96-29650. Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement on Management of Certain Plutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy Stored at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 224 (Tuesday, November 19, 1996)]
    [Pages 58866-58871]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-29650]
    Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement on 
    Management of Certain Plutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy Stored at the 
    Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
    AGENCY: Department of Energy.
    ACTION: Notice of intent.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (DOE) announces its intent to prepare 
    an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National 
    Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), in accordance with the Council on 
    Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for Implementing the Procedural 
    Provisions of NEPA and the DOE NEPA implementing regulations. This EIS 
    will evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with 
    reasonable management alternatives for certain plutonium residues and 
    all scrub alloy currently being stored at the Rocky Flats Environmental 
    Technology Site in Golden, Colorado. The residues and scrub alloy are 
    materials that were generated during the separation and purification of 
    plutonium, or during the manufacture of plutonium-bearing components 
    for nuclear weapons. Due to the risk they present, DOE previously 
    decided to stabilize and repackage the plutonium residues at the Rocky 
    Flats Site for safe interim storage as discussed in the Solid Residue 
    Treatment, Repackaging, and Storage Environmental Assessment/Finding of 
    No Significant Impact. The activities analyzed in this EIS would be in 
    addition to certain activities described in the Solid Residue 
    Environmental Assessment by subjecting a portion of those residues to 
    further treatment to prepare them for disposal or other disposition. 
    This EIS will also analyze management activities for scrub alloy. This 
    notice describes the proposed scope of the EIS and requests that 
    members of the public submit comments regarding the scope of the EIS. 
    Comments may be submitted in writing at the public scoping period and 
    orally during public scoping meetings as described below.
    DATES: The public scoping period begins with the publication of this 
    notice and will continue until December 19, 1996. Written comments 
    postmarked by that date will be considered in preparation of the EIS. 
    Comments postmarked after that date will be considered to the extent 
        Public Scoping meetings will be held at the locations and times 
    specified below. This information will also be announced in local 
    public notices before the planned meetings.
        Meeting: Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site.
        Date: Tuesday, December 3, 1996.
        Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM.
        Location: Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, Building 060 
    (Outside the West Gate), State Highway 93, Golden, Colorado 80402.
        Contact for the Golden Meeting: Mr. Mike Konczal, Telephone: (303) 
        Meeting: Savannah River Site.
        Date: Thursday, December 12, 1996.
        Time: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM.
        Location: North Augusta Community Center, 101 Brookside Drive, 
    North Augusta, South Carolina 29841, (803) 441-4290.
        Contact for the North Augusta Meeting: Mr. Andrew R. Grainger, 
    Telephone: 1-800-242-8269.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments on the scope of the Rocky Flats Plutonium 
    Residues and Scrub Alloy EIS, including issues to be addressed, 
    questions about the plutonium residues, and/or requests for copies of 
    the draft EIS should be sent to the following address: Mr. Charles R. 
    Head, Office of Nuclear Material and Facility Stabilization (EM-60), 
    United States Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., 
    Washington, D.C. 20585, Telephone: 202-586-9441, Facsimile: 202-586-
        Members of the public who request a copy of the draft EIS should 
    specify whether they would like a copy of the entire draft EIS (which 
    will consist of multiple bound volumes), or if they would prefer a copy 
    of the Summary of the draft EIS (which will be a brief single volume).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information on the Rocky 
    Flats Plutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy EIS, please contact Mr. 
    Charles R. Head at the address specified above under the heading 
        For general information on the DOE NEPA review process, please 
    contact: Ms. Carol Borgstrom, Director, Office of NEPA Policy and 
    Assistance (EH-42), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence 
    Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20585, Telephone: 202-586-4600 or leave 
    a message at 800-472-2756.
        Addresses of reading rooms where additional Rocky Flats Plutonium 
    Residues and Scrub Alloy EIS information is available are listed below 
    in the section entitled ``Public Scoping Process''.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: DOE announces its intent to prepare an 
    Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental 
    Policy Act (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. Sec. 4321, et seq.), in accordance with 
    the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for Implementing the 
    Procedural Provisions of NEPA (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508) and the DOE NEPA 
    implementing regulations (10 CFR Part 1021) to evaluate reasonable 
    alternatives for management of certain plutonium residues and all of 
    the scrub alloy at the Rocky Flats Site in Golden, Colorado. Plutonium 
    residues and scrub alloy are materials that were generated while 
    processing plutonium during the manufacture of components for nuclear 
    weapons. The management alternatives to be analyzed include treatment 
    of these materials to enable them to be disposed of as waste or, for 
    some surplus weapons-usable material, otherwise dispositioned.
    Purpose and Need
        Stabilization activities to mitigate the risks associated with the 
    current storage condition of plutonium residues (e.g., deteriorating 
    and overpressurized storage containers, and ignitability concerns) are 
    in progress at the Rocky Flats Site based on the decisions resulting 
    from the Solid Residue Treatment, Repackaging, and Storage
    [[Page 58867]]
    Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact, issued in 
    April 1996 (DOE/EA-1120, the ``Solid Residue Environmental 
    Assessment'). The Solid Residue Environmental Assessment addressed the 
    potential environmental impacts associated with stabilizing the entire 
    106,600 kg inventory of Rocky Flats Site plutonium residues to allow 
    its safe interim storage until the final disposition of the residues 
    could be decided upon and implemented. However, due to the need for 
    expeditious action to resolve problems with storage of the plutonium 
    residues at Rocky Flats, the Solid Residues Environmental Assessment 
    did not address disposal or other disposition of the residues after 
    these materials were stabilized. Decisions regarding treatment of these 
    materials for purposes other than stabilization, i.e., disposal or 
    other disposition,1 will require the evaluation of several 
    treatment technologies and thus were considered to require a lengthier 
    and more complex evaluation process than could be completed in time to 
    meet the more immediate need to make and implement stabilization 
        \1\ After treatment, the Rocky Flats residues and scrub alloy 
    could be disposed of as transuranic wastes or, depending on the 
    treatment, could be transformed or chemically altered so as to 
    concentrate the plutonium for other disposition (see below). 
    ``Transuranic'' refers to elements, such as plutonium, that have an 
    atomic number greater than that of uranium. The disposal of 
    transuranic waste at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is being 
    analyzed in the Draft Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Disposal Phase 
    Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. DOE is developing WIPP, 
    near Carlsbad, New Mexico, as a potential disposal facility for 
    transuranic wastes. DOE is evaluating the disposition of weapons-
    usable plutonium, which would be relevant if the residue or scrub 
    alloy materials were treated to separate the plutonium from other 
    constituents. Such potential uses include using the plutonium in 
    mixed oxide fuel for power reactors, immobilization, and disposal in 
    a deep borehole.
        As a result of the potential for disposal of these materials at 
    WIPP, ``disposal requirements'' for the residues and scrub alloy 
    refers to the Planning Basis Waste Acceptance Criteria for WIPP (or 
    alternative treatment level, depending on decision in the Record of 
    Decision for the WIPP SEIS II), and any other requirements that must 
    be met to allow disposal, such as safeguards termination 
    requirements. Requirements for other disposition will be developed 
    as part of detailed NEPA analyses that will be tiered from the 
    Storage and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials 
    Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (draft issued by DOE in 
    February 1996; also see item 6 under ``Related NEPA Documentation'' 
    in this Notice).
        DOE has determined that, even after stabilization, approximately 
    42,300 kg of the total of about 106,600 kg of plutonium residues 
    currently in storage at Rocky Flats would remain in forms that, 
    although not directly weapons usable, would contain sufficiently high 
    concentrations of plutonium so as to not meet the safeguards 
    termination requirements for disposal.2 Because of the plutonium 
    concentration and the relative ease with which plutonium could be 
    recovered from the residues, such residues could be attractive to 
    terrorist organizations as a source of plutonium (about 2,600 kg could 
    be separated from the Rocky Flats residues and scrub alloy) for use in 
    nuclear weapons or other terrorist devices. Diluting these materials 
    could reduce the plutonium concentrations sufficiently to meet disposal 
    requirements but, for many samples of the residues, probably would 
    yield an extremely large waste volume that would be very costly to 
    transport and dispose of. Therefore, in addition to dilution, 
    alternatives need to be considered, such as treatments that would 
    either bind the plutonium in a matrix from which it would be difficult 
    to extract, or treatments that would separate the plutonium from the 
    remaining constituents of the residues and scrub alloy. Any separated 
    plutonium would not be used for nuclear weapons purposes, but would be 
    safely stored in secure facilities with other similar materials, 
    pending disposition (see footnote 1). Whenever feasible, DOE would 
    offer such storage facilities to be placed under International Atomic 
    Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. For the other 64,300 kg of plutonium-
    bearing residues currently in storage at the Rocky Flats Site, the 
    activities discussed in the Solid Residue Environmental Assessment will 
    meet the transuranic waste disposal and safeguards termination 
    requirements and will not be addressed in this EIS.
        \2\ Materials that could be used to fuel nuclear weapons (e.g., 
    Uranium-235 or Plutonium-239) are required to be placed under a 
    system of controls and protections to ensure that they are not 
    misused or lost. This system of controls and protections is referred 
    to as ``safeguards.'' In general, wastes that contain large enough 
    concentrations of nuclear weapons-usable materials cannot be 
    disposed of unless actions (such as reducing the concentration of 
    nuclear weapons usable materials, or immobilizing such materials so 
    that they would be exceptionally difficult to recover) are taken 
    that make it no longer necessary to ``safeguard'' them. The 
    requirements that define the state into which such wastes must be 
    converted in order for them no longer to require ``safeguards'' are 
    referred to as ``safeguards termination requirements''.
        This EIS will evaluate reasonable management alternatives for the 
    approximately 42,300 kg of plutonium residues discussed above, 
    including treatment of the material to a form and concentration that is 
    suitable for disposal or other disposition. Evaluation of these 
    alternatives at this time will facilitate planning for disposal or 
    other disposition, and allow any additional treatment to be integrated 
    with the on-going stabilization process so that handling the material 
    can be minimized (i.e., by avoiding potential double handling). 
    Minimizing such handling would reduce the worker risk associated with 
    achieving a material form suitable for disposal or other disposition.
        In addition to the residues discussed above, approximately 700 kg 
    of scrub alloy (predominately a magnesium/aluminum/americium/plutonium 
    metal mixture) currently in storage at the Rocky Flats Site, containing 
    about 200 kg of plutonium, also needs treatment before being suitable 
    for disposal or other disposition. Due to similarities in the issues 
    related to the management of the scrub alloy and the plutonium 
    residues, management alternatives for the scrub alloy will also be 
    analyzed in this EIS.
        The entire inventory of plutonium residues currently stored at 
    Rocky Flats is included in the Draft Waste Management Programmatic 
    Environmental Impact Statement (WMPEIS) under the assumption that it 
    may be managed as transuranic waste. The WMPEIS analyzes storage and 
    treatment configurations (i.e., centralized, regionalized and 
    decentralized treatment and storage) for transuranic wastes, including 
    the Rocky Flats plutonium residues. The analysis of alternatives in 
    this EIS will take into account the analyses of alternatives in the 
    WMPEIS and the decisions made in any Records of Decisions that may 
    result from those analyses.
        Plutonium residues and scrub alloy were generated by processes used 
    to recover and purify plutonium and manufacture components for nuclear 
    weapons. Approximately 125,000 kilograms (kg) of residues (containing 
    about 5,800 kg of plutonium) and approximately 700 kg of scrub alloy 
    (containing about 200 kg of plutonium) are currently stored at various 
    DOE sites. Of these totals, approximately 106,600 kg of the residues 
    (containing about 3,000 kg of plutonium), and nearly all of the scrub 
    alloy are stored in various types of containers in six former plutonium 
    production facilities at the Rocky Flats Site. The remaining 
    approximately 18,400 kg of plutonium residues are stored at the 
    Savannah River Site in South Carolina, the Hanford Site in Washington, 
    Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, and Lawrence Livermore 
    National Laboratory in California. About 6 kg of scrub alloy are stored 
    at the Savannah River Site. Stabilization activities for the 
    approximately 18,400 kg of plutonium residues and 6 kg of scrub alloy 
    not located at the Rocky
    [[Page 58868]]
    Flats Site are analyzed in NEPA reviews that have already been 
    completed or are currently underway. These reviews are listed and 
    summarized in the section of this notice titled ``Related NEPA 
    Documentation.'' The final approximately 5 kg of plutonium residues are 
    located at several DOE sites, each having an inventory of less than 1 
    kg. Treatment options for these plutonium residues have been identified 
    or are in the process of being defined by the managements of the 
    installations at which these residues are stored.
        The plutonium residues at the Rocky Flats Site that require 
    treatment beyond stabilization prior to disposal or other disposition 
    consist of four categories: ash, salts, wet residues, and direct 
    repackage residues. The residues are grouped into these categories due 
    to chemical similarities or similarities in the manner in which they 
    could be managed. All these residue categories and scrub alloy will be 
    discussed in this EIS and are briefly described below. The approximate 
    quantities in each category requiring treatment beyond stabilization to 
    prepare them to meet the requirements for disposal or other disposition 
    are noted.3
        \3\ As noted previously in this Notice, a total of approximately 
    106,600 kg of plutonium residues is currently in storage at Rocky 
    Flats. Of this total, approximately 6,600 kg is in a residue 
    category designated ``Classified Shapes'' that does not require 
    treatment beyond that analyzed in the Solid Residue Environmental 
    Assessment. This leaves approximately 100,000 kg of residues in the 
    four listed categories, 42,300 kg of which will need additional 
    treatment beyond that analyzed in the Solid Residue Environmental 
    Assessment. The scrub alloy is not a plutonium residue, and thus is 
    not included in the 100,000 kg residue total.
        1. Ash Residues. The ash residue category consists of approximately 
    28,000 kg of material containing approximately 1,100 kg of plutonium in 
    three basic groups. Examples from each group are: (a) Incinerator ash, 
    firebrick heels and fines, and soot; (b) pulverized sand, slag and 
    crucible; and (c) graphite fines. Approximately 71 percent of the ash 
    residue inventory (19,900 kg) would require treatment 
    beyond stabilization for disposal in WIPP or other disposition.
        2. Salt Residues. The salt residue category consists of about 
    16,000 kg of material containing approximately 1,000 kg of plutonium 
    and can be further sub-divided into three groups: electrorefining 
    salts, molten salt extraction salts, and direct oxide reduction salts. 
    These salts consist primarily of sodium chloride, potassium chloride 
    and magnesium chloride. Approximately 93 percent of the salt residue 
    inventory (14,900 kg) would require treatment beyond 
    stabilization for disposal in WIPP or other disposition.
        3. Wet Residues. The wet residues consist of approximately 17,000 
    kg of material containing approximately 600 kg of plutonium and are 
    made up of a disparate assembly of materials, such as wet (aqueous and 
    organic contaminated) combustibles, plutonium fluorides, high 
    efficiency particulate air filter media, sludges and Raschig (glass) 
    rings. Approximately 26 percent of the wet residue inventory 
    (4,400 kg) would require treatment beyond stabilization for 
    disposal in WIPP or other disposition.
        4. Direct Repackage Residues. The direct repackage residue category 
    consists of about 39,000 kg of material, containing about 300 kg of 
    plutonium, and comprises those plutonium residues that are considered 
    to be stable and do not require stabilization for storage. These 
    residues consist of materials such as paper, rags, cloth, plastic, 
    personal protective equipment, and gaskets. Approximately 8 percent of 
    the direct repackage residue (3,100 kg) would require 
    treatment for disposal in WIPP.
        5. Scrub Alloy. Scrub alloy is predominately a magnesium/aluminum/
    americium/plutonium metal mixture that was created as an interim step 
    in plutonium recovery. The entire Rocky Flats scrub alloy inventory of 
    approximately 700 kg, containing approximately 200 kg of plutonium, 
    will require treatment to put it in a form that would meet the 
    requirements for disposal in WIPP or other disposition.
    Preliminary Alternatives
        Discussed below are the preliminary alternatives identified for 
    management of certain Rocky Flats Site plutonium residues 
    (approximately 42,300 kg) and scrub alloy (approximately 700 kg), 
    including transportation to reasonable treatment sites and treatment to 
    prepare them for disposal or other disposition. DOE welcomes comments 
    on these or other reasonable alternatives and on the identification of 
    a preferred alternative.
        Alternative 1--No Action: The No Action alternative consists of 
    ongoing residue storage activities, and activities addressed in the 
    Solid Residue Treatment, Repackaging, and Storage Environmental 
    Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact, plus the on-site storage 
    of the scrub alloy inventory in its current form. Under the No Action 
    alternative, stabilization, repackaging, and monitoring of the entire 
    plutonium residue inventory for safe interim storage would continue. 
    Interim storage would be in containers and under conditions appropriate 
    for a period of approximately 20 years, with approximately 64,300 kg of 
    the residues prepared for waste disposal. The other 42,300 kg of 
    plutonium residues and the scrub alloy would remain in a form that is 
    not suitable for disposal as waste, or other disposition.
        Alternative 2--On-Site Treatment: This alternative would involve 
    treatment at the Rocky Flats Site, as discussed below:
        a. Treatment Without Plutonium Separation--This alternative 
    includes treating the plutonium residues or scrub alloy to prepare the 
    material for disposal as waste without removal of the plutonium. This 
    treatment alternative would use techniques such as immobilization, 
    (e.g., ceramification or vitrification), or dilution by blending with 
    other matrix materials (e.g., blending the salt residues with depleted 
    uranium oxide or additional salt). The resulting waste form would meet 
    the planning basis waste acceptance criteria for disposal in WIPP. The 
    material would no longer be attractive as a potential source of 
    plutonium since it would be in a physical and chemical form from which 
    it would be difficult to recover the plutonium, or the resulting 
    material would have too low a concentration of plutonium. However, the 
    dilution approach would result in substantially greater amounts of 
    transuranic waste.
        b. Treatment With Plutonium Separation--Plutonium separation would 
    consist of removing the plutonium from the residue or scrub alloy. 
    Plutonium separation would generate two distinct forms of material; a 
    treated waste form and a plutonium metal or oxide. The treated waste 
    would meet the planning basis waste acceptance criteria for disposal in 
    WIPP. The plutonium metal or oxide would be in a form that would be 
    suitable for disposition in accordance with the decisions resulting 
    from the Storage and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials 
    Programmatic EIS. The Rocky Flats Plutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy 
    EIS will include analysis of any actions needed to manage separated 
    plutonium until the decisions resulting from the Storage and 
    Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials Programmatic EIS are 
    implemented. Under this treatment alternative, there would be no need 
    to dilute the plutonium-bearing materials to allow them to meet 
    transuranic waste disposal requirements, although other types of waste 
    would be produced that are more easily disposed of.4 The recovered
    [[Page 58869]]
    plutonium could not be used for nuclear explosive purposes under the 
    DOE Secretarial policy established in December 1994.5
         4 Both low-level radioactive and hazardous wastes could be 
    generated as a result of such treatment. Any hazardous wastes would 
    be sent to a licensed commercial treatment, storage and disposal 
    facility. Any low-level radioactive wastes would be disposed of 
    along with other low-level radioactive wastes generated at the Rocky 
    Flats Site.
         5 Such plutonium would be stabilized, packaged for storage 
    (under DOE safe storage criteria suitable for 50 years) and would be 
    stored at Rocky Flats pending implementation of storage and 
    disposition decisions. While in storage, the plutonium metal/oxide 
    would remain safe and in a secured facility.
        Alternative 3--Off-Site Treatment: Under this alternative, the 
    plutonium residues or scrub alloy would be treated off-site using 
    various treatment technologies, with or without plutonium separation, 
    as discussed under Alternative 2 above. The plutonium residues might 
    require pre- treatment at Rocky Flats to modify the material 
    composition and physical packaging so that the material would be in a 
    condition suitable for transportation. Potential locations for off-site 
    treatment include: the Savannah River Site, the Los Alamos National 
    Laboratory (LANL), and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 
    (LLNL). The Savannah River Site has the capability to treat most 
    residues and all scrub alloy efficiently. LANL and LLNL each have 
    facilities that could treat only part of the salt residues (about 
    13,400 kg), but at much slower rates than treatment at the Savannah 
    River Site. The cost of treatment at LANL and LLNL is expected to be 
    slightly higher than the cost of treatment at the Savannah River Site. 
    None of these facilities, including the Rocky Flats Site, currently is 
    capable of treating all of the ash residues. Further, treatment at LANL 
    and LLNL may be difficult to accommodate in light of the other missions 
    of those sites. Taking account of all these circumstances, the Savannah 
    River Site appears to be a more likely offsite location for treating 
    the Rocky Flats plutonium residues and scrub alloy than LANL or LLNL. 
    Nevertheless, DOE cannot rule out the possibility that further analysis 
    or changing circumstances might provide reasons to treat some of these 
    materials at LANL or LLNL.
        Any plutonium that might be separated under the ``Treatment With 
    Plutonium Separation'' option would be placed in storage pending 
    implementation of decisions made after completion of the Storage and 
    Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials Programmatic EIS. As 
    specified for Alternative 2.b above, the Rocky Flats Plutonium Residues 
    and Scrub Alloy EIS will include analysis of any actions needed to 
    manage separated plutonium until the decisions made after completion of 
    the Storage and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials 
    Programmatic EIS are implemented.
    Public Scoping Process
        To ensure that the full range of issues related to the Rocky Flats 
    Plutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy EIS is addressed, comments on the 
    proposed scope of the EIS are invited from all interested parties 
    during the scoping period. Written comments should be directed to Mr. 
    Charles R. Head at the address indicated above under the heading 
    ADDRESSES. Agencies, organizations, and the general public are also 
    invited to present oral comments at the public scoping meetings to be 
    held at the times and dates listed in the DATES section above.
        Written and oral comments will be given equal consideration. 
    Individuals desiring to speak at a public scoping meeting (or meetings) 
    should pre-register by telephoning or writing the contact person(s) 
    designated for the meeting as specified above in the DATES section of 
    this Notice. Pre-registration should occur at least four days before 
    the designated meeting. Persons who register at the meeting will be 
    called on to speak as time permits, after the pre-registered speakers.
        To ensure that everyone has an adequate opportunity to speak, each 
    speaker at a scoping meeting will be allotted five minutes. Depending 
    on the number of persons who request an opportunity to speak, more time 
    may be allowed for speakers representing several parties or 
    organizations. Persons wishing to speak on behalf of organizations 
    should identify the organization in their request. Written comments 
    also will be accepted at the meetings, and speakers at scoping meetings 
    are encouraged to provide written versions of their oral comments for 
    the record.
        DOE will record and prepare transcripts of the oral comments 
    received during the public scoping meetings. Interested persons will be 
    able to review the transcripts, written comments, reference material, 
    related NEPA documents, and background information during normal 
    business hours at the following locations:
    U.S. Department of Energy, Freedom of Information Room, Room 1E-190, 
    Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 
    20585, Telephone: 202-586-6020
    U.S. Department of Energy, Public Reading Room, Gregg Graniteville 
    Library, 171 University Parkway, Aiken, South Carolina 29801, 
    Telephone: 803-641-3465
    County Library, 2002 Bull Street, Savannah, Georgia 31299-430, 
    Telephone: 912-234-5127
    County Library, 404 King Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29403, 
    Telephone: 803-723-1645
    Rocky Flats Citizens Advisory Board, Public Reading Room, 9035 
    Wadsworth Avenue, Suite 2250, Westminster, Colorado 80021, Telephone: 
    Standley Lake Public Reading Room, 8485 Kipling Street, Arvada, 
    Colorado 80005, Telephone: 303-456-0806
    U.S. Department of Energy, Golden Field Office, Public Reading Room, 
    14869 Denver West Parkway, Golden, Colorado 80401, Telephone: 303-275-
    U.S. EPA Superfund Records Center, 999 18th Street, 5th Floor, Denver, 
    Colorado 80202-2405, Telephone: 303-312-6473
    Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Information 
    Center, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, Colorado 80222, 
    Telephone: 303-692-2037
    Rocky Flats Public Reading Room, Front Range Community College Library, 
    3645 West 112th Avenue, Westminster, Colorado 80030, Telephone: 303-
    Albuquerque Operations Office, National Atomic Museum, 20358 Wyoming 
    Blvd. S.E., Kirtland Air Force Base, P.O. Box 5400, Albuquerque, New 
    Mexico 87185-5400, Telephone: 505-845-4378
    Los Alamos Community Reading Room, 1450 Central, Suite 101, Los Alamos, 
    New Mexico 87544, Telephone: 505-665-2127
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, East Gate Visitors Center, 
    Greenville Road, Livermore, California 94550, Telephone: 510-424-4026
    Oakland Operations Office, U.S. Department of Energy, Public Reading 
    Room, EIC, 8th Floor, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, California 94612-5208, 
    Telephone: 510-637-1762
        DOE plans to issue the draft EIS in the Spring of 1997. DOE will 
    announce availability of the draft in the Federal Register and other 
    media, and will provide the public, organizations, and agencies with an 
    opportunity to submit comments. These comments will be considered and 
    addressed in the final EIS, scheduled for issuance in the Fall of 1997.
        Preliminary Issues: DOE has preliminarily identified the
    [[Page 58870]]
    environmental issues listed below for analysis in the Rocky Flats 
    Plutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy EIS. This list is presented to 
    facilitate discussion concerning the scope of the EIS and is not 
    intended to exclude consideration of other pertinent issues that may be 
    suggested during the scoping period or to predetermine the scope of the 
    EIS. DOE invites comments on these and any other issues relevant to the 
    analysis in the EIS. The environmental issues identified by DOE are as 
        1. Public and Occupational Safety and Health: The potential 
    radiological and non-radiological impacts of the management 
    alternatives for the plutonium residues and scrub alloy, including 
    projected effects on workers and the public from routine operations and 
    potential accidents at the Rocky Flats Site, Savannah River Site, Los 
    Alamos National Laboratory, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 
    and along transportation routes from the Rocky Flats Site to the other 
        2. Environmental Media: Potential impacts on soil, water, and the 
        3. Sensitive Environmental Resources: Potential impacts on plants, 
    animals, and habitat, including impacts to flood plains, wetlands, and 
    threatened and endangered species and their habitat.
        4. Resource Consumption: Potential impacts from consumption of 
    natural resources and energy, including water, natural gas, and 
        5. Socioeconomic: Potential impacts on local communities, including 
    labor force employment and support services.
        6. Environmental Justice: Potential for disproportionately high and 
    adverse impacts of DOE activities on minority and low-income 
        7. Cultural Resources: Potential impacts on cultural resources, 
    such as historic, archaeological, scientific, or culturally important 
        8. Regulatory Compliance: The impacts of the alternatives on 
    compliance of the Rocky Flats Site, Savannah River Site, Los Alamos 
    National Laboratory, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with 
    applicable Federal and state laws and regulations.
        9. Cumulative Impacts: The impacts of these alternatives in 
    conjunction with other past, present and reasonably foreseeable future 
    actions regardless of agency (Federal or non-federal) or persons 
    undertaking such other actions.
        10. Potential Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of 
    Resources: The potential irreversible and irretrievable commitment of 
    resources that would be involved in each alternative.
        11. Non-Proliferation and International Plutonium-processing 
    Policy: The potential impacts to international policy regarding the 
    non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and processing of plutonium that 
    would be involved with the alternatives involving separation of 
        Related NEPA Documentation: Documents that have been or are being 
    prepared that may relate to the scope of the Rocky Flats Plutonium 
    Residues and Scrub Alloy EIS include the following:
        12. Solid Residue Treatment, Repackaging, and Storage Environmental 
    Assessment (DOE/EA-1120) and Finding of No Significant Impact, issued 
    April 1996. This Environmental Assessment addressed the stabilization 
    of the plutonium residue inventory currently at the Rocky Flats Site. 
    The actions being implemented based on the Environmental Assessment are 
    included in the No Action alternative of the Rocky Flats Plutonium 
    Residues and Scrub Alloy Environmental Impact Statement.
        13. Rocky Flats Site-wide Environmental Impact Statement Notice of 
    Intent (59 FR 40011, August 5, 1994). This Notice announced DOE's 
    intention to prepare a site-wide EIS for the Rocky Flats Environmental 
    Technology Site. In a Federal Register Notice dated July 17, 1996, DOE 
    deferred completion of the Site-wide EIS pending the completion of a 
    new cleanup agreement (since completed) with the Environmental 
    Protection Agency and the State of Colorado and decisions that may 
    result from issuance of the WM PEIS (see item 5, below).
        14. Interim Storage of Plutonium at the Rocky Flats Environmental 
    Technology Site Environmental Impact Statement Notice of Intent (61 FR 
    37247, July 17, 1996). This Notice announced DOE's intention to prepare 
    an environmental impact statement to evaluate the alternatives for 
    providing safe interim storage of approximately 10 metric tons of 
    plutonium at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site pending 
    implementation of decisions based on the Storage of Disposition of 
    Weapons--Usable Fissile Materials Programmatic EIS. Any plutonium that 
    would be separated through the treatment at Rocky Flats of residues and 
    scrub alloy would be stored in accordance with decisions that may 
    result from the analysis in the Interim Storage of Plutonium at the 
    Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site EIS, pending implementation 
    of decisions based on the Storage and Disposition of Weapons--Usable 
    Fissile Materials Programmatic EIS.
        15. Draft Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Disposal Phase Supplemental 
    Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0026-S2). This is the second 
    supplemental EIS for WIPP, a DOE research and development project that 
    is proposed for the disposal of transuranic wastes. The Department's 
    proposed action is to dispose of transuranic waste at the facility. The 
    Notice of Intent for the second supplemental EIS was issued on August 
    23, 1995 (60 FR 43779). The Rocky Flats plutonium residues (including 
    transportation to WIPP) are considered in the scope of the supplemental 
    EIS. The draft supplemental EIS is scheduled to be issued in late 1996 
    and the final supplemental EIS and Record of Decision are scheduled to 
    be issued in the Summer of 1997. The Rocky Flats Plutonium Residues and 
    Scrub Alloy EIS will be prepared in coordination with the WIPP 
    supplemental EIS.
        16. Draft Waste Management Programmatic Environmental Impact 
    Statement (WMPEIS) (DOE/EIS-0200-D, August 1995). The WMPEIS considers 
    alternative approaches for consolidating the management of the 
    Department of Energy's low-level, low-level mixed, hazardous, 
    transuranic, and high-level waste. Records of Decision based on the 
    WMPEIS are scheduled to be issued starting in 1997 and will be made by 
    waste type. The Rocky Flats Phutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy EIS will 
    be prepared in coordination with the WMPEIS and applicable records of 
    decision that may be issued before completion of this EIS.
        17. Draft Storage and Disposition of Weapons--Usable Fissile 
    Materials Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0229-D, 
    February 1996). This Programmatic EIS analyzes the potential 
    environmental impacts associated with approaches to storage and 
    disposition of the Department's weapons-usable fissile materials, 
    including plutonium. Under the No Action alternative, Rocky Flats 
    plutonium metals and oxides, including any plutonium metals or oxides 
    generated as part of plutonium residue treatment, would remain at Rocky 
    Flats. Under all other alternatives, stabilized weapons-usable Rocky 
    Flats material would be transferred to another DOE site. The treatment 
    alternatives discussed in this Notice of Intent that involve separation 
    of plutonium would generate weapons-usable plutonium metals and oxides 
    that would be stored and dispositioned according to decisions made 
    based on the Storage and Disposition of Weapons--Usable Fissile 
    Materials Programmatic EIS. The final Storage and Disposition of
    [[Page 58871]]
    Weapons--Usable Fissile Material Programmatic EIS is scheduled to be 
    issued in late 1996.
        18. Final Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Operation of 
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (DOE/EIS-0157, August 1992, the 
    ``LLNL Site-wide EIS''). This document analyzes the potential 
    environmental impacts of a proposed action to continue operation of 
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National 
    Laboratories, Livermore. The LLNL site-wide EIS also analyzes the 
    potential environmental impacts associated with a no-action alternative 
    involving continuing operations at FY 1992 funding levels without 
    further growth, an alternative to modify operations to reduce adverse 
    environmental impacts of operations or facilities, and a shutdown and 
    decommissioning alternative. The Record of Decision for the LLNL Site-
    wide EIS (58 FR 6268, January 27, 1993) announced that DOE had decided 
    to continue the operation of LLNL and Sandia National Laboratories, 
    Livermore, including near-term (within 5 to 10 years) proposed 
    projects. This action included current operations plus programmatic 
    enhancements and facility modifications required to support the 
    research and development missions established for the Laboratories by 
    Congress and the President. The alternatives to be analyzed in the 
    Rocky Flats Plutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy EIS that would involve 
    treatment of a portion of the Rocky Flats plutonium residues at LLNL 
    will represent activities beyond those considered in the LLNL Site-wide 
        19. Los Alamos National Laboratory Site-wide EIS Notice of Intent 
    (60 FR 92:25697-8, May 12, 1995). This notice announced DOE's intention 
    to prepare a Site-wide EIS to address operations and planned activities 
    at the Los Alamos National Laboratory foreseen in the next 5 to 10 
    years. DOE anticipates that this EIS will provide an analysis of all 
    activities at LANL and all DOE land management activities related to 
    operations at LANL. The draft LANL Site-wide EIS is scheduled to be 
    issued in mid-1997. The alternatives to be analyzed in the Rocky Flats 
    Plutonium Residues and Scrub Alloy EIS that would involve treatment of 
    a portion of the Rocky Flats plutonium residues at LANL will be 
    prepared in coordination with the analyses being performed for the LANL 
    Site-wide EIS.
        20. Plutonium Finishing Plant Stabilization Environmental Impact 
    Statement (DOE/EIS-0244, May 1996). This EIS addressed the potential 
    environmental impacts associated with alternative technological 
    processes at the Hanford Site for stabilizing plutonium-bearing 
    materials, including plutonium residues. In the Record of Decision for 
    this EIS (61 FR 36352, July 10, 1996), DOE decided that the plutonium 
    residues having a low plutonium content (less than 50 weight percent) 
    and meeting criteria established by DOE will be immobilized at the 
    Plutonium Finishing Plant through a cementation process and stored 
    pending disposal. This EIS provided the NEPA analyses required for 
    management of the plutonium residues currently stored at the Hanford 
        21. Interim Management of Nuclear Materials at the Savannah River 
    Site Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0220, the IMNM EIS). The 
    IMNM EIS addressed the potential environmental impacts associated with 
    alternatives that the Department could implement to stabilize a variety 
    of nuclear materials that are at the Savannah River Site for improved 
    safety or to convert them to another form to support the Department's 
    programs. This analysis also included an evaluation of the alternatives 
    for the treatment of approximately 1,000 kg of plutonium residues and 
    approximately 6 kg of scrub alloy (discussed in IMNM EIS Section 2.3.3, 
    ``Plutonium and Uranium Stored in Vaults''), some of which originated 
    at Rocky Flats Site and is currently in storage at the Savannah River 
    Site. Three Records of Decision have been issued for the IMNM EIS (60 
    FR 65300, December 19, 1995; 61 FR 6633, February 21, 1996; and 61 FR 
    48474, September 13, 1996), each covering different materials. The 
    decision regarding the plutonium residues and scrub alloy, specified in 
    the first Record of Decision, was to process these materials through 
    the canyon facilities to a form that meets the DOE storage criteria 
    (DOE-STD-3013-94) and to store the plutonium at the Savannah River 
        Issued in Washington, D.C. on this 15th day of November, 1996.
    Peter N. Brush,
    Acting Assistant Secretary, Environment, Safety and Health.
    [FR Doc. 96-29650 Filed 11-15-96; 12:52 pm]
    BILLING CODE 6450-01-P

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Notice of intent.
Document Number:
The public scoping period begins with the publication of this notice and will continue until December 19, 1996. Written comments postmarked by that date will be considered in preparation of the EIS. Comments postmarked after that date will be considered to the extent practicable.
58866-58871 (6 pages)
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