[Federal Register Volume 60, Number 219 (Tuesday, November 14, 1995)]
[Pages 57268-57269]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 95-28009]
Proposed Information Collection Activity; Public Comment Request:
Request for Postponement of Offsite or Exterior Onsite Improvements--
Home Loan, VA Form 26-1847
AGENCY: Veterans Benefits Administration, Department of Veterans
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) invites the
general public and other Federal agencies to comment on this
information collection. This request for comment is being made pursuant
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-13; 44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A)). Comments should address the accuracy of the burden
estimates and ways to minimize the burden including the use of
automated collection techniques or the use of other forms of
information technology, as well as other relevant aspects of the
information collection.
DATES: Written comments and recommendations on the proposal for the
collection of information should be received on or before January 16,
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments to Nancy J. Kessinger, Veterans
Benefits Administration (20M30), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810
Vermont Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20420. All comments will become a
matter of public record and will be summarized in the VBA request for
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval. In this document VBA is
soliciting comments concerning the following information collection:
OMB Control Number: 2900-0040.
Title and Form Number: Request for Postponement of Offsite or
Exterior Onsite Improvements--Home Loan, VA Form 26-1847.
Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection.
Need and Uses: The form serves as the lender's and veteran's
request for guaranty of home loan for which offsite or exterior onsite
improvements are incomplete to permit the veteran's occupancy of the
property. Without this information, it would not be possible for loans
to be guaranteed in such cases with adequate protection for the veteran
and VA, and for veterans to occupy affected properties.
Current Actions: VA is directed by Title 38 U.S. Code with assuring
that properties proposed for VA financing meet certain standards, are
suitable as dwellings, and that proposed loans do not exceed the VA-
established reasonable value of the property. The reasonable value, in
case of new construction, is based on the anticipated value of the
dwelling and all improvements after completion. New homes often cannot
be completed in every respect because of weather conditions or other
circumstances. However, VA policies permit the closing of loans in such
cases when the house itself is basically complete, but certain offsite
or exterior onsite improvements are incomplete. For such cases, funds
amounting to one and one-half times the cost of completion must be
deposited with a third party, or other incentives to completion must be
present which are acceptable to VA. Escrow funds may only be used to
complete the remaining improvements. These procedures make it possible
for loans to be guaranteed in such cases with adequate protection for
the veteran and VA, and for veterans to occupy affected properties.
Affected Public: Individuals or households and Business or other
Estimated Annual Burden: 2,500 hours.
Estimated Average Burden Per Respondent: 30 minutes.
Frequency of Response: Generally one-time.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 5,000.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or
copies of the form should be directed to
[[Page 57269]]
Department of Veterans Affairs, Attn: Ron Taylor, VA Clearance Officer
(045A4), Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC 20420, Telephone (202) 565-4412 or FAX (202) 565-8267.
Dated: October 31, 1995.
By direction of the Secretary.
Donald L. Neilson,
Director, Information Management Service.
[FR Doc. 95-28009 Filed 11-13-95; 8:45 am]