99-30211. Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21); Implementation of the Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 223 (Friday, November 19, 1999)]
    [Pages 63364-63371]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-30211]
    Federal Highway Administration
    [FHWA Docket No. FHWA-98-4370]
    Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21); 
    Implementation of the Transportation and Community and System 
    Preservation Pilot Program
    AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), DOT.
    ACTION: Notice; request for applications for Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 
    Transportation and Community and System Preservation grants; request 
    for FY 2001 TCSP research proposals; request for comments on program 
    implementation and research needs.
    SUMMARY: This document provides guidance on section 1221 of the 
    Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), which 
    established the Transportation and Community and System Preservation 
    Pilot (TCSP) Program. The TCSP provides funding for grants and research 
    to investigate and address the relationship between transportation and 
    community and system preservation. The States, local governments, 
    metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), tribal governments, and 
    other local and regional public agencies are eligible for discretionary 
    grants to plan and implement transportation strategies which improve 
    the efficiency of the transportation system, reduce environmental 
    impacts of transportation, reduce the need for costly future public 
    infrastructure investments, ensure efficient access to jobs, services 
    and centers of trade, and examine development patterns and identify 
    strategies to encourage private sector development patterns which 
    achieve these goals. FY 2001 is the third year of the TCSP program.
        The FHWA seeks requests for FY 2001 TCSP grants, recommendations 
    for FY 2001 TCSP research, and public comments from all interested 
    parties regarding implementation of the TCSP program and research 
    related to the program in FY 2001 and beyond.
    DATES: Applications for FY 2001 grants should be received in the 
    appropriate FHWA Division Office by January 31, 2000. Recommendations 
    for FY 2001 TCSP research activities also should be received in the 
    FHWA's Office of Planning and Environment by January 31, 2000. Comments 
    on program implementation, research needs, and priorities should be 
    received by the DOT Docket Clerk on or before January 31, 2000.
    ADDRESSES: Grant requests should be submitted to the FHWA's Division 
    Office in the State of the applicant. Division addresses and telephone 
    numbers are provided in an attachment to this notice. Research 
    recommendations should be submitted to the Office of Human Environment, 
    Planning and Environment, Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh 
    Street, SW., Washington, D.C. 20590.
        Your signed, written comments on program implementation should 
    refer to the docket number appearing at the top of this notice and you 
    should submit the comments to the Docket Clerk, U.S. DOT Dockets, Room 
    PL-401, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590-0001. All 
    comments received will be available for examination at the above 
    address between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., e.t., Monday through Friday, except 
    Federal holidays. Those desiring notification of receipt of comments 
    should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope or postcard.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Susan B. Petty, Office of Human 
    Environment, Planning and Environment, (HEPH), (202) 366-0106; or Mr. 
    S. Reid Alsop, Office of the Chief Counsel, (HCC-31), (202) 366-1371, 
    Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington D.C. 
    20590. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., e.t., Monday 
    through Friday, except Federal holidays.
    Electronic Access
        All comments received by the U.S. DOT Dockets, Room PL-401, are 
    available through the Docket Management System internet web site at: 
        An electronic copy of this document may be downloaded using a modem 
    and suitable communications software from the Government Printing 
    Office's Electronic Bulletin Board Service at (202) 512-1661. Internet 
    users may reach the Office of the Federal Register's home page at: 
    http://www.nara.gov/fedreg and the Government Printing Office's 
    database at: http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara. Information is also 
    available on the FHWA Web page at: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/
    programs.html or the TCSP web site at: http://tcsp-fhwa.volpe.dot.gov/.
        Section 1221 of the TEA-21 (Public Law 105-178, 112 Stat. 107 
    (1998)) established the TCSP. The Department of Transportation's 
    Strategic Plan (1997-2003) includes a series of goals related to 
    safety, mobility and access, economic growth and trade, enhancement of 
    communities and the natural environment, and national security. The 
    TCSP pilot program furthers each of these goals and provides funding 
    for grants and research to investigate and address the relationship 
    between transportation and community and system preservation. By 
    funding innovative activities at the neighborhood, local, metropolitan, 
    regional, and State levels, the program is intended to increase the 
    knowledge of the costs and benefits of different approaches to 
    integrating transportation investments, community preservation, land 
    development patterns, and environmental protection. It will enable 
    communities to investigate and address important relationships among 
    these many factors.
        The TCSP program offers the States, local governments, MPOs, tribal 
    governments, and other public agencies the opportunity to develop, 
    implement and evaluate current preservation practices and activities 
    that support these practices, as well as to develop new and innovative 
    approaches to meet the purposes of the TCSP grant program (see Section 
    II). Funding for the TCSP was authorized at $25 million per year for 
    FY's 2000 through 2003 by TEA-21. The Administration's FY 2000 budget 
    proposed increased funding for TCSP to $50 million as part of the 
    President's Livability Initiative. Under the Department of 
    Transportation and Related Appropriations Act, FY 2000, (Public Law 
    106-69, 113 Stat. 986 (1999)), the Congress authorized $25 million for 
    39 special projects and provided an additional $10 million to the TCSP 
    to fund FY 2000 applications. The FHWA received 292 grant proposals for 
    FY 2000 which are being reviewed. FY 2000 awards are planned to be made 
    in December 1999.
        This notice includes three sections: Section I--TCSP Program 
    [[Page 63365]]
    Section II--Requests for FY 2001 TCSP Grants; and Section III--
    Recommendations for FY 2001 TCSP Research.
    Section I: TCSP Program Information
        The TCSP provides funding for grants and research to investigate 
    and address the relationship between transportation and community and 
    system preservation. States, local governments, tribal governments, and 
    MPOs are eligible for discretionary grants to plan and implement 
    strategies which improve the efficiency of the transportation system, 
    reduce environmental impacts of transportation, reduce the need for 
    costly future public infrastructure investments, ensure efficient 
    access to jobs, services and centers of trade, and examine development 
    patterns and identify strategies to encourage private sector 
    development patterns which achieve these goals. Through the TCSP, 
    States, local governments, and MPOs implement and evaluate current 
    preservation practices and activities that support these practices, as 
    well as develop new and innovative approaches. FY 2001 is the third 
    year of the TCSP program.
        The TCSP supports the Administration's high priority goals to 
    encourage the development of livable communities. Within the context of 
    livable communities, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the 
    transportation sector is one focus for the TCSP.
        Section 1221 of TEA-21 identifies five purposes for TCSP projects. 
    The purposes are broad and include transportation efficiency, 
    environment, access to jobs, services, and centers of trade, efficient 
    use of existing infrastructure, and land development patterns. A key 
    element of TCSP is exploring the link between transportation and land 
    development patterns. The FHWA is looking for innovative approaches to 
    test and evaluate the effectiveness of integrating land use planning 
    and transportation planning to meet the purposes of TCSP.
        The TCSP is a small pilot program developing and testing new 
    strategies for use by State and local agencies nationwide in their 
    ongoing transportation programs. Funding in TCSP is not intended to 
    implement community preservation practices nationwide, but to plan, 
    implement, and test new approaches meeting the TCSP program goals. As a 
    pilot program, the TCSP provides the opportunity for agencies to 
    support and encourage non-traditional approaches, and for communities 
    to exchange experiences on new transportation and community 
    preservation strategies.
    Evaluation and Results
        Evaluation, a key component of the TCSP, requires projects to 
    identify the expected results of the project activities, and apply 
    objective measures to and measure their outcomes and results. This is 
    critical to the success of the pilot program. Only through evaluation, 
    with descriptions of expectations and documentation of results, will 
    other communities be able to learn from the projects and apply the 
    lessons learned. Clearly, stating the project's objectives and 
    activities and anticipated results are important for successful 
    proposals, as are demonstration of how results will be measured, and 
    how evaluation information will be made available to a national 
    audience (e.g., through reports, web-sites, new models, etc.). In 
    addition, successful proposals should include a schedule of the 
    project's major milestones for undertaking completing the project, and 
    conducting project evaluation.
        The TCSP encourages public and private participation in proposed 
    projects. In addition, TCSP encourages including non-traditional 
    partners on the project team. The type and scope of the project will 
    determine the best mix of partners and whether these should include 
    members of the general public, as well as environmental, community, 
    business, and other groups. The roles and functions of the partners 
    should also be explained.
    FY 2000 TCSP Program
        In response to the May 10, 1999, Federal Register notice (64 FR 
    25098-25114) requesting applications for TCSP funding, the FHWA 
    received 292 applications from 48 States and the District of Columbia 
    for $151 million. A complete list of the applicants is available on the 
    TSCP web site: http://tcsp-fhwa.volpe.dot.gov/. Under the FY 2000 DOT 
    Appropriations Act, Congress authorized $25 million for 39 special 
    projects and provided an additional $10 million to the TCSP. The FHWA 
    received 292 grant proposals for FY 2000. These proposals are being 
    reviewed and awards are planned to be made in December 1999.
    TCSP Resource Working Group
        The DOT established the TCSP in cooperation with other Federal 
    agencies, State, regional, and local governments. The FHWA is 
    administering the program and established a working group to assist 
    with program direction. Representatives from the Federal Transit 
    Administration (FTA), the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), the 
    Research and Special Programs Administration/Volpe Center (RSPA), the 
    Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST), the Environmental 
    Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Housing and Urban 
    Development (HUD) are essential partners in this effort.
    Summary of Comments to the Docket
        The May 10, 1999, Federal Register notice requested comments on the 
    TCSP program implementation in FY 2000 and beyond. The complete docket 
    may be viewed at the locations provided under the captions ADDRESSES 
    and Electronic Access in the preamble. The following organizations 
    submitted comments to the docket (FHWA-98-4370): a combined letter on 
    behalf of the Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming State 
    Transportation Departments and a letter from the State of California 
    Department of Transportation. The most significant comments are 
    summarized below.
        1. Define the role of State and local agencies in the application 
        Comment: Several States recommend that regional and local 
    government applicants pass applications through the appropriate State 
    DOT or MPO for endorsement and approval to ensure that the proposals 
    meet the needs identified in existing plans and to reduce the 
    possibility of duplication.
        Response: The FHWA continues to emphasize the importance of project 
    applicants coordinating with the appropriate State DOT or MPO. Such 
    coordination is indicative of well planned project proposals and 
    project partnerships. Applicants are encouraged to coordinate and form 
    partnerships with their State DOT and MPO. Applications to date have 
    shown such coordination.
        2. The TCSP program and funding applicants should be consistent 
    with and respect the State and MPO planning processes rather than 
    attempting to redesign the existing processes.
        Comment: The TCSP proposals should be consistent with and supported 
    by statewide and metropolitan planning processes. The commenters 
    expressed concern that the TCSP pilot could circumvent the
    [[Page 63366]]
    existing planning processes and proposed that the FHWA should require 
    all applicants to include written confirmation or endorsement from the 
    applicable State or MPO.
        Response: The FHWA's commitment to the transportation planning 
    process is established by the Intermodal Surface Transportation 
    Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) (Public Law 102-240, 105 Stat. 1914 
    (1991)) and the TEA-21. As elaborated under Section II below, the TCSP 
    is committed to enhancing the existing planning processes--not to 
    weakening them.
    Section II: Request for FY 2001 TCSP Grants
        The grants funded under the TCSP program will develop, implement, 
    and evaluate transportation strategies supporting transportation and 
    community and system preservation practices which incorporate 
    beneficial short-and long-term environmental, economic, and social 
    equity effects to help build livable communities.
    Application Process
        Applicants are to submit a 15-page application using the format 
    identified under Attachment I to this notice. The FHWA and a multi-
    agency technical review panel will review the applications before 
    making recommendations to the Federal Highway Administrator and the 
    USDOT Secretary for final approval.
    Funds Availability
        Applicants should recognize that the TCSP has limited funding with 
    a high application volume and should develop their budgets accordingly. 
    In FY 1999, several applicants received less funding than requested 
    which caused them to reevaluate and redefine their project's scope. The 
    FHWA sees this as a reality based on the program applicants' funding 
    requests as related to the funds available.
        It is appropriate for applicants to request TCSP support for a 
    smaller innovative portion of a larger project which can be funded 
    under other transportation funding. This may also help increase the 
    local matching share committed to the project, a factor in project 
    selection. In addition, leveraging other Federal funds (e.g., EPA, HUD, 
    or other highway and transit funding) as part of a larger project will 
    also demonstrate local commitment to the project.
        Grants may be spent over a period of up to two years, but no 
    commitment can be made for subsequent years of grant awards. Thus, 
    phased projects should stand alone and be capable of being implemented 
    and producing results in each phase.
    Eligible Recipients
        State agencies, MPOs, tribal governments, and units of local 
    governments recognized by a State are eligible recipients of TCSP grant 
    funds. This includes towns, cities, public transit agencies, air 
    resources boards, school boards, and park districts, but not 
    neighborhood groups or developers. While non-governmental organizations 
    are not eligible to receive TCSP funds under section 1221 of TEA-21, 
    these organizations are encouraged to form partnerships with an 
    eligible recipient as the project sponsor.
        States or MPOs may be both a project sponsor and endorse other 
    activities proposed and submitted by a local government within its 
    boundary. A State or MPO may consider packaging related activities for 
    submittal as one larger grant request in coordination with the 
    respective project applicants.
    Grant Program Purposes
        Activities funded under TCSP should address and integrate each of 
    the purposes of the program listed below. Priority will be given to 
    those proposals which most clearly and comprehensively meet and 
    integrate the purposes and are most likely to produce successful 
    results. How well proposed projects achieve each of these purposes will 
    be a principal criterion in selecting proposals for funding. Applicants 
    should develop proposals that specifically address these purposes. 
    Grant proposals should address how proposed activities will meet and 
    integrate all of the following:
    1. Improve the Efficiency of the Transportation System
        Proposals for TCSP activities should identify, develop, and 
    evaluate new strategies and measures of transportation efficiency that 
    are based on maximizing the use of existing community infrastructure, 
    such as, highways, railroads, transit systems and the built 
    environment. Proposals should address the transportation system as a 
    whole rather than focusing on one mode of transportation. This may 
    include for example, improving the integration of various modes of 
    travel, such as, highway, transit, pedestrian, bicycling, and rail or 
    improving the efficiency of port, rail and highway connections for 
    freight and jobs. Performance measures should include a focus on 
    movement of people and goods and access rather than movement of 
    automobiles, and on services provided rather than vehicle miles 
    2. Reduce the Impacts of Transportation on the Environment
        Proposals for TCSP activities should explore the long-term direct 
    and indirect social, economic, and environmental impacts of 
    transportation investments on the natural and built environment. 
    Consideration of environmental factors should not be limited to air 
    quality but should also address, if appropriate, ecosystems, habitat 
    fragmentation, water quality, as well as community and cultural issues 
    such as disadvantaged populations and environmental justice. 
    Performance measures should relate the results of TCSP activities to 
    the larger community, regional environment, and the transportation 
    3. Reduce the Need for Costly Future Public Infrastructure
        Proposals for TCSP activities should describe how they will reduce 
    the need for costly future public infrastructure investment or create 
    tools and techniques to measure these savings over the life cycle of 
    the activities. Performance measures should include projected life 
    cycle savings obtained through avoiding future investments or 
    4. Ensure Efficient Access to Jobs, Services and Centers of Trade
        Proposals for TCSP activities should clearly demonstrate how they 
    improve efficient, affordable access to jobs, services, and centers of 
    trade and address benefits for disadvantaged populations. This could 
    also include the use of new technologies that increase access for 
    people and businesses while reducing the need to travel. Performance 
    measures should include improved access to jobs and services, and 
    improved freight movements.
    5. Encourage Private Sector Development Patterns
        Proposals for TCSP activities should identify and test effective 
    strategies to encourage private sector investments that result in land 
    development patterns that help meet the goals of this pilot program. 
    Effectively linking land use and transportation is a key feature of 
    TCSP. Performance measures should demonstrate and permit monitoring of 
    changes in development patterns and private sector investment trends or 
    opportunities resulting from TCSP-related activities.
    [[Page 63367]]
    Grant Priorities
        In addition to meeting the purposes of the TCSP as discussed above, 
    grant applications are evaluated on the following factors:
    1. A Demonstrated Commitment of Non-Federal Resources
        Although matching funds are not required, priority will be given to 
    projects which leverage non-Federal funds and take advantage of in-kind 
    contributions, such as, maintenance agreements, land donations, and 
    volunteer time. The contribution of local funds and resources for a 
    project demonstrates local commitment to a project and indicates the 
    likelihood that it will be fully implemented. In addition to non-
    Federal funds, applicants are encouraged to pursue other Federal 
    resources to support Livability Initiatives such as Transportation 
    Enhancement, Congestion Management and Air Quality funds, as well as 
    HUD, EPA, DOI, and other programs. A description of the President's 
    Livability Initiative can be found on the White House Web site:
    2. An Evaluation Component
        The plan to evaluate the project's objectives and outcomes is a key 
    element of the grant proposal. The evaluation plan should include 
    goals, expected outcomes, measures, evaluation methodologies, major 
    evaluation milestones and deliverables for the project. See the 
    discussion on Evaluation in this section.
    3. An Equitable Distribution of Grants With Respect to a Diversity of 
        The FHWA will ensure the equitable geographic and demographic 
    distribution of funds. Applicants should identify and describe who will 
    be served by the project.
    4. Demonstrated Commitment to Public and Private Involvement Including 
    the Participation of Non-Traditional Partners in the Project Team
        Such partners might include public utility operators, social 
    services agencies, community groups, environmental organizations, non-
    profit organizations, public health agencies, private land development 
    organizations, and real estate investors. The TCSP also envisions non-
    traditional partners as active players on the project team who help 
    develop the project's assumptions and scenarios. In the proposal, 
    applicants should describe the roles and commitments of all their 
    Applicant Category
        The TCSP was intended to support localities which have already 
    begun preservation practices and to encourage those areas just starting 
    these practices. The legislation referred to the types of grants being 
    requested as implementation grants and planning grants respectively. To 
    clarify these terms, the following definitions will be used: (a) those 
    just beginning to start community preservation practices--initial 
    stage, or (b) those who have already initiated transportation related 
    community preservation programs and policies--advanced stage. The 
    latter category includes those who have coordinated with State and 
    locally adopted preservation and development plans; integrated 
    transportation and community and system preservation practices; 
    promoted investments in transportation infrastructure and 
    transportation activities that minimize adverse environmental impacts 
    and lower total life cycle costs; or encouraged private sector 
    investments and innovative strategies that address the purposes of the 
    TCSP program.
    Eligible Activities
        Activities eligible for TCSP funding include activities eligible 
    for Federal highway and transit funding (title 23, U.S.C., or chapter 
    53 of title 49, U.S.C.) or other activities determined by the Secretary 
    to be appropriate. This allows a broad range of transportation 
    activities to be funded. Grants will be awarded for new and innovative 
    transportation activities meeting the purposes of the TCSP program, but 
    remain unfunded under the current Federal-aid program.
    Strategic Priorities
        Grants will be awarded for activities which meet the purposes of 
    the program described above and are innovative and can be replicated by 
    others. The goal of the TCSP is to develop a broad range of strategies 
    for urban, suburban, and rural communities which help promote liveable 
    communities through transportation investments and operations. The 
    legislative language that created TCSP is general and provides States, 
    MPOs, tribal governments, and local agencies flexibility to create 
    innovative approaches to address the goals. As the program evolves, the 
    FHWA will use individual project evaluations conducted by grantees, the 
    results of research, and overall program evaluation to determine the 
    strategic priorities for TCSP. Therefore, rather than setting specific 
    strategic priorities, the FHWA is providing information about 
    previously funded projects with suggestions to prospective applicants 
    of FHWA's interest areas. The FHWA continues to seek additional 
    strategies that are innovative and can be replicated by others.
        Applicants should highlight innovative and unique aspects of their 
    proposals, and how the results of their proposal will further the 
    purposes of the TCSP. Applicants also should not seek to duplicate 
    previously funded activities unless there is a significant change in 
    the scope, application, or results of the strategy.
        The FHWA is also interested in proposals which measure the results 
    and broad impacts on communities of current preservation practices 
    including urban growth boundaries, infill development, and land use 
    changes. Other areas that may be considered include integrating 
    community health and safety goals with transportation to promote 
    livable communities; planning or implementing regional and local 
    strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions; using technology and 
    communications that provide people and businesses with improved access 
    to goods and services to promote livable communities; and enhancing 
    intermodal and freight access to promote economic growth and access to 
    jobs in communities.
        The FHWA is particularly interested in supporting projects that are 
    ready to begin and have plans to collect and document results that can 
    be shared with others quickly and successfully. The proposal should 
    highlight when the proposal would be initiated and when results are 
        Every proposal funded under the grant program should include a 
    description of the applicant's plans for monitoring, evaluating, and 
    analyzing the project and provide the results of the analysis to the 
    FHWA. This information is necessary to provide an opportunity for the 
    DOT, States, MPOs, and local governments to learn more about the 
    practical implications of integrating land development, transportation, 
    and environmental decisionmaking--what works and what doesn't and why 
    for each project. The grant request may include funding for travel for 
    one representative to attend two national workshops to present the 
    plans, status, and results of the project.
        The measures used to evaluate project results should be based on 
    the goals and objectives of the project. In addition to individual 
    project evaluations, an overall program evaluation will be conducted by 
    the FHWA under the
    [[Page 63368]]
    research component of the program described in Section III of this 
        Developing measures to determine the results of the projects is 
    difficult and there is no general consensus on operative measures. A 
    resource guide on program evaluation for TCSP projects and other 
    related information, including references and case studies, are 
    available on the FHWA Web page (http://tcsp-fhwa.volpe.dot.gov). 
    Methods to measure and evaluate current and future performance may 
    include, for example:
        1. Quantitative assessments, such as, measurement of changes in 
    traffic flow and mode choice (e.g., increased pedestrian and bicycle 
    traffic), environmental impacts and reduced number of trips;
        2. Analytic procedures which forecast the current and future 
    impacts of projects, such as, travel demand, land development, or 
    economic forecasting; or
        3. Qualitative assessment, such as, interviews, surveys, changes in 
    local ordinances, or other anecdotal evidence.
    Relationship of the TCSP to the Transportation Planning Process
        The TCSP will complement, strengthen, and enhance the Statewide and 
    MPO planning process created by the ISTEA, and refined by the TEA-21. 
    This process promotes the ongoing, cooperative, and active involvement 
    of the public, transportation providers, public interest groups, and 
    State, metropolitan, and local government agencies in the development 
    of statewide and metropolitan transportation plans and improvement 
    programs (23 CFR part 450).
        Applicants should clearly demonstrate their coordination with State 
    and local planning agencies and the project's consistency with 
    appropriate statewide and metropolitan transportation planning 
    processes. To accomplish this, TCSP applicants should coordinate with 
    the appropriate State DOT or MPO to ensure their project is consistent 
    with and doesn't circumvent the planning processes. In addition, the 
    FHWA will post the list of FY 2001 applicants and project proposals on 
    its Web site as soon the information can be compiled.
        The DOT fully supports this planning process, which has brought 
    diverse constituencies and government agencies together, and views the 
    TCSP activities as a logical step in the continuing improvement of 
    transportation planning at the State and regional level. The TCSP can 
    help broaden the scope and impact of the planning process to better 
    integrate land development planning, environmental goals and 
    objectives, economic development, social equity considerations, and 
    other private sector activities. The integration of interest groups, 
    investors, and developers through partnering with government applicants 
    is a goal of the program. The TCSP activities also consider 
    incorporation of much longer planning horizons and consider the impacts 
    on future generations.
        Activities funded by this program may be used to test or implement 
    new, innovative planning methods and programs that significantly 
    enhance the existing statewide and MPO transportation planning 
    processes. The TCSP funds are intended to leverage new transportation 
    and community preservation initiatives rather than to fund the ongoing 
    planning activities of States and MPOs. In addition, activities should 
    encourage and improve public involvement in the overall planning 
    process, as well as in the individual project.
        Construction projects funded by the TCSP will ultimately be 
    included in an approved State or MPO Transportation Improvement Program 
    (TIP). The TCSP funds should not be requested for projects that have 
    already been scheduled for funding and are in the current State or MPO 
    TIP. Highway and transit projects which either use Federal funds or 
    require Federal approvals and are in air quality non-attainment or 
    maintenance areas should be included in an air quality conformity 
    analysis required as part of the transportation planning process. 
    Because TCSP projects may target improved air quality as part of their 
    broader goals, documentation of the beneficial air quality impacts of 
    the project is important.
        Non-construction activities funded by the TCSP, such as the 
    development of regional plans and policies, project evaluations, and 
    land development code changes, may not need to appear in a statewide or 
    MPO TIP, but should still have the support or endorsement of the State 
    or MPO. Planning activities funded by TCSP should be reflected in the 
    metropolitan area's Unified Planning Work Program. Non-construction 
    activities may result in changes to existing State and MPO plans and, 
    therefore, need coordination with other jurisdictions within a 
    metropolitan region or State.
    Schedule and Administrative Processes
        There are several options for the administration of grants under 
    TCSP. The FHWA has a financial management system with the State 
    Departments of Transportation and anticipates that most TCSP grants 
    will be channeled through this established process. However, if another 
    process such as a cooperative agreement or grant through another 
    eligible agency (e.g., a public transit agency) is preferred, the 
    applicant can work with the appropriate FHWA Division Office to develop 
    a different funding mechanism.
        Applicants must submit four (4) printed copies of their application 
    and a diskette with the application file to the appropriate FHWA 
    Division office by January 31, 2000. Questions about the grant program 
    should be directed to the FHWA's Division Office in the State in which 
    the applicant is located (Attachment II). The time line for FY 2001 
    TCSP activities follows:
                             TCSP FY 2001 Time Line
               TCSP milestones                          FY 2001
    Grant applications due to FHWA        January 31, 2000.
     Division Offices.
    Research project recommendations due  January 31, 2000.
     to FHWA.
    Research projects identified........  March 2000.
    Grant projects awarded..............  October 2000.
    Section III: Recommendations for FY 2001 TCSP Research
        The TCSP includes a comprehensive research program to investigate 
    the relationships between transportation, community preservation, and 
    the environment, and to investigate the role of the private sector in 
    shaping such relationships. The research program also includes 
    monitoring, evaluation, and analysis of projects carried out under the 
    grant program.
    [[Page 63369]]
    Program Evaluation and Outreach
        Program and project evaluation is an important part of the TCSP. To 
    meet the purposes of the pilot program and develop strategies and 
    methodologies for use by localities, measurable results and a means to 
    disseminate this information are needed. In addition to the evaluation 
    of each project conducted by the grantee, the FHWA will conduct an 
    overall program evaluation combining the results of the grants and the 
    research program to help set the strategic direction and future 
    priorities for the TCSP. An important measure for the success of TCSP 
    is the extent to which the results and best practices from the pilot 
    program are used effectively by government agencies, the private 
    sector, and others.
        Under the research component of TCSP, the FHWA will establish 
    outreach, technical assistance, and other means to share and implement 
    the results elsewhere. Current outreach plans include Federal Register 
    notices, grant workshops, the FHWA web site information, and 
    participation in other conferences and meetings.
    Research Program
        The goal of the research program is to build a knowledge base of 
    work in this field to enable State, regional and local government 
    agencies, the private sector, and neighborhood groups, through 
    transportation activities, to shape livable communities which meet 
    current and long-term environmental, social equity, and economic goals. 
    With coordination and input from its partners and stakeholders, the 
    FHWA will identify and initiate needed research to support the purposes 
    of the TCSP. The research program is integral to the TCSP and will 
    support and complement the activities conducted through planning and 
    implementation grants. Likewise, applied research activities that may 
    be a part of a grant activity could benefit the research program.
        The FHWA anticipates that most of the TCSP funds will be allocated 
    for grants and that limited funding will be available for the FHWA to 
    undertake research. In addition to FHWA conducted research under the 
    TCSP, the FHWA is soliciting research recommendations for FY 2001 which 
    may be conducted through cooperative agreements with organizations, 
    contract support, or through State, local, and MPO grants. The FHWA is 
    soliciting comments on the research needs to support the TCSP and will 
    initiate research to meet the identified needs.
        The FHWA requests research recommendations addressing the following 
    1. Evaluate Results of Current Community Preservation Practices
        Information is needed on the specific outcomes of current 
    statewide, regional, and local community preservation practices, such 
    as, green corridors, smart growth, urban growth boundaries, higher 
    density development, and land use controls to improve transportation 
    efficiency. Research should include both costs and benefits of these 
    initiatives and performance measures.
    2. Develop Needed Tools and Methodologies to Support Decision Makers
        Transportation-related tools and analytical techniques will be 
    enhanced to help support the State and local decision makers in taking 
    a longer term view and balancing economic, social equity, and 
    environmental goals.
        The following information must be included in each abstract for 
    research recommendations or statements of need. The recommendations for 
    initial consideration should be brief, no more than two pages. Follow 
    the outline below and use 12 point type.
    1. Title
    2. Agency/ or Organization
        Key Contacts
    3. Abstract: This should be a brief paragraph describing the research 
    needed, the expected results, and include justification of need and 
    4. Methodologies to be used
    5. Estimated Costs
    6. Potential Resources (expertise and financial)
        Selected activities will be requested to develop more detailed 
    proposals explanations.
    Attachment I--FY 2001 TCSP Grant Application Format
    Project Submission
        Four (4) printed copies of the application and a diskette with the 
    application file are due into the FHWA Division office in the 
    applicant's State by COB Monday, January 31, 2000.
        The application should be no more than 15 pages in length following 
    the format below. Each application must stand on its own. Do not submit 
    letters of support or additional supporting materials--except maps.
    Cover Sheet with Abstract (1 page)
    I. Project Information
        Project Title And Location:
        Key Contact:
        Amount Requested: $__________ Matching Funds/Services value: 
        This should be a very brief paragraph describing the project and 
    the expected results. Describe the scale of activity such as rural, 
    urban, statewide, etc. and provide information on the types of 
    populations affected by the project (i.e., size of population, 
    commuter, disadvantaged, minority, etc.).
    Sample Abstract
        Evaluate the existing buildings, transportation infrastructure, and 
    utilities and the development of a schematic campus master plan with 
    capital costs, an implementation schedule, and funding strategies. Tool 
    Town will make more efficient use of existing transportation network 
    and other infrastructure and reuse land and the built environment, both 
    of which will curb additional regional sprawl. The effort will also 
    create jobs that can be filled by Dayton residents; support the long-
    term viability of tooling and machining in our region; help tooling and 
    machining industry compete globally; and retain these secure, high-
    paying jobs in the United States.
    II. Project Description
        Narrative: Briefly describe the project, the geographic scale of 
    the proposed activity (system, region, corridor, etc.), its expected 
    results in the short- and longer-term (20-40 years), and the 
    applicant's expectations or vision for the ultimate impact of the 
    III. Purpose and Criteria
        Objectives: Further describe the project and its objectives. Relate 
    how it furthers and integrates each of the following purposes of the 
    TCSP program:
        1. Improve the efficiency of the transportation system;
        2. Reduce the impacts of transportation on the environment;
        3. Reduce the need for costly future investments in public 
        4. Ensure efficient access to jobs, services, and centers of trade; 
        5. Examine development patterns and identify strategies to 
    encourage private sector development patterns which achieve the goals 
    of the TCSP.
    IV. Applicant Category
        Applicants should identify if their agency: (a) Is just beginning 
    [[Page 63370]]
    preservation practices--initial stage, or (b) has implemented community 
    preservation practices--advanced stage. Applicants in the later 
    category should provide brief information on established community 
    preservation practices within their community or jurisdiction.
    V. Coordination
        Indicate how the appropriate MPO or State Department of 
    Transportation coordination has been undertaken. Identify how the 
    project activities are consistent with the State or MPO planning 
    VI. Partners
        List, and briefly describe if necessary, the agencies, 
    organizations, and companies participating in the activities or on the 
    project team. Describe the role and functions of the non-traditional 
    partners participating on the project team. Describe plans for 
    involvement or education of the private and public sector.
    VII. Schedule
        Provide a schedule to complete the major steps or milestones in the 
    project. Include dates of major milestones for project activities, the 
    evaluation, and when written reports of the project activities will be 
    VIII. Budget and Resources
        Include a list all funding, both Federal and non-Federal, and in-
    kind resources for the project. Priority is given to proposals that 
    demonstrate a commitment of non-Federal resources. Proposals should 
    clearly describe use of in-kind and direct funding contributions and 
    distinguish contributions that are made directly for the proposed 
    projects from those made for other related activities.
        The budget should include a list of the major costs by category for 
    the project. This could include, for example, personnel costs, travel, 
    services, project evaluation including any contract services, etc. The 
    budget should also show how the TCSP funds and other matching funds are 
    used for these activities. The budget may include the costs for travel 
    for one representative of the project team to participate and present 
    the status and results of the project at two national conferences.
    IX. Project Evaluation Plan
        The FHWA has developed guidance on preparing evaluation plans for 
    TCSP. This will assist applicants prepare and summarize their 
    preliminary plans to evaluate the activity, including goals and 
    objectives and evaluation methodologies, including means of monitoring, 
    indicators and measures of performance, and plans for reporting 
    results. Within the limits of space allowed for the proposal, 
    applicants should provide initial ideas on evaluation approaches, which 
    can be expanded and formalized in more complete evaluation plans after 
    awards are made. Copies of this guidance and other related materials on 
    evaluation can be found on the FHWA TCSP website (http://
    www.fhwa.dot.gov/program.html) or from the FHWA's Division office in 
    the applicant's State (see Attachment II):
    Submission Format
        Because the FHWA will make copies of the grant proposals for the 
    review process, all requests should be in a similar format:
    General Information:
        Page Size: 8\1/2\'' x 11'' (including maps).
        12 point font, single sided.
        Clip the top left corner--no binding or staples.
        Maps should be reproducible in black and white.
        Include on each page of your submission the project title and page 
    File format for additional electronic submission:
        Electronic Format: WordPerfect version 6/7/8 or Word version 97 or 
    earlier on a 3\1/2\ inch floppy disk labeled with the project title and 
        No watermarks, embedded text, or graphics.
                      Attachment II.--FHWA Division Offices
                State                     FHWA address, phone number
    Alabama.....................  500 Eastern Boulevard, Suite 200,
                                   Montgomery, AL 36117-2018, 334-223-7370.
    Alaska......................  P.O. Box 21648, Juneau, AK 99802-1648, 907-
    Arizona.....................  234 N. Central Avenue, Suite 330, Phoenix,
                                   AZ 85004, 602-379-3916.
    Arkansas....................  Federal Office Building, 700 West Capitol
                                   Avenue, Room 3130, Little Rock, AR 72201-
                                   3298, 501-324-5625.
    California..................  980 9th Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA
                                   95814-2724, 916-498-5015.
    Colorado....................  555 Zang Street, Room 250, Lakewood, CO
                                   80228-1097, 303-969-6730, Ext. 371.
    Connecticut.................  628-2 Hebron Avenue, Suite 303,
                                   Glastonbury, CT 06033-5007, 860-659-6703,
                                   Ext. 3008.
    Delaware....................  300 South New Street, Room 2101, Dover, DE
                                   19904-6726, 302-734-3819.
    DC..........................  555 Union Center Plaza, 820 First Street,
                                   N.E., Suite 750, Washington, DC 20002,
    Florida.....................  227 North Bronough Street, Room 2015,
                                   Tallahassee, FL 32301, 850-942-9586.
    Georgia.....................  61 Forsyth St., SW, 17th Floor, Suite
                                   17T100, Atlanta, GA 30303-3104, 404-562-
    Hawaii......................  300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Suite 3202, Box
                                   50206, Honolulu, HI 96850, 808-541-2531.
    Idaho.......................  3050 Lakeharbor Lane, Suite 126, Boise
                                   83703, 208-334-9180, Ext. 119.
    Illinois....................  3250 Executive Park Drive, Springfield, IL
                                   62703-4514, 217-492-4641.
    Indiana.....................  Federal Office Building, Room 254, 575
                                   North Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis,
                                   IN 46204-1576, 317-226-7475.
    Iowa........................  105 6th Street, P.O. Box 627, Ames, IA
                                   50010-6337, 515-233-7302.
    Kansas......................  3300 South Topeka Blvd., Suite 1, Topeka,
                                   KS 66611-2237, 785-267-7281.
    Kentucky....................  John C. Watts Federal Building and U.S.
                                   Courthouse, 330 West Broadway Street,
                                   P.O. Box 536, Frankfort, KY 40602, 502-
    Louisiana...................  Federal Building, Room 255, 750 Florida
                                   St., Room 255, P.O. Box 3929, Baton
                                   Rouge, LA 70801, 225-389-0245.
    Maine.......................  Edmund S. Muskie Federal Building, 40
                                   Western Avenue, Room 614, Augusta, ME
                                   04330, 207-622-8487, Ext. 20.
    Maryland....................  The Rotunda, Suite 220, 711 West 40th
                                   Street, Baltimore 21211-2187, 410-962-
                                   4342, Ext. 124.
    Massachusetts...............  Transportation Systems Center, 55
                                   Broadway, 10th Floor, Cambridge 02142,
    Michigan....................  Federal Building, Room 207, 315 West
                                   Allegan Street, Lansing, MI 48933, 517-
    Minnesota...................  Galtier Plaza, Box 75, 175 East Fifth
                                   Street, Suite 500, St. Paul, MN 55101-
                                   2904, 651-291-6105.
    Mississippi.................  666 North Street, Suite 105, Jackson 39202-
                                   3199, 601-965-4223.
    Missouri....................  209 Adams Street, Jefferson City 65101,
    Montana.....................  2880 Skyway Drive, Helena, MT 59602, 406-
                                   449-5303, Ext. 236.
    Nebraska....................  Federal Building, Room 220, 100 Centennial
                                   Mall North, Lincoln, NE 68508-3851, 402-
    Nevada......................  705 North Plaza Street, Suite 220, Carson
                                   City, NV 89701-0602, 775-687-5321.
    [[Page 63371]]
    New Hampshire...............  279 Pleasant Street, Room 204, Concord, NH
                                   03301-2509, 603-225-1606.
    New Jersey..................  840 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 310, West
                                   Trenton, NJ 08628-1019, 609-637-4200.
    New Mexico..................  604 W. San Mateo Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505,
    New York....................  Leo W. O'Brien Federal Building, Clinton
                                   Avenue & North Pearl Street, 9th Floor,
                                   Albany, NY 12207, 518-431-4131.
    North Carolina..............  310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 410, Raleigh,
                                   NC 27601, 919-856-4347.
    North Dakota................  1471 Interstate Loop, Bismark, ND 58501-
                                   0567, 701-250-4347.
    Ohio........................  200 North High Street, Room 328, Columbus,
                                   OH 43215, 614-280-6896.
    Oklahoma....................  300 N. Meridian, Suite 105 S, Oklahoma
                                   City, OK 73107-6560. 405-605-6174.
    Oregon......................  The Equitable Center, Suite 100, 530
                                   Center St., N.E., Salem, OR 97301, 503-
    Pennsylvania................  228 Walnut Street, Room 558, Harrisburg
                                   17101-1720, 717-221-4585.
    Puerto Rico.................  Federico Degetau Federal Building and U.S.
                                   Courthouse, Carlos Chardon St., Rm 329,
                                   San Juan, PR 00918-1755, 787-766-5600,
                                   Ext. 230.
    Rhode Island................  380 Westminster Mall, Fifth Floor,
                                   Providence, RI 02903, 401-528-4560.
    South Carolina..............  Strom Thurmond Federal Building, 1835
                                   Assembly Street, Suite 758, Columbia, SC
                                   29201, 803-765-5282.
    South Dakota................  The Sibley Building, 116 East Dakota
                                   Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501-3110, 605-224-
                                   7326, Ext. 3043.
    Tennessee...................  249 Cumberland Bend Drive, Nashville, TN
                                   37228, 615-736-5394.
    Texas.......................  Federal Office Building, Room 826, 300
                                   East Eighth Street, Austin, TX 78701, 512-
    Utah........................  2520 W. 4700 South, Suite 9A, Salt Lake
                                   City, UT 84118, 801-963-0182.
    Vermont.....................  Federal Building, 87 State St., P.O. Box
                                   568, Montpelier 05601, 802-828-4433.
    Virginia....................  The Dale Building, Suite 205, 1504 Santa
                                   Rosa Road, Richmond 23229, 804-281-5103.
    Washington..................  Suite 501, Evergreen Plaza, 711 South
                                   Capitol Way, Olympia, WA 98501, 360-753-
    West Virginia...............  Geary Plaza, Suite 200, 700 Washington
                                   Street. E, Charleston, WV 25301-1604, 304-
    Wisconsin...................  Highpoint Office Park, 567 D'Onofrio
                                   Drive, Madison, WI 53719-2814, 608-829-
    Wyoming.....................  1916 Evans Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82001-
                                   3764, 307-772-2004, Ext. 41.
                          FHWA/FTA Metropolitan Offices
               Office               Address, facsimile number, phone number
    New York....................  6 World Trade Center, Room 320, New York,
                                   NY 10048, FAX: 212-466-1939, 212-668-
                                  26 Federal Plaza, Suite 2940, New York, NY
                                   10278-0194, FAX 212-264-8973, 212-668-
    Philadelphia................  1760 Market St., Suite 510, Philadelphia,
                                   Pa 19103, 215-656-7070, FAX: 215-656-
                                   7260, 215-656-7111.
    Chicago.....................  200 West Adams, Room 2410, Chicago, IL
                                   60606, 312-886-1616, FAX 312-886-0351,
    Los Angeles.................  201 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 1460, Los
                                   Angeles, CA 90012; 213-202-3950; FAX: 213-
        Authority: 23 U.S.C. 315; sec. 1221, Pub. L. 105-178, 112 Stat. 
    107, 221 (1998); 49 CFR 1.48.
        Issued on: November 10, 1999.
    Kenneth R. Wykle,
    Federal Highway Administrator.
    [FR Doc. 99-30211 Filed 11-18-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-22-P

Document Information

Federal Highway Administration
Entry Type:
Notice; request for applications for Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 Transportation and Community and System Preservation grants; request for FY 2001 TCSP research proposals; request for comments on program implementation and research needs.
Document Number:
Applications for FY 2001 grants should be received in the appropriate FHWA Division Office by January 31, 2000. Recommendations for FY 2001 TCSP research activities also should be received in the FHWA's Office of Planning and Environment by January 31, 2000. Comments on program implementation, research needs, and priorities should be received by the DOT Docket Clerk on or before January 31, 2000.
63364-63371 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FHWA Docket No. FHWA-98-4370
PDF File: