97-29837. Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 219 (Thursday, November 13, 1997)]
    [Pages 60900-60901]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-29837]
    Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
    Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; 
    Comment Request
    AGENCY: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, HHS.
    ACTION: Notice.
    SUMMARY: This notice announces that the Agency for Health Care Policy 
    and Research (AHCPR) is planning to request the Office of Management 
    and Budget (OMB) to allow a proposed information collection of the 
    ``Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component (MEPS-HC)--
    Panels 3 and 4.'' In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
    1995, Public Law 104-13 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), AHCPR invites the 
    public to comment on this proposed information collection.
        This proposed information collection was previously published in 
    the Federal Register on September 8, 1997 and allowed 60 days for 
    public comment. No public comments were received. The purpose of this 
    notice is to allow an additional 30 days for public comment.
    DATES: Comments on this notice must be received by December 15, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments should be submitted to the OMB Desk Officer 
    at the following address: Allison Eydt, Human Resources and Housing 
    Branch, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB; New 
    Executive Office Building, Room 10235; Washington, 20503.
        All comments will become a matter of public record.
    Ruth A. Celtnieks, AHCPR Reports Clearance Officer, (301) 594-1406, 
    ext. 1497.
    Proposed Project
        ``Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component (MEPS-HC)--
    Panels 3 and 4.''
        The AHCPR is planning to conduct an annual panel survey of U.S. 
    households to collect information on a variety of measures related to 
    health status, health insurance coverage, health care use and 
    expenditures, and sources of payment for health services. Each panel 
    consists of a nationally representative sample of U.S. households who 
    remain in MEPS for two consecutive years of data collection. The first 
    two panels of MEPS began in 1996 and 1997. Panels 3 and 4 of the MEPS-
    HC begin in 1998 and 1999, respectively. The MEPS-HC is jointly 
    sponsored by the AHCPR and the National Center for Health Statistics 
    (NCHS). It will be conducted using a sample of households selected from 
    households which responded to the National Health Interview Survey 
    (NHIS) sponsored by NCHS. The NHIS is a household survey which collects 
    health related data from approximately 50,000 households and 110,000 
    people. Due to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 
    efforts to integrate survey data collection activities, the NHIS is 
    used as the sampling frame for the MEPS and several other surveys.
        Data to be collected from each household include detailed 
    information on demographics, health conditions, current health status, 
    utilization of health care providers, charges and payments for health 
    care services, medications, employment, and health insurance. Subject 
    to AHCPR and NCHS confidentiality statutes, data will be made available 
    through publications, articles in major journals as well as public use 
    data files. The data are intended to be used for purposes such as:
         Generating national estimates of individual and family 
    health care use and expenditures, private and public health insurance 
    coverage, and the
    [[Page 60901]]
    availability, costs, and scope of private health insurance benefits 
    among Americans;
         Examining the effects of changes in how chronic care and 
    disability are managed and financed;
         Evaluating the growing impact of managed care and of 
    enrollment in different types of managed care plans; and
         Examining access to and costs of health care for common 
    diseases and conditions, prescription drug use, and other health 
        Statisticians and researchers will use these data to make important 
    generalizations on the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the 
    United States, as well as to conduct research in which the family is 
    the unit of analysis.
    Method of Collection
        The data will be collected using a combination of modes. For 
    example, the AHCPR intends to introduce study participants to the 
    survey through advance mailings. The first contact will provide the 
    household with information regarding the importance and uses of the 
    information obtained. The AHCPR will then conduct five (in-person) 
    interviews with each household to obtain health care use and expense 
    data. Lastly, the AHCPR will conduct one telephone interview with each 
    household to obtain tax and asset information. Data will be collected 
    using a computer-assisted personal interviewing method (CAPI). In 
    certain cases, AHCPR will conduct interviews over the telephone, if 
    necessary. Burden estimates follow:
        Initial Number of Respondents: 10,000.
          Panel 3: 4800.
          Panel 4: 5200.
        Number of Surveys Per Respondent: 6.
        Average Burden Per Respondent: 9.0 hours.
        Estimated Burden Total: 81,100 hours.
          Panel 3: 39,050 hours.
          Panel 4: 42,050 hours.
    Request for Comments
        Comments are invited on: (a) the necessity of the proposed 
    collection; (b) the accuracy of the Agency's estimate of burden of the 
    proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
    utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways 
    to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, 
    including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of 
    information technology.
        Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized 
    and/or included in the request for OMB approval of this information 
        Copies of these proposed collection plans and instruments can be 
    obtained from the AHCPR Reports Clearance Officer (see above).
        Dated: November 4, 1997.
    John M. Eisenberg,
    [FR Doc. 97-29837 Filed 11-12-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-90-M

Document Information

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Comments on this notice must be received by December 15, 1997.
60900-60901 (2 pages)
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