95-28186. Clean Air Act Final Interim Approval Of Operating Permits Program; State of North Carolina, Western North Carolina, Forsyth County, and Mecklenburg County  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 220 (Wednesday, November 15, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 57357-57361]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-28186]
    40 CFR Part 70
    [NC-95-01; FRL-5332-2]
    Clean Air Act Final Interim Approval Of Operating Permits 
    Program; State of North Carolina, Western North Carolina, Forsyth 
    County, and Mecklenburg County
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final interim approval.
    SUMMARY: EPA is promulgating interim approval of the operating permit 
    program submitted by the State of North Carolina Department of Health 
    (DEHNR), Western North Carolina Regional Air Pollution Control Agency 
    (WNCRAPCA), Forsyth County Department of Environmental Affairs (FCDEA), 
    and Mecklenburg County Department of Environmental Protection (MCDEP) 
    for the purpose of complying with Federal requirements for an 
    approvable State program to issue operating permits to all major 
    stationary sources, and to certain other sources.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: December 15, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Copies of the North Carolina State and local agency 
    submittals and the other supporting information used in developing the 
    final interim approval are available for inspection during normal 
    business hours at the following location: U.S. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, Region 4, 345 Courtland Street, NE., Atlanta, Georgia 30365. 
    Interested persons wanting to examine these documents, contained in EPA 
    docket number NC-95-01, should make an appointment at least 24 hours 
    before the visiting day.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Scott Miller, Title V Program 
    Development Team, Air Programs Branch, Air Pesticides & Toxics 
    Management Division, U.S. EPA Region 4, 345 Courtland Street NE., 
    Atlanta, GA 30365, (404) 347-3555 extension 4153.
    I. Background and Purpose
        Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (the Act) and the 
    implementing regulations at 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 
    70 require that States develop and submit operating permits programs to 
    EPA by November 15, 1993, and that EPA act to approve or disapprove 
    each program within one year after receiving the submittal. If the 
    State or local agency submittals are changed during the one-year review 
    period, 40 CFR 70.4(e)(2) allows EPA to extend the review period for no 
    more than one year following 
    [[Page 57358]]
    receipt of additional materials. EPA received the North Carolina State 
    and local agency submittals on November 12, 1993. The State and local 
    agencies provided EPA with additional materials in supplemental 
    submittals dated December 17, 1993; February 28, 1994; May 31, 1994; 
    and August 9, 1995. Because the supplements materially changed the 
    State and local agency title V program submittals, EPA extended the 
    one-year review period.
        EPA reviews state and local operating permit programs pursuant to 
    section 502 of the Act and the part 70 regulations, which together 
    outline criteria for approval or disapproval. Where a program 
    substantially, but not fully, meets the requirements of part 70, EPA 
    may grant the program interim approval for a period of up to two years. 
    If EPA has not fully approved a program by November 15, 1995, or by the 
    end of an interim program, it must establish and implement a Federal 
    operating permit program for the state or local agency.
        On August 29, 1995, EPA proposed interim approval of the operating 
    permits program for the DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP. See 60 FR 
    44805. The August 29, 1995 notice also proposed approval of the DEHNR, 
    WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP interim mechanism for implementing section 
    112(g) and for delegation of section 112 standards and programs that 
    are unchanged from the Federal rules as promulgated. Public comment was 
    solicited on these proposed actions. In this document, EPA is 
    responding to the comments received and taking final action to 
    promulgate interim approval of the North Carolina State and local 
    operating permit programs.
    II. Final Action and Implications
    A. Analysis of State Submission and Response to Public Comments
        On August 29, 1995, EPA proposed interim approval of the DEHNR, 
    WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP title V operating permit programs. See 60 FR 
    44805. The program elements discussed in the proposal notice are 
    unchanged from the proposal notice and continue to substantially meet 
    the requirements of title V and part 70. For detailed information on 
    EPA's analysis of North Carolina State and local program submittals, 
    please refer to the Technical Support Document (TSD) contained in the 
    docket at the address noted above.
        EPA received one letter during the 30-day public comment period 
    held on the proposed interim approval of the North Carolina State and 
    local agency programs. The commenter requests that EPA extend the title 
    V permit application submittal deadline for at least two years from the 
    effective date of approval for the DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP 
    due to the complexity and evolving nature of the title V program. The 
    application submittal deadline is a function of North Carolina State 
    and local law in response to the original part 70 regulations 
    promulgated July 21, 1992. See 57 FR 32250. Section 503(c) of the Act 
    requires all title V facilities to submit an application to the 
    relevant state and local permitting authorities within one year after 
    the effective date of the title V program approval. The DEHNR, 
    WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP programs fulfill this statutory requirement. 
    Therefore, EPA denies the request to extend the title V permit 
    application submittal deadline for at least two years from the 
    effective date of approval for the DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP 
    title V operating permit programs.
        The commenter requests that insignificant activity levels for 
    hazardous air pollutants (HAP) should be set no lower than the section 
    112(g) de minimis levels for individual pollutants. The commenter is 
    concerned that ``increases above the 112(g) de minimis levels trigger a 
    complex review process and the State should be given the flexibility to 
    reserve limited resources for more significant modifications.'' Section 
    70.4(b)(2) requires state and local agencies to include in their part 
    70 programs any criteria used to determine insignificant activities or 
    emission levels for the purpose of determining complete applications. 
    Section 70.5(c) states that an application for a part 70 permit may not 
    omit information needed to determine the applicability of, or to 
    impose, any applicable requirement, or to evaluate appropriate fee 
    amounts. Section 70.5(c) also states that EPA may approve, as part of a 
    state program, a list of insignificant activities and emissions levels 
    which need not be included in permit applications. Under part 70, a 
    state or local agency must request and EPA may approve as part of that 
    state's or local agency's program any activities or emission levels 
    that they wish to consider insignificant. Part 70, however, does not 
    establish emission thresholds for insignificant activities. EPA has 
    accepted emission thresholds of five tons per year for criteria 
    pollutants, and the lesser of 1000 pounds per year or section 112(g) de 
    minimis levels for HAP, as reasonable.
        The commenter urges EPA to limit the amount of fees that may be 
    charged to a facility to be limited to the presumptive minimum ($25/ton 
    of actual emissions adjusted annually to the Consumer Price Index 
    (CPI)). The Act leaves to state discretion the structure of the title V 
    fee schedule provided it meets the requirement of presumptive minimum 
    or cost of the program. The DEHNR, FCDEA, and MCDEP fee schedules were 
    set to raise, in the aggregate, the presumptive minimum based on 
    estimates of title V source numbers and emissions. The flat fee plus 
    tonnage fee formula was recommended by a State-legislatively 
    established Clean Air Act Advisory Council to reflect work effort to 
    issue and enforce permits. It was adopted by the Environmental 
    Management Commission after public hearings. This fee formula means 
    that some sources will pay less than a straight $25 plus inflation per 
    ton fee, and some will pay more. In the aggregate, fee revenue has not 
    exceeded the presumptive minimum. In the North Carolina State and local 
    agency proposed program approval notice, EPA noted submittal of fee 
    demonstrations from the DEHNR, FCDEA, and MCDEP that showed each 
    program will collect the presumptive minimum fee. The WNCRAPCA 
    submitted a title V program fee demonstration that demonstrated that it 
    will collect less than the presumptive minimum. Therefore, the DEHNR, 
    WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP have in effect accommodated the commenter's 
        The commenter requested that EPA urge the DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, 
    and MCDEP to set aside any surplus monies generated in the title V 
    operating permit program to be placed in a separate interest-bearing 
    account. The commenter further requests that these funds should be 
    applied as a credit against fees required in succeeding years, 
    according to the proportion of the total of all emissions fees which 
    were paid by a title V facility in a timely manner. As previously 
    stated, the Act leaves to state discretion the structure of the title V 
    fee schedule provided it meets the requirement of presumptive minimum 
    or cost of the program. State statutes provide that the fees go into a 
    separate title V nonreverting account. State statutes do not provide 
    for interest, as they would have to for interest to be credited. State 
    statutes do provide for reductions of fees when and if the funds in the 
    account exceed the title V program cost for the next fiscal year.
        The commenter requests that EPA urge DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and 
    MCDEP to adopt a list of ``trivial activities,'' as outlined in the 
    EPA's ``White Paper for Streamlined 
    [[Page 57359]]
    Development of Part 70 Permit Applications'' as well as develop a 
    process for approving trivial activities on a case-by-case basis. EPA 
    notes that DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP have an insignificant 
    activities list found at 15A NCAC 2Q.0102 and respective local agency 
    regulations which include activities that do not have to be included in 
    a title V permit application. Should the State and local programs elect 
    to utilize the list of trivial activities from the ``White Paper for 
    Streamlined Development of Part 70 Permit Applications,'' they may do 
    so at their own discretion. In addition, DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and 
    MCDEP have complete discretion over whether to create a process for 
    case-by-case determinations of trivial activities. EPA recommends that 
    the commenter make any such request to DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and 
        Finally, the commenter took opportunity to make comments regarding 
    provisions of the part 70 supplemental revisions published on August 
    31, 1995. See 60 FR 45530. This rulemaking exclusively covers the 
    DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP title V operating permit programs 
    which are being approved under the existing regulations found at 40 CFR 
    part 70. EPA recommends that the commenter provide comment on the 
    proposed part 70 revisions to the appropriate rulemaking docket for the 
    subject rulemaking found at 60 FR 45530 (August 31, 1995).
    B. Final Action
    1. Title V Operating Permit Program
        EPA is promulgating interim approval of the operating permits 
    program submitted by the DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP on November 
    12, 1993, and supplemented on December 17, 1993; February 28, 1994; May 
    31, 1994; and August 9, 1995. The DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP 
    must make the following changes to receive full program approval:
        (a) Revise Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0507 (MCAPCO Regulation 1.5507, 
    FCAQTC Regulation 3Q.0507, and WNCRAPCARR Regulation 17.0507) to 
    require an applicant to include all fugitive emissions regardless of 
    whether such emissions will be used to determine title V applicability. 
    These fugitive emissions estimates may be of a qualitative nature as 
    opposed to a numerical quantitative emission estimate.
        (b) Revise Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0502(c) (MCAPCO Regulation 
    1.5502(c), FCAQTC Regulation 3Q.0502(c), and WNCRAPCARR Regulation 
    17.0502(c)) to assure that R&D facilities which are collocated with 
    manufacturing facilities and which are under common control and 
    belonging to a single major industrial grouping will be considered as 
    the same facility for determining title V major source applicability 
    for a facility. This change will not be necessary in the event that EPA 
    promulgates revisions to part 70 that are similar to the DEHNR, 
    WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP current treatment of R&D facilities for 
    purposes of title V applicability.
        (c) Revise Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0102(b)(2)(B) and respective 
    local agency regulations to adjust the insignificant emission threshold 
    levels downward from potential emissions of 40 tpy to potential per 
    emission unit levels for insignificant activities of 5 tons per year 
    for criteria pollutants and the lesser of 1000 pounds per year or 
    section 112(g) de minimis levels for HAP. The DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, 
    and MCDEP must also revise Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0102(b)(2)(F) and 
    respective local agency regulations to provide that the list granted 
    under 15A NCAC 2Q.0102(b)(2)(F) must be subject to the above-mentioned 
    potential emission caps.
        (d) Revise Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0514(a)(4) and respective local 
    agency regulations to clarify that administrative permit amendments may 
    be used to change test dates or construction dates only as long as no 
    applicable requirements would be violated by doing so. Also, the DEHNR, 
    WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP agencies must change the language of 
    Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0514(a)(4) and respective local agency 
    regulations to clarify that an administrative permit amendment may be 
    used to move terms and conditions from the State-enforceable side of 
    the permit to the State and Federal enforceable portion of the permit 
    provided that the term being moved is a requirement which has become 
    Federally enforceable through sections 110, 111, or 112 or other parts 
    of the Clean Air Act.
        (e) Revise Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0515(f) and respective local 
    agency regulations to stipulate that a permit shield may not be granted 
    for a minor permit modification. In addition, the DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, 
    FCDEA, and MCDEP must change Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0515(d) and 
    respective local agency regulations to specify that in the event an 
    applicant submits a single minor permit modification which exceeds the 
    thresholds listed in 15A NCAC 2Q.0515(c), the minor permit modification 
    must be processed within 90 days after receiving the application or 15 
    days after the end of EPA's 45 day review period, whichever is later.
        (f) Revise Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0517(b) and respective local 
    agency regulations to provide that a title V permit shall be reopened 
    and reissued within 18 months after a newly applicable requirement is 
    promulgated. Also, the DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP must amend 
    Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0517(b)(2) and respective local agency 
    regulations to clarify that no reopening of a permit is required only 
    if the effective date of a newly applicable requirement is after the 
    expiration of the permit, unless the term of the permit was extended 
    based on the fact that the DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP had not 
    renewed the permit prior to its expiration.
        (g) Revise Regulation 15A NCAC 2Q.0518(f) and respective local 
    agency regulations to remove the phrase ``subject to adjudication.''
        The scope of the DEHNR, WNCRAPCA, FCDEA, and MCDEP part 70 programs 
    approved in this document applies to all part 70 sources (as defined in 
    the approved program) within the State, except any sources of air 
    pollution over which an Indian Tribe has jurisdiction. See, e.g., 59 FR 
    55813, 55815-55818 (November 9, 1994). The term ``Indian Tribe'' is 
    defined under the Act as ``any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other 
    organized group or community, including any Alaska Native village, 
    which is Federally recognized as eligible for the special programs and 
    services provided by the United States to Indians because of their 
    status as Indians.'' See section 302(r) of the CAA; see also 59 FR 
    43956, 43962 (August 25, 1994); 58 FR 54364 (October 21, 1993).
        This interim approval, which may not be renewed, extends until 
    December 15, 1997. During this interim approval period, the State of 
    North Carolina is protected from sanctions, and EPA is not obligated to 
    promulgate, administer, and enforce a Federal operating permits program 
    in the State. Permits issued under a program with interim approval have 
    full standing with respect to part 70, and the one-year time period for 
    submittal of permit applications by subject sources begins upon the 
    effective date of this final interim approval, as does the three-year 
    time period for processing the initial permit applications.
        If the State of North Carolina fails to submit a complete 
    corrective program for full approval by June 16, 1997, EPA will start 
    an 18-month clock for mandatory sanctions. If North Carolina then fails 
    to submit a corrective program that EPA finds complete before the 
    [[Page 57360]]
    expiration of that 18-month period, EPA will be required to apply one 
    of the sanctions in section 179(b) of the Act, which will remain in 
    effect until EPA determines that North Carolina has corrected the 
    deficiency by submitting a complete corrective program. Moreover, if 
    the Administrator finds a lack of good faith on the part of North 
    Carolina, both sanctions under section 179(b) will apply after the 
    expiration of the 18-month period until the Administrator determines 
    that North Carolina has come into compliance. In any case, if, six 
    months after the application of the first sanction, North Carolina has 
    not submitted a corrective program that EPA has found complete, a 
    second sanction will be required.
        If EPA disapproves North Carolina's complete corrective program, 
    EPA will be required to apply one of the section 179(b) sanctions on 
    the date 18 months after the effective date of the disapproval, unless 
    prior to that date the State has submitted a revised program and EPA 
    has determined that it corrected the deficiencies that prompted the 
    disapproval. Moreover, if the Administrator finds a lack of good faith 
    on the part of North Carolina, both sanctions under section 179(b) will 
    apply after the expiration of the 18-month period until the 
    Administrator determines that the State has come into compliance. In 
    all cases, if, six months after EPA applies the first sanction, North 
    Carolina has not submitted a revised program that EPA determines to 
    have corrected the deficiencies that prompted disapproval, a second 
    sanction will be required.
        In addition, discretionary sanctions may be applied where warranted 
    any time after the expiration of an interim approval period if a state 
    has not timely submitted a complete corrective program. Moreover, if 
    EPA has not granted full approval to a state program by the expiration 
    of an interim approval and that expiration occurs after November 15, 
    1995, EPA must promulgate, administer, and enforce a Federal operating 
    permit program for that state upon interim approval expiration.
    2. Preconstruction Review Program Implementing Section 112(g)
        EPA is approving the use of the North Carolina State and local 
    agency's preconstruction review programs found in Regulation 15A NCAC 
    2Q.0300 and respective local agency regulations as a mechanism to 
    implement section 112(g) during the transition period between 
    promulgation of EPA's section 112(g) rule and the North Carolina State 
    and local programs adoption of rules specifically designed to implement 
    section 112(g). This approval is limited to the implementation of the 
    112(g) rule and is effective only during any transition time between 
    the effective date of the 112(g) rule and the adoption of specific 
    rules by the North Carolina State and local agencies to implement 
    112(g). The duration of this approval is limited to 18 months following 
    promulgation by EPA of section 112(g) regulations, to provide the North 
    Carolina State and local agencies with adequate time to adopt 
    regulations consistent with Federal requirements.
    3. Program for Delegation of Section 112 Standards as Promulgated
        The requirements for part 70 program approval, specified in 40 CFR 
    70.4(b), encompass section 112(l)(5) requirements for approval of a 
    state and local program for delegation of section 112 standards 
    promulgated by EPA as they apply to title V sources. Section 112(l)(5) 
    requires that the State and local programs contain adequate 
    authorities, adequate resources for implementation, and an expeditious 
    compliance schedule, which are also requirements under part 70. 
    Therefore, EPA is approving under section 112(l)(5) and 40 CFR 63.91, 
    the North Carolina State and local programs for receiving delegation of 
    section 112 standards and programs that are unchanged from the Federal 
    rules as promulgated. EPA is also approving the delegation of all 
    existing standards under 40 CFR parts 61 and 63. This program for 
    delegation applies to both part 70 and non-part 70 sources.1
        \1\ The radionuclide National Emission Standards for Hazardous 
    Air Pollutant (NESHAP) is a section 112 regulation and therefore, 
    also an applicable requirement under the State and local operating 
    permit programs for part 70 sources. There is not yet a Federal 
    definition of ``major'' for radionuclide sources. Therefore, until a 
    major source definition for radionuclide is promulgated, no source 
    would be a major section 112 source solely due to its radionuclide 
    emissions. However, a radionuclide source may, in the interim, be a 
    major source under part 70 for another reason, thus requiring a part 
    70 permit. EPA will work with the State and local agencies in the 
    development of a radionuclide program to ensure that permits are 
    issued in a timely manner.
        Based on the delegation requests North Carolina submitted by North 
    Carolina and each local agency, EPA has determined that all 
    requirements (i.e., legal authority, available resources, 
    implementation schedules, and compliance mechanisms) necessary for 
    delegation have been satisfied. As the delegation relates to the 
    existing NESHAP standards, the effective date of the delegations would 
    be the date the individual standards become effective as a matter of 
    State or local law. For future standards, the State of North Carolina, 
    once State approved, will utilize automatic adoption as its delegation 
    mechanism. Hence, all standards will be state effective on the date of 
    EPA promulgation. Subsequent (or within thirty days) to the State's 
    delegation, the local programs will seek delegation of Federal 
    authorities. During the interim period between Federal promulgation and 
    the effective local delegations, the North Carolina State and local 
    programs will continue to implement the standards, excluding 
    enforcement actions, under a Memorandum of Agreement entered into with 
    EPA. EPA will retain primary enforcement authority until the respective 
    effective dates for each promulgated standard becomes State and locally 
    effective. The most efficient use of State, local and EPA resources 
    would dictate usage of this streamlined approval approach, thereby, 
    negating the need for either the North Carolina State or any of the 
    local programs to submit additional demonstrations of authority 
    sufficiency, resource availability, and/or implementation mechanisms 
    for any requests that are not approved with this title V approval 
    III. Administrative Requirements
    A. Docket
        Copies of the State and local agency submittals and other 
    information relied upon for the final interim approval, including the 
    one public comment letter received and reviewed by EPA on the proposal 
    notice, are contained in docket number NC-95-01 maintained at the EPA 
    Region 4 Office. The docket is an organized and complete file of all 
    the information submitted to, or otherwise considered by, EPA in the 
    development of this final interim approval. The docket is available for 
    public inspection at the location listed under the ADDRESSES section of 
    this document.
    B. Executive Order 12866
        The Office of Management and Budget has exempted this action from 
    Executive Order 12866 review.
    C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        EPA's actions under section 502 of the Act do not create any new 
    requirements, but simply address operating permit programs submitted to 
    satisfy the requirements of 40 CFR part 70. Because this action does 
    not impose any new requirements, it does not have a significant impact 
    on a substantial number of small entities. 
    [[Page 57361]]
    D. Unfunded Mandates
        Under section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, 
    signed into law on March 22, 1995, EPA must prepare a budgetary impact 
    statement to accompany any proposed or final rule that includes a 
    Federal mandate that may result in estimated costs to State, local, or 
    tribal governments in the aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 
    million or more. Under section 205, EPA must select the most cost-
    effective and least burdensome alternative that achieves the objectives 
    of the rule and is consistent with statutory requirements. Section 203 
    requires EPA to establish a plan for informing and advising any small 
    governments that may be significantly or uniquely impacted by the rule.
        EPA has determined that the proposed interim approval action 
    promulgated today does not include a Federal mandate that may result in 
    estimated costs of $100 million or more to state, local, or tribal 
    governments in the aggregate, or to the private sector. This Federal 
    action approves pre-existing requirements under state or local law, and 
    imposes no new Federal requirements. Accordingly, no additional costs 
    to state, local, or tribal governments, or to the private sector, 
    result from this action.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 70
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Air pollution control, Intergovernmental relations, Operating permits, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: November 2, 1995.
    Patrick M. Tobin,
    Acting Regional Administrator.
        Part 70, title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as 
    PART 70--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 70 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq.
        2. Appendix A to part 70 is amended by adding the entry for North 
    Carolina in alphabetical order to read as follows:
    Appendix A to Part 70--Approval Status of State and Local Operating 
    Permits Programs
    * * * * *
        North Carolina
        (a) Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, 
    Western North Carolina Regional Air Pollution Control Agency, Forsyth 
    County Department of Environmental Affairs and the Mecklenburg County 
    Department of Environmental Protection: submitted on November 12, 1993, 
    and supplemented on December 17, 1993; February 28, 1994; May 31, 1994; 
    and August 9, 1995; interim approval effective on December 15, 1995; 
    interim approval expires December 15, 1997.
        (b) (Reserved)
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 95-28186 Filed 11-14-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final interim approval.
Document Number:
December 15, 1995.
57357-57361 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
NC-95-01, FRL-5332-2
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
40 CFR 70