97-30203. National Toxicology Program; National Toxicology Program (NTP), Board of Scientific Counselors' Meeting; Review of Draft NTP Technical Reports  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 222 (Tuesday, November 18, 1997)]
    [Pages 61520-61521]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-30203]
    Public Health Service
    National Toxicology Program; National Toxicology Program (NTP), 
    Board of Scientific Counselors' Meeting; Review of Draft NTP Technical 
        Pursuant to Public Law 92-463, notice is hereby given of the next 
    meeting of the NTP Board of Scientific Counselors' Technical Reports 
    Review Subcommittee on December 9 and 10, 1997, in the Conference 
    Center, Building 101, South Campus, National Institute of Environmental 
    Health Sciences (NIEHS), 111 Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, 
    North Carolina. The meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. on December 9, and 
    at 8:30 a.m. on December 10, and is open to the public. The agenda 
    topic is the peer review of draft Technical Reports of long-term 
    toxicology and carcinogenesis studies from the National Toxicology 
    Program. Additionally, there will be a presentation made concerning 
    data obtained from transgenic mouse models on several of the chemicals 
    being reviewed.
        Tentatively scheduled to be peer reviewed on December 9-10 are 
    draft Technical Reports of 10 two-year studies, listed alphabetically, 
    along with supporting information in the attached table. All studies 
    were done using Fischer 344 rats and B6C3F1 mice. The order 
    of review is given in the far right column of the table. Copies of the 
    draft Reports may be obtained, as available, from: Central Data 
    Management, MD E1-02, P.O. Box 12233, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 
    (919/541-3419), FAX (919/541-3687), email: [email protected]
        Public comment on any of the Technical Reports is welcome. Persons 
    wanting to make a formal presentation regarding a particular Technical 
    Report must notify the Executive Secretary by telephone, by FAX, by 
    mail, or by email no later than December 4, 1997, and provide a written 
    copy in advance of the meeting so copies can be made and distributed to 
    all Subcommittee members, ad hoc expert consultants, and staff, and 
    made available at the meeting for attendees. Written statements should 
    supplement and may expand on the oral presentation. Oral presentations 
    should be limited to no more than five minutes.
        The program would welcome receiving toxicology and carcinogenesis 
    information from completed, ongoing, or planned studies by others, as 
    well as current production data, human exposure information, and use 
    patterns for any of the chemicals listed in this announcement. Please 
    contact Central Data Management at the address given above, and they 
    will relay the information to the appropriate staff scientist.
        The Executive Secretary, Dr. Larry G. Hart, P.O. Box 12233, 
    Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 (telephone 919/541-3971; 
    FAX 919/541-0295; email hart@niehs.nih.gov) will furnish agenda and a 
    roster of Subcommittee members and expert consultants prior to the 
    meeting. Summary minutes subsequent to the meeting will be available 
    upon request to Central Data Management.
    Charles E. Leasure, Jr.,
    Acting Director, National Toxicology Program.
         Summary Data for Technical Reports Tentatively Scheduled for Review at the Meeting of the NTP Board of     
                              Scientific Counselor's Technical Reports Review Subcommittee                          
                                                  [December 9-10, 1997]                                             
                                       Technical route/                                                       Review
             Chemical CAS No.           report number          Primary uses             Exposure levels       order 
    1-Chloro-2-Propanol, Technical,    TR-477           Chemical intermediate for  Dosed-Water (deionized         10
     127-00-4.                                           propylene oxide & other    water): Rats: 0, 150,           
                                                         organic compounds.         325, or 650 ppm; Mice:          
                                                                                    0, 250, 500, or 1000            
                                                                                    ppm (50/sex/group).             
    Coconut Oil Acid, Diethanolamine   TR-479           Foam stabilizer in         Topical (95% ethanol):          2
     Condensate, 68603-42-9.                             shampoos and dishwashing   Rats: 0, 50, or 100 mg/         
                                                         liquids; dyeing            kg; Mice: 0, 100, or            
                                                         assistant in textile       200 mg/kg (50 sex/              
                                                         processing.                species/group).                 
    Diethanolamine, 111-42-2.........  TR-478           Production of textile      Topical (ethanol): Male         1
                                                         lubricants. Rubber         Rats: 0, 16, 32, or 64          
                                                         chemicals intermediate;    mg/kg; Female Rats: 0,          
                                                         emulsifier in              8, 16, or 32 mg/kg;             
                                                         agricultural chemicals,    Mice: 0, 40, 80, or 160         
                                                         cosmetics, and             mg/kg (50/sex/species/          
                                                         pharmaceuticals; gas       group).                         
                                                         conditioning agent.                                        
    [[Page 61521]]
    Furfuryl Alcohol, 098-00-0.......  TR-482           Solvent for ethers and     Inhalation (air): Rats &        8
                                                         esters; in manufacture     Mice: 0, 2, 8, or 32            
                                                         of phenolic and furan      ppm (50/sex/species/            
                                                         resins. chemical           group).                         
                                                         intermediate. wetting                                      
                                                         agent; liquid                                              
                                                         propellant; flavoring                                      
                                                         agent, obtained from                                       
                                                         processing corncobs,                                       
                                                         coffee beans.                                              
    Isobutene, 115-11-7..............  TR-487           Production of              Inhalation (air): Rats &        6
                                                         diisobutylene, trimers,    Mice: 0, 500, 2000, or          
                                                         butyl rubber,              8000 ppm 50/sex/species/        
                                                         antioxidants for foods,    group).                         
                                                         packaging, food                                            
                                                         supplements & plastics,                                    
                                                         isooctane, high-octane                                     
                                                         aviation gasoline,                                         
                                                         polyisobutene resins.                                      
                                                         (NTP Executive Summary).                                   
    Isoprene 78-79-5.................  TR-486           Monomer and comonomer for  Inhalation (air): Rats:         7
                                                         elastomers, prepared       0, 220, 700, or 7000            
                                                         from turpentine,           ppm; 50/sex/group).             
                                                         petroleum products                                         
                                                         (Merck 1989).                                              
    Lauric Acid, Diethanolamine        TR-480           Foam stabilizer for        Topical (95% ethanol):          3
     Condensate, 120-40-1.                               liquid household           Rats: 0, 50, or 100 mg/         
                                                         detergents and shampoos.   kg; Mice: 0, 100, or            
                                                                                    200 mg/kg (50/sex/              
    Oleic Acid, Diethanolamine         TR-481           Surfactant in wax          Topical (95% ethanol):          4
     Condensate, 93-83-4.                                emulsion; to increae       Rats: 0, 50, or 100 mg/         
                                                         shampoo viscosity.         kg; 50/sex/group; Mice:         
                                                                                    0, 15, or 30 mg/kg; 55/         
    Pentachlorophenol, Purified, 87-   TR-483           Wood preservative,         Dosed-Feed (NIH-07);            5
     86-5.                                               fungicide, soil fumigant   Rats: 0, 200, 400, or           
                                                         for termites, preharvest   600 ppm; 50/sex/group--         
                                                         defoliant, seed            1000 ppm Stop Study (60/        
                                                         treatment for beans,       sex).                           
                                                         preservative for paint,                                    
                                                         leather, textiles, inks,                                   
                                                         antibacterial agent in                                     
                                                         disinfectants & cleaners                                   
                                                         (HSDB 1990).                                               
    Pyridine 110-86-1................  TR-470           Solvent, organic           Dosed-Water (deionized          9
                                                         synthesis, flavoring       water): Rats: 0, 100,           
                                                         ingredient, manufacture    200, or 400 ppm; Male           
                                                         of fungicides,             Mice: 0, 250, 500, or           
                                                         pharmaceuticals,           1000 ppm; Female Mice:          
                                                         dyestuff, explosives,      125, 250 or 500 ppm;            
                                                         mfr. of vitamins, sulfa    Male Wistar Rats: 0,            
                                                         drugs, intermediate in     100, 200, or 400 ppm            
                                                         manufacture of diquat &    (50/sex/group).                 
                                                         paraquat, waterproofing                                    
                                                         textiles (HSDB 1990).                                      
    [FR Doc. 97-30203 Filed 11-17-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4140-01-P

Document Information

Public Health Service
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Document Number:
61520-61521 (2 pages)
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