97-30208. Hydro Resources, Inc.  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 222 (Tuesday, November 18, 1997)]
    [Pages 61556-61557]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-30208]
    [Docket No. 40-8968]
    Hydro Resources, Inc.
    AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    ACTION: Notice of availability of issuance of errata.
    SUMMARY: The U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued an Errata 
    to the ``Final Environmental Impact Statement to Construct and Operate 
    the Crownpoint Uranium Solution Mining Project, Crown Point, New 
    Mexico'' (NUREG-1508). It should be noted that none of these errata 
    change the conclusions of the Final Environmental Impact Statement.
    ADDRESSES: A copy of the Errata is available for public inspection and/
    or copying at the NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L. Street (Lower 
    Level), NW, Washington, DC 20555-0001. Copies of NUREG-1508 and the 
    accompanying Errata may be purchased from the Superintendent of 
    Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, PO Box 37082, Washington, 
    DC. 20402-9328. Copies are also available from the National Technical 
    Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Carlson, Uranium Recovery 
    Branch, Mail Stop TWFN 7-J8, Division of Waste Management, Office of 
    Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission, Washington, DC 20555. Telephone (301) 415-8165.
        Dated at Rockville, Md, this 15th day of November 1997.
        For The Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
    Joseph J. Holonich,
    Chief, Uranium Recovery Branch, Division of Waste Management, Office of 
    Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.
        The following information is provided as errata to the ``Final 
    Environmental Impact Statement to Construct and Operate the Crownpoint 
    Uranium Solution Mining Project, Crownpoint, New Mexico'' (NUREG-1508), 
    dated February 1997.
        1. Page 1-5, 1st paragraph: replace the term ``* * * Safe Water 
    Drinking Act (SWDA)'' with ``* * * Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).''
        2. Page 2-6, Table 2.2, equation (2a): replace the term ``* * * 
    +4Na+H2O'' with ``* * * +4Na++H2O.''
        3. Page 2-19, 1st complete paragraph, 5th sentence: change sentence 
    to read: ``NRC would require HRI to decontaminate areas if radionuclide 
    accumulation exceeds decommissioning standards, if HRI uses land 
    application to dispose of process waters.''
        4. Page 2-19, 1st complete paragraph, 4th sentence; Page 4-81, last 
    paragraph, last sentence: delete the following phrase from the existing 
    text ``* * * generally using a zero-release NPDES permit.''
        5. Page 2-28, 4th paragraph, last sentence: delete the word 
        6. Page 3-56, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence: revise existing text to 
    read, `` * * * known as the ``checkerboard'' for its mixed private, 
    tribal, and government property rights.''
        7. Page 3-5, Table 3.4; Page 3-7, Table 3.5; and Page 4-3, Table 
    4.3: replace the term ``fg/m3'' with ``g/
        8. Page 4-20, last paragraph, #1: replace the term ``alkalinity'' 
    with the term ``bicarbonate.''
        9. Page 4-28, Table 4.6; and Page 4-30, Table 4.7: replace the 
    parameter ``Radium-226'' with ``Radium'' (i.e., radium is inclusive of 
    radium-226 and radium-228).
        10. Page 4-61, 5th bullet, #(4): replace the phrase ``one 
    production/ injection well per 1.6 ha (4 acres) in each well field'' 
    with the phrase ``one production/injection well per acre in each well 
        11. Page 4-63, #8: replace entire text with the following, ``All 
    casing strings shall be pressure tested to 125% of actual wellfield 
    operating pressure, not to exceed 70% of the minimum burst strength 
    (measured on surface usually using water and the rig pump). If pressure 
    declines more than 10% in 30 minutes, corrective action shall be 
        12. Page 4-71, last paragraph: delete last sentence beginning with, 
    ``However, to further minimize transportation risk, * * *''
        13. Page 4-72, top of page: delete entire proposed license 
    condition (entire bullet beginning with, ``Yellowcake and 11e(2) by-
    product waste material, * * *''), and subsequent phrase, ``In addition 
    to this license condition,''.
        14. Page xx of the Summary and Conclusions, 2nd complete paragraph; 
    Page 2-20, 1st paragraph; Page 4-27, 1st complete paragraph; Page 4-45, 
    1st complete paragraph; Page 4-47, top of page; and Page A-21, 3rd 
    complete paragraph: change the term ``300 pCi/mL'' to ``300 pCi/L.''
        15. Page 3-27, Table 3.13: replace the existing table with the 
    following (values in italic have been changed):
    [[Page 61557]]
                   Revised Table 3.13.--Crownpoint Site Water Quality Data,a Westwater Canyon Aquifer               
                                                                                                           EPA (and 
                            Parameter                          Mean  (mg/L)  Maximum  (mg/ Minimum  (mg/   drinking 
                                                                                  L)            L)          water   
    Calcium..................................................       2.73          7.8           0.07     ...........
    Magnesium................................................       0.48          2.5           0.00000  ...........
    Sodium...................................................     127.7         184.0          97.0      ...........
    Potassium................................................      13.0          56.0           1.5      ...........
    Carbonate................................................      27.9         127.0           0.00000  ...........
    Bicarbonate..............................................     203.0         260.0          54.0      ...........
    Sulfate..................................................      62.2         177.0          19.0          250.0  
    Chloride.................................................      15.8          54.0           1.8          250.0  
    Nitrate..................................................       0.05          0.26          0.00000       10.0  
    Fluoride.................................................       0.35          0.62          0.23      4.0 or 2.0
    Silica...................................................      16.3          20.0           1.0                 
    TDS......................................................     394.0         666.0         281.0          500.0  
    Conductivityb............................................     602.3        1040.0         418.0                 
    Alkalinity...............................................     213.0         256.0         191.0                 
    pHc......................................................       9.0          10.4           8.26       6.5-8.5  
    Arsenic..................................................       0.00000       0.002         0.00000        0.05 
    Barium...................................................       0.13          1.0           0.01           2.0  
    Cadmium..................................................       0.00000       0.0008        0.00000        0.01 
    Chromium.................................................       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000        0.05 
    Copper...................................................       0.00000       0.02          0.00000        1.0  
    Iron.....................................................       0.11          0.92          0.00000        0.3  
    Lead.....................................................       0.00000       0.078         0.00000        0.05 
    Manganese................................................       0.035         0.029         0.00000        0.05 
    Mercury..................................................       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000        0.002
    Molybdenum...............................................       0.00000       0.02          0.00000             
    Nickel...................................................       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000        0.1  
    Selenium.................................................       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000        0.05 
    Silver...................................................       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000        0.1  
    Uranium..................................................       0.005         0.021         0.00000             
    Vanadium.................................................       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000             
    Zinc.....................................................       0.00000       0.03          0.00000        5.0  
    Boron....................................................       0.05          0.11          0.00000             
    Ammonia..................................................       0.05          0.31                              
    Radium-226d..............................................      58.7         806.0           0.1            5.0  
    a Values obtained from Wells CP-3, CP-5, CP-6, CP-7, CP-9, and well CP-2 (for parameters from arsenic to radium-
      226, (Source: HRI 1992b).                                                                                     
    b mhos/cm.                                                                                             
    c Units.                                                                                                        
    d pCi/L.                                                                                                        
    [FR Doc. 97-30208 Filed 11-17-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7590-01-P

Document Information

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Entry Type:
Notice of availability of issuance of errata.
Document Number:
61556-61557 (2 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 40-8968
PDF File: