95-27817. End-Use Certificate Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 219 (Tuesday, November 14, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 57198-57200]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-27817]
    Proposed Rules
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
    the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
    notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
    the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 219 / Tuesday, November 14, 1995 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 57198]]
    Consolidated Farm Service Agency
    7 CFR Part 782
    RIN 0560-AE37
    End-Use Certificate Program
    AGENCY: Consolidated Farm Service Agency, USDA.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Consolidated Farm Service Agency (CFSA) is proposing to 
    amend the regulations found at 7 CFR part 782 which govern the End-Use 
    Certificate Program. The End-Use Certificate Program is administered in 
    accordance with section 321(f) of the North American Free Trade 
    Agreement Implementation Act. This rule proposes to amend reporting 
    requirements, reporting deadlines, and the required notification 
    process in a manner that will increase program effectiveness and 
    efficiency for government and affected industries. If adopted, the 
    provisions of this regulation would simplify the reporting burden 
    placed on importers, subsequent buyers, end users and exporters by 
    extending reporting deadlines and incorporating alternative reporting 
        Other minor revisions to the regulations are proposed as well.
    DATES: Written comments must be received on or before December 14, 1995 
    in order to be assured of consideration.
    ADDRESSES: Comments concerning this proposed rule must be mailed to 
    Deputy Administrator, Commodity Operations, CFSA, P.O. Box 2415, 
    Washington, DC 20013-2415. All written comments will be available for 
    public inspection in Room 5962, South Building, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, 14th and Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC, between 
    8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Gill, Acting Deputy Director, 
    Warehouse and Inventory Division, CFSA, Box 2415, Washington, DC 20013-
    2415; telephone (202) 720-5647 or FAX (202) 690-0014.
     Executive Order 12866
        This proposed rule has been determined to be significant and was 
    reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget under Executive Order 
    Executive Order 12778
        This proposed rule has been reviewed in accordance with Executive 
    Order 12778. The provisions of this proposed rule do not preempt State 
    laws, are not retroactive, and do not involve administrative appeals.
    Environmental Evaluation
        It has been determined by an environmental evaluation that this 
    action will not have a significant impact on the quality of the human 
    environment. Therefore, neither an Environmental Assessment nor an 
    Environmental Impact Analysis is needed.
    Executive Order 12372
        This program/activity is not subject to the provisions of Executive 
    Order 12372, which requires intergovernmental consultation with State 
    and local officials. See notice related to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V, 
    published at 48 FR 29115 (June 24, 1983).
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rule proposes to amend the reporting requirements by extending 
    reporting deadlines and incorporating alternative reporting methods. 
    Since February 27, 1995, the effective date of the end-use certificate 
    program, CFSA has determined that entities required to file form CFSA-
    750, End-Use Certificate for Wheat, and form CFSA-751, Wheat 
    Consumption and Resale Report, have encountered some difficulty in 
    meeting the requirement that these forms be filed with the Kansas City 
    Commodity Office (KCCO) within 10 workdays following the date of entry, 
    or the date of resale, as applicable. This proposal to increase the 
    reporting requirement from 10 workdays following the date of entry or 
    resale, as applicable, to 15 workdays following the date of entry or 
    resale will provide increased flexibility to the entity that is 
    required to file the report without decreasing the efficiency of the 
    program on the part of the government. Additionally, numerous requests 
    have been received by CFSA to permit facsimile transmission and 
    computer generation of forms CFSA-750, End-Use Certificate for Wheat, 
    and CFSA-751, Wheat Consumption and Resale Report. In an attempt to 
    utilize technology that is currently available, CFSA is proposing that 
    such report submissions will be acceptable under the End-Use 
    Certificate Program. While all of the entities that are required to 
    file forms CFSA-750 and CFSA-751 have the potential of being affected 
    by these proposed changes in reporting requirements, no entities will 
    be adversely affected.
        The changes proposed in this rule do not impact recordkeeping 
        The reporting requirements for CFSA-750 and CFSA-751 were 
    previously approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and 
    assigned OMB control number 0560-0151.
        These revised reporting requirements will be submitted to OMB for 
    approval under the provisions of 44 U.S.C. 35. Send comments regarding 
    this collection of information to: Department of Agriculture, Clearance 
    Officer, Office of Information Resources Management, Room 404-W, 
    Washington, DC 20250, and Regulatory Affairs of OMB, Attention: Desk 
    Officer for USDA, Room 3201, New Executive Office Building, Washington, 
    DC 20503.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        On January 26, 1995, CFSA published a final rule that established 
    program requirements for the End-Use Certificate Program. At that time, 
    a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis was prepared to discuss the impact of 
    the implementation of the End-Use Certificate Program. A copy of this 
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis is available upon request from Helen 
    Linden, Warehouse and Inventory Division, CFSA, P.O. Box 2415, 
    Washington, DC 20013-2415; telephone: (202) 690-4321.
        The changes that are proposed in this rule are intended to reduce 
    the reporting burden for all businesses, including small businesses. 
    Because these proposed changes will not have an adverse impact on a 
    substantial number of small businesses, a Regulatory Flexibility 
    Assessment is not required for this proposed rule.
    [[Page 57199]]
        This rule proposes to amend the regulations at 7 CFR part 782 with 
    respect to the U.S. End-Use Certificate Program. Since February 27, 
    1995, the effective date for the implementation of the End-Use 
    Certificate Program, several items have been identified that could 
    improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of the End-Use Certificate 
        The final rule published on January 26, 1995, at 60 FR 5087, did 
    not include a specific time requirement for importers and subsequent 
    buyers to inform subsequent buyers or end users that wheat being 
    purchased is of Canadian origin, and as such, is subject to these 
    regulations. In some instances, importers are delivering Canadian wheat 
    to subsequent buyers and end users through grain handlers. CFSA has 
    found that this method of transporting Canadian wheat results in some 
    grain handlers acquiring title to a portion of the wheat, thus becoming 
    either a subsequent buyer or end user. The general interpretation of 
    existing regulations by affected parties is that the importer or 
    subsequent buyer has 10 days to provide a copy of the form End-Use 
    Certificate for Wheat, ASCS-750, to the subsequent buyer or exporter, 
    which mirrors the requirement for submitting forms to the Kansas City 
    Commodity Office (KCCO). This delay in notification has resulted in 
    situations where subsequent buyers and end users have either commingled 
    Canadian wheat with U.S. origin wheat or resold Canadian wheat before 
    they were informed that the wheat is of Canadian origin. Therefore, 
    CFSA proposes to amend the regulations at 7 CFR part 782 to require 
    importers and subsequent buyers to provide immediate notification to 
    purchasers and grain handlers when wheat being sold is of Canadian 
        Secondly, in an effort to simplify and expedite the receipt of 
    reports, this proposed rule would extend the time requirements for 
    filing form ASCS-750 with KCCO from 10 to 15 workdays following the 
    date of entry and incorporate provisions which will permit the 
    electronic transmission and computer generation of required forms.
        Finally, this proposed rule includes nomenclature changes to revise 
    form numbers ASCS-750 and ASCS-751 to CFSA-750 and CFSA-751, 
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 7 CFR part 782 is proposed 
    to be amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 782 continues to read as 
        Authority: 19 U.S.C. 3391(f).
        2. In part 782 all references to ``ASCS-750'' are revised to read 
        3. In part 782 all references to ``ASCS-751'' are revised to read 
        4. Section 782.2 is amended to add the following definition 
    immediately following the definition for ``Entry'':
    Sec. 782.2   Definition.
    * * * * *
        Grain handler means an entity other than the importer, exporter, 
    subsequent buyer, or end user that handles wheat on behalf of an 
    importer, exporter, subsequent buyer, or end user.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 782.4 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 782.4   OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act.
        The information collection requirements in this part have been 
    approved by the Office of Management and Budget and assigned OMB 
    control number 0560-0151.
        6. Section 782.12 is amended by:
        A. Removing the number ``10'' in the first sentence of paragraph 
    (a) and adding the number ``15'' in its place,
        B. Removing paragraph (a)(8),
        C. Redesignating paragraphs (a)(9) and (a)(10) as paragraphs (a)(8) 
    and (a)(9), respectively,
        D. Redesignating paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) as paragraphs (d), 
    (e), and (f), respectively, and revising newly redesignated paragraph 
    (e) to read as set forth below,
        E. Adding new paragraphs (b) and (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 782.12   Filing CFSA-750, End-Use Certificate for Wheat.
    * * * * *
        (b) Importers may provide computer generated form CFSA-750, 
    provided such computer generated forms:
        (1) Are approved in advance by KCCO,
        (2) Contain a KCCO assigned serial number, and
        (3) Contain all of the information required in paragraphs (a)(1) 
    through (a)(9) of this section.
        (c) KCCO will accept form CFSA-750 submitted through the following 
        (1) Mail service, including express mail,
        (2) Facsimile machine, and
        (3) Other electronic transmissions, provided such transmissions are 
    approved in advance by KCCO. The importer remains responsible for 
    ensuring that electronically transmitted forms are received in 
    accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.
    * * * * *
        (e) Distribution of form CFSA-750 will be as follows:
        (1) If form CFSA-750 is submitted to KCCO in accordance with 
    paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the original shall be forwarded to 
    Kansas City Commodity Office, Warehouse License and Contract Division, 
    P.O. Box 419205, Kansas City, MO 64141-6205, by the importer,
        (2) If form CFSA-750 is submitted to KCCO in accordance with 
    paragraphs (c)(2) or (c)(3) of this section, the original form CFSA-750 
    that is signed and dated by the importer in accordance with paragraph 
    (d) of this section shall be maintained by the importer,
        (3) One copy shall be retained by the importer,
        (4) The importer shall provide a photocopy to the end user or, if 
    the wheat is purchased for purposes of resale, the subsequent buyer(s).
    * * * * *
        7. Section 782.13 is amended by:
        A. Redesignating paragraphs (b) and (c) as paragraphs (c) and (d), 
    respectively, and by removing the number ``10'' in the new paragraph 
    (d) and adding the number ``15'' in its place,
        B. Adding paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 782.13  Importer Responsibilities.
    * * * * *
        (b) Immediately notify each subsequent buyer, grain handler, or end 
    user that the wheat being purchased or handled originated in Canada and 
    may only be commingled with U.S.-produced wheat by the end user or when 
    loaded onto a conveyance for direct delivery to the end user or a 
    foreign country.
    * * * * *
        8. Section 782.15 is amended by:
        A. Removing the number ``10'' in paragraph (a)(1) and adding the 
    number ``15'' in its place, and
        B. Adding paragraphs (e), (f), and (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 782.15  Filing CFSA-751, Wheat Consumption and Resale Report.
    * * * * *
        (e) Filers may provide computer generated form CFSA-751, provided 
    such computer generated forms:
        (1) Are approved in advance by KCCO, and 
    [[Page 57200]]
        (2) Contain the information required in paragraphs (b)(1) through 
        (f) KCCO will accept form CFSA-751 submitted through the following 
        (1) Mail service, including express mail,
        (2) Facsimile machine, and
        (3) Other electronic transmissions, provided such transmissions are 
    approved in advance by KCCO. The importer remains responsible for 
    ensuring that electronically transmitted forms are received in 
    accordance with this section.
        (g) Distribution of form CFSA-751 will be as follows:
        (1) If form CFSA-751 is submitted to KCCO in accordance with 
    paragraph (f)(1) of this section, the original shall be forwarded to 
    Kansas City Commodity Office, Warehouse License and Contract Division, 
    P.O. Box 419205, Kansas City, MO 64141-6205, by the importer, end user, 
    exporter, or subsequent buyer,
        (2) If form CFSA-751 is submitted to KCCO in accordance with 
    paragraphs (f)(2) or (f)(3) of this section, the original form CFSA-751 
    that is signed and dated by the importer, end user, exporter, or 
    subsequent buyer in accordance with paragraph (b)(8)(v) or (b)(9)(iv) 
    of this section shall be maintained by the importer, end user, 
    exporter, or subsequent buyer,
        (3) One copy shall be retained by the importer, end user, exporter, 
    or subsequent buyer.
    * * * * *
        9. Section 782.17 is amended by:
        A. Redesignating paragraph (b) as paragraph (c), and
        B. Adding a new paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 782.17  Wheat purchased for resale.
    * * * * *
        (b) The importer or subsequent buyer shall immediately notify each 
    subsequent buyer, grain handler, exporter, or end user that the wheat 
    being purchased or handled originated in Canada and may only be 
    commingled with U.S.--produced wheat by the end user or when loaded 
    onto a conveyance for direct delivery to the end use or a foreign 
    * * * * *
        Signed at Washington, DC, on November 3, 1995.
    Grant Buntrock,
    Administrator, Consolidated Farm Service Agency.
    [FR Doc. 95-27817 Filed 11-13-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-05-P

Document Information

Farm Service Agency
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments must be received on or before December 14, 1995 in order to be assured of consideration.
57198-57200 (3 pages)
0560-AE37: End-Use Certificate Program--Providing Notification of Origin to Buyers
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