99-29537. Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient Content Claims, and Health Claims  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 221 (Wednesday, November 17, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 62746-62825]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-29537]
    [[Page 62745]]
    Part II
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Part 101
    Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient 
    Content Claims, and Health Claims; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 221 / Wednesday, November 17, 1999 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 62746]]
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Part 101
    [Docket No. 94P-0036]
    RIN 0910-AB66
    Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient 
    Content Claims, and Health Claims
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to amend 
    its regulations on nutrition labeling to require that the amount of 
    trans fatty acids present in a food, including dietary supplements, be 
    included in the amount and percent Daily Value (%DV) declared for 
    saturated fatty acids. FDA is proposing that when trans fatty acids are 
    present, the declaration of saturated fatty acids shall bear a symbol 
    that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the nutrition label that 
    states the number of grams of trans fatty acids present in a serving of 
    the product. FDA also is proposing that, wherever saturated fat limits 
    are placed on nutrient content claims, health claims, or disclosure and 
    disqualifying levels, the amount of trans fatty acids be limited as 
    well. In addition, the agency is proposing to define the nutrient 
    content claim for ``trans fat free.'' This proposal responds, in part, 
    to a citizen petition on trans fatty acids in food labeling from the 
    Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). This action also is 
    being taken to prevent misleading claims and to provide information to 
    assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices.
    DATES: Written comments on the proposed rule should be submitted by 
    February 15, 2000. See section XI of this document for the proposed 
    effective date of a final rule based on this document. Written comments 
    on the information collection requirements should be submitted by 
    December 17, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Submit written comments to the Dockets Management Branch 
    (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, 
    Rockville, MD 20852. All comments should be identified with the docket 
    number found in brackets in the heading of this document. Submit 
    written comments on the information collection requirements to the 
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and 
    Budget (OMB), New Executive Office Bldg., 725 17th St. NW., rm. 10235, 
    Washington, DC 20503, Attn: Desk Officer for FDA.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan Thompson, Center for Food Safety 
    and Applied Nutrition (HFS-165), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C 
    St. SW., Washington, DC 20204, 202-205-5587.
    I. Background
    A. Nutrition Labeling
        In the Federal Register of July 19, 1990 (55 FR 29847), FDA 
    published a proposed rule entitled ``Food Labeling; Mandatory Status of 
    Nutrition Labeling and Nutrient Content Revision'' (hereinafter 
    referred to as ``the July 19, 1990, proposal'') to amend its food 
    labeling regulations to require nutrition labeling on most food 
    products that are meaningful sources of nutrients. Among other things, 
    FDA proposed to revise the list of nutrients and food components that 
    must be included in nutrition labeling by adding to that list saturated 
    fatty acids, cholesterol, dietary fiber, and calories from fat.
        During the comment period for the July 19, 1990 proposal, Congress 
    passed, and the President signed into law, the Nutrition Labeling and 
    Education Act of 1990 (the 1990 amendments) (Public Law 101-535). 
    Section 403(q) (21 U.S.C. 343(q)) of the Federal Food, Drug, and 
    Cosmetic Act (the act), which was added by the 1990 amendments, 
    specifies, in part, that certain nutrients and food components are to 
    be included in nutrition labeling. Section 403(q)(2)(A) and (q)(2)(B) 
    of the act state that the Secretary of Health and Human Services (the 
    Secretary) (and, by delegation, FDA) can, by regulation, add or delete 
    nutrients to be included in the food label or labeling if he or she 
    finds such action necessary to assist consumers in maintaining healthy 
    dietary practices. In response to this provision, in the Federal 
    Register of November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366), FDA published a proposed 
    rule entitled ``Food Labeling; Reference Daily Intakes and Daily 
    Reference Values; Mandatory Status of Nutrition Labeling and Nutrient 
    Content Revision'' (hereinafter referred to as ``the November 27, 1991, 
    proposal'') to modify the July 19, 1990, proposal. In the November 27, 
    1991, proposal, the agency proposed to require that foods bear 
    nutrition labeling listing certain nutrients and the amount of those 
    nutrients in a serving of the food.
        In the November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366 at 60371) proposal, FDA also 
    addressed the conditions under which other nutrients could voluntarily 
    be included in nutrition labeling. FDA did not propose to include trans 
    fatty acids (throughout this preamble FDA has used the terms ``trans 
    fatty acids'' and ``trans fat'' interchangeably; likewise, for the 
    terms ``saturated fatty acids'' and ``saturated fat'') among the 
    nutrients that could voluntarily be listed on the nutrition label, but 
    requested comments on this position.
        In the Federal Register of January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2079), FDA issued 
    a final rule entitled ``Food Labeling: Mandatory Status of Nutrition 
    Labeling and Nutrient Content Revision, Format for Nutrition Label'' 
    (hereinafter referred to as ``the nutrition labeling final rule'') that 
    prescribes how nutrition labeling is to be provided on the foods that 
    are regulated by the agency. The new regulations required the 
    declaration of total fat and of saturated fat, with the declaration of 
    monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat (both defined as the cis 
    isomers only) required only when claims are made about fatty acids and 
    cholesterol. Based on its review of the comments, the agency stated 
    that it was premature to require the presence of trans fatty acids on 
    the nutrition label because of a lack of consensus on the dietary 
    implications of trans fatty acids intake. However, the agency 
    acknowledged that it might be necessary to revisit the labeling of 
    trans fatty acids in the future (58 FR 2079 at 2090 to 2092).
    B. Nutrient Content Claims
        Section 403(r)(1)(A) of the act, which also was added by the 1990 
    amendments, provides that a product is misbranded if it bears a claim 
    on its label or labeling that either expressly or implicitly 
    characterizes the level of any nutrient of the type required to be 
    declared as part of nutrition labeling, unless such claim has been 
    specifically defined by regulation under section 403(r)(2)(A) of the 
    act (or the product is otherwise exempted under the act). In response 
    to this provision, FDA published two proposed rules in the Federal 
    Register of November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60421 and 56 FR 60478). The first 
    document entitled ``Food Labeling: Nutrient Content Claims, General 
    Principles, Petitions, Definition of Terms,'' covered general 
    principles for nutrient content claims and proposed, in part, to define 
    certain nutrient content claims, to provide for their use on food 
    labels, and to establish procedures for the submission and review of 
    petitions regarding the use of specific nutrient content claims. In the 
    other document entitled ``Food
    [[Page 62747]]
    Labeling: Definitions of Nutrient Content Claims for the Fat, Fatty 
    Acid, and Cholesterol Content of Food'' (hereinafter referred to as the 
    ``fat, fatty acid, and cholesterol proposed rule''), the agency 
    proposed definitions for fat, fatty acid, and cholesterol nutrient 
    content claims, but not for ``saturated fat free.''
        A number of comments in response to the fat, fatty acid, and 
    cholesterol proposed rule strongly recommended that FDA define the term 
    ``saturated fat free.'' In the Federal Register of January 6, 1993 (58 
    FR 2302 at 2419), FDA issued a final rule entitled ``Food Labeling: 
    Nutrient Content Claims, General Principles, Petitions, Definition of 
    Terms; Definitions of Nutrient Content Claims for the Fat, Fatty Acid, 
    and Cholesterol Content of Food,'' (hereinafter referred to as the 
    ``nutrient content claims final rule'') (58 FR 2302 at 2419), that 
    defined ``saturated fat free'' to mean that the food contains less than 
    0.5 gram (g) of saturated fat per reference amount customarily consumed 
    (``reference amount'') and that the level of trans fatty acids in the 
    food does not exceed 1 percent of the total fat in the food 
    (Sec. 101.62(c)(1)(i) (21 CFR 101.62(c)(1)(i))). FDA included the 
    latter criterion because scientific evidence suggested that trans fatty 
    acids act in a similar manner to saturated fat with respect to raising 
    serum cholesterol and, therefore, should be present at insignificant 
    levels when claims are made about saturated fats. The agency stated 
    that it would be misleading for products that were labeled ``saturated 
    fat free'' to contain measurable amounts of trans fatty acids because 
    consumers would expect such products to be ``free'' of other components 
    that significantly raise serum cholesterol. The agency stated that 1 
    percent was the appropriate threshold because analytical methods for 
    measuring trans fatty acids below that level were not reliable (58 FR 
    2302 at 2332).
        Technical comments that FDA received after publication of the 
    nutrient content claims final rule objected to the 1 percent criterion 
    for trans fatty acids in the definition of ``saturated fat free.'' A 
    comment pointed out that a cookie containing 1.5 g of total fat would 
    be allowed to have only 0.015 g of trans fatty acids, an amount that 
    could not be accurately measured (58 FR 44020 at 44027). These comments 
    persuaded FDA to revise the trans fatty acids criterion for the 
    definition of ``saturated fat free'' in Sec. 101.62(c)(1)(i) to require 
    that a food contain less than 0.5 g trans fatty acids per reference 
    amount and per labeled serving to be eligible to bear the claim. The 
    agency selected this amount because of the reliable limit of detection 
    of trans fatty acids and because it corresponds to the amount of 
    saturated fat and total fat selected for the claims ``saturated fat 
    free'' and ``fat free,'' respectively. FDA incorporated this change in 
    technical amendments to the nutrient content claims final rule that it 
    published in the Federal Register on August 18, 1993 (58 FR 44020 at 
    C. Disqualification/Disclosure Levels
        The 1990 amendments addressed health claims by amending the act to 
    specify, in part, that a food is misbranded if it bears a claim that 
    expressly or by implication characterizes the relationship of any 
    nutrient that is of the type required in section 403(q)(1) or (q)(2) of 
    the act to be in the label or labeling of the food to a disease or 
    health-related condition unless the claim meets the requirements of a 
    regulation authorizing its use. Section 403(r)(3)(A)(ii) of the act 
    provides that a health claim may only be made for a food that does not 
    contain, as determined by regulation, a nutrient in an amount that 
    increases to persons in the general population the risk of a disease or 
    health-related condition that is diet related. FDA describes these 
    levels as ``disqualifying'' levels.
        In the case of certain nutrient content claims, section 
    403(r)(2)(B) of the act, as amended, requires that the label or 
    labeling of any food that contains a nutrient at a level that increases 
    to persons in the general population the risk of a disease or health-
    related condition that is diet related shall contain, prominently and 
    in immediate proximity to such claim, the following statement: ``See 
    nutrition information for ________ content.'' The blank shall identify 
    the nutrient associated with the increased risk of disease or health-
    related condition. FDA refers to these levels as ``disclosure levels.''
        FDA established disqualifying levels in Sec. 101.14(a)(5) (21 CFR 
    101.14(a)(5)) for fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium in the 
    health claims final rule (58 FR 2478, January 6, 1993). It also 
    established disclosure levels for these nutrients in Sec. 101.13(h) (21 
    CFR 101.13(h)) in the nutrient content claims final rule (58 FR 2302). 
    The nutrient levels are the same for both disqualification and 
    disclosure. During that rulemaking, the agency did not consider 
    disqualifying or disclosure levels for trans fatty acids due to the 
    inconclusiveness of scientific evidence concerning their impact on 
    public health.
    II. The Petition From the Center for Science in the Public Interest 
        CSPI submitted a citizen petition dated February 14, 1994, which 
    was assigned FDA Docket No. 94P-0036/CP1. In the petition, CSPI stated 
    that an increasing body of evidence suggests that dietary trans fatty 
    acids raise blood cholesterol levels, thereby increasing the risk of 
    coronary heart disease (CHD). The petitioner argued that the food 
    labeling rules issued to implement the 1990 amendments do not 
    adequately reflect the effect of dietary trans fatty acids on CHD. The 
    petitioner stated that consumers expect the number of grams of 
    saturated fat listed on the nutrition label to represent all the 
    ``heart-unhealthy'' fat in the product, and that, in many foods, the 
    number of grams of saturated fat underestimates the total amount of 
    ``heart-unhealthy'' fats because trans fatty acids are not included in 
    the declared value. The petition included examples of products in which 
    the declared amount of saturated fat accounted for only half of the 
    ``heart-unhealthy'' fat. Accordingly, CSPI requested that FDA amend the 
    definition of saturated fatty acids in Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i) (21 CFR 
    101.9(c)(2)(i)) to include trans fatty acids so that the declaration of 
    saturated fat on the nutrition label would provide consumers with 
    complete information on all ``heart-unhealthy'' fatty acids.
        CSPI also requested that all saturated fat claims in Sec. 101.62(c) 
    be based on the combined level of saturated and trans fatty acids. The 
    petitioner requested that these claims be prohibited unless the levels 
    of saturated and trans fat combined meet FDA's saturated fat criteria 
    for such claims. The petitioner contended that consumers may assume 
    that the level of saturated fat allowed for these claims includes all 
    of the ``heart-unhealthy'' fat in a product. The petitioner stated that 
    the level allowed should include trans fatty acids because of the 
    substantial and growing amount of evidence demonstrating that trans 
    fatty acids increase the risk of CHD.
        Further, the petitioner maintained that without a limit on the 
    trans fatty acid content in foods with the previously mentioned claims, 
    manufacturers could replace saturated fat with trans fatty acids. To 
    support its position, the petitioner provided numerous product labels 
    bearing nutrient content claims for the content of saturated fat or 
    cholesterol. These products appear to contain trans fatty acids 
    (calculated by subtracting the sum of saturated, polyunsaturated, and 
    monounsaturated fat from total fat) in
    [[Page 62748]]
    higher amounts than saturated fatty acids.
        The petitioner stated that FDA has already taken a positive step in 
    this area by imposing a 0.5 g limit on trans fat allowed in foods that 
    have the claim ``saturated fat free.'' However, the petitioner 
    requested that the criteria for saturated fat of 0.5 g should refer to 
    the level of saturated and trans fat combined. The petitioner pointed 
    out that without this change, the level of ``heart-unhealthy'' fat can 
    be almost 1.0 g, which is the limit for ``low'' in saturates. The 
    petitioner stated that consumers expect foods that have the claim 
    ``saturated fat free'' to be free of components that significantly 
    raise serum cholesterol. Thus, it would be misleading for such products 
    to contain significant amounts of ``heart-unhealthy'' fat.
        With respect to ``low in saturated fat,'' this claim is currently 
    defined in Sec. 101.62(c)(2)(i) as 1 g or less of saturated fat per 
    reference amount and 15 percent or less of calories from saturated fat. 
    The petitioner requested that this definition should read ``1 g or less 
    total of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids combined per 
    reference amount customarily consumed and not more than 15 percent of 
    calories from saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids combined.''
        Similarly, the petitioner requested that the definition for 
    ``reduced saturated fat'' in Sec. 101.62(c)(4)(i) of at least a 25 
    percent reduction in saturated fat should be amended to be a 25 percent 
    reduction in saturated and trans fat combined.
        The petitioner also requested that all saturated fat claims for 
    meal products and main dishes (i.e., ``saturated fat free'' in 
    Sec. 101.62(c)(1)(i), ``low in saturated fat'' in Sec. 101.62(c)(3)(i), 
    and ``reduced saturated fat'' in Sec. 101.62(c)(5)(i)) be amended to 
    reflect the combined level of saturated and trans fatty acids. The 
    petitioner made a similar request regarding ``lean'' and ``extra lean'' 
    claims (Sec. 101.62(e)).
        In addition, the petitioner requested that the saturated fat 
    threshold on all cholesterol claims for foods, meal products, and main 
    dishes (i.e., ``cholesterol free'' (Sec. 101.62(d)(1)(i)(C) and 
    (d)(1)(ii)(C)), ``low cholesterol'' (Sec. 101.62(d)(2)(i)(B), 
    (d)(2)(ii)(B), (d)(2)(iii)(B), (d)(2)(iv)(B), and (d)(3)), and 
    ``reduced cholesterol'' (Sec. 101.62(d)(4)(i)(B), (d)(4)(ii)(B), 
    (d)(5)(i)(B), and (d)(5)(ii)(B))) be amended to reflect the combined 
    level of saturated and trans fatty acids.
        CSPI also requested that the disqualification and disclosure levels 
    for health and nutrient content claims be amended to reflect combined 
    levels of saturated fat and trans fatty acids. For example, CSPI 
    requested that the disqualifying nutrient level for health claims in 
    Sec. 101.14(a)(5) and the disclosure level for nutrient content claims 
    in Sec. 101.13(h)(1) be changed from 4 g saturated fat to 4 g of 
    saturated and trans fatty acids combined.
        Further, CSPI requested that FDA limit ``vegetable oil'' claims 
    (e.g., ``made with vegetable oil,'' ``cooked in 100 percent vegetable 
    oil'') to foods that are low in both saturated and trans fatty acids. 
    Finally, the petitioner requested that FDA require that ``partially 
    hydrogenated'' fat be listed on food labels as ``partially saturated'' 
        On July 13, 1998, CSPI amended its petition in a way that would 
    maintain the definition of saturated fat in Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i), yet 
    provide consumers with information on the trans fatty acid content of 
    the food. The amended petition continued to request that the number of 
    grams of trans fatty acids in a food be added to the number declared 
    for saturated fatty acids. However, in its amendment, the petitioner 
    suggested two methods that would alert the consumer to the presence of 
    trans fatty acids. In the first method, an asterisk would be used after 
    ``Saturated fat'' when trans fatty acids are present. The asterisk 
    would refer to an asterisk at the bottom of the nutrition label 
    followed by a footnote explaining that the declaration of saturated 
    fatty acids ``Contains ______ g oftrans fat.'' Alternatively, CSPI 
    suggested that the terminology on the nutrition label be changed from 
    ``Saturated fat'' to ``Saturated + trans fat.''
        The agency's tentative response to the petition and to the comments 
    on the petition follows.
    III. Statutory Authority
        FDA is proposing to amend its regulations governing nutrient 
    content claims and nutrition labeling to include provisions on trans 
    fatty acids. FDA is proposing to take these actions under sections 
    201(n) 403(a)(1), 403(q), 403(r), and 701(a) of the act (21 U.S.C. 
    321(n), 343(a)(1), 343(q), 343(r), and 371(a)). Under section 201(n) of 
    the act, labeling is misleading if it fails to reveal facts that are 
    material in the light of representations made in the labeling or that 
    are material with respect to the consequences that may result from the 
    use of the food under the conditions of use prescribed in the labeling 
    or under such conditions of use as are customary or usual. Section 
    403(a)(1) of the act prohibits labeling that is false or misleading. 
    Section 403(q) of the act allows the Secretary, in section 403(q)(2)(A) 
    of the act, to require by regulation nutrition information about 
    nutrients other than those specified in section 403(q)(1) of the act to 
    assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices. Under 
    section 403(r) of the act, a food is misbranded if its labeling uses 
    terms that have not been defined by regulation issued under section 
    403(r)(2)(A)(i) to characterize the level of any nutrient in a food, or 
    if, in violation of section 403(r)(2)(A)(iv), cholesterol levels are 
    not specified in immediate proximity to saturated fat claims. In 
    addition, under section 403(r)(2)(A)(vi) of the act, the Secretary by 
    regulation may prohibit a claim about the level of a nutrient because 
    it is misleading in light of the level of another nutrient in the food. 
    Section 403(r)(2)(B) of the act requires that the labeling of any food 
    bearing a nutrient content claim that contains a nutrient at a level 
    that increases to persons in the general population the risk of a 
    disease or health-related condition that is diet related must contain, 
    prominently and in immediate proximity to such nutrient content claim, 
    a disclosure statement specified by that section of the act. Moreover, 
    section 403(r)(3)(A)(ii) of the act provides that FDA establish by 
    regulation disqualifying levels for health claims to ensure that health 
    claims cannot be made for products that contain nutrients in amounts 
    that increase to persons in the general population the risk of a 
    disease or health-related condition that is diet related. Finally, 
    section 701(a) of the act gives the Secretary the authority to issue 
    regulations for the efficient enforcement of the act.
    IV. Trans Fatty Acids
    A. Definitions
    1. Fats
        Fats are energy-yielding nutrients that are found in most foods. 
    Dietary fats are composed of fatty acids and glycerol. Dietary fatty 
    acids consist of carbon chains of various lengths and a terminal 
    carboxyl group. The carbon atoms in these chains are connected by 
    single or double bonds. Hydrogen atoms are attached to the noncarboxyl 
    2. Fatty Acid Nomenclature
        A saturated fatty acid has no double bonds between the carbon atoms 
    in the chain. Therefore, a maximum number of hydrogens (i.e., 2) are 
    attached to each carbon atom, except for the end carbons, and 
    ``saturate'' the carbon chain. An ``unsaturated'' fatty acid may 
    contain one or more double bonds between carbon atoms and, therefore, 
    two fewer hydrogen atoms per double bond. A
    [[Page 62749]]
    fatty acid with a single double bond is called a ``monounsaturated 
    fatty acid.'' A fatty acid with two or more double bonds is called a 
    ``polyunsaturated fatty acid.''
        Fatty acids are identified by the number of carbons and the number 
    of the carbon-carbon double bonds. For example, stearic acid, a 
    saturated fatty acid, has 18 carbons and no double bonds. The shorthand 
    notation for this fatty acid is ``C18:0.'' Some examples of other 
    saturated fatty acids are lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0), and 
    palmitic (C16:0) acids. The most common dietary monounsaturated fatty 
    acid is oleic acid, C18:1, which has 18 carbons and one double bond. 
    The most common dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid is linoleic acid, 
    C18:2, which has 18 carbons and 2 double bonds.
    3. Cis and Trans Isomers
        Most naturally-occurring dietary unsaturated fatty acids are in a 
    ``cis'' configuration, i.e., the two hydrogen bonds attached to two 
    carbons are on the same side of the molecule at the double bond which 
    gives the molecule a ``bend'' at the site of the double bond. These 
    bent molecules cannot pack easily together, so fats of these molecules 
    are more often in a liquid form. In a ``trans'' configuration, the 
    hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon atoms at a double bond are not on 
    the same side of the double bond (``trans'' means ``across'' in Latin). 
    This arrangement of hydrogen atoms stabilizes the molecule in a 
    relatively straight contour. Trans isomers are primarily the result of 
    the hydrogenation process. One common trans fatty acid is 
    monounsaturated trans-C18:1.
    4. Hydrogenation
        Chemical hydrogenation is the process by which hydrogen atoms are 
    added to unsaturated sites on the carbon chains of fatty acids in the 
    presence of catalysts, thereby reducing the number of double bonds. 
    ``Partial hydrogenation'' describes an incomplete saturation of the 
    double bonds, in which some double bonds remain but may be moved in 
    their positions on the carbon chain and changed from a cis to trans 
    configuration or isomer.
        Hydrogenation increases the melting point, shelf life, and flavor 
    stability of unsaturated fatty acids. Through hydrogenation, oils 
    (i.e., fats in liquid form), such as soybean, safflower, and cottonseed 
    oil, which are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, are converted to semi-
    solids and solids that are useful in margarines and vegetable 
        Hydrogenation also occurs in the digestive tract of ruminant 
    animals and results in some trans isomers in the fat components of 
    dairy and meat products from these animals. These isomers usually make 
    up only a small percent of the total fatty acids of such products.
        The partial hydrogenation process was developed in the 1930's and 
    has been in widespread commercial use since the 1940's. Dietary fats 
    containing hydrogenated fatty acids, such as those used in margarine, 
    have gradually displaced animal fats, such as butter and lard (Refs. 1 
    and 2). About two-thirds of the dietary fat consumed in the 1940's was 
    of animal origin. The balance was reversed by the 1960's, with two-
    thirds coming from fats of vegetable origin. This trend resulted in a 
    decrease in the intake of saturated fat and an increase in the intake 
    of polyunsaturated and trans fatty acids (Ref. 1).
    B. Review of the Science
        In support of its petition, CSPI cited a number of scientific 
    publications that related consumption of trans fatty acids to increased 
    risk of CHD, as well as statements by government and professional 
    bodies about trans fatty acids. FDA has reviewed both the scientific 
    evidence cited in the petition and available human study evidence 
    published since receipt of the petition. There are two recent reviews 
    of findings from animal studies on the effects of feeding animals trans 
    fatty acids (Refs. 1 and 3). These reviews indicate that results from 
    animal feeding studies do not parallel findings from human intervention 
    and epidemiological studies. Although the results from the animal and 
    human studies differ, FDA considers the findings from human studies 
    more directly relevant and, as explained below, persuasive evidence 
    with which to evaluate the influence of trans fatty acid consumption on 
    CHD in humans.
     1. Reviews by the Federal Government and the National Academy of 
    Sciences (NAS)
        A review of reports published by the Federal Government and the NAS 
    between the late 1980's and the present time on dietary trans fatty 
    acids shows that conclusions and recommendations are evolving as 
    results from significant new studies become available. For example, a 
    report by the Surgeon General in 1988 (Ref. 2) concluded that trans 
    fatty acids appeared to be neutral in their effects on serum lipids 
    predictive of CHD risk. Based on a limited number of animal and 
    observational studies, the Food and Nutrition Board of the NAS 
    concluded in 1989 that trans fatty acids appeared to have no 
    deleterious health effects (Ref. 4).
        More recently, the 1993 publication from the National Cholesterol 
    Education Program (NCEP) entitled ``Second Report of the Expert Panel 
    on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in 
    Adults'' (Ref. 5) stated:
        Recent research indicates that trans fatty acids raise LDL-
    cholesterol levels nearly as much as do cholesterol-raising 
    saturated fatty acids. Trans fatty acids account for about 3 percent 
    of total calories in the American diet; this amount causes a 
    definite increase in LDL-cholesterol levels, but of course less than 
    the more abundant cholesterol-raising saturated fatty acids. 
    Improvements in food technology in the future may reduce the trans 
    fatty acid content of the American diet. In the meantime patients 
    with high cholesterol should limit their intake of foods high in 
    trans fatty acids such as hydrogenated shortenings, some margarines 
    and foods containing these fats.
        The fourth edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Ref. 6), a 
    joint 1995 publication from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 
    and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), stated:
        Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, such as those used in 
    many margarines and shortenings, contain a particular form of 
    unsaturated fat known as trans-fatty acids that may raise blood 
    cholesterol levels, although not as much as saturated fat.
    2. Published Human Research Studies
        FDA previously reviewed studies on trans fatty acids in the Federal 
    Register of November 27, 1991 (56 FR 60366 at 60371) proposal on 
    nutrition labeling and in its 1993 final rule for a health claim for 
    dietary saturated fat and cholesterol and CHD (58 FR 2739 at 2744). The 
    latter document included a review of studies considered in that health 
    claim evaluation. As a result of its review, the agency concluded that 
    the available scientific evidence was insufficient to make a policy 
    decision regarding dietary trans fatty acids and risk of CHD, noting 
    that the ``low fat'' eligibility requirement gave little room for 
    products to contain high levels of trans fatty acids. The agency has 
    focused its current review on studies cited in the petitioner's 
    submission plus recent studies in humans identified by a supplemental 
    literature search.
        To target its review of the available evidence on trans fatty acids 
    and CHD risk, the agency focused on the physiological measures that 
    were identified as valid predictors of increased risk for CHD, which 
    were published in the Second Report of the Expert Panel on Detection, 
    Evaluation, and Treatment of High Cholesterol in
    [[Page 62750]]
    Adults (Ref. 5). That Expert Panel identified a high blood cholesterol 
    level in adults as a major risk factor for CHD. In particular, that 
    study reported that a direct relationship had been demonstrated between 
    serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations and 
    rate of CHD. Intervention studies had shown that lowering plasma LDL-C 
    by dietary means and drug therapy can reduce this risk, and 
    recommendations for dietary interventions were made relative to their 
    effect on serum LDL-C concentrations.
        Based on the findings of the NCEP Expert Panel (Ref. 5), FDA has 
    concluded that an examination of the effects of trans fatty acids on 
    serum LDL-C would provide the strongest evidence, and should be the 
    primary criterion, to evaluate whether trans fatty acids influence the 
    risk of CHD. The agency also compiled changes in serum total and high 
    density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and serum lipoproteins to 
    present a more complete picture of serum lipid changes.
        FDA reviewed findings from intervention and observational studies 
    to evaluate the evidence that dietary trans fatty acids influence blood 
    lipid levels in humans and increase their risk of CHD. In the present 
    review, FDA gave greater weight to results from dietary intervention 
    studies because of the ability of intervention studies to provide 
    evidence for a cause-effect relationship (Ref. 4). FDA regarded results 
    from observational (epidemiologic) studies, which can identify 
    associations between dietary intake and risk of CHD but which do not 
    provide direct evidence for cause and effect (Ref. 4), as indirect 
    evidence for a relationship between trans fatty acids intake and risk 
    of CHD. Because ``repeated and consistent findings of an association 
    between certain dietary factors and diseases are likely to be real and 
    indicative of a cause-effect relationship'' (Ref. 4), FDA heavily 
    weighted the consistency of results among studies.
        Results of the intervention and observational studies are shown in 
    Tables 1 and 2 of Appendix A of this document, respectively. A summary 
    of the effects of trans fatty acids on serum LDL-C, shown in the 
    dietary intervention studies detailed in Table 1 of Appendix A is 
    presented in Table 3 of Appendix A.
        a. Intervention studies. Controlled dietary intervention studies 
    (feeding trials) using test fats containing trans fatty acids have been 
    conducted in the Netherlands (Refs. 7 and 8), Norway (Ref. 9), Finland 
    (Ref. 10), Australia (Refs. 11 and 36), and the United States (Refs. 
    12, 13, 14, 15, 34, and 82). As detailed in Table 1 of this document, 
    test products consisted of partially hydrogenated vegetable and fish 
    oils commercially available in the study country or products especially 
    prepared for the study and similar to the partially hydrogenated oil 
    products used in the country.
        Serum LDL-C levels measured after consumption of diets containing 
    low levels of trans fatty acids were compared with serum LDL-C levels 
    measured after consumption of diets in which trans fatty acids replaced 
    cis-polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA's) (mainly linoleic acid), cis-
    monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA's) (mainly oleic acid), or saturated 
    fatty acids (varying combinations of lauric, myristic, palmitic, and 
    stearic acids). Within studies, the saturated fatty acid content of 
    diets was not increased, and in some studies was decreased, by the 
    inclusion of trans fat sources. See Table 1 of this document for 
    details about fatty acids composition of diets.
        In these studies, partially hydrogenated oils were incorporated 
    into diets fed to adult men and women for experimental periods of 3-
    week (Refs. 7, 8, 9, 11, and 36), 4.5-week (Ref. 13), 5-week (Refs. 10, 
    34, and 82), or 6-week (Refs. 12, 14, and 15) intervals at levels 
    providing 2.4 to 10.9 percent of energy intake as trans fatty acids. At 
    the levels of dietary energy consumed, study participants consumed from 
    2.1 g/day to 38.3 g/day of trans fatty acids (see Table 1 of Appendix A 
    of this document for details).
        Overall, consumption of diets containing higher levels of trans 
    fatty acids resulted in significantly higher LDL-C levels when trans 
    fatty acids sources replaced fats high in cis-PUFA (mainly linoleic 
    acid) or cis-MUFA (mainly oleic acid). With respect to studies 
    comparing diets containing trans fatty acids to diets containing higher 
    levels of cis-PUFA, Lichtenstein et al. (1993) found that LDL-C levels 
    were 8.4 percent higher in 14 mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects 
    after consumption of NCEP Step 2 diets containing 12.5 g/day of trans 
    fatty acids for 3 weeks compared to a linoleic acid diet providing a 
    daily intake of only 1.2 g/day of trans fatty acids (Ref. 13). (The 
    Step 2 diet is an intensive dietary therapy for high blood cholesterol 
    recommended by the NCEP when less restrictive dietary intervention has 
    not resulted in serum LDL-C reduction (Ref. 5).) In a second study, 
    Lichtenstein et al., (1999) (Ref. 82) found that serum LDL-C 
    concentrations increased in a stepwise manner when 36 subjects consumed 
    NCEP Step 2 diets containing four hydrogenated soybean oil products 
    (semiliquid margarine, soft margarine, shortening, and stick margarine) 
    compared to a Step 2 diet containing unhydrogenated soybean oil. Trans 
    fatty acids intakes of subjects consuming hydrogenated products ranged 
    from 2.9 g/day for men and 2.1g/day for women consuming the semiliquid 
    margarine diet to 20.8 g/day for men and 15.8 g/day for women consuming 
    the stick margarine diet. Trans fatty acids intakes of subjects 
    consuming the soybean oil diet were 1.7 g/day for men and 1.3 g/day for 
    women (Ref. 82).
        Zock and Katan (1992) also reported LDL-C levels 8.5 percent higher 
    in 56 normolipidemic subjects after consumption of a diet containing 
    24.5 g/day of trans fatty acids compared to a linoleic acid diet 
    providing less than 0.05 g/day of trans fatty acids (Ref. 8). In a less 
    rigorously controlled study, Wood et al. (Ref. 15) reported that serum 
    LDL-C levels were increased 6.1 percent in 38 healthy men after 
    consumption of a hard margarine diet containing at least 15.8 g/day of 
    trans fatty acids compared to a soft margarine diet with unspecified, 
    but presumably lower, levels of trans fatty acids (Ref. 14).
        Other studies compared trans diets to diets containing oleic acid. 
    Compared to an oleic acid diet providing about 2 g/day trans fatty 
    acids, LDL-C levels in 58 healthy men and women were 6.0 percent higher 
    after consumption of diets containing moderate levels of trans fatty 
    acids (7.6 g/day in an 1,800 kilocalories (kcal)/day diet or 11.8 g/day 
    in a 2,800 kcal/day diet) and 7.8 percent higher after consumption of 
    diets containing higher levels of trans fatty acids (13.2 g/day for the 
    1,800 kcal diet or 20.5 g/day for the 2,800 kcal diet) (Ref. 12). 
    Mensink and Katan (1990) had earlier reported 13.9 percent higher 
    levels of LDL-C in 59 healthy men and women after consumption of a diet 
    containing 33.6 g/day of trans fatty acids compared to an oleic acid 
    diet providing no trans fatty acids (Ref. 7). Nestel et al. (1992) also 
    reported LDL-C levels 9.2 percent higher in 27 mildly 
    hypercholesterolemic men after consumption of a diet providing 15.6 g/
    day of trans fatty acids compared to an oleic acid diet providing 
    intakes of 3.8 g/day trans fatty acids (Ref. 11). It should be noted 
    that changes in serum total cholesterol concentrations tended to 
    parallel changes in LDL-C in these studies; HDL-C levels either did not 
    differ significantly between treatment groups or were lower after 
    consumption of trans fatty acid diets than after cis-MUFA or PUFA diets 
    (see Table 1 of Appendix A of this document).
    [[Page 62751]]
        Consumption of diets in which trans fatty acids replaced some 
    dietary saturated fatty acids resulted in LDL-C levels that were not 
    significantly different or were lower than LDL-C levels after 
    consumption of diets containing saturated fatty acids, although 
    generally not as low as the reduction in saturated fatty acids would 
    suggest. Aro et al. (Ref. 10), Zock and Katan (Ref. 8), and Nestel et 
    al. (Ref. 11) reported that LDL-C levels following consumption of diets 
    containing 24.9, 24.5, or 15.6 g/day, respectively, of trans fatty 
    acids were not significantly different from LDL-C levels following 
    consumption of saturated fatty acid diets providing mainly stearic acid 
    or palmitic acid and providing 1 to 3 g/day of trans fatty acids. Judd 
    et al. (1994) reported no significant difference in LDL-C in 58 
    apparently healthy subjects after consumption of a diet containing a 
    high level of trans fatty acids (13.2 or 20.5 g/day) compared to a 
    saturated fatty acid diet providing about 2 g/day of trans fatty acids 
    (Ref. 12). Although, at a moderate level of trans fatty acid intake 
    (7.6 or 11.8 g/day), LDL-C levels were 2.7 percent lower compared to 
    the saturated fatty acid diet, these LDL-C levels were still 
    significantly higher than after consumption of the cis-MUFA (oleic 
    acid) diet (Ref. 12). In these diets, trans fatty acids replaced 
    lauric, myristic, and palmitic acids; stearic acid levels provided 3 
    percent of energy in all diets.
        In a 1998 study, Judd et al. (Ref. 34) reported that LDL-C 
    decreased 4.9 percent after consumption of a diet containing a trans 
    fatty acids margarine and providing 13 and 9 g/day of trans fatty acids 
    to men and women, respectively, compared to a diet containing butter 
    and foods providing 9 and 7 g/day of trans fatty acids for men and 
    women (Ref. 34). At trans fatty acids intakes of 6.4 g/day or 6.8 g/day 
    (Ref. 36) and 12.5 g/day (Ref. 13), LDL-C levels were lower in mildly 
    hypercholesterolemic subjects after replacement of some saturated fatty 
    acids by trans fatty acids. Almendingen et al. (Ref. 9) also reported 
    6.0 percent lower LDL-C levels in 30 healthy men after consumption of 
    diets containing 22.6 to 38.3 g/day of trans fatty acids from partially 
    hydrogenated soy oil than after a saturated fat (butter) diet providing 
    only 2 to 4 g/day of trans fatty acids but no difference after 
    consumption of a diet containing 21.6 to 36.1 g/day of trans fatty 
    acids from partially hydrogenated fish oil compared to the saturated 
    fat diet. Mensink and Katan (Ref. 7) reported LDL-C levels 3.2 percent 
    lower in 59 healthy men and women after consumption of a diet 
    containing 33.6 g/day of trans fatty acids than after a saturated fatty 
    acid diet high in lauric and palmitic acids and containing 2.4 g/day 
    trans fatty acids.
        In a 1999 study, Lichtenstein et al. (Ref. 82), found that serum 
    LDL-C concentrations decreased in a stepwise manner when 36 subjects 
    consumed NCEP Step 2 diets containing four hydrogenated soybean oil 
    products (stick margarine, shortening, soft margarine, and semiliquid 
    margarine) compared to a butter diet containing the same amount of 
    total fat and 3.9 g/day and 2.9 g/day of trans fatty acids for men and 
    women, respectively. Trans fatty acids intakes of men and women 
    consuming stick margarine were 20.8 and 15.8 g/day, shortening 9.7 and 
    12.9 g/day, soft margarine 10.2 and 7.8 g/day, and semiliquid margarine 
    1.7 and 1.3 g/day (Ref. 82).
        Results from Mensink and Katan (Ref. 7), Judd et al. (1994 and 
    1998) (Refs. 12 and 34), and Lichtenstein et al. (1993 and 1999) (Refs. 
    13 and 82) indicate that consumption of diets containing trans fatty 
    acids results in LDL-C levels between those observed after consumption 
    of saturated fatty acid diets and cis-MUFA and PUFA diets; i.e., lower 
    than after consumption of saturated fatty acid diets but higher than 
    after cis-MUFA or PUFA diets. As noted previously in comparisons with 
    cis-MUFA and PUFA diets, changes in total cholesterol concentrations 
    also tended to parallel changes in LDL-C levels after consumption of 
    trans fatty acid diets compared to saturated fatty acid diets; HDL-C 
    levels either did not differ significantly between treatment groups or 
    were lower after consumption of trans fatty acid diets than after 
    saturated fatty acid diets.
        Interpretation of these intervention studies described previously 
    is complicated because trans fatty acids replace other dietary fatty 
    acids that also affect serum cholesterol levels. However, comparing 
    fatty acid composition of the test and control diets, these studies 
    consistently indicate that consumption of diets containing fats with 
    higher levels of trans fatty acids results in increased serum LDL-C, 
    the major dietary risk factor for CHD, compared with diets containing 
    cis-MUFA or PUFA fat sources and lower levels of trans fatty acids. The 
    studies that compare a saturated fat diet with a diet in which some of 
    the saturated fat has been replaced with trans fat also indicate that 
    trans fatty acids, like saturated fatty acids, increase serum LDL-C. 
    However, these studies do not conclusively show whether, on a gram-for-
    gram basis, the rise in LDL-C from trans fatty acids is as great as the 
    rise that results from saturated fatty acids.
        b. Observational (epidemiologic) studies. The observational studies 
    included in FDA's review in this proposed rule used two approximations 
    of trans fatty acids intake (adipose tissue concentrations and dietary 
    data) to examine associations between trans fatty acids intake and CHD 
    risk. Details of the observational studies are provided in Table 2 of 
    Appendix A of this document.
        One case-control study of 1,388 men in 9 countries (the ``EURAMIC 
    Study'') found no association between trans fatty acid concentrations 
    in adipose tissue and the risk of acute myocardial infarction (MI) 
    (Ref. 16). A second case-control study of 250 men in the United Kingdom 
    found that the mean concentration of trans fatty acids in adipose 
    tissue was lower in cases of sudden cardiac death (2.68 percent of 
    total fatty acids) than in healthy controls (2.86 percent of total 
    fatty acids) and that multivariate odds ratios for trans fatty acids 
    were not independently related to the risk of sudden cardiac death 
    (Ref. 17). Although trans fatty acid concentrations in adipose tissue 
    have been reported to reflect dietary intake, for example, London et 
    al. (Ref. 37), the relationship of differences in adipose tissue 
    concentrations of fatty acids to CHD risk remains uncertain.
        Other observational studies have reported positive associations 
    between estimated dietary intakes of trans fatty acids and incidence of 
    CHD manifested as risk of MI or acute MI (Refs. 16 and 18), risk of 
    nonfatal MI (Refs. 19, 38, 20, and 21), risk of mortality from CHD 
    (Refs. 17, 19, 20, 21, and 22), or increased risk of CHD predicted by 
    higher levels of serum total cholesterol and LDL-C (Refs. 18, 22, 23, 
    and 38). In a Massachusetts case-control study of the risk of MI in 239 
    men and women diagnosed with a first MI and in an age- and sex-matched 
    control group (n=282), relative risk of MI was 2.03 in the highest 
    quintile of trans fatty acids intake (about 6.7 g/day) compared to the 
    lowest quintile of intake (about 3.0 g/day) (Ref. 18). These estimates 
    took into account adjustments for standard risk factors for CHD as well 
    as intakes of saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, linoleic acid, and 
        Trans fatty acids intake showed a statistical association with 
    serum LDL-C (r = 0.09) in a multiple linear regression analysis in 748 
    men in the Normative Aging Study, conducted between 1987 and 1990 (Ref. 
    23). The mean trans fatty acids intake was determined to be 1.6 percent 
    of energy
    [[Page 62752]]
    intake and did not differ between groups who did or did not have high 
    serum total cholesterol concentrations 3 to 5 years earlier. 
    Associations between trans fatty acids intake and serum LDL-C were 
    stronger in the group who previously had high serum total cholesterol 
        In an univariate intercohort analysis of 16 cohorts of men in the 
    Seven Countries Study, Kromhout et al. (Ref. 22) reported that mean 
    intakes of trans fatty acids of cohorts ranging from 0.05 percent to 
    1.84 percent of energy were associated with serum total cholesterol (r 
    = 0.70) and with 25-year mortality rates from CHD (r = 0.78). In this 
    study, estimated intakes of trans fatty acids were based on composites 
    of foods retrospectively collected and analyzed in 1987 to approximate 
    average food intakes of each cohort reported during the baseline period 
    1958-1964. Independent effects of individual fatty acids and dietary 
    cholesterol on serum total cholesterol and CHD mortality could not be 
    analyzed in multivariate models because mean intakes of individual 
    saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids, and dietary cholesterol were 
    highly correlated among the cohorts.
        One prospective cohort study in Finland (Ref. 20) and three in the 
    United States (Refs. 19, 21, and 38) have reported higher CHD risk in 
    population quintiles with the highest intakes of trans fatty acids 
    compared to the quintiles with the lowest trans fatty acid intakes. In 
    21,930 male smokers, who were participants in the Finnish Alpha-
    Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study, higher trans fatty 
    acid intakes were associated with higher risk of major coronary event 
    and risk of CHD death. Relative risk (RR) of a major coronary event was 
    1.19 in the highest intake quintile (median intake 5.6 g/day) compared 
    to the lowest quintile (median intake 1.3 g/day) when the estimate was 
    adjusted for age and supplement group. An RR of an event associated 
    with trans fatty acid ingestion that is greater than 1 would be a risk 
    that is more likely to be associated with ingestion of trans fatty 
    acids. Additional adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors reduced 
    the RR to 1.14. With adjustments for age and supplement group, the RR 
    of CHD death was 1.38 in the highest intake quintile compared to the 
    lowest quintile. The association was also significant (RR = 1.39) after 
    adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors and dietary fiber. The 
    multivariate RR of coronary death for intakes of trans isomers from 
    hydrogenated vegetable fats was 1.23 (Ref. 20).
        In a cohort of 43,757 male health professionals followed for 6 
    years, median intakes of trans fatty acids were 1.5 g/day and 4.3 g/day 
    for the lowest and highest quintiles. Between these intake quintiles, 
    the RR of total MI (chi square for trend) was 1.27 after adjustment for 
    age, cardiovascular risk factors, and dietary fiber intake. The RR of 
    fatal CHD was similar to that for total MI (Ref. 19). In a cohort of 
    69,181 female nurses who reported that they had not changed their 
    margarine consumption over a 10-year period, the RR of CHD (nonfatal MI 
    or death from CHD) in relation to energy-adjusted trans fatty acids 
    intake was 1.67 for the highest intake quintile (mean intake 5.7 g/day) 
    compared to the lowest intake quintile (mean intake 2.4 g/day) after 8 
    years of followup (Ref. 21). Because intake of trans fatty acids was 
    strongly associated with intake of MUFA and linoleic acid, the RR value 
    reported here includes adjustments for dietary lipids. After 14 years 
    of followup in this study, the RR of CHD in relation to energy-adjusted 
    trans fat intake was 1.53 (Ref. 38).
        These epidemiologic investigations of associations between dietary 
    trans fatty acids and risk of CHD must be interpreted with caution 
    because of the imprecision associated with the dietary collection 
    methodologies used, the difficulty of eliminating confounding factors, 
    and because no dose-response relationship has been demonstrated in the 
    epidemiologic studies. However, despite these generally recognized 
    deficiencies in the observational studies, the repeated and consistent 
    findings from the observational studies suggest that consumption of 
    trans fatty acids is associated with adverse effects on CHD risk in 
    humans, which supports the findings from intervention studies.
        c. Estimates of dietary intake of trans fatty acids in the U.S. 
    population. Estimates of mean consumption of dietary trans fatty acids 
    in the United States range from about 3 g/day to about 13 g/day. Values 
    have been estimated from national food disappearance data (Refs. 24, 
    25, and 39), from dietary intakes reported in a national food 
    consumption survey (Ref. 26), and from food frequency data collected in 
    observational studies of trans fatty acids intakes and risk of CHD 
    (Refs. 18, 19, 21, and 23).
        Based on national food disappearance data, estimated mean values 
    for the daily per capita consumption of total trans fatty acids were 
    variable: 12.8 g/day (Ref. 24), 10.2 g/day (Ref. 39), and 8.1 g/day 
    (Ref. 25). Values estimated from food disappearance data tend to be 
    high because the data are collected before subtraction of losses that 
    occur during processing, marketing, cooking, and plate waste. However, 
    each of these three estimates did apply corrections for these types of 
    losses to varying degrees.
        One estimate of mean intake of trans fatty acids in the U.S. 
    population has been made based on dietary intake data reported by a 
    nationally representative sample of individuals in the 1989 through 
    1991 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals (CSFII) (Ref. 
    26). For this estimate, a food composition database with more extensive 
    data on the trans fatty acids contents of foods than those used for 
    many previous estimates was developed incorporating data released by 
    USDA in 1995. The estimated mean intake of trans fatty acids derived by 
    this approach was 5.3 g/day (2.6 percent of calories) and the 90th 
    percentile intake was 9.4 g/day for individuals 3 years of age and 
    older in the U.S. population. In comparison, the total saturated fatty 
    acid intake was 25.0 g/day and the 90th percentile intake was 40.6 g/
    day for this population.
        The previous estimates are somewhat higher than estimates made from 
    observational studies of trans fatty acids intake and risk of CHD in 
    the United States (Ref. 18, 19, 21, and 23). Estimates of mean trans 
    fatty acids intake based on food frequency data were 4.4 g/day for men 
    and 3.6 g/day for women in one observational study in the United States 
    (Ref. 18) and 3.4 g/day for men in another (Ref. 23). These estimates 
    included groups of participants who had MI or previous detection of 
    elevated serum cholesterol levels and subjects without those 
    characteristics. Some studies presented mean or median intakes for 
    quintiles of the population studied. Median intakes were 3.1 g/day for 
    men and 3.0 g/day for women in the lowest intake quintile and 6.7 g/day 
    for men and 6.8 g/day for women in the highest quintile (Ref. 18). 
    Another study reported intakes of 1.5 g/day and 5.3 g/day, 
    respectively, for the lowest and highest quintiles of male health 
    professionals (Ref. 19). For female nurses in the United States, mean 
    energy-adjusted intakes of trans fatty acids were 2.4 and 5.7 g/day, 
    respectively, for the lowest and highest quintiles of trans fatty acids 
    intake (Ref. 21). Because data on trans fatty acids contents of food in 
    food composition data bases were considered less than adequate for most 
    foods except fats and oils at the times these estimates were made (Ref. 
    28) and because some commonly consumed foods such as cookies, crackers, 
    and some salad dressings contain substantial amounts of trans fatty 
    acids (Refs. 29 and 30), the
    [[Page 62753]]
    food composition data component of these estimates may not have 
    included trans fatty acids content of all foods consumed. In addition, 
    these estimates, as well as all estimates of intakes based on food 
    frequency data (Ref. 27), may be subject to systematic bias toward 
    either over- or underestimation of quantities consumed, depending on 
    the design of the food frequency questionnaire.
        Overall, these estimates of mean trans fatty acids intakes are 
    similar to amounts of trans fatty acids provided in intervention 
    studies in the United States in which trans fatty acids contents were 
    determined by chemical analysis of duplicate portions of the diets and 
    in which statistically significant increases in serum LDL-C were 
    reported compared to diets containing cis-PUFA (Refs. 13, 34, and 82) 
    or cis-MUFA (Ref. 12). The intakes of trans fatty acids in these 
    intervention studies were 9 and 13 g/day (Ref. 34), 9.7 and 12.9 g/day 
    (Ref. 82), 12.5 g/day (Ref. 13), and as low as 7.6 g/day (Ref. 12). 
    Levels in these intervention studies are very similar to the estimated 
    intakes of the many individuals in the United States whose trans fatty 
    acids consumption is in the upper half of the intake distribution 
    (i.e., greater than the mean of 5.3 g/day) derived from food 
    consumption reported by a nationally representative sample of 
        d. Summary. Controlled intervention (feeding) studies in different 
    population groups in the United States and other countries consistently 
    indicate that consumption of diets containing trans fatty acids results 
    in elevations of serum LDL-C (the major dietary risk factor for CHD) 
    compared with consumption of diets containing cis-monounsaturated or 
    polyunsaturated fat sources. Although these studies are too short in 
    duration to provide direct evidence on the incidence of CHD, they 
    provide evidence for an effect of dietary trans fatty acids on LDL-C, a 
    biomarker and major risk factor for CHD. In addition, positive 
    statistical associations are consistently reported in observational 
    studies between estimated dietary intake of trans fatty acids in free-
    living populations and incidence of CHD manifested as first acute MI, 
    mortality from CHD, or increased risk of CHD predicted by higher levels 
    of serum total cholesterol and LDL-C.
        The available studies do not provide a definitive answer to the 
    question of whether trans fatty acids have an effect on LDL-C and CHD 
    risk equivalent to saturated fats on a gram-for-gram basis. They also 
    do not provide information about mechanisms responsible for the 
    observed increases in LDL-C. However, the repeated and consistent 
    findings under a variety of conditions that consumption of trans fatty 
    acids (1) results in increases in serum LDL-C when dietary saturated 
    fatty acids are not increased in intervention studies, and (2) is 
    associated in observational studies with increased risk of CHD are 
    strong evidence of a relationship between consumption of higher levels 
    of trans fatty acids and increased risk of CHD.
         Estimates of mean dietary intake of trans fatty acids by the U.S. 
    population are similar to the levels of trans fatty acids consumed in 
    three intervention trials in the United States in which serum LDL-C was 
    adversely affected and in which dietary content of trans fatty acids 
    was determined by chemical analysis (9 and 13 g/day, 12.5 g/day, and as 
    low as 7.6 g/day) (Refs. 34, 12, and 13). In addition, statistically 
    significant associations between trans fatty acids intakes and 
    increases in serum LDL-C concentrations among free-living populations 
    were seen in observational studies with intakes of 5.7 and 6.7 g/day 
    (Refs. 18 and 21).
    C. International Recommendations and Regulatory Initiatives
        Several national and international government bodies have recently 
    made recommendations or taken regulatory initiatives on trans fatty 
    acids. Internationally, a joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World 
    Health Organization (FAO/WHO) consultation recently addressed trans 
    fatty acids. In 1993, they recommended (Ref. 31):
        Governments should limit claims concerning the saturated fatty 
    acid content of foods which contain appreciable amounts of trans 
    fatty acids and should not allow foods that are high in trans fatty 
    acids to be labeled as being low in saturated fatty acids.
        The Department of Health, United Kingdom (UK) wrote in 1994 (Ref. 
        We recommend that, on average, trans fatty acids should provide 
    no more than the current average of about 2% of dietary energy and 
    that consideration should be given to ways of decreasing the amount 
    present in the diet.
    At this level of intake, a 2,000 calorie diet would provide a daily 
    intake of 4.4 g of trans fatty acids.
        In 1996, the government of Canada proposed that certain definitions 
    for nutrient content claims be revised to take into account the trans 
    fatty acid composition of foods for which claims were made (Ref. 33). 
    In 1998, Canada presented its proposed revisions to the criteria for 
    nutrient content claims (Ref. 41).
        Canada proposed to revise the definition of ``saturated fat free'' 
    to less than 0.2 g saturated fatty acids and less than 0.2 g trans 
    fatty acids per reference amount and per labeled serving and the 
    definition of ``low saturated fat'' to not more than 2 g saturated and 
    trans fatty acids combined per reference amount and per labeled serving 
    and per 50 g if the reference amount is 30 g or 30 milliliters or less, 
    and not more than 15 percent of energy from saturated and trans fatty 
    acids combined per reference amount and per labeled serving.
        For the claim ``reduced saturated fat,'' Canada proposed that the 
    product contain at least 25 percent less saturated fatty acids and, 
    where present, at least 25 percent less trans fatty acids per reference 
    amount (unless the trans fatty acid content is less than 0.2 g per 
    reference amount and per labeled serving) than the reference food and 
    the reference food must not meet the compositional criteria for ``low 
    in saturated fatty acids.''
        Canada proposed to define ``trans fatty acids free'' as less than 
    0.2 g trans fatty acids per reference amount and per labeled serving 
    and the food must meet the compositional criteria for ``low in 
    saturates.'' For ``reduced trans fatty acids,'' Canada proposed that 
    the product contain at least 25 percent and at least 1 g less trans 
    fatty acids per reference amount than the reference food and the 
    content of saturated fatty acids must not be increased in comparison to 
    the reference food.
    D. Conclusions
        Reports from the Federal Government and the NAS in the late 1980's 
    concluded that trans fatty acids did not appear to have deleterious 
    health effects. However, the 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans 
    recognized that trans fatty acids may raise blood cholesterol levels 
    although not as much as saturated fat (Ref. 6). In addition, the NCEP 
    publication entitled ``Second Report of the Expert Panel on Detection, 
    Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholestorol in Adults'' stated 
    that recent research indicates that trans fatty acids raise serum LDL-C 
    levels (the major dietary risk factor for CHD) nearly as much as 
    cholesterol-raising saturated fatty acids (Ref. 5).
        Based on an independent evaluation of studies cited in the 
    petitioner's submission, as well as recent studies in humans identified 
    by a supplemental literature search, the agency concludes that 
    controlled intervention studies in different population groups in the 
    United States and other countries consistently indicate that 
    consumption of diets containing trans fatty acids, like diets 
    containing saturated fats, results in increased serum LDL-C compared 
    with consumption of diets containing cis-
    [[Page 62754]]
    monounsaturated or cis-polyunsaturated fat sources. These findings are 
    consonant with findings from observational studies among free-living 
    persons in the United States and other countries.
        The magnitude of the effect of trans fatty acids on serum LDL-C 
    compared to the increase resulting from consumption of diets containing 
    saturated fat is not known; its estimation is complicated by the 
    different dietary conditions among studies. Estimates of mean dietary 
    intake of trans fatty acids by the U.S. population are similar to the 
    levels of trans fatty acids consumed in four intervention trials in the 
    United States in which serum LDL-C was adversely affected and in which 
    trans fatty acid contents of the diets were determined by chemical 
    analysis (9 and 13 g/day, 9.7 and 12.9 g/day, 12.5 g/day, and as low as 
    7.6 g/day) (Refs. 12, 13, 34, and 82). Statistically significant 
    associations between trans fatty acids intakes and increases in serum 
    LDL-C concentrations among free-living populations were observed with 
    intakes of 5.7 and 6.7 g/day (Refs. 19 and 21).
        Estimates of dietary intake of trans fatty acids of the U.S. 
    population by the various approaches described previously and the 
    estimated levels of trans fatty acids consumed in intervention trials 
    in which serum LDL-C was adversely affected are similar. Therefore, FDA 
    concludes that under conditions of use in the United States, 
    consumption of trans fatty acids contributes to increased serum LDL-C 
    levels, which increases the risk of CHD. This conclusion is consonant 
    with recent reports of other government and scientific bodies discussed 
    previously. Moreover, the similar impact on LDL-C evidenced for trans 
    fatty acids, as is known for saturated fatty acids, warrants serious 
    attention from a public health perspective. Thus, the agency finds that 
    addressing trans fatty acids in nutrition labeling and claims is 
    important to public health.
    V. Proposed Regulations
    A. Nutrition Labeling
     1. Inclusion of Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling
        FDA received approximately 1,000 letters in response to the 
    petition. Many of the letters were form letters from consumers in 
    support of the petition. One comment from the tropical oil industry 
    supported the disclosure of trans fatty acid content information but 
    recommended that trans fatty acids be declared as a separate line item 
    in the nutrition label. FDA also received letters from trade 
    associations representing the edible fats and oil industries, food 
    manufacturers, and nutrition and public health associations. These 
    letters generally disagreed with the petition and opposed modification 
    of existing food regulations to include consideration of trans fatty 
    acids. These comments, dating back to 1994, reported that data were 
    inadequate to assess the overall impact of trans fatty acids on health, 
    especially at the levels consumed.
        Section 403(q) of the act, which was added by the 1990 amendments, 
    states that a food shall be deemed to be misbranded if, with certain 
    exceptions, it fails to bear nutrition labeling. Congress enacted this 
    statute in recognition of the important role diet plays in the 
    maintenance of good health. Congress acted shortly after the 
    publication of two reports (Refs. 2 and 4) that concluded that 
    scientific evidence substantiated an association between dietary 
    factors and rates of chronic disease. Without specific nutrition 
    information on the labels, however, consumers were unable to determine 
    how individual foods fit into dietary regimens that adhered to the 
    dietary guidance in the reports. Accordingly, the 1990 amendments 
    mandated nutrition labeling on most foods to provide consumers with 
    information about specified nutrients that would help them choose more 
    healthful diets, as well as to create an incentive to food companies to 
    improve the nutritional qualities of their products.
        With an appreciation of the evolving nature of nutritional science, 
    Congress added section 403(q)(2) to the act that provides for nutrients 
    to be added or deleted from the list of required nutrients in nutrition 
    labeling if the Secretary (and, by delegation, FDA) finds such action 
    necessary to assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices.
        When FDA issued the current nutrition labeling regulations on 
    January 6, 1993, it required saturated fat to be listed. Current 
    regulations also require monounsaturated fatty acids and 
    polyunsaturated fatty acids to be listed when claims are made about 
    fatty acids or cholesterol. Their listing is voluntary at all other 
    times. For nutrition labeling purposes, monounsaturated and 
    polyunsaturated fatty acids are defined as the cis isomers, i.e., cis-
    monounsaturated and cis, cis- methylene-interrupted polyunsaturated 
    fatty acids (Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(ii) and (c)(2)(iii)).
        The listing of saturated fat is important information for consumers 
    who are attempting to make dietary selections because of the positive 
    relationship between saturated fat intake and increased serum LDL-C 
    levels. Based on its review of the available scientific literature (see 
    section IV.B of this document), FDA concludes that the scientific 
    evidence consistently shows that consumption of trans fatty acids also 
    contributes to increased serum LDL-C levels. Under current regulations 
    for the Nutrition Facts panel, trans fatty acids are included in the 
    declaration of total fat but are not included in the declaration of 
    types of fatty acids (i.e., saturated, monounsaturated, and 
    polyunsaturated fatty acids). Therefore, their presence in a food can 
    only be estimated by subtraction, i.e., by subtracting the sum of 
    saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids from the 
    value declared for total fat. This calculation can only be made when 
    monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are listed and is too 
    cumbersome for most consumers to be expected to accomplish. Therefore, 
    the food label is not helpful, and may be misleading, to consumers 
    seeking to purchase and consume foods that do not contain cholesterol-
    raising fats because information on trans fatty acids is not readily 
    available. Accordingly, the agency is persuaded that it would be 
    beneficial for food labels to include trans fatty acid content in 
    providing nutrition information so that consumers will not be misled 
    about the possible impact of a product on the risk of CHD. 
    Consequently, in accordance with section 403(q)(2)(A) of the act, FDA 
    is proposing that information on trans fatty acids be added to the 
    nutrition label to assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary 
        Four approaches for declaring trans fatty acids are included in the 
    petition, its amendment, and comments. These are: (1) Include trans 
    fatty acids with saturated fat and call the total value ``saturated 
    fat;'' (2) include trans fatty acids with saturated fat, call the total 
    value ``saturated fat,'' and add an asterisk after the term ``saturated 
    fat'' when the food contains trans fatty acids that refers to a 
    footnote stating ``Contains ______ g trans fat;'' (3) include trans 
    fatty acids with saturated fat and call the total value ``saturated + 
    trans fat;'' and (4) list trans fatty acids separately under saturated 
    fat. In addition, the agency considered a fifth approach that combines 
    two of these four approaches.
        The agency considers the options that would combine saturated fatty 
    acids and trans fatty acids into one numeric value to be the most 
    useful way of preventing
    [[Page 62755]]
    consumers from being misled about the possible impact of a food 
    containing trans fatty acids on the risk of CHD. More specifically, the 
    agency considers the option that would identify the combined amount as 
    ``Saturated fat*'' with the asterisk referring to a footnote indicating 
    the quantity of trans fat included in that amount to be the most 
    helpful and least confusing approach for declaring trans fatty acids.
         FDA does not prefer the petitioner's original approach of 
    including trans fatty acids in the definition of saturated fat in 
    Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i). This method would not inform consumers that the 
    declared value included trans fatty acids or provide them with 
    information on the trans fatty acid content of the food. In addition, 
    amending the regulatory definition of saturated fat would be 
    scientifically inaccurate because trans fatty acids are not saturated, 
    i.e., they contain double bonds. Current regulations define saturated 
    fatty acids as ``the sum of all fatty acids containing no double 
    bonds.'' The proposed approach would maintain this chemical definition.
        Also, one of the principles used by the agency in establishing 
    nutrient content claims is that the nutrient must be declared in the 
    nutrition label so that the claim is verifiable by reference to the 
    nutrition label. Accordingly, establishing a definition for ``trans fat 
    free'' would be precluded if the trans fatty acid content of the 
    product were not mentioned in the nutrition label.
        FDA is also not proposing the petitioner's third amended approach 
    of listing ``saturated + trans fat'' in one line of the nutrition label 
    because listing ``saturated + trans fat'' with one value representing 
    their combined weights does not enable consumers to know the content of 
    either. Furthermore, this approach would increase the economic burden 
    on industry by requiring label changes for all foods, even those that 
    do not contain trans fat.
        The agency also considered the approach of listing trans fatty 
    acids as a separate line item under saturated fat. This approach would 
    prevent consumers from misclassifying trans fatty acids as saturated 
    fats, when, in fact, they are chemically mono- and polyunsaturated 
    fatty acids. However, a great many consumers (almost 90 percent of 
    consumers in a 1995 survey (Ref. 81)) do not understand that trans 
    fatty acids raise serum LDL-C levels. Therefore, listing trans fats on 
    a separate line would not be helpful in assisting them to maintain 
    healthy dietary practice. Indeed, this approach has the potential of 
    confusing consumers by undermining the messages in the Dietary 
    Guidelines for Americans (Ref. 6) and NCEP (Ref. 5) that have focused 
    on saturated fat. FDA does not want to distract consumers from years of 
    consumer education messages about saturated fat, especially because the 
    average intake of saturated fat exceeds the average intake of trans fat 
    by about fivefold (approximately 25 g versus 5 g/day, respectively) 
    (Ref. 26). Thus, FDA tentatively concludes that it is preferable for 
    the two types of cholesterol-raising fats to be labeled in a manner 
    that emphasizes saturated fats. In this way, consumers will be able to 
    utilize their knowledge of saturated fat in making food selections. 
    However, FDA requests comments on this tentative conclusion and whether 
    it would be preferable to make trans fats a mandatory separate line, 
    when present, because the magnitude of change in LDL-C may differ 
    between the two types of fats.
        Finally, the agency considered the two remaining approaches to not 
    have the weaknesses of the three approaches discussed previously in 
    this section. One of these approaches combines two options suggested by 
    the petitioner, i.e., using the name ``Saturated + Trans Fat'' and 
    using an explanatory footnote stating the individual amounts of 
    saturated fat and trans fat in the product. The amount of grams 
    declared and the %DV would continue to be based on the combined value. 
    This approach would give saturated fat and trans fat equal prominence 
    and would further ensure that consumers are aware of the inclusion of 
    trans fats in the amounts declared. It also may not confuse consumers 
    into believing that trans fats are the same as saturated fats. FDA is 
    concerned, however, that this approach could confuse consumers who do 
    not yet know what trans fatty acids are or know about their impact on 
    health and, therefore, could diminish the usefulness of the nutrition 
    label and reduce health benefits. In addition, it could lead to 
    increased costs for firms with products that do not contain trans fatty 
    acids if such products' labels were required to indicate that they 
    contained no trans fat. FDA requests comment on this possible approach, 
    including whether FDA's concerns about potential consumer confusion are 
    warranted and, if so, whether a consumer education program could 
    address potential consumer confusion.
        The other of these approaches is the petitioner's amended approach 
    of declaring the total value of saturated fat and trans fatty acids 
    following the term ``Saturated fat*'' with an explanatory footnote 
    stating the amount of trans fatty acids included in the total value. 
    This approach is beneficial because consumers are unlikely to be 
    confused about the cholesterol-raising potential of the food, because 
    the value declared for saturated fats will include trans fatty acids, 
    and consumers will also have access to information on the actual amount 
    of trans fatty acids present in a serving of the food. As stated 
    previously, this approach also builds on the extensive work done by 
    public health programs, most notably the NCEP. However, this approach 
    may confuse consumers and lead some to misclassify trans fatty acids as 
    saturated fats. FDA requests comments on whether this approach provides 
    consumers with clear information on the presence of and distinction 
    between trans and saturated fats. In balance, the agency tentatively 
    concludes that this approach would be the more effective way of 
    informing consumers of the trans fatty acid content of foods.
        For the reasons discussed above, FDA is proposing to amend 
    Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i) to require that the statement of the saturated fat 
    content of the food declare the number of grams of saturated and trans 
    fatty acids combined per serving. For ease of administration, the 
    agency is subdividing current Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i), with 
    Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i)(A) directed at format and rounding requirements and 
    Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i)(B) directed at the use of the asterisk and footnote 
    when trans fatty acids are, or are not, present. In 
    Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i)(B), the agency is proposing that the footnote state 
    ``Includes ______ g trans fat'' with the option of using the term 
    ``trans fatty acids'' instead of ``trans fat'' (see sample label in 
    Fig. 1). The petitioner had suggested the word ``contains'' rather than 
    ``includes;'' however, the agency is concerned that the word 
    ``contains'' may not convey the idea that the amount specified in the 
    footnote is included in the numerical value declared. The word 
    ``includes'' is more specific, although either word would be acceptable 
    when the product does not contain trans fats, that is, contains less 
    than 0.5 g of trans fats per reference amount.
        In recognition of the economic impact of changing food labels to 
    incorporate trans fatty acid information, however, FDA does not believe 
    there is a need to change labels of products that do not contain trans 
    fatty acids and that do not make claims about fatty acids or 
    cholesterol. Consequently, FDA is proposing in Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i)(B) 
    to allow manufacturers to use the footnote ``Includes (or contains) 0 g 
    trans fat'' or ``Contains no trans fat'' on these labels on a voluntary 
    basis. This footnote would not be required when there is no
    [[Page 62756]]
    trans fat in the food unless fatty acid or cholesterol claims are made.
        To maintain consistency in the nutrition labeling of conventional 
    foods and of dietary supplements, the agency is also proposing to amend 
    Sec. 101.36(b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(iii) (21 CFR 101.36(b)(2)(i) and 
    (b)(2)(iii)) to specify that, when present, trans fatty acids are to be 
    incorporated in the nutrition labeling of dietary supplements in the 
    same manner as for conventional foods.
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-C
    2. Daily Value
        Adding the number of grams of trans fatty acids to the value 
    declared for saturated fat raises the question of how to calculate the 
    %DV for saturated fat.
        FDA tentatively concludes that the current regulations that 
    consider only saturated fat when calculating the %DV do not help 
    maintain healthy dietary practices, a goal set forth in the 1990 
    amendments, because trans fatty acids, which FDA has concluded also 
    increase LDL-C, are not considered. If trans fatty acids are not 
    considered, consumers who make food choices on the basis of saturated 
    fat content with the intention of reducing their risk of CHD may be 
    misled by the declared %DV.
        For the past 20 years, a wide variety of consensus reports have 
    recommended that Americans consume no more than 30 percent of calories 
    from fat (Refs. 5, 6, 54, and 55). Many of these reports go on to 
    recommend that saturated fat account for less than 10 percent of 
    calories with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids 
    furnishing the remaining calories from fat (Refs. 5 and 56). The Daily 
    Value for saturated fat was calculated on the basis of these 
    recommendations (58 FR 2206 at 2219, January 6, 1993).
        Trans fatty acids have not been considered in these dietary 
    recommendations because their intakes were relatively low at the time 
    these recommendations were made and their link to increased risk of CHD 
    has been relatively recent. At this time, the public health and 
    scientific associations that are the source of these recommendations 
    have not indicated what impact the recent research on trans fats might 
    have on the recommendations. However, the agency does not believe that 
    it should increase the percentage of total calories from fat (i.e., 
    from 30 percent or less to some higher value) when adding trans fat to 
    the Daily Value. Therefore, FDA finds it necessary to consider the 
    placement of trans fatty acids within the three categories of fatty 
    acids that are addressed in the recommendations (i.e., saturated fatty 
    acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, or polyunsaturated fatty acids) to 
    ensure that consumers are not misled by label statements.
        Dietary recommendations to limit saturated fat to less than 10 
    percent of calories were an attempt to limit the amount of fats known 
    to have adverse effects on blood lipids. Evidence has accumulated that 
    trans fatty acids have physiologic effects similar to saturated fats 
    and trans fatty acids in foods are used functionally to replace 
    saturated fat. The agency, therefore, tentatively concludes that it is 
    reasonable to include trans fatty acids in the %DV for saturated fat. 
    Doing so, however, would
    [[Page 62757]]
    have the effect of lowering the DV for saturated fat on labels of food 
    products containing both saturated and trans fats since the DV (20g) 
    would relate to the combined amounts of each. FDA will consider 
    amending its approach if the public health and scientific organizations 
    that are the source of current dietary recommendations arrive at 
    different conclusions. Including trans fats in calculations of the %DV 
    listed for saturated fat is also the logical outcome of having the 
    quantitative amounts of these two types of fatty acids declared 
    together in the nutrition label. Calculating the %DV on the basis of a 
    quantitative value other than the one declared could be confusing to 
    consumers. Comments are requested on this approach. In addition, 
    comments are requested on whether there is a basis for developing a DV 
    for trans fats if comments were to convince the agency to require a 
    separate line for trans fat, and how a DV for trans fat should affect 
    the DV's for total fat and saturated fat. Inasmuch as no authoritative 
    bodies have recommended values that could be used as a basis for 
    developing a DV for trans fat, would it be sufficient to list the 
    quantitative amount of trans fat, with no %DV, as now occurs with 
    listings of mono- and polyunsaturated fats? It should be noted that, 
    without a DV for trans fat, consumers would not be able to put the 
    quantitative amount in the context of a daily diet, and so would not be 
    able to judge the magnitude of the amount present in relation to usual 
    or recommended intake levels.
        Based on these tentative conclusions, FDA is proposing to include 
    trans fats in calculations of the %DV listed for saturated fat. 
    Accordingly, FDA is proposing to amend Sec. 101.9(d)(7)(ii) by adding 
    the sentence ``When trans fatty acids are present in a food, the 
    percent for saturated fat shall be calculated by dividing the amount 
    declared on the label for saturated fat, which includes trans fatty 
    acids, by the DRV for saturated fat.''
    3. Other Issues
        a. Definition. In revising Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i) to require the 
    inclusion of trans fatty acid content in the declared amount of 
    saturated fat, FDA is proposing to define trans fatty acids as 
    ``unsaturated fatty acids that contain one or more isolated (i.e., 
    nonconjugated) double bonds in a trans configuration.'' This proposed 
    definition is consistent with the way that cis isomers of 
    polyunsaturated fatty acids are defined in Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(ii) and 
        b. Methodology. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) and capillary gas 
    chromatography (GC) are the methods used for the determination of trans 
    fatty acids. IR is the classical method used for the determination of 
    total trans fatty acids with isolated trans double bonds, while GC 
    methods are used for determination of fatty acid composition. The 
    Official Methods of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists 
    (AOAC) and Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American 
    Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) that are applicable to the determination of 
    trans fatty acids are described in Appendix B of this document (Refs. 
    42 through 50). The official method number, title, definition, scope 
    and applicability of each method, taken directly from the published 
    method, are included. Specific comments by FDA chemists knowledgeable 
    in application of these methods are also included.
        Currently, the method of choice for IR determinations is AOCS 
    Recommended Practice Cd 14d-96 (number 4 in Appendix B) (Ref. 45) and 
    for GC determinations is AOCS Official Method Ce 1f-96 (number 5 in 
    Appendix B) (Ref. 46). IR methodology can be used to determine trans 
    isomers in oils, margarines, shortenings, and other partially 
    hydrogenated fats and oils with a limit of quantitation of about 1 
    percent trans as percent of total fat. When trans fat levels are less 
    than 1 percent of total fat, they can be accurately determined by GC. 
    GC methods provide more sensitivity but require more time. None of the 
    IR or GC methods have been collaboratively studied for foods other than 
    fats and oils. It is likely that the lower limits of quantitation for 
    these methods will be higher for complex matrices, such as processed 
    multi-ingredient foods, than for oils and other fats.
        Trans fatty acid values reported in the nutrition label should 
    utilize compliance procedures in Sec. 101.9(g) that take normal 
    variability due to production processes into account.
        c. Increments. With respect to how to declare the content of trans 
    fatty acids in the footnote ``Includes ______ g trans fat,'' FDA 
    believes that the methodology discussed previously supports declaring 
    the amount per serving in the same increments specified in 
    Sec. 101.9(c)(2) for total fat, saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, and 
    monounsaturated fat, i.e., to the nearest 0.5 (1/2) g increment below 5 
    g and to the nearest gram increment above 5 g. If the serving contains 
    less than 0.5 g, the content shall be expressed as zero g (i.e., ``0'' 
    g) in the footnote, if the footnote is used.
        d. Type size. FDA also is removing the phrase ``in the same type 
    size'' in Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i) where it refers to the size of the 
    statement ``Not a significant source of saturated fat.'' In the 
    technical amendments of August 18, 1993 (58 FR 44063 at 44066), the 
    agency did not include footnotes in the types of information that must 
    use 8 point type under Sec. 101.9(d)(1)(iii). Therefore, under 
    Sec. 101.9(d)(1)(iii), 6 point type is sufficient for this statement 
    and the proposed statement ``Includes ______ g trans fat.''
    B. Nutrient Content Claims
        A number of comments agreed with the petitioner's request that the 
    saturated fat criteria for nutrient content claims should be amended to 
    refer to the level of saturated and trans fat combined. Other comments 
    disagreed. One comment suggested that consumer research be initiated to 
    evaluate consumer understanding about trans fatty acids before such 
    changes are considered. Another comment stated that the key question of 
    whether trans fatty acids have an independent cholesterol-raising 
    effect must be answered before the agency considers changes in food 
    labeling for trans fatty acids.
        As mentioned, the agency already has recognized that trans fatty 
    acids should be considered with respect to the claim ``saturated fat 
    free.'' In the nutrition labeling final rule implementing the 1990 
    amendments, the agency stated that because:
        [c]onsumers would expect a food bearing a ``saturated fat free 
    claim'' to be free of saturated fat and other components that 
    significantly raise serum cholesterol, and [because of] the 
    potential importance of a saturated fat free claim, the agency 
    believes that it would be misleading for products that contain 
    measurable amounts of trans fatty acids to bear a ``saturated fat 
    free'' claim.
    (58 FR 2302 at 2332)
        Consequently, the agency set a separate criterion for trans fat 
    (i.e., less than 0.5 g) in addition to the criterion for saturated fat 
    (i.e., less than 0.5 g) for the definition of ``saturated fat free.'' 
    The agency did not set a trans fat criterion for ``low saturated fat'' 
    or for ``reduced saturated fat'' claims in the nutrient content claims 
    final rule. FDA stated that, because the evidence suggesting that trans 
    fatty acids raise serum cholesterol was inconclusive, the agency could 
    not conclude that other nutrient content claims for saturated fat and 
    cholesterol would be misleading on foods containing trans fatty acids 
    (58 FR 2302 at 2334 and 2340).
        However, based on its recent review of the available research, 
    including that
    [[Page 62758]]
    published after 1993 and discussed in section IV.B of this document, 
    FDA now concludes that dietary trans fatty acids have adverse effects 
    on blood cholesterol measures that are predictive of CHD risk, 
    specifically LDL-C levels. Consequently, the agency has reconsidered 
    its 1993 conclusion and has evaluated the potential for saturated fat 
    and cholesterol claims to be misleading if, as the petitioner suggests, 
    these foods contain measurable amounts of trans fatty acids. This 
    reconsideration is done under the authority of section 403(r)(2)(A)(vi) 
    of the act, which prohibits a claim if the claim is misleading in light 
    of the level of another nutrient in the food. As noted in section IV.C 
    of this document, this action is consistent with that taken by other 
    international government bodies (Refs. 31 through 33).
        Nutrient content claims are voluntary statements that can assist 
    consumers in selecting foods that may lead to a healthier diet. 
    Consumers who select foods that have saturated fat or cholesterol 
    claims should be able to do so with confidence that such products can, 
    in fact, lead to a healthier diet. Consumer research on dietary fats 
    and cholesterol suggests that consumers believe that dietary choices, 
    including the selection of foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol, 
    will help maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels (Ref. 35). Because 
    of these expectations and the evidence that trans fatty acids raise 
    LDL-C, FDA tentatively concludes that it is reasonable to consider the 
    trans fatty acid content of products that bear these types of nutrient 
    content claims to prevent such claims from being misleading.
    1. Saturated Fat Claims
        a. Saturated fat free claims. With respect to the claim ``saturated 
    fat free,'' the agency has considered the petitioner's request that the 
    definition be amended to be less than 0.5 g of saturated fat and trans 
    fat combined. The agency agrees with the petitioner that products 
    bearing this claim should be free of components that significantly 
    raise serum cholesterol. However, the agency does not agree that the 
    level of 0.5 g should refer to the sum of saturated fat and trans fats 
    combined because it is not possible to determine, for reasons of 
    sensitivity, if a sample contains less than 0.5 g of both saturated and 
    trans fat combined.
        In defining ``free'' levels of nutrients, the approach used by the 
    agency has been that the level of a nutrient that is defined as 
    ``free'' should be at or near the level of detection for the nutrient 
    in foods and should be dietetically trivial or physiologically 
    inconsequential (56 FR 60478 at 60484, November 27, 1991). In the 
    nutrient content claims final rule, the agency established the ``free'' 
    level of saturated fat at less than 0.5 g per serving because the 
    majority of the comments that addressed this issue stated that a lower 
    value cannot be reliably quantified (58 FR 2302 at 2332). With respect 
    to trans fat, the nutrient content claims final rule stated that 1 
    percent of total fat was the appropriate criterion for trans fat 
    because analytical methods for measuring trans fat below that level 
    were not reliable. As discussed in section I of this document, comments 
    objected to this criterion and, in response to these comments, the 
    agency changed the trans fat criterion to less than 0.5 g because this 
    level can be reliably determined analytically and is consistent with 
    the definition of ``free'' for fat and saturated fat (58 FR 44020 at 
    44027, August 18, 1993).
        The petitioner's suggestion that the definition of ``saturated fat 
    free'' be changed to less than 0.5 g of saturated and trans fat 
    combined is not analytically feasible because it would require accurate 
    measurement of both saturated fat and trans fat at levels significantly 
    below 0.5 g. In the absence of more sensitive methods, which the 
    petitioner did not provide, it is not appropriate for the agency to set 
    criteria that cannot be adequately analyzed. Consequently, the agency 
    is not proposing to change the criteria in Sec. 101.62(c)(1)(i) of less 
    than 0.5 g of saturated fat and less than 0.5 g of trans fat for the 
    ``saturated fat free'' claim. The agency notes that expressing these 
    criteria collectively as ``less than 1.0 g of saturated fat and trans 
    fat combined'' is not preferable because if, for example, one of the 
    types of fatty acids were present at 0.7 g, it would not be possible to 
    determine if the combined amount were less than 1.0 g because amounts 
    of less than 0.3 g cannot be reliably measured. The agency is willing 
    to reconsider the criteria for this definition in the future if more 
    sensitive methodologies become practical for routine analyses.
        b. Low saturated fat claims. With respect to ``low saturated fat,'' 
    the petitioner requested that the limit of ``1 g or less of saturated 
    fatty acids'' in Sec. 101.62(c)(2)(i) be amended to refer to ``1 g or 
    less total of saturated and trans fat combined.'' FDA agrees that the 
    level of trans fat should be limited in foods bearing this claim 
    because consumers may assume that the claim refers to all fats that 
    adversely affect serum LDL-C levels. However, FDA does not agree that 
    this claim should be based on the sum of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined because, as previously discussed, it is not possible to 
    reliably measure amounts of either type of fat at values below 0.5 g. 
    Accordingly, if a food contains 0.8 g of saturated fat, there could be 
    uncertainty about whether or not it contained 1 g or less of saturated 
    and trans fat combined if the amount of trans fat were below 0.5 g.
        Consequently, the agency tentatively concludes that separate 
    criteria need to be established for saturated fat and for trans fat in 
    the definition of ``low saturated fat.'' However, decreasing the level 
    of saturated fat to accommodate a trans fat criterion (e.g., 0.5 g or 
    less of saturated fat) is not feasible because there would be too 
    little difference between the lowered level and the ``free'' level of 
    saturated fat (i.e., less than 0.5 g).
        Given this constraint, the agency tentatively concludes that the 
    saturated fat criterion for ``low saturated fat'' claims should remain 
    at 1 g or less per reference amount. Therefore, FDA proposes that the 
    trans fat criterion be less than 0.5 g, the proposed ``free'' level of 
    trans fat. This proposed action would allow foods that contain 
    insignificant levels of trans fats to continue to qualify for ``low 
    saturated fat'' claims.
        The current definition for ``low saturated fat'' includes a second 
    criterion that the claim not be used on foods that contain more than 15 
    percent of calories from saturated fat. The petitioner requested that 
    this criterion be amended to require that the food contain not more 
    than 15 percent of calories from saturated fat and trans fat combined.
        This second criterion was used to prevent misleading ``low'' claims 
    on nutrient-dense foods with small serving sizes (58 FR 2302 at 2339). 
    Since the amendments being proposed in this document would broaden the 
    term ``saturated fat'' on the label to include both saturated and trans 
    fatty acids, the agency tentatively concludes that it is reasonable to 
    amend this criterion to include both types of fatty acids. While it was 
    not feasible to combine saturated fat and trans fats in the 
    quantitative requirements discussed previously, it is not a problem in 
    this instance because the percent of calories can be calculated by 
    multiplying the declared amount of saturated and trans fats combined 
    (in grams) by the factor of 9 calories per gram, dividing by the total 
    caloric content of a serving of the product, and multiplying by 100.
        Accordingly, FDA is proposing to amend the definition of ``low 
    saturated fat'' in Sec. 101.62(c)(2)(i) to read: ``The food contains 1 
    g or less of saturated fat and less than 0.5 g of trans fat per
    [[Page 62759]]
    reference amount customarily consumed and not more than 15 percent of 
    calories from saturated fat and trans fat combined.'' Likewise, the 
    agency is proposing to revise Sec. 101.62(c)(3)(i) for meal products 
    and main dishes to state that ``low saturated fat claims'' may be made 
    on meal products and main dishes if the product contains 1 g or less of 
    saturated fat and less than 0.5 g of trans fat per 100 g, and less than 
    10 percent calories from saturated fat and trans fat combined. The 
    agency also proposes to change the term ``saturated fatty acids'' to 
    the term ``saturated fat'' in these two paragraphs for consistency with 
    other paragraphs of Sec. 101.62(c).
        It should be noted that the definition for the nutrient content 
    claim ``healthy'' includes a criterion that the food meet the 
    definition of ``low saturated fat'' (Sec. 101.65(d)(2)(i) (21 CFR 
    101.65(d)(2)(i))). It is conceivable that some products may currently 
    meet the criteria for this claim, yet not meet the proposed criteria 
    for ``low in saturated fat'' and, therefore, would no longer qualify 
    for the ``healthy'' claim if the agency takes the action proposed 
    herein. The same thing is true for health claims that require that a 
    food bearing the health claim meet the requirements for the claim ``low 
    in saturated fat'': dietary saturated fat and cholesterol and risk of 
    coronary heart disease (Sec. 101.75(c)(2)(ii) (21 CFR 
    101.75(c)(2)(ii))); fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain 
    fiber, particularly soluble fiber, and risk of coronary heart disease 
    (Sec. 101.77(c)(2)(ii)(B) (21 CFR 101.77(c)(2)(ii)(B))); and soluble 
    fiber from certain foods and risk of coronary heart disease 
    (Sec. 101.81(c)(2)(iii)(C) ((21 CFR 101.81(c)(2)(iii)(C))).
        c. Reduced saturated fat claims. The agency has defined the term 
    ``reduced saturated fat'' to mean that the saturated fat content of a 
    food has been reduced by at least 25 percent compared to a reference 
    food. The petition states that without a limit on the trans fat content 
    of foods with ``reduced saturated fat'' claims, manufacturers could 
    replace saturated fat with trans fat.
        The agency has studied the petition's request that the ``reduced 
    saturated fat'' claim be defined as ``at least 25 percent less of 
    saturated and trans fatty acids combined per reference amount 
    customarily consumed than an appropriate reference food.'' Based on its 
    review of the available scientific literature (see section IV.B of this 
    document) indicating that dietary trans fat, like saturated fat, 
    increases serum LDL-C levels, the agency tentatively concludes that 
    requiring a total reduction of at least 25 percent in saturated fat and 
    trans fat combined is appropriate and would prevent consumers from 
    being misled by claims indicating a reduction in saturated fats when 
    there is not a meaningful reduction in the combined value of saturated 
    and trans fats. The percent reduction would be calculated by 
    subtracting the sum of the saturated and trans fats in the labeled food 
    (either the combined value declared on the nutrition label or the 
    actual combined values before rounding (58 FR 44020 at 44024)) from the 
    total of saturated and trans fat in the reference food, dividing by the 
    total for the reference food, and multiplying by 100.
        However, the agency believes that it is also appropriate to retain 
    the requirement for at least a 25 percent reduction in saturated fat. 
    Having only a single criterion that refers to the combined amount of 
    saturated and trans fat would make it possible for foods with no 
    reduction in saturated fat, or even an increase, to use the claim 
    ``reduced saturated fat.'' For example, a food containing 4 g of trans 
    fat and 2 g of saturated fat, could be modified to contain 2 g of trans 
    fat and 2.5 g of saturated fat. The modified food would contain a total 
    of 4.5 g of saturated and trans fat combined, which would mean that the 
    total has been reduced by 25 percent, even though the saturated content 
    would be increased by 25 percent. The agency tentatively concludes that 
    it is misleading to allow a food that is reduced in this manner to bear 
    the claim ``reduced saturated fat.'' Therefore, FDA is proposing that 
    the definition of ``reduced saturated fat'' in Sec. 101.62(c)(4)(i) 
    read: ``The food contains at least 25 percent less saturated fat and at 
    least 25 percent less saturated fat and trans fat combined per 
    reference amount customarily consumed than an appropriate reference 
    food as described in Sec. 101.13(j)(1).''
        FDA points out that accompanying information is required with 
    ``reduced claims.'' Section 101.62(c)(4)(ii)(A) requires information on 
    the identity of the reference food and the percent (or fraction) that 
    the saturated fat differs between the two foods, e.g., ``Reduced 
    saturated fat. Contains 50 percent less saturated fat than the national 
    average for nondairy creamers.'' This information must be declared in 
    immediate proximity to the most prominent claim. Section 
    101.62(c)(4)(ii)(B) requires information on the amounts of saturated 
    fat in the reference food and in the food, e.g., ``Saturated fat 
    reduced from 3 g to 2 g per serving.'' This information generally must 
    be declared adjacent to the most prominent claim or to the nutrition 
    label. The agency is proposing no changes in these provisions. 
    Accordingly, as proposed, the accompanying information would refer to 
    the actual amount of saturated fat in the food, not to the amount 
    declared in the nutrition label, when that value includes trans fats. 
    For example, if a reference food contained 4 g of saturated fat and 
    this amount is reduced to 2 g in the product bearing the claim, this 
    would be stated as a 50 percent reduction in saturated fat from 4 g to 
    2 g, regardless of the amount of trans fat present. As discussed, if 
    this rule is finalized as proposed, foods qualifying for this claim 
    would also have to meet the hidden (i.e., not visible to the consumer) 
    criterion of at least a 25 percent reduction in saturated fat and trans 
    fat combined.
    2. Trans Fat Claims
        Although the petitioner did not address the use of trans fat 
    claims, the agency's consideration of the subject petition has prompted 
    the agency to consider the usefulness of such claims. As discussed 
    previously, FDA concludes that trans fats contribute to increased serum 
    LDL-C levels. In light of this conclusion, FDA is considering whether 
    providing for the use of a ``trans fat free'' claim would assist 
    consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices by allowing them to 
    readily identify foods free of fats known to increase the risk of CHD 
    or if it would confuse them by detracting from the saturated fat 
    message of the NCEP and other groups. The agency also is considering 
    whether the claim is needed to provide an incentive to the food 
    industry to remove trans fats from foods currently containing them. The 
    agency requests comments on the usefulness of such a claim in these 
    contexts. In particular, is allowing manufacturers to use the footnote 
    ``Contains no trans fats'' in the nutrition label when foods are free 
    of trans fats sufficient to allow these foods to be identified readily 
    by consumers? In addition, requiring inclusion of trans fat, when 
    present, in the declaration of saturated fat will increase the amounts 
    declared. Will avoiding this increased saturated fat declaration 
    provide sufficient incentive to manufacturers to eliminate trans fats 
    whenever possible or is the ``trans fat free'' claim also needed?
        FDA is proposing a definition for ``trans fat free'' in this 
    document to be able to receive comments on the particulars of the 
    definition and, thus, to be able to proceed to a final rule if the 
    comments support this action. If comments do not justify the need for 
    this claim, the agency intends to withdraw the proposed definition.
    [[Page 62760]]
        In arriving at a proposed definition, the agency reviewed its 
    general approach to defining ``free'' levels of a nutrient when 
    implementing the 1990 amendments. At that time, FDA stated that the 
    level of a nutrient that is defined as ``free'' should be at or near 
    the reliable limit of detection for the nutrient in foods (56 FR 60478 
    at 60484, November 27, 1991). In technical amendments to the nutrition 
    labeling final rules, FDA concluded that less than 0.5 g of trans fat 
    meets this criterion. As a result, the agency required that foods 
    bearing ``saturated fat free'' claims contain less than 0.5 g of trans 
    fat per reference amount and per labeled serving (58 FR 44020 at 44027, 
    August 18, 1993). Because analytical techniques for measuring trans 
    fats continue to preclude more precise determination, the agency 
    tentatively concludes that foods bearing the claim ``trans fat free'' 
    should contain less than 0.5 g of trans fat per reference amount 
    customarily consumed and per labeled serving.
        Section 403(r)(2)(A)(vi) of the act states that a claim may not be 
    made if the claim is misleading in light of the level of another 
    nutrient in the food. In the case of a ``trans fat free'' claim, the 
    agency tentatively concludes that it would be misleading for foods 
    bearing the claim to contain measurable amounts of saturated fat 
    because consumers would expect such products to be ``free'' of 
    components that significantly raise serum LDL-C. Therefore, in addition 
    to a trans fat criterion of less than 0.5 g, the agency believes that 
    foods bearing a ``trans fat free'' claim should also meet the criterion 
    for ``saturated fat free'' of less than 0.5 g of saturated fat per 
    reference amount and per labeled serving (Sec. 101.62(c)(1)(i)). It 
    should be noted that the level of ``saturated fat'' specified in 
    regulations as a criterion for a ``trans fat free'' claim, or for any 
    other claim, refers to the analytically determined amount of saturated 
    fat in a food, not to the combined amounts of saturated and trans fat 
    declared on the label.
        Accordingly, the agency is proposing to add Sec. 101.62(c)(6) to 
    provide for the use of the claim ``trans fat free'' and its synonyms on 
    the labels of foods, meal products, and main dishes. Consistent with 
    other ``free'' claims, the synonyms proposed include ``free of trans 
    fat,'' ``no trans fat,'' ``zero trans fat,'' ``without trans fat,'' 
    ``trivial amount of trans fat,'' ``negligible source of trans fat,'' or 
    ``dietarily insignificant source of trans fat.'' In addition, the 
    agency is proposing to allow for the synonymous use of the terms 
    ``trans fat'' or ``trans fatty acids.''
        Because the proposed levels for trans fat and saturated fat in 
    proposed Sec. 101.62(c)(6)(i) would result in ``trans fat free'' and 
    ``saturated fat free'' claims being synonymous, foods that meet the 
    criteria for the two claims would be able to use either claim or both 
    claims simultaneously.
        Consistent with parallel provisions for saturated fat in 
    Sec. 101.62(c)(1)(ii), the agency is proposing to add 
    Sec. 101.62(c)(6)(ii) that states that a food bearing a ``trans fat 
    free'' claim shall contain no ingredient that is generally understood 
    by consumers to contain trans fats unless the listing of the ingredient 
    in the ingredient statement is followed by an asterisk (or other 
    symbol) that refers to a statement below the list of ingredients that 
    states, ``adds a trivial amount of trans fat,'' or other synonymous 
    phrases. The agency tentatively concludes that this provision is needed 
    because some consumers may be confused by the listing of ingredients 
    such as partially hydrogenated oils, for example, on product labels 
    that bear a ``trans fat free'' claim.
        To ensure that ``trans fat free'' claims are not misleading by 
    being used on foods that would not typically contain trans fats, and 
    consistent with parallel provisions in Sec. 101.62(c)(1)(iii) for 
    saturated fat, the agency also is proposing to add 
    Sec. 101.62(c)(6)(iii) that states that a food bearing a ``trans fat 
    free'' claim shall disclose when trans fats are not usually present in 
    the food (e.g., ``Corn oil, a trans fat free food'').
        The agency notes that it considers statements such as ``no 
    hydrogenated oils'' or ``hydrogenated fat free'' to be implied claims 
    that a product is free of trans fatty acids because, as described in 
    section IV.A of this document, trans fatty acids are primarily the 
    result of the hydrogenation process. In accordance with 
    Sec. 101.65(c)(3), such statements would be permissible on a food only 
    if the food met the criteria for a ``trans fat free'' claim.
        The agency specifically invites comments on the proposed definition 
    of ``trans fat free'' and on the general usefulness of this claim.
        FDA also considered, but rejected, proposing definitions for ``low 
    trans fat'' and ``reduced trans fat.'' The agency has consistently 
    required that definitions for ``low'' claims relate to the total amount 
    of the nutrient recommended for daily consumption (56 FR 60439 and 58 
    FR 2302 at 2335). However, because consensus documents do not provide 
    quantitative recommendations for daily intake of trans fats, FDA 
    concludes that the claim ``low trans fats'' cannot be defined. In the 
    case of the claim ``reduced trans fats,'' the agency is concerned that 
    use of the claim could detract from educational messages that emphasize 
    saturated fatty acids. However, any person who believes that such a 
    claim is useful may petition the agency under Sec. 101.69 (21 CFR 
        The agency notes that proposing a definition for ``trans fat free'' 
    in Sec. 101.62(c)(6) necessitates consideration of the application of 
    Sec. 101.62(c) ``Fatty acid content claims'' to trans fatty acid 
    claims. Current Sec. 101.62(c) requires disclosure of total fat and 
    cholesterol levels in proximity to saturated fat claims. Specifically, 
    disclosure of total fat is required unless the food contains less than 
    0.5 g total fat when ``saturated fat free'' claims are made or 3 g or 
    less total fat when ``low'' or ``reduced'' saturated fat claims are 
    made. Likewise, disclosure of cholesterol is required unless the food 
    contains less than 2 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol. These requirements 
    are in response to sections 201(n), 403(a), and 403(r)(2)(A)(iv) of the 
    act. Section 403(r)(2)(A)(iv) of the act requires disclosure of the 
    cholesterol content of the food in immediate proximity to claims about 
    the level of saturated fat. Similarly, FDA required disclosure of the 
    amount of total fat adjacent to saturated fat claims because research 
    suggested that consumers often did not differentiate between total fat 
    and saturated fat content and, therefore, the level of total fat was a 
    material fact necessary to prevent consumers from being misled about 
    the total fat content of the food (56 FR 60478 at 60492 and 58 FR 2302 
    at 2340).
        The agency believes that consumers are likely to purchase foods 
    with claims about trans fats for the same purpose as they would 
    purchase a food with claims about saturated fats, i.e., to help lower 
    their CHD risk. Also, the agency does not believe that consumers are 
    any more likely to differentiate between total fat and trans fat than 
    between total fat and saturated fat. In fact, they may be less likely 
    to differentiate because there have been no public education programs 
    aimed at making consumers aware of trans fats, and, consequently, fewer 
    consumers can be expected to recognize the name ``trans fat.'' 
    Therefore, FDA tentatively concludes that it is reasonable to require 
    disclosure statements about total fat and cholesterol with both types 
    of fatty acid claims, and that doing so should prevent consumers from 
    being misled about the level of total fat and cholesterol in foods 
    bearing a ``trans fat free'' claim. Accordingly, the agency is 
    proposing to amend Sec. 101.62(c) to have it apply to trans fat claims 
    as well as to saturated fat claims.
    [[Page 62761]]
    3. Cholesterol Claims
        Under current regulations, cholesterol claims are prohibited when a 
    food contains more than 2 g of saturated fat per reference amount (or 
    per labeled serving size for meals and main dishes). The petitioner 
    requested that this saturated fat threshold be amended to state that 
    foods bearing cholesterol claims must contain ``2 g or less of 
    saturated and trans fatty acids combined.''
        The saturated fat threshold was introduced when implementing the 
    1990 amendments to prevent cholesterol claims from being misleading in 
    light of the amount of saturated fat present in the food (58 FR 2302 at 
    2333). This action was issued in accordance with section 
    403(r)(2)(A)(vi) of the act. As discussed in section IV.B.2 of this 
    document, FDA has concluded that trans fats have physiologic effects 
    similar to saturated fats. Because of this effect, FDA tentatively 
    concludes that it is appropriate for the saturated fat threshold for 
    cholesterol claims to be the total of saturated and trans fats 
    combined. At the 2 g level, the agency does not anticipate that 
    concerns about the sensitivity of analytical methods will preclude 
    calculation of the combined amount.
        Accordingly, FDA is proposing to revise Sec. 101.62(d)(1)(i)(C) and 
    (d)(1)(ii)(C) to state that a ``cholesterol free'' claim may be made 
    when the food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per reference amount customarily consumed or, in the case of a 
    meal product or main dish product, 2 g or less of saturated fat and 
    trans fat combined per labeled serving. The proposed change in 
    Sec. 101.62(d)(1)(ii)(C) also corrects a technical error because this 
    section currently reads ``less than 2 g of saturated fat'' and it 
    should read ``2 g or less of saturated fat.'' Similar changes are 
    proposed for ``low cholesterol claims' for foods and meals and main 
    dishes in Sec. 101.62(d)(2)(i)(B), (d)(2)(ii)(B), (d)(2)(iii)(B), 
    (d)(2)(iv)(B), and (d)(3) and for ``reduced cholesterol'' claims for 
    foods in Sec. 101.62(d)(4)(i)(B) and (d)(4)(ii)(B) and for meals and 
    main dishes in Sec. 101.62(d)(5)(i)(B) and (d)(5)(ii)(B).
    4. Lean and Extra Lean Claims
        As requested by the petitioner and for the reasons noted previously 
    for cholesterol claims, FDA is proposing to amend the definitions of 
    ``lean'' and ``extra lean'' for foods and meal products to require that 
    the saturated fat criterion now refer to the level for saturated fat 
    and trans fat combined.
        Therefore, FDA is proposing to revise Sec. 101.62(e)(1) to state 
    that seafood and game meat products may use the term ``lean'' if they 
    contain less than 10 g total fat, 4.5 g or less saturated fat and trans 
    fat combined, and less than 95 milligrams (mg) cholesterol per 
    reference amount customarily consumed and per 100 g. Likewise, the 
    agency is proposing to revise Sec. 101.62(e)(3) to state that the term 
    ``extra lean'' may be used on these foods if they contain less than 5 g 
    total fat, less than 2 g saturated fat and trans fat combined, and less 
    than 95 mg cholesterol per reference amount customarily consumed and 
    per 100 g. Similar revisions are proposed for Sec. 101.62(e)(2) and 
    (e)(4), which address the use of the terms on labels or in labeling of 
    meal and main dish products.
        It should be noted that the regulation on the health claim 
    regarding dietary lipids and cancer includes a criterion in 
    Sec. 101.73(c)(2)(ii) (21 CFR 101.73(c)(2)(ii)) that the food must meet 
    the requirements for ``low fat'' in Sec. 101.62, except that fish and 
    game meats may meet the requirements for ``extra lean'' in Sec. 101.62. 
    Thus, some fish and game meat products that currently meet the criteria 
    for this health claim may not be eligible if the proposed definition 
    for the claim ``extra lean'' is issued.
    C. Disqualifying and Disclosure Levels
        The petitioner requested that FDA amend the disqualifying level for 
    health claims and the disclosure level for nutrient content claims with 
    respect to saturated fat. The petitioner also requested that 
    Sec. 101.14(a)(5) regarding disqualifying nutrient levels for health 
    claims and the general disclosure requirements for nutrient content 
    claims in Sec. 101.13(h)(1) be amended by replacing ``4.0 g of 
    saturated fat'' with ``4.0 g total of saturated and trans fatty acids 
    combined.'' The petitioner requested similar changes for health claims 
    for meal and main dish products in Sec. 101.14(a)(5)(i) and (a)(5)(ii) 
    and for nutrient content claims for these types of products in 
    Sec. 101.13(h)(2) and (h)(3). The petitioner maintained that health 
    claims and nutrient content claims are misleading on products 
    containing high levels of trans fatty acids, and that incorporating 
    trans fatty acids criteria into these requirements serves to limit the 
    potential for any such misleading claims.
        The purpose of the disqualifying levels for health claims is to 
    ensure that health claims cannot be made for products that contain 
    nutrients in amounts that increase to persons in the general population 
    the risk of a disease or health-related condition that is diet related 
    (see section 403(r)(3)(A)(ii) of the act). For example, the 
    disqualifying level for saturated fat ensures that a sodium and 
    hypertension claim cannot be made for a product that contains high 
    levels of saturated fat. Such a claim could lead consumers to believe 
    that the product is useful in constructing a healthful total daily 
    diet, when, in fact, it contains a high level of saturated fat, which 
    increases the risk of heart disease.
        For products bearing nutrient content claims, disclosure levels 
    direct consumers to information about certain nutrients that are 
    present in levels high enough to increase the risk of a diet-related 
    disease or health condition. For example, a product may qualify for a 
    ``good source of vitamin A'' claim yet contain high levels of 
    cholesterol. The label for such a product must state ``See nutrition 
    information for cholesterol content'' next to the claim. In this 
    manner, the label draws attention to the presence of cholesterol, and 
    the claim is not misleading for failing to reveal a material fact about 
    the consequences of consuming the food.
        The 1990 amendments directed the agency to take into account the 
    significance of the food in the total daily diet in determining 
    disqualifying and disclosure levels. Accordingly, both disqualifying 
    and disclosure levels were based on 20 percent of the Daily Reference 
    Values (DRV's) for total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, 
    taking into account the number of eating occasions and the number of 
    foods containing these nutrients in the food supply (58 FR 2478 at 2493 
    and 2494). FDA adopted the 20 percent criterion because it provides a 
    consistent and appropriate basis for defining the levels at which the 
    presence of a particular nutrient may be undesirable (58 FR 2478 at 
    2493 and 2494). Applying the 20 percent criterion to saturated fat, 
    which has a DRV of 20 g, resulted in a disqualifying and disclosure 
    level of 4 g for saturated fat.
        FDA is persuaded by the petitioner that the disqualifying and 
    disclosure level of 4 g of saturated fat should be amended to be ``4 g 
    total of saturated and trans fatty acids combined.'' As discussed 
    previously, FDA has concluded that trans fatty acids have been shown to 
    have physiologic effects on serum LDL-C similar to saturated fatty 
    acids. Because of this effect, FDA believes that health claims and 
    nutrient content claims would be misleading on products containing high 
    levels of trans fatty acids. For this reason, FDA tentatively concludes 
    that it is
    [[Page 62762]]
    appropriate for the level to be the total of saturated and trans fatty 
    acids combined. Having the saturated fat level be amended to 
    incorporate trans fat is consistent with tentative conclusions in the 
    discussion on Daily Value (section V.A.2 of this document) that it is 
    reasonable to include trans fats in calculations of %DV for saturated 
    fatty acids. Therefore, FDA is proposing that Sec. 101.14(a)(5) 
    regarding disqualifying nutrient levels for health claims and the 
    general disclosure requirements for nutrient content claims in 
    Sec. 101.13(h)(1) be amended by replacing ``4.0 g of saturated fat'' 
    with ``4.0 g of saturated fat and trans fat combined.'' FDA is 
    proposing similar changes for health claims for meal and main dish 
    products in Sec. 101.14(a)(5)(i) and (a)(5)(ii) and for nutrient 
    content claims for these types of products in Sec. 101.13(h)(2) and 
    (h)(3). For consistency with others food labeling regulations, FDA also 
    is proposing in Sec. 101.14(a)(5), (a)(5)(i), and (a)(5)(ii) that the 
    term ``per label serving size'' be changed to read ``per labeled 
    serving size.''
        In view of this proposed change, FDA considered whether the 
    referral statement accompanying nutrient content claims on the labels 
    of foods that contain more than 4 g of saturated fat and trans fat 
    should read ``See nutrition information for saturated and trans fat 
    content.'' FDA tentatively concludes that the statement ``See nutrition 
    information for saturated fat content'' is sufficient because trans fat 
    may not be present. Also, if trans fat were present, the amount 
    declared for saturated fat would include the amount of trans fat in the 
    food and would have a footnote stating this amount. However, under the 
    proposed provisions, the agency would not object to the use of a 
    statement that refers to both saturated fat and trans fat.
    D. Vegetable Oil Claims
        The petitioner requested that FDA require that the fat content in a 
    product be low in both saturated and trans fatty acids if a vegetable 
    oil claim is made. The petitioner argued that claims in restaurants 
    that foods are cooked with ``100% vegetable oil'' are misleading when 
    the oil contains high levels of total ``heart-unhealthy'' fat. The 
    petitioner requested that Sec. 101.65(c)(3) be amended to state that 
    ``made with vegetable oil'' is an implied claim that the product is low 
    in saturated and trans fatty acids combined.
        The agency has stated that there are long established relationships 
    between ingredients and nutrients that are covered under the definition 
    of implied nutrient content claims (58 FR 2302 at 2372). FDA has issued 
    warning letters regarding foods that bear label statements, such as 
    ``100 percent vegetable oil,'' that imply that these ingredients have 
    low levels of saturated fat when that is not true (58 FR 2302 at 2372). 
    FDA has said that ingredient claims that make an implied representation 
    about the level of a nutrient in a food should be considered implied 
    nutrient content claims (58 FR 2302 at 2372). Section 101.65(c)(3), 
    which addresses implied nutrient content claims, states, in part, that 
    a claim ``that a food is made only with vegetable oil is a claim that 
    the food is low in saturated fat.'' Therefore, because the agency is 
    proposing to amend the definition of ``low saturated fat'' in 
    Sec. 101.62(c)(2) to include a trans fatty acid criterion, FDA believes 
    that the action requested by the petitioner has been addressed and it 
    is not necessary to propose an additional amendment to 
    Sec. 101.65(c)(3). Generally, nutrient content claims for restaurant 
    foods must comply with the same requirements as for retail foods (see 
    58 FR 2302 at 2386 and 61 FR 40320, August 2, 1996).
    E. ``Partially Hydrogenated'' in Ingredient Statements
        The petitioner stated that the term ``hydrogenated'' is meaningless 
    to most consumers, but that consumers are familiar with the term 
    ``saturated'' and associate it with fats that can raise blood 
    cholesterol levels. The petitioner maintained that using the term 
    ``saturated'' instead of the term ``hydrogenated'' would be more 
    understandable to consumers and would further serve to highlight the 
    presence of ``heart-unhealthy'' fats. Further, the petitioner argued 
    that the term ``fully saturated'' or ``partially saturated'' accurately 
    describes the nature of the hydrogenated fat after the chemical process 
    of hydrogenation.
        The agency has previously considered this issue. In the Federal 
    Register of January 6, 1976 (41 FR 1156), the agency established the 
    term ``partially saturated'' for oils that were partially hydrogenated 
    for the purpose of ingredient labeling. In November 1976, based on 
    requests from six trade associations representing the edible oils 
    industry, FDA reversed itself and proposed to amend its regulations by 
    substituting ``hydrogenated'' and ``partially hydrogenated'' for 
    ``saturated'' when those modifying terms are required to accompany the 
    name of a fat or oil ingredient on the labeled foods (41 FR 52481, 
    November 30, 1976). The trade associations for the edible fats and oils 
    industry contended that the terms ``saturated'' and ``partially 
    saturated'' were confusing and misleading to consumers in that they 
    tended to equate different oils that differ widely in their content of 
    saturated fats. Data furnished by the trade associations showed that 
    partially hydrogenated soybean oil has a lower saturated fatty acid 
    content than unhydrogenated palm kernel oil, hydrogenated palm oil, and 
    commercially blended shortenings. One association stated that the 
    partial hydrogenation of an oil that is low in saturated fats (e.g., 
    cottonseed oil, soybean oil) results in a product containing less total 
    saturated fat than a similar product made from a fat or oil that 
    intrinsically has a much higher degree of saturation, such as animal 
    fats, palm oil, or coconut oil (41 FR 52481). Based in part on this 
    information, FDA required use of the term ``partially hydrogenated'' in 
    its final rule on the label designation of fats and oils (43 FR 12856, 
    March 28, 1978).
        FDA has re-examined this issue considering the trans fat content as 
    well as the saturated fat content of fats and oils. A review of the 
    nutritional content of varied fats and oils shows that many partially 
    hydrogenated oils contain lower amounts of saturated fatty acids and 
    trans fatty acids combined than fats that are unhydrogenated (e.g., 
    lard) (Ref. 40).
        Therefore, the agency continues to believe that use of the terms 
    ``saturated'' and ``partially saturated'' to describe fats and oils 
    processed in a certain way may mislead consumers to equate fats and 
    oils that, in fact, differ substantially in their content of ``heart-
    healthy'' fats. This misperception could cause consumers to avoid a 
    processed oil, which would be required to be identified as ``partially 
    saturated,'' and instead choose an unprocessed fat or oil, even though 
    it may contain more saturated fatty acids than the combined amount of 
    saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids in another product.
        The agency has stated that the purpose of the regulatory 
    requirement in Sec. 101.4(b)(14) is to distinguish in the name between 
    unprocessed and processed fats or oils (43 FR 12856). The term 
    ``hydrogenated'' more accurately makes this distinction because 
    ``saturated'' describes a chemical characteristic of a fatty acid. All 
    vegetable oils, whether processed or not, are at least partially 
    saturated, that is, they contain some fatty acids that have only single 
    bonds. However, a partially saturated oil is not necessarily partially 
    hydrogenated and a partially saturated oil does not necessarily contain 
    trans isomers. The terms ``hydrogenated'' and ``partially 
    hydrogenated'' describe the chemical process of the addition of
    [[Page 62763]]
    hydrogen to a natural fat or oil for functional reasons (see section 
    IV.A of this document).
        The terms ``hydrogenated'' and ``partially hydrogenated'' are not 
    intended to describe the nutritional properties of fats or oils. The 
    purpose of the ingredient statement is to identify the ingredients in a 
    food by listing the common or usual names of each ingredient. The 
    mechanisms for supplying nutritional information about the finished 
    food are the nutrition label and nutrient content claims. By 
    considering both saturated and trans fats in nutrition labeling and 
    nutrient content claims, this proposed rule, if adopted, will give 
    consumers additional information to increase their ability to select 
    foods to help lower their CHD risk. Therefore, FDA is not proposing to 
    grant the petitioner's request.
    VI. Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis
        FDA has examined the impacts of this proposed rule under Executive 
    Order 12866. Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs 
    and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, when regulation 
    is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net 
    benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health 
    and safety effects; distributive impacts; and equity). According to 
    Executive Order 12866, a regulatory action is ``significant'' if it 
    meets any one of a number of specified conditions, including having an 
    annual effect on the economy of $100 million or adversely affecting in 
    a material way a sector of the economy, competition, or jobs or if it 
    raises novel legal or policy issues. FDA finds that this proposed rule 
    is economically significant as defined by Executive Order 12866.
        In accordance with the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement and 
    Fairness Act (Public Law 104-121), the Administrator of the Office of 
    Information and Regulatory Affairs of the Office of Management and 
    Budget (the Administrator) has determined that this proposed rule would 
    be a major rule for the purpose of congressional review. A major rule 
    for this purpose is defined in 5 U.S.C. 804(2) as one that the 
    Administrator has determined has resulted or is likely to result in an 
    annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more; a major increase 
    in costs or prices for consumers, individual industries, Federal, 
    State, or local government agencies, or geographic regions; or 
    significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment, 
    productivity, innovation, or on the ability of U.S.-based enterprises 
    to compete with foreign-based enterprises in domestic or export 
    A. Need for This Regulation
        Current nutrition labeling regulations do not allow manufacturers 
    to disclose information about the trans fat content in the nutrition 
    label of their products. The regulations in Sec. 101.9(c) read, in 
    part, that ``No nutrients or food components other than those listed in 
    this paragraph as either mandatory or voluntary may be included within 
    the nutrition label.'' Some of the nutrients listed are total fat, 
    saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat (voluntary), and monounsaturated fat 
    (voluntary). Trans fat is not included as either mandatory or voluntary 
    and, therefore, no information about trans fat may be included in the 
    Nutrition Facts panel.
        Nutrient content claim regulations in Sec. 101.62(a) read, in part, 
    that ``A claim about the level of fat, fatty acid, and cholesterol in a 
    food may only be made on the label or in the labeling of foods if: (1) 
    The claim uses one of the terms defined in this section in accordance 
    with the definition of that term.'' No such term is defined for trans 
        This proposed regulation is needed to amend existing regulations to 
    permit and require manufacturers to provide important health-related 
    information to consumers regarding the amount of trans fat in food 
    products. This regulation is also needed to amend existing regulations 
    of claims that in some manner involve the amount of saturated fat so 
    that the regulations set limits for trans fat and do not permit 
    misleading claims.
    B. Regulatory Alternatives
        FDA has considered a number of regulatory alternatives regarding 
    trans fat. FDA requests comment on the benefits, costs, and any other 
    aspect of these (and any other) alternatives.
    1. Take No New Regulatory Action
        FDA could choose to deny the petition and take no new action in 
    regard to trans fat. Taking no new regulatory action will be considered 
    the baseline. Absolute benefits and costs are associated with all 
    regulatory options, including the baseline. Absolute benefits and costs 
    can be thought of as the state of the world under various policy 
    options. A regulatory assessment of an option measures the difference 
    between the absolute benefits and costs of that option and the absolute 
    benefits and costs of the baseline. Measured benefits and costs are 
    therefore zero at the baseline.
        FDA has not selected this option for three reasons. First, it found 
    that trans fat increases the risk of CHD. Second, consumers would not 
    be informed as completely as they could be by the nutrition label about 
    the trans fat content of the food products that they consume. Third, 
    claims that have limits for saturated fat and not for trans fat may be 
        Producers have limited incentives to reduce the trans fat content 
    of food products because current regulations prohibit manufacturers 
    from using the label to inform consumers about the trans fat content of 
    their products. This lack of information about trans fat content 
    results in increased trans fat consumption that is associated with an 
    increased risk of CHD, as shown in the estimates of benefits when such 
    information is provided. FDA believes that the proposed option 
    minimizes any potential for diverting consumers' attention from the 
    risk of CHD associated with saturated fat, while providing consumers 
    with information on the trans fat content of food products. The 
    proposed option also prevents misleading claims and provides producers 
    with incentives to reduce the trans fat content of food products.
    2. Take the Proposed Regulatory Action Described in Section V of this 
        The analysis beginning with section VI.C of this document estimates 
    the benefits and costs of this alternative.
    3. Propose to Permit the Voluntary Labeling of Trans Fat and to Permit 
    Trans Fat Nutrient Content Claims
        FDA could propose voluntary rather than mandatory labeling of trans 
    fat and propose to allow trans fat claims. This alternative would 
    directly address the difficulties posed by current regulations in 
    providing information on trans fat content on the label. However, a 
    voluntary rule is unlikely to result in information on trans fat 
    content being provided on the labels of any products with one or more 
    grams of trans fat. Therefore, consumers would not have important 
    nutrition information available to them on the labels of many products 
    where it is most needed. Margarine makers know how to reformulate 
    margarine to eliminate trans fat. Indeed, many margarine products have 
    already been reformulated. Voluntary labeling coupled with claims could 
    therefore possibly provide sufficient incentives to cause the makers of 
    unreformulated margarine to reformulate their products. Makers of other 
    food products containing trans fat, however, do not yet know how to
    [[Page 62764]]
    reformulate their products. The agency believes that it is unlikely 
    that voluntary labeling would provide sufficient incentive for 
    reformulation of many other products. Although (as shown in section 
    VI.D.6 of this document) reformulating these other food products is 
    costly, the public health benefits generated by reformulating these 
    products greatly exceed the costs. Because voluntary labeling leads to 
    less reformulation and smaller health benefits than mandatory labeling, 
    the net benefits would be lower for voluntary labeling than for the 
    proposed rule.
        Voluntary labeling would also require the listing of trans fat on a 
    separate line in the Nutrition Facts Panel. The problems with a 
    separate line for trans fat are discussed in the following paragraphs.
    4. Alter the Proposed Regulatory Action--Propose Reporting of Trans Fat 
    on a Separate Line Below Saturated Fat
        FDA is proposing that the line in the Nutrition Facts panel for 
    saturated fat report the total grams of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined, and that the combined amount be used to determine the %DV 
    labeled for saturated fat. The saturated fat listing will be 
    accompanied by an asterisk referring to a footnote in the Nutrition 
    Facts panel indicating the amount of trans fat per serving in grams. 
    Alternatively, FDA could propose the listing of trans fat on a separate 
    line under saturated fat. In comparison with the proposed option, this 
    alternative may make the trans fat content of the product more obvious 
    to consumers and may provide more incentive to producers to reduce the 
    amount of trans fat in food. This approach has the potential to confuse 
    consumers by undermining educational messages that focus on saturated 
    fat. Also, without a daily value for trans fat, consumers might be 
    unable to tell if the amount per serving is high or low.
        If the agency were to require listing the amount of trans fat on a 
    separate line in the Nutrition Facts panel, all labels would have to be 
    changed--including those for products containing no trans fat. These 
    additional labeling costs would have no additional benefits associated 
    with them.
    5. Alter the Proposed Regulatory Action--Propose to Report Trans Fat 
    Differently than in the Proposal
        FDA could propose to include trans fat with saturated fat, call the 
    total value ``saturated fat,'' and not have the amount of trans fat 
    declared in a footnote. This alternative would not divert consumers' 
    attention from the saturated fat content of food products. At the same 
    time, it would provide consumers with information on combined saturated 
    and trans fat content and provide producers with incentives to reduce 
    the level of both saturated and trans fat in their products. However, 
    it would not provide consumers with information on either the trans fat 
    content or the actual saturated fat content of food.
        One of the principles used by FDA in establishing nutrient content 
    claims is that the nutrient must be declared in the Nutrition Facts 
    panel so that the claim is verifiable by reference to the Nutrition 
    Facts panel. Accordingly, establishing a definition for ``trans fat 
    free'' would be precluded if the trans fat content of the product were 
    not mentioned in the Nutrition Facts panel.
        Alternatively, FDA could propose to include trans fat with 
    saturated fat and call the total value ``saturated and trans fat''. 
    This approach would increase the economic burden on industry by 
    requiring label changes for all foods, even those that do not contain 
    trans fat. Moreover, consumers would not be able to determine the 
    content of either saturated or trans fat, and saturated fat and trans 
    fat content claims would not necessarily be verifiable by reference to 
    the Nutrition Facts panel.
        As a second alternative, FDA could propose to include trans fat 
    with saturated fat and call the total value ``saturated and trans 
    fat,'' with a footnote stating the individual amounts of saturated fat 
    and trans fat. This approach would lead to higher costs than the 
    proposed regulatory action if it requires label changes for all foods, 
    even those that do not contain trans fat.
    6. Expand the Proposed Regulatory Action--Propose ``Low Trans Fat'' and 
    ``Reduced Trans Fat'' Claims
        The proposed rule would define a nutrient content claim for ``trans 
    fat free.'' FDA could propose to define ``low trans fat'' and ``reduced 
    trans fat'' claims. These claims would provide producers with 
    additional incentive to reduce the amount of trans fat in food 
    products. However, FDA has consistently required that definitions for 
    ``low'' claims relate to the total amount of the nutrient recommended 
    for daily consumption. Because consensus documents do not provide 
    quantitative recommendations for daily intake of trans fat, FDA 
    concludes that the claim ``low trans fat'' cannot be defined. In the 
    case of ``reduced trans fat,'' the agency is concerned that use of the 
    claim could detract from educational messages that emphasize saturated 
    7. Expand the Proposed Regulatory Action--Propose Labeling at Food 
    Service Establishments
        Partially hydrogenated fats and oils are used extensively in the 
    food service industry for baking and frying. For example, USDA data 
    indicate that a single serving of french-fried potatoes from a fast 
    food restaurant may contain over 3.5 g trans fat per 70 g serving (Ref. 
    40). If FDA were to require that content information about trans fat be 
    provided in food service establishments, consumers could more easily 
    make informed menu choices. However, FDA is not permitted to pursue 
    this alternative. The 1990 amendments specifically preclude FDA from 
    requiring nutrition labeling in food service establishments unless the 
    food bears a nutrition claim or other nutrition information on its menu 
    or other forms of labeling. If an establishment is making a claim for a 
    food, the food must meet the criteria for the claim and the amount of 
    nutrient that is the subject of the claim must be made available.
    C. Benefits
        To estimate the health benefits of the proposed rule, FDA is 
    following the general approach used to estimate the health benefits for 
    the implementation of the 1990 amendments (56 FR 60856 at 60869, 
    November 27, 1991). Accordingly, FDA is estimating: (1) The changes in 
    trans fat intakes that would result from labeling changes; (2) the 
    changes in health states that would result from changes in trans fat 
    intakes; and (3) the value of changes in health states in terms of 
    life-years gained, number of cases or deaths avoided, and dollar value 
    of such benefits. FDA considered the adult population of the United 
    States to be the target population for the estimate of health benefits. 
    Although changes in dietary intake and biological factors in children 
    may affect their later risk for CHD as adults, those changes, if 
    present, have not been quantified and are beyond the scope of the 
    health benefits assessment for this proposed rule. If reducing the 
    trans fat intake of children does lead to later reduction in the risk 
    of CHD, then the analysis of the proposed rule will underestimate the 
    health benefits of decreasing trans fat intake.
    1. Changes in Trans Fat Intakes
        Three aspects of the estimated changes in trans fat intake will be 
    discussed, as follows:
        a. Baseline trans fat intake,
        b. Quantitative changes in trans fat intake, and
        c. Qualitative changes in the type of macronutrient substituted for 
    trans fat.
    [[Page 62765]]
        a. Baseline trans fat intake. As reviewed in section IV.B.2.c of 
    this document, most of the current estimates of trans fat intake have 
    been based on either food disappearance data or food frequency 
    questionnaires (Ref. 3 and 70). Because information on trans fat 
    content of foods is limited, there have been few estimates of trans fat 
    intake based on dietary surveys using food records or recalls. Allison 
    et al. (Ref. 26) estimated trans fat intake by linking a special 1995 
    USDA data base on trans fat content of foods with USDA's CSFII, 1989 
    through 1991.
        To estimate baseline trans fat intake, FDA first used the special 
    1995 USDA data base to estimate the trans fat content of food groups 
    defined by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes (Ref. 73). As 
    described in section VI.D.1 of this document, this estimate was limited 
    to foods with trans fat from partially hydrogenated fats and oils. 
    Next, FDA linked the trans fat content of SIC Code food groups with 
    mean intake of food groups in USDA's CSFII 1994 through 1996. For 
    adults, age 20 and older, mean trans fat intake was estimated at 7.62 
    g/day for men and 5.54 g/day for women (Ref. 73). The estimated mean 
    energy intake was 2,455 kcal/day for men and 1,646 kcal/day for women 
    (Ref. 79). Therefore, trans fats provide approximately 2.79 percent of 
    energy for men and 3.03 percent of energy for women (using the general 
    conversion factor in Sec. 101.9(c)(1)(i)(C), 1 g fat = 9 kcal). Because 
    estimates of baseline trans fat intake as a percent of energy are very 
    similar for men and women, these data were combined into a single 
    estimate by a simple average, 2.91 percent of energy.
        FDA's estimate of baseline trans fat intake used in this analysis 
    is within the range of previous estimates in the literature, summarized 
    in section IV.B.2.c of this document. The estimates of both FDA and 
    Allison et al. (Ref. 26) are based on CSFII surveys and the special 
    USDA trans fat data base. Allison et al. (Ref. 26) reported mean trans 
    fat intake of 5.3 g/day (2.6 percent of energy). There are several 
    differences in the method of estimation that would likely account for 
    the differences in the two estimates. FDA's estimate used CSFII 1994-
    1996, was based on mean intake of food groups, and included men and 
    women age 20 and older. The estimate of Allison et al. used CSFII 1989 
    through 1991, was based on specific foods eaten by each individual, and 
    included males and females age three and older.
        As discussed in section VI.D.5 of this document, FDA estimates that 
    about 30 percent of the margarine products currently on the market have 
    already been reformulated to remove trans fat. FDA also estimates that, 
    in the short term, the rest of the margarine on the market would be 
    reformulated in response to a final rule based on this proposed rule. 
    Additionally, FDA estimates that some proportion of baked goods 
    products would eventually be reformulated to remove trans fat. Table 1 
    of this document shows the average trans fat intake from the food 
    groups likely to be affected by reformulation. The trans fat intake 
    from margarine products in Table 1 of this document represents the 
    intake from the remaining 70 percent of margarine products currently on 
    the market that is estimated to contain trans fat. As shown in Table 1 
    of this document, of the 2.91 percent of energy from trans fat intake, 
    0.39 percent is from the margarine food group, 0.67 percent from breads 
    and cake products, and 0.98 percent from cookies and crackers.
                         Table 1.--Current Average trans Fat Intake by Adults From Food Groups1
                                                             Current Average Trans Fat Intake
                                                  Men\3\                         Women\4\                 Average
       Food Group       SIC Code\2\  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          gm/day        % of energy       gm/day        % of energy     % of energy
    Margarine            2079               1.02            0.37%           0.75            0.41%           0.39
    Bread/Cake/etc.      2051               1.77            0.65%           1.28            0.70%           0.67
    Cookies/Crackers     2052               2.48            0.91%           1.92            1.05%           0.98
    All Other                               2.35            0.86%           1.59            0.87%           0.87
    Total                                   7.62            2.79%           5.54            3.03%           2.91
    \1\ Data for adults, age 20 and older (see section VI.C.1 of this document). Conversion factor: 1 gram trans fat
      intake equals 9 kcal.
    \2\ SIC, Standard Industrial Classification.
    \3\ Mean energy (caloric) intake: 2,455 kcal per day for men.
    \4\ Mean energy (caloric) intake: 1,646 kcal per day for women.
        b. Quantitative changes in trans fat intake: Four scenarios. FDA 
    developed several scenarios to demonstrate potential quantitative 
    changes in trans fat intake based on a range of possible producer and 
    consumer responses to labeling trans fat content. Although FDA has 
    characterized these changes as ``producer'' and ``consumer'' responses, 
    all responses to the proposed rule are based on the interactions in the 
    food market between changes in producer cost and changes in consumer 
    demand. In the analysis done for the 21 implementing rules for the 1990 
    amendments, FDA acknowledged that there would be both costs and 
    benefits arising from the reformulation of products likely to occur as 
    a result of the rules. FDA chose not to quantify those costs and 
    benefits in that analysis (in contrast to the analysis of this proposed 
    rule) because of the uncertainty associated with estimating producer 
    reactions to complex label changes.
        For the rule now being proposed, the reactions of producers to the 
    proposed rule can be estimated quantitatively. Including the reactions 
    of producers, however, makes it difficult to compare the effects of the 
    proposed rule with the effects of the 1990 amendments, which may be 
    considered a standard of comparison for major labeling rules. In 
    section VI.E of this document, FDA calculates the benefits and costs of 
    this proposed rule with methods similar to those used for the rules 
    implementing the 1990 amendments, which allows the effects of the two 
    rules to be compared. The characteristics of each scenario used to 
    estimate the effects of the proposed rule are summarized in Table 2 of 
    this document.
        i. Scenario 1: Maximum response. In Scenario 1, the maximum 
    response, a combination of reformulation and consumer response 
    eliminates all trans fat. As shown in Table 2 of this document, in 
    Scenario 1, 100 percent of trans fat would be removed from the diet, 
    decreasing the intake of trans fat by 2.91 percent of energy. Because 
    of the
    [[Page 62766]]
    magnitude of producer and consumer response, FDA considers Scenario 1 
    the least likely of the four scenarios, but has used it to illustrate 
    the upper bound of possible decreases in trans fat intake.
        ii.  Scenario 2: Some reformulation and some consumers change their 
    behavior. In Scenario 2, 100 percent of margarine, 3 percent of bread 
    and cake, and 15 percent of cookies and crackers would be reformulated 
    to remove trans fat. FDA assumed that the percentage amounts of bread, 
    cake, cookies, and crackers reformulated would be about double the 
    percentage number of products reformulated (see Table 17 later in this 
    document). The percentage change in amounts exceeded the percentage 
    change in number of products because FDA expected that the products to 
    be reformulated will all be produced by large firms. Indeed, FDA 
    expects that all large firms whose products contained claims that would 
    be lost will reformulate. The agency assumed that these products 
    account for above-average shares of bread, cake, cookies, and crackers 
    containing trans fat. FDA requests comments on the assumptions that 3 
    percent of bread and cake and 15 percent of cookies and crackers will 
    be reformulated by 7 years after the compliance period (scenario 2). 
    Given the mean trans fat intake shown in Table 1 of this document, 
    these reformulations would decrease trans fat intake by 0.56 percent of 
    energy ((1 x 0.0039) + (0.03 x 0.0067) + (0.15 x 0.0098) = 0.0056).
        Because of the sizable cost of reformulation and the limited 
    consumer appeal that bread and cake products, cookies, and crackers 
    with claims have had thus far, FDA assumes that only a small percentage 
    decrease in trans fat intake from reformulation of the products in 
    these categories is a likely result of the proposed rule. If producers 
    believe that consumers will respond more negatively to the information 
    on trans fat than they have responded thus far to the information on 
    saturated fat, then the actual number of products reformulated will be 
    greater. If that happens, the actual benefits of the rule will be 
    greater than those estimated here; the costs will increase only 
    proportionally, so the net benefits of the rule would be greater than 
    estimated in this scenario.
        In this scenario, not all consumers respond to the labeling changes 
    by eliminating trans fat in the other categories of their diets. 
    Previous research showed that approximately 45 percent of consumers are 
    aware of diet-health links, and read and understand nutrition labels 
    (Refs. 68 and 74). In Scenario 2, therefore, FDA assumed that 45 
    percent of consumers would eliminate some trans fat from their diets.
        Those consumers who read and understand nutrition labels are 
    expected, on average, to make choices among existing products that 
    result in only small changes in trans fat intake. In analyzing the 
    anticipated health benefits of the regulations implementing the 1990 
    amendments (56 FR 60856 at 60870), FDA estimated consumer changes in 
    consumption behavior using the results of previous research, including 
    a study of grocery store shelf labeling (Refs. 68 and 74). In that 
    analysis of changes in market share, consumer response to shelf 
    labeling of 49 product categories resulted in an approximately 1 
    percent overall decrease in intake of total fat and saturated fat. FDA 
    therefore used a 1 percent overall decrease in trans fat intake as an 
    estimate of consumer response to this proposed labeling change. An 
    overall 1 percent decrease in trans fat intake would be obtained if the 
    45 percent of consumers who use food labels to make purchase decisions 
    changed their consumption by 2.2 percent (0.01  0.45 = 0.022). 
    The 55 percent of consumers who do not pay attention to food labels 
    would decrease trans fat intake by 0.56 percent of energy because of 
    reformulation only. The remaining 45 percent of consumers would 
    decrease trans fat intake by 0.61 percent of energy, 0.56 percent due 
    to reformulation plus 0.05 percent due to elimination of 2.2 percent of 
    the trans fat from foods not reformulated (0.022 x (0.0291 - 0.0056) = 
    0.0005). The total change in trans fat intake as a percent of energy 
    would be 0.58 percent ((0.55 x 0.0056) + (0.45 x 0.0061) = 0.0058).
        The 1-percent decrease in trans fat intake that FDA assumed for 
    consumers may understate the direct consumer response. The agency took 
    the 1-percent decrease from studies undertaken in support of the 
    analysis of the rules implementing the 1990 amendments. The 1990 
    amendments required labeling changes for all FDA-regulated foods; the 
    supporting studies estimated the change in fat and saturated fat as 
    part of the outcome of changes in the overall diet in response to the 
    new label. Rather than affecting all FDA-regulated foods, however, the 
    proposed labeling of trans fat will mainly affect foods containing 0.5 
    g or more of trans fat per serving, which are predominantly products 
    containing partially hydrogenated fats and oils, as described in 
    section VI.D.1 of this document (Ref. 73). The narrower scope of the 
    proposed labeling may, by emphasizing a single substance, generate a 
    larger direct consumer response.
        In the shelf-labeling study, the reported change in market share 
    ranged from 1 percent to 40 percent in 18 product categories and no 
    significant change was reported in the remaining 31 categories (Refs. 
    72 and 74). The predicted consumer response in the specific product 
    categories affected by trans fat labeling is, therefore, uncertain. In 
    previous research, it was noted that different circumstances make it 
    difficult to generalize consumer response from one food labeling or 
    health claim situation to another (Ref. 74). In the absence of specific 
    research on the reaction of consumers to trans fat labeling (Ref. 81), 
    FDA used the estimate of a 1-percent decrease in intake, as used 
    previously for the rules implementing the 1990 amendments.
        iii Scenario 3: Less reformulation and some consumers change their 
    behavior. In Scenario 3, 100 percent of margarine, 1.5 percent of bread 
    and cake, and 7.5 percent of cookies and crackers would be 
    reformulated--half the reformulation of baked products of Scenario 2. 
    Given the mean trans fat intake shown in Table 1 of this document, this 
    would decrease trans fat intake by 0.48 percent of energy ((1 x 0.0039) 
    + (0.015 x 0.0067) + (0.075 x 0.0098) = 0.0048). Scenario 3 assumes the 
    same direct consumer response as in Scenario 2. Under scenario 3, 55 
    percent of consumers decrease trans fat intake by 0.48 percent of 
    energy due to reformulation. The remaining 45 percent of consumers 
    decrease trans fat intake by 0.53 percent of energy, 0.48 percent due 
    to reformulation plus 0.05 percent due to elimination of 2.2 percent of 
    the trans fat from foods not reformulated (0.022 x (0.0291 - 0.0048) = 
    0.0005). The total change in trans fat intake as a percent of energy 
    would be 0.50 percent ((0.55 x 0.0048) + (0.45 x 0.0053) = 0.005).
        iv.  Scenario 4: Least reformulation and some consumers change 
    their behavior. Scenario 4 assumes no reformulation of bread and cake 
    products, but continues to assume reformulation of margarine. Scenario 
    4 also assumes the same direct consumer response as in Scenarios 2 and 
    3. Under this scenario, 55 percent of consumers would decrease trans 
    fat intake by 0.39 percent of energy due to margarine reformulation 
    only. The remaining 45 percent of consumers decrease trans fat intake 
    by 0.45 percent of energy, 0.39 percent due to reformulation plus 0.06 
    percent due to elimination of 2.2 percent of the trans fat from foods 
    not reformulated (0.022 x (0.0291 - 0.0039) = 0.0006). The total change 
    in trans fat
    [[Page 62767]]
    intake as a percent of energy would be 0.42 percent ((0.55 x 0.0039) + 
    (0.45 x 0.0045) = 0.0042).
        As summarized in Table 2 of this document, Scenarios 2 through 4 
    predict three levels of product reformulation together with an estimate 
    of consumer behavior. FDA considers Scenarios 2 through 4 to be more 
    likely than Scenario 1, and has used them as the primary basis for 
    estimation of health benefits. In addition to representing outcomes 
    with different likelihoods, the three scenarios represent the effects 
    of the proposed rule after different periods of time: 3 years after the 
    effective date for Scenario 4, 8 years after the effective date for 
    Scenario 3, and 10 years after the effective date for Scenario 2. The 
    time period for the effects of each of the three scenarios includes the 
    time for reformulation and the 3 years that pass before changes in diet 
    affect the risk of CHD.
                                 Table 2.-- Predicted Changes Due to trans Fat Labeling1
      Characteristics of
        Each Scenario            Scenario 1             Scenario 2             Scenario 3            Scenario 4
    Description            Maximum combined       Some reformulation     Less reformulation     Least reformulation
                            producer and           and a proportion of    and a proportion of    and a proportion of
                            consumer response      consumers have         consumers have         consumers have
                                                   partial behavior       partial behavior       partial behavior
                                                   change                 change                 change
    Margarine Category                            100% Reformulated      100% Reformulated      100% Reformulated
    Bread/Rolls Category                          3% Reformulated        1.5% Reformulated      Not Reformulated
    Cookies/Pastries                              15% Reformulated       7.5% Reformulated      Not Reformulated
    Foods Not                                     45% of consumers pay   45% of consumers pay   45% of consumers pay
     Reformulated                                  attention to labels    attention to labels    attention to labels
                                                   and eliminate 2.2%     and eliminate 2.2%     and eliminate 2.2%
                                                   of trans fats          of trans fats          of trans fats
    Decrease in Average    2.91                   0.58                   0.50                   0.42
     Trans Fat Intake (%
     of energy)
                                          Change in Coronary Heart Disease Risk
    Method 1, LDL          - 4.28%                - 0.86%                - 0.73%                - 0.61%
    Method 2, LDL and HDL  - 8.36%                - 1.67%                - 1.43%                - 1.20%
                                      Time Periods for the Effects of Scenarios\2\
    Time after effective   Scenario 1             Scenario 2             Scenario 3             Scenario 4
    3 years                Same effects as        Same effects as        Same effects as        Full effect for
                            scenario 4             scenario 4             scenario 4             scenario 4
    8 years                Same effects as        Same effects as        Full effect for        Full effect for
                            scenario 3             scenario 3             scenario 3             scenario 4
    10 years               Full effect for        Full effect for        Full effect for        Full effect for
                            scenario 2             scenario 2             scenario 3             scenario 4
    Hypothetical future    Full effect for        Full effect for        Full effect for        Full effect for
     time (more than 10     scenario 1             scenario 2             scenario 3             scenario 4
    \1\ It is assumed in this table that a given percent of energy from trans fats is replaced by the same percent
      of energy from cis-monounsaturated fats, keeping total energy intake constant. The effect of substituting
      other macronutrients for trans fats is shown in Table 3 of this document.
    \2\ The calculations used to estimate the changes in risk (listed in the second part of the table) are explained
      below. For the calculations of risk using the LDL model, see section VI.C.2.a of this document. For the
      calculations of risk using the LDL and HDL model, see section VI.C.2.b of this document.
        c. Qualitative changes, substituting different macronutrients for 
    trans fats. Although quantitative decreases in trans fat intake were 
    estimated for the four scenarios in the preceding section, the actual 
    substitutions manufacturers and consumers will make as a result of the 
    labeling change are uncertain. The four scenarios assume that the 
    margarine food group will be reformulated, and scenarios 1 through 3 
    assume that a proportion of products in the breads, cookies, and 
    crackers food groups will be reformulated to eliminate trans fat.
        In choosing among reformulated products, manufacturers and 
    consumers might use products with saturated fat, cis-monounsaturated 
    fat, or cis-polyunsaturated fat as substitutes for the trans fat 
    removed by reformulation. Some industry specialists estimate that 
    current food technology will require the incorporation of about 0.5 g 
    saturated fat for every 1 g trans fat removed from a food product by 
    reformulation (Ref. 73). However, if consumers choose a very low fat 
    (and low calorie) replacement product, they will obtain almost no fat 
    in substitution for trans fat. They might then increase their intake of 
    carbohydrate or other fat to replace the calories from the replacement 
    product. Similarly, in the four scenarios FDA assumes that at least 
    some consumers will eliminate at least some trans fat from their diets 
    because of the labeling change. They will then obtain some combination 
    of carbohydrate or other fat in the foods they choose in place of trans 
    fat-containing foods.
        In the scientific literature, cis-monounsaturated fat is often used 
    as a reference point in describing effects of trans fat intake. Because 
    there are no available data to predict which macronutrients might, in 
    fact, replace trans fat, it is important to consider how the 
    substitution of carbohydrate or of other types of fat would influence 
    the CHD risk estimates. Therefore, in estimating the potential decrease 
    in heart disease risk due to trans fat labeling, FDA first estimated 
    the effect on CHD risk by assuming that the trans fat eliminated from 
    the diet was replaced with cis-monounsaturated fat while holding energy 
    (calories) constant. Next, FDA considered the effect on CHD risk of 
    replacing a given percent of energy from trans fat with the
    [[Page 62768]]
    same percent of energy from a combination of 50 percent cis-
    monounsaturated fat, plus either 50 percent saturated fat, 50 percent 
    polyunsaturated fat, or 50 percent carbohydrate. The effects of 
    different substitutions for trans fats are shown in Table 1 of this 
    document. In valuing health benefits, FDA assumed likely substitutions 
    of ingredients for the trans fat now used in different products (see 
    section VI.C.3 of this document).
    2. Changes in Health States Due to Changes in Trans Fat Intake
        FDA used two methods to estimate the potential decrease in CHD 
    likely to result from decreased intake of trans fat in response to the 
    labeling change.
        a. Method 1. Decrease in CHD risk due to decreased serum 
    concentrations of LDL-C.
        b. Method 2. Decrease in CHD risk due to decreased serum 
    concentrations of LDL-C and increased serum concentrations of HDL-C. 
    FDA also reviewed the association of CHD risk with trans fat intake 
    found in large prospective observational cohort studies.
        In the following sections, FDA summarizes the estimated decrease in 
    CHD using each method.
        a. Method 1: Changes in LDL-C. As noted in section IV.B.2 of this 
    document, the NCEP Expert Panel (Ref. 5) found increases in serum LDL-C 
    to be a major risk factor for CHD. In keeping with the recommendations 
    of the NCEP Expert Panel, FDA used changes in serum LDL-C as the 
    primary criterion to evaluate the effects of trans fat intake on CHD 
    risk in Method 1.
        As discussed in section IV.B.2.b of this document, clinical trials 
    of trans fat feeding have the advantage that they provide evidence for 
    a cause and effect relationship between a given level of trans fat 
    intake and the observed changes in physiologic measures such as LDL-C. 
    However, a single feeding trial usually involves just one or a few test 
    diets in comparison with a reference diet (called a ``basal'' diet) and 
    typically provides information on only one (or occasionally two or 
    more) levels of trans fat intake. When summarizing or comparing the 
    results of various feeding trials, the different levels of trans fat 
    intake and different basal diets across studies make the comparisons 
    necessary for this benefits analysis difficult.
        To overcome these difficulties, FDA used the regression equations 
    of Katan et al. (Ref. 62) and Zock et al. (Ref. 69) in Method 1 to 
    estimate the effect of trans fat intake on LDL-C. These authors 
    considered the results of five feeding trials (and six levels of trans 
    fat intake), summarizing the CHD risk results as a function of the 
    level of trans fat intake. Small differences in the basal diets in each 
    study were accounted for by correction factors based on the regression 
    equations of Mensink and Katan (Ref. 65). Compared with the results of 
    a single feeding trial, the coefficients from the regression equations 
    had three advantages: (1) They were based on data from a larger number 
    of subjects, (2) they could be generalized over a range of trans fat 
    intake, and (3) they were adjusted to a common basal diet.
        The regression equation of Katan et al. (Ref. 62) and Zock et al. 
    (Ref. 69) was based on the following studies that were reviewed in 
    section IV.B.2 of this document: Judd et al. 1994, Mensink and Katan 
    1990, Lichtenstein et al. 1993, Nestel et al. 1992, Zock and Katan 1992 
    (Refs. 7, 8, and 11 through 13). The regression equation showed that 
    each additional percent of energy from trans fat was predicted to 
    increase LDL-C by 1.5 mg/deciliter (dL) (0.040 millimol/liter) 
    (R2 = 0.86, p = 0.0028) when substituted for the same 
    percent of energy from cis-monounsaturated fat, holding total energy 
    intake constant.
        Previous research has shown that each 1-percent reduction in total 
    serum cholesterol is associated with a decrease in CHD risk by a factor 
    of 2 percent (Ref. 5). To quantify the relationship between changes in 
    LDL-C and CHD risk, Gordon and coworkers carried out a standardized 
    reanalysis of CHD incidence in four large prospective studies in the 
    United States (Refs. 59 through 61). The results of Gordon and 
    coworkers showed that each increment of 1 mg/dL in LDL-C (0.026 
    millimol/liter) was predicted to increase CHD risk by a factor of 0.6 
    percent to 0.8 percent (Refs. 59 through 61). FDA used the midpoint of 
    this range, a 0.7 percent increase in risk per 1 mg/dL LDL-C increment, 
    in the present analysis (throughout this analysis, a percent change in 
    CHD risk means that change as a factor of existing risk). Because 
    Gordon and coworkers expressed the change in LDL-C in mg/dL rather than 
    as a percent of mean LDL-C concentration, the information was directly 
    applicable to the changes in LDL-C in the intervention (feeding) 
        Because an individual's serum lipid concentrations vary over time, 
    a single measurement of serum lipid levels may underestimate the 
    magnitude of the association between serum lipids and CHD risk (Refs. 
    5, 57, and 64). Single measurements include random variation (or error) 
    that would be removed if repeated measurements of serum lipids were 
    made and the results for each individual were averaged. The presence of 
    the additional random variation can statistically mask the actual 
    relationship between serum lipids and CHD, causing an underestimate of 
    the magnitude of the association. This apparent weakening of the 
    observed association relative to the true association is called 
    regression dilution bias (Refs. 57 and 64). In an analysis of data from 
    the British United Providence Association, statistical removal of the 
    regression dilution bias increased the association between serum 
    cholesterol and CHD by a factor of 1.4 (Ref. 64). In this analysis, 
    therefore, FDA increased the strength of the relationship between LDL-C 
    and CHD risk by a factor of 1.4 to correct for regression dilution 
    bias. Using these relationships, the change in CHD risk due to trans 
    fat labeling can be predicted under the four consumer response 
        Given the mean decrease in trans fat intake of 2.91 percent of 
    energy in Scenario 1, LDL-C is predicted to decrease by 4.37 mg/dL, 
    resulting in a decrease in CHD risk of 3.06 percent, or 4.28 percent 
    (1.4 x 3.06 percent) after adjustment. Because the relationships in 
    Method 1 are linear, the decreased trans fat intake of the consumers 
    who do and those who do not use labels to make purchase decisions can 
    be combined into a single estimate of net decrease in trans fat intake. 
    For Scenario 2, the net decrease in trans fat intake is 0.58 percent of 
    energy, predicting a 0.87 mg/dL decrease in LDL-C, a 0.61 percent 
    decrease in risk of CHD, and a 0.86 percent (1.4 x 0.61 percent) 
    adjusted decrease in risk of CHD. In Scenario 3, the net decrease in 
    trans fat intake is 0.50 percent, giving a 0.75 mg/dL decrease in LDL-
    C, a 0.52 percent decrease in CHD, and a 0.73 percent (1.4 x 0.52 
    percent) adjusted decrease in risk of CHD. In Scenario 4, mean trans 
    fat intake decreases by 0.42 percent of energy, resulting in a 0.63 mg/
    dL decrease in LDL-C, a 0.44 percent decrease in CHD risk, and a 0.61 
    percent (1.4 x 0.44 percent) adjusted decrease in risk of CHD. The 
    adjusted decreases in risk for the four scenarios are summarized in 
    Table 2 of this document.
        Because the regression equations of Katan et al. (Ref. 62) and Zock 
    et al. (Ref. 69) represent the result of a mathematical procedure, 
    rather than the results of individual experiments, it is important to 
    consider how the decrease in risk calculated compares with individual 
    studies or with other summaries of studies. FDA compared these results 
    with predictions based on the feeding trials of Mensink and Katan
    [[Page 62769]]
    (Ref. 7) and Judd et al. (Ref. 12) and on the summary of Kris-Etherton 
    et al. (Ref. 63). FDA found that the decreased CHD risk predicted in 
    this analysis was within the range predicted using estimates derived 
    from individual feeding trials and from other summaries of research.
        In the estimates using Method 1, FDA assumed that energy as trans 
    fat will be replaced by energy as cis-monounsaturated fat. To account 
    for the substitution of different macronutrients for trans fat, FDA 
    compared these estimates with the effect on CHD risk of replacing a 
    given percent of energy from trans fat with the same percent of energy 
    from a combination of 50 percent cis-monounsaturated fat plus either 50 
    percent saturated fat, 50 percent polyunsaturated fat, or 50 percent 
    carbohydrate. FDA examined this effect by considering the effect of 
    carbohydrate and other fat on LDL-C. Mensink and Katan (Ref. 65) used 
    regression equations to summarize the results of 27 clinical feeding 
    trials on serum lipids. When substituted for 1 percent of energy from 
    monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat lowered LDL-C slightly (-0.31 
    mg/dL), carbohydrate raised LDL-C slightly (0.24 mg/dL), and saturated 
    fat raised LDL-C a similar amount (1.52 mg/dL) to that found for trans 
    fat (1.50 mg/dL).
        Given these effects of various substitutions on LDL-C, the changes 
    in CHD risk can be estimated. As examples, the results for Scenarios 2 
    and 4 are summarized in Table 3 of this document. The replacement of 
    0.58 percent of energy from trans fat (Scenario 2) with half cis-
    monounsaturated fat and half other fat or carbohydrate gives a 
    decreased adjusted risk of 0.42 percent for saturated fat, 0.95 percent 
    for polyunsaturated fat, and 0.79 percent for carbohydrate. These risks 
    compare with 0.86 percent for replacement with only cis-monounsaturated 
    fat under Scenario 2. Under Scenario 4 (replacement of 0.42 percent of 
    energy from trans fat), the corresponding decreases in risk are 0.30 
    percent, 0.68 percent, and 0.56 percent for replacement with half cis-
    monounsaturated fat and, respectively, either half saturated fat, half 
    polyunsaturated fat, or half carbohydrate. These risks compare with 
    0.61 percent for replacement with only cis-monounsaturated fat. Under 
    Method 1, then, the decrease in CHD risk is smallest when saturated fat 
    replaces some of the trans fat that is removed.
        b. Method 2: Changes in HDL-C and LDL-C. As noted in the discussion 
    on intervention (feeding) studies in section IV.B.2.a of this document 
    and in Appendix A, Table 1 of this document, trans fat intake appears 
    to affect not only LDL-C, but also other serum lipids, including HDL-C, 
    as well. A Consensus Statement on triglyceride, high-density 
    lipoprotein, and coronary heart disease reported ``considerable support 
    for a causal relationship'' between HDL-C and CHD (Ref. 71). The NCEP 
    Expert Panel (Ref. 5) considered LDL-C to be the primary lipid risk 
    factor for CHD. The Expert Panel also noted, however, the role of HDL-C 
    as a ``significant'' lipid risk factor for CHD. The Expert Panel 
    stated, ``Even though there are no data from clinical trials designed 
    specifically to show that raising HDL-C levels will reduce the risk for 
    CHD, the strong epidemiological association between low HDL-C and CHD 
    justifies considering HDL-C in risk assessment.'' The NCEP Expert Panel 
    (Ref. 5) found that ``the strength and independence of this association 
    warrants calling low HDL-C * * * a [negative] risk factor for assessing 
    the risk status of individual patients and for influencing the vigor of 
    treatment directed at high levels of LDL-C.''
        Although FDA believes that justification for this proposed rule is 
    primarily through the effect of trans fat intake on LDL-C, trans fat 
    intake may also be associated with CHD through an effect on HDL-C. 
    Therefore, with this noted qualification, FDA used changes in both HDL-
    C and LDL-C as a second method to quantify the effects of trans fat 
    intake on CHD risk.
        The effect of trans fat intake on HDL-C was also quantified by 
    Katan et al. and Zock et al. (Ref. 62 and 69). The regression equation 
    showed that each additional percent of energy from trans fat was 
    predicted to decrease HDL-C by 0.4 mg/dL (0.013 millimol/liter) 
    (R2 = 0.88, p = 0.0019) when substituted for the same 
    percent of energy from cis-monounsaturated fat, holding total energy 
    intake constant. According to the analyses of Gordon and coworkers 
    (Refs. 59 through 61), each 1 mg/dL (0.026 millimol/liter) increment in 
    HDL-C was predicted to decrease CHD risk by 2 percent to 3 percent. For 
    the purpose of this analysis, FDA chose the midpoint, a 2.5 percent 
    decrease in risk per 1 mg/dL HDL-C increment. As described earlier, the 
    strength of this relationship should be increased by a factor of 1.4 to 
    account for regression dilution (Ref. 64).
        For Scenario 1, the mean 2.91 percent of energy decrease in trans 
    fat intake is predicted to increase HDL-C by 1.16 mg/dL, decreasing CHD 
    risk by 2.91 percent or by 4.08 percent (1.4 x 2.91 percent) adjusted. 
    The combined effect of the change in CHD risk due to changes in HDL-C 
    and LDL-C predicts an 8.36 percent decrease in CHD risk in Scenario 1 
    (4.28 percent decreased risk from lowering LDL-C plus 4.08 percent 
    decreased risk from raising HDL-C). Applying the same procedures to the 
    increase in HDL-C in the other scenarios would result in decreasing CHD 
    risk by 0.82 percent, 0.70 percent, and 0.58 percent (adjusted) for 
    Scenarios 2 through 4. The combined effect of raising HDL-C and 
    lowering LDL-C, summarized in Table 2 of this document, would result in 
    decreasing CHD risk by 1.67 percent, 1.43 percent, and 1.20 percent for 
    Scenarios 2 through 4. As found for Method 1, the decreased CHD risk 
    predicted for Method 2 using the regression equations of Katan et al. 
    and Zock et al. (Refs. 62 and 69) was within the range predicted using 
    estimates derived from individual feeding trials and from summaries of 
        In the estimates using Method 2, which estimated changes in both 
    HDL-C and LDL-C, FDA assumed that trans fat was replaced by the same 
    percent of energy as cis-monounsaturated fat. To account for the 
    substitution of different macronutrients, FDA compared the Method 2 
    estimates with the effect on CHD risk of replacing a given percent of 
    energy from trans fat with the same percent of energy from a 
    combination of half cis-monounsaturated fat and half either saturated 
    fat, polyunsaturated fat, or carbohydrate. FDA examined these effects 
    by considering the effects of carbohydrate and other fat on both LDL-C 
    (summarized previously for Method 1) and HDL-C. The regression 
    equations of Mensink and Katan (Ref. 65) predicted that when 
    substituted for one percent of energy from monounsaturated fat, 
    polyunsaturated fat lowered HDL-C slightly (0.06 mg/dL), saturated fat 
    raised HDL-C slightly (0.13 mg/dL), and carbohydrate lowered HDL-C by a 
    similar amount (0.34 mg/dL) to that found for trans fat (0.40 mg/dL).
        Using Method 2, which includes the effects on both HDL-C and LDL-C, 
    the replacement of 0.58 percent of energy from trans fat (Scenario 2) 
    with half cis-monounsaturated fat and half other fat or carbohydrate 
    gives a decreased adjusted risk of 1.37 percent for saturated fat, 1.70 
    percent for polyunsaturated fat, and 1.26 percent for carbohydrate 
    (Table 3 of this document). These changes compare with the 1.67 percent 
    decreased CHD risk calculated for replacement with only cis-
    monounsaturated fat under Scenario 2. Using Method 2 and Scenario 4, 
    the corresponding decreases in risk are 0.98 percent for saturated fat, 
    1.22 percent for polyunsaturated fat,
    [[Page 62770]]
    and 0.90 percent for carbohydrate, compared with 1.20 percent adjusted 
    decrease in CHD risk for replacement with only cis-monounsaturated fat. 
    Under Method 2, therefore, the decrease in CHD risk is not as large 
    when saturated fat or carbohydrate is used to replace some of the trans 
    fat that is removed.
        Table 3.--Predicted Changes in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Risk Due to trans Fat Labeling, According to
                                               Substitution for trans Fats
                                            Scenario 2                                    Scenario 4
         Description          Some reformulation and a proportion of       Least reformulation and a proportion of
    ----------------------    consumers have partial behavior change        consumers have partial behavior change
     Decrease in average  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     trans fat intake (%                       0.58                                          0.42
          of energy)      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ----------------------                         Change in CHD Risk:                           Change in CHD Risk:
       Substitution for     Change in CHD Risk:    Method 2, LDL-C and    Change in CHD Risk:    Method 2, LDL-C and
          trans fats          Method 1, LDL-C             HDL-C             Method 1, LDL-C             HDL-C
    cis-monounsaturated    - 0.86%                - 1.67%                - 0.61%                - 1.20%
    Half saturated and     - 0.42%                - 1.37%                - 0.30%                - 0.98%
     half cis-
     monounsaturated fats
    Half cis-              - 0.95%                - 1.70%                - 0.68%                - 1.22%
     polyunsaturated and
     half cis-
     monounsaturated fats
    Half carbohydrate and  - 0.79%                -1.26%                 - 0.56%                - 0.90%
     half cis-
     monounsaturated fats
        In June 1999, Ascherio et al. published an updated regression 
    equation estimating the effect of trans fat intake on serum lipids 
    (Ref. 83). The equation of Ascherio et al. incorporated the results of 
    8 feeding trials at 12 levels of trans fat intake, including 4 levels 
    of trans fat intake from the newly-published feeding trial of 
    Lichtenstein et al. (Ref. 82). In Method 1 and Method 2 of this 
    document, FDA estimated the effect of trans fat intake on serum lipids 
    using the 1995 regression equations of Katan et al. (Ref. 62) and Zock 
    et al. (Ref. 69). The 1999 equation of Ascherio et al. (Ref. 83) 
    estimated the effect of trans fat intake on the ratio of LDL-C to HDL-C 
    (LDL/HDL ratio), and not on the separate lipid concentrations of LDL-C 
    and HDL-C. As discussed in greater detail in sections IV.B.2 and VI.C.2 
    of this document, FDA's primary rationale for this proposed rule is the 
    effect of trans fat on LDL-C. Therefore, FDA estimated the effects of 
    trans fat on LDL-C and HDL-C separately, and FDA did not use the 1999 
    equation of Ascherio et al. However, FDA notes that the effect of trans 
    fat intake on serum lipid ratios estimated by the 1999 equation of 
    Ascherio et al. (Ref. 83) is very similar to the effect on serum lipid 
    ratios estimated by the 1995 equation of Willett and Ascherio (Ref. 
    84). Moreover, the 1995 equation of Willett and Ascherio incorporated 
    the results of the same five feeding trials at six levels of trans fat 
    intake as did the equations of Katan et al. (Ref. 62) and Zock et al. 
    (Ref 69) that the agency used in Method 1 and Method 2 of this 
    document. Therefore, FDA concludes that the decreased CHD risk 
    predicted by Method 1 and Method 2 of this document would not be 
    appreciably changed even if a regression equation were available to it 
    that predicted LDL-C and HDL-C separately, and incorporated the most 
    recently published feeding trials.
        c. Estimates from large prospective studies. As noted in section 
    IV.B.2.b of this document, FDA reviewed the results from observational 
    epidemiological studies of trans fat intake and risk of CHD. Because 
    such studies can provide evidence of an association between a risk 
    factor and disease, but cannot establish direct cause and effect, FDA 
    considered the evidence from observational epidemiological studies as 
    indirect evidence for a relationship.
        Among the observational studies reviewed, FDA is aware of four 
    large prospective studies reporting association between trans fat 
    intake and CHD risk (Refs. 19 through 21 and 38). These studies suggest 
    benefits that are several fold higher than even the high estimate of 
    benefits presented previously in this analysis (i.e., benefits 
    estimated for Method 2). FDA is asking for comments on the use of these 
    studies in estimating benefits.
        In these studies, the dietary intake and the health status of the 
    prospective cohorts were followed over time. An advantage of 
    prospective studies is that knowledge of a disease does not influence 
    the reported dietary intake (from questionnaires) (Ref. 66). However, 
    in prospective studies (as in other observational epidemiology), there 
    is error included in individuals' self-reported dietary intake and in 
    the calculation of trans fat intake from foods reported eaten.
        Additionally, statistical techniques are used to adjust for other 
    dietary components and other characteristics of the subjects that may 
    potentially confound the relationship between trans fat intake and CHD. 
    If a direct cause and effect is present, the size of the effect may be 
    over- or underestimated if there is bias due to errors in measurement 
    of the other dietary components or other confounding factors. The 
    presence of unknown or unmeasured confounding factors is another 
    potential source of bias. The prospective studies have nevertheless 
    consistently reported a greater risk of CHD attributable to trans fat 
    intake than would be accounted for by changes in LDL-C and HDL-C alone.
        Prospective studies typically report the association of a risk 
    factor with a disease outcome in terms of ``relative risk.'' RR 
    indicates the degree to which the presence of the risk factor increases 
    the chance of the health outcome. For example, an RR of 1.5 means that 
    with the risk factor present there is a 50 percent greater chance of 
    having the disease than if the risk factor was not present (holding all 
    other factors constant and assuming a cause and effect relationship for 
    the risk factor and the disease).
        In the study of Hu et al. (Ref. 38), women completed diet 
    questionnaires four separate times during a 14-year followup. The RR 
    for CHD was reported to be 1.93 per 2 percent of energy intake from 
    trans fat, with a 95 percent confidence interval ranging from 1.43 to 
    2.61. These numbers indicate that for every 2 percent of energy 
    (calories) from
    [[Page 62771]]
    trans fat, there would be an increased risk of CHD of 93 percent 
    (compared with the same amount of energy from carbohydrates). When only 
    the initial diet questionnaire was used in the analysis (instead of all 
    four questionnaires), greater measurement error was expected, and the 
    RR for CHD was reduced to 1.62 per 2 percent of energy from trans fat 
    (95 percent confidence interval from 1.23 to 2.13). This study can be 
    compared to the study of men by Ascherio et al. (Ref. 19), using a 
    single diet questionnaire, which reported a RR of 1.36 per 2 percent of 
    energy from trans fat (95 percent confidence interval from 1.03 to 
        Three of the prospective studies (Refs. 20, 21, and 38) reported 
    the CHD risk for the subjects in the top 20 percent of energy intake 
    from trans fat compared with those in the lowest 20 percent of intake. 
    Again, the reported RR's were greater than 1.0 with overlapping 
    confidence intervals. In addition, a report from the Framingham Heart 
    Study found the RR for CHD in men was 1.12 per teaspoon margarine 
    intake, with 95 percent confidence interval from 1.05 to 1.20 (Ref. 
    58). This result corresponds to an RR of 2.05 per 2 percent of energy 
    from trans fat (95 percent confidence interval from 1.36 to 3.17), 
    which is very similar to the results of Hu et al. (assuming that a 
    tablespoon (3 teaspoons) of margarine contains 11 g of fat and that 25 
    percent of the fat in margarine is trans fat).
        As a further check, the RR reported by Hu et al. (Ref. 38) for 
    saturated fat may be compared to other prospective studies, such as the 
    analysis from the Western Electric Study by Shekelle et al. (Ref. 67). 
    The coefficient reported by Shekelle et al. corresponds to a RR of 1.17 
    per 5 percent of energy from saturated fat, the same as was reported by 
    Hu et al. (Ref. 38).
        When used to predict the health benefits of replacing trans fat 
    with other types of fats or carbohydrates, the Hu et al. (Ref. 38) 
    paper gives decreases in CHD much larger than those predicted using 
    only changes in LDL-C and HDL-C. For example, Hu et al. reported that 
    substitution of monounsaturated fat for trans fat at 2 percent of 
    energy would decrease CHD risk by 52.4 percent (95 percent confidence 
    interval of 37 percent to 64 percent).
        Under Scenario 2, FDA calculated the estimated decrease in risk for 
    CHD when monounsaturated fat is substituted for trans fat. In this 
    scenario, trans fat intake decreases by 0.61 percent of energy for 45 
    percent of consumers and by 0.56 percent of energy for 55 percent of 
    consumers, with a weighted average decrease of 0.58 percent. Using the 
    relationships of Hu et al. (Ref. 38), the estimated weighted average 
    decrease in CHD risk is 19.4 percent (95 percent confidence interval of 
    5.2 percent to 31.6 percent). This decrease is much larger than the 
    decrease of 1.67 percent estimated for Method 2, which considered 
    effects for both LDL-C and HDL-C. Even 5.2 percent, the lower limit of 
    the 95 percent confidence interval, is three times higher than the LDL-
    C and HDL-C combined prediction of 1.67 percent.
        Because of the possibilities of errors of measurement (particularly 
    of dietary intake) or poorly measured or missing confounding variables, 
    the RR's from these observational studies are imprecise. Although 
    observational studies have limitations, they also have the advantage 
    that they can measure directly (within a given study) an association 
    between dietary intake and disease outcome. This association cannot be 
    established from the short-term feeding trials. In such trials trans 
    fat is fed to people for a few weeks, changes in serum lipids are 
    measured, and it is assumed that the CHD risk associated with trans fat 
    intake occurs through the mechanism of changes in LDL-C and possibly 
    HDL-C. In contrast, the observational studies measure actual CHD 
    occurrence in a large group of people over a period of years, and 
    describe all CHD risk associated with trans fat intake, regardless of 
    the mechanism of action by which trans fat intake may be associated 
    with CHD. The prospective studies therefore raise the possibility that 
    there may be additional mechanisms by which trans fat contributes to 
    CHD (such as increases in fasting triglycerides and increases in 
    lipoprotein (a) (Ref. 62)), and that the actual benefits may be higher 
    than estimated using Methods 1 and 2.
    3. Value of Changes in Health
        In the previous sections, FDA presented potential changes in food 
    markets because of this proposed rule and described various ways of 
    calculating the decreases in CHD that would result from those market 
    changes. Uncertainties in these analyses include:
         The size of consumer substitutions among existing 
         The amount of producer reformulation to avoid losing 
    market shares;
         The types of ingredient substitutions producers will make 
    to reduce the amount of trans fat in their products; and,
         The decrease in CHD that will result from decreased trans 
    fat in the diet.
        FDA estimated the benefits from the proposed rule for three 
    scenarios and two methods. The three scenarios estimate plausible 
    changes over time in the intake of trans fat. The short-term benefits 
    are associated with the reformulation of margarine and direct consumer 
    substitutions within the existing product mix (Scenario 4). FDA assumed 
    that the most likely ingredient substitutions for trans fat in 
    margarine would be 100 percent cis-monounsaturated fat, or a mixture of 
    50 percent cis-monounsaturated and 50 percent cis-polyunsaturated fat, 
    or a mixture of 50 percent cis-monounsaturated and 50 percent saturated 
    fat (Ref. 73). After 5 years additional benefits are associated with 
    some reformulation of baked goods (the increase in benefits estimated 
    for Scenario 3 over Scenario 4). Finally, after 2 more years additional 
    baked goods reformulation leads to greater benefits (the increase in 
    benefits estimated for Scenario 2 over Scenario 3). FDA assumed that 
    the most likely ingredient substitution for trans fat in baked goods 
    would be a mixture of 50 percent cis-monounsaturated and 50 percent 
    saturated fat.
        The two methods give low and high estimates of the change in CHD 
    risk brought about by changing intakes of trans fat. The low method 
    (Method 1) assumes that the reduction in CHD risk associated with 
    reduced trans fat intakes comes about through the reduction in LDL-C. 
    The high method (Method 2) assumes that the reduction in CHD risk comes 
    about through a combination of reducing LDL-C and increasing HDL-C.
        The reduction in CHD is highly uncertain because the ease of 
    reformulation, the size of consumer response, and the size of the 
    effects of trans fat on CHD are uncertain. Also, these changes will 
    occur over time and can be affected by other, unanticipated events. FDA 
    dealt with the uncertainty by estimating a range of possible reductions 
    in CHD associated with the proposed rule. The low and high estimated 
    benefits can be interpreted as a range of potential effects. As the 
    previous section showed, however, the actual realized benefits may 
    exceed the range given by the two methods.
    [[Page 62772]]
                                Table 4.--Methods and Scenarios Used to Estimate Benefits
                 Scenario 4                            Scenario 3                            Scenario 2
    Margarine reformulation and direct    Margarine reformulation, direct       Margarine reformulation, direct
     consumer response.                    consumer response, and some baked     consumer response, and additional
                                           goods reformulation.                  baked goods reformulation.
    All activity begins during the        Margarine reformulation and direct    Margarine reformulation and direct
     compliance period.                    consumer response begins during the   consumer response begins during the
                                           compliance period.                    compliance period.
    Health effects occur 3 years after    Some baked goods reformulation is     Some baked goods reformulation is
     effective date.                       completed 5 years after the           completed 5 years after the
                                           effective date.                       effective date.
                                          Health effects from margarine         Additional baked goods reformulation
                                           reformulation, direct consumer        is completed 7 years after the
                                           response occur 3 years after          effective date.
                                           effective date.
                                          Health effects from some baked goods  Health effects from margarine
                                           reformulation occur 8 years after     reformulation, direct consumer
                                           effective date.                       response occur 3 years after
                                                                                 effective date.
                                                                                Health effects from some baked goods
                                                                                 reformulation occur 8 years after
                                                                                 effective date.
                                                                                Health effects from additional baked
                                                                                 goods reformulation occur 10 years
                                                                                 after effective date.
                      Low Estimates of     High Estimates of Change in CHD
         Change in CHD Risk                              Risk
    Assumes that only changes in LDL-C   Assumes that changes in both LDL-C
     affect risk of CHD.                  and HDL-C affect risk of CHD.
        a. CHD morbidity and mortality prevented. FDA calculated the 
    benefits from the proposed rule as the reduction (from the baseline) in 
    CHD multiplied by the value of preventing both fatal and nonfatal cases 
    of CHD. FDA assumed that the cases of CHD prevented by this rule will 
    have the same proportions of fatal and nonfatal cases as currently 
    exists in the population. The American Heart Association estimates that 
    1.1 million heart attack cases of CHD occur annually, with 33 percent 
    of them fatal. FDA used these estimates as the baseline for the 
    estimated benefits (Ref. 75). The number of cases varies from year to 
    year, so FDA treated the annual number of cases as a distribution with 
    a mean equal to 1.1 million (and a standard deviation of 110,000). FDA 
    applied the estimated decline in the probability of CHD to the baseline 
    to get estimates of the number of cases and fatalities prevented by the 
    proposed rule. FDA estimated the effects using Method 1, which 
    considers changes only in LDL-C, and using Method 2, which considers 
    changes in both LDL-C and HDL-C. With Method 1 FDA estimated that, 3 
    years, 8 years and 10 years after the effective date, the proposed rule 
    would annually prevent 6,300 cases of CHD and 2,100 deaths, 7,000 cases 
    and 2,300 deaths, and 7,600 cases and 2,500 deaths. With Method 2 FDA 
    estimated that, 3 years, 8 years and 10 years after the effective date, 
    the proposed rule would annually prevent 12,800 cases of CHD and 4,200 
    deaths, 15,000 cases and 4,900 deaths, and 17,100 cases and 5,600 
    deaths. Because the association between trans fat consumption and CHD 
    via changes in LDL-C is more conclusive, the benefits estimated using 
    Method 1 should be regarded as more certain than the benefits estimated 
    using Method 2.
        b. Value of CHD morbidity and mortality prevented. The health costs 
    associated with heart attacks were broken down into the costs of fatal 
    and nonfatal events. The cost of a fatal event is the discounted years 
    of life lost multiplied by the dollar value of a quality-adjusted life 
    year. The average years of life lost from fatal CHD are 13, which is 
    about 8.4 years when discounted at 7 percent (Ref. 76). FDA used 
    $100,000 as the value of a life year. That estimate was used by Cutler 
    and Richardson (Ref. 77) and is close to the estimate used by Zarkin et 
    al. (Ref. 68) and the estimate used in the economic analysis of the 
    regulations implementing the 1990 amendments. The average cost per 
    fatal case is, therefore, approximately $840,000 (8.4 x $100,000).
        For nonfatal cases, FDA estimated the cost to be the sum of the 
    medical costs, the cost of functional disability, and the cost of pain 
    and suffering. The functional disability, and pain and suffering 
    combine to reduce the quality of life for victims. In a recent study, 
    Cutler and Richardson (Ref. 77) estimated from National Center for 
    Health Statistics data that the quality adjusted life year for a CHD 
    survivor was 0.71, which indicates that the annual loss to the victim 
    is 0.29 quality adjusted years. This loss represents the combined 
    effects of functional disability and pain and suffering. FDA assumed 
    that the loss lasts for 13 years, or 8.4 discounted years. FDA did not 
    estimate the extent to which nonfatal cases reduce life expectancy or 
    increase other health costs. Because nonfatal cases probably do have 
    these effects, FDA may have underestimated the health benefits from 
    preventing nonfatal cases.
        The medical costs for nonfatal CHD are also important. The American 
    Heart Association estimates that the cost of a new event is about 
    $22,700 and the total annual costs are $51.1 billion (Ref. 75). If 1.1 
    million cases lead to $22,700 per case, then all theses cases cost 
    about $25 billion. The remaining 13.9 million cases average about 
    $1,900 per year (($51.1 billion - $25 billion) /13.9 million). FDA, 
    therefore, estimated medical costs per case as $22,700 in the first 
    year and about $1,900 per year thereafter.
        The total cost per nonfatal case is the sum of lost quality-
    adjusted life years multiplied by $100,000 per life year plus the 
    medical costs of $22,700 plus $1,900 per year times the discounted life 
    years. FDA estimated the morbidity cost per case to be about $282,000 
    ((0.29 x $100,000 x 8.4) + ($1,900 x 8.4) + $22,700).
        The annual benefits of the proposed rule equal the number of deaths
    [[Page 62773]]
    prevented multiplied by the cost per death, plus the number of nonfatal 
    cases prevented multiplied by the costs per nonfatal case. Because the 
    number of CHD cases and the number of fatalities vary from year to 
    year, FDA estimated the benefits with computer simulations that 
    accounted for the variability. The estimated benefits reported by the 
    agency are the mean simulated outcomes of Monte Carlo simulations run 
    with 1,000 iterations.
        The main uncertainty associated with estimating benefits comes from 
    the lack of knowledge about the correct method linking changes in trans 
    fat to changes in CHD. FDA represented model uncertainty by presenting 
    the low results based on the LDL-C alone and the high results based on 
    the combined effects of trans fat on LDL-C and HDL-C. Representing 
    uncertainty as a range given by the results for the two methods, 
    however, understates the true uncertainty because it does not account 
    for the possibility of other links between trans fat and CHD. If those 
    other links exist, then the benefits of the proposed rule could be much 
    higher than estimated by the agency.
        Tables 5 and 6 show the mean of the simulated low and high annual 
    benefits for Scenarios 2 to 4.
    [[Page 62774]]
                   Table 5.--Low Estimated Benefits of the Proposed Rule for Scenarios 2 to 4 Using Method 1 in Millions of Dollars (benefits discounted at 7 percent in parentheses)
                                         Prior to
                                       Three Years                                                                              Seven Years       Eight Years                       Ten Years After
                                          After     Three Years After  Four Years After  Five Years After   Six Years After   After Effective   After Effective  Nine Years After    Effective Date
                                        Effective     Effective Date    Effective Date    Effective Date    Effective Date         Date              Date         Effective Date       and Later
    Scenario 2                                  $0    $2,919 ($2,383)   $2,919 ($2,227)   $2,919 ($2,081)   $2,919 ($1,945)   $2,919 ($1,818)   $3,226 ($1,877)   $3,226 ($1,809)             $3,409
    Scenario 3                                  $0    $2,919 ($2,383)   $2,919 ($2,227)   $2,919 ($2,081)   $2,919 ($1,945)   $2,919 ($1,818)   $3,226 ($1,877)   $3,226 ($1,809)             $3,226
    Scenario 4                                  $0    $2,919 ($2,383)   $2,919 ($2,227)   $2,919 ($2,081)   $2,919 ($1,945)   $2,919 ($1,818)   $2,919 ($1,699)   $2,919 ($1,588)             $2,919
    \1\ Discounted values for year ten will continue to decline in later years.
                   Table 6.--High Estimated Benefits of the Proposed Rule for Scenarios 2 to 4 Using Method 2 in Millions of Dollars (benefits discounted at 7 percent in parentheses)
                                         Prior to
                                       Three Years                                                                              Seven Years       Eight Years                       Ten Years After
                                          After     Three Years After  Four Years After  Five Years After   Six Years After   After Effective   After Effective  Nine Years After    Effective Date
                                        Effective     Effective Date    Effective Date    Effective Date    Effective Date         Date              Date         Effective Date       and Later
    Scenario 2                                  $0    $5,941 ($4,850)   $5,941 ($4,532)   $5,941 ($4,236)   $5,941 ($3,959)   $5,941 ($3,700)   $6,935 ($4,036)   $6,935 ($3,772)             $7,880
    Scenario 3                                  $0    $5,941 ($4,850)   $5,941 ($4,532)   $5,941 ($4,236)   $5,941 ($3,959)   $5,941 ($3,700)   $6,935 ($4,036)   $6,935 ($3,772)             $6,935
    Scenario 4                                  $0    $5,941 ($4,850)   $5,941 ($4,532)   $5,941 ($4,236)   $5,941 ($3,959)   $5,941 ($3,700)   $5,941 ($3,458)   $5,941 ($3,232)             $5,941
    \1\ Discounted values for year ten will continue to decline in later years.
    [[Page 62775]]
        Under all scenarios, the benefits are expected to begin 3 years 
    after the effective date. The 3-year lag occurs because CHD is a 
    chronic condition, so a dietary change takes several years to begin to 
    affect the risk of CHD. Under Scenario 3, the benefits increase 8 years 
    after the effective date. The lag for Scenario 3 is the sum of 3-year 
    lag for health effects and the 5 years that FDA expects industry to 
    take to reformulate one-half of the baked goods that can be 
    successfully reformulated. Under Scenario 2, the benefits increase 10 
    years after the effective date, with 10 years being the sum of the 3-
    year lag for health effects, the 5 years for industry to reformulate 
    one-half of the baked goods that can be successfully reformulated, and 
    2 years to reformulate the remaining half of such baked goods. In the 
    next section, on costs, the agency will explain the assumptions behind 
    the lag times used to estimate the reformulation of baked goods.
    D. Costs
        FDA has identified several different categories of costs that are 
    associated with compliance with this proposed rule. Costs of the 
    regulation include testing costs, decisionmaking costs, relabeling 
    costs, and reformulation costs (including inventory loss). The basic 
    formula is described in Figure 2 of this document. Because FDA has 
    estimated benefits associated with a reduction in trans fat consumption 
    due to reformulation, the estimated costs associated with reformulation 
    are included in Figure 2.
                  Figure 2.--Basic Formula for Cost Estimation
    Testing costs per--X--------Number of----------=--------Total testing---
     product                     products tested             costs
    Decisionmaking     X        Number of firms    =        Total
     costs per firm              needing to test             decisionmaking
                                 their products              costs
    Reprinting costs   X        Number of          =        Total
     per information             information                 information
     panel                       panels changed              panel
    Relabeling costs   X        Number of          =        Total relabeling
     per principal               principal                   costs for
     display panel               display panels              principal
                                 changed                     display panels
    Reformulation      X        Number of          =        Total
     costs (including            products                    reformulation
     inventory loss)             reformulated                costs
     per product                                             (including
                                                             inventory loss)
                                                            = Total costs
        In this analysis, FDA assumed that all product formulations that 
    include partially hydrogenated oil as an ingredient will be tested to 
    determine the quantity of trans fat (except for margarine products, 
    which are all expected to reformulate). The costs are described in 
    section VI.D.2 of this document.
        The proposed rule states that, for all products containing 0.5 g or 
    more of trans fat per serving, the amount of trans fat must be added to 
    the amount of saturated fat in the Nutrition Facts panel and the %DV 
    for saturated fat must be adjusted accordingly. Also, the adjusted 
    amount of saturated fat must be marked with an asterisk, and the amount 
    of trans fat must be stated in a footnote to explain the asterisk. To 
    avoid listing trans fat in the Nutrition Facts panel, manufacturers may 
    choose to reformulate their products so that they contain less than 0.5 
    g trans fat per serving. FDA has estimated the cost of this decision to 
    relabel or reformulate for each affected firm. These costs are 
    described in section VI.D.3 of this document.
        If manufacturers choose to relabel only rather than reformulate, 
    the label for each package size will need to be redesigned and 
    reprinted. These costs are described in section VI.D.4 of this 
        If manufacturers choose to reformulate rather than relabel only, 
    then the new formulation for each product will need to be developed, 
    the production process may need to be altered, new ingredients will 
    need to be purchased, and the new product will need to be consumer 
    tested. These costs are described in sections VI.D.5 and VI.D.6 of this 
        Section VI.C.1.b of this document describes four scenarios for the 
    effects of the rule. Scenario 1: Maximum Response, estimates the 
    benefits of totally eliminating trans fats from the diet. The costs 
    corresponding to this scenario have not been estimated because this 
    scenario is not expected to occur as a result of this rule. Scenario 2: 
    Some reformulation and some consumers change their behavior, 
    corresponds to the full long-term costs estimated in this section. 
    Scenario 4: Least reformulation and some consumers change their 
    behavior, corresponds to the near-term costs estimated in this section 
    for testing, decisionmaking costs, relabeling, and margarine product 
    reformulation. Scenario 3 is an intermediate scenario between Scenarios 
    2 and 4. It would correspond to the costs for Scenario 4 plus 50 
    percent of the costs of the baked product reformulation calculated in 
    Scenario 2.
    1. Products Affected
        The proposed rule covers all food products within the jurisdiction 
    of the FDA. However, not all FDA-regulated products will be affected by 
    the proposed rule: Only products that contain 0.5 g or more of trans 
    fat per serving will be required to label the trans fat content. 
    Although trans fat does occur naturally in some product groups such as 
    dairy foods, it is only likely to be present at levels at or above 0.5 
    g per serving in products containing partially hydrogenated oils. 
    Therefore, FDA identified the product groups that contain most of the 
    products that use partially hydrogenated oil as an ingredient.
        These categories do not cover all products that contain partially 
    hydrogenated oil, but they include the products likely to be affected 
    most by this rule. Focusing the analysis on these product groups allows 
    FDA to use data available on product and label content that are 
    available only by product group. It should be noted, however, that not 
    all of the products in all of these groups contain partially 
    hydrogenated oils.
    [[Page 62776]]
        FDA has used data from its Food Label and Package Survey (FLAPS) 
    data base to estimate the percentage of products in each product group 
    that contain partially hydrogenated oils. Because FDA did not consider 
    the FLAPS data to be sufficiently representative of the Cereal and 
    Refrigerated Spreads product groups for the purpose of this analysis, 
    FDA has used an informal market survey (Ref. 80) to estimate the 
    percentage of these products that contain partially hydrogenated oils. 
    For the Refrigerated Spreads, FDA's informal market survey indicates 
    that 30 percent of the margarine products have already been 
    reformulated to reduce trans fat below 0.5 g per serving, some by 
    removing partially hydrogenated oil from the products. Table 7 of this 
    document shows the product groups most affected by this proposal and 
    the percentage and number of products in each group estimated to 
    contain partially hydrogenated oils. Throughout the cost analysis FDA 
    has used rounded estimates and has rounded the results of calculations. 
    The extent of the rounding is reported in the caption for each table.
      Table 7.--Product Groups and Number of Products Affected (numbers are rounded to the nearest ten, percentages
                                          are rounded to the nearest 5 percent)
                                                                                  Percent of
                                                                                   Products       Number of Products
                        Product Group                     Number of Products      Containing          Containing
                                                                                   Partially           Partially
                                                                               Hydrogenated Oil    Hydrogenated Oil
    Frozen Breakfast Foods (e.g., waffles, pancakes,            750                 80%                 600
     French toast)
    Cereal (e.g., hot, ready-to-eat and granola types)        1,800                 40%                 720
    Baking Mixes (e.g., mixes for breads, cakes, and          1,460                 75%               1,100
    Breading Products (e.g., breading products and              940                 85%                 800
    Frozen Baked Goods (e.g., pies, bagels, breads, and       1,510                 50%                 760
    Refrigerated Bread and Pastry Products (e.g., bread       1,770                  5%                  90
     dough and sweet roll dough)
    Breads (e.g., bread, cakes, doughnuts and sweet          29,960                 50%              14,980
    Crackers                                                  1,910                100%               1,910
    Cookies                                                   6,940                 95%               6,590
    Baking Needs (e.g., frostings, chocolate chips, and       1,530                 65%               1,000
     pie shells)
    Candy and Gum                                            14,910                 40%               5,960
    Shortenings and Oils (e.g., lard, cooking oils, and       1,480                 15%                 220
    Refrigerated Spreads (e.g., butter, margarine, and        1,290                 65%                 840
    Chip Type Snacks (e.g., popcorn, pretzels, potato        10,220                 70%               7,150
     and corn chips and rice cakes)
    Total                                                    76,470                                  42,720
    2. Testing Costs
        For each of the product groups, FDA used the A. C. Nielsen Database 
    of food products sold in grocery stores with annual sales of $2 million 
    or more to identify the number of product formulations. For the purpose 
    of this analysis, FDA assumed that each of these products would be 
    tested for trans fat content. The Refrigerated Spreads group is not 
    included because--as will be explained below--FDA expects all margarine 
    products to be reformulated; there is therefore no reason to test 
    current margarine products. Research Triangle Institute (RTI) collected 
    information on trans fat testing costs for FDA. The per product cost of 
    testing for trans fat is approximately $200 (Ref. 73). Table 8 shows 
    the number of products in each product group estimated to contain 
    partially hydrogenated oils and the cost of product testing. Total 
    testing costs are estimated to be about $8 million.
      Table 8.--Number of Products Tested and Cost of Testing by Product Group (numbers are rounded to the nearest
                                                   Number of Products
                                                       Containing        Cost of Testing
                    Product Group                       Partially          per Product     Cost of Testing per Group
                                                    Hydrogenated Oil
    Frozen Breakfast Foods                               600                $200                 $120,000
    Cereal                                               720                $200                 $144,000
    Baking Mixes                                       1,100                $200                 $220,000
    Breading Products                                    800                $200                 $160,000
    Frozen Baked Goods                                   760                $200                 $152,000
    Refrigerated Bread and Pastry Products                90                $200                  $18,000
    Breads                                            14,980                $200               $2,996,000
    Crackers                                           1,910                $200                 $382,000
    Cookies                                            6,590                $200               $1,318,000
    Baking Needs                                       1,000                $200                 $200,000
    Candy, Gum and Cough Drops                         5,960                $200               $1,192,000
    Shortenings and Oils                                 220                $200                  $44,000
    Chip Type Snacks                                   7,150                $200               $1,430,000
    Total                                             41,880                                   $8,376,000
        FDA used data from the USDA Food Composition Data to estimate the 
    number of products that, when tested, are predicted to be found to 
    contain 0.5 g or more trans fat per serving (Ref. 40). The USDA data 
    base contains a list of
    [[Page 62777]]
    over 200 food products that were analyzed for trans fat content. Where 
    possible, FDA has grouped the foods in the USDA data base into the 
    identified product groups and calculated the percentage of the tested 
    foods in each product group that will be found to contain 0.5 g or more 
    trans fat per serving. For some product groups, no foods were found in 
    the USDA data base that contained partially hydrogenated oil. Because 
    these products are similar to products in the Breads product group, FDA 
    used the percentage containing 0.5 g or more trans fat from the Breads 
    product group as a proxy. FDA is aware that some margarine products in 
    the Refrigerated Spreads product group have recently been reformulated. 
    Therefore, for this category, FDA used an informal market survey (Ref. 
    80) to estimate the number of margarine products containing 0.5 g or 
    more trans fat. Table 9 of this document shows the percentage of foods 
    in each product group that are estimated to contain 0.5 g or more of 
    trans fat.
     Table 9.--Percentage and Number of Products Containing 0.5 Gram (g) or More trans Fat per Serving (numbers are
                                               rounded to the nearest ten)
                                                                                 Percentage of
                                                          Number of Products       Partially      Number of Products
                        Product Group                         Containing       Hydrogenated Oil    Containing 0.5 g
                                                               Partially        Also Containing    or More Trans Fat
                                                           Hydrogenated Oil      0.5 g or More        per Serving
                                                                                 Trans Fat per
    Frozen Breakfast Foods                                      600              70%\1\                 420
    Cereal                                                      720                 40%                 290
    Baking Mixes                                              1,100              70%\1\                 770
    Breading Products                                           800              70%\1\                 560
    Frozen Baked Goods                                          760              70%\1\                 530
    Refrigerated Bread and Pastry Products                       90              70%\1\                  60
    Breads                                                   14,980                 70%              10,490
    Crackers                                                  1,910                100%               1,910
    Cookies                                                   6,590                100%               6,590
    Baking Needs                                              1,000                100%               1,000
    Candy, Gum and Cough Drops                                5,960                 70%               4,170
    Shortenings and Oils                                        220                 80%                 180
    Refrigerated Spreads                                        840                 80%                 670
    Chip Type Snacks                                          7,150                 60%               4,290
    Total                                                    42,720                                  31,930
    \1\ Estimate from the breads product group used as a proxy.
    3. Decisionmaking Costs
        To comply with this rule, firms will need to gain an understanding 
    of the policy of the regulation, interpret that policy for their 
    products, and determine the scope and coverage through analytical 
    testing. Those firms that determine through testing that they are 
    making products that contain 0.5 g or more of trans fat per serving 
    will need to determine the options they have for compliance, gather 
    information on the implications of each option, and decide whether to 
    only relabel or to reformulate these products. The costs of all these 
    decisionmaking activities are the decisionmaking costs of the rule.
        Several factors affect the size of decisionmaking costs, including 
    the complexity of the regulation, the number of distinct products 
    affected, the size of the firm, and the length of the compliance 
    period. This proposal involves analytical testing and product 
    reformulation, and, therefore, compliance with it demands significant 
    decisionmaking effort. The more products that a firm makes that are 
    affected by a regulation, the greater the decisionmaking effort needed 
    to determine the compliance strategy of the firm. These factors largely 
    explain why large firms typically have higher decisionmaking costs than 
    do small firms. An additional factor relating to firm size is that 
    large firms typically have more complex (and costly) decisionmaking 
    processes than do small firms. Finally, longer compliance periods (the 
    length of time between the publication of the final rule and the 
    effective date of the regulation) reduce decisionmaking costs, because 
    there is less need for overtime and for the rescheduling of planned 
    activities. Within the compliance periods considered, a doubling of the 
    compliance period cuts decisionmaking costs in half. The estimate of 
    decisionmaking costs presented here is based on a 2-year compliance 
        For the purpose of this analysis, FDA assumes that each of the 
    firms that make products containing 0.5 g or more trans fat per serving 
    will bear decisionmaking costs for a complex regulation.
        To estimate the number of these firms, FDA estimated the total 
    number of firms that make foods in each product group. Next, FDA 
    estimated the percentage of these firms (by group product) that make 
    foods containing 0.5 g or more trans fat per serving. FDA expects these 
    firms to bear decisionmaking costs for compliance with this rule.
        Precise data are not available on the number of firms that make 
    foods for each product group. Instead, FDA has used data from Dun and 
    Bradstreet Market Identifiers to estimate the number of firms making 
    food in each Standard Industry Classification (SIC) most closely 
    related to each product group. Table 10 shows each product group along 
    with the SIC code that most closely corresponds to each product group. 
    It also shows the number of small and large firms producing food in 
    each category. FDA has used the Small Business Administration (SBA) 
    guidelines to define small businesses in each SIC. Unless otherwise 
    noted, a small business is defined as one having 500 or fewer 
    [[Page 62778]]
        Table 10.--Number of Firms Making Products in Each Product Group (numbers are rounded to the nearest ten)
                                       Dun & Bradstreet
             Product Group            Market Identifier     Number of Small     Number of Large     Total Number of
                                             SIC                 Firms               Firms               Firms
    Frozen Breakfast Foods           20389901, 20389904,         10                  10                  20
    Cereal                           2043                     60\1\                  10                  70
    Baking Mixes                     204103                      40                  20                  60
    Breading Products, Frozen Baked  2051                     3,000               1,340               4,340
     Goods, Refrigerated Bread and
     Pastry Products, Breads
    Crackers Cookies                 2052                    660\2\                 280                 940
    Baking Needs, Candy, Gum, and    206499                     430                  20                 450
     Cough Drops
    Shortenings and Oils,            207901, 207902,          80\2\                  20                 100
     Refrigerated Spreads             207999
    Chip Type Snacks                 2096                       320                  90                 410
    Total                                                     4,600               1,790               6,390
    \1\ Small business is defined as 1,000 employees or fewer.
    \2\ Small business is defined as 750 employees or fewer.
        FDA has information on the percentage of products in each product 
    group that contain 0.5 g or more of trans fat, but it does not have 
    information on the percentage of firms in each category that make such 
    products. To estimate the number of firms affected by the rule, FDA 
    assumed that when a small percentage of products contain 0.5 g or more 
    trans fat per serving, then a proportionally smaller percentage of 
    firms are making such products. Conversely, when a large percentage of 
    products in a product group contain 0.5 g or more trans fat per 
    serving, then a proportionally larger percentage of firms are making 
    such products. In other words, FDA assumed that individual firms are 
    more likely to make products that are similar in composition to the 
    preponderance of products on the market and less likely to make 
    products that are different in composition.
        To translate the estimate of the percentage of products that 
    contain 0.5 g or more of trans fat into an estimate of the percentage 
    of firms making such products, FDA has used the cumulative normal 
    distribution with a mean of 0.5 and a standard deviation of 0.2. 
    Graphically, this relationship is slightly S-shaped (a standard 
    deviation larger than 0.2 would yield a more pronounced S-shape). Using 
    a mean of 0.5 yields the result that when 50 percent of the products 
    contain 0.5 g or more trans fat per serving, then 50 percent of the 
    firms are estimated to be making such products.
        Where FDA combined different product groups to fit within a single 
    SIC, it averaged the percentages of products with 0.5 g or more trans 
    fat per serving in the product group. Table 11 of this document shows 
    the percentage and number of firms by size in each SIC estimated to 
    make products containing 0.5 g or more trans fat per serving. FDA 
    assumed that small firms are just as likely to make products containing 
    0.5 g or more trans fat per serving as large firms are.
     Table 11.--Percentage and Number of Firms by Size Making Products Containing 0.5 Gram (g) or More trans Fat per
           Serving (numbers are rounded to the nearest ten, percentages are rounded to the nearest 5 percent)
                                                             Percentage of      Number of Small     Number of Large
                                         Percentage of       Firms Making        Firms Making        Firms Making
         Dun & Bradstreet Market           Products            Products            Products            Products
             Identifier SIC            Containing 0.5 g    Containing 0.5 g    Containing 0.5 g    Containing 0.5 g
                                       or More trans Fat   or More trans Fat   or More Trans Fat   or More Trans Fat
                                          per Serving         per Serving         per Serving         per Serving
    20389901,04,10                          55%                 60%                  10                  10
    2043                                    15%                  5%                   0                   0
    204103                                  55%                 60%                  20                  10
    2051                                    30%                 15%                 450                 200
    2052                                    95%                100%                 660                 280
    206499                                  30%                 15%                  60                   0
    207901,02,99                            50%                 50%                  40                  10
    2096                                    40%                 30%                 100                  30
    Total                                                                         1,340                 540
        FDA used the Food Labeling Cost Model developed by RTI for the NLEA 
    rules to estimate the per firm decisionmaking costs borne by firms for 
    this rule (Ref. 74). FDA did not directly apply the RTI model of costs. 
    Instead, the agency assumed that the decisionmaking costs per firm for 
    the proposed rule would be similar in magnitude--although not identical 
    in detail--to the administrative costs per firm in the RTI model. In 
    other words, the agency assumed that the level of effort but not the 
    decisions involved were the same for the firms affected by the proposed 
    rule and the firms in the RTI model. FDA estimates the decisionmaking 
    costs to be $3,500 for a small firm and $25,000 for a large firm. Table 
    12 of this document shows the estimated decisionmaking costs for the 
    [[Page 62779]]
     Table 12.--Percentage and Number of Firms by Size Making Products Containing 0.5 Gram (g) or More trans Fat per
                                    Serving (numbers are rounded to the nearest ten)
                          Number of Small     Number of Large
                           Firms Making        Firms Making
     Dun & Bradstreet        Products            Products        Decisionmaking Cost for    Decisionmaking Cost for
     Market Identifier   Containing 0.5 g    Containing 0.5 g      Small Firms per SIC        Large Firms per SIC
            SIC          or More trans Fat   or More trans Fat
                            per Serving         per Serving
    20389901,04,10             10                  10                  $35,000                   $250,000
    2043                        0                   0                       $0                         $0
    204103                     20                  10                  $70,000                   $250,000
    2051                      450                 200               $1,575,000                 $5,000,000
    2052                      660                 280               $2,310,000                 $7,000,000
    206499                     60                   0                 $210,000                         $0
    207901,02,99               40                  10                 $140,000                   $250,000
    2096                      100                  30                 $350,000                   $750,000
    Total                   1,340                 540               $4,690,000                $13,500,000
        Total decisionmaking costs of the rule are estimated to be about 
    $18 million.
    4. Relabeling Costs
        The two areas of a product's label that may be changed are: (1) The 
    information panel (to alter the saturated fat line and add the footnote 
    to the nutrition label or to change the list of ingredients), and (2) 
    the principal display panel (to remove claims). Each firm must choose 
    whether to change only the labels of existing products to reflect the 
    proposed changes or to reformulate products to reduce or eliminate 
    trans fat and relabel the reformulated products appropriately. If a 
    firm chooses to reformulate a product, it will have to change the 
    product's ingredient list. Therefore, regardless of how a firm chooses 
    to comply with this rule, all labels of all products currently 
    containing 0.5 g or more of trans fat will have to be changed to 
    reflect changes in either the Nutrition Facts panel or the ingredient 
    list or both. The cost to change the Nutrition Facts panel is 
    equivalent to the cost to change the ingredient list.
        a. Changes to the information panel. The number of labels that will 
    be changed is greater than the number of products that contain 0.5 g or 
    more trans fat because product formulations come in various-sized 
    packages. For example, for a cracker product that contains 0.5 g or 
    more trans fat per serving and that is sold in 3 different-sized 
    packages, the labels of each of the 3 packages must be changed.
        For each of the product groups, FDA used the A. C. Nielsen Database 
    of food products sold in grocery stores with annual sales of $2 million 
    or more to identify the number of food labels. Using this data base for 
    each product group, FDA has calculated the ratio of the number of 
    labels stockkeeping units (SKU's) to the number of products. FDA then 
    multiplied the number of products estimated to contain 0.5 g or more 
    trans fat per serving with this SKU/product ratio to estimate the 
    number of labels that will be changed.
        FDA has based its estimate of the cost of changing each information 
    panel on the expectation of a three-color change and a 2-year 
    compliance period. The cost of changing labels varies across product 
    groups because the type of package and label varies. For example, if 
    the label is attached to the package, the cost of the label change is 
    less than if the label is an integrated part of the package. With a 2-
    year compliance period, there should be no label inventory loss.
        Table 13 of this document shows the estimated number of labels to 
    be changed in each product group and the cost of the label change. 
    Total information panel relabeling costs are estimated to be about $30 
     Table 13.--Number of Information Panels Changed and Cost of Reprinting (numbers are rounded to the nearest ten,
                                       dollars are rounded to the nearest hundred)
                                                   Number of SKU's\1\
                                                      for Products
                    Product Group                    Containing 0.5      Reprinting Cost      Reprinting Cost per
                                                   gram or More Trans        per SKU             Product Group
                                                     Fat per Serving
    Frozen Breakfast Foods                               460              $1,000                 $460,000
    Cereal                                               370               $0\2\                       $0
    Baking Mixes                                         880                $300                 $264,000
    Breading Products                                      0              $1,300                       $0
    Frozen Baked Goods                                   620              $1,300                 $806,000
    Refrigerated Bread and Pastry Products                70              $1,300                  $91,000
    Breads                                            12,800              $1,300              $16,640,000
    Crackers                                           2,270                $500               $1,135,000
    Cookies                                            8,170                $500               $4,085,000
    Baking Needs                                       1,150                $800                 $920,000
    Candy, Gum, and Cough Drops                        5,340                $800               $4,272,000
    Shortenings and Oils                                 280                $100                  $28,000
    Refrigerated Spreads                                 730                $100                  $73,000
    Chip Type Snacks                                   5,530                $200               $1,106,000
    Total                                             38,670                                  $29,880,000
    \1\ Stockkeeping units.
    \2\ Cereal product labels are changed so frequently that the reprinting cost of changing an information panel
      with a three-color change and a 2-year compliance period amounts to a cost of less than $50 per SKU.
    [[Page 62780]]
        b. Changes to principal display panel. In addition to changes that 
    will be required to change the Nutrition Facts panel or to change the 
    ingredient statement, there will be label changes required for a 
    smaller number of products because of the loss of nutrient content 
    claims about saturated fat or cholesterol. These changes are likely to 
    involve changes to the principal display panel and other marketing-
    related labeling. FDA assumed that claims in the Refrigerated Spread 
    product group are on margarine products that will be reformulated. 
    Therefore, claims on these products will not be affected. Costs to make 
    these changes are related to both costs per SKU (Table 14 of this 
    document) and costs per firm (Table 15 of this document).
        The types of claims affected by this proposal are low and reduced 
    saturated fat claims; cholesterol free, low cholesterol, and reduced 
    cholesterol claims; lean and extra lean claims; healthy claims; and 
    four health claims with established qualifying levels of saturated fat 
    as follows: (1) Fat and the risk of cancer (through the saturated fat 
    criterion for extra lean, Sec. 101.73); (2) dietary saturated fat and 
    cholesterol and the risk of coronary heart disease (Sec. 101.75); (3) 
    fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber and the risk 
    of coronary heart disease (Sec. 101.77); and (4) soluble fiber from 
    certain grains and the risk of coronary heart disease (Sec. 101.81). 
    The cost estimate in this section only refers to the effects of this 
    proposal on the relevant saturated fat and cholesterol claims. FDA does 
    not have sufficient information on the number of SKU's with the lean, 
    extra lean, or healthy claims or the four health claims to include them 
    in this analysis. FDA believes that not including these costs does not 
    result in a serious underestimation of the costs of this proposal and 
    requests comments on this issue.
        To determine the number of SKU's with affected claims, FDA 
    multiplied the number of products in each product group with such 
    saturated fat or cholesterol claims by the percentage of products in 
    the product group estimated to have 0.5 g or more trans fat per 
    serving. FDA then multiplied the result by the SKU/product ratio for 
    the product group.
        FDA does not have information to estimate the percentage of 
    existing saturated fat and cholesterol claims that could not continue 
    to be made under this proposal. For the purpose of this analysis, FDA 
    assumed that 50 percent of these claims would be lost. That a 
    significant portion of claims would be lost is reasonable, because 
    producers are likely to be making claims on many products that are 
    nutritionally very near the qualifying limit for the claim. More 
    stringent qualifying levels for the claims are likely to affect the 
    presumably large percentage of products that are clustered close to the 
    existing qualifying levels. FDA's assumptions yield an estimate that 
    less than eight percent ((2,990  38,670) x 100) of the number 
    of SKU's for products containing 0.5 g or more trans fat per serving 
    will have changes to the principal display panel.
        Several factors determine the cost of relabeling for claim changes. 
    There are costs for market testing of a new design for the principal 
    display panel to replace the design of the panel that had been 
    previously accepted in the market when the product was able to bear the 
    claim. There are costs for redesign and reprinting of the principal 
    display panel. There are also costs for administrative activities 
    associated with removing the claim from all marketing and labeling.
        FDA has used the RTI Labeling Model to estimate the per SKU 
    redesign and printing costs associated with the change in the principal 
    display panel. Table 14 of this document shows the number of SKU's 
    estimated to need changes in the principal display panel and the 
    redesign and printing costs of such changes.
     Table 14.--Number of Principal Display Panels Changed and Cost of Redesign and Reprinting (numbers are rounded
                                                   to the nearest ten)
                                                   Number of SKU's\1\
                    Product Group                  Changed for Claims     Cost per SKU       Cost per Product Group
    Frozen Breakfast Foods                                40              $1,900                  $76,000
    Cereal                                                40                  $0                       $0
    Baking Mixes                                          30                $600                  $18,000
    Breading Products                                      0              $2,500                       $0
    Frozen Baked Goods                                    40              $2,500                 $100,000
    Refrigerated Bread and Pastry Products                 0              $2,500                       $0
    Breads                                               640              $2,500               $1,600,000
    Crackers                                             590                $800                 $472,000
    Cookies                                            1,350                $800               $1,080,000
    Baking Needs                                          20              $1,500                  $30,000
    Candy, Gum, and Cough Drops                            0              $1,500                       $0
    Shortenings and Oils                                  20                $100                   $2,000
    Chip Type Snacks                                     220                $300                  $66,000
    Total                                              2,990                                   $3,444,000
    \1\ Stockkeeping units.
         FDA adapted information from the RTI labeling model to estimate 
    the additional costs associated with changing principal display panels. 
    These additional costs consist of market testing costs and marketing 
    administrative costs. FDA estimates market testing costs--the costs of 
    employee taste panels, consumer focus groups, and other marketing 
    tests--to be $2,000 per product for small firms and $23,500 per product 
    for large firms. Marketing administrative costs include planning the 
    change to a new label, making decisions about the appearance of the new 
    principal display panel, and monitoring the marketing tests. The agency 
    did not have direct estimates of these administrative marketing costs 
    per product, but industry sources have asserted that these costs are at 
    least as large as the market testing costs. The agency assumed that 
    marketing administrative costs per product would be about the same as 
    the administrative costs per firm associated with a complex labeling 
    rule in the RTI labeling model because the amounts of effort were 
    similar. The estimates of marketing administrative costs are $3,500 per 
    product for small firms and $25,000 per product for large firms. FDA, 
    therefore estimates the total cost per product of
    [[Page 62781]]
    changing a principal display panel to be $5,500 for small firms and 
    $48,500 for large firms. The estimates for these costs are applied per 
    product as a weighted average based on the percentage of products made 
    by small and large firms taken from the Enhanced Establishment Database 
    of FDA-inspected firms developed by RTI (Ref. 73).
        Table 15 of this document shows the number of products estimated to 
    need changes in the principal display panel and the cost of market 
    testing and administrative activity. Total principal display panel 
    relabeling costs are estimated to be about $43 million ($3 million for 
    redesign and printing plus $40 million for market testing and 
    administrative activity). These costs do not include the cost to 
    producers of the lost value of the firm-specific capital developed by 
    marketing under existing claims or the cost to consumers of searching 
    for and switching to new products.
         Table 15.--Number of Principal Display Panels Changed and Cost of Marketing Changes and Administrative
         Activities (number of products are rounded to the nearest ten, dollars rounded to the nearest thousand)
                                                   Number of Products   Average Cost per
                    Product Group                  Changed for Claims        Product         Cost per Product Group
    Frozen Breakfast Foods                                40             $20,000                 $800,000
    Cereal                                                30             $19,000                 $570,000
    Baking Mixes                                          30             $16,000                 $480,000
    Breading Products                                      0             $14,000                       $0
    Frozen Baked Goods                                    30             $14,000                 $420,000
    Refrigerated Bread and Pastry Products                 0             $14,000                       $0
    Breads                                               520             $14,000               $7,280,000
    Crackers                                             500             $17,000               $8,500,000
    Cookies                                            1,090             $17,000              $18,530,000
    Baking Needs                                          20             $14,000                 $280,000
    Candy, Gum, and Cough Drops                            0             $14,000                       $0
    Shortenings and Oils                                  10             $17,000                 $170,000
    Chip Type Snacks                                     170             $15,000               $2,550,000
    Total                                              2,440                                  $39,580,000
    5. Margarine Reformulation Costs
        The proposal states that if a product contains 0.5 g or more trans 
    fat, then its label must meet certain requirements. Manufacturers may 
    comply with this rule in either of two ways: (1) Relabel the product so 
    that it complies with the rule, or (2) reformulate the product so that 
    it contains less than 0.5 g of trans fat and will not be affected by 
    the rule. When manufacturers are faced with reporting more saturated 
    fat than previously reported, as well as revealing the presence of 
    trans fat that consumers had not previously realized was present, 
    reformulation is a likely response to avoid the reduced demand for 
    products with labeled trans fat. Therefore, FDA has estimated the costs 
    of both of these compliance choices.
        FDA assumes that producers will decide whether or not to 
    reformulate on a product-by-product basis. They will choose to 
    reformulate when the expected private benefits minus the expected 
    private costs of reformulating the product exceed the expected private 
    benefits minus expected private costs of just relabeling the product. 
    In other words, if a product is expected to lose market share because 
    of the new disclosure, then manufacturers must compare lost sales to 
    the cost of reformulation.
        FDA expects that, in the near term, manufacturers will reformulate 
    all margarine products containing 0.5 g or more of trans fat per 
    serving in response to this rule. The following five pieces of 
    information support this expectation. First, in Germany and some other 
    European countries, the actual, demonstrated market response to 
    consumer concern about trans fat is that all margarine products have 
    been reformulated to eliminate trans fat. Second, many people who 
    currently consume margarine products are likely to do so to consume 
    less saturated fat than is in butter. Because the rule would raise the 
    reported amount of saturated fat on any unreformulated margarine 
    products, these margarine consumers are likely to search for margarine 
    products with lower levels of reported saturated fat. Third, publicity 
    of the issue by consumer groups has highlighted margarine as a source 
    of trans fat and has given prominent attention to reformulated 
    margarine products. As more margarine products are reformulated, the 
    emphasis of publicity by consumer groups will probably shift to calling 
    attention to any remaining margarine products that do not reformulate. 
    Fourth, information from RTI indicates that producers of margarine know 
    more about the reformulation of margarine products than producers of 
    other products know about the reformulation of those products and that, 
    on the whole, U.S. margarine producers plan to reformulate to eliminate 
    trans fat (Ref. 73). Fifth, by an informal market survey (Ref. 80), FDA 
    estimates that 30 percent of margarine products in the United States 
    have already, before publication of this proposal, been reformulated to 
    eliminate trans fat.
        For this analysis, FDA estimates that this rule will result in the 
    reformulation of all 670 remaining margarine products that contain 
    trans fat to reduce trans fat below 0.5 g per serving within a 2-year 
    compliance period.
        The reformulation of food products is a very costly process. 
    Although the process is likely to vary from company to company, the 
    following provides a description of a typical process. FDA requests 
    information on processes different from that described here. First, 
    management, in conjunction with research and development, must 
    determine which products are the best candidates to be reformulated. 
    Next, laboratories (either in-house or out-source) are used to develop 
    a new formula with acceptable characteristics for consumers. Then, an 
    investigation must be made to determine that the new ingredients are 
    available in sufficient quantity and at an acceptable price. Also, in 
    the case of food additives, it may be necessary to determine that the 
    new ingredients are approved for use in the food being reformulated. It 
    may also be necessary to find a source for new equipment. If all of 
    these activities do not rule out a new formulation, then a test kitchen 
    is used to make the product in small batches. In the test kitchen,
    [[Page 62782]]
    some new formulations will be rejected and others will be improved.
        Those new formulations that are found acceptable in the test 
    kitchen are then tested in a pilot plant. The difference between the 
    test kitchen and the pilot plant can be dramatic. Formulations that 
    work well in small batches may be totally unacceptable when produced on 
    a large scale. If tests at the pilot plant go well, then trials of the 
    new formulation begin at actual, full-scale processing plants. A 
    crucial issue for large-scale, commercial production is whether 
    existing equipment is adaptable to the new product formulation. After 
    all of these stages, if a new formulation is acceptable for large-
    scale, commercial production, then there are costs of label redesign, 
    marketing, management and employee training, the purchase of new 
    ingredients, and some inventory loss of either old labels or old 
    ingredients (because the labels must match the ingredients). This 
    entire process is time-intensive, taking about 1 year, on average. In 
    general, large firms will have the capacity to perform all of these 
    steps in-house, whereas small firms will contract out most of them. 
    Nevertheless, on a per product basis, the process is the same for large 
    and small firms.
        FDA has made an estimate of the cost of reformulation based on 
    information on the cost of reformulating tortilla chips supplied by 
    industry (Ref. 78). The costs of reformulation are divided into three 
    categories: (a) Formulation development and testing costs, (b) 
    inventory loss, and (c) ingredient costs. As described in the following 
    sections, the total cost of margarine reformulation because of this 
    rule is estimated to be $302 million.
         a. Formulation development and testing costs. The formulation 
    development process is estimated to require approximately 5,000 hours 
    of professional time (product scientists, sensory scientists, 
    analytical chemists, manufacturing engineers, and quality control 
    scientists) at $30 per hour per product. This estimate of labor time 
    may be low. It assumes that the first attempt at reformulation is fully 
    successful. Additionally, there are operating expenses for the 
    laboratories, the pilot plants, and the switchover and retooling of 
    manufacturing plants. Finally, there are costs for market testing to 
    determine that the new formulation is acceptable to consumers for the 
    entire shelf life of the product. The shelf-life issue has a 
    significant impact on the amount of time required to market a new 
    formulation. For example, if a product has a shelf life of 2 years, 
    then a new formulation for the product cannot be approved for 
    production until the new formulation has been shelved for 2 years. 
    Table 16 of this document shows the estimated per product formulation 
    development and testing costs. FDA considers these estimates to be 
    uncertain because of the limited amount of information available at 
    this time and requests comment on the cost of reformulation on a 
    product specific basis.
        Table 16.--Formulation Development and Testing Costs per Product
                         Category                               Cost
    Professional Labor (5,000 hours at $30 per hour)       $150,000
    Development Facility Operation                         $190,000
    Market Testing                                         $100,000
    Total                                                  $440,000
        The total cost of formulation development and testing for the 670 
    margarine products that would be reformulated near-term because of this 
    rule is $295 million.
         b. Inventory loss. A loss of inventory of either labels for the 
    old formulation or ingredients that are not included in the new 
    formulation is expected. The loss of label inventory can be reduced to 
    zero with a long enough compliance period. However, the reformulation 
    of a product requires a simultaneous change of ingredients and labels. 
    Because both ingredients and labels must be ordered months in advance, 
    it is difficult to order the amount of ingredients and labels such that 
    both are used up completely in the same package.
        The actual cost of inventory loss depends on how closely producers 
    are able to coordinate the use of ingredients and labels and on the 
    cost of disposing of the surplus ingredients or labels. FDA assumed a 
    fixed amount of $10,000 per SKU for this cost. The total cost of 
    inventory loss for the 730 margarine SKU's that will be reformulated 
    because of this rule is $7 million.
         c. Ingredient costs. For margarine reformulation, FDA has 
    estimated no increase in ingredient costs, because the price of 
    reformulated margarine products that are already on the market is no 
    higher than the price of margarine products containing 0.5 g or more 
    per serving of trans fat. The different ingredients used in the 
    products appear to have had no impact on the cost of production. 
    However, as greater numbers of products are reformulated, the increased 
    demand for the substitute ingredients may increase costs. FDA requests 
    comments on this aspect of costs.
    6. Baked Products Reformulation
        In addition to the near term reformulation of margarine products 
    expected within the compliance period of the rule, FDA expects that in 
    the long term some baked products (product groups Breads (including 
    cakes), Crackers, and Cookies) will be reformulated. On average, these 
    products contain large amounts of trans fat relative to the amounts of 
    saturated fat that they contain. FDA's estimate of the amount of 
    reformulation in these product groups is based on two factors: (1) The 
    number of claims potentially lost because of the rule, and (2) the size 
    of the producing firm.
        As described in section VI.D.4.b of this document, only 50 percent 
    of the SKU's with claims are assumed to lose those claims. Therefore, 
    only 50 percent of the SKU's with claims are likely to be candidates 
    for reformulation.
        Because reformulation is so expensive on a per product basis, FDA 
    assumed that only large firms making these products will reformulate. 
    Also, in the absence of information, FDA assumed that each large firm 
    is just as likely as each small firm is to make a product with a claim. 
    Therefore, the percentage of products losing claims that will be 
    reformulated is equivalent to the percentage of large firms making 
    products containing 0.5 g or more trans fat. Table 17 of this document 
    shows the estimate of the number of products that will be reformulated.
        FDA is assuming that only a very small percentage of the products 
    in these categories will be reformulated because of the cost of 
    reformulation and the limited consumer appeal (in terms of market 
    share) that foods with health claims in these categories have had thus 
    far. If producers perceive that consumers will respond more negatively 
    to the information on trans fat than they have responded thus far to 
    the information on saturated fat, then the actual number of products 
    reformulated may be greater. If that happens, the actual costs of the 
    rule will be greater than those estimated here. However, the benefits 
    will increase to an even greater degree, so that the net benefits of 
    the rule will be even greater than estimated in this analysis.
    [[Page 62783]]
     Table 17.--Number of SKU's\1\ and Products Losing Claims Due to Changes in Qualifications for Claims and Number
                    of Products Reformulated by Large Firms (numbers are rounded to the nearest ten)
                                                                                                   Reformulated as a
                                                                              Number of Products     Percentage of
              Product Group             Number of SKU's   Number of Products   Reformulated Long    Total Products
                                         Losing Claims       Losing Claims       Term (made by      Containing 0.5
                                                                                 large firms)     gram or more trans
                                                                                                    Fat per Serving
    Breads                                  640                 530                 160                   1.5%
    Crackers                                590                 500                 150                  8%
    Cookies                               1,350               1,090                 330                  5%
    Total                                                                           640                  3%
    \1\ Stockkeeping units.
        Because FDA has no specific information on the timing of 
    reformulation, FDA assumed that the reformulation for these baked 
    products would be divided evenly into two stages. In stage 1, producers 
    will attempt to reformulate products with the best potential for 
    reformulation. In stage 2, producers will make use of the products, 
    knowledge and technologies developed in stage 1 of reformulation to 
    reformulate a second set of products.
        Stage 1 of products is assumed to take 5 years of ongoing labor 
    effort in the product development facilities to develop a satisfactory 
    reformulation for these products. The effort is expected to be fully 
    successful only in the fifth year. The product development teams 
    involved in the stage 1 reformulation effort should learn a great deal 
    about the reformulation of baked products in the process. Therefore, 
    FDA assumes that reformulation of the stage 2 of products will take 2 
    years of ongoing labor effort in the product development facilities.
        Tables 18 and 19 of this document show the expected annual cost per 
    product of the reformulation development process in both stages of 
    reformulation along with the present value of the costs for each year. 
    The total discounted present value of the cost of stage 1 reformulation 
    activity is about $1 million per product and about $400,000 for stage 2 
    reformulation activity.
        FDA has not attempted to estimate the ongoing increased cost of 
    substitutes for partially hydrogenated oil. Competition provides 
    producers with incentives to use the least expensive ingredients that 
    are acceptable for the quality of product they are making. Therefore, 
    in general, any change in existing formulations (such as is expected to 
    occur as a result of this rule) will increase the cost of ingredients. 
    Even a very small increase in the price of a minor ingredient can 
    amount to an increase in production costs of millions of dollars when 
    multiplied by millions of units. However, FDA does not have sufficient 
    information on the types of substitutes that will be used, on the 
    volume of substitutes that will be needed, on the future price of the 
    substitutes at the time that reformulation is completed, or on the 
    increase in price that could be expected as a result of reformulation 
    of a sizable part of the food industry. For this reason the estimated 
    cost of reformulation presented here is likely to be an underestimate 
    of the true cost. Also, FDA has not included the cost of relabeling the 
    reformulated baked good products. This cost would be so small in 
    comparison to the costs of reformulation that it would not change the 
    discounted estimate at the level of precision used here.
    Table 18.--Expected Annual and Discounted Cost of Long-Term Reformulation Development Process for a Single Baked
                            Product in Stage 1 (dollars are rounded to the nearest thousand)
                                                                                           Present Value (discounted
            Year                        Category                    Annual Expenditure               at 7%)
    1                     Labor ($150,000) and facilities             $200,000                   $187,000
    2                     Labor ($150,000) and facilities             $200,000                   $175,000
    3                     Labor ($150,000) and facilities             $200,000                   $163,000
    4                     Labor ($150,000) and facilities             $200,000                   $153,000
    5                     Fully successful reformulation              $450,000                   $321,000
    Total                                                                                        $999,000
    Table 19.--Expected Annual and Discounted Cost of Long-Term Reformulation Development Process for a Single Baked
                            Product in Stage 2 (dollars are rounded to the nearest thousand)
                                                                                           Present Value (discounted
            Year                        Category                    Annual Expenditure               at 7%)
    6                     Labor ($150,000) and facilities             $200,000                   $133,000
    7                     Fully successful reformulation              $450,000                   $280,000
    Total                                                                                        $413,000
        Table 20 of this document shows the total discounted cost of both 
    stages of long term reformulation for these baked product categories.
    [[Page 62784]]
    Table 20.--Discounted Cost of Long-Term Baked Good Reformulation (numbers of products are rounded to the nearest
                                   five, dollars are rounded to the nearest thousand)
                    Number of Baked                                   Number of Baked
                       Products                                          Products
       Product      Reformulated in        Discounted Cost of         Reformulated in        Discounted Cost of
        Group      Stage 1 (made by     Reformulation in Stage 1     Stage 2 (made by     Reformulation in Stage 2
                     large firms)                                      large firms)
    Breads               80                 $80,000,000                    80                 $33,000,000
    Crackers             75                 $75,000,000                    75                 $31,000,000
    Cookies             165                $165,000,000                   165                 $68,000,000
    Total               320                $320,000,000                   320                $132,000,000
    7. Cost Summary
        In summary, Table 21 of this document provides an overview of the 
    extent of the effect of the rule on products and firms in each product 
    group significantly affected.
                          Table 21.--Summary of Number of Products, Firms, and Labels Affected
                                         Number of
                         Number of     Products With     Number of       Number of       Number of       Number of
      Product Group      Products       0.5 gram or     Firms with      Information      Principal       Products
                          Tested      More trans Fat  Decisionmaking  Panels Changed  Display Panels   Reformulated
                                        per Serving        Costs                          Changed
    Frozen Breakfast      600             420              20             460              40               0
    Cereal                720             290               0             370              40               0
    Baking Mixes        1,100             770              30             880              30               0
    Breading              800             560             650               0               0               0
    Frozen Baked          760             530                             620              40               0
    Refrigerated           90              60                              70               0               0
     Bread and
     Pastry Products
    Breads             14,980          10,490                          12,800             640             160
    Crackers            1,910           1,910             940           2,270             590             150
    Cookies             6,590           6,590                           8,170           1,350             330
    Baking Needs        1,000           1,000              60           1,150              20               0
    Candy, Gum, and     5,960           4,170                           5,340               0               0
     Cough Drops
    Shortenings and       220             180              50             280              20               0
    Refrigerated            0             670                             730               0             670
    Chip Type Snacks    7,150           4,290             130           5,530             220               0
    Total              41,880          31,930           1,880          38,670           2,990           1,310
        To provide cost estimates on the same basis as the benefits 
    estimates, total costs of the rule are estimated in terms of the three 
    scenarios that are likely from section VI.C.1.b of this document. 
    Tables 22, 23, and 24 of this document show the total estimated cost of 
    the scenarios. FDA has not estimated the distribution of the burden of 
    costs between producers and consumers. The agency expects that some 
    fraction of the costs--as measured at the producer's stage--will be 
    passed on to consumers in the form of increases in the prices of the 
    foods covered by the proposed rule.
                        Table 22.--Costs for Scenario 2: Full Long-Term Yearly Total Costs in Millions (discounted costs in parentheses)1
                                          One Year      Two Years     Three Years     Four Years     Five Years     Six Years    Seven Years    Eight Years
                           During          After          After          After          After          After          After         After          After
      Cost Category      Compliance      Effective      Effective      Effective      Effective      Effective      Effective     Effective   Effective Date
                           Period           Date           Date           Date           Date           Date          Date          Date         and Later
    Testing costs           $8
    Decisionmaking         $18
    Relabeling costs       $73
    Margarine             $302
    Baked products                     $64 ($60)      $64 ($56)      $64 ($52)      $64 ($49)      $144 ($103)    $64 ($43)     $144 ($90)         $0
    Total costs           $401         $64 ($60)      $64 ($56)      $64 ($52)      $64 ($49)      $144 ($103)    $64 ($43)     $144 ($90)         $0
    \1\ Reformulation of all margarine products and some baked products plus some consumer response to the labeling.
    [[Page 62785]]
                          Table 23.--Costs for Scenario 4: Near-Term Yearly Total Costs in Millions (discounted costs in parentheses)1
                                                               One Year    Two Years     Three    Four Years  Five Years   Six Years     Seven       Years
                                                   During        After       After       Years       After       After       After       Years       After
                   Cost Category                 Compliance    Effective   Effective     After     Effective   Effective   Effective     After     Effective
                                                   Period        Date        Date      Effective     Date        Date        Date      Effective   Date and
                                                                                         Date                                            Date        Later
    Testing costs                                    $8
    Decisionmaking costs                            $18
    Relabeling costs                                $73
    Margarine reformulation costs                  $302
    Total costs                                    $401          $0          $0          $0          $0          $0          $0          $0         $0
    \1\ Reformulation of all margarine products plus some consumer response to the labeling.
      Table 24.--Costs for Scenario 3: Near-term Costs Plus 50 Percent of Full Long-Term Yearly Total Costs in Millions (discounted costs in parentheses)1
                                          One Year      Two Years     Three Years     Four Years     Five Years     Six Years    Seven Years    Eight Years
                       During Compli-      After          After          After          After          After          After         After          After
      Cost Category      ance Period     Effective      Effective      Effective      Effective      Effective      Effective     Effective   Effective Date
                                            Date           Date           Date           Date           Date          Date          Date         and Later
    Testing costs           $8
    Decisionmaking         $18
    Relabeling costs       $73
    Margarine             $302
    Baked products                     $32 ($30)      $32 ($28)      $32 ($26)      $32 ($25)      $72 ($52)      $32 ($22)     $72 ($45)          $0
    Total costs           $401         $32 ($30)      $32 ($28)      $32 ($26)      $32 ($25)      $72 ($52)      $32 ($22)     $72 ($45)          $0
    \1\ Costs for Scenario 4 plus 50 percent of the costs of the baked product reformulation.
        FDA acknowledges that there is a significant amount of uncertainty 
    in the cost estimates provided here. FDA requests comment on the 
    following uncertainties. The most significant source of potential 
    divergence from the reported estimates would be an ongoing increased 
    cost of substitutes for partially hydrogenated oil for producers of 
    reformulated products. FDA has not included any costs for this item in 
    this analysis, so that, if substitute oils do cost more, the costs here 
    are underestimates.
        Reformulation is a second significant area of uncertainty. The 
    unknowns include the number of products that will be reformulated, the 
    cost of reformulation, the number of abandoned attempts at 
    reformulation, the length of time actually needed to reformulate 
    products, and the degree to which the reformulation of some products 
    reduces the cost of reformulating other products. The estimates that 
    are provided in this analysis might be either over- or underestimates 
    of the actual costs of reformulation.
        A third major area of uncertainty includes the number of products 
    containing 0.5 g or more trans fat per serving and the number of 
    products with affected claims. Actual costs are likely to be higher 
    than those estimated here because this analysis focused only on product 
    groups where a substantial portion of the total number of the products 
    in the group contain partially hydrogenated oil. Among the numerous 
    categories of foods not included in this analysis, a sizable number of 
    additional products may be affected by this proposal.
        Finally, restaurants making claims affected by this rule on menus 
    or in other labeling will need either to update the basis for such 
    claims or remove them. FDA does not have information to estimate such 
    costs. However, their existence does suggest that costs reported in 
    this analysis will be lower than the actual costs.
    E. Summary of Benefits and Costs
        The benefits and costs of the proposed rule occur in different 
    years. In order to compare costs and the ongoing benefits, the agency 
    calculated the present value of benefits and costs for Scenarios 2, 3, 
    and 4 during the compliance period and for 20 years beyond the 
    compliance period. Each scenario assumes that some consumers reduce 
    their consumption of trans fat based on labeling changes. Scenario 4 
    assumes that all margarine products will be reformulated to eliminate 
    trans fat. Scenarios 3 and 2 assume in addition progressively more 
    reformulation of baked products as well as assuming that all margarine 
    products will be reformulated to eliminate trans fat. Table 25 of this 
    document shows the results.
    [[Page 62786]]
    Table 25.--Present Value of Benefits and Costs of the Proposed Rule in Millions (discounted to compliance period
                                 at 7 percent for 20 years after the compliance period)1
                                                        Low Estimated        High Estimated
                                                          Benefits              Benefits           Estimated Costs
    Scenario 4                                          $24,893               $50,664                  $401
    Scenario 3                                          $26,516               $55,579                  $628
    Scenario 2                                          $27,164               $59,190                  $854
    \1\ Based on Tables 5, 6, 22, 23, and 24 of this document.
    F. Comparison With Effects of the Rules Implementing the 1990 
        The procedure used to estimate the benefits and costs of the 
    proposed labeling rule differs somewhat from the procedure used to 
    estimate the benefits and costs of the rules implementing the 1990 
    amendments. The economic analysis of the rules implementing the 1990 
    amendments did not attempt to estimate the effects of the labeling 
    rules on product reformulation. For this proposed rule, however, FDA 
    has sufficient information to estimate the benefits and costs of 
    product reformulation.
        The results of the current benefit-cost analysis, however, could 
    cause some confusion in that the inclusion of reformulation benefits 
    and costs makes the effects of the proposed rule appear large relative 
    to the effects of the rules implementing the 1990 amendments. Although 
    those rules affected far more labels and products, FDA did not estimate 
    the potentially very large effects of reformulation induced by those 
    rules. To allow comparisons between the effects of this proposed rule 
    and the effects of the rules implementing the 1990 amendments, FDA has 
    also estimated only the relabeling effects of this proposed rule. The 
    relabeling costs of the proposed rule, as shown in Tables 22 to 24 
    would be approximately $100 million during the compliance period. FDA 
    calculated this estimate by assuming that margarine products would be 
    relabeled with their existing formulations rather than being 
    reformulated. The annual direct benefits, which begin 3 years after the 
    effective date for the proposed rule, would be approximately 5 percent 
    of the total after 10 years, or $171 million to $394 million per year.
        The present value of the benefits and costs of the rules 
    implementing the 1990 amendments were estimated for 20 years at a 5 
    percent rate of discount. To make the current rule comparable, FDA 
    estimated the present value of this proposed rule for a 20-year period 
    at a 5 percent rate of discount. Table 26 of this document shows the 
    results of the comparison.
    Table 26.--Comparison of the Benefits and Costs of the Proposed Rule and
      the Benefits and Costs of the Rules Implementing the 1990 Amendments
                     (discounted at 5 percent for 20 years)
                                     Benefits                  Costs
    Rules implementing the   $4.4 to $26.5 billion    $1.4 to 2.3 billion
     1990 amendments
    This proposed rule       $1.7 to $3.8 billion     $100 million
    VII. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
    A. Introduction
        FDA has examined the economic implications of this proposed rule as 
    required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612). If a 
    rule has a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities, the Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze 
    regulatory options that would reduce the economic effect of the rule on 
    small entities.
    B. Economic Effects on Small Entities
    1. Number and Type of Small Entities Affected
        The proposed rule will affect food processors in several different 
    industries. Table 27 of this document shows the number of small 
    businesses likely to be affected in each SIC. FDA calculated the number 
    of businesses from a search using Dun & Bradstreet (Ref. 73). The 
    number of firms listed for each code includes all small firms in the 
    industry category producing products that contain trans fat. The SBA 
    size standards apply to the 4-digit SIC codes associated with each 
    product group.
                 Table 27.--Number of Small Businesses Affected (numbers are rounded to the nearest ten)
                                                                             Small Business
               Description              Standard Industry Classification   Administration Size     Number of Small
                                       and Dun's Market Identifiers Code  Standard (employees)          Firms
    Frozen Breakfast Foods             20389901, 20389904, 20389910               500                    10
    Cereal                             2043                                     1,000                    60
    Baking Mixes                       204103                                     500                    40
    Breading Products, Frozen Baked    2051                                       500                 3,000
     Goods, Refrigerated Bread and
     Pastry, Breads
    Crackers Cookies                   2052                                       750                   660
    Baking Needs, Candy, Gum, and      206499                                     500                   430
     Cough Drops
    Shortenings and Oils, and          207901, 207902, 207999                     750                    80
     Refrigerated Spreads
    Chip Type Snacks                   2096                                       500                   320
    [[Page 62787]]
    Total small businesses                                                                            4,600
        Table 27 of this document slightly overstates the number of small 
    businesses affected by the proposed rule, because it includes some 
    businesses that would be exempt. The criteria for exemption are: (1) 
    Annual sales of fewer than 100,000 units; (2) no claims or other 
    nutrition information on product labels, labeling, or advertising; (3) 
    fewer than 100 full-time employees; and (4) filing of a notice with the 
    Office of Food Labeling (Sec. 101.9(j)(18)). FDA has previously 
    estimated that the exemption for all foods would affect about 1.8 
    percent of FDA-regulated foods by volume (see 58 FR 2927 at 2928, 
    January 6, 1993). FDA assumed that the percentage would be the same for 
    the products affected by this proposed rule. Because FDA did not know 
    how the exemption would be distributed across product groups, FDA 
    estimated the effects of exemptions only for the total costs to small 
    2. Costs to Small Entities
        Partially hydrogenated oils account for almost all of the trans fat 
    in foods covered by the proposed rule; its presence in a product is, 
    therefore, a proxy for the presence of trans fat. The proposed rule 
    would cause small businesses whose products contain partially 
    hydrogenated oil to test for the amount of trans fat per reference 
    amount. The proposed rule would require a firm to relabel any product 
    that contains 0.5 g or more of trans fat per serving, unless the firm 
    chooses to reformulate the product to contain less than 0.5 g of trans 
    fat per serving.
        FDA calculated the costs to small businesses with the same basic 
    model that was used in section VI.D of this document to estimate the 
    total costs. The basic formula is described there in Figure 1. Although 
    the basic cost formula is the same for large and small firms, the 
    individual components of costs differ for large and small firms. Small 
    firms have lower decisionmaking costs, produce fewer products, and 
    market fewer labels. The reprinting costs per label differ by product 
    group and according to whether or not the principal display panel has 
    to be changed. Reformulation is also less likely for small businesses. 
    FDA assumed that margarine producers would be the only small businesses 
    that would choose to reformulate within 10 years after the effective 
    date for the proposed rule. Although FDA made no quantitative estimates 
    of future reformulation costs for small businesses, it assumed that 
    after reformulation practices for other product groups become standard 
    industry knowledge, small businesses would be able to reformulate at 
    far lower cost than estimated for margarine.
        FDA estimated the total costs of the proposed rule to small 
    business by estimating the individual categories of costs and summing 
    them. The first category is testing costs. Small businesses would need 
    to test their products to determine the amounts of trans fats. FDA did 
    not have direct estimates of the number of products produced by the 
    small businesses affected by the proposed rule. FDA estimated the 
    number of products produced by small businesses by using a sample from 
    the Enhanced Establishment Database (EED) and assuming that the 
    proportion of all products produced by small businesses was the same as 
    the sample proportion (Ref. 73). FDA then multiplied the number of 
    products in each category by the percent of products in that category 
    containing partially hydrogenated oil. The result is the estimated 
    number of products of small businesses that would have to be tested for 
    trans fat shown in Table 28 of this document.
                 Table 28.--Number of Products of Small Businesses Containing Partially Hydrogenated Oil
                                                                                  Percent of
                                                                                   Products       Number of Products
                           Product                        Number of Products      Containing          Containing
                                                                                   Partially           Partially
                                                                               Hydrogenated Oil    Hydrogenated Oil
    Frozen Breakfast Foods                                      470                  80                 380
    Cereal                                                    1,150                  40                 460
    Baking Mixes                                              1,180                  75                 890
    Breading Products                                           820                  85                 700
    Frozen Baked Goods                                        1,330                  50                 670
    Refrigerated Bread and Pastry                             1,560                   5                  80
    Breads                                                   26,390                  50              13,200
    Crackers                                                  1,480                 100               1,480
    Cookies                                                   5,360                  95               5,090
    Baking Needs                                              1,380                  65                 900
    Candy, Gum, and Cough Drops                              13,390                  40               5,360
    Shortenings and Oils                                      1,100                  15                 170
    Refrigerated Spreads                                        960                  70                 670
    Chip Type Snacks                                          8,890                  70               6,220
    Total                                                                                            36,270
        FDA estimated testing costs to be $200 per product, so the total 
    cost of testing for small businesses would be approximately $7 million 
    (36,270 x $200).
        Decisionmaking costs would be borne by those small businesses whose 
    products contain 0.5 g or more trans fat per reference amount. Table 29 
    of this document shows the likely number of small businesses with 
    products containing 0.5 g or more trans fat per reference amount; these 
    firms would bear decisionmaking costs because of the proposed rule. FDA 
    estimated the
    [[Page 62788]]
    number of small businesses affected by multiplying the number of small 
    businesses in each category (see Table 10 of this document) by the 
    percentage of firms in that category making products with 0.5 g or more 
    trans fat per reference amount.
     Table 29.--Number of Small Firms Whose Products Contain 0.5 gram (g) or
                      More trans Fats per Reference Amount
                                       Percent of Small     Number of Small
                           SIC and       Firms Making        Firms Making
        Description     Dun's Market       Products            Products
                         Identifiers   Containing 0.5 g    Containing 0.5 g
                            Code       or More Trans Fat   or More Trans Fat
    Frozen Breakfast    20389901             60                  10
     Foods               20389904
    Cereal              2043                  5                   0
    Baking Mixes        204103               60                  20
    Breading Products,  2051                 15                 450
     Frozen Baked
     Bread and Pastry,
    Crackers Cookies    2052                100                 660
    Baking Needs,       206499               15                  60
     Candy, Gum, and
     Cough Drops
    Shortenings and     207901               50                  40
     Oils,               207902
     Refrigerated        207999
    Potato Chips and    2096                 30                 100
     Similar Snacks
    Total Small                                               1,340
        The decisionmaking costs for small businesses are estimated to be 
    approximately $3,500 per firm. Total decisionmaking costs would be 
    approximately $5 million (1,340 x $3,500).
        FDA estimated reprinting costs for information panels on a per 
    label (SKU) basis. FDA assumed that the proportion of SKU's from small 
    businesses as a whole equaled the proportion in the EED for each 
    category of foods.
        Table 30 of this document shows the cost to small businesses of 
    reprinting information panels.
                                   Table 30.--Reprinting Costs for Information Panels
                                                                                                  Cost per Product
                      Description                    Number of SKU's\1\       Cost per SKU              Group
    Frozen Breakfast Foods                                  230                $1,000              $230,000
    Cereal                                                  150                    $0                    $0
    Baking Mixes                                            670                  $300              $201,000
    Breading Products                                         0                $1,300                    $0
    Frozen Baked Goods                                      470                $1,300              $611,000
    Refrigerated Bread and Pastry                            50                $1,300               $65,000
    Breads                                                9,730                $1,300           $12,649,000
    Crackers                                              1,250                  $500              $625,000
    Cookies                                               5,330                  $500            $2,665,000
    Baking Needs                                            990                  $800              $792,000
    Candy, Gum, and Cough Drops                           4,590                  $800            $3,672,000
    Shortenings and Oils                                    170                  $100               $17,000
    Refrigerated Spreads                                    450                  $100               $45,000
    Chips Type Snacks                                     4,150                  $200              $830,000
    Total                                                28,230                                 $22,402,000
    \1\ Stockkeeping units.
        In addition to the costs of reprinting information panels, small 
    businesses making claims may have to change their principal display 
    panels. The redesign and reprinting cost per SKU change for a small 
    business is estimated to be $1,200. FDA estimated that small businesses 
    accounted for about 50 percent of the labels (SKU's) and about 50 
    percent of the products that would require changes to the principal 
    display panel. The total number of SKU's estimated in section VI.D.4.a 
    of this document to require such changes was 2,990; small businesses 
    therefore accounted for 1,500 products (0.5 x 2,990). The marketing and 
    administrative costs per product change for a small business is 
    estimated to be $5,500. The total number of products estimated in 
    section VI.D.4.b of this document to require changes was 2,440; small 
    businesses therefore accounted for 1,220 products (0.5 x 2,440). The 
    total cost to small businesses of changing principal display panels 
    would be $9 million (($1,200 x 1,500) + ($5,500 x 1,220)).
        FDA assumed that the only small businesses that would reformulate 
    products to eliminate or reduce trans fat would be margarine producers 
    responding to market pressures. The reformulation costs for small 
    businesses producing margarine equals the reformulation costs per 
    product multiplied by the number of products produced by small firms, 
    plus the reformulation costs per SKU times the number of SKU's produced 
    by small firms. FDA assumed that 20 percent of the 670 margarine 
    products to be reformulated, or 134, are produced by small businesses. 
    FDA estimated the cost of formulation and testing to be $440,000 per 
    product. The number of SKU's affected is estimated to be 146 (0.2 x 
    730). The inventory loss is estimated to be $10,000 per SKU. Table 31 
    of this document shows the
    [[Page 62789]]
    margarine reformulation costs for small businesses.
          Table 31.--Margarine Reformulation Costs for Small Businesses
                                                                   Costs for
                              Number         Costs per Product or     All
                                                  per SKU\1\        Products
                                                                    or SKU's
    Products                   134              $440,000           $59
    SKU's                      146               $10,000           $2
    \1\ Stockkeeping unit.
        Table 32 of this document shows the total costs to small businesses 
    of the proposed rule. The adjusted total costs of the proposed rule 
    equal the unadjusted total minus $7 million, 1.8 percent of all 
    compliance period costs of the proposed rule ($401 million x 0.018) 
    (see 58 FR 2927 at 2928, January 6, 1993).
      Table 32.--Total Costs for Small Businesses (in millions of dollars)
                       Type of Cost                            Amount
    Testing costs                                                $7
    Decisionmaking costs                                         $5
    Costs of reprinting information panel                       $22
    Costs changing principal display panel                       $9
    Formulation and testing costs                               $59
    Inventory costs                                              $2
    Total                                                      $104
    Total adjusted for exemptions                               $97
    C. Regulatory Options
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires that FDA consider options 
    for regulatory relief for small entities. Some regulatory relief is 
    already built into the proposed rule. The uniform compliance date 
    should give small entities sufficient time to avoid many potential 
    costs of the rule, such as loss of inventory.
    1. Exemption for Small Businesses
        The exemption of small businesses from the provisions of the 
    proposed rule would provide regulatory relief. Table 32 of this 
    document shows that small businesses are expected to bear total costs 
    of about $100 million as a result of the proposed rule, an average of 
    $22,600 per small business. As a first approximation, then, exempting 
    small businesses would reduce the burden by an average of $22,600 per 
    small business.
        FDA believes that this option would not be desirable. On the one 
    hand, because so many of the businesses in the food processing industry 
    are classified as small by SBA, if small businesses are exempted, much 
    of the potential benefits from the proposed rule would not be realized. 
    On the other hand, exempt businesses may be forced by market pressures 
    to adopt the proposed label in any case. In addition, under section 
    403(q)(5)(E) of NLEA, very small producers (those with fewer than 100 
    full-time employees) that: (1) File a notice with the Office of Food 
    Labeling; (2) make very low volume products (fewer than 100,000 units 
    annually); and (3) place no claims or other nutrition information on 
    product labels, labeling, or advertising would already be exempt from 
    this proposed rule.
    2. Longer Compliance Period for Small Businesses
        Longer compliance periods provide regulatory relief for small 
    businesses. FDA has estimated the costs based on a 2-year compliance 
    period. The estimated costs will decrease if small businesses are given 
    more than two years to comply with the proposed rule.
        Labeling costs (decisionmaking, redesign, and printing) fall as the 
    compliance period rises. With the base period of 2 years, labeling 
    costs double with each halving of the length of the compliance period 
    and fall by one-half for each doubling of the compliance period. 
    Testing and reformulation costs also decline with a lengthening of the 
    compliance period. Small businesses would have more opportunity to 
    benefit from technology transfer from large businesses making similar 
        Table 33 of this document shows how the burden on small businesses 
    falls as the compliance period is extended to 18 and 24 months beyond 
    the effective date. The weights used were the proportion of small 
    business costs represented by each component.
     Table 33.--Effect of Compliance Period on Small Business Costs (adjustment factors relative to effective date)
                                                                             18 Months After       24 Months After
                                                         At Proposed       Proposed Effective    Proposed Effective
                                                       Effective Date             Date                  Date
    Decisionmaking costs                                   100%                   75%                   50%
    Testing costs                                          100%                   97%                   93%
    Printing costs                                         100%                   75%                   50%
    Reformulation costs                                    100%                   97%                   93%
    Weighted average costs                                 100%                   89%                   78%
        In other words, the costs to small businesses would fall by about 
    11 percent with an 18-month extension beyond a 2-year compliance period 
    and by about 22 percent with a 24-month extension beyond a 2-year 
    compliance period. FDA will evaluate the length of the compliance 
    period if it finalizes this proposal.
    3. Exemptions for Particular Products Produced by Small Entities
        In the category of breakfast foods, the average intake of trans fat 
    for both men and women is less than one-tenth of a gram per day. 
    Because the entire category contributes so little to the overall 
    dietary intake of trans fats, exempting small businesses in this 
    category from the rule would have small effects on health. The 
    exemption, however, would provide regulatory relief for approximately 
    70 small
    [[Page 62790]]
    businesses (including cereal and frozen breakfast foods). The total 
    burden on small businesses would fall by less than $500,000 (the sum of 
    $316,000 relabeling costs and $167,000 testing costs for 835 products). 
    The relief offered by this option, then, would be small.
        An objection to this option for regulatory relief is that by 
    exempting an entire class of products, FDA could create incentives for 
    small firms to create products in that category. These new products 
    would have no effective limits on trans fat. The exemption would 
    therefore allow small firms to develop products with high trans fat 
    content but no indication of that content on the label. The 
    contribution of breakfast cereals to total dietary intake of trans fats 
    could increase because of the exemption. The most telling objection to 
    this option is that exempting some products from the proposed labeling 
    rule would make the nutrition facts panel inconsistent across product 
    categories. This inconsistency would be counter to the intent of the 
    1990 amendments. It would undermine the policy goal of providing 
    consistent nutrition information to consumers.
    D. Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires FDA to include a 
    description of the recordkeeping and reporting required for compliance 
    with this proposed rule. This proposed rule does not require the 
    preparation of a report or a record.
    E. The Burden on a Small Business: A Typical Small Business
        The average cost per small business would be about $22,600 ($104 
    million/4,600 firms). In this section FDA will show how a hypothetical 
    small business could incur this average cost. Although the entity is 
    hypothetical, the cost estimate is based on costs that a single entity 
    could in fact bear as a result of the proposed rule. Suppose that a 
    small business must test and possibly relabel--but does not 
    reformulate--its products. The firm's three products are in the bread 
    category and three of its four labels contain claims. The other product 
    contains less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving and, therefore, 
    its label need not be changed. Table 34 of this document shows the 
    costs for this hypothetical typical small business. The cost can be 
    compared to some plausible level of sales revenue to estimate the 
    potential burden of the rule.
               Table 34.--Costs for a Hypothetical Small Business
    Decisionmaking costs      $3,500 per small               $3,500
    Testing costs             $200 per product for 3           $600
    Reprinting information    $1,300 per SKU\1\ for 3        $3,900
     panel costs               SKU's
    Changing principal        $1,200 per SKU for 3           $3,600
     display panels            SKU's
    Changing principal        $5,500 per product for 2      $11,000
     display panels costs      products
     per product
    Total costs                                             $22,600
    \1\ Stockkeeping unit.
        The median firm in the food groups covered by the proposed rule has 
    annual sales of about $500,000. The proposed rule could therefore lead 
    to a one-time burden of about 5 percent of annual sales ($22,600/
    $500,000). If the firm borrowed the funds to pay for the label changes 
    and other costs at 7 percent for 10 years, the annual payments would be 
    about $3,200. This estimate may overstate the burden in that the firm 
    may pass most of the cost on to consumers in the form of higher prices 
    for its products. Small margarine producers will bear much higher costs 
    if market pressures force them to reformulate. If the firms are large 
    enough so that they are not exempted from this rule, they will compare 
    potential market share losses with the cost of reformulation. FDA 
    believes that, although the costs of reformulation are large ($450,000 
    per product), the product volume of even a small plant is large enough 
    to make reformulation the logical choice.
    F. Summary
        FDA finds that under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 
    605(b)) this proposed rule will have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. Approximately 4,600 small 
    businesses could be affected by the rule. The total burden on small 
    entities is estimated to be more than $100 million.
    VIII. Unfunded Mandates
        The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-4) 
    requires cost-benefit and other analyses for rules that would cost more 
    than $100 million in 1 single year. The proposed rule qualifies as 
    significant rule under the statute. FDA has carried out the cost-
    benefit analysis in sections VI.C and VI.D of this document The other 
    requirements under the Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995 include assessing 
    the rule's effects on:
        A. Future costs;
        B. Particular regions, communities, or industrial sectors;
        C. National productivity and economic growth;
        D. Full employment and job creation; and,
        E. Exports.
    A. Future Costs
        FDA estimated some of the future costs of the proposed rule in 
    section VI.D of this document. The reported costs include costs 
    incurred during the compliance period and up to 7 years after the 
    effective date. Section VI.D of this document also includes some 
    qualitative discussion of costs that would occur beyond that time 
    period. Most of the costs of the rule, however, would occur in the 
    years immediately after the publication of a final rule. Future costs 
    beyond that period would likely be small, because the food industry 
    would have adjusted to the new requirements by that time.
    B. Particular Regions, Communities, or Industrial Sectors
        The proposed rule applies to the food industry and would, 
    therefore, affect that industry disproportionately. Any long-run 
    increase in the costs of food production would largely be passed on to 
    the entire population of consumers.
    C. National Productivity and Economic Growth
        The proposed rule is not expected to substantially affect 
    productivity or economic growth. It is possible that productivity and 
    growth in certain sectors of the food industry could be slightly lower 
    than otherwise because of the need to divert research and development 
    resources to compliance
    [[Page 62791]]
    activities. The diversion of resources to compliance activities would 
    be temporary. Moreover, FDA anticipates that, because the health 
    benefits are estimated to be large, both productivity and economic 
    growth would be higher than in the absence of the rule. In section 
    VI.C.3 of this document, FDA estimated benefits from the reduction in 
    functional disability associated with a reduction in nonfatal CHD. A 
    reduction of functional disability would result in an increase in 
    productivity. The increased health of the population and the reduction 
    in direct and indirect health costs could increase both productivity 
    and economic growth.
    D. Full Employment and Job Creation
        The human resources devoted to producing certain foods would be 
    redirected by the proposed rule. The proposed rule could lead to some 
    short-run unemployment as a result of the structural changes within the 
    food industry, the rise of some product lines and decline of others. 
    The growth of employment (job creation) could also be temporarily 
    E. Exports
        Because the proposed rule does not mandate any changes in products, 
    current export products will not be required to change in any way. Food 
    processors, however, do not necessarily distinguish between production 
    for export and production for the domestic market. The effect of the 
    proposed rule on U.S. food exports depends on how foreign consumers 
    react to information about trans fats and to product formulations that 
    contain no partially hydrogenated oils. The new label and possible new 
    formulations could either increase or decrease exports. Germany and 
    certain other European countries, for example, do not currently use 
    partially hydrogenated oils, so the proposed rule could make U.S. 
    exports of margarine and other reformulated products more attractive to 
    consumers in those countries than they have been. However, it could 
    also make U.S. exports of unreformulated products that reveal the 
    presence of trans fat less attractive to consumers in those countries 
    than they have been.
    IX. Environmental Impact
        The agency has determined under 21 CFR 25.30(k) that this action is 
    of a type that does not individually or cumulatively have a significant 
    effect on the human environment. Therefore, neither an environmental 
    assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required.
    X. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
        This proposed rule contains information collection provisions that 
    are subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (the PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501-
    3520). The title, description, and respondent description of the 
    information collection provisions are shown in the next paragraphs 
    below with an estimate of the annual reporting burden. Included in the 
    estimate is the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing 
    data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing 
    and reviewing each collection of information.
        FDA invites comments on: (1) Whether the proposed collection of 
    information is necessary for the proper performance of FDA's functions, 
    including whether the information will have practical utility; (2) the 
    accuracy of FDA's estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of 
    information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions 
    used; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the 
    information to be collected; and (4) ways to minimize the burden of the 
    collection of information on respondents, including through the use of 
    automated information collection techniques or other forms of 
    information technology.
        Title: Food Labeling; Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling and 
    Nutrient Content Claims.
        Description: Section 403(q)(1)(A) and (q)(1)(B) of the act requires 
    that the label or labeling of a food bear nutrition information on the 
    amount of nutrients present in the product. Under these provisions of 
    the act and section 2(b) of the 1990 amendments, FDA has issued 
    regulations in Sec. 101.9(c)(2) that require that the nutrition facts 
    panel disclose information on the amounts of fat and certain fatty 
    acids in the food product. Similarly, under the provisions of section 
    403(q)(5)(F) of the act, FDA has issued regulations in Sec. 101.36(b) 
    that specify the nutrition information that must be on the label or 
    labeling of dietary supplements.
        The regulations set forth in this proposed rule would require 
    producers of foods, including dietary supplements, that contain 0.5 g 
    or more of trans fatty acids per serving to disclose in the nutrition 
    label the amount of trans fatty acids present in such foods. To do so, 
    the proposed rule would require that the amount and the %DV for 
    saturated fatty acids disclosed in the nutrition label of a food 
    represent the combined amount of saturated and trans fatty acids. In 
    addition, the amount of trans fatty acids would be disclosed in a 
        Section 403(r)(2)(B) of the act requires that the labeling of any 
    food bearing a nutrient content claim that contains a nutrient at a 
    level that increases to persons in the general population the risk of a 
    disease or health-related condition that is diet related must contain, 
    prominently and in immediate proximity to such nutrient content claim, 
    a disclosure statement specified by the statute. The proposal would 
    also establish the nutrient content claim ``trans fat free'' as an 
    authorized nutrient content claim for food, including dietary 
    supplements. Any food bearing a ``trans fat free'' nutrient content 
    claim would be required to include a footnote in the nutrition label 
    disclosing that the product contains 0 g trans fatty acids. In 
    addition, food products bearing a ``trans fat free'' nutrient content 
    claim would be required to disclose the level of total fat and 
    cholesterol, if present at significant levels.
        Description of Respondents: Persons and businesses, including small 
                                         Table 35.--Estimated Reporting Burden1
                         Number of     Responses per   Total No. of      Hours per                       Operating
     21 CFR Section     Respondents     Respondents      Responses       Response      Total  hours        costs
    101.9(c)(2)(i)             1,880                          38,670            2             77,340     $38,256,000
    101.36(b)(2)\2\               40                             300            2                600        $210,000
    101.62(c)                     25               4             100            0.5               50         $70,000
    Totals                     1,945                          39,070                          77,990     $38,536,000
    \1\ There are no capital cost or maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
    \2\ The number of responses per respondent under this section varies greatly depending upon the size of the firm
      and the numbers and types of products marketed by the firm.
    [[Page 62792]]
        The impact of the proposed requirements concerning trans fatty 
    acids would be largely a one-time burden created by the need for firms 
    to revise the labels for those existing products containing trans fatty 
    acids. FDA estimated the operating costs for food products that might 
    be affected by this proposed rule by combining the approximate cost of 
    analysis to determine those products containing more than 0.5 g of 
    trans fatty acids and the approximate cost of revising the labels for 
    those products conta ining more than 0.5 g of trans fatty acids. As 
    noted in section VI of this document in the Preliminary Regulatory 
    Impact Analysis, FDA estimates that the approximate cost of analysis to 
    determine the amount of trans fatty acids in affected products to be 
    approximately $8,376,000 for 41,800 products (see Table 8 of this 
    document). Also, as noted in section VI of this document, FDA estimates 
    that there are approximately 1,880 firms producing products that would 
    be affected by this proposed rule. Further, FDA estimates that there 
    are approximately 38,670 SKU's for food products, other than dietary 
    supplements, that would be affected by this proposed rule with the 
    associated operating costs for revising labels of $29,880,000 (see 
    Table 13 of this document).
        In the final rule establishing requirements for the nutrition 
    labeling of dietary supplements, FDA estimated that there were 
    approximately 850 suppliers of dietary supplements and that they had on 
    average 40 products each (62 FR 49826 at 49846). Although FDA is 
    uncertain as to exactly how many dietary supplement suppliers 
    (certainly, fewer than 40 suppliers) have products that contain trans 
    fatty acids and welcomes comments on this point, based upon its 
    experience, it believes that less than 1 percent of the approximate 
    total of 34,000 dietary supplements, or approximately 300, would 
    contain trans fatty acids. Based upon its knowledge of food labeling, 
    FDA estimates that firms would require less than 2 hours per product to 
    comply with the nutrition labeling requirements in Sec. 101.36(b)(2) of 
    a final rule based on this proposal.
        FDA also estimates that approximately 25 firms would choose to make 
    trans fatty acid free claims under proposed Sec. 101.62(c)(6) on 
    approximately 4 products per firm. Because the regulations supply the 
    wording that would appear on the label, the making of a ``trans fat 
    free'' claim and the required disclosure of 0 g trans fatty acids in an 
    accompanying footnote would impose no burden and would not constitute a 
    ``collection of information'' under the PRA. Rather, the proposed 
    nutrient content claim ``trans fat free'' and accompanying footnote 
    would be a ``public disclosure of information originally supplied by 
    the Federal Government to the recipient for the purpose of disclosure 
    to the public'' (5 CFR 1320(c)(2)). Because the information on total 
    fat and cholesterol levels required to be disclosed under 
    Sec. 101.62(c) would be information that the firms would already have, 
    FDA estimates that this additional requirement would add less that 0.5 
    hours burden for each product.
         For the requirements in Secs. 101.36(b)(2) and 101.62(c), FDA has 
    estimated operating costs by combining the approximate cost of analysis 
    to determine the level of trans fatty acids in the affected products 
    requiring disclosure of trans fatty acids ($200 per product) and the 
    approximate cost of revising labels for those products ($500 per 
    product). Thus, FDA tentatively finds that the requirements of a final 
    rule based on this proposal would result in total one-time operating 
    costs of $38,536,000. FDA expects that, with at least a 1-year 
    compliance date, firms will coordinate labeling revisions required by 
    any final rule that may issue based on this proposal with other planned 
    labeling for its products.
        In compliance with the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)), the agency has 
    submitted the information collection provisions of this proposed rule 
    to OMB for review. Interested persons are requested to send comments 
    regarding information collection by December 17, 1999, to the Office of 
    Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, New Executive Office Bldg., 
    725 17th St. NW., rm. 10235, Washington, DC 20503, Attn: Desk Officer 
    for FDA.
    XI. Effective Date
        The agency proposes that any final rule that may issue based upon 
    this proposal become effective in accordance with the uniform effective 
    date for compliance with food labeling requirements that is announced 
    by notice in the Federal Register and that is not sooner than 1 year 
    following publication of any final rule based on this proposal. 
    However, FDA will not object to voluntary compliance immediately upon 
    publication of the final rule.
    XII. Comments
        Interested persons may, on or before February 15, 2000, submit to 
    the Dockets Management Branch (address above) written comments 
    regarding this proposal, except that written comments regarding 
    collection of information should be submitted to the Office of 
    Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB (address above), on or before 
    December 17, 1999. Two copies of any comments are to be submitted, 
    except that individuals may submit one copy. Comments are to be 
    identified with the docket number found in brackets in the heading of 
    this document. Received comments may be seen in the office above 
    between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    XIII. References
        The following references have been placed in the Dockets Management 
    Branch (address above) and may be seen by interested persons between 9 
    a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
        1. Kris-Etherton, P. M., and R. J. Nicolosi, ``Trans Fatty Acids 
    and Coronary Heart Disease Risk,'' International Life Sciences 
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        2. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) ``The Surgeon 
    General's Report on Nutrition and Health,'' p. 96, Washington, DC, 
        3. Kris-Etherton, P. M., editor, ``Trans Fatty Acids and 
    Coronary Heart Disease Risk,'' Report of the Expert Panel on Trans 
    Fatty Acids and Coronary Heart Disease, American Journal of Clinical 
    Nutrition, 62:655S-708S, 1995.
        4. National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences, 
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    pp. 4, 8, 193, 196, 213, and 657, National Academy Press, 
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        5. Second Report of the Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation 
    and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults, National 
    Cholesterol Education Program, National Institutes of Health, 
    Bethesda, MD, September 1993.
        6. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/DHHS, ``Dietary 
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        7. Mensink, R. P., and M. B. Katan, ``Effect of Dietary trans 
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        33. Government of Canada, ``Consultation Document on Nutrient 
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        34. Judd, J. T., D. J. Baer, B. A. Clevidence, R. A. Muesing, S. 
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        39. FASEB Expert Panel (Senti, F.R. ed), ``Health Aspects of 
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        40. USDA, Agricultural Research Service, USDA Food Composition 
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    address ``http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/Data/index.html'').
        41. Government of Canada, ``Revised Proposals for Nutrient 
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        42. Association of Official Analytical Chemists International 
    (AOAC), AOAC Official Method 965.34 ``Isolated trans Isomers in 
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    AOAC Method, Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 
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        43. American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS), AOCS Official Method 
    Cd 14-95 (Replaces Cd 14-61, reapproved 1997), ``Isolated trans 
    Isomers Infrared Spectrometric Method,'' AOAC Official Methods and 
    Recommended Practices, edited by D. Firestone, Champaign, IL.
        44. AOAC, 1998, AOAC Official Method 994.14, ``Isolated trans 
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    Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 16th ed., 
    41.1.36A, AOAC International, Gaithersburg, MD. 1998, revision March 
        45. AOCS, AOCS Recommended Practice Cd 14d-96 (Reapproved 1997), 
    ``Isolated trans Geometric Isomers-Single Bounce-Horizontal 
    Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopic Procedure,'' AOCS 
    Official Methods and Recommended Practices, edited by D. Firestone, 
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        46. AOCS, AOCS Official Method Ce 1f-96 (Reapproved 1997) 
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    Recommended Practices,'' edited by D. Firestone, Champaign, IL.
    [[Page 62794]]
        47. AOCS, AOCS Official Method Ce 1c-89 (Reapproved 1993, 
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    Isomers,'' AOCS Official Methods and Recommended Practices, edited 
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    List of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 101
         Food labeling, Nutrition, Reporting and recordkeeping 
         Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and 
    under authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, it is 
    proposed that 21 CFR part 101 be amended as follows:
         1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 101 continues to read as 
        Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1453, 1454, 1455; 21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 342, 
    343, 348, 371.
         2. Section 101.9 is amended by revising paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and 
    (d)(7)(ii) to read as follows:
     Sec. 101.9  Nutrition labeling of food.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) ``Saturated fat,'' or ``Saturated'': A statement of the number 
    of grams of
    [[Page 62795]]
    saturated fat in a serving, defined as the sum of the number of grams 
    per serving of all fatty acids containing no double bonds (i.e. 
    ``saturated fatty acids'') plus the number of grams per serving of any 
    unsaturated fatty acids that contain one or more isolated (i.e., 
    nonconjugated) double bonds in a trans configuration (i.e., ``trans 
    fatty acids'' or ``trans fat'').
        (A) The label declaration of saturated fat content information 
    (i.e., the combined value of saturated fatty acids plus trans fatty 
    acids) is not required for products that contain less than 0.5 gram of 
    total fat in a serving if no claims are made about fat, fatty acids, or 
    cholesterol content, and if ``calories from saturated fat'' is not 
    declared. Except as provided for in paragraph (f) of this section, if a 
    statement of the saturated fat content is not required and, as a 
    result, not declared, the statement ``Not a significant source of 
    saturated fat'' shall be placed at the bottom of the table of nutrient 
    values. The term ``Saturated fat'' or ``Saturated'' shall be indented 
    and the combined value of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids 
    expressed as grams per serving to the nearest 0.5 (1/2)-gram increment 
    below 5 grams and to the nearest gram increment above 5 grams. If the 
    serving contains less than 0.5 gram of saturated fatty acids and less 
    than 0.5 gram of trans fatty acids, the content when declared, shall be 
    expressed as zero.
        (B) When 0.5 or more grams per serving of trans fatty acids are 
    present, the heading shall be followed by an asterisk (or other symbol) 
    (e.g., ``Saturated fat*'') referring to another asterisk (or other 
    symbol) at the bottom of the nutrition label adjacent to a footnote 
    stating that the product ``Includes ____g trans fat,'' with the blank 
    specifying the amount of trans fat present in a serving. Optionally, 
    when less than 0.5 gram per serving of trans fatty acids are present, 
    manufacturers may, but need not, use an asterisk (or another symbol) 
    following ``Saturated fat'' to refer to the footnote ``Includes (or 
    contains) 0 g trans fat'' or ``Includes (or contains) no trans fat,'' 
    except that the footnote is required when a fatty acid or cholesterol 
    claim is made. The term ``trans fatty acids'' may be used 
    interchangeably with ``trans fat.'' Amounts specified within the 
    footnote shall be expressed as grams per serving to the nearest 0.5 (1/
    2)-gram increment below 5 grams and to the nearest gram increment above 
    5 grams.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (7) * * *
        (ii) A listing of the percent of the DRV as established in 
    paragraphs (c)(7)(iii) and (c)(9) of this section shall be given in a 
    column aligned under the heading ``% Daily Value'' established in 
    paragraph (d)(6) of this section with the percent expressed to the 
    nearest whole percent for each nutrient declared in the column 
    described in paragraph (d)(7)(i) of this section for which a DRV has 
    been established, except that the percent for protein may be omitted as 
    provided in paragraph (c)(7) of this section. The percent shall be 
    calculated by dividing either the amount declared on the label for each 
    nutrient or the actual amount of each nutrient (i.e., before rounding) 
    by the DRV for the nutrient, except that the percent for protein shall 
    be calculated as specified in paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of this section. 
    When trans fatty acids are present in a food, the percent declared for 
    saturated fat shall be calculated by dividing the amount declared on 
    the label for saturated fat, which includes trans fatty acids, by the 
    DRV for saturated fat. The numerical value shall be followed by the 
    symbol for percent (i.e., %).
    * * * * *
        3. Section 101.13 is amended by revising paragraphs (h)(1), (h)(2), 
    and (h)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 101.13   Nutrient content claims--general principles.
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
        (1) If a food, except a meal product as defined in Sec. 101.13(l), 
    a main dish product as defined in Sec. 101.13(m), or food intended 
    specifically for use by infants and children less than 2 years of age, 
    contains more than 13.0 g of fat, 4.0 g of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined, 60 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol, or 480 mg of sodium per 
    reference amount customarily consumed, per labeled serving, or, for a 
    food with a reference amount customarily consumed of 30 g or less or 2 
    tablespoons or less, per 50 g (for dehydrated foods that must be 
    reconstituted before typical consumption with water or a diluent 
    containing an insignificant amount, as defined in Sec. 101.9(f)(1), of 
    all nutrients per reference amount customarily consumed, the per 50 g 
    criterion refers to the ``as prepared'' form), then that food must bear 
    a statement disclosing that the nutrient exceeding the specified level 
    is present in the food as follows: ``See nutrition information for ----
    ---- content'' with the blank filled in with the identity of the 
    nutrient exceeding the specified level, e.g., ``See nutrition 
    information for fat content.''
        (2) If a food is a meal product as defined in Sec. 101.13(l), and 
    contains more than 26 g of fat, 8.0 g of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined, 120 mg of cholesterol, or 960 mg of sodium per labeled 
    serving, then that food must disclose, in accordance with the 
    requirements as provided in paragraph (h)(1) of this section, that the 
    nutrient exceeding the specified level is present in the food.
        (3) If a food is a main dish product as defined in Sec. 101.13(m), 
    and contains more than 19.5 g of fat, 6.0 g of saturated fat and trans 
    fat combined, 90 mg of cholesterol, or 720 mg of sodium per labeled 
    serving, then that food must disclose, in accordance with the 
    requirements as provided in paragraph (h)(1) of this section, that the 
    nutrient exceeding the specified level is present in the food.
    * * * * *
        4. Section 101.14 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(5) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 101.14   Health claims: general requirements.
        (a) * * *
        (5) Disqualifying nutrient levels means the levels of total fat, 
    saturated fat and trans fat combined, cholesterol, or sodium in a food 
    above which the food will be disqualified from making a health claim. 
    These levels are 13.0 grams (g) of fat, 4.0 g of saturated fat and 
    trans fat combined, 60 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol, or 480 mg of 
    sodium, per reference amount customarily consumed, per labeled serving 
    size, and, only for foods with reference amounts customarily consumed 
    of 30 g or less or 2 tablespoons or less, per 50 g. For dehydrated 
    foods that must have water added to them prior to typical consumption, 
    the per 50 g criterion refers to the as prepared form. Any one of the 
    levels, on a per reference amount customarily consumed, a per labeled 
    serving size or, when applicable, a per 50 g basis, will disqualify a 
    food from making a health claim unless an exception is provided in 
    subpart E of this part, except that:
        (i) The levels for a meal product as defined in Sec. 101.13(l) are 
    26.0 g fat, 8.0 g of saturated fat and trans fat combined, 120 mg of 
    cholesterol, or 960 mg of sodium per labeled serving size, and
        (ii) The levels for a main dish product as defined in 
    Sec. 101.13(m) are 19.5 g of fat, 6.0 g of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined, 90 mg of cholesterol, or 720 mg of sodium per labeled serving 
    * * * * *
        5. Section 101.36 is amended by adding a sentence after the first 
    sentence in paragraph (b)(2)(i) and by revising paragraph (b)(2)(iii) 
    introductory text to read as follows:
    [[Page 62796]]
    Sec. 101.36   Nutrition labeling of dietary supplements.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) * * * When trans fatty acids are present, they shall be 
    declared in accordance with Sec. 101.9(c)(2)(i). * * *
    * * * * *
        (iii) The percent of the Daily Value of all dietary ingredients 
    declared under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section shall be listed, 
    except that the percent for protein may be omitted as provided in 
    Sec. 101.9(c)(7) and when trans fatty acids are present in a food, the 
    percent for saturated fat shall be calculated by dividing the amount 
    declared on the label for saturated fat, which includes trans fatty 
    acids, by the DRV for saturated fat; no percent shall be given for 
    subcomponents for which DRV's have not been established (e.g., sugars); 
    and, for labels of dietary supplements of vitamins and minerals that 
    are represented or purported to be for use by infants, children less 
    than 4 years of age, or pregnant or lactating women, no percent shall 
    be given for total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, total carbohydrate, 
    dietary fiber, vitamin K, selenium, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, 
    chloride, sodium, or potassium.
    * * * * *
        6. Section 101.62 is amended by adding paragraph (c)(6), by 
    revising paragraph (c) introductory text, and paragraphs (c)(2)(i), 
    (c)(3)(i), (c)(4)(i), (c)(5)(i), (d)(1)(i)(C), (d)(1)(ii)(C), 
    (d)(2)(i)(B), (d)(2)(ii)(B), (d)(2)(iii)(B), (d)(2)(iv)(B), (d)(3), 
    (d)(4)(i)(B), (d)(4)(ii)(B), (d)(5)(i)(B), (d)(5)(ii)(B), and (e) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 101.62   Nutrient content claims for fat, fatty acid, and 
    cholesterol content of foods.
    * * * * *
        (c) ``Fatty acid content claims.'' The label or labeling of foods 
    that bear claims with respect to the level of saturated fat or trans 
    fat shall disclose the level of total fat and cholesterol in the food 
    in immediate proximity to such claim each time the claim is made and in 
    type that shall be no less than one-half the size of the type used for 
    the claim with respect to the level of saturated fat or trans fat. 
    Declaration of cholesterol content may be omitted when the food 
    contains less than 2 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol per reference 
    amount customarily consumed or in the case of a meal or main dish 
    product less than 2 mg of cholesterol per labeled serving. Declaration 
    of total fat may be omitted with the terms defined in paragraphs (c)(1) 
    and (c)(6) of this section when the food contains less than 0.5 g of 
    total fat per reference amount customarily consumed or, in the case of 
    a meal product or a main dish product, when the product contains less 
    than 0.5 g of total fat per labeled serving. The declaration of total 
    fat may be omitted with the terms defined in paragraphs (c)(2) through 
    (c)(5) of this section when the food contains 3 g or less of total fat 
    per reference amount customarily consumed or in the case of a meal 
    product or a main dish product, when the product contains 3 g or less 
    of total fat per 100 g and not more than 30 percent calories from fat.
    * * * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) The food contains 1 g or less of saturated fat and less than 
    0.5 g of trans fat per reference amount customarily consumed and not 
    more than 15 percent of calories from saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined; and
    * * * * *
        (3) * * *
        (i) The product contains 1 g or less of saturated fat and less than 
    0.5 g of trans fat per 100 g and less than 10 percent of calories from 
    saturated fat and trans fat combined; and
    * * * * *
        (4) * * *
        (i) The food contains at least 25 percent less saturated fat and at 
    least 25 percent less saturated fat and trans fat combined per 
    reference amount customarily consumed than an appropriate reference 
    food as described in Sec. 101.13(j)(1); and
    * * * * *
        (5) * * *
        (i) The food contains at least 25 percent less saturated fat and at 
    least 25 percent less saturated fat and trans fat combined per 100 g of 
    food than an appropriate reference food as described in 
    Sec. 101.13(j)(1); and
    * * * * *
        (6) The terms ``trans fat free,'' ``free of trans fat,'' ``no trans 
    fat,'' ``zero trans fat,'' ``without trans fat,'' ``trivial source of 
    trans fat,'' ``negligible source of trans fat,'' or ``dietarily 
    insignificant source of trans fat'' (with ``trans fatty acids'' 
    allowable as a synonym for ``trans fat'') may be used on the label or 
    in the labeling of foods, provided that:
        (i) The food contains less than 0.5 g of trans fat and less than 
    0.5 g of saturated fat per reference amount customarily consumed and 
    per labeled serving or, in the case of a meal product or a main dish 
    product, less than 0.5 g of trans fat and less than 0.5 g of saturated 
    fat per labeled serving; and
        (ii) The food contains no ingredient that is generally understood 
    by consumers to contain trans fat unless the listing of the ingredient 
    in the ingredient statement is followed by an asterisk (or other 
    symbol) that refers to the statement below the list of ingredients 
    which states, ``adds a trivial amount of trans fat,'' ``adds a 
    negligible amount of trans fat,'' or ``adds a dietarily insignificant 
    amount of trans fat; and
        (iii) As required in Sec. 101.13(e)(2), if the food meets these 
    conditions without the benefit of special processing, alteration, 
    formulation, or reformulation to lower trans fat content, it is labeled 
    to disclose that trans fat is not usually present in the food (e.g., 
    ``Corn oil, atrans fat free food'').
        (d) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (C) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per reference amount customarily consumed or, in the case of a 
    meal product or main dish product, 2 g or less of saturated fat and 
    trans fat combined per labeled serving; and
    * * * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (C) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per reference amount customarily consumed or, in the case of a 
    meal product or main dish product, 2 g or less of saturated fat and 
    trans fat combined per labeled serving; and
    * * * * *
        (2) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (B) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per reference amount customarily consumed; and
    * * * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (B) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per reference amount customarily consumed; and
    * * * * *
        (iii) * * *
        (B) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per reference amount customarily consumed;
    * * * * *
        (iv) * * *
        (B) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per reference amount customarily consumed;
    * * * * *
        (3) The terms defined in paragraph (d)(2) of this section may be 
    used on the label and in labeling of meal products as defined in 
    Sec. 101.13(l) or a main dish
    [[Page 62797]]
    product as defined in Sec. 101.13(m) provided that the product meets 
    the requirements of paragraph (d)(2) of this section except that the 
    determination as to whether paragraph (d)(2)(i) or (d)(2)(iii) of this 
    section applies to the product will be made only on the basis of 
    whether the meal product contains 26 g or less of total fat per labeled 
    serving or the main dish product contains 19.5 g or less of total fat 
    per labeled serving; the requirement in paragraphs (d)(2)(i)(A) and 
    (d)(2)(iii)(A) of this section shall be limited to 20 mg of cholesterol 
    per 100 g, and the requirement in paragraphs (d)(2)(i)(B) and 
    (d)(2)(iii)(B) of this section shall be modified to require that the 
    food contain 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat combined per 
    100 g rather than per reference amount customarily consumed.
        (4) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (B) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per reference amount customarily consumed; and
    * * * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (B) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per reference amount customarily consumed;
    * * * * *
        (5) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (B) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per 100 g; and
    * * * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (B) The food contains 2 g or less of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined per 100 g;
    * * * * *
        (e) ``Lean'' and ``extra lean'' claims. (1) The term ``lean'' may 
    be used on the label or in labeling of foods except meal products as 
    defined in Sec. 101.13(l) and main dish products as defined in 
    Sec. 101.13(m) provided that the food is a seafood or game meat product 
    and as packaged contains less than 10 g of total fat, 4.5 g or less of 
    saturated fat andtrans fat combined, and less than 95 mg of cholesterol 
    per reference amount customarily consumed and per 100 g;
        (2) The term defined in paragraph (e)(1) of this section may be 
    used on the label or in the labeling of meal products as defined in 
    Sec. 101.13(l) and main dish products as defined in Sec. 101.13(m) 
    provided that the food contains less than 10 g of total fat, 4.5 g or 
    less of saturated fat and trans fat combined, and less than 95 mg of 
    cholesterol per 100 g and per labeled serving;
        (3) The term ``extra lean'' may be used on the label or in labeling 
    of foods except meal products as defined in Sec. 101.13(l) and main 
    dish products as defined in Sec. 101.13(m) provided that the food is a 
    discrete seafood or game meat product and as packaged contains less 
    than 5 g of total fat, less than 2 g of saturated fat and trans fat 
    combined, and less than 95 mg of cholesterol per reference amount 
    customarily consumed and per 100 g; and
        (4) The term defined in paragraph (e)(3) of this section may be 
    used on the label or in the labeling of meal products as defined in 
    Sec. 101.13(l) and main dish products as defined in Sec. 101.13(m) 
    provided that the food contains less than 5 g of total fat, less than 2 
    g of saturated fat and trans fat combined, and less than 95 mg of 
    cholesterol per 100 g and per labeled serving.
    * * * * *
        Dated: July 29, 1999.
    Jane E. Henney,
    Commissioner of Food and Drugs.
    Donna E. Shalala,
    Secretary of Health and Human Services.
        Note:The following Appendix A and Appendix B will not appear in 
    the Code of Federal Regulations.
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F
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                                                       APPENDIX A
     Table 2.--Observational Studies of Associations of trans Fatty Acids Intakes and Adipose Tissue Concentrations
                                   with Risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in Humans
                         Study Design,
                          Main Outcome
        Reference          Measures,           Subjects           Methods            Results            Comments
                         Location, and
    Aro et al., 1995   Case-control.      Men 70  Adipose tissue     Relative risk of   Authors assumed
     (Ref. 16)         Risk of acute       years of age.      samples from the   acute myocardial   that trans fatty
                        myocardial         Cases: 671 men     buttocks were      infarction was     acids intakes
                        infarction.        with first acute   analyzed for       slightly greater   were primarily
                       Finland, Germany,   myocardial         trans fatty        with higher        from
                        Israel,            infarction         acids content.     adipose trans      hydrogenated
                        Netherlands,       consecutively     Calculation of      fatty acids        vegetable oils
                        Norway, Russia,    recruited from     odds ratios        concentrations     but no food
                        United Kingdom,    coronary care      (OR).              when OR's were     intake data were
                        Spain, and         units of                              calculated         collected to
                        Switzerland        participating                         excluding the      verify that this
                        (EURAMIC Study)    hospitals.                            Spanish sites      assumption was
                        1991-1992.         Controls: 717                         but differences    true for all
                                           men without a                         between cases      countries.
                                           history of acute                      and controls
                                           myocardial                            were not
                                           infarction,                           significant.
                                           recruited from                       Although there
                                           the population                        were no overall
                                           in the catchment                      differences in
                                           area and                              mean proportions
                                           frequency-                            of trans fatty
                                           matched for age                       acids in adipose
                                           according to 5-                       tissue samples
                                           year intervals.                       between cases
                                                                                 and controls,
                                                                                 mean proportion
                                                                                 of trans fatty
                                                                                 acids in adipose
                                                                                 tissue samples
                                                                                 among centers.
                                                                                 Cases in Norway
                                                                                 and Finland had
                                                                                 higher mean
                                                                                 proportions of
                                                                                 trans fatty
                                                                                 acids than
                                                                                 Pattern of
                                                                                 adipose tissue
                                                                                 fatty acids was
                                                                                 different in
                                                                                 Spain from other
                                                                                 countries in
                                                                                 that proportion
                                                                                 of trans fatty
                                                                                 acids was very
                                                                                 low and that of
                                                                                 oleic acid was
                                                                                 high in Spain.
    [[Page 62813]]
    Ascherio et al.,   Case-control.      239 white males    Patients and       Mean intake of     Patients were not
     1994 (Ref. 18)    Risk of             and females <76 controls="" were="" total="" trans="" asked="" whether="" myocardial="" years="" of="" age="" interviewed="" and="" fatty="" acids="" was="" they="" had="" changed="" infarction="" .="" (mean="57.9" blood="" samples="" 4.4="" g/day="" in="" men="" their="" dietary="" boston,="" ma="" 1982-="" years)="" diagnosed="" taken="" 8="" weeks="" (1.5%="" of="" energy)="" intakes="" after="" 1983.="" with="" myocardial="" after="" patient's="" and="" 3.6="" g/day="" in="" their="" myocardial="" infarction.="" myocardial="" women="" (1.7%="" of="" infarction.="" patients="" had="" no="" infarction.="" energy).="" median="" serum="" ldl-c="" has="" previous="" history="" confirmation="" of="" intakes="" in="" the="" been="" shown="" to="" of="" diabetes,="" diagnosis="" was="" lowest="" and="" respond="" to="" high="" serum="" based="" on="" highest="" dietary="" changes="" cholesterol,="" clinical="" history="" quintiles="" were="" within="" 3="" weeks="" myocardial="" and="" creatine="" 3.1="" and="" 6.7="" g/="" in="" clinical="" infarction,="" or="" kinase="" increase.="" day="" for="" men="" and="" trials="" and="" ldl-c="" angina.="" trans="" fatty="" acids="" 3.0="" and="" 6.8="" g/="" in="" this="" group="" 282="" control="" intake="" was="" day="" for="" women.="" may="" reflect="" subjects="" of="" the="" estimated="" from="" a="" relative="" risk="" recent="" dietary="" same="" age="" semiquantitative="" (rr)="" of="" intakes="" rather="" (mean="57.1" food="" frequency="" myocardial="" than="" diet="" before="" years)="" and="" sex="" questionnaire="" infarction="" was="" myocardial="" who="" had="" no="" and="" analyzed="" 2.03="" (p="0.0001)" infarction.="" history="" of="" values="" for="" all="" in="" the="" highest="" diabetes,="" high="" trans="" isomers="" of="" compared="" to="" the="" serum="" c-18="" fatty="" acids="" lowest="" quintile="" cholesterol,="" from="" the="" of="" energy-="" myocardial="" scientific="" adjusted="" trans="" infarction,="" or="" literature.="" fatty="" acids="" angina.="" control="" high="" density="" intake="" after="" subjects="" were="" lipoprotein="" adjustment="" for="" selected="" at="" cholesterol="" (hdl-="" cigarette="" random="" from="" town="" c)="" and="" low="" smoking,="" history="" where="" patient="" density="" of="" hypertension,="" resided.="" lipoprotein="" family="" history="" sample="" consisted="" cholesterol="" (ldl-="" of="" chd,="" alcohol="" of="" 197="" matched="" c)="" intake,="" physical="" pairs="" and="" an="" concentrations="" activity,="" body="" additional="" 42="" were="" measured="" in="" mass="" index,="" and="" patients="" and="" 85="" serum.="" intakes="" of="" control="" saturated="" fat,="" subjects.="" monounsaturated="" fat,="" linoleic="" acid,="" and="" cholesterol.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 62814]]="" ascherio="" et="" al.,="" cohort="" study.="" 43,757="" male="" food="" frequency="" mean="" daily="" intake="" source="" of="" food="" 1996="" (ref.="" 19)="" incidence="" of="" health="" questionnaire="" of="" trans="" fatty="" composition="" data="" fatal="" coronary="" professionals="" 40-="" administered="" at="" acids="" was="" 0.8%="" not="" reported.="" heart="" disease="" 75="" years="" of="" age="" beginning="" of="" of="" energy="" and="" analyses="" (chd)="" and="" free="" of="" study="" in="" 1986.="" 1.6%="" of="" energy="" conducted="" with="" nonfatal="" diagnosed="" tracking="" of="" fatal="" for="" the="" lowest="" proportion="" of="" myocardial="" cardiovascular="" chd="" and="" nonfatal="" and="" highest="" energy="" infarction.="" disease="" in="" 1986.="" myocardial="" quintiles.="" contributed="" by="" united="" states="" infarction="" median="" intakes="" different="" fats="" 1986-1996="" for="" occurring="" were="" 1.5="" g/day="" as="" continuous="" these="" data.="" between="" return="" and="" 4.3="" g/day="" variables.="" of="" the="" baseline="" for="" the="" lowest="" questionnaire="" and="" highest="" and="" january="" quintiles.="" 1992.="" rr="" of="" total="" nonfatal="" myocardial="" myocardial="" infarction="" (chi="" infarction="" square="" for="" confirmed="" by="" use="" trend)="" was="" 2.59="" of="" who="" criteria="" (p="0.01)" after="" (symptoms="" plus="" adjustment="" for="" either="" typical="" age,="" body="" mass="" ecg="" changes="" or="" index,="" smoking,="" increased="" alcohol="" activities="" in="" consumption,="" cardiac="" physical="" enzymes).="" fatal="" activity,="" chd="" was="" history="" of="" documented="" by="" hypertension="" or="" death="" records="" high="" blood="" and="" medical="" cholesterol,="" records="" or="" family="" history="" necropsy="" of="" myocardial="" reports.="" infarction="" before="" age="" 60,="" and="" profession.="" additional="" adjustment="" for="" dietary="" fiber="" intake="" adjusted="" for="" energy="" reduced="" chi="" square="" value="" to="" 1.27="" (p="0.20)." rr="" of="" fatal="" chd="" was="" very="" similar="" to="" that="" for="" total="" myocardial="" infarction.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 62815]]="" hu="" et="" al.,="" 1997="" prospective="" 80,082="" female="" semiquantitative="" median="" intakes="" of="" study="" provides="" 14="" (ref.="" 38)="" cohort="" study="" nurses="" who="" food="" frequency="" trans="" fats="" were="" years="" of="" begun="" in="" 1976.="" completed="" questionnaires="" 1.3,="" 1.7,="" 2.0,="" followup="" for="" incidence="" of="" chd="" dietary="" and="" all="" trans="" 2.4,="" and="" 2.9%="" of="" this="" population="" (nonfatal="" questionnaires="" isomers="" of="" c-18="" energy="" for="" group.="" see="" myocardial="" in="" 1980.="" sample="" fatty="" acids="" in="" quintiles="" of="" willett="" et="" al="" infarction="" or="" excluded="" women="" foods="" from="" 1993="" 80,082="" women.="" (1993)="" for="" death="" from="" chd)="" with="" previous="" harvard="" rr="" of="" chd="" in="" results="" from="" 8="" united="" states="" cancer,="" angina,="" university="" food="" relation="" to="" years="" of="" 1980-1994="" myocardial="" composition="" energy-adjusted="" followup.="" infarction,="" database.="" trans="" fat="" intake="" study="" did="" not="" stroke,="" incidence="" of="" chd="" was="" 1.53="" report="" amounts="" diabetes,="" or="" (nonfatal="" (p="0.002)" for="" of="" trans="" fatty="" high="" serum="" total="" myocardial="" the="" highest="" acids="" intake.="" cholesterol="" infarction="" or="" quintile="" the="" median="" trans="" (tc).="" death="" from="" chd).="" compared="" to="" the="" fatty="" acids="" diagnosis="" of="" lowest="" after="" intakes="" reported="" myocardial="" adjustments="" for="" as="" %="" of="" energy="" infarction="" was="" factors="" listed="" intakes="" for="" confirmed="" if="" who="" and="" for="" intakes="" quintiles="" were="" criteria="" were="" of="" saturated="" calculated="" to="" be="" met.="" fatal="" chd="" fatty="" acids="" 2.9,="" 3.8,="" 4.4,="" was="" documented="" (sfa),="" 5.3,="" and="" 6.4="" g/="" by="" death="" and="" monounsaturated="" day="" in="" a="" 2,000="" medical="" records.="" fatty="" acids="" calorie="" diet.="" multiple="" linear="" (mufa),="" and="" regression="" polyunsaturated="" analysis="" used="" to="" fatty="" acids="" adjust="" for="" age,="" (pufa).="" smoking,="" body="" mass="" index,="" hypertension,="" aspirin="" use,="" vigorous="" exercise,="" alcohol="" intake,="" menopausal="" status,="" postmenopausal="" hormone="" replacement="" therapy,="" parental="" history="" of="" myocardial="" infarction="" before="" 65="" years="" of="" age,="" energy="" intake,="" energy="" from="" protein,="" use="" of="" multivitamins,="" and="" vitamin="" e="" supplement="" use.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 62816]]="" kromhout="" et="" al.,="" cohort.(25-year="" 12,763="" men="" 40-59="" dietary="" mean="" trans="" fatty="" use="" of="" foods="" 1995="" (ref.="" 22)="" follow-up="" of="" years="" of="" age="" information="" was="" acids="" intakes="" available="" in="" intercohort="" chd="" during="" the="" years="" collected="" from="" calculated="" from="" 1987="" for="" dietary="" mortality).="" 1958-1964.="" small="" random="" the="" food="" composite="" data="" chd="" mortality="" and="" samples="" of="" 14="" of="" composites="" assumes="" little="" serum="" tc="" the="" 16="" cohorts="" analyses="" ranged="" change="" over="" the="" concentrations.="" between="" 1959="" and="" between="" 0.05%="" 25="" years="" from="" 16="" cohorts="" in="" 1964.="" in="" 1987,="" and="" 1.84%="" of="" the="" beginning="" of="" finland,="" italy,="" trans="" fatty="" energy="" among="" the="" the="" study.="" trans="" greece,="" the="" acids="" (reported="" 16="" cohorts="" and="" fatty="" acids="" former="" as="" elaidic="" acid)="" were="" associated="" could="" not="" be="" yugoslavia,="" were="" analyzed="" in="" with="" sfa="" intake="" measured="" at="" the="" japan,="" united="" composites="" (r="0.84)." mean="" first="" time="" states,="" italy,="" representing="" sfa="" intake="" point.="" and="" the="" average="" food="" ranged="" from="" 3.8%="" correlations="" netherlands="" intakes="" of="" each="" to="" 22.7%="" of="" between="" analyses="" (seven="" countries="" cohort="" at="" energy.="" mean="" cis="" at="" the="" two="" time="" study)="" 1958-1964="" baseline="" mufa="" intake="" points="" were="" 0.92="" to="" 1987.="" collected="" from="" ranged="" from="" 3.8%=""><0.01) for="" local="" markets="" to="" 26.9%="" of="" sfa,="" 0.93="" and="" prepared="" energy.="" mean=""><0.01) for="" according="" to="" the="" pufa="" intake="" mufa,="" and="" 0.52="" average="" ranged="" from="" 3.4%=""><0.07) for="" consumption="" to="" 8.6%="" of="" pufa.="" patterns="" of="" energy.="" mean="" the="" independent="" cohorts.="" dietary="" effects="" of="" international="" cholesterol="" individual="" fatty="" classification="" ranged="" from="" 141="" acids="" and="" of="" diseases="" to="" 612="" mg/day.="" dietary="" category="" for="" mean="" intake="" of="" cholesterol="" on="" mortality="" from="" trans="" fatty="" serum="" chd="" (icd="" 410-="" acids="" of="" cohorts="" cholesterol="" and="" 414)="" was="" used="" to="" was="" associated="" chd="" mortality="" establish="" cause="" with="" serum="" tc="" could="" not="" be="" of="" death="" from="" (r="0.70,"><0.01) analyzed="" in="" chd.="" and="" 25-year="" multivariate="" mortality="" rates="" models="" because="" from="" chd="" mean="" intakes="" of="" (r="0.78," individual="" sfa,=""><0.001). mean="" trans="" fatty="" intake="" of="" all="" acids,="" and="" sfa="" was="" dietary="" positively="" cholesterol="" were="" associated="" with="" highly="" serum="" tc="" correlated="" among="" (r="0.70,"><0.01) the="" cohorts.="" and="" 25-year="" chd="" mortality="" rates="" (r="0.88)." mean="" cholesterol="" intake="" was="" positively="" associated="" with="" serum="" tc="" (r="0.46," ns)="" and="" 25-year="" chd="" mortality="" rate="" (r="0.55,"><0.05). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 62817]]="" pietinen="" et="" al.,="" cohort="" study.="" 21,930="" male="" semi-quantitative="" median="" intakes="" of="" major="" source="" of="" 1997="" (ref.="" 20)="" observations="" from="" smokers="" food="" frequency="" trans="" fatty="" trans="" fatty="" a="" placebo-="" excluding="" prior="" questionnaire="" acids="" were="" 1.3,="" acids="" was="" controlled="" diagnosis="" of="" and="" analyzed="" 1.7,="" 2.0,="" 2.7,="" margarines.="" soft="" primary="" myocardial="" values="" of="" and="" 5.6="" g/d="" in="" margarines="" prevention="" trial="" infarction,="" finnish="" foods="" quintiles="" (2="" g/="" contained="" 0%="" or="" designed="" to="" angina,="" stroke,="" used="" to="" day="0.95%" of="" 15-17%="" of="" total="" investigate="" an="" diabetes,="" or="" calculate="" energy;="" %="" energy="" fatty="" acids="" as="" association="" exercise-related="" intakes="" of="" trans="" values="" for="" trans="" fatty="" between="" chest="" pain.="" fatty="" acids.="" medians="" of="" other="" acids.="" hard="" supplementation="" analyzed="" values="" quintiles="" were="" margarines="" with="" alpha-="" included="" all="" not="" reported).="" contained="" animal="" tocopherol,="" beta-="" trans="" isomers="" of="" after="" adjusting="" and="" vegetable="" carotene,="" or="" c-16--c-22="" fatty="" for="" age="" and="" fats="" and="" their="" both="" on="" acids.="" supplement="" trans="" fatty="" incidence="" of="" occurrence="" of="" group,="" trans="" acids="" content="" lung="" cancer="" in="" major="" coronary="" fatty="" acids="" ranged="" from="" 2.7="" male="" smokers.="" events="" was="" intake="" (as="" %="" to="" 13%="" of="" total="" major="" coronary="" obtained="" from="" energy)="" was="" fatty="" acids.="" events="" and="" the="" national="" related="" to="" the="" no="" other="" category="" coronary="" deaths.="" hospital="" risk="" of="" major="" of="" fatty="" acids,="" finland="" 1985-="" discharge="" coronary="" event.="" total="" fat="" 1993.="" register="" (icd="" rr="1.19" in="" (triglycerides),="" 410.00="" or="" highest="" intake="" or="" cholesterol="" 410.99).="" deaths="" quintile="" intakes="" was="" were="" identified="" compared="" to="" associated="" with="" through="" the="" lowest="" (="" p="" for="" higher="" rr="" of="" central="" trend="0.06)." major="" coronary="" population="" after="" adjustment="" event.="" register="" and="" for="" coronary="" death="" cardiovascular="" was="" assigned="" risk="" factors,="" when="" chd="" was="" rr="1.14" (p="" for="" described="" as="" the="" trend="0.16)." no="" underlying="" cause="" significant="" of="" death="" (icd="" associations="" 410-414).="" were="" found="" data="" were="" between="" intakes="" adjusted="" for="" of="" other="" fatty="" supplementation="" acids="" and="" the="" group="" because="" risk="" of="" chd="" the="" main="" results="" death.="" of="" the="" trial="" with="" age="" and="" showed="" fewer="" chd="" supplement="" group="" deaths="" among="" adjustments,="" participants="" trans="" fatty="" given="" alpha-="" acids="" intake="" was="" tocopherol="" than="" also="" associated="" those="" not="" given="" with="" risk="" of="" chd="" the="" vitamin="" and="" death.="" rr="1.38" more="" chd="" deaths="" in="" highest="" among="" those="" intake="" quintile="" given="" beta-="" compared="" with="" carotene="" than="" lowest="" (p="" for="" those="" not="" trend="0.06)." receiving="" it.="" significant="" association="" remained="" after="" adjustment="" for="" cardiovascular="" risk="" factors.="" no="" significant="" associations="" were="" found="" between="" intakes="" of="" other="" fatty="" acids="" and="" the="" risk="" of="" chd="" death.="" in="" the="" multivariate="" analyses,="" there="" was="" a="" significant="" inverse="" association="" between="" chd="" dearth="" and="" the="" intake="" of="" sfa="" and="" significant="" direct="" associations="" with="" intake="" of="" pufa="" and="" linoleic="" acid="" (p="" trend="" for="" both="">< 0.05).="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 62818]]="" roberts="" et="" al.,="" case-control="" men="">< 65="" years="" of="" samples="" of="" mean="" 1995="" (ref.="" 17)="" study.="" age="" with="" no="" adipose="" tissue="" concentration="" of="" sudden="" cardiac="" history="" of="" chd="" taken="" from="" the="" trans="" fatty="" death="" due="" to="" cases:="" 64="" cases="" anterior="" acids="" (as="" a="" coronary="" artery="" of="" sudden="" abdominal="" wall="" percent="" of="" total="" disease.="" cardiac="" death="" were="" analyzed="" fatty="" acids)="" was="" southampton,="" due="" to="" coronary="" for="" trans="" fatty="" lower="" in="" cases="" united="" kingdom="" artery="" disease.="" acids="" content.="" than="" in="" controls="" 1990-1991.="" cases="" were="" rr="" of="" sudden=""><0.05). identified="" by="" cardiac="" death="" in="" multivariate="" or's="" necropsy="" cases="" compared="" were="" not="" reports.="" with="" controls="" independently="" potential="" was="" calculated="" related="" to="" the="" subjects="" with="" a="" from="" the="" risk="" of="" sudden="" diagnosis="" of="" chd="" distribution="" of="" cardiac="" death="" before="" death="" trans="" isomers="" by="" for="" total="" trans="" were="" excluded="" quintiles="" in="" the="" fatty="" acids="" from="" the="" sample.="" control="" (c18:1="" and="" controls:="" 286="" population.="" c18:2)="" or="" for="" healthy,="" age-="" independent="" trans="" c18:1="" matched="" men.="" contribution="" of="" only.="" trans="" isomers="" to="" the="" risk="" of="" sudden="" cardiac="" death="" assessed="" by="" multiple="" regression="" with="" adjustments="" for="" age,="" cigarette="" smoking,="" treated="" hypertension,="" diabetes,="" and="" oleic="" and="" linoleic="" acids="" in="" adipose="" tissue.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" troisi="" et="" al.,="" cross-sectional="" 748="" men="" 43-85="" semiquantitative="" mean="" trans="" fatty="" 1992="" (ref.="" 23)="" examination="" of="" years="" of="" age="" food="" frequency="" acids="" intake="" was="" participants="" in="" (mean="62" years)="" questionnaire="" 1.6%="" of="" energy="" the="" normative="" examined="" in="" the="" and="" trans="" fatty="" (3.4="" g/day)="" and="" aging="" study="" normative="" aging="" acids="" (all="" trans="" did="" not="" differ="" begun="" in="" 1961.="" study="" between="" isomers="" of="" c-18="" between="" groups="" serum="" lipids.="" 1987="" and="" 1990.="" fatty="" acids)="" based="" on="" earlier="" united="" states="" subjects="" did="" not="" data="" from="" usda,="" serum="" tc="" 1987-1990.="" have="" other="" published="" concentration.="" hypertension,="" sources,="" and="" correlation="" cancer,="" or="" personal="" coefficient="" (r)="" diabetes="" in="" 1961="" communications="" for="" trans="" fatty="" when="" study="" from="" acids="" intake="" was="" began.="" exclusion="" laboratories="" and="" positively="" criteria="" for="" the="" food="" related="" to="" serum="" present="" study="" manufacturers.="" ldl-c="" (r="0.09," included="" taking="" men="" were="" divided="" p="0.01)" and="" tc="" medications="" that="" into="" two="" groups="" (r="0.07," could="" affect="" based="" on="" whether="" p="0.06)." blood="" lipids.="" or="" not="" they="" had="" hdl-c="" was="" lower="" high="" serum="" tc="" in="" men="" with="" concentrations="" 3-="" higher="" trans="" 5="" years="" earlier.="" fatty="" acids="" multiple="" linear="" intakes="" (r="0.08," regression="" p="0.03)." analysis="" used="" to="" associations="" adjust="" for="" age,="" between="" trans="" body="" mass="" index,="" fatty="" acids="" waist-to-hip="" intake="" and="" serum="" ratio,="" smoking="" tc="" and="" ldl-c="" status,="" physical="" were="" stronger="" in="" activity,="" group="" who="" had="" alcohol="" intake,="" previously="" had="" total="" energy="" high="" serum="" intake,="" dietary="" cholesterol="" cholesterol="" and="" concentrations.="" linoleic="" acid,="" and="" previous="" serum="" cholesterol="" concentration.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 62819]]="" willett="" et="" al.,="" prospective="" 85,095="" female="" semiquantitative="" median="" intakes="" of="" energy-adjusted="" 1993="" (ref.="" 21)="" cohort="" study="" nurses="" who="" food="" frequency="" trans="" fatty="" mean="" intakes="" of="" begun="" in="" 1976.="" completed="" questionnaires="" acids="" were="" 1.3,="" trans="" fatty="" incidence="" of="" chd="" dietary="" and="" trans="" fatty="" 1.8,="" 2.2,="" 2.6,="" acids="" were="" 2.4,="" (nonfatal="" questionnaires="" acids="" and="" 3.2%="" of="" 3.2,="" 3.9,="" 4.5,="" myocardial="" in="" 1980.="" sample="" concentrations="" energy="" for="" and="" 5.7="" g/day="" in="" infarction="" or="" excluded="" women="" (all="" trans="" quintiles="" of="" 1980="" for="" the="" death="" from="" chd).="" with="" previous="" isomers="" of="" c-18="" 69,181="" women="" who="" quintiles="" of="" the="" united="" states="" angina,="" fatty="" acids)="" in="" reported="" no="" whole="" cohort.="" 1980-1988.="" myocardial="" foods="" from="" change="" in="" intake="" of="" trans="" infarction,="" published="" margarine="" intake="" fatty="" acids="" was="" stroke,="" literature.="" 1970-1980.="" strongly="" diabetes,="" or="" incidence="" of="" chd="" rr="" of="" chd="" in="" associated="" with="" high="" serum="" tc.="" (nonfatal="" relation="" to="" intake="" of="" total="" myocardial="" energy-adjusted="" mufa="" and="" infarction="" or="" trans="" fatty="" linoleic="" acid.="" death="" from="" chd).="" acids="" intake="" rr="" value="" diagnosis="" of="" among="" 69,181="" reported="" in="" this="" myocardial="" women="" who="" had="" table="" includes="" infarction="" not="" changed="" adjustments="" for="" confirmed="" if="" who="" margarine="" dietary="" lipid="" criteria="" were="" consumption="" 1970-="" intake="" met.="" fatal="" chd="" 1980="" was="" 1.67="" documented="" by="" (p="0.002)" for="" death="" and="" the="" highest="" medical="" records.="" quintile="" multiple="" linear="" compared="" to="" the="" regression="" lowest="" quintile.="" analysis="" was="" used="" to="" adjust="" for="" age,="" smoking,="" body="" mass="" index,="" hypertension,="" alcohol="" intake,="" menopausal="" status,="" postmenopausal="" estrogen="" use,="" energy="" intake,="" dietary="" lipids,="" family="" history="" of="" myocardial="" infarction="" before="" 60="" years="" of="" age,="" and="" multivitamin="" use.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" appendix="" a="" table="" 3.--summary="" of="" effects="" of="" dietary="" trans="" fatty="" acids="" on="" serum="" ldl-cholesterol="" levels="" in="" humans="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" level="" and="" source="" of="" trans="" fatty="" acids="" reference="" trans="" fatty="" acids="" in="" comparison="" diet(s)="" intakes="" (gram="" (g)/="" change="" in="" serum="" ldl-="" test="" diet(s)="" day)="" cholesterol="" (ldl-c)="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" almendingen="" et="" al.,="" 8.5%="" of="" energy.="" butter="" diet.="" trans="" 22.6,="" 29.3,="" 33.9,="" or="">6.0% (0.23
     1995 (Ref. 9)          Partially              isomers provided       38.3 g/day PHSO        millimole per liter
                            hydrogenated soybean   0.9% of energy.        diet.                  (mmol/L), p=0.02)
                            oil margarine                                21.2, 27.6, 31.9, or    after PHSO compared
                            (PHSO).                                       36.1 g/day PHFO        to butter diet.
                           8.0% of energy.                                diet.                 No significant
                            Partially                                    2.4, 3.1, 3.6, or 4.1   difference (NSD)
                            hydrogenated fish                             g/day butter diet.     after PHFO compared
                            oil margarine                                                        to butter.
    Aro et al., 1997       8.7% of energy. Main   Stearic acid diet      24.9 g/day margarine   8.3% (0.24
     (Ref. 10)              source was a special   provided 0.5% of       (trans) diet.          mmol/L, p=0.046)
                            margarine.             energy as trans       1.2 g/day stearic       after trans diet
                                                   fatty acids and 9.3%   acid diet.             compared to stearic
                                                   as stearic acid.      2.3 g/day baseline      acid diet.
                                                   Main source was a      diet.                 NSD after trans diet
                                                   special margarine.                            compared to
                                                  Baseline diet                                  baseline diet.
                                                   provided 0.8% of
                                                   energy as trans
                                                   fatty acids and 3.6%
                                                   as stearic acid.
                                                   Main fat sources
                                                   were dairy with some
                                                   meat and coconut
    [[Page 62820]]
    Judd et al., 1994      3.8% of energy in      Oleic acid diet        7.6 or 11.8 g/day      6.0% and
     (Ref. 12)              moderate trans diet    provided about 0.7%    moderate trans diet.   7.8% (0.20 and 0.26
                            and 6.6% of energy     of energy as trans    13.2 or 20.5 g/day      mmol/L, p0.05) after
                            Hydrogenated          Saturated fat diet     1.4 or 2.2 g/day        moderate and high
                            vegetable oils.        provided about 0.7%    oleic acid diet and    trans diets
                                                   of energy as trans     saturated fat diet.    compared to oleic
                                                   isomers.                                      acid diet.
                                                                                                2.7% (0.10
                                                                                                 mmol/L, p0.05) after
                                                                                                 moderate trans diet
                                                                                                 and NSD after high
                                                                                                 trans diet compared
                                                                                                 to saturated fat
    Judd et al., 1998      3.9% of energy from    PUFA margarine diet    Trans margarine diet:  4.9% (0.17
     (Ref. 34)              trans monoenes.        provided 2.4% of       13 and 9 g/day of      mmol/L, p = 0.005)
                            Partially              energy as trans        trans monoenes for     after consumption
                            hydrogenated tub       monoenes.              males and females.     of trans margarine
                            table spread.         Butter diet provided   PUFA margarine diet:    diet compared to
                                                   2.5% of energy as      8 and 6 g/day of       butter diet.
                                                   trans monoenes.        trans monoenes for    0.19% (0.06
                                                  Basal diet contained    males and females.     mmol/L, 0 = 0.017)
                                                   8.9% trans fatty      Butter diet: 9 and 7    after consumption
                                                   acids on a dry         g/day of trans         of trans margarine
                                                   weight basis.          monoenes for males     compared to PUFA
                                                                          and females.           margarine diet.
    Lichtenstein et al.,   0.91% of energy in
     1999 (Ref. 82)         semiliquid margarine
                           3.30% in soft
                            margarine diet,
                           4.15% in shortening
                           6.72% in stick
                            margarine diet
                                                  Soybean oil diet
                                                                         Soybean oil diet: 1.7
                                                                                                5% to 11%
    Lichtenstein et al.,   4.16% of energy.       Corn oil with trans    12.5 g/day corn oil    8.4% (0.27
     1993 (Ref. 13)         Commercially           fatty acids            margarine (trans)      mmol/L, p=0.058)
                            available corn oil     providing 0.44% of     diet.                  after trans diet
                            margarine.             energy.               1.2 g/day corn oil      compared to corn
                                                  Baseline (usual)        diet.                  oil diet.
                                                   diet.                 2.4 g/day baseline     1.6% (0.46
                                                                          diet.                  mmol/L, p0.01) after
                                                                                                 trans diet compared
                                                                                                 to baseline diet.
    Mensink and Katan,     10.9% of energy. Main  Oleic acid diet.       33.6 g/day             13.9% (0.37
     1990 (Ref. 7)          sources were special   containing no trans    hydrogenated           mmol/L, p<0.0001) margarine="" and="" isomers.="" margarine="" (trans)="" after="" trans="" diet="" shortening.="" saturated="" fat="" diet.="" diet.="" compared="" to="" oleic="" trans="" isomers="" 0="" g/day="" oleic="" acid="" acid="" diet.="" provided="" 1.8%="" of="" diet.="">3.2% (0.10
                                                   energy.               2.4 g/day saturated     mmol/L, p<0.0001) fat="" diet.="" after="" trans="" diet="" compared="" to="" saturated="" fat="" diet.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" nestel="" et="" al.,="" 1992="" about="" 7%="" of="" energy.="" oleic="" acid="" diet.="" 15.6="" g/day="" margarine="">9.2% (0.36
     (Ref. 11)              Main source of trans   Trans isomers          diet.                  mmol/L, p<0.001) fatty="" acids="" was="" provided="" 1.5%="" of="" 3.8="" g/day="" oleic="" acid="" after="" trans="" diet="" hydrogenated="" energy.="" diet.="" compared="" to="" oleic="" vegetable="" oil="" palmitic="" acid-="" 2.7="" g/day="" palmitic="" acid="" diet.="" margarine.="" enriched="" diet.="" trans="" acid-enriched="" diet.="" nsd="" after="" trans="" diet="" isomers="" provided=""><1% compared="" to="" of="" energy.="" palmitic="" acid="" diet.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 62821]]="" noakes="" and="" clifton,="" 10.4%="" and="" 10.3%="" from="" butter="" diet.="" trans="" 6.4="" g/day="" for="" canola-="">(p<0.01) 1998="" (ref.="" 36)="" 2="" soft="" margarines="" isomers="" provided="" 1.3="" trans="" and="" 6.8="" g/day="" after="" both="" trans="" made="" from="" partially="" and="" 1.5%="" of="" energy="" for="" sunflower-trans.="" margarines="" -12.1%="" hydrogenated="" canola="" for="" two="" dietary="" 3.5="" day="" and="" 3.2="" g/day="" (0.5="" mmol/l)="" after="" oil="" and="" canola="" oil="" groups.="" for="" groups="" on="" butter="" canola-trans="" and="" or="" sunflower="" oil.="" trans-free="" diet.="" diet.="" 10%="" (0.47="" mmol/l="" intakes="" of="" groups="" intakes="" considered="" after="" sunflower-="" fed="" these="" margarines="" zero="" for="" trans-free="" trans="" compared="" to="" were="" considered="" to="" margarines.="" butter.="" be="" zero.="" nsd="" after="" canola-="" trans="" diet="" compared="" to="" canola-trans-="" free="" diet.="">6.3% (0.25
                                                                                                 mmol/L, p<0.01) after="" sunflower-="" trans="" diet="" compared="" to="" sunflower-trans-="" free="" diet.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" wood="" et="" al.,="" 1993="">5% of       0.75% of    7.9 g/day, minimum,    NSD after trans diet
     (Ref. 15)              energy Commercially    energy provided as     hard margarine diet.   and after butter
                            available corn oil     trans fatty acids in  0.6 g/day, minimum,     diet compared to
                            margarine.             butter diet.           butter diet.           baseline values for
                                                  No value reported for                          each test period.
                                                   baseline diet.
    Wood et al., 1993      5.5% of     Energy from trans      15.8 g/day, minimum,   6.1% (0.20
     (Ref. 14)              energy Hard            fatty acids in         hard margarine diet.   mmol/L, p0.05) after
                                                   0% for soft            butter diet.           trans diet compared
                                                   margarine and 1% for  0 g/day, minimum,       to soft margarine
                                                   butter.                soft margarine diet.   diet.
                                                  Trans fatty acids                             8.2% (0.31
                                                   content was 0% soft                           mmol/L, p0.05) compared
                                                   butter.                                       to butter diet.
    Zock and Katan, 1992   7.7% of energy Main    Linoleic acid diet     24.5 g/day margarine   8.5% (0.24
     (Ref. 8)               source of trans        providing 0.1% of      diet.                  mmol/L, p<0.02) fatty="" acids="" was="" energy="" as="" trans="" and=""><0.05 g/day="" linoleic="" after="" trans="" diet="" special="" margarine="" 12%="" as="" linoleate.="" acid="" diet.="" compared="" to="" and="" shortening.="" stearic="" acid="" diet="" 1="" g/day="" stearic="" acid="" linoleic="" acid="" diet.="" providing="" 0.3%="" of="" diet.="" nsd="" compared="" to="" energy="" as="" trans="" and="" stearic="" acid="" diet.="" 8.8%as="" stearate.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" [[page="" 62822]]="" appendix="" b="" table="" 1.--american="" oil="" chemists="" society="" (aocs)="" and="" association="" of="" official="" analytical="" chemists="" (aoac)="" methods="" for="" determination="" of="" trans="" fatty="" acids.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" definition,="" scope,="" and="" method="" applicability="" as="" stated="" in="" the="" fda="" comments="" published="" method="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 1="" aoac="" official="" method="" 965.34="" infrared="" spectrometric="" method.="" the="" method="" is="" time-consuming:="" it="" (revised="" 1997;="" aocs-aoac="" method)="" method="" is="" applicable="" to="" requires="" derivatization="" of="" the="" isolated="" trans="" isomers="" in="" determination="" of="" isolated="" trans="" fat="" or="" oil="" to="" fatty="" acid="" methyl="" margarines="" and="" shortenings="" bonds="" in="" natural="" or="" processed="" esters="" (fame)="" and="" weighing="" and="" (ref.="" 42)="" long-chain="" fatty="" acids,="" esters="" quantitative="" dilution="" of="" each="" and="" triglycerides="" with="" trans="" fame="" test="" sample="" in="" the="" volatile="" levels="">5.0%. For         and toxic solvent carbon
                                               direct analysis of glycerides,      disulfide. The limit of
                                               use procedure described in Method   quantitation of this method of 5%
                                               965.35.                             is too high to allow it to be
                                              For high accuracy, common            generally useful.
                                               interfering absorptions
                                               associated with glycerol backbone
                                               of triglycerides and carboxyl
                                               group of fatty acids must be
                                               eliminated by conversion of these
                                               samples to their methyl esters
                                               prior to analysis.
                                              This method is not applicable, or
                                               is applicable only with specific
                                               precautions, to fats and oils
                                               containing large quantities (over
                                               5%) of conjugated unsaturation;
                                               to materials containing
                                               functional groups which modify
                                               intensity of C-H deformation
                                               around trans bond; to mixed
                                               glycerides with long- and short-
                                               chain moieties; or, in general,
                                               to any material containing
                                               constituents that have functional
                                               groups that give rise to specific
                                               absorption bands at 966 cm-1 or
                                               sufficiently close to interfere
                                               with the 966 cm-1 band of C-H
                                               deformation of isolated trans
                                               double bond.
    2    AOCS Official Method Cd 14-95        Infrared spectrometric method.      This is the AOCS version of AOAC
         (Reapproved 1997)                     Isolated trans bonds in long-       Method 965.34, with the stated
         Isolated trans Isomers-Infrared       chain fatty acids, esters and       exception that it applies to
          Spectrometric Method                 triglycerides are measured by IR.   trans levels of 0.5%.
         (Ref. 43)                             For high accuracy, common           The data provided with this
                                               interfering absorptions             method do not support the low
                                               associated with the glycerol        limit of quantification of 0.5%.
                                               backbone of triglycerides and the   Use of this method at trans
                                               carboxyl group of fatty acids       levels below 5% is inappropriate.
                                               must be eliminated by conversion    See AOAC Method 965.34.
                                               of these samples to their methyl
                                               esters prior to analysis.
                                              The method is applicable to the
                                               accurate determination of
                                               isolated trans bonds in natural
                                               or processed long-chain acids,
                                               esters and triglyceride with
                                               trans levels 0.5%. The
                                               method is not applicable, or is
                                               applicable only with specific
                                               precautions, to fats and oils
                                               containing functional groups that
                                               modify the intensity of the C-H
                                               deformation around the trans
                                               double bond, to mixed glycerides
                                               having long- and short-chain
                                               moieties, or in general to any
                                               material containing constituents
                                               that have functional groups that
                                               give rise to specific absorption
                                               bands at or sufficiently close to
                                               interfere with the 966 cm-1 (10.3
                                               m) band of the C-H
                                               deformation of the isolated trans
                                               double bond.
                                              The method is not applicable to
                                               samples containing >5% conjugated
                                              For accurate determinations on
                                               materials with trans levels below
                                               0.5%, AOCS method Ce 1c-89 or Ce
                                               1F-96 is recommended. For the
                                               direct analysis of triglycerides,
                                               AOAC method 965.34 is
    [[Page 62823]]
    3    AOAC Official Method 994.14          Infrared spectrophotometric         The experimental procedure is
         Isolated trans Unsaturated Fatty      method. Isolated trans double       similar to that of AOAC Method
          Acid Content in Partially            bonds (the predominant trans        965.34. See comments on AOAC
          Hydrogenated Fats                    configuration in partially          Method 965.34, above.
         (Ref. 44)                             hydrogenated fats) show
                                               absorption at ca 967 cm-1 (10.3
                                               m) deriving from C-H
                                               deformation about the trans bond.
                                               Isolated trans content is
                                               determined by measurement of
                                               intensity of this absorption.
                                               Triglycerides or fatty acids are
                                               converted to methyl esters before
                                               making IR measurements. Total
                                               isolated trans content is
                                               calculated using calibration
                                               curve of absorption versus trans
                                               content of calibration solutions.
                                              The method is applicable to the
                                               determination of total isolated
                                               (i.e., nonconjugated) trans
                                               content in fats and oils
                                               containing >5% trans fatty acids.
                                               The method is not applicable to
                                               samples containing >5% conjugated
                                               unsaturation, materials
                                               containing functional groups
                                               which modify absorption of C-H
                                               deformation around trans bonds,
                                               or any materials in which
                                               specific groups may absorb close
                                               to 967 cm-1.
                                              Results obtained by this method
                                               are comparable to those obtained
                                               by AOAC Method 965.34.
    4    AOCS Recommended Practice Cd 14d-96  Single Bounce-Horizontal            The method is rapid, requiring 5
          (Reapproved 1997)                    Attenuated Total Reflection (SB-    minutes for experimental work and
         Isolated trans Geometric Isomers      HATR) Infrared Spectroscopic        calculations. It is applicable to
          Single Bounce-Horizontal             procedure. The method is            undiluted (i.e., neat) fats and
          Attenuated Total Reflection          applicable to the accurate          oils, does not require
          Infrared Spectroscopic Procedure     determination of isolated trans     derivatization of fat or oil to
         (Ref. 45)                             double bonds in natural or          fatty acid methyl esters, and
                                               processed oils and fats with        requires neither weighing nor
                                               trans levels equal to or greater    quantitative dilution of fat or
                                               than about 0.8%. This method        oil test samples in carbon
                                               requires no weighing and no         disulfide. The lower limit of
                                               quantitative dilution of TAG or     quantitation is about 1%, which
                                               fatty acid methyl ester test        is sufficiently low to make the
                                               samples in any solvent.             method generally useful for most
                                              Limited data suggest that the        applications. The data provided
                                               lower limit of quantitation may     with this Recommended Practice
                                               be higher for complex systems,      were compared with those obtained
                                               such as biological matrices and     by AOAC Official Methods 965.34
                                               commercial food products. The       and 994.14. Published results
                                               method is not applicable to fats    (Ref. 52) indicated that better
                                               and oils containing large           reproducibility and repeatability
                                               quantities (over about 0.5%) of     were found with Cd 14d-96 than
                                               conjugated unsaturation, to         with the AOAC methods cited. This
                                               materials containing functional     Recommended Practice is expected
                                               groups that modify the intensity    to be voted AOCS Official Method
                                               of the C-H deformation about the    Cd 14d-96 in late 1999.
                                               trans double bond, or in general,
                                               to any materials containing
                                               constituents that have functional
                                               groups that give rise to specific
                                               absorption bands at or
                                               sufficiently close to interfere
                                               with the 966 cm-1 band of the C-H
                                               deformation of the isolated trans
                                               double bond.
                                              For accurate determinations of
                                               materials with trans levels below
                                               about 0.8%, gas chromatography
                                               (e.g., AOCS Method Ce 1f-96 (Ref.
                                               46), JAOCS 73: 275-282, 1996
                                               (Ref. 51)) is recommended.
    [[Page 62824]]
    5    AOCS Official Method Ce 1f-96        Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC)     This method paraphrases one
          (Reapproved 1997)                    method. The method utilizes GLC     submitted by Duchateau (JAOCS
         Determination of cis- and trans       conditions optimized to identify    73:275-282, 1995). The method is
          Fatty Acids in Hydrogenated and      and quantify the trans fatty        the industry standard and
          Refined Oils and Fats by Capillary   acids isomers in vegetable oils     provides the best resolution to
          GLC                                  and fats. The fatty acid methyl     date of cis and trans monoene
         (Ref. 46)                             esters of the sample are            fatty acid methyl esters, and
                                               separated on a capillary gas        hence, leads to better accuracy.
                                               chromatography column having a      The lower limit of quantitation
                                               high polar stationary phase,        was not stated. The method is
                                               according to their chain length,    time-consuming, but it can also
                                               degree of (un)saturation, and       be used to determine fatty acid
                                               geometry and position of the        composition.
                                               double bonds.
                                              The method is specially designed
                                               to evaluate by a single capillary
                                               GLC procedure, the level of trans
                                               isomers as formed during refining
                                               or during hydrogenation of
                                               vegetable oils or fats.
                                              The method may also be used to
                                               report all other fatty acids, for
                                               example, to obtain saturated
                                               fatty acid, monounsaturated fatty
                                               acid, and polyunsaturated fatty
                                               acid levels from the same sample
                                               and same analysis.
    6    AOCS Official Method Ce 1c-89        Capillary gas-liquid                This method does not provide the
          (Reapproved 1993; Updated 1995)      chromatography (GLC) method. This   best resolution of cis and trans
         Fatty Acid Composition by GLC -       method is for the determination     monounsaturated C18:1 fatty acid
          cis, cis and trans Isomers           of fatty acid composition of        methyl esters. See AOCS Ce 1f-96
         (Ref. 47)                             hydrogenated and unhydrogenated     and related comments.
                                               vegetable fats and oils by
                                               capillary gas-liquid
                                               chromatography (GLC), using an SP
                                               2340 column. The method is
                                               designed to evaluate, by a single
                                               capillary GLC procedure the
                                               following properties of a
                                               vegetable oil: (a) Fatty acid
                                               composition; (b) level of trans
                                               unsaturation; and (c) cis, cis,
                                               methylene-interrupted double
                                               bonds. This procedure reports the
                                               trans content as the area percent
                                               of all components that have one
                                               or more trans double bonds. The
                                               cis, cis value is determined by
                                               summing the results from methyl
                                               linoleate and methyl linolenate.
                                              Trans content as determined by
                                               this procedure may not agree with
                                               trans content as determined by
                                               the infrared spectrophotometric
                                               method (AOCS Official Method Cd
                                               14-61). There is a reported
                                               observation indicating that the
                                               method underestimates the trans-
                                               octadecenoate content in favor of
                                               the cis isomers in partially
                                               hydrogenated vegetable oils (Ref.
    7    AOAC Official Method 985.21 (Final   Gas chromatographic method. The     The lower limit of quantitation
          Action 1992)                         method is appropriate for           (10%) is too high to make the
         Total trans Fatty Acid Isomers in     determination of total trans        method generally useful. The
          Margarines                           contents of 10-30%. Methyl esters   method does not provide the best
         (Ref. 48)                             of fatty acids from margarines      resolution of cis and trans
                                               are separated and measured by gas   monounsaturated C18:1 fatty acid
                                               chromatography to determine total   methyl esters. See AOCS Official
                                               trans unsaturation content (trans   Method Ce 1f-96.
                                               content of unsaturated 18 C
                                               acids). Results by this method
                                               are comparable to those obtained
                                               by IR method AOAC 965.34.
                                              The method is not applicable to
                                               samples containing hydrogenated
                                               marine oils.
    [[Page 62825]]
    8    AOCS Official Method Cd 14b-93       Combined gas-liquid chromatography- This method was surplussed in 1997
          (Revised 1995; Surplussed, 1997)     infrared spectroscopy (GLC-IR)      and therefore, its use is
         Fatty Acid Composition of Partially   method. This method is for the      discouraged.
          Hydrogenated Oils-A Combined GLC-    determination of fatty acid
          IR Method                            composition of partially
         (Ref. 49)                             hydrogenated vegetable oils and
                                               animal fats containing more than
                                               5% trans fatty acids, by a
                                               combined capillary gas-liquid
                                               chromatography (GLC)-infrared
                                               spectrophotometry (IR) procedure.
                                              This method is a research method
                                               and is not practical for use in
                                               normal operations, especially QA/
                                               QC work. The method will provide
                                               accurate values, but requires
                                               considerable experience in its
                                               applications. This method is
                                               designed to evaluate, by
                                               combining the fatty acid data
                                               determined by capillary GLC with
                                               a very polar flexible fused
                                               silica column, with the total
                                               trans percentages of cis and
                                               trans-octadecenoates, of
                                               partially hydrogenated oils.
                                              The international collaborative
                                               study showed that there was no
                                               advantage in using the combined
                                               GLC-IR method for samples
                                               containing <5% trans="" fatty="" acids.="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 9="" aoac="" official="" method="" 994.15="" capillary="" gas="" chromatographic-="" this="" method="" is="" the="" aoac="" version="" of="" total="" cis="" and="" trans-octadecenoic="" infrared="" spectrophotometric="" the="" surplussed="" method="" aocs="" cd="" 14b-="" isomers="" and="" general="" fatty="" acid="" method.="" applicable="" to="" partially="" 93="" (see="" above)="" and,="" therefore,="" composition="" in="" hydrogenated="" hydrogenated="" vegetable="" oils="" and="" its="" use="" is="" discouraged.="" for="" vegetable="" oils="" and="" animal="" fats="" terrestrial="" animal="" fats="" samples="" containing=""><5% trans="" (ref.="" 50)="" containing="">5% trans fatty acids.   content, a direct GLC method
                                              Total trans isomer content           (e.g., AOCS Method Ce 1c-89 or
                                               consists of trans fatty acids       AOCS Method Ce 1f-96) is
                                               that occur in hydrogenated          recommended.
                                               vegetable oils and terrestrial
                                               animal fats. Trans content
                                               consists of trans fatty acids
                                               18:1t; 18:2ct or tc, described as
                                               18:2t; 18:2tt, and 18:3 cct, ctc,
                                               and tcc, described as 18:3t.
                                              Total trans content is determined
                                               by infrared spectrophotometry
                                               (IR) using methyl elaidate as
                                               external standard. Various
                                               isomers of 18:2tt, 18:2t: and
                                               18:3t are resolved; their weight
                                               percentages are determined by gas
                                               chromatography. Based on the IR
                                               determination, the weight
                                               percentage of 18:1t is
                                              This method is not applicable to
                                               hydrogenated marine oils and
                                               partially hydrogenated fish oils
                                               that contain high levels of cis
                                               and trans isomers of C16, C18,
                                               C20, and C22 chain lengths.
    [FR Doc. 99-29537 Filed 11-12-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments on the proposed rule should be submitted by February 15, 2000. See section XI of this document for the proposed effective date of a final rule based on this document. Written comments on the information collection requirements should be submitted by December 17, 1999.
62746-62825 (80 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 94P-0036
0910-AB66: Food Labeling: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient Content Claims, and Health Claims
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