95-27077. Training of Lessee and Contractor Employees Engaged in Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 212 (Thursday, November 2, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 55683-55691]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-27077]
    Minerals Management Service
    30 CFR Part 250
    RIN 1010-AB99
    Training of Lessee and Contractor Employees Engaged in Oil and 
    Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
    AGENCY: Minerals Management Service (MMS), Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: This proposed rule would amend MMS regulations governing the 
    training of lessee and contractor employees engaged in oil and gas and 
    sulphur operations in the OCS. MMS is amending these regulations to 
    simplify the training options, to provide the flexibility to use 
    alternative training methods, and to provide the option to allow third 
    parties to certify schools.
    DATES: MMS will consider all comments we receive by January 31, 1996. 
    We will begin reviewing comments at that time and may not fully 
    consider comments we receive after January 31, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Mail or hand-carry comments to the Department of the 
    Interior; Minerals Management Service; Mail Stop 4700; 381 Elden 
    Street; Herndon, Virginia 22070-4817; Attention: Chief, Engineering and 
    Standards Branch.
    Jerry Richard, Information and Training Branch, telephone (703) 787-
    1582 or FAX (703) 787-1575.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 5, 1994, MMS published an advance 
    notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) concerning the training of lessee 
    and contractor employees engaged in drilling, well-completion, well-
    workover, well-servicing, or production operations in the OCS. The ANPR 
    suggested five options to improve the existing regulations at 30 CFR 
    Part 250, Subpart O, Training. The ANPR also encouraged the public to 
    suggest other viable options.
        During the comment period, which ended on October 19, 1994, MMS 
    held a workshop to provide a mechanism to exchange ideas about 
    improvements to subpart O. MMS announced the September 29, 1994, 
    workshop in the Federal Register on August 31, 1994.
        MMS received 33 comments from industry, support contractors, 
    training schools, and academia. Some comments favored a third-party 
    certification option and others favored the current system with minor 
    changes to be more flexible.
        MMS agrees that it should be more flexible in training options and 
    it should allow a third party to relive some of the burden to the 
    Government. After analyzing the comments received from the ANPR and the 
    workshop and after analyzing our future goals, MMS determined that it 
    needs to amend the existing training regulations.
        The revision would:
    --Streamline the current regulations by 80 percent
    --Provide flexibility to use alternative training methods
    --Provide the option for a third party to certify schools
        MMS is developing the criteria for approving third parties to 
    certify training schools and their programs. We plan to have the 
    criteria available for the 
    [[Page 55684]]
    final rule because we anticipate that this proposed rule will generate 
    interest from potential third parties.
        Once MMS begins shifting, to a third party, the burden of 
    certifying the numerous training schools and their frequent training 
    plan updates, the Federal Government will save resources. Although the 
    third party will probably charge each potential school a service fee, 
    MMS anticipates that market competition will make the fee nonminal. The 
    students may receive a slight tuition increase to absorb the fee. MMS 
    anticipates that any cost increase to industry may be offset by the 
    increased flexibility provided by this proposed rule.
        This rulemaking is the first step to change the way MMS regulates 
    worker qualifications and training. Our vision for the future of the 
    training program is for more of a partnership with industry by using a 
    performance-based system. Under a performance-based system, MMS would 
    shift the responsibility to industry for establishing training methods. 
    However, the training that employees receive would need to continue to 
    provide safety for personnel and the environment. MMS could appraise 
    the adequacy of industry's training through methods that could include 
    random inspections, tests or drills, and by analyzing accidents or near 
    accidents. MMS is just beginning to write performance-based regulations 
    and we would appreciate your comments on this subject.
        MMS is also considering opening up the option for industry to 
    integrate its training requirements into a safety and environmental 
    management plan (SEMP). You may know that the objective of the SEMP 
    program is to reduce the risk of accidents and pollution from OCS 
    operations by incorporating safety management practices into facility 
    management and procedures. Using a SEMP may provide an alternative 
    means to fulfill some of industry's regulatory obligations. Please send 
    us your ideas and comments on the future of using a SEMP.
        We hope that you find this proposed rule clear, and more user-
    oriented. MMS may conduct a workshop on this proposed training rule. We 
    will notify you under separate notice.
        Author: Sharon Buffington, Engineering and Standards Branch, 
    MMS, prepared this document.
    Executive Order (E.O.) 12866
        This proposed rule is not a significant rule under E.O. 12866.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of the Interior (DOI) determined that this proposed 
    rule will not have a significant effect on a substantial number of 
    small entities. In general, the entities that engage in offshore 
    activities are not considered small due to the technical and financial 
    resources and experience necessary to safely conduct such activities.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This proposed rule does not add any new collection requirements. 
    The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) previously approved the 
    collection requirements under OMB No. 1010-0078.
    Takings Implication Assessment
        The DOI determined that this proposed rule does not represent a 
    governmental action capable of interference with constitutionally 
    protected property rights. Thus, DOI does not need to prepare a Takings 
    Implication Assessment pursuant to E.O. 12630, Government Action and 
    Interference with Constitutionally Protected Property Rights.
    E.O. 12778
        The DOI certified to OMB that this proposed rule meets the 
    applicable civil justice reform standards provided in Sections 2(a) and 
    2(b)(2) of E.O. 12778.
    National Environmental Policy Act
        The DOI determined that this action does not constitute a major 
    Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human 
    environment; therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement is not 
    List of Subjects in 30 CFR Part 250
        Continental shelf, Environmental impact statements, Environmental 
    protection, Government contracts, Incorporation by reference, 
    Investigations, Mineral royalties, Oil and gas development and 
    production, Oil and gas exploration, Oil and gas reserves, Penalties, 
    Pipelines, Public lands--mineral resources, Public lands--rights-of-
    way, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sulphur development and 
    production, Sulphur exploration, Surety bonds.
        Dated: September 5, 1995.
    Bob Armstrong,
    Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management.
        For the reasons in the preamble, Minerals Management Service (MMS) 
    proposes to amend 30 CFR part 250 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 250 continues to read as 
        Authority: 43 U.S.C. 1334.
        2. Subpart O is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart O--Training
    250.209  Question index table.
    250.210  Definitions.
    250.211  What is MMS's goal for well-control and production safety 
    systems training?
    210.212  What type of training must I provide for my employees?
    250.213  What documentation must I provide to trainees?
    250.214  How often must I provide training to my employees and for 
    how many hours?
    250.215  Where must I get training for my employees?
    250.216  Where can I find training guidelines for other topics?
    250.217  Can I get an exception to the training requirements?
    250.218  Can my employees change job certification?
    250.219  What must I do if I have temporary employees or on-the-job 
    250.220  What must manufacturer's representatives in production 
    safety systems do?
    250.221  May I use alternative training methods?
    250.222  What is MMS looking for when it reviews an alternative 
    training program?
    250.223  Who may certify a training organization to teach?
    250.224  How long is a training organization's certification valid 
    250.225  What information must a training organization submit to MMS 
    (or an MMS-approved third party)?
    250.226  What additional requirements must a training organization 
    250.227  What are MMS's requirements for the written test?
    250.228  What are MMS's requirements for the hands-on simulator and 
    well test?
    250.229  What elements must a basic course cover?
    250.230  If MMS tests employees at my worksite, what must I do?
    250.231  If MMS tests trainees at a training organization's 
    facility, what must occur?
    250.232  Why might MMS conduct its own tests?
    Subpart O--Training
    Sec. 250.209  Question index table.
        (a) For your convenience in locating information, we grouped the 
    questions in table 250.209(b) as follows:
        (1) General training requirements--Secs. 250.211 through 250.216.
        (2) Departures from training requirements--Secs. 250.217 through 
    [[Page 55685]]
        (3) Training program certifications--Secs. 250.223 through 250.229.
        (4) MMS testing information--Secs. 250.230 through 250.232.
        (b) Table 250.209(b) is as follows:
                                Table 250.209(b)                            
    Definitions                       Sec.  250.210                         
    What is MMS's goal for well-      Sec.  250.211                         
     control and production safety                                          
     systems training?                                                      
    What type of training must I      Sec.  250.212                         
     provide for my employees?                                              
    What documentation must I         Sec.  250.213                         
     provide to trainees?                                                   
    How often must I provide          Sec.  250.214                         
     training to my employees and                                           
     for how many hours?                                                    
    Where must I get training for my  Sec.  250.215                         
    Where can I find training         Sec.  250.216                         
     guidelines for other topics?                                           
    Can I get an exception to the     Sec.  250.217                         
     training requirements?                                                 
    Can my employees change job       Sec.  250.218                         
    What must I do if I have          Sec.  250.219                         
     temporary employees or on-the-                                         
     job trainees?                                                          
    What must manufacturer's          Sec.  250.220                         
     representatives in production                                          
     safety systems do?                                                     
    May I use alternative training    Sec.  250.221                         
    What is MMS looking for when it   Sec.  250.222                         
     reviews an alternative training                                        
    Who may certify a training        Sec.  250.223                         
     organization to teach?                                                 
    How long is a training            Sec.  250.224                         
     organization's certification                                           
     valid for?                                                             
    What information must a training  Sec.  250.225                         
     organization submit to MMS (or                                         
     an MMS-approved third party)?                                          
    What additional requirements      Sec.  250.226                         
     must a training organization                                           
    What are MMS's requirements for   Sec.  250.227                         
     the written test?                                                      
    What are MMS's requirements for   Sec.  250.228                         
     the hands-on simulator and well                                        
    What elements must a basic        Sec.  250.229                         
     course cover?                                                          
    If MMS tests employees at my      Sec.  250.230                         
     worksite, what must I do?                                              
    If MMS tests trainees at a        Sec.  250.231                         
     training organization's                                                
     facility, what must occur?                                             
    Why might MMS conduct its own     Sec.  250.232                         
    Sec. 250.210  Definitions.
        Terms used in this subpart have the following meaning:
        Alternative training methods includes self-paced or team-based 
    training that may use a computer-based system such as compact disc 
    interactive (CDI), compact disc read only memory (CDROM), or Laser 
        Completed training means that the trainee successfully met MMS's 
    requirements for that training.
        Employees means direct employees and contract employees of lessees.
        Floorhands means rotary helpers, derrickmen, or their equivalent.
        I or you means the lessee or contractor engaged in oil, gas or 
    sulphur operations in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
        Installing includes installing and replacing the equipment.
        Lessee means the person, organization, agent or designee authorized 
    to explore, develop and produce leased deposits.
        Maintaining includes preventive maintenance, routine repair, and 
    replacing defective components.
        Operating includes testing, adjusting, calibrating, and recording 
    test and calibration results for the equipment.
        Production Safety Systems employees means employees engaged in 
    installing, repairing, testing, maintaining, or operating surface or 
    subsurface safety devices and the platform employee who is responsible 
    for production operations.
        Supervisors means the driller, toolpusher, operator's 
    representative, or their equivalent.
        Third-Third Certifier means a party that MMS has approved to 
    certify a training organization or training program.
        Training includes a basic or an advanced class in well-control for 
    drilling, well-completion/well-workover, well-servicing, and production 
    safety systems.
        Training organization means a party certified by MMS or an MMS-
    approved third-party certifier to teach well-control for drilling, 
    well-completion/well-workover, well-servicing, and production safety 
        Well-completion/well-workover (WO) well-control includes small 
        Well-servicing (WS) well-control includes snubbing and coil tubing.
        Well-workover rig means a drilling rig used for well completions.
    Sec. 250.211  What is MMS's goal for well-control and production safety 
    systems training?
        The goal is to ensure that employees who work in the following 
    areas receive training that results in safe and clean operations:
        (a) Drilling well-control;
        (b) WO well-control;
        (c) WS well-control; and
        (d) Production Safety Systems.
    Sec. 250.212  What type of training must I provide for my employees?
        You must provide training for your employees in accordance with the 
    following table:
            Type of employee             requirements          Comments     
    Drilling floorhand..............  Drilling well                         
                                      Complete a well     You must log the  
                                       control drill at    time it took to  
                                       the job site        complete the     
                                       within the time     drill in the     
                                       limit prescribed    driller's log and
                                       by company          furnish the time 
                                       operating           to the floorhand.
                                      Participate in      You must record   
                                       well control        the date and time
                                       drills under        it took to       
                                       subpart D of this   complete each    
                                       part.\2\            drill in the     
                                                           driller's log.   
                                      Receive copy of a                     
                                       drilling well                        
    Drilling supervisor.............  Drilling well                         
                                      Qualify to direct                     
                                       well control                         
    WO floorhands...................  WO well control                       
                                      Complete the        You must record   
                                       qualifying          the date and time
                                       testing             it took to       
                                       consisting of a     complete each    
                                       well control        drill in the     
                                       drill at the job    operations log.  
                                       site within the                      
                                       time limit set by                    
                                      Participate in                        
                                       weekly well                          
                                       control drills                       
                                       under subparts E                     
                                       and F of this                        
                                      Receive a well                        
    WO supervisors..................  WO well control                       
                                      Qualify to direct                     
                                       well control                         
    WS work crews...................  At least one crew   Trained employee  
                                       member is trained   must be in work  
                                       in WS well          area at all time 
                                       control.\1\         during snubbing  
                                                           or coil tubing   
    [[Page 55686]]
                                      At least one crew                     
                                       member must be                       
                                       qualified to                         
                                       direct well                          
    Production safety systems         Must complete                         
     employees.                        training that                        
                                       enables them to                      
                                       install, test,                       
                                       maintain, &                          
                                       surface safety                       
    Employees who work in well        Either WO well                        
     completion operations before or   control course or                    
     during tree installation.         drilling well                        
    \1\ Employee may not work in the OCS unless this requirement is met.    
    \2\ Employee must complete this requirement before exceeding six months 
      of cumulative employment.                                             
    Sec. 250.213  What documentation must I provide to trainees?
        You must give your employees documents that show they have 
    completed the training courses required for their job. The employee 
    must either carry the documents or keep them at the job site.
    Sec. 250.214  How often must I provide training to my employees for how 
    many hours?
        (a) You must ensure that applicable employees complete basic or 
    advanced well-control training at least every 2 years. For example, if 
    your employee completed a well control course on May 31, 1996, they 
    must again complete training by May 31, 1998.
        (b) You must ensure that applicable employees complete basic or 
    advance production safety systems training at least every 3 years. For 
    example, if your employee completes production safety systems training 
    on May 31, 1996, they must again complete the training by May 31, 1999.
        (c) You must ensure that your employees have at least the following 
    amount of training:
                                                 Surface   Subsea      No   
                                                 option    option    options
               Basic/advanced course             minimum   minimum   minimum
                                                  hours     hours     hours 
    Drilling (D)..............................        28        32        --
    Well-Completion/Workover (WO).............        32        36        --
    Well-Serving (WS).........................        --        --        18
    Combination D/WO..........................        40        44        --
    Combination D/WS..........................        44        48        --
    Combination WO/WS.........................        48        52        --
    Combination D/WO/WS.......................        55        59        --
    Production Safety Systems.................        --        --        30
    \1\ The subsea option includes the minimum hours from the surface option
      plus four hours.                                                      
    Sec. 250.215  Where must I get training for my employees?
        You must provide training by a training organization or program 
    approved by MMS or by an MMS-approved third-party.
    Sec. 250.216  Where can I find training guidelines for other topics?
        You can find guidelines in the subparts of this part listed in the 
    following table:
                       Topic                         Subpart of part 250    
    Pollution control..........................  C                          
    Crane operations...........................  A                          
    Welding and burning........................  D                          
    Hydrogen sulfide...........................  D                          
    Sec. 250.217  Can I get an exception to the training requirements?
        MMS may grant an exception to well-control or production safety 
    systems training if you meet both of the following:
        (a) MMS determines that the exception won't jeopardize the safety 
    of your personnel or create a hazard to the environment.
        (b) You need the exception because of unavoidable circumstances 
    that make compliance infeasible for impractical.
    Sec. 250.218  Can my employees change job certification?
        Only if you ensure that the employee completes training for the new 
    job before entering on duty.
    Sec. 250.19  What must I do if I have temporary employees or on-the-job 
        You must ensure that temporary employees and on-the-job trainees 
    complete the appropriate training unless a trained supervisor is 
    directly supervising the employee.
    Sec. 250.220  What must manufacturer's representatives in production 
    safety systems do?
        A manufacturer's representative who is working on company supplied 
    equipment must:
        (a) Receive training by the manufacturer to install, service, or 
    repair the specific safety device or safety systems; and
        (b) Have an individual trained in production safety systems (who 
    can evaluate their work) accompany them.
    Sec. 250.221  May I use alternative training methods?
        (a) You may receive a one-year provisional approval from MMS to use 
    alternative training methods that may involve team or self-paced 
    training using a computer-based system.
        (b) You may receive up to 3 additional years (4 years total) from 
    MMS to use alternative training methods (through onsite reviews).
    Sec. 250.222  AWhat is MMS looking for when it reviews an alternative 
    training program?
        (a) The alternative training must teach methods to operate 
    equipment that result in safe and clean operations.
        (b) MMS will determine, through onsite MMS reviews and unannounced 
    audits during the provisional period, if the:
        (1) Training environment is conducive to learning;
        (2) Trainees interact effectively with the moderator or training 
        (3) Trainees function as a team (for well-control only); and
        (4) Tests are challenging and cover all important safety concepts 
    and practical procedures to ensure safety.
        (c) MMS may also speak with the trainees to determine if the 
    trainees felt the training met their needs for their job.
    Sec. 250.223  Who may certify a training organization to teach?
        Either MMS or an MMS-approved third party may certify a training 
    organization or program.
    Sec. 250.224  How long is a training organization's certification valid 
        A certificate is valid for a maximum of 4 years. A training 
    organization may apply to MMS to recertify its program before the 
    fourth anniversary of the effective certification date. The training 
    organization must state the changes 
    [[Page 55687]]
    (additions and deletions) to the last approved training curriculum and 
    Sec. 250.225  What information must a training organization submit to 
    MMS (or an MMS-approved third party)?
        (a) Two copies of the detailed plan that includes the:
        (1) Curriculum;
        (2) Names and credentials of the instructors (instructors must 
    complete training from an approved training organization);
        (3) Mailing and street address of the training facility and the 
    location of the records;
        (4) Location for the simulator and lecture areas and how you 
    separate the areas;
        (5) Presentation methods (video, lecture, film, etc.);
        (6) Percentage of time for each presentation method;
        (7) Testing procedures and a sample test; and
        (8) List of any portions of the course that cover the subsea 
    training option instead of the surface training option.
        (b) A training manual.
        (c) A cross-reference that relates the requirements of this subpart 
    to the elements in the program.
        (d) A copy of the handouts.
        (e) A copy of the training certificate that includes the following:
        (1) Candidate's full name;
        (2) Candidate's social security number or an MMS-issued or third 
    party issued identification number;
        (3) Name of the training school;
        (4) Course name (e.g., basic WS well-control course);
        (5) Option (surface or subsea);
        (6) Training completion date;
        (7) Job classification (e.g., drilling supervisor; and
        (8) Certificate expiration date.
        (f) Course outlines identified by:
        (1) Name (e.g., ``WS well-control course'');
        (2) Type (basic or advanced); and
        (3) Option (surface or subsea).
        (g) Time (hours per student) for the following:
        (1) Teaching;
        (2) Using the simulator (for well-control);
        (3) Hands-on training (for production safety systems); and
        (4) Completing the test (written and simulator).
        (h) Special instruction methods for students who respond poorly to 
    conventional training (including oral assistance).
        (i) Additional material (for the advanced training option) such as 
    advanced training techniques or case studies.
        (j) Information on the simulator or test wells:
        (1) Capability for surface and or subsea drilling well-control 
        (2) Capability to simulate lost circulation and secondary kicks; 
        (3) Types of kicks.
    Sec. 250.226   What additional requirements must a training 
    organization follow?
        (a) Keep training records of each trainee for 5 years after the 
    date the trainee completed the training. For example, if a trainee 
    completed a course in 1995, you may destroy the 1995 records at the end 
    of the year 2000. Keep the following trainee record information:
        (1) Daily attendance record including makeup time;
        (2) Written test and retest (including simulator test);
        (3) Evaluation of the trainee's simulator test or retest;
        (4) ``Kill sheets'' for simulator test or retest; and
        (5) Copy of the trainee's certificate.
        (b) Keep records of the training program for 5 years. The 5 years 
    starts with the program approval date. For example, if a training 
    program was certified in 1995, at the end of the year 2000 you may 
    destroy the records for 1995. Keep the following training record 
        (1) Complete and current training program plan and a technical 
        (2) A copy of each class roster; and
        (3) Copies of schedules and schedule changes.
        (c) Supply trainees with copies of Government regulations on the 
    training subject matter.
        (d) Provide a certificate to each trainee who successfully 
    completes training.
        (e) Ensure that the subsea training option has an additional 4 
    hours of training and covers problems in well-control when drilling 
    with a subsea blowout preventer (BOP) stack including:
        (1) Choke line friction determinations;
        (2) Using marine risers;
        (3) Riser collapse;
        (4) Removing trapped gas from the BOP after controlling a well 
    kick; and
        (5) ``U'' tube effect as gas hits the choke line.
        (f) Ensure that trainees who are absent from any part of a course 
    make up the missed portion within 14 days after the end of the course 
    before providing a written or simulator test to the trainee.
        (g) Ensure that classes contain 18 or fewer candidates.
        (h) Furnish a copy of the training program and plan to MMS for 
    their use during an onsite review.
        (i) Submit the course schedule to MMS at the following times--after 
    MMS approves the training program, annually, and prior to any program 
    changes. The schedule must include the:
        (1) Name of the course;
        (2) Class dates;
        (3) Type of course; and
        (4) Course location.
        (j) Provide all basic course trainees a copy of the training 
        (k) Provide all advanced course trainees handouts necessary to 
    update the manuals the trainee has as a result of previous training 
        (l) When each course ends, send MMS a letter listing each trainee 
    who completed the course. The letter must contain the following 
    information for each trainee:
        (1) Name of training organization;
        (2) Course location (e.g., Thibodeaux, Louisiana);
        (3) Trainee's full name;
        (4) Name of course (e.g., Drilling well-control or WS well-
        (5) Course type (i.e., basic or advanced training);
        (6) Options (e.g., subsea);
        (7) Date trainee completed course;
        (8) Name(s) of instructor(s) teaching the course;
        (9) Either the trainee's social security number or an MMS-issued or 
    third party issued identification number;
        (10) Trainee's employer;
        (11) Actual job title of trainee;
        (12) Job for each awarded certificate; and
        (13) Test scores (including course element scores) for each 
    successful trainee.
        (m) Ensure that test scores for combination training have a 
    separate score element for each designation and for each option. For 
    example, training in subsea drilling and in WO would have separate test 
    scores for the drilling, WO, and for the subsea portion.
    Sec. 250.227   What are MMS's requirements for the written test?
        (a) The training organization must:
        (1) Administer the test at the training facility;
        (2) Use 70 percent as a passing grade for each course element 
    (drilling, well-completion, etc.);
        (3) Ensure that the tests are confidential and nonrepetitive; and
        (4) Offer a retest, when necessary, using different questions of 
    equal difficulty.
        (b) A trainee who fails a retest must repeat the training and pass 
    the test in order to work in the OCS in their classification.
    [[Page 55688]]
    Sec. 250.228  What are MMS's requirements for the hands-on simulator 
    and well test?
        (a) The test must simulate a surface blowout preventer (BOP) or 
    subsea stack. You must have a 3-D simulator with actual gauges and 
    dials. The trainees must be able to demonstrate to the instructor the 
    ability to:
        (1) Kill the well prior to removing the tree;
        (2) Determine slow pump rates;
        (3) Recognize kick warning signs;
        (4) Shut in a well;
        (5) Complete kill sheets;
        (6) Initiate kill procedures;
        (7) Maintain appropriate bottomhole pressure;
        (8) Maintain constant bottomhole pressure;
        (9) Recognize and handle unusual well control situations;
        (10) Control the kick as it reaches the choke line; and
        (11) Determine if kill gas or fluids are removed.
        (b) In the subsea option, trainees must demonstrate the ability to:
        (1) Determine choke line friction pressures for subsea BOP stacks; 
        (2) Discuss and demonstrate procedures such as circulating the 
    riser and removing trapped gas in a subsea BOP stack.
        (c) Offer a retest, when necessary, using different questions of 
    equal difficulty.
        (d) A trainee who fails a retest must repeat the training and pass 
    the test to work in the OCS in their job classification.
    Sec. 250.229  What elements must a basic course cover?
        See Sec. 250.229 Table (a) for well control and Sec. 250.229 Table 
    (b) for production safety systems. The checks in Sec. 250.229 Table (a) 
    indicate the required training elements that apply to each job. Tables 
    (a) and (b) follow:
                                                Table (a).--Well Control                                            
                                                                         Drilling               WO                  
                      Elements for basic training                  ----------------------------------------    WS   
                                                                      Super     Floor     Super     Floor           
    1. Hands-on:                                                                                                    
        Training to operate choke manifold........................  ........     ........     ........
        Training to operate stand pipe............................  ........     ........     ........
        Training to operate mud room valves.......................  ........     ........  ........  ........
    2. Care, handling & characteristics of drilling & completion                                                    
     fluids.......................................................        ........  ........  ........
    3. Care, handling & characteristics of well completion/well                                                     
     workover fluids & packer fluids..............................  ........  ........         
    4. Major causes of uncontrolled fluids from a well including:                                                   
        Failure to keep the hole full.............................     ........     ........  ........
        Swabbing effect...........................................     ........     ........  ........
        Loss of circulation.......................................     ........     ........  ........
        Insufficient drilling fluid density.......................     ........     ........  ........
        Abnormally pressured formations...........................     ........     ........  ........
        Effect of too rapidly lowering of the pipe in the hole....     ........     ........  ........
    5. Importance & instructions of measuring the volume of fluid                                                   
     to fill the hole during trips................................  ........  ........     ........  ........
    6. Importance & instructions of measuring the volume of fluid                                                   
     to fill the hold during trips including the importance of                                                      
     filling the hole as it relates to shallow gas conditions.....     ........  ........  ........  ........
    7. Filling the tubing & casing with fluid to control                                                            
     bottomhole pressure..........................................  ........  ........  ........     ........
    8. Warning signals that indicate kick & conditions that lead                                                    
     to a kick....................................................              ........
    9. Controlling shallow gas kicks and using diverters..........     ........  ........  ........  ........
    10. At least one bottomhole pressure well control method                                                        
     including conditions unique to a surface or subsea BOP stack.     ........     ........  ........
    11. Installing, operating, maintaining & testing BOP &                                                          
     diverter systems.............................................     ........  ........  ........  ........
    12. Installing, operating, maintaining & testing BOP systems..  ........  ........     ........  ........
    13. Government regulations on:                                                                                  
        Emergency shutdown systems................................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Production safety systems.................................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Drilling procedures.......................................     ........  ........  ........  ........
        Wellbore plugging & abandonment...........................     ........     ........   
        Pollution prevention & waste management...................               
        Well completion & well workover requirements (Subparts E &                                                  
         F of 30 CFR part 250)....................................  ........  ........     ........   
    14. Procedures & sequential steps, for shutting in a well:                                                      
        BOP system................................................     ........     ........   
        Surface/subsurface safety system..........................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Choke manifold............................................     ........     ........  ........
    15. Well control exercises with a simulator suitable for                                                        
     modeling well completion/well workover.......................  ........  ........     ........  ........
    16. Well control exercises with a simulator suitable for                                                        
     modeling drilling............................................     ........  ........  ........  ........
    17. Instructions & simulator or test well experience on                                                         
     organizing & directing a well killing operation..............     ........     ........  ........
    18. At least two simulator practice problems (rotate the                                                        
     trainees & have teams of 3 or less members)..................     ........     ........  ........
    19. Care, operation, & purpose {& installation (for                                                             
     supervisors)} of the well control equipment..................              ........
    20. Limitations of the equipment that may wear or be subjected                                                  
     to pressure..................................................     ........     ........   
    21. Instructions in well control equipment, including:                                                          
        Surface equipment.........................................  ........  ........     ........   
        Well completion/well workover, BOP & tree equipment.......  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Downhole tools & tubulars.................................  ........  ........     ........  ........
        Tubing hanger, back pressure valve (threaded/profile),                                                      
         landing nipples, lock mandrels for corresponding nipples                                                   
         & operational procedures for each, gas lift equipment &                                                    
         running & pulling tools operation........................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Packers...................................................  ........  ........     ........  ........
    [[Page 55689]]
    22. Instructions in special tools & systems, such as:                                                           
        Automatic shutdown systems (control points, activator                                                       
         pilots, monitor pilots, control manifolds & subsurface                                                     
         systems).................................................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Flow string systems (tubing, mandrels & nipples, flow                                                       
         couplings, blast joints, & sliding sleeves)..............  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Pumpdown equipment (purpose, applications, requirements,                                                    
         surface circulating systems, entry loops & tree                                                            
         connection/flange).......................................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
    23. Instructions for detecting entry into abnormally pressured                                                  
     formations & warning signals.................................     ........  ........  ........  ........
    24. Instructions on well completion/well control problems.....     ........  ........  ........  ........
    25. Well control problems during well completion/well workover                                                  
        Killing a flow............................................  ........  ........     ........  ........
        Simultaneous drilling, completion & workover operations on                                                  
         the same platform........................................  ........  ........     ........  ........
        Killing a producing well..................................  ........  ........     ........  ........
        Removing the tree.........................................  ........  ........     ........  ........
    26. Calculations on the following:                                                                              
        Fluid density increase that controls fluid flow into the                                                    
         wellbore.................................................     ........     ........  ........
        Fluid density to pressure conversion & the danger of                                                        
         formation breakdown under the pressure caused by the                                                       
         fluid column especially when setting casing in shallow                                                     
         formations...............................................     ........  ........  ........  ........
        Fluid density to pressure conversion & the danger of                                                        
         formation breakdown under the pressure caused by the                                                       
         fluid column.............................................  ........  ........     ........  ........
        Equivalent pressures at the casing seat depth.............     ........  ........  ........  ........
        Drop in pump pressure as fluid density increases; & the                                                     
         relationship between pump pressure, pump rate, & fluid                                                     
         density..................................................     ........     ........  ........
        Pressure limitations on casings...........................     ........     ........  ........
        Hydrostatic pressure & pressure gradient..................     ........     ........  ........
    27. Unusual well control situations, including the following:                                                   
        Drill pipe is off the bottom or out of the hole/work                                                        
         string is off the bottom or out of the hole..............     ........     ........  ........
        Lost circulation occurs...................................     ........     ........  ........
        Drill pipe is plugged/work string is plugged..............     ........     ........  ........
        There is excessive casing pressure........................     ........     ........  ........
        There is a hole in drill pipe/hole in the work string/hole                                                  
         in the casing string.....................................     ........     ........  ........
        Multiple completions in the hole..........................  ........  ........     ........  ........
    28. Special well-control problems-drilling with a subsea stack                                                  
     (subsea students) includes:                                                                                    
        Choke line friction determinations........................     ........     ........  ........
        Using marine risers.......................................     ........     ........  ........
        Riser collapse............................................     ........     ........  ........
        Removing trapped gas from the BOP stack after controlling                                                   
         a well kick..............................................     ........     ........  ........
        ``U'' tube effect as gas hits the choke line..............     ........     ........  ........
    29. Mechanics of various well controlled situations,                                                            
        Gas bubble migration & expansion..........................     ........     ........  ........
        Bleeding volume from a shut-in well during gas migration..     ........     ........  ........
        Excessive annular surface pressure........................     ........     ........  ........
        Differences between a gas kick & a salt water and/or oil                                                    
         kick.....................................................     ........     ........  ........
        Special well control techniques (such as, but not limited                                                   
         to, barite plugs & cement plugs).........................     ........     ........  ........
        Procedures & problems involved when experiencing lost                                                       
         circulation..............................................     ........     ........  ........
        Procedures & problems involved when experiencing a kick                                                     
         while drilling in a hydrogen sulfide (H2S) environment...     ........     ........   
        Procedures & problems--experiencing a kick during                                                           
         snubbing, coil-tubing, or small tubing operations and                                                      
         stripping & snubbing operations with work string.........     ........     ........  ........
    30. Reasons for well completion/well workover, including:                                                       
        Reworking a reservoir to control production...............  ........  ........     ........   
        Water coning..............................................  ........  ........     ........  ........
        Completing from a new reservoir...........................  ........  ........     ........   
        Completing multiple reservoirs............................  ........  ........     ........   
        Stimulating to increase production........................  ........  ........     ........   
        Repairing mechanical failure..............................  ........  ........     ........   
    31. Methods on preparing a well for entry:                                                                      
        Using back pressure valves................................  ........  ........     ........  ........
        Using surface & subsurface safety systems.................  ........  ........     ........   
        Removing the tree & tubing hangar.........................  ........  ........         
        Installing & testing BOP & wellhead prior to removing back                                                  
         pressure valves & tubing plugs...........................  ........  ........     ........   
    32. Instructions in small tubing units:                                                                         
        Applications (stimulation operations, cleaning out tubing                                                   
         obstructions, and plugback and squeeze cementing)........  ........  ........     ........  ........
        Equipment description (derrick & drawworks, small tubing,                                                   
         pumps, weighted fluid facilities, and weighted fluids)...  ........  ........     ........  ........
        BOP equipment (rams, wellhead connection, & check valve...  ........  ........     ........  ........
    33. Methods for killing a producing well, including:..........                                                  
        Bullheading...............................................  ........  ........     ........   
        Lubricating & bleeding....................................  ........  ........     ........   
    [[Page 55690]]
        Coil tubing...............................................  ........  ........     ........   
        Applications (stimulation operations, initiating flow, &                                                    
         cleaning out sand in tubing).............................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Equipment description (coil tubing, reel, injection head,                                                   
         control assembly & injector hoist).......................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        BOP equipment (tree connection or flange, rams, injector                                                    
         assembly & circulating system)...........................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Snubbing..................................................  ........  ........     ........   
        Types (rig assist & stand alone)..........................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Applications (running & pulling production or kill                                                          
         strings, resetting weight on packers, fishing for lost                                                     
         wireline tools or parted kill strings & circulating                                                        
         cement or fluid).........................................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        Equipment (operating mechanism, power supply, control                                                       
         assembly & basket, slip assembly, mast & counterbalance                                                    
         winch & access window)...................................  ........  ........  ........  ........   
        BOP equipment (tree connection or flange, rams, spool,                                                      
         traveling slips, manifolds, auxiliary--full opening                                                        
         safety valve inside BOP, maintenance & testing)..........  ........  ........  ........  ........   
    34. The purpose & use of BOP closing units, including the                                                       
        Charging procedures include precharge & operating pressure     ........     ........  ........
        Fluid volumes (usable & required).........................     ........     ........  ........
        Fluid pumps...............................................     ........     ........  ........
        Maintenance that includes charging fluid & inspection                                                       
         procedures...............................................     ........     ........  ........
    35. Instructions on stripping & snubbing operations & using                                                     
     the BOP system for working pipe in or out of a wellbore under                                                  
     pressure.....................................................     ........  ........  ........  ........
                      Table (b).--Production Safety Systems                 
    1. Government Regulations:                                              
        Pollution prevention & waste management.                            
        Requirements for well completion/well workover operations.          
    2. Instructions in the following: (contained in, but not limited to, API
     RP 14C):                                                               
        Failures or malfunctions, in systems that cause abnormal conditions 
         & the detection of abnormal conditions.                            
        Primary & secondary protection devices & procedures.                
        Safety devices that control undesirable events.                     
        Safety analysis concepts.                                           
        Safety analysis of each basis production process component.         
        Protection concepts.                                                
    3. Hands on training on safety devices covering, installing, operating, 
     repairing or maintaining equipment:                                    
        High-low pressure sensors.                                          
        High-low level sensors.                                             
        Combustible gas detectors.                                          
        Pressure relief devices.                                            
        Flow line check valves.                                             
        Surface safety valves.                                              
        Shutdown valves.                                                    
        Fire (flame, heat, or smoke) detectors.                             
        Auxiliary devices (3-way block & bleed valves, time relays, 3-way   
         snap acting valves, etc.).                                         
        Surface-controlled subsurface safety valves &/or surface-control    
        Subsurface-controlled subsurface safety valves.                     
    4. Instructions on inspecting, testing & maintaining surface &          
     subsurface devices & surface control systems for subsurface safety     
    5. Instructions in at least one safety device that illustrates the      
     primary operation principle in each class for safety devices:          
        Basic operations principles.                                        
        Limits affecting application.                                       
        Problems causing equipment malfunction & how to correct these       
        A test for proper actuation point & operation.                      
        Adjustments or calibrations.                                        
        Recording inspection results & malfunctions.                        
        Special techniques for installing safety devices.                   
    6. Instructions on the basic principle & logic of the emergency support 
        Combustible & toxic gas detection system.                           
        Liquid containment system.                                          
        Fire loop System.                                                   
        Other fire detection systems.                                       
        Emergency shutdown system.                                          
        Subsurface safety valves.                                           
    Sec. 250.230  If MMS tests employees at my worksite, what must I do?
        (a) You must allow MMS to test employees at your worksite.
        (b) You must identify your employees by:
        (1) Current job classification;
        (2) Name of the operator;
        (3) Name of the most recent basic or advanced course taken by your 
    employees for their current job; and
        (4) Name of the training organization.
    [[Page 55691]]
        (c) You must correct any deficiencies found by MMS.
        Steps for correcting deficiencies may include:
        (1) Isolating problem areas by doing more testing; and
        (2) Reassigning employees or conducting the training they need (MMS 
    will not identify the employees it tests).
    Sec. 250.231  If MMS tests trainees at a training organization's 
    facility, what must occur?
        (a) Training organizations must allow MMS to test trainees.
        (b) The trainee must pass the MMS-conducted test or a retest in 
    order for MMS to consider that the trainee completed the training.
    Sec. 250.232  Why might MMS conduct its own tests?
        MMS needs to identify the effectiveness of a training program that 
    provides safe and clean operations.
    [FR Doc. 95-27077 Filed 11-1-95; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Minerals Management Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
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MMS will consider all comments we receive by January 31, 1996. We will begin reviewing comments at that time and may not fully consider comments we receive after January 31, 1996.
55683-55691 (9 pages)
1010-AB99: Training of Lessee and Contractor Employees Engaged in Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf
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