98-29849. Changes in the List of Species in Appendices to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 218 (Thursday, November 12, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 63210-63221]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-29849]
    Fish and Wildlife Service
    50 CFR Part 23
    Changes in the List of Species in Appendices to the Convention on 
    International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
    AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of 
    Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES or Convention) regulates international 
    trade in certain animals and plants. Species or other taxa for which 
    such trade is controlled are listed in Appendices I, II, and III to 
    CITES. The countries participating in this treaty, including the United 
    States, adopted amendments to Appendices I and II at the tenth meeting 
    of the Conference of the Parties (COP10) in June, 1997. The United 
    States did not enter a reservation against any of the adopted 
    amendments. This document incorporates all these amendments into the 
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (Service) informational list of CITES 
    species. It also incorporates a small number of additional changes to 
    the list of CITES-protected animal and plant taxa (50 CFR 23.23) 
    unrelated to decisions of the Parties at COP10 and serving only to 
    clarify taxonomy, common names, or geographic ranges of animal and 
    plant taxa and populations already listed. None of these additional 
    changes affects the biological entity listed by the CITES parties.
    DATES: This rule is effective November 12, 1998. With the exception of 
    the new listings of sturgeon species at COP10 (which had the effective 
    date of April 1, 1998), the amendments set forth in this rule entered 
    into effect on September 18, 1997, under the terms of CITES.
    ADDRESSES: Please send correspondence concerning this document to 
    Chief, Office of Scientific Authority; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; 
    4401 North Fairfax Drive, room 750; Arlington, Virginia, 22203; fax 
    703-358-2276. Materials received will be available for public 
    inspection by appointment, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through 
    Friday at the above address in Arlington, Virginia.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Susan Lieberman, Chief, Office of 
    Scientific Authority, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, telephone 703-
    [[Page 63211]]
        CITES regulates import, export, re-export, and introduction from 
    the sea of certain animal and plant species. Species for which the 
    trade is controlled are included in three Appendices. Appendix I 
    includes species threatened with extinction that are or may be affected 
    by trade. Appendix II includes species that, although not necessarily 
    now threatened with extinction, may become so unless trade in them is 
    strictly controlled. It also lists species that must be subject to 
    regulation in order that trade in other currently or potentially 
    threatened species may be brought under effective control (e.g., 
    because of difficulty in distinguishing specimens of currently or 
    potentially threatened species from those of other species). Appendix 
    III includes species that any Party identifies as being subject to 
    regulation within its jurisdiction for purposes of preventing or 
    restricting exploitation, and for which it needs the cooperation of 
    other Parties to control trade.
        Any CITES Party may propose amendments to Appendices I and II for 
    consideration either at meetings of the Conference of the Parties held 
    about every 2\1/2\ years or, occasionally, by a postal vote process. 
    The text of proposals must be communicated to the CITES Secretariat at 
    least 150 days before such a meeting. The Secretariat must then consult 
    the other Parties and appropriate intergovernmental agencies, and 
    communicate responses to all Parties no later than 30 days before the 
    meeting. Amendments are adopted by consensus or a two-thirds majority 
    of the Parties present and voting.
    Actions of the Parties
        The tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES was 
    held June 9-20, 1997, in Harare, Zimbabwe. Decisions of the Parties on 
    62 different animal proposals and 13 different plant proposals to amend 
    the Appendices I and II were reported in the proposed rule published in 
    the Federal Register on August 22, 1997 (62 FR 44627).
        The August 22, 1997, proposed rule (62 FR 44627) requested comments 
    from the public on whether the United States should enter reservations 
    against any of the listing amendments. If the United States were to 
    enter a reservation, it would be treated as a country not party to 
    CITES with respect to trade in that particular species. However, 
    because of the requirements of other Parties, the U.S. Lacey Act 
    Amendments of 1981, and relevant CITES resolutions, the effect of a 
    reservation would be limited. More comprehensive discussions of any 
    practical effects of entering a reservation and reasons for or against 
    entering reservations can be found in the November 8, 1994 and January 
    3, 1995 Federal Register notices (59 FR 55617 and 60 FR 73, 
    Related Considerations
        During the public comment period pursuant to the proposed rule of 
    August 22, 1997, only one organization submitted comments. The Humane 
    Society of the United States (HSUS) submitted comments on a number of 
    issues. The HSUS opposed the taking of reservations by the United 
    States; the Service concurs, and has recommended no reservations. 
    Regarding the alligator snapping turtle, the HSUS noted that endemism 
    is not a reason to not list a species in the CITES Appendices. The 
    Service agrees, and notes that whether or not a species qualifies for 
    inclusion in Appendix II under the CITES listing criteria (Resolution 
    Conf. 9.24) is independent of its degree of endemism. The Service will 
    continue to monitor the status of and trade in this species, and work 
    with the states where the species is native in order to reach the best 
    possible conservation solution for the species. The HSUS requested that 
    the United States include the species in Appendix III; that option is 
    currently being explored. If the Service decides to recommend such a 
    listing in Appendix III, a notice will be published in the Federal 
    Register inviting public comments. The HSUS also discussed the 
    annotated transfer of certain African elephant populations to Appendix 
    II, noting that live elephants may not be imported for commercial 
    purposes. The HSUS is incorrect, in that live elephants from Namibia 
    only are restricted to non-commercial purposes; those from Zimbabwe and 
    Botswana can be imported for any purpose. Since these populations are 
    in Appendix II, no U.S. import permit is required under CITES, and the 
    decision on commerciality and suitability of destinations will be made 
    by the exporting country. However, if any of the three countries 
    affected consult the United States prior to issuance of an export 
    permit, the Service will respond to any inquiry about any proposed 
    facility. The HSUS recommended that the Service discuss other aspects 
    of the annotated downlisting of the African elephant populations with 
    members of the Standing Committee. The Service continues to discuss 
    aspects of the downlisting, and practical implementation concerns, with 
    many different governments, including those on the Standing Committee. 
    The HSUS also requested that the United States include map turtles and 
    bigleaf mahogany in CITES Appendix II. The Service is currently 
    reviewing which proposals it may submit for consideration at CITES 
    COP11, and published a notice of information requesting public comments 
    in the Federal Register on January 30, 1998 (63 FR 4613).
    Procedural Requirements
        This Federal Register notice amends the informational list of CITES 
    species in 50 CFR 23.23 to accurately reflect the changes in the list 
    of species in the CITES appendices that have already been made by the 
    Conference of the Parties at their tenth meeting, and that the United 
    States is bound to accept unless it entered reservations. The Service 
    does not believe that implementation of any of these adopted amendments 
    would be contrary to the interests or laws of the United States. The 
    period of time during which the United States could have entered a 
    reservation against any of the amendments ended on September 18, 1997. 
    The Service did not recommend the entry of any reservations, and none 
    were taken by the United States. Therefore, except for the newly 
    adopted sturgeon listings having an effective date of April 1, 1998, 
    these amendments to the CITES Appendices have been in effect for the 
    United States since September 18, 1997.
        This notice brings the information in 50 CFR 23.23 into agreement 
    with the current species listings in the CITES appendices. Earlier 
    Federal Register notices informed the public about these amendments and 
    provided opportunity for comment on them, including announced public 
    meetings. Since these CITES amendments became effective on September 
    18, 1997, and April 1, 1998, this amendment to 50 CFR Part 23 is 
    effective upon its date of publication.
        In addition to reflecting the amendments to the Appendices adopted 
    at COP10, this notice also incorporates certain other minor changes 
    into the list of CITES-protected animal and plant taxa (50 CFR 23.23) 
    unrelated to decisions of the Parties at COP10 and serves only to 
    clarify taxonomy, common names, or geographic ranges of animal and 
    plant taxa and populations already listed. None of these additional 
    changes affects the biological entity listed by the CITES parties. In 
    the amendatory section below, all entries in the current CFR list that 
    will be either modified or deleted by this rule are treated as 
    deletions and presented in a list of deletions. This is followed by a 
    list of additions, which includes not
    [[Page 63212]]
    only new taxa or populations resulting from amendments adopted at 
    COP10, but also all modifications of current CFR listings.
        Note: The Department has determined that amendments to CITES 
    Appendices, which result from actions of the CITES Parties, do not 
    require the preparation of Environmental Assessments as defined 
    under the authority of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 
    U.S.C. 4321-4347). These amendments are simply notifications of 
    actions taken by the CITES Parties and therefore, this notice does 
    not constitute a ``rule'' for purposes of the Administrative 
    Procedures Act (5 U.S.C. 551(4)). Accordingly, the provisions of 
    Executive Order 12866, the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601) 
    and the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 
    do not apply. The adjustments to the list in 50 CFR 23.23 presented 
    below are solely informational to provide the public with accurate 
    data on the species covered by CITES. All non-sturgeon listings 
    adopted by the Parties took effect on September 18, 1997, under the 
    terms of CITES. The sturgeon listings took effect April 1, 1998. 
    This rule does not contain information collection requirements that 
    require approval by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 
    U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
        This document was prepared by Marshall Howe and Timothy Van Norman, 
    Office of Scientific Authority, under the authority of the Endangered 
    Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq. and 87 Stat. 
    884, as amended).
    List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 23
        Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Treaties.
    Regulation Promulgation
        Accordingly, for the reasons set out in the preamble of this 
    document, Part 23 of Title 50, Code of Federal Regulations, is amended 
    as follows:
        1. The authority citation for Part 23 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Convention on International Trade in Endangered 
    Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 27 U.S.T. 1087; and Endangered 
    Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
        2. Sec. 23.23(d) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.23  Species listed in Appendices I, II, and III.
    * * * * *
        (d) Subject to the regulations of this part are all living or dead 
    animals or plants in Appendix I, II or III, and all their readily 
    recognizable parts and derivatives except for specified parts or 
    derivatives of particular Appendix III animal species as excluded in 
    the particular listing and the following categorically excluded or 
    exempted parts or derivatives of certain plants:
        (1) For Appendix II and Appendix III plants and artificially 
    propagated hybrids of Appendix I plants: Seedling or tissue cultures 
    obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile 
    containers; and
        (2) For Appendix II and Appendix III plants: Seeds (other than the 
    seeds of Mexican Cactaceae originating from Mexico, which are included 
    in the Appendices), spores, pollen (including pollinia), and 
    artificially propagated cut flowers; and
        (3) For artificially propagated hybrids of Appendix I plants: seeds 
    and pollen (including pollinia) and cut flowers; and
        (4) For artificially propagated or naturalized Appendix II 
    Cactaceae species: fruits and their parts and derivatives; for Opuntia 
    subgenus Opuntia species, separate stem joints (pads) and their parts 
    and derivatives.
        (5) For Orchidaceae species: in Appendix I, seedling or tissue 
    cultures obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in 
    sterile containers; in Appendix II, for artificially propagated Vanilla 
    species, the fruits and their parts and derivatives.
    * * * * *
        2. Sec. 23.23(f) is amended by removing the following taxa or 
    populations as follows:
    Sec. 23.23  Species listed in Appendices I, II, and III.
     * * * * *
        (f) * * *
                     Species                           Common name                    Appendix           date (month/
    CLASS MAMMALIA:                           MAMMALS: Kangaroos, Wombats,
                                               Wallabies, Cuscuses, Rat-
                                               kangaroos, etc.:
      Burramys parvus.......................    Mountain pygmy possum......  II........................       7/1/75
      Dendrolagus bennettianus..............    Bennett's tree kangaroo,     II........................      6/28/79
                                               Dusky tree kangaroo.
      D. lumholtzi..........................    Lumholtz's tree kangaroo...  II........................      6/28/79
    Order Primates:                           Primates: Monkeys, Apes,
      All species except those in App. I or     ...........................  II........................       2/4/77
       with earlier date in App. II.
      Phaner sp.............................    Fork mouse lemur, Fork-      I.........................       7/1/75
                                               marked mouse lemur.
    Order Cetacea:                            Whales, Porpoises, Dolphins:
      All species except those in App. I or     ...........................  II........................      6/28/79
       with earlier date in App. II.
    Order Carnivora:                          Carnivores: Cats, Bears,
      Nasua narica (=nasua).................    Common coati, Coatimundi...  III (Honduras)............      4/13/87
      Ursus arctos (all European populations    European Brown Bear........  II........................      7/29/83
       except Italian population and former
       USSR populations).
      U. arctos (Italian population)........    European Brown bear........  II........................       7/1/75
      U. arctos (all Asian populations,         Brown bear.................  II........................      1/18/90
       including populations of Iran, Iraq,
       Syria, and Turkey, except former USSR
       populations and populations and
       subspecies listed in App. I).
      U. arctos (=U. arctos pruinosus)          Tibetan blue bear..........  I.........................       7/1/75
       (populations of Bhutan, China, and
      U. arctos (all North American             Brown bear, Grizzly........  II........................       7/1/75
       populations except Mexican
      U. arctos (=U. a. nelsoni) (Mexican       Mexican grizzly bear.......  I.........................       7/1/75
      U. arctos isabellinus.................    Red bear...................  I.........................      6/28/79
    [[Page 63213]]
    Order Proboscidea:                        Elephants:
      Loxodonta africana....................    African elephant...........  I.........................       2/4/77
    Order Artiodactyla:                       Even-toed ungulates:
      Bison bison athabascae................    Woods bison................  I.........................       7/1/75
      Bos mutus.............................    Wild yak...................  I.........................       7/1/75
      Ovis vignei...........................    Shapo......................  I.........................       7/1/75
      Pecari tajacu (except populations of      Collared peccary...........  II........................     10/22/87
       the United States).
      Vicugna vicugna (except populations       Vicuna.....................  I.........................       7/1/75
       listed below).
      V. vicugna (populations of Paranicota     Vicuna.....................  II........................       7/1/75
       Province, Ia. Region of Tarapaca in
       Chile and all populations of Peru)
       (export limited to cloth products,
       wool sheared from live animals, and
       the Peruvian stock of 3249 kg. extant
       in November, 1994).
    CLASS AVES:                               BIRDS:
    Order Falconiformes:                      Hawks, Falcons, Vultures,
      All species except Cathartidae and        All species except New       II........................      6/28/79
       those species in App. I or with         World vultures.
       earlier date in App. II.
    Order Gruiformes:                         Cranes, Rails, Bustards:
      Gallirallus australis hectori.........    Eastern weka rail..........  II........................       7/1/75
      Pedionomus torquatus..................    Collared hemipode, Plains    II........................      6/28/79
      Turnix melanogaster...................    Black-breasted button-quail  II........................      6/28/79
    Order Psittaciformes:                     Parrots, Parakeets, Macaws,
      All species in order except those in      All Parrots, Parakeets,      II........................       6/6/81
       App. I or with earlier date in App.     Macaws and Lories (not
       II, and except Melopsittacus            including the Budgerigar,
       undulatus, Nymphicus hollandicus, and   Cockatiel, and Rose-ringed
       Psittacula krameri. However, the        parakeet).
       latter is listed separately in App.
    Order Strigiformes:                       Owls:
      All species except those in App. I or     ...........................  II........................      6/28/79
       with earlier date in App. II.
    Order Passeriformes:                      Perching birds, Songbirds:
      Gracula religiosa.....................    Hill myna..................  III (Thailand)............      6/11/92
    CLASS REPTILIA:                           REPTILES:
    Order Crocodylia:                         Crocodiles, Alligators,
                                               Caimans, Gavials:
      Alligatoridae spp. (all species in        Alligators, Caimans........  II........................       2/4/77
       family except those in App. I or with
       earlier date in App. II).
      Caiman latirostris....................    Broad-snouted caiman.......  I.........................       7/1/75
      Crocodylidae spp. (all species in         Crocodiles.................  II........................       2/4/77
       family except those in App. I or with
       earlier date in App. II).
      Crocodylus niloticus (populations of      Nile crocodile.............  II........................       7/1/75
       Madagascar and Uganda subject to
       export quotas described by the
      C. niloticus (populations of Botswana,    Nile crocodile.............  II........................       7/1/75
       Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique,
       South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe
       subject to ranching provisions).
      C. niloticus (population of Tanzania      Nile crocodile.............  II........................       7/1/75
       subject to ranching provisions and
       annual quotas described by the
      Melanosuchus niger (population of         Black caiman...............  II........................       7/1/75
       Ecuador, subject to zero export
       quotas in 1995 and 1996, followed by
       annual quotas described by the
    Order Serpentes:                          Snakes:
      Boidae spp. (all species except those     Boa constrictors, Pythons..  II........................       2/4/77
       in App. I or with earlier date in
       App. II).
    CLASS OSTEICHTHYES:                       BONY FISHES:
    Order Acipenseriformes:                   Sturgeons:
    PHYLUM ARTHROPODA:                        ARTHROPODS:
    CLASS Insecta:                            Insects:
      Ornithoptera spp. (all species except     Birdwing butterflies.......  II........................      2/16/79
       those in App. I or with earlier date
       in App. II).
    PHYLUM MOLLUSCA:                          MOLLUSCS:
    CLASS Pelecypoda (=Bivalvia):             Clams, Mussels:
      Fusconaia subrotunda..................    Long solid mussel..........  II........................       7/1/75
      Lampsilis brevicula...................    Ozark lamp pearly mussel...  II........................       7/1/75
      Lexingtonia dolabelloides.............    Slab-side pearly mussel....  II........................       7/1/75
    CLASS Gastropoda:                         Snails:
      Paryphanta spp. (New Zealand species      New Zealand amber snails...  II........................       7/1/75
    PLANT KINGDOM:                            PLANTS:
    Family Agavaceae:                         Agave family:
      Agave victoriae-reginae...............    Queen Victoria agave.......  II........................      7/29/83
    Family Apocyanaceae:                      Dogbane family:
      Pachypodium brevicaule (and its           ...........................  II........................       7/1/75
       natural hybrids; no export of adult
       plants before tenth Conference of the
       Parties, ca. March, 1997).
    [[Page 63214]]
    Family Araliaceae:                        Ginseng family:
      Panax quinquefolius...................    American ginseng...........  II........................       7/1/75
    Family Cactaceae:                         Cactus family:
      All species except those in App. I....    Cacti......................  II........................       7/1/75
      Coryphantha werdermannii..............    Jabali pincushion cactus...  I.........................       7/1/75
      Echinocereus (=Wilcoxia) schmollii....    Lamb's-tail cactus.........  I.........................       7/1/75
      Escobaria minima......................    Nellie's corycactus........  I.........................       7/1/75
      E. sneedii............................    Sneed pincushion cactus....  I.........................       7/1/75
      Pachycereus (=Backebergia) militaris..    Teddy-bear cactus, Military  I.........................       7/1/75
      Pediocactus (=Toumeya) knowltonii.....    Knowlton's cactus..........  I.........................       7/1/75
      P. (=Toumeya) papyracanthus (see
       Sclerocactus papyracanthus).
      P. paradinei..........................    Houserock Valley cactus....  I.........................       7/1/75
      P. peeblesianus (=Toumeya fickeisenii,    Peebles' Navajo cactus.....  I.........................       7/1/75
       =T. peeblesiana).
      P. sileri.............................    Siler's pincushion cactus..  I.........................       7/1/75
      Pelecyphora spp. (includes                Hatchet cactus, Pinecone     I.........................       7/1/75
       Encephalocarpus sp.).                   cactus, Peyotillo.
      Sclerocactus brevihamatus subsp.          Tobusch fishhook cactus....  I.........................       7/1/75
       tobuschii (=Ancistrocactus tobuschii,
       =Echinocactus tobuschii).
      S. (=Echinomastus, =Neolloydia)           ...........................  I.........................       7/1/75
      S. glaucus............................    Uinta Basin hookless cactus  I.........................       7/1/75
      S. papyracanthus......................    Grama-grass cactus.........  I.........................       7/1/75
      Strombocactus disciformis.............    Disc cactus, Top cactus....  I.........................       7/1/75
    Family Cycadaceae:                        Cycas family:
    Family Euphorbiaceae:                     Spurge family:
      Euphorbia spp. (excluding non-            Euphorbias.................  II........................       7/1/75
       succulent species) (all species
       except those in App. I).
      E. decaryi (including var.                ...........................  I.........................       7/1/75
       capsaintemariensis, E.
       capsaintemariensis) (and its natural
    Family Leguminosae (=Fabaceae):           Pea family:
      Pericopsis elata  (including saw-logs,    Afrormosia.................  II........................      6/11/92
       sawn wood, and veneers, but no other
       parts or derivatives, i.e., products).
    Family Magnoliaceae:                      Magnolia family:
      Talauma hodgsonii.....................    ...........................  III (Nepal)...............     11/16/75
    Family Meliaceae:                         Mahogany family:
      Swietenia macrophylla (populations in     Bigleaf mahogany...........  III (Costa Rica)..........     11/16/95
       the Americas, including saw-logs,
       sawn wood, and veneers, but no other
       parts or derivatives, e.g., products).
      S. mahagoni (including saw-logs, sawn     Caribbean mahogany.........  II........................      6/11/92
       wood, and veneers, but no other parts
       or derivatives, i.e., products).
    Family Orchidaceae (= Apostasiaceae,      Orchid family:
    Family Portulacaceae:                     Portulaca family:
      Anacampseros spp......................    ...........................  II........................       7/1/75
      Lewisia tweedyi.......................    Tweedy's lewisia...........  II........................      7/29/83
    Family Primulaceae:                       Primrose family:
      Cyclamen spp..........................    Cyclamens..................  II........................       7/1/75
    Family Proteaceae:                        Protea family:
      Orothamnus zeyheri....................    Marsh-rose.................  I.........................       7/1/75
      Protea odorata........................    Ground-rose................  I.........................       7/1/75
    Family Theaceae:                          Tea family:
      Camellia chrysantha...................    Yellow-flowered camellia,    II........................       8/1/85
        3. Sec. 23.23(f) is amended by adding the following taxa or 
    populations to read as follows:
    Sec. 23.23  Species listed in Appendices I, II, and III.
     * * * * *
        (f) * * *
                     Species                           Common name                    Appendix           date (month/
    Class Mammalia:                           Mammals:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Primates (formerly including order  Primates: Monkeys, Apes,
     Scandentia, above):                       etc.:
        All species of primates except those  A4/77........................
         in App. I or with earlier date in
         App. II.
    [[Page 63215]]
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Phaner sp.............................    Fork-marked mouse lemurs...  I.........................       7/1/75
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Xenarthra:                          Anteaters, Sloths,
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Chaetophractus nationi (subject to a      Hairy armadillo............  II........................      9/18/97
       zero export quota).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Cetacea:                            Whales, Porpoises, Dolphins:
        All species except those in App. I      All whales, porpoises, and   II........................      6/28/79
         or with earlier date in App. II.      dolphins not listed below.
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Carnivora:                          Carnivores: Cats, Bears,
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
        Nasua narica........................    Common coati, Coatimundi...  III (Honduras)............      4/13/87
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
        U. arctos (all Asian populations,       Brown bear.................  II........................      1/18/90
         including populations of Iran,
         Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and the former
         USSR, except populations and
         subspecies listed in App. I).
        U. arctos (all European populations     European brown Bear........  II........................      7/29/83
         except Italian population and
         former USSR populations).
        Ursus arctos (all North American        Brown bear, Grizzly bear...  II........................       7/1/75
         populations except U. a. nelsoni).
        U. arctos (all populations of           Brown bear.................  I.........................      1/18/90
         Bhutan, Mongolia, and China except
         subspecies with earlier date).
        U. arctos (Italian population)......    European brown bear........  I.........................       7/1/75
        U. arctos isabellinus...............    Red bear...................  I.........................      6/28/79
        U. arctos nelsoni...................    Mexican grizzly bear.......  I.........................       7/1/75
        U. arctos pruinosus ................    Tibetan blue bear..........  I.........................       7/1/75
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Proboscidea:                        Elephants:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
        Loxodonta africana (except the          African elephant...........  I.........................       2/4/77
         populations of Botswana, Namibia,
         and Zimbabwe).
        L. africana [only the populations of    African elephant...........  II........................       2/4/77
         Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, to
         allow: (1) export of hunting
         trophies for non-commercial
         purposes; (2) export of live
         animals to appropriate and
         acceptable destinations (Namibia:
         for non-commercial purposes only);
         (3) export of hides (Zimbabwe
         only); (4) export of leather goods
         and ivory carvings for non-
         commercial purposes (Zimbabwe
         only). No international trade in
         ivory is permitted before 18 months
         after the transfer to Appendix II
         comes into effect (i.e., March 18,
         1999). Thereafter, under
         experimental quotas for raw ivory
         not exceeding 25.3 tons (Botswana),
         13.8 tons (Namibia) and 20 tons
         (Zimbabwe), raw ivory may be
         exported only to Japan, subject to
         the conditions established in
         Decision of the Conference of the
         Parties regarding ivory No. 10.1.
         Specimens not meeting any of the
         above conditions shall be deemed to
         be specimens of species included in
         Appendix I and the trade in them
         shall be regulated accordingly].
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Artiodactyla:                       Even-toed ungulates:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
        Bison bison athabascae..............    Wood bison.................  II........................       7/1/75
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
        Bos mutus (excluding domestic forms)    Wild yak...................  I.........................       7/1/75
    [[Page 63216]]
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
        Ovis ammon nigrimontana.............    Kara Tau argali............  I.........................       7/1/75
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
        O. vignei vignei....................    Shapo......................  I.........................       7/1/75
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Pecari tajacu (except populations of      Collared peccary...........  II........................     10/22/87
       the United States and Mexico).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Vicugna vicugna (except populations       Vicuna.....................  I.........................       7/1/75
       listed below, under the conditions
      V. vicugna [Argentina: wild               Vicuna.....................  II........................       7/1/75
       populations of the Province of Jujuy
       and the semi-captive populations of
       the Provinces of Jujuy, Salta,
       Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan
       (export limited to wool sheared from
       live animals and to cloth and items
       made thereof, including luxury
       handicrafts and knitted articles; the
       reverse side of cloth and cloth
       products must bear the logo adopted
       by countries signatory to the
       Convenio para la Conservacion y
       Manejo de la Vicuna and the words,
       ``VICUNA-ARGENTINA''; all specimens
       not meeting any of the above
       conditions shall be deemed to be
       specimens of species included in
       Appendix I and the trade in them
       shall be regulated accordingly)].
      V. vicugna [Bolivia: populations of       Vicuna.....................  II........................       7/1/75
       the Conservation Units of Mauri-
       Desaguadero, Ulla Ulla and Lipez-
       Chichas (export limited to wool
       sheared from live animals and to
       cloth and items made thereof,
       including luxury handicrafts and
       knitted articles, but with a zero
       annual export quota; the reverse side
       of cloth and cloth products must bear
       the logo adopted by countries
       signatory to the Convenio para la
       Conservacion y Manejo de la Vicuna
       and the words, ``VICUNA-BOLIVIA'';
       all specimens not meeting any of the
       above conditions shall be deemed to
       be specimens of species included in
       Appendix I and the trade in them
       shall be regulated accordingly)].
      V. vicugna [Chile: populations of         Vicuna.....................  II........................       7/1/75
       Paranicota Province, 1a. Region of
       Tarapaca (export limited to wool
       sheared from live animals and to
       cloth and items made thereof,
       including luxury handicrafts and
       knitted articles; the reverse side of
       cloth and cloth products must bear
       the logo adopted by countries
       signatory to the Convenio para la
       Conservacion y Manejo de la Vicuna
       and the words, ``VICUNA-CHILE''; all
       specimens not meeting any of the
       above conditions shall be deemed to
       be specimens of species included in
       Appendix I and the trade in them
       shall be regulated accordingly)].
      V. vicugna [Peru: all populations         Vicuna.....................  II........................      7/1/75*
       (export limited to the stock of 3249
       kg. extant in November, 1994, to wool
       sheared from live animals, and to
       cloth and items made thereof,
       including luxury handicrafts and
       knitted articles; the reverse side of
       cloth and cloth products must bear
       the logo adopted by countries
       signatory to the Convenio para la
       Conservacion y Manejo de la Vicuna
       and the words, ``VICUNA-PERU''; all
       specimens not meeting any of the
       above conditions shall be deemed to
       be specimens of species included in
       Appendix I and the trade in them
       shall be regulated accordingly)].
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Class Aves                                Birds
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Falconiformes:                      Hawks, Falcons, Vultures,
      All species except those in App. I, or    All species except New       II........................      6/28/79
       with earlier date in App. II, and       World vultures not
       except Cathartidae species not          specifically listed below.
       specifically listed below.
    [[Page 63217]]
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Psittaciformes:                     Parrots, Parakeets, Macaws,
                                               Lories, Cockatoos, etc.:
      All species in order except those in      All Parrots, Parakeets,      II........................       6/6/81
       App. I or with earlier date in App.     Macaws, Lories, Cockatoos,
       II, and except Melopsittacus            etc. not listed below (not
       undulatus, Nymphicus hollandicus, and   including the Budgerigar,
       Psittacula krameri. However, the        Cockatiel, and Rose-ringed
       latter is listed separately in App.     parakeet).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Amazona viridigenalis.................    Red-crowned (= Green-        I.........................       6/6/81
                                               cheeked) parrot.
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Vini ultramarina......................    Ultramarine lorikeet.......  I.........................       6/6/81
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Strigiformes:                       Owls:
      All species except those in App. I or     All Owls not listed below..  II........................      6/28/79
       with earlier date in App. II.
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Passeriformes:                      Perching birds, Songbirds:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Amandava formosa......................    Green avadavat.............  II........................      9/18/97
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Gracula religiosa.....................    Hill myna..................  II........................      6/11/92
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Leiothrix argentaurius................    Silver-eared mesia.........  II........................      9/18/97
      L. lutea..............................    Pekin robin................  II........................      9/18/97
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Liocichla omeiensis...................    Omei Shan liocichla........  II........................      9/18/97
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Padda oryzivora.......................    Java sparrow...............  II........................      9/18/97
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Pycnonotus zeylanicus.................    Straw-headed bulbul........  II........................      9/18/97
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Tangara fastuosa......................    Seven-colored tanager......  II........................      9/18/97
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Class Reptilia                            Reptiles
    Order Testudinata:                        Turtles, Tortoises:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Callagur borneoensis..................    Painted terrapin...........  II........................      9/18/97
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Crocodylia:                         Crocodiles, Alligators,
                                               Caimans, Gavials:
      Alligatoridae spp. (all species in        All Alligators and Caimans   II........................       2/4/77
       family except those in App. I or with   not listed below.
       earlier date in App. II).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Caiman latirostris (except population     Broad-snouted caiman.......  I.........................       7/1/75
       of Argentina).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Crocodylidae spp. (all species in         All Crocodiles not listed    II........................       2/4/77
       family except those in App. I or with   below.
       earlier date in App. II).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Crocodylus niloticus (populations of      Nile crocodile.............  II........................       7/1/75
       Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, South
       Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, subject
       to ranching provisions).
      C. niloticus (population of Ethiopia,     Nile crocodile.............  II........................       7/1/75
       Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania, and
       Uganda, subject to an annual export
    [[Page 63218]]
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Melanosuchus niger (population of         Black caiman...............  II........................       7/1/75
       Ecuador, subject to a zero annual
       export quota until a different quota
       has been approved by the Secretariat).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Serpentes:                          Snakes:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Boidae spp. (all species except those     All Boa constrictors,        II........................       2/4/77
       in App. I or with earlier date in       Pythons not listed below.
       App. II).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Naja kaouthia (see Naja naja).........
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Naja oxiana (see Naja naja)...........
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Class Osteichthyes                        Bony Fishes
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Order Acipenseriformes (all species         All Sturgeons and            II........................       4/1/98
     except those in App. I or with earlier    Paddlefish not listed below.
     date in App. II)
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Phylum Arthropoda                         Arthropods
    CLASS Insecta:                            Insects:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Ornithoptera spp. (all species except     All Birdwing butterflies     II........................      2/16/79
       those in App. I or with earlier date    not listed below.
       in App. II).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Plant Kingdom (note general exclusions    Plants
     and exceptions in introductory text):
    Family Agavaceae:                         Agave family:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Agave victoriae-reginae (=A.              Queen Victoria agave.......  II........................      7/29/83
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Apocynaceae:                       Dogbane family:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Pachypodium brevicaule (and its         .............................  II........................       7/1/75
       natural hybrids).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Araliaceae:                        Ginseng family:
      Panax quinquefolius (whole and sliced     American ginseng...........  II........................       7/1/75
       roots and parts of roots, excluding
       manufactured parts or derivatives
       such as powders, pills, extracts,
       tonics, teas, and confectionery).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Cactaceae (note general            Cactus family:
     exclusions and exceptions in
     introductory text):
      All species except those in App. I,       Cacti......................  II........................       7/1/75
       and except artificially propagated
       specimens of the following hybrids
       and/or cultivars: (1) Hatiora  x
       graeseri (=H. gaertneri  x  H.
       rosea); (2) Schlumbergera
       (=Zygocactus) truncata cultivars and
       its hybrids with S. opuntoides (=S. x
        exotica), S. orssichiana, and S.
       russelliana (=S. x  buckleyi); (3)
       Gymnocalycium mihanovichii cultivars
       lacking chlorophyll, grafted on
       Hatiora ``Jusbertii'', Hylocereus
       trigonus or H. undatus; and
       (4)Opuntia microdasys .
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Coryphantha werdermannii (=C.             Jabali pincushion cactus...  I.........................       7/1/75
       densispina; Mammillaria w.).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Echinocereus (=Cereus, =Wilcoxia)         Lamb's-tail cactus.........  I.........................       7/1/75
    [[Page 63219]]
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Escobaria minima (=Coryphantha m., not    Nellie's corycactus........  I.........................       7/1/75
       Mammillaria m.; =C. nelliae, E. n.,
       =Mammillaria n.).
      E. sneedii, including E. s. var. leei     Sneed pincushion cactus....  I.........................       7/1/75
       (=Coryphantha s. var. l., =E. leei,
       =Mammillaria l.) and E. s. var.
       sneedii (=Coryphantha s.,
       =Mammillaria s.).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Pachycereus militaris (=Backebergia       Teddy-bear cactus, Military  I.........................       7/1/75
       m., =Cephalocereus m., =Mitrocereus     cap.
       m., =Pachycereus chrysomallus).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Pediocactus knowltonii (=P. bradyi        Knowlton cactus............  I.........................       7/1/75
       var. k., =Toumeya k.).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      P. paradinei (=Pilocanthus p.)........    Houserock Valley cactus....  I.........................       7/1/75
      P. peeblesianus, including P. p. var.     Fickeisen Navajo cactus,     I.........................       7/1/75
       fickeiseniae (=Navajoa f., =Toumeya     Peeble's Navajo cactus.
       f.) and P. p. var. peeblesianus
       (=Echinocactus p., =Navajoa p.,
       =Toumeya p., =Utahia p.).
      P. sileri (=Echinocactus s., =Utahia      Siler's pincushion cactus..  I.........................       7/1/75
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Pelecyphora (=Encephalocarpus) spp....    Hatchet cactus, Pinecone     I.........................       7/1/75
                                               cactus, Peyotillo.
      Sclerocactus brevihamatus subsp.          Tobusch fishhook cactus....  I.........................       7/1/75
       tobuschii (=Ancistrocactus t.,
       =Echinocactus t., =Ferocactus t.,
       =Mammillaria t.).
      S. erectocentrus (=Echinocactus e.,       Redspine fishhook cactus...  I.........................       7/1/75
       =Echinomastus e., =Neolloydia e.,
       =Thelocactus e.; =Echinomastus
       acunensis, =Echinomastus e. var a.,
       =Neolloydia e. var a.; =Echinocactus
       krausei, =Echinomastus k.).
      S. glaucus (=S. franklinii;               Uinta Basin hookless cactus  I.........................       7/1/75
       =Echinocactus g., =Ferocactus g.,
       =Pediocactus g., =S. whipplei var.
       g.; =E. subglaucus; =S. wetlandicus;
       =S. w. var. ilseae).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      S. papyracanthus (=Echinocactus p.,       Grama-grass cactus.........  I.........................       7/1/75
       =Mammillaria p., =Pediocactus p.,
       =Toumeya p.).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Strombocactus spp. (=S. disciformis in    Disc cactus, Top cactus....  I.........................       7/1/75
       broad sense).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Cycadaceae:                        Old World cycad family (see
                                               families Stangeriaceae and
                                               Zamiaceae for other cycads):
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Euphorbiaceae:                     Spurge family:
      Euphorbia spp., except those species      Euphorbias.................  II........................       7/1/75
       in App. I, and excluding non-
       succulent species and artificially
       propagated specimens of Euphorbia
       trigona cultivars.
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      E. capsaintemariensis (= E. decaryi     .............................  I.........................       7/1/75
       var. c.) (and its natural hybrids).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      E. decaryi (and its natural hybrids)    .............................  I.........................       7/1/75
       (see also E. capsaintemariensis,
       formerly included in E. decaryi).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Leguminosae (=Fabaceae):           Pea family:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Pericopsis elata (including logs, sawn    Afrormosia.................  II........................      6/11/92
       wood, and veneer sheets, but not
       other parts or derivatives).
    [[Page 63220]]
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Magnoliaceae:                      Magnolia family:
      Magnolia (=Talauma) hodgsonii.........  .............................  III (Nepal)...............     11/16/75
    Family Meliaceae:                         Mahogany family:
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
      Swietenia macrophylla (populations in     Bigleaf mahogany...........  III (Costa Rica)..........     11/16/95
       the Americas, including logs, sawn
       wood, and veneer sheets, but not
       other parts or derivatives).
      S. mahagoni (including logs, sawn         Caribbean mahogany.........  II........................      6/11/92
       wood, and veneer sheets, but not
       other parts or derivatives).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Orchidaceae (= Apostasiaceae,      Orchid family:
     Cypripediaceae) (note general
     exclusions and exceptions in
     introductory text):
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Portulacaceae:                     Portulaca family:
      Anacampseros spp. (including A. [=      .............................  II........................       7/1/75
       Grahamia] australiana, A. [=G.]
      Avonia spp. (formerly a part of         .............................  II........................       7/1/75
       Anacampseros spp.).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Primulaceae:                       Primrose family:
      Cyclamen spp., excluding artificially     Cyclamens..................  II........................       7/1/75
       propagated specimens of the cultivars
       of Cyclamen persicum (except when
       traded as dormant tubers).
    Family Proteaceae:                        Protea family:
      Orothamnus zeyheri....................    Marsh-rose.................  II........................       7/1/75
      Protea odorata........................    Ground-rose................  II........................       7/1/75
    Family Ranunculaceae:                     Buttercup family:
      Hydrastis canadensis (whole and sliced    Goldenseal.................  II........................      9/18/97
       roots and parts of roots, excluding
       manufactured parts or derivatives
       such as powders, pills, extracts,
       tonics, teas, and confectionery).
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Scrophulariaceae:                  Figwort family:
      Picrorhiza kurrooa (whole and sliced      Kutki......................  II........................      9/18/97
       roots and parts of roots, excluding
       manufactured parts or derivatives
       such as powders, pills, extracts,
       tonics, teas, and confectionery).
    Family Stangeriaceae:                     Stangeria family:
      Bowenia spp. (formerly in Zamiaceae)..    Bipinnate cycads...........  II........................       2/4/77
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    Family Valerianaceae:                     Valerian family:
      Nardostachys grandiflora                  Himalayan nard or spikenard  II........................      9/18/97
       (=Nardostachys jatamansi misapplied)
       (whole and sliced roots and parts of
       roots, excluding manufactured parts
       or derivatives such as powders,
       pills, extracts, tonics, teas, and
                            *         *          *         *          *         *          *
    [[Page 63221]]
        Dated: September 8, 1998.
    Donald J. Barry,
    Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 98-29849 Filed 11-10-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-55-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Fish and Wildlife Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective November 12, 1998. With the exception of the new listings of sturgeon species at COP10 (which had the effective date of April 1, 1998), the amendments set forth in this rule entered into effect on September 18, 1997, under the terms of CITES.
63210-63221 (12 pages)
1018-AE16: Announcement of CITES Action Concerning Changes to Appendices to Listed Species; Service Announcement Concerning Reservations
RIN Links:
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50 CFR 23.23