[Federal Register Volume 63, Number 222 (Wednesday, November 18, 1998)]
[Pages 64063-64064]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 98-30840]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[I.D. 111298C]
Endangered Species; Permits
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Receipt of applications for a scientific research permit (1184)
and modifications to scientific research permits (1074, 1124).
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of the following actions regarding
permits for takes of endangered and threatened species for the purposes
of scientific research and/or enhancement: NMFS has received a permit
application from Garcia and Associates (GAA) in San Anselmo, CA (1184);
NMFS has received applications for modifications to existing permits
from: Pacific Lumber Company in Scotia, CA (PALCo) (1074), and Idaho
Department of Fish and Game at Boise, ID (IDFG) (1124).
DATES: Written comments or requests for a public hearing on any of the
applications must be received on or before December 18, 1998.
[[Page 64064]]
ADDRESSES: The applications and related documents are available for
review in the following offices, by appointment:
For permits 1074 and 1184: Protected Species Division, NMFS, 777
Sonoma Avenue, Room 325, Santa Rosa, CA 95404-6528 (707-575-6066).
For permit 1124: Protected Resources Division, F/NWO3, 525 NE
Oregon Street, Suite 500, Portland, OR 97232-4169 (503-230-5400).
All documents may also be reviewed by appointment in the Office of
Protected Resources, F/PR3, NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver
Spring, MD 20910-3226 (301-713-1401).
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For permits 1074 and 1184: Tom
Hablett, Protected Resources Division, (707-575-6066).
For permit 1124: Leslie Schaeffer, Portland, OR (503-230-5433).
Permits are requested under the authority of section 10 of the
Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543) and the NMFS
regulations governing ESA-listed fish and wildlife permits (50 CFR
parts 217-227).
Those individuals requesting a hearing on these requests for
permits should set out the specific reasons why a hearing would be
appropriate (see ADDRESSES). The holding of such a hearing is at the
discretion of the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NOAA. All
statements and opinions contained in the below application summaries
are those of the applicant and do not necessarily reflect the views of
Species Covered in this Notice
The following species are covered in this notice: Chinook salmon
(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Coho salmon (O. kisutch), Sockeye salmon
(O. nerka), and Steelhead trout (O. mykiss).
New Application Received
GAA (1184) requests a 5-year permit for takes of adult and
juvenile, threatened, central California coast coho salmon, and adult
and juvenile, endangered, southern California coast steelhead
associated with fish population studies throughout the Evolutionarily
Significant Units (ESUs) within California. Salmon and steelhead
studies conducted by GAA will consist of four assessment tasks for
which ESA-listed fish are proposed to be taken: (1) Presence/absence,
(2) population estimates, (3) fish rescue, and (4) tissue/scale
sampling for genetic studies. ESA-listed fish will be observed or
captured, anesthetized, handled (weighed, measured, fin-clipped),
allowed to recover from the anesthetic, and released. Indirect
mortalities associated with the research are also requested.
Modification Requests Received
PALCo (1074) requests modification 1 to permit 1074 for
authorization to include takes of adult and juvenile, threatened coho
salmon for enhancement purposes in Yager Creek Basin within the
California portion of the southern Oregon/northern California coast
(SONCC) coho salmon ESU. PALCo will conduct an adult sampling program
in Humboldt County. These studies are to determine: (1) population
estimates; (2) hatchery to wild salmonid ratios; (3) stream
utilization; and (4) genetic heritage. Adults will be trapped,
measured, sampled for tissues and/or scales, marked and released (if
not being retained for broodstock). Spawner surveys are also proposed,
including the handling and sampling of carcasses. The propagation
program conducted at the PLC's Yager Creek Hatchery is to rebuild
depleted populations of coho salmon to naturally self-sustaining
levels. Both wild and hatchery-produced adults will be used for
broodstock. The control of disease, maintenance of genetic viability,
and the annual releases of juveniles are in accordance with the
guidance of NMFS and the California Department of Fish and Game.
Modification 1 is requested to be valid for the duration of the permit,
which expires on June 30, 2003.
IDFG requests modification 1 to permit 1124. The permit authorizes
annual takes of adult and juvenile, endangered, Snake River (SnR)
sockeye salmon; adult and juvenile, threatened, naturally produced and
artificially propagated, SnR spring/summer chinook salmon; and
juvenile, threatened, SnR fall chinook salmon associated with
scientific research in the state of Idaho. Research activities
conducted under this permit are expected to provide information about
ESA-listed fish population status and dynamics, life history traits,
survival rates, behavior features, and fish health. For modification 1,
IDFG requests an increase in the annual take of juvenile, threatened,
naturally produced, SnR spring/summer chinook salmon. IDFG
underestimated parr production and emigration of this species in 1998.
ESA-listed juvenile fish are proposed to be captured, handled, and
released. Modification 1 is requested to be valid for the duration of
the permit, which expires on December 31, 2002.
Dated: November 12, 1998.
Margaret Lorenz,
Acting Chief, Endangered Species Division, Office of Protected
Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 98-30840 Filed 11-17-98; 8:45 am]