96-29368. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Power-operated Window, Partition and Roof Panel Systems  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 222 (Friday, November 15, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 58504-58507]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-29368]
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
    49 CFR Part 571
    [Docket No. 96-117, N.1]
    Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Power-operated Window, 
    Partition and Roof Panel Systems
    RIN 2127-AG36
    AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
    SUMMARY: This document responds to a petition for rulemaking from 
    Michael Garth Moore, Esq. requesting two amendments to Standard No. 
    118, Power-operated window, partition, and roof panel systems. This 
    document denies one request, but grants the other. It denies the 
    petitioner's request to commence rulemaking to require that all power 
    windows automatically reverse power when they encounter resistance 
    because the agency has concluded that such a requirement would be 
    unreasonably costly. This document grants the petitioner's other 
    request and proposes to require each power operated window, interior 
    partition, and roof panel in a motor vehicle to be equipped with a 
    switch designed so that contact by a form representing a child's knee 
    would not cause the window, partition or panel to close.
    DATES: Comments are due January 14, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to the Docket Number referenced above 
    and must be submitted to: Docket Section, Room 5109, 400 Seventh 
    Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590. (Docket hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 
    4:00 p.m.). Do not send originals of comments to any person named 
    (Technical information) Richard Van Iderstine, Office of Safety 
    Performance Standards, NHTSA (Phone: 202-366-5280; FAX: 202-366-4329);
        (Legal information) Paul Atelsek, Office of Chief Counsel, NHTSA 
    (Phone: 202-366-2992; FAX: 202-366-3820).
    [[Page 58505]]
    I. Background Information
    II. Petition for Rulemaking
    III. Agency Determination
        A. Mandatory Automatic Reversal Feature
        B. Special Switches
    I. Background Information
        Standard No. 118 specifies requirements for power operated window, 
    partition, and roof panel systems 1 to minimize the likelihood of 
    death or injury from their accidental operation. It applies to 
    passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, and trucks with a 
    gross vehicle weight rating of 4536 kilograms or less.
        \1\ The term ``power window'' is used throughout this document 
    to include all power operated windows, interior partitions and roof 
        Standard No. 118 has two sets of requirements: One addressing 
    operating mechanisms whose design is such that one can presume they 
    will be operated only when a driver is present or close enough to a 
    vehicle to supervise children inside and another addressing mechanisms 
    whose design is such that the presence of child supervision cannot be 
    presumed. Paragraph S4 of the standard lists specific conditions under 
    which power windows may close without further restriction because 
    driver presence can be presumed. The most familiar condition is the 
    presence of the ignition key in the ``on'', ``start'' or ``accessory'' 
    position. The other listed conditions include actuation after the key 
    is removed but before either front door has opened and the use of short 
    range remote controls requiring continuous activation.
        Paragraph S5 addresses window operating mechanisms which can be 
    operated in circumstances in which adult supervision cannot be presumed 
    by requiring an automatic window reversal safety feature to prevent 
    high squeezing forces on persons caught in a closing window. This 
    paragraph responds to industry interest in using remote controls of 
    unrestricted range and automatic window closing devices. It also 
    contains a provision stating that windows using this feature are not 
    subject to the window closing restrictions of paragraph S4. While the 
    agency is not aware of any vehicle presently equipped with a window 
    reversal system certified to comply with paragraph S5, it presumes that 
    industry is designing practical systems that will be certified with 
    this provision in the future.
    II. Petition for Rulemaking
        On September 26, 1995, Michael Garth Moore, an attorney in 
    Hilliard, OH, petitioned NHTSA to amend Standard No. 118 in two ways. 
    First, the petitioner requested that the agency require all power 
    windows be equipped with the automatic reversal safety feature of 
    paragraph S5 of Standard No. 118. Currently, as noted above, the 
    requirement for an automatic reversal safety feature applies only to 
    power windows designed to be closed with remote controls of 
    unrestricted range and to power windows equipped with automatic closing 
    devices. Mr. Moore stated that automatic reversal features are proven 
    technology and economically feasible for mandatory installation. The 
    petitioner further stated that while it is difficult to determine the 
    magnitude of the child injury/fatality problem, preventing even one 
    catastrophic injury or fatality is warranted, given the minimal costs 
    associated with such a requirement.
        Mr. Moore's second request was that the agency modify the Standard 
    to prevent inadvertent closure of power windows. The petitioner 
    believed that if its request were adopted, inadvertently placing 
    pressure on the area of the controls would not cause power windows to 
    close, unless the vehicle occupant applied the pressure with his or her 
    fingers in a manner intended to operate the window. To accomplish this, 
    Mr. Moore asked the agency to require that power window switches meet 
    two requirements. First, he asked that manufacturers be required to 
    protect the switches either by shielding them or by placing them in a 
    less accessible location, such as in a recess. Second, he asked that 
    the manufacturers design switches so that ``pressure on any control can 
    only cause the window/partition/roof panel to open'' thereby preventing 
    inadvertent window closure. The petitioner did not specify the 
    circumstances about which he was concerned (i.e., when the key was in 
    the accessory position). The petitioner claimed that such features 
    would protect a child left in a vehicle with the engine running or with 
    the key in the accessory position, since the child would no longer be 
    able to inadvertently close a power window by kneeling or standing on 
    the arm rest or console and contacting the switch. The petitioner was 
    concerned that there was a risk of death or severe injury if the 
    inadvertent closing occurs while a child's head or limb is protruding 
    from the window or sunroof opening.
    III. Agency Determination
    A. Mandatory Automatic Reversal Feature
        After reviewing Mr. Moore's request to require that all powered 
    windows be equipped with an automatic reversal feature, NHTSA has 
    determined that such a requirement would be unreasonably expensive and 
    not practicable with present technology. Based on discussions with 
    manufacturers, the agency estimates that the consumer cost of the 
    present automatic window reversal device is approximately $100 per 
    window for force sensing technology. The cost for a vehicle with four 
    power windows would thus be $400. The petitioner did not provide any 
    information to substantiate his claim that such automatic reversal 
    systems are less costly. Also, the present devices prevent reliable 
    window closure in the presence of snow, ice, and even the friction of 
    cold or tight weatherstripping. Consequently, the present window 
    reversal safety devices operate only during express-up window closure 
    and are overridden by the normal closure mode.
        The compliance costs of a performance requirement takes on greatly 
    added significance when it is considered for adoption as a universal 
    mandatory requirement as opposed to a requirement associated with a 
    compliance option, especially a relatively rarely selected option. In 
    the latter case, a manufacturer can decide whether to choose that 
    option and assume the costs of the requirements associated with it. For 
    example, Standard No. 118 permits manufacturers to design power windows 
    to close through the operation of remote controls of unrestricted range 
    or weather sensors if the manufacturers equip those windows with a 
    complying automatic reversal system. When such a requirement is 
    included in a standard as a condition to choosing a particular option, 
    the cost effectiveness of the requirement is not a primary issue.
        In the former case, a manufacturer cannot choose not to bear the 
    cost. Although manufacturers technically could choose not to provide 
    power windows, the realities of the market are that this is not really 
    a choice available to manufacturers with respect to many models, 
    particularly the upper end ones. For those models, the petitioner's 
    request to require that all power windows be equipped with automatic 
    reversal systems is an example of a universal mandatory requirement. In 
    the context of such a requirement, cost effectiveness is a primary 
    issue as it bears on the requirement's satisfaction of the statutory 
    requirements for practicability and reasonableness.
        The purpose of paragraph S5's automatic reversal requirement is to 
    make it possible to provide
    [[Page 58506]]
    manufacturers with more design freedom regarding additional methods for 
    closing power windows by ensuring that those methods meet minimum 
    levels of safety. Manufacturers have been able to take only limited 
    advantage of that freedom because of the technological limitations and 
    high costs of currently developed automatic reversal systems. For 
    example, the most expensive models of several German luxury automobiles 
    have express-up power windows with an automatic reversal device, but 
    these devices operate on the principle of force sensing and cannot 
    satisfy the petitioner's expectations for several reasons.
        The devices cause the closure force of windows to be limited when 
    they are in the express-up mode, but a force low enough to protect 
    passengers is insufficient to close the windows reliably. Snow, ice, 
    and even the friction of cold or tight weatherstripping can prevent 
    window closure. Consequently, the reversal device is disabled during 
    the normal speed operation of the window to ensure closure, and it is 
    not used on rear side windows. Also, the automatic reversal devices in 
    these German automobiles were designed to conform to a German 
    performance standard that affords less protection to small limbs than 
    does Section S5 of Standard No. 118, because it allows considerable 
    window movement after an obstruction is encountered. Therefore, the 
    present technology for window reversal fails to deliver both the safety 
    performance desired by the petitioner and the practicability to close 
    windows under common driving conditions.
        Based on the above considerations, NHTSA has concluded that the 
    present technology for automatic window reversal does not provide the 
    safety performance desired by the petitioner. Further, it would not be 
    practicable to redesign that technology so as to provide that 
    performance and retain the ability to close windows under certain 
    common conditions, such as ice and snow. Finally, regardless of the 
    performance limitations of the present technology, the cost of 
    complying with a mandatory requirement is currently too great. 
    Accordingly, the agency denies the request for rulemaking concerning 
    automatic reversal systems.
    B. Special Switches
        After reviewing Mr. Moore's request to amend Standard No. 118 with 
    respect to shielding the switch which operates a power window, NHTSA 
    has decided to propose amending the Standard. Specifically, the agency 
    is proposing that, if a switch used to close a power operated window is 
    contactable by a rigid spherical ball 25 mm (1'') in diameter, pressing 
    that ball in a nondestructive way against the switch in any direction 
    shall not cause the window to close. As detailed below, a 25 mm ball is 
    considered by the agency to be generally representative of the bent 
    knee of a child under the age of six. The agency believes that this 
    proposed requirement would accomplish goals of the petitioner's request 
    to protect against the inadvertent closure of powered windows. The 
    agency requests comments about the appropriateness of this proposed 
    requirement and whether a 25 mm ball is representative of the size and 
    shape of a hard, rounded object such as a child's knee or flat softer 
    tissue such as a foot sole, arm, or and leg.
        NHTSA believes that the proposal is appropriate because children by 
    their nature are curious, and they often put limbs and heads through 
    open windows, while leaning, sitting, standing or kneeling on arm rests 
    and consoles containing switches that control power windows and 
    sunroofs. A simple switch improvement would reduce accidental window 
    raising by children. Nevertheless, it cannot protect unsupervised 
    children from the consequences of willful window activation.
        NHTSA has only limited information about the number of unattended 
    children injured by closing windows. NHTSA does periodically receive 
    calls from lawyers, doctors, and the public describing deaths and 
    serious injuries of unattended children in power window accidents. 
    However, the agency has not been able to determine conclusively the 
    number of such accidents since they are not reported in the traffic 
    accident tracking systems maintained by NHTSA. A one year census 
    performed by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission of 
    selected hospital emergency rooms for power window injuries identified 
    only 10 cases in which people were injured by the unintentional closing 
    of a powered window. Most were of minor severity, and none involved 
    unattended children. While this number of reported cases may be 
    extrapolated to an estimate of about 500 injuries annually nationwide, 
    it provides no information to assess the benefits that shielded 
    switches would provide unattended children.
        NHTSA believes that the proposed requirement is practicable since a 
    large proportion of newly designed vehicles with power windows already 
    have switches that are recessed or that must be lifted rather than 
    pressed in order to actuate the system to close. Given adequate lead 
    time, the agency believes that the cost to manufacturers and their 
    customers of installing power window switches that comply with this 
    requirement would be negligible. From a human factors perspective, such 
    switches are a simple expedient to address the most preventable as well 
    as potentially serious type of power window accident.
        Notwithstanding the petitioner's request to require both that the 
    switches be redesigned so that their mode or direction of operation 
    2 guards against inadvertent window closing and that switches be 
    either shielded or recessed, NHTSA has decided not to propose that 
    manufacturers take both approaches, since either approach would be 
    sufficient by itself to minimize the incidence of unintentional 
    closings of power windows.
         2  An example is a switch that must be pulled or lifted in 
    a inward direction, roughly perpendicular to the inside plane of the 
        NHTSA recognizes that the automotive industry has equipped many new 
    vehicle lines with switches designed to prevent inadvertent window 
    closure, but it is unaware of any industry consensus standard or other 
    performance standard which influences the design of such switches. 
    Absent such information, the agency has decided to propose a 25 mm ball 
    contact test as a simple but objective performance criterion which it 
    believes distinguishes the new safety switches from the older designs 
    criticized by the petitioner. The test ball's size and shape represents 
    the portions of the body that might inadvertently come in contact with 
    a power window switch, e.g., hard, rounded objects such as a child's 
    knee or flat soft tissue such a foot soles, arms and legs. The ball 
    test would enable the agency to distinguish between safe and unsafe 
    switch designs. The intent of the proposal is to increase the 
    incorporation of good switch designs already in use rather than to 
    require further switch design changes that might be unreasonably 
        In general, the agency would prefer to establish performance 
    requirements for power window safety switches on the basis of industry 
    consensus standards reflecting the present trend toward their use in 
    many vehicles of newer design. Federal law generally requires Federal 
    agencies to use technical standards that are developed or adopted by 
    voluntary consensus standards bodies when such technical standards are 
    available; see section 12(d) of Pub. L. 104-113. If relevant standards 
    exist or are under consideration by organizations such as the Society 
    of Automotive Engineers
    [[Page 58507]]
    (SAE) and the Japanese Society of Automotive Engineers (JSAE), then 
    NHTSA anticipates relying on those consensus requirements in its 
    further consideration of this issue.
        While there would be additional compliance and certification cost 
    resulting from this requirement, such costs are minimized by the 
    simplicity of the test and would be an incidental increment to the cost 
    of power windows.
    Proposed Effective Date
        The amendments would be effective three years after publication of 
    the final rule in the Federal Register. A long lead time is appropriate 
    to allow power window safety switches to become part of vehicle 
    redesign plans, thereby eliminating the cost of altering existing 
    vehicle designs to the extent possible.
    Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
    Executive Order 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
        This rulemaking action was not reviewed under Executive Order 
    12866. Further, it has been determined that the rulemaking action is 
    not significant under Department of Transportation regulatory policies 
    and procedures. The purpose of the rulemaking action is to accelerate a 
    design trend already under way to make power window switches safe 
    against inadvertent closure by children. It is anticipated that the 
    costs of the final rule would be so minimal as not to warrant 
    preparation of a full regulatory evaluation, especially if the lead 
    time were sufficient to avoid changes in vehicles whose designs have 
    been finalized.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        NHTSA has analyzed this rulemaking action for the purposes of the 
    National Environmental Policy Act. It is not anticipated that a final 
    rule based on this proposal would have a significant effect upon the 
    environment. The composition of switches for power windows would not 
    change from those presently in production.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The agency has also considered the impacts of this rulemaking 
    action in relation to the Regulatory Flexibility Act. For the reasons 
    stated above and below, I certify that this rulemaking action would not 
    have a significant economic impact upon a substantial number of small 
    entities. Accordingly, no regulatory flexibility analysis has been 
    prepared. Manufacturers of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment, 
    those affected by the rulemaking action, are generally not small 
    businesses within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. 
    Further, the long leadtime is expected to reduce the costs to 
    negligible levels.
    Executive Order 12612 (Federalism)
        This rulemaking action has also been analyzed in accordance with 
    the principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 12612, and 
    NHTSA has determined that this rulemaking action does not have 
    sufficient federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a 
    Federalism Assessment.
    Civil Justice
        A final rule based on this proposal would not have any retroactive 
    effect. Under 49 U.S.C. 30103, whenever a Federal motor vehicle safety 
    standard is in effect, a state may not adopt or maintain a safety 
    standard applicable to the same aspect of performance which is not 
    identical to the Federal standard. 49 U.S.C. 30161 sets forth a 
    procedure for judicial review of final rules establishing, amending or 
    revoking Federal motor vehicle safety standards. That section does not 
    require submission of a petition for reconsideration or other 
    administrative proceedings before parties may file suit in court.
    Request for Comments
        Interested persons are invited to submit comments on the proposal. 
    It is requested that 10 copies be submitted.
        All comments must not exceed 15 pages in length. (49 CFR 553.21). 
    Necessary attachments may be appended to these submissions without 
    regard to the 15-page limit. This limitation is intended to encourage 
    commenters to detail their primary arguments in a concise fashion.
        If a commenter wishes to submit certain information under a claim 
    of confidentiality, three copies of the complete submission, including 
    purportedly confidential business information, should be submitted to 
    the Chief Counsel, NHTSA, at the street address given above, and seven 
    copies from which the purportedly confidential information has been 
    deleted should be submitted to the Docket Section. A request for 
    confidentiality should be accompanied by a cover letter setting forth 
    the information specified in the agency's confidential business 
    information regulation. 49 CFR part 512.
        All comments received before the close of business on the comment 
    closing date indicated above for the proposal will be considered, and 
    will be available for examination in the docket at the above address 
    both before and after that date. To the extent possible, comments filed 
    after the closing date will also be considered. Comments received too 
    late for consideration in regard to the final rule will be considered 
    as suggestions for further rulemaking action. Comments on the proposal 
    will be available for inspection in the docket. The NHTSA will continue 
    to file relevant information as it becomes available in the docket 
    after the closing date, and it is recommended that interested persons 
    continue to examine the docket for new material.
        Those persons desiring to be notified upon receipt of their 
    comments in the rules docket should enclose a self-addressed, stamped 
    postcard in the envelope with their comments. Upon receiving the 
    comments, the docket supervisor will return the postcard by mail.
    List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 571
        Imports, Motor vehicle safety, Motor vehicles, Tires.
        In consideration of the foregoing, 49 CFR part 571 would be amended 
    as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 571 would continue to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 322, 30111, 30115, 30117 and 30166; 
    delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.50.
        2. Section 571.118 would be revised by adding new section S6, which 
    would read as follows:
    Sec. 571.118  Standard No. 118; Power operated window, partition and 
    roof panel systems.
    * * * * *
        S6. Switches. Any switch that can be used to close a power operated 
    window, partition, or roof panel system shall not cause such window, 
    partition or system to begin closing when the switch is contacted in 
    any non-destructive manner by a rigid spherical ball of 25 mm diameter.
    * * * * *
        Issued on November 8, 1996.
    L. Robert Shelton,
    Associate Administrator for Safety Performance Standards.
    [FR Doc. 96-29368 Filed 11-14-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-59-P

Document Information

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).
Document Number:
Comments are due January 14, 1997.
58504-58507 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 96-117, N.1
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
49 CFR 571.118