Start Preamble
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, HUD.
This Notice identifies unutilized, underutilized, excess, and surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for possible use to assist the homeless.
Mark Johnston, room 7266, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20410; telephone (202) 708-1234; TTY number for the hearing- and speech-impaired (202) 708-2565 (these telephone numbers are not toll-free), or call the toll-free Title V information line at 1-800-927-7588.
End Preamble Start Supplemental InformationSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
In accordance with 24 CFR part 581 and section 501 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11411), as amended, HUD is publishing this Notice to identify Federal buildings and other real property that HUD has reviewed for suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding agencies regarding unutilized and underutilized buildings and real property controlled by such agencies or by GSA regarding its inventory of excess or surplus Federal property. This Notice is also published in order to comply with the December 12, 1988 Court Order in National Coalition for the Homeless v. Veterans Administration, No. 88-2503-OG (D.D.C.).
Properties reviewed are listed in this Notice according to the following categories: Suitable/available, suitable/unavailable, suitable/to be excess, and unsuitable. The properties listed in the three suitable categories have been reviewed by the landholding agencies, and each agency has transmitted to HUD: (1) Its intention to make the property available for use to assist the homeless, (2) its intention to declare the property excess to the agency's needs, or Start Printed Page 69231(3) a statement of the reasons that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use as facilities to assist the homeless.
Properties listed as suitable/available will be available exclusively for homeless use for a period of 60 days from the date of this Notice. Where property is described as for “off-site use only” recipients of the property will be required to relocate the building to their own site at their own expense. Homeless assistance providers interested in any such property should send a written expression of interest to HHS, addressed to Brian Rooney, Division of Property Management, Program Support Center, HHS, room 5B-41, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857; (301) 443-2265. (This is not a toll-free number.) HHS will mail to the interested provider an application packet, which will include instructions for completing the application. In order to maximize the opportunity to utilize a suitable property, providers should submit their written expressions of interest as soon as possible. For complete details concerning the processing of applications, the reader is encouraged to refer to the interim rule governing this program, 24 CFR part 581.
For properties listed as suitable/to be excess, that property may, if subsequently accepted as excess by GSA, be made available for use by the homeless in accordance with applicable law, subject to screening for other Federal use. At the appropriate time, HUD will publish the property in a Notice showing it as either suitable/available or suitable/unavailable.
For properties listed as suitable/unavailable, the landholding agency has decided that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use to assist the homeless, and the property will not be available.
Properties listed as unsuitable will not be made available for any other purpose for 20 days from the date of this Notice. Homeless assistance providers interested in a review by HUD of the determination of unsuitability should call the toll free information line at 1-800-927-7588 for detailed instructions or write a letter to Mark Johnston at the address listed at the beginning of this Notice. Included in the request for review should be the property address (including zip code), the date of publication in the Federal Register, the landholding agency, and the property number.
For more information regarding particular properties identified in this Notice (i.e., acreage, floor plan, existing sanitary facilities, exact street address), providers should contact the appropriate landholding agencies at the following addresses: Army: Ms. Julie Jones-Conte, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, Attn: DAIM-MD, Room 1E677, 600 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-0600; (703) 692-9223; GSA: Mr. Brian K. Polly, Assistant Commissioner, General Services Administration, Office of Property Disposal, 18th and F Streets, NW., Washington, DC 20405; (202) 501-0052; Navy: Mr. Charles C. Cocks, Director, Department of the Navy, Real Estate Policy Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington, Navy Yard, 1322 Patterson Ave., SE., Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20374-5065; (202) 685-9200; (These are not toll-free numbers).
Start SignatureDated: November 6, 2002.
John D. Garrity,
Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs.
Suitable/Available Properties
Buildings (by State)
New Jersey
Chapel Hill Front Range Light
N. Lenard Ave.
Middletown Co: Monmouth NJ
Landholding Agency: GSA
Property Number: 54200240011
Status: Excess
Comment: steel tower on 0.40 acres, possible flood hazard, wetlands & possible endangered species
GSA Number: 1-U-NJ-0627
Puerto Rico
7.5 Naval Reservation
Munoz Rivera Ave.
San Juan Co: PR
Landholding Agency: GSA
Property Number: 54200240012
Status: Excess
Comment: multi-use structures including admin. and residential, presence of asbestos/lead paint, exhibits historical and archeological significance
GSA Number: 1-N-PR-497
Land (by State)
Canyon Ferry Reservoir Portion
Tracts FS-1, FS-2, FS-3, FS-4
Lewis & Clark Co: MT 59602-
Landholding Agency: GSA
Property Number: 54200240010
Status: Surplus
Comment: 8.47 acres, subject to existing easements, buffer zone
GSA Number: 7-I-MT-0409
Unsuitable Properties
Buildings (by State)
Bldg. 01306
Fort Rucker
Ft. Rucker Co: AL 36362-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240001
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 01314
Fort Rucker
Ft. Rucker Co: AL 36362-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240002
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 01316
Fort Rucker
Ft. Rucker Co: AL 36362-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240003
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 01318
Fort Rucker
Ft. Rucker Co: AL 36362-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240004
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 9001
Fort Rucker
Ft. Rucker Co: AL 36362-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240005
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 112
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240006
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 01200
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240007
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 1400A
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240008
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 1407A
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240009
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 1413A
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240010
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
8 Bldgs. Start Printed Page 69232
Redstone Arsenal
1417A thru 1424A
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240011
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
5 Bldgs.
Redstone Arsenal
1426A thru 1430A
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240012
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
5 Bldgs.
Redstone Arsenal
1433A thru 1437A
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240013
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 03140
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240014
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 03436, 03462
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240015
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 03524
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landhonding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240016
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 515-5107
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landhonding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240017
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 7309A
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landhonding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240018
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 7360B, 7368A, 7382A
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landhonding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240019
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 07587
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landhonding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240020
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 7632A, 7660A
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landhonding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240021
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 07716
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240022
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 08027
Redstone Arsenal
Redstone Arsenal Co: Madison AL 35898-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240023
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 15348
Fort Huachuca
Ft. Huachuca Co: Cochise AZ 85613-6000
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240024
Status: Excess
Reason: Extensive deterioration
3 Bldgs.
DDJC Sharpe
S00004, 00006, 00012
Lathrop Co: San Joaquin CA 95231-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240025
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. S00108
DDJC Sharpe
Lathrop Co: San Joaquin CA 95231-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240026
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Secured Area
Bldgs. S00161, 00162
DDJC Sharpe
Lathrop Co: San Joaquin CA 95231-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240027
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. S00221
DDJC Sharpe
Lathrop Co: San Joaquin CA 95231-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240028
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Secured Area
4 Bldgs.
DDJC Sharpe
S00482, 00483, 00484, 00485
Lathop Co: San Joaquin CA 95231-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240029
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. S00660
DDJC Sharpe
Lathrop Co: San Joaquin CA 95231-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240030
Status: Unutilized
Reason; Secured Area
Bldg. 00352
Fort Irwin
Ft. Irwin Co: San Bernardino CA 92310-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240031
Status: Excess
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg2. 00516, 00520, 00547
Fort Irwin
Ft. Irwin Co: San Bernardino CA 92310-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240032
Status: Excess
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 00818
Fort Irwin
Ft. Irwin Co: San Bernardino CA 92310-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240033
Status: Excess
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 01507, 01522, 06023
Fort Shafter
Honolulu Co: HI 96819-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240034
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
5 Bldgs.
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: Ky 40121-
Location: 04804, 04814, 04818, 04955, 04985
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240035
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
48 Bldgs.
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: KY 40121-
Location: 363 sq. ft.—housing
Landholding AGency: Army
Property Number: 21200240036
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
40 Bldgs.
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: KY 40121-
Location: 5,680 sq. ft.—housing
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240037
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
19 Bldgs.
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: KY 40121-
Location: 04809, 04812, 04832, 04843, 04849, 04852, 04869, 04873, 04890, 04919, 04920, 04935, 04941, 04962, 04968, 04975, 04978, 04980, 04988Start Printed Page 69233
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240038
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
13 Bldgs.
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: KY 40121-
Location: 04810, 04842, 04868, 04884, 04891, 04899, 04904, 04940, 04947, 04961, 04974, 04979, 04987
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240039
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
17 Bldgs.
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: KY 40121-
Location: 04829, 04833, 04838, 04844, 04850, 04870, 04875, 04908, 04918, 04921, 04926, 04936, 04942, 04951, 04957, 04963, 04969
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240040
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
5 Bldgs.
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: KY 40121-
Location: 04851, 04911, 04912, 04915, 04916
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240041
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
16 Bldgs.
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: KY 40121-
Location: 04857, 04858, 04885, 04886, 04892, 04893, 04895, 04896, 04905, 04906, 04932, 04933, 04948, 04949, 04982, 04983
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240042
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 04914
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: KY 40121-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240043
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 4955, 4985
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: KY 40121-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240044
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
12 Bldgs.
Fort Knox
Ft. Knox Co: KY 40121-
Location: 06818, 06824, 06853, 06857, 06869, 06872, 06887, 06891, 07023, 07027, 07053, 07089
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240045
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. M-4
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240012
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. M-6
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240013
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. M-9
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240014
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. M-10
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York Me 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240015
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. M-11
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240016
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. M-18
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240017
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. H-29
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240018
Status: Excess
Reason: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldg. 33
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240019
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 34
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240020
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 41
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240021
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 55
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240022
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 62/62A
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240023
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 63
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240024
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 65
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240025
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 158
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240026
Status: Excess
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldg. 188
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240027
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 189
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240028
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 237
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240029
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
Bldg. 322
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Kittery Co: York ME 03904-
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240030
Status: Excess
Reason: Secured Area
12 Bldgs.
Fort George G. Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-5115
Location: 1600, 1604, 1609, 1614, 1617, 1620, 1622, 1625, 1820, 1823, 1826, 1829
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240046
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
6 Bldgs.
Fort George G. Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-5115
Location: 1603, 1606, 1607, 1610, 1613, 1618
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240047
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
12 Bldgs.
Fort George G. MeadeStart Printed Page 69234
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-5115
Location: 1601, 1602, 1605, 1608, 1611, 1612, 1615, 1616, 1619, 1621, 1623, 1624
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240048
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
7 Bldgs.
Fort George G. Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-5115
Location: 1646, 1647, 1728, 1729, 1730, 1731, 1879
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240049
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 1700-1723
Fort George G. Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-5115
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240050
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
9 Bldgs.
Fort George G. Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-5115
Location: 1819, 1821, 1822, 1824, 1825, 1827, 1828, 1830, 1831
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240051
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 2221
Fort George G. Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-5115
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240052
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 2247, 2249A
Fort George G. Meade
Ft. Meade Co: Anne Arundel MD 20755-5115
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240053
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Wayland Army Natl Guard Fac.
Oxbow Road
Wayland Co: MA 01778-
Landholding Agency: GSA
Property Number: 54200240007
Status: Excess
Reason: Extensive deterioration
GSA Number: 1-D-MA-0725
Bldg. 218A
U.S. Army Reserve Center
St. Louis Co: St. Charles MO 63120-1794
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240054
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. P4122
U.S. Army Reserve Center
St. Louis Co: St. Charles MO 63120-1794
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240055
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 6140
Fort Leonard Wood
Ft. Leonard Wood Co: Pulaski MO 65743-8944
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240056
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
New Hampshire
Bldg. 40
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Portsmouth Co: NH 03804-5000
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240031
Status: Excess
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
New Mexico
Bldgs. 20854, 21694
White Sands Missile Range
Dona Ana Co: NM 88002-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240057
Status: Excess
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 12
Defense Supply Center
Columbus Co: Franklin OH 43216-5000
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240058
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 32, 33, 34, 35
Defense Supply Center
Columbus Co: Franklin OH 43216-5000
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240059
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. 36, 38, 39, 40
Defense Supply Center
Columbus Co: Franklin OH 43216-5000
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240060
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
4 Bldgs.
Ravenna Army Amo Plant
Ravenna Co: Portage OH 44266-9297
Location: WS001, WS01A, WS002, WS02A
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240061
Status: Excess
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Within airport runway clear zone; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
27 Bldgs.
Ravenna Army Amo Plant
Ravenna Co: Portage OH 44266-9297
Location: 002F1-02F36, 00651, 1101; Load Line 6
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240062
Status: Excess
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Within airport runway clear zone; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
40 Bldgs.
Ravenna Army Amo Plant
Ravenna Co: Portage OH 44266-9297
Location: DT001-DT031, DT033-DT035, DT052, DT054-DT056, 09051; Load—Line 9
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240063
Status: Excess
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Within airport runway clear zone; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
32 Bldgs.
Ravenna Army Amo Plant
Ravenna Co: Portage, OH 44266-9297
Location: PE001-PE031; Load—Line 10
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number : 21200240064
Status: Excess
Reasons: in 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Within airport runway clear zone; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 2438
Fort Campbell
Ft. Campbell Co: Montgomery TN 42223-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240065
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 103
Holston Army Amo Plant
Kingsport Co: Sullivan TN 37660-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240066
Status: Excess
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldgs. F0050, F0051
Fort A.P. Hill
Bowling Green Co: Caroline VA 22427-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240067
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. T0130
Fort A.P. Hill
Bowling Green Co: Caroline VA 22427-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240068
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldgs. T0131, T0132, T0133
Fort A.P. Hill
Bowling Green Co: Caroline VA 22427-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240069
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 11503
Fort Lee
Ft. Lee Co: Prince George VA 23801-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240070
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 00200
Radford Army Amo Plant
Radford Co: VA 24143-0100
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240071
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Start Printed Page 69235Bldg. T4022
Radford Army Amo Plant
Radford Co: VA 24143-0100
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240072
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 66
Naval Magazine
Indian Island
Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240032
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 67
Naval Magazine
Indian Island
Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240033
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 180
Naval Magazine
Indian Island
Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240034
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 182
Naval Magazine
Indian Island
Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240035
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 214
Naval Magazine
Indian Island
Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240036
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 273
Naval Magazine
Indian Island
Port Hadlock Co: Jefferson WA 98339-9723
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240037
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area; Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 937
Naval Undersea Warfare
Keyport Co: Kitsap WA 98345-7610
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240038
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldg. 2801A
Naval Undersea Warfare
Keyport Co: Kitsap WA 98345-7610
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240039
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldg. 7634
Naval Undersea Warfare
Keyport Co: Kitsap WA 98345-7610
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77200240040
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldg. 1366
Fort McCoy
Ft. McCoy Co: Monroe WI 54656-5136
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240073
Status: Unutilized
Reason: Extensive deterioration
Bldg. 420-8
Badger Army Amo Plant
Baraboo Co: Sauk WI 53913-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240074
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldgs. 750, 751, 753
Badger Army Amo Plant
Baraboo Co: Sauk WI 53913-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240075
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldgs. 754-1 thru 754-6
Badger Army Amo Plant
Baraboo Co: Sauk WI 53919-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240076
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldgs. 763, 765, 768
Badger Army Amo Plant
Baraboo Co: Sauk WI 53913-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240077
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldgs. 770-1 thru 770-3
Badger Army Amo Plant
Baraboo Co: Sauk WI 53913-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240078
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldgs. 771, 00778
Badger Army Amo Plant
Baraboo Co: Sauk WI 53913-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240079
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Bldgs. 791, 793
Badger Army Amo Plant
Baraboo Co: Sauk WI 53913-
Landholding Agency: Army
Property Number: 21200240080
Status: Unutilized
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area
Land (by State)
20.3 acres
Moon Island
Munuscong Lake Co: Chippewa MI
Landholding Agency: GSA
Property Number: 54200240008
Status: Excess
Reason; Not accessible by road
GSA Number: 1-U-MI-803
5.43 acres
Drummond Island
Drummond Tnshp Co: Cheppawa MI
Landholding Agency; GSA
Property Number: 54200240009
Status: Excess
Reason: Not accessible by road
GSA Number: 1-U-MI-449A
End Supplemental Information[FR Doc. 02-28962 Filed 11-14-02; 8:45 am]
Document Information
- Published:
- 11/15/2002
- Department:
- Housing and Urban Development Department
- Entry Type:
- Notice
- Action:
- Notice.
- Document Number:
- 02-28962
- Dates:
- Mark Johnston, room 7266, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC 20410; telephone (202) 708-1234; TTY number for the hearing- and speech-impaired (202) 708-2565 (these telephone numbers are not toll-free), or call the toll- free Title V information line at 1-800-927-7588.
- Pages:
- 69230-69235 (6 pages)
- Docket Numbers:
- Docket No. FR-4730-N-46
- PDF File:
- 02-28962.pdf