2008, 73 FR 15081
    3745-19-04Open Burning in Unrestricted Areas7/7/20063/21/2008, 73 FR 15081
    3745-19-05Permission to Individuals and Notification to the Ohio EPA7/7/20063/21/2008, 73 FR 15081
    Chapter 3745-21 Carbon Monoxide, Ozone, Hydrocarbon Air Quality Standards, and Related Emission Requirements
    3745-21-01Definitions5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990
    3745-21-02Ambient Air Quality Standards and Guidelines8/25/20087/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-03Methods of Ambient Air Quality Measurement8/25/20087/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-04Compliance Time Schedules4/2/20097/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-06Classification of Regions8/25/20087/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-07Control of Emissions of Organic Materials from Stationary Sources (i.e., Emissions That Are Not Regulated by Rule 3745-21-09, 3745-21-12, 3745-21-13, 3745-21-14, 3745-21-15, 3745-21-16, or 3745-21-18 of the Administrative Code)2/18/20088/19/2011, 76 FR 51901
    3745-21-08Control of Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Stationary Sources8/25/20087/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-09Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Stationary Sources and Perchloroethylene from Dry Cleaning Facilities5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990except (U)(1)(h).
    3745-21-10Compliance Test Methods and Procedures8/25/20087/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-12Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Commercial Bakery Oven Facilities8/25/20087/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    Start Printed Page 69611
    3745-21-13Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Reactors and Distillation Units Employed in SOCMI Chemical Production8/25/20087/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-14Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Process Vents in Batch Operations4/2/20097/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-15Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations8/25/20087/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-16Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Industrial Wastewater4/2/20097/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-17Portable Fuel Containers6/21/200710/14/2009, 74 FR 52691
    3745-21-18Commercial Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Refinishing Operations4/2/20097/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-19Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Facilities8/25/20087/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-20Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Operations (Marine Coatings)8/25/20087/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
    3745-21-21Storage of Volatile Organic Liquids in Fixed Roof Tanks and External Floating Roof Tanks5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990
    3745-21-22Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Offset Lithographic Printing and Letterpress Printing Facilities2/10/20104/6/2011, 73 FR 18893
    3745-21-23Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Industrial Solvent Cleaning Operations5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990
    3745-21-24Flat Wood Paneling Coatings5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990
    3745-21-25Control of VOC Emissions from Reinforced Plastic Composites Production Operations11/11/20107/13/2011, 76 FR 41086
    3745-21-27Boat Manufacturing5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990
    3745-21-28Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives and Sealants5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990
    3745-21-29Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Automobile and Light-duty Truck Assembly Coating Operations, Heavier Vehicle Assembly Coating Operations, and Cleaning Operations Associated with these Coating Operations5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990
    Chapter 3745-23 Nitrogen Oxide Standards
    3745-23-01Definitions4/18/200910/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
    3745-23-02Methods of Measurement4/18/200910/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
    Chapter 3745-24 Nitrogen Oxide Emission Statements
    3745-24-01Definitions12/16/20059/27/2007, 72 FR 54844
    3745-24-02Applicability12/16/20059/27/2007, 72 FR 54844
    3745-24-03Deadlines for the Submission of the Emission Statements12/16/20059/27/2007, 72 FR 54844
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    3745-24-04Emission Statement Requirements4/1/199410/13/1994, 59 FR 51863
    Chapter 3745-25 Emergency Episode Standards
    3745-25-01Definitions4/18/200910/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
    3745-25-02Ambient Air Quality Standards4/18/200910/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
    3745-25-03Air Pollution Emergencies and Episode Criteria8/21/200910/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
    3745-25-04Air Pollution Emergency Emission Control Action Programs4/18/200910/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
    3745-25-05Air Pollution Emergency Orders4/18/200910/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
    Chapter 3745-26 I/M Program Rules and Regulations
    3745-26-01Definitions8/15/19961/6/1997, 62 FR 646
    3745-26-02Obligations of the Motor Vehicle Owner in the Anti-tampering and Basic Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Programs6/13/19944/4/1995, 60 FR 16989
    3745-26-03Inspection Station Licensing Procedure5/15/199012/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
    3745-26-04Licensed Inspection Station Requirements and Obligations5/15/199012/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
    3745-26-05Provisions for Qualification as a Class B Inspection Station5/15/199012/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
    3745-26-06Requirements for Certified Inspectors5/15/199012/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
    3745-26-07Suspension or Revocation of Inspection Station License or Inspector Certification5/15/199012/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
    3745-26-08Procedure for Station Change of Ownership, Name, or Location, or Cessation of Inspection Operation5/15/199012/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
    3745-26-09Fee System5/15/199012/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
    3745-26-10Requirements for Contractors in the Basic Enhanced or Opt-in Enhanced Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Program6/13/19944/4/1995, 60 FR 16989
    3745-26-11Inspection Requirements5/15/199012/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
    3745-26-12Requirements for Motor Vehicle Owners in the Enhanced or Opt-in Enhanced Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Program8/15/19961/6/1997, 62 FR 646
    3745-26-13Requirements for Certified Inspectors in the Enhanced or Opt-in Enhanced Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Program6/13/19944/4/1995, 60 FR 16989
    3745-26-14Enforcement of Program Rules and Regulations for the Enhanced or Opt-in Enhanced Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Program6/13/19944/4/1995, 60 FR 16989
    Chapter 3745-31 Permit-to Install New Sources and Permit-to-Install and Operate Program
    3745-31-01Definitions5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477Except for (I), (SSS)(1)(b), (QQQQ), (JJJJJ), (BBBBBB).
    3745-31-02Applicability, Requirements, and Obligations5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-03Exemptions6/30/20082/20/2013, 78 FR 11748
    3745-31-04Applications5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    Start Printed Page 69613
    3745-31-05Criteria for Decision by the Director11/30/20011/22/2003, 68 FR 2909
    3745-31-06Completeness Determinations, Processing Requirements, Public Participation, Public Notice, and Issuance5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-07Termination, Revocation, Expiration, Renewal, Revision and Transfer5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-08Registration Status Permit-to-operate5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-09Variances on Operation5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-10NSR Projects at Existing Emissions Units at a Major Stationary Source5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-11Attainment Provisions—Ambient Air Increments, Ceilings, and Classifications5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-12Attainment Provisions—Data Submission Requirements5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-13Attainment Provisions—Review of Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications, Stationary Source Applicability and Exemptions5/29/201410/28/2014, 79 FR 64119
    3745-31-14Attainment Provisions—Preapplication Analysis5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-15Attainment Provisions—Control Technology Review5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-16Attainment Provisions—Major Stationary Source Impact Analysis5/29/201410/28/2014, 79 FR 64119
    3745-31-17Attainment Provisions—Additional Impact Analysis5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-18Attainment Provisions—Air Quality Models5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-19Attainment Provisions—Notice to the United States Environmental Protection Agency5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-20Attainment Provisions—Innovative Control Technology5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-21Nonattainment Provisions—Review of Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications—Stationary Source Applicability and Exemptions5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-22Nonattainment Provisions—Conditions for Approval5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477Except for (A)(3)(b).
    3745-31-23Nonattainment provisions—stationary sources locating in designated clean or unclassifiable areas which would cause or contribute to a violation of a national ambient air quality standard5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477Except for the 1-hour NO2 Significant Impact Level in the table in paragraph (A).
    3745-31-24Nonattainment Provisions—Baseline for Determining Credit for Emission and Air Quality Offsets5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477Except for (F).
    3745-31-25Nonattainment provisions—location of offsetting emissions5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    3745-31-26Nonattainment Provisions—Offset Ratio Requirements5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477Except for (D).
    3745-31-27Nonattainment Provisions—Administrative Procedures for Emission Offsets5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477Except for (A)(1)(b).
    3745-31-29General Permit-to-install and General PTIO5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
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    3745-31-32Plantwide Applicability Limit (PAL)5/29/20146/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
    Chapter 3745-45 Permit Fees
    3745-45-01Definitions11/24/197311/24/1981, 46 FR 57490
    3745-45-02Certification Fees11/24/197311/24/1981, 46 FR 57490
    3745-45-03Water Discharge Permit Fees11/24/197311/24/1981, 46 FR 57490
    3745-45-04Air Contaminant Source Operation Permit and Variance Fees11/24/197311/24/1981, 46 FR 57490
    3745-45-05Exemptions11/24/197311/24/1981, 46 FR 57490
    Chapter 3745-47 Procedural Rules
    3745-47-01Applicability6/30/19811/10/2003, 68 FR 1366
    3745-47-02Construction of Rules and Regulations6/30/19811/10/2003, 68 FR 1366
    3745-47-03Definitions6/30/19811/10/2003, 68 FR 1366
    3745-47-05Draft or Proposed Action6/30/19811/10/2003, 68 FR 1366
    3745-47-07Notice6/30/19811/10/2003, 68 FR 1366
    3745-47-08Contents of Public Notices6/30/19811/10/2003, 68 FR 1366Only (D).
    Chapter 3745-71 Lead Emissions
    3745-71-01Definitions and Reference to Materials10/4/199410/27/1995, 60 FR 54946
    3745-71-03Methods of Ambient Air Measurement10/4/199410/27/1995, 60 FR 54946
    3745-71-05Emissions Test Methods and Procedures and Reporting Requirements for New and Existing Sources10/4/199410/27/1995, 60 FR 54946
    3745-71-06Source Specific Emission Limits10/4/199410/27/1995, 60 FR 54946
    Chapter 3745-72 Low Reid Vapor Pressure Fuel Requirements
    3745-72-01Applicability7/17/20065/25/2007, 72 FR 29269Only (A) to (D).
    3745-72-02Definitions5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990
    3745-72-03Gasoline Volatility Standards and General Provisions1/16/20065/25/2007, 72 FR 29269
    3745-72-04Transfer Documentation and Recordkeeping1/16/20065/25/2007, 72 FR 29269
    3745-72-05Liability5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990
    3745-72-06Defenses5/12/20114/29/2013, 78 FR 24990
    3745-72-07Special Provisions for Alcohol Blends1/16/20065/25/2007, 72 FR 29269
    3745-72-08Quality Assurance and Test Methods1/16/20065/25/2007, 72 FR 29269
    Chapter 3745-75 Infectious Waste Incinerator Limitations
    3745-75-01Applicability, Definitions, and Reference to Materials3/23/20047/5/2007, 72 FR 36605
    3745-75-02Emission Limits3/23/20047/5/2007, 72 FR 36605Except (I)(1), (I)(2), (I)(4), and (I)(7).
    3745-75-03Design Parameters and Operating Restrictions3/23/20047/5/2007, 72 FR 36605
    3745-75-04Monitoring Requirements3/23/20047/5/2007, 72 FR 36605
    3745-75-05Recordkeeping and Inspections3/23/20047/5/2007, 72 FR 36605
    3745-75-06Certification and Compliance Time Schedules3/23/20047/5/2007, 72 FR 36605
    Chapter 3745-101 Transportation Conformity
    3745-101-02Definitions2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-03Applicability, Priority, and Frequency of Conformity Determinations2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395Only (A), (B), (C), (D), (G), (H), (I), (J), (K), and (L).
    Start Printed Page 69615
    3745-101-05Content of Transportation Plans2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-06Relationship with NEPA and Fiscal Constraints2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-07Criteria and Procedures for Conformity Determination, Assumptions, Emissions Model, and Consultation2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395Only (A), (B), and (C) Except (C)(1)(a) and (C)(2)(a).
    3745-101-08Criteria and Procedures for Implementation of TCMs, Current Conformity, and Projects from a Plan and TIP2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-09Localized CO and PM10 Violations and Compliance with PM10 Control Measures2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-10Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-11Criteria and Procedures: Emission Reductions in Areas without Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-12Consequences of Control Strategy Implementation Plan Failures2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395Except for (A)(2).
    3745-101-13Requirements for Adoption or Approval of Projects by Other Recipients of Funds Designated Under Title 23 U.S.C. or the Federal Transit Laws2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395Except for (A)(1).
    3745-101-14Procedures for Determining Regional Transportation-related Emissions2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-15Procedures for Determining Localized CO and PM10 Concentrations (Hot-spot Analysis)2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-17Enforceability of Design Concept and Scope and Project-level Mitigation and Control Measures2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-18Exempt Projects2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    3745-101-19Traffic Signal Synchronization Projects2/16/19995/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
    Chapter 3745-102 General Federal Action Conformity
    3745-102-01Purpose8/21/19953/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
    3745-102-02Definitions8/21/19953/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
    3745-102-03Applicability8/21/19953/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
    3745-102-04Analysis, Other Requirements8/21/19953/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
    3745-102-05Conformity Determinations8/21/19953/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
    3745-102-06Mitigation of Air Quality Impacts8/21/19953/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
    Chapter 3745-109 Emissions Trading Programs
    3745-109-01CAIR NOX Annual, CAIR SO2, and CAIR NOX Ozone Season Trading Programs Definitions and General Provisions7/16/200911/24/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-02CAIR Designated Representative for CAIR NOX Sources9/27/20079/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-03Permits9/27/20079/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-04CAIR NOX Allowance Allocations7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-05CAIR NOX Allowance Tracking System9/27/20079/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    Start Printed Page 69616
    3745-109-06CAIR NOX Allowance Transfers9/27/20079/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-07Monitoring and Reporting7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-08CAIR NOX Opt-in Units7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-09CAIR Designated Representative for CAIR SO2 Sources9/27/20079/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-10Permits9/27/20079/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-11CAIR SO2 Allowance Tracking System7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-12CAIR SO2 Allowance Transfers7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-13Monitoring and Reporting7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-14CAIR SO2 Opt-in Units7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-15CAIR Designated Representative for CAIR NOX Ozone Season Sources9/27/20079/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-16Permits9/27/20079/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-17CAIR NOX Ozone Season Allowance Allocations7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-18CAIR NOX Ozone Season Allowance Tracking System7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-19CAIR NOX Ozone Season Allowance Transfers7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-20Monitoring and Reporting7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    3745-109-21CAIR NOX Ozone Season Opt-in Units7/16/20099/25/2009, 74 FR 48857
    Chapter 3745-112 Volatile Organic Compound Limits in Consumer Products
    3745-112-01Definitions9/15/20078/13/2009, 74 FR 40745
    3745-112-02Applicability9/15/20078/13/2009, 74 FR 40745
    3745-112-03Standards9/15/20078/13/2009, 74 FR 40745
    3745-112-04Exemptions9/15/20078/13/2009, 74 FR 40745
    3745-112-05Administrative Requirements9/15/20078/13/2009, 74 FR 40745
    3745-112-06Reporting Requirements9/15/20078/13/2009, 74 FR 40745
    3745-112-07Variances9/15/20078/13/2009, 74 FR 40745
    3745-112-08Test Methods9/15/20078/13/2009, 74 FR 40745

    (d) EPA approved state source-specific requirements.

    EPA-Approved Ohio Source-Specific Provisions

    Name of sourceNumberOhio effective dateEPA Approval dateComments
    AK Steel CorporationDirector's Final Findings and Orders (DFFO)8/18/19954/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
    Excello SpecialtyPTI 13-239612/11/19914/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
    Ford-Cleveland CastingDFFO7/10/19955/6/1996, 61 FR 20139
    Ford-Engine Plant 1DFFO5/31/19962/25/1997, 62 FR 8383
    Hilton DavisPTI 14-20966/12/19914/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
    International Mill ServicesDFFO7/12/19955/6/1996, 61 FR 20139
    International Paper CompanyDFFO8/18/19954/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
    Luria BrothersDFFO7/10/19955/6/1996, 61 FR 20139
    Midwest Mica & Insulation CoDFFO8/18/19954/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
    Morgan Adhesives CoDFFO7/5/20004/17/2001, 74 FR 19721
    P.H. Glatfelter Co.-ChillicothePTI P01036733/7/20117/2/2012, 77 FR 39177Regional haze BART emissions limits.
    Reilly Industries, IncDFFO8/18/19954/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
    Sprayon Products, IncDFFO8/18/19954/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
    T&B Foundry CompanyDFFO7/10/19955/6/1996, 61 FR 20139
    United Ready MixDFFO7/10/19955/6/1996, 61 FR 20139
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    Wheeling-Pittsburg Steel CorporationDFFO10/31/19956/12/1996, 61 FR 29662

    (e) EPA approved nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory provisions.

    EPA-Approved Ohio Nonregulatory and Quasi-Regulatory Provisions

    TitleApplicable geographical or non-attainment areaState dateEPA approvalComments
    Legislative Provisions
    Authority to Require NSR PermitsStatewide1/25/1982ORC 3704.03 (F).
    Local Permits for Burning Construction DebrisStatewide7/15/1985ORC 3704.11 (C).
    Ohio EPA AuthorityStatewide1/25/1982ORC 3704 (summary).
    Requirements for Board MembersStatewide1/25/1982ORC 102 (summary).
    Definition of Air ContaminantStatewideORC 3704.01 (B); submitted 8/26/1982.
    Summary of Criteria Pollutant Maintenance Plan
    Ozone 1-HourCincinnati (Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren Counties)6/28/19997/5/2000, 65 FR 37879
    Ozone 1-HourColumbiana County3/25/19943/10/1995, 59 FR 48395
    Ozone 1-HourColumbus (Franklin, Delaware and Licking Counties)1/1/19944/1/1996, 61 FR 3591
    Ozone 1-HourDayton-Springfield (Miami, Montgomery, Clark, and Greene Counties)11/8/19937/5/1995, 60 FR 22289
    Ozone 1-HourJefferson County3/25/19943/10/1995, 58 FR 66334
    Ozone 1-HourYoungstown (Mahoning and Trumbull Counties) and Canton (Stark County)3/25/19944/1/1996, 61 FR 3319
    Ozone 8-HourCanton (Stark County)6/20/20066/15/2007, 72 FR 27648
    Ozone 8-HourCincinnati (Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, and Warren Counties)12/14/20095/11/2010, 75 FR 26118
    Ozone 8-HourCleveland (Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit Counties)3/17/20099/15/2009, 74 FR 47414
    Ozone 8-HourColumbiana County2/15/20076/12/2007, 72 FR 32190
    Ozone 8-HourColumbus (Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Knox, Licking, and Madison Counties)3/17/20099/15/2009, 74 FR 47404
    Ozone 8-HourDayton-Springfield (Miami, Montgomery, Clark, and Greene Counties)11/6/20068/13/2007, 72 FR 45169
    Ozone 8-HourLima (Allen County)6/20/20066/15/2007, 72 FR 27648Correction: 72 FR 36599, effective 7/5/2007.
    Ozone 8-HourParkersburg-Marietta (Washington County)9/22/20066/15/2007, 72 FR 27652Correction: 72 FR 36599, effective 7/5/2007.
    Ozone 8-HourSteubenville-Weirton (Jefferson County)7/31/20066/15/2007, 72 FR 27640Correction: 72 FR 36599, effective 7/5/2007.
    Ozone 8-HourToledo (Lucas and Wood Counties)12/22/20068/9/2007, 72 FR 44784
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    Ozone 8-HourWheeling (Belmont County)6/20/20066/15/2007, 72 FR 27644Correction: 72 FR 36599, effective 7/5/2007
    Ozone 8-HourYoungstown (Mahoning and Trumbull Counties)2/15/20076/12/2007, 72 FR 32190
    PM-10Cuyahoga and Jefferson Counties5/22/20001/10/2001, 65 FR 77308
    PM2.5 (1997)Canton (Stark County)6/26/201210/22/2013, 78 FR 62459
    PM2.5 (1997)Cincinnati (Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren Counties)1/25/201112/23/2011, 76 FR 80253
    PM2.5 (1997)Cleveland (Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit Counties)10/5/20119/18/2013, 78 FR 57270
    PM2.5 (1997)Columbus (Coshocton, Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, and Licking Counties)6/3/201111/7/2013, 78 FR 66845
    PM2.5 (1997)Dayton-Springfield (Clark, Greene, and Montgomery Counties)6/1/20119/26/2013, 78 FR 59258
    PM2.5 (1997)Huntington-Ashland (Adams, Gallia, Lawrence, and Scioto Counties)5/4/201112/31/2012, 77 FR 76883
    PM2.5 (1997)Parkersburg-Marietta (Washington County)2/29/20128/29/2013, 78 FR 53275
    PM2.5 (1997)Steubenville-Weirton (Jefferson County)4/16/20129/18/2013, 78 FR 57273
    PM2.5 (1997)Wheeling (Belmont County)4/16/20128/29/2013, 78 FR 53275
    PM2.5 (2006)Canton (Stark County)6/26/201210/22/2013, 78 FR 62459
    PM2.5 (2006)Cleveland (Cuyahoga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit Counties)5/30/20129/18/2013, 78 FR 57270
    PM2.5 (2006)Steubenville-Weirton (Jefferson County)4/16/20129/18/2013, 78 FR 57273
    SO2 (1971)Center Township (Morgan County) and Waterford Township (Washington County)6/25/19929/21/1994, 59 FR 48403
    SO2 (1971)Lake County and Steubenville/Mingo Junction (Jefferson County)10/26/19958/30/1999, 64 FR 47113
    SO2 (1971)Franklin Township (Coshocton County), Addison Township (Gallia County), and Lorain County3/20/20006/5/2000, 65 FR 35577
    SO2 (1971)Cuyahoga and Lucas Counties9/27/20037/8/2004, 69 FR 41342
    CO (1979)Cleveland (Cuyahoga County)10/20/20056/1/2006, 71 FR 31097
    Lead (2008)Bellefontaine (Logan County)10/29/20137/28/2014, 79 FR 43655Includes approval of the 10/29/2013 emissions inventory.
    Infrastructure Requirements
    Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQSStatewide12/5/20077/13/2011, 76 FR 41075Addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A))-(C), (D)(ii), (E)-(H), and (J)-(M).
    Start Printed Page 69619
    Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQSStatewide12/5/20077/13/2011, 76 FR 41075Addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A)-(C), (D)(ii), (E)-(H), and (J)-(M).
    Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQSStatewide9/4/200910/29/2012, 77 FR 65478Addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(ii), (E)(i) and (E)(iii), (F)-(H), (J) {except PSD}, and (K)-(M).
    Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQSStatewide6/7/20134/7/2014, 79 FR 18999Addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(E)(ii).
    Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2008 lead NAAQSStatewide10/12/201110/6/2014, 79 FR 60075Addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2) (C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), and the PSD portion of (J).
    Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2010 NO2 NAAQSStatewide2/8/201310/6/2014, 79 FR 60075Addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2) (A) to (H) and (J) to (M).
    Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2008 ozone NAAQSStatewide12/27/201210/16/2014, 79 FR 60219Addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2) (A) to (H) and (J) to (M).
    Summary of Plan Element
    Particulate Matter (PM-10) PlanStatewide11/14/19916/27/1994, 59 FR 27464
    Summary of the 15 Percent (%) Rate of Progress (ROP) Plan Control Measures for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions
    Cincinnati 15% PlanCincinnati (Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren Counties)3/19/19943/30/1998, 63 FR 4188
    [Removed and Reserved]
    Start Amendment Part

    3. Remove and reserve § 52.1890.

    End Amendment Part
    [Removed and Reserved]
    Start Amendment Part

    4. Remove and reserve § 52.1891.

    End Amendment Part Start Amendment Part

    5. In the newly redesignated § 52.1894 revise the section heading and paragraph (a) to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    Original Identification of plan section.

    (a) This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of Ohio” and all revisions submitted by Ohio that were federally approved prior to September 1, 2015.

    * * * * *
    [Removed and Reserved]
    Start Amendment Part

    6. Remove and reserve § 52.1919.

    End Amendment Part End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2015-28498 Filed 11-9-15; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule; administrative change.
Document Number:
This final rule is effective on November 10, 2015.
69604-69619 (16 pages)
Docket Numbers:
EPA-R05-OAR-2015-0637, FRL-9933-71-Region 5
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
40 CFR 52.1870
40 CFR 52.1890
40 CFR 52.1891
40 CFR 52.1894
40 CFR 52.1919